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Page 1: SIGMA ENGINEERING - British · SIGMA ENGINEERING LTD 1444 Alberni Street, 4th Floor Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6G 224
Page 2: SIGMA ENGINEERING - British · SIGMA ENGINEERING LTD 1444 Alberni Street, 4th Floor Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6G 224

SIGMA ENGINEERING LTD 1444 Alberni Street, 4th Floor Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6G 224 Tel (604) 688-8271 Fax (604) 688-1286 E-mail

Ms, Jean Cook Habitat Officer Planning and Assessment 10470- 1 52"d Ave. Surrey BC V3R OY3

Lti.. .. . ,,. . . . -., .. ., ..--..)'I FILE F10. ... . . . . . . . . . '....-..............

Our File E 5933 20 December, 1999

Dear Ms Cook;

Enclosed is the Environmental Monitoring Report for the Surrey Schedule 2 Capital Works Project for the replacement of a culvert on McLellan Creek at ~6~ Avenue, your file number 76910-60199.2303K. This is the Surrey Drainage Package D54199, Project ID: 1584, Project M8973220-00.

The Environmental monitor for this project was Mr. Tom Cleugh RPBio of Sigma Engineering, phone number 604-688-8271 Ext. 317. Mr. Cleugh was on site during all work within the riparian zone.

Thank you for your cooperation with this project. If you have any questions please contact myself or Mr. Brian Samson at Ext. 385.


T R Cleugh RPBio Environmental Monitor

Cc : Mr. Thomas Ho City of Surrey Mr. David Nanson -Department of Fisheries and Oceans Mr. Miles Stratholt -Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks

Page 3: SIGMA ENGINEERING - British · SIGMA ENGINEERING LTD 1444 Alberni Street, 4th Floor Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6G 224


The project is located on McLellan Creek at 56th venue in the City of Surrey, and

consists of replacement of a culvert. The objective of the project was to provide safe

conveyance of McLellan Creek flows under 56' Avenue. The minor flow at the crossing

iTj.54 m3/s and the major flow is 9.0 m3/s. The previous twin 1066- metal culverts

had a capacity of 5.6 m3/s which was less than the major flows. The installed 5'x8'

concrete box culverts can pass all flows with an allowance for 1' of sediment deposition.

The presence of sinkholes on the road crossing was also an indication of deteriorating

culverts that posed a safety hazard.

All the work was within the riparian zone and required a full time monitor on site during

the culvert replacement. The potential impacts consisted of siltation, which could result

from work in or near the stream or if high flows occur during installation of the new


A pre-construction site meeting with the contractor took place on 6 August 1999. The

environmental considerations, including spill contingency were discussed with the

contractor at that time. Construction commenced on August 10, 1999. The initial site

preparation was to establish an upstream barrier dam and install a pump with fish screens

to divert the stream flow past a downstream barrier dam. The barrier dam consisted of a

gravel base with a filter cloth cover held down with large rocks. Three upstream hay

_ bales were also used to keep fish away from the pump. The stream between the barrier

dams was electro-shocked with three passes for fish salvage. All captured fish were

released downstream since the upstream fish habitat was limited to only 100 meters.

During the construction a total of 1 17 fish, mostly coho, were removed fiom the impacted

zone. Other observed organisms included several rabbits, four otters, blue heron, and

numerous crayfish.

Construction consisted of an excavator removing the existing culverts. Replacement was

accomplished using a crane lifting the culvert sections into the trench. During

construction diverted storm water flowing into the excavation was discharged to a well-

vegetated area and allowed to flow through filter cloth back to the stream. A series of

logs and stones were used as energy dispersal for the diverted flow.


Page 4: SIGMA ENGINEERING - British · SIGMA ENGINEERING LTD 1444 Alberni Street, 4th Floor Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6G 224


All environmental protection was checked on regular basis. Construction in the riparian

zone lasted until 20 August 1999. The area was cleaned-up, smoothed over and all

construction materials removed. The site restoration consisted of re-planting lost

vegetation (95 shrubs, one tree, and 96 wetland plants) and hydro-seeding the exposed

sGpe with deep rooting grasses and legumes. The bed and banks within 3m of the culvert

headwalls were rip rapped with 0.5m stone. Ten meters of upstream banks and streambed

were covered with coho gravel to prevent erosion until the vegetation recovers. The

streambed within the culvert was also covered with coho gravel to a depth of 20cm. A

post-construction site inspection and fish survey took place on August 26 1999. The

captured fish were entirely coho; no other species were observed. The total captured was

170 fish, the majority of which were captured in the culvert and at the rock clusters at the

entrance and exit of the culvert.

