silicon valley community foundation 2008 990

l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93493307013059 Form 990 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax OM B No 1545-0047 Under section 501 ( c), 527, or 4947 ( a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code ( except black lung 2008_ benefit trust or private foundation) Department of the Open Treasury -The organization may have to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporting requirements Inspection Internal Revenue Service A For the 2008 calendar year, or tax year beginning 01-01-2008 and ending 12-31-2008 C Name of organization D Employer identification number B Check if applicable Please SILICON VALLEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION (-Address change use IRS 20-5205488 F Name change label or print or Doing Business As E Telephone number type . See (650 ) 450-5400 1 Initial return Specific N b d t t P 0 b f l t d l d t t t dd R t Instruc - um er an s ree (or ox i mai is no e ivere o s ree a ress ) oom/sui e G Gross receipts $ 772 681 542 F_ Termination tions. 2440 WEST EL CAMINO REAL No 300 , , (-Amended return City or town, state or country, and ZIP + 4 F_ Application pending MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94040 F Name and address of Principal Officer H(a) Is this a group return for VERA BENNETT affiliates ? F-Yes FNo 2440 west el camino real 300 Mountain V iew, CA 94040 H(b) Are all affiliates included ? F Yes F No I Tax - exempt status F 501 (c) ( 3) -4 (insert no ) (- 4947(a)(1) or F_ 527 (If "No," attach a list See instructions 3 Web site :-WWWSILICONVALLEYCF ORG H ( c) GroupExemptionNumber - K Type of organization F Corporation 1 trust F association F other I I L Year of Formation 2006 1 M State of legal domicile CA Summar y 1 Briefly describe the organization's mission or most significant activities a, See Schedule 0 2 Check this box F- if the organization discontinued its operations or disposed of more than 25% of its assets 3 Number of voting members of the governing body (Part VI, line 1a) . 3 23 of 4 Number of independent voting members of the governing body (Part VI, line 1b) 4 22 5 Total number of employees (Part V, line 2a) 5 136 „-. 6 Total number of volunteers (estimate if necessary) 6 34 7a Total gross unrelated business revenue from Part VIII, line 12, column (C) 7a 1,333,672 b Net unrelated business taxable income from Form 990-T, line 34 . 7b 1,114,262 Prior Year Current Year 8 Contributions and grants (Part VIII, line 1h) . 297,452,055 136,667,832 9 Program service revenue (Part VIII, line 2g) . 429,395 2,826,849 13- 10 Investment income (Part VIII, column (A), lines 3, 4, and 7d) . 108,613,673 21,210,980 11 Other revenue (Part VIII, column (A), lines 5, 6d, 8c, 9c, 10c, and 11e) 7,126,730 1,512,473 12 Total revenue-add lines 8 through 11 (must equal Part VIII, column (A), line 12) 413,621,853 162,218,134 13 Grants and similar amounts paid (Part IX, column (A), lines 1-3) 224,944,586 229,964,419 14 Benefits paid to or for members (Part IX, column (A), line 4) 0 15 Salaries, other compensation, employee benefits (Part IX, column (A), lines 5- 10) 9,631,553 10,637,858 i 16a Professional fundraising fees (Part IX, column (A), line 11e) 0 b (Total fundraising expenses, Part IX, column (D), line 25 2,322,440 17 Other expenses (Part IX, column (A), lines 11a-11d, 11f-24f) 12,515,653 12,523,480 18 Total expenses-add lines 13-17 (must equal Part IX, line 25, column (A)) 247,091,792 253,125,757 19 Revenue less expenses Subtract line 18 from line 12 166,530,061 -90,907,623 Beginning of Year End of Year 4- "c 20 Total assets (Part X, line 16) 1,349,522,105 1,050,540,598 21 Total liabilities (Part X, line 26) 101,565,752 113,690,683 Z 22 Net assets or fund balances Subtract line 21 from line 20 1,247,956,353 936,849,915 Signature Block Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including a and belief, it is true, correct, and complete Declaration of preparer (other than o Please Sign Signature of officer Here VERA BENNETT CFO Type or print name and title Preparer's Date Paid signature Paul Keller Preparer's Use Firm 's name (or yours if self-employed), Only address, and ZIP + 4 MOSS ADAMS LLP 975 OAK STREET SUITE 500 EUGENE, OR 97401 May the IRS discuss this return with the preparer shown above? (See instructs

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Page 1: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93493307013059

Form990 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax O M B No 1545-0047

Under section 501 ( c), 527, or 4947 ( a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code ( except black lung2008_benefit trust or private foundation)

Department of the OpenTreasury -The organization may have to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporting requirements

InspectionInternal Revenue


A For the 2008 calendar year, or tax year beginning 01-01-2008 and ending 12-31-2008

C Name of organization D Employer identification numberB Check if applicable Please SILICON VALLEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION(-Address change use IRS 20-5205488

F Name change

label orprint or

Doing Business As E Telephone number

type . See(650 ) 450-5400

1 Initial return Specific N b d t t P 0 b f l t d l d t t t dd R tInstruc -

um er an s ree (or ox i mai is no e ivere o s ree a ress ) oom/sui eG Gross receipts $ 772 681 542

F_ Termination tions.2440 WEST EL CAMINO REAL No 300 , ,

(-Amended return City or town, state or country, and ZIP + 4

F_ Application pendingMOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94040

F Name and address of Principal Officer H(a) Is this a group return forVERA BENNETT affiliates ? F-Yes FNo2440 west el camino real 300

Mountain V iew, CA 94040H(b) Are all affiliates included ? F Yes F No

I Tax - exempt status F 501 (c) ( 3) -4 (insert no ) (- 4947(a)(1) or F_ 527(If "No," attach a list See instructions

3 Web site:-WWWSILICONVALLEYCF ORG H ( c) GroupExemptionNumber -

K Type of organization F Corporation 1 trust F association F other I I L Year of Formation 2006 1 M State of legal domicile CA


1 Briefly describe the organization's mission or most significant activities

a, See Schedule 0

2 Check this box F- if the organization discontinued its operations or disposed of more than 25% of its assets

3 Number of voting members of the governing body (Part VI, line 1a) . 3 23

of 4 Number of independent voting members of the governing body (Part VI, line 1b) 4 22

5 Total number of employees (Part V, line 2a) 5 136

„-. 6 Total number of volunteers (estimate if necessary) 6 34

7a Total gross unrelated business revenue from Part VIII, line 12, column (C) 7a 1,333,672

b Net unrelated business taxable income from Form 990-T, line 34 . 7b 1,114,262

Prior Year Current Year

8 Contributions and grants (Part VIII, line 1h) . 297,452,055 136,667,832

9 Program service revenue (Part VIII, line 2g) . 429,395 2,826,849

13-10 Investment income (Part VIII, column (A), lines 3, 4, and 7d) . 108,613,673 21,210,980

11 Other revenue (Part VIII, column (A), lines 5, 6d, 8c, 9c, 10c, and 11e) 7,126,730 1,512,473

12 Total revenue-add lines 8 through 11 (must equal Part VIII, column (A), line12) 413,621,853 162,218,134

13 Grants and similar amounts paid (Part IX, column (A), lines 1-3) 224,944,586 229,964,419

14 Benefits paid to or for members (Part IX, column (A), line 4) 0

15 Salaries, other compensation, employee benefits (Part IX, column (A), lines 5-

10) 9,631,553 10,637,858

i 16a Professional fundraising fees (Part IX, column (A), line 11e) 0

b (Total fundraising expenses, Part IX, column (D), line 25 2,322,440

17 Other expenses (Part IX, column (A), lines 11a-11d, 11f-24f) 12,515,653 12,523,480

18 Total expenses-add lines 13-17 (must equal Part IX, line 25, column (A)) 247,091,792 253,125,757

19 Revenue less expenses Subtract line 18 from line 12 166,530,061 -90,907,623

Beginning of Year End of Year

4- "c 20 Total assets (Part X, line 16) 1,349,522,105 1,050,540,598

21 Total liabilities (Part X, line 26) 101,565,752 113,690,683

Z 22 Net assets or fund balances Subtract line 21 from line 20 1,247,956,353 936,849,915

Signature Block

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including aand belief, it is true, correct, and complete Declaration of preparer (other than o

PleaseSign Signature of officer

HereVERA BENNETT CFOType or print name and title


Paid signature Paul Keller


Firm 's name (or yoursif self-employed),

Only address, and ZIP + 4MOSS ADAMS LLP


EUGENE, OR 97401

May the IRS discuss this return with the preparer shown above? (See instructs

Page 2: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 (2008) Page 2

MUMV-Statement of Program Service Accomplishments (See the Instructions.)

1 Briefly describe the organization's mission

See Schedule 0

2 Did the organization undertake any significant program services during the year which were not listed onthe prior Form 990 or 990 -EZ'' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fl Yes F No

If "Yes," describe these new services on Schedule 0

3 Did the organization cease conducting or make significant changes in how it conducts any program

services? F Yes F No

If "Yes," describe these changes on Schedule 0

4 Describe the exempt purpose achievements for each of the organization 's three largest program services by expenses

Section 501 ( c)(3) and ( 4) organizations and 4947( a)(1) trusts are required to report the amount of grants and allocations to

others, the total expenses , and revenue , if any, for each program service reported

4a (Code ) ( Expenses $ 244,979,265 including grants of $ 229,964, 419 ) (Revenue $

See Schedule 0

4b (Code ) (Expenses $ including grants of $ ) (Revenue $

4c (Code (Expenses $ including grants of $ (Revenue $

4d Other program services (Describe in Schedule 0 )

(Expenses $ including grants of $ ) (Revenue $

4e Total program service expenses $ 244,979,265 Must equal Part IX, Line 25, column (B).

Form 990 (2008)

Page 3: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 (2008) Page 3

Li^ Checklist of Required Schedules

Yes No

1 Is the organization described in section 501(c)(3) or4947(a)(1) (other than a private foundation)? If "Yes," Yes

complete Schedule As . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2 Is the organization required to complete Schedule B, Schedule of Contributors? IN . . . . . . . 2 Yes

3 Did the organization engage in direct or indirect political campaign activities on behalf of or in opposition to No

candidates for public office? If "Yes,"complete Schedule C, Part Is . . . . . . . . . 3

4 Section 501(c)(3) organizations Did the organization engage in lobbying activities? If "Yes,"complete Schedule C, Yes

Part II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 Section 501(c)(4), 501(c)(5), and 501(c)(6) organizations Is the organization subject to the section 6033(e)

notice and reporting requirement and proxy tax? If "Yes, "complete Schedule C, Part III5 N o

6 Did the organization maintain any donor advised funds or any accounts where donors have the right to provideadvice on the distribution or investment of amounts in such funds or accounts? If "Yes,"complete

Schedule D, Part I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Yes

7 Did the organization receive or hold a conservation easement, including easements to preserve open space,

the environment, historic land areas or historic structures? If "Yes,"complete Schedule D, Part 1119 7No

8 Did the organization maintain collections of works of art, historical treasures, or other similar assets? If "Yes,"N o

complete Schedule D, Part III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

9 Did the organization report an amount in Part X, line 21, serve as a custodian for amounts not listed in Part X, or

provide credit counseling, debt management, credit repair, or debt negotiation services? If "Yes,"N o

complete Schedule D, Part IV' . 9

10 Did the organization hold assets in term, permanent , or quasi-endowments? If "Yes,"complete Schedule D, Part 1/' 10 Yes

11 Did the organization report an amount in Part X, lines 10, 12, 13, 15, or 257 If "Yes,"complete Schedule D,

Parts VI, VII, VIII, IX, orXas applicable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN11 Yes

12 Did the organization receive an audited financial statement for the year for which it is completing this returnYes

that was prepared in accordance with GAA P7 If "Yes,"complete Schedule D, Parts XI, XII, and XIII 12

13 Is the organization a school as described in section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii)'' If "Yes,"completeScheduleE13 No

14a Did the organization maintain an office, employees, or agents outside of the U S 7

b Did the organization have aggregate revenues or expenses of more than $10,000 from grantmaking, fundraising,

business, and program service activities outside the U S 7 If "Yes,"complete Schedule F, Part I . . 95

15 Did the organization report on Part IX, column (A), line 3, more than $5,000 of grants or assistance to any

organization or entity located outside the United States? If "Yes,"complete Schedule F, Part II

16 Did the organization report on Part IX, column (A), line 3, more than $5,000 of aggregate grants or assistance

to individuals located outside the United States? If "Yes,"complete Schedule F, Part III . . 19

17 Did the organization report more than $15,000 on Part IX, column (A), line 11ev If "Yes,"complete Schedule G,

Part I

18 Did the organization report more than $15,000 total on Part V III, lines 1c and 8a '' If "Yes,"complete Schedule G,

Part II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

19 Did the organization report more than $15,000 on Part VIII, line 9a ? If "Yes, " complete Schedule G, Part III

20 Did the organization operate one or more hospitals? If "Yes, " complete Schedule H . .

21 Did the organization report more than $5,000 on Part IX, column (A), line 1'' If "Yes," complete Schedule I, Parts I

and II IN

22 Did the organization report more than $5,000 on Part IX, column (A), line 2'' If "Yes, "complete Schedule I, Parts I

and III 19

23 Did the organization answer "Yes" to Part VII, Section A, questions 3, 4, or 57 If "Yes,"complete Schedule

J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN

24a Did the organization have a tax-exempt bond issue with an outstanding principal amount of more than $100,000

as of the last day of the year, that was issued after December 31, 20027 If "Yes," answer questions 24b-24d and

complete Schedule K. If "No, "go toques tion 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

b Did the organization invest any proceeds of tax-exempt bonds beyond a temporary period exception? .

c Did the organization maintain an escrow account other than a refunding escrow at any time during the yearto defease any tax-exempt bonds? .

d Did the organization act as an "on behalf of" issuer for bonds outstanding at any time during the year? .

25a Section 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations Did the organization engage in an excess benefit transaction with

a disqualified person during the year? If "Yes,"complete Schedule L, Part I . . . . . . . . .

b Did the organization become aware that it had engaged in an excess benefit transaction with a disqualified person

from a prior year? If "Yes, "complete Schedule L, Part I . . . . . . . . . . . . .

26 Was a loan to or by a current or former officer, director, trustee, key employee, highly compensated employee, ordisqualified person outstanding as of the end of the organization's tax year? If "Yes,"complete Schedule L,

Part II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

27 Did the organization provide a grant or other assistance to an officer, director, trustee, key employee, or

substantial contributor, or to a person related to such an individual? If "Yes,"complete Schedule L, Part III s

I14aI I No

14b Yes




18 No

19 No

N o20


22 1 N o

23 Yes

24aN o




25a No

25b N o

26 Yes

27 N o

Form 990 (2008)

Page 4: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 (2008) Page 4

Li^ Checklist of Required Schedules (Continued)

Yes No

28 During the tax year, did any person who is a current or former officer, director, trustee, or key employee

a Have a direct business relationship with the organization (other than as an officer, director, trustee, or employee),or an indirect business relationship through ownership of more than 35% in another entity (individually orcollectively with other person(s) listed in Part VII, Section A)? If "Yes,"complete Schedule L, Part

IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN 28a Yes

b Have a family member who had a direct or indirect business relationship with the organization? If "Yes,"

complete Schedule L, Part IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c 28b N o

c Serve as an officer, director, trustee, key employee, partner, or member of an entity (or a shareholder of a

professional corporation) doing business with the organization? If "Yes,"complete Schedule L, Part IV 1^g 28c Yes

29 Did the organization receive more than $25 000 in non-cash contributions? If "Yes "complete Schedule MS Yes, , 29

30 Did the organization receive contributions of art, historical treasures, or other similar assets, or qualified

conservation contributions? If "Yes,"complete Schedule M . 30 No

31 Did the organization liquidate, terminate, or dissolve and cease operations? If "Yes,"complete Schedule N,

Part I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 31 N o

32 Did the organization sell, exchange, dispose of, or transfer more than 25% of its net assets? If "Yes,"completeSchedule N, Part II 32 N o

33 Did the organization own 100% of an entity disregarded as separate from the organization under Regulations

section 301 7701-2 and 301 7701-3? If"Yes,"complete Schedule R, PartI . . . . . . . 33 No

34 Was the organization related to any tax-exempt or taxable entity? If "Yes,"complete Schedule R, Parts II, III, IV,

and V, line l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 34 Yes

35 Is any related organization a controlled entity within the meaning of section 512(b)(13)? If "Yes,"complete

Schedule R, Part V, line 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 No

36 501(c)(3) organizations Did the organization make any transfers to an exempt non-charitable related

organization? If "Yes, "complete Schedule R, Part V, line 2 . 36 No

37 Did the organization conduct more than 5 percent of its activities through an entity that is not a relatedorganization and that is treated as a partnership for federal income tax purposes? If "Yes,"complete Schedule R, 37 No

Part VI . . . .

Form 990 (2008)

Page 5: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 (2008) Page 5

Statements Regarding Other IRS Filings and Tax Compliance

Yes No

la Enter the number reported in Box 3 of Form 1096, Annual Summary and Transmittal

of U.S. Information Returns. Enter -0- if not applicable . .

la 91

b Enter the number of Forms W-2G included in line la Enter -0- if not applicablelb 0

c Did the organization comply with backup withholding rules for reportable payments to vendors and reportable

gaming (gambling) winnings to prize winners?

2a Enter the number of employees reported on Form W-3, Transmittal of Wage and Tax

Statements filed for the calendar year ending with or within the year covered by this

return 2a 136

b If at least one is reported in 2a, did the organization file all required federal employment tax returns'

Note :If the sum of lines la and 2a is greater than 250, you may be required to e-file this return.

3a Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year covered by thisreturn?

b If "Yes," has it filed a Form 990-T for this year? If "No,"provide an explanation in Schedule 0 . . . . .

4a At any time during the calendar year, did the organization have an interest in, or a signature or other authorityover, a financial account in a foreign country (such as a bank account, securities account, or other financialaccount)? .

b If"Yes," enterthe name ofthe foreign country BD , VI , CJ , XE , EI , LU , XC , RM , MP , NO , XS , SZ , UK

See the instructions for exceptions and filing requirements for Form TD F 90-22 .1, Report of Foreign Bank and

Financial Accounts.

5a Was the organization a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction at any time during the tax year?

b Did any taxable party notify the organization that it was or is a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction?

c If "Yes," to 5a or 5b, did the organization file Form 8886-T, Disclosure by Tax-Exempt Entity Regarding Prohibited

Tax Shelter Transaction? .

6a Did the organization solicit any contributions that were not tax deductible? . .

b If "Yes," did the organization include with every solicitation an express statement that such contributions or giftswere not tax deductible? .

7 Organizations that may receive deductible contributions under section 170(c).

a Did the organization provide goods or services in exchange for any quid pro quo contribution of $75 or

more? . .

b If "Yes," did the organization notify the donor of the value of the goods or services provided?

c Did the organization sell, exchange, or otherwise dispose of tangible personal property for which it was required to

file Form 82827 .

d If "Yes," indicate the number of Forms 8282 filed during the year I 7d

e Did the organization, during the year, receive any funds, directly or indirectly, to pay premiums on a personalbenefit contract?

f Did the organization, during the year, pay premiums, directly or indirectly, on a personal benefit contract?

g For all contributions of qualified intellectual property, did the organization file Form 8899 as required? .

h For contributions of cars, boats, airplanes, and other vehicles, did the organization file a Form 1098-C asrequired?

Section 501(c)(3) and other sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds and section 509(a)(3)

supporting organizations. Did the supporting organization, or a fund maintained by a sponsoring organization, have

excess business holdings at any time during the

year? .

Section 501(c)(3) and other sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds.

a Did the organization make any taxable distributions under section 49667

b Did the organization make a distribution to a donor, donor advisor, or related person

0 Section 501(c)(7) organizations. Enter

a Initiation fees and capital contributions included on Part VIII, line 12

b Gross receipts, included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 12, for public use of club





11 Section 501(c)(12) organizations Enter

a Gross income from members or shareholders

b Gross income from other sources (Do not net amounts due or paid to other sourcesagainst amounts due or received from them ) . . . . . . . . . .

12a Section 4947(a)(1) non-exempt charitable trusts. Is the organization filing Form 990 it

b If "Yes," enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the


1c I Yes

2b Yes

3a Yes

3b Yes

4a Yes

5a N o

5b N o


6a N o


7a N o


7c N o

7e N o

7f N o

7g N o

7h N o

Form 990 (2008)

1 8 1 1 No

Page 6: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 (2008) Page 6

L&ILM Governance , Management, and Disclosure (Sections A, B, and Crequest informationabout policies not required by the Internal Revenue Code.)

Section A . Governin g Bod y and Mana gement

Yes No

For each "Yes "response to lines 2-7 below, and for a "No"response to lines 8 or 9b below, describe the circumstances,

processes, or changes in Schedule 0. See instructions.

la Enter the number of voting members of the governing body . la 23

b Enter the number of voting members that are independent . lb 22

2 Did any officer, director, trustee, or key employee have a family relationship or a business relationship with any

other officer, director, trustee, or key employee? 2 es

3 Did the organization delegate control over management duties customarily performed by or under the direct

supervision of officers, directors or trustees, or key employees to a management company or other person? 3 No

4 Did the organization make any significant changes to its organizational documents since the prior Form 990 was

filed? . 4 No

5 Did the organization become aware during the year of a material diversion of the organization's assets? . 5 No

6 Does the organization have members or stockholders? 6 No

7a Does the organization have members, stockholders, or other persons who may elect one or more members of the

governing body? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7a No

b Are any decisions of the governing body subject to approval by members, stockholders, or other persons? 7b No

8 Did the organization contemporaneously document the meetings held or written actions undertaken during the

year by the following

a the governing body? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8a Yes

b each committee with authority to act on behalf of the governing body? 8b Yes

9a Does the organization have local chapters, branches, or affiliates? 9a No

b If "Yes," does the organization have written policies and procedures governing the activities of such chapters,affiliates, and branches to ensure their operations are consistent with those of the organization? . 9b

10 Was a copy of the Form 990 provided to the organization's governing body before it was filed? All organizations

must describe in Schedule 0 the process, if any, the organization uses to review the Form 990 . 10 Yes

11 Is there any officer, director or trustee, or key employee listed in Part V II, Section A, who cannot be reached at

the organization's mailing address? If"Yes," provide the names and addresses in Schedule 0 11 No

Section B. Policies

Yes No

12a Does the organization have a written conflict of interest policy? If "No", go to line 13 . 12a Yes

b Are officers, directors or trustees, and key employees required to disclose annually interests that could give riseto conflicts? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12b Yes

c Does the organization regularly and consistently monitor and enforce compliance with the policy? If "Yes,"describe in Schedule 0 how this is done 12c Yes

13 Does the organization have a written whistleblower policy? 13 Yes

14 Does the organization have a written document retention and destruction policy? 14 Yes

15 Did the process for determining compensation of the following persons include a review and approval by

independent persons, comparability data, and contemporaneous substantiation of the deliberation and decision

a The organization's CEO, Executive Director, or top management official? 15a Yes

b Other officers or key employees of the organization? 15b Yes

Describe the process in Schedule 0

16a Did the organization invest in, contribute assets to, or participate in a joint venture or similar arrangement with a

taxable entity during the year? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16a No

b If "Yes," has the organization adopted a written policy or procedure requiring the organization to evaluate its

participation in joint venture arrangements under applicable Federal tax law, and taken steps to safeguard the

organization's exempt status with respect to such arrangements? 16b

Section C. Disclosure

17 List the States with which a copy of this Form 990 is required to be filed CA

18 Section 6104 requires an organization to make its Form 1023 (or 1024 if applicable), 990, and 990-T (50 1(c)

(3)s only) available for public inspection Indicate how you make these available Check all that apply

(- own website F another's website F upon request

19 Describe in Schedule 0 whether (and if so, how), the organization makes its governing documents, conflict ofinterest policy, and financial statements available to the public See Additional Data Table

20 State the name, physical address, and telephone number of the person who possesses the books and records of the organization


2440 West El Camino Real 300

Mountain View, CA 94040


Form 990 (2008)

Page 7: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 (2008) Page 7

1:M.lkvh$ Compensation of Officers , Directors ,Trustees, Key Employees , Highest Compensated

Employees, and Independent Contractors

Section A Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees

la Complete this table for all persons required to be listed Use Schedule J-2 if additional space is needed* List all of the organization' s current officers, directors, trustees (whether individuals or organizations) and key employees regardless

of amount of compensation, and current key employees Enter -0- in columns (D), (E), and (F) if no compensation was paid

* List the organization's five current highest compensated employees (other than an officer, director, trustee or key employee)

who received reportable compensation (Box 5 of Form W-2 and/or Box 7 of Form 1099-MISC) of more than $100,000 from the

organization and any related organizations

* List all of the organization's former officers, key employees, or highest compensated employees who received more than $100,000of reportable compensation from the organization and any related organizations

* List all of the organization 's former directors or trustees that received, in the capacity as a former director or trustee of the

organization, more than $10,000 of reportable compensation from the organization and any related organizations

List persons in the following order individual trustees or directors, institutional trustees, officers, key employees, highestcompensated employees, and former such persons

1 Check this box if the organization did not compensate any officer, director, trustee or key employee


Position (check all

that apply) (F)

A)Name and Title


gAvera g ehoursper


C, -


1^ C.








EL° cry






(D)Reportablecompensationfrom theor g anization (W-2/1099MISC)



from relatedorganizations

(W- 2/1099-



amount of othercompensationfrom theor anization and



Anne Yamamoto , DIRECTOR 50 X 0 0 0

Bernadine Chuck Fong , DIRECTOR 50 X 0 0 0

CS Park , DIRECTOR 50 X 0 0 0

Caretha Coleman , DIRECTOR 50 X 0 0 0

Debra Engel , DIRECTOR 50 X 0 0 0

Dick Wilkolaski , DIRECTOR 50 X 0 0 0

Emmett Carson , President & CEO 40 00 X X 536,951 0 49,132

Erika Williams , Treasurer 50 X 0 0 0

Gloria Brown , DIRECTOR 50 X 0 0 0

Gordon Yamate , DIRECTOR 50 X 0 0 0

Greg Gallo , DIRECTOR 50 X 0 0 0

Ivonne Montes de Oca , DIRECTOR 50 X 0 0 0

Jane Williams, DIRECTOR 50 X 0 0 0

Jennifer Raiser, Secretary 50 X 0 0 0

John Michael Sobrato , DIRECTOR 50 X 0 0 0

Laura Arrillaga-Andreess , DIRECTOR 50 X 0 0 0

Nancy Handel , Vice Chair 50 X 0 0 0

Narendra Gupta , DIRECTOR 50 X 0 0 0

Pat Bresee , Chair 50 X 0 0 0

Sanjay Vaswani , DIRECTOR 50 X 0 0 0

Susan M Hyatt , DIRECTOR 50 X 0 0 0

Thomas Friel , DIRECTOR 50 X 0 0 0

William Johnson, DIRECTOR 50 X 0 0 0

Mari Ellen Lopens , CHIEF OF STAFF/OFFICER 40 00 X 171,022 0 25,607

Vera L Bennett , Chief Financial Officer 40 00 X 189,663 0 33,361

Eleanor Clement Glass , ChieF of Donor Engmnt 40 00 X 170,761 0 24,625

Ellen H Clear, VP Grantmaking 40 00 X 154,208 0 28,347

Hugh C Peacock , VP Marketing 40 00 X 155,489 0 17,171

Irene Wong , CEO Ebay Foundation 40 00 X 162,551 0 24,409

Oris C Miller, VP INFORMATION SERVCIES 40 00 X 143,709 0 21,705

Peter Hero , Senior Advisor 40 00 X 559,937 0 44,666

Robert A Bassine , VP Human Resources 40 00 X 136,509 0 21,960

Sandra Hutchings , Chief of Administration 40 00 X 144,202 0 22,805

Form 990 (2008)

Page 8: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 (2008) Page 8


(c)Position (check all

that apply) (F)

(A)Name and Title





c - -














(D )Reportable

compensationfrom the

or g anization W-(




from relatedorganizations(W- 2/1099-



amount of other

compensationfrom the

or g anization andrelated


lb Total 2,525,002 1 0 313,788

Total number of individuals (including those in 1a) who received more than $100,000 in reportable

compensation from the organization-22


Did the organization list any former officer, director or trustee, key employee, or highest compensated employee

on l i n e la's If "Yes,"complete ScheduleI forsuch individual . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 No

For any individual listed online 1a, is the sum of reportable compensation and other compensation from the

organization and related organizations greater than $150,000? If "Yes," complete ScheduleI for such

individual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Did any person listed on line la receive or accrue compensation from any unrelated organization for services

rendered to the organization ? If "Yes, "complete ScheduleI for such person . . . . . . . . . 5 No

Section B. Independent Contractors

1 Complete this table for your five highest compensated independent contractors that received more than

$100,000 of compensation from the organization

(A) (B) (C)Name and business address Description of services Compensation

Community Planning & Research320 Professional Center Dr Consultant 448,448Rohnert Park, CA 94928

Moss Adams LLPOne California Street Fourth Floor Auditors 168,263San Francisco, CA 94111

LaFrance Associates170 Capp Street Suite C Consultant 143,869San Francisco, CA 94141

Carr McClellan Ingersoll Thompson & H216 Park Road Legal 136,176Burlingame, CA 940110513

Cassandra Benjamin1204 Preservation Park Way Consultant 117,375Oakland, CA 94612

2 Total number of independent contractors (including those in 1) who received more than $100 000 in compensation, 5

from the organization .0-

Form 990 (2008)

Page 9: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 (2008) Page 9

Statement of Revenue

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Total Revenue Related or Unrelated RevenueExempt Business Excluded fromFunction Revenue Tax under IRC

Revenue 512, 513, or 514

la Federated campaigns . la

b Membership dueslb

c Fundraising events .

+1 {G 1c

d Related organizations . .1d

e Government grants (contributions) le

f All other contributions, gifts, grants, and 136,667,832similar amounts not included above


g Noncash contributions included in

0 lines la-1f $

h Total ( Add lines la-1f ) . . . . . 136,667,83210-

Business Code

2a GRANT REFUNDS & cancel 900,099 2,663,394 2,663,394

b SEMINARS 900,099 163,455 163,455




f All other program service revenue

Og Total . Add lines 2a-2f . . . . . . . .

0- $ 2,826,849

3 Investment income (including dividends, interest

other similar amounts) . 27,592,603 1,333,672 26,258,931

4 Income from investment of tax-exempt bond proceeds

5 Royalties .

(i) Real (ii) Personal

6a Gross Rents 382,063

b Less rental 240,532expenses

c Rental income 141,531or (loss)

d Net rental income or (loss) . 141,531 141,531

(i) Securities (ii) Other

7a Gross amount 603,841,253from sales ofassets otherthan inventory

b Less cost or 610,222,876other basis andsales expenses

c Gain or (loss) -6,381,623

d Net gain or (loss) -6,381,623 -6,381,623

8a Gross income from fundraisingevents (not including

4} $of contributions reported on line1c) See Part IV, line 18

Attach Schedule G if total exceeds>

$15,000 . . a

qy b Less direct expenses . b

c Net income or (loss) from fundraising events

9a Gross income from gaming

activities See part IV, line 19

Complete Schedule G if totalexceeds $15,000


b Less direct expenses . b

c Net income or (loss) from gaming activities

10a Gross sales of inventory, less

returns and allowances .


b Less cost of goods sold . . b

c Net income or (loss) from sales of inventory . .0-

Miscellaneous Revenue Business Code

11a FOUNDATION SUPPORT FEE 900,099 1,206,361 1,206,361

b OTHER INCOME 900,099 164,581 164,581


d All other revenue

e Total . Add lines 11a-11d . . . . . . .

$ 1,370,942

12 Total Revenue . Add lines 1h, 2g, 3, 4, 5, 6d, 7d, 162,218,134 1,534,397 1,333,672 22,682,233


9c, 10c, and 11e . . . . . .

Form 990 (2008)

Page 10: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 (2008) Page 10

1:Me Statement of Functional Expenses

Section 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations must complete all columns.All other org anizations must com p lete column (A ) but are not re q uired to com lete columns ' 13 ) , ( C ) , and D .

Do not include amounts reported on lines 6b, 7b,

8b , 9b , and 10b of Part VIII .i i

(A)Total expenses

(B)Program service


(C)Management andgeneral expenses


1 Grants and other assistance to governments and organizations

in the U S See Part IV, line 21227,763,340 227,763,340

2 Grants and other assistance to individuals in the

U S See Part IV, line 2222,000 22,000

3 Grants and other assistance to governments,

organizations and individuals outside the U S See

Part IV, lines 15 and 16 2,179,079 2,179,079

4 Benefits paid to or for members

5 Compensation of current officers, directors, trustees, and

key employees 2,838,790 1,822,151 597,699 418,940

6 Compensation not included above, to disqualified persons

(as defined under section 4958 ( f)(1)) and persons

described in section 4958 ( c)(3)(B) .

7 Other salaries and wages 5,214,112 3,009,241 788,995

8 Pension plan contributions ( include section 401(k ) and section

403(b ) employer contributions ) 839,155 503,493 209,789 125,873

9 Other employee benefits 1 ,098,605 628,664 312,466 157,475

10 Payroll taxes 647,196 388,318 161,799 97,079

11 Fees for services ( non-employees)

a Management . .

b Legal 230,091 31,642 148,196 50,253

c Accounting . . . . . . . . . . 169,613 169,613

d Lobbying . .

e Professional fundraising See Part IV, line 17

f Investment management fees 3,966 ,099 3,928,985 37,114

g Other 44 ,839 5,575 31,807 7,457

12 Advertising and promotion 615,321 243,219 133,050 239,052

13 Office expenses 164,542 92,025 48,678 23,839

14 Information technology 1,043,181 176,506 820,338 46,337

15 Royalties

16 Occupancy 2,984,397 2,270,096 490,982 223,319

17 Travel . . . . . . . . . . . 73,322 21,319 49,188 2,815

18 Payments of travel or entertainment expenses for any Federal,

state or local public officials

19 Conferences , conventions and meetings 486,154 318,314 149,590 18,250

20 Interest . .

21 Payments to affiliates

22 Depreciation, depletion, and amortization 692,104 328,748 272,426 90,930

23 Insurance 243,813 115,053 96,934 31,826

24 Other expenses -Itemize expenses not covered above ( Expenses

grouped together and labeled miscellaneous may not exceed 5% of

total expenses shown on line 25 below )

a CONSULTANTS- GENERAL 1,075,142 1,023,142 52,000

b UBI Taxes 544,667 544,667

c Program Expenses 106,981 106,981

d Temporary Help 80,767 1,094 79,673

e Misc 2,447 280 2,167

f All other expenses

25 Total functional expenses . Add lines 1 through 24f 253,125,757 244,979,265 5,824,052 2,322,440

26 Joint Costs . Check F_ if following SOP 98-2 Complete this

line only if the organization reported in column (B) joint

costs from a combined educational campaign and

fundraising solicitation

Form 990 (2008)

Page 11: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 (2008) Page 11

Balance Sheet

(A) (B)Beginning of year End of year

1 Cash-non-interest-bearing 23,532,246 1

2 Savings and temporary cash investments 13,482,387 2 3,313,724

3 Pledges and grants receivable, net 11,524,008 3 5,403,277

4 Accounts receivable, net 116,458 4 158,780

5 Receivables from current and former officers, directors, trustees, key employees orother related parties Complete Part II of Schedule L 582,712 5 420,775

6 Receivables from other disqualified persons (as defined under section 4958(f)(1)) andpersons described in section 4958(c)(3)(B) Complete Part II of Schedule L . 6

7 Notes and loans receivable, net 5,523,687 7 3,899,479

8 Inventories for sale or use 8

9 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges 151,417 9 238,984

10a+6 Land, buildings, and equipment cost basis

10a 6,549,771

b Less accumulated depreciation Complete Part VI of

Schedule D . 10b 3,381,558 15,061,578 10c 3,168,213

11 Investments-publicly traded securities 1,061,710,396 11 813,087,685

12 Investments-other securities See Part IV, line 11 Complete Part VII of 210,725,658 215,323,322

Schedule D . . 12

13 Investments-program-related See Part IV, line 11 Complete Part VIII

of Schedule D 13

14 Intangible assets 14

15 Other assets See Part IV, line 11 Complete Part IX of Schedule 7,111,558 5,526,359

D . 15

16 Total assets . Add lines 1 through 15 (must equal line 34) 1,349,522,105 16 1,050,540,598

17 Accounts payable and accrued expenses 1,582,532 17 1,263,821

18 Grants payable 23,077,837 18 21,145,807

19 Deferred revenue 19

20 Tax-exempt bond liabilities 20

} 21 Escrow account liability Complete Part IVof ScheduleD . 21

22 Payable to current and former officers, directors, trustees, keyemployees, highest compensated employees, and disqualified

persons Complete Part II of Schedule L . 22

23 Secured mortgages and notes payable to unrelated third parties 23

24 Unsecured notes and loans payable 24

25 Other liabilities Complete Part X of Schedule D . 76,905,383 25 91,281,055

26 Total liabilities . Add lines 17 through 25 . 101,565,752 26 113,690,683

Organizations that follow SFAS 117, check here F and complete lines 27

through 29, and lines 33 and 34.

27 Unrestricted net assets 1,217,496,284 27 906,389,846

Mca 28 Temporarily restricted net assets 10,331,339 28 10,331,339

29 Permanently restricted net assets 20,128,730 29 20,128,730

Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117 check here F- and completeu_ ,

lines 30 through 34.

30 Capital stock or trust principal, or current funds 30

31 Paid-in or capital surplus, or land, building or equipment fund 31

32 Retained earnings, endowment, accumulated income, or other funds 32

33 Total net assets or fund balances 1,247,956,353 33 936,849,915z

34 Total liabilities and net assets/fund balances 1,349,522,105 34 1,050,540,598

K&UM Financial Statements and Reporting

Yes No

1 Accounting method used to prepare the Form 990 fl cash 17 accrual fl other

2a Were the organization's financial statements compiled or reviewed by an independent accountant's 2a No

b Were the organization's financial statements audited by an independent accountant? . 2b Yes

c If "Yes" to lines 2a or 2b, does the organization have a committee that assumes responsibility for oversight of the Yesaudit, review, or compilation of its financial statements and selection of an independent accountant? . 2c

3a As a result of a federal award, was the organization required to undergo an audit or audits as set forth in the NoSingle Audit Act and 0MB Circular A-133? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a

b If "Yes," did the organization undergo the required audit or audits? . 3b

Form 990 (2008)

Page 12: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93493307013059

SCHEDULE A Public Charity Status and Public SupportOMB No 1545-0047

(Form 990 or2008990EZ) To be completed by all section 501(c)( 3) organizations and section 4947(a)(1)

nonexempt charitable trusts.

Department of the Attach to Form 990 or Form 990-EZ. See separate instructions . Open to Public

Treasury Inspection

Internal Revenue


Name of the organization Employer identification numberSILICON VALLEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION


WMIF-Reason for Public Charity Status ( to be com p leted b y all org anizations ) ( See Instructions )

The organization is not a private foundation because it is (Please check only one organization )

1 1 A church, convention of churches, or association of churches described in Section 170(b)(1)(A)(i).

2 1 A school described in Section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii). (Attach Schedule E )

3 1 A hospital or a cooperative hospital service organization described in Section 170 (b)(1)(A)(iii). (Attach Schedule H

4 1 A medical research organization operated in conjunction with a hospital described in Section 170 (b)(1)(A)(iii). Enter the

hospital's name, city, and state

5 1 A n organization operated for the benefit of a college or university owned or operated by a governmental unit described in

Section 170(b)(1)(A)(iv ). (Complete Part II )

6 1 A federal, state, or local government or governmental unit described in Section 170(b)(1)(A)(v).

7 F A n organization that normally receives a substantial part of its support from a governmental unit or from the general public

described in Section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi ) (Complete Part II )

8 1 A community trust described in Section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi ) (Complete Part II )

9 1 An organization that normally receives (1) more than 331/3% of its support from contributions, membership fees, and gross

receipts from activities related to its exempt functions-subject to certain exceptions, and (2) no more than 331/3% of

its support from gross investment income and unrelated business taxable income (less section 511 tax) from businesses

acquired by the organization after June 30, 1975 See Section 509(a)(2). (Complete Part III )

10 fl An organization organized and operated exclusively to test for public safety See Section 509(a )(4). (See instructions

11 fl An organization organized and operated exclusively for the benefit of, to perform the functions of, or to carry out the purposes of

one or more publicly supported organizations described in section 509(a)(1) or section 509(a)(2) See Section 509(a)(3). Check

the box that describes the type of supporting organization and complete lines 11e through 11h

a fl Type I b fl Type II c fl Type III - Functionally Integrated d fl Type III - Other

e fl By checking this box, I certify that the organization is not controlled directly or indirectly by one or more disqualified persons

other than foundation managers and other than one or more publicly supported organizations described in section 509(a)(1) or

section 509(a)(2)

f If the organization received a written determination from the IRS that it is a Type I, Type II or Type III supporting organization,

check this box (-

g Since August 17, 2006, has the organization accepted any gift or contribution from any of the

following persons?(i) a person who directly or indirectly controls, either alone or together with persons described in (ii) Yes No

and (iii) below, the governing body of the the supported organization? 11g(i)

(ii) a family member of a person described in (i) above? 11g(ii)

(iii) a 35% controlled entity of a person described in (i) or (ii) above? 11g(iii)

h Provide the following information about the organizations the organization supports

(i) Name of


O rganization

(ii) EIN (iii) Type of organization

(described on lines 1- 9

above or IRC section

( See Instructions ))

(iv) Is the

organization in

col (i) listed in

your governing


(v) Did you notify

the organization

in col (i) of your


(vi) Is the

organization in

col (i) organized

in the U S 7

(vii) Amount of


Yes No Yes No Yes No


For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice , see the Instructions for Form 990 . Cat No 11285F Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ)


Page 13: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008 Page 2

Support Schedule for Organizations Described in IRC 170(b )( 1)(A)(iv) and 170(b)(1)(A)(vi)

(Complete only if you checked the box on line 5, 7, or 8 of Part I.)

Public SuooortCalendar year ( or fiscal year beginning in ) ( a) 2004 ( b) 2005 ( c) 2006 ( d) 2007 ( e) 2008 (f) Total

1 Gifts, grants , contributions, andmembership fees received (Do not 500,000 294,977,191 142,788,563 438,265,754

include any " unusual grants ")2 Tax revenues levied for the organization's

benefit and either paid to or expended onits behalf

3 The value of services or facilitiesfurnished by a governmental unit to theorganization without charge

4 Total . Add line 1-3 500,000 294,977,191 142,788,563 438,265,754

5 The portion of total contribution by eachperson ( other than a government unit orpublicly supported organization ) included 60 ,688,470on line 1 that exceed 2 % of the amountshown on line 11, column

(f)6 Public Support subtract line 5 from line

377, 577, 2844

Total Su pportCalendar year ( or fiscal year beginning in ) ( a) 2004 (b) 2005 ( c) 2006 ( d) 2007 ( e) 2008 (f) Total

7 Amounts from line 4 500,000 294,977,191 142,788,563 438,265,754

8 Gross income from interest , dividends,payments received on securities loans, 34,356,208 26,640,994 60,997,202rents, royalties and income from similarsources

9 Net income from unrelated businessactivities, whether or not the business is -185,599 1,114,262 928,663

regularly carried on

10 Other income Do not include gain or loss

from the sale of capital assets ( Explain in 62 ,862 1,370,942 1,433,804

Part IV )

11 Total Support (Add lines 7 through 10) 501,625,423

12 Gross receipts from related activities, etc ( See instructio ns 12 4,827,823

13 First Five Years. If the Form 990 is for the organization 's first, second, third, fourth, or fifth tax year as a 501(c)(3)

organization , check this box and stop here

Com putation of Public Su pport Percenta g e14 Public Support Percentage for 2008 (line 6 column (f) divided by line 11 column (f)) 14

15 Public Support Percentage for 2007 Schedule A, Part IV-A, line 26f

16a 33 1 / 3% Test - 2008 . If the organization did not check the box on line 13, and line 14 is 33 1/ 3% or more, check this box

and stop here . The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization

b 33 1 / 3% Test - 2007 . If the organization did not check the box on line 13 or 16a , and line 15 is 33 1/3% or more, check this

box and stop here . The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization

17a 10% Facts and Circumstances Test - 2008 . If the organization did not check a box on line 13, 16a, or 16b and line 14 is 10% or

more, and if the organization meets the " facts and circumstances" test, check this box and stop here. Explain in Part IV how the

organization meets the " facts and circumstances " test The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization

b 10% Facts and Circumstances Test - 2007 . If the organization did not check a box on line 13, 16a, 16b , or 17a and line 15 is 10% or

more, and if the organization meets the " facts and circumstances " test, check this box and stop here. Explain in Part IV how

the organization meets the " facts and circumstances" test The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization lk^F_18 Private Foundation . If the organization did not check the box on line 13, 16a, 16b , 17a or 17b, check this box and see

instructions lk^F_

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008

Page 14: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008 Page 3

IMMOTM Support Schedule for Organizations Described in IRC 509(a)(2)

(Complete only if you checked the box on line 9 of Part I.)Section A . Public Support

Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in) (a) 2004 (b) 2005 (c) 2006 (d) 2007 (e) 2008 (f) Total

1 Gifts, grants, contributions, andmembership fees received (Do notinclude any "unusual grants ")

2 Gross receipts from admissions,

merchandise sold or services performed,or facilities furnished in any activity thatis related to the organization's tax-exempt purpose

3 Gross receipts from activities that are

not an unrelated trade or business undersection 513

4 Tax revenues levied for theorganization's benefit and either paid toor expended on its behalf

5 The value of services or facilitiesfurnished by a governmental unit to theorganization without charge

6 Total Add lines 1-5

7a Amounts included on lines 1, 2, and 3received from disqualified persons

b Amounts included on lines 2 and 3received from other than disqualifiedpersons that exceed the greater of 1% ofthe total of lines 9, 10c, 11, and 12 for

the year or $5,000

c Total of lines 7a and 7b

8 Public Support (Substract line 7c from

line 6)

Total Su pportCalendar year (or fiscal year beginning in)

9 Amounts from line 6

10a Gross income from interest, dividends,payments received on securities loans,rents, royalties and income from similarsources

b Unrelated business taxable income (less

section 511 taxes) from businesses

acquired after 30 June, 1975

c Add lines 10a and 10b

11 Net income from unrelated businessactivities not included in line 10b,whether or not the business is regularlycarried on

12 Other income Do not include gain or loss

from the sale of capital assets

(Explain in Part IV )

13 Total Support (Add lines 9, 10c, 11 and


(a) 2004 (b) 2005 (c) 2006 (d) 2007 (e) 2008 (f) Total

14 First Five Years If the Form 990 is for the organization's first, second, third, fourth, or fifth tax year as a 501(c)(3) organization,check this box and stop here lk^F_

Com p utation of Public Su pport Percenta g e

15 Public Support Percentage for 2008 (line 8 column (f) divided by line 13 column (f)) 15

16 Public Support Percentage for 2007 Schedule A, Part IV-A, line 27g 16

Com p utation of Investment Income Percenta g e

17 Investment Income Percentage for 2008 (line 10c column (f) divided by line 13 column (f)) 17

18 Investment Income Percentage from 2007 Schedule A, Part IV-A, line 27h 18

19a 33 1 / 3% Tests - 2008 . If the organization did not check the box on line 14, and line 15 is more than 33 1/3%, and line

17 is not more than 33 1/3%, check this box and stop here . The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization lk^F_b 33 1 / 3% Tests-2007 . If the organization did not check a box on line 14 or line 19a, and line 16 is more than 33 1/3% and

line 18 is not more than 33 1/3%, check this box and stop here . The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization lk^F_20 Private Foundation If the organization did not check a box on line 14, 19a or 19b, check this box and see instructions lk^F_

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008

Page 15: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008 Page 4

MOW^ Supplemental Information . Complete this part to provide the information required by Part II, line 10;

Part II, line 17a or 17b, or Part III, line 12. Provide and any other additional information. (see instructions)

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008

Page 16: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93493307013059

SCHEDULE C Political Campaign and Lobbying Activities OMB No 1545-0047

( Form 990 or

2008990-EZ ) For Organizations Exempt From Income Tax Under section 501(c) and section 527

Department of the


Internal Revenue


To be completed by organizations described below . Attach to Form 990 or Form 990-EZ

If the organization answered "Yes," to Form 990, Part IV , Line 3, or Form 990-EZ , Part VI, line 46 ( Political Campaign Activities)• Section 501(c)(3) organizations complete Parts I-A and B Do not complete Part I-C• Section 501(c) (other than section 501(c)(3)) organizations complete Parts I-A and C below Do not complete Part I-B• Section 527 organizations complete Part I-A onlyIf the organization answered "Yes," to Form 990, Part IV , Line 4 , or Form 990EZ , Part VI, line 47 ( Lobbying Activities)• Section 501(c)(3) organizations that have filed Form5768 (election under section 501(h)) complete Part II-A Do not complete Part II-B• Section 501(c)(3) organizations that have NOT filed Form5768 (election under section 501(h)) Complete Part II-B Do not complete Part II-AIf the organization answered "Yes," to Form 990, Part IV, Line 5 (Proxy Tax)* Section 501(c)(4), (5), or (6) organizations complete Part IIIName of the organizationSILICON VALLEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION

Employer identification number


To be completed by all organizations exempt under section 501 ( c) and section 527organizations . (See the instructions for Schedule C for details.)

Provide a description of the organization's direct and indirect political campaign activities in Part IV

Political expenditures $ 10,000

Volunteer hours

To be completed by all organizations exempt under section 501 (c)(3). (See the instructionsfor Schedule C for details.)

1 Enter the amount of any excise tax incurred by the organization under section 4955 $

2 Enter the amount of any excise tax incurred by organization managers under section 4955 $

3 If the organization incurred in a section 4955 tax, did it file Form 4720 for this year? fl Yes fl No

4a Was a correction made? fl Yes fl No

b If "Yes," describe in Part IV

0511019- To be-completed by all organizations exempt under section 501 ( c), except section 501 ( c)(3).(See the instructions for Schedule C for details.)

1 Enter the amount directly expended by the filing organization for section 527 exempt function activities $

2 Enter the amount of the filing organization's internal funds contributed to other organizations for section527 exempt funtion activities $

3 Total of direct and indirect exempt function expenditures Add lines 1 and 2 and enter here and on Form

1120-POL, line 17b $

4 Did the filing organization file Form 1120-POL for this year? fl Yes fl No

State the names, addresses and Employer Identification Number (EIN) of all section 527 political organizations to which payments

were made Enter the amount paid and indicate if the amount was paid from the filing organization's own internal funds or were

political contributions received and promptly and directly delivered to a separate political organization, such as a separate

segregated fund or a political action committee (PAC) If additional space is needed, provide information in Part IV

(a) Name (b) Address (c) EIN (d) Amount paid fromfiling organization's

internal funds If none,enter -0-

(e) Amount of political

contributions received

and promptly and

directly delivered to a

separate political

organization If none,

enter -0-

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice , see the instructions for Form 990 . Cat No 50084S Schedule C ( Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008

Page 17: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008 Page 2

To be completed by organizations exempt under section 501 ( c)(3) that filed Form 5768

(election under section 501 (h)). (See the Instructions for Schedule C for details.)

A Check 1 if the filing organization belongs to an affiliated groupB Check 1 if the filing organization checked box A and "limited control" provisions apply

Limits on Lobbying Expenditures-(a) Filing (b) Affiliated

O rgan^zat^on^s Group(The term "expenditures " means amounts paid or incurred .) Totals Totals

la Total lobbying expenditures to influence public opinion ( grass roots lobbying) 10,000

b Total lobbying expenditures to influence a legislative body (direct lobbying)

c Total lobbying expenditures ( add lines la and 1b) 10,000

d Other exempt purpose expenditures 244,979,265

e Total exempt purpose expenditures ( add lines 1c and 1d ) 244,989,265

f Lobbying nontaxable amount Enter the amount from the following table in both 1,000,000columns-If the amount on line le, column (a)or (b) is: The lobbying nontaxable amount is:

Not over $500,000 20% of the amount on line le

Over $500,000 but not over $1,000,000 $100,000 plus 15% of the excess over $500,000

Over $1,000,000 but not over $1,500,000 $175,000 plus 10% of the excess over $1,000,000

Over $1,500,000 but not over $17,000,000 $225,000 plus 5% of the excess over $1,500,000

Over $17,000,000 $1,000,000

g Grassroots nontaxable amount (enter 25% of line 1f) 250,000

h Subtract line 1g from line la Enter -0- if line g is more than line a 0

i Subtract line lffrom line 1c Enter -0- if line f is more than line c 0

i If there is an amount other than zero on either line 1h or line li, did the organization file Form 4720 reporting

section 4911 tax for this year'sYes No

4-Year Averaging Period Under Section 501(h)(Some organizations that made a section 501(h) election do not have to complete all of the five

columns below. See the instructions for lines la through if of the instructions.)

Lobbying Expenditures During 4-Year Averaging Period

Calendar year ( or fiscal year(a) 2005 (b) 2006 (c) 2007 (d) 2008 (e) Total

beginning in)

2a Lobbying non-taxable amount 1,000,000 1,000,000

b Lobbying ceiling amount1,500,000

(150% of line 2a, column(e))

c Total lobbying expenditures 10,000 10,000

d Grassroots non-taxable amount 250,000 250,000

e Grassroots ceiling amount375,000

(150% of line d, column (e))

f Grassroots lobbying expenditures 10,000 10,000

Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008

Page 18: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008 Page 3

To be completed by organizations exempt under section 501 ( c)(3) that have NOT filed Form5768 ( election under section 501 ( h )). ( See the instructions for Schedule C for details. )

(a) (b)

Yes No A mount

1 During the year, did the filing organization attempt to influence foreign, national, state or local

legislation, including any attempt to influence public opinion on a legislative matter orreferendum, through the use of

a Volunteers? No

b Paid staff or management (include compensation in expenses reported on lines c through i)7 No

c Media advertisements? No

d Mailings to members, legislators, or the public? No

e Publications, or published or broadcast statements? No

f Grants to other organizations for lobbying purposes? No

g Direct contact with legislators, their staffs, government officials, or a legislative body? No

h Rallies, demonstrations, seminars, conventions, speeches, lectures, or any other means? No

i Other activities If "Yes," describe in Part IV No

j Total lines 1c through


2a Did the activities in line 1 cause the organization to be not described in section 501(c)(3)7

b If "Yes" enter the amount of any tax incurred under section 4912

c If "Yes" enter the amount of any tax incurred by organization managers under section 4912

d If the filing organization incurred a section 4912 tax, did it file Form 4720 for this year?

To be completed by all organizations exempt under section 501 ( c)(4), section 501(c)(5), orsection 501 ( c )( 6 ). ( See the instructions for Schedule C for details. )

Yes No

1 Were substantially all (90% or more) dues received nondeductible by members? 1

2 Did the organization make only in-house lobbying expenditures of $2,000 or less? 2

3 Did the organization agree to carryover lobbying and political expenditures from the prior year? 3

To be completed by all organizations exempt under section 501 ( c)(4), section 501(c)(5), orsection 501 ( c)(6) if BOTH Part III-A, questions 1 and 2 are answered "No" OR if Part III-A,q uestion 3 is answered "Yes." See the instructions for Schedule C for details.

1 Dues, assessments and similar amounts from members 1 $

2 Section 162(e) non-deductible lobbying and political expenditures (do not include amounts of political

expenses for which the section 527(f) tax was paid).

a Current Year 2a $

b Carryover from last year 2b $

c Total 2c $

3 Aggregate amount reported in section 6033(e)(1)(A) notices of nondeductible section 162(e) dues 3 $

4 If notices were sent and the amount on line 2c exceeds the amount on line 3, what portion of the excess

does the organization agree to carryover to the reasonable estimate of nondeductible lobbying and politicalexpenditure next year? 4 $

5 Taxable amount of lobbying and political expenditures (line 2c total minus 3 and 4) 5 $

Su lemental Information

Complete this part to provide the descriptions required for Part I-A, line 1, Part I-B, line 4, Part I-C, line 5, and Part II-B, line 1i

^uI IINICLC u- Nail iui ai iy auuiuuiiai III -iiiauuii

Identifier Return Reference Explanation

Part I-A, Line 1 Organizations Direct and Indirect Support of San lose 2008 Measure J Campaign

Political Camoaian Activities

Schedule C (Form 990 or 990EZ) 2008

Page 19: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008 Page 4

Su pp lemental Information

Identifier Return Reference Explanation

Schedule C (Form 990 or 990EZ) 2008

Page 20: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

lefile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93493307013059

SCHEDULE D(Form 990) Supplemental Financial Statements

MB No 1545-0047

zoosDepartment of the

1- Attach to Form 990 . To be completed by organizations that

Treasuryanswered " Yes," to Form 990, Part IV , line 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12.

Internal Revenue



Employer identification number

1 20-5205488

Organizations Maintaining Donor Advised Funds or Other Similar Funds or Accounts . Complete if the

org anization answered "Yes" to Form 90 , Part IV , line 6.

(a) Donor advised funds (b) Funds and other accounts

1 Total number at end of year 964 538

2 Aggregate Contributions to (during year) 103,688,445 8,795,430

3 Aggregate Grants from (during year) 184,579,935 18,935,315

4 Aggregate value at end of year 758,770,844 249,614,909

5 Did the organization inform all donors and donor advisors in writing that the assets held in donor advised

funds are the organization's property, subject to the organization's exclusive legal control? F Yes fl No

6 Did the organization inform all grantees , donors, and donor advisors in writing that grant funds may beused only for charitable purposes and not for the benefit of the donor or donor advisor or otherimpermissible private benefit ? F Yes fl No

WNW-Conservation Easements . Complete if the organization answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 7.

1 Purpose ( s) of conservation easements held by the organization (check all that apply)

fl Preservation of land for public use ( e g , recreation or pleasure ) fl Preservation of an historically importantly land area

fl Protection of natural habitat fl Preservation of certified historic structure

fl Preservation of open space

2 Complete lines 2a-2d if the organization held a qualified conservation contribution in the form of a conservation easementon the last day of the tax year

Held at the End of the Year

a Total number of conservation easements 2a

b Total acreage restricted by conservation easements 2b

c N umber of conservation easements on a certified historic structure included in (a) 2c

d N umber of conservation easements included in (c) acquired after 8/17/06 2d

3 N umber of conservation easements modified, transferred, released, extinguished, or terminated by the organization during

the taxable year 0-

4 Number of states where property subject to conservation easement is located 0-

5 Does the organization have a written policy regarding the periodic monitoring, inspection, violations, and

enforcement of the conservation easements it holds? fl Yes fl No

6 Staff or volunteer hours devoted to monitoring, inspecting and enforcing easements during the year 0-

7 A mount of expenses incurred in monitoring, inspecting, and enforcing easements during the year -$

8 Does each conservation easement reported on line 2(d) above satisfy the requirements of section

170(h)(4)(B)(i) and 170(h)(4)(B)(ii)'' fl Yes fl No

9 In Part XIV, describe how the organization reports conservation easements in its revenue and expense statement, and

balance sheet, and include, if applicable, the text of the footnote to the organization's financial statements that describes

the organization's accounting for conservation easements

Organizations Maintaining Collections of Art, Historical Treasures , or Other Similar Assets.ComDlete if the oraanization answered "Yes" to Form 990. Part IV. line 8.

la If the organization elected, as permitted under SFAS 116, not to report in its revenue statement and balance sheet works ofart, historical treasures, or other similar assets held for public exhibition, education or research in furtherance of public service,provide, in Part XIV, the text of the footnote to its financial statements that describes these items

b If the organization elected, as permitted under SFAS 116, to report in its revenue statement and balance sheet works of art,historical treasures, or other similar assets held for public exhibition, education, or research in furtherance of public service,provide the following amounts relating to these items

(i) Revenues included in Form 990, Part VIII, line 1 0- $

00 Assets included in Form 990, Part X $

2 If the organization received or held works of art, historical treasures, or other similar assets for financial gain, provide the

following amounts required to be reported under SFAS 116 relating to these items

a Revenues included in Form 990, Part VIII, line 1

b Assets included in Form 990, Part X

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Intructions for Form 990 Cat No 52283D Schedule D ( Form 990) 2008

Page 21: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Schedule D (Form 990) 2008 Page 2

Organizations Maintaining Collections of Art, Historical Treasures , or Other Similar Assets (continued)

3 Using the organization's accession and other records, check any of the following that are a significant use of its collectionitems (check all that apply)

a F_ Public exhibition d 1 Loan or exchange programs

b 1 Scholarly research e F Other

c F Preservation for future generations

4 Provide a description of the organization 's collections and explain how they further the organization's exempt purpose in

Part XIV

5 During the year, did the organization solicit or receive donations of art, historical treasures or other similarassets to be sold to raise funds rather than to be maintained as part of the organization's collection? 1 Yes 1 No

Trust, Escrow and Custodial Arrangements . Complete if the organization answered "Yes" to Form 990,

Part IV, line 9, or reported an amount on Form 990, Part X, line 21.

la Is the organization an agent, trustee, custodian or other intermediary for contributions or other assets notincluded on Form 990, Part X'' 1 Yes fl No

b If "Yes," explain why in Part XIV and complete the following table

c Beginning balance

d Additions during the year

e Distributions during the year

f Ending balance

2a Did the organization include an amount on Form 990, Part X, line 21''

b If "Yes, " explain the arrangement in Part XIV

Endowment Funds . Com p lete If the org anization answered "Yes" to Form 990 , Part IV , line 10.(a)Current Year ( b)Prior Year (c)Two Years Back (d)Three Years Back (e)Four Years Back

la Beginning of year balance 180,455,645

b Contributions 5,184,975

c Investment earnings or losses -30,338,064

d Grants or scholarships -10,434,601

e Other expenditures for facilities -563,361

and programs

f Administrative expenses -3,268,548

g End of year balance . 141,036,046

2 Provide the estimated percentage of the year end balance held as

a Board designated or quasi-endowment 0- 86 000 %

b Permanent endowment 0- 14 000 %

c Term endowment 0- 0 %

3a Are there endowment funds not in the possession of the organization that are held and administered for theorganization by Yes No

(i) unrelated organizations 3a(i) No

(ii) related organizations 3a(ii) No

b If "Yes" to 3a(ii), are the related organizations listed as required on Schedule R'' . . I 3b

4 Describe in Part XIV the intended uses of the organization's endowment funds

1:M-4VJ@ Investments- Land . Buildinas . and Eauioment . See Form 990. Part X. line 10.

Description of investment(a) Cost or other

basis ( investment )(b)Cost or other

basis (other) ( c) Depreciation (d) Book value

la Land

b Buildings

c Leasehold improvements 3,877,093 1,604,984 2,272,109

d Equipment 1,558,189 941,771 616,418

e Other 1,114,489 834,803 279,686

Total . Add lines la-le (Column (d) should equal Form 990, Part X, column (B), line 10(c).) . I 3,168,213

Schedule D (Form 990) 2008

fl Yes l No

Page 22: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Schedule D (Form 990) 2008 Page 3

MITITTV Investments -Other Securities . See Form 990. Part X. line 12.

(a) Description of security or cateory(including name of security)

( b)Book value( c) Method of valuation

Cost or end- of-year market value

Financial derivatives and other financial products

Closely-held equity interests


Other HEDGE FUNDs 109,379,962 F

Other PRIVATE EQUITY - VC 40,200,856 F

Other REAL ASSETS 10,875,806 F


Total . (Column (b) should equal Form 990, Part X, col (8) line 12) 01 215,323,322

Investments-Program Related . See Form 990, Part X, line 13.

(a) Description of investment type (b) Book value I (c) Method of valuationCost or end-of-vear market value

Total . (Column (b) should equal Form 990, Part X, col (B) line 13 )

Other Assets . See Form 990 , Part X line 15.(a) DescriDtion ( b) Book value

Total . (Column (b) should equal Form 990, Part X, col.(B) line 15.)

WTINT-0ther Liabilities . See Form 990 , Part X, line 25.

(a) Description of Liability (b) Amount

Federal Income Taxes



Aaencv Assets 50.146.749

Total . (Column (b) should equal Form 990, Part X, col (B) line 25) P. I 9 1,2 8 1,0 5 5

In Part XIV, provide the text of the footnote to the organization ' s financial statements that reports the organization ' s liability for

uncertain tax positions under FIN 48

Schedule D ( Form 990) 2008

Page 23: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Schedule D (Form 990) 2008 Page 4

Reconciliation of Chan g e in Net Assets from Form 990 to Financial Statements

1 Total revenue (Form 990, Part VIII, column (A), line 12) 1 162,218,134

2 Total expenses (Form 990, Part IX, column (A), line 25) 2 253,125,757

3 Excess or (deficit) for the year Subtract line 2 from line 1 3 -90,907,623

4 Net unrealized gains (losses) on investments 4 -226,025,335

5 Donated services and use of facilities 5

6 Investment expenses 6

7 Prior period adjustments 7

8 Other (Describe in Part XIV) 8 5,826,520

9 Total adjustments (net) Add lines 4 - 8 9 -220,198,815

10 Excess or (deficit) for the year per financial statements Combine lines 3 and 9 10 -311,106,438

Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited Financial Statements With Revenue per Return

1 Total revenue, gains, and other support per audited financial statements . 1 -185,431,252

2 Amounts included on line 1 but not on Form 990, Part VIII, line 12

a Net unrealized gains on investments . 2a -226,025,335

b Donated services and use of facilities . 2b

c Recoveries of prior year grants 2c -2,663,394

d Other (Describe in Part XIV) 2d -94,572,734

e Add lines 2a through 2d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e 323,261,463

3 Subtract line 2e from line 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 137,830,211

4 Amounts included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 12, but not on line 1

a Investment expenses not included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 7b 4a

b Other (Describe in Part XIV) 4b 24,387,923

c Add lines 4a and 4b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c 4,387,923

5 Total Revenue Add lines 3 and 4c. (This should equal Form 990, Part I, line 12 . 5 162,218,134

Reconciliation of Ex penses per Audited Financial Statements With Ex pense s per Return

1 Total expenses and losses per audited financial statements 1 328,074,754

2 Amounts included on line 1 but not on Form 990, Part IX, line 25

a Donated services and use of facilities . 2a 4,999,193

b Prior year adjustments 2b

c Losses reported on Form 990, Part IX, line 25 . 2c

d Other (Describe in Part XIV) 2d 72,632,635

e Add lines 2a through 2d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2e 77,631,828

3 Subtract line 2e from line 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 250,442,926

4 Amounts included on Form 990, Part IX, line 25, but not on line 1:

a Investment expenses not included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 7b 4a

b Other (Describe in Part XIV) 4b 2,682,831

c Add lines 4a and 4b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c ,682,831

5 Total expenses Add lines 3 and 4c. (This should equal Form 990, Part I, line 18 . 5 253,125,757

Su pp lemental Information

Complete this part to provide the descriptions required for Part II, lines 3, 5, and 9, Part III, lines la and 4, Part XIV, lines lb and 2b,

Part V, line 4, Part X, Part XI, line 8, Part XII, lines 2d and 4b, and Part XIII, lines 2d and 4b

Identifier Return Reference Explanation

Part V, Line 4 Description of Intended Use of

Endowment Funds

Provide Grants to non-profit organizations in Santa Clara and

San Mateo Counties that address five grantmaking strategies

Economic Security, Immigrant Integration, Education (Closing

the Middle School Achievement Gap), Regional Planning (Land

Use and Transportation Planning), and a Community

Opportunity Fund focused on safety-net issues and innovative


Schedule D (Form 990) 2008

Page 24: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Schedule D (Form 990) 2008 Page 5

Su pp lemental Information continued

Identifier Return Reference Explanation

Part V, Line 4 Description of Intended Use of Provide Grants to non-profit organizations in Santa Clara and

Endowment Funds San Mateo Counties that address five grantmaking strategies

Economic Security, Immigrant Integration, Education (Closing

the Middle School Achievement Gap), Regional Planning (Land

Use and Transportation Planning), and a Community

Opportunity Fund focused on safety-net issues and innovative


Schedule D (Form 990) 2008

Page 25: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93493307013059

SCHEDULE F Statement of Activities Outside the United StatesOMB N o 1545-0047

(Form 990) 2008

Department of the n Attach to Form 990. Complete if the organization answered "Yes" toOpen to Public -

TreasuryForm 990, Part IV, line 14b.

Inspect ionInternal Revenue


Name of the organization Employer identification number



General Information on Activities Outside the United States . Complete if the organization answered

"Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 14b.

1 For grantmakers . Does the organization maintain records to substantiate the amount of the grants or

assistance, the grantees' eligibility for the grants or assistance, and the selection criteria used to award

the grants or assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F Yes fl No

2 Forgrantmakers . Describe in Part IV the organization's procedures for monitoring the use of grant funds outside theUnited States

3 Activites per Region (Use Schedule F-1 (Form 990) if additional space is needed

(a) Region

(b) Number of

offices in the


(c) Number of

employees or

agents in region

(d) Activities conducted inregion (by type) (i e ,

fundraising, program services,grants to recipients located in

the region)

(e) If activity listed in (d)

is a program service,

describe specific type of

service(s) in region

(f) Total expenditures in


East Asia & the Pacific 0 0 Grants to recipients

located in region

Grants to receipients

consistent with the

purpose of grants made

within the U S


Europe 0 0 Grants to recipients

located in region

Grants to receipients

consistent with the

purpose of grants made

within the U S


north america 0 0 Grants to recipients

located in region

Grants to receipients

consistent with the

purpose of grants made

within the U S


south america 0 0 Grants to recipients

located in region

Grants to receipients

consistent with the

purpose of grants made

within the U S


south asia 0 0 Grants to recipients

located in region

Grants to receipients

consistent with the

purpose of grants made

within the U S


Sub-Saharan Africa 0 0 Grants to recipients

located in region

Grants to receipients

consistent with the

purpose of grants made

within the U S


Totals . n 2,221,156

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the instructions for Form 990 . Cat N o 50082W Schedule F (Form 990) 2008

Page 26: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Schedule F (Form 990) 2008 Page 2

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States . Complete if the organization answered "Yes" to Form 990,Part IV, line 15, for any recipient who received more than $5,000. Check this box if no one recipient received more than $5,000. . . . . . . . ► FUse Schedule F-1 if additional space is needed.


(a) Name oforganization

(b) IRS codesection

and EIN (ifapplicable)

c) Region(d) Purpose of


(e) Amount ofcash grant

(f) Manner of


(g) Amount of

of non-cashassistance

(h) Description

of non-cashassistance

(i) Method ofvaluation

(book, FMV,appraisal, other)

Enter total number of organizations that are recognized as charities by the foreign country or for which the grantee or counselhas provided a section 501(c)(3) equivalency letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Enter total number of other organizations or entities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ►

Page 27: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Schedule F (Form 990) 2008 Page 3

Grants and Other Assistance to Individuals Outside the United States . Complete if the organization answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 16.Use Schedule F-1 (Form 990) if additional space is needed.

(f) Amount of non- (g) Description(h) Method of

(a) Type of grant or (c) Number of (d) A mount of (e) Manner of cash valuationassistance

(b) Regionrecipients cash grant disbursement

cash of non cash(book, FMV,

assistance assistanceappraisal, other)

Schedule F (Form 990) 2008

Page 28: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Schedule F (Form 990) 2008 Page 4

Supplemental information

Com p lete this p art to p rovide the information re q uired in Part I , line 2 , and an y other additional information.

Identifier ReturnReference Explanation

Schedule F (Form 990) 2008

Page 29: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Additional Data

Software ID:

Software Version:

EIN: 20 -5205488


Return to Form

Form 990 Schedu le F Part II - Grants and Other Assistance to Org anizations or Entities Outside The United States

(a) Name oforganization

(b) IRS codesection

and EIN(ifapplicable)

(c) Region (d) Purpose of grant(e) Amount ofcash grant

(f) Manner ofcash disbursement

(g) A mount of non-


(h) Description of


(i) Method ofvaluation

(book, FMV,appraisal, other)

north America Education 50,000

South America Building Community 5,000

Europe Supporting Families 30,000

Sub-Saharan Africa building community 200,000

Europe Education 45,000

Europe Education 45,000

north America Building Community 25,000

South America Supporting Families 20,000

north America Environment 10,000

Europe Education 50,000

Europe Education 50,000

north America Building Community 5,000

north America Building Community 55,055

north America Supporting Families 56,100

north America Supporting Families 163,700

Europe Education 40,000

Europe Education 40,000

South Asia Supporting Families 25,000

north America Supporting Families 10,000

Europe Education 7,500

Europe Education 7,500

Sub-Saharan Africa Building Community 25,000

East Asia & the


Education 60,000

Europe Building Community 50,000

East Asia & the


Education 45,000

East Asia & the


Education 45,000

Europe Strengthening



north America Education 35,000

East Asia & the


Building Community 23,264

north America Education 22,000

Page 30: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

(b) IRS code

(a) Name of section

organization and EIN(if


(c) Region (d) Purpose of grant(e) Amount ofcash grant

(f) Manner ofcash disbursement

(g) Amount of non-cash


(h) Description ofnon-cashassistance

(i) Method ofvaluation

(book, FMV,appraisal, other)

north America Education 20,000

north America Environment 50,000

Europe Education 70,000

Europe Building Community 40,000

north America Supporting Families 20,000

Europe Education 5,930

Europe Education 6,300

East Asia & the


Arts & Culture 30,853

Europe Building Community 120,000

Europe Supporting Families 5,000

Europe Health & Wellness 10,000

East Asia & the


Education 52,000

Europe Education 37,400

Europe Education 37,400

Europe Education 80,000

north America Education 75,000

north America Education 10,000

north America Education

north America Education 50,000

Europe Education 100,000

South Asia Education 20,000

WEST ASIA Education 40,000

Page 31: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93493307013059

Schedule I OMB No 1545-0047

(Form 990 ) Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations,2008Governments and Individuals in the U.S.

Department of the TreasuryInternal Revenue Service

Complete if the organization answered " Yes," on Form 990, Part IV, lines 21 or 22 . Attach to Form 990.

Name of the organization Employer identification number


JE^ll General Information on Grants and Assistance

1 Does the organization maintain records to substantiate the amount of the grants or assistance , the grantees ' eligibility for the grants or assistance, andthe selection criteria used to award the grants or assistance ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F Yes 1 No

2 Describe in Part IV the organization ' s procedures for monitoring the use of grant funds in the U nited States

Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States . Complete if the organization answered "Yes" onForm 990, Part IV, line 21 for any recipient that received more than $ 5,000 . Check this box if no one recipient received more than $5,000. UsePart IV and Schedule I - 1 if additional space isneeded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► F

1(a) Name and address oforganization

or government

(b) EIN (c) IRC sectionif applicable

(d) Amount of cashgrant

(e) Amount of non-cash


(f) Method of valuation(book, FMV, appraisal,


(g) Description ofnon-cash assistance

(h) Purpose of grantor assistance

See Additional Data Table

2 Enter total number of section 50 1(c)(3) and government 2057

organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ►

3 Enter total number of other organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ►

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 . Cat No 50055P Schedule I (Form 990) 2008

Page 32: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Schedule I (Form 990) 2008 Page 2

Grants and Other Assistance to Individuals in the United States . Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 22.

Use Schedule I-1 (Form 990) if additional space is needed.

