shop local eat local spend local enjoy local · church of ireland church services will resume on...

Sneem Community Notice Board 25th June 2020 Monthly Issue 220 FREE Sneem Reopens Next Newsletter will be out on 23rd July 2020 Neighbours from Bohocogram - Mary Breen, Betty Breen, Mary Dennehy and Patrick Dennehy enjoying Social Distancing Cof- f ee at Christian’s Foodstore joined by Mary Regan after John Crowley’s RIP Funeral. Photo by Margaret Christian. SHOP LOCAL EAT LOCAL SPEND LOCAL ENJOY LOCAL SUPPORT THE LOCAL BUSINESSES WHO SUPPORT THE AREA WHERE YOU LIVE, WORK AND PLAY We are all looking forward to the reo- pening of our coffee shops, restau- rants, pubs, hotels and other busi- nesses from the 29th June in the lat- est phase of the current Covid 19 guidelines. To everyone who donated generously for masks and also online, your kind- ness is much appreciated. As we are unable to open the Nearly New so far this year, our income is greatly re- duced. Face coverings should be worn in sit- uations where it is difficult to practice social distancing. For example, in shops and on public transport. Face coverings help prevent people who do not know they have the virus from spreading it to others. Keep your distance and stay safe!

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Post on 07-Jul-2020




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Page 1: SHOP LOCAL EAT LOCAL SPEND LOCAL ENJOY LOCAL · Church of Ireland Church services will resume on Sunday 5th July at 10am un-der current guidelines. Sneem Parish News 2020 Reflections

Sneem Community Notice Board

25th June 2020 Monthly Issue 220 FREE

Sneem Reopens

Next Newsletter will be out on 23rd July 2020

Neighbours f rom Bohocogram - Mary Breen, Betty Breen, Mary Dennehy and Patrick Dennehy enjoying Social Distancing Cof-fee at Christian’s Foodstore joined by Mary Regan af ter John Crowley’s RIP Funeral.

Photo by Margaret Christian.










We are all looking forward to the reo-pening of our coffee shops, restau-rants, pubs, hotels and other busi-nesses f rom the 29th June in the lat-est phase of the current Covid 19 guidelines.

To everyone who donated generously for masks and also online, your kind-ness is much appreciated. As we are unable to open the Nearly New so far this year, our income is greatly re-duced.

Face coverings should be worn in sit-uations where it is diff icult to practice social distancing. For example, in shops and on public transport. Face coverings help prevent people who do not know they have the virus f rom spreading it to others.

Keep your distance and stay safe!

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Community News


Maggie Tindale on the 30th; Eimear Fitzgerald, Abbie Bradshaw (11), Helen McConnell on the 1st July; Lucy Galvin (17), Eva Letanneur on the 2nd; Kaitlin Fenton on the 3rd; Shane Larkin, Kieran O’Connor, Haylee Casey(7) on the 5th; David Bradshaw (15), Patricia de Jong, Con O’Shea on the 6th; Coral Knowles on the 8th; John Galvin, Paudie O’Shea on the 10th, Christine Morley on the 11th; Brendan O’Sullivan, Carmel Galvin on the 12th; Kathleen O’Sullivan on the 14th; Kamile Digimaite (13) on the 15th; Liam O’Sullivan, Ryan Casey (10) on the 16th; Michelle O’Brien, Nicole Murphy on the 18th, Adrian Cahalane, Ian Burke on the 21st.

Special Birthdays

Katie Galvin 18 on the 28th June; Eilish McCarthy 50 on the 29th June; Lillian O’Shea 18 on the 7th July; Colm van Assen 18 on the 22nd.

Deepest Sympathies To the family of John (Daneen) O'Sullivan born in Derryleigh, died on 11June 2020 aged 90 in Wolverhampton. He was the uncle of Jack and Dan Daneen and Cris Palmer.

Deepest Sympathies To John Knightly and family on the death of his father Pat, of Raheny Dublin and formerly of Castlemaine and Annascaul Co. Kerry.

Deepest Sympathies To the family of Johnny Crowley Beale, Sneem and Tír na nÓg Nursing home who passed away recently.