The construction was completed with four environmental incidents. Work was stopped on

the 1 1 th, the 13" and the 15' & 16" of August 1999. All incidences were caused by

excessive rain the previous nights and resultant increased sedimentation. After site

cleanup, work resumed the next day in each case. During this period of high rainfall the

pumps had to be increased to handle the excessive flows. Apart from the high rainfalls no

other environmental difficulties were encountered.

An opportunity for enhancement of the fish habitat exists in the creek. There is an

- impassable barrier to fish located about lOOm upstream of the culvert. The barrier

consists of a man made concrete obstruction about one meter high. It appears the

obstruction may have been used for flow control but may no longer be required since it is

in some disrepair. If this were to be removed or reduced in height to a passable level the

fish habitat area would be increased thus increasing fish productivity.


Page 5: SIGMA ENGINEERING - British · SIGMA ENGINEERING LTD 1444 Alberni Street, 4th Floor Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6G 224


Page 6: SIGMA ENGINEERING - British · SIGMA ENGINEERING LTD 1444 Alberni Street, 4th Floor Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6G 224

1 I

Photo 1 - Pre-construction, McLellan Creet at 56th Avenue, Surrey. Road slumpage into McLellan Creek.


Photo 2 - Construction, cleaning an area for upstream water diversion.

Page 7: SIGMA ENGINEERING - British · SIGMA ENGINEERING LTD 1444 Alberni Street, 4th Floor Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6G 224

Photo 3 - Construction, clearing work zone (downstream).

Photo 4 - Construction, installation of culverts.

Page 8: SIGMA ENGINEERING - British · SIGMA ENGINEERING LTD 1444 Alberni Street, 4th Floor Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6G 224
Page 9: SIGMA ENGINEERING - British · SIGMA ENGINEERING LTD 1444 Alberni Street, 4th Floor Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6G 224

Photo 7 - Post-construction, upstream of 56th Avenue.

Photo 8 - Post-construction, downstream of 56th Avenue.

Page 10: SIGMA ENGINEERING - British · SIGMA ENGINEERING LTD 1444 Alberni Street, 4th Floor Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6G 224

B ~ H MlnIstryd Environment, COLUMBIA Lands and Parks

Environment and Lands Lower Mainland Reglon FAX SHEET

Date: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 Total # of pages 9

To: Paul Schaap Fax # - . (604) 2709644

Office: Dillon Consulting Phone # (604) 278-7847

From: Jean Cook, Habitat Officer Phone # (604) 582-5235 Planning & Assessment Lower Mainland Region, Surrey Fax # (604) 582-5305

7691 0-60199.2303U - Proposed Schedule 2 Capital Works Project on McLellan Creek ( 054199 - 48983250-00 ) - 56 Avenue Culvert Replacement - City of Surrey - Response.

C.C. Tom Ho, City of Surrey - Fax #591-8693 Brian Samson, Sigma Engineering - Fax #688-1286


Materlal contained in this fax' transmission may be confidential, and should only be delivered to the addressee. If you do not receive all pages, please call 582-5235.

Page 11: SIGMA ENGINEERING - British · SIGMA ENGINEERING LTD 1444 Alberni Street, 4th Floor Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6G 224

July 14, 1999 File No.: 76910-60199.2303K

Dillon Consulting Ltd. 10691 Shellbridge Way Ste 130 Richmond BC V6X 2W9

Atrention: Paul Schaap

Dear Sir:

Re: Proposed Schedule 2 CapHal Works Projed, under the Section 9 Regulation of the Water Act on McLellan Creek ! D54/99 - 48983250-00 1 - 56 Ave Culvert Re~laeement - C i of Surrey

Reference is made to your submission, received in this office on May 24, 1999.