(a)Type of grant or assistance (b)N umber of


(c)Amount of

cash grant

(d)Amount of

non-cash assistance

(e) Method of valuation

(book, FMV, appraisal,


(f)Description of non-cash assistance

GRANT FOR ARTS and culture FUNDING 4 15,000

Grant for education 2 7,000

Supplemental Information . Complete this part to provide the information required in Part I, line 2, and any other additional information.See Additional Data Table

Identifier Return Reference Explanation

Procedure for Monitoring

Grants in the U S

Part I, Line 2 Schedule I, Part I, Line 2 Advised grants to 501(c)3 organizations By accepting the grant, grantees must agree to the

following stipulations - All grant funds, and income earned on those funds, must be spent only for charitable, religious,

scientific, literary or educational purposes, - Individuals connected with the grant recommendation will receive no benefits,

goods or services in exchange for the grant, - The grant will not be used to satisfy the payment of a pre-existing pledge or

other financial obligation, - The grant will be used solely for the purpose specified in this letter and is not for the personal

benefit of an individual - Any funds not used for the purposes specified in the award letter will be returned to Silicon Valley

Community Foundation Endowment grants to 501(c)3 organizations Grantees must sign a grant agreement that stipulates

that the grantee will send to the community foundation report(s) on the use of the granted funds at specific time intervals or

upon the achievement of pre-determined milestones All grants to Non-501(c)3 organizations Grantees must sign a grant

agreement that stipulates that the grantee will send to the community foundation a report on the use of the granted funds one

year following the receipt of the grant

Schedule I (Form 990) 2008

Page 33: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Additional Data

Software ID:

Software Version:

EIN: 20 -5205488


Form 990,Schedule I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

Return to Form

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of valuation (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash (book, FMV, appraisal, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance other)

1st ACT Silicon Valley38 77-0489520 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

West Santa Clara Street

San Jose, CA 951131806

A Traveling Jewish Theatre 95-3477084 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

499 Alabama Street Suite


San Francisco, CA 94110

Abilities United525 East 94-1546643 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Charleston RoadPalo Alto,CA 943064247

Abilities United525 East 94-1546643 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Charleston RoadPalo Alto,CA 943064247

Abilities United525 East 94-1546643 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Charleston RoadPalo Alto,CA 943064247

Abilities United525 East 94-1546643 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Charleston RoadPalo Alto,CA 943064247

Abilities United525 East 94-1546643 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Charleston RoadPalo Alto,CA 943064247

Achievement Rewards for 23-7335361 501(c)3 5,000 Education

College Scientists

Foundation Inc PO Box


San Francisco, CA


Across the Bridge Foundation 77-0517240 501(c)3 5,000 Education

1460 The Alameda

San Jose, CA 951262652

Across the Bridge Foundation 77-0517240 501(c)3 5,000 Education

1460 The Alameda

San Jose, CA 951262652

Page 34: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Across the Bridge 77-0517240 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Foundation1460 The

AlamedaSan Jose, CA


Across the Bridge 77-0517240 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Foundation1460 The

AlamedaSan Jose, CA


Across the Bridge 77-0517240 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Foundation1460 The

AlamedaSan Jose, CA


Acterra Action for a 23-7064937 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Sustainable Earth3921

East Bayshore Road

Palo Alto,CA


Adolescent Counseling 51-0192551 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Services4000 MiddlefieldRoad Suite FH

Palo Alto,CA


Adolescent Counseling 51-0192551 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Services4000 MiddlefieldRoad Suite FH

Palo Alto,CA


Adolescent Counseling 51-0192551 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Services4000 MiddlefieldRoad Suite FH

Palo Alto,CA


Advocates for Children 04-3849393 501(c)3 5,000 Strengthening

1515 South El Camino nonprofits

Real Suite 201


San Mateo, CA


Advocates for Indigenous 72-1584619 501(c)3 5,000 Education

California Language

Survival221 Idora


Vallejo,CA 945917318

Alaska Conservation 92-0061466 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Foundation441 West Fifth

Avenue Suite 402



Page 35: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Albert L Schultz Jewish 77-0185734 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Community Center4000

Middlefield Road BuildingR

Palo Alto,CA


Albuquerque Public 85-0434438 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Schools Foundation6400

Uptown N E Suite 610


Albuquerque,NM 87110

ALearn186 University 30-0464507 501(c)3 5,000 Education


Los Altos,CA 94022

Altadena Foothills 95-4790045 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

ConservancyPO Box 3

A Itadena, CA


Alzheimer's Disease and 13-3039601 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Related DisordersAssociation-northern CA

919 north Michigan

Avenue Suite


Chicago,IL 606111676

American Cancer Society 23-7040934 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

747 Camden Avenue

Suite B

Campbell, CA


American Cancer Society 13-1788491 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Inc9 Riverside Road

Weston, MA 02493

American Cancer Society 13-1788491 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Inc250 Williams Street


Atlanta, GA 303031002

American Chemical 53-0196572 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Society1155 Sixteenth

Street NW

Washington, DC 20036

American College of 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Medical Physics IncOne

Physics Ellipse

College Park, MD


Page 36: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


American Friends of the 13-3014387 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Shalom Hartman Institute

One Penn Plaza Suite


New York, NY


American Friends Service 23-1352010 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Committee1501 Cherry


Philadelphia, PA 19102

American Friends Service 23-1352010 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Committee1501 Cherry


Philadelphia, PA 19102

American Heart 13-5613797 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

AssociationOne Almaden

Boulevard Suite 500

San Jose, CA


American Jewish World 22-2584370 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Service Inc45 West 36th

Street 11th Floor

New York, NY


American Leadership 94-3092396 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Forum - 5V 1171

Homestead Road Suite


Santa Clara, CA


American Leadership 94-3092396 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Forum - 5V 1171

Homestead Road Suite


Santa Clara, CA


American Leadership 94-3092396 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Forum - 5V 1171

Homestead Road Suite


Santa Clara, CA


American Leadership 94-3092396 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Forum - 5V 1171

Homestead Road Suite


Santa Clara, CA


American Leadership 94-3092396 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Forum - 5V 1171

Homestead Road Suite


Santa Clara, CA


Page 37: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


American Leadership 94-3092396 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Forum - SV1171

Homestead Road Suite


Santa Clara, CA


American Musical 94-6088366 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Theatre of San Jose1717

Technology Drive

San Jose, CA


American Organization for 94-3153577 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Development of Bihar1486 Hardy Place

Fremont, CA 94536

American Prairie 81-0541893 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

FoundationPO Box 908

Bozeman, MT


American Prairie 81-0541893 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

FoundationPO Box 908

Bozeman, MT


American Red Cross2731 53-0196605 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

north First Street

San Jose, CA


American Red CrossPO 53-0196605 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Box 96098

Washington, DC


American Red CrossPO 53-0196605 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Box 96098

Washington, DC


American Red CrossPO 53-0196605 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Box 96098

Washington, DC


American Rivers Inc4005 23-7305963 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

20th Avenue West Suite


Seattle, WA 981991290

Page 38: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Amherst College Trustees 04-2103542 501(c)3 5,000 Education

PO Box 5000

Amherst, MA


Angelfire IncPO Box 68-0674372 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness


Los Altos, CA


Angels On Stage5674 26-0374103 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Waltrip Lane

San Jose, CA


Anthem Foundation for 91-2145352 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Objectivist Scholarship2121 Alton Parkway Suite


Irvine, CA 926064926

Aquarian MinyanPO Box 94-2516580 501(c)3 5,000 Religion


Berkeley, CA 94707

Archaeological 95-3403273 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Conservancy 5301

Central Avenue NESuite


Albuquerque, NM


Archdiocese of San 51-0219028 501(c)3 5,000 Religion

Francisco CAOne Peter

Yorke Way

San Francisco, CA


Art In Action3925 94-3342383 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Bohannon Drive Suite 300

Menlo Park, CA


Art in the SchoolPO Box 85-0375839 501(c)3 5,000 Education


Albuquerque, NM


Art of Yoga Project821 20-2448697 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Waverley Street

Palo Alto,CA 94301

Page 39: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Art Share Los Angeles 95-4660373 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Inc801 East Fourth Place

Los Angeles, CA


Arthritis Foundation Inc 94-1212126 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

657 Mission Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


Arthritis Foundation Inc 94-1212126 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

657 Mission Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


ArtistTrust1835 12th 91-1353974 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families


Seattle, WA 981222437

Arts Council for Monterey 94-2805076 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

CountyPO Box 7495

Carmel,CA 93921

Ashland Community 93-0691238 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Hospital FoundationPO

Box 98

Ashland, O R975200069

Asian American 23-7062678 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Curriculum Project IncPO

Box 1587

San Mateo, CA


Asian Americans for 94-2292491 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Community Involvement

2400 Moorpark Avenue

Suite 300

San Jose, CA


Asian Programs 20-3970996 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Foundation69 West

131st Street Room 4C

NewYork,NY 10037

Aspire Public Schools 94-3311088 501(c)3 5,000 Education

East Palo Alto Charter


Runnymede Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Page 40: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Assemblies of God 44-0577787 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

northern California &Nevada District Council

6051 South Watt Avenue

Sacramento, CA


Assemblies of God 44-0577787 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

northern California &Nevada District Council

6051 South Watt Avenue

Sacramento, CA


Assist International Inc 77-0243475 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

PO Box 66396

Scotts Valley, CA


Assist International Inc 77-0243475 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

PO Box 66396

Scotts Valley, CA


Assistance League of 84-0510311 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Denver1400 Josephine


Denver, CO 80206

Assistance League of San 94-1347022 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Mateo County528 north

San Mateo Drive

San Mateo, CA 94401

Association of the Los 94-2542813 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Altos Historical Museum

51 South San Antonio

RoadLos Altos H ills, CA


Auditorium Theatre of 36-3145476 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Roosevelt University Inc

50 East Congress


Chicago,IL 606051214

Avenidas450 Bryant 94-1480548 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community


Palo Alto,CA


Avenidas450 Bryant 94-1480548 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community


Palo Alto,CA


Page 41: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

C.+r.r. QQA CnheA..le T D-+ TT -A A+her Ann:n^^ +i. /^n -A :.+ the 11..:&eA C+^+en

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Avenidas450 Bryant 94-1480548 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community


Palo Alto,CA


Avenidas450 Bryant 94-1480548 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families


Palo Alto,CA


BASIC Fund268 Bush 94-3290699 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Street Suite 2717

San Francisco, CA


Bay Area Ridge Trail 94-3148503 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Counci11007 General

Kennedy Avenue Suite 3


San Francisco, CA


Bay Area Wilderness 94-2889684 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Training2301 Broadway

Suite B

Oakland,CA 94612

Bay Area Women's 55-0897084 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Sports Initiative Inc59

Washington Street 119

Santa Clara, CA


Bayhealth Foundation 22-2559843 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

640 South State Street

Dover, DE 19901

Bayshore Christian 77-0151434 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Ministries1001 Beech


East Palo Alto,CA


Beth Anderson Public/Government 5,000 Education

Elementary School1101

Timberlake DriveArlington,TX 76010

Big Sur Land TrustPO 94-2473415 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Box 221864

Carmel,CA 93922

Page 42: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Bike & Build Inc2O Jay 36-4524531 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families


Brooklyn, NY 11201

Bill Wilson Center3490 94-2221849 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

The AlamedaSanta Clara, CA


Bill Wilson Center3490 94-2221849 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

The AlamedaSanta Clara, CA


Bishop Museum1525 99-0161980 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Bernice Street

Honolulu, HI


Boy Scouts of America 94-1156483 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Pacific Skyline Council1150 Chess Drive

Foster City, CA


Boy Scouts of America 94-1156483 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Pacific Skyline Council1150 Chess Drive

Foster City, CA


Boys & Girls Club of the 94-1552134 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Peninsula401 Pierce

RoadMenlo Park, CA


Boys & Girls Club of the 94-1552134 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Peninsula401 Pierce

RoadMenlo Park, CA


Boys & Girls Club of the 94-1552134 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Peninsula401 Pierce

RoadMenlo Park, CA


Boys & Girls Club of the 94-1552134 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Peninsula401 Pierce

RoadMenlo Park, CA


Page 43: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Boys & Girls Clubs of 94-1294898 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Silicon Valley518 Valley


Milpitas,CA 950354106

Brackett FoundationPO 16-1523586 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Box 8

Hamilton, NY 13346

Brave New Foundation 94-3209789 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

10510 Culver Boulevard

Culver City, CA 90232

Breast Cancer 77-0417605 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness


Cambridge Avenue

Palo Alto,CA


Breast Cancer 77-0417605 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness


Cambridge Avenue

Palo Alto,CA


Breathe California of the 94-1156307 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Bay Area1469 Park


San Jose, CA


Building Opportunities for 51-0173390 50 1(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Self- Sufficiency2065

Kittredge Street Suite E

Berkeley, CA


Building with BooksPO 22-3128648 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Box 16741

Stamford, CT 06905

Bus Barn Stage Company 77-0408348 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

PO Box 151

Los Altos, CA


Business Executives for 52-1271179 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

National Security1717

Pennsylvania Avenue



Washington, DC


Page 44: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I, Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Businesses United in 94-3386695 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Investing Lending and


Adams Drive

Menlo Park, CA


Canopy Trees For Palo 01-0565752 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Alto3921 East

Bayshore Road

Palo Alto, CA 94303

California Alumni 94-1007751 501(c)3 5,000 Education


Housel Alumni House

Berkeley, CA


California Game 20-8449229 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Wardens Foundation2180 Sand Hill Road

Suite 100

Menlo Park,CA 94025

California History 88-0108599 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Center Foundation

21250 Stevens Creek

BoulevardCupertino, CA


California Institute of 95-1643307 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Technology1200 East

California BoulevardMailCode 202-31

Pasadena, CA


California Province of 94-1156486 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

the Society ofJesusPO

Box 68

Los Gatos, CA


California State Public/Government 5,000 Scholarships/Fellowships

University Bakersfield9001 Stockdale Hwy

Bakersfield, CA933111022

California State 95-6106694 Public/Government 5,000 Education

University Long Beach

Foundation6300 State

University Drive Suite


Long Beach, CA


California Study Inc664 94-2860620 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Hilary Drive

Tiburon, CA


Page 45: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


California Teachers of the 94-3313973 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Year Foundation2678-D

Milton Avenue

Fullerton, CA


California Trout870 23-7097680 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Market Street Suite 528

San Francisco, CA


California Trout870 23-7097680 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Market Street Suite 528

San Francisco, CA


Californians for Justice 94-3256009 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Education Fund1971 Las

Plumas Avenue

San Jose, CA 95133

CALL A uxiliaryCALL 94-3142180 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Primrose Center139


RoadBurlingame, CA 94010

CAREGifts CenterPO Box 13-1685039 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families


Merrifield, V A221169753

CAREGifts CenterPO Box 13-1685039 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families


Merrifield, V A221169753

CAREGifts CenterPO Box 13-1685039 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families


Merrifield, V A221169753

Career Closet of Santa 77-0313083 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Clara County43 East

Gish Road Suite 100

San Jose, CA


Carmel Bach Festival Inc 94-1434628 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

PO Box 575

Carmel,CA 939210575

Page 46: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Carrie Steele-Pitts Home 58-0607078 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Inc667 Fairburn Road NW

Atlanta, GA 30331

Casa 0101 Inc2009 East 87-0787898 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

First Street

Los Angeles,CA 90033

Castilleja School 94-0373222 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Foundation1310 Bryant


Palo Alto,CA


Catholic Charities CYO of 94-1498472 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

the Archdiocese of SanFrancisco180 Howard

Street Suite 100

San Francisco, CA


Catholic Charities CYO of 94-1498472 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

the Archdiocese of SanFrancisco180 Howard

Street Suite 100

San Francisco, CA


Cedar Hills Church4100 82-0536462 501(c)3 5,000 Religion

McGhee Road Suite I

Sandpoint, ID


Center For Jewish Campus 77-0492512 501(c)3 5,000 Religion

Life Incc/o Hillel atStanfordPO Box 20526

Stanford,CA 943090526

Center for Social 90-0086729 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Responsibility Incc/o

Rwanda Knits73 Main


Suite 22

Montpelier, VT 05602

Center for the Art of 91-2037187 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Translation35 Stillman

Street Suite 201

San Francisco, CA


Chabad Synagogues Inc 95-4241332 501(c)3 5,000 Religion

15405 Los Gatos

Boulevard Suite 204


Los Gatos, CA 95032

Page 47: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Challenge Day2520 94-3386810 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Stanwell Drive Suite 160

Concord, CA


Challenge Day2520 94-3386810 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Stanwell Drive Suite 160

Concord, CA


Challenge Learning 77-0301288 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Center201 San Antonio

CircleSuite 208

Mountain View, CA


Chamber Music San 51-0448351 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Francisco1314 34th


San Francisco, CA


Channing House850 94-1485533 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Webster Street

Palo AIto, CA


Chhandam Chitresh Das 94-2693092 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Dance Company32 Saint

Charles AvenueSan Francisco, CA


Chicago Lights126 East 36-3786331 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Chestnut Street

Chicago,IL 60611

Child Educational Center 95-3403258 501(c)3 5,000 Education

CaITechJPL Community

140 Foothill BoulevardLa Canada, CA


Children's Advocacy 94-3079497 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Center816 West Tenth


Medford, 0 R975013016

Children's Discovery 94-2870828 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Museum ofSan Jose180

Woz Way

San Jose, CA


Page 48: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Children's Health Council 94-1312311 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Inc650 Clark Way

Palo Alto,CA


Children's Health Council 94-1312311 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Inc650 Clark Way

Palo Alto,CA


Children's Health Council 94-1312311 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Inc650 Clark Way

Palo Alto,CA


Children's Health Council 94-1312311 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Inc650 Clark Way

Palo Alto,CA


Children's Health Council 94-1312311 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Inc650 Clark Way

Palo Alto,CA


Children's Health Council 94-1312311 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Inc650 Clark Way

Palo Alto,CA


Childrens Hospital 31-0833936 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Medical CenterPO Box


Cincinnati, O H


Christian Appalachian 61-0661137 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Project IncPO Box 511

Lancaster, KY


Christmas Bureau of Palo 23-7135890 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

AltoPO Box 51874

Palo Alto,CA


City Hearts Kids Say Yes 95-4036895 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

to the Arts LA Fringe

Theatre IncPO Box 1314

Topanga, CA 90290

Page 49: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

C.+r.r. QQA CnheA..le T D-+ TT -A A+her Ann:n^^ +i. /^n -A :.+ the 11..:&eA C+^+en

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


City Lights Theater 77-0014788 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Company of San Jose

Inc529 South Second


San Jose, CA 95112

City of Los Altosl north Public/Government 5,000 Education

San Antonio Road

Los Altos,CA 94022

CityTeam Ministries 94-1501265 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

2304 Zanker Road

San Jose, CA


CityTeam Ministries 94-1501265 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

2304 Zanker Road

San Jose, CA


CityTeam Ministries 94-1501265 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

2304 Zanker Road

San Jose, CA


CityTeam Ministries 94-1501265 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

2304 Zanker Road

San Jose, CA


Clarence Foundation 94-3335741 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

5310 James Avenue

Oakland, CA946181104

Clarence Foundation678 94-3335741 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

13th Street Suite 201

Oakland, CA946121238

Cleo Eulau Center for 77-0393676 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Children andAdolescents415

Cambridge Avenue Suite


Palo Alto,CA


Coastwalk825 68-0150696 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Gravenstein Highway

north Suite8

Sebastopol, CA 95472

Page 50: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

C.+r.r. QQA CnheA..le T D-+ TT -A A+her Ann:n^^ +i. /^n -A :.+ the 11..:&eA C+^+en

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


College of San Mateo Public/Government 5,000 Scholarships/Fellowships

1700 West Hillsdale

BoulevardSan Mateo, CA


College Track436 14th 94-3279613 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Street Suite 500

Oakland, CA946122736

Colorado Collegel4 East 84-0402510 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Cache La Poudre Street

Colorado Springs, CO


Colorado State Public/Government 5,000 Scholarships/Fellowships

University8024 Campus


Fort Collins, CO


Columbia University475 13-5598093 501(c)3 5,000 Scholarships/Fellowships

Riverside DriveMailCode


NewYork,NY 10115

Combined Training 94-2417423 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Equestrian Team

Alliance LtdPO Box


Woodside, CA 94062

Committee for Green 94-6121854 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Foothills3921 East

Bayshore Road

Palo Alto, CA 94303

Community Breast 77-0417605 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Health Project390

Cambridge Avenue

Palo Alto,CA 94306

Community Foundation 68-0003212 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Sonoma County250 D

Street Suite 205

Santa Rosa, CA


Community Gatepath 94-1156502 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

875 Stanton Road

Burlingame, CA


Page 51: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Community Health 94-2223670 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Awareness CouncilP 0

Box 335

Mountain View, CA


Community High School 13-4224216 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Foundation Inc890

Broadway Street

Redwood City, CA


Community Musicworks 05-0507426 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

1392 Westminister Street

Providence, RI


Community School of 23-7023900 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Music &Arts230 San

Antonio Circle

Mountain View, CA


Community School of 23-7023900 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Music &Arts230 San

Antonio Circle

Mountain View, CA


Community School Inc 82-0307094 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Business OfficePO Box


Sun Valley, ID 83353

Community Services 94-1422465 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Agency204 Stierlin Road

Mountain View, CA


Community Services 94-1422465 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Agency204 Stierlin Road

Mountain View, CA


Community Solutions for 23-7351215 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Children Families andIndividualsPO Box 546

Morgan Hill, CA


Community Solutions for 23-7351215 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Children Families andIndividualsPO Box 546

Morgan Hill, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Computer History 77-0507525 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Museum1401 north

Shoreline BoulevardMountain View, CA


Conexions Partnerships 20-4095892 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

for a Sustainable Future1023 Corporation Way

Palo Alto, CA


Congregation Emanu-E12 13-1663143 501(c)3 5,000 Religion

Lake Street

San Francisco, CA


Conservation Through 87-0713649 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Alleviation International221 Lincoln Road

Lincoln,MA 01773

Conservation Through 34-1997310 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Research Education andAction USA40 Carl Street

Suite 3

San Francisco, CA


Convent of the Good 95-1652906 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Shepherd Shelter2561

Venice BoulevardLos Angeles, CA


Cool Girls Inc100 58-1958246 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Edgewood Avenue Suite


Atlanta, GA 30303

Cornell University130 15-0532082 501(c)3 5,000 Education

East Seneca St Ste 400

Ithaca, NY 148504353

Coro northern California 94-3117758 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Inc601 Montgomery

Street Suite 800

San Francisco, CA


Corporation ofYaddoPO 14-1343055 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Box 395 - Union Avenue

Saratoga Springs, NY


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


County of San Mateo2l Public/Government 5,000 Building Community

Tower Road

San Mateo, CA 94402

Creating Economic 55-0836010 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Opportunities for Women

Inc405 14th Street Suite


Oakland, CA946122706

CrockerArt Museum216 94-2552486 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

O Street

Sacramento, CA


Crystal Springs Uplands 94-1247265 501(c)3 5,000 Education

School400 Uplands Drive

H illsborough, CA940106946

Crystal Springs Uplands 94-1247265 501(c)3 5,000 Education

School400 Uplands Drive

Hillsborough, CA 94010

Danville Congregational 43-1681507 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Church989 San Ramon

Valley RoadDanville, CA 94526

Dartmouth College6066 02-0222111 501(c)3 5,000 Strengthening

Development Office nonprofits

Hanover, NH


Day School Foundationc/o 94-3240988 501(c)3 5,000 Education

St Matthews Episcopal


School204 East Second

Ave 732

San Mateo, CA 94401

Day Worker Center of 20-2874108 50 1(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Mountain View748 Mercy


Mountain View, CA


Death Penalty Focus of 95-4153420 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

California870 Market

Street Suite 859

San Francisco, CA


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Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization section cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistanceor government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Delancey Street 23-7102690 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families


Embarcadero StreetSan Francisco, CA


Delancey Street 23-7102690 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community


Embarcadero StreetSan Francisco, CA


Delta Waterfowl 53-0259796 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

FoundationPO Box 3128

Bismarck, ND


Direct Relief International 95-1831116 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

27 South La Patera Lane

Santa Barbara, CA


Djerassi Resident Artists 94-6115995 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Program2325 Bear Gulch

RoadWoodside, CA


DKT International Inc 58-1593137 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

1701 K Street NW Suite


Washington, DC


Do Something Inc24-32 13-3720473 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Union Square East

New York, NY


Doctors Without Borders 13-3433452 501(c)3 5,000 Strengthening

333 7th Avenue 2nd Floor nonprofits

New York, NY


Doctors Without Borders 13-3433452 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

USA Inc333 Seventh

Avenue Second Floor

New York, NY


Doctors Without Borders 13-3433452 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

USA Inc333 Seventh

AvenueSecond Floor

New York, NY


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Doctors Without Borders 13-3433452 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

USA Inc333 Seventh

AvenueSecond Floor

New York, NY


Dominican Sisters of 53-0196617 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Oakford980 WoodlandParkSan Leandro, CA


Dream Makers Youth 54-2149384 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Foundation Inc3316 A

South Cobb Drive PMB


Smyrna, GA 30080

Duke UniversityAlumni 56-0532129 501(c)3 5,000 Education

and DevelopmentRecords Box


Durham, NC 277080581

Earth Justice426 17th 94-1730465 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Street Sixth Floor

Oakland, CA946122820

East Palo Alto Community 23-7006613 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Service Center2584

Farrington Way

Palo Alto, CA


East Palo Alto Kids 77-0359913 501(c)3 5,000 Education

FoundationPO Box 50542

Palo Alto, CA


East Palo Alto Teen Home 94-3154022 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Inc2265 Oakwood Drive

East Palo Alto, CA


Eastern European Service 77-0447553 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Agency1046 West Taylor

Street Suite 100

San Jose, CA 95126

Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Page 56: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Ecole Bilingue1009 94-2427286 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Heinz Avenue

Berkeley, CA 94710

Ecumenical Hunger 94-2476942 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Program2411 Pulgas


East Palo Alto,CA


Ed & Ruth Lehman YMCA 84-1129504 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

950 Lashley Street

Longmont, CO 80501

Edgewood Center for 94-1186168 501(c)3 5,000 Strengthening

Children & Families643 nonprofits

Bear island Road Suite211

Redwood City, CA


Edgewood Center for 94-1186168 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Children & Families957 B

Industrial Way

San Carlos, CA 94070

Educational Solutions 20-4781723 501(c)3 5,000 Education

2575 Campus DriveSuite


Klamath F a l l s , O R976011102

EHC LifeBuilders507 94-2684272 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Valley Way



El Camino Hospital 94-2823235 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Foundation2500 Grant

RoadM/S WIL 210

Mountain View, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Eldergivers1755 Clay 94-3099821 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families


San Francisco, CA


Ensemble Theatre Project 95-3408200 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

IncPO Box 2307

Santa Barbara, CA


Entrepreneurs Foundation 94-3267369 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

60 South Market Street

Suite 1000

San Jose, CA


Entrepreneurs Foundation 94-3267369 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

60 South Market Street

Suite 1000

San Jose, CA


Entrepreneurs Foundation 94-3267369 501(c)3 5,000 Strengthening

60 South Market Street nonprofits

Suite 1000

San Jose, CA


Entrepreneurs Foundation 94-3267369 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

60 South Market Street

Suite 1000

San Jose, CA


Entrepreneurs Foundation 94-3267369 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

60 South Market Street

Suite 1000

San Jose, CA


Entrepreneurs Foundation 20-2806045 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

of the Capitol RegionPO

Box 1888218

Sacramento, CA


Environmental Defense 11-6107128 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Incorporated257 Park

Avenue South

New York, NY


Environmental Volunteers 94-2550385 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Inc3921 East Bayshore

RoadPalo Alto,CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


EPAnet2411 Pulgas 94-2814128 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families


East Palo Alto, CA


Estrella Family Services 94-2201749 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

1155 Meridian Avenue

Suite 110

San Jose, CA


Estrella Family Services 94-2201749 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

1155 Meridian

AvenueSuite 110

San Jose, CA


Evergreen Balvihar196 01-0645078 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Palm Ridge Lane

San Jose, CA 95123

Ewing's Research 20-5843321 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation Inc PO Box


Carmel,CA 939211355

Facing History and 04-2761636 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Ourselves NationalFoundation Inc24301

Southland Drive Suite318

Hayward,CA 94545

Family & Children 94-1167408 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Services375 Cambridge


Palo Alto,CA


Family Service Agency of 94-1186169 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

San Mateo County Inc24

Second Avenue

San Mateo, CA


Family Service Agency of 94-1186169 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

San Mateo County Inc24

Second Avenue

San Mateo, CA


Family Service Agency of 94-1186169 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

San Mateo County Inc24

Second Avenue

San Mateo, CA


Page 59: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Family Service of the Tri - 94-3268637 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Cities39217 Liberty

Street Suite B10

Fremont, CA 94538

Feeding America35 East 36-3673599 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Wacker Drive Suite 2000

Chicago, IL 606012200

Fellowship of Christian 44-0610626 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

AthletesPO Box 10209

San Jose, CA


Firelight Foundation740 77-0529657 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Front Street Suite 380

Santa Cruz, CA 95060

First Congregational 94-1243683 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Church of Palo Alto1985

Louis Road

Palo Alto,CA


First Lutheran Church600 41-1568278 501(c)3 5,000 Religion

Homer Avenue

Palo Alto,CA


First Lutheran Church600 41-1568278 501(c)3 5,000 Religion

Homer Avenue

Palo Alto,CA 94301

First Presbyterian Church 94-1207714 501(c)3 5,000 Religion

of Burlingame1500

Easton Drive

Burlingame, CA 94010

Foothill College12345 El 94-2342646 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Monte Road

Los Altos, CA


Foothill De Anza 94-3258220 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Community Colleges

Foundation12345 El

Monte Road

Los Altos H ills, CA


Page 60: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Foothill-De Anza Colleges 94-3258220 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Foundation12345 El

Monte Road

Los Altos H ills, CA


Foothill-De Anza Colleges 94-3258220 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Foundation12345 El

Monte Road

Los Altos H ills, CA


Foothill-De Anza Colleges 94-3258220 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Foundation12345 El

Monte Road

Los Altos H ills, CA


Foothill-De Anza Colleges 94-3258220 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Foundation12345 El

Monte Road

Los Altos H ills, CA


Foothill-De Anza Colleges 94-3258220 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Foundation12345 El

Monte Road

Los Altos H ills, CA


Foundation for a College 77-0401635 501(c)3 5,000 Education

EducationPO Box 50518

Palo Alto, CA


Foundation of City College 94-1682567 501(c)3 5,000 Education

of San Francisco50

Phelan Avenue S193

San Francisco, CA


Fractal Foundation2917 13-4252553 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Campus Boulevard NE

Alburquerque,NM 87106

Free at Last Community 94-3193317 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Recovery & RehabilitationServices1796 Bay Road

East Palo Alto, CA


Free at Last Community 94-3193317 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Recovery & RehabilitationServices1796 Bay Road

East Palo Alto, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Fresh Lifelines for Youth 52-2234595 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Inc120 West Mission


San Jose, CA


Fresh Lifelines for Youth 52-2234595 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Inc120 West Mission


San Jose, CA


Friends of KALW500 94-2896792 50 1(c)3 5,000 Education

Mansell StreetSan Francisco, CA


Friends of KALW500 94-2896792 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Mansell StreetSan Francisco, CA


Friends of McGill 23-7054819 501(c)3 5,000 Education

University IncPO Box


New Rochelle, NY 10804

Friends of the Chinese 95-4176897 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

American Museum425

north Los Angeles Street

Los Angeles,CA 90012

Friends of the Library of 23-7006543 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Portola Valley Inc3130

Alpine RoadSuite 288

PMB 141

Portola Valley, CA


Friends of the Palo Alto Jr 77-0296155 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Museum and Zoo1451

Middlefield RoadPalo Alto,CA


Friends of the Palo Alto 77-0296155 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Junior Museum and Zoo

1451 Middlefield RoadPalo Alto,CA


Friends of the Palo Alto 77-0296155 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Junior Museum and Zoo

1451 Middlefield RoadPalo Alto,CA


Page 62: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

C.+r.r. QQA CnheA..le T D-+ TT -A A+he.. Ann:n^^ +i. /^n -A :.+ the 11..:&eA C+^+en

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Friends of the Palo Alto 77-0296155 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Junior Museum and Zoo

1451 Middlefield RoadPalo Alto,CA


FrontRange Earth Force 84-1477193 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

2120 West 33rd Avenue

Denver,CO 80211

Gamble Garden Center 77-0094213 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

1431 Waverley Street

Palo Alto,CA


Gardiner Area High Public/Government 5,000 Education

School40 West Hill Road

Gardiner, ME 04345

Girl Scout Council Inc 94-1496462 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Santa Clara CountyGirl

Scouts of Santa Clara


South Bascom Avenue

San Jose, CA


Glide Memorial United 94-1156481 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Methodist Church330

Ellis StreetSan Francisco, CA


Global Fund For Women 77-0155782 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Inc1375 Sutter Street

Suite 400

San Francisco, CA


Global Fund For Women 77-0155782 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Inc1375 Sutter Street

Suite 400

San Francisco, CA


Global Fund For Women 77-0155782 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Inc1375 Sutter Street

Suite 400

San Francisco, CA


Global Fund For Women 77-0155782 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Inc222 Sutter Street

Suite 500

San Francisco, CA


Page 63: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

C.+r.r. QQA CnheA..le T D-+ TT -A A+he.. Ann:n^^ +i. /^n -A :.+ the 11..:&eA C+^+en

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Global Fund For Women 77-0155782 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Inc222 Sutter Street

Suite 500

San Francisco, CA


Global Green USA2218 77-0387124 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Main Street Second Floor

Santa Monica, CA


Global Justice Center25 20-8734461 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

East 21st Street Tenth

FloorNew York, NY


Global Learning 20-8276323 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Foundation101 First

Street Suite 264

Los Altos,CA 94022

Goodman Elementary Public/Government 5,000 Education

1400 Rebecca Lane

Arlington,TX 76014

Governor Dummer 04-2103564 501(c)3 5,000 Education

AcademyOne Elm Street

Byfield,MA 01922

Green Foothills 94-6121854 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Foundation3921 East

Bayshore Road

Palo Alto,CA


Green Foothills 94-6121854 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Foundation3921 East

Bayshore Road

Palo Alto,CA


Green Lake Lutheran 41-0726172 501(c)3 5,000 Religion

Ministries9916 Lake

Avenue South

Spicer, MN 56288

Green Lake Lutheran 41-0726172 501(c)3 5,000 Religion

Ministries9916 Lake

Avenue South

Spicer, MN 56288

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Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization section cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistanceor government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Greenbelt Alliance631 94-1676747 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Howard Street Suite 510

San Francisco, CA


Greenbelt Alliance631 94-1676747 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Howard Street Suite 510

San Francisco, CA 94105

Greenpeace Fund Inc702 95-3313195 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

H Street NW Suite 300

Washington, DC


Greyhound Productions 20-1350064 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

IncPO Box 998

Malibu, CA 90265

Habitat for Humanity 94-3088881 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Greater San Francisco690

Broadway Street

Redwood City, CA


Habitat for Humanity 58-2361522 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

International Inc121

Habitat Street

A mericus, GA


Hadassah The Women's 13-1656651 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Zionist Organization of

America IncNational

Headquarters50 West



New York, NY


Hafez Foundation for 20-5867598 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Literature and Culture Inc

670 Boise Court

Sunnyvale, CA


HALT1612 K Street NW 52-1130207 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Suite 510

Washington, DC 20006

Hands On Bay Area330 77-0195144 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Townsend Street Suite 16

San Francisco, CA 94107

Page 65: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Happy Hollow Corporation 23-7219471 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

1300 Senter Road

San Jose, CA


Have a Ball Foundation 20-2420378 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

985 Montgomery Street

San Carlos, CA 94070

Hawaii Community 99-0261283 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Foundation1164 Bishop

Street Suite 800

Honolulu, HI


Hawaii Island Food Bank 99-0222900 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

140-B Holomua Street

Hilo,HI 967205132

Headlands Center for the 94-2817843 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Arts944 Fort Barry

Sausalito, CA 94965

Head-Royce School4315 94-1518656 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Lincoln Avenue

Oakland, CA946022528

Healthcare and Elder Law 33-0658322 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Programs1404 Cravens


Torrance, CA


Heifer Project 35-1019477 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

International Incl World


Little Rock, A R


Heifer Project 35-1019477 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

International Incl World


Little Rock, A R


Heifer Project 35-1019477 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

International Incl World


Little Rock, A R


Page 66: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Heifer Project 35-1019477 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

International IncPO Box


Little Rock, A R


Help One Child Mission 77-0330145 501(c)3 5,000 Education

To Children At Risk858

University Avenue

Los Altos, CA


Hidden Villa26870 Moody 94-1539836 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

RoadLos Altos H ills, CA


Hidden Villa26870 Moody 94-1539836 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

RoadLos Altos H ills, CA


Hidden Villa26870 Moody 94-1539836 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

RoadLos Altos H ills, CA


History San Jose1650 23-7179176 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Senter Road

San Jose, CA


HOPE Rehabilitation 94-1399287 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Services30 Las Colinas


San Jose, CA


Hortons Kids Inc110 52-1755403 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Maryland Avenue NE

Suite 207

Washington, DC 20002

Housing Endowment And 72-1589835 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Regional Trust of San

Mateo County139

Mitchell Avenue Suite108

South San Francisco, CA


Housing Trust of Santa 77-0545135 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Clara County95 South

Market Street Suite 550

San Jose, CA


Page 67: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


HRJ Charities Inc2965 65-1252760 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Woodside RoadWoodside, CA 94062

HRJ Charities Inc2965 65-1252760 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Woodside RoadWoodside, CA


Ignatian Corporation 94-1451515 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Saint Ignatius High

School2001 37th Avenue

San Francisco, CA


Immediate Life IncPO 02-0682988 501(c)3 5,000 Religion

Box 1556Canal Street


NewYork,NY 10013

In The Arena IncPO Box 20-5873806 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community


Cambridge, MA


north Carolina Outward 56-0857708 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Bound School2582

Riceville RoadAsheville, NC 28805

northeastern University 04-1679980 501(c)3 5,000 Education

716 Columbus Ave 402


Boston, MA 021202111

northern California 94-2761355 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Grantmakers625 Market

Street 15th Floor

San Francisco, CA


northern California Public 94-1241309 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Broadcasting Inc2601

Mariposa Street

San Francisco, CA


northern California Public 94-1241309 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Broadcasting Inc2601

Mariposa Street

San Francisco, CA


Page 68: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


northern California Public 94-1241309 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Broadcasting Inc2601

Mariposa Street

San Francisco, CA


notre Dame de Namur 94-1156646 501(c)3 5,000 Strengthening

University1500 Ralston nonprofits


Belmont, CA


notre Dame de Namur 94-1156646 501(c)3 5,000 Education

University1500 Ralston


San Mateo, CA


India Literacy ProjectPO 36-3779020 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Box 361143



Indiana University 35-6018940 501(c)3 5,000 Education

FoundationPO Box 500

Bloomington, IN


Individual Philanthropy 51-0644783 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Institute554 Valley Way



Individual Philanthropy 51-0644783 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Institute554 Valley Way



Individual Philanthropy 51-0644783 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Institute554 Valley Way



Individual Philanthropy 51-0644783 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Institute554 Valley Way



Individual Philanthropy 51-0644783 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Institute554 Valley Way



Page 69: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


InnVision the Way Home 77-0033628 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

974 Willow Street

San Jose, CA


InnVision the Way Home 77-0033628 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

974 Willow Street

San Jose, CA


InnVision the Way Home 77-0033628 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

974 Willow Street

San Jose, CA


InnVision the Way Home 77-0033628 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

974 Willow Street

San Jose, CA


InnVision the Way Home 77-0033628 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

974 Willow Street

San Jose, CA


InnVision the Way Home 77-0033628 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

974 Willow Street

San Jose, CA


Institute of noetic 23-7236986 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Sciences101 San Antonio

RoadPetaluma, CA


Intermedia Foundation 13-6275106 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Inc111 Madison Avenue

Cresskill, NJ 07626

International Earth 81-0647148 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Alliance650 Golden Eagle


Sedona,AZ 863365012

International Earthlight 81-0647148 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Alliance650 Golden Eagle


Sedona,AZ 863365012

Page 70: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of ( b) EIN ( c) IRC Code ( d) Amount of cash ( e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation ( book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


International Planned 13-1845455 501 ( c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Parenthood Federation120 Wall Street 9th Floor

New York, NY


International School of 94 - 2599581 501 ( c)3 5,000 Education

the Peninsulal51 Laura


Palo Alto,CA


Interplast Inc857 Maude 23-7297770 501(c ) 3 5,000 Health & Wellness


Mountain View, CA


Interplast Inc857 Maude 23-7297770 501(c ) 3 5,000 Health & Wellness


Mountain View, CA


Interplast Inc857 Maude 23-7297770 501(c ) 3 5,000 Health & Wellness


Mountain View, CA


Interplast Inc857 Maude 23-7297770 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness


Mountain View, CA


Intersection446 Valencia 94 - 1593216 501 ( c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture


San Francisco, CA


Intervarsity Christian 36 -2171714 501(c ) 3 5,000 Religion

Fellowship - USA PO Box


Madison, WI


Intervarsity Christian 36 -2171714 501(c ) 3 5,000 Religion

Fellowship - USA PO Box


Madison, WI


Iranian Scholarship 20-3100594 501(c ) 3 5,000 Arts & Culture

FoundationPO Box 7531

Menlo Park, CA


Page 71: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I, Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Japanese American 77-0229249 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Museum of San Jose535

north Fifth StreetSan Jose, CA


Jennings County 35-1922885 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Community Foundation

Inc265 East Main Street

north Vernon, IN


Jewish Community 94-1156533 501(c)3 5,000 Religion

Federation of SF Marin

Peninsula & Sonoma

Counties121 Steuart


San Francisco, CA


Jewish Family and 94-1156528 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Children's ServicesMiriam Schultz GrunfeldBldg2150

Post Street

San Francisco, CA


Job Train1200 0 Brien 94-1712371 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families


Menlo Park, CA


JobTrain1200 0 Brien 94-1712371 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families


Menlo Park, CA


JobTrain1200 0 Brien 94-1712371 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families


Menlo Park, CA


JobTrain1200 0 Brien 94-1712371 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families


Menlo Park, CA


John Austin Cheley 48-1077337 501(c)3 5,000 Education


Centennial Drive

A Ipharetta, GA


Johns Elementary School Public/Government 5,000 Education

1900 Sherry Street

Arlington,TX 76010

Page 72: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Johns Hopkins University 52-0595110 501(c)3 5,000 Education

3003 north Charles

Street Suite 100


Baltimore, M D 21218

Joint Venture Silicon 77-0389802 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Valley Network60 South

Market Street Suite 1000

San Jose, CA


Joint Venture Silicon 77-0389802 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Valley Network60 South

Market Street Suite 1000

San Jose, CA


Judson Memorial Church 13-5563018 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

55 Washington Square

SouthNew York, NY


Juilliard School60 Lincoln 13-1624067 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Center Plaza

New York, NY


JumpStart Learning to 20-4977625 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Learn Inc1100 California


San Francisco, CA


Junior Achievement of 85-0416889 501(c)3 5,000 Education

New Mexico Inc3601 Pan

American Freeway NE



Albuquerque,NM 87107

Junior Achievement of 84-0430495 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Rocky Mountain Inc1445

Market Street Suite 200

Denver,CO 802021716

Junior Achievement of 94-1393420 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Silicon Valley andMonterey Bay Inc3150

De La Cruz Boulevard

Suite 103


Santa Clara, CA


Junior Achievement of 94-1393420 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Silicon Valley andMonterey Bay Inc3150

De La Cruz Boulevard

Suite 103


Santa Clara, CA


Page 73: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Junior League of San 94-1156336 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Francisco2226A Fillmore


San Francisco, CA


Just Read1850 Sand Hill 68-0647480 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Road Suite 38

Palo Alto,CA


Justice by Uniting in 20-0197972 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Creative Energy -JUICE

PO Box 17837

Los Angeles,CA 90017

Justice Through Music 27-0051467 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Project IncPO Box 9576

Washington, DC 20016

Kenyon CollegeCollege 31-4379507 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Relations BuildingGambier, O H 43022

Keys Family Day School 94-2240127 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Inc2890 Middlefield RoadPalo Alto,CA 94306

Keys Family Day School 94-2240127 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Inc2890 Middlefield RoadPalo Alto,CA 94306

Keys Family Day School 94-2240127 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Inc2890 Middlefield RoadPalo Alto,CA 94306

KIDPOWER TEENPOWER 77-0226712 501(c)3 5,000 Education


InternationalPO Box


Santa Cruz,CA 95061

KIDPOWERTEEN POWER 77-0226712 501(c)3 5,000 Education


InternationalPO Box


Santa Cruz,CA 95061

Page 74: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Kids in Common A 77-0230821 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Children & FamiliesCollaborative1605 The

AlamedaSan Jose, CA 95126

Kids in Common A 77-0230821 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Children & FamiliesCollaborative1605 The

AlamedaSan Jose, CA 95126

Kings Academy562 77-0287771 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Britton Avenue

Sunnyvale, CA


KIPP Aspire Academy Inc 41-2090713 501(c)3 5,000 Education

735 Fredericksburg Road

San Antonio, TX


KIPP Foundation345 94-3362724 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Spear Street Suite 510

San Francisco, CA 94123

KIPP FoundationKlPP- 94-3362724 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Bayview Academy1060

Key Avenue

San Francisco, CA


Kolbe Academy1600 F 94-2645624 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness


Napa,CA 94559

KQED Inc2601 Mariposa 94-1241309 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture


San Francisco, CA


KQED Inc2601 Mariposa 94-1241309 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture


San Francisco, CA


La Casa de las Madres 94-2330864 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

1850 Mission Street Suite


San Francisco, CA 94103

Page 75: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I, Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Landmine Survivors 31-1523298 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Network2100 M Street

NW Suite 302

Washington, DC


Larimer County Food 74-2336171 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Distribution Center1301

Blue Spruce

Fort Collins, CO 80524

Larimer County Food 74-2336171 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Distribution Center1301

Blue Spruce

Fort Collins, CO 80524

Las Lomitas Elementary Public/Government 5,000 Education

School299 Alameda De

Las Pulgas

Atherton,CA 94027

Lazarex Cancer 20-2562494 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

FoundationPO Box 741

Danville, CA


League to Save Lake 94-6128680 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Tahoe955 Emerald Bay

RoadSouth Lake Tahoe, CA


Legal Assistance for 94-2941697 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Seniors Inc464 Seventh


Oakland,CA 94607

Lenders for Community 31-1719434 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Development111 West

St John Street Suite 800

San Jose, CA


Let Them Hear 02-0630432 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness


University Avenue Suite


East Palo Alto, CA


Leukemia & Lymphoma 13-5644916 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Society Inc675 north

First Street Suite 1100

San Jose, CA


Page 76: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


LighthawkPO Box 653 84-0852104 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Lander,WY 825200653

Lincoln Training Center 95-2276055 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

and RehabilitationWorkshop2643 Loma


South El Monte,CA


Linux Fund Inc560 SE 93-1275996 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Alexander AvenueCorvallis, O R


Long Beach AIDS 73-1725472 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation Inc2630

East Fourth Street

Long Beach,CA 90814

Long Beach Education 33-0357679 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Fund1515 Hughes Way


Long Beach,CA 90810

Los Altos Community 77-0273721 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Foundation183 Hillview


Los Altos, CA


Los Altos Educational 94-2862793 501(c)3 5,000 Education

FoundationPO Box 98

Los Altos, CA


Los Altos Educational 94-2862793 501(c)3 5,000 Education

FoundationPO Box 98

Los Altos, CA


Los Altos High School Public/Government 5,000 Education

201 Almond Avenue

Los Altos H ills, CA


Los Altos Lutheran 94-6024550 501(c)3 5,000 Religion

Church460 South El

Monte Avenue

Los Altos,CA 94024

Page 77: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Lucile Packard Foundation 77-0440090 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

for Children's Health400Hamilton Avenue Suite


Palo Alto, CA


Lucile Packard Foundation 77-0440090 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

for Children's Health400Hamilton Avenue Suite


Palo Alto, CA


Lucile Packard Foundation 77-0440090 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

for Children's Health400Hamilton Avenue Suite


Palo Alto, CA


Lucile Packard Foundation 77-0440090 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

for Children's Health400Hamilton Avenue Suite


Palo Alto, CA


Lucile Packard Foundation 77-0440090 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

for Children's Health400Hamilton Avenue Suite


Palo Alto, CA


Lucile Packard Foundation 77-0440090 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

for Children's Health400Hamilton AvenueSuite


Palo Alto,CA


Lucile Packard Foundation 77-0440090 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

for Children's HealthGiftProcessing400 Hamilton


Suite 340

Palo Alto,CA


Maitri Charitable Trust 94-3132087 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

234 East Gish Road Suite


San Jose, CA


Malibu Presbyterian 95-2406546 501(c)3 5,000 Religion

Church3324 Malibu

Canyon Road

Malibu, CA 90265

Marin Education Fund781 95-3667812 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Lincoln Avenue Suite 140

San Rafael, CA


Page 78: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Ass istance to Governments and Or anizations i n the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant non-cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Marine Corps League - 5,000 Supporting Families

Care Packages from

Home1963 Silverleaf

CircleCarlsbad, CA920098407

Marine Corps 22-1905062 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Scholarship FoundationPO Box 3008

Princeton, NJ


Marine Mammal Center 51-0144434 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Marin Headlands1065

Fort CronkhiteSausalito, CA


Marine Science Institute 94-1719649 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

500 Discovery Parkway

Redwood City, CA


Marquette University Public/Government 5,000 Scholarships/Fellowships

Financial Aid Office707

BuildingMilwaukee, WI


Martha's Kitchen311 91-2091094 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Willow StreetSan Jose, CA


Massachusetts Institute 04-2103594 501(c)3 5,000 Education

ofTechnology238 Main

Street Suite 200

Cambridge, MA


MayhewPO Box 120 23-7423042 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Bristol,NH 032220120

Media Matters for 47-0928008 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community


Massachusetts Avenue

NW Suite


Washington, DC


Menlo Park Library 47-0950709 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Foundation800 Alma


Menlo Park, CA


Page 79: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Menlo Park Presbyterian 23-6393377 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Church950 Santa Cruz


Menlo Park, CA


Menlo Park-Atherton 94-2871701 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Education FoundationPO

Box 584

Menlo Park, CA


Menlo Park-Atherton 94-2871701 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Education FoundationPO

Box 584

Menlo Park, CA


Menlo Park-Atherton 94-2871701 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Education FoundationPO

Box 584

Menlo Park, CA


Menlo School50 94-3204137 501(c)3 5,000 Strengthening

Valparaiso Avenue nonprofits

Atherton, CA


Menlo School50 94-3204137 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Valparaiso Avenue

Atherton, CA


Menlo School50 94-3204137 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Valparaiso Avenue

Atherton, CA


Menlo School50 94-3204137 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Valparaiso Avenue

Atherton, CA


Menlo School50 94-3204137 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Valparaiso Avenue

Atherton, CA


Menlo School50 94-3204137 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Valparaiso Avenue

Atherton, CA


Page 80: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Menlo School50 94-3204137 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Valparaiso Avenue

Atherton, CA


Menlo-Atherton High 26-0820369 501(c)3 5,000 Education

School Foundation For theFuturePO Box 1228

Menlo Park, CA


MentorNet1275 South 77-0547710 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Winchester BoulevardSuite E

San Jose, CA


Mercersburg Academy 23-1365963 501(c)3 5,000 Education

300 East Seminary Street

Mercersburg, PA 17236

Mercy ShipsPO Box 2020 95-3793975 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Garden Valley, TX


Michael J Fox Foundation 13-4141945 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

For Parkinsons Research

Church Street StationPO

Box 780

New York, NY


Mills College5000 94-1156566 501(c)3 5,000 Education

M acA rthur BoulevardOakland, CA946131301

Mills-Peninsula Hospital 23-7288765 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness


Trousdale DriveBurlingame, CA


Mills-Peninsula Hospital 23-7288765 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness


Trousdale DriveBurlingame, CA


Mills-Peninsula Hospital 23-7288765 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness


Trousdale DriveBurlingame, CA


Page 81: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I, Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Milpitas Christian School 77-0058224 501(c)3 5,000 Education

3435 Birchwood Lane

San Jose, CA 95132

Mission Hospice of San 94-2567162 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Mateo County1900

O Farrell Street Suite


San Mateo, CA 94403

Moolelo Performing Arts 99-0345193 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

CompanyPO Box


San Diego, CA 92171

Monadnock Conservancy 22-3030420 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

P 0 Box 337

Keene,NH 034310337

Montalvo AssociationPO 94-1249283 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Box 158

Saratoga, CA


Monterey Bay Aquarium 94-2487469 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Foundation886 Cannery


Monterey, CA


Montessori Center 95-2774847 501(c)3 5,000 Education

School at Santa Barbara& Students Inc401 north

Fairview Avenue 1

Goleta, CA 93117

Morrissey-Compton 77-0004694 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Educational Center2555

Park Boulevard Suite 20

Palo Alto,CA


Movimiento de Arte y 77-0251774 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Cultura Latino

Americana de San Jose

Inc510 South First


San Jose, CA


Mt Abram Regional High Public/Government 5,000 Education

School1513 Salem Road

Strong, ME 04983

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Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Museum of Craft & Folk 94-2183287 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Art5l Yerba Buena Lane

San Francisco, CA


Music Association of 84-0445087 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Aspen Inc2 Music School

RoadAspen, CO 816118500

Music for Minors Inc883 94-2494433 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

north ShorelineBoulevardSuiteC120

Mountain View, CA


Music in the Schools 91-2152501 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

FoundationPO Box 60323

Palo Alto,CA


Muslim Advocates500 30-0298794 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Sansome Street Suite 102

San Francisco, CA


My New Red Shoes555 20-4683289 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Airport Boulevard FifthFloorBurlingame, CA 94010

Nantucket Historical 04-6003451 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

AssociationPO Box 1016

Nantucket, MA


Nantucket Historical 04-6003451 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

AssociationPO Box 1016

Nantucket, MA


NARAL Pro-Choice 52-1100361 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

America Foundation1156

15th Street NW Suite 700

Washington, DC


NARAL Pro-Choice 52-1100361 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

America Foundation1156

15th Street NW Suite 700

Washington, DC


Page 83: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization section cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistanceor government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


National Alliance for 31-1020010 501(c)3 5,000 Strengthening

Research on nonprofitsSchizophrenia andDepression60 Cutter Mill

Road Suite 404

Great Neck, NY


National Aphasia 13-3411063 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Association Inc350

Seventh Avenue Suite


NewYork,NY 10007

National Association for 94-6172651 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

the Advancement ofColored PeopleAfricanAmerican Center304

northSixth Street

San Jose, CA


National Center for 94-3086885 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Lesbian Rights870 Market

Street Suite 370

San Francisco, CA


National Coalition of 100 77-0454956 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Black Women SiliconValley ChapterPO Box


San Jose, CA


National Italian American 52-1071723 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Foundation Inc1860 19th

Street NW

Washington, DC


National Italian American 52-1071723 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Foundation Inc1860 19th

Street NW

Washington, DC


National Multiple 04-2178884 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Sclerosis SocietyCentral

New England Chapter101-


First Avenue 6

Waltham, MA


National Peace Corps 58-1431113 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Association1900 L Street

northwest Suite 205

Washington, DC


National Public Radio Inc 52-0907625 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

635 Massachusetts

Avenue NW

Washington, DC


Page 84: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Ass istance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization section cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistanceor government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


National Science and 52-1703587 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Technology MedalsFoundationl 11 16th Street

NW Suite 800

Washington, DC 20006

Natividad Medical 77-0194989 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness




Salinas, CA 93906

Natural Resources Defense 13-2654926 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Council Inc4O West 20th


NewYork,NY 100114211

Natural Resources Defense 13-2654926 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Council Inc4O West 20th


NewYork,NY 100114211

Nature Conservancy Inc 53-0242652 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

4245 north Fairfax Drive

Suite 100

Arlington,VA 222031637

Nature Conservancy Inc 53-0242652 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

4245 north Fairfax Drive

Suite 100

Arlington,VA 222031637

Nepalese Youth 68-0224596 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Opportunity Foundation

3030 Bridgeway Suite 123

Sausalito, CA


NETSAP-DC Foundation 52-2134903 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

IncPO Box 1809

Washington, DC


Newark nowlnc89 James 03-0498214 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community


Newark,NJ 071022007

Nuru International201 26-1250716 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Manzanita Way

Woodside, CA 94062

Page 85: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Oakland School for the 68-0463892 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Arts Charter High School

1800 San Pablo Avenue

Oakland,CA 94612

Okizu Foundation3117 68-0291178 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Collingham DrModesto,CA 95355

Omega Point Institute428 52-1312278 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Bryant Circle Suite 3

O jai, CA 930234209

Opal Creek Ancient 94-3112973 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Forest Center917 SW Oak

Street Suite 412

Portland,OR 97205

Open Heart Kitchen of 94-3396038 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Livermore Inc1141

Catalina Drive 137

Livermore, CA 94550

Open Paths Counseling 95-3221061 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Center12655 West

Washington BoulevardSuit101

Los Angeles,CA 90066

Opportunity Fund northern 31-1719434 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Californial 11 West St

John Street Suite 800

San Jose, CA 95113

Opportunity Fund northern 31-1719434 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Californial 11 West St

John Street Suite 800

San Jose, CA


Options and Advocacy for 36-3948706 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

McHenry County Inc365

Millenium Drive Suite A

Crystal Lake,IL 60012

Order of Malta - Western 23-7450840 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Association465 California

Street Suite 818

San Francisco, CA


Page 86: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Order of Malta Oakland 20-5969389 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Clinic Inc1999 Harrison

Street Suite 1700

Oakland, CA946121700

Oregon Children's 93-1051724 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Foundation219 NW 12th

Avenue Suite 203

Portland, 0 R


Oregon Children's 93-1051724 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Foundation219 NW 12th

Avenue Suite 203

Portland, 0 R


Oregon Progress Forum 93-1314754 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

333 SE Second Avenue

Portland, O R 97214

Outside In1132 SW 13th 93-0567549 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community


Portland, 0 R


Outward Bound Inc5 04-2375956 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Third Street Suite 622

San Francisco, CA


Outward Bound Inc5 04-2375956 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Third Street Suite 622

San Francisco, CA


Ox Box Ministries1698 94-2910003 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Market Street Suite 162

Redding, CA 960011021

Pacific Community 77-0485877 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Ventures5l Federal

Street Suite 402

San Francisco, CA


Pacific Institute for 94-3050434 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Studies in Development

Environment and Security

654 13th Street Suite


Oakland, CA946121075

Page 87: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Pact an Adoption Alliance 94-3148096 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

4179 Piedmont Avenue

Suite 101

Oakland,CA 94611

Palisades Enrichment 95-3880183 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Programs A non Profit

Corporation800 Via de la


Pacific Palisades, CA


Palmer R Chitester Fund 52-1455677 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Inc2002 Filmore Avenue

Suite 1

Erie,PA 165066913

Palo Alto Art Center 94-2382459 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Foundation1313 Newell

RoadPalo Alto,CA


Palo Alto Community 77-0483215 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

FundPO Box 50634

Palo Alto,CA


Palo Alto Community 77-0483215 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

FundPO Box 50634

Palo Alto,CA


Palo Alto Housing 23-7050326 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Corporation725 Alma


Palo Alto,CA


Palo A Ito Medical 94-1156581 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation for HealthCare Research &

Education795 El Camino

RealPalo Alto,CA


Palo A Ito Medical 94-1156581 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation for HealthCare Research &

Education795 El Camino

RealPalo Alto,CA


Palo Alto Partners in 77-0186364 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Education25 ChurchillAvenue

Palo Alto,CA


Page 88: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Palo Alto Partners in 77-0186364 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Education25 ChurchillAvenue

Palo Alto,CA


Palo Alto Partners in 77-0186364 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Education25 ChurchillAvenue

Palo Alto,CA


Palo Alto Partners in 77-0186364 501(c)3 5,000 Education

EducationPO Box 1557

Palo Alto,CA


Parenthesis Inc405 36-3083195 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

South Euclid AvenueOak Park, IL 60012

Partners HealthCare 04-3230035 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

SystemH arvard- Partners

Genetics Genomics

Ctr77 Avenue Louis

Pasteur Suite 25

Boston, MA 021155727

Partners in Health a 04-3567502 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

nonprofit Corporation800

Boylston Street 47th

FloorBoston, MA 021998001

Partners in School 94-3205455 501(c)3 5,000 Education


Tennessee Street Second

FloorSan Francisco, CA


Pataphysical 94-1748316 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Broadcasting Foundation

Inc203 Eighth Avenue

Santa Cruz, CA


Pathways Hospice 77-0280660 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation585 north

Mary Avenue

Sunnyvale, CA


Pearl Chase SocietyPO 77-0474251 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Box 92121

Santa Barbara, CA


Page 89: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Peninsula Bridge Program 94-3226017 501(c)3 5,000 Education

PO Box 963

Menlo Park, CA


Peninsula Bridge Program 94-3226017 501(c)3 5,000 Education

PO Box 963

Menlo Park, CA


Peninsula CatWorksPO 20-2655166 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Box 60837

Palo Alto,CA 94306

Peninsula Habitat for 94-3088881 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Humanity690 Broadway


Redwood City, CA


Peninsula Habitat for 94-3088881 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Humanity690 Broadway


Redwood City, CA


Peninsula Habitat for 94-3088881 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Humanity690 Broadway


Redwood City, CA


Peninsula Habitat for 94-3088881 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Humanity Greater San

Francisco690 Broadway


Redwood City, CA


Peninsula Interfaith 94-2921590 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Action1336 Arroyo


San Carlos, CA


Peninsula Jewish 94-3227262 501(c)3 5,000 Religion

Community Center800

Foster City Boulevard

Foster City, CA


Peninsula Open Space 94-2392007 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Trust222 High Street

Palo Alto,CA


Page 90: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Peninsula Open Space 94-2392007 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Trust222 High Street

Palo Alto,CA


Peninsula Open Space 94-2392007 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Trust222 High Street

Palo Alto,CA


Peninsula Open Space 94-2392007 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Trust222 High Street

Palo Alto,CA


Peninsula Open Space 94-2392007 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Trust222 High Street

Palo Alto,CA


Peninsula Open Space 94-2392007 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Trust222 High Street

Palo Alto,CA


Peninsula Open Space 94-2392007 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Trust222 High Street

Palo Alto,CA 94301

Peninsula Open Space 94-2392007 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Trust222 High Street

Palo Alto,CA 94301

Peninsula School Ltd920 94-1186181 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Peninsula Way

Menlo Park, CA


Peninsula School Ltd920 94-1186181 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Peninsula Way

Menlo Park, CA


Peninsula Volunteers Inc 94-1294939 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

800 Middle Avenue

Menlo Park, CA


Page 91: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Peninsula Volunteers Inc 94-1294939 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

800 Middle Avenue

Menlo Park, CA


People Acting in 77-0090129 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Community Together Inc

1100 Shasta Avenue

San Jose, CA


Philanthropic Ventures 94-3136771 501(c)3 5,000 Strengthening

Foundation1222 nonprofits

Preservation Parkway

Oakland, CA946121201

Philanthropic Ventures 94-3136771 501(c)3 5,000 Strengthening

Foundation1222 nonprofits

Preservation Parkway

Oakland, CA946121201

Phillips Brooks School 94-2494458 501(c)3 5,000 Education

2245 Avy Avenue

Menlo Park, CA


Planned Parenthood 94-6138828 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Golden Gate815 Eddy

Street Suite 100

San Francisco, CA


Planned Parenthood 94-6138828 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Golden Gate815 Eddy

Street Suite 100

San Francisco, CA


Planned Parenthood Mar 94-1583439 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Monte Inc1605 The

AlamedaSan Jose, CA


Polar Bears International 77-0322706 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

105 Morris Street Suite


Sebastopol, CA 95472

Pomegranate Center 91-1363774 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

1400 NW Maple

StreetPO Box 486

Issaquah, WA 98027

Page 92: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Positive Coaching 77-0485946 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Alliance1001 north

RengstorffAvenue Suite


Mountain View, CA


Pratt Fine Arts Center 91-1186639 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

1902 South Main Street

Seattle, WA 981442206

Preservation of Authentic 94-3340526 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Traditions and HealingPO

Box 31354

San Francisco, CA


President & Fellows of 04-2103580 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Harvard College124

Mount A uborn Street

Cambridge, MA


President & Fellows of 04-2103580 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Harvard College124

Mount A uborn Street

Cambridge, MA 02138

President & Fellows of 04-2103580 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Harvard College124

Mount A uborn Street

Cambridge, MA


President & Fellows of 04-2103580 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Harvard College124

Mount A uborn Street

Cambridge, MA


President & Fellows of 04-2103580 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Harvard College124

Mount A uborn Street

Cambridge, MA


President & Fellows of 04-2103580 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Harvard College124

Mount A uborn Street

Cambridge, MA


President & Fellows of 04-2103580 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Harvard College124

Mount A uborn Street

Cambridge, MA


Page 93: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


President & Fellows of 04-2103580 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Harvard College124

Mount A uborn Street

Cambridge, MA


Program for Torture 95-4492477 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Victims3655 South

Grand Avenue Suite 290

Los Angeles, CA 90007

Program Responsible in 77-0407227 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Daring Excellencec/o

Housing Authority of

SCC 505

West Julian Street

San Jose, CA


Protestant Episcopal 94-1160945 501(c)3 5,000 Religion

Church In The Diocese ofCaliforniac/o St PaulsEpiscopal Church415 El

Camino Real

Burlingame, CA 94010

PTA CA Congress of 94-2949588 Public/Government 5,000 Strengthening

Parents Teachers & nonprofits

Students Inc199

Churchill AvenueWoodside, CA 94062

PTA CA Congress of 94-2949588 Public/Government 5,000 Strengthening

Parents Teachers & nonprofits

Students Inc199

Churchill AvenueWoodside, CA 94062

PTA California Congress 94-6171181 501(c)3 5,000 Education

of Parents Teachers &Students IncMcKinley

Elementary SchoolPTA1025

14th Street

San Francisco, CA


PTA California Congress 94-6173249 501(c)3 5,000 Education

of Parents Teachers &StudentsPresidio MiddleSchool450 30th


San Francisco, CA


Purdue Foundation Inc 31-0958507 501(c)3 5,000 Education

University Development

OfficeDick and SandyDauch AlumniCenter403 West Wood


West Lafayette, IN


Pursuit of Excellence 77-0054289 501(c)3 5,000 Education

1795 Hamilton Avenue

Palo Alto,CA


Page 94: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Raphael House of San 94-3141608 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Francisco Inc1065

Sutter Street

San Francisco, CA


Rational Animal99 11-3696257 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Battery Place Suite 9G

NewYork,NY 10280

Ravenswood Cities & 94-3239876 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Schools2695 Fordham


East Palo Alto, CA


Ravenswood Education 26-0166433 501(c)3 5,000 Education

FoundationPO Box 396

Menlo Park, CA


Ravenswood Family 94-3372130 501(c)3 5,000 Strengthening

Health Center1798A Bay nonprofits

RoadEast Palo Alto, CA


Ravenswood Family 94-3372130 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Health Center1798A Bay

RoadEast Palo Alto, CA


Reading Partners528 77-0568469 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Valley Way



Reading Partners528 77-0568469 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Valley Way



Reading to Kids1600 95-4758698 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Sawtelle Boulevard Suite210

Los Angeles,CA 90025

Redwood City Police 94-3229506 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Activities Leaguec/o

County of San Mateo

SheriffsOffice400 County Road

Redwood City, CA


Page 95: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Ass istance to Governments and Or anizations i n the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant non-cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Regents of the University Public/Government 5,000 Scholarships/Fellowships

of California at BerkeleyFinancial Aid Office210

Sproul Hall1960

Berkeley, CA


Regents of the University Public/Government 5,000 Scholarships/Fellowships

of California at BerkeleyFinancial Aid Office210

Sproul Hall1960

Berkeley, CA


Regents of the University Public/Government 5,000 Scholarships/Fellowships

of California at BerkeleyFinancial Aid Office210

Sproul Hall1960

Berkeley, CA


Regents of the University 95-6006144 501(c)3 5,000 Education

of California at San Diego

9500 Gilman DriveMC


La Jolla, CA 92093

Regents of the University Public/Government 5,000 Scholarships/Fellowships

of California DavisCashiers OfficePO Box


West Sacramento, CA


Regents of the University 94-6036494 501(c)3 5,000 Education

of California DavisO neShields AvenueDavis, CA 956168747

Regents of the University Public/Government 5,000 Scholarships/Fellowships

of California Santa CruzFinancial Aid Office205

HahnStudent Services

BuildingSanta Cruz, CA


Regents University of Public/Government 5,000 Scholarships/Fellowships

California Los Angeles

10920 Wilshire Blvd STE


Los Angeles, CA


Reginald S Lourie Center 52-1255870 501(c)3 5,000 Education

for Infants and YoungChildren12301 Academy


Rockville, MD 20852

Renaissance 94-2793122 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Entrepreneurship Center

275 5th Street

San Francisco, CA


Page 96: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Resonate Inc251 Rhode 20-1836547 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Island Suite 205

San Francisco, CA


Resource Area For 77-0365627 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Teachers1355 Ridder

Park Drive

San Jose, CA


Revere High Schooll01 Public/Government 5,000 Education

School StreetRevere, MA 021513001

Revere High Schooll01 Public/Government 5,000 Education

School StreetRevere, MA 021513001

Riding Unlimited Inc 75-2331905 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

9168 TN Skiles Road

Ponder,TX 762595823

Riekes Center for Human 94-3224127 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families


Edison Way

Menlo Park, CA


Riekes Center for Human 94-3224127 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families


Edison Way

Menlo Park,CA 94025

Rio Americano High 94-2825189 501(c)3 5,000 Education

School Athletic BoostersClub Inc4540 American

River Drive

Sacramento, CA 95864

River City Church707 5,000 Supporting Families

Seventh Avenue

Lewiston, ID


Rochester Institute of 16-0743140 501(c)3 5,000 Education

TechnologyOne Lomb

Memorial Drive

Rochester, NY


Page 97: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Ronald McDonald House 31-0965333 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Charities of GreaterCincinnati350

Erkenbrecher AvenueCincinnati, O H


Room to Read111 Sutter 91-2003533 501(c)3 5,000 Strengthening

Street 16th Floor nonprofits

San Francisco, CA


Rotary Club of 23-7117223 5,000 Building Community

Sacramento Foundation

1301 H Street

Sacramento, CA 95814

Rotary Club of 23-7117223 5,000 Building Community

Sacramento Foundation

1301 H Street

Sacramento, CA 95814

Rowland Hall - St Mark's 87-0212477 501(c)3 5,000 Education

School720 Guardsman


Salt Lake City, UT


Rowland Hall - St Mark's 87-0212477 501(c)3 5,000 Education

School720 Guardsman


Salt Lake City, UT


Rural Media Arts and 31-1736950 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Education ProjectPO Box


Mariposa, CA


Sacred Heart Community 23-7179787 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Service1381 South First


San Jose, CA


Sacred Heart Community 23-7179787 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Service1381 South First


San Jose, CA


Sacred Heart School150 94-6183431 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Valparaiso Avenue

Atherton, CA


Page 98: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Sacred Heart Schools150 53-0196617 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Valparaiso Avenue

Atherton, CA


Saint Ignatius High 34-0714500 501(c)3 5,000 Education

School ofCleveland1911West 30th Street

Cleveland, O H441133401

Sakamoto Parent Teacher 20-5380893 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Organization Inc6280

Shadelands DriveSan Jose, CA 95123

Samaritan House1515 23-7416272 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

South Claremont Street

San Mateo, CA


Samaritan House1515 23-7416272 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

South Claremont Street

San Mateo, CA


San Francisco AIDS 94-2927405 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation995 Market

Street Suite 200

San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Art 94-1196211 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Institute800 Chestnut


San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Ballet 94-1415298 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Association455 Franklin


San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Ballet 94-1415298 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Association455 Franklin


San Francisco, CA


San Francisco 94-2361837 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Cinematheque145 Ninth

Street Suite 240

San Francisco, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


San Francisco Food Bank 94-3041517 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

900 Pennsylvania Avenue

San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Food Bank 94-3041517 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

900 Pennsylvania Avenue

San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Foundation 01-0679337 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

225 Bush Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Foundation 94-3255070 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Community Initiative

Funds225 Bush

StreetSuite 500

San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Girls 94-2711726 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Chorus44 Page Street

Suite 200

San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Museum of 94-1156300 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Modern Art151 Third


San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Opera 94-0836240 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Association301 Van

Ness Avenue

San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Opera 94-0836240 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Association301 Van

Ness Avenue

San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Opera 94-0836240 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Association301 Van

Ness Avenue

San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Opera 94-0836240 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Association301 Van

Ness Avenue

San Francisco, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


San Francisco Parks 23-7131784 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Trust Inc501 Stanyan


San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Regional 94-1696341 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Cancer Foundation1200

Gough Street Suite 500

San Francisco, CA


San Francisco School 94-1592822 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Volunteers727 Golden

Gate AvenueSecond Floor

San Francisco, CA


San Francisco 94-2867269 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Shakespeare FestivalPO

Box 460937

San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Symphony 94-1156284 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Davies Symphony

Ha11201 Van Ness


San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Symphony 94-1156284 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Davies Symphony

Ha11201 Van Ness


San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Symphony 94-1156284 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Davies Symphony

Ha11201 Van Ness


San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Zoological 94-1429538 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Societyl Zoo Road

San Francisco, CA


San Jose Auxiliary to the 94-6100771 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Lucile Salter PackardChildrens Hospital1362

Lincoln Avenue

San Jose, CA


San Jose Chamber of 77-0351510 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Commerce Community

Benefit Foundation310

South First Street

San Jose, CA 95113

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


San Jose Children's 94-2870828 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Discovery Museum180

Woz Way

San Jose, CA


San Jose Day Nursery33 94-1164664 50 1(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

north Eighth StreetSan Jose, CA


San Jose Day Nursery33 94-1164664 50 1(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

north Eighth StreetSan Jose, CA


San Jose Education 20-5061316 50 1(c)3 5,000 Education

Foundation645 Wool

Creek Drive Suite A

San Jose, CA


San Jose Grail Family 77-0397354 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Services2003 East San

Antonio Street

San Jose, CA 95116

San Jose Museum of Art 23-7062028 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Association110 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


San Jose Museum of Art 23-7062028 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Association110 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


San Jose Museum of 77-0123939 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Quilts & Textiles520

South First Street

San Jose, CA


San Jose Museum of 77-0123939 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Quilts & Textiles520

South First Street

San Jose, CA


San Jose Repertory 94-2638313 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Theatre101 Paseo de

San Antonio

San Jose, CA


Page 102: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


San Jose State Public/Government 5,000 Scholarships/Fellowships

UniversityFinancial Aid

Scholarship OfficeOneWashington Square

San Jose, CA


San Mateo County 94-6133905 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Community College

District3401 CSM Drive

San Mateo, CA


San Mateo County 94-6000532 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Sheriff's Office400

County Center 3rd Floor

Redwood City, CA


San Mateo County 94-6000532 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Sheriff's Office400

County Center 3rd Floor

Redwood City, CA


San Mateo County 94-6000532 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Sheriff's Office400

County Center Third

FloorRedwood City, CA


Sanctuary Art Center 91-2154198 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

1604 NE 50th Street

Seattle, WA 98105

Santa Barbara County 95-3080681 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Genealogical SocietyPO

