shomrei emunah weekly bulletin - shulcloud · 2017-07-29 · july 29, 2017 6 of av 5777 shabbos...

July 29, 2017 6 of Av 5777 Shabbos Chazon Parshas Devarim Vol. 7 No. 39 Shomrei Emunah Weekly Bulletin CONGREGATION SHOMREI EMUNAH RABBI BINYAMIN MARWICK, RABBI 6221 GREENSPRING AVENUE BALTIMORE, MD 21209 RABBI DR. TZVI HERSH WEINREB, RABBI EMERITUS 410-358-8604 FAX 410-358-0664 RABBI BENJAMIN BAK, זצ ׳ ל, RABBI EMERITUS (1972-1989) V1 SW Mazel Tov Jordan & Chana Leah Wiener on the Engagement of their Son, Eliyahu to Chaya Wealcatch, daughter of Dr Shmuel & Malki Wealcatch. Mazel Tov as well to Dovid & Gali Wealcatch, Binyomin & Rochel Wealcatch, and Moshe & Shirah Wealcatch. Steve and Leah Sichel on the birth of a grandson born to their children Shimmy and Chani Sichel and to Chani's parents Moshe and Suri Rosen. SHABBAT CHAZON July 28/29 – 6 Av Shining a Light on the Future / Paving a Path to Employment During the past 12 years, JobKatif has amassed a good deal of knowledge in helping sidelined population groups integrate into the work force. This knowledge, in recent years, has been applied to numerous sectors, helping hundreds of individuals break the cycle of poverty and build a better tomorrow. We hope that you will be able to join us on Shabbat Chazon and make a real difference in the lives of so many individuals --- Ethiopian-Israelis, impoverished soldiers, at risk youth, single mothers, and individuals who have been mentally challenged. Your help is vital for changing their lives and strengthening Israeli society. Hopefully, you received a beautiful brochure describing the new initiatives as well as a cover letter. Thank you very much for your cooperation and partnership. Rabbi Binyamin Marwick Mike Lowenstein Binyomin Berger Thank you to the following individuals who have already graciously sponsored the Shomrei/JCN Motzei Shabbos Nachamu Concert! To join this list, please email [email protected] or register on the shul website. Yitz & Yael Applebaum Alex & Shira Berlin Rick & sarah Bernard Avi & Sari Bernstein Baruch & Chanie Bernstein Shlomo & Reena Brodie Dovid & Tamar Charnowitz Yoni & Chaya Chesner Aharon & Ariella Dinovitz Dovs by the Case Adam & Phran Edelman Ari & Inbal Elman Michael & Linda Elman Bruce & Julie Fried Kenny & Marla Friedman Levi & Lolly Friedman Meir & Rochel Gold Shraga & Perri Goldenhersh Norman & Cheryl Gras Avi & Sora Greenlinger Shooie & Devorah Grunwald Shaye & Dena Guttenberg Murray & Baila Jacobson Shimon & Rena Kanter Simcha & Leah Kossman Judah & Mira Labovitz Mordy & Dassi Lazar Robbie & Libby Lehman David & Pam Lehmann Nachman & Rebecca Lencz Mike & Layne Lowenstein Hershel & Ariel Lutch Rabbi & Rebbetzin Dr. Marwick Moshe & Shoshi Meystel Tzvi & Daniella Moskowitz Michael & Zipporah Neuman Dov & Shira Ocken Yitzy & Nancy Pretter Eric & Chaya Reitberger Sholom & Chana Mirel Ryback Elliot & Yael Schwarzenberger Gershon & Tali Seidel Hillel & Dena Soclof Sol Levinson & Bros., Inc. Sam & Haddasah Sperling Alan & Tova Taragin Peter & Rosemary Warschawski Ayala Weinberg David & Atara Ziffer Sam & Ruthie Zygler Monday Erev Tisha B’Av Mincha 5:00, 6:00, 7:00pm Fast Begins 8:19pm Ma’ariv 9:00pm Followed by Remarks by Rabbi Marwick and Eicha Tisha B’Av Shacharis 6:00 (BM), 8:30 (SH) Kinos Program Chatzos 1:13pm Mincha 2:00 (MS), 7:50 (MS) Ma’ariv 8:35pm Fast Ends 9:02pm

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July 29, 2017 6 of Av 5777 Shabbos Chazon Parshas Devarim Vol. 7 No. 39

Shomre i Emunah Week ly Bu l le t in



410-358-8604 FAX 410-358-0664 RABBI BENJAMIN BAK, RABBI EMERITUS (1972-1989) , ל׳זצ


Mazel Tov Jordan & Chana Leah Wiener on the Engagement of their Son,

Eliyahu to Chaya Wealcatch, daughter of Dr Shmuel & Malki

Wealcatch. Mazel Tov as well to Dovid & Gali Wealcatch,

Binyomin & Rochel Wealcatch, and Moshe & Shirah Wealcatch.