The proposal has been reviewed with respect to the interests of Fish, Widlife and Habitat Protection of this office and habitat management staff of the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Pursuant to Section 42(1) of the Regulation, the proposed changes must be made in accordance with the following terms and conditions for the protection of habitat

Limited information (no drawings) was submitted with this &&age - no drawings showing the box culvert, headwall, etc. - -as-built" plans (2 copies) should be submitted to the undersigned. This lener is issued wlrh the understanding that them will be no concfete used on sire. .% L h L 1. The location and general design of the works are to be consistent with the information supplied in the

application package.

2. Culvert design and installation must be in accordance with the 'Land Development Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Habitat" criteria formulated to ensure passage of adutt andfor juvenile fish under all flow conditions. n

3. The culvert should be inotalled so that the bottom (invert) b at le below the grade line of / the nawral bed of the stream.

4. . Construction activities must be monitored during startup, full-time during any instream work, and daily during sensitive works or wet weather, to completion of the project, by a qualified environmental consultant with written authority to modify andlor halt any construction activity if deemed necessary to meet conditions of this letter. The applicant must provide BC Envimment with a completed copy of the attached letter of aurhorizadon- The environmental consultant must past a sign complete with their company name and phone number at the entrance to the job site.

5. The proponent must retain a qualified environmental consultant. approved by this office. to undertake a fish salvage prior to commencement of the works. The environmental consultant must contact this office

. (582-5200) prior to undertaking the salvage and must obtain all necessary permits required by fisheries regulations.

Ministry of Environment and Lands Mailingbcation Address: Telephone: (604) 582-5200 Environment, Lower Mainland Region 10470 152 Street Facsimile: (604) 930-71 19 Lands and Parks SURREY 0C V3R OY3

Page 12: SIGMA ENGINEERING - British · SIGMA ENGINEERING LTD 1444 Alberni Street, 4th Floor Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6G 224

? . . - ' Paul Schaap July 13, 1999 7691 0-60199.2303K Page 2

6. All work must be undertaken and completed in such a manner as to prevent the release of silt, sediment or sediment-laden water. raw concrete or concrete leachate, or any other deleterious substances into any ditch. watercourse, ravine or storm sewer system.

7. The standards for sediment and erosion control outlined in the jointly published BC Environment1 fisheries and Oceans Canada 'Land Development Guidelines For the Protection of Aquatlc Habitat" must be adhered to.

8. All work in and about the stream must be undertaken and completed during the period of August 1 to - ' September 75.

9. All work must be carried out during favourable weather and low water conditions.

10. Upon commencement of the project. the work must be pursued to completion as quickly as possible.

11. All work must be undertaken and completed in isolation of all flowing water. Generally this is accomplished by temporarily diverting, endosing or pumping the water around the work site. Flow to downstream portions of the stream must not be cut off at any time during construction. In addition, the point of discharge to the creek must be located immediately downstream of fhe work site.

12. All equipment and machinery must be in good operating condition (power washed), free of leaks or excess oil and grease. No equipment refuelling or servicing may be undertaken within fifteen (15.0) metres of any watercourse or surface water drainage.

13. A spill containment kit must be readily accessible on-site in the event of a release of a deleterious substance to the environment Any spill of a substance to aquatic lie of reportable quantities must be immediately reported to the Provincial Emergency Program (24 hour phone line: 1-800-663-3456).

14. Machinery is to work from the bank of the stream and not in the stream channel.

15. Vegetation on and adjacent to the stream banks Is to be disturbed as little as possible.

16. All excavated material and debris must be removed from the site or placed in a stable area above the high water mark of the stream, as far as possible from the channel, and protected from erosion by mitigating measures including planting vegetation. Material which is moved off-site must be disposed of in such a manner as to prevent its entry into any watercourse. floodplain, ravine, or storm sewer system.

17. All disturbed areas within five (5.0) metres of the top of bank are to be graded and stabilized upon complehon of the work Furthermore, these areas must be revegetated to prevent surface erosion and subsequent siltation of the watercourse. All dTsturbedsoil areas are to be hydmseeded with a heavy mulch, tackifier, seed mix or by installing geotextjIe seed mats, to ensure that the sire, and adjacent watercourse(s) are protected from surface erosion.

18. All revegetation is to comply with BC Environment Planting Criteria (attached).

19. Any material, such as riprap or gabion rock, placed within the average high water mark of the watercourse, must be free of silt, overburden, debris or other substances deleterious to aquatic life. Furthermore. rock used as riprap is to be durable, angular in shape and suitably graded and sized to resist movement by stream flow.