Box 1303

Goleta, CA


Santa Barbara 95-2104089 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Symphony Orchestra

Association1900 State

Street Suite G

Santa Barbara, CA


Santa Clara County 77-0507667 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

AIDS Coalitionl2 South

First Street Suite 1110

San Jose, CA 95113

Santa Clara County 77-0507667 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

AIDS Coalitionl2 South

First Street Suite 1110

San Jose, CA 95113

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Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Santa Clara Firefighters 27-0002499 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

FoundationP 0 Box


Santa Cruz,CA 95061

Santa Clara Unified Public/Government 5,000 Education

School District1889

Lawrence Road

Santa Clara, CA


Santa Clara University 94-1156617 501(c)3 5,000 Strengthening

500 El Camino Real nonprofits

Santa Clara, CA


Santa Clara University 94-1156617 501(c)3 5,000 Education

500 El Camino Real

Santa Clara, CA


Santa Clara University 94-1156617 501(c)3 5,000 Education

500 El Camino Real

Santa Clara, CA


Santa Clara University 94-1156617 501(c)3 5,000 Education

500 El Camino Real

Santa Clara, CA


Santa Clara University Public/Government 5,000 Scholarships/Fellowships

Financial Aid Office500

El Camino

RealSanta Clara, CA


Santa Clara University 94-1156617 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Markkula Ctr forApplied Ethic500

El Camino Real

Santa Clara, CA


Santa Clara Valley 94-6081420 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Audubon Society22221

McClellan RoadCupertino, CA


Santa Clara Valley 94-6081420 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Audubon Society22221

McClellan RoadCupertino, CA


Page 104: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Santa Clara Valley 94-6122043 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Science Fair Association

PO Box 307

Los Altos, CA


Santa Maria Urban 94-1461062 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Ministry778 South

Almaden AvenueSan Jose, CA


Santa Rosa Symphony 94-6134075 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Association50 Santa

Rosa AvenueSuite 410

Santa Rosa, CA


Schmahl Science 06-1780217 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Workshops171 Branham

Lane Suite 10 PMB 223

San Jose, CA


Schools of the Sacred 53-0196617 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Heart2222 Broadway

San Francisco, CA


Science BuddiesPO Box 94-3216541 501(c)3 5,000 Education


Carmel,CA 939215038

Science BuddiesPO Box 94-3216541 501(c)3 5,000 Education


Carmel,CA 939215038

Scripps College1030 95-1664123 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Columbia AvenueClaremont,CA 91711

Sea Shepherd 93-0792021 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Conservation SocietyPO

Box 2616

Friday Harbor, WA


Seattle Lighthouse for the 16-1648213 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Blind Foundation2501

South Plum Street

Seattle, WA 981444711

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Bank of Santa Clara & San

Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 50 1(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Bank of Santa Clara & San

Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 50 1(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Bank of Santa Clara & San

Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 50 1(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Bank of Santa Clara & San

Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 50 1(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Bank of Santa Clara & San

Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 50 1(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Bank of Santa Clara andSan Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 50 1(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Bank of Santa Clara andSan Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 50 1(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Bank of Santa Clara andSan Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


Second Harvest Food 77-0326685 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Bank Serving Santa Cruz

and San Benito Counties

800 Ohlone Parkway

Watsonville, CA


Sempervirens FundPO 94-2155097 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Drawer BE

Los Altos, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


SeniorGleaners1951 51-0183481 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Bell AvenueSacramento, CA


Sequoia Union High 94-3084148 501(c)3 5,000 Strengthening

School District480 nonprofits

James Avenue

Redwood City, CA


Sequoia Union High 94-3084148 501(c)3 5,000 Strengthening

School District480 nonprofits

James Avenue

Redwood City, CA


Shadhika Project Inc 77-0344785 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

3790 El Camino Real

Palo Alto,CA 94306

Shelter Network of San 77-0160469 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Mateo County1450

Chapin Avenue Second

FloorBurlingame, CA


Shelter Network of San 77-0160469 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Mateo County1450

Chapin Avenue Second

FloorBurlingame, CA


Shelter Network of San 77-0160469 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Mateo County1450

Chapin Avenue Second

FloorBurlingame, CA


Shelter Network of San 77-0160469 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Mateo County1450

Chapin Avenue Second

FloorBurlingame, CA


Shomrey Misphat Rabbis 45-0464545 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

for Human Rights- northAmericaPO Box 1539

West Tisbury, MA


Silicon Valley Childrens 77-0166138 50 1(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Fund4525 Union Avenue

San Jose, CA


Page 107: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Silicon Valley Council of 77-0524747 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

nonprofits1922 The

Alameda Suite 201

San Jose, CA 95126

Silicon Valley Crew530 94-3403043 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Bay Road

Menlo Park,CA 94025

Silicon Valley Education 20-5061316 501(c)3 5,000 Education


Parkmoor Avenue Suite


San Jose, CA


Silicon Valley Education 20-5061316 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Foundation645 Wool

Creek Drive Suite A

San Jose, CA


Sisters of notre Dame de 53-0196617 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Namur CaliforniaProvince1520 Ralston


Belmont, CA 94002

Skyline College3300 Public/Government 5,000 Education

College Drive

San Bruno, CA 94066

Smile Train Inc245 Fifth 13-3661416 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Avenue Suite 2201

New York, NY


Smith College33 Elm 04-1843040 501(c)3 5,000 Education


northampton, MA 01063

Smithsonian Institution 53-0206027 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Folklife CulturalHeritagePO Box

37012 MRC 520

Washington, DC


Soccer Club of Los Gatos 02-0673966 501(c)3 5,000 Education

PMB 4051484 Pollard


Los Gatos, CA 95032

Page 108: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Soroptimist Foundation 68-0014751 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Inc2491 San Ramon

Valley BoulevardPMB


San Ramon,CA 94583

SOS Children's Villages - 13-6188433 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

USA1200 G Street NW

Suite 550

Washington, DC


South Pacific Business 54-2013523 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Development Foundation

USA Inc3102 Circle Hill

RoadAlexandria,VA 22305

South Pasadena 95-3532316 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Educational FoundationPO Box 3342

South Pasadena, CA


SouthEast Effective 91-0947619 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Development5117 Ranier

Avenue South

Seattle, WA 98118

Southern Oregon 23-7030910 501(c)3 5,000 Education

University Foundation

1250 Siskiyou Boulevard

Ashland, O R975205034

Southern Oregon 23-7030910 501(c)3 5,000 Education

University Foundation

1250 Siskiyou Boulevard

Ashland, O R975205034

Southern Poverty Law 63-0598743 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Center Inc400

Washington Avenue

Montgomery, A L


Southern Utah Wilderness 94-2936961 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Alliance425 East 100

SouthSalt Lake City, UT


Special Olympics- 68-0363121 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

northern California Inc1445 Koll Circle Suite


San Jose, CA


Page 109: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Sports Humanitarian 13-4045245 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Group Incc/o Right To

PlayChelsea Piers Pier

62 Suite 303

New York, NY


Sports Humanitarian 13-4045245 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Group IncChelsea

PiersPier 62 Suite 303

NewYork,NY 10011

Springfield Parks 37-1292459 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Foundation Inc2500

South 11th Street

Springfield, IL


St Anthony Foundation 94-1513140 50 1(c)3 5,000 Building Community

150 Golden Gate Avenue

San Francisco, CA


St Denis Parish2250 Avy 51-0219028 501(c)3 5,000 Religion


Menlo Park,CA 94025

St Elizabeth Seton 94-2495928 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Catholic School1095

Channing Avenue

Palo Alto,CA


St Elizabeth Seton School 94-2495928 501(c)3 5,000 Education

1095 Channing Avenue

Palo Alto,CA


St Elizabeth Seton School 94-2495928 501(c)3 5,000 Education

1095 Channing Avenue

Palo Alto,CA


St Elizabeth Seton School 94-2495928 501(c)3 5,000 Education

1095 Channing Avenue

Palo Alto,CA


St Francis High School 53-0196617 501(c)3 5,000 Education

1885 Miramonte Avenue

Mountain View, CA


Page 110: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


St Joseph Catholic 94-1294942 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Church1621 Center


Los Banos, CA


St Joseph ChurchPO Box 53-0196617 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families


Mariposa, CA


St Joseph's Family 03-0391775 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Center7950 Church

Street Suite A

Gilroy,CA 950204401

St Luke Medical Center 84-1421665 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Wood River IncPO Box




St Lukes Protestant 94-1706055 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Episcopal Church ofAuburn124 Orange


Auburn,CA 95603

St Mary Medical Center 23-7153876 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation1050 Linden


Long Beach, CA


St Mary's College of 94-1156599 501(c)3 5,000 Education

CaliforniaPO Box 4530

Moraga,CA 945754530

St Nicholas Church473 53-0196617 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Lincoln Avenue

Los Altos, CA


St Peter's Catholic Parish 94-2509590 501(c)3 5,000 Religion

491 South Franklin Street

Cloverdale, CA 95425

St Thomas Episcopal 94-2673950 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Church231 South Sunset


Sunnyvale, CA


Page 111: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization section cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistanceor government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Stanford Health Services 94-6174066 501(c)3 5,000 Strengthening

145A El Camino Real nonprofits

Menlo Park,CA 94025

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 5,000 Strengthening

Galvez Street nonprofits

Stanford,CA 943056015

Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Processing Office326


Stanford,CA 943056015

Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Processing Office326


Stanford,CA 943056015

Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Processing Office326


Stanford,CA 943056015

Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Processing Office326


Stanford,CA 943056015

Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Processing Office326


Stanford,CA 943056015

Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Processing326 Galvez


Stanford,CA 943056015

Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Processing326 Galvez


Stanford,CA 943056015,

Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 5,000 Education

ProcessingPO Box 20466

Stanford,CA 943090466

Page 112: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 5,000 Education

ProcessingPO Box 20466

Stanford,CA 943090466

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford,CA 943056105

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford,CA 943056105

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford,CA 943056105

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford,CA 943056105

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford,CA 943056105

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford,CA 943056105

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford,CA 943056105

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford,CA 943056105

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford,CA 943056105

Page 113: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Sugar Bowl Ski Team 94-3171879 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

FoundationPO Box 68

norden, CA 957240068

Summer Search620 68-0200138 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Davis Street

San Francisco, CA


Summit Speech School 22-1829502 501(c)3 5,000 Education

705 Central Avenue

New Providence, NJ


Sundance InstitutePO 87-0361394 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Box 684429

Park City, UT


Sunday Friends 77-0518937 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

FoundationPO Box


San Jose, CA


Sunday Friends 77-0518937 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

FoundationPO Box


San Jose, CA


Sunny View Lutheran 94-1542379 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Home22445 Cupertino

RoadCupertino, CA


Sunnyvale Community 94-1713897 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Services725 Kifer Road

Sunnyvale, CA


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Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Sunnyvale Community 94-1713897 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Services725 Kifer Road

Sunnyvale, CA


Sunset Youth Services 93-1004117 501(c)3 5,000 Education

3918 Judah Street

San Francisco, CA


Support Network for 94-2598854 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Battered Women1257

Tasman Drive Suite C

Sunnyvale, CA


Swarthmore College500 Public/Government 5,000 Scholarships/Fellowships

College Avenue

Swarthmore, PA 19081

Symphony Silicon 32-0083030 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

ValleyPO Box 790

San Jose, CA


Taiko Dojo Inc1581 94-3352589 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Webster Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


Take Back Your Time 16-0990318 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

PO Box 19862

Seattle, WA


Tapestry Arts San lose 23-7448161 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Inc255 north Market

Street Suite 124

San Jose, CA 95110

Tashi Namgyal 20-3977183 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

MonasteryPO Box


Wailuku, HI


Teach for America - 13-3541913 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Bay Area101 New

Montgomery StreetFifth

FloorSan Francisco, CA


Page 115: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

C.+r.r. QQA CnheA..le T D-+ TT -A A+her Ann:n^^ +i. /^n -A :.+ the 11..:&eA C+^+en

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization section cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Teach for America - Bay 13-3541913 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Area101 New

Montgomery StreetFifth

FloorSan Francisco, CA


Teach for America Inc 13-3541913 501(c)3 5,000 Education

101 New Montgomery

Street FifthFloorSan Francisco, CA


Teach for America Inc 13-3541913 501(c)3 5,000 Education

101 New Montgomery

Street FifthFloorSan Francisco, CA


Teatro VisionMexican 77-0266551 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Heritage Plaza1700

AlumRock Avenue Suite 265

San Jose, CA 95116

Temporary College 20-5205488 501(c)3 5,000 Scholarships/Fellowships

Holding50 College


South Hadley, MA


Temporary College 20-5205488 501(c)3 5,000 Scholarships/Fellowships

HoldingFinancial AidOfficeMontag Hall 355

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Tewecado Trust IncPO 73-1628540 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Box 36078

Tucson, AZ


The African American 20-0118582 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Art and Culture Complex

762 Fulton Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


The Alameda County 94-2960297 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Community Food Bank

IncPO Box 2599

Oakland,CA 94614

The American Ireland 25-1306992 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Fund4 Main Street Suite


Los Altos, CA


Page 116: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


The Aspen Institute Inc 84-0399006 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

One Dupont Circle NW

Suite 700

Washington, DC


The Boulder Shelter for 84-1041149 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

the Homeless Inc4869

north BroadwayBoulder,CO 80304

The Boys and Girls Clubs 94-1552134 501(c)3 5,000 Strengthening

of the Peninsula401 nonprofits

Pierce Road

Menlo Park, CA


The Carter Center453 58-1454716 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Freedom Parkway

Atlanta, GA 30307

The Chronicle Season of 94-3019992 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Sharing FundPO Box


San Francisco, CA


The Community 68-0330462 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Foundation of MendocinoCounty135 West Gobbi

Street Suite 204

Ukiah,CA 954825477

The Community 68-0330462 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Foundation of MendocinoCounty135 West Gobbi

StreetSuite 204

Ukiah,CA 954825477

The Electronic Frontier 04-3091431 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Foundation454 ShotwellStreet

San Francisco, CA


The Energy Foundation 94-3126848 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

301 Battery Street Fifth

FloorSan Francisco, CA


The Exploratorium3601 94-1696494 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Lyon Street

San Francisco, CA


Page 117: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


The Exploratorium3601 94-1696494 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Lyon Street

San Francisco, CA


The Foundation Center 13-1837418 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

312 Sutter Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


The HarkerSchool500 94-1613808 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Saratoga Avenue

San Jose, CA 95129

The Health Trust2105 94-6050231 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

South Bascom Avenue

Suite 220

Campbell, CA


The Hill School717 East 23-1352647 501(c)3 5,000 Education

High Street

Pottstown, PA


The Leukemia & 13-5644916 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Lymphoma Society Inc

675 north First Street

Suite 1100

San Jose, CA


The Leukemia & 13-5644916 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Lymphoma Society Inc

300 West Coleman

Boulevard Suite206

Mt Pleasant, SC 29464

The Megan Furth 94-1711359 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Academy2445 Pine


San Francisco, CA


The Meth Project 20-2343265 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

FoundationPO Box 240

Palo Alto,CA


The Nueva School6565 94-1633387 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Skyline BoulevardH illsborough, CA940106221

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


The Nueva School6565 94-1633387 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Skyline BoulevardH illsborough, CA940106221

The Phillips Brooks 94-2494458 501(c)3 5,000 Strengthening

School2245 Avy Avenue nonprofits

Menlo Park, CA


The Presbyterian Church 23-6393377 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

of Sunnyvale728 West

Fremont Avenue

Sunnyvale, CA


The Presentation School 91-1829138 Public/Government 5,000 Strengthening

20872 Broadway nonprofits

Sonoma,CA 95476

The Salvation Army832 13-5562351 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Folsom Street

San Francisco, CA


The Salvation Army832 13-5562351 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Folsom Street

San Francisco, CA


The Salvation Army832 13-5562351 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Folsom Street

San Francisco, CA


The Salvation Army832 13-5562351 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Folsom Street

San Francisco, CA


The Salvation Army832 13-5562351 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Folsom Street

San Francisco, CA


The Salvation Army832 13-5562351 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Folsom Street

San Francisco, CA


Page 119: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


The Salvation ArmyP 0 13-5562351 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Box 193465

San Francisco, CA


The San Jose Public 77-0142379 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Library Foundation150

East San Fernando

Street Fourth

FloorSan Jose, CA


The Santa Cruz Hub for 31-1748056 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

SustainableTrans portationc/o People

Power703 Pacific Avenue

Suite C

Santa Cruz, CA


The Schechter Institutes 22-3342043 501(c)3 5,000 Education

IncBox 3566 PO Box


Philadelphia, PA191783566

The Summit Institute325 5,000 Education

Camille CourtMountain View, CA


The Tech Museum of 94-2864660 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Innovation201 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


The Tech Museum of 94-2864660 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Innovation201 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


The UC Davis Foundation 94-6081352 501(c)3 5,000 Education

1480 Drew Avenue

Davis, CA 956184889

The UCLA Foundation 95-2250801 501(c)3 5,000 Education

10920 Wilshire Boulevard

Suite 900

Los Angeles, CA


The UCLA Foundation 95-2250801 501(c)3 5,000 Education

UCLA Wilshire Center

10920 Wilshire

Boulevard Suite 900

Los Angeles,CA 90024

Page 120: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


The UCLA Foundation110 95-2250801 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Westwood Plaza Suite



Los Angeles, CA


The UCLA Foundation 95-2250801 501(c)3 5,000 Education

10920 Wilshire Boulevard

Suite 1400


Los Angeles, CA


The Watershed Project 91-1767292 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

1327 South 46th

Street155 Richmond

Field StationRichmond, CA


The Watershed Project 91-1767292 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

1327 South 46th

Street155 Richmond

Field StationRichmond, CA


The Whale MuseumP 0 91-1007501 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Box 945

Friday Harbor, WA


TheatreWorksPO Box 94-2831245 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture


Palo Alto,CA


TheatreWorksPO Box 94-2831245 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture


Palo Alto,CA


TheatreWorksPO Box 94-2831245 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture


Palo Alto,CA


TheatreWorksPO Box 94-2831245 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture


Palo Alto,CA


TheatreWorksPO Box 94-2831245 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture


Palo Alto,CA


Page 121: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

C.+r.r. QQA CnheA..le T D-+ TT -A A+her Ann:n^^ +i. /^n -A :.+ the 11.+:.ed C+^+en

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Theodore Payne 95-6095398 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Foundation for WildFlowers & Native Plants

Inc10459 Tuxford


Sun Valley, CA


Think 360 Arts 84-0585621 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Complete Education Inc

2250 Oneida Street

Suite 301

Denver, CO 80224

Thomas House 33-0204757 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Temporary ShelterPO

Box 2737

Garden Grove, CA


Thornton Academy438 01-0224769 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Main Street

Saco,ME 04072

Tides FoundationThe 51-0198509 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

PresidioPO Box 29903

San Francisco, CA


TiE Foundation2903 20-2163741 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Bunker Hill LaneSuite108

Santa Clara, CA


Tipping Point Community 20-2121739 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

703 Market Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


Today's Youth Matter 94-3176545 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

461 Valley Way



Tommie Williams Public/Government 5,000 Education

Elementary School4915

Red Birch Drive

Arlington,TX 76018

Tooth Mobile1659 Scott 31-1658149 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Boulevard Suite 2

Santa Clara, CA


Page 122: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Tower Foundation of San 83-0403915 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Jose State University

Division of University


e Washington Square

San Jose, CA


Tower Foundation of San 83-0403915 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Jose State UniversityOne

Washington Square

San Jose, CA


Tower Foundation of San 83-0403915 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Jose State UniversityOne

Washington SquareThird

FloorClark HallSan Jose, CA


Town of Peterborough 02-0489624 501(c)3 5,000 Building

Peterborough Police Community


Grove Street

Peterborough, NH


Town of Portola Valleys Public/Government 5,000 Building

Creek Park Drive Community

Portola Valley, CA


Transitional Resources 91-0967836 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

2970 SW Avalon Way

Seattle, WA 98126

Tri-City Homeless 94-3087060 501(c)3 5,000 Building

Coalition4O849 Fremont Community

BoulevardFremont, CA 94538

Trinity Episcopal 94-1156841 501(c)3 5,000 Religion

Cathedral14801 Whipple


San Jose, CA


Trinity Presbyterian 94-1384670 501(c)3 5,000 Religion

Church1106 Alameda de

las PulgasSan Carlos, CA 94070

Triton Museum ofArt 94-6122076 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

1505 Warburton Avenue

Santa Clara, CA


Page 123: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Triton Museum of Art 94-6122076 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

1505 Warburton Avenue

Santa Clara, CA


Truck of LovePO Box 77-0123129 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community


Los Altos, CA


Trustees of Amherst 04-2103542 501(c)3 5,000 Education

CollegeMajor andPlanned GiftsP 0 Box



Amherst, MA


Trustees of Dartmouth 02-0222111 501(c)3 5,000 Education


Development Office

Hanover, NH


Trustees of Dartmouth 02-0222111 501(c)3 5,000 Education


Development Office

Hanover, NH


Trustees of Princeton 21-0634501 501(c)3 5,000 Education

U niversityA nnual

GivingPO Box 5357

Princeton, NJ


Trustees of Princeton 21-0634501 50 1(c)3 5,000 Education

U niversityGift

RecordsPO Box 5357

Princeton, NJ 08543

UC San Diego Foundation 95-2872494 501(c)3 5,000 Education

9500 Gilman MC 0940

La Jolla, CA 920930937

UC Santa Cruz 23-7394590 501(c)3 5,000 Strengthening

Foundation2155 nonprofits

Delaware Avenue Suite


Santa Cruz,CA 95060

Union Presbyterian 23-6393377 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Church Los Altos858

University Avenue

Los Altos, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Unite for Sight Inc3l 32-0081616 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Brookwood DriveN ewtown, CT


United States Catholic 39-1539281 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

ConferenceFamily Unity

International Inc12750

Stephen Place

Elm Grove, WI


United States Friends of 30-0224549 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

the David SheldrickWildlife TrustOne IndianaSquare Suite 2800

Indiana,IN 462042079

United States Fund for 13-1760110 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

UNICEF125 Maiden Lane

New York, NY


United States Ski Team 84-6030639 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Foundation1500 Kearns

Boulevard Box 100

Park City, UT


United Way of the Bay 94-1312348 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Area221 Main Street

Suite 300

San Francisco, CA


United Way Silicon Valley 94-1450153 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

1400 Parkmoor Avenue

Suite 250

San Jose, CA


University of California 94-6090626 50 1(c)3 5,000 Education

BerkeleyLawrence Hall ofScience5200

Berkeley, CA


University of California 94-6090626 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Berkeley Foundation2080

Addison Street 4200

Berkeley, CA


University of California 94-6090626 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Berkeley Foundation2080

Addison Street 4200

Berkeley, CA


Page 125: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

C.+r.r. QQA CnheA..le T D-+ TT -A A+her Ann:n^^ +i. /^n -A :.+ the 11..:&eA C+^+en

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


University of California 94-6090626 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Berkeley Foundation2080 Addison Street


Berkeley, CA


University of California 94-6090626 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Berkeley Foundation2080 Addison Street


Berkeley, CA


University of California 94-6090626 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Berkeley Foundation2080 Addison Street


Berkeley, CA


University of California Public/Government 5,000 Scholarships/Fellowships

IrvineFinancial Aid102

AdministrationBuildingIrvine,CA 926972825

University of California Public/Government 5,000 Scholarships/Fellowships

Los Angeles405

HilgardA-129J Murphy

Hall Box951435

Los Angeles, CA


University of California Public/Government 5,000 Scholarships/Fellowships

Los Angeles405

HilgardA-129J Murphy

Hall Box951435

Los Angeles, CA


University of California 94-2829914 501(c)3 5,000 Education

San Francisco


Montgomery StreetSuite


San Francisco, CA


University of California 94-2829914 501(c)3 5,000 Education

San Francisco


Montgomery Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


University of California Public/Government 5,000 Scholarships/Fellowships

Santa BarbaraFinancial

Aid Office2103 SAASB

Santa Barbara, CA


University of Colorado 84-6049811 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Foundation Inc4740

Walnut Street

Boulder,CO 80301

Page 126: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

C.+r.r. QQA CnheA..le T D-+ TT -A A+her Ann:n^^ +i. /^n -A :.+ the 11..:&eA C+^+en

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


University of Illinois 37-6006007 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Foundation1305 West

Green Street MC 386

Urbana,IL 618012962

University of Illinois 37-6006007 501(c)3 5,000 Education

FoundationHarker HallMC 3861305 West



Urbana,IL 618012962

University of San Diego Public/Government 5,000 Scholarships/Fellowships

5998 Alcala Park

San Diego, CA 92110

University of Wisconsin 39-0743975 501(c)3 5,000 Education


University AvenuePO

Box 8860

Madison, WI


Valley Presbyterian 23-6393377 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Church945 Portola Road

Portola Valley, CA


Vassar CollegeBox 14 14-1338587 501(c)3 5,000 Education

124 Raymond Avenue

Poughkeepsie, NY


Vassar CollegeBox 725 14-1338587 501(c)3 5,000 Education

124 Raymond Avenue

Poughkeepsie, NY


Verbum Dei High School 95-1642382 501(c)3 5,000 Education

11100 South Central


Los Angeles, CA


Veterans Administration Public/Government 5,000 Supporting Families

Palo Alto Health CareSystem3801 Miranda


Palo Alto,CA


Vietnam Friendship 77-0400821 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Village Project USA Inc

PO Box 599

Arcata,CA 955180599

Page 127: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Village Enterprise Fund 22-2852248 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Inc751 Laurel Street

PMB 222

San Carlos, CA


Visions of a Better World 04-3244808 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Foundation USA Inc83

Silver Hill RoadSudbury, MA


Visiting Nurse & Hospice 77-0342043 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Care of Santa Barbara

Foundation222 East

Canon Perdido Street

Santa Barbara, CA


VMC Foundation2400 77-0187890 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Moorpark Avenue Suite


San Jose, CA


Volunteer Center of 77-0143125 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Silicon Valley Inc1922

The Alameda Suite 100

San Jose, CA


Waddell Creek 77-0115302 501(c)3 5,000 Environment


Highway 1

Davenport, CA


Wagner Society of 94-2955674 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

northern CaliforniaPO Box


San Francisco, CA


Water Keeper Alliance Inc 13-4071318 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

50 South Buckhout Suite


Irvington, NY 10533

WellspringPO Box 7384 94-3210971 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Menlo Park, CA


Wesleyan University 06-0646959 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Financial Aid Office318

High Street

Middletown,CT 06459

Page 128: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


West Valley Community 94-2211685 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Services of Santa Clara

County Inc10104 Vista


Cupertino, CA


Westwind Riding Institute 77-0427204 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

27210 Altamont Road

Los Altos, CA


Wild Earth Society 16-1402497 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

IncorporatedPO Box


Titusville, FL


Wildlife Conservation 30-0108469 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Network Inc25745

Bassett Lane

Los Altos, CA


Wildlife Conservation 30-0108469 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Network Inc25745

Bassett Lane

Los Altos, CA


Wildlife SOS406 East 20-3274638 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

300 South 302

Salt Lake City, UT


Wings Learning Center 94-3385745 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Inc2303 Trousdale Drive

Burlingame, CA


Winter Wildlands Alliance 82-0523471 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Inc910 Main Street Suite


Boise, ID 837025732

Women's Foundation of 94-2752421 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

California340 Pine Street

Suite 302

San Francisco, CA


Women's Foundation of 94-2752421 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

California340 Pine Street

Suite 302

San Francisco, CA


Page 129: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I, Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Women's Recovery 23-7079003 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness

Association of San

Mateo County Inc1450

Chapin Avenue

Burlingame, CA


Women's Sports 23-7380557 501(c)3 5,000 Health & Wellness


Hempstead Turnpike

Suite 400

East Meadow, NY


Woodside Community 94-6108531 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

FoundationPO Box


Woodside, CA 94062

World Learning Inc 03-0179592 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

Kipling Road PO Box


Brattleboro, VT


World Wildlife Fund Inc 52-1693387 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

1250 24th Street

NWPO Box 97180

Washington, DC


Yale University105 Wall Public/Government 5,000 Scholarships/Fellowships


NewHaven,CT 06520

Yale University 06-0646973 501(c)3 5,000 Education

ContributionProcessingPO Box


New Haven, CT


Yerba Buena Center for 94-3042571 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

the Arts701 Mission


San Francisco, CA


YES Reading528 Valley 77-0568469 501(c)3 5,000 Education




YES Reading528 Valley 77-0568469 501(c)3 5,000 Education




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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


YMCA ofBoulder5541 84-0459944 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Central Avenue Suite


Boulder,CO 80301

YMCA of Greater Long 95-1643396 501(c)3 5,000 Education

BeachPO Box 90995

Long Beach, CA


YMCA of Santa Clara 94-1156318 501(c)3 5,000 Education

V alleyCentralYMCA 1717 The Alameda

San Jose, CA 95126

YMCA of the Mid- 94-1212140 501(c)3 5,000 Strengthening

Peninsula2400 Geng nonprofits

Road Suite 120

Palo Alto,CA


YMCA of the Mid- 94-1212140 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Peninsula2400 Geng

Road Suite 120

Palo Alto,CA


YMCA of the Mid- 94-1212140 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Peninsula2400 Geng

Road Suite 120

Palo Alto,CA


YMCA of the Mid- 94-1212140 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Peninsula2400 Geng

Road Suite 120

Palo Alto,CA


YMCA of the Mid- 94-1212140 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Peninsula2400 Geng

Road Suite 120

Palo Alto,CA


YMCA of the Mid- 94-1212140 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Peninsula2400 Geng

Road Suite 120

Palo Alto,CA


YMCA of the Mid- 94-1212140 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Peninsula2400 Geng

Road Suite 120

Palo Alto,CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Yosemite Foundation155 94-3058041 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Montgomery Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


Yosemite Foundation155 94-3058041 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Montgomery Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


Yosemite Foundation155 94-3058041 501(c)3 5,000 Environment

Montgomery Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


Young Entrepreneurs 52-1651248 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

organization3017 Trieste


El Dorado Hills, CA


Young Entrepreneurs 52-1651248 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

organization3017 Trieste


El Dorado Hills, CA


Youth Community Service 20-8099150 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Inc4000 Middlefield RoadSuite D3

Palo Alto,CA


Youth Science Institute 94-1265213 501(c)3 5,000 Education

296 Garden Hill Drive

Los Gatos, CA


Youth Science Institute 94-1265213 501(c)3 5,000 Education

296 Garden Hill Drive

Los Gatos, CA


Youth Science Institute 94-1265213 501(c)3 5,000 Education

296 Garden Hill Drive

Los Gatos, CA


Youth Science Institute 94-1265213 501(c)3 5,000 Education

296 Garden Hill Drive

Los Gatos, CA


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Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Or anizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Youth Tennis 94-2293585 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Advantage610 16th

Street Suite 322

Oakland, CA946121242

Youth Tennis 94-2293585 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Advantage610 16th

Street Suite 322

Oakland, CA946121242

Youth Tennis 94-2293585 501(c)3 5,000 Education

Advantage610 16th

Street Suite 322

Oakland, CA946121242

Yu-Ai Ka1588 north 94-2427398 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

Fourth Street

San Jose, CA


Yu-Ai Kai-Japanese 94-2427398 501(c)3 5,000 Building Community

American Community

Senior Serv of San lose

588 north Fourth Street

San Jose, CA


Yuba College2088 Public/Government 5,000 Scholarships/Fellowships

north Beale RoadMarysville, CA 95901

YWCA of Silicon Valley 94-1186196 501(c)3 5,000 Supporting Families

375 South Third Street

San Jose, CA 95112

Z Space Studio131 94-3177230 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Tenth Street Third FloorSan Francisco, CA


Zaccho SF1777 94-2720943 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Yosemite AvenueSuite


San Francisco, CA


Zen Center A 94-6106688 501(c)3 5,000 Religion

Corporation Sole300

Page Street

San Francisco, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


ZeroO ne - The Art and 77-0534962 501(c)3 5,000 Arts & Culture

Technology Network1346

The Alameda Suite 7-109

San Jose, CA


Administrators of the 72-0423889 501(c)3 5,005 Education

Tulane Educational Fund3439 Prytania Street

Suite 200

New Orleans, LA


Chaminade Development 23-7069462 501(c)3 5,005 Education

Fund IncChaminade High

School340 Jackson


Mineola,NY 11501

Sustainable Living 73-1676980 501(c)3 5,005 Building Community

Foundation156 Marvin


Los Altos, CA


Humane Society Silicon 94-1196215 501(c)3 5,025 Environment

Valley2530 Lafayette


Santa Clara, CA


Give2Asia465 California 94-3373670 501(c)3 5,040 Building Community

Street Ninth Floor

San Francisco, CA


Childs Play12317 15th 20-3584556 501(c)3 5,106 Building Community

Avenue NESuite 108

Seattle, WA 98125

Give2AsiaPO Box 94-3373670 501(c)3 5,117 Supporting Families


San Francisco, CA


Peninsula Humane 94-1243665 501(c)3 5,147 Environment

Society & SPCA 12

Airport Boulevard

San Mateo, CA


Tides FoundationThe 51-0198509 501(c)3 5,150 Building Community

PresidioPO Box 29903

San Francisco, CA


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Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization section cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistanceor government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Christa McAuliffe Parent- 77-0188602 501(c)3 5,200 Strengthening

Faculty Group12211 Titus nonprofits


Saratoga, CA 95070

National Foundation for 13-3408731 501(c)3 5,244 Building Community

Teaching Entrepreneurship

Bay AreaMalloy Hall 401


San Francisco, CA 94117

Peninsula Stroke 77-0500631 501(c)3 5,273 Health & Wellness

Association3801 Miranda

AvenueBuilding 6 Room


Palo Alto,CA


World Affairs Council of 94-3053917 501(c)3 5,307 Building Community

northern California312

Sutter Street Suite 200

San Francisco, CA 94108

Senior Coastsiders Inc 94-3119310 50 1(c)3 5,311 Strengthening

535 Kelly Avenue nonprofits

Half Moon Bay, CA


Boys & Girls Club of 94-3193725 501(c)3 5,326 Supporting Families

Greater Half Moon BayPO

Box 545

Half Moon Bay,CA 94019

Cabrillo Education 94-2976402 501(c)3 5,326 Education

FoundationPO Box 354

HalfMoon Bay,CA 94019

Coast Opportunity Center 51-0199747 501(c)3 5,326 Supporting Families

Inc99 Avenue Alhambra

El Granada, CA 94018

Coastside Medical Dental 94-3390196 501(c)3 5,326 Health & Wellness

Clinics Inc210 San Mateo

RoadSuite 104

Half Moon Bay, CA


Senior Coastsiders Inc 94-3119310 501(c)3 5,326 Supporting Families

535 Kelly Avenue

Half Moon Bay,CA 94019

Page 135: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

C.+r.r. QQA CnheA..le T D-+ TT -A A+her Ann:n^^ +i. /^n -A :.+ the 11..:&eA C+^+en

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Seton Health Services 94-2824033 501(c)3 5,326 Health & Wellness

Foundation1900 Sullivan


Daly City,CA 94015

WC Overfelt High School Public/Government 5,330 Education

1835 Cunningham


San Jose, CA


Walnut Grove Public/Government 5,338 Education

Elementary School1999

Harvest Road

Pleasanton, CA 94566

United States Coast Public/Government 5,420 Building Community

Guard CG-82100

Second Street SW Room


Washington, DC


San Jose Museum of 77-0123939 501(c)3 5,495 Arts & Culture

Quilts & Textiles520

South First Street

San Jose, CA


Assemblies of God 44-0577787 501(c)3 5,500 Supporting Families

northern California &Nevada District Council

6051 South Watt


Sacramento, CA


Explorer Post #830400 Public/Government 5,500 Education

County Center

Redwood City, CA


Food Bank of Central & 56-1283426 501(c)3 5,500 Supporting Families

Eastern north CarolinaInc3808 Tarheel Drive

Raleigh, NC 27609

International Earthlight 81-0647148 501(c)3 5,500 Environment

Alliance650 Golden

Eagle Drive



Marin Country Day 94-1375791 501(c)3 5,500 Education

School5221 Paradise


Corte Madera, CA


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Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Springboard Forward1301 91-2165886 501(c)3 5,500 Building Community

Shoreway Road Suite 160

Belmont, CA 940024158

Tower Foundation of San 83-0403915 501(c)3 5,500 Education

Jose State UniversityOne

Washington SquareThird

FloorClark HallSan Jose, CA


Christopher and Dana 22-2939536 501(c)3 5,512 Health & Wellness

Reeve Foundation636

Morris Turnpike Suite 3A

Short Hills, NJ


CityTeam Ministries2304 94-1501265 501(c)3 5,512 Supporting Families

Zanker RoadSan Jose, CA


Guide Dogs for the Blind 94-1196195 50 1(c)3 5,512 Supporting Families

IncPO Box 3950

San Rafael, CA


Humane Society Silicon 94-1196215 501(c)3 5,512 Supporting Families

Valley2530 Lafayette


Santa Clara, CA


KQED Inc2601 Mariposa 94-1241309 501(c)3 5,512 Education


San Francisco, CA


KTEH-TV Foundation 94-2853970 501(c)3 5,512 Education

1585 Schallenberger

RoadSan Jose, CA


Salvation A rmyGolden 94-1170408 50 1(c)3 5,512 Supporting Families

State DivisionPO Box


San Francisco, CA


San Mateo County 94-6133905 501(c)3 5,512 Education

Community Colleges

Foundation3401 CSM


San Mateo, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


United States Fund for 13-1760110 501(c)3 5,512 Supporting Families

UNICEF333 East 38th

StreetM/S GC-6

New York, NY


Child Advocates of 77-0250773 501(c)3 5,583 Education

Silicon Valley Inc509

Valley Way Building 2

Milpitas,CA 950354105

notre Dame High School 94-1275235 501(c)3 5,650 Education

596 South Second Street

San Jose, CA


Individual Philanthropy 51-0644783 501(c)3 5,652 Building Community

Institute470 University


PaloAlto,CA 94301

Vietnam Health Education 94-3169584 501(c)3 5,660 Building Community

& Literature ProjectsPO

Box 51780

San Jose, CA 95151

Asian Americans for 94-2292491 501(c)3 5,665 Supporting Families

Community Involvement

2400 Moorpark Avenue

Suite 300

San Jose, CA


Youth for Environmental 77-0467495 501(c)3 5,680 Environment

Sanity420 Bronco Road

Soquel,CA 950739510

Child Advocates of 77-0250773 501(c)3 5,684 Education

Silicon Valley Inc509

Valley Way Building 2

Milpitas,CA 950354105

International Earthlight 81-0647148 501(c)3 5,700 Environment

Alliance65 Golden Eagle


Sedona,AZ 863365012

Institute for Myeloma & 46-0475333 501(c)3 5,776 Health & Wellness

Bone Cancer Research

9201 West Sunset

Boulevard Suite300

West Hollywood, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I, Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Wildlife AssociatesPO 94-2924999 501(c)3 5,819 Environment

Box 3098

Half Moon Bay, CA


Coastside Medical 94-3390196 501(c)3 5,911 Strengthening

Dental Clinics Inc210 nonprofits

San Mateo Road Suite


Half Moon Bay, CA


Vista Center for the Blind 94-1196206 501(c)3 5,968 Supporting Families

and Visually Impaired2470 El Camino

RealSuite 107

Palo Alto,CA


Adolescent Counseling 51-0192551 501(c)3 6,000 Health & Wellness

Services 4000

Middlefield Road SuiteFH

Palo Alto,CA


American Red Cross400 53-0196605 501(c)3 6,000 Supporting Families

Mitchell LanePalo Alto,CA


Asian Art Museum 94-1704765 501(c)3 6,000 Strengthening

Foundation of San nonprofitsFrancisco200 Larkin


San Francisco, CA


AspiraNet400 Oyster 94-2442955 501(c)3 6,000 Education

Point Boulevard Suite


South San Francisco, CA


Best Buddies 52-1614576 501(c)3 6,000 Supporting Families

Internationa1100 SE

Second Street Suite


Miami,FL 33131

Bishop Museum1525 99-0161980 501(c)3 6,000 Arts & Culture

Bernice Street

Honolulu, HI


California Polytechnic 20-4927897 Public/Government 6,000 Education

State University

University Cashiers

OfficeSan Luis O bispo, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Capital Area Food Bank of 74-2217350 501(c)3 6,000 Building Community

Texas Inc8201 South

Congress Avenue

Austin,TX 78745

Carroll College 81-7068557 501(c)3 6,000 Education

Foundation1601 north

Benton Avenue

Helena, MT 596250002

City Lights Theater 77-0014788 501(c)3 6,000 Arts & Culture

Company of San Jose Inc

529 South Second Street

San Jose, CA 95112

East Bay Zoological 94-1687847 501(c)3 6,000 Building Community

SocietyPO Box 5238

Oakland, CA946050238

Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 6,000 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Family Service Agency of 94-1186169 501(c)3 6,000 Building Community

San Mateo County Inc24

Second Avenue

San Mateo, CA


Global Community 81-0595175 501(c)3 6,000 Building Community

Initiativesl2 Parkside


Montpelier, VT 05602

Grace Lutheran Church 94-1251133 501(c)3 6,000 Religion

3149 Waverley Street

Palo Alto,CA


Habitat for Humanity 94-3088881 501(c)3 6,000 Supporting Families

Greater San Francisco

690 Broadway Street

Redwood City, CA


Hillsborough Schools 94-2634550 501(c)3 6,000 Education

Foundation300 El Cerrito


H illsborough, CA940106899

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


India Community Center 52-2351119 501(c)3 6,000 Building Community

Inc525 Los Coches


Milpitas,CA 950355423

Injured Marine Semper Fi 26-0086305 501(c)3 6,000 Building Community

Fund825 College

BoulevardSuite 102 PMB


Oceanside, CA


International Child 94-2835018 501(c)3 6,000 Supporting Families

Resource Institute1581

LeRoy Avenue

Berkeley, CA


Jewish Community 94-1156533 501(c)3 6,000 Religion

Federation of SF Marin

Peninsula & Sonoma

Counties121 Steuart

Street Seventh Floor

San Francisco, CA


Jewish Community 94-1156533 501(c)3 6,000 Religion

Federation of SF Marin

Peninsula & Sonoma

Counties121 Steuart

Street Seventh Floor

San Francisco, CA


Jewish Community 94-1156533 501(c)3 6,000 Religion

Federation of SF Marin

Peninsula & Sonoma

Counties121 Steuart

Street Seventh Floor

San Francisco, CA


Junior Achievement of 94-1393420 501(c)3 6,000 Building Community

Silicon Valley andMonterey Bay Inc3150

De La Cruz Boulevard

Suite 103


Santa Clara, CA


Keys School2890 94-2240127 Public/Government 6,000 Strengthening

Middlefield Road nonprofitsPalo Alto,CA 94306

Lone Mountain Children's 94-2254307 501(c)3 6,000 Education

Centerlnc1806 Belles


San Francisco, CA


Long Beach Aquarium of 33-0532354 501(c)3 6,000 Environment

the PacificAdministrativeOffices320 Golden

Shore Suite 150

Long Beach, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Long Beach Aquarium of 33-0532354 501(c)3 6,000 Environment

the PacificAdministrativeOffices320 Golden

Shore Suite 150

Long Beach, CA


Lucile Packard Foundation 77-0440090 501(c)3 6,000 Health & Wellness

for Children's HealthGiftProcessing400 Hamilton


Suite 340

Palo Alto,CA


Menlo Charity Horse Show 77-0456950 501(c)3 6,000 Arts & Culture

190 Park Lane

Atherton, CA


Menlo Charity Horse Show 77-0456950 501(c)3 6,000 Arts & Culture

190 Park Lane

Atherton, CA


Menlo Charity Horse Show 77-0456950 501(c)3 6,000 Arts & Culture

190 Park Lane

Atherton, CA


Menlo Park Presbyterian 23-6393377 501(c)3 6,000 Religion

Church950 Santa Cruz


Menlo Park,CA 94025

Metropolitan Opera 13-1624087 501(c)3 6,000 Arts & Culture

Association30 Lincoln

Center Plaza

New York, NY


OC International IncPO 94-1501634 501(c)3 6,000 Building Community

Box 36900

Colorado Springs, CO


Old Blue Rugby 13-3226589 501(c)3 6,000 Supporting Families

Foundation Inc166

Melrose PlaceRidgewood, NJ


Operation MobilizationPO 22-2513811 501(c)3 6,000 Building Community

Box 444

Tyrone, GA 302900444

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization section cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Palo Alto Partners in 77-0186364 501(c)3 6,000 Education

EducationPO Box 1557

PaloAlto,CA 943021557

Peninsula Humane Society 94-1243665 501(c)3 6,000 Supporting Families

& SPCA12 Airport

BoulevardSan Mateo, CA


Peninsula Open Space 94-2392007 501(c)3 6,000 Environment

Trust222 High Street

PaloAlto,CA 943011041

President & Fellows of 04-2103580 501(c)3 6,000 Education

Harvard College124 Mount

A uborn Street

Cambridge, MA


Presidio Hill School3839 94-1201211 501(c)3 6,000 Education

Washington Street

San Francisco, CA 94118

Raising the ReaderFP 94-3390149 501(c)3 6,000 Supporting Families

10511700 South El

Camino Suite


San Mateo, CA


Raphael House of San 94-3141608 501(c)3 6,000 Building Community

Francisco Inc1065 Sutter


San Francisco, CA


Redwood City Sequoia 94-3148844 501(c)3 6,000 Strengthening

AwardsPO Box 2355 nonprofits

Redwood City,CA 94064

Regents of the University of 94-6002123 501(c)3 6,000 Education

California BerkeleyGiftA dminstration2080

AddisonStreet 4200

Berkeley, CA 947204200

Resource Area For 77-0365627 501(c)3 6,000 Education

Teaching1355 Ridder Park


San Jose, CA 951312306

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization section cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistanceor government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Rogue Valley Manor 93-0712867 501(c)3 6,000 Supporting Families

Memorial Foundation1200

Mira Mar Avenue

Medford,OR 975048546

Rosalie Rendu Inc1760 95-4709944 501(c)3 6,000 Education

Bay Road Suite 24

East Palo Alto, CA


Rotary International 81-6014131 6,000 Supporting Families

Townsend Rotary ClubPO

Box 1192

Townsend, MT 59644

Samaritan House1511 23-7416272 501(c)3 6,000 Supporting Families

South Claremont Street

San Mateo, CA


San Francisco Friends 94-3397589 501(c)3 6,000 Education

School250 Valencia Street

San Francisco, CA


San Mateo County Sheriffs 94-6000532 501(c)3 6,000 Supporting Families

Office400 County Center

3rd FloorRedwood City,CA 94063

Schools of the Sacred 53-0196617 501(c)3 6,000 Education

Heart2222 Broadway

San Francisco, CA


Sempervirens FundPO 94-2155097 501(c)3 6,000 Environment

Drawer BE

Los Altos, CA


Sequoia AwardsPO Box 94-3148844 501(c)3 6,000 Supporting Families


Redwood City,CA 94064

Sisters of Providence of 35-0868174 501(c)3 6,000 Supporting Families

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods1

Sisters of Providence RoadSt MaryoftheWoods,IN


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 6,000 Education

ProcessingPO Box


Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 6,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Taproot Foundation466 91-2162645 501(c)3 6,000 Strengthening

Geary Street Ste 200 nonprofits

San Francisco, CA


The Alliance for Climate 87-0745629 501(c)3 6,000 Environment

Protection800 El Camino

Real Suite 400

Menlo Park,CA 94025

University of California 94-6090626 501(c)3 6,000 Strengthening

Berkeley Foundation nonprofitsLawrence Hall ofScience5200

Berkeley, CA


University of Southern 01-6000769 501(c)3 6,000 Education


Donor ServicesPO Box


Portland, ME


Women's Recovery 23-7079003 501(c)3 6,000 Health & Wellness

Association of San Mateo

County Inc1450 Chapin

Avenue First Floor

Burlingame, CA


World Evangelical 23-7254928 501(c)3 6,000 Supporting Families

Alliance644 Strander

Boulevard 154

Tukwila, WA 981882923

World Evangelical 23-7254928 501(c)3 6,000 Building Community

Alliance644 Strander

Boulevard 154

Seattle, WA 981882923

YMCA of Greater Seattle 91-0482710 501(c)3 6,000 Building Community

909 Fourth Avenue

Seattle, WA 981041108

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Form 990.Schedule I, Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


YMCA of Santa Clara 94-1156318 501(c)3 6,000 Building Community

Valley13500 Quito Road

Saratoga, CA


Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 6,028 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Yerba Buena High School Public/Government 6,062 Education

1855 Lucretia Avenue

San Jose, CA


Children's Health 94-1312311 501(c)3 6,116 Health & Wellness

Council Inc650 Clark


Palo Alto,CA


InnVision the Way Home 77-0033628 501(c)3 6,121 Strengthening

974 Willow Street nonprofits

San Jose, CA


Silicon Valley New Public/Government 6,163 Education

Teacher Project10420

Bubb RoadCupertino,CA 95014

Pets in Need1190 Main 94-6139667 501(c)3 6,206 Environment


Redwood City, CA


Pets in Need873 Fifth 94-6139667 501(c)3 6,223 Environment


Redwood City, CA


Esperanza International 33-0099715 501(c)3 6,250 Supporting Families

Inc717 Third Avenue

C hula Vista, CA


Pets in Need1180 Main 94-6139667 501(c)3 6,296 Supporting Families


Redwood City, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Scholarship America Incl 04-2296967 501(c)3 6,365 Education

Scholarship WayPO Box


St Peter, MN 56082

Congregation Beth Am 94-1450202 501(c)3 6,400 Religion

26790 Arastradero Road

Los Altos H ills, CA


Wildlife Conservation 30-0108469 501(c)3 6,400 Environment

Network Inc25745

Bassett Lane

Los Altos, CA


School Health Clinics of 77-0031679 501(c)3 6,453 Health & Wellness

Santa Clara County5671

Santa Teresa Boulevard



San Jose, CA 95123

City of San Jose200 East Public/Government 6,498 Building Community

Santa Clara Street

San Jose, CA


Hamlin School2120 94-1393894 501(c)3 6,500 Education


San Francisco, CA


Heart of Silicon Valleyc/o 20-1479734 501(c)3 6,500 Arts & Culture

Pollock FinancialGroup150

Portola RoadPortola Valley, CA


MayView Community 94-2239648 501(c)3 6,500 Health & Wellness

Health Center270 Grant


Palo Alto,CA


Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 6,500 Education

Processing326 Galvez


Stanford, CA


Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 6,500 Education

ProcessingPO Box


Stanford, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


East Palo Alto Kids 77-0359913 501(c)3 6,506 Education

FoundationPO Box


Palo Alto,CA


Stanford UniversityHaas 94-1156365 501(c)3 6,534 Education

Center for PublicService562

Salvatierra WalkStanford, CA


American Diabetes 13-1623888 501(c)3 6,545 Health & Wellness

Association Inc4040

Moorpark Avenue Suite


San Jose, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 6,600 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


The Bhutan Foundation 13-3376290 501(c)3 6,600 Building Community

2100 Pennsylvania

Avenue NW Suite


Washington, DC


YMCA Santa Clara 94-1156318 501(c)3 6,600 Supporting Families

Valley1922 The

Alameda Third FloorSan Jose, CA


Santa Clara County Public/Government 6,666 Education

Office of Education15555 Sanborn Road

Saratoga, CA 95070

The Tech Museum of 94-2864660 501(c)3 6,720 Education

Innovation201 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


HOPE Rehabilitation 94-1399287 501(c)3 6,800 Health & Wellness

Services30 Las Colinas


San Jose, CA


HOPE Rehabilitation 94-1399287 501(c)3 6,800 Health & Wellness

Services30 Las Colinas


San Jose, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I, Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


HOPE Rehabilitation 94-1399287 501(c)3 6,800 Health & Wellness

Services30 Las Colinas


San Jose, CA


HOPE Rehabilitation 94-1399287 501(c)3 6,800 Health & Wellness

Services30 Las Colinas


San Jose, CA


San Mateo-Foster City 94-3083935 501(c)3 6,800 Education

School District1170

Chess Drive

Foster City, CA


The Tech Museum of 94-2864660 501(c)3 6,820 Arts & Culture

Innovation201 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


Adolescent Counseling 51-0192551 501(c)3 6,828 Health & Wellness

Services 4000

Middlefield Road SuiteFH

Palo Alto,CA


Sequoia High School Public/Government 6,869 Education

1201 Brewster Avenue

Redwood City, CA


Congregation Beth Am 94-1450202 501(c)3 6,996 Religion

26790 Arastradero

RoadLos Altos H ills, CA


Allegheny College520 Public/Government 7,000 Scholarships/Fellowships

north Main Street

Meadville, PA 16335

Assist International Inc 77-0243475 501(c)3 7,000 Supporting Families

PO Box 66396

Scotts Valley, CA


Boston Medical Center 04-3314093 501(c)3 7,000 Health & Wellness

830 Harrison Avenue-


Boston, MA 02118

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Cabrillo Elementary Public/Government 7,000 Education

School36700 San

Pedro Drive

Fremont, CA


Campus Crusade for 95-6006173 50 1(c)3 7,000 Supporting Families

Christ IncPO Box


Orlando, FL


Campus Crusade for 95-6006173 501(c)3 7,000 Religion

Christ IncPO Box


Orlando, FL


Duquesne University of Public/Government 7,000 Scholarships/Fellowships

the Holy Spirit600

Forbes Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15282

Earth University 38-2920639 501(c)3 7,000 Education


Piedmont Center Suite


Piedmont Road NE

Atlanta, GA


Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 7,000 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Friends of the Palo Alto 77-0296155 501(c)3 7,000 Arts & Culture

Junior Museum and Zoo

1451 Middlefield RoadPalo Alto,CA


George Washington Public/Government 7,000 Scholarships/Fellowships

University2121 Eye

Street NW Suite 310

Washington, DC 20052

Georgetown University Public/Government 7,000 Scholarships/Fellowships

Box 571252 G-19

Healy HallWashington, DC


Give2AsiaPO Box 94-3373670 501(c)3 7,000 Building Community


San Francisco, CA


Page 150: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Glaucoma Research 94-2495035 501(c)3 7,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation251 Post

Street Suite 600

San Francisco, CA


Habitat for Humanity 94-3088881 501(c)3 7,000 Supporting Families

Greater San Francisco

690 Broadway Street

Redwood City, CA


Jewish Community 94-1156533 501(c)3 7,000 Religion

Federation of SF Marin

Peninsula & Sonoma

Counties121 Steuart

Street Seventh Floor

San Francisco, CA


Menlo Park Presbyterian 23-6393377 501(c)3 7,000 Building Community

Church950 Santa Cruz


Menlo Park, CA


Palo Alto Medical 94-1156581 501(c)3 7,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation for HealthCare Research &

Education795 El Camino

RealPalo Alto,CA


Paralyzed Veterans of 13-1946868 501(c)3 7,000 Supporting Families

A merica801 18th Street


Washington, DC


Peninsula Habitat for 94-3088881 501(c)3 7,000 Supporting Families

Humanity690 Broadway


Redwood City, CA


Rosalie Rendu Inc1760 95-4709944 501(c)3 7,000 Education

Bay Road Suite 24

East Palo Alto, CA


Shelter Network of San 77-0160469 501(c)3 7,000 Supporting Families

Mateo County1450

Chapin Avenue Second

FloorBurlingame, CA


Society for the Prevention 94-1167409 501(c)3 7,000 Supporting Families

of Cruelty to Animals ofMonterey CtyPO Box


Monterey, CA


Page 151: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


St Jude Children's 62-0646012 501(c)3 7,000 Health & Wellness

Research HospitalDonor

Services501 St Jude

PlaceMemphis, TN


Sunnyside Health 59-2562599 501(c)3 7,000 Supporting Families

Services Inc5201 Bahia

Vista Street

Sarasota, FL


The UCLA Foundation 95-2250801 501(c)3 7,000 Strengthening

110 Westwood nonprofits

PlazaCornell HallLos Angeles,CA 90095

The Vera Project305 31-1816016 501(c)3 7,000 Arts & Culture

Harrison Street

Seattle, WA 98109

University of Nebraska 47-0379839 501(c)3 7,000 Education

FoundationPO Box


Lincoln,NE 685012555

WIND Youth ServicesPO 55-0844444 501(c)3 7,000 Supporting Families

Box 13856

Sacramento, CA


Wounded Warriors Inc 20-1407520 501(c)3 7,000 Supporting Families

1719 north 60th Street

O maha, N E 681044842

Wounded Warriors Inc 20-1407520 501(c)3 7,000 Supporting Families

1719 north 60th Street

O maha, N E 681044842

Young LifePO Box 520 84-0385934 501(c)3 7,000 Building Community

Colorado Springs, CO


Zen Hospice Project Inc 94-3155375 501(c)3 7,000 Supporting Families

273 Page Street

San Francisco, CA


Page 152: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


The Tech Museum of 94-2864660 501(c)3 7,026 Arts & Culture

Innovation201 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


First Community Housing 77-0119210 501(c)3 7,040 Supporting Families

2 north Second StSuite1250

San Jose, CA 95113

AnewAmerica Community 94-3342658 501(c)3 7,059 Building Community


University Avenue Suite


Berkeley, CA 94704

Boys & Girls Club of 94-3193725 501(c)3 7,110 Strengthening

Greater Half Moon BayPO nonprofits

Box 545

Half Moon Bay, CA


Adolescent Counseling 51-0192551 501(c)3 7,145 Health & Wellness

Services4000 MiddlefieldRoad Suite FH

Palo Alto,CA


Operation Access115 94-3180356 501(c)3 7,149 Health & Wellness

Sansome Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


Hearts & Vines 93-1226903 501(c)3 7,200 Building Community

FoundationPO Box 1441

Medford, 0 R975010107

Pacifica Collaborative Public/Government 7,200 Education

375 Reina del Mar

BoulevardPacifica, CA 94044

Blue Star Mothers of 27-0103425 501(c)3 7,250 Building Community

America IncPO Box


Sunnyvale, CA


Global Impact66 Canal 52-1273585 501(c)3 7,434 Supporting Families

Center PlazaSuite 310

Alexandria,VA 22314

Page 153: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Abilities United525 East 94-1546643 501(c)3 7,500 Health & Wellness

Charleston RoadPalo Alto,CA


Advocates for Children 04-3849393 501(c)3 7,500 Supporting Families

1515 South El Camino

Real Suite 201


San Mateo, CA


Ascension Health4600 31-1662309 501(c)3 7,500 Health & Wellness

Edmundson RoadSt Louis, MO


AspiraNet400 Oyster 94-2442955 501(c)3 7,500 Education

Point Boulevard Suite


South San Francisco, CA


Avenidas450 Bryant 94-1480548 501(c)3 7,500 Building Community


Palo Alto,CA


Bienvenidos Children's 95-4042883 501(c)3 7,500 Supporting Families

Centerlnc205 East Palm


A Itadena, CA


Boys & Girls Clubs of 94-1702753 501(c)3 7,500 Education

Monterey CountyPO Box


Seaside, CA


BrewsterAcademy80 02-0223317 501(c)3 7,500 Education

Academy Drive

Wolfeboro,NH 03894

Camp Sunshine at 22-2582877 501(c)3 7,500 Supporting Families

Sebago Lake Inc35

Acadia RoadCasco,ME 040153655

Castilleja School 94-0373222 501(c)3 7,500 Education

Foundation1310 Bryant


Palo Alto,CA


Page 154: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


CityTeam Ministries2304 94-1501265 501(c)3 7,500 Supporting Families

Zanker RoadSan Jose, CA


Cleo Eulau Center for 77-0393676 501(c)3 7,500 Supporting Families

Children and Adolescents2483 Old Middlefield WaySuite 208

Mountain View, CA


Cleo Eulau Center for 77-0393676 501(c)3 7,500 Education

Children and Adolescents2483 Old Middlefield WaySuite 208

Mountain View, CA


College Track436 14th 94-3279613 501(c)3 7,500 Education

Street Suite 500

Oakland, CA946122736

Community Association 94-1546643 501(c)3 7,500 Health & Wellness

for Rehabilitation525 East

Charleston RoadPalo Alto,CA


Community Development 94-2814128 501(c)3 7,500 Building Community

Institute321 Bell Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Community Legal 22-3866910 501(c)3 7,500 Supporting Families

Services in East Palo Alto

2117-B University


East Palo Alto, CA


Congregation Beth Am 94-1450202 501(c)3 7,500 Supporting Families

26790 Arastradero Road

Los Altos H ills, CA


Dancers Group1360 94-2879185 501(c)3 7,500 Arts & Culture

Mission Street Suite 200

San Francisco, CA


Downtown Emergency 91-1275815 501(c)3 7,500 Building Community

Service Center515 Third


Seattle, WA 981042304

Page 155: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

rorm vvy scneauie i, Part ii , urants ana utner assistance to iiovernments ana ur anizations in t he unites states

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


East Palo Alto Kids 77-0359913 501(c)3 7,500 Education

FoundationPO Box


Palo Alto,CA


Ecumenical Hunger 94-2476942 501(c)3 7,500 Supporting Families

Program2411 Pulgas


East Palo Alto,CA


Ecumenical Hunger 94-2476942 501(c)3 7,500 Supporting Families

Program2411 Pulgas


East Palo Alto,CA


Edgewood Center for 94-1186168 501(c)3 7,500 Education

Children & Families957 B

Industrial Way

San Carlos, CA 94070

Education Pioneers300 77-0602311 501(c)3 7,500 Education

Frank H Ogawa

PlazaSuite 232

Oakland,CA 94612

Environmental Volunteers 94-2550385 501(c)3 7,500 Environment

Inc3921 East Bayshore

RoadPalo Alto,CA


Family Service Agency of 94-1186169 501(c)3 7,500 Supporting Families

San Mateo County Inc24

Second Avenue

San Mateo, CA


Francis J Kane Public/Government 7,500 Education

Elementary School520

Farm Road

Marlborough, MA 01752

Gamble Garden Center 77-0094213 501(c)3 7,500 Environment

1431 Waverley Street

Palo Alto,CA


Global Lives Project Inc 61-1524216 501(c)3 7,500 Building Community

431 Kent Drive

Mountain View, CA


Page 156: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


India Community Center 52-2351119 501(c)3 7,500 Building Community

Inc525 Los Coches




Jewish Family and 94-1156528 501(c)3 7,500 Supporting Families

Children's ServicesMiriam Schultz GrunfeldBuilding215

Post Street

San Francisco, CA


March of Dimes - South 13-1846366 501(c)3 7,500 Strengthening

Bay Division1101 5 nonprofits

Winchester Blvd Suite E-


San Jose, CA 95128

Martha's Kitchen311 91-2091094 501(c)3 7,500 Building Community

Willow StreetSan Jose, CA


Menlo Park-Atherton 94-2871701 501(c)3 7,500 Education

Education FoundationPO

Box 584

Menlo Park, CA


Menlo Park-Atherton 94-2871701 501(c)3 7,500 Education

Education FoundationPO

Box 584

Menlo Park, CA


Mid-Peninsula Education 94-2693417 501(c)3 7,500 Education

Centerlnc1340 Willow

RoadMenlo Park, CA


Neighborhood House 91-0568305 501(c)3 7,500 Building Community

Incorporated905 Spruce

Street Suite 200

Seattle, WA 98104

New Creation Home 26-0044056 501(c)3 7,500 Supporting Families

Ministries422 Hibiscus


East Palo Alto,CA


Next Door Solutions to 94-2420708 501(c)3 7,500 Building Community

Domestic V iolence234

East Gish Road Suite 200

San Jose, CA 95112

Page 157: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Pacific Legal Foundation 94-2197343 501(c)3 7,500 Supporting Families

3900 Lennane Drive Suite


Sacramento, CA


Regents of the University 94-6002123 501(c)3 7,500 Education

of California at BerkeleyChemical Engineering

Dept201 Gilman

Hall M/S 1462

Berkeley, CA 94720

Rocketship Education550 20-4040597 501(c)3 7,500 Education

Kingsley Avenue

Palo Alto,CA


San Francisco Symphony 94-1156284 501(c)3 7,500 Arts & Culture

Davies Symphony

Ha11201 Van Ness


San Francisco, CA


Santa Clara Unified 77-0312776 501(c)3 7,500 Education

School District1889

Lawrence Road

Santa Clara, CA


Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 501(c)3 7,500 Supporting Families

Bank of Santa Clara & San

Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


SEMI Foundation3081 30-0155873 501(c)3 7,500 Building Community

Zanker RoadSan Jose, CA 95134

Stanford Hospital & 94-1156365 501(c)3 7,500 Health & Wellness

Clinics2700 Sand Hill

RoadMenlo Park,CA 94025

Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 7,500 Education

ProcessingPO Box 20466

Stanford,CA 943090466

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 7,500 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford,CA 943056105

Page 158: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


The Foundation for Reed 94-3152375 501(c)3 7,500 Education

Schools1199 Tiburon

Boulevard Room 25

Tibruon, CA 94920

UCSB Foundation 23-7314834 501(c)3 7,500 Education

University of CaliforniaSanta

BarbaraSanta Barbara, CA


United Friends of the 95-3665186 501(c)3 7,500 Supporting Families

Children1055 Wilshire

Boulevard Suite 1955

Los Angeles, CA


United Way Silicon Valley 94-1450153 501(c)3 7,500 Building Community

1400 Parkmoor Avenue

Suite 250

San Jose, CA


University of California 94-2829914 50 1(c)3 7,500 Education

San Francisco Foundation

UCSF Box 0248

San Francisco, CA


University of notre Dame 35-0868188 501(c)3 7,500 Education

Du Lac1100 Grace Hall

notre Dame, IN


Woodside Priory School 94-1399274 501(c)3 7,500 Education

302 Portola Road

Portola Valley, CA


Woodside School 94-2928552 501(c)3 7,500 Education


Woodside RoadWoodside, CA 94062

Worcester Regional 04-3172538 501(c)3 7,500 Education

Science and Engineering

Fair Incorporated2

Cherlyn Drive

northboro, MA015321104

YMCA of Greater Seattle 91-0482710 501(c)3 7,500 Building Community

909 Fourth Avenue

Seattle, WA 98104

Page 159: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Youth and Family 94-3094966 501(c)3 7,500 Supporting Families

Enrichment Services610

Elm Street Suite 212

San Carlos, CA


Youth Community 20-8099150 501(c)3 7,500 Supporting Families

Service Inc4000

Middlefield Road SuiteD3

Palo Alto,CA


Zohar Dance Company 77-0427930 501(c)3 7,500 Arts & Culture

4000 MiddlefieldRoadBuilding L

Room 4

Palo Alto, CA 94303

Industry Initiatives for 77-0143865 501(c)3 7,560 Education

Science & Math

Education5301 Stevens

Creek BoulevardPO Box

58059 M/S 55L-WO

Santa Clara, CA


East Palo Alto Kids 77-0359913 501(c)3 7,626 Education

FoundationPO Box


Palo Alto,CA


Kennedy Middle School Public/Government 7,836 Education

2521 Goodwin Avenue

Redwood City, CA


Friends of the World Food 13-3843435 501(c)3 7,905 Supporting Families

Program Inc1819 L

Street NW Suite 900

Washington, DC


Cabrillo Education 94-2976402 501(c)3 7,936 Strengthening

FoundationPO Box 354 nonprofits

Half Moon Bay, CA


RotaCare Bay Area IncP 77-0328723 501(c)3 7,945 Health & Wellness

O Box 187

Gilroy,CA 950210187

Andrew Hill High School Public/Government 7,948 Education

3200 Senter Road

San Jose, CA 95111

Page 160: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Association for the 68-0111256 501(c)3 8,000 Arts & Culture

Creative Endeavor92

Louise Street Suite B

San Rafael, CA


California Alumni 94-1007751 501(c)3 8,000 Education


Housel Alumni House

Berkeley, CA


California Alumni 94-1007751 501(c)3 8,000 Education


Housel Alumni House

Berkeley, CA


California Alumni 94-1007751 501(c)3 8,000 Education


Housel Alumni House

Berkeley, CA


California Alumni 94-1007751 501(c)3 8,000 Education


Housel Alumni House

Berkeley, CA


Center for Functional 68-0282061 50 1(c)3 8,000 Education

Research2 Lincoln Drive

Sausalito, CA


Children's Advocacy 94-3079497 501(c)3 8,000 Supporting Families

Center816 West Tenth


Medford,OR 975013016

Coastside Medical Dental 94-3390196 501(c)3 8,000 Health & Wellness

Clinics Inc210 San

Mateo Road Suite 104

Half Moon Bay, CA


Conservation Earth Inc 94-2924999 501(c)3 8,000 Environment

PO Box 3098

Half Moon Bay, CA


Friends of Nevada County 27-0109188 501(c)3 8,000 Supporting Families

MilitaryPO Box 2262

Nevada City, CA


Page 161: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization section cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Gamble Garden Center 77-0094213 501(c)3 8,000 Environment

1431 Waverly Street

PaloAlto,CA 943013640

Global Impact66 Canal 52-1273585 501(c)3 8,000 Supporting Families

Center PlazaSuite 310

Alexandria,VA 22314

Grantmakers for Effective 01-0669150 501(c)3 8,000 Strengthening

O rganizations1725 nonprofits

Desales Street NW Suite


Washington, DC 20036

Iowa State University 42-1143702 501(c)3 8,000 Education


University Boulevard

A mes, IA 50010

Kidney and Urology 13-1777413 501(c)3 8,000 Strengthening

Foundation152 Madison nonprofits

Ave Suite 201

NewYork,NY 10016

McKenzie River Gathering 93-0691187 501(c)3 8,000 Building Community

Foundation2705 East

Burnside Street Suite 210


Portland, O R 972141768

Nepalese Youth 68-0224596 501(c)3 8,000 Education

Opportunity Foundation

3030 Bridgeway Suite 123

Sausalito, CA


Nuba Water Project7708 20-8078010 501(c)3 8,000 Environment

South Poplar Street

Centennial, CO 80112

Oxfam - America Inc226 23-7069110 501(c)3 8,000 Supporting Families

Causeway StreetFifth Floor

Boston, MA 021142206

Regents of the University 94-6036494 501(c)3 8,000 Education

of California DavisGiftsAdministrationone ShieldsAvenue

Davis, CA 956165270

Page 162: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization section cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistanceor government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Retirement Fund for 53-0196617 501(c)3 8,000 Supporting Families

ReligiousNatl Religious

Retirement Ofc3211

Fourth Street N E

Washington, DC


San JoseEvergreen 94-2877474 501(c)3 8,000 Education

Community College

District Foundation4750

San Felipe Road

San Jose, CA


St Andrew's School13601 94-2673950 501(c)3 8,000 Education

Saratoga Avenue

Saratoga, CA


Stanford University 94-1156365 501(c)3 8,000 Building Community

Stanford TechnologyVentures


Engineering Center Ro

Stanford,CA 943054026

The Bhutan Foundation 13-3376290 501(c)3 8,000 Building Community

2100 Pennsylvania

Avenue NWSuite


Washington, DC


Universal Unity 94-3142407 501(c)3 8,000 Building Community

Incorporated1860 Mowry

Avenue Suite 400

Fremont, CA 945381730

Volunteer Center of San 94-1156355 501(c)3 8,000 Strengthening

Francisco and San Mateo nonprofits

Counties1675 California


San Francisco, CA 94109

Woodside Community 94-6108531 501(c)3 8,000 Building Community

FoundationPO Box


Woodside, CA


Woodside High School 94-6174840 501(c)3 8,000 Strengthening

PTSA199 Churchill nonprofits


Woodside, CA 94062

Young Entrepreneurs 52-1651248 501(c)3 8,000 Building Community

Organization3017 Trieste


El Dorado Hills, CA


Page 163: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I, Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Childs Play12317 15th 20-3584556 501(c)3 8,088 Building Community

Avenue NE Suite 108

Seattle, WA 98125

India Literacy ProjectPO 36-3779020 501(c)3 8,095 Building Community

Box 361143



Mt Pleasant High School Public/Government 8,104 Education

1750 South White Road

San Jose, CA


RotaCare Bay Area IncP 77-0328723 501(c)3 8,161 Health & Wellness

O Box 187

Gilroy,CA 950210187

Goodwill Industries of 94-1212132 501(c)3 8,260 Supporting Families

Santa Clara Co Inc1080

north Seventh StreetSan Jose, CA 95112

Design Response1922 77-0318296 501(c)3 8,294 Strengthening

The Alameda Suite 205 nonprofits

San Jose, CA


Piedmont Hills High Public/Government 8,338 Education

School1377 Piedmont

RoadSan Jose, CA


Silver Creek High School Public/Government 8,353 Education

3434 Silver Creek Road

San Jose, CA


Opera San lose 77-0009773 501(c)3 8,472 Arts & Culture


Paragon Drive

San Jose, CA


The Tech Museum of 94-2864660 501(c)3 8,472 Education

Innovation201 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


Page 164: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

C.+r.., QQA CnheA..le T D-+ TT -A A+her Ann:n^^ +i. /^n -A :.+ the 11.+:.ed C+^+en

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Santa Clara County 30-0120876 501(c)3 8,498 Supporting Families

Search and RescueIncorporated55 West

Younger Avenue

San Jose, CA 95110

National Center for 94-2378104 501(c)3 8,500 Environment

Equine Facilitated

Therapy5001 Woodside

RoadWoodside, CA


Peninsula Outreach 77-0364279 501(c)3 8,500 Supporting Families

Program2995 Woodside

Road Suite 400-429

Woodside, CA


Redwood City Education 94-2903141 501(c)3 8,500 Education

FoundationPO Box 3046

Redwood City, CA


Redwood City Library 94-3293215 501(c)3 8,500 Supporting Families


Middlefield RoadRedwood City, CA


Shelter Network of San 77-0160469 501(c)3 8,500 Supporting Families

Mateo County1450

Chapin Avenue Second

FloorBurlingame, CA


Silicon Valley Education 20-5061316 501(c)3 8,500 Education


Parkmoor Avenue Suite


San Jose, CA


Youth Leadership 68-0184712 501(c)3 8,506 Education

Institute246 First Street

Suite 400

San Francisco, CA


Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 501(c)3 8,544 Supporting Families

Bank of Santa Clara &San Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


Santa Teresa High Public/Government 8,649 Education

School6150 Snell


San Jose, CA


Page 165: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Environmental Volunteers 94-2550385 501(c)3 8,666 Environment

Inc3921 East Bayshore

RoadPalo Alto,CA


InnVision the Way Home 77-0033628 501(c)3 8,666 Supporting Families

974 Willow Street

San Jose, CA


American Cancer Society 94-1170350 501(c)3 8,698 Health & Wellness

Inc747 Camden Avenue

Suite B

Campbell, CA


Gilroy FoundationPO Box 94-2719281 50 1(c)3 8,700 Building Community


Gilroy,CA 950210774

University of Houston 74-6001399 501(c)3 8,750 Education

Engineering Bldg Rm S


Calhoun RoadHouston,TX 772042013

University ofHouston400 74-6001399 501(c)3 8,750 Education

Ezekiel Cullen BuildingHouston,TX 772042013

University of Maryland 52-6002033 501(c)3 8,750 Education

Dept of Mat Sci

Engineeringlns for

Res in Elec App Phys

College Park, MD


University of Maryland 52-6002033 501(c)3 8,750 Education

Dept of Mat Sci

Engineeringlns for

Res in Elec App Phys

College Park, MD


Deaf Media Inc2600 23-7448069 501(c)3 8,777 Building Community

Tenth Street Suite 413

Berkeley, CA


Gilroy FoundationPO Box 94-2719281 501(c)3 8,796 Building Community


Gilroy,CA 950210774

Page 166: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Institute for Sustainable 75-3010560 501(c)3 8,870 Environment