Deepest Sympathies To the family of Noel Fitzgerald, Staigue, Castlecove who passed away recently.

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This is YOUR Notice Board! Deadline for the next newsletter - Monday 20th July 2020 by 10am anything received after this date may not be included in newsletter. Call the Resource Centre on 064 6645545 during opening hours, email: [email protected], or leave a note into the Resource Centre. The newsletter is produced entirely by volunteers and is provided f ree to the community. If anyone would like to make a contribution online, it would be greatly appreciated. Sneem Resource Centre Ltd. IBAN: IE71 AIBK 9363 2446 8420 13. If you would like to receive the newsletter online every month, please email [email protected].

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Community News

St. Michael’s Church Sneem, St Patrick’s Church Tahilla

Churches are re-opening on Monday 29th June. Mass will continue to be streamed online f rom St Michael’s Church Facebook page. Anyone with issues re health, age, worry or anxiety about entering a Church at present are not expected to do so. The Weekend obligation has been removed by the Bishop during the Corona Virus Pandemic. Sharing Mass online or attending Mass in Church during the week will suff ice for the weekend obliga-tion. First Friday; The First Friday House calls will not return until August. The Weekday Masses will be announced at the Weekend masses. Mass in St. Michael’s Church, Sneem

Monday 29th June No Mass

Tuesday 30th June 9.30 am

Wednesday 1st July 9.30 am

Thursday 2nd July 9.30 am

Friday 3rd July 7.30 pm. First Friday

Saturday 4th July 8 pm. Sunday 5th July 11 am

St Patrick’s Church, Tahilla

Sunday July 5th 9.30 am

Please follow the Guidelines when attending Mass or visiting the churches.

Little Church

Church of Ireland Church services will resume on Sunday 5th July at 10am un-der current guidelines.

Sneem Parish News 2020

Ref lections on the coronavirus and other news - deadline Friday, September 11 2020. Sneem Parish News would like to record for future generations how life has been affected in 2020 by the coronavirus pandemic. How has the lockdown affected you, your family, your work, your business? Have you learned how to use Zoom or social media to stay in contact with family and f riends? Have you found a renewed sense of community where f riends and neighbours are rallying around to help one another, particularly those who most need a helping hand? For those who remember rationing af ter the Second World War, to which the current crisis has been likened by some people, how does it really compare? And at the other end of the age scale, how are children f inding life away f rom school and their f riends? To ref lect what is happening in the parish during this most unusual of years, send us your articles, poems and photos for inclusion in this year’s magazine. Please submit these, along with reports f rom clubs and organisations, as well as wedding photos, family photos, obituaries,

Maidie O’Leary ([email protected]), Mary Margaret Casey ([email protected]) or John Downing ([email protected]). Due to the demands of our printers and the time required by the editors to

produce the magazine, we will NOT be able to accept any material for pub-lication after the deadline of Friday, 11th September.

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Community News

Shop Local - the following businesses are continuing to offer a f ree delivery service to all their customers or you can phone in your order and they will drop it out to you in your car. Where possible, please use your card to pay: Hilary’s/DJ O’Sullivan’s 064 6645165

Burns Butchers 086 2213772

Peter O’Sullivan Butchers 064 6645213 or 087 6577239

Riney’s Off-licence 086 1690036

Galvin’s Hardware 064 6645118

Christian's Mace Foodstore / Taxi Service

[email protected]

Phone 064 6645116 Mobile 087 2449026/ 097 2623394

Opening hours 8.30am - 7.30pm

Sneem Pharmacy Monday to Saturday 9am to 6pm

Phone in advance for prescriptions 064 6645288

Leaving Certificate Students

We would like to wish all the Leaving Certif icate students who f inished school this year under very diff icult circumstances the best of luck in the future: Apologies to Dylan Sugrue who was left out of the last issue.

Sneem Summer Festival 2020

Taking into account Government guidelines, the safety of our communities, and the ability to deliver a wonderful Festival, we have decided to postpone our 2020 Festival until 21st to 25th July 2021

2021 Sneem Calendar We are looking for photographs for the April, May and June pages. Pictures must be Sneem related and horizontally orientated. Please send your pictures with your name and caption to [email protected]. Looking forward to seeing your photographs!

