shop trie aosj - digifind-it...employment service in perth am-boy. administered tha oath of office...

mFi?" Shop Trie AosJ Offer Yon The B«t Vd Obtainable. Follow THesl lUR LIMIT 1 Lot South Of [thodist Church 'On /Iain St. Talked [BUILDING OPENING OF CONGESTION ct OfTraffic Control tanvassedByTowiK ship Committee m an Main Street at n meeting of WOOlOBRIDGE^N. J.> THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20.1941 at 18 Qmn 8t- WooflbWkt. w. J. PRICE: FIVE <nid ,y Get Oky For $25,000 >WpODBRIDCE Hr. D -Wh,t»,. . , or not', tha I.Vo». ??.* 8 < 0 w } *Mhou,, for II in ]«1l, wl» .it the dll tion o( 13,466.64 M. comp»r»d with Lit yeu. It will «6i( 180,974,62 tc m.lnt.ln the fire «V trlcti durini 1941 •* eomp»r»d to $M,441.26 1A k " ' ' ' ' ' u V * . The nropotal, T otdd on >t Saturday'* Cf.wmU.loi. ,l.aion, w*» a*f««t,U b b i of t l £ fi , . , , . . . , , * of S.tuTd.f' election tb,ro«fha«\ the towmhlp MM (OIIOWII '."., • Diitriet No. 1 (Woodbrldf. .nd S.*.*r»n)— Willlun Alli.ler »nd Wllll.ra Trean,, polled 145 «nd 488 rfltti reipectlvelr to be re- elected. The?new badfet of 139,728 WM cut- \rled.M7 to 4, .nd the ilB.OOO truA.pnrch»ie f ft , RWA (rant. App«y«l of lh. tthi- ••ndUm would hw« m»*t . 3 1 - ^ t t « ; rate- Incriu* In tha dUtriet. . •In Fir, District No! I, WoodbrMjk «nd S«- w*r#ii t the yotort were In netr.un.himoui »p- 6?7*J 5 «*VW•»•?'«•"'"*M&»r the # 5. «*VW••»•?'«•""*M&»r the of Fire Commlnloneri to two ''SI*' "' .*." •*«"""• ««" ?' *12,0to, i M p i t H vote, were, c.itj while 141 {>>• p r o p o i . 1 . .•-.,'••• All the budget! in the T.rloui di.tri.U of ownthjo wart, >d nB uJ w l l b . tot.1 redac- DUt»«tNo;2 (IPort R».d(B()—C*rmen ZuU '• la'- wM, reelecled *i»J Mich.el Blmeone w.» ejected ever Joieph, Mjauecl, le.kliif reflection; «nd' Mleh.el Sellsby. The iote* went Simeon*, 276| Zulltf, 2B8 ( Mlnuctl, 2B8, »nd Soiled, 69. Thit bu,«J«et of $8;000 wi* .pproT.d 185 to 44. Diitriet No. 4 (Ke»»b»y)—Stepheo J d h Chb Ha, ( y ) p «ky »nd Jj&hn Cym», «noppoied,-were reeleeted with 86 V»te« .piece. ' The $4,780 budget #ei patted, 4 8 t o 8 . • , , '••V. •;- .. , . . ' Diitriet No. B (Avenel>and Colonl.)"—Louii Kromer and Mir.m Tuttie were' i;oetec^«<i over (Continued on Pacie 3) Deher ^»fe TiKaw Why Turner *^ Bk* Gets Bmsh-Off the i n , Committee Monday ult of a survey made of jtuation, Chief of Police | V, Renting hap decided that lir |>a g rking will be put i l . Main 'Street during the ;>:00 /j. M., to 6 P. M. ordered and the will be effective as the signs are delivered ulil be within 10 days or was brought up by rtti-nn:in John Berfcen, who out that' since 'tfie plH'iK'it on Main Street there t;il traffic and parking prob- Commissioner Herbert B, iti reply, said that .Police ,tinK had already spoken the subject and had ! him that he was making s/ <iuitc true," Mr, . . that truffle has been flc- I by the opening of i's. I talked with the chief gt earlier this evening sad Flart-Vp Comes At Meeting 0/ fcAoof Board, But Dun* tgm Gavel Extingih Fl O Sh Odf g fcof Board, But Du tgm Gavel Extinguishes Flame On Short Ordef WOODBRIDGE^An incendiary verbal bomb flared momentarily in the midst of the Township Board of Educa- tion Monday night!when School Commisaionera William B. Turner and Dr. Seymour C. Deber exchanged words re- garding the purchase of record files by the doctors and nUrses committee. The sudden, unexpected flare was quickly checked fay a, board member's directing glance. Just how far tha challeng- ing wwds «f Dr. Deber.may have gone is a moot point. It all came to pas* when Com- missioner Turner reported that the doctors and nurses committee had flies to be used for the parpose of riling medical record:) of students. Dr. Debcr, a member of that committee, wheeled about In his chair to face Turner and ask how come thd files were ordered. "Mr, President," saidfDr. Dcher, "I was supposed i M t : parked there far the entire pc;fcr.3 living or working neighborhood. The chief bken to store Owners and promised to park their the «id<> streets and leave piaces^n Main Street |ir thi' shoppers." , Rankin also pointed out that stores have parking areas jrcar of the building but the of the ground at' the. time makes them impos- i use. The areas will ha, put rxlition as soon as possible, |opoiei Municipal Lot pship Attorney Leon E. Mc- Jthi-n made the suggestion | by the Indepehdent-Leader ' announcement was made new shopping center was lonstructed. tost,"-said Mr, MeElroy, |mmittce give iWlous con- to making a municipal ; lot out qf Township-owned on tin: south side of New ([opposite the Methodist bur- Thc plot which has a ie of ,')00 feet and runs back |0(l feet could acoommodato f number of cars." 'Rankin approved" 1>he suf* did other members of hmittee. must m&ke Home provi- |hc averred "and not wait {« K«t In the condition (funicipaUties. If we are fwnahip-owned parking lots, McElroy suggested, wo > do it now instead of woit- • it it too late." Koating, commenting cjn, Iject, said that he'Has been the situation for wme I he explained, "lWtti«?e Now I hear he has ordered same "What's the difference!" Maurice, P. Dunlgan, president, tapped a few times on the table, Dr. Debor ceased 'firing. DVNIGAN RE-ELECTED PRESIDENT[OF B. OF E. flamed For Eighth Conseco five Term; Filer Again Named Vitt*fresident WOODBBIDGE^-MauriVe P. Dunigan was re-elected president of the Board of Education Monday night for his eighth consecutive year at the organization meeting in tho.high school. James Filer was renamed vice president. Both elections were unanimous. The meeting jiras called to order by Clerk Roy B. Anderson. School C l i Wilti B T $104 BUDGET DRi TO CUT RATE TO $ 6 . ttrmitf Commjuioner m B. Turner SPIRITED BIDDING NETS TOWN PROFIT Tax Lien Worth $750 Is Finally Disposed Of For $1,220 WOODBMDGE — Spirited bid- ding for three lota of land ia the Hopelftwn section of the Township monotony ef the usual tthe v pubHc sale,of thir night. . W, Vogel bidding for Albert ?afeffie opened the blddtog for the* Hopelawn lots at the mini- muni price of $750. Andrew Dra- goset bidding f of Joseph A. Bagdi raised the bid to $765. The hid- d|jl|f was increased by ten dollars eiidh tinte until a final bid of.$l,- 220, cash sale, was made in be- half of Pfaeffle. The property in question is situated at the inter- section of Florida Grove Road and Luther Avenue. Other sales were made as fol- low?: William D. and Loretta Mc- Connell, $100; Stern and Dragoset for L, W. Schiller Realty Co.. 100; Stern, and Dragoset for Tu- dor Building Co., Inc.,, .$.-1,200; Jo- seph Lofey, for George Levine or I; -Theodore Kyak, Petroleum Corpora- CROSSING REMOVAL WORK IS LAUNCHED Hazard At West Avenue Ii To Be Eliminated On Orders By State SEWAREN — State Highway Commissioner E, 1 Donald Sterner will open bids next Friday, Feb. ruary 28, for the construction work on the elimination 6f the grade crossing of the Central Bail- road of New Jersey on West Ave- nue, here. ••••••. Preliminary work already has been started such as surveying and acquisition of land. The crossing was designated as a menace to life on the basis of studies conducted by the Pufolk Utilities Gommis- sion. The structure/ which wiU be built of steal and concrete, wil have a length o f 204 feet and Voadvtay'of 42 feet. The cost will be met with 50 per cent, of Federal Aid and an equal amount by the State from the State Highway De- partment Motor Vehicle Aid Funds., Dorothy Kniely " Mil* will Uke p«r« in a play "Scran to O»t" lo be pr«<*ntfKl by the Young' Wo- BitV Club of Woodbrid|4 at a «0<>p«r»tlve meeting' of *U Wo- oiknV Club groupt in Wood- brW|« at the Mlddltwx County Girl.' Vocatiotkal School n«xt Thur«i*y night,' F*bru»ry 27. A complete ttory of the *ff«ir will be found on page three. te project will provide ofjemploj '•"•"•• state and municipalities in this; i oihlty. from ttsts furnished by the , t Employment Service in Perth Am- boy. administered tha oath of office to the thre^ f^entiy re-elected mem- bers, ComW«i|oners Joseph Me- Andrews,of Dr.• Seymour [on Muin Street. TlM>y,»te by store keepevs, erop'oyes »ons living In thai vicinity. page shopper, -my purvey Is parked but 15 minute*. a bane and ..„ pm day as nine hours tha take up the spaco that utilized by 860 or 1,000 : cars during the day. That ) unbelievable, but Id'r i merchants and their eni- jjfould cooperate by parking streets, ,th«e ( would >e ore room fpr pirfjojn who in their itoWt." Saturday one tfjftfflc police. stationed at the sorner «{ Andrews , ^ p , y C. Debor of Sowaren and Dunigan of Wowibridgo. Standing 'committees for the year will be named by Commis- sioner Dunigan at the next meet- ing of the board, March 17. Attempting To Cross Road, Soldier Is Struck By< Car WOODBRIDOE'-*Private John L. Hall. 23, attached jo the Sflth AJr Base Squadron »t Longley Field, Va., wcaped- swious 1 injury Monday afternoon when , he was struck by a truck driven by Francis W, Glllesjid, t*,ptjH7ii North Ful- ton Avenue, Baltimore, the acci- dent occurred', bn witf Si<per-hlgh- wey ne»r tho' Speedway Garage where Hall was'crossing tho road. The soldier was'given first aid treatment for B smashed finger on tho left bund at the Speedway Garage and continued on his way WoodhridgTDinates $772 U Fight On Tuberculosis WOODBRIDGE — A total of $772.52 WHS collected in Wood- bridge for the 'Middlesex County Tuberculosis and Health g through the sale, of ChrUtmaa aeals, according W Wi nrfnouijce mont made this wwk by Mrs. C ll ! y p tion, 11,000; George and, Esther Beieter, IB00; Renato F. Choru- binij fl.OOOf Anthony and Stella Kffcthy and John, and Mary Tbmko, $7013; Thomas and Dorothy Bun- yon, f 125 And Hans Chrintensen, N « l Stl. March 3 Township Clerk B, 3. Dunigan wan authorized to arivorlise 4 4 other parcels of property for pub- He sale on Monday, March Si for a total minimum price of $10,258. I at the sorner « |d School Stree'tt Mi an th |«P the tra ng and / to H. Rothfuss, local c ***^j#|V. f h<s JeTr when tb« total *e<s'«Jjtyi nounced vr*» • f 708*0.'',-.' i 0 wtxwtwf tho fpve the next board meeting of the will MAYOR TO OPEN CAMPAIGN Makes, First Donation In Annual Drive Here By First Aid Squad WOODBRIDGR—Mayor. August . Greiner this week officially opened the Woodbridge Emergency Squad's drive for funds with the first donation of $25. The drive will continue until April 18 when a dance will be held in St. James' Auditorium, on Am- boy Avenue. Elbur Richards, president of the squad, has nkmed Eldon Raison. chairman, of the drive. Mr. Raison will be assisted by the entire .squad, TWB week the members are can- vassing Fords, Kopelawn and Keas- bey for donations, and for adver- tisements' to be .'inserted FEE MAY BE PAD) TO ZONING BOARD $6 Monthly Maximum Is Provided In Terms Oi Proposed Ordinance . WOODBRlDGfc-*John A. Km- uako, of Sewareh, wa* appointed, to the Zoning Board of Adjustment at a meeting of the Township Coin- mlttee held Monday night He takes the place of the late Ralph Liddlo of Bprds. The term expires on Februanr p, ,1'948...- Others who were reappolnted to the board' Were Charles Kuhlman, of Woodbridge, whose term will also expire on February 8, 4948- and Thomss J. Momn, of Wood- bridge and William O'Neill, of Cor- r'eja Avenue, Iaelln, whose terms will expire on February 8, 1844. The fifth man on the board is Ar- thur Dunham whose term expires on February 8, 1942. At 'Monday night's session' an ordinance was introduced at first reading authorizing the payment of a $8.00 fee to each.member of the board for actual attendance at each meeting provided no more than two meetings are held month- ly, Each person making an applica- the Board for special excep- tions to the terms of the zoning or- dinance or for appeals to the boaTd will have to pay $15 with each application. 'The board, members wilt toe paid- out of the funds col- lected with the applications. 1 The flrial hearing on the ordinance will be, held Monday night, March 3 at 8 o'clock at the Memorial Munici- pal Building. . ; ' bog Bites HandThat Feeds Him, Mn. Hall Ttils Police fidfrTwo, ctjjj* of biting dogs weji-e reported to' the local police over the week- end. iMrb, M. J. Mall, of 862 • Barron Avenue,, Woodbrid^ei notified Desk Sergeant Sund- qulsl that she wns' bitten on. the left hand by her own dog. Sho was-treated by Dr. Malcolm Dunham.. s Mrs. Catherine Tirtkcybf W Juliette 'Street, Hojelawn, was Wtten on the right leg by a dog owned by Leonard Pinelll, of 94 Juliotte Street, «ame place. She wwt treated by Dr. Weiner In Perth Amboy and the 'Ownet of. the animal was* notified by the Board of Health to keep the dog tied for observation. AVENEL MAN DIES FROM CRASH HURTS Jacob Dietrich Succumbs From Injuries Suffered In Collision Monday INCREASE IN FEDERAL POWER DEBATE TOPIC Woodbridge-Sonth River High Schools To Meet Tomorrow Night WOODBRIDGR—A debate, be- tween a team representing- Wood- bridge and another representing South River High School, will be held tomorrow- night at eight o'clock at the Woodbridge High School auditorium,, Fvod Brause, of Avenel and Harry Fodderson, ol Fords, will make up the lucav t**m and will -proper. During thc:paat few months the squad, has been kept unusually sy answering calls with the am- bulance. Last month over 70 calls were reported and so far , this month, (15 ambulance calls were answered. Donations to the squad may be sent to Mr. Kaison at the iquad headquarters' at the fire- house on School" Street, Wood- bridge, or by phoning the hjad- guarters and someone will gladly call at your home. 8TH GRADE Iff AVENEL IS REQUESTED BY PTA Says Three Vacant Rooms In School Could Be ' WOODBftlDGE—The establish- ment of an eighth grade in. the Avenel' school was requested by the Avenel Parent-Teacher Asso- ciation in a communication from Mrs. Mary Slivlta, P. T. A. presi- dent, to the Board of Education. The request pointed out tha there are three vacant looms in the school which could be used for eighth grade purposes thereby eliminating the necessity to trans- port Avenel students* to Wood bridge. . Mrs. Slivka also called to the at- tention of the board the establish- ment of an eighth grade at' Se- waren two years ago under the same conditions. Members of the board felt the request to be noteworthy and re- ferred it to Victor C. tyieklas 1 , su- perintendent of schools; for fur- 'uneral services for acob Dietrich, 43; of 138, Avenel Street, who was fatally inj tired in an automobile accident on*Route 25, just over the Rahway City line, Monday night, will be held' this afternooh at 2:30 o'clock at the Greinor Funeral Home, 44 Green Street, Woodbridge. Rev. Chester Galloway, pastor of thq First Pres- byterian Church, of Avenel, wlil officiate. Burial will be in the Cloverleaf Memorial Park. • y The late Mr; Dietrich is survived by his widow tBertha^.who is in a serious condition at tho Rahway Memorial Hospital; a eon Jacob; 3rd; a daughter, Doris; his'parents, Administration in Effecting Sharp De- crease In Tax Cost INCREASED IS HELD RESP( Hospital, Real EiUU partment Approprii tioni Are Raised WOODBRIDGE — Wo Township's general tax, 1041 .will be $6.87, a drop' points, it was learned thl*,* the budget neared budget will be ready for duction at first reading a t V j meeting of the Town»hJ^i mittoe, to be held next night, February 24. ' The grand foUl of genehfl get appropriations tvi $2,107,885,36 aa compi $2,208,577.04 for 1940.* of $104,318.28 In ations together with the revenues have increased and 0.81 per cent, -of I040 taxes was collected is-respont for tho .34 point drop in tha ; gr, ; p, Mr.:find Mrs. Jacob Dietrich",,Vpf Chicago; *Tioli^ a gisteiviMts, rate. The budget shows Uuft' amounts to be raised by tawth lh 1941 as compared' to the year will be as follows: For local tax purposes, 104j ;$478,67fl.84; 1940, $561,824.17^ For local school taxes: WU $618,888; 1940, $523,438. ''"' For county taxes, 1041, 081; 1040, $200,345.20. F ; , $ , . 2 . For state Uxua, 1841, $ES,I LEAVE BID IS STUDIED^BY BOARD teacher WantsToTry New Job; ToQuit If Appli- cation Is Refused v WOODBRIDGE—Tho Board'of . Education held over for further iflier study and possible action for •*•••••• ••• •• •• *- the*host school year. and ft rtephow^ Louis Dihkq^Jjoi^ of AVeriel. \ «" The accident occurred at J0;40 o'clpck Monday night and Mr. Die- trich died .at the Rahway 'Memoria Hospital the following morning Mrs. Dietrich waa riding in the car with her husband. She suffered fractured jaw,'laceration of the left knee and possible fracture of the skull. The accident, according to the police, happened when a truck and trailer skidded on the icy pave ment, jumped over the safety lane and crashed into tho Dietrich car which was headed toward Avenol. Although the accident happened in Rahway, the. Woodbridge Emer- gency Squad answered the call am rushed .Hal. the Federal Government Should be Increased." \ . ' >v ; Prior .to the feature debate a humorous debate will be presented by two teams representing South River High School. The Wood- bridge High School Band wi)l pro- d h i ' O G e o r g e Ochs, Jr., of 182 South Livingston Ave- nue, Livingston, reported to Desk Sergeant Andrew Simonsen Sun : day that someone had stolon his oar which was parked in front of ,U0 Church Street. The registra- tion cards were in the carj he said. A small charge will be made at the door and the proceeds vjlll be used to buy keys •for-'the members of the debating club v whieh i» coachedby Thomss G. "Desmond, DOGGIE'S LOST WOODBRiDGE — Mrs. Harry Kaufman, of 510 Amboy Avenue, has asked the Itfpal police to assist nor in finding her black ian dog Willingor, of the department, for a* year's leave of absence beginning April 1. Failure to take definite action on the request was prompted by unusual circumstances cn- ed in the application./ nilingor, in his application, told the. board he had an opportunity iti ejjter a new vocation. Should ' ijrequest "be denied, Willingor ;filed,-a resignation with the effective April 1. ' • lemborB of the board contended It'Willinger's roquest was an un- M one *nd would sot a prece- dent if allowed. A continuation o't like incidents would eventually disrupt the school system, argWd. it was Police Chief's Son Named On Honor Roll At College WQODBRIDGE —Edward P. Keating, son of Police Chief and Mrs. George E. Keating, of 179 Decker Place, waa among tho honor students at Dickinson Col- lege, Carlisle, Pa., who attained an "A" average for the first semester,'- » . ., . ;; Mr. Keating had the next to ' the highest average in the entire college, 96.4—a co-ed beating 1 him by one-tenth of a point. He will be a special guest at the col- lege scholarship reception to be held Thursday; February 27. Keating is a senior. YouthProgram Urgent To Combu^peTsbeGrottpsWithinThisCountry Dies 9 Committee Witne&$AAvhe$Rot$y ClubMembersAtSession Today •WOODBRIDGE—In spite of the fact that the "excellent Work" of the. Dies Committee has resulted in decreased attendance at Ger- man-American Bund camps and in of the,fact thiit nine Bund hayo been recently sen- tenced to a year's imprisonment, the American peopU/rauat Ije ''continuously vigilant" 1 against $ « «?t;ho:us»niils. of Bwtd 'and, oilief 'i»m''termites that; Invisible to fo; a,ye honeycombing the, tiinb<?V6 of the Amerksn house of denujcracy ' making ft 'mw»fe," toaes M. lean Legion, has covered numerous meetings and rallies ai the Bund'k Camp Nordland for tha New York Times and last Fall was subpoena- ed by the Dies Committee and the Sussex County Grand Jury .to tes- tify on Bund activities in New Jersey, Peclaring that for tb« jyist three yea.r» "ugly dundeJions in the fqnu of the Qerman-AmerjlDan Bund, ^.^.>ir1fti Mountain Lakes news- paper ' man and Dies' Committee witness,' told me.Bn%« of the W«o4bvW((e 'Rotaiy 1 Club at A l l ^titjW at th> Oo> Ionia. '$%' Mi .jceed in masquerading as true ericans under tho protection of Constitutional lights of free speech and freedom to assemble." American citizens their own game by 1 ', establishing more truly Ameri- camps «nd .organizing move American groups." instilling a Vldfty conception •.ericnalsm" in the minds of Hts called upon A ^"""beat them at can fluids of pa.tvlotinm and American^ "'rtf yourselves of thl« feeling of •*W'lrtfori# > from siiljjfersive The mbr stated ihut the pro, ih <*r|und «»mps and B } hot b^'^il Conrraitt#« nor have aWttttar.Up in thp'on« 8'een %t'imedcan people, especially the - •- - T • •• ' • • ! - youth of Amerlna,, this nation can e%bat the "envenoming' jnflu- the "envenoming' iiiflu- en'ce" of "ism 1 ' organizations and C«mp» which "protnoV un-Ameri- osjt ideologies" and, which 'serve bfeds in" which to-incubate racial and-raliariouB hatred and iq- $ul»ftte subversion,'' .','»*What we need in ,this country, 1941 the Dietrichs to the hos- ANHUAL GUEST NIGHT __ BY CLUB Junior Clubwomen Of Ave- nel To Hold A(hn On April 5 •$ AVEINEL—Articlcfi from Mex- ico, England, Bavaria, Hungary, China, Japan and Canada were dis- played at a meeting of the Junior Woman's €lub of Avenel held Tuesday, night at the home of the president, i Miss Ruth fitern, on AveneV Street. Food, consisting ai native dishes in those countries, was sqrvod, The decorations were in keeping with^'Waahlngton' Birthday, During the business session 291.26; 1940, same. Garbage district taxes, $11,500; 1940, same. , ,,., The total amount to be raisin * by taxation is $1,376,770.60 »fi compared with $1,444,720.91 du*- ing the past year. Budget Incrajuet J> In the various department propriations the Real Estate partment is alioted $6,800 aa i pared with $4,800 in 1940. Ac«o ing to William Allgaicr, T«al i director, this increase Is due the fact that the department planning an advertising campal] to attract industrial concerns, also said the department is t h - ready to 1 publish a booklet; em> ei'ating the many advantages, tVoodbridgo Township.for indvi rial plants.. Mr. AUgaior explained K that the Township was not g«*"*f' ! > to spend any funds- to inte ic developers as they na< follow new industries. He also plained the increased ap; tion by holing that.the del was gradually growing larger that more expense was entailed, •mining it efficiently. The police department ation of $94,000 remains the with no provisions being made i f \i any additions"to the department >' The Road Department ajM>roprt|>i tlou hsB Increased $2,000 year will be $22,000 for pe lorvlces. For other v than . . . . , v services the appropriation hea 1« i'f ; creased from $15,000 to $2fi*>0(Jl ]% farland continued. "The youth o. America Is the life lino of America, The, 'isms' groups,' especially the Bund, are spending their time and money to instill thuir philosophies of hate and intolerance in their youth fi'Otti' their i earliest child- hood. We C*nnot afford to stand b y while the children of the advo- cates of Fasoism, Naalam nn.d Com- n being schooled' in us- __,, c .' pi'ihclples, The Bund Jeadere well know that their yeutih |s their life line, and stress has boon laid upon' imbedding the pur- pose of ; >the Bund, in the minds of their youtjh. The boys and girls Camp , Nordlond bave diotetorshlpe glorified and derided. They have UIJ;'B, their fuehrer-, thfit the-.Bund should 'keep. jnpe) ruitning. to free, our .„..,.. !f)»m M iftlaence oi Jew Mt which frt^uantlyealU Ruth Peterson was, welcomed into membership. A dollar was voted to the- Vlneland Research Project and three sweaters knitted by mem- bers were donated to the Red Cross, Miss Mary Markulin was named chairman of a roller skating party to foe held in the near future, The date for the annual g,uest night wai announced &9 Saturday, April 6. Miss Virginia Manaker -was ap- pointed chairman of the inf>talla- ,lon and Mrs. Gllman Kutcher am Mins Alice Voelker were named as 'ier assistants. Scout Campaign Donations Urged In Pled By Qreiner With tho >annunli Boy 'Scout Drive for fund' nearly its completion, Mayor, August f. Gr.el]ier, WtKidbridge Township chairman ucges. Township''a-esidonts to make donations immediately to Rlt Council. , > n w a y ' bti sent to M»yo)f Crhmr ' «t, 44 Green Street, ^Vo^bridg^. The mayor hna pointed out m»t fur,ds Nb4& w< Hoipital Knrei Bftter The Leisure Time prograift get $2,!>00 in 1941, an incqaaiie $600, while the Perth Amboy Ge eral Hospital is stated to get Sjt,' or an Increase of $l,000'oyet'l^ year. A new appropriation df! appears 'in the budget for-; Shade Tree Commission. Thisls tho planting ,of trees. The mission itself receives no col sution, , Township Troasurer O. J. 'M< ganson noted this woek that collecting 7(5.61 per cent of rent taxes the Township reoj in cash in 1940 $1,106,898.06 ... . , $887,833.85- still to be collected^ $9 > 83HolhdedlnM< By Red Estate . WOODBRJDGE—A to4)J'i 881.15 was collected T>y til Estate Department durjng ary according to. the lepooil mitteil to the Township C w i Monday niprht. The tQtml-wj^i vidod aa follows: \ , ,%$ Deposits on Rua.1,' '. cash sules, $l,3o3; eon payments, $5,397.^1 costs, $150.70; lnt m)es $010.93; lent,

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Page 1: Shop Trie AosJ - DigiFind-It...Employment Service in Perth Am-boy. administered tha oath of office to the thre^ f^entiy re-elected mem-bers, ComW«i|oners Joseph Me-Andrews,of Dr.•


Shop Trie AosJOffer Yon The B«t Vd

Obtainable. Follow THesl


1 Lot South Of

[thodist Church 'On

/Iain St. Talked


ct Of Traffic ControltanvassedByTowiKship Committee

m an Main Streetat n meeting of

WOOlOBRIDGE^N. J.> THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20.1941 at 18 Qmn 8t- WooflbWkt. w. J. PRICE: FIVE

<nid, yGet Oky For $25,000


Hr. D

-Wh,t»,.. , or not', tha I.Vo».? ? . * 8 < 0 w } *Mhou,, forII in ]«1l , wl» . i t the

d l l

tion o( 13,466.64 M. comp»r»d with Lit y e u .It will «6i( 180,974,62 tc m.lnt.ln the fire « Vtrlcti durini 1941 •* eomp»r»d to $M,441.261 A k " ' ' ' ' '


• • V * .

The nropotal, Totdd on >t Saturday'*Cf.wmU.loi. , l .aion, w*» a*f««t,U b b

i of t l £ fi

, . , , . . . , , •

* of S.tuTd.f' election tb,ro«fha«\the towmhlp M M (OIIOWII '."., • •• Diitriet No. 1 (Woodbrldf. .nd S.*.*r»n)—Willlun Alli.ler »nd Wllll.ra Trean,,polled 145 «nd 488 rfltti reipectlvelr to be re-elected. The?new badfet of 139,728 WM cut-

\rled.M7 to 4, .nd the ilB.OOO truA.pnrch»ief ft

, RWA (rant. App«y«l of lh. tthi-••ndUm would hw« m»*t . 3 1 - ^ t t « ; rate-Incriu* In tha dUtriet. .

•In Fir, District No! I, WoodbrMjk «nd S«-w*r#iit the yotort were In netr.un.himoui »p-6?7*J 5 «*VW•»•?'«•"'"*M&»r the# 5. «*VW••»•?'«•""*M&»r the

of Fire Commlnloneri to two''SI*' "' .*." •*«"""• ««" ?' *12,0to,

i M p i t H vote, were, c.itj while 141{>>• propoi.1. . • - . , ' • • •

All the budget! in the T.rloui di.tri.U ofownthjo wart, >dnBuJ w l l b . tot.1 redac-

DUt»«tNo;2 (IPort R».d(B()—C*rmen ZuU'• la'- wM, reelecled *i»J Mich.el Blmeone • w.»ejected ever Joieph, Mjauecl, le.kliif reflection;«nd' Mleh.el Sellsby. The iote* went Simeon*,276| Zulltf, 2B8( Mlnuctl, 2B8, »nd Soiled, 69.Thit bu,«J«et of $8;000 wi* .pproT.d 185 to 44.

Diitriet No. 4 (Ke»»b»y)—StepheoJ d

h Chb Ha,

( y ) p«ky »nd Jj&hn Cym», «noppoied,-were reeleetedwith 86 V»te« .piece. ' The $4,780 budget #e ip a t t e d , 4 8 t o 8 . • , , '••V. •;- .. , . . '

Diitriet No. B (Avenel>and Colonl.)"—LouiiKromer and Mir.m Tut tie were' i;oetec «<i over

(Continued on Pacie 3)

Deher ^»fe TiKaw Why Turner* ^ B k * Gets Bmsh-Off

thein, Committee Monday

ult of a survey made ofjtuation, Chief of Police| V, Renting hap decided thatlir |>a

grking will be put


. Main 'Street during the;>:00 / j . M., to 6 P. M.

ordered and thewill be effective as

the signs are deliveredulil be within 10 days or

was brought up byrtti-nn:in John Berfcen, who

out that' since 'tfieplH'iK'it on Main Street theret;il traffic and parking prob-

Commissioner Herbert B,iti reply, said that .Police,tinK had already spokenthe subject and had

! him that he was making s/

<iuitc true," Mr, . .that truffle has been flc-

I by the opening ofi's. I talked with the chief

gt earlier this evening sad

Flart-Vp Comes At Meeting 0 / fcAoof Board, But Dun*tgm Gavel Extingih Fl O Sh O d f

g fcof Board, But Dutgm Gavel Extinguishes Flame On Short Ordef

WOODBRIDGE^An incendiary verbal bomb flaredmomentarily in the midst of the Township Board of Educa-tion Monday night!when School Commisaionera WilliamB. Turner and Dr. Seymour C. Deber exchanged words re-garding the purchase of record files by the doctors andnUrses committee.

The sudden, unexpected flare was quickly checkedfay a, board member's directingglance. Just how far tha challeng-ing wwds «f Dr. Deber.may havegone is a moot point.