Peace3217 Montrose

BoulevardHouston,TX 770063929

Let Them Hear 02-0630432 501(c)3 8,900 Health & Wellness


University Avenue Suite


East Palo Alto, CA


PAHC Management and 91-2198765 501(c)3 8,984 Supporting Families

Services Corporation725

Alma Street

Palo Alto,CA 94301

Americans forOxford500 52-1495060 501(c)3 9,000 Education

Fifth Avenue 32nd Floor

NewYork,NY 10110

Dominican University of 94-1156525 501(c)3 9,000 Education

California50 Acacia


San Rafael, CA


El Camino Hospital 94-2823235 501(c)3 9,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation2500 Grant

Road M/S WIL 210

Mountain View, CA


north Peninsula 94-2298841 501(c)3 9,000 Supporting Families

Neighborhood ServicesCenter600 Linden


South San Francisco, CA


Stone Church of Willow 23-6393377 501(c)3 9,000 Religion

Glen1937 Lincoln Avenue

San Jose, CA 95125

The San Jose Public 77-0142379 501(c)3 9,000 Education

Library Foundation150

East San Fernando

Street Fourth

FloorSan Jose, CA


TheatreWorksPO Box 94-2831245 501(c)3 9,000 Arts & Culture


Palo Alto,CA


Page 167: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Vassar CollegeBox 725 14-1338587 501(c)3 9,000 Education

124 Raymond Avenue

Poughkeepsie, NY


Youth Science Institute 94-1265213 501(c)3 9,000 Education

296 Garden Hill Drive

Los Gatos, CA


Pacifica School 94-3297842 501(c)3 9,080 Education

Volunteers375 Reina Del


Pacifica, CA 94044

Jewish Family Services of 94-2536452 501(c)3 9,127 Supporting Families

Silicon Valley14855 Oka

Road Suite 202

Los Gatos, CA


American Cancer Society 94-1170350 501(c)3 9,320 Health & Wellness

Inc1710 Webster Street

Oakland, CA946123412

Children's Health Council 94-1312311 501(c)3 9,350 Health & Wellness

Inc650 Clark Way

Palo Alto,CA


Oak Grove High School Public/Government 9,444 Education

285 Blossom Hill Road

San Jose, CA


Steppingstone Foundation 04-3086666 501(c)3 9,500 Education

Inc155 Federal Street

Suite 800

Boston, MA 02110

Rudolf Steiner Foundation 13-6082763 501(c)3 9,515 Environment

Incc/o pieranchPO Box


Davenport, CA 95017

Hillsboro School District Public/Government 9,524 Education

1J3083 NE 49th Place


Page 168: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

rorm vvy acneauie i, rart ii, c,rants ana utner Assistance to Governments ana ur anizations in the unitea states

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


East Palo Alto Mural Art 91-2192238 501(c)3 9,553 Arts & Culture

Project425 First Street

Suite D

Los Altos, CA


Evergreen Valley High Public/Government 9,584 Education

School3300 Quimby Road

San Jose, CA


Global Impact66 Canal 52-1273585 501(c)3 9,595 Supporting Families

Center PlazaSuite 310

Alexandria,VA 22314

Take Home Book Program Public/Government 9,629 Education

c/o PhilanthropicVentures


Preservation Park Wa

Oakland,CA 946121201

Individual Philanthropy 51-0644783 501(c)3 9,710 Building

Institute554 Valley Way Community

Milpitas,CA 950354106

Missions MinistriesPO 84-1201744 501(c)3 9,730 Building

Box 3324 Community

Englewood, CO


Rebuilding Together 77-0289381 501(c)3 9,891 Supporting Families

Silicon ValleyPO Box


San Jose, CA


Peninsula Temple Sholom 13-1663143 501(c)3 9,963 Religion

1655 Sebastian Drive

Burlingame, CA


Abilities United525 East 94-1546643 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Charleston RoadPalo Alto,CA


Abilities United525 East 94-1546643 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Charleston RoadPalo Alto,CA


Page 169: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Abilities United525 East 94-1546643 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Charleston RoadPalo Alto,CA


Abraham's Vision3571 04-3779552 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Highland AvenueRedwood City, CA


ACE Public School 77-0555838 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Network1100 Shasta


San Jose, CA


Achievement Rewards for 23-7335361 501(c)3 10,000 Education

College Scientists

Foundation Inc PO Box


San Francisco, CA


Achievement Rewards for 23-7335361 501(c)3 10,000 Education

College Scientists

Foundation Inc PO Box


San Francisco, CA


Across the Bridge 77-0517240 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Foundation1460 The

AlamedaSan Jose, CA


Acterra Action for a 23-7064937 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Sustainable Earth3921

East Bayshore Road

Palo Alto, CA 94303

Acterra Action fora 23-7064937 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Sustainable Earth3921

East Bayshore Road

Palo Alto,CA


Acterra Action fora 23-7064937 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Sustainable Earth3921

East Bayshore Road

Palo Alto,CA


Acterra Action fora 23-7064937 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Sustainable Earth3921

East Bayshore Road

Palo Alto,CA


Page 170: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Acumen Fund Inc76 13-4166228 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Ninth Avenue Suite 315

NewYork,NY 10011

Addison Penzak Jewish 94-2222989 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Community Center of

Silicon Valley14855 Oka

Road Suite 201

Los Gatos, CA


Adolescent Counseling 51-0192551 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Services4000 MiddlefieldRoad Suite FH

Palo Alto,CA


Adolescent Counseling 51-0192551 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Services4000 MiddlefieldRoad Suite FH

Palo Alto,CA


Aim High for High School 94-3296338 501(c)3 10,000 Education

PO Box 410715

San Francisco, CA


Alaska Native Heritage 92-0127531 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Centerlnc8800 Heritage

Center Drive

Anchorage,AK 99504

ALearn186 University 30-0464507 501(c)3 10,000 Education


Los Altos,CA 94022

All Stars Helping Kids Inc 77-0325111 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

970 Main Street

Redwood City, CA


All Stars Helping Kids Inc 77-0325111 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

970 Main Street

Redwood City, CA


Amateur Athletic Union of 20-8280904 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

the United States Inc

2380 Lotus Way

Tracy, CA 95376

Page 171: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


America SCO RES3685 65-1163540 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Motor Avenue Suite 110

Los Angeles, CA 90034

American Cancer Society 23-7040934 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

747 Camden Avenue

Suite B

Campbell, CA


American Cancer Society 13-1788491 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Inc941 East 3300 South

Salt Lake City, UT


American Civil Liberties 94-0279770 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Union Foundation ofnorthern Californial 11

north Market Street Suite


San Jose, CA 95113

American Civil Liberties 94-0279770 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Union Foundation ofnorthern Californial 11

north Market Street Suite


San Jose, CA 95113

American Civil Liberties 94-0279770 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Union Foundation ofnorthern Californial 11

north Market Street Suite


San Jose, CA 95113

American Civil Liberties 94-0279770 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Union Foundation ofnorthern Californial 11

north Market Street Suite


San Jose, CA 95113

American Civil Liberties 94-0279770 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Union Foundation ofnorthern Californial 11

north Market Street Suite


San Jose, CA 95113

American Civil Liberties 94-0279770 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Union Foundation ofnorthern California39Drumm Street

San Francisco, CA


American Civil Liberties 94-0279770 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Union Foundation ofnorthern California39Drumm Street

San Francisco, CA


Page 172: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


American Friends of 30-0265343 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Birdlife Internation Incc/oChapel York 601


Ave NW 900

Washington, DC


American Heart 13-5613797 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Association1710 Gilbreth

Road Suite 100

Burlingame, CA 94010

American Heart 13-5613797 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

AssociationOne Almaden

Boulevard Suite 500

San Jose, CA


American Jewish World 22-2584370 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Service Inc45 West 36th

Street 11th Floor

New York, NY


American Musical 94-6088366 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Theatre of San Jose1717

Technology Drive

San Jose, CA


American Red CrossPO 53-0196605 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Box 96098

Washington, DC


American River 68-0195752 501(c)3 10,000 Environment


Highway 49PO Box 562

Coloma,CA 956130562

Amherst College 04-2103542 501(c)3 10,000 Education

TrusteesPO Box 5000

Amherst, MA


Angel Island Immigration 94-2909759 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Station Foundation50

Francisco Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


Animal People IncPO Box 14-1752216 501(c)3 10,000 Environment


Clinton,WA 98236

Page 173: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

rorm vvy scneauie i, Nart ii , urants ana utner assistance to iiovernments ana ur anizations in t he unites states

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Apache Elementary Public/Government 10,000 Education

School12800 Copper

Avenue NE

Albuquerque,NM 87123

Archaeological Institute of 13-5669180 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

America656 Beacon

Street Sixth Floor

Boston, MA 022152006

Arlington I S D Education 75-2561891 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Foundation1141 West

Pioneer Parkway Suite



Arlington,TX 76013

Arthritis Foundation Inc 94-1212126 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

657 Mission Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


Artists forLiteracy2325 94-3390795 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Third Street Suite 324

San Francisco, CA


Arts Council Silicon 94-2825213 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Valley4 north SecondStreet Suite 500

San Jose, CA


Asian Americans for 94-2292491 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Community Involvement

2400 Moorpark Avenue

Suite 300

San Jose, CA


Asian AmericansPacific 94-3150064 501(c)3 10,000 Strengthening

Islanders in Philanthropy nonprofits200 Pine Street 700

San Francisco, CA 94104

Asian Pacific Fund225 94-3201522 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Bush Street Suite 590

San Francisco, CA


Assemblies of God 44-0577787 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

northern California &Nevada District Council

6051 South Watt Avenue

Sacramento, CA


Page 174: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Association of 13-2590764 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community


ProfessionalsPO Box


San Jose, CA


Association of the Los 94-2542813 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Altos Historical Museum

51 South San Antonio

RoadLos Altos Hills, CA


Austin Independent Public/Government 10,000 Education

School District1111

West Sixth Street

Austin,TX 78703

Avance Inc660 Sinclair 74-1769114 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families


San Jose, CA 95116

Bay Area Legal Aid405 - 94-1631316 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

14th Street Ninth Floor

Oakland,CA 94612

Bay Area Legal Aid405 - 94-1631316 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

14th Street Ninth Floor

Oakland,CA 94612

Bay Area Video Coalition 94-2403876 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Inc2727 Mariposa Street

Second FloorSan Francisco, CA


Bayshore Christian 77-0151434 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Ministries1001 Beech


East Palo Alto,CA


Bellarmine College 94-1160938 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Preparatory United

States CatholicConference960 West

Hedding Street

San Jose, CA


Berkana Institute350 87-0487834 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

East Tenth Avenue

Spokane, WA


Page 175: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Berkeley Symphony 23-7219508 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture


University Avenue Suite


Berkeley, CA 94704

Best Friends Animal 23-7147797 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Society5001 Angel

Canyon Road

Kanab,UT 847415001

Beth Israel Deaconess 04-2103881 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Medical Center Inc330

Brookline AvenueBoston, MA 02215

Billy Jones Wildcat 94-1668730 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

RailroadPO Box 234

Los Gatos, CA


Blue Bear School of Music 94-2243418 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Fort Mason Center

Building D

San Francisco, CA


Bowdoin College4100 01-0215213 501(c)3 10,000 Education

College Station

Brunswick, ME


Boy Scouts of America 94-1156254 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Santa Clara County

Council970 West Julian


San Jose, CA


Boy Scouts of America- 94-1156483 50 1(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Pacific Skyline Council1150 Chess Drive

Foster City, CA


Boys & Girls Club of the 94-1552134 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Peninsula401 Pierce

RoadMenlo Park, CA


Boys & Girls Club of the 94-1552134 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Peninsula401 Pierce

RoadMenlo Park, CA


Page 176: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Boys & Girls Club of the 94-1552134 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Peninsula401 Pierce

RoadMenlo Park, CA


Boys & Girls Club of the 94-1552134 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Peninsula401 Pierce

RoadMenlo Park, CA


Boys & Girls Club of the 94-1552134 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Peninsula401 Pierce

RoadMenlo Park, CA


Boys & Girls Club of the 94-1552134 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Peninsula401 Pierce

RoadMenlo Park, CA


Boys & Girls Club of the 94-1552134 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Peninsula401 Pierce

RoadMenlo Park, CA


Boys & Girls Club of the 94-1552134 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Peninsula401 Pierce

RoadMenlo Park, CA


Boys & Girls Clubs of 94-1294898 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Silicon Valley518 Valley




Bread of Life EPA PO Box 94-3103364 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families


East Palo Alto, CA


Breast Cancer 77-0417605 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness


Cambridge Avenue

Palo Alto,CA


Bring Me A Book 77-0481924 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Foundation1045 Terra

Bella AvenueMountain View, CA


Page 177: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Brown UniversityGift 05-0258809 501(c)3 10,000 Education

CashierPO Box 1877

Providence, RI


Business Executives for 52-1271179 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

National Security1717

Pennsylvania Avenue



Washington, DC


Businesses United in 94-3386695 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Investing Lending and


Adams Drive

Menlo Park, CA


Cadence Foundation2655 30-0127470 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Seely Avenue

San Jose, CA 95134

Canopy Trees For Palo 01-0565752 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Alto3921 East Bayshore

RoadPalo Alto,CA


California Academy of 94-1156258 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Sciences55 Music

Concourse DriveGolden


ParkSan Francisco, CA


California Alumni 94-1007751 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Association811 north

Catalina AvenueSuite


Redondo Beach, CA


California Audubon 95-1856339 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Society6404 Wilshire

Boulevard Suite 1250

Los Angeles, CA


California Ballet 95-2582305 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Association Inc4819

Ronson Court

San Diego, CA 92111

California Family 77-0053005 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Foundation3201 Ash


Palo Alto,CA


Page 178: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


California Family 77-0053005 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Foundation3201 Ash


Palo Alto,CA


California Museum for 94-3015670 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

History Women and the

Arts1020 0 Street

Sacramento, CA


California State Parks 94-1707583 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Foundation50 Francisco

Street Suite 110

San Francisco, CA


California State Parks 94-1707583 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Foundation800 College


Kentfield,CA 94914

California Trout870 23-7097680 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Market Street Suite 528

San Francisco, CA


Camp Sunshine at 22-2582877 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Sebago Lake Inc35

Acadia RoadCasco,ME 040153655

Capital Area Food Bank of 74-2217350 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Texas Inc8201 South

Congress Avenue

Austin,TX 78745

Carmelite Monastery 53-0196617 501(c)3 10,000 Religion

1000 Lincoln Street

Santa Clara, CA


Carolina for Kibera Inc 56-2248495 501(c)3 10,000 Education

UNC Chapel Hill Campus

Box 5145

Chapel Hill, NC


Carpenters Place1149 36-4352283 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Railroad AvenueRockford,IL 611041309

Page 179: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Ass istance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Case Western Reserve 34-1018992 501(c)3 10,000 Education


Processing10900 Euclid


Cleveland, O H 44106

Castilleja School 94-0373222 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Foundation1310 Bryant


PaloAlto,CA 943013597

Catholic Charities CYO of 94-1498472 501(c)3 10,000 Religion

the Archdiocese of SanFrancisco180 Howard

Street Suite 100

San Francisco, CA


Catholic Charities of San 94-2762269 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

JoseEducational SrvcsDiv-Raising A

Reader645 Wool Creek


San Jose, CA 95112

Catholic Worker House545 94-3136771 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Cassia Street

Redwood City, CA


Center for Constitutional 22-6082880 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Rights Inc666 Broadway

Seventh FloorNewYork,NY 10012

Center for Sacred Studies 77-0572410 501(c)3 10,000 Religion

Morningstar FoundationPO

Box 745

Sonora, CA 95370

Central Oregon Community 93-6041247 501(c)3 10,000 Education

College Foundation2600

NW College Way

Bend,OR 977015933

Charities Aid Foundation 43-1634280 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

A mericaKing Street Station

1800 Diagonal

Road Suite 150

Alexandria, VA


Charles Armstrong School 94-1666217 501(c)3 10,000 Education

1405 Solana Drive

Belmont, CA 940023653

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Charles Armstrong 94-1666217 501(c)3 10,000 Education

School1405 Solana Drive

Belmont, CA 94002

Charles Armstrong 94-1666217 501(c)3 10,000 Education

School1405 Solana Drive

Belmont, CA


Chhandam Chitresh Das 94-2693092 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Dance Company32 Saint

Charles AvenueSan Francisco, CA


Child Advocates of 77-0250773 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Silicon Valley Inc509

Valley Way Building 2



Child Advocates of 77-0250773 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Silicon Valley Inc509

Valley Way Building 2



Child Advocates of 77-0250773 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Silicon Valley Inc509

Valley Way Building 2



Child Advocates of 77-0250773 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Silicon Valley Inc509

Valley Way Building 2



Child Advocates of 77-0250773 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Silicon Valley Inc509

Valley Way Building 2



Children now1212 94-3059243 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Broadway Fifth FloorOakland, CA946121805

Children's Health Council 94-1312311 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Inc650 Clark Way

Palo Alto,CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Children's Health Council 94-1312311 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Inc650 Clark Way

Palo Alto,CA


Chinatown Community 94-2514053 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Development Center Inc

1525 Grant Avenue

San Francisco, CA


Chinese Historical 94-6122446 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Society ofAmerica965

Clay Street

San Francisco, CA


Christian Counseling and 23-1996251 501(c)3 10,000 Strengthening

Educational Foundation nonprofits1803 E Willow Grove


Glenside, PA 19038

City at Peace104 West 13-4134366 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

27th Street 12th Floor

NewYork,NY 10001

City at Peace-Charlotte 56-2083002 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

IncPO Box 33893

Charlotte, NC 28233

City Year285 Columbus 22-2882549 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families


Boston, MA 02116

City Year-San 22-2882549 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

JoseSilicon Valley142

West Santa Clara Street

San Jose, CA


CityTeam Ministries2304 94-1501265 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Zanker RoadSan Jose, CA


Claremont McKenna 95-1664101 501(c)3 10,000 Education

College400 north

Claremont BoulevardClaremont, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Cleo Eulau Center for 77-0393676 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Children and Adolescents415 Cambridge Avenue

Suite 11

Palo Alto, CA


Coastside Adult Day 94-2935784 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Health Center645

Correas Street

Half Moon Bay, CA


Coastside HopePO Box 51-0199747 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families


El Granada, CA


Coastside Infant Toddler 94-3066324 501(c)3 10,000 Education

CenterPO Box 84

Half Moon Bay, CA


Collective Roots Garden 71-0901459 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Project IncPO Box


Palo Alto,CA


Collective Roots Garden 71-0901459 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Project IncPO Box


East Palo Alto, CA


College Track436 14th 94-3279613 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Street Suite 500

Oakland, CA946122736

College Track436 14th 94-3279613 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Street Suite 500

Oakland, CA946122736

Colorado Collegel4 East 84-0402510 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Cache La Poudre Street

Colorado Springs, CO


Combined Jewish 04-2103559 501(c)3 10,000 Religion

Philanthropies 126 High


Boston, MA 02110

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Commonweal 20-0153356 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Conservancy117 north

Guadalupe Street Suite C

Sante Fe,NM 87501

Commonwealth Club of 94-0399260 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

California St Francis Hotel

595 Market Street

Second FloorSan Francisco, CA


Commonwealth Club of 94-0399260 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

California St Francis Hotel

595 Market Street

Second FloorSan Francisco, CA


Communities in Schools 91-1732922 501(c)3 10,000 Education

of Lakewood WA6402

100th Street NW

Lakewood, WA 98499

Community Association 94-1546643 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

for Rehabilitation525 East

Charleston RoadPalo Alto,CA


Community Awareness 94-2335626 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

and Treatment Services

1446 Market Street

San Francisco, CA


Community Financial 20-3788598 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Resources771 Euclid


Berkeley, CA 94708

Community High School 13-4224216 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Foundation Inc890

Broadway Street

Redwood City, CA


Community Music Center 94-1156270 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

544 Capp Street

San Francisco, CA


Community Musicworks 05-0507426 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

1392 Westminister Street

Providence, RI


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Community Overcoming 94-2481188 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Relationship A busePO

Box 5090

San Mateo, CA


Community School of 23-7023900 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Music &Arts230 San

Antonio Circle

Mountain View, CA


Community School of 23-7023900 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Music &Arts230 San

Antonio Circle

Mountain View, CA


Community School of 23-7023900 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Music &Arts230 San

Antonio Circle

Mountain View, CA


Community School of 23-7023900 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Music &Arts230 San

Antonio Circle

Mountain View, CA


Community School of 23-7023900 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Music and Arts230 San

Antonio Circle

Mountain View, CA


Community School of 23-7023900 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Music and Arts230 San

Antonio Circle

Mountain View, CA


Community Services 94-1422465 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Agency204 Stierlin Road

Mountain View, CA


Community Services 94-1422465 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Agency204 Stierlin Road

Mountain View, CA


Community Working 77-0446309 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Group Inc555 Bryant

Street PMB 321

Palo Alto,CA


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Form 990.Schedule I, Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Computer History 77-0507525 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Museum1401 north

Shoreline BoulevardMountain View, CA


Computer History 77-0507525 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Museum1401 north

Shoreline BoulevardMountain View, CA


Computer History 77-0507525 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Museum1401 north

Shoreline BoulevardMountain View, CA


Computer History 77-0507525 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Museum1401 north

Shoreline BoulevardMountain View, CA


Computer History 77-0507525 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Museum1401 north

Shoreline BoulevardMountain View, CA


Comunidad Para Baja 56-2495229 501(c)3 10,000 Strengthening

CaliforniaPO Box 565 nonprofits

Los Gatos, CA 95031

Comunidad Para Baja 56-2495229 Public/Government 10,000 Strengthening

CaliforniaPO Box 565 nonprofits

Los Gatos, CA 95031

Conservation Through 34-1997310 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Research Education andAction USA40 Carl

Street Suite 3

San Francisco, CA


CORA (Community 94-2481188 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Overcoming Relationship

Abuse)PO Box 5090

San Mateo, CA


Cornell University130 15-0532082 501(c)3 10,000 Education

East Seneca Street

Ithaca, NY 148504353

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Cornell University130 15-0532082 501(c)3 10,000 Education

East Seneca Street

Ithaca, NY 14851

Cornell University130 15-0532082 501(c)3 10,000 Education

East Seneca Street

Ithaca, NY 14851

Creating Economic 55-0836010 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Opportunities for Women

Inc405 14th Street Suite


Oakland, CA946122706

Creative Commons 04-3585301 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Corporationl71 Second

Street Suite 300

San Francisco, CA


Creative Commons 04-3585301 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Corporationl71 Second

Street Suite 300

San Francisco, CA


Creativity Explored3245 94-2801050 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

16th Street

San Francisco, CA


Culver Educational 35-0868071 501(c)3 10,000 Education


Academy Road

Culver,IN 465111291

Culver Educational 35-0868071 501(c)3 10,000 Education


Academy Road

Culver,IN 465111291

Day Worker Center of 20-2874108 50 1(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Mountain V iewc/o Trinity

United MethodistChurch748 Mercy Street

Mountain View, CA


Deschutes United WayPO 93-6012576 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Box 5969

Bend, O R 977085969

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Diocese of San Jose900 94-2734503 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Lafayette StreetSuite


Santa Clara, CA


Diocese of San Jose900 94-2734503 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Lafayette StreetSuite


Santa Clara, CA


Doctors Without Borders 13-3433452 501(c)3 10,000 Strengthening

333 Seventh Avenue 2nd nonprofits

FloorNew York, NY


Dorothy Day House A 94-3158511 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

nonprofit Public BenefitCorporationPO Box


Berkeley, CA


Downtown Streets Inc 20-5242330 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

542 High Street

Palo Alto,CA


Dr Ephraim Williams 68-0386462 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Family Life Center and

Outreach ProgramPO

Box 5260

Sacramento, CA


Dream Foundation1528 77-0405779 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Chapala Street Suite 304

Santa Barbara, CA


Duluth Heritage Sports 20-4440473 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Centerc/o Republic

Bank306 West Superior

Street Suite 100

Duluth,MN 558021806

Each One Reach One 94-3374997 501(c)3 10,000 Education

1486 Huntington Avenue


South San Francisco, CA


East Palo Alto Kids 77-0359913 501(c)3 10,000 Education

FoundationPO Box


Palo Alto,CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Easter Seals Wisconsin 39-0824877 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

101 nob Hill Road Suite


Madison,WI 53713

Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Ecumenical Hunger 94-2476942 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Program2411 Pulgas


East Palo Alto,CA


Ecumenical Hunger 94-2476942 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Program2411 Pulgas


East Palo Alto,CA


EHC LifeBuilders2665 94-2684272 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

north First Street Suite


San Jose, CA 95134

EHC LifeBuilders507 94-2684272 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Valley Way

Milpitas,CA 950354105

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Entrepreneurs Foundation 94-3267369 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

60 South Market Street

Suite 1000

San Jose, CA


Entrepreneurs Foundation 94-3267369 501(c)3 10,000 Strengthening

60 South Market Street nonprofits

Suite 1000

San Jose, CA


Entrepreneurs Foundation 94-3267369 501(c)3 10,000 Strengthening

60 South Market Street nonprofits

Suite 1000

San Jose, CA


Environmental Volunteers 94-2550385 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Inc3921 East Bayshore

RoadPalo AIto, CA


Environmental Volunteers 94-2550385 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Inc3921 East Bayshore

RoadPalo AIto, CA


Environmental Volunteers 94-2550385 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Inc3921 East Bayshore

RoadPalo AIto, CA


Environmental Working 52-2148600 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Group1904 Franklin

StSte 515

Oakland,CA 94612

Episcopal Community 94-3096716 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Services of San Francisco

165 Eighth Street Third

FloorSan Francisco, CA


Family & Children's 39-0821863 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Center1707 Main Street

La Crosse, WI 54601

Family Supportive 77-0106237 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Housing Inc1590 Las

Plumas Avenue

San Jose, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Fellowship Foundation 53-0204604 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

IncPO Box 23813

Washington, DC


Foothill-De Anza 94-3258220 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Colleges Foundation12345 El Monte Road

Los Altos H ills, CA


Foothill-De Anza 94-3258220 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Colleges Foundation12345 El Monte Road

Los Altos H ills, CA


Foothill-De Anza 94-3258220 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Colleges Foundation12345 El Monte Road

Los Altos H ills, CA


Forever Young 87-0509354 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Foundation1424 South

Stapley Drive

Mesa,AZ 85204

Foundation for 31-1602890 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Democratic Reforms in

IndiaPO Box 469

Wadsworth,IL 60083

Foundation for Students 81-0615887 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Rising AbovePO Box


San Francisco, CA


Foundation for Students 81-0615887 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Rising AbovePO Box


San Francisco, CA


Foundation for Students 81-0615887 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Rising AbovePO Box


San Francisco, CA


Foundation for the Future 94-3181333 501(c)3 10,000 Strengthening

PO Box 1228 nonprofits

Menlo Park, CA


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Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Foundation for the Future 94-3181333 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Menlo-Atherton High

SchoolPO Box


Menlo Park, CA


Franciscan Province ofthe 53-0196617 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Immaculate Conception

125 Thompson Street

New York, NY


Fresh Lifelines for Youth 52-2234595 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Inc120 West Mission


San Jose, CA


Friends for Youth Inc1741 94-2961034 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community


Redwood City, CA


Friends for Youth Inc1741 94-2961034 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community


Redwood City, CA


Friends of Independent 91-1216755 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Schools and BetterEducation811 north Karl

Johan Avenue

Tacoma,WA 984061047

Friends of Independent 91-1216755 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Schools and BetterEducation811 north Karl

Johan Avenue

Tacoma,WA 984061047

Friends of the Palo Alto 77-0296155 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Junior Museum and Zoo

1451 Middlefield RoadPalo Alto,CA


Friends of the World Food 13-3843435 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Program Inc1819 L Street

northwestSuite 900

Washington, DC 20036

Friends Outside in Santa 94-2608859 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Clara County551

Stockton Avenue

San Jose, CA


Page 192: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Gamble Garden Center 77-0094213 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

1431 Waverly Street

Palo Alto,CA


Gideon Hausner Jewish 77-0245931 501(c)3 10,000 Religion

Day School450 San

Antonio Road

Palo Alto,CA


Girl Scouts of northern 94-1551410 501(c)3 10,000 Education

California1310 South

Bascom Avenue

San Jose, CA 95128

Girl Scouts of northern 94-1551410 501(c)3 10,000 Education


Edgewater Drive Suite


Oakland, CA946213019

Girls For A ChangePO 26-0035835 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Box 1436

San Jose, CA


Girls Middle School180 94-3253594 501(c)3 10,000 Education

north Rengstorff Avenue

Mountain View, CA


Girls Middle School180 94-3253594 501(c)3 10,000 Education

north Rengstorff Avenue

Mountain View, CA


Girls' Middle School180 94-3253594 501(c)3 10,000 Education

north Rengstorff Avenue

Mountain View, CA


Girls To Womenc/o St 20-8766348 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Francis of Assisi


Bay Road

East Palo Alto, CA


Girls To WomenPO Box 20-8766348 501(c)3 10,000 Education


East Palo Alto, CA


Page 193: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Glaucoma Research 94-2495035 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation251 Post

Street Suite 600

San Francisco, CA


Glaucoma Research 94-2495035 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation251 Post

Street Suite 600

San Francisco, CA


Global Fund for Children 56-1834887 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

1101 14th Street NW

Suite 420

Washington, DC


Global Fund for Women 77-0155782 501(c)3 10,000 Strengthening

Inc12290 Voyager nonprofits


Colorado Springs, CO


Global Fund For Women 77-0155782 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Inc1375 Sutter Street

Suite 400

San Francisco, CA


Global Heritage Fund625 20-5009512 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Emerson Street Suite 200

Palo Alto,CA


Golden Gate National 94-2781708 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Parks ConservancyFort

Mason Building 201

San Francisco, CA


Golden Gate National 94-2781708 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Parks ConservancyFort

MasonBuilding 201 Third

FloorSan Francisco, CA


Greater Bay Area Make- 94-2958481 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

A-Wish Foundation Inc

235 Pine Street Sixth

FloorSan Francisco, CA


Greater Cedar Rapids 42-6053860 501(c)3 10,000 Strengthening

Community Foundation nonprofits

200 First Street SW

Cedar Rapids, IA


Page 194: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I, Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Gulf of Maine Research 01-0504905 501(c)3 10,000 Environment


Commercial Street

Portland, ME 04101

Habitat for Humanity 94-3088881 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Greater San Francisco

690 Broadway Street

Redwood City, CA


Habitat for Humanity 95-4290935 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

San Fernando Santa

Clarita Valleys21031

Ventura Boulevard Suite


Woodland Hills, CA91364

Half Moon Bay 76-0796851 Public/Government 10,000 Strengthening

Coastside Community nonprofits

Foundation Inc235 Main


Half Moon Bay, CA


Healing Yoga Foundation 94-3213100 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

PO Box 29205

San Francisco, CA


Health and Habitat76 68-0143498 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Lee Street

Mill Valley, CA 94941

Health Net Foundation 04-3804600 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Inc33 River Street

Chagrin Falls,OH


Hidden Villa26870 94-1539836 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Moody Road

Los Altos H ills, CA


Hillbrook School300 94-0382325 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Marchmont Drive

Los Gatos, CA


Hillel the Foundation For 77-0575153 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Jewish Campus Life336

East William Street

San Jose, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I, Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Hillsboro School District Public/Government 10,000 Education

1J3083 NE 49th Place

Hillsboro, OR971246009

Hillsborough Schools 94-2634550 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Foundation300 El Cerrito


H illsborough, CA940106899

Hispanics in 94-3040607 501(c)3 10,000 Strengthening

Philanthropy200 Pine nonprofits

Street Suite 700

San Francisco, CA


Homeboy Industries130 95-4800735 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

West Bruno Street

Los Angeles,CA 90012

Homeless Prenatal 94-3146280 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Program Inc2500 18th


San Francisco, CA


Hooved Animal Rescue & 36-4456161 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Protection SocietyPO

Box 94

Barrington, IL


Hopelink16225 NE 87th 91-0982116 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

StreetSuite A-1

Redmond, WA 98052

HorseSense for Special 39-1966685 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Riders Inc West 5823

State Road 33

La Crosse, WI 54601

Hospice of the Valley 94-2803411 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

4850 Union Avenue

San Jose, CA 95124

Housing Choices 77-0458221 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Coalition30 Las Colinas


San Jose, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I, Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Housing for Independent 94-2650901 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

People481 Valley Way

Milpitas,CA 95035

Housing Trust of Santa 77-0545135 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Clara County95 South

Market Street Suite 550

San Jose, CA


Human Rights Watch Inc 13-2875808 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

100 Bush Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


Human Rights Watch Inc 13-2875808 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

350 Fifth Avenue 34th

FloorNew York, NY


Humane Society Silicon 94-1196215 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Valley2530 Lafayette


Santa Clara, CA


Huntington's Disease 13-3349872 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Society of America Inc

505 Eighth Avenue Suite


New York, NY


north Fair Oaks Public/Government 10,000 Building Community

Community Festivalc/o

County of San Mateo

SheriffsOffice400 County Road

Redwood City, CA


northern California 23-7427232 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Cancer Center2201

Walnut Avenue Suite


Fremont, CA


northern California Public 94-1241309 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Broadcasting Inc2601

Mariposa Street

San Francisco, CA


northern California Public 94-1241309 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Broadcasting Inc2601

Mariposa Street

San Francisco, CA


Page 197: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


northern Illinois 36-6086819 501(c)3 10,000 Education

University Foundation

1351425 West Lincoln


Dekalb,IL 601152828

northwestern University 36-2167817 501(c)3 10,000 Education

2020 Ridge Avenue

Evanston, IL 602084307

notre Dame High School 94-1424421 501(c)3 10,000 Education

1540 Ralston Avenue

Belmont, CA 940021995

India Community Center 52-2351119 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Inc525 Los Coches


Milpitas,CA 950355423

Injured Marine Semper Fi 26-0086305 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Fund825 College

BoulevardSuite 102 PMB


Oceanside, CA


InnVision the Way Home 77-0033628 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

974 Willow Street

San Jose, CA


InnVision the Way Home 77-0033628 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

974 Willow Street

San Jose, CA


Institute for Myeloma & 46-0475333 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Bone Cancer Research

9201 West Sunset

Boulevard Suite300

West Hollywood, CA


Institute of Poetic 20-2951118 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

MedicinePO Box 60189

Palo Alto,CA 94306

Interfaith Network for 94-6165067 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Community Help of San

Mateo County2162

Capitol Avenue

East Palo Alto, CA


Page 198: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


International Earthlight 81-0647148 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Alliance65 Golden Eagle


Sedona,AZ 863365012

International Forum on 94-3262147 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community


General Kennedy Avenue


San Francisco, CA


International Humanities 33-0767921 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

CenterPO Box 923

Malibu, CA 902650923

International School of 94-2599581 501(c)3 10,000 Education

the Peninsulal51 Laura


Palo Alto,CA


Internews NetworkPO 94-3027961 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Box 4448

Arcata,CA 95518

Interplast Inc857 Maude 23-7297770 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness


Mountain View, CA


Island Conservation 91-1839907 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Center for Ocean

Health100 Shaffer

RoadSanta Cruz, CA


Jeremiah's PromisePO 75-3079265 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Box 1393

Palo Alto,CA


Jesus InstitutePO Box 94-1156533 501(c)3 10,000 Religion


Encinitas, CA


Jewish Community 94-1156533 501(c)3 10,000 Religion

Federation of SF Marin

Peninsula & Sonoma

Counties121 Steuart


San Francisco, CA


Page 199: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Jewish Community 94-1156335 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Relations Council of SanFrancisco Marin &

Peninsulal21 Steuart

Street Suite 301

San Francisco, CA


Jewish Vocational & 94-2213100 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Career Counseling

Service77 Geary Street

Suite 401

San Francisco, CA


JobTrain1200 0 Brien 94-1712371 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families


Menlo Park, CA


JobTrain1200 0 Brien 94-1712371 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families


Menlo Park, CA


John Wayne Cancer 95-4291515 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Institute2200 Santa

Monica BoulevardSanta Monica, CA


Junior Achievement of 94-1393420 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Silicon Valley andMonterey Bay Inc1401

Parkmoor Avenue Suite


San Jose, CA


Junior Achievement of 94-1393420 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Silicon Valley andMonterey Bay Inc3150

De La Cruz Boulevard

Suite 103


Santa Clara, CA


Kansas Athletics 48-6033929 501(c)3 10,000 Education

IncorporatedPO Box


Kansas City, M0


Kara457 Kingsley Avenue 94-2431483 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Palo Alto,CA


Kids Can Free the 16-1533544 501(c)3 10,000 Education

ChildrenPO Box 32099

Hartford,CT 061502099

Page 200: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Kingdom First Ministries Inc 20-1282840 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

325 Sharon Park Drive 702

Menlo Park, CA


KQED Inc2601 Mariposa 94-1241309 501(c)3 10,000 Education


San Francisco, CA


KQED Inc2601 Mariposa 94-1241309 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture


San Francisco, CA


Land Trust of Santa Cruz 94-2431856 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

County617 Water Street

Santa Cruz, CA


Las Lomitas Education 94-2952818 501(c)3 10,000 Education

FoundationPO Box 7282

Menlo Park, CA


Lawrence Schools 48-1016950 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Foundation110 McDonald


Lawrence, KS 660441063

Lawrence University of 39-0806297 501(c)3 10,000 Education


Office PO Box 599

A ppleton, WI 549120599

Leadership San MateoFoster Public/Government 10,000 Building Community

City BurlingameHillsborough

385 First Avenue

San Mateo, CA 94401

League of California 20-5205488 501(c)3 10,000 Strengthening

Community Foundations PO nonprofits

Box 1638

Rohnert Park, CA 94927

League of Women Voters of 68-0061260 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

California Education Fund801 12th Street Suite 220

Sacramento, CA 95814

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Learning and Loving 20-3270605 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Education Center16890

Church Street Suite 16

Morgan Hill, CA


Learning Together Family 39-1935714 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Literacy IncPO Box 400

Holmen,WI 54636

Lewa Wildlife 87-0572187 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Conservancy USA PO Box


Woodbridge, V A


Lifelong AIDS Alliance 91-1215715 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

1002 East Seneca Street

Seattle, WA 98122

Livability ProjectP 0 Box 94-3229680 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community


Pacifica, CA 94044

Live Oak Adult Day 77-0069106 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Services1147 Minnesota


San Jose, CA


Loaves & Fishes Family 77-0370874 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Kitchen508 Valley Way

Milpitas,CA 950354106

Long Beach Aquarium of 33-0532354 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

the PacificAdministrativeOffices320 Golden

Shore Suite 150

Long Beach, CA


Long Beach Education 33-0357679 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Fund1515 Hughes Way


Long Beach,CA 90810

Los Altos Community 77-0273721 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Foundation183 Hillview


Los Altos, CA


Page 202: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Los Altos Community 77-0273721 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Foundation183 Hillview


Los Altos, CA


Los Altos Community 77-0273721 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Foundation183 Hillview


Los Altos,CA 94022

Los Altos School District Public/Government 10,000 Education

201 Covington Road

Los Altos, CA


Los Angeles Free Clinic 95-2539105 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

dba The Saban FreeClinic8405 Beverly

BoulevardLos Angeles,CA 90048

Los Gatos Educational 94-2874929 501(c)3 10,000 Education


Roberts RoadLos Gatos, CA 95032

Lucile Packard 77-0440090 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation for Children'sHealth400 Hamilton

Avenue Suite 340

Palo Alto,CA


Lucile Packard 77-0440090 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation for Children'sHealth400 Hamilton

Avenue Suite 340

Palo Alto,CA


Lucile Packard 77-0440090 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation for Children'sHealth400 Hamilton

Avenue Suite 340

Palo Alto,CA


Lucile Packard 77-0440090 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation for Children'sHealth400 Hamilton

Avenue Suite 340

Palo Alto,CA


Lucile Packard 77-0440090 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation for Children'sHealth400 Hamilton

Avenue Suite 340

Palo Alto,CA


Page 203: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Lucile Packard Foundation 77-0440090 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

for Children's Health400Hamilton Avenue Suite


Palo Alto, CA


Lucile Packard Foundation 77-0440090 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

for Children's Health400Hamilton Avenue Suite


Palo Alto, CA


Lucile Salter Packard 77-0003859 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Childrens Hospital AtStanfordc/o LucilePackard Foundation400

Hamilton Avenue Suite


Palo Alto,CA


Lyrique-en-Mer 30-0153800 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

FoundationFine A its

Building 1 Nunn Drive

Highland Heights, KY


Make It Right Foundation 26-0723027 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

PO Box 58009

New O rleans, LA


Marin Community Clinic 94-2237120 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

300 Professional Center



novato,CA 949474334

Marin Country Day School 94-1375791 501(c)3 10,000 Education

5221 Paradise Drive

Corte Madera, CA


May Institute Inc4l 04-2197449 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Pacella Park DriveRandolph, MA


Media Matters for America 47-0928008 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

1625 Massachusetts

Avenue NW Suite


Washington, DC


Media Matters for America 47-0928008 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

1625 Massachusetts

Avenue NW Suite


Washington, DC 20036

Page 204: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Menlo Park Presbyterian 23-6393377 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Church950 Santa Cruz


Menlo Park, CA


Menlo Park Presbyterian 23-6393377 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Church950 Santa Cruz


Menlo Park, CA


Menlo Park Presbyterian 23-6393377 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Church950 Santa Cruz


Menlo Park, CA


Menlo Park-Atherton 94-2871701 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Education FoundationPO

Box 584

Menlo Park, CA


Menlo Park-Atherton 94-2871701 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Education FoundationPO

Box 584

Menlo Park, CA


Menlo School50 94-3204137 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Valparaiso Avenue

Atherton, CA


Menlo School50 94-3204137 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Valparaiso Avenue

Atherton, CA


Menlo School50 94-3204137 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Valparaiso Avenue

Atherton, CA


Menlo School50 94-3204137 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Valparaiso Avenue

Atherton, CA


Menlo School50 94-3204137 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Valparaiso Avenue

Atherton, CA


Page 205: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Menlo School50 94-3204137 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Valparaiso Avenue

Atherton, CA


Menlo School50 94-3204137 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Valparaiso Avenue

Atherton, CA


Menlo-Atherton High 26-0820369 501(c)3 10,000 Education

School Foundation For theFuturePO Box 1228

Menlo Park, CA


Menlo-Atherton High 26-0820369 501(c)3 10,000 Education

School Foundation For theFuturePO Box 1228

Menlo Park, CA


MentorNet1275 5 77-0547710 501(c)3 10,000 Education

WinchesterBoulevardSuite E

San Jose, CA 95128

MentorNet1275 South 77-0547710 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Winchester BoulevardSuite E

San Jose, CA


Mercy CorpsDonor 91-1148123 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

ServicesPO Box 2669

Portland, O R 97208

Mercy ShipsPO Box 2020 95-3793975 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Garden Valley, TX


Meru FoundationPO Box 68-0002931 501(c)3 10,000 Education


Sharon, MA 020670503

Middlebury CollegeGift 03-0179298 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Administration OfficeOldCourthouse 5 Court Street

M iddlebury, VT057536014

Page 206: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Mid-Peninsula Education 94-2693417 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Centerlnc1340 Willow

RoadMenlo Park, CA


Mills-Peninsula Hospital 23-7288765 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation1783 El

Camino Real

Burlingame, CA 94010

Montalvo AssociationPO 94-1249283 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Box 158

Saratoga, CA


Monterey Bay Aquarium 94-2487469 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Foundation886 Cannery


Monterey, CA


Monterey Bay Aquarium 94-2487469 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Foundation886 Cannery


Monterey, CA


Morgan Autism Center 94-1722448 501(c)3 10,000 Education

2280 Kenwood Avenue

San Jose, CA


Morgan Autism Center 94-1722448 501(c)3 10,000 Education

2280 Kenwood Avenue

San Jose, CA


Mountain View 77-0006770 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Educational FoundationPO Box 391557

Mountain View, CA


Mountain View 77-0006770 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Educational FoundationPO Box 391557

Mountain View, CA


Mounted Patrol of San 75-2991593 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Mateo County Foundation

521 Kings Mountain Road

Woodside, CA


Page 207: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Music for Minors Inc883 94-2494433 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

north ShorelineBoulevardSuiteC120

Mountain View, CA


My New Red Shoes555 20-4683289 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Airport Boulevard FifthFloorBurlingame, CA 94010

My New Red ShoesPO Box 20-4683289 501(c)3 10,000 Education


Menlo Park, CA


Myelin Repair Foundation 03-0485196 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

18809 Cox Avenue Suite


Saratoga, CA 95070

Myelin Repair Foundation 03-0485196 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

18809 Cox AvenueSuite


Saratoga, CA 95070

Nantucket Boys & Girls 04-6114678 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Club Inc6l Sparks

AvenuePO Box 269

Nantucket, MA


Napa Emergency Womens 94-2745889 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Services1141 Pear Tree

Lane Suite 220

Napa,CA 94558

National Coalition of 43-1645180 501(c)3 10,000 Strengthening

Community Foundations nonprofits

for Youth1055 Broadway

Suite 130

Kansas City,MO 64105

National Peace Corps 58-1431113 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Association1900 L Street

northwest Suite 205

Washington, DC


National Public Radio Inc 52-0907625 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

635 Massachusetts

Avenue NW

Washington, DC


Page 208: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Native American Health 23-7135928 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Center2950 International

BoulevardOakland,CA 94601

Natural Resources 13-2654926 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Defense Council Inc4O

West 20th Street

New York, NY


Natural Resources 13-2654926 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Defense Council Inc4O

West 20th Street

New York, NY


Natural Resources 13-2654926 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Defense Council Inc4O

West 20th Street

New York, NY


Nature Conservancy Inc 53-0242652 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

4245 north Fairfax Drive

Suite 100

A rlington, V A


Nature Conservancy Inc 53-0242652 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

4245 north Fairfax Drive

Suite 100

A rlington, V A


Nature Conservancy Inc 53-0242652 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

201 Mission Street 4th

FloorSan Francisco, CA


New America Alliance 54-1072411 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Institute8150 north

Central ExpresswaySuite


Dallas,TX 75206

New Israel FundPO Box 94-2607722 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community


Washington, DC


New Langton Arts1246 51-0178433 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Folsom Street

San Francisco, CA


Page 209: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


New Voice of Business82 56-2522367 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Levant Street

San Francisco, CA


NumbersUSA Education 47-0865426 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

and Research Foundation1601 north Kent Street

Suite 1100

A rlington, V A


Oakland Asian Students 94-3145997 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Educational Services196

Tenth Street

Oakland, CA946074389

Oakland Military Institute 91-2073068 501(c)3 10,000 Education

College Preparatory

Academy3877 Lusk


Oakland, CA946083822

Okizu Foundationl6 68-0291178 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Digital Drive

novato,CA 949495755

Okizu Foundationl6 68-0291178 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Digital Drive

novato,CA 949495704

One World Childrens Fund 77-0479205 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

1009 General Kennedy

Avenue 2

San Francisco, CA


Opera San lose 77-0009773 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture


Paragon Drive

San Jose, CA


Opera San lose 77-0009773 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture


Paragon Drive

San Jose, CA


Opportunity International 54-0907624 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Inc2122 York Road Suite


Oak Brook, IL


Page 210: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Oprah's Angel Network 36-4231488 501(c)3 10,000 Strengthening

PO Box 96600 nonprofits

Chicago, IL 60693

Order of Malta Oakland 20-5969389 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Clinic Inc1999 Harrison

Street Suite 1700

Oakland, CA946124700

Order of St John in the 94-3145288 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Western USA14375

Saratoga Avenue Suite


Saratoga, CA


Oregon Children's 93-1051724 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Foundation219 NW 12th

Avenue Suite 203

Portland, 0 R


Outside In1132 SW 13th 93-0567549 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community


Portland, 0 R


Oxfam-America Inc226 23-7069110 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Causeway Street 5th

FloorBoston, MA 021142206

Pachamama Alliance 94-3249793 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Presidio Building 1009

GroundFloorPO Box 29191

San Francisco, CA


Pachamama Alliance 94-3249793 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Presidio Building 1009

GroundFloorPO Box 29191

San Francisco, CA


Pachamama Alliance 94-3249793 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Presidio Building 1009

GroundFloorPO Box 29191

San Francisco, CA


Pacific Autism Center for 77-0259858 501(c)3 10,000 Education


Pruneridge Avenue

Santa Clara, CA


Page 211: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Pacific Community 77-0485877 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Ventures5l Federal

Street Suite 402

San Francisco, CA


Pacific Council on 95-4520471 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

International Policy3502

Trousdale ParkwaySOS


Los Angeles, CA


Pacific Forest Trust Inc 68-0292509 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

1001-A 0 Reilly Avenue

San Francisco, CA


Pacific Institute for 94-2206497 501(c)3 10,000 Strengthening

Community Organizations nonprofits

171 Santa Rosa Avenue

Oakland, CA946101316

PACT Inc Educational 94-1569303 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Clearing House635

Divisadero Street

San Francisco, CA


Painted Turtle Gang 95-4612481 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Camp Foundation1300

Fourth Street Suite 300

Santa Monica, CA


Palestine Children's 93-1057665 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Relief FundPO Box 1926

Kent, O H 442400035

Palo Alto Medical 94-1156581 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation795 El Camino

RealPalo Alto,CA 94301

Palo Alto Medical 94-1156581 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation for HealthCare Research &

Education795 El Camino

RealPalo Alto,CA


Palo Alto Medical 94-1156581 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation for HealthCare Research &

Education795 El Camino

RealPalo Alto,CA


Page 212: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Palo Alto Medical 94-1156581 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation for HealthCare Research &

Education795 El Camino

RealPalo Alto,CA


Palo Alto Partners in 77-0186364 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Education25 ChurchillAvenue

Palo Alto,CA


Palo Alto Partners in 77-0186364 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Education25 ChurchillAvenue

Palo Alto,CA


Palo Alto Partners in 77-0186364 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Education25 ChurchillAvenue

Palo Alto,CA


Palo Alto Partners in 77-0186364 501(c)3 10,000 Education

EducationPO Box 1557

Palo Alto,CA


Palos Verdes Peninsula 95-3498211 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Education FoundationPO

Box 2632

Palos Verdes Peninsula,CA 902748632

PARCA800 Airport 94-1650851 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Boulevard Suite 320

Burlingame, CA


Parents Helping Parents 94-2814246 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Inc1400 Parkmoor

Avenue Suite 100

San Jose, CA


Parson's nose 95-4789893 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Productions 1325

Monterey Road

South Pasadena, CA


Partners for New 77-0273721 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Generations183 Hillview


Los Altos, CA


Page 213: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

C.+r.r. QQA CnheA..le T D-+ TT -A A+her Ann:n^^ +i. /^n -A :.+ the 11..:&eA C+^+en

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Pathways Hospice 77-0280660 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation585 north

Mary Avenue

Sunnyvale, CA


Peninsula Bridge 94-3226017 501(c)3 10,000 Education

ProgramPO Box 963

Menlo Park, CA


Peninsula Bridge 94-3226017 501(c)3 10,000 Education

ProgramPO Box 963

Menlo Park, CA


Peninsula Library Public/Government 10,000 Building Community

System2471 Flores


San Mateo, CA 94403

Peninsula Open Space 94-2392007 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Trust222 High Street

Palo Alto,CA


Peninsula Open Space 94-2392007 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Trust222 High Street

Palo Alto,CA


Peninsula Open Space 94-2392007 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Trust222 High Street

Palo Alto,CA


Peninsula Open Space 94-2392007 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Trust222 High Street

Palo Alto,CA


Peninsula School Ltd920 94-1186181 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Peninsula Way

Menlo Park, CA


Peninsula Youth Theatre 77-0335126 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

2500 Old MiddlefieldWay

Mountain View, CA


Page 214: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


People for Puget Sound 91-1518715 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

911 Western AvenueSte


Seattle, WA 981043608

Persian American Society 77-0215220 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

PO Box 25005

San Mateo, CA 94402

Philanthropic Ventures 94-3136771 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families


Preservation Parkway

Oakland, CA946121201

Point Reyes Bird 94-1594250 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

O bservatory3820

Cypress Drive 11

Petaluma, CA


Point Reyes Bird 94-1594250 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

0 bservatory3820

Cypress Drive 11

Petaluma, CA


Portola Valley Schools 93-1012148 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Foundation4575 Alpine

RoadPortola Valley, CA


Portuguese Organization 51-0187655 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

for Social Services1115

East Santa Clara Street

San Jose, CA 95116

Positive Coaching 77-0485946 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Alliance1001 north

RengstorffAvenue Suite


Mountain View, CA


Positive Coaching 77-0485946 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Alliance1001 north

RengstorffAvenue Suite


Mountain View, CA


Positive Coaching 77-0485946 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Alliance1001 north

RengstorffAvenue Suite


Mountain View, CA


Page 215: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Pound Puppy Rescue 20-2913652 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

11208 Golden Way

Nevada,CA 959593461

Presbyterian Hospital 58-1413074 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

FoundationPO Box


Charlotte, N C


Princeton UniversityPO 21-0634501 501(c)3 10,000 Strengthening

Box 5357 nonprofits

Princeton, NJ


Project Exploration950 36-4305660 501(c)3 10,000 Education

East 61st Street

Chicago, IL 60637

Project HIRED1401 77-0050319 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Parkmoor Avenue Suite


San Jose, CA 95126

Project HIRED1401 77-0050319 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Parkmoor Avenue Suite


San Jose, CA 95126

Project Ninety 94-2880877 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Foundation720 South B

Street Suite 3

San Mateo, CA


Project O pen Hand730 94-3023551 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Polk StreetSan Francisco, CA


Project O pen Hand730 94-3023551 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Polk StreetSan Francisco, CA


Promises Film Company 94-3257302 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

2600 Tenth Street Suite


Berkeley, CA


Page 216: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I, Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Protestant Episcopal 94-1160945 501(c)3 10,000 Religion

Church In The Diocese

of Californiac/o St PaulsEpiscopal Church415 El

Camino Real

Burlingame, CA


PTA CA Congress of 94-2949588 501(c)3 10,000 Strengthening

Parents Teachers & nonprofits

Students Inc199

Churchill AvenueWoodside, CA 94062

PTA California Congress 94-6174402 Public/Government 10,000 Strengthening

of Parents Teachers & nonprofitsStudents Inc700 Los

Altos Avenue

Los Altos, CA


PTA California Congress 94-6174840 501(c)3 10,000 Education

of Parents Teachers &Students Inc199

Churchill AvenueWoodside, CA 94062

Public Knowledge1875 52-2336690 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Connecticut Avenue NW



Washington, DC


Puente de la Costa Sur 37-1484262 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

PO Box 554

Pescadero, CA


Puget Soundkeeper 91-1285783 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Alliance5309 ShilsholeAvenue NW Suite 215

Seattle, WA 98107

Purdue Foundation Inc 31-0958507 501(c)3 10,000 Education

403 W Wood Street

West Lafayette, IN


Purdue Foundation Inc 31-0958507 501(c)3 10,000 Education

403 W Wood Street

West Lafayette, IN


Purdue Foundation Inc 31-0958507 501(c)3 10,000 Education

403 W Wood Street

West Lafayette, IN


Page 217: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Purdue Foundation Inc 31-0958507 501(c)3 10,000 Education

403 W Wood Street

West Lafayette, IN


Purdue Foundation Inc 31-0958507 501(c)3 10,000 Education

403 W Wood Street

West Lafayette, IN


Purdue Foundation Inc 31-0958507 501(c)3 10,000 Education

403 W Wood Street

West Lafayette, IN


Quest Scholars Program 94-3348336 501(c)3 10,000 Education

PO Box 20054

Stanford,CA 943090054

Ravenswood Cities & 94-3239876 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Schoolsc/o San Francisco49ers Academy2695

Fordham StreetEast Palo Alto, CA


Ravenswood Family 94-3372130 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Health Center1798A Bay

RoadEast Palo Alto, CA


Reading Partners528 77-0568469 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Valley Way

Milpitas,CA 950354106

Reading Partners528 77-0568469 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Valley Way

Milpitas,CA 950354106

Rebuilding Together - San 94-3107808 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

FranciscoPier 28 The

EmbarcaderoSan Francisco, CA


Rebuilding Together 94-3106209 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

PeninsulaPO Box 4031

Menlo Park, CA


Page 218: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assi stance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization section cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistanceor government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Rebuilding Together 94-3106209 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

PeninsulaPO Box 4031

Menlo Park, CA


Rebuilding Together 94-3106209 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

PeninsulaPO Box 4031

Menlo Park, CA


Rebuilding Together 94-3106209 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

PeninsulaPO Box 4031

Menlo Park, CA


Rebuilding Together Silicon 77-0289381 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

ValleyPO Box 21996

San Jose, CA 951511996

Recording for the Blind & 13-1659345 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Dyslexic Incnorthern

California Unit488 West

Charleston RoadPaloAlto,CA 943064103

Redwood City Library 94-3293215 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Foundation1044 MiddlefieldRoadRedwood City, CA


Regents of the University of 94-6002123 501(c)3 10,000 Education

California at BerkeleyGiftAdministration2080

AddisonStreet 4200

Berkeley, CA 947204200

Regents of the University of 94-6002123 501(c)3 10,000 Education

California at BerkeleyGiftAdministration2080

AddisonStreet 4200

Berkeley, CA 947204200

Regents of the University of 94-6002123 501(c)3 10,000 Education

California at Berkeley208O

Addison Street 4200

Berkeley, CA 947204200

Resource Area For 77-0365627 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Teachers1355 Ridder Park


San Jose, CA 951312306

Page 219: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Resource Area For 77-0365627 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Teachers1355 Ridder

Park Drive

San Jose, CA


Resource Area For 77-0365627 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Teachers1355 Ridder

Park Drive

San Jose, CA


Resource Area for 77-0365627 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Teachers1355 Ridder

Park Drive

San Jose, CA


Riekes Center for H uman 94-3224127 501(c)3 10,000 Education


Edison Way

Menlo Park, CA


Riekes Center for Human 94-3224127 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families


Edison Way

Menlo Park,CA 94025

Right Moves for Youth Inc 56-1834718 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

1031 South Caldwell

StreetSuite 102

Charlotte, NC 28203

Ronald McDonald House 94-2538615 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

at Stanford520 Sand HillRoadPalo Alto,CA


Ronald McDonald House 94-2538615 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

at Stanford520 Sand HillRoadPalo Alto,CA


Room to Read111 Sutter 91-2003533 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Street 16th Floor

San Francisco, CA


Room to ReadThe 91-2003533 501(c)3 10,000 Education

PresidioPO Box 29127

San Francisco, CA


Page 220: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Rosalie Rendu Inc1760 95-4709944 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Bay Road Suite 24

East Palo Alto, CA


Rotary Club of San lose 94-6112270 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Endowment Inc1690

Senter Road

San Jose, CA


Rutherford Charitable 68-0359707 501(c)3 10,000 Strengthening

O rganizationc/o Music for nonprofits

Mental HealthPO Box


Rutherford, CA945730680

Sacramento Local 68-0043298 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Conservation Corps Inc

8460 Belvedere Avenue

Suite 7

Sacramento, CA


Sacred Heart Nativity 95-2206754 501(c)3 10,000 Education

School310 EdwardsAvenue

San Jose, CA


Samaritan's Purse - 58-1437002 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

InternationalHeadquartersPO Box


Boone,NC 286073000

San Francisco AIDS 94-2927405 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation995 Market

Street Suite 200

San Francisco, CA


San Francisco AIDS 94-2927405 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

FoundationAlDS Walk

Officel2l Second Street

Fourth FloorSan Francisco, CA


San Francisco Ballet 94-1415298 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Association455 Franklin


San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Boys 94-1616811 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Chorus333 Hayes Street

Suite 116

San Francisco, CA


Page 221: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


San Francisco Food Bank 94-3041517 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

900 Pennsylvania Avenue

San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Food Bank 94-3041517 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

900 Pennsylvania Avenue

San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Opera 94-0836240 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Association301 Van Ness


San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Planning & 94-1498232 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Urban ResearchAssociation312 Sutter

Street Suite 500

San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Planning & 94-1498232 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Urban ResearchAssociation312 Sutter

Street Suite 500

San Francisco, CA


San Francisco School 94-1592822 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Volunteers727 Golden

Gate AvenueSecond Floor

San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Suicide 94-1581618 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

PreventionPO Box


San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Symphony 94-1156284 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Davies Symphony

Ha11201 Van Ness


San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Symphony 94-1156284 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Davies Symphony

Ha11201 Van Ness


San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Zen Center 94-6106688 501(c)3 10,000 Religion

300 Page Street

San Francisco, CA


Page 222: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


San Jose Children's 94-2870828 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Discovery Museum180

Woz Way

San Jose, CA


San Jose Conservation 77-0155997 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Corps2650 Senter Road

San Jose, CA


San Jose Jazz SocietyPO 77-0140627 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Box 1770

San Jose, CA 95109

San Jose Multicultural 77-0311831 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Artists Guild1700 Alum

Rock Avenue Suite 265

San Jose, CA 95116

San Jose Museum ofArt 23-7062028 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Association110 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


San Jose Museum of Art 23-7062028 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Association110 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


San Jose Museum of Art 23-7062028 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Association110 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


San Jose Museum of Art 23-7062028 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Association110 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


San Jose Museum of 77-0123939 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Quilts & Textiles520

South First Street

San Jose, CA


San Jose Museum of 77-0123939 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Quilts & Textiles520

South First Street

San Jose, CA


Page 223: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

rorm vvy scneauie i Part ii , urants ana utner assistance to iiovernments ana ur anizations in t he unites states

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


San Jose Repertory 94-2638313 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Theatre101 Paseo de

San Antonio

San Jose, CA


San Jose Repertory 94-2638313 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Theatre101 Paseo de

San Antonio

San Jose, CA


San Mateo Association of Public/Government 10,000 Supporting Families


Organizations for Reform

now405 Grand

AvenueSuite 200

South San Francisco, CA


San Mateo Coast Natural 94-3130418 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

History Associationc/o

A no Nueva State


Years Creek Road

Pescadero, CA 94060

San Mateo County 23-7186194 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Historical Association

2200 Broadway Street

Redwood City, CA


San Mateo County Parks 94-3306697 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

& Recreation Foundation

215 Bay Road

Menlo Park,CA 94025

San Mateo County 94-1661885 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Service League727

Middlefield RoadRedwood City, CA


San Mateo Police 31-1593896 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Activities League2000

South Delaware Street

San Mateo, CA


Santa Clara City Library 91-2125234 501(c)3 10,000 Education


Homestead RoadSanta Clara, CA 95050

Santa Clara University 94-1156617 501(c)3 10,000 Education

500 El Camino Real

Santa Clara, CA


Page 224: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Santa Clara University 94-1156617 501(c)3 10,000 Education

500 El Camino Real

Santa Clara, CA


Santa Clara University 94-1156617 501(c)3 10,000 Education

500 El Camino Real

Santa Clara, CA


Santa Clara University 94-1156617 501(c)3 10,000 Education

500 El Camino Real

Santa Clara, CA


Santa Clara University 94-1156617 501(c)3 10,000 Education

500 El Camino Real

Santa Clara, CA


Santa Clara University 94-1156617 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Kenna Ha11500 El Camino

RealSanta Clara, CA 95053

Santa Clara Valley 94-6081420 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Audubon Society22221

McClellan RoadCupertino, CA


Santa Maria Urban 94-1461062 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Ministry778 South

Almaden AvenueSan Jose, CA


Santa Visits Alviso 81-0656582 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

FoundationPO Box 1012

Alviso,CA 950021012

Save the Childrenlncome 06-0726487 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Processing Department54

Wilton RoadWestport, CT


Save the Childrenlncome 06-0726487 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Processing Department54

Wilton RoadWestport, CT


Page 225: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Save the Childrenlncome 06-0726487 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Processing Department54

Wilton RoadWestport, CT


Scholarship Foundation of 23-7087774 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Santa BarbaraPO Box


Santa Barbara, CA


School-ForcePO Box 91-2159650 501(c)3 10,000 Education


Belmont, CA 94002

Seattle Parks Foundation 91-1998597 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

860 Terry Avenue north

Suite 231

Seattle, WA 98109

Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Bank of Santa Clara & San

Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 50 1(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Bank of Santa Clara & San

Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 50 1(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Bank of Santa Clara & San

Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 50 1(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Bank of Santa Clara & San

Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 50 1(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Bank of Santa Clara andSan Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


Sempervirens FundPO 94-2155097 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Drawer BE

Los Altos, CA


Page 226: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Senior Housing Solutions 94-2619024 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

512 Valley Way



Sensory Access 23-7296574 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Foundation300 West

Iowa Avenue

Sunnyvale, CA


Sensory Access 23-7296574 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Foundation300 West

Iowa Avenue

Sunnyvale, CA


Services Immigration 77-0487468 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Rights & Education

Network (SIREN)1425

Koll Circle Suite 103

San Jose, CA 95112

Shelter Network of San 77-0160469 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Mateo County1450

Chapin Avenue Second

FloorBurlingame, CA


Shriners Hospital for 04-2121377 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Children2900 Rocky

Point Drive

Tampa,FL 336071460

Sierra Club Foundation85 94-6069890 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Second Street Suite 750

San Francisco, CA


Sierra Club Foundation85 94-6069890 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Second Street Suite 750

San Francisco, CA


Sigma Nu Educational 54-6035735 501(c)3 10,000 Education

FoundationPO Box 1869

Lexington, V A


Silicon Valley Bicycle 77-0338658 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Coalition84 West Santa

Clara Street Suite


San Jose, CA


Page 227: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Silicon Valley Campaign 77-0524824 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

for Legal Services3l

north Second StreetFourth FloorFloorSan Jose, CA


Silicon Valley Campaign 77-0524824 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

for Legal Services3l

north Second StreetFourth FloorFloorSan Jose, CA


Silicon Valley Childrens 77-0166138 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Fund4525 Union Avenue

San Jose, CA


Silicon Valley Childrens 77-0166138 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Fund4525 Union Avenue

San Jose, CA


Silicon Valley Conference 25-1920931 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

for Community & Justice

777 north First

StreetSuite 220

San Jose, CA


Silicon Valley Education 20-5061316 501(c)3 10,000 Education


Parkmoor Avenue Suite


San Jose, CA


Silicon Valley Education 20-5061316 501(c)3 10,000 Education


Parkmoor Avenue Suite


San Jose, CA


Silicon Valley Education 20-5061316 501(c)3 10,000 Education


Parkmoor Avenue Suite


San Jose, CA


Silicon Valley Education 20-5061316 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Foundation645 Wool

Creek Drive Suite A

San Jose, CA


Silicon Valley 94-2332246 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Independent Living

Center2306 Zanker Road

San Jose, CA 95131

Page 228: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Silicon Valley 91-2140464 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Manufacturing Group

Sustainable ValleyFoundation224 Airport

Parkway Suite 620

San Jose, CA


SJB Child Development 94-1747079 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Center1400 Parkmoor

Avenue Suite 220

San Jose, CA


Smith College33 Elm 04-1843040 501(c)3 10,000 Education


northampton, MA 01063

Smuin Ballets - SF300 94-3197247 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Brannan Street Suite 407

San Francisco, CA


Southern Exposure417 93-1216297 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

14th Street

San Francisco, CA


Southern Oregon 23-7030910 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

University Foundation

1250 Siskiyou Boulevard

Ashland,OR 975205034

Sovereign Order of Malta - 23-7450840 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Western Association465

California Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


Sports4Kids517 Fourth 94-3251867 501(c)3 10,000 Education


Oakland,CA 94610

Springboard Forward1301 91-2165886 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Shoreway Road Suite 160

San Mateo, CA


St Bernard's School Inc4 13-1255270 501(c)3 10,000 Education

East 98th Street

New York, NY


Page 229: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


St Bernard's School Inc4 13-1255270 501(c)3 10,000 Education

East 98th Street

New York, NY


St Elizabeth Seton School 94-2495928 501(c)3 10,000 Education

1095 Channing Avenue

Palo Alto,CA


St Francis Center of 94-3052056 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Redwood City151

Buckingham Avenue

Redwood City, CA


St Ignatius College 94-1451515 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Preparatory2001 37th


San Francisco, CA


St Ignatius College 94-1451515 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Preparatory2001 37th


San Francisco, CA


St Ignatius College 94-1451515 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Preparatory2001 37th


San Francisco, CA


St Ignatius College 94-1451515 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Preparatory2001 37th


San Francisco, CA


St Joseph's Family Center 03-0391775 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

7950 Church Street Suite


Gilroy,CA 950204401

St Joseph's Family Center 03-0391775 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

7950 Church Street Suite


Gilroy,CA 950204401

St Jude Children's 62-0646012 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Research Hospital262

Danny Thomas Place

Memphis, TN


Page 230: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


St Jude Children's 62-0646012 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Research Hospital262

Danny Thomas Place

Memphis, TN


St Mark's School of 04-2103623 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Southborough Inc PO Box

910525 Marlborough

RoadSouthborough, MA 01772

St Nicholas Church473 53-0196617 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Lincoln Avenue

Los Altos, CA


St Thomas the Apostle 36-2361102 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Church272 King Street

Crystal Lake, IL


Stanford Schools 20-2699147 501(c)3 10,000 Education

CorporationPO Box


Stanford,CA 94309

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 10,000 Strengthening

Galvez Street nonprofits

Stanford,CA 943056015

Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Processing326 Galvez


Stanford,CA 943056015

Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 10,000 Education

ProcessingPO Box 20466

Stanford,CA 943090466

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford,CA 943056105

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford,CA 943056105

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Start Up1395 Bay Road 77-0366059 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

East Palo Alto, CA


Steadman Sports 88-0245022 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Medicine Foundationl81

West Meadow Drive Suite


Vail,CO 81657

Stern Grove Festival 94-6064356 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Association44 Page

Street Suite 600

San Francisco, CA


Sugar Bowl Ski Team 94-3171879 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

FoundationPO Box 68

norden, CA 957240068

Summer Search620 68-0200138 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Davis Street

San Francisco, CA


Page 233: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Summer Searchl 11 West 68-0200138 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Saint John Street Suite


San Jose, CA


Summer Searchl 11 West 68-0200138 50 1(c)3 10,000 Education

Saint John Street Suite


San Jose, CA


Summer Searchl 11 West 68-0200138 50 1(c)3 10,000 Education

Saint John Street Suite


San Jose, CA


Summer Searchl 11 West 68-0200138 50 1(c)3 10,000 Education

Saint John Street Suite


San Jose, CA


Summer Searchl 11 West 68-0200138 50 1(c)3 10,000 Education

Saint John Street Suite


San Jose, CA 95113

Summerbridge Cambridge 04-3307783 501(c)3 10,000 Education

IncPO Box 381486

Cambridge, MA 02238

Sun Valley Summer 82-0397940 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

SymphonyPO Box 1914

Sun Valley, ID 83353

Sunday Friends 77-0518937 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

FoundationPO Box 24887

San Jose, CA


Sunday Friends 77-0518937 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

FoundationPO Box 24887

San Jose, CA


Sunnyvale Community 94-1713897 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Services725 Kifer Road

Sunnyvale, CA


Page 234: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Sunnyvale Historical 94-2544153 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Society & Museum

Association IncPO Box


Sunnyvale, CA


Support Network for 94-2598854 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Battered Women1257

Tasman Drive Suite C

Sunnyvale, CA


Supportive Housing 94-3112338 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families


Collaborative280 Turk


San Francisco, CA


Susan G Komen Breast 94-3047626 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Cancer Foundation150

Post Street Suite 755

San Francisco, CA


Sustainable northwest 93-1152222 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

620 SW Main Suite 112

Portland,OR 97205

Symphony Silicon Valley 32-0083030 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

PO Box 790

San Jose, CA


Tahoe Resource 94-2355693 10,000 Environment

Conservation District870

Emerald Bay Road Suite


South Lake Tahoe, CA


Tapestry Arts San lose 23-7448161 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Inc255 north Market

Street Suite 124

San Jose, CA 95110

Taube-Koret Campus for 94-3399181 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Jewish Life4000

Middlefield Road BuildingR

Palo Alto, CA 94303

Taube-Koret Campus for 94-3399181 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Jewish Life5150 El

Camino RealSuite D-11

Los Altos, CA


Page 235: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Taube-Koret Campus for 94-3399181 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Jewish Life5150 El

Camino RealSuite D-11

Los Altos, CA


Taxpayers for Lower San Public/Government 10,000 Building Community

Jose Tax Rates1261

Lincoln Avenue Suite


San Jose, CA 95125

Taylor Family Foundation 68-0271469 501(c)3 10,000 Strengthening

Inc5555 Arroyo Rd nonprofits

Livermore, CA 94550

Teach for America Inc 13-3541913 501(c)3 10,000 Education

101 New Montgomery

Street FifthFloorSan Francisco, CA


Teak Fellowship Inc16 13-4011465 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

West 22nd StreetThird

FloorNew York, NY


Teatro VisionMexican 77-0266551 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Heritage Plaza1700

AlumRock Avenue Suite 265

San Jose, CA 95116

Tech Academy of Silicon 26-0222071 501(c)3 10,000 Education

ValleyPO Box 54034

San Jose, CA 95154

Tenderloin Neighborhood 94-2761808 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Development Corporation

201 Eddy Street

San Francisco, CA


That Man May See Inc10 23-7129943 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Koret Way Box 0352

San Francisco, CA


The Art Kaleidoscope 13-3576913 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Foundationc/o Q uennell-Rothschild Associatesl8 West 22 Street

NewYork,NY 10011

Page 236: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


The Carolena Foundation 26-2646285 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

1290 Estudillo Avenue

San Leandro, CA 94577

The Center for 52-1454259 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Progressive Leadership

1133 19th Street NW

Ninth FloorWashington, DC


The Citizens Foundation 41-2046295 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

USA1350 Remington

Road Suite A

Schaumburg, IL 60173

The Community Music 77-0308416 501(c)3 10,000 Education

School of Santa CruzPO

Box 531

Santa Cruz, CA


The Conservation Fund 52-1388917 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

1655 north Fort Myer

Drive Suite


A rlington, V A


The Harker School3800 94-1613808 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Blackford AvenueSan Jose, CA


The High Desert Museum 51-0179336 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

59800 South Highway 97

Bend,OR 97702

The Light FactorySpirit 51-0185359 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Square Suite 211345

northCollege Street

Charlotte, NC 28202

The Nature Conservancy 20-5797732 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

of California201 Mission

Street 4th Floor

San Francisco, CA


The Presbyterian Church 23-6393377 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

of Sunnyvale728 West

Fremont Avenue

Sunnyvale, CA


Page 237: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


The Role Model Program 77-0230503 501(c)3 10,000 Education

1922 The Alameda 217

San Jose, CA 95126

The Salvation Army832 13-5562351 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Folsom Street

San Francisco, CA


The Scripps Research 33-0435954 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Institute10550 north

Torrey Pines RoadTPC2

La Jolla, CA 92037

The Tech Museum of 94-2864660 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Innovation201 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


The Tech Museum of 94-2864660 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Innovation201 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


The Tech Museum of 94-2864660 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Innovation201 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


The Tech Museum of 94-2864660 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Innovation201 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


The Tech Museum of 94-2864660 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Innovation201 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


The Tech Museum of 94-2864660 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Innovation201 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


The Trust for Public Land 23-7222333 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

