silence lambs poster analysis

The character’s face is placed in the middle of the poster and almost covers the majority of the poster which hints that she is a very important character in the film. There is use of lighting on the character’s face which highlights how very pale and emotionless she is and combined with the fact that she is also staring directly into the camera, gives it an unnerving feel to the poster. There are almost no expressions on her face but just a blank look which provides the audience with questions of uncertainty such as who is this person? The use of the butterfly covering the protagonist’s mouth gives us a visual interpretatio n of the title itself and again connotes mystery and a sinister atmosphere as Both the title and the colour of the character’s eyes are in red which symbolises blood, death and danger. This could suggest that all the violence that There is very little shown in the poster such as the setting or other characters which is common in the thriller genre and it

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Silence lambs poster analysis

The character’s face is placed in the middle of the poster and almost covers the majority of the poster which hints that she is a very important character in the film. There is use of lighting on the character’s face which highlights how very pale and emotionless she is and combined with the fact that she is also staring directly into the camera, gives it an unnerving feel to the poster. There are almost no expressions on her face but just a blank look which provides the audience with questions of uncertainty such as who is this person? There is however low key lighting seen in the background which presents a stark contrast to the brightly lit face of the character. The use of the dark lighting connotes a sense of mystery and evil which could be what the character is trying to combat and defeat.

The use of the butterfly covering the protagonist’s mouth gives us a visual interpretation of the title itself and again connotes mystery and a sinister atmosphere as it seems like she is being threatened to be silent and to not speak.

Both the title and the colour of the character’s eyes are in red which symbolises blood, death and danger. This could suggest that all the violence that will occur during the film will be linked to her.

There is very little shown in the poster such as the setting or other characters which is common in the thriller genre and it therefore intrigues the audience to figure out what will happen in the actual film.