It all came to pas* when Com-missioner Turner reported that thedoctors and nurses committee had

flies to be used for theparpose of riling medical record:)of students. Dr. Debcr, a memberof that committee, wheeled aboutIn his chair to face Turner and askhow come thd files were ordered.

"Mr, President," saidfDr. Dcher,"I was supposedi M t

: parked there far the entirepc;fcr.3 living or workingneighborhood. The chief

bken to store Owners andpromised to park their

the «id<> streets and leavepiaces^n Main Street

|ir thi' shoppers." ,Rankin also pointed out that

stores have parking areasjrcar of the building but the

of the ground at' the.time makes them impos-

i use. The areas will ha, putrxlition as soon as possible,

|opoiei Municipal Lotpship Attorney Leon E. Mc-Jthi-n made the suggestion| by the Indepehdent-Leader

' announcement was madenew shopping center was

lonstructed.tost,"-said Mr, MeElroy,|mmittce give iWlous con-

to making a municipal; lot out qf Township-owned

on tin: south side of New([opposite the Methodist bur-

Thc plot which has aie of ,')00 feet and runs back|0(l feet could acoommodatof number of cars."'Rankin approved" 1>he suf*

did other members ofhmittee.

must m&ke Home provi-|hc averred "and not wait{« K«t In the condition(funicipaUties. If we arefwnahip-owned parking lots,

McElroy suggested, wo> do it now instead of woit-• it it too late."Koating, commenting cjn,

Iject, said that he'Has beenthe situation for wme

I he explained, "lWtti«?e

Now I hear he has ordered same

"What's the difference!" Maurice,P. Dunlgan, president, tapped afew times on the table, Dr. Deborceased 'firing.


five Term; Filer AgainNamed Vitt*fresident

WOODBBIDGE^-MauriVe P.Dunigan was re-elected presidentof the Board of Education Mondaynight for his eighth consecutiveyear at the organization meetingin tho.high school. James Filerwas renamed vice president. Bothelections were unanimous.

The meeting jiras called to orderby Clerk Roy B. Anderson. SchoolC l i Wilti B T



Commjuioner m B. Turner


Finally Disposed OfFor $1,220

WOODBMDGE — Spirited bid-ding for three lota of land ia theHopelftwn section of the Township

monotony ef the usualtthevpubHc sale,of thir

night.. W, Vogel bidding for

Albert ?afeffie opened the blddtogfor the* Hopelawn lots at the mini-muni price of $750. Andrew Dra-goset bidding f of Joseph A. Bagdiraised the bid to $765. The hid-d|jl|f was increased by ten dollarseiidh tinte until a final bid of.$l,-220, cash sale, was made in be-half of Pfaeffle. The property inquestion is situated at the inter-section of Florida Grove Road andLuther Avenue.

Other sales were made as fol-low?: William D. and Loretta Mc-Connell, $100; Stern and Dragosetfor L, W. Schiller Realty Co..

100; Stern, and Dragoset for Tu-dor Building Co., Inc.,, .$.-1,200; Jo-seph Lofey, for George Levine or

I; -Theodore Kyak,Petroleum Corpora-


To Be Eliminated OnOrders By State

SEWAREN — State HighwayCommissioner E,1 Donald Sternerwill open bids next Friday, Feb.ruary 28, for the constructionwork on the elimination 6f thegrade crossing of the Central Bail-road of New Jersey on West Ave-nue, here. • • • • • • .

Preliminary work already hasbeen started such as surveying andacquisition of land. The crossingwas designated as a menace to lifeon the basis of studies conductedby the Pufolk Utilities Gommis-sion.

The structure/ which wiU bebuilt of steal • and concrete, wi lhave a length o f 204 • feet andVoadvtay'of 42 feet. The cost willbe met with 50 per cent, of FederalAid and an equal amount by theState from the State Highway De-partment Motor Vehicle AidFunds.,

Dorothy Kniely" Mil* will Uke p«r« in

a play "Scran to O»t" lo bepr«<*ntfKl by the Young' Wo-B i t V Club of Woodbrid|4 at a«0<>p«r»tlve meeting' of *U Wo-oiknV Club groupt in Wood-brW|« at the Mlddltwx CountyGirl.' Vocatiotkal School n«xtThur«i*y night,' F*bru»ry 27. Acomplete ttory of the *ff«ir willbe found on page three.

t e project will provideo f j e m p l o j ' • " • " • •

state and municipalities in this;ioihlty.

from ttsts furnished by the ,t

Employment Service in Perth Am-boy.

administered tha oath of office tothe thre^ f^entiy re-elected mem-bers, ComW«i|oners Joseph Me-Andrews,of Dr.• Seymour

[on Muin Street. TlM>y,»teby store keepevs, erop'oyes»ons living In thai shopper, -my purveyIs parked but 15 minute*.

a bane and ..„pm day as nine hours tha

take up the spaco thatutilized by 860 or 1,000

: cars during the day. That) unbelievable, but Id'r

i merchants and their eni-jjfould cooperate by parking

streets, , th«e ( would >eore room fpr pirfjojn who

in their itoWt."Saturday one tfjftfflc police.

stationed at the sorner «{

Andrews , ^ p , yC. Debor of Sowaren and Duniganof Wowibridgo.

Standing 'committees for theyear will be named by Commis-sioner Dunigan at the next meet-ing of the board, March 17.

Attempting To Cross Road,Soldier Is Struck By< Car

WOODBRIDOE'-*Private JohnL. Hall. 23, attached jo the SflthAJr Base Squadron »t • LongleyField, Va., wcaped- swious1 injuryMonday afternoon when , he wasstruck by a truck driven by FrancisW, Glllesjid, t*,ptjH7ii North Ful-ton Avenue, Baltimore, the acci-dent occurred', bn witf Si<per-hlgh-wey ne»r tho' Speedway Garagewhere Hall was'crossing tho road.

The soldier was'given first aidtreatment for B smashed finger ontho left bund at the SpeedwayGarage and continued on his way

WoodhridgTDinates $772U Fight On Tuberculosis

WOODBRIDGE — A total of$772.52 WHS collected in Wood-bridge for the 'Middlesex CountyTuberculosis and Health gthrough the sale, of ChrUtmaaaeals, according W Wi nrfnouijcemont made this wwk by Mrs. C

l l h«

! y ption, 11,000; George and, EstherBeieter, IB00; Renato F. Choru-binij fl.OOOf Anthony and StellaKffcthy and John, and Mary Tbmko,$7013; Thomas and Dorothy Bun-yon, f 125 And Hans Chrintensen,

N « l Stl . March 3Township Clerk B, 3. Dunigan

wan authorized to arivorlise 4 4other parcels of property for pub-He sale on Monday, March Si fora total minimum price of $10,258.

I at the sorner «|d School Stree'tt Mi an

th|«P the tra ng and



H. Rothfuss, local c***^j#|V. fh<s

JeTr when tb« total *e<s'«Jjtyin o u n c e d v r * » • f 7 0 8 * 0 . ' ' , - . ' i

0 wtxwtwf tho

fpve the next board meeting of thewill


Annual Drive Here ByFirst Aid Squad

WOODBRIDGR—Mayor. August. Greiner this week officially

opened the Woodbridge EmergencySquad's drive for funds with thefirst donation of $25.

The drive will continue untilApril 18 when a dance will be heldin St. James' Auditorium, on Am-boy Avenue. Elbur Richards,president of the squad, has nkmedEldon Raison. chairman, of thedrive. Mr. Raison will be assistedby the entire .squad,• TWB week the members are can-vassing Fords, Kopelawn and Keas-bey for donations, and for adver-tisements' to be .'inserted


Provided In Terms OiProposed Ordinance .

WOODBRlDGfc-*John A. Km-uako, of Sewareh, wa* appointed, tothe Zoning Board of Adjustmentat a meeting of the Township Coin-mlttee held Monday night Hetakes the place of the late RalphLiddlo of Bprds. The term expireson Februanr p, ,1'948...-

Others who were reappolnted tothe board' Were Charles Kuhlman,of Woodbridge, whose term willalso expire on February 8, 4948-and Thomss J. Momn, of Wood-bridge and William O'Neill, of Cor-r'eja Avenue, Iaelln, whose termswill expire on February 8, 1844.The fifth man on the board is Ar-thur Dunham whose term expireson February 8, 1942.

At 'Monday night's session' anordinance was introduced at firstreading authorizing the paymentof a $8.00 fee to each.member ofthe board for actual attendance ateach meeting provided no morethan two meetings are held month-ly, Each person making an applica-

the Board for special excep-tions to the terms of the zoning or-dinance or for appeals to the boaTdwill have to pay $15 with eachapplication. 'The board, memberswilt toe paid- out of the funds col-lected with the applications.1 Theflrial hearing on the ordinance willbe, held Monday night, March 3 at8 o'clock at the Memorial Munici-pal Building. . ; '

bog Bites HandThat FeedsHim, Mn. Hall Ttils Police

fidfrTwo, ctjjj*of biting dogs weji-e reported t o 'the local police over the week-end. iMrb, M. J. Mall, of 862 •Barron Avenue,, Woodbrid^einotified Desk Sergeant Sund-qulsl that she wns' bitten on. theleft hand by her own dog. Showas-treated by Dr. MalcolmDunham..s Mrs. Catherine Tirtkcybf WJuliette 'Street, Hojelawn, wasWtten on the right leg by a dogowned by Leonard Pinelll, of 94Juliotte Street, «ame place. Shewwt treated by Dr. Weiner InPerth Amboy and the 'Ownet of.the animal was* notified by theBoard of Health to keep thedog tied for observation.


From Injuries SufferedIn Collision Monday


High Schools To MeetTomorrow Night

WOODBRIDGR—A debate, be-tween a team representing- Wood-bridge and another representingSouth River High School, will beheld tomorrow- night at eighto'clock at the Woodbridge HighSchool auditorium,,

Fvod Brause, of Avenel andHarry Fodderson, ol Fords, willmake up the lucav t**m and will

-proper.During thc:paat few months the

squad, has been kept unusuallysy answering calls with the am-

bulance. Last month over 70 callswere reported and so far , thismonth, (15 ambulance calls wereanswered. Donations to the squadmay be sent to Mr. Kaison at theiquad headquarters' at the fire-

house on School" Street, Wood-bridge, or by phoning the hjad-guarters and someone will gladlycall at your home.


In School Could Be

' WOODBftlDGE—The establish-ment of an eighth grade in. theAvenel' school was requested bythe Avenel Parent-Teacher Asso-ciation in a communication fromMrs. Mary Slivlta, P. T. A. presi-dent, to the Board of Education.

The request pointed out thathere are three vacant looms inthe school which could be used foreighth grade purposes therebyeliminating the necessity to trans-port Avenel students* to Woodbridge. . •

Mrs. Slivka also called to the at-tention of the board the establish-ment of an eighth grade at' Se-waren two years ago under thesame conditions.

Members of the board felt therequest to be noteworthy and re-ferred it to Victor C. tyieklas1, su-perintendent of schools; for fur-

'uneral services foracob Dietrich, 43; of 138, Avenel

Street, who was fatally inj tired inan automobile accident on*Route25, just over the Rahway City line,Monday night, will be held' thisafternooh at 2:30 o'clock at theGreinor Funeral Home, 44 GreenStreet, Woodbridge. Rev. ChesterGalloway, pastor of thq First Pres-byterian Church, of Avenel, wlilofficiate. Burial will be in theCloverleaf Memorial Park. • y

The late Mr; Dietrich is survivedby his widow tBertha^.who is in aserious condition at tho RahwayMemorial Hospital; a eon Jacob;3rd; a daughter, Doris; his'parents,

Administrationin Effecting Sharp De-

crease In Tax Cost


Hospital, Real EiUUpartment Approprii

tioni Are Raised

WOODBRIDGE — WoTownship's general tax,1041 .will be $6.87, a drop'points, it was learned thl*,*the budget nearedbudget will be ready forduction at first reading a t V jmeeting of the Town»hJ^imittoe, to be held nextnight, February 24. '

The grand foUl of genehflget appropriations tvi$2,107,885,36 aa compi$2,208,577.04 for 1940.*of $104,318.28 Inations together with therevenues have increased and

0.81 per cent, -of I040taxes was collected is-respontfor tho .34 point drop in tha

; gr, ; p ,Mr.:find Mrs. Jacob Dietrich",,VpfChicago;* T i o l i ^

a gisteiviMts,

rate.The budget shows Uuft'

amounts to be raised by tawthlh 1941 as compared' to theyear will be as follows:

For local tax purposes, 104j;$478,67fl.84; 1940, $561,824.17^

For local school taxes: WU$618,888; 1940, $523,438. ''"'

For county taxes, 1041,081; 1040, $200,345.20.

F; , $ , . 2 .

For state Uxua, 1841, $ES,I


Job; To Quit If Appli-cation Is Refused v

WOODBRIDGE—Tho Board'of .Education held over for further iflier study and possible action for•*•••••• ••• •• •• *- the*host school year .

and ft rtephow^ Louis Dihkq^Jjoi^of AVeriel. \ «"

The accident occurred at J0;40o'clpck Monday night and Mr. Die-trich died .at the Rahway 'MemoriaHospital the following morningMrs. Dietrich waa riding in the carwith her husband. She sufferedfractured jaw,'laceration of theleft knee and possible fracture ofthe skull.

The accident, according to thepolice, happened when a truck andtrailer skidded on the icy pavement, jumped over the safety laneand crashed into tho Dietrich carwhich was headed toward Avenol.Although the accident happened inRahway, the. Woodbridge Emer-gency Squad answered the call amrushed.Hal.

the Federal Government Shouldbe Increased." \ . ' > v ;

Prior .to the feature debate ahumorous debate will be presentedby two teams representing SouthRiver High School. The Wood-bridge High School Band wi)l pro-

d h i '

O G e o r g e Ochs,Jr., of 182 South Livingston Ave-nue, Livingston, reported to DeskSergeant Andrew Simonsen Sun:

day that someone had stolon hisoar which was parked in front of,U0 Church Street. The registra-tion cards were in the carj he said.

A small charge will be made atthe door and the proceeds vjlll beused to buy keys •for-'the membersof the debating club vwhieh i»coachedby Thomss G. "Desmond,


Kaufman, of 510 Amboy Avenue,has asked the Itfpal police to assistnor in finding her blackian dog

Willingor, of thedepartment, for a* year's

leave of absence beginning April 1.Failure to take definite action

on the request was prompted byunusual circumstances cn-

ed in the application./nilingor, in his application, told

the. board he had an opportunityiti ejjter a new vocation. Should' ijrequest "be denied, Willingor

;filed,-a resignation with theeffective April 1. ' •

lemborB of the board contendedIt'Willinger's roquest was an un-M one *nd would sot a prece-

dent if allowed. A continuationo't like incidents would eventuallydisrupt the school system,argWd.

it was

Police Chief's Son NamedOn Honor Roll At College

WQODBRIDGE —Edward P.Keating, son of Police Chief andMrs. George E. Keating, of 179Decker Place, waa among thohonor students at Dickinson Col-lege, Carlisle, Pa., who attainedan "A" average for the firstsemester,'- » . ., .;; Mr. Keating had the next to

' the highest average in the entirecollege, 96.4—a co-ed beating1

him by one-tenth of a point. Hewill be a special guest at the col-lege scholarship reception to beheld Thursday; February 27.Keating is a senior.

YouthProgram Urgent To Combu^peTsbeGrottpsWithinThisCountryDies9 Committee Witne&$AAvhe$Rot$y ClubMembersAtSession Today•WOODBRIDGE—In spite of the

fact that the "excellent Work" ofthe. Dies Committee has resultedin decreased attendance at Ger-man-American Bund camps and in

of the,fact thiit nine Bundhayo been recently sen-

tenced to a year's imprisonment,the American peopU/rauat Ije''continuously vigilant"1 against $ ««?t;ho:us»niils. of Bwtd 'and, oilief'i»m''termites that; Invisible to fo;a,ye honeycombing the, tiinb<?V6 ofthe Amerksn house of denujcracy

' making ft 'mw»fe," toaes M.

lean Legion, has covered numerousmeetings and rallies ai the Bund'kCamp Nordland for tha New YorkTimes and last Fall was subpoena-ed by the Dies Committee and theSussex County Grand Jury .to tes-tify on Bund activities in NewJersey,

Peclaring that for tb« jyist threeyea.r» "ugly dundeJions in the fqnuof the Qerman-AmerjlDan Bund,

^.^.>ir1fti Mountain Lakes news-paper ' man and Dies' Committeewitness,' told me.Bn%« of theW«o4bvW((e 'Rotaiy1 Club at Al l ^ t i t j W at th> Oo>Ionia. '$%'


.jceed in masquerading as trueericans under tho protection of

Constitutional lights of freespeech and freedom to assemble."

American citizenstheir own game

by1', establishing more truly Ameri-camps «nd .organizing moveAmerican groups."instilling a Vldfty conception•.ericnalsm" in the minds of

Hts called upon A^"""beat them at


fluids of pa.tvlotinm and American^

"'rtf yourselves of thl« feeling of•*W'lrtfori#> from siiljjfersive

The m b r stated ihut the pro,ih <*r|und «»mps and B }

hot b ^ ' ^ i l

Conrraitt#« nor

have aWttttar.Up in thp'on« 8'een %t'imedcan people, especially the- •- - T • •• ' • • !- youth of Amerlna,, this nation can

e%bat the "envenoming' jnflu-the "envenoming' iiiflu-en'ce" of "ism1' organizations andC«mp» which "protnoV un-Ameri-osjt ideologies" and, which ' bfeds in" which to-incubateracial and-raliariouB hatred and iq-$ul»ftte subversion,''.','»*What we need in ,this country,


the Dietrichs to the hos-


Junior Clubwomen Of Ave-nel To Hold A(hn

On April 5 •$AVEINEL—Articlcfi from Mex-

ico, England, Bavaria, Hungary,China, Japan and Canada were dis-played at a meeting of the JuniorWoman's €lub of Avenel heldTuesday, night at the home of thepresident, i Miss Ruth fitern, onAveneV Street. Food, consisting ainative dishes in those countries,was sqrvod, The decorations werein keeping with^'Waahlngton'Birthday,

During the business session

291.26; 1940, same.Garbage district taxes,

$11,500; 1940, same. , ,,.,The total amount to be raisin * •

by taxation is $1,376,770.60 »ficompared with $1,444,720.91 du*-ing the past year.

Budget Incrajuet J>In the various department

propriations the Real Estatepartment is alioted $6,800 aa ipared with $4,800 in 1940. Ac«oing to William Allgaicr, T«al idirector, this increase Is duethe fact that the departmentplanning an advertising campal]to attract industrial concerns,also said the department is t h -ready to1 publish a booklet; em>ei'ating the many advantages,tVoodbridgo Township.for indvirial plants.. Mr. AUgaior explained K

that the Township was not g«*"*f'! >to spend any funds- to inte

ic developers as they na<follow new industries. He alsoplained the increased ap;tion by holing that.the delwas gradually growing largerthat more expense was entailed,•mining it efficiently.

The police departmentation of $94,000 remains thewith no provisions being made i f \iany additions"to the department >'The Road Department ajM>roprt|>itlou hsB Increased $2,000year will be $22,000 for pelorvlces. For othervthan . . . ., v

services the appropriation hea 1« i'f;creased from $15,000 to $2fi*>0(Jl ]%

farland continued. "The youth o.America Is the life lino of America,The, 'isms' groups,' especially theBund, are spending their time andmoney to instill thuir philosophiesof hate and intolerance in theiryouth fi'Otti' their i earliest child-hood. We C*nnot afford to standb y while the children of the advo-cates of Fasoism, Naalam nn.d Com-

n being schooled' in us-

__,,c .' pi'ihclples, The BundJeadere well know that their yeutih|s their life line, and stress hasboon laid upon' imbedding the pur-pose of ;>the Bund, in the minds oftheir youtjh. The boys and girls

Camp , Nordlond bavediotetorshlpe glorified and

derided. They haveUIJ;'B, their fuehrer-,

thfit the-.Bund should 'keep.jnpe) ruitning. to free, our

.„..,.. !f)»m M iftlaence oi JewMt which frt^uantlyealU

Ruth Peterson was, welcomed intomembership. A dollar was votedto the- Vlneland Research Projectand three sweaters knitted by mem-bers were donated to the RedCross,

Miss Mary Markulin was namedchairman of a roller skating partyto foe held in the near future, Thedate for the annual g,uest night waiannounced &9 Saturday, April 6.Miss Virginia Manaker -was ap-pointed chairman of the inf>talla-,lon and Mrs. Gllman Kutcher amMins Alice Voelker were named as'ier assistants.

Scout Campaign DonationsUrged In Pled By Qreiner

With tho>annunli Boy 'Scout Drive forfund' nearly its completion,Mayor, August f. Gr.el]ier,WtKidbridge Township chairmanucges. Township''a-esidonts tomake donations immediately toR l t Council. , >

n w a y ' bti sent toM»yo)f Crhmr ' « t , 44 GreenStreet, ^Vo^bridg^. The mayorhna pointed out m»t fur,ds

Nb4& w<

Hoipital Knrei BftterThe Leisure Time prograift

get $2,!>00 in 1941, an incqaaiie$600, while the Perth Amboy Geeral Hospital is stated to get Sjt,'or an Increase of $l ,000'oyet' l^year. A new appropriation df!appears 'in the budget for-;Shade Tree Commission. Thislstho planting ,of trees. Themission itself receives no colsution, ,

Township Troasurer O. J. 'M<ganson noted this woek thatcollecting 7(5.61 per cent ofrent taxes the Township reojin cash in 1940 $1,106,898.06 ... .,$887,833.85- still to be collected^

$9>83HolhdedlnM<By Red Estate

. WOODBRJDGE—A to4)J'i881.15 was collected T>y t i lEstate Department durjngary according to. the lepooilmitteil to the Township C w iMonday niprht. The tQtml-wj^ividod aa follows: \ , ,%$

Deposits on Rua.1,''.cash sules, $l,3o3; eonpayments, $5,397.^1costs, $150.70; lntm)es $010.93;lent,

Page 2: Shop Trie AosJ - DigiFind-It...Employment Service in Perth Am-boy. administered tha oath of office to the thre^ f^entiy re-elected mem-bers, ComW«i|oners Joseph Me-Andrews,of Dr.•

miiski to, mi


Banquet Sfflfrdaf

piifeiicnn Club, the., Wfld anRation. iHnirtr Statutory nielli/ ; tenor of Danitl^Y. Rftsh and I

vftank J. L» Farr tfno favo..fte dob ns jfteiMoiit andtary, wnmcttWJy," irtnetf its


," ,#oration, nine years ago. The? a'f-';. fair which was held at Hiram's', farm in Avenel also -lurked thealso K t l d h^ y weddln* atfnWtfcrV «f

Ut: and Mm. Rush and the.tfrth-»» of the f '

„ 'Muck D.?>tro<lue«rf# H t t B

Mlttrtalned their daughter, Dlan»tna1, otasr the weck-eiM.

—Mrs, A" 0. Kehfcerg enter-Gaffed! tfrs. S. tewoflhy, Mrs. W,I, Bartouf aid ftre. liwrence tfniiat tea'Thursday. • • ° '

- X e "Roy Ciffltt*, o* B«flrtleyAttnue left Sttmtty with (he297th-Coast A/tillery for CampSft*art, HirieBville," Go. • ,

-Mi', and Mrs. Shunter Case of©over Koarf were gttesta of'tfieAmerttan fceirien at a dinner dance

irt at toastmarterPolice Crfftrtittaloner

#Her1>crt B. Rankin who installed-following officer?:-D,' V, Huth,<,i5Vnt; Mrs; F. J. Ada**, tm

rice nmidentj'A, C. OftdwejKiMH-nd vicr> president; MtiL EVefjrhiehmilz, treasurer and .iff* P. J.

Parr, secretary. Mr. MoClain1

& upon the fotl^lrf|tftMakc&mpondjd Briefly.: Mrt. John-Boos, president of the

Women'* R#uT&tlcan,,™., Parrell, ot WboBbrldge;!Vftjrt, ChaVlft Sa'jbirt, «f Fbvrt Dfx,j8jrt, CkYlft Sjttn, Stt ,rind Thomas Lockit, firetident ofm Hou?e' Republican Chib,e Paii^h Hou?eR«pubiJeatr,Chib,

Oliver P, Nifcen, hospitalityfrman nnd a W«n6« « flte

fomiftittee, pfrfcrtn&df the; Rifts: a hartfflteftd S

HE^mlnm >rn ing plate to. Mrs,Ruih,p.? o reading night-light to,£ And a miniature garden to Mrs. La* - 7m. "OoVsagci of. t*1** iUXi*

and yellow fttiea

Personal H im* Prom Cotonlfc ,-*s.&r, and Hrs. Robert

{ Watrr Street, entertainedMends from Matrachmettt, Sun-day.

and Mr*. Frtri*

Amerttan fcBi eat tUf W* Horttt on'Stateri, t<t-hnitlt Satuifdny rttfht.'

JThe fommittee. of- the FolkDine« «nd FroHi fotfttlrM) thoseintetmt«d to display their Jhfcndi,or*ft or Rabies in-the exhibit to

held at the Colonia; LibVary,February 2»i Mrs. f X k

M T H f c

ftovW ,*grc #*«*# at * 8«(We# «!*-acrt held at the home of Mist Jean and Mrs. Pierre Abry and aon, oftstitft? of Rthwty; To»«t»y. '

—Mr. and Mm. 0. A. WiHcer-W

ior leveral days.ind ita. Ljfe Redb efl-

T'm \tSfSt.KI«bl8,Mf.

jlhFay, ofWrem at i

inlay,—Mitt ftatuy fteeb Mittertahted

the Uliiile* tvfti Ore'm, »f jSwatth-P>., «l«r Nancy *i«ht of

OTlT'tht—Mr. and Mm H. B. Kirkpat.

fitk of Ne* Ifever RogJ were dimA ' flf Mr. SftiJ, Mrs. Wi W.

tf > turfey.

Betty Hull are the guests of .Mr,JqMlHoWntQn 8f Cletfi-

e y i fond Mrs. THomifc Hynes

are* in charge._...«nd'Mrf. Lfl'fls*

of DoVtit Road ehterWliftd Mr. .MM. Edward W. Orerti ortd (fidgn-W, thrU, fae\i Ward, JoKft Bair

Qe^rKf Armltagc, all ofPa., OVei tfte tfeek-

Mt. • • • : .—•Mrfc W. H. PejeWon, Jr./Mre.

H. Roflinfon, Mrs. Ostlr Wfl-Mi-j, Lyle'Rleb, Mrs.


air,Mrs. Schmite Mrs. Rush,pf«nk J - 1 * Fatr was chairflWtt Ofthe tflriner <io*mitt(!e.

I limit of ?65,000,000 urged

t\a Jstaif food* art Sold exeluslvilyhbO^h your rtdbothood indep«n-dWtflirortr- He' serves yo\i f«m-folly, handles only <ju«lily f

Kent Roadr,*at L6*nsf, FT.


|ue8t* of friendsSunday.on ay.

M ' d'Dave* KfetinototChurth Gemtnontty Wednesdaynixht infetfrate Will rtatota varietyenttVti(ifmrt|ntt gWan by the Qar-<f«n State Etitirtatrterfr-of Rah'wayFeWfiBry 2<. The jwogranr will !n-oitide . a ventftloqaisti magifcian,trombone solbV Quartette,; tenprsolos. tfnd jjit^iwhjjuW^ The ro-eeed* ttffc tff W Oserf to equip theNew Bovef Gotrnnanft^ Club, TheLaiMeB' Aktnret at ,thfe home ofMrs. George H«geBorn, Tuesday

Ttei Wlnnei* of the mWel-lan«dusF

V w«fo Pete; Pfiefer ofHeton Frkgch 6f Pis«at-

-^"he Antoican I^gloft Pdst Nb.248 met with Joseph McAndrews,Tuesdiy night,,

-The1 Men's Republican ClubWill harp ft car* p*rty at the Colo-nitr Ca-OperMive Headquarters, St.Oeorges Avenue, ^eni^ht.

—MT. and Mr*. George B. Hod-snion vWit*d fri«nds in Asbury

affd Mrs. 9. Block, tif

mm mmA) K t t j f CUB

C-jlonia ami CharlotteAvenel. ^

t~~HsVw> fffttf Mr9' H i 1%xon, Jlmmie of Dover Road, spentSunday Im Xnbuty f«rk.

Winnie \

bett, of riatbustf,..—/Jolo iift Civic Clwl

wft t their" pr«ttfd«ttt.

ofto Joh,n Evangelist 6f .1 1 ; , tothorrow at 5 ^cG l i i ' h b (1W

Installed president of the Av«nel

, mm cm i^m rfjtft ai'uctfon ceremoTnifta held at the

kalita on the superhighway,wh i t l l d i t fhera who.were installed into^of-

»'by Jirme? S. Wight, municipaland county Republican chairman,#ere: '

First vice president, .John Gard-ner f n w p d vfca president, Adolph" — m t l t f ««i»tary, Vlncetst Di

ftifUneHtf aecretarV,reittnrBr, Chafkst6t oYie y?6r, Paul Solo-Hu'rton Sewafd, _ ,

After ^ i n g ftftice Mr. Ber'gerurged hftrmony.^nd^oopcrBtlon in

Gecelii-'B' —Mrs.


& Crane, of FnirviewAvenoo *as tRe gaest of honor ata surprise' %faHihdiry • pitrty • Sunday.Guests <mr€i Mr. and Mrs. H.1 Ma-tfer and dWghter, of Point,Pleas-ant; Mrs\ H; Phillip%, Mrs." JaneKdenani Mr. and Mrs. Janws Rileyaffd «ow, C«rl, of Jersey City; Mr.



oriia chairman of, ifatiBirthday t<lltbtat of WMing the recent eamjtttgn. Gtubs andpatrons donated $87., and |)b.O8was collected in tna March" ofttmes boies,

—Mfs,' JamesP>lnce'ton Avenue, w«3of'ner n'eJiRe*, "Of Philadelphia, onyuiun;.

—Sir. tai Mrs. fiweftof Erifleld Rtfad Stts"""dance at the ffirtle'y'SJaturdaj/ find WeWfriends in tChafly, .Stlft' -r-Mr. and Mrs. Jame* Fett«in ofCnaln O'hillU Rbad,L'flwfence Feltott ofover the we'ek-e'rtjl.

!—Mr. L. R, . , v „.:. .„Road, has returned from a three*week's stay in Chicago;.

—Mr. and Sirs, i^meyof Ctflonia Souleiraflof Mr. and Sirs. F. K. Thieian, ofFlailbush, a-Stnttlay.

—Joseph Carwgher, son of Mr.and Mrs, H. H. C»'rrtlipr.«« UbVef. .ad is convalescing f oW itt #pendectomy tit fBe ^ertA-Hospital.

—Mr. and Mrs.hoffer of Prlntetotftained Henry MarhdWef' Siirf Joft,Jamea; Mr. and Mrs, Mb PjftSteBnand children, Virgiitftt B*W J<WMr, and Mrs. JOsBpfi DiffloW todson, Joseph; theand Vera Ols«n and AnliitMbGMIft,Thomas McHugh, Herbert Wflley,Alland Jensen a'rtd Mr; an* 8rs,





Specials for Friday and Saturday Oftif

. . . B S S S S 5 . . . . . . ;



J. J. McCorrtificledinner, Sunday.

—Clifford John'sbn, ofAvenue, is the t fter, Laura, tff N«w Yotls. . .