116 New Montgomery

Street Fourth

FloorSan Francisco, CA


Page 238: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


The Trust for Public Land 23-7222333 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

116 New Montgomery

Street 4th Floor

FloorSan Francisco, CA


The UCLA Foundation 95-2250801 501(c)3 10,000 Education

110 Westwood Plaza

Suite F315Box


Los Angeles, CA


The Winston School of 33-0294043 501(c)3 10,000 Education

San Diego219 9th Street

Del Mar, CA 92014

TheatreWorksPO Box 94-2831245 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture


Palo Alto,CA


TheatreWorksPO Box 94-2831245 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture


Palo Alto,CA


TheatreWorksPO Box 94-2831245 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture


Palo Alto,CA


Today's Youth Matter461 94-3176545 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Valley Way



Tower Foundation of San 83-0403915 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Jose State UniversityOne

Washington SquareThird

FloorClark HallSan Jose, CA


Town of Portola Valley 94-1581254 501(c)3 10,000 Strengthening

765 Portola Road nonprofits

Portola Valley, CA


Town of Portola Valley 94-1581254 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

765 Portola Road

Portola Valley, CA


Page 239: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

rorm vvy acneauie i, rart ii, c,rant s ana utner Assistance to Governments ana ur anizations in the unitea states

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Town School2750 Jackson 94-1170412 Public/Government 10,000 Strengthening

St nonprofits

San Jose, CA 94115

TransAccess1150 South 94-2687057 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Bascom Avenue Suite 7A

San Jose, CA 95128

Triton Museum ofArt1505 94-6122076 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Warburton Avenue

Santa Clara, CA


Truck ofLovePO Box 269 77-0123129 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Los Altos, CA


Trustees ofAmherst 04-2103542 501(c)3 10,000 Education

CollegeMajor and PlannedGiftsP 0 Box 5000


Amherst,MA 010025000

Trustees of Phillips 04-2103579 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Academy180 Main Street

Andover,MA 01810

Trustees of the University 23-1352685 501(c)3 10,000 Education

of Pennsylvania333

Blockley Hall 423 Guardian


Philadelphia, PA 19104

Tuacahn Center for the 87-0487695 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Arts1100 Tuacahn Drive

Ivins, UT 84738

UC Davis FoundationOne 94-6081352 501(c)3 10,000 Strengthening

Shields Avenue nonprofitsDavis, CA 95616

UC Santa Cruz Foundation 23-7394590 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Gift Administration1156

High Street

Santa Cruz, CA


Page 240: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Unitarian Universalist 04-6186012 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Service Committee

Memberships andGivingPO Box 845259


Boston, MA 022845259

United Nations 58-2368165 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community


Massachusetts Avenue

NW Suite


Washington, DC 20036

United States Equestrian 22-1668879 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Team Foundation IncPO

Box 355

Gladstone, NJ


United States Fund for 13-1760110 Public/Government 10,000 Strengthening

UNICEF125 Maiden Lane nonprofits

NewYork,NY 10038

United States Fund for 13-1760110 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

UNICEF125 Maiden Lane

New York, NY


United States Fund for 13-1760110 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

UNICEF125 Maiden Lane

New York, NY


United States Holocaust 52-1309391 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Memorial Council100

Raoul Wallenberg PlaceSW

Washington, DC


United States Holocaust 52-1309391 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Memorial Council100

Raoul Wallenberg PlaceSouthwestWashington, DC 20006

United Way Silicon Valley 94-1450153 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

1400 Parkmoor Avenue

Suite 250

San Jose, CA


United Way Silicon Valley 94-1450153 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

1922 The Alameda

San Jose, CA


Page 241: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


United Way Silicon Valley 94-1450153 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

1922 The Alameda

San Jose, CA


United Way Silicon Valley 94-1450153 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

1400 Parkmoor Avenue

Suite 250

San Jose, CA


United Way Silicon Valley 94-1450153 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

1400 Parkmoor Avenue

Suite 250

San Jose, CA


University of California 94-6090626 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Berkeley Foundation2080

Addison Street 4200

Berkeley, CA


University of California 94-6090626 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Berkeley Foundation2080

Addison Street 4200

Berkeley, CA


University of California 94-6090626 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Berkeley Foundation2080

Addison Street 4200

Berkeley, CA


University of California 94-6090626 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Berkeley Foundation2080

Addison Street 4200

Berkeley, CA


University of California 94-6090626 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Berkeley Foundation2080

Addison Street 4200

Berkeley, CA


University of California 94-6036494 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Berkeley Foundation2080

Addison Street 4200

Berkeley, CA


University of California 94-2829914 501(c)3 10,000 Education

San Francisco Foundation

44 Montgomery Street

Suite 2200

San Francisco, CA


Page 242: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


University of California 94-2829914 501(c)3 10,000 Education

San Francisco Foundation

PO Box 45339

San Francisco, CA


University of California 94-2829914 501(c)3 10,000 Education

San Francisco Foundation

44 Montgomery Street

Suite 2200

San Francisco, CA


University of California 94-2829914 501(c)3 10,000 Education

San Francisco Foundation

44 Montgomery Street

Suite 2200

San Francisco, CA


University of San 94-1156628 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Francisco2130 Fulton

Street LM RW 115

San Francisco, CA


University of Sheffield in 30-0207689 501(c)3 10,000 Education

America Incc/o Chapel

and York PMB 293601

Pennsylvania Ave NW

900 South Bldg

Washington, DC


Urban Habitat436 14th 20-0275424 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Street Suite 1205

Oakland,CA 94612

Urban Resource Systems 94-2759411 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

451 Hayes Street Second

FloorSan Francisco, CA


Utah State University 87-0627128 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Foundation1420 Old Main

HillLogan,UT 843221420

Vassar CollegeBox 14 14-1338587 501(c)3 10,000 Education

124 Raymond Avenue

Poughkeepsie, NY


Vassar CollegeBox 14 14-1338587 501(c)3 10,000 Education

124 Raymond Avenue

Poughkeepsie, NY


Page 243: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Vermont AcademyPO Box 03-0179600 501(c)3 10,000 Education


Saxtons River, VT


Vida Verde Nature 36-4471996 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Education1043 Tunitas

Creek RoadHalf Moon Bay, CA


Vista Center for the Blind 94-1196206 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

and Visually Impaired2470 El Camino Real

Suite 107

Palo Alto,CA 94306

VMC Foundation2400 77-0187890 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Moorpark Avenue Suite


San Jose, CA


VMC Foundation2400 77-0187890 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Moorpark Avenue Suite


San Jose, CA


VMC Foundation2400 77-0187890 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Moorpark Avenue Suite


San Jose, CA


VMC Foundation2400 77-0187890 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Moorpark Avenue Suite


San Jose, CA


VMI Foundation 54-0505966 501(c)3 10,000 Education

IncorporatedPO Box 932

Lexington, V A


Volunteer Center of 77-0143125 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Silicon Valley1922 The

Alameda Suite 100

San Jose, CA 95126

Volunteer Center of 77-0143125 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Silicon Valley Inc1922

The Alameda Suite 100

San Jose, CA 95126

Page 244: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Volunteers for Outdoor 26-1524384 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

California615 Woodside

Road Suite E

Redwood City, CA


Volunteers for Outdoor 26-1524384 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

California615 Woodside

Road Suite E

Redwood City, CA


Volunteers in Medicine 93-1327847 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Clinic of the Cascades2300 NE Neff Road

Bend,OR 977016577

Walden West Outdoor 77-0450789 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Science SchoolFoundation15555

Sanborn RoadSaratoga, CA 95070

Washington Assistive 91-2094889 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Technology Foundation

100 South King

StreetSuite 280

Seattle, WA 98104

Watsonville Pilots 77-0166415 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

AssociationPO Box 2074

Freedom, CA


Westside Church2051 95-1684062 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

NW Shevlin Park RoadBend, O R 977015274

Wild Entrust International 71-1011900 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

PO Box 24687

Seattle, WA 981240687

Wildlife Conservation 30-0108469 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

Network Inc25745

Bassett Lane

Los Altos, CA


Wildlife Waystation Inc 95-3190812 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

14831 Little Tujunga

Canyon Rd

Angeles Natl Forest, CA


Page 245: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


William I Clinton 31-1580204 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Presidential FoundationDonations610 President


Little Rock, A R


Wing Luke Memorial 91-6067431 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Foundation719 South King


Seattle, WA 981043035

Women Donors Network 05-0542397 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

1170 Hamilton Court

Menlo Park,CA 94025

Women's Foundation of 94-2752421 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

California340 Pine Street

Suite 302

San Francisco, CA


Women's Foundation of 94-2752421 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

California340 Pine Street

Suite 302

San Francisco, CA


Women's Initiative for Self 94-3081525 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families


Valencia Street

San Francisco, CA


Women's Recovery 23-7079003 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Association of San Mateo

County Inc1450 Chapin


Burlingame, CA


Women's Recovery 23-7079003 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Association of San Mateo

County Inc1450 Chapin

Avenue First Floor

Burlingame, CA


Women's Recovery 23-7079003 501(c)3 10,000 Health & Wellness

Association of San Mateo

County Inc1450 Chapin

Avenue First Floor

Burlingame, CA


Woodrow Wilson 52-1067541 501(c)3 10,000 Education

International Center forScholarsOne WoodrowWilson Plaza1300

Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC


Page 246: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I, Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Woodrow Wilson 52-1067541 501(c)3 10,000 Education

International Center forScholarsOne WoodrowWilson Plaza1300

Pennsylvania Avenue


Washington, DC


Woodside High School Public/Government 10,000 Education

199 Churchill Avenue

Woodside, CA


Woodside High School Public/Government 10,000 Education

199 Churchill Avenue

Woodside, CA


Woodside High School 32-0232205 501(c)3 10,000 Strengthening

Foundation199 Churchill nonprofitsAvenue

Woodside, CA


Woodside High School 94-3181333 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Foundation199 ChurchillAvenue

Woodside, CA


Woodside Priory School 94-1399274 501(c)3 10,000 Education

302 Portola Road

Portola Valley, CA


Woodside School 94-2928552 501(c)3 10,000 Education


Woodside RoadWoodside, CA


Woodside Village Church 13-1957221 501(c)3 10,000 Religion

3154 Woodside Road

Woodside, CA


World Affairs Council of 94-3053917 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

northern California312

Sutter Street Suite 200

San Francisco, CA


World LearningKipling 03-0179592 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

Road PO 676

Brattleboro, VT


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


World Wildlife Fund Inc 52-1693387 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

1250 24th Street NWPO

Box 97180

Washington, DC


Worldchanging1517 12th 35-2257451 501(c)3 10,000 Environment


Seattle, WA 981223955

Xavier University3800 31-0537516 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Victory Parkway

Cincinnati, O H


Xellent Research Institute 30-0391381 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Corporation1871 The

Alameda Suite 331

San Jose, CA 95126

Yale UniversityPO Box 06-0646973 501(c)3 10,000 Education


New Haven, CT


Yale UniversityPO Box 06-0646973 501(c)3 10,000 Education


New Haven, CT


Yale UniversityPO Box 06-0646973 501(c)3 10,000 Education


New Haven, CT


YES Reading528 Valley 77-0568469 501(c)3 10,000 Education


Milpitas,CA 950354106

Yeshiva University500 13-1624225 501(c)3 10,000 Education

West 185th Street BH725

New York, NY


YMCA ofAshland540 93-0386976 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community


Ashland,OR 975201491

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


YMCA of Greater 56-1045299 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

CharlottePO Box 25382

Charlotte, N C


YMCA Santa Clara Valley 94-1156318 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

1922 The Alameda Third

FloorSan Jose, CA


Yosemite National 94-2145930 501(c)3 10,000 Environment

InstitutesGolden Gate

National Recreation

AreaBuilding 1055

Sausalito, CA 94965

Young America's 23-7042029 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Foundation110 Eldon


H erndon, V A


Youth and Family 94-3094966 501(c)3 10,000 Strengthening

Enrichment Services610 nonprofits

Elm Street Suite 212

San Carlos, CA 94070

Youth Community 20-8099150 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Service Inc3800

Middlefield RoadPalo Alto,CA


Youth Community 20-8099150 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

Service Inc3800

Middlefield RoadPalo Alto,CA


Youth Community 20-8099150 501(c)3 10,000 Education

Service Inc3800

Middlefield RoadPalo Alto, CA 94303

Youth Science Institute 94-1265213 501(c)3 10,000 Education

296 Garden Hill Drive

Los Gatos, CA


Youth Science Institute 94-1265213 501(c)3 10,000 Education

296 Garden Hill Drive

Los Gatos, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Youth Science Institute 94-1265213 501(c)3 10,000 Education

296 Garden Hill Drive

Los Gatos, CA


Youth Tennis Advantage 94-2293585 501(c)3 10,000 Education

610 16th Street

Oakland,CA 94612

Youth Tennis Advantage 94-2293585 501(c)3 10,000 Education

610 16th Street Suite


Oakland, CA946121242

Youth Tennis Advantage 94-2293585 501(c)3 10,000 Education

610 16th Street Suite


Oakland, CA946121242

YWCA of Silicon Valley 94-1186196 501(c)3 10,000 Supporting Families

375 South Third Street

San Jose, CA


ZeroO ne - The Art and 77-0534962 501(c)3 10,000 Arts & Culture

Technology Network1346

The AlamedaSuite 7-109

San Jose, CA


Zeum221 Fourth Street 94-3178735 501(c)3 10,000 Building Community

San Francisco, CA


Ziv Tzedakah Fund Inc 52-1219427 501(c)3 10,000 Religion

384 Wyoming Avenue

Milburn,NJ 07041

Santa Clara University 94-1156617 501(c)3 10,025 Education

500 El Camino Real

Santa Clara, CA


Global Impact66 Canal 52-1273585 501(c)3 10,051 Building Community

Center Plaza Suite 310

Alexandria,VA 22314

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Form 990.Schedule I, Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Cabrillo Education 94-2976402 501(c)3 10,098 Strengthening

FoundationPO Box 354 nonprofits

Half Moon Bay, CA


International Scholarship 62-1247492 10,100 Education

and Tuition Services Inc

200 Crutchfield Avenue

Nashville,TN 37210

Hospice of the Valley 94-2803411 501(c)3 10,272 Community

4850 Union Avenue Opportunity Fund

San Jose, CA 95124

Irvington High School Public/Government 10,327 Education

41800 Blacow Road

Fremont, CA 94538

Boys & Girls Club of 94-3193725 501(c)3 10,500 Strengthening

Greater Half Moon Bay nonprofits

PO Box 545

Half Moon Bay, CA


The Working Group1611 94-3082546 501(c)3 10,527 Building Community

Telegraph Avenue Suite


Oakland, CA946122129

Captain Samuel Public/Government 10,604 Education

Douglass Academy24

Townsend Hill RoadBrookline, NH 03031

First Community Housing 77-0119210 501(c)3 10,717 Supporting Families

2 north Second StSuite1250

San Jose, CA 95113

Community Health 94-2223670 501(c)3 10,732 Health & Wellness

Awareness CouncilP 0

Box 335

Mountain View, CA


Community School of 23-7023900 501(c)3 10,732 Arts & Culture

Music &Arts230 San

Antonio Circle

Mountain View, CA


Page 251: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Community Services 94-1422465 501(c)3 10,732 Supporting Families

Agency204 Stierlin Road

Mountain View, CA


Day Worker Center of 20-2874108 50 1(c)3 10,732 Supporting Families

Mountain V iewc/o Trinity

United MethodistChurch748 Mercy Street

Mountain View, CA


El Camino Hospital 94-2823235 501(c)3 10,732 Health & Wellness

Foundation2500 Grant

Road M/S PARG 20

Mountain View, CA


Partners for New 77-0273721 501(c)3 10,732 Building Community

Generations183 Hillview


Los Altos,CA 94022

Support Network for 94-2598854 501(c)3 10,732 Supporting Families

Battered Women1257

Tasman Drive Suite C

Sunnyvale, CA


Marine Mammal Center 51-0144434 501(c)3 10,825 Environment

Marin Headlands1065

Fort CronkhiteSausalito, CA


Jewish Family Services of 94-2536452 501(c)3 10,873 Supporting Families

Silicon Valley14855 Oka

Road Suite 202

Los Gatos, CA


Pacifica Library 20-0278962 501(c)3 10,933 Supporting Families

Foundation104 Hilton Way

Pacifica,CA 940442739

Pacifica Resource Center 94-3213100 501(c)3 10,933 Supporting Families

1809 Palmetto Avenue

Pacifica, CA 94044

Pacificans CareP 0 Box 77-0004308 501(c)3 10,933 Supporting Families


Pacifica,CA 940440875

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Peninsula Open Space 94-2392007 501(c)3 10,933 Environment

Trust222 High Street

Palo Alto,CA


YMCA of San Francisco 94-0997140 501(c)3 10,933 Building Community

631 Howard Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


Boys & Girls Club of 59-1108790 501(c)3 11,000 Supporting Families

Broward County877 NW

61st Street

Fort Lauderdale, FL


Community Services 94-1422465 501(c)3 11,000 Supporting Families

Agency204 Stierlin Road

Mountain View, CA


Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 11,000 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Ecumenical Hunger 94-2476942 501(c)3 11,000 Supporting Families

Program2411 Pulgas


East Palo Alto,CA


National Judicial College 94-2427596 501(c)3 11,000 Building Community

Judicial CollegeBuildingMail Stop


Reno,NV 89557

Painted Turtle Gang 95-4612481 501(c)3 11,000 Supporting Families

Camp Foundation1300

Fourth Street Suite 300

Santa Monica, CA


Taylor Family Foundation 94-3262932 501(c)3 11,000 Strengthening

5555 Arroyo Road nonprofits

Livermore, CA


The Longhorn Foundation 74-1946138 501(c)3 11,000 Education

PO Box 7399

Austin,TX 787137399

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Next Door234 East Gish 94-2420708 501(c)3 11,023 Supporting Families

Road Suite 200

San Jose, CA


International Humanities 33-0767921 501(c)3 11,100 Environment

CenterPO Box 923

Malibu, CA 902650923

CarbonFundorg1320 20-0231609 501(c)3 11,136 Environment

Fenwick LaneSuite 206

S i l v e r Springs, M D


Opportunity Health 20-2886131 501(c)3 11,199 Health & Wellness

Partners Inc33 Encina

Avenue 103

Palo Alto,CA 94301

Trustees ofTufts College 04-2103634 501(c)3 11,200 Education

80 George Street

Medford,MA 021555519

Learning and Loving 20-3270605 501(c)3 11,260 Community

Education Center16890 Opportunity Fund

Church Street Suite 16

Morgan Hill, CA


Claremont McKenna 95-1664101 501(c)3 11,400 Education

College400 north

Claremont BoulevardClaremont, CA


Almaden Valley 94-2775534 501(c)3 11,500 Health & Wellness

Counseling Service6529

Crown Boulevard Suite D

San Jose, CA


Go Kids Inc885 Moro 94-2535812 501(c)3 11,534 Education


Gilroy, CA 95020

Palo Alto Senior Housing 94-6115413 501(c)3 11,557 Supporting Families

Project Inc455 East

Charleston RoadPalo Alto,CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Live Oak Adult Day 77-0069106 501(c)3 11,588 Supporting Families

Services1147 Minnesota


San Jose, CA


San Mateo County 94-6000532 501(c)3 11,699 Supporting Families

Sheriff's Office400

County Center Third Floor

Redwood City, CA


San Mateo County Child Public/Government 11,730 Education

Care Partnership Council

101 Twin Dolphin Drive

Redwood City, CA


India Literacy ProjectPO 36-3779020 501(c)3 11,731 Supporting Families

Box 361143



Ronald McDonald House 94-2538615 501(c)3 11,750 Supporting Families

at Stanford520 Sand HillRoadPalo Alto,CA


CHD Professional 77-0006712 501(c)3 11,828 Supporting Families

Training and EducationalServices100 north


Santa Clara, CA 95050

National Judicial College 94-2427596 501(c)3 11,898 Building

Judicial College Community

BuildingMail Stop


Reno,NV 89557

Association for the 68-0111256 501(c)3 12,000 Arts & Culture

Creative Endeavor92

Louise Street Suite B

San Rafael, CA


Catholic Charities of San 94-2762269 501(c)3 12,000 Supporting Families

Jose2625 Zanker Road

Suite 200

San Jose, CA


CHAM Deliverance 20-8689177 501(c)3 12,000 Supporting Families

Ministry Inc8O South

Fifth StreetSan Jose, CA 95112

Page 255: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of ( b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Community Health 94-2223670 501(c)3 12,000 Health & Wellness

Awareness CouncilPO

Box 335

Mountain View, CA


Community Services 94-1422465 501(c)3 12,000 Supporting Families

Agency204 Stierlin Road

Mountain View, CA


Conexions Partnerships 20-4095892 501(c)3 12,000 Supporting Families

for a Sustainable Future1023 Corporation Way

Palo Alto,CA


Conexions Partnerships 20-4095892 501(c)3 12,000 Environment

for a Sustainable Future1023 Corporation Way

Palo Alto, CA


Conexions Partnerships 20-4095892 501(c)3 12,000 Environment

for a Sustainable Futute1023 Corporation Way

Palo Alto, CA


East Bay Agency for 94-1358309 501(c)3 12,000 Building Community

Children303 Van Buren


Oakland,CA 94610

FXB USA Inc777 United 13-3772789 12,000 Health & Wellness

Nations Plaza

NewYork,NY 10017

Girl Scouts of northern 94-1551410 501(c)3 12,000 Education

California7700 Edgewater

Drive Suite 340

Oakland, CA946213019

Guide Dogs for the Blind 94-1196195 501(c)3 12,000 Building Community

Inc350 Los Ranchitos

RoadSan Rafael , CA 94903

International School of 94-2599581 501(c)3 12,000 Education

the Peninsulal51 Laura


Palo Alto,CA


Page 256: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


St Andrew's Episcopal 94-1447223 501(c)3 12,000 Supporting Families

Church13601 Saratoga


Saratoga, CA


Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 12,000 Education

ProcessingPO Box 20466

Stanford,CA 943090466

The St Bernard Project 26-2189665 501(c)3 12,000 Building Community

Inc8324 Parc Place

Chalmette, LA


Trinity Episcopal 94-1156841 501(c)3 12,000 Religion

Cathedra114801 Whipple


San Jose, CA


United Way Silicon Valley 94-1450153 501(c)3 12,000 Building Community

1922 The Alameda

San Jose, CA


United Way Silicon Valley 94-1450153 501(c)3 12,000 Building Community

1400 Parkmoor Avenue

Suite 250

San Jose, CA


Woodside School 94-2928552 501(c)3 12,000 Education


Woodside RoadWoodside, CA


Woodside School 94-2928552 501(c)3 12,000 Education


Woodside RoadWoodside, CA


World Evangelical Alliance 23-7254928 501(c)3 12,000 Building Community

644 Strander Boulevard


Tukwila, WA 981882923

YMCA of Superior 94-1156634 501(c)3 12,000 Education

California1926 V Street

Sacramento, CA


Page 257: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Oak Ridge High School Public/Government 12,478 Education

6000 South Winegard

RoadOrlando, FL 32809

Regents of the University 94-6002123 501(c)3 12,484 Education

of California at BerkeleyChemical Engineering

Dept201 Gilman

Hall M/S 1462

Berkeley, CA 94720

A Home Within Inc2500 94-3402610 501(c)3 12,500 Building

18th Street Community

San Francisco, CA


Aim High for High School 94-3296338 501(c)3 12,500 Education

PO Box 410715

San Francisco, CA


Aim High for High School 94-3296338 501(c)3 12,500 Education

PO Box 410715

San Francisco, CA


American Musical 94-6088366 501(c)3 12,500 Arts & Culture

Theatre of San Jose1717

Technology Drive

San Jose, CA


Art in Action3925 94-3342383 501(c)3 12,500 Arts & Culture

Bohannon Drive Suite


Menlo Park, CA


Boys & Girls Club of the 94-1552134 501(c)3 12,500 Supporting Families

Peninsula401 Pierce

RoadMenlo Park, CA


Boys & Girls Club of the 94-1552134 501(c)3 12,500 Education

Peninsula401 Pierce

RoadMenlo Park, CA


California Lawyers For 94-2301744 501(c)3 12,500 Arts & Culture

The Arts IncFort Mason

CenterBuilding C Room


San Francisco, CA


Page 258: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


California Lawyers For 94-2301744 501(c)3 12,500 Arts & Culture

The Arts IncFort Mason

CenterBuilding C Room


San Francisco, CA


California Peace Action 94-3168104 501(c)3 12,500 Building

Education Fund2800 Community

Adeline StreetBerkeley, CA


California Youth 94-6084049 501(c)3 12,500 Arts & Culture

Symphony Association

441 California Avenue 5

Palo Alto,CA


Children's Health Council 94-1312311 501(c)3 12,500 Health & Wellness

Inc650 Clark Way

Palo Alto,CA


East Bay Center for the 94-1692171 501(c)3 12,500 Arts & Culture

Performing Arts339 11th


Richmond, CA


El Camino Youth 94-6130310 501(c)3 12,500 Arts & Culture

Symphony Association

4055 Fabian Way

Palo Alto,CA


Help One Child Mission 77-0330145 501(c)3 12,500 Supporting Families

to Children at Risk858

University Avenue

Los Altos, CA


Hidden Villa26870 94-1539836 501(c)3 12,500 Building

Moody Road Community

Los Altos H ills, CA


Junior League of Palo 94-1603047 501(c)3 12,500 Building

Alto - Mid Peninsula555 Community

Ravenswood Avenue

Menlo Park, CA


Lawrence Central High Public/Government 12,500 Education

School7300 East 56th


Indianapolis, IN


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Los Cenzontles Mexican 94-3209018 501(c)3 12,500 Arts & Culture

Arts Center13108 San

Pablo AvenueSan Pablo,CA 94805

Opera San lose 77-0009773 501(c)3 12,500 Arts & Culture


Paragon Drive

San Jose, CA


Pacific News Service275 94-1709509 501(c)3 12,500 Building Community

Ninth Street

San Francisco, CA


Palo Alto Chamber 94-1656715 501(c)3 12,500 Arts & Culture

O rchestra4000

Middlefield Road Suite M-1

Palo Alto,CA


PEF Israel Endowment 13-6104086 501(c)3 12,500 Building Community

Funds Inc317 Madison

Avenue Suite 607

NewYork,NY 10017

Peninsula Girls Chorus 94-3194828 501(c)3 12,500 Arts & Culture

1443 Howard Avenue

Burlingame, CA


Peninsula Symphony146 94-6106974 501(c)3 12,500 Arts & Culture

Main Street Suite 207

Los Altos, CA


Purdue Foundation Inc 31-0958507 501(c)3 12,500 Education

403 W Wood Street

West Lafayette, IN


Ragazzi Boys Chorus20 94-3080142 501(c)3 12,500 Arts & Culture

north San Mateo Drive

Suite 9

San Mateo, CA


San Francisco 94-2400186 501(c)3 12,500 Arts & Culture

Camerawork Inc657

Mission Street Second

FloorSan Francisco, CA


Page 260: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Santa Cruz ChoralePO 77-0131960 501(c)3 12,500 Arts & Culture

Box 272

Santa Cruz,CA 95061

Schola Cantorum Inc 94-2597822 501(c)3 12,500 Arts & Culture

1605 West El Camino

Real Suite 200

Mountain View, CA


Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 501(c)3 12,500 Supporting Families

Bank of Santa Clara & San

Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


The Family Giving Tree 77-0284682 501(c)3 12,500 Supporting Families

606 Valley Way

Milpitas,CA 950354138

The Leukemia & 13-5644916 501(c)3 12,500 Health & Wellness

Lymphoma Society Inc

675 north First Street

Suite 1100

San Jose, CA


The Pennsylvania State 24-6000376 501(c)3 12,500 Education

UniversityOne Old Main

University Park, PA


University of California 94-6090626 501(c)3 12,500 Education

Berkeley Foundation2080

Addison Street 4200

Berkeley, CA


University of Southern 95-1642394 501(c)3 12,500 Education

California3551 Trousdale

Pkwy Ste 160

Los Angeles, CA


West Bay Opera 94-6105053 501(c)3 12,500 Arts & Culture

Association Inc221

Lambert Avenue

Palo Alto,CA


World Savvy999 Sutter 45-0473508 501(c)3 12,500 Building Community

Street Fourth Floor

San Francisco, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Youth and Family 94-3094966 501(c)3 12,500 Supporting Families

Enrichment Services610

Elm Street Suite 212

San Carlos, CA


United States Coast Public/Government 12,527 Building Community

Guard CG-82100 Second

Street SW Room 2307

Washington, DC


Presbyterian Church USA 23-6393377 501(c)3 12,650 Supporting Families

Indiv Remittance

ProcessingPO Box


Pittsburgh, PA


826 Valencia826 04-3694151 501(c)3 12,750 Education

Valencia Street

San Francisco, CA


Boys & Girls Club of the 94-1552134 501(c)3 12,750 Education

Peninsula401 Pierce

RoadMenlo Park, CA


Businesses United in 94-3386695 501(c)3 12,750 Supporting Families

Investing Lending and


Adams Drive

Menlo Park, CA


Conservation Earth Inc 94-2924999 501(c)3 12,750 Environment

dba WildlifeAssociatesPO Box 3098

Half Moon Bay, CA


East Palo Alto Kids 77-0359913 501(c)3 12,750 Education

FoundationPO Box


Palo Alto, CA


Environmental Volunteers 94-2550385 501(c)3 12,750 Environment

Inc3921 East Bayshore

RoadPalo Alto, CA


Girls on the Run of Silicon 01-0628076 501(c)3 12,750 Building Community

Valley IncorporatedPO

Box 510

Los Gatos, CA


Page 262: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


JobTrain1200 0 Brien 94-1712371 501(c)3 12,750 Supporting Families


Menlo Park, CA


Jose Valdes Math 26-0825700 501(c)3 12,750 Education

Foundation4848 San

Felipe Road Suite 150-


San Jose, CA


Marine Science Institute 94-1719649 50 1(c)3 12,750 Environment

500 Discovery Parkway

Redwood City, CA


Music in Schools Today 94-2920480 501(c)3 12,750 Arts & Culture

582 Market Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


Music in the Schools 91-2152501 501(c)3 12,750 Arts & Culture

FoundationPO Box


Palo Alto,CA


Redwood City Friends of 94-3133401 501(c)3 12,750 Education

Literacy1044 Middlefield

RoadRedwood City, CA


Resonate Inc3543 18th 20-1836547 501(c)3 12,750 Education

Street Suite 28

San Francisco, CA


Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 501(c)3 12,750 Supporting Families

Bank of Santa Clara &San Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


Sequoia Union High 94-3084148 501(c)3 12,750 Education

School District480

James Avenue

Redwood City, CA


The Samburu Project Inc 20-3541982 501(c)3 12,800 Building Community

1801 Lincoln Boulevard

Suite 212

Venice,CA 90291

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Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Computers for AfricaPO 38-3645376 501(c)3 12,827 Education

Box 34262

O maha, N E 681340262

Silicon Valley Community 20-5205488 501(c)3 12,841 Strengthening

Foundation2440 West El nonprofits

Camino Real Suite 300

Mountain View, CA


Los Gatos High School 68-0486391 501(c)3 12,893 Education

New Millenium FoundationInc2O High School Court

Los Gatos, CA


Boy Scouts of America 94-1156483 501(c)3 13,000 Education

Pacific Skyline Council1150 Chess Drive

Foster City, CA


East Palo Alto Mural Art 91-2192238 501(c)3 13,000 Arts & Culture

Project425 First Street

Suite D

Los Altos, CA


Give2AsiaPO Box 94-3373670 501(c)3 13,000 Building Community


San Francisco, CA


Keys Family Day School 94-2240127 501(c)3 13,000 Education

Inc2890 Middlefield RoadPalo Alto,CA 94306

Mountain View Library 77-0433930 501(c)3 13,000 Supporting Families

FoundationCity of

Mountain View Public

Library585 Franklin Street

Mountain View, CA


National Public Radio Inc 52-0907625 501(c)3 13,000 Building Community

635 Massachusetts

Avenue NW

Washington, DC


PBS Foundation2100 20-1476451 501(c)3 13,000 Arts & Culture

Crystal Drive

A rlington, V A


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Peninsula Bridge Program 94-3226017 501(c)3 13,000 Education

PO Box 963

Menlo Park, CA


San Mateo County 94-6133905 501(c)3 13,000 Education

Community College

Foundation3401 CSM


San Mateo, CA


Sovereign Order of Malta 23-7450840 501(c)3 13,000 Supporting Families

- Western Association

465 California Street

Suite 818

San Francisco, CA


Junipero Serra High 51-0219028 501(c)3 13,095 Education

School451 West 20th


San Mateo, CA 94403

Asian Americans for 94-2292491 501(c)3 13,126 Supporting Families

Community Involvement

2400 Moorpark Avenue

Suite 300

San Jose, CA


Wycliffe Bible Translators 95-1831097 501(c)3 13,200 Supporting Families

IncPO Box 628200

O rlando, FL 328628200

Children's Discovery 94-2870828 501(c)3 13,313 Arts & Culture

Museum ofSan Jose180

Woz Way

San Jose, CA


San Jaun Bautista 20-5205488 501(c)3 13,340 Supporting Families

Development Fund2440

West El Camino Real

Suite 300

Mountain View, CA


ACE Public School 77-0555838 501(c)3 13,380 Education

Network1100 Shasta


San Jose, CA


Kush Inc708 Highland 20-0472248 501(c)3 13,450 Building Community

Avenue NW

Washington, DC


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Center for Global 52-2351337 501(c)3 13,500 Building Community


Massachusetts Avenue

NW Suite


Washington, DC


Gamble Garden Center 77-0094213 501(c)3 13,500 Environment

1431 Waverly Street

Palo AIto, CA


Peninsula Open Space 94-2392007 501(c)3 13,500 Environment

Trust222 High Street

Palo Alto,CA


School Health Clinics of 77-0031679 501(c)3 13,547 Health & Wellness

Santa Clara County5671

Santa Teresa Boulevard



San Jose, CA 95123

Santa Clara University 94-1156617 501(c)3 13,625 Education

Leavey School ofBusiness500 El

Camino Real

Santa Clara, CA


EHC LifeBuilders507 94-2684272 501(c)3 13,756 Supporting Families

Valley Way

Milpitas,CA 950354105

San Jose Institute of 94-2688830 501(c)3 13,784 Arts & Culture

Contemporary Art560

South First Street

San Jose, CA


Silicon Valley New Public/Government 13,837 Education

Teacher Project10420

Bubb RoadCupertino,CA 95014

Boys & Girls Club of the 94-1552134 501(c)3 13,967 Education

Peninsula401 Pierce

RoadMenlo Park, CA


Boys & Girls Clubs of 13-5562976 501(c)3 14,000 Education

Americas Hanover

Square 3rd Floor

New York, NY


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Campus Crusade for 95-6006173 501(c)3 14,000 Religion

Christ IncPO Box 628222

O rlando, FL 328628222

Foundation for Leadership 68-0149768 501(c)3 14,000 Supporting Families

California253 north San

Gabriel BoulevardSuit101

Pasadena, CA 91107

Jeremiahs PromisePO Box 75-3079265 501(c)3 14,000 Supporting Families


Palo Alto,CA


Marine Mammal Center 51-0144434 501(c)3 14,000 Environment

Marin Headlands1065

Fort CronkhiteSausalito, CA


Menlo School50 94-3204137 501(c)3 14,000 Education

Valparaiso Avenue

Atherton, CA


Mills-Peninsula Hospital 23-7288765 501(c)3 14,000 Health & Wellness


Trousdale DriveBurlingame, CA


National Brain Tumor 94-2876985 501(c)3 14,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation22 Battery

Street Suite 612

San Francisco, CA


Portola Valley Schools 93-1012148 501(c)3 14,000 Education

Foundation4575 Alpine

RoadPortola Valley, CA


Regents of the University 94-6002123 501(c)3 14,000 Education

of California at BerkeleyCtr for Enviro Design


Wurster Hall 1839

Berkeley, CA


San Francisco Food Bank 94-3041517 501(c)3 14,000 Supporting Families

900 Pennsylvania Avenue

San Francisco, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Woodside High School 32-0232205 501(c)3 14,000 Education

FoundationPO Box


Woodside, CA 94062

Ballet Afsaneh Art & 77-0265426 501(c)3 14,295 Arts & Culture

Culture Society7349

Alexis Manor Place

San Jose, CA 95120

San Mateo County 94-6000532 501(c)3 14,452 Supporting Families

Sheriff's Office400

County Center Third

FloorRedwood City, CA


San Jose Museum of 77-0123939 501(c)3 14,505 Arts & Culture

Quilts & Textiles520

South First Street

San Jose, CA


Boy Scouts of America 94-1156483 501(c)3 14,634 Education

Pacific Skyline Council400 County Center 3rd

FloorRedwood City, CA


Rebuilding Together- 94-3106209 501(c)3 14,700 Supporting Families

PeninsulaPO Box 4031

Menlo Park, CA


Avenidas450 Bryant 94-1480548 501(c)3 14,890 Supporting Families


Palo Alto,CA


Global Impact66 Canal 52-1273585 501(c)3 14,943 Supporting Families

Center PlazaSuite 310

Alexandria,VA 22314

Independence High Public/Government 14,948 Education

School1776 Educational

Park Drive

San Jose, CA


Abhinaya Dance 77-0260173 501(c)3 15,000 Arts & Culture

Company of San Jose52

Harold AvenueSan Jose, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Abilities United525 East 94-1546643 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

Charleston RoadPalo Alto,CA


Abilities United525 East 94-1546643 501(c)3 15,000 Health & Wellness

Charleston RoadPalo Alto,CA


Abilities United525 East 94-1546643 501(c)3 15,000 Health & Wellness

Charleston RoadPalo Alto,CA


Achievekids3860 77-0412221 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Middlefield RoadPalo Alto,CA


Achievekids3860 77-0412221 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Middlefield RoadPalo Alto,CA


Adolescent Counseling 51-0192551 501(c)3 15,000 Health & Wellness

Services4000 MiddlefieldRoad Suite FH

Palo Alto,CA


American Heart 13-5613797 501(c)3 15,000 Health & Wellness

AssociationOne Almaden

Boulevard Suite 500

San Jose, CA


American Jewish World 22-2584370 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

Service Inc45 West 36th


NewYork,NY 10018

American Red Cross 53-0196605 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

2025 E Street NW

Washington, DC


American Red Cross400 53-0196605 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

Mitchell LanePalo Alto,CA


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Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Ass istance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Asian AmericansPacific 94-3150064 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

Islanders in Philanthropy200 Pine Street 700

San Francisco, CA 94104

Asian AmericansPacific 94-3150064 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

Islanders in Philanthropy200 Pine Street 700

San Francisco, CA 94104

Asian Law Caucus939 94-2176139 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

Market Street Suite 201

San Francisco, CA 94103

AspiraNet400 Oyster 94-2442955 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Point Boulevard Suite


South San Francisco, CA


Association for the 68-0111256 501(c)3 15,000 Arts & Culture

Creative Endeavor92

Louise Street Suite B

San Rafael, CA


Avenidas450 Bryant 94-1480548 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families


Palo Alto,CA


Ayn Rand Institute the 22-2570926 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

Center for theAdvancement ofObjectivism2121 Alton

Parkway Suite 250

Irvine, CA 926064926

Ballet San Jose Silicon 94-2894849 501(c)3 15,000 Arts & Culture

ValleyPO Box 1666

San Jose, CA 951131666

Big Brothers Big Sisters of 23-7108045 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

the Bay Area731 Market

Street Sixth Floor

San Francisco, CA


Blind Babies Foundation 94-1156630 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

1814 Franklin Streetllth

FloorOakland,CA 946123426

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Boy Scouts of America 94-1568616 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Council1001 Davis


San Leandro, CA


Boys & Girls Club of the 94-1552134 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Peninsula401 Pierce

RoadMenlo Park, CA


Boys & Girls Clubs of 04-2103922 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

Boston Inc50 Congress

Street Suite 730

Boston, MA 021094002

Breast Cancer 77-0417605 501(c)3 15,000 Health & Wellness


Cambridge Avenue

Palo Alto,CA


Breast Cancer 77-0417605 501(c)3 15,000 Health & Wellness


Cambridge Avenue

Palo Alto,CA


Broadway by the Bay851 94-2674862 501(c)3 15,000 Arts & Culture

Burlway Road Suite 300

Burlingame, CA


Business Executives for 52-1271179 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

National Security1717

Pennsylvania Avenue



Washington, DC


Cal State East Bay 94-6128893 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Education Foundation25800 Carlos Bee

BoulevardHayward, CA


California League of 94-3169564 501(c)3 15,000 Environment

Conservation Voters

6310 San Vicente Blvd

Suite 425

Los Angeles,CA 90048

California Theatre Center 94-2597517 501(c)3 15,000 Arts & Culture

IncPO Box 2007

Sunnyvale, CA


Page 271: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Campus Crusade for 95-6006173 501(c)3 15,000 Religion

Christ IncPO Box


O rlando, FL 328628222

Canine Companions for 94-2494324 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

IndependencePO Box 446

Santa Rosa, CA


Capital Area Food Bank of 74-2217350 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

Texas Inc8201 South

Congress Avenue

Austin,TX 78745

Career Closet of Santa 77-0313083 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

Clara County43 East Gish

Road Suite 100

San Jose, CA


Catholics in Alliance for 20-3677401 50 1(c)3 15,000 Religion

the Common Good1730

Rhode Island Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20036

Center for the 13-3858670 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

Advancement of Women25 West 43rd Street Suite


NewYork,NY 10036

Central Asia InstitutePO 51-0376237 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Box 7209

Bozeman, MT


Charities Aid Foundation 43-1634280 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

A mericaKing Street

Station 1800 Diagonal

Road Suite 150

Alexandria, VA


Charities Housing 77-0359848 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

Development Corp of

Santa Clara County465

South First Street

San Jose, CA


Child Advocates of Silicon 77-0250773 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

Valley Inc509 Valley Way

Building 2

Milpitas,CA 950354105

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization section cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Child Care Coordinating 94-2226587 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

Council of San Mateo

County Inc2121 South El

Camino Real Suite


San Mateo, CA


Climate Solutions219 91-1123302 501(c)3 15,000 Environment

Legion Way SW Suite 201

O lympia, WA


College Track436 14th 94-3279613 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Street Suite 500

Oakland, CA946122736

Columbia University475 13-5598093 501(c)3 15,000 Scholarships/Fellowships

Riverside DriveMailCode


NewYork,NY 10115

CompassPoint nonprofit 93-1196632 501(c)3 15,000 Strengthening

Services731 Market nonprofits

Street Suite 200

San Francisco, CA


Corporation for 52-1141804 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

Enterprise Development

1200 G Street NW Suite


Washington, DC 20005

Coyote Point Museum 94-1262434 501(c)3 15,000 Environment

Association1651 Coyote

Point Drive

San Mateo, CA


Crystal Springs Uplands 94-1247265 501(c)3 15,000 Education

School400 Uplands Drive

Hillsborough, CA940106946

Deaf Counseling 94-6104039 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

Advocacy & ReferralAgency14895 East 14th

Street Suite 200

San Leandro, CA


Delaware Kenyan 82-0551081 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

Association818 north

Market Street

Wilmington, DE 19801

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Form 990.Schedule I, Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


EcoLogic Development 25-1704582 501(c)3 15,000 Environment

Fund25 Mount A uburn

Street Suite 203

Cambridge, MA


Edgewood Center for 94-1186168 50 1(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

Children & Families1801 Vicente Street

San Francisco, CA


El Camino Hospital 94-2823235 501(c)3 15,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation2500 Grant

Road M/S WIL210

Mountain View, CA


El Camino Hospital 94-2823235 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

Foundation2500 Grant

RoadM/S WIL 21

Mountain View, CA


Emerson College80 Public/Government 15,000 Scholarships/Fellowships

Boylston Street

Boston, MA 02116

Environmental 94-2550385 501(c)3 15,000 Environment

Volunteers Inc3921

East Bayshore Road

Palo Alto,CA


Environmental 94-2550385 501(c)3 15,000 Environment

Volunteers Inc3921

East Bayshore Road

Palo Alto,CA


Environmental 94-2550385 501(c)3 15,000 Environment

Volunteers Inc3921

East Bayshore Road

Palo Alto,CA


Page 274: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


EPAnet2411 Pulgas 94-2814128 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families


East Palo Alto, CA


Family Star IncFriends of 84-1114455 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Maria Mitchell Corp2246

Federal BoulevardDenver,CO 80211

Family Works1501 north 91-1757277 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

45th Street

Seattle, WA 98103

Firebird Youth Chinese 77-0557412 501(c)3 15,000 Arts & Culture

OrchestraPO Box


San Jose, CA


First Congregational 94-1243683 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

Church of Palo Alto1985

Louis Road

Palo Alto,CA


Foundation for Autistic 94-3229219 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

Childhood Education andSupport230-A Twin

Dolphin Drive

Redwood City,CA 94065

Franciscan Province ofthe 53-0196617 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

Immaculate Conception

125 Thompson Street

New York, NY


Friends for Youth Inc1741 94-2961034 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community


Redwood City, CA


Gads Hill Center1919 36-2167082 501(c)3 15,000 Education

West Cullerton Street

Chicago, IL 60608

Girls For A ChangePO Box 26-0035835 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community


San Jose, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Global Greengrants Fund 84-1612422 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

Inc2840 Wilderness

Place Suite A

Boulder,CO 80301

Golden Gate National 94-2781708 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

Parks ConservancyFort

Mason Building 201

San Francisco, CA


Harbor Interfaith Services 33-0031099 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

Inc670 West Ninth Street

San Pedro, CA 90731

Heart of Los Angeles 95-4397418 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Youth Inc2701 Wilshire

Boulevard Suite 100

Los Angeles, CA


Heifer Project 35-1019477 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

International Incl World


Little Rock, A R


Hidden Villa26870 94-1539836 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

Moody Road

Los Altos H ills, CA


Hidden Villa26870 94-1539836 501(c)3 15,000 Community

Moody Road Opportunity Fund

Los Altos H ills, CA


Hispanic Foundation of 77-0481921 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

Silicon Valley60 South

Market Street Suite 1000

San Jose, CA


Honolulu Sunrise Rotary 99-0294649 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

FoundationPO Box 17040

Honolulu, HI


Humane Society Silicon 94-1196215 501(c)3 15,000 Environment

Valley901 Ames Avenue

Milpitas,CA 95035

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


northern California 74-3238940 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

Cycling Foundation120

Village Square Suite 127

Orinda,CA 945632502

northern California 94-2761355 501(c)3 15,000 Strengthening

Grantmakers625 Market nonprofits

Street 15th Floor

San Francisco, CA


Individual Philanthropy 51-0644783 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

Institute554 Valley Way



Individual Philanthropy 51-0644783 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

Institute554 Valley Way



Industry Initiatives for 77-0143865 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Science and MathEducation (IISME)5301

Stevens Creek

BoulevardPO Box

58059 M/S 55L-WO

Santa Clara, CA


InnVision the Way Home 77-0033628 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

974 Willow Street

San Jose, CA


InnVision the Way Home 77-0033628 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

974 Willow Street

San Jose, CA


International Earthlight 81-0647148 501(c)3 15,000 Environment

Alliance65 Golden Eagle


Sedona,AZ 863365012

International Rescue 13-5660870 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

Committee122 East

42nd Street 12th Floor

New York, NY


International Rescue 13-5660870 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

Committee122 East

42nd Street 12th Floor

New York, NY


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Jumpstart forYoung 04-3262046 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

Children Inc965 Mission

Street Suite 300

San Francisco, CA


Kaisahan of San lose 77-0049554 501(c)3 15,000 Arts & Culture

Dance Company1677

Park Avenue

San Jose, CA 95126

Larkin Street Youth 94-2917999 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

Services1138 Sutter


San Francisco, CA


Las Lomitas Education 94-2952818 501(c)3 15,000 Strengthening

FoundationPO Box 7282 nonprofits

Menlo Park, CA


Las Vegas Art Museum 88-0100500 501(c)3 15,000 Arts & Culture

9600 West Sahara


Las Vegas, NV 89117

Law Foundation of Silicon 52-1014754 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

Valley111 West Saint

John Street Suite


San Jose, CA 95113

Lenders for Community 31-1719434 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

Development111 West St

John Street Suite 800

San Jose, CA


Literacy for 01-0777856 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

Environmental Justice

800 Innes Avenue Unit


San Francisco, CA


Live Oak Institute1328 94-2663536 501(c)3 15,000 Arts & Culture

Sixth Street Suite 4

Berkeley, CA 94710

Los Altos Educational 94-2862793 501(c)3 15,000 Strengthening

FoundationPO Box 98 nonprofits

Los Altos, CA


Page 278: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

C.+r.r. QQA CnheA..le T D-+ TT -A A+her Ann:n^^ +i. /^n -A :.+ the 11..:&eA C+^+en

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Los Altos High School Public/Government 15,000 Education

201 Almond Avenue

Los Altos H ills, CA


Lucile Packard 77-0440090 501(c)3 15,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation for Children'sHealth400 Hamilton

Avenue Suite 340

Palo Alto,CA


Maitri Charitable Trust 94-3132087 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

234 East Gish Road

Suite 200

San Jose, CA


MAZON Inc A Jewish 22-2624532 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

Response to Hunger

1990 South Bundy Drive

Suite 260

Los Angeles,CA 90025

Menlo Park-Atherton 94-2871701 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Education FoundationPO

Box 584

Menlo Park, CA


Michael J Fox Foundation 13-4141945 501(c)3 15,000 Health & Wellness

For Parkinsons Research

Church Street StationPO

Box 780

New York, NY


Mills College5000 94-1156566 501(c)3 15,000 Education

M acA rthur BoulevardOakland, CA946131301

MK Level Playing Field 91-2088635 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

Institute543 Howard

Street Fifth FloorSan Francisco, CA


MK Level Playing Field 91-2088635 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

Institute543 Howard

StreetFifth FloorSan Francisco, CA


Monterey Bay Aquarium 94-2487469 501(c)3 15,000 Environment

Foundation886 Cannery


Monterey, CA


Page 279: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Ass istance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization section cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistanceor government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Morgan Autism Center 94-1722448 501(c)3 15,000 Education

2280 Kenwood Avenue

San Jose, CA 951281332

Nantucket AtheneumPO 04-2104412 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Box 808

Nantucket, MA


National Film Preserve Ltd 23-7426302 501(c)3 15,000 Arts & Culture

800 Jones Street

Berkeley, CA 94710

National Hispanic 94-2434925 501(c)3 15,000 Education

U niversityBursar

Department14271 Story

RoadSan Jose, CA 951273823

National Institute for 54-1506977 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Learning Development Inc

107 Seekel Street

norfolk,VA 235054415

National Medical 36-2125449 501(c)3 15,000 Health & Wellness

Fellowships Inc5 Hanover

Square Suite 200

NewYork,NY 100042659

Nature Conservancy Inc 53-0242652 501(c)3 15,000 Environment

4245 north Fairfax Drive

Suite 100

Arlington,VA 222031637

Neighborhood Housing 77-0413992 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

Services Silicon Valley

1156 north Fourth Street

San Jose, CA 95112

NewConservatory25 Van 94-2778856 501(c)3 15,000 Arts & Culture

Ness Avenue Lower Lobby

San Francisco, CA


Nightingale-Bamford 13-1106710 501(c)3 15,000 Education

School20 East 92nd Street

NewYork,NY 101280608

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Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Oakland East Bay 94-3081554 501(c)3 15,000 Arts & Culture

Symphony400 29th Street

Suite 501

Oakland,CA 94609

Orange County Library 59-2045143 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community


Relations Department101

East Central BoulevardO rlando, FL 328012429

Order of St John Charities 94-3145288 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

in the Western USA 14375

Saratoga AvenueSuite


Saratoga, CA


Orlando Science Center 59-0896343 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

Inc777 East Princeton


O rlando, FL 328031291

Page Ahead Children's 91-1600084 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Literacy Program88

Spring Street

Seattle, WA 98104

Palo Alto Community Fund 77-0483215 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

PO Box 50634

Palo Alto,CA


Pan-African Childrens 22-3862628 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

Fund3045 Crenshaw

BoulevardLos Angeles, CA


Partners for New 77-0273721 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

Generation183 Hillview


Los Altos,CA 94022

Partnership for 94-3233277 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

Philanthropic Planning801

Colleen DriveWindsor, CA 95492

Peninsula Bridge Program 94-3226017 501(c)3 15,000 Education

PO Box 963

Menlo Park, CA


Page 281: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Peninsula Bridge Program 94-3226017 501(c)3 15,000 Education

PO Box 963

Menlo Park, CA


Peninsula Stroke 77-0500631 501(c)3 15,000 Health & Wellness

Association3801 Miranda

AvenueBuilding 6 Room


Palo Alto,CA


Planned Parenthood 94-6138828 501(c)3 15,000 Health & Wellness

Golden Gate815 Eddy

Street Suite 100

San Francisco, CA


Princeton Area 52-1746234 501(c)3 15,000 Strengthening

Community Foundationl5 nonprofits

Princess Road

Lawrenceville, NJ


Project HELP809 77-0283337 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Ponderosa Avenue

Sunnyvale, CA 94086

Proyecto Pastoral135 95-3213958 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

north Mission RoadLos Angeles,CA 90033

Rebekah Children's 94-1167402 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families



Gilroy, CA 95020

Rebuilding Together 77-0289381 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

Silicon ValleyPO Box


San Jose, CA


Resource Area For 77-0365627 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Teachers1355 Ridder

Park Drive

San Jose, CA


Resource Foundation Inc 13-3421446 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

158 West 27th

Streetl0th Floor

New York, NY


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Resource Foundation Inc 13-3421446 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting

158 West 27th Families

Streetl0th Floor

New York, NY


Riekes Center for Human 94-3224127 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting

Enhancement3455 Families

Edison Way

Menlo Park,CA 94025

Sacred Heart Community 23-7179787 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting

Service1381 South First Families


San Jose, CA


Sacred Heart School150 94-6183431 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Valparaiso Avenue

Atherton, CA


San Francisco Food Bank 94-3041517 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting

900 Pennsylvania Families


San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Symphony 94-1156284 501(c)3 15,000 Arts & Culture

Davies Symphony

Ha11201 Van Ness


San Francisco, CA


San Jose Children's 94-2870828 501(c)3 15,000 Arts & Culture

Discovery Museum180

Woz Way

San Jose, CA


San Jose Grail Family 77-0397354 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting

Services2003 East San Families

Antonio Street

San Jose, CA 95116

San Mateo County 94-6133905 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Community College

Foundation3401 CSM


San Mateo, CA


San Mateo County Office Public/Government 15,000 Education

of Education (County

Superintendent ofSchools)101 Twin

Dolphin Drive

Redwood City, CA


Page 283: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


San Mateo County Office Public/Government 15,000 Education

of Education (County

Superintendent ofSchools)101 Twin

Dolphin Drive

Redwood City, CA


Santa Barbara Center for 95-3847102 501(c)3 15,000 Arts & Culture

the Performing Arts Inc

2020 Alameda Padre

Serra Suite 121

Santa Barbara, CA


Save the Childrenlncome 06-0726487 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting

Processing Families


Wilton RoadWestport, CT


Schmahl Science 06-1780217 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Workshops171 Branham

Lane Suite 10 PMB 223

San Jose, CA


Sea Research Foundation 06-1480300 501(c)3 15,000 Arts & Culture

Inc (dba) Institute forExploration55 Coogan

BoulevardMystic,CT 06355

Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting

Bank of Santa Clara & FamiliesSan Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting

Bank of Santa Clara & FamiliesSan Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


Senior Adults Legal 23-7419761 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting

Assistance160 East Families

Virginia Street Suite 260

San Jose, CA 95112

Sensory Access 23-7296574 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting

Foundation300 West Families

Iowa Avenue

Sunnyvale, CA


Sewall Child Development 84-0413241 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Centerlnc1360 Vine


Denver,CO 802062012

Page 284: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Shelter Network of San 77-0160469 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

Mateo County1450

Chapin Avenue Second

FloorBurlingame, CA


Silicon Valley Childrens 77-0166138 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

Fund4525 Union Avenue

San Jose, CA


Silicon Valley Childrens 77-0166138 50 1(c)3 15,000 Building Community

Fund4525 Union Avenue

San Jose, CA


Silicon Valley Education 20-5061316 50 1(c)3 15,000 Education


Parkmoor Avenue Suite


San Jose, CA


SJB Child Development 94-1747079 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

Center1945 Terilyn


San Jose, CA


Smile Train Inc245 Fifth 13-3661416 501(c)3 15,000 Health & Wellness

Avenue Suite 2201

New York, NY


Smith College33 Elm 04-1843040 501(c)3 15,000 Education


northampton, MA 01063

Smuin Ballets - SF300 94-3197247 501(c)3 15,000 Arts & Culture

Brannan Street Suite 407

San Francisco, CA


Solid Ground Washington 23-7421892 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

1501 north 45th Street

Seattle, WA 98103

SOMOS Mayfair370-B 77-0499813 501(c)3 15,000 Strengthening

South King Road nonprofits

San Jose, CA


Page 285: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


SOMOS Mayfair370-B 77-0499813 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

South King Road

San Jose, CA


South Bay Children's 91-2144310 501(c)3 15,000 Health & Wellness

Medical Center15495

Los Gatos Boulevard

Suite F

Los Gatos, CA 95032

South County Housing 94-2590572 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

Corp9015 Murray

Avenue Suite 100

Gilroy,CA 950203617

Southern Exposure417 93-1216297 501(c)3 15,000 Arts & Culture

14th Street

San Francisco, CA


Special Olympics 68-0363121 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

northern California Inc1445 Koll Circle Suite


San Jose, CA 95112

St Andrews Episcopal 52-1107876 501(c)3 15,000 Education

School8804 Postoak

RoadPotomac, M D


St Elizabeth Seton School 94-2495928 501(c)3 15,000 Education

1095 Channing Avenue

Palo Alto,CA


St Elizabeth's Day Home 94-1683870 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

950 St Elizabeth Drive

San Jose, CA 95126

St Lawrence University 15-0532239 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Alumni and ParentPrograms23 Romoda


Canton, NY 13617

St Raymond Catholic 51-0219028 501(c)3 15,000 Religion

Church1100 Santa Cruz


Menlo Park,CA 94025

Page 286: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Stanford Jazz Workshop 94-3074721 501(c)3 15,000 Arts & Culture

PO Box 20454

Stanford, CA


Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Processing Office326


Stanford, CA


Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Processing Office326


Stanford, CA


Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Processing Office326


Stanford, CA


Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Processing Office326


Stanford, CA


Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Processing Office326


Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Page 287: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Starlight Starbright 95-3802159 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

Children's Foundation4300 north University

Drive Suite


Lauderhill, FL 33351

Summer Search620 68-0200138 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Davis Street

San Francisco, CA


Summer Search111 West 68-0200138 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Saint John Street Suite


San Jose, CA


Symphony Silicon Valley 32-0083030 501(c)3 15,000 Arts & Culture

PO Box 790

San Jose, CA


Teach for America - Bay 13-3541913 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Area101 New

Montgomery StreetFifth

FloorSan Francisco, CA


Teach for America Inc 13-3541913 501(c)3 15,000 Education

101 New Montgomery

Street FifthFloorSan Francisco, CA


The Aspen Institute Inc 84-0399006 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

One Dupont Circle NW

Suite 700

Washington, DC


The Breakthrough 94-3140620 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Collaborative1635 Park


San Jose, CA 95126

The Leukemia & 13-5644916 501(c)3 15,000 Health & Wellness

Lymphoma Society Inc

675 north First Street

Suite 1100

San Jose, CA


The Nueva School6565 94-1633387 501(c)3 15,000 Strengthening

Skyline Boulevard nonprofitsH illsborough, CA940106221

Page 288: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


The San Jose Public 77-0142379 501(c)3 15,000 Arts & Culture

Library Foundation150

East San Fernando

Street Fourth

FloorSan Jose, CA


The Santa Fe 0 peraPO 85-0131810 501(c)3 15,000 Arts & Culture

Box 2408

Santa Fe, N M


The Seed Public Charter 52-2099612 501(c)3 15,000 Education

School of Washington DC

4300 C Street SE

Washington, DC 20018

The Tech Museum of 94-2864660 501(c)3 15,000 Arts & Culture

Innovation201 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


The Trust for Hidden Villa 94-1539836 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

26870 Moody Road

Los Altos, CA


The University at Albany 14-1503972 501(c)3 15,000 Education


Washington Avenue UAB


Albany, NY 12222

The Wild FundPO Box 82-0537401 501(c)3 15,000 Environment


Sun Valley, ID 83353

TheatreWorksPO Box 94-2831245 501(c)3 15,000 Arts & Culture


Palo Alto,CA


Tri-City Homeless 94-3087060 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

Coalition4O849 Fremont

BoulevardFremont, CA 94538

Trustees of Dartmouth 02-0222111 501(c)3 15,000 Education


Development Office

Hanover, NH


Page 289: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Trustees of Princeton 21-0634501 501(c)3 15,000 Education

UniversityGift RecordsPO

Box 5357

Princeton, NJ


Trustees of the University 23-1352685 501(c)3 15,000 Education

of Pennsylvania3260

South Street

Philadelphia, PA 19104

UCSB Foundation 23-7314834 501(c)3 15,000 Education

University of CaliforniaSanta

BarbaraSanta Barbara, CA


United Way of the Bay 94-1312348 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

Area221 Main

StreetSuite 300

San Francisco, CA


University of Pittsburgh 25-0965591 501(c)3 15,000 Education

200 South Craig Street

500 Craig

HallPittsburgh, PA 15260

University of Southern 01-6000769 501(c)3 15,000 Education


Donor ServicesPO Box


Portland, ME


Via Rehabilitation 94-1212130 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

Services Inc2851 Park


Santa Clara, CA


Vida Verde Nature 36-4471996 501(c)3 15,000 Environment

Education1043 Tunitas

Creek RoadHalf Moon Bay, CA


Wild Cat Education and 68-0481714 501(c)3 15,000 Environment

Conservation FundPO

Box 430

Occidental, CA


World Affairs Council of 94-3053917 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

northern California312

Sutter Street Suite 200

San Francisco, CA


Page 290: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Wu Yee Children Services 94-2387002 501(c)3 15,000 Building Community

831 Broadway Street

Second FloorSan Francisco, CA


YMCA of the Mid- 94-1212140 501(c)3 15,000 Education

Peninsula2400 Geng

Road Suite 120

Palo Alto,CA


Young at Heart Project 77-0300050 501(c)3 15,000 Arts & Culture

18488 Prospect Road

Suite 11

Saratoga, CA


Youth and Family 94-3094966 501(c)3 15,000 Supporting Families

Enrichment Services610

Elm Street Suite 212

San Carlos, CA


San Jose Museum of Art 23-7062028 501(c)3 15,152 Arts & Culture

Association110 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


San Jose Museum of Art 23-7062028 501(c)3 15,152 Arts & Culture

Association110 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


San Jose Museum of Art 23-7062028 501(c)3 15,152 Arts & Culture

Association110 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


San Jose Museum of Art 23-7062028 501(c)3 15,152 Arts & Culture

Association110 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


Project Ninety Inc720 23-7398688 501(c)3 15,183 Supporting Families

South B Street

San Mateo, CA 94401

Capital Area Food Bank of 74-2217350 501(c)3 15,295 Supporting Families

Texas Inc8201 South

Congress Avenue

Austin,TX 78745

Page 291: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


JA WorldwideOne 84-1267604 501(c)3 15,363 Education

Education Way

Colorado Springs, CO


The Tech Museum of 94-2864660 501(c)3 15,505 Arts & Culture

Innovation201 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


Youth Leadership 68-0184712 501(c)3 15,610 Education

Institute246 First Street

Suite 400

San Francisco, CA


Cabrillo Unified School 94-3083821 501(c)3 15,732 Education

District498 Kelly Avenue

Half Moon Bay, CA


HOPE Rehabilitation 94-1399287 501(c)3 15,842 Supporting Families

Services30 Las Colinas


San Jose, CA


Ashoka1700 north Moore 51-0255908 501(c)3 16,000 Building Community

Street Suite 2000

A rlington, V A


Concentric MediaPO Box 94-3169925 501(c)3 16,000 Arts & Culture


Menlo Park, CA


Internet ArchivePO Box 94-3242767 501(c)3 16,000 Education

29244Presidio of San


San Francisco, CA


Menlo Park Presbyterian 23-6393377 501(c)3 16,000 Building Community

Church950 Santa Cruz


Menlo Park, CA


Menlo Park Presbyterian 23-6393377 501(c)3 16,000 Religion

Church950 Santa Cruz


Menlo Park,CA 94025

Page 292: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


San Jose Children's 94-2870828 501(c)3 16,000 Arts & Culture

Discovery Museum180

Woz Way

San Jose, CA


The Riordan Program110 95-2250801 501(c)3 16,000 Education

Westwood PlazaCornellHallLos Angeles,CA 90095

TheatreWorksPO Box 94-2831245 501(c)3 16,000 Arts & Culture


Palo Alto,CA


YMCA of the Mid- 94-1212140 501(c)3 16,000 Education

Peninsula2400 Geng

Road Suite 120

Palo Alto,CA


Foundation for the Future 94-3181333 501(c)3 16,200 Strengthening

PO Box 1228 nonprofits

Menlo Park, CA


East Bay Community 94-6070996 501(c)3 16,248 Building Community

FoundationThe De

Domenico Building 200

FrankH Ogawa Plaza

Oakland,CA 94612

Peninsula Symphony146 94-6106974 501(c)3 16,377 Arts & Culture

Main Street Suite 207

Los Altos, CA


Boys & Girls Club of the 94-1552134 501(c)3 16,405 Education

Peninsula401 Pierce

RoadMenlo Park, CA


Ecumenical Hunger 94-2476942 501(c)3 16,405 Supporting Families

Program2411 Pulgas


East Palo Alto,CA


Free at Last Community 94-3193317 501(c)3 16,405 Health & Wellness

Recovery & RehabilitationServices1796 Bay Road

East Palo Alto, CA


Page 293: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Ravenswood Family 94-3372130 501(c)3 16,405 Health & Wellness

Health Center1798A Bay

RoadEast Palo Alto, CA


San Mateo County 94-1661885 501(c)3 16,405 Supporting Families

Service League727

Middlefield RoadRedwood City, CA


Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 501(c)3 16,405 Supporting Families

Bank of Santa Clara &San Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


Shelter Network of San 77-0160469 501(c)3 16,405 Supporting Families

Mateo County1450

Chapin Avenue Second

FloorBurlingame, CA


St Anthony's Padua 94-1347082 501(c)3 16,405 Supporting Families

Dining Room3500

Middlefield RoadMenlo Park, CA


Teen Pregnancy 94-3227947 501(c)3 16,405 Health & Wellness

Coalition of San Mateo

County703 Woodside

Road Suite 7

Redwood City, CA


Youth and Family 94-3094966 501(c)3 16,405 Supporting Families

Enrichment Services610

Elm Street Suite 212

San Carlos, CA


Volunteer Center of 77-0143125 501(c)3 16,450 Building Community

Silicon Valley Inc1922

The Alameda Suite 100

San Jose, CA


San Francisco Symphony 94-1156284 501(c)3 16,500 Arts & Culture

Davies Symphony

Ha11201 Van Ness


San Francisco, CA


Skyline College3300 Public/Government 16,575 Supporting Families

College Drive

San Bruno, CA 94066

Page 294: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Skyline College3300 Public/Government 16,575 Supporting Families

College Drive

San Bruno, CA 94066

San Mateo County Law Public/Government 16,647 Building Community

Library710 Hamilton


Redwood City, CA


College Track436 14th 94-3279613 501(c)3 17,000 Supporting Families

Street Suite 500

Oakland, CA946122736

Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 17,000 Strengthening

Preparatory School Inc nonprofits

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 17,000 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 17,000 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 17,000 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 17,000 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Friends ofThe Princes 31-1757794 501(c)3 17,000 Building Community

Trust Incc/o McDermott

Will Emery LLP340

Madison Avenue

New York, NY


Hidden Villa26870 94-1539836 501(c)3 17,000 Environment

Moody Road

Los Altos H ills, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Opportunity Fund 31-1719434 501(c)3 17,000 Supporting Families

northern Californial 11

West St John Street Suite


San Jose, CA 95113

San Francisco Symphony 94-1156284 501(c)3 17,000 Arts & Culture

Davies Symphony

Ha11201 Van Ness


San Francisco, CA


Santa Clara County Public/Government 17,000 Education

Office ofEducation1290

Ridder Park DriveSan Jose, CA


Triton Museum of Art 94-6122076 501(c)3 17,037 Arts & Culture

1505 Warburton Avenue

Santa Clara, CA


Pacifica School 94-3297842 501(c)3 17,085 Education

Volunteers375 Reina Del


Pacifica, CA 94044

The Tech Museum of 94-2864660 501(c)3 17,268 Education

Innovation201 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


Jefferson Union High Public/Government 17,273 Education

School District699

Serramonte BoulevardSuite 100

Daly City,CA 94015

Jefferson Union High Public/Government 17,273 Education

School District699

Serramonte BoulevardSuite 100

Daly City,CA 94015

Stanford Schools 20-2699147 501(c)3 17,352 Education

CorporationPO Box


Stanford, CA


Ayn Rand Institute2121 22-2570926 501(c)3 17,500 Building Community

Alton Parkway Suite 250

Irvine, CA 926064926

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Ayn Rand Institute the 22-2570926 501(c)3 17,500 Building Community

Center for theAdvancement ofObjectivism2121 Alton

Parkway Suite 250

Irvine, CA 926064926

Christ Episcopal Church 31-1629166 501(c)3 17,500 Religion

1040 Border Road

Los Altos,CA 94024

Community Legal 22-3866910 501(c)3 17,500 Supporting Families

Services in East Palo

A lto2117-B University


East Palo Alto, CA


Community Legal 22-3866910 501(c)3 17,500 Supporting Families

Services in East Palo

A lto2117-B University


East Palo Alto, CA


Design Response1922 77-0318296 501(c)3 17,500 Strengthening

The Alameda Suite 205 nonprofits

San Jose, CA 95126

Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 17,500 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Grantmakers Concerned 20-2559651 501(c)3 17,500 Supporting Families

with Immigrants andRefugeesPO Box 1100

Sebastopol, CA


Grantmakers Concerned 20-2559651 501(c)3 17,500 Supporting Families

with Immigrants andRefugeesPO Box 1100

Sebastopol, CA


Hopalong Animal Rescue 94-3246994 501(c)3 17,500 Building Community

P 0 Box 27507

Oakland,CA 94602

Independent SectorP 0 52-1081024 501(c)3 17,500 Strengthening

Box 451 nonprofits

Annapolis Junction, MD


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


InnVision the Way Home 77-0033628 501(c)3 17,500 Building Community

974 Willow Street

San Jose, CA


Menlo Park-Atherton 94-2871701 501(c)3 17,500 Education

Education FoundationPO

Box 584

Menlo Park, CA


Montezuma Foundation 77-0176886 501(c)3 17,500 Education

PO Box 73

Los Gatos, CA


Planned Parenthood Mar 94-1583439 501(c)3 17,500 Building Community

Monte Inc1605 The

AlamedaSan Jose, CA


Rosalie Rendu Inc1760 95-4709944 501(c)3 17,500 Education

Bay Road Suite 24

East Palo Alto, CA


Opportunity Health 20-2886131 501(c)3 17,522 Health & Wellness

Partners Inc33 Encina

Avenue 103

Palo Alto,CA 94301

San Mateo County 94-6000532 501(c)3 17,650 Supporting Families

Sheriff's Office400

County Center Third Floor

Redwood City, CA


Respite and Research for 94-2936723 501(c)3 17,788 Health & Wellness

Alzheimers Disease2380

Enborg Lane

San Jose, CA 95128

San Jose Museum ofArt 23-7062028 501(c)3 17,821 Arts & Culture

Association110 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


Operation Accessl15 94-3180356 501(c)3 17,851 Health & Wellness

Sansome Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


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Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization section cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistanceor government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


East Bay Community Law 94-3042565 501(c)3 18,000 Building Community

Center2921 Adeline


Berkeley, CA 94703

First Presbyterian Church 94-1207714 501(c)3 18,000 Religion

of Burlingame1500 Easton


Burlingame, CA 94010

Palo Alto Red CrossP 0 53-0196605 501(c)3 18,000 Strengthening

Box 37243 nonprofits

Washington, DC 20013

Scholarship Program 62-1247492 18,000 Education

Administrators Inc200

Crutchfield AvenueNashville,TN 37210

Seed International IncPO 54-1575891 501(c)3 18,000 Supporting Families

Box 69

Merrifield, V A221160069

Shelter Partnership Inc 95-3976214 501(c)3 18,000 Supporting Families

523 W 6th StreetSuite


Los Angeles,CA 90014

Southern Sudanese Youth 62-1872719 501(c)3 18,000 Education

Connectionc/o Sudanese

American Nuer Pres

Church1115 Old Highway

109 north

Gallatin,TN 37066

United Way Silicon Valley 94-1450153 501(c)3 18,000 Building Community

1922 The Alameda

San Jose, CA


University of Maine 01-6000769 501(c)3 18,000 Education

System IncDept of Elec

Comp Engineerin5708

Barrows HallO rono, M E 04469

Worcester Polytechnic 04-2121659 501(c)3 18,000 Education

Institute100 Institute

RoadWorcester, MA 01609

Page 299: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Across the Bridge 77-0517240 501(c)3 18,100 Education

Foundation1460 The

AlamedaSan Jose, CA


Sacred Heart Community 23-7179787 501(c)3 18,500 Building Community

Service1381 South First


San Jose, CA


Children's Discovery 94-2870828 501(c)3 18,587 Arts & Culture

Museum ofSan Jose180

Woz Way

San Jose, CA


Regents of the University 94-6002123 501(c)3 18,727 Education

of California at Berkeley2080 Addison Street


Berkeley, CA 947204200

BASE Camp Children's 59-3152723 501(c)3 19,000 Supporting Families

Cancer Foundation Inc140

north OrlandoAvenueSuite 120

Winter Park, FL


Milpitas Unified School 77-0289955 501(c)3 19,000 Education

District1331 East

Calaveras BoulevardMilpitas,CA 950355707

Sisters of Providence of 35-0868174 501(c)3 19,006 Building Community

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods1

Sisters of Providence RoadSt MaryoftheWoods,IN


Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 19,192 Education

Processing Office326


Stanford,CA 943056015

Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 19,192 Education

Processing Office326


Stanford,CA 943056015

SMART1370 Mission 94-3287468 501(c)3 19,250 Education

Street Second Floor

San Francisco, CA 94103

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Form 990.Schedule I, Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Charlotte Lutheran 56-1830957 501(c)3 19,440 Supporting Families