Sneem Walking Club

were delighted to restart their club walks Sunday 21st June 2020 under the latest Covid19 regulations. They have a number of guidelines to follow which includes only allowing Club Members to join the walks. It was great to be out on longer walks again and to share the scenery with f riends in the Club.

Sneem Men’s Shed wishes to acknowledge the f inancial assistance received f rom Kerry County Council through its Community Enhancement Programme.

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Community News

Parknasilla Golf Course The Golf Course has reopened since 18th May and is subject to the following strict conditions: • Only Members of the Course are allowed play – no green fees are permit-

ted until further notice. • Members wishing to play must book their tee times in advance with Sean

or Liz McCarthy; no Member can turn up without prebooking and expect to play.

• The Clubhouse and its facilities will remain closed until further notice. Cad-dies are, likewise, not allowed under the present protocols.

The restrictions re Green Fees and the Clubhouse will, in all likelihood, be re-laxed f rom 20th July but not before then. More information at a later date. Hope you are keeping safe and well during this unprecedented time.

Local Libraries

Kenmare Library will have a book browsing and lending service f rom 30th June. There are no details yet as to when the Mobile Libraries will be back on the road.

Sneem Playground

It’s great to see the playground open again and with a couple of new pieces of equipment. Sneem TidyTowns would like to thank Norma Moriarty and Kerry County Council for funding these items which were chosen with younger chil-dren in mind. Thanks also to Joe Mur-phy and the CE workers for repainting and sprucing up the playground.

Kerry Hospice Virtual Run

June Bank Holiday saw the Kerry Hos-pice Virtual Run Series take place, a fundraiser towards the new Palliative Care Unit in Tralee. Runners/walkers around the county/country could choose their distance of 5km, 10km or half mar-athon over the weekend and post their distance and time to the Facebook page along with making a donation to the worthy cause. Whilst this was a fun event there was a competitive edge with prizes up for grabs. The event saw two of our local ladies taking part: Mary O’Shea and Geraldine Breen. Mary ran each dis-tance over the weekend but chose the half marathon as her preferred entry and Geraldine ran the 10km. The virtual event saw both ladies taking 1st place in their preferred distances, almost €9,000 was raised f rom the event for this worthy cause. Well done ladies!

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Public Heath Nurse

Further to our report in last month’s SCNB, we are pleased to announce that our public health nurse will NOT be moved to Kenmare. Thanks to your efforts and those of our public representatives, that misguided proposal will come to nothing. We should add that we collected 708 signatures of those opposed to the move, a f itting testament to the high regard felt for our public health nurse. The HSE is of the opinion that the stairs in the health centre pose a problem for mothers bringing their babies for developmental checks, this after a 44 year ten-ancy. If this is indeed a problem as suggested (and should two storey housing for families thereby be outlawed?) it was resolved years ago through use of a room In Coomanassig Day Care Centre which is funded by the HSE itself. It is a mystery that this obvious alternative is no longer utilised but there it is. We understand that “alternative alternative” accommodation is now being sought here in the vil-lage. Watch this space. We trust that the HSE will not continue to use the smokescreen of child develop-ment clinics to camouf lage the gradual centralising of the Sneem public health nursing service in Kenmare Primary Care Centre.

Community RGN Tel: 086 7872096

Monday to Friday 9.30am to 10.30am

Wearing Masks

The current advice is to wear masks indoors where social distancing is not possi-ble. Cotton masks are available in Sneem Pharmacy and Sneem Medical Centre. The masks are made by volunteers and are offered without charge. Many thanks to Mary J. Casey, Sue Russell, Sharon Evans, Tina Davis and Maggie Tin-dale....otherwise known as The Sneem Maskmakers!! Thanks also to all those who donated so generously to the newsletter in lieu of paying for the masks.