-i-Mr, and Mrs. J. t. Ma»<tertained J. A. Sch'<4en*erg,Orange, over the *ftetf-ellid.' HrS. Joseph McAnflrews

Af i ffWWrt in



urged h&rmofiy.and^oopcration inthe ctu5 and riaifned trio following

Executive coramittco, Mrs, Ed-Oc

ward OfodeyPR

Stern; Bur-ton P;Reward and Martin Thtille-sentiways and rheans, Adolphmussen, Mrs. John Gardner,Otfgflk Sfotittv Mrs. "Andrew

Harold W. Giiidticfajid Mrs. Grode; membership, JohnCTatdnef, Fred Kafita, Hrs. Andrew•*"'• Hi SjIndeY Qreen, Jack

>: Joseph tfUSsy, Mri,Grode, Jay Herman, Burton Sew-^•d, Mrs.',Vincent Di Lea, Miss

•6*pf*T, John Atnd, Mrs.P. J. Donato, Andrew Dragosctand Briwst tfler,

Jfr*. Adolph Rasmus-sen andJEit; Bdwaivl Qrode; good,cheer, °Kn. Raamusscri; refresh-ment;«jtimittee, Mrs..John Gard-

' M l 1*. Nhjlson; auditing,In Tlnflesen, Mrs. Grode,

iard'ner and Paul Solomon,were voted to •the In-

. _,ralysris and Boy Scout,.-T..,,4' A"ypte of thanks was ex-tended to Conmiittecman Herbert

kin for his efforts in securing_ Avenel skating rink on Burnet

StreetGuest speakers were Committee-

-, Rank in, Tqwrfship EngineerR. DayiS) Recorder Arthur

irown and Daniel Rush, of 'So-war en. Decorations were in a pa-triotia' motif and miniature .flogswere ^ven as favors. , Refresh;-mentis were1 served by Mrs. EdwardGnwjfe,' fttre. John Gardner, Mrs.^tlolph Rasmussen, and Mrs. An-drew Smith, Jr.

HrS. JosphWest fiill Road, #as hdsteSS W! St.Margaret's Guild f a



ptOMATOSOUP - 'IJa-tf Sc( T O M A T O M C t Mri:,, 6 ,"-. 25c%mm




t ;& i9c[otflltr TBcaoia Z 9 £



A 13c

All Pluk 3H-o»,Flavor* Bep6»lt btl

3 fit I3«"2 vi&i

qxmtTOMATO JUICEmom fc

ii toe3 V la2 N ^ 2ic6 Jil. 15c

'it. t^si.^Mi p Ul> . uu»titi£.teltfl






Solaced C w t l j I l 4%4%' ,

SWISS CHEESfe J l & E... Ah.

• W O 6 B •••fASOtfl -




tc onxtoiomn

To relieveMisery of


PAftTY._ ;. Earl,Palmer, of

Manhattan Avenue, entertained at;cdnfifa4t pfidge' at fiere home r«-centty1. , Guests were. Mrs.1 George""""jivMjfs'. Donald' Noo, lliisl* Ruth1

»; Miss 'Martha1 Morrow, Missiao'etK .Andrews, . of Wo'o'cf-

oridge; Mrs, William Ffilkenstern,Mrs. Harold Grausam find MissAtida vanSlyke, of town. MrsGrausam, Mies Morrow and MiasIfcrb* were prize, winners.



tf.'<attfnht' opmtlve helaVjuartert.Blitt*IMWW»«n'sCltfbdintiet.

ijftrtiiored by11101. _ , .Thfee Stat1 a

F.ebtuary 22:

February. 24:

Woodbridtf Camtrft GWB « AoAM ft*


« -

25:htfme Bfi'!

.February 26: MfAHeM*., stnt 5iwj# _. --• 1

FeMuafy 28: Meetlltg "of Girls' Club at I

P#rM» o# Flra AvMu*. .

'WoTnaft'* Club meeting at

February 28: Meeting<!of.Mi(rdles« County Piekijlti!

Cwfi »«wy Bponttrtd by




3 Wffntf of Tuesday

Cfcb lit h B *

Maf«h 7s









sponrofeU by Wofflah'a dfut"<rfAvenerat Avene'l schoolhouse.

9: CoMnanlon Breakfast sp-""; eoftHcit'Sfoi 86'?, KnlgnU

if: Meeting of; Tuesday Afternoon Btudy ClUb, Mr*;James ChaKnert-hoWess. , Xah^'iti

£• : Gbviiei D«h supper sponsored By M « r JIWSociety of Presbyterian.Church. .

21: Avenel Ejertipfe Firemen's card party At tniOUM.itMlr 8O-8f^: Hi|lr Sdhdrf Play, ''Ro*f"e

i.*™"* » •* ' "Woonbr[dg« High School mitJitOriUnl. . j ,

28:(AVencl Woman's-Club annual Guest Night at

' tf: Anf^'ai docluflght of Avenel Junior Woman'*

9: PlBy/'-Ymj Can't Take It Wlflv Joi i ," .mJ Kadimah: Council at Woodbrfdge Higli

April 18: Dance sponsored by;. WoodbndgeSquad for benefit of ambulance fund, atJames' auditorium. . , ' . w

ihiwifc^ the.;:,.,: :"(l«'In making tho ,„,,

Mr. Lindrter said:L 'Tlte «(>UTSC in rKnie1 m'oasUrc d^, , ,•W«i« i fr»r««et | n i l ,-„.-.

iuldnniin, "

FUND GEtS $170WOODBRIDGE — School chil-

dren of tfce Township contributed?t7O.8Z toward tm* ihiahtile pav announced this week

rarysis,fund this yeaV^ Victor C.


I h i

' .. ! ...

Thank tout•(* I #]sh to express to the voters of Jfte;

No. 9, Iselin, ray sincere gratitude for the confidencethey expressed to tSHcitiig me to trie, Board Off Fi^e

• Colrtirtissib^ri jfct Satittdafs electidrt. I pfffftlfetf tor dd'everything $Mm' ih | -poWfer to the kn4 that the wel»?

fare and pro-gpe'ss of tRe district and alHhe pexupfebe advanced.

• ' " " ' . IRVIN RAPHAEL;

Of thole' ftatneel i,, V :cedure WilFbe aoicly i, :It i» ooneeivablo thm ,:

tfVrfiV A<W 4T( t(»gu];:r'.ho*pitel may bs cull, :

t ftt (Kf<Th a ca .-.,Who" h«ve reccivc.i ;itraining at the hos<,{

The counts of ins-n•„,:

KoipnaT School 0^ xuhum s.,

practical Work fur ,Thou "who ate ncn;rhoipitat for tho c<n,i ,Uott wttr be require >abide by all the rule ;,Wont of the hospital ,n,ito tin discipline rn|;i:inoninsiUffk It will inouired that attendam, , ,,.throughout the cntiv, ,,:,.•"that thereafter, the \v»,n,,,,riimr the itutruetlon willBefvea «v«ili)ble, for li.iiiiui,ice in oaae of emergoih- .$ie(Arat elaas will i,t. ,„tp start' on .or about ;Women residing in w,Townabipr who dcsiiu i,,fregarding. the COUIKC -I,dres»,_the administiatni, |>Soy General Hospital,riUh the;m;witih a

J•^•••••-••-"•••-i- S c o u r s




— t . , -t . i l- JjUrf.8





2 fee M* 15*. Jge kneh 8c

'blue coal'•. < bis

you can't beat it

if 0C






T r y / ^ ^ Z ^ ^ in a Chrysler!ASttttiiui fot powir. T. afid the WHY SHIFT GEARJJ?iWdothest, easiest ride you ever had ^Thy drive the old-fashioned way?k a motor car! That's Fluid Driving Why declutch and shift gears ind

-- tti A Cjtfyslef with the more poWqr- make wwk of driving?•ful Spitfire engines add Vacamatk At traffic lights you just tbuebttaoamission. the brake to stop , . , touch

Noibtn| like it anywhere! Gears 'shirt automatically in all normal

them to! It's like a plane withpropellers! Silent,

»wlft afld snidoth! Yoii simply can'tiMagifle it., .you must experience" k!

Thos. F. garbFan



'< for as little as

Mt each

Page 3: Shop Trie AosJ - DigiFind-It...Employment Service in Perth Am-boy. administered tha oath of office to the thre^ f^entiy re-elected mem-bers, ComW«i|oners Joseph Me-Andrews,of Dr.•

' Night At Session OtWoiW»_Club

.-Chiuiren of the mflm-Womnn's Club .of Av-ted a program after

,,„, somion of the <aubt, i i ; l l l l ltth«schoo1hoU«;

„, WA» as fo l lowsi . < ( ,,0|0 "Kobin's Btfu«l",


local Clubs To HaveCo-OperatweM Ml k fowlTwmy; my§:^tiu§

I lustr | i i < i f

]H,i(, s o l o , - - , - . , (;n,« Bliincho' SchfHM!..MvMomand'My.Dj

1,i,3,;,ink;rec!tatlon15y>n«1,„ twins, Mary, L0to,:*«d

% - • • • - . • . . •'"'• ' " T . l . i . . l . H l U i L L U I ) . L _ •• •••;;,;- • - , - ' * * ' . . f V1

. ' • . t > V - ' - ' \

'Stvtn To Ont'ToBe Presented By Junior Group;ion Preparing Magical Portion Of Program j , .

. , WOOD^RIDGE-^A cooperative nieeting^ tot all 4 eWbjSiaWs Cluli groups of Woodbridge will be held Tliuri*diy; hight, February 27, at the Middle^ ^oufttyifirtt'Vocational School on Convey Boulevftr& All c)i$ me|4?fc&rt are invited apd guesta willbp welcome, f h ^ ^ p b ^

guest fe,e. t h e prqgrma;wil lataft ftrownptly at eight;tie, Mario Ltrseii; Lucretia.B'ar-mra Berse;: Ai)h ?Dilgf« Is drift*iAalrmhn aifll she wl|l be, assisted>y Ella Ma? Buach as pfoperly

I n»y

I n i ••<»'

, \| r'f Thomas Thompson*;T;itlllioA,' Betty A«m*olc(

uuMwtt, Ann Suehy.'EdiHe',•„,',( Monson,,Billy Fftlken-

KmntoDlLeoj Botlgs-My'SHIIJT. " Florence ftrc*j


program closed.inirinfc. "God B1«M Am.

o'clock.The YouhK W<mmn'ii Club will

present a play, "Seven to,One"by E.Wcstny York,' with tho fol-lowing cant: •' „

Joan Atoslce,. Eleanor Kili;oy;ladgft Allen,' Dorothy' Knlely;lloTla Rutherford, Mary Finn;

Bartmrn Kingston, Louise Goidek;Dolclnea Dale; AcUne Leahy; Viv-lenne Carey, Barbara Ellis; Virgin-it Hoyo, EUznbpth Bbker|,Eilza-jelh Grey, Miriam Jandfehip. Thelommltteo-ln charge of tho play iss-Dorothy Stlllnian, druma-chair-man;, Katharine Harned assistantdrama chairm*n snd Dorothy At-kinson, property dialrman:

the»f sympathy WM.t<> the ftmlIy ° ' t h e h t t

llrausa, who wai Jun-.„, piftidt-nt of the club atini- of her death.

ATTENTIONTVETS!ll<>NIA—Colonla Post, -No.

. Amorican Legion, re&uosta all[Vans in tho district to j l t oid,,, A vend ftrchouje on Want

,„„•< Birthday, Saturday, P«bi, v Zl. f°>' natioivat defense pur

""lU-Rwtration hours -W(A. M. to 4 P. M. Vet

w d to, fill o tas » patriotic duty


The Woman's Club' will presentpiano and violin selection by

Mrs. Conrad P, Schrimpe and MissJosephine Schrlmpe. Through thcourtesy of the Rhodes School ofMusic the dancers, MurM andPhillip Bass, will appear on theprogram.

The Junior. Woman's Club willoffer a play* "Never Trusfc A Man",a comedy by Anne Coulter Mar-teno. The "characters are as fol-lows: "

Emily, Virginia Anderson; RoseNancy Wight i Betty, Ann Muller;Sally, Gertrude Hynes; Aunt Hnt-

Mr* THomas .Vincent, of CljffRoad, loft Saturday for ^ v a ^;n St. P«tergburg, Florida.'' (

"—Mrs. P. J. Adams, of Wes.Avemic,' spentiisat Friday in Ne!wYork City. '

—Mr. and Mrs. Walter lIcKeanof West Avenue, entertained Mrand Mrs. R. J. ScKaumann and sonGustav, of Newark, over the weekend.

—Rev, Orvllle N, Davidson,Crtrteret', conducted the 11 o'cloc


NewBruniwick Woman IiSpeaker At S«$iion

AVtefEk—The • Avenel Par-mt-Teacher Association held its'ebifuary melting and Pounders'>*•£ program • yl sterday ,4f te*i«SM>'vith Mri Oeorga 9livk» pre*idlii«it tihe W S W S J ifisiion 'and Mts;

Wjil hm' Kusmlak in charge of the

wogwni: :,'VK'-:;"''•'"'.*•••.:/•.,'•M«4, * Stanley Gelpll, honovwy-

vice chairitiaii and pwt chairman'jitifMi <^un% jWuncU,: i f NewBrahsWli'V. was the guest speakw.She spoke of th;e t)ilgin and ac-compllshmeht* of the MlddleiexCounty' Cwnjit • j

?fti* proilfratti presented includiled the following1; Assembly.sihje-into "AmeH(!»": piano solos, PKI^erewski's "Mlnaet" and "Lieber-stra«m" byLlsit; Ughtijljt of ea.n-dies on ;'4he birthday. «ake vJhtcliwas made and donated by,a pastprtsiaent; Mri,vAlxe.Tarclt, as fol-lows!1 For- the fosnrfefir, Mrs. (Wil-liam Krag; for the teachers, HissIda Slldiker; for thje association,Mrs, George Sliyka «nd for, the

W s a m , local postnusUr, \untiibert, of WOi Avenue, aturned hows afUr spending twowe«ki in St. Petanb^rf, Florida,

—Sjtt. juries, 8«jben, Jr., ofFort Dix, lp«nt the weekend withhis parental Mr, and Mrs. ChariotSjben,' ot Awwl stmf. ,

—Mr. aftd Mrs. Herbert |I«ad,of Qeonre Street, and, Jack later-shank, of P«tk Avttin'k,' V«r« theguests of Mi, and Mr», Walter

d dWlit Barbara of

I,tan Avenue,Mr. and Ktt. JoHn KttenhjinX|

of park Avenue,, entertained atContract bridfe Saturday nignt.Quests were: l |t , s»^ Mrs, Hobart

l d l d MJohnson, of ?l*lnfUl(lj Mr, and

Smith and dtiugttter, Barbark, t/tn e w s ™ , • o u T M i i y , ._;. -. ••.-... •:'.••.•!

Florida, h u returned home aftervisiting Mr,- and Mrs. J. ii Mtftiw•of Purnet-SlWlit;^ ';.-/;.:...';;.. '•

—Mr. anil Mrs, Raymond Grant,of Baltlnwre, 'weTB t ie 8«ndayguests of Mf.and Mrs Jflhn Betgmueller, of Fifth Avenue.' ..^Mrs,.:S«*6iift,.HWd;:." Mri:!

THomat1 Tfeomssoaantt Mr». R • Q.PerieV, were" tha. rj»sts of Mrs.F^anli McQwrah, of'Woodbridgcat contraftttrWge ^aturdayjilsht.Mrs. Thompson wM high score win-




—The Friendship" Guild of theFirst Presbyterian Church, 'willmeet tonight at'*ight o'clock at th«

eommunion, service held Sunday atIt. John's Episcopal ChuTch,

—Miss Mora Bnlf our, a member. tho faculty at State Teachers'Allege in Trenton, spent sevarallays at her home in West Avenue,last week.; «'

Prices up IB per'cent since warMyers says at Farm-Home


children, Miss June Eegensburg.K was announced that Mrs.

Richard Meyers would entertain ata card party at her home on FifthAvenue,, next Thursday afternoonin order to raise funds to pay offthe deficits caused by the reoenbid-fashioned dance held by thAssociation. : .



Personalloan Co.

, , . . ftiBy berouu (I) Convenlunt 1 toJIB month rnln (S) No KM, flnfi orI dfiluWnn» (II) lnterrat thnrgn (inly#nn nrtuul time you kftp "16 moneyJ ( i ) l.imm on your niimllurs nlonc



Manse.-iMlss Ruth Gery. <»I flawet

': --*Mt, *ni'Mr».1Cibltn*tti^«anfand dil)dr«nflfBurnjst8tr«t werethe Sunday guesU of Mr, and Mrs;Oeo.rge Voung ln;Easton, P8.• —Mr. and-Mrs. Anthony.Divtn-

no, of .North Bergen, wire guestsof Mr. and Mrs,,Angelo DlUo, ofaporge Street, flnndi^f.^' -^Mr.andMtt.EarlMulford.of

lurnet Street, visited rtlatjvss In'ran ton recently. ;v . ;i—Mr.'and Mrs,"Aflgelo Di Leo,

tf George 8trc*t; attended iilrthday party In Jemy City Sun-lay night in honor of Mrs. Michael

D i t e o . •- v "•:••• ••. : , • • .*.•••':•'

—Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Rasmus-sen and Mrs.AuguifUi Tuttle.ofProspect Avenue, attended a birth-day dinner in honor of Mn. Blltt-

d r e u . •:• . - . v i i ^ : , - 1 : . ,

. Th« Allen RegistrtttW Act oftm requires e*»r» tesldtntnon-dtlien to notlfsr> in writing,

•the: Commluionsr of Imraitra-tlon and Natur«il|»tlon, W*sh-jngton, D. C, of eteh eftange

•"of wnrmanent r«*ld»nb# aildm*,.1 Withln'flv* days of iflch chtnge.

In every case -wher* « nwft-resi-d«nt Jus been registered by aparent or guardian, the ohangeof address notlftcstloiv must besent to the Wistparent .or guardian, • ' .

'-v, Failure to comply with this re-quirement will .result in a lint

tod-row Nifkitorittm 01S

WOOD/BRIDGE _ .prises will be awardt4?|night at t card partyby the Holy Name ftJames* Church In 8t. <torlum, Air games, wiltand la addition to theq U l b l

day dinner In honor of lire. Bllttbeth Hornet in, Jersey City, lion-

i h t


Mis. Bjotnson Is HostesTo Methodist Unit;

Hall Paper ReadWOODBBIDGE—Mrs. Godfrey

Bjornson, of Bergen Street, wasthe hostess to the Woman's Mis-sionary Society of the MethodUtChurch at a meeting held Fridayafternoon at her home. The pro-gram was opened with the singingof a hymn and Bible thoughts weregiven by the members under theleadership of Mrs. Herman''QuinnRev. Rodger W. Hawn, the pastoroffered the prayer.

ISELINHREHOUSE(Continued front Page 1) B«« tm list.

Edward Kennedy, Jaek Erceg and ' " " —' •'Joseph Puechman. Tho votes wereKromer, 144j Tuttie, 136; Kertnedy H6j Breeg, 71, and Puschrmna, 25.. The $12,044,74 budge"was adopted 61 to 18. This year'ibudget 1B $1,146.32 higher, thanlast year's and Is the pn\y< Increasein'the township. \ '

VoU In F«rdi

'District.No. 7 (F«ds)--Anthony L. Ballnt was reelected amJoseph Cavalitto was elected tcfull three-year terms. They ranunopposed and polled 284 and 258votes respectively. Robert Krautsdefeated Walter Lybeck 205 to 60for a one,-year unexpired term,The budget of'{11,191.88 waspassed 151 to 44,

. District No. 8 (Hopekwn)—.Joseph Bosze defeated George Mc-Cabe 112 to 90 and Andrew No-vak was reelected with 134 votes.The budget of $5,699 was adopt-

of llflO, three monthi impris-onment,'or both. _ ' ; i,

Social Probltm Oi ChiliIs Clab diicnuion Topic• AVE^L—"Making-Tho ChildMbre Socially" AceepUble" was thesubject of discussion sit a regular

leetlng of the Mothers' Club ofheld at the home of Mrs,

q t wawards.

iPatrick Ryan, prettde Holy Name (Society, Is !ji

eWaltman.' and he is beingby the following committee! >- Pritss, l*o Menardj' f"Hugh Qylgley and Mlchs;eVner; general, Anttrew p, DMaurice Pv flunigan, Mlgrove, John Bergen,gan and Leon Gerity.

.iVenel held at the home of Mrs.William Graham on Fifth AvenueT

i m m Sl«W> vtV1* L1*l& W V B W J y i » | w i f t i . |V4T llIIMIll mgi'MB|«|f||_ iiii r IX fill ATVIIIill

day night* ; • ; ^ :-iTuMd'iy night. Donations werei ^ f^ 'M^^ '^ ' I f f i ? : !^^*? 4 ' 1 0 ' *• Infan&le Paralysis—The Mothers Club) Mr; andMrs. James tfro.wley and Mr. and[Mrs. Frederick Leldner have been•added-.tit the President's Birthday

l lit.—Mr. and^MrW ;W«ll»ni KD^

miak, of,Avenel,Street, wen theSunday guests/ of Mr, and 'Mrs.Harold Frowary,. of Hillsl4«/

—The Tuesday afternoon con-••'"• ithters.trtttclub' met

John Ettershank, ;of Park XvanueMrs. Harold Grausam ^nd Mrs. G,N.. Van Leer veto high score win'

| n e r s . • ; V . ..',• • '-.

28,000 employes added by duPont In 1940; total 8l;000.






Drive Your Cor in NOW/


A tribute to Lincoln by AngeloPatvi was read 'by Mrs. Ralph F.Stauffer and Mrs. P. H. Lockergave excerpts "from a(biograp^hy of"George Washington, the Leader."

(The pastor read an artjcle; ".Spiritiual,,'',by,Ss(;r,i3tflTji,,()((tjataJtp.

1 Cordell Bull. ', , • ., iMrs. Hawn wa».in-char)fe o^ the

lesson study and gave a talk on thechapter, "Shock and Dislocation"from the mission study book,"Dangerous Opportunity."

The program closed with thesinging of hymns and the Mizpahbenediction.

Construction costs of homes inDecember 5.5 per cent up over1939,

ed 80 to 20.District No. 9 (East Isolin)—

Irvin Raphael defeated RichardRoloff 187 to 75 lor a foil-three,year term, while Daniel Reynolds,won over J. A. Groflkopf, FredFunk >and •< Gordon Gill, Jr., fo:one-year unexpired term. The $!200 budget wns carried.

District No! 11 (West Iadin)—Harold Mouncey and AlfrVThamm were reelected over Joh!Schlamp. The budget of $6,20was adopted, while the referendumto build-a new $26,000 fivehouewas defeated,

Pord'askft to m'ake bombersplans a mile-long assembly line

MIBCEtLANfiOUS(f. (1.1885

niONR BLRCTlnC NBBV1CKVhtTt iforlcm«.n«hlii IM-ft. feapoim1'hlllty and ««rvlco an ohHttatlon,

lrtontlal and Comme'rolil ,Llrhtinsr an* • vyirlng . '

881 School street

WILL PAY 5c a lb,l f n d e n t U B d e

Man tap,areen St.,

"HELP WANTEDBOY8—14 yearn of a«e or liver, t

our ofRco nny time ami ienvo your.!mvme nnd niUlrpsn. Hero IH youri:linnc6 to malt* mime extva, iriniipy,

|hd Boy Scout funds..Attending the session were: MTS.George Ksyser, Mrs. William La

urge, Mrs. Edmund Speece, Mrs.Jtlter Parker, Mrs, Arthur Fer-

rante, Mrs, James Oillis, Mrs.James Applegate and Mrs. WilliamGoodrich. !; v The next'session will be hold at| the hortie of Mrs. Ferrantl, on Llv-

m Avenue, Tuesday, March 4.

REV. JOHN L1NT0NPopular Scotch Preacher

Tonight 8 P.M.Snbjtot

[Five Minutes After Death

Friday NiSt 8 P. M.;\Vh«n Will Christ Rotuni7

Sunday Nfght 7:30 P.M.the Finished Mytstery

Of God

BAPTISTiCHURCHHigh & Market Streets

Perth Amboy

Clo»«d Salurd'T. O»««i.OcOO P. M, Thwid.r A

SPECIAL SEntir* Stock| 2 . $2.30 V.I.

SKIRTS$1.85First Quality QjfPureSilk 2pr,ORINGLESS HOSIIFull F«ihioned - R*

Reg. I2.0S V*


Printt «nd

1.7!S i w i up to

Just 2 0 0 Drestos

$2.00 Val V :«iP

SUN-CLEEI112 SMITH!Perth. Amboy,' N.iUlHa

T "

FARM for sale .'or exchmiaorca, 15 Woodland,. 8-room

o, ham an<i . a-ettr PBtSTiOS. Kdward. YCHH, BOXh f w n , K, ,t. 2

' BS

pr\NO—In good condition. HarveyKelly, U NleUen Ht., Wqo'l >rMC'

FOR RENTOim ROOMS nnd bftth. All lmprovemnnta.. AdiiUs Only. 29S A y

nel St., Avertel. " 2-28

287 New Brunswick Ave.(at Elm St.) ,

" Perth Atnboy, N. J.irnnchen Now ark nnd Jeney City

P. A. 4.V£b*Open 8 A. M. lo 6 P. M.


Us time to call moth

Shop Thursday and FridayOpen Evenings



All Worth $2.50

Complete Closeout ofEvery Hat in All Colors

Closed Sat

Broadcloth Pajamas j$1.35 and $1.50 Value ,-?'

$1.27Flannel Pajamas

REG.$1.00 : N O WREG.$1.50


O D P L O T 2 B c '•-••<

MACKINAWAll Woolrich and Albert CoaU





SO many people still think Oldsis pi iced beyond their means.

If you're one—here's a tip. Takea look at the big, luxurious OldsSpecial before you pay your moneyfor a do luxe model lowest-pricedcar. You'll find but tittle differ-'enco in.prioe, but a tremendous,difference In cart. You'll find youcan easily afford to own an Olds!


m'DM-MATIC DRIVE!'Goodby, clutch ptdallAtiilge«r-atilfUng,toolAllyou du it Hour, step on It,slop! You g«t improvedpetformnnct und iub-•UntUl uvingt on g»f.


Regularly $1,65






Beg;,$3.45.: Ni>w:$^29»Reg. $4,45.......; . / • , . -. r | | | [ p | | | | | l L [ ;l' \,-'-\, i ' i h - i n in • m i l i I I ' , ' ' * , 'V"' 1


Page 4: Shop Trie AosJ - DigiFind-It...Employment Service in Perth Am-boy. administered tha oath of office to the thre^ f^entiy re-elected mem-bers, ComW«i|oners Joseph Me-Andrews,of Dr.•

Latest Wm Coming To StrandDorothy Lamour cuts

long locks and turns totho flip crnck, abetted

virile co-stars equippedmean lines in the person of

ert Preston nnd PtMton. Fo»-, ,th* only logical outcome it -a

calculated to appeaseAmerica'. Entitled

Over Burma," tt In sched-to start doing just that onlay at the istrnnd Theatre,

there \ c any n>Rnippr.oben-Lamour, it "shouldlately' that she has

,:1)*tn made over "completely,jbu cut her hair, .which has

:' appearance to i o n ?but she haan't given up

taqsc torrid songs, andI out with two of them in

picture." "Mexican Magic"Over Burma."''. '£ ,

(the picture itself, as tho titjeT atei, has u tropical locale, but

\ jilst another picture about_opjc» in which a few peo,p]c,i around in the' heat'nnd npth-

opens. This picture' Tthdsto handsome fellows with

on in their names, "partners injiteok "business 'and comji.etins:

Lam oar's affecthm as

all comes about- becausemoney to keep the teak

i going and run across Miss• chanting a ditty JQ a Ran'

bistro after they have bor-the dough.

A few days later the scene has•shifted to a compound up in thejungle where Dorothy complicateseyerytfeinfr for everybody. Shehas both Preston and Foster In lovewfth her. She startles the nativesby wearing a white, sharkskinBlaysu'lt (and yt\ip wouldn't bet t l d ) and then she has the

% Wt *nd sightless jpa,rtn,er,played'by Albert Bassqrmjin, «*»r-rjed about her presence.

The /act that the boys have bor-rowed money only involves mattersnwre, for the nun they borrow ftfrom has' a daughter (played by'Doris Nolan), who .faljb for Prcs-'ton-Foster, As it turiis »ut, thetolls Robert Prestoij that PrestonFoster loves Dorothy Lamdur andVice v.ersa, if'you .fpllpw us. Andthen fan -goes •under ftill" ^

d to, a/climactic l i

Hays Pirt Of IitMne In-ventor In film %

tonight in Golmnfcla's peWe t chill-er, "The Devjj 'Comirranda." Thrill-;packed and .jammed with suspense,,the film'is the most edccitlng,ah«ck-6r to,;ooroe «ut of Hollywood in along' time; Once again Xarloifproves that terror can. rnake forreal enteniaAni^ent as-he walksawaywith ail the ..homers in a

torf* tale of ah insa,nie in-d qf a marf deslicwith.the dosd!

opulftbe ,w.wWd.Louis King directed.


Association of Cdlonio School hejda • very sVP^srful iMe^l fu,«|afternoon. Mrs, Thomas Hyn.e>wrori the \ special award. Amongthose present w.ere: Mrs. SidneyPiflkhara, Mrs. Charles Scoti, Mrs.Russell Peak«s, Mrs. J. Schneider,Mrs. W. Agden, Mrs. J. Tageert,Mrs. James Sudder, Mrs. P. Xer-iit, Mrs. William WeJIs, Mis. L,Loworthy and Mrs. J. ^filler.




w Co-feature

Fred Scott




Boris -Karloff is back 1 The rn fta:tcr monster",of the cinema roturneto the' Crescent Theatre


loff retreats tothe


a.te old .houseand

*ha.i »«pwa.t*s t)ie living fromthe dead. Operating on the theory

) eucoecU4, Km

in these

Alto: Chapter 13 "The Croon Hornet Ride* Again"

Monday & Tueiday

BURNER-mini SHELTOHWednesday & Thursday

Returned by Popular Requej2—OuUtandJng Feature!


Spencer Tracy - Ann Dvorak

i Jn our_,T .... Mh.e.doo.r be-tween the living pr . , . andthose whj> iHye W w d the jrravel'1

Bason** Killer .Completely'Dationkl 'When he be-

gins his experhnents, Karioff isslowly transformed) into a mon-strous killer as he creates a .gigan-tic electrical device 'to aid him indelving into' the blood-curdlingworld of unsolved, mysteryl TheAim reaches its whirlwind climaxwhen Karioff, completely :Wd bynow, seizes -his young daughterand attempts to experiment withher in spite iof the OTea't dangerinvolved. Just at that; moment-theWra^ed ,tc<wns.rae.p, wjio haye be-come in^Hri ted with, IJarlpff fqrmurdering one of their neighbors,storm the house and' attempt to

{crash Mte> W :laJM»r|rto'ry. In,-final scene which has rarely beenequalled on the stcaen iar shearsuspense, JCaploff (tptns a deaf earto' the surging mob and .turns .onthe electricity at* fts 'highlest pitchin a desperate effort'to .achievesuccess!

Karioff has never been betterthan he JB in this made-to-prderrole and lovely Amanda Buff iscompletely charming 'sortrayinghis beautiful daughter.