Schools1225 East

Morehead StreetCharlotte, N C


Mid-Peninsula Boys & 94-1431583 501(c)3 19,444 Education

Girls Club Inc200 north

Quebec StreetSan Mateo, CA


Colorado Collegel4 East 84-0402510 501(c)3 19,500 Education

Cache La Poudre Street

Colorado Springs, CO


Stone Church of Willow 23-6393377 501(c)3 19,500 Supporting Families

Glen1937 Lincoln


San Jose, CA


Redwood City Public/Government 19,546 Education

Elementary SchoolDistrictChildDevelopment

Centers903 10th


Redwood City, CA


Redwood City Public/Government 19,546 Education

Elementary SchoolDistrictChildDevelopment

Centers903 10th


Redwood City, CA


Vida Verde Nature 36-4471996 501(c)3 19,722 Environment

Education1043 Tunitas

Creek RoadHalf Moon Bay, CA


Give2AsiaPO Box 94-3373670 501(c)3 19,760 Supporting Families


San Francisco, CA


Schmahl Science 06-1780217 501(c)3 19,825 Education

Workshops171 Branham

Lane Suite 10 PMB 223

San Jose, CA


OLPC FoundationPO Box 20-5471780 501(c)3 19,949 Education


Cambridge, MA


Page 301: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Center for Excellence in 77-0385218 501(c)3 19,975 Building Community

nonprofits546 Valley Way



Center for Excellence in 77-0385218 501(c)3 19,975 Building Community

nonprofits546 Valley Way



826 Valencia826 04-3694151 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Valencia Street

San Francisco, CA


ACE Public School 77-0555838 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Network1100 Shasta


San Jose, CA


Achievement Rewards for 23-7335361 501(c)3 20,000 Education

College Scientists

Foundation Inc PO Box


San Francisco, CA


Adolescent Counseling 51-0192551 501(c)3 20,000 Health & Wellness

Services4000 MiddlefieldRoad Suite FH

Palo Alto,CA


American India 13-4159765 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

Foundation4800 Great

America Parkway Suite


Santa Clara, CA


American Red Cross 53-0196605 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

2731 north First Street

San Jose, CA


A mericans for 0 xford500 52-1495060 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Fifth Avenue 32nd Floor

NewYork,NY 10110

Arizona Community 86-0348306 501(c)3 20,000 Strengthening

Foundation2201 East nonprofits

Camelback Road Suite202

Phoenix,AZ 85016

Page 302: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

C.+r.r. QQA CnheA..le T D-+ TT -A A+he.. Ann:n^^ +i. /^n -A :.+ the 11..:&eA C+^+en

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Art of Living Foundation 77-0240101 501(c)3 20,000 Education

2401 15th Street NW

Washington, DC 20009

Asian Americans for 94-2292491 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

Community Involvement

2400 Moorpark Avenue

Suite 300

San Jose, CA


Asian and Pacific 94-3096109 501(c)3 20,000 Health & Wellness

Islander WellnessCenter730 Polk Street

4th FloorSan Francisco, CA


Asian Pacific Islander 94-2583254 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

Legal O utreach1188

Franklin Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


AspiraNet400 Oyster 94-2442955 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Point Boulevard Suite


South San Francisco, CA


AspiraNet400 Oyster 94-2442955 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Point Boulevard Suite


South San Francisco, CA


Bay Area Ridge Trail 94-3148503 501(c)3 20,000 Environment

Council1007 General

Kennedy Avenue Suite 3


San Francisco, CA


Bayshore Christian 77-0151434 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

Ministries1001 Beech


East Palo Alto,CA


Bayshore School District Public/Government 20,000 Education

One Martin Street

Daly City, CA 94014

Bayshore School District Public/Government 20,000 Education

One Martin Street

Daly City, CA 94014

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Bennington College 03-0179414 501(c)3 20,000 Education

CorporationOne College


Bennington, VT


Bill Wilson Center3490 94-2221849 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

The AlamedaSanta Clara, CA


Bill Wilson Center3490 94-2221849 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

The AlamedaSanta Clara, CA


Blue Skies for Children 94-2701342 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

Inc3021 Brookdale


Oakland,CA 94602

Boy Scouts of America 94-1156483 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Pacific Skyline Council1150 Chess Drive

Foster City, CA


Boys & Girls Club of the 94-1552134 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

Peninsula401 Pierce

RoadMenlo Park, CA


Boys & Girls Club of the 94-1552134 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

Peninsula401 Pierce

RoadMenlo Park, CA


Boys & Girls Club of the 94-1552134 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Peninsula401 Pierce

RoadMenlo Park, CA


Boys & Girls Clubs of 94-1702753 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Monterey CountyPO Box


Seaside, CA 93955

Brothers Building 94-3360529 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Diversity in the Sciences

1618 Sullivan Avenue


Daly City, CA


Page 304: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Cable Hope Fund Inc25 20-3420270 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

Massachusetts Avenue

NWSuite 100


Washington, DC 20001

Cambodian Children's 20-0764162 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Fund10801 National

BoulevardLos Angeles, CA


Carmel Bach Festival Inc 94-1434628 501(c)3 20,000 Arts & Culture

PO Box 575

Carmel,CA 93921

Catholic Charities of San 94-2762269 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

Jose2625 Zanker Road

Suite 200

San Jose, CA


Catholic Charities of San 94-2762269 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

Jose2625 Zanker Road

Suite 200

San Jose, CA


Catholic Charities of San 94-2762269 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

Jose2625 Zanker Road

Suite 200

San Jose, CA


Center for Functional 68-0282061 50 1(c)3 20,000 Education

Research2 Lincoln Drive

Sausalito, CA


Center on Budget and 52-1234565 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

Policy Priorities820 First

Street NE Suite 510

Washington, DC 20002

Chicana Foundation of 94-2923423 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

northern California1419

Burlingame Avenue Suite


Burlingame, CA 94010

Child Advocates of Silicon 77-0250773 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Valley Inc509 Valley Way

Building 2

Milpitas,CA 950354105

Page 305: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Children's Advocacy 94-3079497 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

Center816 West Tenth


Medford,OR 975013016

Children's Discovery 94-2870828 501(c)3 20,000 Arts & Culture

Museum ofSan Jose180

Woz Way

San Jose, CA


Citizen Schools Inc 04-3259160 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Childrens Wharf 308Congress Street

Fifth FloorBoston, MA 022101027

Citizen Schools Inc 04-3259160 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Childrens Wharf 308Congress Street

Fifth FloorBoston, MA 022101027

Citizen Schools Inc 04-3259160 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Childrens Wharf 308Congress Street

Fifth FloorBoston, MA 022101027

Citizens for Responsibility 03-0445391 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

and Ethics in WashingtonInc1400 Eye Street NW

Suite 450

Washington, DC


City Arts and Lectures 94-2788795 501(c)3 20,000 Arts & Culture

1955 Sutter Street

San Francisco, CA


Colgate University 15-0532078 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Treasurers Officel3 Oak


Hamilton, NY


Community Health 94-2223670 501(c)3 20,000 Health & Wellness

Awareness Council711

Church StreetMountain View, CA


Community Health 94-2223670 501(c)3 20,000 Health & Wellness

Awareness CouncilPO

Box 335

Mountain View, CA


Page 306: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Community High School 13-4224216 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Foundation Inc890

Broadway Street

Redwood City, CA


Community Music School 77-0308416 501(c)3 20,000 Education

of Santa CruzPO Box 531

Santa Cruz, CA


Community School of 23-7023900 501(c)3 20,000 Arts & Culture

Music &Arts230 San

Antonio Circle

Mountain View, CA


Community Services 94-1422465 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

Agency204 Stierlin Road

Mountain View, CA


Concentric MediaPO Box 94-3169925 501(c)3 20,000 Arts & Culture


Menlo Park, CA


Congregation Beth Am 94-1450202 501(c)3 20,000 Religion

26790 Arastradero Road

Los Altos H ills, CA


Council on American- 77-0411194 501(c)3 20,000 Religion

Islamic Relations3000

Scott Boulevard Suite


Santa Clara, CA


Craigslist Foundation657 94-3375324 501(c)3 20,000 Strengthening

Mission Street Suite 507 nonprofits

San Francisco, CA


Cystic Fibrosis Research 51-0169988 501(c)3 20,000 Health & Wellness

IncBayside Business

Plaza 2672

Bayshore Parkway Suite


Mountain View, CA


Cystic Fibrosis Research 51-0169988 501(c)3 20,000 Health & Wellness

IncBayside Business

Plaza 2672

Bayshore Parkway Suite


Mountain View, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Denver Zoological 84-0502539 501(c)3 20,000 Environment

Foundation Inc2300

Steele Street

Denver,CO 802055735

DKT International Inc 58-1589313 501(c)3 20,000 Health & Wellness

1701 K Street NW Suite


Washington, DC 20006

East Palo Alto Kids 77-0359913 501(c)3 20,000 Education

FoundationPO Box 50542

Palo Alto,CA


Education Writers 23-7439790 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

Association2122 P Street

NW 201

Washington, DC 20037

Effort Inc6015 Watt 94-1713704 501(c)3 20,000 Health & Wellness

Avenue Suite 2

north Highlands, CA956604294

El Centro de Libertad 94-3189174 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

1230-A Hopkins Avenue

Redwood City,CA 94062

El Centro de Libertad 94-3189174 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

1230-A Hopkins Avenue

Redwood City,CA 94062

Empower Dalit Women of 41-2096715 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

Nepal Inc175 Richdale

Avenue Unit 105

Cambridge, MA


Environmental Traveling 51-0158789 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

CompanionsFort Mason

CenterLandmark BuildingC

San Francisco, CA 94123

Family ConnectionsPO 94-3315163 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Box 358

San Carlos, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I, Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Family Service Agency 94-1186169 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

of San Mateo County Inc

24 Second Avenue

San Mateo, CA


Foothill-De Anza 94-3258220 501(c)3 20,000 Strengthening

Community Colleges nonprofits

Foundation12345 El

Monte Road

Los Altos H ills, CA


Fresh Lifelines for Youth 52-2234595 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Inc120 West Mission


San Jose, CA


FXB USA Inc777 United 13-3772789 20,000 Health & Wellness

Nations Plaza

NewYork,NY 10017

Georgetown Public Public/Government 20,000 Education

Schools5l north StreetGeorgetown, MA


Girls For A ChangePO 26-0035835 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

Box 1436

San Jose, CA


Girls For A ChangePO 26-0035835 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

Box 1436

San Jose, CA


Girls For A ChangePO 26-0035835 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

Box 1436

San Jose, CA


Give2AsiaPO Box 94-3373670 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community


San Francisco, CA


Glide Memorial United 94-1156481 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

Methodist Church330

Ellis StreetSan Francisco, CA


Page 309: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Global Fund For Women 77-0155782 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

Inc1375 Sutter Street

Suite 400

San Francisco, CA


Global Fund For Women 77-0155782 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

Inc1375 Sutter Street

Suite 400

San Francisco, CA


Global Heritage Fund625 20-5009512 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

Emerson Street Suite 200

Palo Alto,CA


Greatnonprofits365 20-5061881 501(c)3 20,000 Strengthening

Guinda Street nonprofits

Palo Alto,CA 94301

GreatnonprofitsPO Box 20-5061881 501(c)3 20,000 Strengthening

1133 nonprofits

PaloAlto,CA 94302

Hand in Hand American 93-1269590 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

Friends of Center forJewish-Arab Education inIsraelPO Box 80102

Portland, O R 972801102

Hidden Villa26870 Moody 94-1539836 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

RoadLos Altos H ills, CA


Hiller Aviation Institute 94-3226411 501(c)3 20,000 Arts & Culture

601 Skyway Road

San Carlos, CA


Hiller Aviation Institute 94-3226411 501(c)3 20,000 Arts & Culture

601 Skyway Road

San Carlos, CA


Hiller Aviation Institute 94-3226411 501(c)3 20,000 Arts & Culture

601 Skyway Road

San Carlos, CA


Page 310: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Hiller Aviation Institute 94-3226411 501(c)3 20,000 Arts &Culture

601 Skyway Road

San Carlos, CA 94070

Hiller Aviation Institute 94-3226411 501(c)3 20,000 Arts &Culture

601 Skyway Road

San Carlos, CA 94070

Hillsborough Schools 94-2634550 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Foundation300 El Cerrito


H illsborough, CA940106899

Hillsborough Schools 94-2634550 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Foundation300 El Cerrito


H illsborough, CA940106899

Hillsborough Schools 94-2634550 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Foundation300 El Cerrito


H illsborough, CA940106899

Hillsborough Schools 94-2634550 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Foundation300 El Cerrito


H illsborough, CA940106899

HIP Housing364 South 94-2154614 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

Railroad AvenueSan Mateo, CA 94401

Housing Choices Coalition 77-0458221 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

for Persons withDevelopmentalDisabilities30 Las Colinas


San Jose, CA


northern California 04-2121377 501(c)3 20,000 Health & Wellness

Shriners Hospital forChildren2425 Stockton

BoulevardSacramento, CA


northfield Mount Hermon 04-2109865 501(c)3 20,000 Education

SchoolOne LamplighterWay

Mount Hermon, MA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Industry Initiatives for 77-0143865 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Science and MathEducation (IISME)5301

Stevens Creek

BoulevardPO Box

58059 M/S 55L-WO

Santa Clara, CA


InnVision the Way Home 77-0033628 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

974 Willow Street

San Jose, CA


Institute for Local 94-1537757 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

Government1400 K

Street Suite 400

Sacramento, CA 95814

International Childrens 77-0541211 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

Assistance Network Inc

532 Valley Way

Milpitas,CA 95035

International Rescue 13-5660870 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

Committee1450 Koll

Circle Suite 107

San Jose, CA 95112

Internews NetworkPO 94-3027961 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

Box 4448

Arcata,CA 955184448

Interplast Inc857 Maude 23-7297770 501(c)3 20,000 Health & Wellness


Mountain View, CA


Interplast Inc857 Maude 23-7297770 501(c)3 20,000 Health & Wellness


Mountain View, CA


Island Conservation100 91-1839907 501(c)3 20,000 Environment

Shaffer RoadCenter forOcean

Health LML

Santa Cruz, CA


Job Train1200 0 Brien 94-1712371 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community


Menlo Park, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


JobTrain1200 0 Brien 94-1712371 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families


Menlo Park, CA


Joint Venture Silicon 77-0389802 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

Valley Network60 South

Market Street Suite 1000

San Jose, CA


Justin-Siena High School 94-2165246 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Foundation4026 Maher


Napa,CA 945582243

Justin-Siena High School 94-2165246 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Foundation4026 Maher


Napa,CA 94558

KickStart - International 06-1613235 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

Inc2435 Polk Street

Suite 20

San Francisco, CA


Law Foundation of Silicon 52-1014754 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

Valley111 West Saint

John Street Suite


San Jose, CA 95113

Leadership Education for 95-3879677 501(c)3 20,000 Arts & Culture

Asian Pacifics Inc327

East 2nd Street Suite


Los Angeles,CA 90012

Loaves & Fishes Family 77-0370874 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

Kitchen508 Valley Way

Milpitas,CA 950354106

Long Beach City College 95-3297459 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Foundation4901 East

Carson Street Mail Code


Long Beach, CA 90808

Los Altos Community 77-0273721 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

Foundation183 Hillview


Los Altos, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Louise E Stocklmeir Public/Government 20,000 Education

Elementary School592

Dunholme Way

Sunnyvale, CA 94087

Lucile Packard 77-0440090 501(c)3 20,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation for Children'sHealth400 Hamilton

Avenue Suite 340

Palo Alto,CA


Lucile Packard 77-0440090 501(c)3 20,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation for Children'sHealthGift Processing400

Hamilton Avenue

Suite 340

Palo Alto,CA 94301

Lucile Salter Packard 77-0003859 501(c)3 20,000 Health & Wellness

Childrens Hospital AtStanford725 Welch RoadPalo Alto,CA


Maitri Charitable Trust 94-3132087 501(c)3 20,000 Building

234 East Gish Road Suite Community


San Jose, CA


Mansfield ISD Education 75-2765533 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Foundation Inc605 East

Broad Street

Mansfield, TX760631794

Mansfield ISD Education 75-2765533 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Foundation Inc605 East

Broad Street

Mansfield, TX760631794

Menlo School50 94-3204137 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Valparaiso Avenue

Atherton, CA


Meru Foundation44 Pole 68-0002931 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Plain RoadSharon, MA 020671742

Meru Foundation44 Pole 68-0002931 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Plain RoadSharon, MA 020671742

Page 314: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

rorm vvy acneauie i, rart ii, c,rants ana utner Assistance to Governments ana ur anizations in the unitea states

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Mexican American 94-1635200 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting

Community Services Families

Agency130 north Jackson


San Jose, CA 951161907

Montalvo AssociationPO 94-1249283 501(c)3 20,000 Arts & Culture

Box 158

Saratoga, CA 950701058

Montalvo AssociationPO 94-1249283 501(c)3 20,000 Arts & Culture

Box 158

Saratoga, CA 950701058,

Mountain View-Whisman Public/Government 20,000 Education

School District750-A San

Pierre Way

Mountain View, CA 94043

Multicultural Institute 91-1823468 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting

1712 Euclid Avenue Families

Berkeley, CA 94706

National Council of La 86-0212873 501(c)3 20,000 Building

RazaPaul Yzaguirre Community

Building1126 16th

Street NW

Washington, DC 20036

National Hispanic 94-2434925 501(c)3 20,000 Education

University14271 Story

RoadSan Jose, CA 951273823

National Hispanic 94-2434925 501(c)3 20,000 Education

U niversityBursar

Department14271 Story

RoadSan Jose, CA 951273823

New America Foundation 52-2096845 501(c)3 20,000 Building

1630 Connecticut Avenue Community

NW 7th

FloorWashington, DC


New Creations Home 26-0044056 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting

Ministries422 Hibiscus Families


East Palo Alto,CA


Page 315: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


New York University25 13-5562308 501(c)3 20,000 Education

West 4th Street 4th Floor

NewYork,NY 10012

Next Door234 East Gish 94-2420708 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

Road Suite 200

San Jose, CA


Oklahoma Medical 73-0580274 501(c)3 20,000 Health & Wellness

Research Foundation825

NE 13th Street

Oklahoma City, O K


Old Blue Rugby 13-3226589 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

Foundation Inc166

Melrose PlaceRidgewood, NJ


Page Education 36-3605013 501(c)3 20,000 Education

FoundationPO Box


Minneapolis, M N


Palo A Ito Medical 94-1156581 501(c)3 20,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation795 El Camino

RealPaloAlto,CA 94301

Palo A Ito Medical 94-1156581 501(c)3 20,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation for HealthCare Research &

Education795 El Camino

RealPalo Alto,CA


PARCA800 Airport 94-1650851 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

Boulevard Suite 320

Burlingame, CA


Partners in School 94-3205455 501(c)3 20,000 Education


Tennessee Street Second

FloorSan Francisco, CA


Partners in School 94-3205455 501(c)3 20,000 Education


Tennessee Street Second

FloorSan Francisco, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Peace X Peace1601 01-6169390 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

Connecticut Avenue NW



Washington, DC


Peninsula Bridge Program 94-3226017 501(c)3 20,000 Education

PO Box 963

Menlo Park, CA


Peninsula Bridge Program 94-3226017 501(c)3 20,000 Education

PO Box 963

Menlo Park, CA


Peninsula Bridge Program 94-3226017 501(c)3 20,000 Education

PO Box 963

Menlo Park, CA


Peninsula Open Space 94-2392007 501(c)3 20,000 Environment

Trust222 High Street

Palo Alto,CA


Philanthropic Ventures 94-3136771 501(c)3 20,000 Strengthening

Foundation1222 nonprofits

Preservation Parkway

Oakland, CA946121201

Philanthropic Ventures 94-3136771 501(c)3 20,000 Strengthening

Foundation1222 nonprofits

Preservation Parkway

Oakland, CA946121201

Phillips Brooks School 94-2494458 501(c)3 20,000 Education

2245 Avy Avenue

Menlo Park, CA


Project HELP809 77-0283337 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Ponderosa Avenue

Sunnyvale, CA 94086

Pursuit of Excellence 77-0054289 501(c)3 20,000 Education

1795 Hamilton Avenue

Palo Alto, CA


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Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Pyramid Alternatives480 94-2251653 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

Manor Plaza

Pacifica, CA 94044

Resource Foundation Inc 13-3421446 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

237 West 35th Street

Suite 1203

NewYork,NY 10001

Room to Read111 Sutter 91-2003533 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Street 16th Floor

San Francisco, CA 94104

Sacred Heart School150 94-6183431 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Valparaiso Avenue

Atherton,CA 940274402

San Francisco Foundation 01-0679337 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

225 Bush Street Suite 500

San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Zoological 94-1429538 501(c)3 20,000 Environment

Societyl Zoo Road

San Francisco, CA


San Jose Museum of Art 23-7062028 501(c)3 20,000 Arts & Culture

Association110 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA 951132383,

San Mateo County Human Public/Government 20,000 Supporting Families

Services AgencyCenteron

Homelessness262 Harbor

Boulevard Bldg ABelmont, CA 94002

Santa Barbara Symphony 95-2104089 501(c)3 20,000 Arts & Culture

Orchestra Association

1900 State Street Suite G

Santa Barbara, CA


Santa Clara Family Health 77-0545774 501(c)3 20,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation Inc210 East

Hacienda Avenue Suite


Campbell, CA 95008

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Santa Clara University 94-1156617 501(c)3 20,000 Education

500 El Camino Real

Santa Clara, CA


Save San Francisco Bay 94-6078420 501(c)3 20,000 Environment

Association350 Frank H

Ogawa Plaza Suite 900

Oakland, CA946122016

Schools Mentoring and 94-3287468 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Resource Team1370

Mission Street Second

FloorSan Francisco, CA


Science Buddies59 Silver 94-3216541 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Birch Lane

Danville, CA 94506

Sconset Trust IncPO Box 22-2561811 501(c)3 20,000 Environment


Siasconset, MA


Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 50 1(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

Bank of Santa Clara &San Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


Second Harvest Food 77-0326685 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

Bank Serving Santa Cruz

and San Benito Counties

PO Box 990

Watsonville, CA


Self-Help for the Elderly 94-1750717 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

407 Sansome Street

Suite 300

San Francisco, CA


Shelter Network of San 77-0160469 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

Mateo County1450

Chapin Avenue Second

FloorBurlingame, CA


Shelter Network of San 77-0160469 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

Mateo County1450

Chapin Avenue Second

FloorBurlingame, CA


Page 319: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Sierra Business Council 68-0397204 501(c)3 20,000 Environment

PO Box 2428

Truckee, CA 96160

Silicon Valley Community 20-5205488 501(c)3 20,000 Strengthening

Foundation2440 West El nonprofits

Camino Real Suit

Mt V iew, CA 940401498

Smile Train Inc4l 13-3661416 501(c)3 20,000 Health & Wellness

Madison Avenue 28th

FloorNew York, NY


Sonoma Country Day 94-2910715 501(c)3 20,000 Education

School4400 Day School

PlaceSanta Rosa, CA


St Francis Center of 94-3052056 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

Redwood City151

Buckingham Avenue

Redwood City, CA


St Joseph's Hospital 58-0566257 501(c)3 20,000 Health & Wellness

Atlanta5673 Peachtree-

Dunwoody Road

northeastSuite 650

Atlanta, GA 30342

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University701 94-1156365 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Welch Road Suite 325B

Palo Alto,CA 94304

State Street Ballet322 86-0717486 501(c)3 20,000 Arts & Culture

State Street

Santa Barbara, CA


Sudan Sunrise Inc8643 20-4239298 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

Hauser Court Suite 240

Lenexa,KS 662154543

Page 320: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Summer Search111 West 68-0200138 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Saint John Street Suite


San Jose, CA


Sunnyvale Community 94-1713897 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

Services725 Kifer Road

Sunnyvale, CA


Sunnyvale Community 94-1713897 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

Services725 Kifer Road

Sunnyvale, CA


Support Network for 94-2598854 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

Battered Women1257

Tasman Drive Suite C

Sunnyvale, CA


Sustainable San Mateo 48-1265207 501(c)3 20,000 Environment

County177 Bovet Road

Suite 600

San Mateo, CA 94402

Taproot Foundation466 91-2162645 501(c)3 20,000 Strengthening

Geary Street Ste 200 nonprofits

San Francisco, CA


The Community Music 77-0308416 501(c)3 20,000 Education

School of Santa CruzPO

Box 531

Santa Cruz, CA


The Meth Project 20-2343265 501(c)3 20,000 Health & Wellness

FoundationPO Box 8944

Missoula, MT 59807

The Trust for Public Land 23-7222333 501(c)3 20,000 Environment

116 New Montgomery

Street Fourth

FloorSan Francisco, CA


TheatreWorksPO Box 94-2831245 501(c)3 20,000 Arts & Culture


Palo Alto,CA


Page 321: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Tides CenterThe 94-3213100 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

PresidioPO Box 29907

San Francisco, CA


Tower Foundation of San 83-0403915 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Jose State University


Macredes Avenue

San Jose, CA 95116

Tower Foundation of San 83-0403915 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Jose State UniversityOne

Washington SquareThird

FloorClark HallSan Jose, CA 951920184

TransAccess1150 South 94-2687057 501(c)3 20,000 Building Community

Bascom Avenue Suite 7A

San Jose, CA 95128

Trustees ofTufts College 04-2103634 501(c)3 20,000 Education

80 George Street

Medford,MA 02155

UC San Diego Foundation 95-2872494 501(c)3 20,000 Education

9500 Gilman Drive 0937

La Jolla, CA 920930937

University of California 94-6090626 501(c)3 20,000 Education

Berkeley Foundation2080

Addison Street 4200

Berkeley, CA 947204200

Valley Advocates for 82-0537849 501(c)3 20,000 Environment

Responsible Development

IncPO Box 1164

Driggs,ID 834221164

Via Rehabilitation Services 94-1212130 501(c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

Inc2851 Park Avenue

Santa Clara, CA


Vine Hill Elementary Public/Government 20,000 Education

Schooll51 Vine Hill SchoolRoadScotts Valley, CA


Page 322: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of ( b) EIN (c) IRC Code ( d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


VMC Foundation2400 77-0187890 501(c ) 3 20,000 Health & Wellness

Moorpark Avenue Suite


San Jose, CA


West Valley Community 94-2211685 501(c ) 3 20,000 Supporting Families

Services of Santa Clara

County Inc10104 Vista


Cupertino, CA


Wildlife Conservation 30-0108469 501(c ) 3 20,000 Environment

Network Inc25745

Bassett Lane

Los Altos, CA


YMCA of San Diego 95-2039198 501(c ) 3 20,000 Supporting Families


Office3708 Ruffin Road

San Diego, CA


Youth and Family 94-3094966 501 ( c)3 20,000 Supporting Families

Enrichment Services610

Elm Street Suite 212

San Carlos, CA


Youth United for 20-8221895 501(c ) 3 20,000 Education

Community Action

(YUCA) 2135 Clarke


East Palo Alto, CA


Youth United for 20-8221895 501(c ) 3 20,000 Education

Community Action

(YUCA) 2135 Clarke


East Palo Alto, CA


Peninsula Temple Sholom 13-1663143 501(c)3 20,018 Religion

1655 Sebastian Drive

Burlingame, CA


International Humanities 33-0767921 501(c ) 3 20,100 Environment

CenterPO Box 923

Malibu, CA 902650923

Stanford UniversityBd of 94 - 1156365 501 ( c)3 20,115 Education

Trustees of LelandStanfordJr UniGodzilla Modular340 Panama S

Stanford, CA


Page 323: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


International Humanities 33-0767921 501(c)3 20,550 Environment

CenterPO Box 923

Malibu, CA 902650923

Pacifica Collaborative375 Public/Government 20,680 Education

Reina del Mar BoulevardPacifica, CA 94044

Pacifica Collaborative375 Public/Government 20,680 Education

Reina del Mar BoulevardPacifica, CA 94044

Children's Discovery 94-2870828 501(c)3 20,804 Arts & Culture

Museum ofSan Jose180

Woz Way

San Jose, CA


The Leukemia & 13-5644916 501(c)3 20,869 Health & Wellness

Lymphoma Society Inc

675 north First Street

Suite 1100

San Jose, CA


Center for Global 52-2351337 501(c)3 21,000 Building Community


Massachusetts Avenue

NW Suite


Washington, DC


International Humanities 33-0767921 501(c)3 21,000 Environment

CenterPO Box 923

Malibu, CA 902650923

AIDS Legal Referral Panel 94-3111738 501(c)3 21,111 Health & Wellness

of the San Francisco Bay

Area1663 Mission Street

Suite 500

San Francisco, CA


Burlingame Aquatic Club 94-3385614 501(c)3 21,365 Supporting Families

PO Box 281

Burlingame, CA 94010

Pepperdine University 95-1644037 501(c)3 21,500 Education

24255 Pacific Coast


Malibu,CA 902634617

Page 324: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Manilatown Heritage 94-3288180 501(c)3 21,509 Arts & Culture

Foundation953 Mission

Street Suite 30

San Francisco, CA


South San Francisco Public/Government 21,580 Education

Unified School District398 B Street

South San Francisco, CA


South San Francisco Public/Government 21,580 Education

Unified School District398 B Street

South San Francisco, CA


Women's Recovery 23-7079003 501(c)3 21,637 Health & Wellness

Association of San Mateo

County Inc1450 Chapin

Avenue First Floor

Burlingame, CA


Daly City Peninsula 06-1734338 501(c)3 21,970 Education

Partnership Collaborative111 Lake Merced

Boulevard Room 12

Daly City,CA 94015

Daly City Peninsula 06-1734338 501(c)3 21,970 Education

Partnership Collaborative111 Lake Merced

Boulevard Room 12

Daly City,CA 94015

Santa Barbara Symphony 95-2104089 501(c)3 22,000 Arts & Culture

Orchestra Association

1900 State Street Suite


Santa Barbara, CA


Boys and Girls Clubs of 38-1579180 501(c)3 22,050 Education

South Oakland County1545 East Lincoln

Royal O ak, MI 48067

Global Impact66 Canal 52-1273585 501(c)3 22,229 Building Community

Center Plaza Suite 310

Alexandria,VA 22314

American Cancer Society 23-7040934 501(c)3 22,340 Health & Wellness

Inc1710 Webster Street

Oakland, CA946123412

Page 325: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


College Track436 14th 94-3279613 501(c)3 22,500 Education

Street Suite 500

Oakland,CA 946122736

College Track436 14th 94-3279613 501(c)3 22,500 Education

Street Suite 500

Oakland,CA 946122736

Create now2007 Wilshire 95-4590574 501(c)3 22,500 Arts & Culture

Boulevard Suite 919

Los Angeles, CA


KISS Institute for 54-1696228 501(c)3 22,500 Education

Practical Robotics1818

West Lindsey

DriveBuilding D

Suite 100

norman, O K 73069

President & Fellows of 04-2103580 501(c)3 22,500 Education

Harvard College124

Mount A uborn Street

Cambridge, MA


St Elizabeth Seton School 94-2495928 501(c)3 22,500 Education

1095 Channing Avenue

Palo AIto, CA


Tower Foundation of San 83-0403915 501(c)3 22,500 Education

Jose State University

Division of University


e Washington Square

San Jose, CA


Menlo Park-Atherton 94-2871701 501(c)3 22,600 Education

Education FoundationPO

Box 584

Menlo Park, CA


University of California 94-6090626 501(c)3 22,650 Education

Berkeley Foundation2080

Addison Street 4200

Berkeley, CA


Missions MinistriesPO 84-1201744 501(c)3 22,700 Building Community

Box 3324

Englewood, CO


Page 326: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Ass istance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization section cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistanceor government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Internet Keep Safe 87-0652102 501(c)3 22,895 Education

CoalitionHeadquarters4607 40th

Street northArlington,VA 22207

Institute of Transpersonal 94-2303485 501(c)3 23,000 Education

Psychology1069 East

Meadow CirclePaloAlto,CA 943034231

The Tech Museum of 94-2864660 501(c)3 23,000 Education

InnovationAttn Finance

Department201 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA 951132008

Cabrillo Unified School 94-3083821 501(c)3 23,184 Education

District498 Kelly Avenue

Half Moon Bay, CA


Family Service Agency of 94-1186169 501(c)3 23,227 Supporting Families

San Mateo County Inc24

Second Avenue

San Mateo, CA


Catholic Charities of San 94-2762269 501(c)3 23,625 Supporting Families

Jose2625 Zanker Road

Suite 200

San Jose, CA 951342107

2020 Innervision IncPO 20-1609130 501(c)3 24,000 Supporting Families

Box 490

Zionsville, IN 46077

Camp Ronald McDonald for 95-3167869 501(c)3 24,000 Supporting Families

Good Times1954 Cotner


Los Angeles,CA 90025

Center for Functional 68-0282061 50 1(c)3 24,000 Education

Research2 Lincoln Drive

Sausalito, CA 949651610

Electric Auto Association 51-0172118 501(c)3 24,000 Environment

PO Box 639

Los Altos, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Mansfield ISD Education Public/Government 24,000 Education

Foundation Inc605 East

Broad Street

Mansfield, TX760631794

Christopher and Dana 22-2939536 501(c)3 24,112 Health & Wellness

Reeve Foundation636

Morris TurnpikeSuite 3A

Short Hills, NJ


CityTeam Ministries2304 94-1501265 501(c)3 24,112 Supporting

Zanker Road FamiliesSan Jose, CA


Guide Dogs for the Blind 94-1196195 501(c)3 24,112 Supporting

IncPO Box 3950 Families

San Rafael, CA


Humane Society Silicon 94-1196215 501(c)3 24,112 Supporting

Valley2530 Lafayette Families


Santa Clara, CA


KQED Inc2601 Mariposa 94-1241309 501(c)3 24,112 Education


San Francisco, CA


KTEH-TV Foundation 94-2853970 501(c)3 24,112 Education

1585 Schallenberger

RoadSan Jose, CA


Salvation ArmyGolden 94-1170408 501(c)3 24,112 Supporting

State DivisionPO Box Families


San Francisco, CA


San Mateo County 94-6133905 501(c)3 24,112 Education

Community Colleges

Foundation3401 CSM


San Mateo, CA


United States Fund for 13-1760110 501(c)3 24,112 Supporting

UNICEF333 East 38th Families

StreetM/S GC-6

New York, NY


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Sempervirens FundPO 94-2155097 501(c)3 24,410 Environment

Drawer BE

Los Altos, CA


Center for Functional 68-0282061 50 1(c)3 24,500 Education

Research2 Lincoln Drive

Sausalito, CA


Cabrillo Unified School 94-3083821 501(c)3 24,735 Education

District498 Kelly Avenue

Half Moon Bay, CA


Mid-Peninsula Education 94-2693417 501(c)3 24,950 Education

Centerlnc1340 Willow

RoadMenlo Park, CA


Abilities United525 East 94-1546643 501(c)3 25,000 Health & Wellness

Charleston RoadPalo Alto,CA


Accion International56 13-2535763 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Roland Street Suite 300

Boston, MA 02129

African Wildlife 52-0781390 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

Foundation1400 16th

Street NW Suite 120PO



Washington, DC 20036

Alliance of Students 20-4420880 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Against Poverty IncPO

Box 34784

Washington, DC


Alma College614 West 38-1359083 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Superior Street

Alma,MI 488011599

American Red CrossP 0 53-0196605 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Box 37243

Washington, DC 20013

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


American Conservatory 94-6135772 501(c)3 25,000 Arts & Culture

Theatre Foundation30

Grant Avenue 6th Floor

San Francisco, CA


American India 13-4159765 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Foundation216 East 45th

Street Seventh Floor

New York, NY


American Leadership 94-3092396 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Forum - 5V 1171

Homestead Road Suite


Santa Clara, CA


American Leadership 94-3092396 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Forum - 5V 1171

Homestead Road Suite


Santa Clara, CA


American Leadership 94-3092396 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Forum - 5V 1171

Homestead Road Suite


Santa Clara, CA


American Leadership 94-3092396 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Forum - 5V 1171

Homestead Road Suite


Santa Clara, CA


American Prairie 81-0541893 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

FoundationPO Box 908

Bozeman, MT


America's Foundation for 91-2051499 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Chess608 State Street

South Suite 110

Kirkland, WA980336602

Archbishop Mitty High 53-0196617 501(c)3 25,000 Education

School5000 Mitty Way

San Jose, CA


Assist International Inc 77-0243475 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

PO Box 66396

Scotts Valley, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Berea CollegeCPO 2216 61-0444650 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Berea, KY 40404

BoardSource1828 L 52-1681375 501(c)3 25,000 Strengthening

Street NW Suite 900 nonprofits

Washington, DC 20036

Boston Celtics Shamrock 04-3174933 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Foundation Inc226

Causeway Street Fourth

FloorBoston, MA 02114

Boys & Girls Club of the 94-1552134 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Peninsula401 Pierce

RoadMenlo Park, CA


Boys & Girls Club of the 94-1552134 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Peninsula401 Pierce

RoadMenlo Park, CA


Boys & Girls Club of the 94-1552134 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Peninsula401 Pierce

RoadMenlo Park, CA


Breast Cancer 77-0417605 501(c)3 25,000 Health & Wellness


Cambridge Avenue

Palo Alto,CA


Bring Me A Book 77-0481924 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Foundation1045 Terra

Bella AvenueMountain View, CA


Brooks School1160 04-2130844 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Great Pond Road

north Andover, MA


Build It Green1434 20-0939449 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

University Avenue

Berkeley, CA 94702

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Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Businesses United in 94-3386695 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Investing Lending and

Development1600 Adams


Menlo Park, CA


California Institute for 94-6109289 501(c)3 25,000 Health & Wellness

Medical Research2260

Clove Drive

San Jose, CA 95128

California Lawyers For The 94-2301744 501(c)3 25,000 Arts & Culture

Arts IncFort Mason

CenterBuilding C Room


San Francisco, CA


California Lawyers For The 94-2301744 501(c)3 25,000 Arts & Culture

Arts IncFort Mason

CenterBuilding C Room


San Francisco, CA


California Lawyers For The 94-2301744 501(c)3 25,000 Arts & Culture

Arts IncFort Mason

CenterBuilding C Room


San Francisco, CA


California Study Inc664 94-2860620 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Hilary Drive

Tiburon, CA 949201446

California Study Inc664 94-2860620 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Hilary Drive

Tiburon, CA 949201446

California-Hawaii Elks 95-1919366 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Major Project Inc5450

East Lamona Avenue

Fresno,CA 937272224

Castilleja School 94-0373222 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Foundation1310 Bryant


Palo Alto,CA


Catholic Charities CYO of 94-1498472 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

the Archdiocese of SanFrancisco180 Howard

Street Suite 100

San Francisco, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Catholic Charities of San 94-2762269 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Jose2625 Zanker Road

Suite 200

San Jose, CA


Center for American 30-0126510 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Progress1333 H Street

NW 10th Floor

Washington, DC


Chicana Foundation of 94-2923423 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

northern California1419

Burlingame Avenue Suite


Burlingame, CA 94010

CHP 11-99 Foundation 95-6530738 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

PO Box 3583

Saratoga, CA


Citizen Schools Inc 04-3259160 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Childrens Wharf 308Congress Street

Fifth FloorBoston, MA 022101027

Citizen Schools Inc 04-3259160 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Childrens Wharf 308Congress Street

Fifth FloorBoston, MA 022101027

City Year142 West Santa 22-2882549 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Clara Street

San Jose, CA


Cleo Eulau Center for 77-0393676 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Children and Adolescents415 Cambridge Avenue

Suite 11

Palo Alto, CA


Collective Roots Garden 71-0901459 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

Project IncPO Box


East Palo Alto, CA


Collective Roots Garden 71-0901459 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

Project IncPO Box


East Palo Alto, CA


Page 333: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


College Track436 14th 94-3279613 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Street Suite 500

Oakland, CA946122736

College Track436 14th 94-3279613 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Street Suite 500

Oakland, CA946122736

Combined Training 94-2417423 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

Equestrian Team Alliance

LtdPO Box 620010

Woodside, CA


Commonwealth Club of 94-0399260 501(c)3 25,000 Education

California595 Market

Street Second Floor

San Francisco, CA


Community Development 94-2814128 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

InstituteP 0 Box 50099

East Palo Alto, CA


Community Development 94-2814128 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

InstituteP 0 Box 50099

East Palo Alto, CA


Community Music Center 94-1156270 501(c)3 25,000 Arts & Culture

544 Capp Street

San Francisco, CA


Computer History 77-0507525 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Museum1401 north

Shoreline BoulevardMountain View, CA


Computer History 77-0507525 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Museum1401 north

Shoreline BoulevardMountain View, CA


Computer History 77-0507525 501(c)3 25,000 Arts & Culture

Museum1401 north

Shoreline BoulevardMountain View, CA


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Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization section cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistanceor government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Concentric MediaPO Box 94-3169925 501(c)3 25,000 Arts & Culture


Menlo Park, CA


Cord Use Foundation1800 37-1545901 501(c)3 25,000 Health & Wellness

Pembrook Drive Suite 300

Orlando,FL 328106376

Council on 52-1872849 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Competitiveness 1500 K

Street NW Suite 850

Washington, DC 20005

Creating Economic 55-0836010 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Opportunities for Women

Inc405 14th Street Suite


Oakland,CA 94612

Crowden School1475 94-2863366 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Rose Street

Berkeley,CA 947021255

Cystic Fibrosis Research 51-0169988 501(c)3 25,000 Health & Wellness

IncBayside Business

Plaza 2672

Bayshore Parkway Suite


Mountain View, CA


Death Penalty Focus870 95-4153420 501(c)3 25,000 Strengthening

Market Street Suite 859 nonprofits

San Francisco, CA 94102

Denver Zoological 84-0502539 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

Foundation Inc2300

Steele Street

Denver,CO 802055735

Djerassi Resident Artists 94-6115995 501(c)3 25,000 Arts & Culture

Program2325 Bear Gulch

RoadWoodside, CA


Doctors Without Borders 13-3433452 501(c)3 25,000 Health & Wellness

USA Inc333 Seventh

Avenue Second Floor

New York, NY


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Downtown College Prep 77-0517240 501(c)3 25,000 Education

1460 The Alameda

San Jose, CA


Duke UniversityAlumni 56-0532129 501(c)3 25,000 Education

and DevelopmentRecords Box


Durham, NC 277080581

EARN235 Montgomery 95-2172676 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Street Suite 300

San Francisco, CA


Eastfield Ming Quong Inc 94-1254641 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

251 Llewellyn Avenue

Campbell, CA


Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Eden Housing22645 23-1716750 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Grand Street

Hayward,CA 94541

Eden Housing22645 23-1716750 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Grand Street

Hayward,CA 94541

El Camino Hospital 94-2823235 501(c)3 25,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation2500 Grant

Road M/S WIL210

Mountain View, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


El Camino Hospital 94-2823235 501(c)3 25,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation2500 Grant

Road M/S WIL210

Mountain View, CA


Ella Baker Center for 94-3252009 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Human Rights344 40th


Oakland,CA 95609

Emerge Arts Projects Inc 11-3359436 501(c)3 25,000 Arts & Culture

629 north Orlando

Avenue Suite 5

West Hollywood, CA


Entrepreneurs Foundation 94-3267369 501(c)3 25,000 Strengthening

60 South Market Street nonprofits

Suite 1000

San Jose, CA


Environmental Defense 11-6107128 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

Incorporated257 Park

Avenue South

New York, NY


Equal Justice Society220 20-0490698 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Sansome Street 14th

FloorSan Francisco, CA


Explorit Science Center 68-0010584 501(c)3 25,000 Education

PO Box 1288

Davis, CA 956171288

Facing History and 04-2761636 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Ourselves NationalFoundation Inc16 Hurd

RoadBrookline, MA


Fair Oaks Community Public/Government 25,000 Supporting Families

Center2600 MiddlefieldRoadRedwood City, CA


Flagstaff Academy Inc 02-0688420 501(c)3 25,000 Education

1841 Lefthand Circle

Longmont, CO 80501

Page 337: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Foothill-De Anza Colleges 94-3258220 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Foundation12345 El

Monte Road

Los Altos H ills, CA


Foothill-De Anza Colleges 94-3258220 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Foundation12345 El

Monte Road

Los Altos H ills, CA


Friedreichs Ataxia 52-2122720 501(c)3 25,000 Health & Wellness

Research Alliance Fara1921 Alice Drive

Penngrove, CA


Friends for Youth Inc 94-2961034 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

1741 Broadway

Redwood City, CA


Friends of Guadalupe 77-0166797 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

River Park and Gardens438 Coleman Avenue

San Jose, CA


Friends of McGill 23-7054819 501(c)3 25,000 Education

University IncPO Box


New Rochelle, NY 10804

Friends of the Folsom Zoo 94-2783698 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

IncorporatedPO Box 704

Folsom,CA 957630704

Friends ofYOSAR IncPO 54-2081466 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Box 611

Yosemite Natl Park, CA


Full Circle Fund2601 94-3373850 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Mission Street Suite 901

San Francisco, CA


Galapagos Conservancy 13-3281486 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

11150 Fairfax Boulevard

Suite 408

Fairfax,VA 220305066

Page 338: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Girl Scouts of northern 94-1551410 501(c)3 25,000 Education

California7700 Edgewater

Drive Suite 340

Oakland, CA946213019

Global Fund For Women 77-0155782 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Inc1375 Sutter Street

Suite 400

San Francisco, CA


Global Fund For Women 77-0155782 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Inc222 Sutter Street

Suite 500

San Francisco, CA


Global Heritage Fund625 26-0019461 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Emerson Street Suite 200

Palo Alto,CA


Global Village Institute 62-1220750 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

PO Box 90



Global Village Institute 62-1220750 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

PO Box 90



Grassroot Soccer IncPO 43-1957920 501(c)3 25,000 Health & Wellness

Box 712

norwich,VT 05055

Harvest Heralds IncPO 93-0766718 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Box 1147

Beaverton, O R


Hidden Villa26870 94-1539836 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

Moody Road

Los Altos H ills, CA


HIP Housing364 South 94-2154614 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Railroad AvenueSan Mateo, CA


Page 339: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Holy Trinity Episcopal 31-1629166 501(c)3 25,000 Religion

Church330 Ravenswood


Menlo Park,CA 94025

Homeless Garden Project 77-0475165 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

PO Box 617

Santa Cruz, CA


northern California Urban 20-2175098 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Development Corporation

1836 Bay Road Suite B

East Palo Alto, CA


northern California Urban 20-2175098 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Development Corporation

1836 Bay Road Suite B

East Palo Alto, CA


notre Dame High School 94-1275235 501(c)3 25,000 Education

596 South Second Street

San Jose, CA


Individual Philanthropy 51-0644783 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Institute554 Valley Way

Milpitas,CA 950354106

InnVision the Way Home 77-0033628 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

974 Willow Street

San Jose, CA


Institute for 20-1829529 501(c)3 25,000 Health & Wellness

Ethnomedicine IncPO Box


Jackson, WY 83001

Institute for 0 neWorld 94-3384500 501(c)3 25,000 Health & Wellness

Health50 California Street

Suite 500

San Francisco, CA


International Humanities 33-0767921 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

CenterPO Box 923

Malibu, CA 902650923

Page 340: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Interplast Inc857 Maude 23-7297770 501(c)3 25,000 Health & Wellness


Mountain View, CA


Israel 21c15233 Ventura 77-0571579 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

BoulevardSuite 1108

Sherman Oaks, CA


Jean Weingarten 94-1706320 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Peninsula Oral School forthe Deaf3518 Jefferson


Redwood City, CA


Jeremiah's PromisePO 75-3079265 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Box 1393

Palo Alto,CA


Jewish Federation of 94-1167405 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Silicon Valley14855 Oka

Road Suite 200

Los Gatos, CA


JobTrain1200 0 Brien 94-1712371 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families


Menlo Park, CA


JobTrain1200 0 Brien 94-1712371 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families


Menlo Park, CA


JobTrain1200 0 Brien 94-1712371 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families


Menlo Park, CA


Johns Hopkins University 52-0595110 501(c)3 25,000 Education

3003 north Charles Street

Suite 100


Baltimore, M D 21218

Justice now1332 Webster 42-1559699 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Street Suite 210

Oakland,CA 946123217

Page 341: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Keys Family Day School 94-2240127 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Inc2890 Middlefield RoadPalo Alto,CA


KickStart - International 06-1613235 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting

Inc2435 Polk Street Families

Suite 20

San Francisco, CA


La Clinica de la Raza Inc 94-1744108 501(c)3 25,000 Health & Wellness

1450 Fruitvale Avenue

Third FloorOakland,CA 94601

Leigh High School5210 Public/Government 25,000 Education

Leigh Avenue

San Jose, CA 95124

Loyola High School 38-1359274 501(c)3 25,000 Education

15325 Pinehurst Street

Detroit, MI 482381633

Loyola Marymount 95-1643334 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Universityl LMU Drive

Suite 2800

Los Angeles, CA


Loyola Marymount 95-1643334 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Universityl LMU Drive

Suite 2800

Los Angeles, CA


Lucile Packard 77-0440090 501(c)3 25,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation for Children'sHealth400 Hamilton

Avenue Suite 340

Palo Alto,CA


Lucile Packard 77-0440090 501(c)3 25,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation for Children'sHealthGiftProcessing400 Hamilton


Suite 340

Palo Alto,CA


Lucile Packard 77-0440090 501(c)3 25,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation for Children'sHealthGiftProcessing400 Hamilton


Suite 340

Palo Alto,CA 94301

Page 342: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Maitri Charitable Trust 94-3132087 501(c)3 25,000 Community

234 East Gish Road Suite Opportunity Fund


San Jose, CA


Maitri Charitable Trust 94-3132087 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

234 East Gish Road Suite


San Jose, CA


Martha's Kitchen311 91-2091094 501(c)3 25,000 Community

Willow Street Opportunity Fund

San Jose, CA


Marygrove College8425 38-1358399 501(c)3 25,000 Education

West McNichols Road

Detroit, MI 482212599

Massachusetts Institute 04-2103594 501(c)3 25,000 Education


Memorial Drive W98-3rd

FloorCambridge, MA


Media Matters forAmerica 47-0928008 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

1625 Massachusetts

Avenue NW Suite


Washington, DC 20036

Menlo Park Library 47-0950709 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Foundation800 Alma


Menlo Park, CA


Menlo School50 94-3204137 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Valparaiso Avenue

Atherton, CA


Menlo School50 94-3204137 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Valparaiso Avenue

Atherton, CA


Menlo School50 94-3204137 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Valparaiso Avenue

Atherton, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Mental Health 94-6034112 501(c)3 25,000 Health & Wellness

Association of San Mateo

County2686 Spring


Redwood City, CA


Mercersburg Academy 23-1365963 501(c)3 25,000 Education

300 East Seminary Street

Mercersburg, PA 17236

Miami Hispanic Ballet 65-0441197 501(c)3 25,000 Arts & Culture

Corporation Manuel

A rtime Theater900

SouthwestFirst Street

Miami,FL 33130

Miami Hispanic Ballet 65-0441197 501(c)3 25,000 Arts & Culture

Corporation Manuel

A rtime Theater900

SouthwestFirst Street

Miami,FL 33130

Michael] Fox Foundation 13-4141945 501(c)3 25,000 Health & Wellness

For Parkinsons Research

Church Street StationPO

Box 780

New York, NY


Mount Auburn Hospital 04-2103606 501(c)3 25,000 Health & Wellness

330 Mount Auburn Street

Cambridge, MA 02138

Nantucket AtheneumPO 04-2104412 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Box 808

Nantucket, MA


Nantucket AtheneumPO 04-2104412 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Box 808

Nantucket, MA


Nantucket AtheneumPO 04-2104412 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Box 808

Nantucket, MA


National Academy of 23-7284092 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

Engineering FundPO Box


Washington, DC


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Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


National Audubon Society 13-1624102 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

- California765 University

Avenue Suite 200

Sacramento, CA 95825

National Audubon Society 13-1624102 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

Inc700 Broadway

NewYork,NY 10003

National Bighorn Sheep 83-0301605 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

Interpretive Association

IncPO Box 1435

Dubois, WY 825131435

National Center for Equine 94-2378104 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

Facilitated Therapy5001

Woodside RoadWoodside, CA


National Center for 52-1328557 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Missing and Exploited

ChildrenCBWang Intl

Childrens Bldg699

Prince Street

Alexandria, VA


National Foundation for 13-3408731 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Teaching Entrepreneurship

275 Fifth Street Second

FloorSan Francisco, CA


Natural Resources 13-2654926 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

Defense Council Inc4O

West 20th Street

NewYork,NY 10011

Nuestra Casa1798-B Bay 94-2814128 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

RoadEast Palo Alto, CA 94303

Nuestra Casa1798-B Bay 94-2814128 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

RoadEast Palo Alto, CA 94303

Nuru International1095 26-1250716 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Santa Cruz Avenue Suite 2

Menlo Park,CA 94025

Page 345: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Oakland Military Institute 91-2073068 501(c)3 25,000 Education

College Preparatory

Academy3877 Lusk


Oakland, CA946083822

Oakland School for the 68-0463892 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Arts Charter High School

1800 San Pablo Avenue

Oakland, CA946121545

Ohio State University 31-1145986 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Foundation1501 Neil


Columbus, O H


Outward Bound Inc5 04-2375956 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Third Street Suite 622

San Francisco, CA


Outward Bound Inc5 04-2375956 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Third Street Suite 622

San Francisco, CA


Oxfam-America Inc226 23-7069110 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Causeway Street Fifth

FloorBoston, MA 021142206

Oxfam-America Inc226 23-7069110 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Causeway Street Fifth

FloorBoston, MA 021142206

Pacific Crest Trail 33-0051202 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

Association5325 Elkhorn

Boulevard PMB 256

Sacramento, CA


Palo Alto Art Center 94-2382459 501(c)3 25,000 Arts & Culture

Foundation1313 Newell

RoadPalo Alto,CA


Palo Alto Art Center 94-2382459 501(c)3 25,000 Arts & Culture

Foundation1313 Newell

RoadPalo Alto,CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Palo Alto Community 94-2242823 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Child Care3990 Ventura


Palo Alto,CA


Palo Alto Downtown 20-5242330 501(c)3 25,000 Community

Streets Team542 High Opportunity Fund


Palo Alto,CA 94301

Palo Alto Friends Nursery 94-1514802 501(c)3 25,000 Education

School957 ColoradoAvenue

Palo Alto,CA


Palo Alto Partners in 77-0186364 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Education25 ChurchillAvenue

Palo Alto,CA


Peninsula Bridge Program 94-3226017 501(c)3 25,000 Education

PO Box 963

Menlo Park, CA


Peninsula Open Space 94-2392007 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

Trust222 High Street

Palo Alto,CA


Peninsula Open Space 94-2392007 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

Trust222 High Street

Palo Alto,CA


Peninsula Open Space 94-2392007 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

Trust222 High Street

Palo Alto,CA


Peninsula Open Space 94-2392007 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

Trust222 High Street

Palo Alto,CA


Phillips Brooks School 94-2494458 501(c)3 25,000 Education

2245 Avy Avenue

Menlo Park, CA


Page 347: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

rorm vvy acneauie i, rart ii, c,rant s ana utner Assistance to Governments ana ur anizations in the unitea states

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Positive Coaching Alliance 77-0485946 501(c)3 25,000 Education

1001 north Rengstorff

Avenue Suite


Mountain View, CA


President & Fellows of 04-2103580 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Harvard College124 Mount

A uborn Street

Cambridge, MA


Project Baobab555 Bryant 02-0532299 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Street Suite 198

PaloAlto,CA 943011704

Project Read - north San Public/Government 25,000 Education

Mateo County840 West

Orange Avenue

South San Francisco, CA


Project Read - north San Public/Government 25,000 Education

Mateo County840 West

Orange Avenue

South San Francisco, CA


Providence Community 93-0692907 501(c)3 25,000 Health & Wellness

Health Foundation940

Royal Avenue Suite 410

Medford,OR 975045730

RARE1840 Wilson 23-7380563 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

Boulevard Suite 204

Arlington,VA 222013000

Regents of the University 94-6002123 501(c)3 25,000 Education

of California at BerkeleyGiftAdministration2080

AddisonStreet 4200

Berkeley, CA 947204200

Regents of the University 94-6036494 501(c)3 25,000 Education

of California DavisCashiersOfficePO Box 989062

West Sacramento, CA


Regents of the University 94-6036494 501(c)3 25,000 Education

of California DavisCashiersOfficePO Box 989062

West Sacramento, CA


Page 348: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Regents of the University 94-6036494 501(c)3 25,000 Education

of California DavisCashiers OfficePO Box


West Sacramento, CA


Resource Area For 77-0365627 501(c)3 25,000 Strengthening

Teachers1355 Ridder nonprofits

Park Drive

San Jose, CA 95131

Resource Area For 77-0365627 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Teachers1355 Ridder

Park Drive

San Jose, CA


Resource Area For 77-0365627 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Teachers1355 Ridder

Park Drive

San Jose, CA


Riekes Center for H uman 94-3224127 50 1(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families


Edison Way

Menlo Park,CA 94025

Riekes Center for Human 94-3224127 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families


Edison Way

Menlo Park,CA 94025

Rosalie Rendu Inc1760 95-4709944 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Bay Road Suite 24

East Palo Alto, CA


Ross Ragland Theater 93-1006823 501(c)3 25,000 Arts & Culture

218 north 7th Street

Klamath F a l l s , O R97601

San Bruno Mountain 94-3235791 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

WatchP 0 Box 53

Brisbane,CA 94005

San Francisco 49ers 94-3239876 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Academy2160 Euclid


East Palo Alto, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I, Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


San Francisco Forty 77-0287514 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Niners Foundation4949

Centennial BoulevardSanta Clara, CA


San Francisco 01-0679337 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Foundation225 Bush

Street Suite 500

San Francisco, CA


San Francisco State 94-1384645 501(c)3 25,000 Education

University Foundation

Inc1600 Holloway

Avenue ADIM 153

San Francisco, CA


San Jose Conservation 77-0155997 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Corps2650 Senter Road

San Jose, CA 95111

San Jose Mercury News 77-0229665 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Wish Book Fund Inc750

Ridder Park DriveSan Jose, CA


San Jose Repertory 94-2638313 501(c)3 25,000 Arts & Culture

Theatre101 Paseo de

San Antonio

San Jose, CA


San Jose Unified School Public/Government 25,000 Education

District855 Lenzen


San Jose, CA


San Mateo County 94-6133905 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Community College

Foundation3401 CSM


San Mateo, CA


San Mateo County 94-1661885 501(c)3 25,000 Community

Service League727 Opportunity Fund

Middlefield RoadRedwood City, CA


Santa Clara University 94-1156617 501(c)3 25,000 Education

500 El Camino Real

Santa Clara, CA


Page 350: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Santa Clara University 94-1156617 501(c)3 25,000 Education

500 El Camino Real

Santa Clara, CA


Santa Clara University 94-1156617 501(c)3 25,000 Education

500 El Camino Real

Santa Clara, CA


School Health Clinics of 77-0031679 501(c)3 25,000 Health & Wellness

Santa Clara County5671

Santa Teresa Boulevard



San Jose, CA 95123

Sears House Association 31-1717127 501(c)3 25,000 Arts & Culture

42 Beacon Street

Boston, MA 02108

Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Bank of Santa Clara &San Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 50 1(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Bank of Santa Clara &San Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 50 1(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Bank of Santa Clara &San Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 50 1(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Bank of Santa Clara &San Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


Sentinels of Freedom 20-8139201 50 1(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Scholarship Foundation350 Montgomery Street

San Ramon,CA 94583

Sequoia Union High 94-3084148 501(c)3 25,000 Strengthening

School District480 nonprofits

James Avenue

Redwood City, CA


Page 351: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Silicon Valley Childrens 77-0166138 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Fund4525 Union Avenue

San Jose, CA


Silicon Valley Education 20-5061316 501(c)3 25,000 Education


Parkmoor Avenue Suite


San Jose, CA


Silicon Valley Habitat for 93-0926083 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Humanity513 Valley Way

Milpitas,CA 950354105

SJB Child Development 94-1747079 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Center1945 Terilyn


San Jose, CA


Smile Train Inc4l 13-3661416 501(c)3 25,000 Health & Wellness

Madison Avenue 28th

FloorNew York, NY


Society of St Vincent de 93-0831082 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

PaulPO Box 1663

Medford,OR 975010128

Springboard Forward1301 91-2165886 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Shoreway Road Suite 160

Belmont, CA 940024158

Stanford Health Services 94-6174066 501(c)3 25,000 Health & Wellness

145A El Camino Real

Menlo Park,CA 94025

Stanford Schools 20-2699147 501(c)3 25,000 Education

CorporationPO Box


Stanford,CA 943090524

Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 25,000 Education

ProcessingPO Box 20466

Stanford,CA 943090466

Page 352: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 25,000 Education

ProcessingPO Box 20466

Stanford,CA 943090466

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford,CA 943056105

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford,CA 943056105

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford,CA 943056105

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford,CA 943056105

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford,CA 943056105

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford,CA 943056105

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford,CA 943056105

Swords to Plowshares 94-2260626 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Veterans Rights

Organization1060 Howard


San Francisco, CA


Symphony Silicon Valley 32-0083030 501(c)3 25,000 Arts & Culture

PO Box 790

San Jose, CA


Page 353: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Teller Refuge IncPO Box 81-0449101 501(c)3 25,000 Environment


Corvallis, MT


Texas A & M University 74-6000531 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Engineering Development

OfficeCollege Station, TX


The Alliance To Stop 04-3367888 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Slavery and EndTrafficking Inc9200

Sunset Boulevard PH 22

Los Angeles,CA 90069

The American Ireland 25-1306992 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Fund4 Main Street Suite


Los Altos, CA


The Breakthrough 94-3140620 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Collaborative1635 Park


San Jose, CA 95126

The Catholic Foundation 83-0400149 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

of Santa Clara County

1150 north First Street

Suite 217

San Jose, CA


The Chronicle Season of 94-3019992 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Sharing FundPO Box


San Francisco, CA


The Family Giving Tree 77-0284682 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

606 Valley Way

Milpitas,CA 950354138

The Family Giving Tree 77-0284682 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

606 Valley Way

Milpitas,CA 950354138

The Family Giving Tree 77-0284682 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

606 Valley Way

Milpitas,CA 950354138

Page 354: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


The Good Tidings 94-3219013 501(c)3 25,000 Education

FoundationPier 9 Space


San Francisco, CA


The Health Trust2105 94-6050231 501(c)3 25,000 Health & Wellness

South Bascom Avenue

Suite 220

Campbell, CA


The International 94-1156554 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Institute of The Bay Area

2600 Middlefield RoadRedwood City,CA 94063

The International 94-1156554 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Institute of The Bay Area

2600 Middlefield RoadRedwood City,CA 94063

The Leukemia & 13-5644916 501(c)3 25,000 Health & Wellness

Lymphoma Society Inc

675 north First Street

Suite 1100

San Jose, CA


The Nueva School6565 94-1633387 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Skyline BoulevardH illsborough, CA940106221

The Samburu Project Inc 20-3541982 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

1801 Lincoln Boulevard

Suite 212

Venice,CA 90291

The San Carlos Parks & 94-3203214 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Recreation Foundation

IncPO Box 191

San Carlos, CA 94070

The Tech Museum of 94-2864660 501(c)3 25,000 Arts & Culture

Innovation201 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


The Unity Care Group 77-0323115 501(c)3 25,000 Community

Program Office237 Race Opportunity Fund


San Jose, CA


Page 355: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


The University 94-1384645 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Corporation San

Francisco State1600

Holloway Avenue

San Francisco, CA


The University 94-1384645 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Corporation San

Francisco State1600

Holloway Avenue

San Francisco, CA


The Vote Solar Initiative 94-3213100 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

300 Brannan Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


TheatreWorksPO Box 94-2831245 501(c)3 25,000 Strengthening

50458 nonprofits

Palo Alto,CA


TheatreWorksPO Box 94-2831245 501(c)3 25,000 Arts & Culture


Palo Alto,CA


TheatreWorksPO Box 94-2831245 501(c)3 25,000 Arts & Culture


Palo Alto,CA


Trinity School2650 Sand 94-2780280 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Hill RoadMenlo Park,CA 94025

Truckee Tahoe 68-0416404 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Community Foundation

PO Box 366

Truckee, CA 96160

Trust for Conservation 91-2166435 501(c)3 25,000 Environment


Washington Street 5th

FloorSan Francisco, CA


Trustees of Tufts College 04-2103634 501(c)3 25,000 Education

80 George Street

Medford, MA021555519

Page 356: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

rorm vvy scneauie i, Nart ii , urants ana utner assistance to iiovernments ana ur anizations in t he unites states

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Union School District Public/Government 25,000 Education

5175 Union Avenue

San Jose, CA


Union School District Public/Government 25,000 Education

5175 Union Avenue

San Jose, CA


Unitarian Universalist 95-1921036 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Church of Long Beach5450 Atherton Street

Long Beach, CA


United Way of the Bay 94-1312348 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Area221 Main Street

Suite 300

San Francisco, CA


United Way Silicon Valley 94-1450153 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

1400 Parkmoor Avenue

Suite 250

San Jose, CA


University of Wyoming 83-0201971 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Foundation1200 East

Ivinson Avenue

Laramie, WY 820704159

Urgent Action Fund for 03-0419743 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Womens Human Rights

3100 Arapahoe Avenue

Suite 201

Boulder,CO 80303

US Davis 94-6081352 501(c)3 25,000 Strengthening

FoundationAnnual Fund nonprofits1480 Drew Avenue

Davis, CA 95616

USA Cycling Development 84-1529751 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

FoundationO ne Olympic

Plaza Building 6

Colorado Springs, CO


Veterans Administration Public/Government 25,000 Supporting Families

Palo Alto Health CareSystem3801 Miranda


Palo Alto,CA


Page 357: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Victory Ranch Inc828 30-0383339 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Owens Drive

San Jose, CA 95123

VMC Foundation2400 77-0187890 501(c)3 25,000 Health & Wellness

Moorpark Avenue Suite


San Jose, CA


VMC Foundation2400 77-0187890 501(c)3 25,000 Health & Wellness

Moorpark Avenue Suite


San Jose, CA


Water Education 94-2419885 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

Foundation717 K Street

Suite 317

Sacramento, CA


Wildlife Conservation 30-0108469 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

Network Inc25745

Bassett Lane

Los Altos, CA


Wildlife Conservation 30-0108469 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

Network Inc25745

Bassett Lane

Los Altos, CA


Women's Foundation of 94-2752421 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

California340 Pine Street

Suite 302

San Francisco, CA


Women's Learning 52-2199581 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Partnership for Rights

Development and Peace

4343 Montgomery

AvenueSuite 201

Bethesda, M D


Women's Learning 52-2199581 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

Partnership for Rights

Development and Peace

Ltd4343 Montgomery

Avenue Suite 201

Bethesda, M D


Women's Recovery 23-7079003 501(c)3 25,000 Health & Wellness

Association of San Mateo

County Inc1450 Chapin

Avenue First Floor

Burlingame, CA


Page 358: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


World Vision 95-1922279 501(c)3 25,000 Building Community

InternationalPO Box


Tacoma, WA


Xtreme SquashPO Box 71-1038115 501(c)3 25,000 Education


PaloAlto,CA 94306

YES Reading528 Valley 77-0568469 501(c)3 25,000 Education




YES Reading528 Valley 77-0568469 501(c)3 25,000 Education




YMCA of San Francisco 94-0997140 501(c)3 25,000 Strengthening

631 Howard Street Suite nonprofits


San Francisco, CA


YMCA of the Mid- 94-1212140 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Peninsula2400 Geng

Road Suite 120

Palo Alto,CA


YMCA of the Mid- 94-1212140 501(c)3 25,000 Education

Peninsula2400 Geng

Road Suite 120

Palo Alto,CA


Yosemite Foundation155 94-3058041 501(c)3 25,000 Environment

Montgomery Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


Young LifePO Box 520 84-0385934 501(c)3 25,000 Religion

Colorado Springs, CO


Youth and Family 94-3094966 501(c)3 25,000 Community

Enrichment Services610 Opportunity Fund

Elm Street Suite 212

San Carlos, CA


Page 359: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Youth and Family 94-3094966 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Enrichment Services610

Elm Street Suite 212

San Carlos, CA


Youth and Family 94-3094966 501(c)3 25,000 Supporting Families

Enrichment Services610

Elm Street Suite 212

San Carlos, CA


ZeroO ne - The Art and 77-0534962 501(c)3 25,000 Arts & Culture

Technology Network

1346 The Alameda Suite


San Jose, CA


notre Dame High School 94-1275235 501(c)3 25,300 Education

596 South Second Street

San Jose, CA


Santa Barbara Center for 95-3847102 501(c)3 25,500 Arts & Culture

the Performing Arts Inc

2020 Alameda Padre

Serra Suite 121

Santa Barbara, CA


United States Coast Public/Government 25,623 Building Community

Guard CG-82100

Second Street SW Room


Washington, DC


Youth Leadership 68-0184712 501(c)3 25,884 Education

Institute246 First Street

Suite 400

San Francisco, CA


Community School of 23-7023900 501(c)3 26,000 Arts & Culture

Music &Arts230 San

Antonio Circle

Mountain View, CA


Hands on Bay Area444 77-0195144 501(c)3 26,000 Building Community

Townsend Street Second

FloorSan Francisco, CA


Jewish Community 94-1156533 501(c)3 26,000 Religion

Federation of SF Marin

Peninsula & Sonoma

Counties121 Steuart


San Francisco, CA


Page 360: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Santa Barbara Opera123 77-0347413 501(c)3 26,000 Arts & Culture

West Padre Street Suite


Santa Barbara, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 26,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


State Street Ballet322 86-0717486 501(c)3 26,000 Arts & Culture

State Street

Santa Barbara, CA


University of Montana 81-0362989 501(c)3 26,000 Education

FoundationPO Box 7159



YMCA Camp Loma Mar 94-1156317 501(c)3 26,060 Building Community

9900 Pescadero Road

Loma Mar,CA 94021

The Art ofElysium3278 95-4673306 501(c)3 26,250 Arts & Culture

Wilshire Boulevard Suite1001

Los Angeles,CA 90010

Youth and Family 94-3094966 501(c)3 26,400 Supporting Families

Enrichment Services610

Elm Street Suite 212

San Carlos, CA


BASIC Fund268 Bush 94-3290699 501(c)3 26,527 Education

Street Suite 2717

San Francisco, CA


United States Coast Public/Government 27,000 Building Community

Guard CG-82100

Second Street SWRoom


Washington, DC


San Mateo-Foster City 94-3083935 501(c)3 27,207 Education

School District1170

Chess Drive

Foster City, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


San Mateo-Foster City 94-3083935 501(c)3 27,207 Education

School District1170

Chess Drive

Foster City, CA


Edgewood Center for 94-1186168 501(c)3 27,357 Education

Children & Families957 B

Industrial Way

San Carlos, CA 94070

Edgewood Center for 94-1186168 501(c)3 27,357 Education

Children & Families957 B

Industrial Way

San Carlos, CA 94070

Cabrillo Unified School 94-3083821 501(c)3 27,500 Education

District498 Kelly Avenue

Half Moon Bay, CA


Cabrillo Unified School 94-3083821 501(c)3 27,500 Education

District498 Kelly Avenue

Half Moon Bay, CA


Peninsula Conflict 77-0144000 501(c)3 27,500 Building Community

Resolution Center1660

South A mphlettBoulevard Suite219

San Mateo, CA


Peninsula Conflict 77-0144000 501(c)3 27,500 Building Community

Resolution Center1660

South A mphlettBoulevard Suite219

San Mateo, CA


Peninsula Conflict 77-0144000 501(c)3 27,500 Building Community

Resolution Center1660

South A mphlettBoulevard Suite219

San Mateo, CA 94402

Peninsula Conflict 77-0144000 501(c)3 27,500 Building Community

Resolution Center1660

South A mphlettBoulevard Suite219

San Mateo, CA 94402

Redwood City 2020750 Public/Government 27,500 Education

Bradford StreetRedwood City, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I, Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of ( b) EIN ( c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Redwood City 2020750 Public/Government 27,500 Education

Bradford StreetRedwood City, CA


Gilroy FoundationPO Box 94 -2719281 501 (c)3 27,750 Building Community


Gilroy,CA 950210774

Gilroy FoundationPO Box 94 -2719281 501( c)3 27,833 Building Community


Gilroy,CA 950210774

ACCION USA Inc56 04 - 3219159 501(c)3 28,000 Building Community

Roland Street Suite 300

Boston, MA 02129

Ginga Arts IncPO Box 51-0543281 501(c ) 3 28,000 Arts & Culture


Los Angeles , CA 90061

San Francisco Jazz 94 - 2990335 501(c)3 28,000 Arts & Culture

0 rganizationThree

Embarcadero CenterLobbyLevelSan Francisco, CA


SOLV5193 NE Elam 93-0579286 501(c ) 3 28,000 Environment

Young Parkway Suite B

Hillsboro, O R 97124

Sunnyvale Community 94-1713897 501(c ) 3 28,000 Building Community

Services725 Kifer Road

Sunnyvale, CA


Telegraph Hill 94-1167422 501(c)3 28,000 Building Community

NeighborhoodAssociation660 Lombard


San Francisco, CA


TreePeople12601 23-7314838 501(c ) 3 28,000 Environment

Mulholland DriveBeverly Hills , CA 90210

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


William J Clinton 31-1580204 501(c)3 28,000 Building Community

Foundation55 West

125th Street

NewYork,NY 10023

Women In Jazz240 West 13-3698896 501(c)3 28,000 Arts & Culture

98th Street 6E

New York, NY


City of San Jose200 East Public/Government 28,018 Building Community

Santa Clara Street

San Jose, CA


KIPP Los Angeles 13-4230051 501(c)3 28,667 Education

College Preparatory

School445 South

Figueroa Street Suite


Los Angeles, CA


University of Southern 95-1642394 501(c)3 28,844 Education

California3375 South

Hoover Street UVI-H208

Los Angeles, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 29,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 29,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 29,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 29,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


American Red Cross 53-0196605 501(c)3 29,129 Supporting Families

24480 Network Place

Chicago, IL 606731244

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Arts Council Silicon 94-2825213 501(c)3 29,171 Arts & Culture

Valley4 north SecondStreet Suite 500

San Jose, CA


Jumpstart for Young 04-3262046 501(c)3 29,200 Building Community

Children Inc965 Mission

Street Suite 300

San Francisco, CA


Yosemite National 94-2145930 501(c)3 29,250 Education

InstitutesGGN RA

Building 1055

Sausalito, CA 94965

San Mateo County 94-6000532 501(c)3 29,349 Supporting Families

Sheriff's Office400

County Center Third Floor

Redwood City, CA


Jewish Family Service of 95-1691013 501(c)3 29,450 Supporting Families

Los Angeles6505

Wilshire Boulevard Suite500

Los Angeles,CA 90048

Abilities United525 East 94-1546643 501(c)3 30,000 Building Community

Charleston RoadPalo Alto,CA


Alum Rock Counseling 23-7367637 501(c)3 30,000 Supporting Families

Centerlnc1245 East

Santa Clara Street

San Jose, CA


American Associates 23-7270753 501(c)3 30,000 Education

Ben-Gurion University of

Negev Inc220

Montgomery Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


American Friends of 13-3500786 501(c)3 30,000 Arts & Culture

Livnot U'lehibanotPO Box


Boca Raton, FL 33481

American Friends of the 13-3091674 501(c)3 30,000 Education

Open University of Israel

Inc120 East 56th Street

Suite 900

NewYork,NY 10022

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Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