20. Any till used for this project must be Inert material. free of contaminants and must be placed so that it will not gain entry into the watercourse.

Page 13: SIGMA ENGINEERING - British · SIGMA ENGINEERING LTD 1444 Alberni Street, 4th Floor Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6G 224

JUL-14-1999 13:28 PLFINNING/FWHP/FINFINCE 1604 582 5305 P. 04/89

Paul Schaap July 13, 1999 7691 0-60199.2303K Page 3

21. On completion of the project, the stream bed must be left in as smooth a mndiion as possible, with no ridges or depressions that could trap fish or initiate erosion of the streambed.

22. Within 60 days of completion of this project the environmental monitor must submit to the undersigned, four (4) copies of a report including date stamped photos of the site before, during and after construction. The repon is to confirm compliance with the conditions of this letter and must detail any d'rfficukies encountered and how they were handled. A mpy of the ^as-builrstamped engineering drawings should be included in this repod. A copy of the required report fonnat is attached. - .

23. A copy of this letter must be forwarded to the environmental consultant, the contractor/crw supervisor and must be present on the site while the work is proceeding. ,

24. The above recommendations are valid for a period of two (2) years from the date of this letter. After that date, if the project or phase of the project has not been substantially completed or if the project design is altered so that the comments are no longer valid, a new appncation is required. This will ensure that the proposed works will conform to current habitat management policy, guidelines and legislation.

Please ensure that our Rle Number (76970-60199.2303K) appears on ALL correspondence, documents and plans submitted to BC Environment.

It must be understood that by proceeding with the subject works, the applicant andlor agent(s) and contractor(s) shall have indicated an understanding of and agreement to the above conditions. and that a Habitat Officer pursuant to the WaterAct has authority to inspect, and if necessary, stop works that are in non- compliance with the conditions. This letter does not give permission to undertake the works without authorization of other agenaes with jurisdiction.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. If you have ariy questions, please contact Miles Stratholt at 582- 5260 or the undersigned at 582-5235.

Rkdona~ ~ef irrals Technidan and Assessment

- ljac

attachments (3)

cc: Miles Stratholt, FWHP, Surrey .Dave Nanson, DFO, New Westminster Tom Ho, City uf Surrey - Fax ti5914693 Brian Samson. Sigma Engineering - Fax 8688-1286

Page 14: SIGMA ENGINEERING - British · SIGMA ENGINEERING LTD 1444 Alberni Street, 4th Floor Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6G 224

Letter of Authorization (Please complete form and return lo BC Envirrmment immediately - ensure that all blanks

are filled In, the authorizing signature block is inserted and the environmental consultant Is copied)


BC Environment 10470 152 Street Surrey BC 1/3R OY3

Attn: Planning & Assessment

BC Environment File # at

(&eet address) and (stream name)

in the municipality of

This letter authorizes of p e m ) from the

consulting firm of to monitor construction

activities on behalf of (prtpmnt name) to completion

of the project.

This letter certifies that the above-noted environmental consultant has the authority to

modify and/or halt any construction activity necessary to ensure compliance with the

conditions of our appmval letter and the "Land Development Guidelines for the L

-. Protection of Aquatic Habitat".

Yours truly,

Page 15: SIGMA ENGINEERING - British · SIGMA ENGINEERING LTD 1444 Alberni Street, 4th Floor Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6G 224

Fisheries n*r( and Oceans 100 ANlsCis Parkway unit 3 Delta BC V3M 6A2

August 04,1999

Tom Cleugh Sigma Engineering Ltd. 1444 AIberni Street Vancouver, B.C. .

V6G 224

Dear Mr. Cleugh:

Enclosed please find a licence valid fiom August 04, 1999 to September 30, 1999 to permit the collection of anadromous salmonids, (non-retention) (excluding steelhead) fiom McLellan Creek, Trib-of Bear Creek, Boiler Creek, Lathimer Crkk.

Please ensure the Fishery Officer listed on your licence is M y informed of your activities prior to commencement of field work

In addition, please contact B.C. Environment, Land & Parks for a license to salvage non-salmon species.

