sic schottky diode cross reference table · 2021. 2. 11. · sic schottky diode cross reference...

3 [email protected] © Copyright 20142021 CALY Technologies. All rights reserved. Page 1 INTRODUCTION CROSS REFERENCE TABLES CALY Technologies supplies high performance 1200V Silicon Carbide (SiC) Schottky Diodes with enhanced surge current capabilities, able to operate at high frequencies and temperatures in excess 175°C. To assist you in selecting best fit to your design CALY Technologies Diodes, find below Cross Reference Tables from most known SiC Diode Manufacturer Products to dropin CALY Technologies equivalent. This information is also available from CALY Technologies web site. This document will be updated every January and July every year. Make sure to have the latest update. For any further information or immediately available parts, please, contact us at the location printed at the bottom of this page.

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Page 1: SiC Schottky Diode Cross Reference Table · 2021. 2. 11. · SiC Schottky Diode Cross Reference Table Power Conversion Applications January 2021 Release Part Number Max Reverse Voltage

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CALY Technologies supplies high performance 1200V Silicon Carbide (SiC) Schottky Diodes with enhanced surge current capabilities, able to operate at high frequencies and temperatures in excess 175°C. To assist you in selecting best fit to your design CALY Technologies Diodes, find below Cross Reference Tables from most known SiC Diode Manufacturer Products to drop­in CALY Technologies equivalent. This information is also available from CALY Technologies web site. This document will be updated every January and July every year. Make sure to have the latest update.For any further information or immediately available parts, please, contact us at the location printed at the bottom of this page.

SSiiCC SScchhoottttkkyy DDiiooddeeCCrroossss RReeffeerreennccee TTaabblleePPoowweerr CCoonnvveerrssiioonn AApppplliiccaattiioonnss

JJaannuuaarryy 22002211 RReelleeaassee

Part NumberMax Reverse Voltage (V)

Average Forward Current (A) Package

CALY Technologies Equivalent P/N

CALY Technologies P/N Grade

GB02SLT12­252 1200 V 2 A TO252­2L KE12DJ02T52 Industrial

GD02MPS12E 1200 V 2 A TO252­2L KE12DJ02T52 Industrial

GC05MPS12­252 1200 V 5 A TO252­2L KE12DJ05T52 Industrial

GC08MPS12­220 1200 V 8 A TO220­2L KE12DJ10T20 Industrial

GC08MPS12­252 1200 V 8 A TO252­2L KE12DJ10T52 Industrial

GC10MPS12­220 1200 V 10 A TO220­2L KE12DJ10T20 Industrial

GC10MPS12­252 1200 V 10 A TO252­2L KE12DJ10T52 Industrial

GC2X5MPS12­247 1200 V 10 A TO247­3L KE12DJ10DT47 Industrial

GC20MPS12­220 1200 V 20 A TO220­2L KE12DJ20T20 Industrial

GC2X10MPS12­247 1200 V 20 A TO247­3L KE12DJ20DT47 Industrial

GC2X20MPS12­247 1200 V 40 A TO247­3L KE12DJ40DT47 Industrial

Part NumberMax Reverse Voltage (V)

Average Forward Current (A) Package

CALY Technologies Equivalent P/N

CALY Technologies P/N Grade

IDM02G120C5XTMA1 1200 V 2 A TO252­2L KE12DJ02T52 Industrial

IDH05G120C5XKSA1 1200 V 5 A TO220­2L KE12DJ05T20 Industrial

IDM05G120C5XTMA1 1200 V 5 A TO252­2L KE12DJ05T52 Industrial

IDH08G120C5XKSA1 1200 V 8 A TO220­2L KE12DJ10T20 Industrial

IDM08G120C5XTMA1 1200 V 8 A TO252­2L KE12DJ10T52 Industrial

IDH10G120C5XKSA1 1200 V 10 A TO220­2L KE12DJ10T20 Industrial

IDM10G120C5XTMA1 1200 V 10 A TO252­2L KE12DJ10T52 Industrial

IDW10G120C5BFKSA1 1200 V 10 A TO247­3L KE12DJ10DT47 Industrial

IDH20G120C5XKSA1 1200 V 20 A TO220­2L KE12DJ20T20 Industrial

IDW20G120C5BFKSA1 1200 V 20 A TO247­3L KE12DJ20DT47 Industrial

IDW40G120C5BFKSA1 1200 V 40 A TO247­3L KE12DJ40DT47 Industrial

Part NumberMax Reverse Voltage (V)

Average Forward Current (A) Package

CALY Technologies Equivalent P/N

CALY Technologies P/N Grade

FFSP05120A 1200 V 5 A TO220­2L KE12DJ05T20 Industrial

FFSD08120A 1200 V 8 A TO252­3L KE12DJ10T52 Industrial

FFSP08120A 1200 V 8 A TO220­2L KE12DJ10T20 Industrial

FFSD10120A 1200 V 10 A TO252­3L KE12DJ10T52 Industrial

FFSP10120A 1200 V 10 A TO220­2L KE12DJ10T20 Industrial

FFSH20120ADN­F085 1200 V 20 A TO247­3L KE12DJ20DT47 Industrial

FFSH20120ADN­F155 1200 V 20 A TO247­3L KE12DJ20DT47 Industrial

FFSP20120A 1200 V 20 A TO220­2L KE12DJ20T20 Industrial

FFSH40120ADN­F085 1200 V 40 A TO247­3L KE12DJ40DT47 Industrial

FFSH40120ADN­F155 1200 V 40 A TO247­3L KE12DJ40DT47 Industrial

Page 2: SiC Schottky Diode Cross Reference Table · 2021. 2. 11. · SiC Schottky Diode Cross Reference Table Power Conversion Applications January 2021 Release Part Number Max Reverse Voltage

wwwwww..ccaallyy­­tteecchhnnoollooggiieess..ccoommiinnffoo@@ccaallyy­­tteecchhnnoollooggiieess..ccoomm © Copyright 2014­2021 CALY Technologies. All rights reserved.