Evangelist Will ContinueAt Aniboy Church

; flarm^ t«W"Cf SetfaTok 'Arizona,' Mam&c Fe<#

Jack JBenny v>U \t in .iJteml'Thali.,he will IfFred Allen andWaryMaftin h*« anything ,tt» tay about It, nnd-they've plenty

(n J'afurno^nt't,MWti ;com«(iy, *%o»e.Tfcy Neighho^," t(i«in which tha,t ,w.»|I-,knttwp Kt\dbJfewfl coijiei.ip the

r «<riojif thoto pretent, the plctvre itartiat the. Str»nd Tha«jic«r.

TAL£ OFWOE AT m mTroubles Oi

% C i t y f 8JBy Turner,


heartwarming as anyti

A storyward andto reach the soreen in some tinieopens Monday night at fne Cres-cent Thea-tre. It is "SV'e Who Ale.-Yoxmg," 'jeatojng " ' ^ "and John Shelton, >

The new ,pictu.restory of ayoungijoup, .. ,by Miss Turner and S|\eHon, jf(homarry with high hopes tor conquer-ing a large .city. It .m<)Yes faom

rare sympathy and understanding.for the;o.portrftyB.; •

As the husband, Metro-Goldwyn-|*|ajiajr intvoduoes John ?h>ltopf,apersonable chaj) TRhose dramWfe$&\$fa a *l«p .hee^j, m«|pB ^less untried. §belton, tpo,'gives anexcesRent account of himsetf indiflkujt rale and will jnotobly begiven more important assignments;o,n the strength of hjs j?sriorm-

J iiipporting cast: includesGene .LocVhart, aa the se^fimade

i ^ who has J?or£ob{en bta

sticfeahite Starring Jm ArthJ^ ii iin it M l I' - — - ^ I

st^-,t'^i&'t^iSn.1sK|sli'criehed splendor of the Ai>U |.ngnter, m s » ,


her t1(nil,|fiAhH

*ona ainM ihe.stirringjtur-bnlcnce

the Majestic TfteaM .y?|(;h fArthur starrfid in the most trium-

" f « j t f o ltfon»phant tide" of ;««r jo|is»tfon»lcareer. NcVQt• •i)9^ ."iMsewen ea ptui'fl'a iri till l.tomai!(iiflc^n,ce a. story go ^ ;taldnjr as thjs r«tna;nMe drj»ma-pfA i ' VHQ' ftt hfttor?

M*. l M^ Frjed Jtoblnaonand family, of- Benjamin Avenuepent Sunday In New .Vprk vJaitinR

relatives, 'M


t ; Mfttever h,fttorj?—

i C i "Arizonas VHQji ftteve h , t j ?not even'.witn his • Cimarro,n"has Yfentey Ruggle* prdduced and

d ti ^ ¥ reaty g

directed a motion greatl iin contqptid«,'So, memorable in

scope.- . * '•That."Arissonft" U'destined for

oinoroatlc l p!eat,ft1fe«i(.4» .*, r.ewonrably .obv.ious. \cQi\oju«ion, ,Thcsplendid, .sp.QOtaoulw .ftltwjU .made"by ColumbTa and Wwtejr, Buggies,by the;east Rn'd cre^of "Ariz""" "is apparerit In every' toot 4stirring film. Adapted Jpscreen by CtauBe Binypn',


by dauB y p j Ari-wnp h rich wilji-the ro,mftnoe andthe color inherent int3a"n«s B«d-Ingtoh Kelland'smagarine «r|irt.A masterly understanding of allthat mak^s for.ibroath-Wking en-tertaiturierit underlies the Indianraids and ih^pattle', thesun-drenched viite* *f magnificentbflauty and£«ie«ontrtttin« wpalorol the foiJMis «h^ oi Tftcson,with'its «oW-seekeTB *nd home-steaders, ite storekeepers and .gw-blers and killenj with Us lo«n«inBMexicans,alnd sWlW Indians.

Th^t MJss' Arfltar's choice forthe major rdlo% "Ariiona" wasthe only possible one, is attested

^orrnanpe. n* rnuw^ •««-»,4 o m i t l # .fighter and pioneer,^hitfl f o « » * tffi10"*;# W°«

tin.'efcqtlwftl and dra-

ilng she hasfojr &e screen. As the

...» Pbter. Muncie,feoundlor California, William Holienkf i f tuaUv t o b e P

d p again his right to.' 4ardom,'he won in "GoMen

PERTH AMBOY — Rev. JohnLin ton, D. D., gospel preacher,-andevangelist, Mill continue his evang-elistic services at the. flaptistOhurch, #igh ftnd Martet .Streets,this place, u,p to .and' deludingSunday night.


. Q y . i w h warrjais ner prnwud through a jap,id BeMe.of "climaxes which finds tne couple Ieventually forced to go on relief.

fThe rdle of .the wife, 'Margy, isa. distinctly new dfipartttrt ¥oPWftla'(Turner who up until thistime bs»been seen in collegiate -%n& danc-ing• daughter ,rele.s. H«r fSM&yjis ostraight dramatic acti'ess <AWotibcdenied Irom now on. .She-shove


A MAN OF I R O N . . . AWOMAN OF S T E E L . . .in a red-blooded saga


between 4JLI30 A,

PRICESj w e i • - 40e(IneludluK Tax)


P u b l i c Scrvlt*Itiuwii will be(ivnl)abl aittr the•Uuw.'

commountWashington's Birthday


Beautiful Uuis XV


" •




l9#itn Pf raonaiWesBy LoretuOogan

s rh'

Mrs lter. Jotin, »f Sonofa A.venwK.'Saturday at 'Hillside at iho'of Mr. nnd .Mrs/Fred Rappv

-^Harry Belgbr,' of Qvif TreeRoail, returned h»n» fagm'.tha 8,1

Hospital on Friday aft or-


,noon at the home of MrfluttomftW, Jr., ,o/ P i , , , u ,Plans were made for ft ,,!,',.hintion in the Jloorm of » r )

titnnor to, bo hpjd on Maivithehotne of Mra, Wli,n,.|(|child pf .Hillcrast Aveni,,

—Dornay Mattennon ,„„,JtlsjioB .Dorothy Tomasoamt |>h.Mpuncay qf toWn atto.n,|,.,i ,-„l % c h w S t i ; J


iBflno, of Long.Branch,,Jguiifl*y. guests.«f h e mand Mv«. Charles Ron* of CSpaklcy


pnd.Mxs, Johni

ofjlr. p d . WfyCofreja Ayenye, entctt*in«!! rdn-tiy.fis'from'Union Bcac .joyjrr theweekend. , • •' '

—Miss AHco D«genh»i;4t(. ofRahway, spent Friday nttho'homeof Mr., and Mrs. tleorge Ocgon-hardt, of Hlllarest Av«nue, •.

—The Misses Rita Contfell? nndAgnos Jursa of town vished Mr;and Mrs. William Grob and .daugh-ters of Kenrney. '

—The Woman's AftWJioon Re-publican Club met Monday after-

ofAvonue1, Mf la t iont at St. p f | . .Honpital, where ho und,.,^,.,,, "operation nnfriday. ' '

—:Anth6ny:pteetinc>1or oa|•Road ohto'rtptapd o,1 ;mimilH a d plnp mlllqnds-at his home'on

Thcveiiltift: Thel

inchi,|,,|cveltft jm nchi,|,,|iry Pallon of Pnion Bi-iu:l1:K:iii(Jarvella of O*k Tree; imScitultz, Kay Ullte, Jack im,| Tmy Q l l o y Jluth Wlhik, Jlirth Wokhik, %*ler MeOann, {tone Tonm:Projiper, TRiomas Cninis,Remata, all of town,

—The M}s*5»/'Betty I!,,,.,,,Patricia O'Nefll, of town. ;i|,n'a performance of "Gone \v,n, JWind" in New Brunswickday afternoon.

4 Days Starting With

vmiit's the FUN-FIGHT of ihe CENTURY!


bringyo» A* streen'i

scrttn if fit


'^ -irHk .. it



R E A D E ' SK ma | & A£ VBUH M&& 'u&^UM ^H| wi

IpiliyUinourtobert Preston

Page 5: Shop Trie AosJ - DigiFind-It...Employment Service in Perth Am-boy. administered tha oath of office to the thre^ f^entiy re-elected mem-bers, ComW«i|oners Joseph Me-Andrews,of Dr.•

*$$&£ ,f$fi& s'-'t *<fy?3 * ' t

I I *"n ***** 'L #~*>t.«,tH-

j& »



on Satufdif,Our low evi

pHdfl hf ifetft* yw,rwe can cldw oj* ito«fr«U «. «*.

tb W

Utntay or fri%r in fliet iny day 6$ tfce week A big .Savings.W« fottfe ttfule every proven to tfv* you quickly &W iUfenedW&& d jfoil* toiite (homing will be greatly afrrfetite*

tittie atid tnotn-y * #{H

Qeititf Jni/f Mtfy—tr turn Monty Mil


• yft' . ' ' j . * -


Plamp, Yewijf, Tender

Of LaluD «***»] W«n 16.

*• 31*Roasting ChickensSixes

BaconSliced MM HamLiverwurst or Bologna **. * 23«

Quality Stnr iwf, Hatsrofty Apt firTrtflirness and Finer

Prime Ribs of Beef ,Chuck Steak or Roast **&Boneless Chftck Pot Roast 31 o

135o Loin Pork Chops35c

fresh Calas

Top Round SteakTop Sirloin RoastPorterhouse SteakChopped tieef t m ^ i 19c fresh Spare RiRound Pot Roast !«•*** »>JSc Beef Liver **»Plate & Have! Beef «*:*»?* 10° ,> f i&mt*&*i i*

Finer Mtf. t 2 l b l 2 5 "

Fresh Scallops 29cSwifts Prtmtttm, WltaonV Cwtlfled, Ferris,

Armonr'n Htdt, Cudahy'* Puritan, Sunnyfleld, y

SMOKED HAMS10 to 12 lb. AverageWhole or Eitlicr Half

m r s HOswjimni m m m U s i g r e s 8 W g ^ S r ! ^ 1 5 c * 2 5 c Cranberry Sauce mmm•?* ffc


I 0 K H R

pHalibut Steaks 29cFancy Butterfish-13c

fi/dcuL flyainJeggfi At tibhe new tow prices are a big valtw.

eft it |triMMb«t) to »dti»fy-

i||ir|r|t CAAfiulllnCllfc fcutla tsrg4.inl«btir|

IT! 166$ :--WBSB!..:f dot

. • cartonCHE3TVTEW

SUNHYRELD-thir % y Ittt Salt ar iw*«t-C«t fro* fII lb. A f f l i o

¥5.Sharp C h e e i e ^ a & w " 2 8 e MildChme . . . 2tcPabst-Ett Cheest 2 - 25c Bleu Cheese ^ . ^ 4 3 ^ - ,Edam Loaf Cheese - 33c ChBd^r,ClteeseS,t^29c

led CherriesFresh

BriirsSpagheUiSaufie2Minute Tapioca .

T -

:DQ & FRYERS• I I V freeft ftm kearby Farms


Center Cuts . lb. 25c Smoked Butts

FruitBartlettSliced PineawiefWfc•»irftt» Sparkle C y f f i 3 -10»Bel Maiz Corn Kiblets **««$* Jett-0 or Royal Desserts 2 fGreen Giant Peas 2 J.; 23° Rnox Gelatine . . 1tcSauerkraut' tftf* 3- ,M9: Pur* Gelatin « ^ a % W *•••^Ul f lP t Pb*»« RtUABU Brind 0 No 3 flfl- dtfHRti l^ftt ANN PA6E O l l b O OwWQCl i c a o Orsde A—tirga t> cant AW*' l | i a | l « Wfllllfire,Oellclqu*fc|irtfcU

WlioleKernelCornT.M ;M9c Chiver's Marmalade ^Tomatoes ft*'B^-o^'« 2N«^25C CornKlx . . . 2Sliced Beets . . "*\«itts Corn flakes rNyF™ 2

Kellogg's Corn Hakes

WCole« Either Hal. ,b 23<! SttlOkfid T.OflgUejl

jeri ibifit Frankfurters skw««.>» i6o Pork Sausage

25c Veal Shoulders



From Crust \v Crust!


MILK 412S<fcor cooking, baking, b o v e w c . Infant feed-Ins • • • taonti back If It doesn't pleaseyott 100%. H

y p L e 2 icSwordfish Steaks 29c

s-^* b

CoMSteaks.**...*$$ 11 Towato Juice ommui 3 ^ t7c peat ies . . . 2Salmon Steaks «^ f 9611 Tomato JuiGe «* 3Wftte" Wlrcat Hakes «•«"» 2 «**

firapefruit J«ic6u««etrt3Nc^1tc Wheat or Rice Puffs ««fflni;

Sunsweet Pruns Juice 4 ' r 25c Quaker Oats . .Aft.p NO.2C.9C Ro'iedOats S S K

Juice T r b^iOc^tBcB S M f 2 « « i 9 e . ftuntJemima^cAKEFiour2o01pi,9

2 .*» 15c Sunttyfieltf>«KE flour «•**MACARONI, SPAGHETTI


c Ann Page ' """'TNOODTET'11 9.

Igs. pkg. ChWigo to dexof and save

Hytfrogenated Vcgotablo Shortening!

^^twitf i W * of to 6at«up 2^21* f lako P(e Cmst . 2^19t ffiC O ™ 1 ! fiulden's Mustard ^^10? LemonPie FHIer,W8S 3 w tfr .OmM

(MH s-An.rtiMnsty.e 2 '^ t f e P r e s t o Cake Flour& P e r r i f l S SattCC S a E b o l 4 O ^ VSKS FlOlfr Results GuaranteadI 2

cestershire S a f e c o [ 10c Swans Down Cake flourTomato Sauce ^ W 6 25c Davfs Baking Powder 2 ' ; : 23^four lease's Sift "2. i t * W m Powder A z * 2 ' ^WetSHrlmp ««i*wi . .>- . | t i Pure E x t r a c t s i ^ i ^ SSlicedieef • » • zVL***2h. Oxydol . . . . 2PSArmour'scoto^rtaihlli 25c Rinso . . W - 2 &ftrmoHfi Cttr»id Seel »««• tT» Chlpso /-^w'if"^- iB» vFuaHvaol ncurnical ^oi.can^|B wvap artlulSwBs^r,Titi),di3iiiian» pigs

' : : ' \ • & • . • ; • • - • . , • • / •• ••• ' . . , / . . . . . . . - , . : ' ; . • - • • . J L ,

Ui.ii t.-^C««AM:kiM# m , IB 6aiptairs*^8iup J^Jje Old Dutch Cleanser .JackFrttit$Bg«r^4iO^45« im*^JUlLt~n>- Mry flakes or Snow -,

utt t i iWi^tBt i -2fr -iNv'nhitojnijai . ...Camp&eirs Bean* 4;», 25c Babbitt's Cleanser 3 > 10cIll"wi^i^"*r-Vl*' White Sail Cleanser •i.-JS- 8«B ft M Baked Beans 2 1 - 25^ Sunbrite Cleanser 1 - 1 3 °Ught Meat Tuna Fish 2 ; 23c Scottissue . . . . < hCrahWeat ^y,w ^ : . 1 9 C Waldorf tfssue . 4 1S« T F Y f t Q B E E T S

flb.cdn.|Qc 31b. can 45<!

b nJ6c 31b car 4 5 c 6 ^ ^ ^ MIX

ANN PAfiE or RAJArV-A Blend 0 12 ozof pure Csno and Maple Syrups *• bois.

cant Z * 0

ABY Pk» I 7 f i


CHERRY CAKEA Real Treat fdrWashington's Birtlidav


ElghtO'ClockCoffeeRed Circle Coffee

Mellow* bags* 2S


Sweet, Tender

Firm, CMsp


my AnA Pa^e Food must please you completely

yout satisfaftioo with Ann f*age quafity because we knowthesie fine foods ate fexpftlfy iftaS* cf c&fcfilfr sd*tedf'ngf«<iienw. TKe/re famous iof flavor i .> t ad tfhtj «nfyours at teal ftviri^ because the 33 Ann Page Foodj areboth nude aa( | S 0 |d by Mt. t ry (hem,. . tid save.

* Fot * t « | taite t^rfll, .try Arih i WP'«erves. All tlioe hrVorlK tfmftitl inmade with hlly fi^Htd fcult, «XB««ly

- J ' " "ni'i'Beft

% PRESERVES2 ft.Jar ' • 1

r ^ / -

' r 25*


2 * 1 ftlb.

21c Bah-0

20 25'3 10»

«' 4 * It*I

t i l Mftrtfi Sardines -^

Nucoa Oleomargarine ^ t Coces

MazU or Wessflfi dil : - - 89c Sanka or Uaf»«6 Hag - 2 8 cHcmzBabyFedl^, 3 - 25= N«tlifTita^M&^14«^2rc I

- * * " 8 ^2 9s Fresh Kale . . . 3 10= Soup Greens *Wt.* . b^5<v

, 5t YellowOnion««»^'^ 4 , i9c Lemonsd'"^' , . 6 10esntwmita . ibfQc Carro t s »•<»*«W" . 2 ^ - . S *

Between Elm and Oak Streets '

139flTHVmd 8 t . %tween Cherry St, &$<>& Mlty ^*$id K dKUWSWICK'AVE* * This Stqr* Hftft No McaS


. 5_^u.aa!UtA.---^.

Page 6: Shop Trie AosJ - DigiFind-It...Employment Service in Perth Am-boy. administered tha oath of office to the thre^ f^entiy re-elected mem-bers, ComW«i|oners Joseph Me-Andrews,of Dr.•

f.«^^^^^f^^f^;^«.-p^r,n^,r.' *:*p^p

imrn ^i^mMf^k,' •''jspy^y*

i By Th« Nfcvigfttor

and There:ibeth Caubnk, of Middlesex

bne, has enrolled in St. Peter*!pjtal School of Nursing. Elltt-j h • (rraduato of WHS, Claw

' 1440 . . , Steve Kijuli (better»s Big Steve at Little Joe's)"fcifc" name hunting th«

1 day. Ask Steve (or the d*-. . All his customers areto see. "Henny", Romond

> dspek ftt his post at the Mutual. . .Marie,"Kowalciyk is

_ around lawn in a rltsyChevy convertible coupe . . .

don't bother .to answerthat are not signed, but I'llan exception this once

, 'aide to Mr. Anonymous, oflift*. . . What's the matUtvwith' concrete -sidewalk that wast on the lower end o* Oak TreeI when the underpass was com-

And the sidewalk^ at; as far as the thcatw, isn't so,

1, so why not uscit? Why potnit it's just force of habit to{Che middle of the road? . , .

the townthip:i Cupid directed his little ar-

: toward Francis Everetts andit* mark. As a result

ft engagement to Miss Doro-hit, of Cranford, was an-

I Friday night at a party inr town . . . Winnie Finn>y, of Perth Amboy, are

again . . , Friends• be happy to hear that Les

i is well on the road to iccov-Young Augie Greiner has

-transferred from Fort Dlx toi Beach . . . If you want to

;Bill Finn on Sunday nights,I best place to look for him isf/roller skating rink in Perth


FOUR VOL1IN SERVICE QUOTA'New Contiiiieiit To l a w

Local Station Tnes-day At 7:01A.M.

WOODBRIDGE—Four volun-teprt will be fn the draft contin-gent of I? men who will leave herenext Tuesday morning, February25, on the 7:01 train for Fort Dix,by way of (he Induction station inTrepton. The volunteers arc;

Walter Stymahski, .3,8 HenryStreet, Port Reading; 'William J.Kocsis, 286 Grove Street; AndrewHuizar, 87 .Btfnforrf Avenue, andAndrew R. Ruskai, 238 AmboyAyenue, all. pf Woodb'ridgc.

The conscriptsa,re,asfollows-: 'Woodbridgc1: .Andrew S. Hegc*

'dus, Jr., 56 Second StreetXeaiboy: George Fedqr, 43 Oak-

land Ayenue; Sfopheti Fisco,DanlAvenue./"'

Hope|awn: Anton Defarlo, 116West.Pond Road, '' Fordflt William' E. Nagengaat,

104 Ford Avenue;: George-Bustin,582 New Brunswick Avenue; LouisF. Steinmets, 772 New BrunswickAvenue; Walter Kawalciyk, 655King George Road; Joseph S. Toth,Jr., 44 Douglas Street and John M.Lukacs, 83 Hansen Avenue.

Port Reading: Stephen Bylcckio,Woodbridge Avenue; Lorenzo R.Alibani, Daniel Street, and FrankA. Fagyas, 88 Holly Street

Avenel: Max R. Stevens, 81Wyiie Street. '

Three ReplacementThree replacements left Wood-

bridge yesterday morning to takexhe places of those rejected. Theywere Edward George Kollar, LouisArchie Havens, Emil Kovabki,

Eugene Bird, secretary of thelocal board, calls particular atten-tion to the fact that next contin-gent will leave Woodbridge Sta-tion at 7:01 A. M. The men are toreport first at 6:30 A. M., at the

the Notebook:I«ar that Irene Simon is planX to get married aoon . . . andi her sister, Mary, is doing very

at. the Muhlenberg Hospitalol of Nursing1 where she is in

Julia R. Grace, Dr. G. M. MillerWed In St. James' Church Nuptial

local draft headquarters atflrehouse on School Street.


Woodbridge—'Mr. and Mrs, John Rupp, of

Iff second year of training.',. A Metuchen, and Miss Mary E.ober of local people have sc- Nenry, of Grove Street, were thetld jobs at the Copper Works'in guests of'Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ro-

jptrteret, including Gus Koch, Joe|mond, of Clinton Street, SaturdayLaughlin arid John Csubak . . . night.»Une Kaufman Shulman is Flo-. _ M r S - N o r m a n C o l c m a n h a 5 r c .iJbound . < B«tty Tighe, they u r n e d ^ h c r h o m e l n B u f f a l . N;

me, is enjoying her work at||ft Mei'ck and Co. office . . , It'a al-

^ y s open house at. the Doc Belaf-'(ilfyB on Sunday nights . . .. The• Emergency Squad ia in the midst

i''o.if (ts drive for funds to maintainp Its ambulance . . . How about dig-;pHjp)"ng down a bit and help the squad

fGUtT . , . Judging from the nutn-foer of calls the ambulance has an-

;;»wered during the past few wecka,ijfc & necessity in Woodridge . . .

ttr Jack Sehork is going to Rut-

mttes: • fWoodbridge was well represent-

ed 911 "This Is Fort Dix" program$uj}day . . . Seven members of the

Infantry Band,,.that wason the program, hailed

Woodbridge Township andformer members of the

bridge High School Band . . . .f tname8, announced over the

are: Sergeant . ValentineSergeant John Mazza and

lies Alex Simon, Mario SantaJohn Labbuncz, Donald

and Adam. Esposito .theed municipal parking place

south side of New Streetand idea . . . Township At-

> Leon McElroy measured thethis week and found that it

la frontage of exactly 257 feet: a depth of 100 feet . , ..It is

100 yards from the shoppingl i t e r . . . .

after a visit with her parents,dr. and Mrs. W. Rankin, of Lin-len Avenue.

•The Holy Name Society willidd a card party tonight at St,ames' Auditorium, William Boy-,n is general chairman and Leo

Menard will have charge of theprizes. .

—Donald Shepherd, son of Mr.nd Mrs. J. W. Shephard, of 20

lean Court, who recently enlistedin the U. S, Navy, is now stationedit the U. S. Naval Training Station,t Newport, R, I.

—Mrs. Harry Ford, of MapleAvenue, has returned home afterisiting her son-in-law and daugh-er, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pettit,if Patchoguc, L. I.

—Mrs. Howell Jaycox and son,Vallace, of WindsoiyMass., visited

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Warr, ofGrove Avenue, for a few days.

—Eunice ''Bluomficld Chapter,hildrcnof the'American Revolu-

ion, will meet this afternoon, at'•our o'clock at the home of thesenior president, Mrs. Ernest C.Moffett on Pro&pecf Street.

Klein, Leo J. Brennan, Chesterlale Avenue, were the Sunday m m i m H McCormick, Jacob M.Tuests of Mr. and Mrs. ElmerPaull, of St. George,'S. I.

—Mm. Henry W. Von Bremen,if Chester, Pa., formerly of lown,was the weekend-guest of Dr.' and|

gMt learned that'Buddy Ein, Jms been transferred to the

near Virginia Beach . . .'that Hank, of the Hi-Waj

f,ha» gone in for boxing in 1.f*ay . . .' Jack Sullivan, who it

np down in South Carolina1 home that the climate i>and tho barracks nice ami, . . The mailman who de-mail at Helen Einhorn'!

f Is just weighed down withi "from the Panama Cana

. . Ruthie Klein, who wa?on Caroline Street, has

back home to Baltimoreand and has left a string oJ1 hearts behind her, to lieai

boys tell i t . , ,

But Hot least:he Pesce sisters, Yjctoria, Bet

Susan, make the most deous spaghetti, Italian style .

Ml esk some of the girls who atO ed the Spdality supper Sntiir-ijt/night . . , Berton Duniga

Phillips Dougherty iwilp i ] up the middjc aisle in St,

' Church on April 19th .Junm and his boy friend;

dwllng regulurly at midnight!)ffo it or n o t . . . If you enjojilng cm-da, don't forget th<

Name Society emd party a<

WOODBRtDGE — At ft quietwedding held Tuesday afternoonat one o'clock in S t James'Church, Miss Julia Rfah Grace*daughter of Mr. and Mrs. RichardP. Grace/of Elmwood Avenue,, b | lcame the bride of Dr. -Gepr»*« M|Miller,- of Carteret, sdn of Mr.Mrs. Majrthias Miller, of WestlRev. Charles- G. McCorriitin, ptor, performed the ceremony.

The church organist playedwedding music, and th« io1btst-wa».Mrs. Anthony Galalda,, cousin olthe bride'. ' . ' , ' . '

The bride; 'who was. giv«n ipmarriage b y her fatiM, "wort a

Mel dioffre

Trainer InterlocutorIn Casey's MinstrelAil-Male Sho^To Be Oi-

fer«TTue»day Night InStJamei'Hall

WOODBRIDGE—Everything isin readiness for the presentation

the all-male minstrel show to besponsored by Middlesex Council,Mo. 857 Knights of Columbus,Tuesday night at 8 ;15 o'clock iriSt. James' Auditorium.' Dancingwill be held after the performance.

Michael J. Trainer, Townshiptax collector, will serve as inter'locutor. The program will be asfollows:,

Opening chorus, "MinstrelComes Rolling Along"; '!May INeve,r Love Again", Mel Gioffre;!(I Give You My Word", Jack Geis;"Ten Little Fingers antt Ten LittleToes," Wilton Keating; dance spe-cialty, ' EdwardBy the Ohio,"

FaJtisco; "DownMartin .Minkler;

'The Same Old Shillalah", ThomasO'Brien; "Berkeley Square", Jo-aeph Barcellona.

"By the Beautiful Sea", WilliamGerity; "Make Believe", PeterGeynes; "Cross - Eyed Kelly",William Van Tassel; "They GoWild Over Mo", Nicholas A. Lang-an; "Don't Put A Tax On theBeautiful Girls", Walter Walsh;closing chorus, "Rag Time andJingles."

George White has been coach-ing the production and James La-Barr is the accompanist.

Old landmark To

bro*ri gaberdirtd suit with mawniing n'ecessbries and a corsage fljcream, and brown orchid*,'- -

The maid of htfnor, MiM Nani^C. Grace, sister of the'bride, Waiattired In Butt of' brown wooftweed, matching accessories and ftcorsage of brown orchids.

J William Miller, of Rahway, sew-ed as his brother's best. man.

The bride's mother w o n

crape drew with white trimming,•ote»ori«i to match and a tor-ttffc of white gardenias. The bride-frrodm'i mother wa« also gownedin black crepe, trimmed with whiteand had a similar cortage.

A luncheon for the two immedl-Ytmiliea was held" at the Oak

rv ills VfanoT, Metuciien, after tMBtremony. Shortly after the lunchteon, Dr. and -tin. Millar left forFort Shelby, Miss,, ,whore ~ Dr.

ft1! a reserve officer in the311th Infantry, hai'bcon cajlod,fort«a year's active duty.' Th'e bnde is, a graduate of St.Peter's hoipital training schoolfor nuries/New Brutuwlck. (Dr.Miller Is a graduate of GeorgetownUniversity and the University Med-ical School. He interned at St.Michael's Hospital, Newark andMargaret Haguo Maternity Hos-pital In" Jersey City. He lnW'wasresident physician at the Presby-terian Hospital. He has been apracticing physician in Carteretfor the past few yean.

House-Wanning Party <]uestionnaires SentGiven To SeckistsFriends Arrange Affair;

Cards Are Feature AndPrizes Are Awarded

WOODBRIDGE—Mr., and Mrs.Harry iSechriBt, who recently mov-ed ''into their new home on Ridge-date Avenue, were the guests ofhonor at a surprise house-warmingparty. This affair wa» arjranged byMiss Ruth Tracy, *Mrs. HerbertSchrimpf, Mrs. Phillip and MissRuth Numbers. '

Cards were-played and the win-ners were: Mrs. Andrew Thomp-son and Mrs. Jack Stevens, of Rah-way; Mrs. Claude W. Decker, MissLillian Be/dnea, Miss Susan Mur-phy, Mrs. Charles Numbers, Mrs-Helen Sechrist, o f ' town; MissStella Wright and Miss DorothyBuckley, of New Brunswick.

Other guests were: Miss Flor-ence Whitchead, of Rahway; MissEmma Johansen and Miss ClaireGarrick, of Fords; Miss Jean John-son, of Orange; Miss Mary Everitt;and Misa, Jeanette Combs, of NewBrunswick; Mrs. Frank .Wilson,Mrs. Walter Dcmareat andCharles Bpgert, of town.


OBITUARIESMrs. Olga Jacobsen o|afi. °f Portland, Oregon.

SEWAREN—Mrs, Olga Jacob- The deceased was a member ofsen, wife of Jens Jacobsen, of 42! Camp No. 19, Woodmen of theHolton Street, this place, died Fri-day in the -Perth Amboy GeneralHospital. She is survived by herhusband and a daughter, Ellen Ja-qc/baon.: Funeral services were heldMonday afternoon at the OlesenFuneral Home, Perth Amboy, withRev. Noilemann, of the .People'sChurch, officiating. Burial was inthe Alpine Cemetery. v

Claremcs K. Liddle• WOODBRIDGE »- Funeral ser-viqes for Clarence K, Liddic, sonof the late Mr. and Mrs. Clarence11. Liddle, of Woodbridge, wereheld Friday afternoon in theGreiner Funeral Home. Rev. EarlHannum Devanny, pastor of theFirst. Presbyterian Church, offici-

- M r . aiu», Mrs. Clarence Peter- a t e d_ B l l r i s l w a s ,n t h e M i n

n and daughter, Eloise, of Ridge- r o m i l t ( , p v - Ti. f i hpnr(,r(, W f i r e . Dt1 Cemetery; The bearers were:

. „

Decision Of - : cIn fm Cateth

WOODBRipOB-'The oldmarket on Mai» Stwet r»xt tothe new rtorti and the old bamIn the rear art being torn downin order tb provide parkingspace for Wwlworth Fhr«-and-Ten store customer*. The newstore opened this morning atnine o'clock.