They are made f rom cotton fabric and are not of surgical quality, but can offer pro-tection. Instructions for use: The pleated side faces outwards. Those with elastic top and bottom are to go around the head: place the lower elastic around the base of the head f irst, pull up the mask and then place the top elastic around the top of the head. The folds spread out to cover the nose and mouth. (Gentlemen seem to prefer these). Those with elastic at each side are to f it over the ears. Then spread the folds to f it over the nose and mouth. (Those who wear glasses might f ind it easier to put the mask on f irst and then put on glasses for a more secure experience!) The pocket in the back of the mask can accommodate a folded tissue or piece of kitchen roll. This can catch any coughs and sneezes, and should then of course be discarded after each use. The mask should be removed carefully using the elastic and ideally be washed af ter each use.

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Sneem Medical Centre

Dr Hernan Ganzo, Family GP

Sneem, Co Kerry

Tel: 064 6645102

Surgery Hours: Monday 10.30am -12.30pm / 2.30pm – 5.00pm

Tuesday 10.30am-12.30pm / 2.30pm – 4.30pm

Wednesday 2.00pm – 5.00pm

Thursday 10.30am – 12.30pm / 2.30pm – 5.00pm Friday 10.30am -12.30pm / 2.30pm -4.30pm

Practice Nurse (appointment only) Monday to Thursday

9am to 10.30am

New Surgery Regulations

Due to the ongoing Pandemic, Dr Ganzo will be operating an appointment only surgery. Where possible we are not permitting people to wait in the waiting room. Please knock on the waiting room door and wait for someone to let you enter. Please ring and book an appointment (064) 6645102.

If you need to have bloods taken or want a repeat prescription please ring and talk to Julie during surgery hours above.


New Out of Hours Service

Dr Ganzo has moved to an on call service for his patients. Out of hours will not be provided by Southdoc but will be directly provided by Dr Ganzo, please phone: (064) 6645102.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the community in helping us stay safe and healthy during these unprecedented times. We must still be mindful regarding our health. Please be patient with our service during this busy period.

Thank you,

Dr Hernan Ganzo, Sheena O’Sullivan and Julie Lee Knightly.

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Sneem TidyTowns Pollinator-friendly weedkiller recipe

1 litre white vinegar 1 cup of diluted Epsom salts

A squirt of washing up liquid. A good tip is to dissolve the Epsom salts in hot vinegar f irst and strain the liquid - this prevents clogging the sprayer. Spray directly onto weeds on a still dry day.

Blooms for Bees Competition

Sneem TidyTowns Working Group is running a Blooms for the Bees Competi-tion over the summer with a f irst prize of €60 and €40 for the runner-up. Any size of display is worthy of entry f rom a tub, window box or hanging bas-ket to a whole f rontage or garden. The more traditional open-petaled types of f lowers tend to be best for pollinators. Check out the opposite page for the best plants or you may get ideas f rom our pollinator beds on both greens. Message the Sneem TidyTowns Face-book page stating your name, address, telephone number and the position of your designated display area or contact Sharon f rom Green Chair at 089 4616573 to enter.

Pictured are pollinator f riendly f lowers out-side the Resource Centre, in the South Square and beside Sneem Digital Hub

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Blooms for Bees

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Sneem Digital Hub

Australian Wedding

Congratulations to Kevin O’Leary (Ardmore) and Michelle Wilkinson who got married on Thursday 5th

March in Margaret River and live in Perth, Western Australia.

Once the announcement of travel restrictions f rom the 29th was made, we re-ceived a very healthy f low of enquiries and bookings, to the extent that we are close to capacity (albeit reduced capacity) for hot-desking clients for 3 weeks this Summer already. If you know of anyone planning to spend time here over the Summer and who might wish to avail of our services, please advise them to book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. While the employer who was scheduled to start advertising roles for here in April currently has a f reeze on recruitment, we are still very keen for contact with peo-ple potentially interested in working remotely f rom Sneem. We look forward to opening on the 29th of June. Contact Aidan 089 942 0098 or email [email protected]

Property wanted

Professional family with three young children, considering relocation to Sneem/Tahilla, looking for land to buy and a rental property while building. Contact 086 7968604.

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Community News

Michelle's Hair Salon



is back open on

Monday 29th June

please message on


or phone 0876577813

for an appointment

The Blue Bull South Square

064 6645382

Looks forward to welcoming our customers f rom

Wednesday July 1st with new hours of operation

in place. We will open initially from

Wednesday to Sunday from 4 pm.