American Jewish World 22-2584370 501(c)3 30,000 Building Community

Service Inc45 West 36th

Street 11th Floor

New York, NY


Berkeley Repertory 94-1679756 501(c)3 30,000 Arts & Culture

Theatre2025 Addison


Berkeley, CA


Building Futures nowPO 77-0348803 501(c)3 30,000 Education

Box 1524

Palo Alto,CA 94302

Building Futures nowPO 77-0348803 501(c)3 30,000 Education

Box 1524

Palo Alto,CA 94302

Building Futures nowPO 77-0348803 501(c)3 30,000 Education

Box 1524

Palo Alto,CA 94302

Businesses United in 94-3386695 501(c)3 30,000 Supporting Families

Investing Lending and

Development2197 East

Bayshore Road Suite 100

Palo Alto,CA


California Lawyers For The 94-2301744 501(c)3 30,000 Arts & Culture

Arts IncFort Mason

CenterBuilding C Room


San Francisco, CA


California Study Inc664 94-2860620 501(c)3 30,000 Education

Hilary Drive

Tiburon, CA 949201446

Chabad of Greater South 77-0104029 501(c)3 30,000 Health & Wellness

Bay3070 Louis Road

Palo Alto, CA 94303

Children's Hospital & 94-1657474 501(c)3 30,000 Health & Wellness

Research Center


Broadway Suite 600

Oakland,CA 946123017

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Concentric MediaPO Box 94-3169925 501(c)3 30,000 Arts & Culture


Menlo Park, CA


Concentric MediaPO Box 94-3169925 501(c)3 30,000 Arts & Culture


Menlo Park, CA


Creating Hope 38-3288402 501(c)3 30,000 Supporting Families

InternationalPO Box


Dearborn, M I


Daly City Peninsula 06-1734338 501(c)3 30,000 Education

Partnership Collaborative111 Lake Merced

Boulevard Room 12

Daly City,CA 94015

East County Family 95-2039198 501(c)3 30,000 Supporting Families

YMCA8881 Dallas Street

La Mesa,CA 91942

Family Resources 77-0444288 501(c)3 30,000 Supporting Families

International2422 Divide


Santa Maria, CA


Gateway School126 94-2441484 501(c)3 30,000 Education

Eucalyptus Avenue

Santa Cruz, CA


Girls Middle School180 94-3253594 501(c)3 30,000 Education

north Rengstorff Avenue

Mountain View, CA


Gladney Center for 75-2414153 501(c)3 30,000 Supporting Families

Adoption6300 John Ryan


Fort Worth, TX


Global Fund for Children 56-1834887 501(c)3 30,000 Supporting Families

1101 14th Street NW

Suite 420

Washington, DC


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Global Fund for Children 56-1834887 501(c)3 30,000 Supporting Families

1101 14th Street NW

Suite 420

Washington, DC


Global Fund For Women 77-0155782 501(c)3 30,000 Supporting Families

Inc1375 Sutter Street

Suite 400

San Francisco, CA


Global Heritage Fund625 20-5009512 501(c)3 30,000 Building Community

Emerson Street Suite


Palo Alto,CA


Global Heritage Fund625 20-5009512 501(c)3 30,000 Building Community

Emerson Street Suite


Palo Alto,CA


Global Heritage Fund625 20-5009512 501(c)3 30,000 Building Community

Emerson Street Suite


Palo Alto,CA


Hooked on Nature4848 68-0628398 501(c)3 30,000 Environment

San Filipe Road 150-230

San Jose, CA 95135

northwest Harvest E M M 91-0826037 501(c)3 30,000 Building Community

PO Box 12272

Seattle, WA 98102

James Ministry13425 75-2779056 501(c)3 30,000 Religion

Webb Chapel RoadDallas,TX 752345020

King Baudouin Foundation 58-2277856 501(c)3 30,000 Building Community

US Inc10 Rockefeller

Plaza 16th Floor

New York, NY


Legal Aid Society of San 94-1451894 501(c)3 30,000 Supporting Families

Mateo County521 East

Fifth AvenueSan Mateo, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Logging LegacyPO Box 91-2107931 501(c)3 30,000 Supporting Families


Enumclaw, WA


Metropolitan Opera 13-1624087 501(c)3 30,000 Arts & Culture

Association30 Lincoln

Center Plaza

NewYork,NY 10023

Natural Resources 13-2654926 501(c)3 30,000 Strengthening

Defense Councill11 nonprofits

Suttler Street 20th Floor

San Francisco, CA


Natural Resources 13-2654926 501(c)3 30,000 Environment

Defense Council Inc4O

West 20th Street

New York, NY


ODCSan Francisco351 34-1191163 501(c)3 30,000 Arts & Culture

Shotwell StreetSan Francisco, CA


Pacific Collegiate School 77-0485136 501(c)3 30,000 Education

PO Box 1701

Santa Cruz, CA


Pacific News Service275 94-1709509 501(c)3 30,000 Supporting Families

Ninth Street

San Francisco, CA


Peninsula Clergy Network 73-1723866 501(c)3 30,000 Building Community

PO Box 30

San Mateo, CA 94401

President & Fellows of 04-2103580 501(c)3 30,000 Education

Harvard CollegePeabodyMuseum of Archeology

Ethnology 11 Divinity


Cambridge, MA 02138

Pro Mujer240 West 35th 98-0115409 501(c)3 30,000 Building Community

Street Suite 404

New York, NY


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Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Or anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Radiological Society of 15-0539115 501(c)3 30,000 Building Community

north America Incc/o

RSNA Research Education

Foundation820 Jorie

BoulevardOak Brook,IL 60523

Rain for the Sahel and 73-1628703 501(c)3 30,000 Supporting Families

Sahara IncPO Box 545

Newmarket, N H


Regents of the University Public/Government 30,000 Education

of Californial111 Franklin

Street Room 7202

Oakland,CA 946075200

Resource Area For 77-0365627 501(c)3 30,000 Education

Teachers1355 Ridder

Park Drive

San Jose, CA


Sacred Heart Nativity 95-2206754 501(c)3 30,000 Education

School310 EdwardsAvenue

San Jose, CA


San Francisco Food Bank 94-3041517 501(c)3 30,000 Building Community

900 Pennsylvania Avenue

San Francisco, CA


San Jose Institute of 94-2688830 501(c)3 30,000 Arts & Culture

Contemporary Art560

South First Street

San Jose, CA


San JoseEvergreen 94-2877474 501(c)3 30,000 Strengthening

CommunityCollege nonprofits

foundation4750 San Felipe

RoadSan Jose, CA


San Mateo County 94-3356735 501(c)3 30,000 Community

Interfaith Hospitality Opportunity Fund

Network1720 El Camino

Real Suite 7

Burlingame, CA 94010

Save San Francisco Bay 94-6078420 501(c)3 30,000 Environment

Association350 Frank H

Ogawa Plaza Suite 900

Oakland,CA 946122016

Page 370: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Scripps CollegeFinancial 95-1664123 501(c)3 30,000 Education

Aid Office1030 Columbia


Claremont, CA


Seattle Art Museum1300 91-0640788 501(c)3 30,000 Arts & Culture

First Avenue

Seattle, WA 981012003

St Elizabeth Seton School 94-2495928 501(c)3 30,000 Education

1095 Channing Avenue

Palo Alto,CA


Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 30,000 Education

ProcessingPO Box 20466

Stanford,CA 943090466

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 30,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford,CA 943056105

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 30,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford,CA 943056105

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 30,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford,CA 943056105

The 42nd Street 13-3763953 501(c)3 30,000 Arts & Culture

Workshop Inc312 West

36th StreetFouth Floor


New York, NY


The Advaita SocietyKala 94-2372185 501(c)3 30,000 Arts & Culture

Art Institute1060 Heinz


Berkeley, CA


The Pluralism Fund136 04-3822264 501(c)3 30,000 Building Community

Madison Avenue

NewYork,NY 10016

Page 371: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Or g anizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


The Salvation ArmyDistrict 13-5562351 501(c)3 30,000 Supporting

Headquarters3755 north Families

Freeway Boulevard

Sacramento, CA 95834

The Santa Cruz Hub for 31-1748056 501(c)3 30,000 Building

Sustainable Transportation Community

c/o People Power703

Pacific Avenue

Suite C

Santa Cruz, CA 95060

The UCLA Foundation 95-2250801 501(c)3 30,000 Education

10920 Wilshire Boulevard

Suite 1100


Los Angeles,CA 90024

The UCLA Foundation 95-2250801 501(c)3 30,000 Education

10920 Wilshire Boulevard

Suite 1100


Los Angeles,CA 90024

The University Corporation 94-1384645 501(c)3 30,000 Education

San Francisco State1600

Holloway Avenue ADM


San Francisco, CA


The University ofTexas at 74-1946138 501(c)3 30,000 Education

Austinl University Station

Austin,TX 787120803

TheatreWorksPO Box 94-2831245 501(c)3 30,000 Arts & Culture


PaloAlto,CA 943030458,

Townsend K12 School Public/Government 30,000 Education

District #1201 north

Spruce Street

Townsend, MT


Trustees of Dartmouth 02-0222111 50 1(c)3 30,000 Education

College6066 Development

OfficeHanover, NH 037553512

TurtleWill IncPO Box 1147 86-1039391 501(c)3 30,000 Supporting

Carefree, AZ 85377 Families

Page 372: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


United Way of Rock River 36-2167843 501(c)3 30,000 Supporting Families

Valley612 north Main

StreetSuite 300

Rockford,IL 611036998

University of Colorado 84-6049811 501(c)3 30,000 Education

Foundation Inc4740

Walnut Street

Boulder,CO 80301

University of Minnesota 41-6042488 501(c)3 30,000 Education

FoundationC-M 3854PO

Box 70870

St Paul,MN 551703854

Voto Latino2501 Calvert 20-1350252 501(c)3 30,000 Building Community

Street Suite 806 NW

Washington, DC 20008

Women's EDGE Coalition 52-2100597 501(c)3 30,000 Supporting Families

1825 Connecticut Ave

NW Suite 800

Washington, DC 20009

Youth Speaks290 91-2134499 501(c)3 30,000 Education

Division Street Suite 302

San Francisco, CA


Nevus Outreach Inc600 59-3455128 501(c)3 30,825 Health & Wellness

Southeast Delaware Suite


Bartlesville, O K 74003

Resource Area For 77-0365627 501(c)3 31,020 Education

Teachers1355 Ridder

Park Drive

San Jose, CA


Legal Aid Society of San 94-1451894 50 1(c)3 31,138 Supporting Families

Mateo County521 East

Fifth AvenueSan Mateo, CA


Legal Aid Society of San 94-1451894 501(c)3 31,138 Supporting Families

Mateo County521 East

Fifth AvenueSan Mateo, CA


Page 373: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Arts Council Silicon 94-2825213 501(c)3 31,184 Arts & Culture

Valley4 north SecondStreet Suite 500

San Jose, CA


Women's Initiative for 94-3081525 501(c)3 31,200 Building Community

Self Employment1398

Valencia Street

San Francisco, CA


Arts Council Silicon 94-2825213 501(c)3 31,323 Arts & Culture

Valley4 north SecondStreetSuite 500

San Jose, CA


Cooperative for 13-1685039 501(c)3 31,400 Supporting Families

Assistance and ReliefEverywhere Inc (CARE)

1402 Third Avenue Suite


Seattle, WA 981012195

Spirit Series Inc605 San 20-3799463 501(c)3 31,406 Education

Vincente Boulevard Suite


Santa Monica,CA 90402

Role Model Program1922 77-0230503 501(c)3 31,500 Building Community

The Alameda Suite 217

San Jose, CA


Inner-City Arts720 95-4239478 501(c)3 31,600 Arts & Culture

Kohler StreetLos Angeles, CA


Presentation High School 53-0196617 501(c)3 31,968 Education

2281 Plummer Avenue

San Jose, CA


California Shakespeare 51-0169452 501(c)3 32,000 Arts & Culture

Theater701 Heinz


Berkeley, CA 94710

Computer History 77-0507525 501(c)3 32,000 Arts & Culture

Museum1401 north

Shoreline BoulevardMountain View, CA


Page 374: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


HerShe Group Foundation 51-0553656 501(c)3 32,000 Education

5777 West Century

Boulevard Suite910

Los Angeles, CA


Individual Philanthropy 51-0644783 501(c)3 32,000 Building Community

Institute554 Valley Way

Milpitas,CA 950354106

Lucile Packard Foundation 77-0440090 501(c)3 32,000 Health & Wellness

for Children's HealthGiftProcessing400 Hamilton


Suite 340

Palo Alto,CA


School on Wheels Inc 95-4422640 501(c)3 32,000 Education

28128 Pacific Coast

Highway 192

Malibu, CA 90265

Acterra Action for a 23-7064937 501(c)3 33,000 Environment

Sustainable Earth3921

East Bayshore Road

Palo Alto,CA


High Spirit Community 04-3809051 501(c)3 33,000 Health & Wellness

Farm Inc4 Brattle Street

Suite 303

Cambridge, MA 02138

Muskingum College163 31-4379515 501(c)3 33,053 Education

Stormont Street

New Concord, O H


REDF631 Howard Street 54-2132153 501(c)3 33,300 Supporting Families

Suite 320

San Francisco, CA


REDF631 Howard Street 54-2132153 501(c)3 33,300 Supporting Families

Suite 320

San Francisco, CA


JobTrain1200 0 Brien 94-1712371 501(c)3 33,400 Supporting Families


Menlo Park, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


REDF631 Howard Street 54-2132153 501(c)3 33,400 Supporting Families

Suite 320

San Francisco, CA


Greater Bay Area Make- 94-2958481 501(c)3 33,500 Supporting Families

A-Wish Foundation235

Pine Street Sixth Floor

San Francisco, CA


Partners in School 94-3205455 501(c)3 33,600 Education


Tennessee Street Second

FloorSan Francisco, CA


Palo Alto Community 77-0483215 501(c)3 33,672 Supporting Families

FundPO Box 50634

Palo Alto,CA


Black Recruiters Network 38-3683054 501(c)3 33,750 Supporting Families

AssociationPO Box


Milpitas,CA 950351344

Little Kids Rock Inc116 94-3396568 501(c)3 33,778 Education

Greenwood Avenue

Montclair, NJ 07042

Across the Bridge 77-0517240 501(c)3 34,000 Education

Foundation1460 The

AlamedaSan Jose, CA


Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 34,000 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 34,000 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 34,000 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I, Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


The Leukemia & 13-5644916 501(c)3 34,000 Strengthening

Lymphoma Society675 nonprofits

N First Street Ste 1100

San Jose, CA


Springboard Forward 91-2165886 501(c)3 34,480 Building Community

1301 Shoreway Road

Suite 160

Belmont, CA


Edgewood Center for 94-1186168 50 1(c)3 34,790 Supporting Families

Children & Families957

B Industrial Way

San Carlos, CA 94070

Edgewood Center for 94-1186168 501(c)3 34,790 Supporting Families

Children & Families957

B Industrial Way

San Carlos, CA 94070

California Polytechnic 20-4927897 Public/Government 35,000 Education

State UniversityOne

Grand Avenue

San Luis O bispo, CA


Corporation of the Fine 94-3045948 501(c)3 35,000 Arts & Culture

Arts Museums50

Hagiwara Tea Garden


San Francisco, CA


Gilroy FoundationPO 94-2719281 501(c)3 35,000 Building Community

Box 774

Gilroy,CA 950210774

Greenbelt Alliance631 94-1676747 501(c)3 35,000 Environment

Howard Street Suite 510

San Francisco, CA


Hiller Aviation Institute 94-3226411 501(c)3 35,000 Arts & Culture

601 Skyway Road

San Carlos, CA 94070

Interplast Inc857 23-7297770 501(c)3 35,000 Health & Wellness

Maude Avenue

Mountain View, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I, Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Lawyers Committee for 52-0799246 501(c)3 35,000 Building Community

Civil Rights Under Law

1401 New York Avenue

NWSuite 400

Washington, DC 20005

Menlo School50 94-3204137 501(c)3 35,000 Education

Valparaiso Avenue

Atherton, CA


Mission Hospice of San 94-2567162 501(c)3 35,000 Health & Wellness

Mateo County1900

O Farrell Street Suite


San Mateo, CA


Nature Conservancy Inc 53-0242652 501(c)3 35,000 Environment

4245 north Fairfax Drive

Suite 100

A rlington, V A


Next Door234 East Gish 94-2420708 501(c)3 35,000 Supporting Families

Road Suite 200

San Jose, CA 95112

Orangewood Children's 95-3616628 Public/Government 35,000 Strengthening

Foundation1575 East nonprofits

17th Street

Santa Ana,CA 92705

Oregon State University 93-6022772 501(c)3 35,000 Education

Foundation850 SW 35th


Corvallis, O R


Pacific Forest Trust Inc 68-0292509 501(c)3 35,000 Environment

1001-A 0 Reilly Avenue

San Francisco, CA


Peninsula Humane 94-1243665 501(c)3 35,000 Supporting Families

Society & SPCA 12

Airport Boulevard

San Mateo, CA


San Mateo Public Library 94-3191775 501(c)3 35,000 Supporting Families

Foundation55 West Third


San Mateo, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Save The Waves 36-4515216 501(c)3 35,000 Environment

Coalition3500 Coast

Highway PO Box 183

Davenport, CA


Scholarship America Inc 04-2296967 501(c)3 35,000 Education

1 Scholarship WayPO

Box 297

St Peter, MN 56082

Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 501(c)3 35,000 Supporting Families

Bank of Santa Clara &San Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


SF Connect Inc6O Spear 20-4331462 501(c)3 35,000 Building Community

Street Ninth Floor

San Francisco, CA


St Elizabeth Seton School 94-2495928 501(c)3 35,000 Education

1095 Channing Avenue

Palo Alto,CA


The Tech Museum of 94-2864660 501(c)3 35,000 Arts & Culture

Innovation201 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


University of Colorado 84-6049811 501(c)3 35,000 Education

Foundation Inc4740

Walnut Street

Boulder,CO 80301

Woodside Community 94-6108531 501(c)3 35,000 Building Community

FoundationPO Box


Woodside, CA


Youth Radio1701 94-3180825 501(c)3 35,111 Education


Oakland,CA 94612

FAIR Fund IncPO Box 32-0041030 501(c)3 35,333 Building Community


Washington, DC 20009

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Form 990.Schedule I, Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


VMC Foundation2400 77-0187890 501(c)3 35,429 Health & Wellness

Moorpark Avenue Suite


San Jose, CA


Cabrillo Unified School 94-3083821 501(c)3 35,460 Education

District498 Kelly


Half Moon Bay, CA


The Good Tidings 94-3219013 501(c)3 35,600 Education

FoundationPier 9 Space


San Francisco, CA


Arlington Independent Public/Government 36,000 Education

School District1203

West Pioneer Parkway

Arlington,TX 76013

Big Brothers Big Sisters 23-7108045 501(c)3 36,000 Supporting Families

of the Bay Area731

Market Street Sixth Floor

San Francisco, CA


Boys and Girls Club of 22-3670025 501(c)3 36,000 Education

Camden County Inc

1709 Park Boulevard

Camden,NJ 08103

Cascade AIDS Project 93-0903383 501(c)3 36,000 Health & Wellness

Inc620 SW Fifth Avenue

Suite 300

Portland, O R 97204

Crohns & Colitis 13-6193105 501(c)3 36,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation of AmericaIncnorthern CaliforniaChapterFive

Third Street Suite 625

San Francisco, CA


Outward Bound Inc29- 04-2375956 501(c)3 36,000 Supporting Families

46 northern BoulevardLong Island City, NY


Parks and Recreation 94-3203214 501(c)3 36,000 Supporting Families

Foundation of San CarlosPO Box 191

San Carlos, CA 94070

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Rubicon Bakery154 68-0353815 501(c)3 36,000 Building

South 23rd Street Community

Richmond, CA 94084

San Mateo County 94-1661885 501(c)3 36,000 Supporting Families

Service League727

Middlefield RoadRedwood City, CA


Sankara Eye Foundation 77-6141976 501(c)3 36,000 Health & Wellness

USA1851 McCarthy

Boulevard 218



Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 36,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


The Santa Cruz Hub for 31-1748056 501(c)3 36,000 Building

Sustainable Community

Trans portationc/o People

Power703 Pacific Avenue

Suite C

Santa Cruz, CA


The Tech Museum of 94-2864660 501(c)3 36,000 Arts & Culture

Innovation201 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


Youth Homes 94-6132571 501(c)3 36,000 Supporting Families


Oakland BoulevardWalnut Creek, CA


Jackie Robinson 13-2896345 501(c)3 36,577 Building

Foundation IncOne Community

Hudson Square75 Varick


Second FloorNew York, NY


City ofSaratoga13777 Public/Government 36,834 Supporting Families

Fruitvale Avenue

Saratoga, CA


Peninsula Conflict 77-0144000 501(c)3 37,000 Building

Resolution Center1660 Community

South A mphlettBoulevard Suite219

San Mateo, CA 94402

Page 381: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

C.+r.r. QQA CnheA..le T D-+ TT -A A+her Ann:n^^ +i. /^n -A :.+ the 11..:&eA C+^+en

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Peninsula Conflict 77-0144000 501(c)3 37,000 Building Community

Resolution Center1660

South A mphlettBoulevard Suite219

San Mateo, CA 94402

Samaritan House1511 23-7416272 501(c)3 37,000 Supporting Families

South Claremont Street

San Mateo, CA


Cabrillo Unified School 94-3083821 501(c)3 37,500 Education

District498 Kelly


Half Moon Bay, CA


Cabrillo Unified School 94-3083821 501(c)3 37,500 Education

District498 Kelly


Half Moon Bay, CA


Day Worker Center of 20-2874108 501(c)3 37,500 Building Community

Mountain View748

Mercy Street

Mountain View, CA


Day Worker Center of 20-2874108 501(c)3 37,500 Building Community

Mountain View748

Mercy Street

Mountain View, CA


Redwood City Public/Government 37,500 Education

Elementary SchoolDistrict750 Bradford


Redwood City, CA


Redwood City Public/Government 37,500 Education

Elementary SchoolDistrict750 Bradford


Redwood City, CA


Save the Redwoods 94-0843915 501(c)3 37,500 Environment

League114 Sansome

Street Room 1200

San Francisco, CA


Springboard Forward 91-2165886 501(c)3 37,500 Supporting Families

1301 Shoreway Road

Suite 160

Belmont, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Springboard Forward1301 91-2165886 501(c)3 37,500 Supporting Families

Shoreway Road Suite 160

Belmont, CA 940024158

The Nature Conservancy 20-5797732 501(c)3 37,500 Environment

of California201 Mission

Street 4th Floor

San Francisco, CA


Give2AsiaPO Box 94-3373670 501(c)3 37,897 Building Community


San Francisco, CA


Grace USA170 Correas 02-0693871 501(c)3 38,000 Building Community


Half Moon Bay, CA


Columbia University 13-5598093 501(c)3 38,120 Education

7724475 Riverside Drive

Suite 964

NewYork,NY 10115

Columbia University 13-5598093 501(c)3 38,121 Education

7724475 Riverside Drive

Suite 964

NewYork,NY 10115

Big Brothers Big Sisters of 23-7108045 501(c)3 38,800 Education

the Bay Area731 Market

Street Sixth Floor

San Francisco, CA


University of DelawareGift 51-6000297 501(c)3 38,808 Education

ProcessingReef Hall

Newark, DE 19716

University of DelawareGift 51-6000297 501(c)3 38,808 Education

ProcessingReef Hall

Newark, DE 19716

Redwood City 2020750 Public/Government 39,000 Education

Bradford StreetRedwood City,CA 94063

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


University of South 59-0879015 501(c)3 39,000 Education

Florida Foundation IncCashiers Office ADM

1474202 East

Fowler Avenue

Tampa, FL 33620

The Working Group1611 94-3082546 501(c)3 39,473 Building Community

Telegraph Avenue Suite


Oakland, CA946122129

San Mateo County Child Public/Government 39,645 Education

Care Partnership Council

101 Twin Dolphin Drive

Redwood City, CA


San Mateo County Child Public/Government 39,645 Education

Care Partnership Council

101 Twin Dolphin Drive

Redwood City, CA


National Hispanic 94-2434925 501(c)3 39,692 Education

University14271 Story

RoadSan Jose, CA


826 Valencia826 04-3694151 501(c)3 40,000 Education

Valencia Street

San Francisco, CA


Advocates for Children 04-3849393 501(c)3 40,000 Supporting Families

1515 South El Camino

Real Suite 201


San Mateo, CA


Advocates for Children 04-3849393 501(c)3 40,000 Supporting Families

1515 South El Camino

Real Suite 201


San Mateo, CA


Akshaya Patra 01-0574950 501(c)3 40,000 Building Community

Foundation USA92

Montvale Avenue Suite


Stoneham, MA


American Friends of the 13-3091674 501(c)3 40,000 Education

Open University of Israel

Inc180 West 80th Street

NewYork,NY 10024

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Asha for Education106 77-0459884 501(c)3 40,000 Education

Tom Bradley Intl HallBox



Los Angeles, CA


Atlas Service Corps3712 76-0834735 501(c)3 40,000 Building Community

Conneticut Avenue NW

Suite 36

Washington, DC 20008

Berkeley Food and 94-2979073 501(c)3 40,000 Supporting Families

Housing Project2140

Dwight Way

Berkeley, CA 94704

Breast Cancer 77-0417605 501(c)3 40,000 Health & Wellness


Cambridge Avenue

Palo Alto,CA


Carpenters Place1149 36-4352283 501(c)3 40,000 Building Community

Railroad AvenueRockford,IL 611041309

Citizen Schools Inc400 04-3259160 501(c)3 40,000 Education

Duane Street Room 125

Redwood City, CA


CityTeam Ministries2304 94-1501265 501(c)3 40,000 Community

Zanker Road Opportunity Fund

San Jose, CA


Clemson University 57-0426335 501(c)3 40,000 Education

FoundationPO Box 1889

Clemson, SC


Coastside HopePO Box 51-0199747 501(c)3 40,000 Community

1089 Opportunity Fund

El Granada, CA


Community Foundation of 83-0308856 501(c)3 40,000 Building Community

Teton ValleyPO Box


Driggs, ID 83422

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Cornell University4119 15-0532082 501(c)3 40,000 Education

Upson Hall

Ithaca, NY 14853

Cornell University4119 15-0532082 501(c)3 40,000 Education

Upson Hall

Ithaca, NY 14853

Coyote Point Museum 94-1262434 501(c)3 40,000 Environment

Association1651 Coyote

Point Drive

San Mateo, CA


D-Rev Design for the 26-0642778 501(c)3 40,000 Supporting Families

Other Ninety Percent629

Emerson Street Suite 100

Palo Alto,CA


Environmental Volunteers 94-2550385 501(c)3 40,000 Environment

Inc3921 East Bayshore

RoadPalo Alto,CA


Glassroots Inc111 22-3671890 501(c)3 40,000 Arts & Culture

Washington Street

Newark, NJ 07102

Global Fund for Children 56-1834887 501(c)3 40,000 Supporting Families

1101 14th Street NW

Suite 420

Washington, DC


Heifer Project 35-1019477 501(c)3 40,000 Building Community

International Incl World


Little Rock, A R


HIP Housing364 South 94-2154614 501(c)3 40,000 Community

Railroad Avenue Opportunity Fund

San Mateo, CA


Housing Trust of Santa 77-0545135 501(c)3 40,000 Supporting Families

Clara County95 South

Market Street Suite 550

San Jose, CA


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Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Lucile Packard Foundation 77-0440090 501(c)3 40,000 Health & Wellness

for Children's HealthGiftProcessing400 Hamilton


Suite 340

Palo Alto,CA


Mental Health Association 94-6034112 501(c)3 40,000 Community

of San Mateo County2686 Opportunity Fund

Spring Street

Redwood City, CA


Michael I Fox Foundation 13-4141945 501(c)3 40,000 Health & Wellness

For Parkinsons Research

Church Street StationPO

Box 780

New York, NY


Mid-Peninsula Education 94-2693417 501(c)3 40,000 Education

Centerlnc1340 Willow

RoadMenlo Park, CA


National Disaster Search 77-0412509 501(c)3 40,000 Supporting Families

Dog Foundation206 north

Signal Street Suite R

Ojai,CA 93023

Neighborhood Bible 13-2552417 501(c)3 40,000 Religion

Studies Inc56 Main Street

Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522

Orange County NC 58-1603427 501(c)3 40,000 Building Community

Habitat for Humanity1829

East Franklin StreetSuite1200B

Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Pathways Hospice 77-0280660 501(c)3 40,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation585 north Mary


Sunnyvale, CA


Pennsylvania State 24-6000376 501(c)3 40,000 Education

UniversityOne Old Main

BuildingUniversity Park, PA


Pennsylvania State 24-6000376 501(c)3 40,000 Education

UniversityOne Old Main

BuildingUniversity Park, PA


Page 387: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Quest Scholars Program 94-3348336 501(c)3 40,000 Education

120 Hawthorne Avenue

Suite 103

Palo Alto,CA 94301

Regents of the University 95-6006142 501(c)3 40,000 Education

of California at Riverside900 University Ave

Riverside, CA 92521

Regents of the University 95-6006142 501(c)3 40,000 Education

of California at Riverside900 University Ave

Riverside, CA 92521

Regents of the University 95-6006144 501(c)3 40,000 Education

of California at San Diego

9500 Gilman Drive

La Jolla, CA 92093

Regents of the University 95-6006144 501(c)3 40,000 Education

of California at San Diego

9500 Gilman Drive

La Jolla, CA 92093

Regents of the University 95-6006144 501(c)3 40,000 Education

of California at San Diego

Gift Processing9500

Gilman Drive MC


La Jolla, CA 920930940

Regents of the University 95-6006144 501(c)3 40,000 Education

of California at San Diego

Gift Processing9500

Gilman Drive MC


La Jolla, CA 920930940

Regents of the University 94-6036494 501(c)3 40,000 Education

of California Davis1480

Drew Avenue

Davis, CA 95616

Regents of the University 94-6036494 501(c)3 40,000 Education

of California Davis1480

Drew Avenue

Davis, CA 95616

Regents of the University 94-6002123 501(c)3 40,000 Education

of California BerkeleyFinancial Aid Office201

Sproul Hall1960

Berkeley, CA 947201960

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Regents of the University 94-6002123 501(c)3 40,000 Education

of California BerkeleyFinancial Aid Office201

Sproul Hall1960

Berkeley, CA


Resource Area For 77-0365627 501(c)3 40,000 Education

Teachers1355 Ridder

Park Drive

San Jose, CA


Resource Area For 77-0365627 501(c)3 40,000 Education

Teachers1355 Ridder

Park Drive

San Jose, CA


Resource Area For 77-0365627 501(c)3 40,000 Education

Teachers1355 Ridder

Park Drive

San Jose, CA


San Gabriel Valley 95-4244947 501(c)3 40,000 Environment

Habitat for Humanity770

north Fair OaksPasadena, CA 91103

Santa Fe Institute1399 85-0325494 501(c)3 40,000 Building Community

Hyde Park Road

Santa Fe,NM 87501

Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 501(c)3 40,000 Supporting Families

Bank of Santa Clara andSan Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


Shelter Network of San 77-0160469 501(c)3 40,000 Supporting Families

Mateo County1450

Chapin Avenue Second

FloorBurlingame, CA


Sparrow Clubs USA906 91-1672700 501(c)3 40,000 Health & Wellness

NE Greenwood Avenue

Suite 2

Bend,OR 97701

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 40,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


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Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 40,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford,CA 943056105

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 40,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford,CA 943056105

Teen Pregnancy Coalition 94-3227947 501(c)3 40,000 Health & Wellness

of San Mateo County703

Woodside Road Suite 7

Redwood City, CA


The Breakthrough 94-3140620 501(c)3 40,000 Education

CollaborativeBreakthrough SiliconValley1635

Park Avenue

San Jose, CA 95126

The Chinese University of 98-0477422 501(c)3 40,000 Education

Hong Kong Foundation Inc

c/o Grants Management


Summer Street 8th Floor

Boston, MA 021101006

The Chinese University of 98-0477422 501(c)3 40,000 Education

Hong Kong Foundation Inc

c/o Grants Management


Summer Street 8th Floor

Boston, MA 021101006

The Dibble InstituteP 0 68-0435573 501(c)3 40,000 Building Community

Box 7881

Berkeley, CA 94707

Tides FoundationThe 51-0198509 501(c)3 40,000 Building Community

PresidioPO Box 29903

San Francisco, CA


Transportation and Land 72-1521579 501(c)3 40,000 Building Community

Use Coalition436 14th

Street Suite 600

Oakland,CA 946122706

Trustees of Princeton 21-0634501 501(c)3 40,000 Education

UniversityGift RecordsPO

Box 5357

Princeton, NJ


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Trustees of Princeton 21-0634501 501(c)3 40,000 Education

UniversityGift RecordsPO

Box 5357

Princeton, NJ


University of Washington 94-3079432 501(c)3 40,000 Education

FoundationPO Box


Seattle, WA 981958240

University of Washington 94-3079432 501(c)3 40,000 Education

FoundationPO Box


Seattle, WA 981958240

University of Wisconsin 39-0743975 501(c)3 40,000 Education


University AvenuePO Box


Madison,WI 537088860

University of Wisconsin 39-0743975 501(c)3 40,000 Education


University AvenuePO Box


Madison,WI 537088860

Vanderbilt University 62-0476822 501(c)3 40,000 Education

2301 Vanderbilt PlaceVU

Station B



Vanderbilt University 62-0476822 501(c)3 40,000 Education

2301 Vanderbilt PlaceVU

Station B



Village Enterprise Fund 22-2852248 501(c)3 40,000 Building Community

Inc751 Laurel Street

PMB 222

San Carlos, CA


Vista Center for the Blind 94-1196206 501(c)3 40,000 Supporting Families

and Visually Impaired2470 El Camino Real

Suite 107

Palo Alto,CA


VMC Foundation2400 77-0187890 501(c)3 40,000 Community

Moorpark Avenue Suite Opportunity Fund


San Jose, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Women Organized to 94-2607750 501(c)3 40,000 Supporting Families

Make Abuse nonexistent333 Valencia Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


Youth Community Service 20-8099150 501(c)3 40,000 Education

Inc3800 Middlefield RoadPalo Alto,CA


Institute for Sustainable 75-3010560 501(c)3 40,500 Environment

Peace3217 Montaros

BoulevardHouston,TX 770063929 ,

Fair Oaks Community Public/Government 40,600 Building Community

Center2600 MiddlefieldRoadRedwood City,CA 94063

Schwab Fund for 31-1640316 501(c)3 40,924 Supporting Families

Charitable Giving101

Montgomery Street

San Francisco, CA


Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 41,000 Education

Processing326 Galvez


Stanford, CA


CompassPoint nonprofit 93-1196632 501(c)3 41,230 Strengthening

Services731 Market nonprofits

Street Suite 200

San Francisco, CA


Environmental Volunteers 94-2550385 501(c)3 41,334 Environment

Inc3921 East Bayshore

RoadPalo Alto,CA


Catholic Charities of San 94-2762269 501(c)3 41,500 Supporting Families

Jose2625 Zanker Road

Suite 200

San Jose, CA


American Foundation for 13-3393329 501(c)3 42,000 Supporting Families

Suicide Prevention120

Wall Street 22nd Floor

NewYork,NY 10005

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Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


American Himalayan 94-2951480 501(c)3 42,000 Environment


Montgomery Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


PlayPumps International 04-3839391 501(c)3 42,000 Building Community

Inc1717 Rhode Island

Avenue NWSeventh

FloorWashington, DC 20036

Jean Weingarten 94-1706320 501(c)3 42,384 Education

Peninsula Oral School forthe Deaf3518 Jefferson


Redwood City, CA


Merrill Lynch Community 000000000 42,500 Strengthening

Charitable FundFOR nonprofits



Kennett Square, PA


Family Service Agency of 94-1186169 501(c)3 42,578 Supporting Families

San Mateo County Inc24

Second Avenue

San Mateo, CA


Pacifica Resource Center 94-3213100 501(c)3 42,954 Building Community

1809 Palmetto Avenue

Pacifica, CA 94044

County of San Mateo701 Public/Government 43,652 Education

Gateway Boulevard Suite


South San Francisco, CA


Daly City Peninsula 06-1734338 501(c)3 43,940 Education

Partnership Collaborative333 90th Street

Daly City,CA 94015

Jewish Community 94-1156533 501(c)3 44,000 Religion

Federation of SF Marin

Peninsula & Sonoma

Counties121 Steuart


San Francisco, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 44,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford,CA 943056105

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Form 990.Schedule I, Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


CityTeam Ministries 94-1501265 501(c)3 45,000 Supporting Families

2304 Zanker Road

San Jose, CA


Council on Foundations 13-6068327 501(c)3 45,000 Strengthening

PO Box 0021 nonprofits

Washington, DC 20055

Ecumenical Hunger 94-2476942 501(c)3 45,000 Community

Program2411 Pulgas Opportunity Fund


East Palo Alto,CA


Planned Parenthood Mar 94-1583439 501(c)3 45,000 Building Community

Monte Inc1605 The

AlamedaSan Jose, CA


Purdue Foundation Inc 31-0958507 501(c)3 45,000 Education

403 W Wood Street

West Lafayette, IN


RES Publica US Inc260 13-4286728 501(c)3 45,000 Building Community

Fifth Avenue Ninth FloorNew York, NY


University of California 95-6006142 501(c)3 45,000 Education

at RiversideEngineering

Bldg Unit 2 332

Riverside, CA 92521

Winter Wildlands 82-0523471 501(c)3 45,000 Environment

Alliance Inc910 Main

Street Suite 235

Boise, ID 837025732

San Carlos Charter Public/Government 45,076 Education

Learning Center750

Dartmouth Avenue

San Carlos, CA


Give2AsiaPO Box 94-3373670 501(c)3 45,078 Building Community


San Francisco, CA


Page 394: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


East Palo Alto Senior 94-2796500 501(c)3 45,650 Community

Center560 Bell Street Opportunity Fund

East Palo Alto, CA


American Himalayan 94-2951480 501(c)3 46,500 Environment


Montgomery Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


The UCLA Foundation 95-2250801 501(c)3 46,712 Education

10920 Wilshire Boulevard

Suite 1100


Los Angeles,CA 90024

Mathematical Sciences 94-2650833 501(c)3 47,327 Education

Researchl7 Gauss Way

Berkeley, CA


International Scholarship 62-1247492 47,673 Education

and Tuition Services Inc

200 Crutchfield Avenue

Nashville,TN 37210

Legal Aid Society of San 94-1451894 501(c)3 47,675 Community

Mateo County521 East Opportunity Fund

Fifth AvenueSan Mateo, CA


Prevention Institute221 94-3282858 501(c)3 47,850 Health & Wellness

Oak Street

Oakland,CA 94607

Give2AsiaPO Box 94-3373670 501(c)3 48,021 Supporting Families


San Francisco, CA


NC State Engineering 56-6046987 501(c)3 48,158 Education

Foundation IncNC State

University Dept


Box 7911

Raleigh, NC 27695

Next Door234 East Gish 94-2420708 501(c)3 48,224 Supporting Families

Road Suite 200

San Jose, CA


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Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Hands on Bay Area444 77-0195144 501(c)3 48,500 Building Community

Townsend StreetSecondFloorSan Francisco, CA


Family ConnectionsPO 94-3315163 501(c)3 49,721 Education

Box 358

San Carlos, CA


Family ConnectionsPO 94-3315163 501(c)3 49,753 Education

Box 358

San Carlos, CA


1st ACT Silicon Valley38 77-0489520 501(c)3 50,000 Arts & Culture

West Santa Clara Street

San Jose, CA


826 Valencia826 04-3694151 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Valencia Street

San Francisco, CA


Advocacy Project1326 52-2333129 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

14th Street NW

Washington, DC 20005

Ambassadors for Christ 52-0798499 501(c)3 50,000 Religion

Inc2l Ambassador Drive

Paradise, PA


American India 13-4159765 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

Foundation4800 Great

America Parkway Suite


Santa Clara, CA


American Radium Society 13-6150560 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

Inc11300 West Olympic


Los Angeles,CA 90064

American Red Cross 53-0196605 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

24480 Network Place

Chicago, IL 606731244

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Form 990.Schedule I, Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Anjuman-e-Jamal1998 91-2145160 501(c)3 50,000 Strengthening

San Antinio Road nonprofits

Palo Alto,CA


Any Baby Can1121 East 74-2684335 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

Seventh Street

Austin,TX 787023220

Asian Americans for 94-2292491 501(c)3 50,000 Community

Community Involvement Opportunity Fund

2400 Moorpark Avenue

Suite 300

San Jose, CA


Asian Pacific Fund225 94-3201522 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

Bush Street Suite 590

San Francisco, CA


Asian Pacific Fund225 94-3201522 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

Bush Street Suite 590

San Francisco, CA


AspiraNet400 Oyster 94-2442955 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Point Boulevard Suite


South San Francisco, CA


Bar Yohai Sefardic Public/Government 50,000 Supporting Families

Minyan1030 Astoria


Sunnyvale, CA


Berkeley Repertory 94-1679756 501(c)3 50,000 Arts & Culture

Theater2025 Addison


Berkeley, CA 94704

Best of the Batch 34-1900914 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

Foundation2000 West



Boys & Girls Club of 59-1108790 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

Broward County877 NW

61st Street

Fort Lauderdale, FL


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Bread of Life EPA PO Box 94-3103364 501(c)3 50,000 Community

52070 Opportunity Fund

East Palo Alto, CA


Bring Me A Book 77-0481924 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Foundation1045 Terra

Bella AvenueMountain View, CA


Brookings Institution 53-0196577 501(c)3 50,000 Education

1775 Massachusetts

Avenue NW

Washington, DC


Brown UniversityGift 05-0258809 501(c)3 50,000 Education

CashierBox 1877

Providence, RI


Brown UniversityGift 05-0258809 501(c)3 50,000 Education

CashierBox 1877

Providence, RI


Brown UniversityGift 05-0258809 501(c)3 50,000 Education

CashierBox 1877

Providence, RI


Brown UniversityGift 05-0258809 501(c)3 50,000 Education

CashierBox 1877

Providence, RI


California Academy of 94-1156258 501(c)3 50,000 Arts & Culture

Sciences55 Music

Concourse DriveGolden


ParkSan Francisco, CA


California Tahoe 68-0290132 501(c)3 50,000 Environment

Conservancy1061 Third


South Lake Tahoe, CA


Cape May Stage3l Perry 22-2937929 501(c)3 50,000 Arts & Culture


Cape May, NJ 08204

Page 398: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Carpenters Place1149 36-4352283 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

Railroad AvenueRockford,IL 611041309

Castilleja School 94-0373222 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Foundation1310 Bryant


Palo Alto,CA


Center for Strategic & 52-1501082 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

International Studies Inc

1800 K Street NW Suite


Washington, DC


Children's Cancer 41-1893645 501(c)3 50,000 Health & Wellness

Research Fund7801 East

Bush Lake RoadSuite 130

Minneapolis, M N


Children's Discovery 94-2870828 501(c)3 50,000 Arts & Culture

Museum ofSan Jose180

Woz Way

San Jose, CA


Citizen Schools Inc400 04-3259160 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Duane Street Room 125

Redwood City, CA


CityTeam Ministries2304 94-1501265 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

Zanker RoadSan Jose, CA


CityTeam Ministries2304 94-1501265 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

Zanker RoadSan Jose, CA


College of St Benedict 41-0969244 501(c)3 50,000 Education

InstitutionalAdvancement-AnnualGiving37 South College

Avenue Room

St Joseph, MN 56374

College Track436 14th 94-3279613 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Street Suite 500

Oakland,CA 946122736

Page 399: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


College Track436 14th 94-3279613 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Street Suite 500

Oakland, CA946122736

Community Initiatives 94-3255070 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

354 Pine Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


Community School of 23-7023900 501(c)3 50,000 Arts & Culture

Music &Arts230 San

Antonio Circle

Mountain View, CA


Community School of 23-7023900 501(c)3 50,000 Arts & Culture

Music &Arts230 San

Antonio Circle

Mountain View, CA


Community Services 94-1422465 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

Agency204 Stierlin Road

Mountain View, CA


Computer History 77-0507525 501(c)3 50,000 Arts & Culture

Museum1401 north

Shoreline BoulevardMountain View, CA


Concentric MediaPO Box 94-3169925 501(c)3 50,000 Arts & Culture


Menlo Park, CA


Concentric MediaPO Box 94-3169925 501(c)3 50,000 Arts & Culture


Menlo Park, CA


Congregation Kol Emeth 94-1566203 501(c)3 50,000 Religion

4175 Manuela Avenue

Palo Alto,CA


Conservation 52-1497470 501(c)3 50,000 Environment

International Foundation2011 Crystal Drive Suite


A rlington, V A


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Cornell University130 15-0532082 501(c)3 50,000 Education

East Seneca Street

Ithaca, NY 148504353

Day Worker Center of 20-2874108 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

Mountain View748 Mercy


Mountain View, CA


Destination Home1400 94-1450153 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

Parkmoor Avenue 250

San Jose, CA


Destination Home1400 94-1450153 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

Parkmoor Avenue 250

San Jose, CA


Destination Home1400 94-1450153 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

Parkmoor Avenue 250

San Jose, CA


Doctors Without Borders 13-3433452 501(c)3 50,000 Health & Wellness

USA Inc333 Seventh

Avenue Second Floor

New York, NY


Education Trust Inc155 52-1982223 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Grand Avenue Suite


Oakland, CA946123751

EHC LifeBuilders507 94-2684272 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

Valley Way



EHC LifeBuilders507 94-2684272 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

Valley Way



EHC LifeBuilders507 94-2684272 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

Valley Way



Page 401: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Eisenhower Medical 95-6130458 501(c)3 50,000 Health & Wellness

Center39000 Bob Hope

Drive Foundation


Rancho Mirage, CA


El Concilio of San Mateo 94-2772110 501(c)3 50,000 Community

County1798 B Bay Road Opportunity Fund

East Palo Alto, CA


Family Supportive Housing 77-0106237 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

Inc1590 Las Plumas


San Jose, CA


Fayerweather Street 04-2428713 501(c)3 50,000 Education

School765 Concord


Cambridge, MA 02138

Foothill-De Anza Colleges 94-3258220 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Foundation12345 El

Monte Road

Los Altos H ills, CA


Forest Foundation853 68-0022596 501(c)3 50,000 Environment

Lincoln Way Suite 208

Auburn,CA 956034832

Foundation for Excellence 77-0474749 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Inc1850 Warburton

AvenueSuite 201

Santa Clara, CA


Friendly Bible Church 94-1616911 501(c)3 50,000 Community

2315 Canoas Garden Opportunity Fund


San Jose, CA 95125

Gateway School126 94-2441484 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Eucalyptus Avenue

Santa Cruz, CA


Give2AsiaPO Box 94-3373670 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community


San Francisco, CA


Page 402: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

C.+r.r. QQA CnheA..le T D-+ TT -A A+her Ann:n^^ +i. /^n -A :.+ the 11..:&eA C+^+en

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Global Fund For Women 77-0155782 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

Inc1375 Sutter Street

Suite 400

San Francisco, CA


Green River Valley Land 83-0332208 501(c)3 50,000 Environment

TrustPO Box 1580

Pined ale, WY


Hands on Bay Area135 77-0195144 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

Bluxome Street Second

FloorSan Francisco, CA


Hidden Villa26870 94-1539836 501(c)3 50,000 Environment

Moody Road

Los Altos H ills, CA


Homeless Services 77-0126783 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

Center115 Coral Street

Santa Cruz, CA


Human Rights Watch Inc 13-2875808 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

350 Fifth Avenue 34th

FloorNew York, NY


Humane Society Silicon 94-1196215 501(c)3 50,000 Environment

Valley2530 Lafayette


Santa Clara, CA


Immigrant Legal 94-2939540 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

Resource Center1663

Mission Street Suite 602

San Francisco, CA


Immigrant Legal 94-2939540 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

Resource Center1663

Mission Street Suite 602

San Francisco, CA


north Fair Oaks Public/Government 50,000 Building Community

Community Festivalc/o

County of San Mateo

SheriffsOffice400 County Road

Redwood City, CA


Page 403: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I, Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


north Peninsula 94-2298841 501(c)3 50,000 Community

Neighborhood Services Opportunity Fund

Center600 Linden


South San Francisco, CA


northeastern University Public/Government 50,000 Education

716 Columbus Ave 402


Boston, MA 02120

northern California Public 94-1241309 501(c)3 50,000 Arts & Culture

Broadcasting Inc2601

Mariposa Street

San Francisco, CA


northwestern University 36-2167817 501(c)3 50,000 Education

2020 Ridge Avenue

Evanston, IL


northwestern University 36-2167817 501(c)3 50,000 Education

2020 Ridge Avenue

Evanston, IL 60208

India Community Center 52-2351119 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

Inc525 Los Coches




Individual Philanthropy 51-0644783 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

Institute470 University


PaloAlto,CA 94301

Individual Philanthropy 51-0644783 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

Institute554 Valley Way



International Youth 38-2935397 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Foundation32 South

Street Suite 500

Baltimore, M D


Island Conservation100 91-1839907 501(c)3 50,000 Environment

Shaffer RoadLong Marine

LabCenter for Ocean HealthSanta Cruz, CA


Page 404: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Israel Venture Network 14-1891915 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

540 Cowper Street Suite


Palo Alto,CA


Jewish Federation of 94-1167405 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

Silicon Valley14855 Oka

Road Suite 200

Los Gatos, CA


Just Think Foundation39 68-0351295 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Mesa Street Suite


PresidioSan Francisco, CA


KickStart - International 06-1613235 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

Inc2435 Polk StreetSuite


San Francisco, CA


La Clinica del Valle 94-3096772 501(c)3 50,000 Health & Wellness

Family Health Care

Centerlnc3617 South

Pacific Highway

Medford,OR 975018957

Land Trust of Santa Cruz 94-2431856 501(c)3 50,000 Environment

County617 Water Street

Santa Cruz, CA


Land Trust of Santa Cruz 94-2431856 501(c)3 50,000 Environment

County617 Water Street

Santa Cruz, CA


Legion of Christ Inc33 53-0196617 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

Rossotto Drive

Hamden,CT 065141336

Lenders for Community 31-1719434 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

Developmentl 11 West St

John Street Suite 800

San Jose, CA 95113

Lucile Packard Foundation 77-0440090 501(c)3 50,000 Health & Wellness

for Children's HealthGiftProcessing400 Hamilton


Suite 340

Palo Alto,CA


Page 405: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Massachusetts Institute 04-2103594 501(c)3 50,000 Education


Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA


Massachusetts Institute 04-2103594 501(c)3 50,000 Education


Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA


Massachusetts Institute 04-2103594 501(c)3 50,000 Education

ofTechnology238 Main

Street Suite 200

Cambridge, MA


Mathematical Sciences 94-2650833 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Researchl7 Gauss Way

Berkeley, CA


Menlo Park Presbyterian 23-6393377 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

Church950 Santa Cruz


Menlo Park, CA


Michael I Fox Foundation 13-4141945 501(c)3 50,000 Health & Wellness

For Parkinsons Research

Church Street StationPO

Box 780

New York, NY


Mid-Peninsula Boys & 94-1431583 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Girls Club Inc200 north

Quebec StreetSan Mateo, CA


Mountain View 77-0006770 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Educational FoundationPO

Box 391557

Mountain View, CA


National Center for 52-1328557 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

Missing and Exploited

ChildrenC B Wang Intl

Childrens Building699

Prince Street

Alexandria, VA


National Democratic 52-1338892 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

Institute for InternationalAffairs2030 M Street NW

Fifth FloorWashington, DC


Page 406: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


National Hispanic 94-2434925 501(c)3 50,000 Education

University14271 Story

RoadSan Jose, CA


National Multiple 95-1727656 501(c)3 50,000 Health & Wellness

Sclerosis Society -

Southern California2440

South SepulvedaBoulevardSuite115

Los Angeles, CA


Natural Resources 13-2654926 501(c)3 50,000 Environment

Defense Council Inc4O

West 20th Street

New York, NY


Nehemiah Foundation of 31-1371691 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

Springfield- Clark County

PO Box 3112

Springfield, O H


New America Foundation 52-2096845 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

1630 Connecticut

Avenue NW Seventh

FlWashington, DC


New Schools Venture 94-3281780 501(c)3 50,000 Strengthening

Fund49 Stevenson Street nonprofits

Suite 575

San Francisco, CA


Okizu Foundationl6 68-0291178 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

Digital Drive

novato,CA 949495704

Opportunity International 54-0907624 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

Inc2122 York Road Suite


Oak Brook, IL


Our Lady of Fatima Villa 77-0536465 501(c)3 50,000 Health & Wellness


Saratoga-Los Gatos Road

Saratoga, CA


Pacific Crest Trail 33-0051202 501(c)3 50,000 Environment

Association5325 Elkhorn

Boulevard PMB 256

Sacramento, CA


Page 407: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

C.+r.r. QQA CnheA..le T D-+ TT -A A+her Ann:n^^ +i. /^n -A :.+ the 11..:&eA C+^+en

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Pacific Crest Trail 33-0051202 501(c)3 50,000 Environment


Elkhorn Boulevard PMB256

Sacramento, CA


Partners in Health a 04-3567502 501(c)3 50,000 Health & Wellness

nonprofit Corporation

800 Boylston Street

47th Floor

Boston, MA


Partnership for A Drug 13-3413627 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

Free America Inc405

Lexington Avenue 16th

FloorNew York, NY


Peace X Peace1601 01-6169390 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

Connecticut Avenue NW



Washington, DC


Phillips Exeter Academy 02-0222174 501(c)3 50,000 Education

20 Main Street

Exeter, NH 038332460

Planned Parenthood Mar 94-1583439 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

Monte Inc1605 The

AlamedaSan Jose, CA


Planned Parenthood Mar 94-1583439 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

Monte Inc1691 The

AlamedaSan Jose, CA


Powder River Basin 74-2183158 501(c)3 50,000 Environment

Resource Council934

north Main Street

Sheridan, WY


President & Fellows of 04-2103580 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Harvard Collegec/o TheHarvard University Art

M useums32 Quincy


Cambridge, MA 02138

Redwood City 2020750 Public/Government 50,000 Education

Bradford StreetRedwood City, CA


Page 408: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Redwood City 2020750 Public/Government 50,000 Education

Bradford StreetRedwood City,CA 94063

Redwood City Elementary Public/Government 50,000 Education

School District750

Bradford StreetRedwood City,CA 94063

Redwood City Elementary Public/Government 50,000 Education

School District750

Bradford StreetRedwood City,CA 94063

Regents of the University of 94-6002123 501(c)3 50,000 Education

California at BerkeleyDept

of ChemicalEngineering201

Gilman HallBerkeley, CA 947201462

Regents of the University of 94-6002123 501(c)3 50,000 Education

California at BerkeleyGiftAdministration2080

AddisonStreet 4200

Berkeley, CA 947204200

Resolve Uganda 01-0891132 501(c)3 50,000 Building

Incorporated211 8th Community

Street NE Studio

Washington, DC 20002

Resource Area forTeaching 20-3781320 501(c)3 50,000 Education

of Greater Sacramento

3136 Howard Street

McClellan Park, CA 95652

Rogue Valley Medical 93-6087366 501(c)3 50,000 Health & Wellness

Center Foundation2600

Siskiyou Boulevard Suite100

Medford,OR 975048177

Room to Read111 Sutter 91-2003533 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Street 16th Floor

San Francisco, CA


Room to Read111 Sutter 91-2003533 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Street 16th Floor

San Francisco, CA 94104

Page 409: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Room to Read111 Sutter 91-2003533 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Street 16th Floor

San Francisco, CA


Sacred Heart Community 23-7179787 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

Service1381 South First


San Jose, CA


Sacred Heart Nativity 95-2206754 501(c)3 50,000 Education

School310 EdwardsAvenue

San Jose, CA


Sacred Heart School150 Public/Government 50,000 Education

Valpariso Avenue

Atherton,CA 94027

Sacred Heart Schools 53-0196617 501(c)3 50,000 Education

150 Valparaiso Avenue

Atherton, CA


Sage Community School 30-0407470 501(c)3 50,000 Education

PO Box 665

Chiloquin, O R


San Francisco Ballet 94-1415298 501(c)3 50,000 Arts & Culture

Association455 Franklin


San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Ballet 94-1415298 501(c)3 50,000 Arts & Culture

Association455 Franklin


San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Ballet 94-1415298 501(c)3 50,000 Arts & Culture

Association455 Franklin


San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Ballet 94-1415298 501(c)3 50,000 Arts & Culture

Association455 Franklin


San Francisco, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


San Francisco 94-1156610 501(c)3 50,000 Arts & Culture

Conservatory of Music

Inc5O Oak Street

San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Food Bank 94-3041517 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

900 Pennsylvania


San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Jazz 94-2990335 501(c)3 50,000 Arts & Culture

O rganizationThree

Embarcadero CenterLobbyLevelSan Francisco, CA


San Francisco Opera 94-0836240 501(c)3 50,000 Arts & Culture

Association301 Van

Ness Avenue

San Francisco, CA


San Jose Conservation 77-0155997 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

Corps2650 Senter Road

San Jose, CA


San Jose Institute of 94-2688830 501(c)3 50,000 Arts & Culture

Comtemporary Art560

South First Street

San Jose, CA 95113

San Mateo County Parks 94-3306697 501(c)3 50,000 Environment

& Recreation Foundation

215 Bay Road

Menlo Park, CA


Sankara Eye Foundation 77-6141976 501(c)3 50,000 Health & Wellness

USA1851 McCarthy

Boulevard 218



Santa Clara County Public/Government 50,000 Education

Office ofEducation1290

Ridder Park DriveSan Jose, CA


Santa Clara University 94-1156617 501(c)3 50,000 Education

500 El Camino Real

Santa Clara, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Santa Clara University 94-1156617 501(c)3 50,000 Education

500 El Camino Real

Santa Clara, CA


Santa Clara Valley 94-6081420 501(c)3 50,000 Environment

Audubon Society22221

McClellan RoadCupertino, CA


Save Darfur Coalition 30-0335420 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

2120 L Street NW Suite


Washington, DC 20037

Save Darfur Coalition 30-0335420 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

2120 L Street NW Suite


Washington, DC 20037

Save San Francisco Bay 94-6078420 501(c)3 50,000 Environment

Association350 Frank H

Ogawa Plaza Suite 900

Oakland, CA946122016

Save the Childrenlncome 06-0726487 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

Processing Department54

Wilton RoadWestport, CT


Schmahl Science 06-1780217 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Workshops171 Branham

Lane Suite 10 PMB 223

San Jose, CA


Shelter Network of San 77-0160469 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

Mateo County1450

Chapin Avenue Second

FloorBurlingame, CA


Shelter Network of San 77-0160469 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

Mateo County1450

Chapin Avenue Second

FloorBurlingame, CA


Shelter Network of San 77-0160469 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

Mateo County1450

Chapin Avenue Second

FloorBurlingame, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Silicon Valley K-12 20-5459444 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Education Foundationc/oTessera3099 Orchard


San Jose, CA 95134

Smile Train Inc4l 13-3661416 501(c)3 50,000 Health & Wellness

Madison Avenue 28th

FloorNew York, NY


Social Profit NetworkPO 94-3360026 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

Box 3178

Gardnerville, NV894103178

Sojourn to the Past300 94-3336985 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Piedmont Avenue Room


San Bruno, CA 94066

Sophia Project1724 94-3330821 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

Myrtle Street

Oakland,CA 94607

South Sudan Women And 36-4581319 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

Youth Empowerment

Network915 north 52nd

Street Suite 1028

Phoenix,AZ 850086703

St Anthony Foundation 94-1513140 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

121 Golden Gate Avenue

San Francisco, CA


St Elizabeth Seton 94-2495928 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Catholic School1095

Channing Avenue

Palo Alto,CA


St Martin de Porres 94-1535363 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Catholic SchoolMiddleSchool Campus1630


Oakland,CA 94607

St Stephen's Episcopal 94-2553317 501(c)3 50,000 Education

School420 Allegan Circle

San Jose, CA


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Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Stand for Children 52-1957214 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Leadership Center516 SE

Morrison Street Suite 410

Portland,OR 972142344

Stand for Children 52-1957214 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Leadership Center516 SE

Morrison Suite 410

Portland,OR 972142344

Stand for Children 52-1957214 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Leadership Center516 SE

Morrison Suite 410

Portland, O R 97214

Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Processing326 Galvez


Stanford,CA 943056015

Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Processing326 Galvez


Stanford,CA 943056015

Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 50,000 Education

ProcessingPO Box 20466

Stanford,CA 943090466

Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 50,000 Education

ProcessingPO Box 20466

Stanford,CA 943090466

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford,CA 943056105

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford,CA 943056105

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford,CA 943056105

Page 414: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Sun Valley Writers 82-0496196 501(c)3 50,000 Arts & Culture

ConferencePO Box 957

Ketchum,ID 83340

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Support Network for 94-2598854 501(c)3 50,000 Community

Battered Women1257 Opportunity Fund

Tasman Drive Suite C

Sunnyvale, CA


Sustainable Conservation 94-3232437 501(c)3 50,000 Environment

98 Battery Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


Sustainable Conservation 94-3232437 501(c)3 50,000 Environment

98 Battery Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


Sustainable Conservation 94-3232437 501(c)3 50,000 Environment

98 Battery Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


TJ Martell Foundationl5 51-0180178 501(c)3 50,000 Health & Wellness

Music Square West

Nashville,TN 37203

Tahoe Maritime Museum 94-3073894 501(c)3 50,000 Environment

IncPO Box 627

Homewood, CA


Taking Control of Your 33-0794608 501(c)3 50,000 Health & Wellness

Diabetes1110 Camino

del Mar Suite B

Del Mar, CA 920142649

The Advaita SocietyKala 94-2372185 501(c)3 50,000 Arts & Culture

Art Institute1060 Heinz


Berkeley, CA


The Advaita SocietyKala 94-2372185 501(c)3 50,000 Arts & Culture

Art Institute1060 Heinz


Berkeley, CA


The Colorado 84-1565898 501(c)3 50,000 Environment

Conservation Trust2334

Broadway Street Suite A

Boulder,CO 803044107

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


The Henry L Stimson 52-1640938 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

Center1111 19th Street

northwest 12thFloorWashington, DC 20036

The Salvation Army832 13-5562351 501(c)3 50,000 Community

Folsom Street Opportunity Fund

San Francisco, CA


The Tech Museum of 94-2864660 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Innovation201 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


The University of Texas Public/Government 50,000 Education

at DallasEng Comp

Science MS EC32800


Campbell RoadRichardson,TX


TheatreWorksPO Box 94-2831245 501(c)3 50,000 Arts & Culture


Palo Alto,CA


TheatreWorksPO Box 94-2831245 501(c)3 50,000 Arts & Culture


Palo Alto,CA


Third Street Community 77-0461577 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

Center160 north Third


San Jose, CA


Tides FoundationThe 51-0198509 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

PresidioPO Box 29903

San Francisco, CA


Ties to the World725 20-8606321 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

Saint Marys Road

Lafayette, CA


Trustees of Dartmouth 02-0222111 50 1(c)3 50,000 Education


Development Office

Hanover, NH


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Trustees of Princeton 21-0634501 501(c)3 50,000 Education

University330 Alexander


Princeton, NJ 08540

Unitarian Universalist 04-2103733 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

Fellowship of SunnyvalePO Box 2398

Sunnyvale, CA


University of California 94-6090626 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Berkeley Foundation2080

Addison Street 4200

Berkeley, CA


University of California 94-2829914 501(c)3 50,000 Education

San Francisco Foundation

44 Montgomery Street

Suite 2200

San Francisco, CA


University of Maryland 31-1678679 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Baltimore Foundation Inc

100 north Greene Street

Suite 600

Baltimore, M D 21021

University of Texas at 74-1946138 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Austinl University


Austin,TX 787120803

Wayne State University 38-6028429 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Department of

Chemistry5101 Cass


Detroit, MI 48202

Westside Church2051 NW 95-1684062 501(c)3 50,000 Building Community

Shevlin Park RoadBend, O R 977015274

Whitefish Sports Facilities 84-1418978 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

Foundation2810 Rest

Haven Drive

Whitefish, MT599378015

Wildlife Conservation 30-0108469 501(c)3 50,000 Environment

Network Inc25745

Bassett Lane

Los Altos, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Wildlife Conservation 13-1740011 501(c)3 50,000 Environment

Society2300 Southern

BoulevardBronx, NY 10460

Women In Jazz240 West 13-3698896 501(c)3 50,000 Arts & Culture

98th Street 6E

New York, NY


Woods Hole Research 04-3005094 501(c)3 50,000 Environment

CenterPO Box 296

Woods Hole, MA


Woodside High School 32-0232205 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Foundation199 ChurchillAvenue

Woodside, CA


Woodside Priory School 94-1399274 501(c)3 50,000 Education

302 Portola Road

Portola Valley, CA


Woodside Priory School 94-1399274 501(c)3 50,000 Education

302 Portola Road

Portola Valley, CA


World Neighbors4127 NW 73-0707328 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

122nd Street

Oklahoma City, O K


World Neighbors Inc4127 73-0707328 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

NW 122nd Street

Oklahoma City, O K


Youth and Family 94-3094966 501(c)3 50,000 Supporting Families

Enrichment Services610

Elm Street Suite 212

San Carlos, CA


Youth Leadership 68-0184712 501(c)3 50,000 Education

Institute246 First Street

Suite 400

San Francisco, CA


Page 419: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


County of San Mateo701 Public/Government 50,450 Education

Gateway Boulevard Suite


South San Francisco, CA


County of San Mateo701 Public/Government 50,833 Education

Gateway Boulevard Suite


South San Francisco, CA


Junipero Serra High 94-1156697 501(c)3 51,856 Education

School451 West 20th


San Mateo, CA 94403

Stanford UniversityBd of 94-1156365 501(c)3 51,980 Education

Trustees of LelandStanfordJr UniGodzilla Modular340 Panama S

Stanford, CA


Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 52,000 Education

Processing Office326


Stanford, CA


Children's Hospital & 94-1657474 501(c)3 52,160 Health & Wellness

Research Center


Broadway Suite 600

Oakland, CA946123017

Peninsula Open Space 94-2392007 501(c)3 52,500 Environment

Trust222 High Street

Palo Alto,CA


Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 52,600 Education

ProcessingPO Box


Stanford, CA


Brown UniversityPO Box 05-0258809 501(c)3 54,000 Education


Providence, RI 02912

Vipani Incc/o Stanford 20-2698201 501(c)3 54,000 Building Community

Federal Credit UnionPO

Box 10690

Palo Alto,CA


Page 420: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


The Schwab Fund for 31-1640316 501(c)3 54,570 Supporting Families

Charitable Giving101

Montgomery Street

San Francisco, CA


Djerassi Resident Artists 94-6115995 501(c)3 55,000 Arts & Culture

Program2325 Bear Gulch

RoadWoodside, CA


Ecumenical Hunger 94-2476942 501(c)3 55,000 Supporting Families

Program2411 Pulgas


East Palo Alto,CA


Housing Trust of Santa 77-0545135 501(c)3 55,000 Supporting Families

Clara County95 South

Market StreetSuite 550

San Jose, CA


International Humanities 33-0767921 501(c)3 55,000 Environment

CenterPO Box 923

Malibu, CA 902650923

Kara457 Kingsley Avenue 94-2431483 501(c)3 55,000 Supporting Families

Palo Alto,CA


Ravenswood Family 94-3372130 501(c)3 55,000 Health & Wellness

Health Center1798A Bay

RoadEast Palo Alto, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 55,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Woodside Priory School 94-1399274 501(c)3 55,000 Education

302 Portola Road

Portola Valley, CA


Cabrillo Unified School 94-3083821 501(c)3 55,281 Education

District498 Kelly Avenue

Half Moon Bay, CA


Page 421: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Bridge School545 95-4068784 501(c)3 56,220 Education

Eucalyptus Avenue

H illsborough, CA940106404

Mountain View Whisman Public/Government 56,750 Education

School District750-A

San Pierre Way

Mountain View, CA


Mountain View Whisman Public/Government 56,750 Education

School District750-A

San Pierre Way

Mountain View, CA


Ravenswood Family 94-3372130 501(c)3 57,045 Health & Wellness

Health Center1798A Bay

RoadEast Palo Alto, CA


San Mateo County 94-6000532 501(c)3 57,883 Supporting Families

Sheriff's Office400

County Center Third Floor

Redwood City, CA


Steppingstone Foundation 04-3086666 501(c)3 58,700 Education

Inc155 Federal Street

Suite 800

Boston, MA 02110

Puente de la Costa Sur 37-1484262 501(c)3 59,589 Community

PO Box 554 Opportunity Fund

Pescadero, CA


The University of Texas 74-1587488 501(c)3 59,662 Education

Foundation Inc PO Box


Austin,TX 787670250

Schmahl Science 06-1780217 501(c)3 59,850 Education

Workshops171 Branham

Lane Suite 10 PMB 223

San Jose, CA


Asian Pacific 94-3261846 501(c)3 60,000 Environment

Environmental Network310 Eighth Street Suite


Oakland, CA946074253

Page 422: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Boys & Girls Club of the 94-1552134 501(c)3 60,000 Education

Peninsula401 Pierce Road

Menlo Park, CA


Burlingame Public Library 94-2746687 501(c)3 60,000 Supporting Families

480 Primrose Road

Burlingame, CA


Claremont McKenna 95-1664101 501(c)3 60,000 Education

College400 north

Claremont BoulevardClaremont, CA


Columbia College600 36-6112087 501(c)3 60,000 Education

South Michigan Avenue

4th FloorFloorChicago, IL 60605

DonorsChoose Inc347 13-4129457 501(c)3 60,000 Education

West 36th Street Suite


New York, NY


Oregon Shakespeare 93-0407022 501(c)3 60,000 Arts & Culture

Festival Associationl5

South Pioneer Street

Ashland,OR 975202749

San Francisco Symphony 94-1156284 501(c)3 60,000 Arts & Culture

Davies Symphony Ha11201

Van Ness


San Francisco, CA


Shelter Network of San 77-0160469 501(c)3 60,000 Supporting Families

Mateo County1450

Chapin Avenue Second

FloorBurlingame, CA


Society of Chinese 76-0378472 501(c)3 60,000 Health & Wellness

Bioscientists in America

1515 Holcombe Boulevard

Houston,TX 770304095

Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 60,000 Education

Processing326 Galvez


Stanford,CA 943056015

Page 423: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Sustainable Conservation 94-3232437 501(c)3 60,000 Environment

98 Battery Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


United Way Silicon Valley 94-1450153 501(c)3 60,000 Building Community

1922 The Alameda

San Jose, CA


Wildlife Care Association 94-2528504 501(c)3 60,000 Environment

PO Box 60982

Sacramento, CA 95860

Wildlife Conservation 30-0108469 501(c)3 60,000 Environment

Network Inc25745

Bassett Lane

Los Altos, CA


Andover Foundation for 22-2600932 501(c)3 60,075 Arts & Culture

Archaeological ResearchLimitedPO Box 61314

Honolulu, HI 96839

Bay Area Video Coalition 94-2403876 501(c)3 61,280 Building Community

Inc2727 Mariposa Street

Second FloorSan Francisco, CA


NPowerSeattle403 23rd 20-0331529 501(c)3 61,500 Building Community

Avenue South

Seattle, WA 98144

San Mateo Coast Natural 94-3130418 501(c)3 62,000 Environment

History Associationc/o

A no Nueva State


Years Creek Road

Pescadero, CA 94060

Silicon Valley Community 20-5205488 501(c)3 62,000 Strengthening

Foundation2440 West El nonprofits

Camino Real Suite 300

Mountain View, CA


Educational Service Public/Government 62,280 Education

District #121800

Oakesdale Avenue SW

Renton, WA 980551221

Page 424: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 62,305 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


CORA (Community 94-2481188 501(c)3 62,500 Community

Overcoming Relationship Opportunity Fund

Abuse)1633 Bayshore

Highway Suite 280

Burlingame, CA


Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 62,500 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 62,500 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Next Door234 East Gish 94-2420708 501(c)3 62,500 Community

Road Suite 200 Opportunity Fund

San Jose, CA 95112

Boys & Girls Clubs of 75-1046644 501(c)3 63,000 Education

Arlington Inc608 north

Elm Street

Arlington,TX 76011

Equipnet1499 Danville 94-3359561 501(c)3 65,000 Religion

Boulevard Suite 202

Alamo,CA 94507

Protection & Education re 20-3726038 501(c)3 65,000 Supporting Families

Animals Culture and theEnvironment Inc1137

Sherman Street 22

Denver,CO 802032258

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 65,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


The University of Texas 74-1946138 501(c)3 65,000 Education

at Austinl University


Austin,TX 787120803

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Trustees of Dartmouth 02-0222111 501(c)3 65,000 Education


Development Office

Hanover, NH


University of Hawaii 99-0085260 501(c)3 65,000 Education

FoundationPO Box 11270

Honolulu, HI 968280270

Carnegie Mellon 25-0969449 501(c)3 65,500 Education

University5017 Forbes


Pittsburgh, PA


Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 68,000 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Youth and Family 94-3094966 501(c)3 69,750 Supporting Families

Enrichment Services700

South Claremont Street



San Mateo, CA 94402

Youth and Family 94-3094966 501(c)3 69,750 Supporting Families

Enrichment Services700

South Claremont Street



San Mateo, CA 94402

College Track436 14th 94-3279613 501(c)3 70,000 Education

Street Suite 500

Oakland, CA946122736

Egan Maritime Foundation 04-6604534 501(c)3 70,000 Building Community

4 Winter Street

Nantucket, MA


Global Heritage Fund625 20-5009512 501(c)3 70,000 Building Community

Emerson Street Suite 200

Palo Alto,CA


Invisible Children Inc 54-2164338 501(c)3 70,000 Building Community

2705 Via O range Way

Suite B

Spring V alley, CA 91978

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Peninsula Habitat for 94-3088881 501(c)3 70,000 Supporting Families

Humanity Greater San

Francisco995 Market

Street Suite 800

San Francisco, CA


Youth and Family 94-3094966 501(c)3 70,125 Supporting Families

Enrichment Services610

Elm Street Suite 212

San Carlos, CA


Youth and Family 94-3094966 501(c)3 70,125 Supporting Families

Enrichment Services610

Elm Street Suite 212

San Carlos, CA


South San Francisco Public/Government 71,721 Education

Unified School District398 B Street

South San Francisco, CA


South San Francisco Public/Government 71,721 Education

Unified School District398 B Street

South San Francisco, CA


Community Services 94-1422465 501(c)3 72,000 Community

Agency204 Stierlin Road Opportunity Fund

Mountain View, CA


Give2Asia465 California 94-3373670 501(c)3 72,000 Building Community

Street Ninth Floor

San Francisco, CA


University of California 94-6090626 501(c)3 73,000 Strengthening

Berkeley Foundation nonprofitsLawrence Hall ofScience5200

Berkeley, CA


Alma College614 West 38-1359083 501(c)3 75,000 Education

Superior Street

Alma,MI 488011599

Alzheimer's Disease and 94-2897949 501(c)3 75,000 Health & Wellness

Related DisordersAssociation-northern CA

1060 La Avenida

Mountain View, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I, Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


