short course in aviation meteorology

Short Introduction: Meteorological informatio protection of aviation fiel work in the meteorologica Weather hazards represen High winds, precipitation, safety of all resources on personnel. This course will introduce changes which occur in th and specifically for pilots This course builds on the course is divided into homework which will con Trainees will be asked to c t course in Aviation Meteorology By Dr. Naser Sarhan on and providing the necessary weather r lds is one of the greatest responsibilities of al field. nt one of the most challenging issues that air , turbulence, and thunderstorms are a defini n the air base or in the field. This includes e you to the subject and help you understan he atmosphere (dangerous weather phenomen and aircrew emphasize how to fly safely. basic information in general and aviation Me chapters and has many workshops with ntribute towards the assessment of a trainee complete the relevant work both in class and a reports for the specialists who rcrew may face. ite threat to the equipment and nd the physical na and hazards) eteorology. The exercises and es' performance. as self study.

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Page 1: Short course in aviation Meteorology

Short course in A


Meteorological information and providing the necessary weather reports for the

protection of aviation fields is one of the

work in the meteorological

Weather hazards represent one of the most challenging issues that

High winds, precipitation, turbulence, and thunderstorms are a definite threat to the

safety of all resources on the


This course will introduce you to the subject

changes which occur in the

and specifically for pilots and aircrew

This course builds on the

course is divided into chapters

homework which will contribute towards the assessment of

Trainees will be asked to complete the relevant work

Short course in Aviation Meteorology

By Dr. Naser Sarhan

Meteorological information and providing the necessary weather reports for the

protection of aviation fields is one of the greatest responsibilities of

work in the meteorological field.

Weather hazards represent one of the most challenging issues that aircrew

High winds, precipitation, turbulence, and thunderstorms are a definite threat to the

safety of all resources on the air base or in the field. This includes equipment and

ll introduce you to the subject and help you understand the physical

which occur in the atmosphere (dangerous weather phenomena and hazards

for pilots and aircrew emphasize how to fly safely.

builds on the basic information in general and aviation Meteorology

course is divided into chapters and has many workshops with

will contribute towards the assessment of a trainees'

be asked to complete the relevant work both in class and as

Meteorological information and providing the necessary weather reports for the

specialists who

aircrew may face.

High winds, precipitation, turbulence, and thunderstorms are a definite threat to the

field. This includes equipment and

nderstand the physical

dangerous weather phenomena and hazards)

Meteorology. The

exercises and

trainees' performance.

as self study.

Page 2: Short course in aviation Meteorology

Performance objectives:

The following are the objectives of teaching

1. Using Meteorological

Meteorological information

2. To provide trainees

relevant to atmospheric changes

3. To gain a better understanding of A

4. To develop trainees

from a given set of conditions.

5. To develop the

Meteorological information including the analysi

atmospheric conditions.

6. To train trainees to take appropriate precautionary decisions necessary for safe

flying operations.

Performance objectives:

The following are the objectives of teaching this course:

Using Meteorological rules, techniques and knowledge to

information satisfactorily to the trainees.

trainees with a comprehensive and detailed view of the factors

relevant to atmospheric changes and what causes atmospheric changes

a better understanding of Aviation Meteorology and in-

trainees skills on how to predict expected atmospheric changes

from a given set of conditions.

To develop the trainee skills of sending, receiving and interpreting

Meteorological information including the analysis of present and future

atmospheric conditions.

to take appropriate precautionary decisions necessary for safe

rules, techniques and knowledge to analyze

with a comprehensive and detailed view of the factors

and what causes atmospheric changes.

-flight hazards.

how to predict expected atmospheric changes

skills of sending, receiving and interpreting

present and future

to take appropriate precautionary decisions necessary for safe

Page 3: Short course in aviation Meteorology


1. Introduction in weather meteorology and the atmosphere. a) Meteorological elements.b) The Atmosphere.c) The International Civil Aviation Organization standard atmosphere.d) Types of weather.e) Classification of weather types and precipitation according to their intensity.f) Weather conditions.g) Weather abbreviations.

2. Air temperature and Air humiditya) Temperature and humidity measurements at the surface and upper air.b) Ways of transferring heat in the atmosphere.c) Temperature variation with height, latitude, time and cloud cover.d) Humidity Terms.e) Humidity variation with height, latitude, time and cloud cover.f) The diurnal variation of air temperature and humidity.g) The Temperature inversion.

3. Clouds and Foga) Saturation, Relative Humidity and Dew Point.b) Cloud Composition.c) Cloud Observations.d) Cloud Types.e) Cloud Abbreviations, Forms and Dangers.f) Reporting and decoding the amount and height of clouds.g) Adiabatic Processes and Adiabatic Temperature Changes.h) Adiabatic Lapse Rates.i) Stability of the Air.j) Effects of Stability and Instability.k) Types of vertical Motion.l) Fog Formation.m) Types of Fog.

4. Meteorological Visibilitya) Definition, Units and Measurements.b) Causes of Poor Visibility.c) Visibility Terms.d) Effects of Convection.e) Effect of the Wind.

5. Air pressure and Altimetrya) Definition, Units and Measurements.b) Variation of air pressure.c) Diurnal and Seasonal variation in air pressure.d) Altitude, Height, Elevation and Pressure Altitude.e) QNH, QFE and QNE.f) Altimeter Pressure settings and readings.g) True altitude and Indicated altitude.

Page 4: Short course in aviation Meteorology

h) Altimeter errors.i) Flight Level.j) Transition Altitude and Transition level.

6. Wind (speed and direction)a) Definition, Units and Measurements.b) The Cause of Wind.c) Measurement of upper winds.d) Variations in the Wind.e) Wind Terms.f) Vertical variations in the wind.g) Brief discussion on general circulation.

7. Air masses and Frontsa) Features of a Weather Map.b) Weather and Flying Conditions.c) BUYS BALLOT'S LAW.d) Air Masses Affecting the Saudi Arabian weather.e) Fronts (development and types).f) Fronts on the weather map.g) Fronts and Weather.h) Flying through fronts.

8. Thunderstorms and local winda) Formation of Thunderstorms.b) Thunderstorm types.c) Development of thunderstorms.d) Thunderstorm Structure.e) Hazards of thunderstorm.f) The Sea Breeze (formation and effects).g) The Land Breeze.h) Katabatic and Anabatic Winds.i) Local Saudi Arabian wind systems.j) Valley Winds and Funneling.

9. Atmospheric Turbulence a) Types of Turbulence.b) Intensity of Turbulence.c) Factors Affecting Turbulence.d) Rotors and Lee Waves.e) Frictional Turbulence.f) Thermal Turbulence.g) Clear Air Turbulence.

10. Icing a) Engine icing.b) Airframe icing.c) Icing terms.d) Occurrence of icing.e) Icing avoidance.

Page 5: Short course in aviation Meteorology

Who may attend?

Pilots and aircrew, commercial and military

personnel of airlines, air charter, freight and cargo services,

meteorologists, corporate,

and Forecasters.

Course duration:

This course lasts for 120 periods

Course requirements:

Good level in English (reading/writing)


Dr. Naser Sarhan

commercial and military dispatchers, supervisors,

personnel of airlines, air charter, freight and cargo services, Air Force

, corporate, government flight operations, Meteorological Observers

periods within 8 weeks.

rse requirements:


dispatchers, supervisors, training

orce and marine

government flight operations, Meteorological Observers