Last orders for food will be 9.30pm.

Booking is advisable, though where

2 metre social distancing can be observed, walk-ins can be catered

for. Contact us on 064-6645382

or our Facebook page

having reviewed

Failte Ireland guidelines we

plan to reopen and

welcome guests to Sneem

for Bed & Breakfast on

July 7th.

Anne and Frans van Assen

064 6645578

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Community News

green chair

haberdashery & vintage gifts South Square Sneem

Upholstery, Curtains and Blinds Furniture, Fabric & Wallpaper

Toys, Games and Yokes Reopening on

Tuesday 30th at 10.30am Open daily 087 4616573

The Homoeopathic Clinic at Brushwood Studios

near Sneem, will reopen on the

29th of June. Please phone Pam Muller at

086 - 3009109 to make an appointment

for a consultation.

SNEEM TAVERN Bar ● Grocery ● Off Licence

Lotto ● Post Office ● AIB Banking

Service Station

Bar - Opening Monday 29th June

Jenny at the Riverside Cafe & Bistro

is looking forward to welcoming all our customers from 9.30am on

Monday. Our full menu will be available for

takeaway/collection. Table service will be available on both balconys for dining alfresco. Our Menus will be single use, and

also available QR Code Menu. Check our Facebook page for the dedicated phone number for our

food collection/takeaway and booking of tables.

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The Window Box

Fiona O’Shea South Square

Sneem Co.Kerry

064 6675811 087 7712865

The Window Box will be back open

on Thursday June 25th with new hours for the moment of

11am-4pm,Tuesday - Saturday. Looking forward to seeing you all

and having social distance chats at the shop or on my deliveries. Remember to shop local and

help our village get back on its feet.

The artists at Brushwood Studios

Art Gallery are happy to announce that our gallery will be reopening on the

29th of June. Social distancing and

hygiene etiquette will apply. We look forward to

welcoming visitors again. Phone: 064 6645108 or

087 4163177

D. O'Shea’s Bar ring 064 6645515

Email : [email protected]

Looking forward to welcoming

you back on

Monday 29th from 4pm.

New take out options will be

available shortly and we will keep

you posted via Facebook.

Due to Covid regulations,

booking is essential

until further notice.

Thanks to all who supported our

take out menu over Covid.

Mary & Garbhan

Village Kitchen Reopening

Sunday 28th June For takeaway only

From Monday 29th 9.30am till 7.30pm

Eat in and takeaway New Menus available on our

Facebook Page Call 064 6645281

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Sneem Motors Works Now opened under new management


All Maintenance

Contact Chris on 087 3594614

or Ciaran on 087 4046148

The Hungry


Open Monday to Sunday

5 till 11pm

Call 087 6775207

to place your order


Family Ice Cream

Locally Made Award Winning Ice Cream

Now Open

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Stone House


Friday 3rd of July

12 till 9.30pm

To book a table

Call 064 6645188

Olive’s Hairdressing

Is pleased to inform her clients she will be

reopening her hair salon in the

Sneem Resource Centre on Saturday 4th July

Looking forward to welcoming

you all back. Call 087 7551796

Kelly's Bakery

Business as usual from 29th June

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Local Adverts


PHARMACY South Square

Opening Hours

Monday - Saturday 9am - 6pm

Film Processing still available

064 6645288

June Hunter Accounting Technician

085 7700524



Sneem C.N.B. Advertising To advertise call 064 6645545

or email [email protected]

Full Page Colour - €100 per issue - Full Page Black - € 80 per issue

Half Page Colour - € 50 per issue - Half Page Black - € 40 per issue

Quarter Page Colour - €25 per issue- Quarter Page Black - €20 per issue

Small Box - € 12 per issue

All Cheques to be made out to Sneem Resource Centre PLEASE

Kenmare Physiotherapy Clinic

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Local Adverts



signs And murals

Contact: Roland Hunter

085 7700538

James M O’Sullivan

Solicitor South Square, Sneem

All legal work undertaken


064 6689664

Mob: 087 2868855

[email protected]