Steve and Leah Sichel on the birth of a grandson born to their

children Shimmy and Chani Sichel and to Chani's parents Moshe

and Suri Rosen.

SHABBAT CHAZON July 28/29 – 6 Av

Shining a Light on the Future / Paving a Path to Employment

During the past 12 years, JobKatif has amassed a good deal of knowledge in helping sidelined population groups integrate into the work force. This knowledge, in recent years, has been applied to numerous sectors, helping hundreds of individuals break the cycle of poverty and build a better tomorrow.

We hope that you will be able to join us on Shabbat Chazon and make a real difference in the lives of so many individuals --- Ethiopian-Israelis, impoverished soldiers, at risk youth, single mothers, and individuals who have been mentally challenged. Your help is vital for changing their lives and strengthening Israeli society.

Hopefully, you received a beautiful brochure describing the new initiatives as well as a cover letter.

Thank you very much for your cooperation and partnership. Rabbi Binyamin Marwick Mike Lowenstein Binyomin Berger

Thank you to the following individuals who have already graciously sponsored the Shomrei/JCN Motzei Shabbos Nachamu Concert! To join this list, please email [email protected] or register on the shul website.

Yitz & Yael Applebaum Alex & Shira Berlin Rick & sarah Bernard Avi & Sari Bernstein Baruch & Chanie Bernstein Shlomo & Reena Brodie Dovid & Tamar Charnowitz Yoni & Chaya Chesner Aharon & Ariella Dinovitz Dovs by the Case

Adam & Phran Edelman Ari & Inbal Elman Michael & Linda Elman Bruce & Julie Fried Kenny & Marla Friedman Levi & Lolly Friedman Meir & Rochel Gold Shraga & Perri Goldenhersh Norman & Cheryl Gras Avi & Sora Greenlinger

Shooie & Devorah Grunwald Shaye & Dena Guttenberg Murray & Baila Jacobson Shimon & Rena Kanter Simcha & Leah Kossman Judah & Mira Labovitz Mordy & Dassi Lazar Robbie & Libby Lehman David & Pam Lehmann Nachman & Rebecca Lencz

Mike & Layne Lowenstein Hershel & Ariel Lutch Rabbi & Rebbetzin Dr. Marwick Moshe & Shoshi Meystel Tzvi & Daniella Moskowitz Michael & Zipporah Neuman Dov & Shira Ocken Yitzy & Nancy Pretter Eric & Chaya Reitberger Sholom & Chana Mirel Ryback

Elliot & Yael Schwarzenberger Gershon & Tali Seidel Hillel & Dena Soclof Sol Levinson & Bros., Inc. Sam & Haddasah Sperling Alan & Tova Taragin Peter & Rosemary Warschawski Ayala Weinberg David & Atara Ziffer Sam & Ruthie Zygler

Monday Erev Tisha B’Av

Mincha 5:00, 6:00, 7:00pm

Fast Begins 8:19pm

Ma’ariv 9:00pm

Followed by Remarks by Rabbi

Marwick and Eicha

Tisha B’Av

Shacharis 6:00 (BM), 8:30 (SH)

Kinos Program

Chatzos 1:13pm

Mincha 2:00 (MS), 7:50 (MS)

Ma’ariv 8:35pm

Fast Ends 9:02pm


Shabbos Chazon Parshas Devarim July 29 2017/6 of Av 5777

Mincha: 7:00pm Candle Lighting: 6:54pm (early)*

8:05pm 8:04pm

Shacharis: 7:00am (Main Shul) Parshas

8:15am (Bais Medrash) HaShavuah: 8:30am

8:45am (Social Hall) Sof Z'man

9:00am (Main Shul) Krias Sh'ma: 9:38am

Mincha: 2:00pm Daf Yomi: 5:50pm

5:20pm Shiur: 6:50pm


Maariv: 9:05pm

Shabbos Afternoon Shiur: will be given by Rabbi Shmuel Iser, Rosh Kollel of Shomrei Emunah Night Kollel on the topic: "Does Everyone Deserve Tzedaka?”