According'1 to Stern andDragoset, agents for the prop-,erty between the new LoteryBuilding' and Chrlstensen'sBuilding,'there is. no immediate,hope of tearing down the twoold houses and making an ad-dition to,the Lotpry BuildingInherttanie'taxes an* oth*; le*.gal red tape are holding up thoclearance of title. ' /

Regulation Of Water

atttJon of


the toning boar4!lnbuilding appllc»tipw?*Wf iPprovedby the TowAihlp CflOrtnltt«e »t 11

h l d W f t d ightby the T pregular session heldWftday night

Steven yigh.'of St. flwrge Ave-nue,, was given aoHnisiion to con*duct light manufacturing of tool*and dye* »nd John KanWxtn's pe-tition to conduct a poultry fatm on

wasChestnut Street, Ayanel,(rranted Both permits were grant-

hue, willtelwmc tho br,,|man Burfisser, son of M

•,M. the l«t«Str,.(.

titour<Hi ojf iwii,,Urtfft,


Behrenbsrg frill performmony.


United States rcmlvBritain' fBDO.tfOO.oootool*."'. ,


World. Funeral, services will beheld tomorrow afternoon at hishome at 2'o'clock. Burial will bein the Alpine Cemetery, Perth Amboy.

Mrs. Anna KomanAVENEL—Funeral services for

Mrs, Anna Roman, 62, of 3 Wal-nut Street, this place, were heldSaturday afternoon at St. John'sCarpatho - Russian Church, PerthAmboy, with Rev. Ireneus Dolhy,officiating. Burial was in the fam-ily plot in the church cemetery.The deceased is survived by adaughter, Mrs. Charles Kosty; asister, Mrs. Mary Simftk, of Ave-nel and'two brothers, Michael, ofAvenel and John, of Rahway.

Marius PetersonPORT READING-^Funeral ser-

vices for Marius-Peteraen, of 173Cento! AvenUe, this place," wereheld Sunday, afternoon at the

To New Draft GroupTwenty Township Youths

Receive ConscriptionForms During Week

WOODBRIDGE, — TwentyTownship youth received theirdraft questionnaires.this week ac-cording to an announcement madeby "ldcaY Board No. 3. Those who'recolved the forms are:

Louis Peikan, 628 Olive Plsc'c,Woodbridge; George James Bey,77 Benjamin Avenue,; iselln; Vin-cent A. Callahan, 434 Main Street,Fords; John J. Gohovese, Box 183Port Reading; LeRoy R. S«monsen,s471 West Avenue; Sewaren; JohnBrown, Fmra,o Street, Box 409,Iselinj Fred Thaler., Avenel Street,Avenel.

Frank Wnukoski, 45 MarionStreet, Port Reading; Joseph J.Ryan,' 81C St. George Avenue,Woodbridge; Alexander Nsgy,Smith Street, Keasbey; StanleyLemtaka,lBox 16, Oak Tree Road,Iselin; Jostph Kalmar, 285 FultonStreet, Woodbridge, James Balog,85 Schoder Avenue, Woodbridge.

Peter Wasko, 23 Hansen Ave-nue, Fords.; Andrew C, Prang, 19Florida Grove Road, Keasbey;Louis Toke, 522 Amboy Avenue,Woodbridge; John R. Bowmann,74 Albert Street,'Woodbridge;Frank S. Wojtanowski, Grant

Fords; Charles J. Scott,

Keasbey Client. Of Township To Loie Service* For Non-Payment

WOOpBRtDQE—Anto regulate1 the Keasbey WaterSystem, was introduced at firstreading at a meeting of the Town-ship Committee, held • Monday

night. ••. 'The ordinance provides that

when bills are not paid, theTownship may shut off the waterwhich will not be turned on againuntil all rent* \»nd charges arepaid together with an extra chargeof. one dollar. Applicants for waterservice will have to pay a depositto guarantee the paymentof waterrents The deposit will ba returnedonly after water services has teendiscontinued and all outstandingren^s and .charges have been sat-isfied.

The measure also provides thathereafter no galvanised pipes orfiittings will be placed between thewater iMin andtmeter, All servicepipes m«" be lead-lined, brass orcopper.

Northern Malaya i8 reinforcedwith bombers from Singapore.

Street,Enfleld Road, Colonia and JamesKara, Edgarton Road, Avenel.

Peck Hmsdale iioymon and Stan- h m n c o f h i B d a u g h t e r ( Mrs, Tina

Mrs. Ira T.Main Street.

Spencer, of Upper



ley Dukot.

Miss Sarah E. M. TomsCOLONIA—Miss Sarah E. M.

f on*, 85, of'New Dover Road, oneof the oldest, residents of the com-munity died Saturday in OceanGrove. Miss Toms was the daugh-ter of the late Joseph and SarahJ. Toma. '

Funeral services were held Tues-day afternoon at the Greiner Fu-neral Home. Green Street, Wood-bridge. Burial was in the Hazel-wood Cemetery, Rahway.

Jorgefr L. Nielsen'WOODBRIJXJE — J 0r ,g«n L.

Nielsen, 58, died Tuesday morningat his home, 34 .Freeman Street.He is survived by his widow, Jensine Mortensen Nielsen; twodaughters, Mrs, Christian Agesen,of Perth Arrfboy and Mrs., RoyPateman, of Woodbiidge; twograndchildren and 'a brother, Nidi-

Fiigan, 401 Barclay Street, PerthAmboy. Rev. Dr. Frederick D.riiedermeyer, pastm1 of the First'regbyter,ian Church of Perth Antioy, officiated. Burial was in the

Alpin* Cemetery. 7 The bcaienwere: Meyer Larseh, Chris, Thor-

atd and Peter Rasmusseh, RobertCristensen and John Thompson.

Every Piano in the it ore great-ly reduced. Luleit itylo modeli.

auditoriumFrad flrsuso and Harrywilf d<*»te for WIlS at

school auditorium tomorrowf ' Those Keat(ng cousin?

awjiy with the honorsfl ll Beroie is

ol the bssketball team and.^iU




'315. 365

As little at 10%Qa.l«nc0 on easy


* •

J.P.FprtierMadison Ave.,

Perth Amboy>. A. 4-mt




— Plu. —

Free Buses ToFRIENDSHIP PARTYat Scott Hall, Elizabeth

EVERY WEDNESDAYAND FRIDAY NIGHTHim l enm llluli nt SmithSt«., I'crili 4nifco>J TilOl'. M.Ainbuj- Ave. nt Wanking-Ion .SI., 1'erlh A Hilton Til.'I'.M.Hnnlcliml Balldinc,WuudliriiiiCf 7iS0r. SI,!>«U|er'n at Ptnhlns and>U«ievtlt Ave*, Car-tttti Tit5 P, M.Braily'ji Corner,, Car-teret TtliO I'. M.

Guud Priaea• The Dent For The htiutt

»'rleudalilp Brnerulent AidCouncil

Now Going

BRIEGS .61st Anniversary Sale

n 1



Reduced for Final ClearanceExtra Specials in Fine Furnishings!


Open Friday M(ht until 10 P, M.Cloi*d Saturday, Waihincton'i Birthday




Freih,Creamery Butler 93 SCOT*

Frcih Killed Fricaiiee

Chickens, lb. 27cJersey Fre»h

Pork Loins, lb.(rib end)


SwifU prime bonelen

Chuck Roast, lb.Swift.


Roast, lb.(Blade Cut)


Juicy Seedleii

Grapefruit 4 for23JFancy Golden Yellow

JBananas, doz. 23iFull Pod Calif.

Green Peat, 2 lbs.2iPint GradeRod Seal Maine

Potatoes, 10 lb.25c

Among AllBiggest-Selling low-Priced Cars


BiggestSelling lowPriced Cars


/RAHWAY% / W TIUA7HI ^ 1V Phone. RAMWAVi'tlSC)



Mrs. Elizabeth S. StellWOODBRIDGE— H*S. Eliza

S Abeth S. Stdl, wife ofS l l f 90 S h l S

A.h S ,tell, of 390 School Street, died

Sunday after a ghort fllne^s. * -sides her husband she is survivedby a sister, Mrs. Murie Pi'i«e, pfWoodbridge.' •

Funeral services wre heldG

Funera snesday afternoon at the Greine1

Funeral Home, on Green Street.Buriel wa8, in the FresbyteriaiCemetery.

.LIBERTYKill. - »At. - nVH.

.Gene Avtry"R1DIN' ON A RMNBOW"

itmurMc - Jltiry l-ir

i t* . ' . ' •




TheFunnlertlOVEComtdy Sine*"Hlnotehka"!

Jefferson MotorBRUNSWICK AVE. 'H AM



Page 7: Shop Trie AosJ - DigiFind-It...Employment Service in Perth Am-boy. administered tha oath of office to the thre^ f^entiy re-elected mem-bers, ComW«i|oners Joseph Me-Andrews,of Dr.•


'$, work to be done fellows!and wlll>Wm thrdugUhe ^ ^ t Wgreatest of ease* thanks to nuxfctn ingi-neering science.

When the i,00Q.mile$-a,n«hour pftinearrive? it will be poB8ibk for man & tymm the globe, keeping up with thi tun.Nothing but the international datt-lln*would make him mlM a d a y t w

, fo well known,'we fttok the voters ofWoodbridge and Ist'lln icted wiselysideling the referendum, submitted.Boards of Fife Commissioners., in

districts last ^ktttrday. "•""j strenuously favorefl Hihe retirement,

Llete, of certain 'pieces W equipmentfoodbridge and the authorization forexpenditure of. $12,000 .on replace-

We felt that th£ Woiidbrjdge Boardgrounds upon which to make its

nmendations for the improvement andfere happy; therefore, to give to theLm such help as we were" able. It isfree of satisfaction to'as, and it' should•be to the Board, that the case for the[fire apparatus was received with suchI favor. There were only five .votes cast

the.proposition' and as a result,machines will now replace the an-

Jtd, hazardous jallopies' upon whichafety of lives and property in the dis-

thas so precariously depended for the(ew yejars.i we flvored the Woodbridge expend-

equally fervidly did we oppose thei referendum which, if adopted, would[permitted the expenditure of $25,000

new firehouae..Suchtan expense atlime, we felt, was out of the question| it was to be incurred for a luxury, Wevd that the honw-owners of Iselln,

would make the effort to expressselves at the polls, would be againstIan because it represented something

[id their ability to pay.rUmately for the district, we think,j home-owners and rent-payers went tofoils in auficier^iWUBber to defeat tixe

c. Some day, > e hope, Iselin will beposition to have the kind of a corn-

center $29,000 can provide. Whenfinances of that section will warrantIan outlay, whenthe people who will•to pay the freight—not the deadheadsJisider the time to be satisfactory, theyrely on this newspaper to give theirrum all the support at its command.|re as anxious as the next one to see

grow and prosper,, but we realizeJwell these two objectives will never

by spending a lot of money thatbmmunity doesn't have..

Give AidTo A Brave PtopkWe understand that «n .effort

made to raise funds for the rtHef \>f Gttakcivilian^ who have suffered a»'a result ofItaly's invasion; . • . . • ' ? . •'.. Surely the people' <rf Greece deserve

the generous'support of democratic nation*and the people of this community will behonoring themselves in maklrftf.a' generouscontribution to the Greek Relief 'Fund'which will assist homeless victims of Axisaggression. " •• ' ' > ' '•

There was a.'day when the civilizedworld was'the beneficiary of tip cultureand im\elHgeiice,'of the men and wdtaten ofGreece. Today the fighting men of mod-ern Greece have given an example of valorthat reflects the ancient glory of'their na-tive land and, once more, places civiliza-tion in the debt of a brave people.

When the effort to raiae funds forGreece is made here let us gladly contri-bute a creditable Bum to be u&ed tor therelief of the stricken civilian populationof a worthy nation.

SaytFatdm Is A CorpteLeland Stowe, veteran foreign1 corres-

pondent for The Chicago Daily .News, saysthat unless "strong German aid is sent soonto the Italian Army, Italy will be complete-ly out of the w a n " H ; . '*]{'

Mr. Stowe has been on the Greek bat-tlefront since the Italian invasion beganand he asserts that there can be no dis-counting of Greek success". The GreekArmy, he says, has completely defeatedMussolini's legions and but for bad'wea-ther "Italy's humiliation would be .com-plete." ••..•;:".

Mr. Stowe says that "there is no'moreFascism in Italy", only a Fascist corpse be-ing held up by the Nazis." He gives threecauses for the Italian debacle: (1) TheItalian's thought the war would be a pa-rade; (2) they had poor staff work andmade many blunders; and, (8) they mis*M l h e f r a l f jkwer, em ploy fo^tlo'ter-rorise, civilian populations instead of de-stroying concentration centers and com-munication'lines.

An dm' »rW.IUUwU

Reporter In Washington' .„ ByH. 3. Simi


The passage of the \an&-1*mBill by the Senate li consideredassured by Administration lead-ers, who are working to speed themeasure to the President as soon,83.possible. Public hearings onthe bill were concluded by theSenate Foreign'Relations commit-tee last week, which Immediatelybegan the consideration of amend-ments, 'with clear Indication* thata majority favorable report wouldBoon permit the debate to beginupon the Senate floor, •


latin-American Gettunthan one hundred visiting atu-

from Latin-America are studyingU'lish language at the University ofCarolina/ For six weeks, the stu-

will reside in the University, whichlertaking ^hls novel experiment as a

|cal development of the "Good Nejgh-policy. ? ,

be a good idea for other cot-Und universities iri. this country to

the example of the North Carolina|tion. Probably thi best way to ad-

American influence in Latin-Amer-|to encourage' tiie shjdy of the English

In time, we hope, it wilt be cus-for students from this country to go

Buth" America for sjrniiar course's inand Portuguese'. ,

|e mutual exchange of students be-1 the two countrieBMarill help to djBvel-

solidarity Which must exist in the•rorld if it is to* stand against the en-,

jiments that threaten it from acrosslas.

Stocking Ad Drop$ 'Leg-Art'Most of the readers of newspapers are

familiar with what is popularly referred toas "leg-art" seen in news pictures, adver-tisement^ and specifically used to convincethe theatre-goer that a certain actress istops in entertainment.

The.development of "leg-art" has beencharacteristic of the so-called modern,ageand, be it noted, the device is used to at-tract attention of women as well as men.

In the advertising of hosiery "leg-art"has been widely featured, although most ofthe sales are naturally attributed to femalebuyers. It seems that a shapely limb, die-playing a brand of hosiery, has its appealto the ladies and the writer takes judicialnotice of its affect upon the males df theflock.

What we wish to warn you about, how-ever, is the fact that an advertise't of hos-iery is about to send put a stocking adver-tisement which will-not show a leg, I, It willappear in the March magazines. Don't say1

it took you by surprise!

I While many Republicans are onrecord, in favor of assisting GreatBrMin in her struggle, they "viewwith alarm" the immense powersgranted the P r e s e n t and thinkthat the end in mind can be ac-complished in a better way, '

Along this line, it is interestingto report that a survey by the Am-erican Institute of Public OpinionIndicates that fifty-four per cent,of the people of the nation thinkthe Lend-Lease Bill should pass.In addition, fifteen per cent.' fa-vored the bill with qualifications.Only twenty-two per cent., casttheir vote in the negatives andnine per cent: xcpotted;that theywere undecided. <

Once again, the DemocraticSouth appeared likely to lead therest of the country in support ofthe bill. A break* down of Derno-

The highlights in the hearing be-fore, the Senate Committee,,ofcourt*, w u ihs appearanc& ofWended

cratio and Republican • votersBhowed that sixty-nine per cent,of the Democrats were In favor o t

> bill against thirty-eight pecWendell W U ^ wto a m b w Hfrom Great Britain to tell Senators cent, of the Republicans quesj

Keeping Vp With The Sun|craft officials -are- now predictingI of more than 1,000 i&ileB an hour assera increase the." power of enginespprove the gojwtrijqtipn of airplanes,

speeds wji^ttot Iftlve In a month,but present speeds were consid-

Me*..-; The size%jfl«rib*ck,^lanes seemsvt0 % $ no limits andknow h o i b j t h l f 1960

0 %$ n ihoibjg th«.pl*9«of 1960

1940 Better Han 19291The estimated cadh income of Ameri-

can citizens, durjng the year--1940, was974,200,000,000 by Jesse H. Jones, Secre-tary of Commerce, who pojnta out that thisis ten per cent below similar figures for1929.

It is interesting to observe, however,that prices in 1940 were lower than in1929 and that the smaller iWO-incomebrought as much, or more, than' the 1929-income.

In other words,' the standard of livingof the people of the United States in 1940was probably *above that of 1939. • Never-theless, we still hear some griirnbling andcomplaining about flie "hard times," whichseem particularly Beyere in *-**-"-*• "•-theincomes

• It is'possible, of course, t |at the. big'^ h u f f d :i»pj\<ffl ofincome gifcup has suffered

income .and that the law,*have1 enjoyed increasednaturally ardusai^hfe. ire, p$

that if Britain falls, Americaevitably will be at war a month ortwo later.

The Republican nominee for thepresidency expressed the opinionthat this country should send allits bombers, except those neededfpt training and five or Jen de-stroyers a month to aid the Brit-ish, because "mad men" are loosein the world and while no man"can guarantee"' that aid to Grit,ain will not involve this countryim war, he expressed the opinionthat Hitler is far less apt to beaggressive toward the WesternHemisphere while England stands.

Mr. Willkie's testimony differedwidely^from,that of former Gov-ernor Alfred M: Landon, Repub-lican candidate for the presidencyin ,1936, who declared that he part-ed company with the President's'foreign policy over the Lend^JJewebill, whicht he described) \as aMgueBs-and-be-damned".pollw. Mr,Iiandon believes that a BritWi. vic-tory would be,to our "very Meatadvantage" but fears that the- Pres-ident will attempt to impose Amer-ican ideals anyways of life on theentire world.

Previously, the House of Repre-sentatives, by a roll call vote of260. to 185, had passed the TilLThe voting was .largely alongParty lines, with 236 Democratsand 24 Republicans passing thameasure over an opposition whichincluded 25 Democrats, 136 Re-publicans and 5 members of theminor political parties. -

''Described as a measure "to promote the defense of the United;States,",, the bill gives the Presi-dent broad powers to manufactureand dispose pflf defense article tonations whose defense is neces-sary to the defense of the UnitedStates.

No limit was placed upon theamount of aid that could be givenbut defense articles procured fromfunds already appropriated couldriot be transferred beyond ,8 value"of $1,300,000,000. Congress retained ppwer to rescind the Actby majority action by both1 housesand terminated the outbqvitv on,June BO, 1&{8, hut1 allowed threeadditional years-to carry*out «omrnitment« made by that time,

Politically - minded observers,were''impressed with the oppositevkws expressed by the former Re-;publiemi • presidential .candidate*Messrs. . U K * and Willkle. The


tioneil. Twenty-three per cent, ofthe Republicans favored the "billwith qualifications against ten percent, of the Democrats of likemind. Opposing the bill werethirty per cent, of the Republi-cans questioned and thirteen percent, of the Democrats. Those un-decided included nine per cent, ofthe Republicans questioned andeight per cent, of tha Democrats.

Generally, the Survey finds thatpublic opinion in this country fa-vors increased aid tq Britain "evenit the risk of war," and believes,that American aid in more likelyto, prevent war for this country inthe long run than it is to draw usintp the present struggle,

Consideration of the Lend-Leasobill has about engaged the undi-vided attention tit the Capital forthe past few weeks and there la

fftct that HqRubHcan' me.m'hejs othe Ho'uW vit«d aim-"* six-to-rr

the Ltuae-L«nj miiasurt

controversial proposal it dlupmedof. Certainly, no on«oan disputethat It gives vast powers to thePresident of the United States and,so far as we know, this is unpre-cedented in the peace-time historyof this country.

Nevertheless, it should be re-membered that ihe President, un-det the Constitution and as Com-mandor-in-Chicf of the armedforces of the Republic,' possessesvast power and that go far as waror i)eace is concerned, the ChiefFactitive of this Republic canissue orders almost certain to in-volve the nation in War.

The passage of the Lend-Leasebill will not constitute, we think,the surrender of' congressionalpowers,- but will rather representthe deliberate conclusion of legis-latures that, in the present condi-tion of world affttirsj/wlth dlctaj

tors. in absolute control of prac-tically the entire resources of Eu-rope, it;is necessary for demiJera-1

cies to place probable power inthe hands of their responsible offi-cials, Otharwise, it Is feared,democracy will be Unable to func-tion with the speed and dispatchthat is necessary to protect th&vital interests of the people of thedemocratic nations.

There can be little doubt, webelieve, that the majority of thepeople of this' country are posi-tively against entering the warunless It is necessary to actuallydefend the United States. Pre-ponderant public opinion is -alsoagainst the dispatch'of Americansoldiers to Europe, .regardless ofwhat transpires oft that Continent.

SOFT LANDINGLeadv'ille, Colo. — Although lit-

tle Paul Hoffmeister, 3, tumbledout'of an automobile travelling atB0 miles an hour, he wag, unhurt.

likelihood that other issue* I He fell" into a Bpjft snow-bank on'take the spotlight until this I the side of the highway.








- • : • , / / *-



btit|wiiicle «iii hnv« H hard time «••

"Owr Planet At War"In my last Article, lapoke of the trouble in i

and re-adjusting air production to rapidly itary needs., But the job of making « y i L , w

time li more difficult thanrtnosjt people outside S T iindustry can appreciate; . . .

In the airplane indjtetry, the big word It ^ . _And precision takes tirrie. • The Wright Aeronaut ic^poration in Psterson gives each of its flirplane engine! i000 separate inspections,

Such care is absolutely necessary, As an» ,.industrialist told me, "If A bearing burtw out on yottfiyou atop at the nearest service station and have it renalButif%something goes'wrong with the engine of a | t000 bomber. 20,000 feet up in- the air—that's a diffeatory!" .. .•

DenuniAgAgaintt Death ,The engine is not the only part of the pla'ne.thati

be constructed with caption. For flying" at 860!«hour, darting, scooping, stde-alipping, turning to *enemy, the construction of a plane's body must be crnot just for beauty 6r for distinction or according to iartist's whhn.but for immense, speed, extreme maneubiiity. A'mistake; by the designer, by any of the nwous mechanics, and plane and pilot must pay withHves, '"

The construction of the wings, the strength- o i lplane body at every point, must be such as toterrifle strains. No addition1 or subtraction to a pladesign can be'Incorporated until it is thoroughlyThe British asked Brewstet to lnake a place for itwo additional machtne-gtma on the wings of theseat pursuit plane; but Brewster refused because ihf

ny felt that such an addition would demand^ fatalrifice of the plane's maneuverability.

An airplane must meet all ordinary conditionsin war time it must meet many extraordinaryplane manufacturers wonder at the way their own <stand up in grueling dog" fights. "Those flyert,""put strains on their engines that no engine oughtable to stand, With death'all around them, theybe thinking of their engines, I suppose But sometmost of those engines stand the gaff,"

The German Planes,The care and, precision which go into American, pi

have sometimes been attacked as a contrast to Gel"mass production." The idea is current that the '1have adapted themselves to wartime conditions bythting planes together wijh thread and rubber bands—pliifiwhich do not last long but do last long enough to aceplish their purpose. \

{This idea, however, seems to, be false. Germangines, found in planes wrecked on English soil, showcision and accuracy of workmanship rivaling Britain's'and,(iJAmerica's best. The plane bodies are somewhat aimplecthan ours, with fewer instruments; but they are* not Cftboard boxes. The answer to German ability to combquality with quantity is the answer to German superiorityin all other branches of air production: time and standard^izatjon.

An Engine FactoryIn no phase of air production is the complexity of the

air industry so clear as in such a great engine factory asWright Aeronautical in Paterson. The size of the fivelarge units, the variety of operations inside, reveal in them* $ |selves what a problem the. company faces. . ' „ <"

At one end of the production are the benches after <benches where engineers ait over their blue-prints,powerful lights. At the other, the last parts are fittedthe engine With personal care of an artist finishing,trait. <In between are the myriad operations whose'curacy makes a regular conveyor-belt assembly line tnfc*r'vpossible. . ' "CT'J

Engines must always' improve. In 1932, WrigW%>9-Cylinder Cyclone engine generated 950 horsepower;now generates 1200 horsepower, and weighs, less thajtdid then; Nor is there any increase in bore or stto)te> '*Such an achievement is amazing. To increase horsepo^afyv'lyou must increase cooling capacity. But how can1 you -<Aincrease horsepower and cooling capacity without incr*;,aa» ,"Xing weight? Wright engineers and mechanics hadto^J1*'1^the answer, and in a world vat war, must go on finding^answers.

Hard metals must continually be fitted together, Thw J^in many operations, production flow must wait whi le*metal part is softened by heat before being fitted into- itaplace> But all parts must be strong, tough. So parts, moat1

often be annealed, hardened, in .chemipal vats. AU this.takea time (50 hours to "nitride" the inside of a cylinderbarrel, for instance). '

Machining parts is ati extensive process. Ina rougj&ast master rod weighs 74 pounds when it.aniveg-'iat the plant, weighs 16 pounds when machined. It is also ~$an expensive process. Oil for lubrication must flowhuge quantities. But Wright's must watch their expenses;so the oil is reclaimed and used over again.

Guarding Against SabotageMore time, more care* is demanded in protection

against sabotage, as we shall see in'the- article onlion. Every nut -already screwed on is then wired oj|'Jhand. Every little* opening w covered over with:< *phane, lest metal ahavinge be poured in. After /ibly, the completed engines are locked up under stil being shipped Off.,

And at air times, there, is continual testing a f t twork, from the inspection of yaw material to such c/eated machines ras the Dyaetrlc BalaW Indicatortests tha ewnteSfyweight/ ^hlrty n<iw—which are; aJ&o'Mr conditioned, e.x.ploaio#

Iweii built' a,t'

Page 8: Shop Trie AosJ - DigiFind-It...Employment Service in Perth Am-boy. administered tha oath of office to the thre^ f^entiy re-elected mem-bers, ComW«i|oners Joseph Me-Andrews,of Dr.•


29 - 1*40 Italanr*

IMSUft, !WWA D mgntnm

Mbck if sold on t*tia», will #mi*td t ">M«0 tH down imvment nf ">M,«0, trie Ml*

f h "f iy

ntort njlnlmum bldt thill b» re

\s8enlulMOD 00

2 Of

I 339,3b


'. Current Exp<«n«*i lpp»?HtS

" ''UJ12'1"" ""'nnu pbwcr . ,'Illumlnntlnit O*J» . .„. , . . , „,,......(liisolln* and Oil i.^...,.,.,„ „„.',,. ....

I Mrpittll B Oft I ft I IT1* I***"I'rlntlng and Advertising-

! i

<Nt« , .... , . ..... ./ . > wtftw hydrants•.:. >-*:..

Tfttat DMmtMnsMf*, .Iwiunrjr I t , V i w i tuwnnci. .

Toifll «l»i)ur»pment» and ""

;'Ordered aiivfrtl*«fl:» 1'ltlH D18TRIG


H«rt»«t»tful ly t u U t ,nnwAnD i,. BRBKN;.Iteflatereil Municipal Accountant1.

11 , OSecre ta ry .

Horrofate of" « * ? hertby

II tors of the

. Bur«*™u»Frank A, Cnnnol

coanty ot *» notloe to the ,

. ,I0«el>h U'clner 10 brln* In theirit*, demand* and clalrti walnutestate of the «»li) dtcuuieti, un-

*h or ttfYirmfttttfii'*' irtlhln aiicfrom this dale or they will

•he forever barred or any Bctlon' against the sald;*xecutr!x.

F'CllrU(ir.V Jth, 1ML \Anna wether, RlietUtrlx,

•Samuel siadkus, luq.iCounselor At Law,Jta Btatfe St,,iperth Amboy, K. J., Prootor,


| / |hoBiplDn

h h b t

Mr.CThompson, her huaband; Mary C.

Tliompsoh, Mother * Guardian,and Hr.iThompaon, her husband;•Stefan Btachurskl nnfl PaulineBtaeliurski,' his wlf»; -CharlesDamber ami Hrp. Chatflw Dkm>her,;his wi(«i Fr«a«l<Jk J, Muc-Farmtitl nnd Mr«, WsaericK J.

Bois anS Mr. Du Boll, her hus-band; Helena Ellis Mifl Mr. Kills,Iwr husband! T"cter J, MeQrftthand «r«. Peter J, MoOrHth, his

,Wlfc'; "Bridget McOrath fend Mr.McClrhth, her husband I tisorgeLust And Mm, George-Lnat, hln

fioltenter, hie wfte; Bella 011-nennn and Mr, Gimannit, * « hus-band; Gonrge ureer and Mrs,ticorgc Greer, Ills wife; Elian*both A. Oroves And Mr. OravcH,licii huuburnl; Anha Frieda Bret-zkv nnd Mr, BrfeUttt, her him-hand; Michael !W. Bretzke,Ulmraian, unQ MfB, UlchhelBretalte, his wire; Mrs, Robert A.Daj>ton, Wire of Robert A. •Day-ton,' a former owner;, KarolyKsomtty add urn. Karoly•nay, his wlfel"Mr. Hoffman, hue-

T " bund of Sophie Hoffman, tx Tor-Vjr mer owher; Mr. BlUmlltie, husfe, ' bund ot Louisa Wurtlllhfc, a for-\ . >ner owner: Mr. XtaKter, husband

of Margaret DeXter,' n formerowner; Andre* Qutaay and Mrs.

a Andrew Gutasy, lilu Wire; Anton- n , . StoltlAB And Jmna Stoklsn, his«,'-' •wife, MonfortetBlmpne and Mrs."-• Mbitrwts SimpBe, his mm; Lot.

. , tie Bird and Mr. Bled, her hunbtinO; nnu their or «jiy * t thelirespective unknown heirs, de

11 vlsaes, ' periuhttl t t b r t utlves, executorn, .admlnlstratora,81 on tees, ctftstlitii or «Uu

A In right, title or Interest,pi* Jfty virtue Of anOraer ttf'the Court^rOf'ChsjicQry of New lorney, made oni\We atty-of tile flute ;het*M, rnfc'tfausi[jv-Vhortin tbe township of Wood;>!bridtte, n. municipal corporation o1 State of New Jersey, Is com-

Inant, and you And others arc>tlio defendants, you are regulred to%• appear «nd answer the bin of eftld

.complainant on or before the 29th•day ot Surah, next, <o> the m i d bll.will be taken as contested again*

,', The said bill Is filed to absolutely','debar and foreclose -you from ail

Tight and equity of redemption of,. i n and to the prehiHtek described in

/,cert!llc(ites of tax sales dated Mayr18th, 1921, November Jth, l»35, Fgb-tfHary 8tl|, 1923, November 8th, 112},

I January COth, 1931, January 16th,mm, October. 15th, 1B36, June let,

r kl»S7 and June 1st, 19SR, coveringt Ml Ita Block M4i Lats 3D7-8 and

, ._..'-* In Blook Hi; l * t s S89-D, 3»2-K,J8*nd S94B In BlOflk (27; Lota 311-C4 bnd 382-U Ih Block 64«.; Lot lo t In> *B(Oflc BU: Lot 8B,6-B In Black «40;. Lota .3D and 30 In Block «1S; Lota

' rA»d-<\M-H, 3U-V, M2-C, B42-D s.ndi 8>2-Aln Bluck 627: Li)t l i j ' ln Block

; til, Lots l to 3 ln Blook US: Lot 2 lnBloqk IifC-ll, LoMOO-n'ln Block 626;

tiLot 374 In Block i6«; Ltfts 38S-A and

C-B in Block 640; Lota ST to 90 inock. fit); Lot 3«a-B In Blook 840;it .MO |n lllock (38, on the Assess6i>t Map of the Township of

j nriaso in MJddlosex County.rfr. Ami you, the BboVe nUhefl are

defendants, because you have1 ihay cinlm to lmv« a ll*n or nene,' some rfg-ht, title, interest, «state,

blilln in or to the premises described' i said bill ot complalifl.