I look forward to your report upon completion of the project'


west Management Biologist - Fish Managanent - Operations Branch Fraser River1 Interior Area

Enclosure cc; Dale Patcrson

Stevcston O f f i a

Page 16: SIGMA ENGINEERING - British · SIGMA ENGINEERING LTD 1444 Alberni Street, 4th Floor Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6G 224

Licence Authorizing Fish Collection for Scientific Purposes Persuant to Section 50 of the Fisheries General Regulations

Fraser River Division 610 Derwent Way, Annaas Island New Westminster, B.C. V3M 5P8

Licence No: 99.177 Date Issued: August 04, 1999

Licence Holder; - . Tom Cleugh

Company/Tnstitution: Sigma Engin- Ltd. 1444 Alberni Street, Vancouver B.C. V6G 224

Phone: (604) 688-8271 Fax: (604) 688-1286

AssistantsNessel (CFV): Karen Vannieror, Anthony Gamage.

The following conditions will apply to this licence: 1. Collection Pexiad: fram A u y a 04,1999 to September 30,1999. This licence is subject to immediate

termination upon written or verbal notice from a fishery officer or the Area Manager.

2. Species (Quantity): anadromous salmonids, (non-retention) (excluding d e a d )

3. Collection Area (statarea): McLellan Creek, Trib.of Bear Creek, Boiler Crock, Lathimer Cteek.

4. Collection Methods: Electroshocking

5 All fish are to be released unharrncd and elmofishing is not permitted in the vicinity of spawning or redds.

6. All gear left unattended must be clearly labelled: DFO LICENCE 99.1 77

7. L d Fishery O&rs of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans must have prior notice of your intended operatian in their area Contact

Steveston O&ce Lover Mainland 664-9250

8. Fish taken under the authority of this licence may not enm the commercial markets or establishments.

9. Live fish and eggs (spawn) cannot be transported or transplanted without prior written approval of the transplant cornmi-.

10. A copy of this licence must be available far inspection at a11 times.

11. A summary of collection activities and data (within 30 days) and a final report of the study are to be submitted to the above address.


Applicant Date

Page 17: SIGMA ENGINEERING - British · SIGMA ENGINEERING LTD 1444 Alberni Street, 4th Floor Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6G 224

Fisheries and Oceans

100 Annacis Parkway unit 3 Delta BC V3M 6A2

July 22, 1999

Pdches et OcCans

Licence - . # : 99.177

Geny Naito Sigma Engineering Ltd. 800-1 188 West Georgia Street Vancouver, B .C. V6E 4A2

DearMr. Naito:

Enclosed please find a licence valid from August 01, 1999 to September 30, 1999 to permit the collection of anadromous salrnonids, (non-retention) (excluding steelhead) from McLellan Creek, Trib.of Bear Creek, Boiler Creek, Lathimer Creek.

Please ensure the Fishery Officer Listed on your licence is filly informed of your activities prior to commencement of field work

In addition, please contact B.C. Environment, Land & Parks for a license to salvage non-salmon species.

I look forward to your report upon completion of the project

Kim west Management Biologist - Fish Management - Operations Branch

Fraser River1 Interior Area

Enclosure cc: Dale Patcrson

Steveston Officc

~ T T I nnn ~ n n a n- - 7 ~ P O 1 7 7 / ~n

Page 18: SIGMA ENGINEERING - British · SIGMA ENGINEERING LTD 1444 Alberni Street, 4th Floor Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6G 224

Licence Authorizing Fish Collection for Scientific Purposes Persuant to Section SO of the Fisheries General Regulations

Fraser River Division 610 Dement Way, Annacis Island New Westminster, B.C. V3M 5P8

Licence No: 99.1 77 Date Issued: July 22, 1999

Licence Holder && r

- . - Company/Institution; Sigma Engineering ~ t d -

800-1 188 -et, Vancouver B.C. V6E 4A2 Phone: (604) 688-8271 Fax: (604) 688-1286

Assistants/Vessel (CFV): Tam Cleuph, Karen Vannieror, Anthony Gamage.

The following conditions will apply to this licence: 1. Collection Period: from August 01. 1999 to September 30, 1999. This licence is subject to immediate

tennixition upon written or vcrbal notice from a fishe~y officer or the Area Manager.