American India 13-4159765 501(c)3 75,000 Building Community

Foundation216 East

45th Street Seventh

FloorNew York, NY


Center for Global 99-0316626 501(c)3 75,000 Building Community


Tantalus Drive

Honolulu, HI 96822

Child Care Coordinating 94-2226587 501(c)3 75,000 Education

Council of San Mateo

County Inc2121 South

El Camino Real Suite


San Mateo, CA


Columbia Middle School Public/Government 75,000 Education

739 Morse Avenue

Sunnyvale, CA 94086

Computer History 77-0507525 501(c)3 75,000 Arts & Culture

Museum1401 north

Shoreline BoulevardMountain View, CA


Concentric MediaPO Box 94-3169925 501(c)3 75,000 Arts & Culture


Menlo Park, CA


Congregation Shir 94-2662529 501(c)3 75,000 Building Community

Hadash20 Cherry

Blossom Lane

Los Gatos, CA


Family Service Agency of 94-1186169 501(c)3 75,000 Community

San Mateo County Inc24 Opportunity Fund

Second Avenue

San Mateo, CA


Family Supportive 77-0106237 501(c)3 75,000 Community

Housing Inc1590 Las Opportunity Fund

Plumas Avenue

San Jose, CA


Foothill De Anza 94-3258220 501(c)3 75,000 Education

Community Colleges

Foundation12345 El

Monte Road

Los Altos H ills, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Girls Middle School180 94-3253594 501(c)3 75,000 Education

north Rengstorff Avenue

Mountain View, CA


Giving Back Fund Inc 04-3367888 501(c)3 75,000 Building Community

6033 West Century

Boulevard Suite240

Los Angeles, CA


India Community Center 52-2351119 501(c)3 75,000 Building Community

Inc525 Los Coches


Milpitas,CA 950355423

International School of 94-2599581 501(c)3 75,000 Education

the Peninsulal51 Laura


Palo Alto,CA


Jewish Family and 94-1156528 501(c)3 75,000 Health & Wellness

Children's ServicesMiriam Schultz GrunfeldBuilding215

Post Street

San Francisco, CA


JobTrain1200 0 Brien 94-1712371 501(c)3 75,000 Supporting Families


Menlo Park, CA


Legacy Works Foundation 20-0317764 501(c)3 75,000 Arts & Culture

180 Lytton Avenue

Palo Alto,CA


Live Oak Adult Day 77-0069106 501(c)3 75,000 Community

Services1147 Minnesota Opportunity Fund


San Jose, CA


Menlo Park Presbyterian 23-6393377 501(c)3 75,000 Religion

Church950 Santa Cruz


Menlo Park,CA 94025

National Security 04-3813046 501(c)3 75,000 Building Community

Initiative1225 Eye Street

NW Suite 307

Washington, DC


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


New Schools Venture 94-3281780 501(c)3 75,000 Strengthening

Fund49 Stevenson Street nonprofits

Suite 575

San Francisco, CA


Sacred Heart Community 23-7179787 501(c)3 75,000 Community

Service1381 South First Opportunity Fund


San Jose, CA


Sacred Heart Community 23-7179787 501(c)3 75,000 Community

Service1381 South First Opportunity Fund


San Jose, CA


Samaritan House1511 23-7416272 501(c)3 75,000 Community

South Claremont Street Opportunity Fund

San Mateo, CA


Samaritan House1511 23-7416272 501(c)3 75,000 Community

South Claremont Street Opportunity Fund

San Mateo, CA


St Joseph's Family 03-0391775 501(c)3 75,000 Community

Center7950 Church Opportunity Fund

Street Suite A

Gilroy,CA 950204401

St Vincent de Paul 94-1375833 501(c)3 75,000 Community

Society San Mateo Opportunity Fund

County50 north B Street

San Mateo, CA 94401

Sunnyvale Community 94-1713897 501(c)3 75,000 Community

Services725 Kifer Road Opportunity Fund

Sunnyvale, CA


The American Israel 52-1623781 501(c)3 75,000 Building Community

Education Foundation440

First Street NW Suite


Washington, DC


The Health Trust2105 94-6050231 501(c)3 75,000 Community

South Bascom Avenue Opportunity Fund

Suite 200

Campbell, CA 95008

Page 430: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

C.+r.r. QQA C1% A1 T D-+ TT -A A+her Ann:n^^ +i. /^n -A :.+ the 11.+:.ed C-6-6-

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


The Tech Museum of 94-2864660 501(c)3 75,000 Arts & Culture

Innovation201 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA


The UCLA Foundation 95-2250801 501(c)3 75,000 Education

UCLA Wilshire Center

10920 Wilshire

Boulevard Suite 900

Los Angeles,CA 90024

TransAccess1150 South 94-2687057 501(c)3 75,000 Building Community

Bascom Avenue Suite 7A

San Jose, CA 95128

U C Santa Cruz 23-7394590 501(c)3 75,000 Education


URDelaware1156 High


Santa Cruz,CA 95064

West Valley Community 94-2211685 501(c)3 75,000 Community

Services of Santa Clara Opportunity Fund

County Inc10104 Vista


Cupertino, CA


WestEd300 Lakeside Public/Government 75,000 Education

Drive 25th Floor

Oakland,CA 946123534

Wild Salmon Center721 94-3166095 501(c)3 75,000 Environment

northwest Ninth AvenueSuite


Portland, O R 972093446

World Affairs Council of 94-3053917 501(c)3 75,000 Building Community

northern California312

Sutter Street Suite 200

San Francisco, CA 94108

ZeroO ne - The Art and 77-0534962 501(c)3 75,000 Arts & Culture

Technology Network1346

The Alameda Suite 7-109

San Jose, CA


JobTrain1200 0 Brien 94-1712371 501(c)3 75,894 Supporting Families


Menlo Park, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


University of DelawareGift 51-6000297 501(c)3 78,000 Education

ProcessingReef Hall

Newark, DE 19716

Carolina for Kibera Inc 56-2248495 501(c)3 79,000 Education

UNC Chapel Hill Campus

Box 5145

Chapel Hill, NC


Santa Clara Unified 77-0312776 501(c)3 79,000 Education

School District1889

Lawrence Road

Santa Clara, CA


American Jewish World 22-2584370 501(c)3 80,000 Building Community

Service Inc45 West 36th

Street 11th Floor

New York, NY


Amyotrophic Lateral 13-3271855 501(c)3 80,000 Health & Wellness

Sclerosis Association

27001 Agoura Road Suite


Calabasas, CA


Brown UniversityGift 05-0258809 501(c)3 80,000 Education

CashierPO Box 1877

Providence, RI


Family Service Agency of 94-1186169 501(c)3 80,000 Supporting Families

San Mateo County Inc24

Second Avenue

San Mateo, CA


Georgia Tech Foundation 58-6043294 501(c)3 80,000 Education

Inc760 Spring Street NW

Suite 400

Atlanta, GA 303081028

Guanacaste Dry Forest 94-3280315 501(c)3 80,000 Environment

Conservation Fund415

South University Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19104

Maine Mathematics and 22-3181644 501(c)3 80,000 Education

Science Alliance219

Capitol Street Suite 3PO



Augusta,ME 043325359

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


NC State Engineering 56-6046987 501(c)3 80,000 Education

Foundation IncnorthCarolina State

U niversity230

Page Hall Campus Box


Raleigh, NC 276957901

President & Fellows of 04-2103580 501(c)3 80,000 Education

Harvard College124

Mount A uborn Street

Cambridge, MA


Regents of the University 95-6006144 50 1(c)3 80,000 Education

of California at San Diego

UCSD9500 Gilman Drive

La Jolla, CA 920930954

Sacred Heart School150 94-6183431 501(c)3 80,000 Education

Valparaiso Avenue

Atherton, CA


San Mateo County Public/Government 80,000 Health & Wellness

Wellness InitiativeMBA

Project Inc111 Fairmount


Suite 508

Oakland,CA 94611

Western Michigan 38-6007327 501(c)3 80,000 Education

University1903 West

Michigan Avenue

Kalamazo,MI 49008

Gateway for Cancer 73-1386920 501(c)3 85,000 Health & Wellness

Research Inc1336

Basswood RoadSchaumburg, IL 60173

Indiana University 35-6018940 501(c)3 85,000 Education

Foundation950 north

Meridian StreetSuite 250

Indianapolis, IN 46204

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 85,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Wildlife Conservation 30-0108469 501(c)3 85,000 Environment

Network Inc25745

Bassett Lane

Los Altos, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


San Ramon Valley Unified 68-0273221 501(c)3 85,860 Education

School DistrictDiabloVista Middle School3280


Crow Canyon Road

San Ramon,CA 94583

northern California Public 94-1241309 501(c)3 86,000 Arts & Culture

Broadcasting Inc2601

Mariposa Street

San Francisco, CA


Georgia Tech Foundation 58-6043294 501(c)3 86,641 Education

Inc760 Spring Street


Atlanta, GA 303081028

Colonial Williamsburg 54-0505888 501(c)3 87,000 Arts & Culture

FoundationPO Box 1776

Williamsburg, VA


Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 501(c)3 87,000 Supporting Families

Bank of Santa Clara & San

Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


Texas A & M University 74-6000531 501(c)3 87,000 Education

Department of Computer

ScienceTA M U


College Station, TX


EHC LifeBuilders507 94-2684272 501(c)3 87,500 Community

Valley Way Opportunity Fund

Milpitas,CA 950354105

EHC LifeBuilders507 94-2684272 501(c)3 87,500 Community

Valley Way Opportunity Fund

Milpitas,CA 950354105

InnVision the Way Home 77-0033628 501(c)3 87,500 Community

974 Willow Street Opportunity Fund

San Jose, CA


InnVision the Way Home 77-0033628 501(c)3 87,500 Community

974 Willow Street Opportunity Fund

San Jose, CA


Page 434: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization section cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Shelter Network of San 77-0160469 501(c)3 87,500 Community

Mateo County1450 Chapin Opportunity Fund

Avenue Second Floor

Burlingame, CA


Shelter Network of San 77-0160469 501(c)3 87,500 Community

Mateo County1450 Chapin Opportunity Fund

Avenue Second Floor

Burlingame, CA


University of Florida 59-0974739 501(c)3 87,750 Education

Engineering Contracts


Weil HallGainesville, FL 32611

Scholarship America Inc 04-2296967 501(c)3 88,800 Education

c/o First National BankPO

Box 240

St Peter, MN 56082

Manilatown Heritage 94-3288180 501(c)3 89,165 Arts & Culture

Foundation953 Mission

Street Suite 30

San Francisco, CA 94103

Andre Agassi Charitable 34-1759295 501(c)3 90,000 Education

Foundation3883 Howard

Hughes Parkway Eighth

FloorLas Vegas, NV 89169

Friends of Huddartand 03-0465880 501(c)3 90,000 Environment

Wunderlich ParksPO Box


Woodside, CA


San Jose Museum ofArt 23-7062028 501(c)3 90,000 Arts & Culture

Association110 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA 951132383

Trustees of Princeton 21-0634501 501(c)3 90,000 Education

UniversityGift RecordsPO

Box 5357

Princeton, NJ 085435357

Merrill Lynch Community 000000000 90,621 Strengthening

Charitable FundFOR nonprofits



Kennett Square, PA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


American College of 36-2261602 501(c)3 91,000 Building Community

Radiology1891 Preston

White Drive

Reston,VA 20191

Santa Clara Unified 77-0312776 501(c)3 92,000 Education

School District1889

Lawrence Road

Santa Clara, CA


Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 92,725 Education

ProcessingPO Box


Stanford, CA


Peninsula Conflict 77-0144000 501(c)3 92,750 Building Community

Resolution Center1660

South Amphlett BoulevardSuite


San Mateo, CA 94402

Marquette University500 39-0806251 501(c)3 94,061 Education

north 19th Street

Milwaukee, WI


Imperial College 58-1813092 501(c)3 95,000 Education

Foundation Inc PO Box


Atlanta, GA 30366

Oberlin Dance Collective 34-1191163 501(c)3 95,000 Arts & Culture

351 Shotwell Street

San Francisco, CA


Resonate Inc3543 18th 20-1836547 501(c)3 95,000 Education

Street Suite 28

San Francisco, CA


The Boston Foundation75 04-2104021 501(c)3 95,000 Building Community

Arlington Street 10th

FloorBoston, MA 02116

Peninsula Open Space 94-2392007 501(c)3 95,369 Environment

Trust222 High Street

Palo Alto,CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


University of Wisconsin 39-0743975 501(c)3 97,000 Education

Computer Sciences


West Dayton Street

Madison, WI 537061685

Regents of the University 94-6002123 501(c)3 98,700 Education

of California at BerkeleyComputer Science

Department634 Soda

HallBerkeley,CA 947201776

Children's Health Council 94-1312311 501(c)3 99,419 Health & Wellness

Inc650 Clark Way

Palo Alto,CA


Georgia Tech Foundation 58-6043294 501(c)3 99,911 Education

Inc760 Spring Street


Atlanta, GA 303081028

Adolescent Counseling 51-0192551 501(c)3 100,000 Health & Wellness

Services4000 MiddlefieldRoad Suite FH

Palo Alto,CA


American Leadership 94-3092396 501(c)3 100,000 Supporting Families

Forum - 5V 1171

Homestead Road Suite


Santa Clara, CA


American Society of 85-0323021 501(c)3 100,000 Supporting Families

Radiologic TechnologistsEducational Fdn15000

Central Avenue SE

Albuquerque,NM 87123

American Society of 85-0323021 501(c)3 100,000 Building Community

Radiologic TechnologistsEducational Fnd15000

Central Avenue SE

Albuquerque, NM


Anjuman-e-Jamal1998 San 91-2145160 501(c)3 100,000 Strengthening

A ntinio Road nonprofits

Palo Alto,CA


Arcadia University450 23-1352620 501(c)3 100,000 Education

South Easton Road

Glenside, PA 190383295

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Army War College Fund 23-2034407 501(c)3 100,000 Education

Incorporated122 Forbes


Carlisle, PA 170135248

Arts Council Silicon 94-2825213 501(c)3 100,000 Arts & Culture

Valley4 north SecondStreet Suite 500

San Jose, CA


Asian Art Museum of San 94-1704765 501(c)3 100,000 Arts & Culture

Francisco200 Larkin


San Francisco, CA


Canary FundPO Box 65-1230251 501(c)3 100,000 Health & Wellness


San Jose, CA


Carnegie Mellon 25-0969449 501(c)3 100,000 Education

University5000 Forbes


Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Catholic Charities of San 94-2762269 501(c)3 100,000 Supporting Families

Jose2625 Zanker Road

Suite 200

San Jose, CA


Catholic Charities of San 94-2762269 501(c)3 100,000 Supporting Families

Jose2625 Zanker Road

Suite 200

San Jose, CA


Catholic Charities of San 94-2762269 501(c)3 100,000 Supporting Families

Jose2625 Zanker Road

Suite 200

San Jose, CA


Children's Hospital & 94-1657474 501(c)3 100,000 Health & Wellness

Research Center


Broadway Suite 600

Oakland, CA946123017

Cobscook Community 01-0449348 501(c)3 100,000 Supporting Families

Learning Centerl0

Commissary Point Road

Lubec, ME 046525041

Page 438: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


College Track436 14th 94-3279613 501(c)3 100,000 Education

Street Suite 500

Oakland, CA946122736

Columbus Institute for 31-1176151 501(c)3 100,000 Building Community

Contemporary Journalism

1240 Bryden Road

Columbus, O H


Community Foundation of 83-0308856 501(c)3 100,000 Strengthening

Jackson HolePO Box nonprofits

574255 East Simpson


Jackson Hole,WY 83001

Congressional District 65-0970090 501(c)3 100,000 Building Community

Programs Inc6201

Leesburg Pike Suite 403

Falls Church, VA220442201

Contemporary Jewish 47-0920831 501(c)3 100,000 Arts & Culture

Museum736 Mission


San Francisco, CA


Dos Pueblos Engineering 26-1115393 501(c)3 100,000 Education

Academy Foundation

1424 State Street Suite B

Santa Barbara, CA


El Camino Hospital 94-2823235 501(c)3 100,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation2500 Grant

RoadM/S WIL 210

Mountain View, CA


Emerge Arts Projects Inc 11-3359436 501(c)3 100,000 Arts & Culture

629 north Orlando

Avenue Suite 5

West Hollywood, CA


Georgia Tech Foundation 58-6043294 501(c)3 100,000 Education

Inc760 Spring Street NW

Suite 400

Atlanta, GA 303081028

Give2AsiaPO Box 94-3373670 501(c)3 100,000 Building Community


San Francisco, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Glaucoma Research 94-2495035 501(c)3 100,000 Health & Wellness

Foundation251 Post

Street Suite 600

San Francisco, CA


Golden Gate Community 44-0552034 501(c)3 100,000 Religion

Church372 - 7th Avenue

Suite 100A

San Francisco, CA


Greater Ravalli County 68-0514886 501(c)3 100,000 Education

FoundationPO Box 1146

Hamilton, MT 59840

Harold Johnson Law 57-1171367 501(c)3 100,000 Education

Enforcement ScholarshipFund IncPO Box 522

Los Gatos, CA 95031

northern California Public 94-1241309 501(c)3 100,000 Arts & Culture

Broadcasting Inc2601

Mariposa Street

San Francisco, CA


Individual Philanthropy 51-0644783 501(c)3 100,000 Building Community

Institute554 Valley Way



Irish Educational 04-3115638 501(c)3 100,000 Education

Foundation IncOne State

Street Suite 950

Boston, MA 02109

Israel Venture Network 14-1891915 501(c)3 100,000 Supporting Families

540 Cowper Street Suite


Palo Alto,CA


KickStart - International 06-1613235 501(c)3 100,000 Building Community

Inc2435 Polk Street

Suite 20

San Francisco, CA


Lake County Oregon 93-0940794 501(c)3 100,000 Education

Library Endowment Fund

Inc513 Center Street

Lakeview, O R


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Legacy Works Foundation 20-0317764 501(c)3 100,000 Building Community

180 Lytton Avenue

Palo Alto,CA


Legacy Works Foundation 20-0317764 501(c)3 100,000 Building Community

180 Lytton Avenue

Palo Alto,CA


Lewa Wildlife Conservancy 87-0572187 501(c)3 100,000 Environment

USAPO Box 7943

Woodbridge, V A


Living Goods678 20-5010527 501(c)3 100,000 Supporting Families

Sausalito BoulevardSausalito, CA


Long now FoundationFort 68-0384748 501(c)3 100,000 Arts & Culture

Mason Center Building A

San Francisco, CA


Lucile Packard Foundation 77-0440090 501(c)3 100,000 Health & Wellness

for Children's Health400Hamilton Avenue Suite


Palo Alto, CA


Lucile Salter Packard 77-0003859 501(c)3 100,000 Health & Wellness

Childrens Hospital AtStanford725 Welch RoadPalo Alto, CA 94304

Massachusetts Institute 04-2103594 501(c)3 100,000 Education

ofTechnology238 Main

Street Suite 200

Cambridge, MA


Mercy CorpsDonor 91-1148123 501(c)3 100,000 Supporting Families

ServicesPO Box 2669

Portland, O R 97208

MethowConservancyPO 91-1588861 501(c)3 100,000 Environment

Box 71

Winthrop, WA 98862

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


National Audubon Society 13-1624102 501(c)3 100,000 Environment

Inc765 University

Avenue Suite 200

Sacramento, CA


National Hispanic 94-2434925 501(c)3 100,000 Education

University14271 Story

RoadSan Jose, CA


New America Foundation 52-2096845 501(c)3 100,000 Building Community

1630 Connecticut

Avenue NW 7th

FloorWashington, DC


Ohana Foundation for 99-0340582 501(c)3 100,000 Education

Technical Development19770 Stevens Creek

BoulevardCupertino, CA


Peninsula Open Space 94-2392007 501(c)3 100,000 Environment

Trust222 High Street

Palo Alto,CA


Pentagon Memorial Fund 43-2018221 501(c)3 100,000 Arts & Culture

Inc5185 MacArthur

Boulevard NWSuite


Washington, DC 20016

Purdue Foundation Inc 31-0958507 501(c)3 100,000 Education

23510 Network Place

Chicago,IL 606731235

Ravenswood Family 94-3372130 501(c)3 100,000 Health & Wellness

Health Center1798A Bay

RoadEast Palo Alto, CA


Ravenswood Family 94-3372130 501(c)3 100,000 Health & Wellness

Health Center1798A Bay

RoadEast Palo Alto, CA


Regents of the University 94-6002123 501(c)3 100,000 Education

of California BerkeleyHuman Rights Center460

Stephen Hall2300

Berkeley, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Regents of the University 94-6002123 501(c)3 100,000 Education

of California BerkeleyHuman Rights Center460

Stephen Hall2300

Berkeley, CA


Sacred Heart Nativity 95-2206754 501(c)3 100,000 Education

School310 EdwardsAvenue

San Jose, CA


Samaritan House1511 23-7416272 501(c)3 100,000 Supporting Families

South Claremont Street

San Mateo, CA


San Francisco Ballet 94-1415298 501(c)3 100,000 Arts & Culture

Association455 Franklin


San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Museum of 94-1156300 501(c)3 100,000 Arts & Culture

Modern Art151 Third


San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Symphony 94-1156284 501(c)3 100,000 Arts & Culture

Davies Symphony

Ha11201 Van Ness


San Francisco, CA


Sankara Nethralaya OM 52-1611548 501(c)3 100,000 Building Community

Trust Inc9710 Traville

Gateway Drive 392

Rockville, MD 20850

Santa Clara University 94-1156617 501(c)3 100,000 Education

500 El Camino Real

Santa Clara, CA


Santa Clara University 94-1156617 501(c)3 100,000 Education

500 El Camino Real

Santa Clara, CA


Santa Clara University 94-1156617 501(c)3 100,000 Education

500 El Camino Real

Santa Clara, CA


Page 443: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Santa Fe Institute1399 85-0325494 501(c)3 100,000 Building Community

Hyde Park Road

Santa Fe,NM 87501

Seachange Capital 20-5124665 501(c)3 100,000 Supporting Families

Partners IncOne

Marshall Street Suite206

norwalk,CT 068542262

Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 501(c)3 100,000 Supporting Families

Bank of Santa Clara &San Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 50 1(c)3 100,000 Supporting Families

Bank of Santa Clara &San Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


Second Harvest Food 77-0326685 501(c)3 100,000 Supporting Families

Bank Serving Santa Cruz

& San Benito Counties

800 Ohlone Parkway

Watsonville, CA


Sequoia Union High 94-3084148 501(c)3 100,000 Strengthening

School District480 nonprofits

James Avenue

Redwood City, CA


Sequoia Union High 94-3084148 501(c)3 100,000 Education

School District480

James Avenue

Redwood City, CA


Seven Hills School975 94-1628213 501(c)3 100,000 Education

north San Carlos Drive

Walnut Creek, CA


Society of the Sacred 43-1272049 501(c)3 100,000 Supporting Families

Heart United States

Province4389 West Pine

BoulevardSt Louis, MO


St Francis Retreat Center 94-6064031 501(c)3 100,000 Building Community

PO Box 970

San Juan Bautista, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


St Hope AcademyPO Box 86-1027896 501(c)3 100,000 Education


Sacramento, CA


St Stephen's Episcopal 94-2553317 501(c)3 100,000 Education

School420 Allegan Circle

San Jose, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 100,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 100,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 100,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


The American Israel 52-1623781 501(c)3 100,000 Building Community

Education Foundation251

H Street NW

Washington, DC


The Family Giving Tree 77-0284682 501(c)3 100,000 Supporting Families

606 Valley Way



TransFair USA1500 41-1848081 501(c)3 100,000 Building Community

Broadway Suite 400

Oakland, CA946122002

University of California 94-2829914 501(c)3 100,000 Education

San Francisco Foundation

PO Box 45339

San Francisco, CA


University of California 94-2829914 501(c)3 100,000 Education

San Francisco Foundation

PO Box 45339

San Francisco, CA


Page 445: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


University of California 94-2829914 501(c)3 100,000 Education

San Francisco Foundation

PO Box 45339

San Francisco, CA


University of California 94-2829914 501(c)3 100,000 Education

San Francisco Foundation

PO Box 45339

San Francisco, CA


University of California 94-2829914 501(c)3 100,000 Education

San Francisco Foundation

UCSF Box 0248

San Francisco, CA


Wildlife Conservation 30-0108469 501(c)3 100,000 Environment

Network Inc25745

Bassett Lane

Los Altos, CA


Wildlife Conservation 30-0108469 501(c)3 100,000 Environment

Network Inc25745

Bassett Lane

Los Altos, CA


William Marsh Rice 74-1109620 501(c)3 100,000 Education


Department MS 3806100



H ouston, TX


Woodside High School 94-3181333 501(c)3 100,000 Education

Foundation199 ChurchillAvenue

Woodside, CA 94062

Woodside School 94-2928552 501(c)3 100,000 Education


Woodside RoadWoodside, CA


World Wildlife Fund Inc 52-1693387 501(c)3 100,000 Environment

1250 Twenty-Fourth

Street NW

Washington, DC


YMCA of Superior 94-1156634 501(c)3 100,000 Education

California1926 V Street

Sacramento, CA


Page 446: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

rorm vvy acneauie i, rart ii, c,rants ana utner assistance to Governments ana ur anizations in the unitea states

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Hospice of the Valley 94-2803411 501(c)3 100,584 Health & Wellness

4850 Union Avenue

San Jose, CA 95124

Rebuilding Together 94-3106209 501(c)3 100,584 Supporting Families

PeninsulaPO Box 4031

Menlo Park, CA


Community Foundation of 94-2808039 501(c)3 101,781 Strengthening

Santa Cruz County2425 nonprofits

Porter Street Suite 17

Soquel,CA 95073

Merrill Lynch Community 000000000 103,527 Supporting Families

Charitable FundFOR



Kennett Square, PA


Boys & Girls Club of the 94-1552134 501(c)3 110,000 Education

Peninsula401 Pierce

RoadMenlo Park, CA


Green Mountain College 03-0179299 501(c)3 110,000 Education

One Brennan Circle

Poultney,VT 05764

Israel Venture Network 14-1891915 501(c)3 110,000 Building Community

540 Cowper Street Suite


Palo Alto,CA


Resonate Inc3543 18th 20-1836547 501(c)3 110,000 Education

Street Suite 28

San Francisco, CA


Morgan Autism Center 94-1722448 501(c)3 115,000 Education

2280 Kenwood Avenue

San Jose, CA


County of San Mateo701 Public/Government 115,397 Education

Gateway Boulevard Suite


South San Francisco, CA


Page 447: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

C.+r.r. QQA CnheA..le T D-+ TT -A A+her Ann:n^^ +i. /^n -A :.+ the 11..:&eA C+^+en

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistance

or government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Redondo Beach 95-6113544 501(c)3 116,764 Strengthening

Firefighters Association nonprofits

401 South Broadway

Redondo Beach, CA


Schwab Fund for 31-1640316 501(c)3 119,981 Supporting Families

Charitable GivinglOl

Montgomery Street

San Francisco, CA


Friends of the Eel River 68-0423026 501(c)3 120,000 Environment

PO Box 2305

Redway, CA


Hidden Villa26870 94-1539836 501(c)3 120,000 Environment

Moody Road

Los Altos H ills, CA


Town of Portola Valley Public/Government 120,000 Building Community

765 Portola Road

Portola Valley, CA


Calfornia Clean Money 91-2105611 501(c)3 125,000 Building Community

Campaign11844 West

Pico Boulevard Suite



Los Angeles,CA 90064

EHC LifeBuilders507 94-2684272 501(c)3 125,000 Supporting Families

Valley Way



India Community Center 52-2351119 501(c)3 125,000 Building Community

Inc525 Los Coches




Purdue Foundation Inc 31-0958507 501(c)3 125,000 Education

403 W Wood Street

West Lafayette, IN


San Francisco 94-3255070 501(c)3 125,000 Building Community

Foundation Community

Initiative Funds225

Bush StreetSuite 500

San Francisco, CA


Page 448: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Second Harvest Food 94-2614101 501(c)3 125,000 Supporting Families

Bank of Santa Clara &San Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA


Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 125,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


Santa Clara Unified 77-0312776 501(c)3 129,000 Education

School District1889

Lawrence Road

Santa Clara, CA


Junior Statesmen 94-6050452 501(c)3 130,000 Education

Foundation400 El

Camino Real Suite 300

San Mateo, CA


Foothill-De Anza 94-3258220 501(c)3 133,906 Education

Colleges Foundation12345 El Monte Road

Los Altos H ills, CA


Trustees of Dartmouth 02-0222111 501(c)3 135,000 Education


Development Office

Hanover, NH


CompassPoint nonprofit 93-1196632 501(c)3 135,230 Strengthening

Services731 Market nonprofits

Street Suite 200

San Francisco, CA


County of San Mateo701 Public/Government 139,265 Education

Gateway Boulevard Suite


South San Francisco, CA


GlobalGiving Foundation 30-0108263 501(c)3 141,305 Building Community

1816 12th Street NW

Third FloorWashington, DC


Palo Alto Art Center 94-2382459 501(c)3 142,133 Arts & Culture

Foundation1313 Newell

RoadPalo Alto, CA 94303

Page 449: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistance

or government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Ravenswood Family 94-3372130 501(c)3 142,955 Health & Wellness

Health Center1798A Bay

RoadEast Palo Alto, CA


St Francis of Assisi 94-2760698 501(c)3 143,234 Environment

Animal Rescue of Santa

Clara County Inc17297

Chesbro Lake DriveMorgan Hill, CA


American High School Public/Government 150,000 Education

36300 Fremont

BoulevardFremont, CA


Bring Me A Book 77-0481924 501(c)3 150,000 Education

Foundation1045 Terra

Bella AvenueMountain View, CA


Businesses United in 94-3386695 501(c)3 150,000 Supporting Families

Investing Lending and

Developments Palo Alto

Square Sixth Floor3000

El Camino Real

Palo Alto,CA 94306

Businesses United in 94-3386695 501(c)3 150,000 Supporting Families

Investing Lending and

Developments Palo Alto

Square Sixth Floor3000

El Camino Real

Palo Alto,CA 94306

California Trout870 23-7097680 501(c)3 150,000 Environment

Market Street Suite 528

San Francisco, CA


Children now1212 94-3059243 501(c)3 150,000 Education

Broadway Fifth FloorOakland, CA946121805

College Track436 14th 94-3279613 501(c)3 150,000 Education

Street Suite 500

Oakland, CA946122736

ConservED Project2805 20-5014522 501(c)3 150,000 Environment

Wilderness Place Suite1200

Boulder,CO 80301

Page 450: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Friends of the Eel RiverPO 68-0423026 501(c)3 150,000 Environment

Box 2305

Redway,CA 955602305

Friends of the World Food 13-3843435 501(c)3 150,000 Supporting Families

Program Inc1819 L Street

NW Suite 900

Washington, DC 20036

Lucile Packard Foundation 77-0440090 501(c)3 150,000 Health & Wellness

for Children's Health400Hamilton Avenue Suite


Palo Alto, CA


Nevada Community 88-0241420 501(c)3 150,000 Building Community

Foundation Inc300 South

Fourth Street Suite 1009

Las Vegas, NV 89101

Public Interest Projects 13-3191113 501(c)3 150,000 Strengthening

Inc8O Broad Street Suite nonprofits


New York, NY


Renaissance 94-2793122 501(c)3 150,000 Supporting Families

Entrepreneurship Center

275 Fifth Street

San Francisco, CA


Second Harvest Food Bank 94-2614101 501(c)3 150,000 Community

of Santa Clara & San Opportunity Fund

Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA 951252113

Second Harvest Food Bank 94-2614101 501(c)3 150,000 Community

of Santa Clara & San Opportunity Fund

Mateo Counties750

Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA 951252113

The Tech Museum of 94-2864660 501(c)3 150,000 Arts & Culture

Innovation201 South

Market Street

San Jose, CA 951132008

Working America 20-2035052 501(c)3 150,000 Building Community

Education Fund815 16th

Street NW

Washington, DC


Page 451: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Scholarship America Inc 04-2296967 501(c)3 150,935 Education

1 Scholarship WayPO

Box 297

St Peter, MN 56082

Genocide Intervention 20-2278405 501(c)3 155,000 Building Community

Network Inc1333 H

Street NWFirst Floor

Washington, DC 20005

Give2Asia465 California 94-3373670 501(c)3 158,000 Building Community

Street Ninth Floor

San Francisco, CA


Ravenswood Family 94-3372130 501(c)3 166,706 Health & Wellness

Health Center1798A Bay

RoadEast Palo Alto, CA


Taylor Family Foundation 94-3262932 501(c)3 168,484 Strengthening

Inc5555 Arroyo Road nonprofits

Livermore, CA


Five Wounds Church 94-2734503 501(c)3 170,000 Building Community

1375 East Santa Clara


San Jose, CA


Refugees International 52-1224516 501(c)3 170,000 Supporting Families

2001 5 Street NW Suite


Washington, DC


Education and Health 34-1994997 501(c)3 175,000 Building Community

USA International Inc

4504 Windsor Ridge

Irving,TX 75038

Hawaii Community 99-0261283 501(c)3 175,000 Building Community

Foundation1164 Bishop

Street Suite 800

Honolulu, HI


Asian Pacific Fund225 94-3201522 501(c)3 180,000 Building Community

Bush Street Suite 590

San Francisco, CA


Page 452: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code ( d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Gilroy FoundationPO Box 94-2719281 501 ( c)3 187,496 Supporting Families


Gilroy,CA 950210774

Peninsula Open Space 94 - 2392007 501(c)3 188,720 Environment

Trust222 High Street

Palo Alto,CA


ACE Public School 77-0555838 501(c ) 3 200,000 Education

Network1100 Shasta


San Jose, CA


American University in 13-5647700 501(c)3 200,000 Education

Cairo420 Fifth Avenue

3rd FloorNew York, NY


Army War College Fund 23-2034407 501(c ) 3 200,000 Education

Incorporated122 Forbes


Carlisle, PA 170135248

Bay Localize436 14th 94-2889684 501(c ) 3 200,000 Building Community

Street Suite 1127

Oakland,CA 94612

Citizen Schools Inc 04-3259160 501 ( c)3 200,000 Education

Childrens Wharf 308Congress Street

Fifth FloorBoston, MA 022101027

Citizen Schools Inc 04-3259160 501(c)3 200,000 Education

Childrens Wharf 308Congress Street

Fifth FloorBoston, MA 022101027

Citizen Schools Inc 04-3259160 501(c)3 200,000 Education

Childrens Wharf 308Congress Street

Fifth FloorBoston, MA 022101027

Citizen Schools Inc 04 - 3259160 501 ( c)3 200,000 Education

Childrens Wharf 308Congress Street

Fifth FloorBoston, MA 022101027

Page 453: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Citizen Schools Inc 04-3259160 501(c)3 200,000 Education

Childrens Wharf 308Congress Street

Fifth FloorBoston, MA 022101027

East Bay Community 94-6070996 501(c)3 200,000 Strengthening

FoundationThe De nonprofits

Domenico Building 200

FrankH Ogawa Plaza

Oakland,CA 94612

EHC Lifebuilders2665 94-2684272 501(c)3 200,000 Supporting Families

north First StreetSuite210

San Jose, CA


Fogarty Institute for 11-3800306 501(c)3 200,000 Health & Wellness

Innovation2490 Hospital

Drive Suite 310

Mountain View, CA


Institute for Myeloma & 46-0475333 501(c)3 200,000 Health & Wellness

Bone Cancer Research

9201 West Sunset

Boulevard Suite300

West Hollywood, CA


Joint Venture Silicon 77-0389802 501(c)3 200,000 Building Community

Valley Network100 West

San Fernando Street



San Jose, CA 95113

KIPP Foundation345 94-3362724 501(c)3 200,000 Education

Spear Street Suite 510

San Francisco, CA


Legacy Works Foundation 20-0317764 501(c)3 200,000 Building Community

180 Lytton Avenue

Palo Alto,CA


Mills-Peninsula Hospital 23-7288765 501(c)3 200,000 Health & Wellness


Trousdale DriveBurlingame, CA


Ohana Foundation for 99-0340582 501(c)3 200,000 Education

Technical Development19770 Stevens Creek

BoulevardCupertino, CA


Page 454: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Ass istance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Ohana Foundation for 99-0340582 501(c)3 200,000 Supporting Families

Technical Development19770 Stevens Creek

BoulevardCupertino,CA 950142456

Ohana Foundation for 99-0340582 501(c)3 200,000 Education

Technical Development19770 Stevens Creek

BoulevardCupertino,CA 950142456

Ohana Foundation for 99-0340582 501(c)3 200,000 Education

Technical Development19770 Stevens Creek

BoulevardCupertino,CA 950142456

Ohana Foundation for 99-0340582 501(c)3 200,000 Education

Technical Development19770 Stevens Creek

BoulevardCupertino,CA 950142456

Ohana Foundation for 99-0340582 501(c)3 200,000 Education

Technical Development19770 Stevens Creek

BoulevardCupertino,CA 950142456

Peninsula Open Space 94-2392007 501(c)3 200,000 Environment

Trust222 High Street

PaloAlto,CA 943011041

President and Fellows of 04-2103580 501(c)3 200,000 Education

Harvard College124 Mount

A uborn Street

Cambridge, MA


Ravenswood Family Health 94-3372130 501(c)3 200,000 Health & Wellness

Center1798A Bay Road

East Palo Alto, CA


Regents of the University of 94-6002123 501(c)3 200,000 Education

California BerkeleyGiftA dminstration2080

AddisonStreet 4200

Berkeley, CA 947204200

Regents of the University of 94-6002123 501(c)3 200,000 Education

California BerkeleyGiftA dminstration2080

AddisonStreet 4200

Berkeley, CA 947204200

Page 455: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

rorm vvy scneauie i, Nart ii , urants ana utner assi stance to iiovernments ana ur anizations in the unites states

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Regents of the University of 94-6002123 501(c)3 200,000 Education

California BerkeleyGiftA dminstration2080

AddisonStreet 4200

Berkeley, CA 947204200

Regents of the University of 94-6002123 501(c)3 200,000 Education

California BerkeleyGiftA dminstration2080

AddisonStreet 4200

Berkeley, CA 947204200

Regents of the University of 94-6002123 501(c)3 200,000 Education

California BerkeleyGiftA dminstration2080

AddisonStreet 4200

Berkeley, CA 947204200

Room to ReadThe 91-2003533 501(c)3 200,000 Education

PresidioPO Box 29127

San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Foundation 01-0679337 501(c)3 200,000 Building Community

225 Bush Street Suite 500

San Francisco, CA


San Mateo-Foster City 94-3083935 501(c)3 200,000 Education

School District1170 Chess


Foster C ity, CA 94404

Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 200,000 Education

ProcessingPO Box 20466

Stanford,CA 943090466

Tahoe Maritime MuseumPO 94-3073894 501(c)3 200,000 Supporting Families

Box 627

Homewood, CA


Teach for America InclOl 13-3541913 501(c)3 200,000 Education

New Montgomery Street

FifthFloorSan Francisco, CA


The Nueva School6565 94-1633387 501(c)3 200,000 Education

Skyline BoulevardH illsborough, CA940106221

Page 456: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

rorm vvy acneauie i, rart ii, c,rants ana utner assistance to Governments ana ur anizations in the unitea states

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Town of Portola Valley Public/Government 200,000 Building Community

765 Portola Road

Portola Valley, CA


Trustees of Princeton 21-0634501 501(c)3 200,000 Education

University330 Alexander


Princeton, NJ 08540

Merrill Lynch Community 000000000 207,086 Strengthening

Charitable FundFOR nonprofits



Kennett Square, PA


Schwab Fund for 31-1640316 501(c)3 207,134 Supporting Families

Charitable Giving101

Montgomery Street

San Francisco, CA


The Nature Conservancy 53-0242652 501(c)3 210,000 Environment

in Hawaii923 Nuuanu


Honolulu, HI 968175115

TechnoServe Inc1800 M 13-2626135 501(c)3 210,367 Building Community

Street NWSuite 1066


Washington, DC


Pets in Need1180 Main 94-6139667 501(c)3 210,855 Supporting Families


Redwood City, CA


Nevus Outreach Inc600 59-3455128 501(c)3 211,600 Health & Wellness

SE Delaware Avenue

Suite 200

Bartlesville, O K740033640

Menlo Park Presbyterian 23-6393377 501(c)3 225,000 Building Community

Church950 Santa Cruz


Menlo Park, CA


Merrill Lynch Community 000000000 227,100 Strengthening

Charitable FundFOR nonprofits



Kennett Square, PA


Page 457: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Ass istance to Governments and Org anizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


The Schwab Fund for 31-1640316 501(c)3 229,423 Supporting Families

Charitable Giving101

Montgomery Street

San Francisco, CA


Merrill Lynch Community 000000000 239,681 Strengthening

Charitable FundFOR nonprofits



Kennett Square, PA


Across the Bridge 77-0517240 501(c)3 250,000 Education

Foundation1460 The

AlamedaSan Jose, CA


American Musical Theatre 94-6088366 501(c)3 250,000 Arts & Culture

of San Jose1717

Technology Drive

San Jose, CA


Aspire Public Schools 94-3311088 501(c)3 250,000 Education

1001 22nd Avenue Suite


Oakland,CA 946065232

BASIC Fund268 Bush 94-3290699 501(c)3 250,000 Education

Street Suite 2717

San Francisco, CA 94104

Bring Me A Book 77-0481924 501(c)3 250,000 Education

Foundation1045 Terra

Bella AvenueMountain View, CA


Cold Spring Harbor 11-1631792 501(c)3 250,000 Health & Wellness

Laboratory Associationl

Bungtown Road

Cold Spring Harbor, NY


Dana Farber Cancer 04-2263040 501(c)3 250,000 Health & Wellness

Institute Inc10 Brookline

Place WestSixth FloorBrookline, MA


EdSource520 San Antonio 94-2434900 501(c)3 250,000 Education

Road Suite 200

Mountain View, CA


Page 458: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Environmental Defense 11-6107128 501(c)3 250,000 Environment


Connecticut Avenue

NWSuite 600


Washington, DC


Environmental Defense 11-6107128 501(c)3 250,000 Environment

Incorporated257 Park

Avenue South

New York, NY


Friends of the Indian 94-3393113 501(c)3 250,000 Education

School of BusinessFoundationc/o McKinsey

Company Inc55 East

52nd Street 28th Floor

New York, NY


Give2AsiaPO Box 94-3373670 501(c)3 250,000 Supporting Families


San Francisco, CA


Humane Society Silicon 94-1196215 501(c)3 250,000 Environment

Valley2530 Lafayette


Santa Clara, CA


Indiana University 35-6001673 501(c)3 250,000 Education

Financial Management

ServicesPO Box


Indianapolis, IN


Juvenile Diabetes 23-1907729 501(c)3 250,000 Health & Wellness

Research FoundationInternational49

Stevenson Street Suite


San Francisco, CA


KIPP Foundation345 94-3362724 501(c)3 250,000 Education

Spear Street Suite 510

San Francisco, CA


KIPP Foundation345 94-3362724 501(c)3 250,000 Education

Spear Street Suite 510

San Francisco, CA


Mayfield Senior School of 95-1816029 501(c)3 250,000 Education

the Holy Child Jesus500

Bellefontaine StreetPasadena, CA 91105

Page 459: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Org anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Media Matters forAmerica 47-0928008 501(c)3 250,000 Building Community

1625 Massachusetts

Avenue NW Suite


Washington, DC


Old Blue Rugby 13-3226589 501(c)3 250,000 Supporting Families

Foundation Inc166

Melrose PlaceRidgewood, NJ


Old Blue Rugby 13-3226589 501(c)3 250,000 Building Community

Foundation Inc166

Melrose PlaceRidgewood, NJ


PeaceJam Foundation 84-1349666 501(c)3 250,000 Building Community

5605 Yukon Street

Arvada,CO 80002

Resource Area for 77-0365627 501(c)3 250,000 Education

Teachers1355 Ridder

Park Drive

San Jose, CA


Rocketship Education550 20-4040597 501(c)3 250,000 Education

Kingsley Avenue

Palo Alto,CA


Rocketship Education550 20-4040597 501(c)3 250,000 Education

Kingsley Avenue

Palo Alto,CA


Samaritan House1511 23-7416272 501(c)3 250,000 Supporting Families

South Claremont Street

San Mateo, CA


Senior Coastsiders Inc 94-3119310 501(c)3 250,000 Building Community

535 Kelly Avenue

Half Moon Bay, CA


The Aspen Institute Inc 84-0399006 501(c)3 250,000 Building Community

One Dupont Circle NW

Suite 700

Washington, DC


Page 460: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

rorm vvy acneauie i, rart ii, c,rants ana utner Assistance to Governments ana ur anizations in the unitea states

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant

organization if applicable cash grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistanceor government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


The Catholic Foundation of 83-0400149 501(c)3 250,000 Building Community

Santa Clara County1150

north First Street Suite


San Jose, CA 951124923

UC Santa Cruz Foundation 23-7394590 501(c)3 250,000 Education

Gift Administration1156

High Street

Santa Cruz, CA


United Nations Foundation 58-2368165 501(c)3 250,000 Building Community

1800 Massachusetts

Avenue NW Suite


Washington, DC 20036

United States Fund for 13-1760110 501(c)3 250,000 Supporting Families

UNICEF125 Maiden Lane

NewYork,NY 100384912

VMC Foundation2400 77-0187890 501(c)3 250,000 Health & Wellness

Moorpark Avenue Suite


San Jose, CA 951282624,

Hoover Elementary School Public/Government 252,663 Education

701 Charter Street

Redwood City,CA 94063

Israel Venture Network 14-1891915 501(c)3 270,000 Building Community

540 Cowper StreetSuite


PaloAlto,CA 943011806

East Bay Community 94-6070996 501(c)3 277,724 Strengthening

FoundationThe De nonprofits

Domenico Building 200

FrankH Ogawa Plaza

Oakland,CA 94612

Beacon Education Network 20-5155858 501(c)3 300,000 Education

1500 41st Avenue Suite


Capitola,CA 950102937

California Charter School 51-0465703 501(c)3 300,000 Education

Consortium250 East First

StreetSuite 1000

Los Angeles, CA


Page 461: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistance

or government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 300,000 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Eastside College 94-3187806 501(c)3 300,000 Education

Preparatory School Inc

1041 Myrtle Street

East Palo Alto, CA


EHC LifeBuilders507 94-2684272 501(c)3 300,000 Supporting Families

Valley Way



Ohana Foundation for 99-0340582 501(c)3 300,000 Education

Technical Development19770 Stevens Creek

BoulevardCupertino, CA


PEF Israel Endowment 13-6104086 501(c)3 300,000 Building

Funds317 Madison Community

Avenue Suite 607

NewYork,NY 10017

Silver Ring Thing544 25-1376083 501(c)3 300,000 Religion

Moon Clinton Road

Moon Township, PA


Stanford UniversityGift 94-1156365 501(c)3 300,000 Education

ProcessingPO Box


Stanford, CA


County of San Mateo701 Public/Government 330,483 Education

Gateway Boulevard Suite


South San Francisco, CA


Pacifica School District Public/Government 331,935 Education

375 Reina Del Mar


Pacifica, CA


Gregory C Carr 350,000 Building

Foundation Inc975 Community

Memorial Drive Suite


Cambridge, MA 02138

Page 462: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Post Carbon Institute 65-1208462 501(c)3 350,000 Building Community

6971 Sebastopol Avenue

Sebastopol, CA


U C Santa Cruz 23-7394590 501(c)3 350,000 Education


Delaware Avenue Suite


Santa Cruz,CA 95060

Castilleja School 94-0373222 501(c)3 375,000 Education

Foundation1310 Bryant


Palo Alto,CA


Childrens Hospital Los 95-1690977 501(c)3 375,000 Health & Wellness

Angeles4650 Sunset

Boulevard 29

Los Angeles, CA


Lawrence University of 39-0806297 501(c)3 375,000 Education


Office PO Box 599

A ppleton, WI


Lawrence University of 39-0806297 501(c)3 375,000 Education


Office PO Box 599

A ppleton, WI


Lawrence University of 39-0806297 501(c)3 375,000 Education


Office PO Box 599

A ppleton, WI


Lawrence University of 39-0806297 501(c)3 375,000 Education


Office PO Box 599

A ppleton, WI


India Community Center 52-2351119 501(c)3 399,000 Supporting Families

Inc525 Los Coches


Milpitas,CA 950355423

Businesses United in 94-3386695 501(c)3 400,000 Supporting Families

Investing Lending and

Development1600 Adams


Menlo Park, CA


Page 463: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Ass istance to Governments and Org anizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


New Schools Venture Fund 94-3281780 501(c)3 400,000 Strengthening

49 Stevenson Street Suite nonprofits


San Francisco, CA


Radiation Oncology 51-0178702 501(c)3 400,000 Health & Wellness

Institute8280 Willow

Oaks Corporate

DriveSuite 500

Fairfax,VA 220314514

Merrill Lynch Community 000000000 430,024 Supporting Families

Charitable FundFOR



Kennett Square, PA


Merrill Lynch Community 000000000 444,269 Strengthening

Charitable FundFOR nonprofits



Kennett Square, PA


Massachusetts General 04-1564655 501(c)3 475,000 Health & Wellness

Hospital165 Cambridge

Street Suite 600

Boston, MA 021142781

Global Action Network Net 25-1904171 501(c)3 498,857 Building Community

Inc48 Melrose Street

Boston, MA 021165313

American Prairie 81-0541893 501(c)3 500,000 Environment

FoundationPO Box 908

Bozeman, MT


Doctors Without Borders 13-3433452 501(c)3 500,000 Health & Wellness

USA Inc333 Seventh

Avenue 2nd Floor

New York, NY


Film Arts Foundation145 94-2348632 501(c)3 500,000 Arts & Culture

Ninth Street Suite 101

San Francisco, CA


Fogarty Institute for 11-3800306 501(c)3 500,000 Health & Wellness

Innovation2490 Hospital

Drive Suite 310

Mountain View, CA


Page 464: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Fogarty Institute for 11-3800306 501(c)3 500,000 Health & Wellness

Innovation2490 Hospital

Drive Suite 310

Mountain View, CA


Fogarty Institute for 11-3800306 501(c)3 500,000 Health & Wellness

Innovation2490 Hospital

Drive Suite 310

Mountain View, CA


Fogarty Institute for 11-3800306 501(c)3 500,000 Health & Wellness

Innovation2490 Hospital

Drive Suite 310

Mountain View, CA


JobTrain1200 0 Brien 94-1712371 501(c)3 500,000 Supporting Families


Menlo Park, CA


KIPP DC910 17th Street 74-2974642 501(c)3 500,000 Education

NW Suite 1050

Washington, DC 20006

Lucile Packard Foundation 77-0440090 501(c)3 500,000 Health & Wellness

for Children's Health400Hamilton Avenue Suite


Palo Alto, CA


Lucile Packard Foundation 77-0440090 501(c)3 500,000 Health & Wellness

for Children's HealthGiftProcessing400 Hamilton


Suite 340

Palo Alto,CA


Nature Conservancy Inc 53-0242652 501(c)3 500,000 Environment

4245 north Fairfax Drive

Suite 100

A rlington, V A


Nevada Community 88-0241420 501(c)3 500,000 Building Community

Foundation Inc300 South

Fourth Street Suite 1009

Las Vegas, NV 89101

Nevada Community 88-0241420 501(c)3 500,000 Building Community

Foundation Inc300 South

Fourth Street Suite 1009

Las Vegas, NV 89101

Page 465: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistance

or government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Partners in Health a 04-3567502 501(c)3 500,000 Health & Wellness

nonprofit Corporation800

Boylston Street 47th

FloorBoston, MA 021998001

Rector & V is itors of the 54-6001796 501(c)3 500,000 Education

University ofVirginiac/o


DepartmentPO Box


C harlottesville, VA229044807

United Way Silicon Valley 94-1450153 501(c)3 500,000 Building

1400 Parkmoor Avenue Community

Suite 250

San Jose, CA


Butler University4600 35-0867977 501(c)3 521,000 Education

Sunset Avenue

Indianapolis, IN 46208

Church of the Nativity210 51-0219028 501(c)3 600,000 Religion

Oak Grove Avenue

Menlo Park, CA


Lehigh University27 24-0795445 501(c)3 600,000 Education

Memorial Drive

Bethlehem, PA180153027

Town of Portola Valley Public/Government 600,000 Building

765 Portola Road Community

Portola Valley, CA


University of California 94-6090626 501(c)3 600,000 Education

Berkeley Foundation2080

Addison Street 4200

Berkeley, CA


EHC Lifebuilders2665 94-2684272 501(c)3 630,000 Supporting Families

north First StreetSuite210

San Jose, CA


Ravenswood Family 94-3372130 501(c)3 662,630 Health & Wellness

Health Center1798A Bay

RoadEast Palo Alto, CA


Page 466: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistance

or government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


TrustAfrica1111 20-3074517 501(c)3 950,000 Building

Pennsylvania Avenue NW Community

Washington, DC 20004

Ayco Charitable 14-1782466 501(c)3 1,000,000 Supporting

FoundationPO Box Families


Albany,NY 122125203

Better World Fund1800 58-2366765 501(c)3 1,000,000 Supporting

Massachusetts Avenue Families

NW Suite


Washington, DC 20036

Boston College Trustees 04-2103545 501(c)3 1,000,000 Education

More Hall 220 140


Chestnut Hill, MA


Communities In Schools 58-1289174 501(c)3 1,000,000 Education

Inc277 South

Washington Street Suite


Alexandria,VA 22314

United States 52-1662800 501(c)3 1,000,000 Supporting

Association for UNHCR Families

1775 K Street NW Suite


Washington, DC 20006

University of California 94-2829914 501(c)3 1,030,000 Education

San Francisco Foundation

PO Box 45339

San Francisco, CA


County of San Mateo701 Public/Government 1,036,261 Education

Gateway Boulevard Suite


South San Francisco, CA


TrustAfrica1111 20-3074517 501(c)3 1,050,000 Building

Pennsylvania Avenue NW Community

Washington, DC 20004

Individual Philanthropy 51-0644783 501(c)3 1,099,785 Building

Institute470 University Community


PaloAlto,CA 94301

Page 467: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Ass istance to Governments and Or anizations in t he United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation (book, non-cash or assistance

or government assistance FMV, appraisal, assistance


Schwab Fund for 31-1640316 501(c)3 1,256,451 Supporting Families

Charitable Giving101

Montgomery Street

San Francisco, CA


Palo Alto Unified School Public/Government 1,400,315 Education

District25 ChurchillAvenue

Palo Alto,CA


Community Foundation 68-0349777 501(c)3 1,500,000 Strengthening

of the Napa Valley3299 nonprofits

Claremont Way Suite 2

Napa,CA 945583382

Schwab Fund for 31-1640316 501(c)3 1,749,249 Supporting Families

Charitable Giving101

Montgomery Street

San Francisco, CA


Town of Portola Valley Public/Government 1,800,000 Building Community

765 Portola Road

Portola Valley, CA


Church of Jesus Christ 23-7300405 501(c)3 2,000,000 Building Community

of LD53865 Middlefield

RoadPalo Alto,CA 94306

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)3 2,000,000 Education

Galvez Street

Stanford, CA


County of San Mateo701 Public/Government 2,049,712 Education

Gateway Boulevard Suite


South San Francisco, CA


Bellarmine College 94-1160938 501(c)3 2,500,000 Education

Preparatory United

States CatholicConference960 West

Hedding Street

San Jose, CA


Bellarmine College 94-1160938 501(c)3 2,500,000 Education

Preparatory United

States CatholicConference960 West

Hedding Street

San Jose, CA


Page 468: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal,


Bellarmine College 94-1160938 501(c)3 2,500,000 Education

Preparatory United

States CatholicConference960 West

Hedding Street

San Jose, CA


Bellarmine College 94-1160938 501(c)3 2,500,000 Education

Preparatory United

States CatholicConference960 West

Hedding Street

San Jose, CA


Schwab Fund for 31-1640316 50 1(c)3 3,341,855 Supporting Families

Charitable Giving101

Montgomery Street

San Francisco, CA


Santa Clara University 94-1156617 501(c)3 5,000,000 Education

500 El Camino Real

Santa Clara, CA


Santa Clara University 94-1156617 501(c)3 5,000,000 Education

500 El Camino Real

Santa Clara, CA


Schwab Fund for 31-1640316 501(c)3 6,924,391 Supporting Families

Charitable Giving101

Montgomery Street

San Francisco, CA


Schwab Fund for 31-1640316 501(c)3 7,050,275 Supporting Families

Charitable Giving101

Montgomery Street

San Francisco, CA


Whitehead Institute for 06-1043412 501(c)3 13,068,000 Health & Wellness

Biomedical Research9Cambridge Center

Cambridge, MA


East Bay Community 94-6070996 501(c)3 13,906,571 Building Community

FoundationThe De

Domenico Building 200

FrankH Ogawa Plaza

Oakland,CA 94612

Page 469: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93493307013059

Schedule J Compensation InformationOMB No 1545-0047

(Form 990)

2008For certain Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest

Compensated EmployeesDepartment of the 1- Attach to Form 990 . To be completed by organizations ' to Pu b lic

Treasury that answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV , line 23. InspectionInternal Revenue



Employer identification number


Ouestions Reaardina Comuensation

la Check the appropiate box(es ) if the organization provided any of the following to or for a person listed in Form

990, Part VII, Section A, line la Complete Part III to provide any relevant information regarding these items

1 First class or charter travel 1 Housing allowance or residence for personal use

1 Travel for companions 1 Payments for business use of personal residence

F Tax idemnification and gross - up payments 1 Health or social club dues or initiation fees

1 Discretionary spending account 1 Personal services ( e g , maid, chauffeur, chef)

Yes I No

b If line la is checked, did the organization follow a written policy regarding payment or reimbursement orprovision of all the expenses described above? If "No," complete Part III to explain lb Yes

2 Did the organization require substantiation prior to reimbursing or allowing expenses incurred by allofficers, directors, trustees, and the CEO/Executive Director, regarding the items checked in line 1a? 2 Yes

3 Indicate which, if any, of the following the organization uses to establish the compensation of the

organization 's CEO/ Executive Director Check all that apply

fl Compensation committee F Written employment contract

fl Independent compensation consultant F Compensation survey or study

fl Form 990 of other organizations F Approval by the board or compensation committee

4 During the year, did any person listed in Form 990, Part VII, Section A, line la

a Receive a severance payment or change of control payment? 4a No

b Participate in, or receive payment from, a supplemental nonqualified retirement plan? 4b No

c Participate in, or receive payment from, an equity-based compensation arrangement? 4c No

If "Yes" to any of lines 4a-c, list the persons and provide the applicable amounts for each item in Part III

501(c )( 3) and 501 ( c)(4) organizations only must complete lines 5-8.

5 For persons listed in form 990, Part VII, Section A, line la, did the organization pay or accrue any

compensation contingent on the revenues of

a The organization? 5a No

b Any related organization? 5b No

If "Yes," to line 5a or 5b, describe in Part III

6 For persons listed in form 990, Part VII, Section A, line la, did the organization pay or accrue any

compensation contingent on the net earnings of

a The organization? 6a No

b Any related organization? 6b No

If "Yes," to line 6a or 6b, describe in Part III

7 For persons listed in form 990, Part VII, Section A, line la, did the organization provide any non-fixed

payments not described in lines 5 and 67 If "Yes," describe in Part III 7 No

8 Were any amounts reported in Form 990, Part VII, paid or accured pursuant to a contract that was

subject to the initial contract exception described in Regs section 53 4958-4(a)(3)7 If "Yes," describe

in Part III 8 No

For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice , see the separate instructions . Cat No 50053T Schedule 3 (Form 990) 2008

Page 470: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Schedule J (Form 990) 2008 Page 2

OTITFI-Officers , Directors , Trustees , Key Employees , and Highest Compensated Employees . Use Schedule 3-1 if additional space needed.

For each individual whose compensation must be reported in Schedule J, report compensation from the organization on row (i) and from related organizations described in the

instructions on row (ii) Do not list any individuals that are not listed on Form 990, Part VII

Note . The sum of columns (B)(i)-(iii) must equal the applicable column (D) or column (E) amounts on Form 990, Part VII, line la

(A) Name ( B) Breakdown of W-2 and/or 1099-MISC compensation (C) Deferred ( D) Nontaxable (E) Total of columns (F) Compensation

(i) Basecompensation

(ii) Bonus &incentive


(iii) Othercompensation

compensation benefits (B)(i)-(D) reported in prior Form990 or Form 990-EZ

Emmett Carson (1) 536,951 30,500 18,632 586,083

Mari Ellen Loijens (1) 171,022 17,157 8,450 196,629

Vera L Bennett (1) 189,663 19,558 13,803 223,024

Eleanor Clement Glass (1) 170,761 17,084 7,541 195,386

Ellen H Clear (1) 154,208 16,326 12,021 182,555

Hugh C Peacock (1) 155,489 15,531 1,640 172,660

Irene Wong (1) 162,551 16,281 8,128 186,960

Oris C Miller (1) 143,709 14,500 7,205 165,414

Peter Hero (1) 559,937 30,830 13,836 604,603

Robert A Bassine (1) 136,509 13,900 8,060 158,469

Sandra Hutchings (1) 144,202 14,557 8,248 167,007






Schedule 3 (Form 990) 2008

Page 471: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Schedule J (Form 990) 2008 Page 3

EIRISTW Supplemental Information

Complete this part to provide the information, explanation, or descriptions required for Part I, lines la, 1b, 4c, 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7, and 8 Also complete this part for any additional information

I IIdentifier

Ret urnExplanation


Schedule 3 (Form 990) 2008

Page 472: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Additional Data

Software ID:

Software Version:

EIN: 20 -5205488


Return to Form

Form 990 , Schedule J Part II - Officers, Directors, Trustees , Ke y Em p lo y ees , and Hi g hest Com pensated Em p lo y ees

(A) Name ( B) Breakdown of W-2 and/or 1099-MISC compensation ( C) Deferred (D) Nontaxable (E) Total of columns (F) Compensation

(i) Base



)Bonus &



(iii) Other


compensation benefits (B)(i)-(D) reported in prior Form990 or Form 990-EZ

Emmett Carson (1) 536,951 30,500 18,632 586,083

Mari Ellen Loijens (1) 171,022 17,157 8,450 196,629

Vera L Bennett (1) 189,663 19,558 13,803 223,024

Eleanor Clement Glass (1) 170,761 17,084 7,541 195,386

Ellen H Clear (1) 154,208 16,326 12,021 182,555

Hugh C Peacock (1) 155,489 15,531 1,640 172,660

Irene Wong (1) 162,551 16,281 8,128 186,960

Oris C Miller (1) 143,709 14,500 7,205 165,414

Peter Hero (1) 559,937 30,830 13,836 604,603

Robert A Bassine (1) 136,509 13,900 8,060 158,469

Sandra Hutchings (i) 144,202 14,557 8,248 167,007

Supplemental Information

Complete this part to provide the information, explanation, or descriptions required for Part I, lines la, 1b, 4c, 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7, and 8 Also complete this part for any additional information


IReturn Reference


Page 473: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

lefile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93493307013059

Schedule L(Form 990 or 990-EZ)

Department of the


Internal Revenue



Transactions with Interested Persons

- Attach to Form 990 or Form 990-EZ.

1- To be completed by organizations that answered"Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, lines 25a, 25b, 26, 27, 28a, 28b, or 28c,

or Form 990-EZ, Part V lines 38b or 40b.

OMB No 1545-0047


Employer identification number

1 20-5205488

Excess Benefit Transactions (section 501(c)(3) and section 501 (c)(4) organizations only).

To be completed by organizations that answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 25a or 25b, or Form 990-EZ, Part V, line 40b

1 (a) Name of disqualified person (b) Description of transactionc) Correcte


2 Enter the amount of tax imposed on the organization managers or disqualified persons during the year under

section 4958 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► $

3 Enter the amount of tax, if any, on line 2, above, reimbursed by the organization . ► $

Loans to and / or From Interested PersonsTo he comnleted by ornanvatinns that answered "Yes" on Form 990. Part TV _ line 26. or Form 990-F7. Part V _ line 38a

(a) Name of interested person andpurpose

(b) Loan to or

from the

organization ?( c)Original principal

amount (d

)Balance due

( e) In


byboard or

committee ?

( g)Written


To From Yes No Yes No Yes No



Total $ 420,775

Grants or Assistance Benefitting Interested Persons

To be com p leted b y org anizations that answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV , line 27.

(a) Name of interested person(b)Relationship between interested person

(c)Amount of grant or type of assistanceand the organization

Business Transactions Involving Interested PersonsTo be comDleted by orcianizations that answered "Yes" on Form 990. Part IV. line 28a. 28b. or 28c.

(a) Name of interested person

(b) Relationshipbetween interested

person and the(c) Amount oftransaction

( d) Description of transaction

(e) Sharing oforganization'srevenues?

organization Yes No

Jane Williams VENDOR 97,136 INV MGMT FEES No

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice , see the Intructions for Form 990 Cat No 50056A Schedule L (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008

Page 474: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93493307013059

SCHEDULEM Non-Cash Contributions OMB No 1545-0047

(Form 990)

2008To be completed by organizations that answered

Department of the"Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, lines 29 or 30 .

Open to Public-

TreasuryAttach to Form 990

InspectionInternal Revenue


Name of the organization Employer identification numberSILICON VALLEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION


Types of Property

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Check Number of Contributions Revenues reported on Method of determining

if Form 990, Part VIII, line revenues

applicable 1g

1 Art-Works of art . .

2 Art-Historical treasures

3 Art-Fractional interests

4 Books and publications

5 Clothing and household

goods . . . . . . .

6 Cars and other vehicles .

7 Boats and planes . .

8 Intellectual property .

9 Securities-Publicly traded . X 105 27,940,711 Avg stk val on date of gift

10 Securities-Closely held stock . X 1 72,484 fmv

11 Securities-Partnership, LLC,

or trust interests

12 Securities-Miscellaneous

13 Qualified conservation

contribution (historic


14 Qualified conservationcontribution (other)

15 Real estate-Residential

16 Real estate-Commercial

17 Real estate-Other . .

18 Collectibles . . . . .

19 Food inventory . .

20 Drugs and medical supplies

21 Taxidermy . .

22 Historical artifacts . .

23 Scientific specimens .

24 Archeological artifacts

25 Other (describe

26 Other (describe

27 Other (describe

28 Other (describe

29 N umber of Forms 8283 received by the organization during the tax year for contributions for

which the organization completed Form 8283, Part IV, Donee 29

Acknowledgement . . . . . . . .

Yes No

30a During the year, did the organization receive by contribution any property reported in Part I, lines 1-28 that it must

hold for at

least three years from the date of the initial contribution, and which is not required to be used for exempt purposes

for the entire holding period? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30a No

b If "Yes", describe the arrangement in Part II

31 Does the organization have a gift acceptance policy that requires the review of any non-standard contributions? 31 Yes

32a Does the organization hire or use third parties or related organizations to solicit, process, or sell non-cash

contributions? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32a N o

b If "Yes", describe in Part II

33 If the organization did not report revenues in Column (c) for a type of property for which Column (a) is

checked, describe in Part II

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 . Cat No 51227] Schedule M (Form 990) 2008

Page 475: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Schedule M (Form 990) 2008 Page 2

Supplemental Information . Complete this part to provide the information required by Part I, lines 30b,

32b, and 33. Also complete this part for any additional information.Identifier I Re turn Re fere nce I Explanation

Schedule M (Form 990) 2008

Page 476: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

lefile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93493307013059

SCHEDULE 0OMB No 1545-0047

(Form 990 ) Supplemental Information to Form 9902008

Department of the 1- Attach to Form 990. To be completed by organizations to provide additional information for

responses to specific questions for the Form 990 or to provide any additional information . • _ 'Treasury

Internal Revenue



Employer identification number


ReturnIdentifier Explanation





Form 990, Part V I, Section 990 Form is placed on secured web site or sent by Email for governing body to review andA, line 10 comment Review is verified by email



Form 990, Part V I, Section Annually complete a 990 questionnaire that reviews reporting obligations and documentsB, line 12c disclosures required to comply with 990 requirements

ReturnIdentifier Explanation


Form 990, Part V I, Section B, Human Resources Staff reviews compariability data and Board of Director approval isline 15 required for CEO/Executive Director



Governing/Organizing Documents/Conflict of Interest Policy All requests for information w ill be submitted to theForm 990, Part CFO and VP of Finance The requestor w ill be contacted within 24 hours to obtain the followingVI, Section C, information Contact information - name, address, email, and phone number Documents will be provided in theline 19 office, on a CD or through email Audited Financial Statements for current year - posted to website annually

after approval by the Board of Directors



Silicon Valley Community Foundation is a catalyst and leader for innovative solutions to our regions mostchallenging problems Serving all of San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties, the community foundation has morethan 1,500 philanthropic funds and manages assets of more than $1 4 billion, which includes assets of its 16

Form 990,Organization's

supporting organizations The community foundation provides grants through donor advised and corporatePart I, Line 1 funds in addition to its own Community Endowment Fund In addition, the community foundation serves as aand Part III,

missionregional center for philanthropy, providing donors simple and effective ways to give locally and around the

Line 1statement

world Silicon Valley Community Foundation launched in January 2007 following the landmark merger ofCommunity Foundation Silicon Valley and Peninsula Community Foundation and is now one of the largestcommunity foundations in the nation The new community foundation received its IRS exemption in November2006



Silicon Valley Community Foundation's vision is to be a comprehensive center for philanthropy that inspires greatercivic participation throughout San Mateo and Santa Clara counties The mission of the community foundation is to

Form 990,strengthen the common good, improve quality of life and address the most challenging problems We do this

Part III, LineProgram through visionary community leadership, world-class donor services and effective grantmaking The community

4aDescription foundation is a partner and resource to organizations improving the quality of life in our region, and to those who

w ant to give back locally, nationally and internationally Thousands of individuals, families, corporations, nonprofitand government organizations, and community leaders work with the community foundation to address criticalneeds and make an impact through effective programs and inspired philanthropy

Identifier Return Reference Explanation


For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice , see the Instructions for Form 990 . Cat No 51056K Schedule 0 ( Form 990) 2008

Page 477: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

1-9.1.. ( DA nIJT /^ ......,e _ r r Mfr nnrw CCC I A .. C:1...1 1'1..i.. r%l RI. f^1Af^2']A7A1']ACfl

SCHEDULER Related Organizations and Unrelated PartnershipsO M B N o 1545-0047

(Form 990) 2008

- Attach to Form 990 . To be completed by organizations that answerd "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, lines 33, 34, 35, 36, or 37.

Department of the Treasury - See separate instructions. ' to Pu b lic

Internal Revenue Service Insp ecti o n

Name of the organization Employer identification numberSILICON VALLEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION


Identification of Disregarded Entities

(A)Name, address, and EIN of disregarded entity

(B)Primary activity

(C)Legal domicile (stateor foreign country)

(D)Total income

(E)End-of-year assets

(F)Direct controlling


Identification of Related Tax-Exempt Organizations

(A)Name, address, and EIN of related organization

(B)Primary activity

(C)Legal domicile (stateor foreign country)

(D)Exempt Code section

(E)Public charity status

(if section 501(c)(3))

(F)Direct controlling


See Additional Data Table

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice , see the Instructions for Form 990 . Cat No 50135Y Schedule R (Form 990) 2008

Page 478: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Schedule R (Form 990) 2008 Page 2

Identification of Related Organizations Taxable as a Partnership

(A)Name, address, and EIN of

related organization

(B)Primary activity

Legaldomicile(state orforeigncountry)

(D)Direct controlling




(F)Share of total income

(G)Share of end-of

year assets


(I)Code V-UBI amount

onBox 20 of K-I

General ormanagingpart ner?

Yes No Yes No

Identification of Related Organizations Taxable as a Corporation or Trust

(A)Name, address, and EIN of related organization


Primary activity

(C)Legal domicile

(state orforeigncountry)

(D )Direct controlling


(E)Type of entity(C corp, S corp,

or trust)

Share of totalincome

(G)Share of



Schedule R (Form 990) 2008

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Schedule R (Form 990) 2008 Page 3

Transactions with Related Organizations

Note . Complete line 1 if any entity is listed in Parts II, III or IV Yes No

1 During the tax year, did the orgranization engage in any of the following transactions with one or more related organizations listed in Parts II-IV?

a Receipt of (i) interest (ii) annuities (iii) royalties (iv) rent from a controlled entity la No

b Gift, grant, or capital contribution to other organization( s) lb Yes

c Gift, grant, or capital contribution from other organization( s) 1c Yes

d Loans or loan guarantees to or for other organization (s) ld No

e Loans or loan guarantees by other organization( s) le No

f Sale of assets to other organization( s) if No

g Purchase of assets from other organization( s) 1g No

h Exchange of assets 1h No

i Lease of facilities, equipment, or other assets to other organization (s) 1i Yes

j Lease of facilities, equipment, or other assets from other organization( s) 1j No

k Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations for other organization( s) 1k Yes

I Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations by other organization( s) 11 No

m Sharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists, or other assets 1m No

n Sharing of paid employees in No

o Reimbursement paid to other organization for expenses 10 No

p Reimbursement paid by other organization for expenses 1p Yes

q Other transfer of cash or property to other organization (s) 1q No

r Other transfer of cash or property from other organization( s) lr No

2 If the answer to any of the above is "Yes," see the instructions for information on who must complete this line, including covered relationships and transaction thresholds

Name of other organization(s)Transactiontype(a-r)

CAmount Involved







Schedule R (Form 990) 2008

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Schedule R (Form 990) 2008

Unrelated Organizations Taxable as a Partnership


Provide the following information for each entity taxed as a partnership through which the organization conducted more than five percent of its activities (measured by total assetsor gross revenue) that was not a related organization See instructions regarding exclusion for certain investment partnerships

(A)Name, address, and EIN of entity

(B)Primary activity

(C)Legal domicile

(state or foreigncountry)



(E)Share of



(G)Code V-UBI

amount on Box20 of K-I

(H)General ormanaging

rt ne r7pa

Yes No Yes No Yes No

Schedule R (Form 990) 2008

Page 481: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2008 990

Additional Data

Software ID:

Software Version:

EIN: 20 -5205488


Form 990, Schedule R, Part II - Identification of Related Tax-Exempt Organizations

Return to Form

(A) (B)(c) (D) (E) (F)

Name, address , and EIN of related organization Primary ActivityLegal Domicile Exempt Code Public charity

Direct Controlling(State section status

Entityor Foreign Country) (if 501(c)(3))


2440 El Camino real Suite 300Supporting O rganization

CA 501 ( c 3 509 (a) (3)

Mountain View , CA94040



2440 El Camino real Suite 300Supporting O rganization

CA 501 ( c 3 509 (a) (3)

Mountain View , CA94040



2440 El Camino real Suite 300Supporting O rganization

CA 501 ( c 3 509 (a) (3)

Mountain View , CA94040



2440 El Camino real Suite 300Supporting O rganization

CA 501 ( c 3 509 (a) (3)

Mountain View , CA94040



2440 El Camino real Suite 300Supporting O rganization

CA 501 ( c 3 509 (a) (3)

Mountain View , CA94040



2440 El Camino real Suite 300Supporting O rganization

CA 501 ( c 3 509 (a) (3)

Mountain View , CA94040



2440 El Camino real Suite 300Supporting O rganization

CA 501 ( c 3 509 (a) (3)

Mountain View , CA94040



2440 El Camino real Suite 300Supporting O rganization

CA 501 ( c 3 509 (a) (3)

Mountain View , CA94040



2440 El Camino real Suite 300Supporting O rganization

CA 501 ( c 3 509 (a) (3)

Mountain View , CA94040



2440 El Camino real Suite 300Supporting O rganization

CA 501 ( c 3 509 (a) (3)

Mountain View , CA94040



2440 El Camino real Suite 300Supporting O rganization

CA 501 ( c 3 509 (a) (3)

Mountain View , CA94040



2440 El Camino real Suite 300Supporting O rganization

CA 501 ( c 3 509 (a) (3)

Mountain View , CA94040



2440 El Camino real Suite 300Supporting O rganization

CA 501 ( c 3 509 (a) (3)

Mountain View , CA94040



2440 El Camino real Suite 300Supporting O rganization

CA 501 ( c 3 509 (a) (3)

Mountain View , CA94040



2440 El Camino real Suite 300Supporting O rganization

CA 501 ( c 3 509 (a) (3)

Mountain View , CA94040



2440 El Camino real Suite 300Supporting O rganization

CA 501 ( c 3 509 (a) (3)

Mountain View , CA94040