Victor SamueLSolicitor at' *omplaln»nt,24 Commerce Street,WmaDk, K, j , '

Dated: January 28th, 1141,[L.8-7.,14,21,28

•1*1 ct A. t»e«r«on,'widow, ailed Hpp-tember 11, Ulo nnd rerfrtrded 8op-t#miier U, TDll, In Hie • offler of theClefk of the County of MiddlesexIn rtotk B»3 of Deedl for Mid coun*t> at pn«e (01 ot neq.

Being iM premiien commonlyJcnown «"J" 3l»lgn«teil a* No 40Firth A l Ncnown «"J 3l»lgn«teil a* No

Firth avenue, A\«nol, New JertieyThe npproxlmiitft amount ot the -

(tfcreo to ho naltHtiecI' by mid salela th« nurn of live thoUnand twohdndrtd nlnfty-ntnc dollnra (JS,-391.00) together with the «osu ofthis »nle. '

Torether With nil and RtniEitlnr th*rlgliIF, prlvlltges, lierpdltamentn nndappurtuninosii ther«Unto helnnglnjor In anywise apiiertalnlnjr.


ORtAWDO H, DET,130.66 ,lfX.,-4: T, U, 11,88,



8ALH—In Chancery ot(law Jproey. Between Clara Van-erhoven, Complainant, and Charles, MWrer, iJertha Meyer, hie wife, etIt., DeJemlanln. Fl Pa for M ID ofI a for MID of

r B B DremlBes dated January

y «trtue of the above stated writ,i ,tt> rtlrefted and dellveretl, I will•^-•j .to sale ftt public vendue on

KBH^Y, .TtlB BTH DAY OTMARCH, A. D., 1 9 «

two o'clock, standard time, In thetflrnoou of the said 4ajr, at the

herlB'a Offlce In tha tllty of We*Jrunuwlek, K J. *

All those certain lots,, tractg orftrcolK Ct land and «r«mlsea, her*'nntter particularly described, sltu-i lyitts ana beme m ihe ttown-

t of Wooabrldm. In the Countylaalnsex and Itata of New Jer-

B at a Dolrit In th«ijutheantcrly side bt Fifth avenue,nstant south 34' ?(U- west 4G0 <eetJtom tliq corner formed by the

l i a t t lt^atotftheasterlyide of Tifth avenge with the eouth-

t*»*»ny jtlde oT Centre street as

Htreeta are laid down and dtslg-l on "Mctp of AVanel Park, See-

on 2, Woodbridge Township, Mid-, toex Comity, Wew Jetse^, Septem-

&r '• JW6i l*r»on and pP h Ab

'• JW6 i l* r»on and po*. qivllnosrs, Perth Amboy, Jl, Q.t" o»

In the qffioo of the Clerk of thenly ot toaalas th <1>i»nty of MtflrtlRSei; thence U )

i f 24V4' ea»t 100 feot to a, thence (1) aouth 34* 36%'*Q feetito $. point;-thence •<*>

h 66* 24V4' "<v«»t 100 feet to ain said iouthe»»ti>rly aide ofaventie; thwoe (4) along the

' Ide of » f th aVe-e»H SO feet to

pl«c»,<if BplINNlNQj ItAowh and <Seslghatea asitv ,»nd 1Q11 «a the same areg « n d d l g n t A d th

m tmx.ii<mnr op NHW1BH/1HW

TO: Frank MttBHonust And•fbsHopuHt, hip v'lfo; Phlllli Closky,lilUnbeth E. Hcdtt nnd Mr. Scott,her luisbnnd', 1'iiink Ituvncs andMrs. Frnnk Kovius, his wife; Mrs.-iFrnnk .K«VHCK, wife iof KrnnkRoracs, n former owiler; Cnrl Slmp-fendorfer nnd Mrn, Carl •Slmpren-dorter, hl» wife; Jen* tSdvard Ped»cruen and Mrs, Jons Eilvfttd Pfder-nen, his wife; .ttjin lCilvnrd Peiler-sen nnd A nun Chariette Pederssh,his wife; Nelson M, Cumpbell; Hob*nrt M, Hllvarnmn; LtutlB MemnruH.

widower; limlly ,|, Do Forest unit-Mri'De Fore«t, h«r lmshahd; Prank""" mninkn nnrt ISHfraslnlit Wins*

*n, his wife; Antony Slmmln andMiirgnret ShamlH, hlji wife; .MaryO, Jlewex nm! Mr, M«w«ii, liui- IIUK-hund; AkncH C. Fowley Morloy andMr. Morlt'y, her liimbaiiil, '/,\i\a\\ettBcutsch ftlid Mr«. Zlnovleff Ueutsch,<his wire; c 'Stohtnaky,Imlchyk, IIUHIIHIKI of Mary Ml-tmlchyk, a former owner; -.Jan Kii-nwdtt and Mrs. J»n Kftmoiln, hiswir«; Mary Knuiodli ami Mr. Kn*moihi, her hustiiind, nnd ithelr ornnx of their respective unknownhelm, ilevlsecfl. imrsnhBl "

Upon ftccntanw*, or biajptm lAlf f t h C«rwiu

Woodhclrtlt* held Monday, , , .17, I1M1, i- wasi directed to iiilvcr-tUn tU J*n-t( ial on Monday' MI>-nlnk, Mnr.ih- S, iCtl. the TownshipCommittee "will muct at S I1. M-(B8T1' In 'the .(Tnmmitt^e, Chnmlirrs,- ' Wimd-

tell *t-publicMt Ulfldtl-

f R l H

, f * p ^e and lit Hie 1UB.II-

to lcinia,(ir «nlol l C ? l | p

that ' ' the

o« Rle With the'Townshlp Clerk opento lnHP»i!tlon nnd to.be1 publicly rendprlof tp «»le, Lnta.£ nnd .T In BlookI4«A, W/mdhrhlite fowimhlp 'Axaus-ment Ksp.

5*k» further noticeTownship Committee Inlotion una .pursuant tominimum'$nce At whiB^ttlfibliiaiisinTl b*with fttl«minimumcosts ot pr-tltlnf :-tmi. „ „. —_blook Ir sold on terms, Will requirea down payment or IW.flo, the bal-ance of purchase price to be paid litequal monthly Inntnllmt-nts of |H>.00plus Interest end ot|»»r term* prw

b«ingfce b«ing jHo6.fl.iljjluVfiii« jdMft mi >Mlv»r-'te. Bald lot* In »«ifl

t ill q i

vided for'Ih >(JontrRct t>t H ie .Take further notice thnt at

be fldjo

_ salfl'dote to Whloh It t o w

. . I; the ToWnahip Com-mittee rrtBrris the rlsrht In ltd dis-cretion to wJeut any one or all bidsand to asll sflfl lots In Mid blookto such bidder as It may select, rtileresard batnv B'ven to terms andminuet of payment, In case ono ormore minimum bid* shall be re-ceived, •

Upon acceptance of the minimumlid, or bid above minimum, by theTownah|p< Committee and the .paysment thereof by, the purchaser the manner of purchase

,n accordance .with terms or sale onIII*, the .Township will deliver ai i M *AdMWl»"«Wd for tatd prem-la

February 18, 1641.•..j.irtJiMt-...,

, , Township Clerk.To 1)6 advertised February 20 nnd

February it, -Wl In the Inrtepenil-

Itefer Tof W-MD Ihwkrt 1HO/T8NOT1CR OP itJBMO SALH

TO WHWatttr HAY'OONCBRNl •At areiiular meeting of the Town

- - - - - st the Tship Commftee a- • • held

p(. Monday. 'Febru-

ary 17, 1841, I WHS directed to nd-verilae the feet that on Monday eve-ning;, March •&, 1941, the Town-thtp Committee will meet at 8 P. M.

in the OommltliM! Chambers,. . . . . nl MiinlclpgrBiilldinlf.-Woofl-

bridte, New Jerse; , nnd espoae <tnrtsell At public sale and to the hl«li-eat 'bidder according to terms orsale on

gwith the Townnhln

~ b

heln, desem. imrshBl tepreiiantntlvoa, txeoutort, administrators,KWitatH, ua.ilgni! or MitTOnsorn Inright, tltlo or Interest.By virtue of im order of IheCourt of

Chancery »f Ni'W,.leraoy. mftfli! ftn tlu>day 'of the date k«A'«of, In* a cnuaewherein rtioTo-hMiShlp«f WoDilbrMse,n munlclpBl corliortitlon of the Stiitcof New Jerney, Is rumplulmlnt, anilyou nnd other« nr<; thu tlafcnrtants,you are required to apneur and anisWer the hill of dnlil complainant mior berore the lith day or April, IIOKI,or the snldhlll will l>c taken as toij-fessed ngulnnt you. • , v

The mild hill Is [lied to UhnolirMydelin,r and roreirlnsp you r,rom allight a i t ; f i

, , , 1 , , , , . x i H ' H»IB UII HIP Wllll IIIB lUtVllflflill. •Sil MI C l e r k Inflection nnd to be• M r *" publinly. .itnU.prlur to oiile, l-ot« 29

nnd.30, In Block 824, WooilbrldgefojWnahlp Assessment Map.

Take furtHer notlw that the- " n s h l p ' CQmmltteB has, by reso-

n wna.^ptirsuhtit to' law, nitedn minimum prlne at which said lotsIn shld block will be sold togetherwith all other aet&lle pertinent, saidminimum price being; »an(i.fio plu»costs of preparlnr deed and adver-tising this sale. «Old lots In salilblock It sold on tefma wljl reaulrao down payment or IS5.00, the bii'l-ance or purchase price to be TVld1

In equal Installmehts of•10.00 plus interest and other term»


r o r l n s p you r,rom allequity; of;redemption of,th i h l b d Iin nnd to the prcmlHes described In

certlticntea of ms HIIICN dittetl MltyISth, 1921; Fohrunry Sth, 1 « 3 ; Janu-ary 20th, 1931; Aiiicum Wth, »3B;KBptcmber 10l!>, I93r>; April * 10th,1138; October 15, 1SI3G; June 1st, 19:17and June Int. 193K; covering Lots lttto 111 In 'Blook TrN-Oi'Ijou 40 and 41In Block liT-i-cr; Lots II nnd 10, InBlock BB2-B; Lulu 116 to l lSl l l lilook5!ifi-C; West fill feet of Lot ilii unil aoIn Block 570; Lntui) to 12-In «lock563-FF; Lots a und 10-A In Blouk66S-TT; I otH W iinrt an In BloPltE74-C; Lots n nnil IS In Blook 74B-A:LotB 19 to 22, 21 nnd 2fi In Block748-B; Lot-75 In Block G20; Lot iUIn Block 1)33; Lots 8&7-D unit 387-HIn Block 827; Lot 106 In Block M2;Lot 372 In Block 639; Lota 252 nntl313 ln Block 638 und Lot 38(1 InBlock B40, on the Assessment Mnpof the Township qf WoodbritlBc,County of Middlesex.

And you the above minimi urumade defendants, because you hnv«or may claim to have a lien ar llnne,or some right, title, Intero«t, estate,claim In or to the premises dCHcribuuIn HUld bill of i-iMnplniht.

Victor Samuel, Mulloltorfor Compliilnunt, ,24 Commersio Mtree.t,Newark, N. J.

Dated: .February loth,' mi l . •I.L,2-20,28;3-7,ll ' \

•10.00 plus interest and other teprovided for In contract of sale.

T»ke further noUc« that at s... further noUc« that at said,sale, or any date to which It maybe adjourned, the Township? Cont-TnlttBB.jreswrveS the rlRht In Its dis-cretion, to reject any one or i l lh i d '- - - •• • ' - - •

lute of purchase price tA be- paidIn tqual nrtwtmy tnftMttwStii WWO.0S plus lntens»t |nd tffftjr t«rm»'»4O,0S putlvlrtrt

X*lt«nil *m,

further not:tftt*, or any datebe adjourned, them i t t o K M t t H th . _ . ... ..„«ti6n to r»jaot any ot)« * r all toldt,ami to Wtl n>nU! lota |h Kafil blodk "«ue1) bidder • • It mar select, d|iretard being •tv«n to t t tmt Umanner of fwnamt , ht>4UM W M Jmorn, minimum- blfls « h i ^ T

Upon arctplanneId, or Wd

—ment tliartor by th« 'pu._eordln«jo the manner orID »ooffrB»nct wit' " ' ~file, the TownnhWltam and saleWltIlATKD. i-'vlirtiary

* BTfnm&\# C

To in.- iidv»rt"««4 PfbriiiiryFebrimr.v ^8/ in it . In the lflrtfnl-Lander.


Urfi>r Toi W-TT,wwric

To -"Whom ft May COL. At a remlor meeUn*•hrp committee of th>~ »'. held »{onr .

. . , 1 W M (UrceiM to'ndverIIHC (he fait that on Hnitdhro H

Mnnh .'., 1(41, Hie t wCommittee will niiiot• al* I , P. M.IJWTl In (he (-«h)mllt'ee Cltambers,M'emnrlnl 5innl.l|ml Buildlkf,' Wood-hrldKe, New .Jcrncy, an<lt*Kpo«e andB«ir lit public sate nnd to i h e lilsjlv-FIH bidder.act orillnK to t trmsof i*lei»n file wltlr the To%rt»Hlp Cltirkopen to Innpn'tlori And to'b*riulill(ilyireftrl prior KI mile, l,O<s 2 ID 1 In tu -itive In lllixk m<; Lot* i! lo 0 Iniflu-

l d H in lit Inclusive Ih Slock'j 1tn <" Inclusive

I B '10d

Inclusive u j 10In. .Black' RMr and' " " "

Hive null H861; Loin(O 23 Incl . . . . ._ ,_.. . , .Lom 3 to 10 ini-luniA-e In 'BlaqkWoodhrld^Kc TiiwniOilp A n m i VMiip. /f • , .

Take further notloe that -the,Townttlilp Committee' I)M, by ttta-p |t)e M, y relution and pursuant to law, fixedminimum price at which skid lota I

d to«<tlnent,

sald blocks will be solwith nil other details pert1 . . .minimum prior being -•.!8*8^0 . . _ .costs ot rrep»rliif deed and adveT-


thlk sale,ttg de<, Said

blbcl<s ir«o]d oh term*, will requlri,a>down'payment of |S85,OO, lh« b«l '

tot* It)will-re


ance ot price to be paidin equal monthly Installments ofI28.BH pluii Interest and other termsprovided ior In contract of «ale.

No naslRnmont of Interolt In anyat tha lots included It ttllli'MIe orcontract for any one or all of laidlota shall be made by the puxchihereuhdor unleia It be to a parr*whom a home shall be built witforty days.

Provided the •pu»ehK([«r oonitoaesto pity .promptly the hibnthly.-pay-mentn fixed in the contract ot salean all of the lots Included In the Saleajnd there be no defnult w h i r t e m Insuch paymcnU, or any part thermrt,to the date of request for a deed, thepurchaser nhall be entitled, 'n re-aelvc A bargain and Dale deed fornny one lot to be leleoUd upon thepayment of tin additional $76.00per lot, together with a reasonablefoe for the procuration of the deed.

Take further nolloe that at eftldsale, or any date 'to which It m«yoa ailjoiimad, the Township Commlttde reserves the ri»ht In Its dls •oration to reject any oae or all bldiand to sell said lots In said bloaktto such bidder as It may select, dueregard bell.? elven 4o Urttii »hdmanner of payment) In case one ormore minimum bids shall be reoelved.

'Upon accoptanoe of 'the minimumId. or bid above minimum, by the

Township Corainlttce ana the Julyra«nt thereof by the purchaser «ooordlng to the 'manner ot purohftseIn accordance .with terms of salo on

t)ATBD; febrnarr 1

To be <tdv*rlls5d Februa#*brtwry'IB, »ll I h

February 10, nnilIn th« indtpcnd

MOTfCK "W ffUBIild RAWhom It Wiy Uonrern:

it »> roftilur nttetlnr of the Town.~ ~ imtttee 0T the Township of

ft held Monday, Feliruary1?41, t'wnD dtrenrteii to advertise

fact Mint on Monday evening,' " IS4L th« Township Commits

a l 8 P . M, (BST) In the, umbers, Memorial Mu<

. jliainr,' Woodbridffe. Vvt. „ , , and e*Poa« and sail at t>ub

.. . kale and to th* hlthest ,|ildi1i>rfe<XHBrdlnK to terms of sale on filewith the 'Ojewainip C M k open torn»P»ct1on nnd' to be publicly r

rltor tu naif, Lot 20 In Block--Township AxMMmrnl

wrhtnes uf «}W inoatlnm ana TOW,8«or»niry ^ahhll aerve wlthuut extra

4. NJl'hls ordinance shall take «ff l l r t d po ««i»i)iion arii

Takf further notice that thewnsmp qoTTrmlttct has, by r*Ho-l nd p u r s a t to l w l i n d a

TblTbwnsmp qoTTrmlttct has, by r olutlon and pursuant to law, lined aminimum prtr<i at which said lot- Iniatrt hlocik will lie Kuld toietherWith all other details pertinent, saidminimum price .hslita; $200,00 pluso*iU of frfpArlng deed nnfl-«dv»r-•tlntnr >thta M1«.' fill 111 lot Ui snldblock ir told on terms; will requirea down payment or I30.PH, the bal-ance of purqhaie J)rlce tor b*. paidin •tiuat mbnthly Inntnllmnntd oflio.oti plus intercut, and other termsp t l d .(or In oontrapt of sale. ,

further nollba that a t saidany dat t hich it m

To fat! Hlirnmiavti MI *<LiadeV on FeorMftry 30, i*«r »,»»notice ot hearfnff.ror.Qnaj.iulqptloaon Mnri'h 3, !>*]. • . . •

salt, Or any date to which it mayhs'«dj6um<d, Hie Towifshlp Com-.mlttM reserves the right in Its dl«.erotlon to reject any one or »tl bid*nnd to nel I sal4 lor in said block to,such bidder as it may select, dueregard takf (tlven -to terms andmanner of payment, in dase one ormore minimum bid* (hull be ,r«-celv.ta,

Upon aoceptahct of the minimumbid,. or ibid above minimum, by theTownaTflp Committee and, the ^pay-ment thereof by the pirtfclmseT ac-cording to the .manner of purchaseIn accordance wth terms of sale.onflle, the Township will deliver abargain and sale deed for said prem.h»«*. 'DATED; February 18, 19U. •;..

B, J. WUN10AN,Township Clerk,

,'To he advertised Febr-uury 2ii,-and'flhruBty J8, 1941, in th« Imlopend-



T, 4tu.J>r ,PI)»UC »AMBT «Xt OONCfillS:

l TAt a regulsr meetlng.or the Town-ship Committee of the Townshipof Woftdbrldge held Itbadfty, f'ebni-nry'Wf-IMI, I was dlrlcud to ad-vertise the fact that on wndf ty eve-ning, Maroh 3, 1941, the Town-Ship Committee will meet at 8 F. M.(BST) In the Commjttea ChambersMemorial MunltfipJil Building, IPood-brldse, New Jersey, and MPCJO andsell »t public sale and to the high-est bidder according to terms of*»le on file with the ToWnahlp Clerkopen to inapection and to bit pub-licly read prior to sale, Lot* 22 toSI6 Inuluslvu In Block 778, Wood-bridge Township ^asessment -"w i p . e s n t M p

kfe further notloe that thoTownship Oommlttee has, by resolu-tion and pursuant to law, fixed aMlrlimum price at Which said lots In•aid .block will be sold togetherWith all other details pnrtlnent, saidminimum # l r « iitmg %vl«ti.t>Q plusconts of pr*pttrlnjt dead and adver-tising thl* sftlo, Said lots In aaldblock lf:, gold on terms, will re-

H* Hhku iumniv Jl »«IE \ v i i u a VS, P1*IU V*>

lie. the Township'will deliver B.L ' - ' and sale dee!-for said


,lp Slerk.To be fldrertlRed February ao, and

February 28, M»1L Intlhe Independ-ent-Leader. , ;» f-' -— -

.1* eucregard

r Tin W-?fta l)o*kfl 180/nn., • — _.., , v . „.. N0TJCR OF I'UBUU HALBAnd, to hall salt! lota In sdld tT6 Whom It Jtay Cortecrn;

block to auch bidder in It mnvlact, due regard being given ta termsand manner, of payment, ln enso-oneor more minimum bids shall be re-ceived.

Upon acceptance of the, or bid above minimum, by theTownship Committee and the pay-ment thereof by the purchaser ac-cording to ithe manner of purchaseIn aooordanoe w-lth terms of sale »rifile, the Townlb.lp will deliver a bar-gain and kale Seed for said prem-laeB. . .DATED; FebBuary 18, 1941.

. » . 1. DCNIOAN, >• ' ' 5CQwn*hip Clerk.

To be advertised February 20 and:Fob.ruary 28, 1941, Jn tb,c Inileliend-ent-Under. * •

N0T1CBTAKE NpfflOE that application

iaa been made to the TownshipCommittee of the Township ofWoodhrldge by Golden Palms ofWoodoridge, Inc., to transfer pie-nary Retail Consumption llconaeJC-BO, heretofore insued for prem-S«B located at'824-8t. George Ave,,

woodbrldge, to premises located onRoute #26, near Green St., knownas lots 19 and 20, block 404-F, Wootl-brldge Township As»oa«ment Map. :•1 Ottjectlons, Ifany, shfauld he mademmedlately in Writing to B. J. l)un-

Igah, Township Clerk of the Town-«hlp ot Woodbrldge, N. J>

(signed) Golden Pttlma tit Wood-, . •• bridge. Inc. 'Louis Nanl, President;floute M!,h WoodBrldjre, N, 3.James Clrulll, Vlce-rWealdent.Jtoule #25, GOB ft south of

OIo*?rie»f7WeMlbrtai?trfiarah4Nanl, See'ynnd Treasurer,

Houte #25, Woodbrldse, N, J.,4i*l '

t o i l i(«k«t J3O/BT351)PUMJO SAI.B

OWHOM IT MAY CONCBBN:At a regular meeting f th T|1» Committee «i th" To

Vooilbridge held Monday, iFebruttryi7, 1941, I was directed to advertlueihe ract that on Monday evenlns,'JWph », W4I, the: Township Cpm-j

ml^tee will meet at 8 P. M. (E8T) tn!he Cqmmltte« C*amliertf, ..Mema-l•lal Munlolpal Building, .Wood-I

bridge, 1*BW Jersey, and e^Pune and'Ni l a.rpubiio gale ana to th» W«h-

st bidder according to terms of saleon site with1 the Township ClerVopen to in#pectlon and to be publicly•"""'kj'rlor to sale. U t 3* In M t k

l i TWooment Hap.

T*l f

j t s l e . U t 3* In MtukiWoodbrliige Township Aasoaa-IHap I

further notice that ttu"••"•hip Committee has, W f*«7-utlon and pursuant to lair, flveA d

minimum price nt whluh la lm W U4«k win b . so i

ith at) otimr details %ertinsaid mininium price lieiiuj tlOilus costs or preparlnt «*«l

*fw''«'»« this »a|«. *8alo lot liublock If Bold on terms, will rii-!

aulro u dimn paymeift of lio.ou, tho'pf punShaa* price'& b« part» t t h f t fy

urtlmS notice tin


liefer Tiki W-S4M, 'Bnckrt 1.1»/lin .' NOTIPSI OP PUBLIC IA-LU». Whom U May rjonoern;At a r e f u l k r meetlne of the Town-

ship Committee of tthe Township ofWoodbridge held Monday, February17, 1941»r was directed to ji'dverttsethe.'faot that on Monday evening,Utifch 3, 19,41, tne Township Com-mittee will meet nt 8 p. M. (BST)tn the Committee ChaniberH, Me-morial "Ttunlelpftl Building, Wood-Bridge, Kt>v Jereoy, and expose andaefl aiipubllo sale and to the lilgh-e«t bidder-according to terms ot saleon -file -With the Township Clerkopen to IhtpeOtlon and to he public-ly /feafl prior to:aale, Lot « In Blouk8sl, Woqdbfldge Township ABBCHS-ment Man. .

Tata further notloe timt theTownship Oewmlttee haa, .by reao-mtton and :pu?»uarit to law, fixed aminimum price -at ..which said lot16 laid tllJQk, Will be sold togetherWith »U othBr:datalls pertinent, saidminimum price being 1260,00 plus

"1nw deed and advor-i. "Said lot in . said

aoHts ofUsing th!Hlock If sola on terms will requirea, down payment of JUti.OO, the 1ml-anue of purchase price to be paidin Muni monthly Inttallmonts ot111 6,00 plus interoat and oth«r tormnUrovlflsil tor In contract of wle .

T»k« further notice that at said«!* , jur any &k\» to •which it mayHe »d]oui!h«B, itho T^wnnhlp Comihl t t* rm th i h t I t lHe »d]oui!h«B, tho T^wnnhlp Com-ihltte* rmerves th« right In Its dlB-oretion ;to rej«tit any ono or all blflaand to -veil said lot In «ftld Hlookitfl auch bidder as It may *«Udt, flue'regard beipg g i v n t i i M d:

de as It m aregard beipg given tomanner of t I

flueandregard beipg given to iisMn* and:

manner of payment, In caae one ortttore minimum bliis ehall be ro-tt

orthe tolhlmum

b th«"Pt»ee «I the tolhlmum

id »bove minimum, by tha

t h e w o f by the purchaserTicVf to <h* huaHnar of purobRsi

he t t o w M h l p w i l l deliver aln and sale deed for ea|d j>r«m-

o 18, 1941,B. j , o u s i

To be advertlsedTPebrunrV 20 androrunry SB 10U I th S»To be advertlsedTPebrunrV 20 and

Brorunry SB. 10U, In the S»

on {lieopen to

oHoly road'. . J3 •lhrlu«ve,

PuodbriiUru 'i'owmfhfp*

At a regular meeting of the Town-uhlp Coinmitee of the Township ofAVondhrlilfe held Monday, February17, 1911,; 1 wna directed to advertisethe fact that on Monday evening,March 3. 1911, the Towimhjp Com-mittee will meet at 8 P. M. CBJST) Inthe commlttoe Chambers, MemorialMunicipal Uiilldlne, Woodbrldgo, NewJersey, and expose and sell at pub-lic sale nnd to thfe hlKliest bliider ac-opraine to tarraa of bale on.fll* withthe Township OlerkUacn to inspec-tion-und to be publicly read prior tosale, Lots. 11 to 13 Inclusive In BlockW, WoodbrlilBO TownnblH Assess-,ment Map.. •

"take Ifl^tlier notloe that theTownfihlB'iCommltteB has, by r«ao-lutlon and pursuant to l a w , flxM aminimum prloo at which said lot« msaid block will be aold togethw withall other details laid!minimum prico belns; flDft.OO' pluscoHts or preparing deed * n a adver-Ualngr this ealo. Bald lots Jn saidblock If sold on terms, will requirea down payment of 1*0,00,4iie bal-ance- ot tiurcliaeo price 'to;'b p i d>n MU(.l%onthIy I n s t a l l W & i T f(10.00 plus Interest and other-termsprovided for In contract of s » l e . '

Take further notice thftt Bt saidisftle,1 dr any date to Whiqh Tt Mnaybe adjourned.! the To-wnahlp Com-mittee, reserves the right In Its dis-cretion to roleot .any one or sill bidsand ito sell said lots in Mid Ul&ckto such hlddar as It may stleot, dueregard being given to term* ,a,ndmanner, of payment. In c«M one ormore minimum blda Mal i he re-ceived.

Upon acceptance of tha minimumbid, or bid above minimum, by theTownghjp OoBinjIU** *nd the Pay-ment thereof by the purchaser .40-cordlngf' to the manner of purchaa*In accordance with telms of satoon Ale, the Township wil l delivera bargain .and sale .fliiea i o r»ml*e*?.£ » T * t • • - ' -



UATE)D; F«bruary 18,B. J. btiTnwiwhld RbTnwiwhltf Clerk.

To bo ntlvertlasd Rebrunry.»J0 Bnd•February 2?, J»n, in, the iind*p«ndent-Loader.

Itefer Toi W-4M«I Hiioket JilJSOITICB OP P t b C

-At • retu iarrnbjt i i* o N h * ^fown-»hl» t'ommlttee of .tha Township ofWoodbrittlio held Monday, F«brunry17, 1941, ;I wan diroutsn" Ao adver-tise the fa«t'Jhat on Monday -we-Tilliff, March ?, 1941, ttid TownirfllpCommittee Will meet at 1 P. "M,(R8T) In the Committee Chamhora,M s m r i s i Municipal Bunoinit, V o o d -

, .Now Jersey, anfl earo«e anat pbl i l h htsell at public sale and to the IUBJII-

eat.'biaderaooorathK to twhw <ft fcaieOP file .with the Tcwngjitp ClarK opentp'jnspectlon and to be publicly t w d•nWor to gfUe, L«t 5 In -Blbeft »B8-B,WOodhrli* ~ • ' 'Map..

further notloe th*t thoSQWnshlp Oommtllep hat, (by reso-lution end puwuant to lav?, ti*V& afnihlmum prlun at whlcli tmld lottn Mid .block will be 40)4' togetherwith nil other aetalU p»«!nenT, saidminimum ,i>nr<i bqlttg | l ,«00, pluacosts of preimrlng H&t M l wdver-

a down puymen.1 of •180.00, t|le b»U-of puruDaae prlae to \Uh a e

monthlyi t t$5, uU|8 uteeajt>.an)l4)the

prpvldea for In c)vntrAUt otTttfctura tt t h t

pnld In ,eu.u»l monthly Installmentsof" 115<00 plus interest and other1

terms provided for in contrast ofsale. '

Take further notice that at said-•ale, .or »ny date to whloh it mayb« adjourned, the Township Com-tntttqe reaervea the .right;, in Its dla---t lon tD MJ««(. a « mmot Wl bids

1 tin l F « l f ! l U # ;F« lbidder o*ittbeing given

r tto

I # B l « ;selaiBt, Huettrrns nndg d beng given to ttrrns nnd

manner or payment, in cane one ormore .minimum bids shall 'be ro-c«lv»d, ' • • . • •

Upon ftcceptnnce of Iho minimumhid, or btd above minimum, by theTownship Committee and. th6.,pny-ment thereoT by the furihaeoT ac-cordlng to the manner of purchaseIn accordance with terms of sale onfile, the Township win deliver a bar-gain and sale deed tor said promlsta.DATKU; February 18, 1941.