2. Species (Quantiw): anadromous salmonids, (non-retention) (excluding meelh4)

3. Collection Area (stat-area): McLellan Creek, Trib-of Bear Creek, Boiler Cmdq Lathirner Creek.

4. Collection Methods: Electroshocking

5. All fish are ro be released unharmed and electrofishing is not permitted in the vicinity of spawning or redds.

6. All gear I& unattended must be clearly labelled: DFO LICENCE 99.1 77

7. Local Fishery Officers of the Depamnent of Fisheries slnd Oceans must have prior notice of your intended operation in their area. Contact;

Stenston OfIice Lower Mainland 664-9250

8. Fish taken under the authority of this licence may not enter the commercial markets or establishments.

9. Live fish and eggs (spawn) cannot be transported or transplanted without prior written approval of the transplant committees.

10. A copy of this licence must k available for inspection at all tima.

11. A summary of collection activities and data (within 30 days) and a final report of the study are to be submitted to the above address.


Applicant Date

--rl r r r r r r n . . L - 3 - - I t n

Page 19: SIGMA ENGINEERING - British · SIGMA ENGINEERING LTD 1444 Alberni Street, 4th Floor Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6G 224



FXSH SALVAGE ONLY P ~ E : Sigma Engineering T. Cleugh

1444 Albemi A. Garnage Vancouver BC V6G 22A K Vannierop

Is hereby authorized under Section 19 of the WiIdlfe Act, RSBC 1996, Chap. 488 and as provided in Section 18 of the Angling and Scientific Regulations, BC Reg. 125/90, to collect fish for scientific purposes from non-tidal waters subject to the conditions set f o f i herein: Permitted Waters: all waters in Region 2 Permitted Ties: August 1st. 1999 to March 3 1,2000 PermiW Species: all species except salmon bvincial Species Present: see FISS 8 http: / / /p~~cts~home~tm Permitted Gear: **electroshockers, minnow traps, seine nets, dip neu, trap nets. angling ** Use of Electroshoddng subject to approval by DFO for this method for this projed. Eledroshadring permitted July 1 to September 30 (subject tb review by staff, emergency works may be exempt). please review elmshocking sensitivity windows (copies available). Based on the time of year, passive forms of sampling (minnow trapping. etc.) must ' '

' disturbance of spawning adults and eggs in gravel Ge, conduct activity from the bank if possible). Special Conditions: 1. This permit c o r n all fish salvage operations where fish are reauned live to the same wata body within 500 m of

the collection site. 2. For each salvage operation, you must provide, in writing or by phone, information on the waterbody, salvage

date@), .species involved a d g w used before work begins to the following Ministry offices. PamdaZNir Fish and Wildlife Management Co~atimOfFi~c~Strvice 10470 - 152 S m t Nearest officc to the warer body (see #2, Page 2) Surrey BC V3R OY3 Phone: 5825200 Fax: 93@7119

General Conditions: 1. Scientific Collection Summaries must include all species aught including' amphibians and invertebrares 2. See reverse side for remainder Authorized by: Brian Clark


DaW. Permit No: FC99- Any contravention or failure to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit is an offense undr the Wildlife Act, RSBC 1996 Chap. 488 and BC Reg. 337182 Sec. 8. Gened Receipt Number ($25.00)

Mlnlstry of Envlmment and Lands MailingrLocation A d d w : Telephone: (604) 582-5200 Environment, Lower Mainland Region 10470 152 Street Facsimile; (604) 930-71 19 Lands and Parks SURREY 6C V3R OY3

Page 20: SIGMA ENGINEERING - British · SIGMA ENGINEERING LTD 1444 Alberni Street, 4th Floor Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6G 224



1. This collecting permit is not valid: a) in national parks, b) in provincial parks unless approved by regional staff of the BC Parks, c) for salmon other than kokanee, or d) for collecting fish by angling unless the permittee and crew members possesses an annual or

8 day angling licence. - . 2. District Conservation Officer MUST have PRIOR notice of the permittee's schedule for

collecting activities in their areas.