Evening and weekend appointments available

Page 17

Majella O’Sullivan

Auctioneer/Valuer/Estate Agent 2 Main Street

Kenmare Co. Kerry

Tel: 064 6642101

email: [email protected] PSRA Licence No: 002397

Services provided Residential and

Commercial Sales

Long term residential lettings

Valuations and Appraisals

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Local Information

Bus Services Sneem to Kenmare

Wednesday at 9.30am returns at 1.15pm

Friday at 9.50am returns at 2pm

Leaves f rom outside Riney’s

Sneem to Killarney

Every Saturday leaves outside old P.O. at 11.30am leaves Killiarney at 4.45pm

Lo Call 1890 528 528 to book your seat. Bus has wheelchair access - a lift for wheelchair user.

For any other routes or information contact Teddy on 087 2315014. Courier service also available.

Kenmare Family Resource Centre

Due to Covid 19 restrictions our office is not open daily but our staff are available on phone or email. If you wish to con-tact us for any reason please call one of the following num-bers:

Off ice mobile 087-7086641

Máire – Project Co-Ordinator 085-8002471

Irene – Family Support Worker – 085-8749715

E-mail: [email protected]

Sneem Resource Centre Temporary Opening Hours

Monday to Friday 10.30am - 12 midday

for Printing - Photocopying - Scanning - Laminating - Sending faxes

Only the front room will be open, maximum 4 people at a time,

use hand sanitizer at the front door and maintain social distancing

The Nearly New Shop will not be opening under current restrictions

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Gardaí - 064 6645111

Sneem Pharmacy Tel: 064 6645288

Monday to Saturday 9am to 6pm

St. Michael’s Church Parish Office, Presbytery, North Square. Mobile 087 3480050

St Patrick’s Church in Tahilla and St Michael’s Church in Sneem reopening f rom Monday 29th June.

Church of Ireland

Church Services will resume on 5th July at 10am following guidelines. Email Rev. Michael Cavanagh at [email protected]

AIB Community Bank Wednesday 10.30 - 11am South Square

Public Libraries

Kenmare will have a book browsing and

lending service f rom June 30th - see for more infor-mation.

Tide Times

Here are the high tides for the period 25th June to the 22nd July 2020.

25th: 08.03, 20.26

26th: 08.51, 21.16

27th: 09.44, 22.11

28th: 10.39, 23.10

29th: 11.40

30th: 12.45

01st: 13.51

02nd: 14.55

03rd: 15.55

04th: 16.50

05th: 17.38

06th: 06.00, 18.22

07th: 06.42, 19.03

08th: 07.22, 19.43

09th: 08.00, 20.22

10th: 08.38, 21.03

11th: 09.18, 21.45

12th: 10.01, 22.31

13th: 10.50, 23.22

14th: 11.46

15th: 12.50

16th: 13.54

17th: 14.54

18th: 15.48

19th: 16.37

20th: 17.22

21st: 18.04

22nd: 06.24, 18.45

Local Adverts

Local Information

• Cream coloured bedroom furniture, one double bed with drawers underneath, one wardrobe and one bedside table/locker. Call 087 7936147

• Charlie’s Plants and Window Boxes - Bedding plants are now available, Charlie will deliver to the village, phone 087 4333111

• Tall Whirlpool f ridge available for f ree, Castlecove area, contact 085 7374809

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Sneem GAA Lotto draw

Next Draws Sunday 5th July - Sneem Tavern

Sunday 12th July - Dan Murphy’s

Sunday 19th July - Blue Bull Sunday 26th July - D. O’Shea’s

Tickets available in Pubs and Shops throughout the Village Please support your local GAA Club

Sneem GAA Cúl Camp

Sneem GAA Cúl Camp will now take place f rom 20th - 24th July 2020. Booking is now open on the National Website. This year all registrations must be done online and the numbers at camps will be limited. Parents will not be able to register on the morning of the camp. Parents who had already booked a camp online this year can change their booking. Off icial website of the GAA Cúl Camps for girls and boys aged 6-13

Sneem GAA

For anyone involved with the GAA or who has kids playing GAA please note the following - all Adult players, Mentors and Parents / Guardians must complete this online e-learning module before the return to play. It can be found at