B. J, DUNIGAN,Township Clerk.

To be advertised February 20, anilFebruary J8, IH1, In the Independ-ent-Leader,

H«fer Toi W-.'Mft) Docket IH077H

To Whom lit May Concern:A t » regulat* raeetlti* of the Town-

•hip Committee of the Townahlp orWoodbridgt held Monday, February17, 1841, I was directed to adver-tise the fact that on. Monday eve-,nlng, "

l i X (KST)Chamhers Memorial „ . ,_.Building, Wqodbrldge, New Jttrsey,'and expose and sell at public saleand to the highest bidder accord-J«« to .fcsrms Of sale on file withthe Township 'Clerk open to lnip*g.tlon and to be publicly read priorto *al#j "Lots 25 nnd 26 In. BlockJH6I, Wooabr[ilj(e Township A«au<n-

March 3, "1911A the Town^Committee jW,llI meet at


aiityMitB._ T«*e :furth«r notice that theTownshlp.Commlttoe hae^ by reso-lutlpn and pursuant to law, fixed amli5 lu lKimfr l£<1 , * ' f h i c h «atd lots Insaid bleok Will b ld

Kimfl£<1, * ' fhich «atd lots Inbleok Will be s.ld together

wth all other details pertinent, saidminimum price being I2SO.00'. plusaf*t» of preparing dud itnd »0lTer-•»|D,5 this sale. Said lota In *a!dblock If sold on terms, will required down payment of J2E.0O, the bsil-anqe of purohaoe (pHoe to be baldl"»9ua> monthly ipitalimtnt* of110.00 plua Interest anil other termsprovided lor in qontraot ot Mle.

fake further notice that at aald•ale, or anyjdate to which It iwy"•.. adjourned, the Township Com-olttee reserves th* right In Ha dls-erjtlon to reject any one or allfc*» •"»« t o , w " »ia lota in saidblock to auch bidder as''tt may se-lect, due regard belqj: given to termsand manner or payment. ID cale oneor more minimum bids shall bete-Cf) 1 V6u

"P°" a.c.ce«>'anc(! of the minimum2>a> «r.,bld 'above minimum, by theTownshli Cowmutee and the pay*

cording,u> the manner of purahueUj accpj'dence wltMerma pf aaje opfile, the Township will %eilv»r ftbargain and wii-deed for »rd,M

DATEiD: February 18, W\

BJ bumi, B.J. bumijAN,_ Township Clerk.TQ,b^dvei;tl8ed February i"and

t S ! ' 1941' ln th I 0 « :NOTICE ..


be aoconli5»fti»d".wUli a fee of^"

iln^ual.ftttefh4 11nufrt tt«S wl

« »n» mMIiuttm«iu i

said to *tt In* » .for In th*

im of Three DbllnmMilan a i ajon*'

r ouii of thf proceed"(Ion tm «• provided

IT m in* Arpi paragraph hereof,In orfjrfwr iifllrlnemheiii to tt-

celvk $/tm (•tt'Mniinsa^tan as hereintuovld«d,;.the B w r t rff A."^"""" 1

than hold no rapm than two meet-ingii in *»eh »pnth<

3 - Tn« anarrt ot Attlu»tmen( ahnll

4. NJlhls ordinance shall takefuel tfnmctllirtdj- upon ««i»i)iion

Attest;U ' j


KOT1GB W iHBHBBY W V S N Mmtthe fpllowlpg ordinance, was Intro,-duceCand pniud on flpat reading

U T h i the

soy,I 'b

l>*«g«, M«v.regfair me«i1n» hold on42,4«*U «t tli Mmorinl

VAKifi KUftTHKH HOnflOH! thatthe TownshiprCommHteo Will meeto« Mitrth 8, am. itt the .Memorialtfunlclpnl Biiliding, Wdodbrlflgr,Now Jemey,1 at « P. M.» f*"*1"^Utiindard Tune, to oonnlder the finalIUWBIIKU or the fttllowlne ordlnmu'olit whloh time and plnce pbj«ftion»thereto • tnttf b* ;pr«sent*tl by linytaxpayer or the Townuhlp. '

Ohjector* 'fnay file » written ob-jection -with the Township Clerkiirlor \o that date.

B, I. DUNIGAN,Township C'lork


ahlp Committee uf the Townahlp orWoodnrlfl-Rft Ifl the County of Middlesex aa follows;

1. The following rules shnll beconeldcred a part of the contraut of;every person Who tnk«» water sup-plied to and dlttrlbuted'through thepipes otKensbcy Water System andVM'ry such peraon HIIUII he consldereil us having exprensed his conDont to bo bound thervhy. Whenevertny ot the Mid mien Is vlblated, theirlght Is roiervert to ehut on thoWater without notice and the per-sons whose water la thus cut off can-nut have It restored until all rulesuru coniplletl with and all rents undcharged paid together with a rhurgeor |i,(iu (or turning the same onagain.•i. The Township Engineer, anil

any agent or employeo of the Town-uhlp of Wdodbrldge delegated torthe purpose, may enter upon anyland for the purpose of making anyand all nci'PaBory surveys and ex-amlnallonH and lit all reasonablehours may entor any dwelling, oroilier pl|ice, where the water so fur-nlBhvd IH taken or used and whtreunnccesmiry wusle thereof In knownor suspeuttd and examine and In-quire ltito tho cause thereof. TheyKhali havi! full power to examinenil Horvlao pIpeB connected With theiWilter Bupply for the purpose ot aa-oertnlnlnK whether they lire of thecharacter and dimensions und llxudn the/inunner reiiulred by-the' ordl-lanci'eJ' iir ordlnahog regulatingIhfm. nt any person shall rertiae topermit milil examination, or opposeor obstryct sula Township Engineeror any agiint ar employee of theTownship'or Woodbrlflge delegatedfor such purpose in the perrorn*-anie of ouch duties, the parson nooffending shall have the supply otwater shut off until the required ex-amination ltt,:fli(ide and such altera-InnH und repaint an w i l l j M found

nhail be compnulil.

. All due diligence and reanon-nlilv euro will be u«ed tu'provide »constant «u»p!y ot water throughthe pipes of'the dystcm to nonaum-ers, but In the event of breakage,failure or accident, the Townshipfliall not be liable to uliy uonsumoror any damage resulting from thoMomenta, or »ny accident, mlsfor-lunpfl fnllur^or breakage of pipes.

4. Application for the Introduc-tion of any water supply or serv-ices, or for tho change of any txlnt-ng water supply or service, shal)>e made to the Towiwhlp Engineeriy th« ownor of the premises, or byil«, or her, or .its, or their author-ized agent or attorney. The appli-cation must be miule upon the blankform furnished; for that purpose andl h * ^ R 5 " e 4 ^ m U B l wSwrlbe to theeonrflttons1'thereon stating fully andtruly the- various UBUH to which thewater ts to be applied toRetherwith uny other Information Uealradby the Townohlp BnK'neer. Eachapplicant Tor .a new tap, or an addi-tional tap, shall, deponit with theCollector ©fr TaJteii upon the mak-ing of aucli. application the sum otSixty ($60.00) Dollars at u serviceclmige.

5. The Sixty (100.00) Dollarscharced for the water service, ahullInclude the lap to t l l e m»!n, supply

nd l iving of (He water servloe piperrom the main to the meter, thecurb ijock and box, and the meter.The service charge nlml! also includehe malnlulnintt of the water mrvleerom the main to the meter. Where

the meter U located more than elxtyh ^ r - * 0 ? ^ , ? * m a l n - ft" additionalcharge of fifty ce,nts (60c) per lineall°\ *",a ', b,e cMtg^ 'or «'« Pipe

,?Mb9 l a U 1 l n «X ( :«SB of sixty fe«tWhen, any application for watersupply 1« made by anyone other thanhe owner of the property the

«h.Wi!£HS F"^ 6 6 1 - »h»U determinetho amount of uervlce charm to beharged, basea on the cost of laying

the supply and aervlce, pipe,Vt".£?"W with tha cost of nwtiri and

J h * *PPHcttnt for water

watf? «2{*e<h

Wle p a y m 01 theIffiiu til L t ! iei •ftmo

1ul't Ml which

1 f s . * ;df)twn"n»d by the Town-

«iu«i to the ettlmated -water billfor a six months period No « • ( »shall b e a m e d Into any suppTy or"fVice pipe, from the m«(n until ll

ha no refund to thel!*r^(I« »l'ar«B

0 l t ^men

* » n t5 " V t . ? ' l l e r btlla «hall be re" 4 o i'h* WPPUcant o l tt

« all outstanding renta andS r ! ! T \ "1*" Mll«n«1. which

g^flliurtli« kinder



and -tf»«H»b O M k w t —«

MIU»IV# OoplTOl-r»M- •Miitflacsr. Una -than Ihj MiVuflr

m«er, in-'box, stum*— Of thB



*ha.ll be.nDie

Th« stop »n o t b e u«ed hy MTiSwn.hlp KnKln»rattcnt or omp;i>y,*«. mioindSMU occur 111 the B>umblnar •water "nped to be MhUt off, Ihe" C 1 the iton In-the s

iiouso and whl<!h,mii#t.v» n.IJIV* .-/ho plumbing, nr •'•BL,*»lM&minii,11 ownorn nl IWfewii tltat .ore,

vmrnut muHt give notice In writing,of such vmianoy-.te the ofttee Of. kjje'" wntiill* lbiglheer (jo tMt.^'JJJ*;;iir'may h« turnprt d(f.-If tn« left on diirlnn th« vo«ancy, the

i'e"char«eu for the Uiie.ilf XM *«tttuntil such mitl('« M * ? v t n i j i . . . ,v,jt.«

15 Al! porsont nre . prdhllilfrofrom opening or In any Woy Inter-fering with n lire DlliR or thydWint,or for any purpose whatever, *umlcr the illrtutlon o> IB* ToIniflnei'r. -The Chlit of thejepnrtment withfn ihmFlre'iPembraced In wild «ystem, his iisnt»tant officers and member* 'Ot•**'<•.*••partment, urc uulhortud 't* «•» t" 8

iiydrnnt and plugs tor the purposeof LXtinKUishlng firi* iirid * l l "«uol}uses shall he under the dlr*nllpnjjnasupervision ot the Chief of Ihe Fir*Department, or his aaslstftnts, and Inno event will an ineitpMlenowl orInoampetcnt person bo permltlen tomanipulate or control Jn any way.any hydrant or fixture.

16. All water services ahullmetcretl and the charges forWater liarcafter fuimlHhed .throughthe pipes or tlio K«Mbey Water Sys-tem ahall he In ni-corriunije with thetollowing schedule of nt tes :

(a) The minimum charge shall tin$4,00 per quarter, mot, Ih ewess oftine illiuunand cubk< feet,

fit) quantities consumed above1,000 cubic tiset aimH be nt^thenit*OT 18 centH per 100 cubic feet.

(c) All blllH fnr water rent orotherwise filial] hereafter he due <mdpayable quartorly on the Brat Buy «fFchruary, May,1 August and Novem-


February, y,ber In ench year,

(<1) All ' waterl

roritR, servlc*h l l b y

(<1) All w a e ,dlmi'groa onil dapnslts ahnll be pnynble at tho office of the Collector ofTOXOD. Memorial Municipal Build-.Inff, WoodbrldBo, N. J.

17, The owner of nny house, tene-ment, building or lot shall be Huhlefor the payment or bills or rent nsfixed by the Township Committee torthe use of water by such owner orby the occupant. The owner shitllnlflci b« lltiule for the payment ofnny costs or expenses Incurred bydnmnga to metcrn or servlcq connec-l B from frceilng or tumperlnK.

The prlco or rental so Axod and theother costs, expenses, Interest -Amipenalties shall |>c a Hen on saidhouse,.tenement, 'building or lot un-'tll puld or sutlHfled. . •

u . if 'prompt /payment for anywnler rent or rents,, or work done,or materials furnlnhed, I» not miulewhen duo,, the water may bo shut

ff f ld l d h l l


S^P^ 'S;,-^V.'iu

I,' Tnut tth# Town«i,i,,, ,daw to*my ftuthori",! " , ' ;^

S. Wmt mitln |,,(N ,<«rjth th«.expre»s r "'wrthfn t h « « monili* . „ ;'•uch sate, the nurcii,. "will «r«El n buildi !

Addition ** ThM ,tita

,d«llv««d.l«_ hereby n*V'^|

.7 . ..that the minim,,,,, •*|H-b»0miiSundT,.,i Tv""!(MRBU.lpt*. fi«l,l i,r,, , '"•"purchftseft lwbulk mut

6, 'Any flffi-m for i!Jiereln 3l*t»d must' i,.. . ,".Writing to-the Tmvnpi • ,not later than twelve ,;',!'^' 8. -Thmt'thls oriii,,,!,

as require* bFiaw H" ''u

f«lljtULLO•UNDER $l t000 BAIL

Tony Ztflto, of i>,,,i ,ahargod with Btrociou. •„,,battery ihd abducbv,'".

- , , . . , - , ^ c Car!i.ri,(jW M r*J«a«d shortly •,,!•,, srest Urij^or bail of ?l,iinti(9l

been onf of four m< n""•a-dUl

21 Hndrojt Street,to their Cftt TuesdayOff with him »rTd and brttiitnfr him

along In theGreen Strert dnd th<'way, iWoodbrldge, tookto C»rt«r»t and left hStrrtt


1111 (111 I


4«mmfl . Wight, uf oH[AvsnuB, "Woodbrldsc, <otntly tuuAail Aiaittutiiof Middlesex County, wi,,;,"]a testimonial dinner at the 1•Cltib in Perth Amlmy .,i;day evening;, March 7,bor, of his friends ami;


Steve J»(fo, of 1 r IIu,|jOarteret, died at thepital at 1:50 o'clockmorning &B the rv?x.]:received when he was •car driven by Roswill s.\\tine, of Plainfleld,Jago, according tndo -Zuooaro's

u , , e water may booff from onld rcul entiile nnd a a lnot bo turned on again until the irents, coins, exponHea, Interest andpi-nnltlcs Hhiill he fully ptild, The-jwnter renta or other clmrfren nhall he |II Hun upp'n the, real estate to whlohthe water wn« furnished and In con-1nci'tlon with which the chnrgeR were1

Incurred to the same extent >IH tux-.,e.s ure a lien upon the rtuil entitle .In'the TowiiHlilp anil shall hi< collectedund enforct'il by the siimc uftlcoriinnd in the same manner nn the HenFor taxes.

19. Alt ordlnnnnca or pnrts'or or-lnnnces In lllct with thi ill

•Oak. Trw Inear Hiltorestwhen the accident-ocourid.

F i v e Years AgoIS LAUDED

AT VARSWY DINNER, Ability' to assist in ixtnOUter activities, t'H|iunal!y l)|assistant coach inbe an ifflportarit n.u:i!iiii;:itiajpcoted of new hiphore, School board

NOTICKNotlee Is liere'>y



that theregularly

punned und mloptetl IIH umandetl at Aof the Townshiptho Townwhjp uf,

Woodbnldge, In the Onunty of Mid-dlesex, New Jersey, held on the l.7th:

day or February, 1941II. J. lltlNlUAN,

3SP&isra3B£SP&TITLED "Ah Ordinance Limiting; andRestrict n& to Specified DIstrlQU andR«ulatlnir Thiirein u m i d l n n iftdatructures Accordlnic To T h e " COB"atructlon urnl tlio V l d E

«»Iotlng thr. Height, Number

TOther Strueturos, a«BuiatTnjr wneHtrlctln* the Percentage of LotOoeu»l*l, Tlio HI to of The Yards iCourt, und Other O S !"ut«»ieu, i' ic Ml to of Thk Y R M VCourt, and Other Op«n Spaces Th«"!

y «rand ltMtrl


dlnnneoH In ronlllot wllli this ordln-,unnc, or nn»- pnrt ot It, lire hereby told JttBt night by .Kruiirepealed, nml this orillnaneo nlmll „» ^ZA *„„•!,.,ntake erred'aaaga as pro-:vldeil by law;

AUOUST F. QTlRINKIi,Commit Iceman •At-Large,

Attest;. 4B. J. Duiilitnn,TownHhlp Clerk.

... To be ndvertlHcil In tnciepenaent-Iitader on Kebruury !», 19(1, withnotlre of hoiirlii«.for llnnl adoptionon March 3, 1941. .

a t t h j ' f o ^ J footb;llldpMditO^e local instiMaity squad. iKirkluski y»pont*nooufl tribun-Niohola? A. Prisco )•>• ..-er. .-..,. .,.


."DbjwttonB failed t ^and -Uie mflrfancini.' i>i>vlded ior' Woodbri.i^r

been apsr^veti unu»i:i; •'••••)Townlhip Committi «


— - - • — - ' ' f i-.!'1]

Si rn'ti

bri«ge>Wiui*illc.lvl-vi*y«noontrainStation near Spa 3|n


WIUi dktributioiftapagftnda for iin;»ior tho "Federation <ed Relief Workers :tft*" from relief clwotkem and boin'IU'•S« relief, was this \to the attention uf 'tt«B, .

I on'm i s t

H8LBFOR THE GRAND »WalUr.Pclc, of V,

, irteret, Jfl belnif I"'1'bail for thftKrand jury

aiAo, Srl*^ -by ?'•''' l;(0

ago .on a" Thursday mi.""'A pole in 8«f«»ren «w>"%to torn over several tmi»

Und upside do*"1/„,),-MJkics, 20,

Straet, (Iftrteret^the car,

m u i d l l iUlt

^ ' to

Page 9: Shop Trie AosJ - DigiFind-It...Employment Service in Perth Am-boy. administered tha oath of office to the thre^ f^entiy re-elected mem-bers, ComW«i|oners Joseph Me-Andrews,of Dr.•

— — - * — •

By " M


lillV <>i Motionwill annoortce

[e thirteenth an*mcirltoi-Iow

o f t

s for

.lubbed. "Oscars."movie fansi.-vim'thnt m

,,,,U'd rind may like to h#*> (in to the acter,

'best for, 1640.will

i thu

till',, nominations, an r«c*nfiyr,-oTn which the MMG-

heBctte.Davis, Wr

"Thq Letter";Kath-

ci'iiniiancc'ln,..„„!„ inc, "Rebeccal|r)ilnu in,."Thc

"• '<JlllR*V . RogfltS,;.! Martha Scott,.



.u.t,ir—Jame» Stewart andV Olivier for thiiir per-

in ""The Philadelphiarespectivet h Dl

S. A. Appeal

« Week since productionu was not only hard- on

j but aim on the dress*makw who he* do keep her six-din dresses, *hlch she wears In

the MM, fitting properly. , . ,, Jarie trntW, i9.year<old n e w .ttimer of Hollywood and newestdlsewety of HowatdT fcujfhoB, 'heilso C o v e r e d Jbftn Harlo'w) IspMvInf a sensation. She Is Hardat Work on "The Outlaw."...'.

.lh far next film, "A Woman's1

aw>" Jcfin Crawford's, face willbear an ujrly sear, the handiworkof A plastic surgeon. Her rljrht*ye will1 be pulled1 down Hllffhtlyand a welt VrlH be soon on herehoek. It takes a lot'of' nerve'forkn actress to appear before hoi1

tans "mutilated" in such a 'way,

Lincoln's Birthday MarkedAt Metting Oi Bridge Club

;,.,„,-Chaplin, "the Dlcte-•iiVmond ^fossey for. "Abe' in Illinoiii,",and Henry„„ "ThcGrapeaofWrtth."l,(,st pictures from which

Mrs. AtteH'M* Hp^gian,,of Woodbrldge.-was hosteu ati, Lincoln's D a y luncheoh-bridgc

b*td at the Shackamaxon Countrya i n b I W t f l d l


W*»hin«toiu-ftarii book e*>ports put * minimum valuation ollS.000 on the special edition ofthe Broiler Society'*' Book ofKnowledge which was present*} tog pPraddent Roosevelt for his y'ark Library by the Inaugural jfiftommlttoo, composed of friend*

wlthtn *nd 5rtU»ot Ms official fare-lly. The set consists of twentycobalt fclu* tolatnet wlth-ICrtnchlevant MotMcft bindings, and sym-bolfo iniaytVta urtiich 6,650 s*va-r»te pleiiei of inlaid leather were.Vied.

.Panmotlnf pays $863,000 for"Laity ki the OarV," new record.

sRiicnv*The ate limits for Sel«Uve

Service regulation were 21 and85 yean and a man who reflat-ed can br lqfctty ifiducwd intoservice «v«A after teaching theaxe of thirty-six jtkti However,It la expected that steps will b»taken to amend the law to coverthis situation.

muses uotwEl Monte, Cil^-There's a crop

growing h«r«aboQti rh which thaDepartment of A|ri««ltare isnot particularly interwtUd. It'stiharlet Gay's crop of lions. Sincestarting his lion farm in 1919, hehas rtlstd mor* than 700,' sellingsome 600 to clrcules and IOOS. to rise.

MtM HfrrkC Elliott,membrt'Wf the NlttonjJ' IjjjAdvisory Commission, a««Army purchases of meit ]been large ehongh to Jtiinereuestin price an«on»«mtn will do wefl to Imeat substitutes if prices to

will beHcaveiT,

s fromselected: "All

l$#kponuenw The Grapes of:•• «The Great Dictator'1

:1.ny!e,""Th<i'LetWlfI""11>«Vnvifcc Home," "Our To«»n^

I'hiludelphlB Stoty,1';: and

John Ford forilircctor:Cirnpes of Wrath," Samfor"'"kltty Foylt,'* WltHa»

The Letter,' Geor|««<Jtt.,. Philadelphia Storyr At

Hitchcock, "Rebecca." ..V".supporting actor: Albert

,,niin, "Foreign — r , . ,Walter Greeman, "The

,,,,,"• William. Gargan,What, Tfcey W

lilt.k Oakie, "The Gpea*Stephenson,

ya In Wostfield recently.There were six tables in play andscore* were made by Mr*. AlbertSherman, of Westfield; Mrs. Wil-liam H. Watson; of Forth AmboyjMrs' W, Frank Burns, of S^waren;Mrs, S, J1. Abbatiello, of SouthAmboyj Mrs. George Bouvler, ofWenftleld; Mrs. Irving Demarest, ofMetuchen and Mrs, Edward Kirsch-her, -of PlainAeid,

Others pCooper, Mrs. Kontad Stern, ofWoodbridge; Mrs. Eugene Mullen,Mrs. David Oberlin, of Perth Am-boyj Mrs. John Mossntait, of Rahway, Mrs. f, J. Funk, of RedBatik; Mr*. Carlton Jewel, Mrs. W.G, Dalglelsh, Mrs. ^dward Kyy-pers, Mrs. Max Roesler, Mrs. FrankKonellum, of Westfleld; Mrs. J. K.Jkhnelder, Mrs1. Lester' Oarl, ofPlainfield; Mrs. Russell Solt, Mrs


resent were: Mrs. H> P.

It'i no longer i«x ippvt! butSouth American appeal that mi-Udjr looki for In Mitmblinf herco<tuu«i. Margaret Llndiay,folding ' lady oppolite RalphBellamy in Colvmbia't ElleryQueen myttary tnslodrama•ertei, topi her white rayon jer-««y tanhii frock with a large•ombrcro of multi-colored strawin which Puerto Rico' hat beenintarwoyea.

Eastern Star Is SponsorOf Card Party h Rahway

WOODBRTDGE—A me r i c u sChapter,iNo. 137, Order of EasternStar, held a successful card partyrecently at Koos Brothers' Storein Rahway. Mrs. Mabel Naylorwas chairman. .

Winners in the

siippnrtinR actress: Judith.„„, "Rebecca"; JatO Dar^•The Grapes of Wr»th"-llHssey. "The Philadelphia

Darbara O'Neill, "AUThU,;ivni. Too"; Marjorte Ram-"IJi'iinrosc Path.1 - , .i,. wtic nomination for the

motion picture story,written screen play, best

scri'i'iiplay and best car-Thi- nominations for the

mil;" of the year includedAwntino Way," "If* a

•i,rl,l," "Love o f My Life,""Our Love Af-in the Clpuda,'

„ V,HI Wish Upon a Star,1

\V!KI Am I ? " . . . .nl of icootly-goody ...

M:i Lupino bogged for a,. "u> act." She got her wish

rolta grew tougher andShe is about as tough as

in her role In, "The Sea

H. Tombs and Mrs. A. C.Dodwell, of town. •; ' •' ,

LABOR FORCEThe Census Bureau 'estimates

Crtisby and bis brother,lUi-thur with several -golfvill soon made a cross-

tutn, playing golf by dayin theatres by

I for the benefit of theI'lii'f fund. . . .

Marlene Get* TWnl"ti'tiuious ia her- role in

of New Orleans." thatDtitrich lost a,couple oi

that the total labor force of thenation,'on April 1st, 1940, com-prised 47,204,000 white and 8,-037,000 non-white persons. ' Dur-ing the past decade, according toCensusVatistlcs, new social legis-lation is removing men over sixty.from the labor force and prolonga-tion of schooling and the c x iof social legislation is keepingchildren out of industry. It isnoted that more women betweentwenty and sfatty-four years areworking now than formdrly.


The first delivery of 400-milesan-hout heavily armed pursu!ships, now in production by ThBell Aircraft Company, have beenturned* over to the Army whicexpects to acquire hundreds othese fast pursuit ships. Ftvstliveries did not include the latimprovements but were taken t<permit the start of training withigh-speed craft.

>"> »sfollows: Bridge, Mrs. Jay Jtutan,Mrs. Lloyd try, Mrs. Jred-Soren-lon, 'Mrs, John Azud and Mrs. Clif-ord Blair; pinoohre, > Mrs, Fredaldwin, Mrs. Catherine Smith,

Mrs. Elizabeth Henderson, Mrs. M.Dunphy, Mrs, Joseph Reiner,

Mrs. Alfred Dunfee, Mrs. O. P.versonj fan-tan, Mrs. Vincentoyle,' Mrs. Frank Ward and Mrs,ay Edward Harned; special prize,

Mrs. Fry. \ .

Federal trailers will aid houing in defense industry towns,

. Hatch plans to repair loopholiin Campaign Fund Law.



before ShegoesSHOPPING



Ask for'a demonstra-tion of a UniversalElectr ic Vacuum.You'll be amazed atthe amount of em-bedded dust and dirtthat i|t will remove-^from rugs and furni-ture that you thoughtwere clean. There's noback-breaking workinvolved. There's noneed for worry aboutthe dirt problem.

Visit our showroom,or ask for a demon-stration at home byone of ourtatiyee,


We join in celebrating the Golden Jubilee of, our parent organization, AmericanStore. Company, because Fifty--Yeurrii a long time for any>u»meMtoJkeep mstep with progress... anj we are proud to be a Wrt. or an mstitution that hassoread from one small grocery store to thouiand* of Modern Markets in SevenStates and the District of Columbia. r


Cut from selected, young porkers. Lean, tender/ easy to digest. Serve with Olenwood Fancy Apple Sauce

Pioneer BrandPrime tb

Young HmNone finer at any price. The new, broad-breasted type, yielding many more> wrtlngs than others

of equal weight/ Quarahteed meaty, exceptionally tender and fill! of flavor.


Small SmokedShort Shank | b .Shank Half


G»'t Graded"U. S. Choica"

Round Roastib. 32c

Fin«il b«af the generalretail Aiarket; affordi.

STEAK II). 35*Smoked Cottage

BUTTSLoin Limb ChopsCottage CheeseBoston Baked BeansFresh Ground Beef

»12** 19*

Fresh Plate Beef »1Q*

Phili. Scrapple »Fresh Fork Swsjgo


Sliced Bacon 2 - 2 5 ^Heal Cheese or , 7 cMookCliekenLoall rf |

FILLETor SOLESilsitn Stalk

Sti Scilloit »W



Only tlio finest egga can meetthe rlRld testlnR which (joia^caleggs are r(M]ulrc<l to pass. Everycotton Is Plainly "Pated" loryour absolute protection.

large sizecartonof 12


Derrydale Farm Roll

BUTTERSilver Seal EggsSliced Bicon

enrton' of 12



Maxwell House Coffee i 2 0 c l


Priacess Miriirioe16


Cheese •&- * 21cWinner of Over .500 Prizes.

Rkhland Butter n33CDomestic SwissBest Pure Lard


Falioy k

Center Cuts

ib i>kg Q^

.NiltlomilCherry Week!

Red Pitted Plo BREADSlKrcUl (InMl 18-olloaf

Rinso, OxydolCrisco, SpryLaundry Soap 4

• > i

cake. J O C

Camay, Palmolive Soap 5c

Geresota. Hector's, Gold Medal, Fillsbury]

FLOUR 24:87'

Nestle Ever-Ready Cocoa



Grade "A"

4SCO Tomato SoupCimpbeH'sTomstoSoyp 3 1 0 f 20^ dSCO TeaK-8 Cocktail VvtfW: <£W fiSCOln „Motfs Apple Juice t r $ t Mayonnaise1

OSCO Tomatoes P ! S > N 10? Salad. DressiH a r d Tomatoes > 3 "':„." 14c Tomato JuicPork&8ems f , a r* <Z S*:J 2r 25* Campbell's Tomato JuiceGampbeirsPork & Beans 4 [»» 25* IvorySoap : : , : 1 f

Bartlett PEARS LaKlw

Hurlock String

BEANS No. 2s




TomatoesMixed VegetablesCut

Tomatoes standardquality

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables



cans £t§

2 N o . :cane

,';;,23? IvorySoap \Z21* CurlCombi*:

InrgoNBC Pride AssortmentNBC RizC & B Date & Nut Bread 2 2S< P&G Laundry Soap




8 cakes 2 3*

Qlenwood JelliesMazola cr Wesson Oillialian Cook OilArmour's Veal Lot!* > P I | | Allt.HMKI.S

drAin paoniur

Fmoy LareShrimp



| l l | 7 IMHIOVI5D - 4 meI l U t ROAP POWDER • pli

SELOX Soap PowderWoodbtry SoapIvory Soap Flakes

23* Steel Wool PadsR vil Dog Food

FaucySnow WUIto


* \ t1 1 v

with Acakes

IS padsot7Ci d s '

SPINACHIceberg LettuceMushrooms


inesap APPLESSelected Maine


Freshtirocu 5






r-rgobuuch W





lbs IS*


154ib 7

bag 6


Page 10: Shop Trie AosJ - DigiFind-It...Employment Service in Perth Am-boy. administered tha oath of office to the thre^ f^entiy re-elected mem-bers, ComW«i|oners Joseph Me-Andrews,of Dr.•


'••••-»H*rT\ ••'/ -&3

-,"He im't n rr ?.mitten.^e-. novel-that ha» several

ittu«t!gn» in i t "Be ought W uke one <ol them,

tad gn to workL". •


' ."Frank wr« be likes the praentMUST

&'. "How's, t h a t r; ' f ay» ttw men are- hardjy ever

with the mosqultoa nom"


Friend — I understand there isHkely to be a shower moat any day


ITS SHOOTIN' PAINS DOCTOR.'BrM*-to-Be—Oh, I do-hop* It

on my wedding day.VEVttLSOON MXATC







ONE ' f S • ^

"Motfter. what do you call the''•man who owns our house?"'

Well, I'd hate to tell you w£at"flther called him the last time he

our rent."






t fr NO "OUC H'K





\£o»pectivc Tenant—You're sure|Jf If 4 nice, quiet house?

(hyner-Madam, this is a well-be-houie—I've never heard it

a tound in my life. .