Chilliwack: 9365 Mill Street, Chilliwack V2P 4N3, Phone: 795-8422, Fax: 792-3947 Maple Ridge: 20450 Dcwdney TrunkRoad, Maple Ridge V2X 3E3, Phone 465411, Fax: 465-2029 Powell River: #16,6953 Alberni Street, Powell River V8A 2B8, Phone: 485-3612, Fax: 485-3615 Sechelt: Box 535,102 Toredo Sq. Sechelt VON 3A0, Phone: 885-2004, Fax: 885-3710 Squamish: Box 187,37823 2nd Ava. Squamish VON 3GO. Phone: 892-5971, Fax: 892-5923 Surrey: 10470-152 Street, Surrey V3R OY3. Phone: 582-5250. Fax; 582-5281

3. This permit must be carried by the permittee while engaged in fish collecting and produced for inspection upon request of a conservation officer, fishery officer or constable.

4. Any specimens surplus to scientific requirements and species not authorized for collection in this permit shall be immediately and carefully released at the point of capture.

5. The pennittee shall not traffic in fish collected under authority of this pe!rmit

6. No fish collected under authority of this permit shall be: (a) transported alive unless authorized by this pennit, or (b) transplanted unless separately authorized by the Feded/Rovincial Transplant Committee.

7. A permittee shall, within 90 days of the expiry of this pennit, submit to the issuer a summary report of colIecting activities using the standard Ministerial format (template available upon request). Interim reports may also be required and shall be submitted as required by the permit issuer. Failure to provide this information may result in denial of future permit applications.

8. This collecting permit is subject to cancellation at any time and shall be surrendered to a consewation officer on demand or to the issuer upon his written notice of its cancellation.

9. Permittees are responsible for ensuring their staff or designated work crews (as listed on the application form) are properly certified for specific sampling methods or activities ( ie, elecmshocking). Permittees must provide level of relevant experience of staff and crew should it be requested.

Page 21: SIGMA ENGINEERING - British · SIGMA ENGINEERING LTD 1444 Alberni Street, 4th Floor Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6G 224

RG. (Bob) Wallace PEng GCL Contracting & Engineering #302-20560 Langley Bypass Langley, BC, V3A 6K8

23 August, 1999 E 5933


The following are the preferred species of trees and shrubs for enhancing fish and wildlife habitat at 56' Ave. A total of 96 wetland plants, one tree and 95 shrubs are required to replace the removed or destroyed plants. The upstream area is 8mx5m on both banks. One tree is required on the top east bank about 3m upstream of the riprap. A total of 80 shrubs are required, 40 on each bank planted one per square meter and 64 wetland plants, one per 25cm of stream edge on the upstream creek. The down stream area requires no trees, 15 shrubs planted on the west bank and 32 wetland plants planted on the flats near the creek, also on the west side of the creek.

TREES- Deciduous

Common name Botanical name 9 Vine maple Acer circinaturn P Black hawthorn Crataews dounlasii > Bitter cherry Prunus emarninata

. 9 Chokecherry Prunus viginiana 9 Mountain ash Sorbus aucuparia P Pacific crabapple Malus hsca


Common name 9 Red-osier dogwood 9 Thimbleberry 9 Salmonberry P Willow > Red elderberry 9 Snowberry > Red huckleberry P Baldhip rose 9 Nootka rose

Botanical name Cornus sericea Rubus varviflorus Rubus spectabilis Salix SPP.

Sambucus racemosa Symphoricarpos albus Vaccinium varvifolium Rosa nymnocarpa Rosa nutkana

Page 22: SIGMA ENGINEERING - British · SIGMA ENGINEERING LTD 1444 Alberni Street, 4th Floor Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6G 224


Common name >- Water plantain > Arrowhead > Cattail > Bulrush-soft

Botanical name Alisma plantago-aquatica Sagittaria latifolia Typha latifolia Scipus validus

Planting criteria

J All plants must be of guranteed nursery stock 4 To ensure the desired stock order using the botanical name J Shrubs should be at least 1 meter in height and planted 1.5 meters apart at a depth of

25 cm. J Stock should be planted in fall (September-October)

Trees should be at least 2 meters in height and planted at a depth of 50 cm. J Wetland plants should be planted close to the stream to ensure the roots will not dry

A local supplier is Nats Nursery Ltd. 17 127 Fraser Hwy, Phone 576- 1300. Bob Glenn Nurseries, 5924 Riverside Rd. Matsqui, Phone 826-6766 Reid Collins Nursery, 2396-272"d St, Aldergrove, 856-6408


Tom Cleugh RPBio E5933