shout magazine presentation2

Shout Magazine

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Post on 25-May-2015




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Page 1: Shout magazine presentation2

Shout Magazine

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Music genre: pop music Who published the magazine: D.C Thomson

& Co. Ltd They have been publishing the magazine

since 1993. Target audience: the target audience for this

magazine would be teenage girls ranging from 12-16


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Masthead - the masthead used is bold and eye catching. The colour used is a muted baby pink, which is perfect for the target audience and their expected interests. Perhaps the use of colour contradicts the masthead itself. 'Shout' connotes boldness and loudness. The font is rounded and friendly.

The second magazine cover I have chosen to analyse is from the brand Shout. This magazine is also a perfect example of my chosen

subgenre, pop music.

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Colour palette - again, as I have mentioned the colour palette used is typical of a pre-teen pop magazine. The two main colours used are pink and blue. Although perhaps blue is seen to be a male colour, in this context it most definitely compliments the pink and connotes femininity.

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Mode of Address - the mode of address used is relatable to teenagers today, abbreviations are used as a way of seeming up to date and 'cool'. The use of the twitter hash tag 'trending' represents the idea that this magazine is up to date with the latest technology, this will relate well with teenagers. Many personal pronouns are found within the front cover, "you" and "your are often mentioned. For example, "your date with the biggest boyband on the planet" the use of this engages the reader and leads them to feel that the magazine is talking directly to them, it makes them feel involved.

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Images - the central image of the magazine is of young modern pop boyband One Direction. The use of having such a widely known, famous pop group as the central image is that it appeals to a mainstream audience, a lot more people are likely to buy the magazine once they see them. Pop magazines often use images to entice a mainstream audience rather than a niche audience as this brings in more money to fund the magazine. Interestingly, One Direction are the only people on the front cover, there are no other celebrities or images of people - this is clever because it tells the reader that there will be a lot of content including One Direction and again, as One Direction have millions of fans it subsequently means more people will buy it.

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Puffs - the puffs on this front cover are found at the top of the magazine, highlighted by a big bold 'WIN!' image. This encourages more people to buy the magazine because young teenagers perhaps do not have money of their own, or not a lot of it and the idea of a chance to win £250 worth of shopping vouchers will entice girls who enjoy fashion and shopping.

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Cover-lines - the cover-lines used are obviously aimed at girls, as they are fashion and boyfriend orientated. This shows the audience the content of the magazine and will appeal to a lot of young girls.

Fonts - fonts used are big, bold and very feminine.

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Shot-type – the shot type used is a long shot (LS) because it shows the whole of the bands body.

House style – the house style for Shout magazine is definitely feminine and girly. The colour palette connotes femininity and also the language that has been used is typical of a pop magazine, it is young, fresh and relatable to the younger generation.

Brand identity – the magazine uses bright colours which connote youthfulness and energy, they are fresh and bold which contributes to the brand identity of Shout magazine.