Popslatioo of German*! A raoent census showa that the

^ c 'fee got 10 many socks they made

t "B$w could getting soclu make, a

ibegets 'emlnlbeeye."

population of Germany is 79,900,000,not including ^emellsnd or the prortee^owto 'of Bohemia • MbravU.There «re 38,000,000 malea and "

at all bw to m ^se« It and turn th«

8U(WJy JPartionkrA truant offtcei in Kinston, #,

offered a youngster a lift to hisschool. "Not to thai thing," wplkdltteglrL BbAWi^ed.

teara are tears abad inW ^ h l h t

U .»h«4 tear* over mentiug; poured. , r

>re rapidVi

L e a t r S«Mqp B » . ,T» keep lcatljef tjtorft. booti, in

good condition.-the1 National Bur«aukmufoxte M that lstoerbpoU

fl, Heat !In a new South Dakota flour mill,

the heat generated by friction In thegrinding machine I* M great titatheated air H create*, drawn, off by af 4 tfhd' is sufficient to

y building,weather,

• Housing ExperimentNewark hat embarked on an ex-

periment in education which will bewashed by, .school auUipritias'andmunicipal fifflpiate throughout tb«county. The bpard of education itbuilding a public' school to be anintegral parfol Seth Boyden court,United States liousujg authority pub-lic bousing development. •

to ftMd aVU>,000•rar*cake

No & t o MMConnecticut !B the only #t*ta in

the Union in Which no stiite Wrdtosbeen designated. offldaUy or gttMt,wise. i >,

ImmlgranU Rnter HThe greatest min*er

fants entered tb« Untt^tween 1000 amMftlft.was 8,795,000.

gA maho

xetary ah

Wins Si*from ^ s t ? "point o'

' ' W a l e 3 ' . rh l i l

Page 11: Shop Trie AosJ - DigiFind-It...Employment Service in Perth Am-boy. administered tha oath of office to the thre^ f^entiy re-elected mem-bers, ComW«i|oners Joseph Me-Andrews,of Dr.•

•*&*&&** £»"•

Teatm Put On Pressure A* Seasonr C€r0»to» Caffllin BlastTo Hang Up Caqrt loo ty

to ^9 W e tatter

fearing, WooJbrirfge IHtradfe Man, Contributes Twenty PomliT*Dicfcinson 57 to SS Vfcfoiy Q*er Visitin^Coirrt Sfaad Frm Rutgers

Mayors Belt HopelamAndBamns Snare Goiekn

VQHDS—'General Carainiw and Catalin posted winsnight in the Perth Airiboy Y. M. C. A., Industrial

(b-,11 League. perartiortoljlBted U. S. Metals 37 to 2t>Viitalin. smashed Bar)»r>««*aH 41 to 24:K.>sup was the.Wg gan i6fthe Ceraniic cagers, scor-

t u , , l v e points. B. Kitt and.fima-lfoy, 'with sight count-,,.v nnd JogUniltr'Wltf

i i f M,Vq(i f a i l e d Ko*np«


t<i pace -CaWin.I ,.ijrht wna-next oeat fol-

, . I..IL anil TWltftallAni'l , ~ • — •~r —-I - ' . .. . I I

I :B A.pb.«.(a4j : u » To% 4 * Pi..:.f-: ;;;;;;;;;;;;; | { jJ Owr New Briuuwick In


i i n i ( . . sJCirillft'i,


loop* f*m WtiCwk With Five Stconii UH UPlay Pit, Gme On Ice; Alto Sink, 9 Field God,

CARLISLE, PA.—A looper from ni^*tourt by BemieKeating, ©icktneon Collegre piyot ace, ffkve his teammates

U thrilling 67 io 56 victory o^rButgenr University here


f n l TOPS

tioh It Too Much A«MaU» Aid Victory

WOODBRIDGE — DeJoy'andRomond staged a tw'ojmfcn court

icane; « t the- PurtBh'Ho'uso to,the Cadets wreck the

y1 fA^? n i g h t ; ^,th 6 n l y ,flye ^ ^ l e f t i o ^ Keftt i l,g

i i the mm of Mr. and Mrs." Jama* J.; Keatinfc 528 AlicePlace," W&dbfld

Th'e" Rutgers nemeaja ^allCeattng, wJiioift. consistent


scoring on tap-ins, plvoU.and longh i d d O Wtf d th

rg p ,.shots provided BO

i h i h b

gand the






iCaUtto (41)-

iik, f::,i b

, Kelliina, it .

U,ir.i, f



9. M«««l« ( W )• 1


1 41

1 ii




Ceramics <37).Ay, f •..•' -


County Lions LeagueSUndln, of Te«m»

. w.i. Pet.ijttotawood 64 12•South River *.... 44 22Spttieftburg 41 m

svillo r . . . . .48 #0•Csanbury...,; a l 32Pords fc.- 28 3BHllttown ...; 26 99IntfMtown .........„; i e 41New BrunawJok :....... 14 46 ,833Perth Amboy 13 47 ,217

PORDS— Paced by Beniah, whoturned in a three-gftjna total at561, the Fordi lioim'won threefrom New Brunswick Mondaynight in a Middlesex County Bowl-

Q Ing League match,5 The sixth place Fords combine4 found it easy going against the

ninth position Brunswick quintet.13'. 8 29 A 206 by Beiiiih and a 219 by

Dambach topped high Bcoring bythe locals.

Fordi (3) 1Mulvaney 149 ' 159,Benish 180 206Predmore 173 140Lund 166 160Dambach .......... 162 ' 219

2'to 20, in a Woodbrldge lriter-mediate 'Basketball League game.

'Beffoy registered 2l pointa wWle'Romond chalked 'up 20. Jcrdstaided; the grand total by conWbot-ing ten counters, Barony's tofllof six wos)tops tor the Arrows.

' CdeU (62)

margin which brought.a rtlbwedvictory to the .Oarlisle'itumtet,

The fyefer iJruttgwicic unlvsnJUybattled desperately to'cut downDiokinaon'4 margin In tne'fiwiliperi{od, but the Carliale team managed

Deioy, S : 10Jardot, i'Romond, c


Hunter, g .' 3Boyle, g(.. .' , 1l inn, 'g 1

Totals 80.

Junom ifip) .: . •"••"' •": G

t. Kollar, f :L „. 20

1 240 100 20;0 <60 21 3

2 02

van until the final minute 01 ^ ywhen a beautiful twin-pnint»r %George Brlghtenba'ck, Scarlet torwwd, tied itup-et G5-all.

. . Tl«Stot.1ltt4 " •.The deftdtock- was shortlived,

however, a« Jteating « m e throughwith his.sennltori*l game-wihning-telly.

Pivot plfty lot DlcWniion' wasfcfellUant aa the Woodbridge court

General Ceramic.Sqrnvei In Week»

Alley, ContestsIndustrial Bowling Leaguer

Standing o( Tt*mt

U.S. Metals ...i '. 1 48 hCopper Works .L...:......,,..... 48 18A; S, A S. :...'...'42 24General Cable*.. 40 28

to st»y two or three pbintfJA'the* Ww P*«ad 4 h tewnmstes and

R. AH. 40

prftvtd much* too wpoh' for Rut-gets. Keating chalky up nino fieldgoals and two foultto *oeount forhis total of twenty points.


General Ceramics ...,...., . 38 28Public Service . v ' _ .National Lead ...^.........u;.. 84 82Shell Otl ..„.;.....„ ....v^..i 30Titanium ,Dry DockWhite Owls 27 81Natco ....; ,; 24 4Seaboard .....24 4!Steel Equipment ................. 22 4Carborundum ..>. 18 4

WOODBRIDQE — Townshirteams competing in the, Perth Am-'6oy Induateial Bowling

Qerlty, fBaruny, c


M.Kollar.g „ 1Hopatock, g 2

g 0

1 70 80 00 120 %0 20 80 0


To Take Place On Fords, Recptition Alleyi

,WOODBIHBGffl*»Cloaely Contested jam«s fathis week'ti activity 4«( the Township HeaVy Senior 1ball League p r i n t e d in the high school gym.

The Mayor <»reteer A'sapciation belted the HeGreyhoundB 46 to ^ 7 ; the Barrona nipped theBeam, 34 to ^ 8 ; and .the Woodbrlftge Blfir Five° ' - J ' ' ^ Avenel 33 to 20 .

. Jost and Krumro copped,1honors .with the Grfctaen,Ktuj and S. Cipohounds in point-getting,count of 16 was tops for 1rons. .GddBk'Ullied nino'ttthe *Barrons. T. Leffkr, ,7points, WMhigh Tor thfrillLotz «nd Lee, .with «ev«n'jrespectively, wqrked best:nei. •


Totals ..,.: 8 4 20


19 1 87



Totals 820 884Brunixh* (0)

146 7Hefjlht. 146Betgen „.* 166Fi Gwan .'. .« 180An'stein 148FriBch i..... 180





i iluit

Totals .806 769

|Townthip H»»TjrThursday evening at

School—At 7 P. M.,Avenel; at 8 P. M.,

Is va. Big Five; at 9 vs.' Bnrrons.

U |ht SeniorParish House, alt gamesni H P, M. — Monday,

- vs.. Jo-Jos; Tuesday, Dea-t\>. Tuula; Wednesday, Grey-

v. Terroni.Voodbridge IntermediateI the 1'arwh House, all games

ut 7 P. M.—MondBy, Ar-v Avcs; Tuesday, Cometsits; Wednesday, Wolves vs.


' Woodbrids* Jntim*[the Parish House, all games'p-\. at 0:30 P. M.—Monday,

vs. Arrows; Tuesday, Cy-vs. Comets; Wednesday,

•a v». Barrons.Ford. Intermedlatt ,

[Forda No.- 14 Stihool| Mok-jfob. 24—At 6:80 P.M., Owls

iat7:lB,Rlnkydinksn; at 8, Arrows vs.




Bowling Circuit ByBeating Brennam

County Major LeagueStanding of the Te«rtt

W, ;LSohwaila . . 4 3Burlew'u 40AllgaWs ...» 38iDuttkin's 38MoHanry's 28Brennnji's 37Jacklns 36Cartaret Academy.. 32Spotswooti 20[•Carteret Recs ....:... 27• Fords 26,Sayreville : 25




' 44


Ford* "B" LeagueFords Sporting

g j 223Anderton 182Turkus 206YoungDamboci



•FORDS-^The, Fords Recreation[keglers climbed* out df the cellarposition it possessed last week inthe Middlesex County Major Bow!-

1 4 8 ing League by taking two gamesfrom the fourth place Brennan1 9 8

922 845Fordi Coal (1)

Qayla ~ 145 130Sabo. 161Bacskay 126 •Nagy 177 167Stanley .............. 161 162Marincsak 138 146





five Sunday.The local combine won the flist

and third games, losing the secondby twelve ;pinj).

Double1 - century marks were

747 765 951

y•touched by Flusz, 207 •, -W. .Romer,221 and 212; Banzyk, 200 and201, and Larsen, 202.

Fordt (2)nuB! , .„ 157W. Komor 221

•-•• 164




Hirner................HanaonGeydos ...;.,..„...:Stevens ....;.........,



749 774Chei.broujh (2)

Ohal .:....-........... 169 165Sipos .........v:....... 176 172

• 148188 177173 168

« Krtjnjick ..........Collow ....... ........Deuk,

podbrid(e Light Sa«ior»

Wps 4

2 22 320








891 96B 980

Breiutin'i (1)Lovmdes ........:.. 177 206Jenkins 179 184CarlisleAbby ..-....,Kennedy

171 19120A,191


869 97.4 907

768 830 850

South Second Coal (1)R«kosEllisDeak A -

.:... 192


w2 '




I Comets>..„„.


Whatnoy .Thomson ••McLarry. .Msekgy ....SankoviehBi»(« .-i

82ft 858Tayw'n (1) ,

183.... 180.... 158.... 187.... J71







7fl6 746 777

ft. H. (1)166


On 1941 Schedule, An-nouncement Reveals

NEW BRUNSWICK — RutgersUniversity will blaze, the A»ay forcolleges of the country by schedul-ing a major football B«">« "*ifh anarmy camp team, George Wttle,director of athletics invented m inAnnouncement made today.

Negotiations are under way withnearby Fort Dis, and indicationsare that the invitations for a pick-ed camp team to, meet the Scarletoh October 18th,'-will >MOII be of-ficially of cepted. *

"It Is highly appropriate thftt thaspot where Intercollegiate Bootball

b W h at ^ e r *

Lomt Stipp'mz?A great ,pefcetitage of the aportfl. writers ithese

days (have come to t&e exclusion that as a result ofhis recent drama with JRed Busman,, Joe Louis 4 |iowon hfa way out. Doul>tle88, you have read much of this"stuff". Whether fteteis really any aoand reaBonihtTbehind this beHe*%' i d e l y discussed topic, kut ntev-erthelesft, a surpriBinf number of critics 6x4 unanim-ously agreed that siiicd Lduis took all' of five rpundsto flatten '?Red," Buman, he: must be ap.pto»ohi»Khis end. ' ; ' '• Their main argument SB ithat Joe doesn't have

the same lightning-like punch which he used to carrywith him in the ring. They say since Burman put upsuch a good fight in the '.flirt rqunds, Joe must be slip-ping, or if the writer ia a "bit more cautious—Joe is1

approaching the'begiiroin^ of his "trail back"— what*ever that means.

This corner is not in the leaat convinced thatLouis is on his way oufcfor two or more good reasons.The |raj; Js that Burman was a game guy,;down to thecore, "and would ,have been a lfflJe toiighfr opposition..than Louis had been accustomed to no matter WHetherthe fight had to be Held this year, or last. Even the so-called experts paid their respects to Burman's spirit,determination .and ability before the fight And afterthe fight Louis admitted that Burman had been a rath-er tough customer while he lasted. ,

Barman Redly Jriei"That was the only man I've faced lately -except

Tony Galento who really tried to fight," muttered theBrown Bomber. Joe even admitted that his last 'wal-lop to Burman's midsection "was just about as hard asI ever landed." So it sterns likely that better .opposi-tion was more responsible for Burman's showing•against Louis rather than a poor showing by the cham-pion himself. Everyone lauded Red's gallant standwhich he made in the .flrat'four rounds. In fact.MikeJacobs himself was so impressed with the showing ofBurman that he didn't offer much opposition tp -theBaltimore heavyweight's demanda that he .be flowedto fight some of the champion1* foremost challenger*befor*tthey caught up w t t h t e champion themseTv^—or vice versa.

Another reason why we won't count the BrownBomber as sliding down U» « * » yet, is ,the fact thateven against unusua^y t6 W h 'WPosihon hei finishedhis man in just abotttto *veB*ge number-of rounds.When Joe found that Red could let it aottk in on * ehead, he tried his basket and there the .parjy end-ed All that time Louis was pounding ineffectively atBurman's' head, the latter did not weaken Louisenough to keep.himfrom,Wasting.his own h ^ j o u t rfBight with just two or three mighty punches

rounds of battling ft*?* ^ \ T - n Sstill packed enough punch to crush his foe with threeblows. That (doesn't ao»n4 so bad.

continued on the wrong road ,as;higher ranking combines detoured'the local machines. General Oer'!

amics, however, managed to getthrough lor,a victory over Nation-al Lead.

Security Steel 'Equipment wasblanked 'by Titanium and.NatooWas teroed by General Cable.'Car-borundum lost two:out 'Of threeto R. 4 fl. and Shell Oil met thename fate at the hands of PublicService. Ceramica won two fromNational Lead.,

Twin-century marks were regis-tered by Krohne, 227,; Columbetti,225; Berndt, 207; and Roraer, 200.

Tltmiium (3)Heck : 155 192 155Stehm 177 186 161Porbik 162 18B 184Alexander 165 165 195Bickel 1:8.2 178 180

tournament of*h> Central.Bowling AasMfeMon, an

t t h e WjBC, whieh,. thi»year, will be held at «w?oia« Rec-?B«tlon alleyfl, will get ijrider WaySaturday, Apyll-16;'^ "Coirfetlttonwill take ,;place weekends Only-Friday nighU,S»turci8y aftcrnoongand all day Sunday*,; • -.V/ . M e r v l n ; t

vAHianctlon«a league, mpmber*hKrUmn| g , ;.of the wwoclatlon^aVe «tlg«ile to Barcelona, g ,-participate. There will be OlawA.J ' ;B andi C divisions p tako caro of I Birron« '(34),all. types pf bowjew % team hr. KarnaB, I

h d b l d i l i W X f


. If';,al types p j %matches, doublet and »ii)gleii.

a r ,, XarnaB, f

The deadline f o f Averages i» cipo, t < 'VMarch I «nd all, secratarle* are (Jyanes, e J*aked to forward-their average*. Thompson. Kas soon after March ;1 as possible Greahuk, g 7to- Miss Adele Levl, asaociRtionsecretary. , ,

Entry blanln will be fuTOlihedl GoldtaBMn (W league leorctarles upon re^eBt Gadek, i *.,l]p..k.about Harch t April, 1 has beenlGJUis, t«et as/the deadline for/trlM.V

,en- Miller, eBrodnick, g

The Central Jewey W, B. A, eonv| Dunlgan, gprises 306 members embtjlcing Carstensen, gMiddlesex, Monmottth and fflunter-"don ,oountiaB.

841 888(O)156125169162172



SteelParker 137

iB&iy 3....1.1 136Stephen 187ManCamp 191

Totals 766 774 804Nat ion. lLe .dXl)

Jaglowski 145Jest :..... 114Gaydosh 141Jessen^ 144Urbanski 186

Totals 729 8?7 832General Ceramioi (2)

Bandies 147 160Pucci 166 164Banzyk 180 162Kubiak 188 166Jenkins 197 159




39-21 Margin; Kozma,Kluj High Scorers

WOODBRIDGE ~ Wlih everyman scoring at least three points,the Greyhounds Whipped the Teals39 to 21 in .4; WoodbHdge ^Light'Senior Basketball League game atthe Parish Hoiise. . ' ? . . .

Kozmn and Kluj, with thirteenand ten points reap actively, star-red.for the winners., Snlvioj withtwelve countors, labored best forthe losers. • •-•• 1

Tflali ( 2 1 )

, „ . G. i1. P.Handorhan, f 1 0 2

Martin, fMcLaughlin, fP. LeflPler, cMayer, gTyorrl, g

Big F i n (33) ,

Dunfee, ffioyle,i fLee, cDuBay, cWukovetB, gLott, g

I Moore, f 1. 1

TA Muller, c 0


Totals :.... 878 807 905

Shall Oil (1)Schuler 141Pokol 124Kovaeh 156•Krohne 181


0t 2

Salvia, g 6

00 00 01 50 12

1 21


12 Pitchers Among iPlayers Getting Contracts j


Totals 10Greykio'undi (39)

G. F. P.Pazy, f 2 1 5Koima, i 6 1 13J. Cipo, f : 2 0 4•Kluj, c 6 0 10

team and one froDirector little.stated «•'*»

tiDcclpte'd plans for cooptxating

Totals 761 886 841

Public Semiea <CX) <©ickson 228 172 148•Hutira 164Walt* 145 167

ikowskl 180 170 183Bolman .'. 1B2 147 166•Wynkoop 182 189 £88

917 88% :9'15


Xladik, g.S. Cipo, g 2 0 4

1 1

Totals 18 8 39

$ Newaikball Club has mailed contracts28 players including 1& newPitahdr Hank Borowy and 'Oft:TonniPBdden, who will go.Souwith the Yankees, and iPlttoCoach Fred Franlcbouso hadvibusly signed NewarkThe 31 man squad includes.pitchers, live catchers, seven):fielders and an equal number,ooutneldors. The battorymen,report to Manager John Neu:Sebring March 10 and the ,will report to the Florida.,two days later. L

Only eleven were with the, jin their junior world series tii^nlast fall but with-the Yan"ing a squad of more thFlorida, Neun expects ijnembors of his 1940 olubreturned bflfore opening day,y

' 0

Kornoeki 190 211Pl«»k|n 163 '19iBrown s.. 202 191Bomer 154 172

181 167

Amhm>Louis may wAtoMtqm in htoUwt ^ftpe for the

although no w * *»*»*» a ^ *Z



890 922(1)

126, 1 225144 157162 146



•775•40 Bl'ICKuper da

'40 1IU1CKSuper OperaVQ (H.DNMOR1MCTotpeflo Sfdun . . . .'40 I'ONTIACToriiedii Hrdan . . . .MO OI.DHMOUU.ETorrii Nfilnii ill vjl.) . .'4ft I -UKAll l l-Opera Coupe (tf oyl.) ...40 ClIIOVllOLBtTSpeclnl Drlurp Cn«cL ...'40 tHISVHOr.KTDslnxti Opera Coupe ...,mn, nuicKTonrlnK fi«ilnu (ill)>fln n o u o i c



•no roivnUouv. Hednn, n&H'»» MIDIICUHY(llub Cnupr, HAH •

JTnurlnc Sfilnn'ill OHRYSI.EIlTniirlna Sedan (8til UOUf»B iStation Wngon (dran>"J(I FOUDStBil W t•SI SeUsu («-<•>!.)>ST MBHBBun. Ofivne. yfIT CHRVROtCT




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Highway Auto S

Page 12: Shop Trie AosJ - DigiFind-It...Employment Service in Perth Am-boy. administered tha oath of office to the thre^ f^entiy re-elected mem-bers, ComW«i|oners Joseph Me-Andrews,of Dr.•

Topic Of TalkMeeting Of Club

Group Hears Oliviaitioff At Session InRothhiM Home

30DBRIDGE—Religion andfe^ion form the busts for cvery-fc that b done in Syria accorfl-fo a talk given by Miss Olivia,ft, of International House,'York, 'at a meeting of thet Woman's Clirb held TrWayat the Rotfifuss home onStreet. Speaking on. the

"Syria—1U Cu'stomf andP/t-cople/'.Miiu LattolT discussedFjiartictilflr the city of Beirut andI ahfvorsity. \ St(W showed pie-' Pel in Illustration of her talkft"'txhiblted many articles madefinp 'Syrian people."*""h Layoff was born in Tiir-

nd is a graduate of Maryvilfce", Tenn., and Columbia Uni-

ths .business session\ m e furthered for a dance; held March 1 at the Col on la

iifcry Club. Royal, Arms Or-" i will play for the dancing,

ommittoe in charge of ar-. nents is: Miss Louise Gadck,

ijDorothy Kniely and Mi« Ber-

By Jack Sotxis

p%' Dttutioni Ara Voted|, was voted to give donations"VBoy Scoute and to the Wood-

S ranergency Squad, Inc. Theent, Miss Norma Chase, an<-

I a cooperative-meeting fory 27, at the Middlesex

„„ Vocational School. Mem-[ desiring transportation should

touch with Mrs. Roland

en for the meeting wereorris Nadgc, chairman; Mi&s

tine Schrimpe, Mrs. Williamnd Mrs, Helen Rauchman,

If,.! • SECRET SERVICE,_* Secret Service of the Treaa-\ Department made 3,107 ar-

in 1940. In 3,201 cases,, / were convictions; 912 canes\ fcwait court action,

Avenel RepublicansFebruary 28

To BeEntertained By Mn,

Jay HermanAVBNEL —. Tito Independent

Republican Club met with Mr. andMrs. Herbert' Head/ of George,Sfreet, (Viday night with Mr. andMrs. IJtnbln QTWO as hosts.

After a short bnslnaaa sessioncards %«•• played. Prlie wlnnttiweM:pino«hle,.Mr».CHarle« Stock-er .and Mr. Head; contract bridge,jSdraond Glendlnnlng; non-player^Mrs. Harold Hanson .and" WilliamOsry, . ' • - , '

The next, meeting will be held-Friday night, February 48, at thetome of Mrs. Jay Herman on ParkAvanno ' . . . •

Mri Head WiU Lead Drivehr Boy Stouts In Avenel

UNEMPLOYEDThe Census Bureau estimate!

that 5,110,270 persons over four-teen in tho nation were seekingemployment on "April 1st, 1940,Of these, 968,029 were between14 and 19 years of ago. .

ARMY PLANESThe; Army, which has 19,000

planes on order, plans to ask for$2,000,000,000 to provide 15,000additional planes and place itsprojected fleet at 40,000 planes.

SPORTS ECHOES{Continued froin Sport fage)

^ 'iame series on the 15th, 16th and 17th of April, be-.'fore changing localities. The season will end on thei 28th day of September, a bit earlier than last year.

\ • The annual All-Star game will be held at Detroit»on July 8th. " '' Chicago and Detroit play their last series at De-troit on the 26th, 27th and 28th of September. Like-wise, Cleveland winds up her season with the Browns

• at St. Louis, Washington finishes with New York inNew York, and Boston at Philadelphia—all on theWme date. But it's doubtful whether the last series of

j,'ihe season will decide who wins the pennant as it didWith Cleveland and Detroit in 1940.

REAPPORT1ONMENT, Because ^apportionment of the

seats !h Congress In tho House ofRepregonUtlves will be automaticunless Congress acts by March9th, the House.Rules Committo'shas prepared a; bill to reapportlunthe present membership of 436, re-jecting a proposal to Increaiumembership of 460. AB a resul- ofthe; last census, California willgain three seats, and Arizona,Florida, North Carolina, New Mex-ico, Oregon and Tennessee, oneseat each. States losing repre-sentation are, - Illinois, Indiana,Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts Ne-braska, dhio, Oklahoma and Penn-sylvania, Each will lose one mem-ber of the HOUBC

BOMBERSAssembly plants fofc the produc-

tion of medium and heavy bombersi from parts to be manufactured byI automobile.plants, are heinu con-structed- at Tulsa, Oklahoma, Kan-sas City,-'Fort...Worth,'. Texas, andat Omaha, Nebraska.

CRUISERS < .president Roosevelt rwently

lectod the names for, thirty-thcruisers, included in the^expansion program. Twenty-aey-en of the ships will be named forAmerican cities, but the other sixwill carry the names of outlyingterritories and possessions, including Alaska, Guam, Hawaii, th<Philippines, Puerto J&ico.and Samoa,

—A Classified Adv. W£ SeU

AVENE5L—.Tnb MotHers' Coun-cfl of Boy Scout Troop No. 41,wtt)i Mn. Herbert Head M chair-man, will be In charge of the Av«xhel (frlve for the annual Boy ScoutFund Campaign. Mrs. Head will beassisted by Mrs. John Aiud, Mn.Thonms Thompson, Mrs. EdwardRegan, Mn. John Gardner, Mrs.WilliKm FalktfnsUrn, Mrc, EdwardBhtdy, Mrs. Joseph Fusl, Mrs. JohnAshraore, Mn. John BtUrthank,Mnj. Edmond Giendinning andMri. R. G. P«rle'. ,

The workers, with Burton Se-w»rd, chairman of the troop com-mittee, attended the dinner at theTennts Club in Perth Amboy, Mon-day night, given by the RaritanCouncil, Boy Scouts of America.

CUT TO WORKWilliam Green, president of the

American Federation of Labor,estimates that two million unem-ployed have been put to workthrough rearmament effort* of thenation during the past few months.He says there are six million un-employed in the country now. ,

ChristianScience Church^Calendar

Ckri.U»h $«!•««•—fowt ChuKhof ChriJt, BdenUit, Bewaren,d» abranch «f t*i Mother Chtirch, ThePint- Church of Chritt Selenttat,in Boiton, Mass. Sunday HSrvItt*11 A. M.< 8undaif School, »:80 A.

Wednwday Tutiwonial me«-mg 8 P. M. Thursday, readingmom,a to-5 P.M.

"MIN0" I» * • IrfWohjSW*011

subject tot Su'ndtt, Pebniary 28,in aH CKrirtlari Selene* Chureitesand Societies throughout theworld. .=•••• The G6lden text hi'-'U li

.which werketh In you hoth to winand to do of his good Vl*"""'(Phllipplan»2:18),. '

Among the Le*son*Sewnon cite-tions ii the.following from theBible: ".Can any1 hide himself inseirft places that I ihatt not »eehim?" salth the Lord." "Do not Ifill heaven and earth t" with tiieLord. (J*reinlah 28:24).

The Lesson-Sermon also includesthe following passage from theChristian Sclenee textbook, "Sci-ence and Health with Key to theScriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy:"Mind is the.I AM, or infinity.MlnH never enters the finite." (p.

AVBNBL -*• A "it|t1)WiJlm> tomark the 11th birthday of the

Auxiliary-erf AwnelFlrsNo. 1, trill b« h«1d Tues»

Mareh 11, ift«r tow_..n0ss session. A co7»r-

el'dish/Bupper wW««, William Pern*

At a recent sstelofl a donationWM voted to the Boy Scouts, Thedsrk horse prhw wtonnr was Mrs.Ethel Ungvary. , .'

Japan 1* surptj««d at U.S. re-etton to aHfavae »IUj tlr« Axiii.

dam fras. th« guest of ,party. In honor of her nday. Quests ««re:

Tlaa Jotdano,

Bsrtha Kowch, _..Barbara Btrbato, Marie"of Hahwayt Arlonc TIIWilliam; Superior. ^ >vaehrJj/rtphKussinskin,,,!'Giordano.

Miss Sloks defeats Mr,burg in Palm Beach title „„•

EMPLOYMENTNon-agricultural employment in

December was nvore than 87,100,-Oat), or 1,800,000 more than In De-.comber, ^89, according to secre-Ury of Labor Fwnce» Perkins, whoenyf the flgure sets a new high forre rent years. '

Mere Are Oar Airplanes](Continued-front Editorial Pag$)

in the day'time, though after people living near.thc Jcomplftinedy th.eold ones are no longer^ used, at night 1

The* woHt, of, such' ft cpmpany—of -which j can 'ohTy this &int«|t,ideij In this space—can scarcely i)eb'ied overnhjhi ^ t Wright Aeronautical has triP!ed1produotion faciiftleft iri thV.!ttt ye»r% and a half, win,ble this fljure agalh

Eclipse, in Bendlx, N. J., which put* out starter,;eratorsand oth'er parts essential to th« air industry^which in its, size, h|*vy machinery and high standard]accurfcy resembletlfright AeronauHc»l, will havepanded by ten time» he*t. Propeller Construction is,ing too. The electric propeller is a highly complex ianiam. Back prpjietier tails for H 2 operaJioiiH.machine tools are nftces^ry, yet propellers mustworked by hand Jtb^btiln correct flnlBh. A propellerweighs over 400 pounds when forged, 65 pounds I)Lmachining. Yet Curtjss Propeller of Clifton, N, J., ha,]ready started work in its big new plant In Caldweli, yand haS also acquired a Mid-Western plant containinJwards df 400,000 square feet.

I TOOld."


Have,you got BATSIN YOUR ATTIG?No, But Von DO Havf StuffTo \-A\ a WANT AD

Dp you hive to'WCKVOUR CAR IN"at night?


Prompt ond Gourteous Servlct

BRUNSWICK A V L RAHWAY, N. JPhon. Rah. 7 - 1 2 6 3 - N i g h t Phona Rah. 7-0424-R

Not if it's One of these Four New Additions to the Buick SPECIAL tinethat Compact Automobile Bigness into Fewer Bumper*to«Bumper inches

HEBts of late the modern automobile hasbeen giving a pretty good imitation of

a man getting up in the morning.

It has stretched and s-t-r-e-t-g-h-e-d—untiltoday you almost have to have a shoehornto get a car of «any size tucked away in .thefamily garage. •

We thouglit something ought to be doneAbout that . ' .

So today in Buick dealers' showroomsyou'll see -lour new models, additions tothe 1941 Buick SPECIAL line.

They are typical Buioks on everycount—trigger-quiok, steady, tii

travelers with a big 115-hp.

Buick FIREBALL straight-eight under theirbonnets.

They dress every mile you travel in trimBuick style—cradle every yard of distanceon soft all-coil springing. They top offevery trip with an even greater measure of

t gasoline economy, thread traffic with a new _ .ninibleness, and when it comes to parking ity—your wift will go

. nnd the proverbial dime roomy as a dsuaoe f°r t™*?m*~*oA «*syfloor. ' o

inch wheelbase, we've trimmed; inches offthe over-all length-and dollars off the cost.We're passing Aose dollar savings on toyou, which makes threereasons tor going tosee these honeys now:

!•'//go for their ftbil

, But< b> 'the- aimpje step, of- compacting altthii ability, goodness and value on a l i fk

handling-rand bothwill stand up andcheer, for the ea»iry-reachable price.


for th* lustneu Coup*

delivered at FCint,Mich.. StaU tax, op-timal tquipmtnl and

t'-extra.mkJKt to changt

IXIMHM ty'vtmu Moioat VMM







$21.45mn 2 moosm




rf 1 *, 1 ft (




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ID 8AVS>1 , r. i " " '•;•

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fe, ptitffl%mJWWWP AVENUE» t t rfHEN IITTfH AUrpWOBitll


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