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SSiiCC SScchhoottttkkyy DDiiooddeeCCrroossss RReeffeerreennccee TTaabblleePPoowweerr CCoonnvveerrssiioonn AApppplliiccaattiioonnss

JJaannuuaarryy 22002211 RReelleeaassee

Part NumberMax Reverse Voltage (V)

Average Forward Current (A) Package

CALY Technologies Equivalent P/N

CALY Technologies P/N Grade

SCS205KGC 1200 V 5 A TO220­2L KE12DJ05T20 Industrial

SCS205KGHRC 1200 V 5 A TO220­2L KE12DJ05T20 Industrial

SCS210KE2C 1200 V 10 A TO247­3L KE12DJ10DT47 Industrial

SCS210KE2HRC 1200 V 10 A TO247­3L KE12DJ10DT47 Industrial

SCS210KGC 1200 V 10 A TO220­2L KE12DJ10T20 Industrial

SCS210KGHRC 1200 V 10 A TO220­2L KE12DJ10T20 Industrial

SCS220KE2C 1200 V 20 A TO247­3L KE12DJ20DT47 Industrial

SCS220KE2HRC 1200 V 20 A TO247­3L KE12DJ20DT47 Industrial

SCS220KGC 1200 V 20 A TO220­2L KE12DJ20T20 Industrial

SCS220KGHRC 1200 V 20 A TO220­2L KE12DJ20T20 Industrial

SCS240KE2C 1200 V 40 A TO247­3L KE12DJ40DT47 Industrial

Part NumberMax Reverse Voltage (V)

Average Forward Current (A) Package

CALY Technologies Equivalent P/N

CALY Technologies P/N Grade

GP3D010A120A 1200 V 10 A TO220­2L KE12DJ10T20 Industrial

GP3D020A120U 1200 V 20 A TO247­3L KE12DJ20DT47 Industrial

GP3D040A120U 1200 V 40 A TO247­3L KE12DJ40DT47 Industrial

Part NumberMax Reverse Voltage (V)

Average Forward Current (A) Package

CALY Technologies Equivalent P/N

CALY Technologies P/N Grade

STPSC2H12B 1200 V 2 A TO252­2L KE12DJ02T52 Industrial

STPSC5H12B 1200 V 5 A TO252­2L KE12DJ05T52 Industrial

STPSC5H12D 1200 V 5 A TO220­2L KE12DJ05T20 Industrial

STPSC10H12B 1200 V 10 A TO252­2L KE12DJ10T52 Industrial

STPSC10H12B2­TR 1200 V 10 A TO252­2L KE12DJ10T52 Industrial

STPSC10H12C 1200 V 10 A TO247­3L KE12DJ10DT47 Industrial

STPSC10H12D 1200 V 10 A TO220­2L KE12DJ10T20 Industrial

STPSC20H12C 1200 V 20 A TO247­3L KE12DJ20DT47 Industrial

STPSC20H12D 1200 V 20 A TO220­2L KE12DJ20T20 Industrial

STPSC40H12C 1200 V 40 A TO247­3L KE12DJ40DT47 Industrial

Part NumberMax Reverse Voltage (V)

Average Forward Current (A) Package

CALY Technologies Equivalent P/N

CALY Technologies P/N Grade

UJ3D1205TS 1200 V 5 A TO220­2L KE12DJ05T20 Industrial

UJ3D1210KSD 1200 V 10 A TO247­3L KE12DJ10DT47 Industrial

UJ3D1210TS 1200 V 10 A TO220­2L KE12DJ10T20 Industrial

UJ3D1220KSD 1200 V 20 A TO247­3L KE12DJ20DT47 Industrial

Page 3: SiC Schottky Diode Cross Reference Table · 2021. 2. 11. · SiC Schottky Diode Cross Reference Table Power Conversion Applications January 2021 Release Part Number Max Reverse Voltage

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Part NumberMax Reverse Voltage (V)

Average Forward Current (A) Package

CALY Technologies Equivalent P/N

CALY Technologies P/N Grade

C4D02120E 1200 V 2 A TO252­2L KE12DJ02T52 Industrial

C4D05120A 1200 V 5 A TO220­2L KE12DJ05T20 Industrial

C4D05120E 1200 V 5 A TO252­2L KE12DJ05T52 Industrial

C4D08120A 1200 V 8 A TO220­2L KE12DJ10T20 Industrial

C4D08120E 1200 V 8 A TO252­2L KE12DJ10T52 Industrial

C4D10120A 1200 V 10 A TO220­2L KE12DJ10T20 Industrial

C4D10120D 1200 V 10 A TO247­3L KE12DJ10DT47 Industrial

C4D10120E 1200 V 10 A TO252­2L KE12DJ10T52 Industrial

C4D20120A 1200 V 20 A TO220­2L KE12DJ20T20 Industrial

C4D20120D 1200 V 20 A TO247­3L KE12DJ20DT47 Industrial

E4D20120A 1200 V 20 A TO220­2L KE12DJ20T20 Industrial

E4D20120D 1200 V 20 A TO247­3L KE12DJ20DT47 Industrial

C4D40120D 1200 V 40 A TO247­3L KE12DJ40DT47 Industrial

SSiiCC SScchhoottttkkyy DDiiooddeeCCrroossss RReeffeerreennccee TTaabblleePPoowweerr CCoonnvveerrssiioonn AApppplliiccaattiioonnss

JJaannuuaarryy 22002211 RReelleeaassee