Shalosh Seudos Speaker: Rabbi Shmuel Iser

Shalosh Seudos Sponsors: Rachel Epstein and Dana Weed of Chattanooga, TN, in memory of Rabbi

Maynard Hyman, 6 of Av.

Abe Gutman and Family in memory of their wife/mother, Laure Gutman, 6 of Av.

Robbie and Libby Lehman in memory of Libby’s father, Reuben Friedman, 7 of Av.

Peter and Rosemary Warschawski in memory of Peter’s mother, Camille Warschawski-Loeb, 7 of Av.

Howard and Marsha Kaplon in memory of Howard’s father, Israel Moses Kaplon, 12 of Av.

Notes for this week: Chaburah following the 8:15am davening will be given this week by

Rabbi Tzvi Mordechai Feldheim.

Pirkei Avos: Perek 3

Next Week: Parshas Vaeschanan Mincha: 7:00pm Candle Lighting: 6:48pm (early)*

8:00pm 7:57pm

* Important Note: Early Candle lighting times are the earliest time one can light candles. Please do not light candles prior to the posted time.

DAVENING TIMES This Week 7/30 - 8/3


6:40pm (MS)

8:05pm (MS)

Sunday Mincha:

Discontinued until further notice

Additional Maariv:

9:00pm (MS)

10:00pm (BM)

MS - Main Shul, BM - Bais Medrash, SH - Social Hall, ETT - Earliest Talis/Tefilin

Tisha B’Av Rosh Chodesh

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sunday Weekday

ETT: 5:06am ETT: 5:06am ETT: 5:07am ETT: 5:08am ETT: 5:09am ETT: 5:10am

6:20 (MS) 6:20 (BM) 6:30 (BM) 6:20 (BM) 6:30 (BM) 6:05 (MS) 6:10 (BM)

6:50 (MS) 7:00 (MS) 6:50 (MS) 7:00 (MS) 6:40 (MS)

7:15 (BM) 7:20 (BM) 7:30 (BM) 7:20 (BM) 7:30 (BM) 7:15 (BM) 7:15 (BM)

8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS)

8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM)

9:20 (MS) 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS)

Donations Sandy and Zalman Agus wishing a Refuah Shelaima to Arthur Rubenstein,

donation to Shomrei Emunah.

Murray and Baila Jacobson in honor of Hal Caine’s recovery, donation to the coffee fund.

Marvin and Mindy Pazornick in honor of the birth of Yehoshua Mordechai Eskin, grandson of Bill and Raizy Eskin, Job Katif.

David and Renee Bienenstock sponsoring one month of filtered water machine in the coffee room.

Memorial Donations Avrohom and Leah Margolis in memory of Philip Ziffer, father of Larry

Ziffer, donation to the BYTF.

Norman Friedman in memory of his mother, Esther Golda Friedman, 2 of Av, donation to the Laure Gutman Beautification Fund.

Marvin and Mindy Pazornick in beloved memory of our grandfather, Pinchus ben Shlomo, 3 of Av, donation to Job Katif.

Regina Warschawski in memory of her mother, Camille Warschawski-Loeb, 7 of Av, sponsorship of R’ Sklare’s shiur.

Norman Friedman in memory of his aunt, Fannie Beagun, 7 of Av, donation to Job Katif.

Peter Warschawski in memory of his cousin, Thea Warschawski, 12 of Av, sponsorship of Rabbi Sklare’s shiur.


Yeshaya Shalom ben Malka Gittel Yaakov Mordechai ben Chana

Chaya Masya bas Tova Mordechai Leib ben Mira Leah

Rafoel Chayim Yoel ben Shayna Golda Tuvia Avraham ben Chaya Zeesha

Yechezkel Avrohom ben Shoshana Fraida Reuven Halevi ben Masha Yosef Aryeh ben Miriam

Shmuel ben Devorah

Chaim Yitzchok Yaakov ben Chava Feiga Reuven Yisroel ben Tzippora Rachel

Noach ben Chaya Ronit bas Hadassa Esther

Aidel bas Ettel Yehoshua ben Devorah Naphtali ben Rachel

Chava bas Chaya Masha Shoshana bas Nechama

Please Daven for a Refuah Sheleimah for:

Important Note: To add a name please contact the office by email: [email protected]. The list will be cleared every Rosh Chodesh.

Daf Yomi Rachel Epstein and Dana Weed of Chattanooga, TN, in memory of Rabbi

Maynard Hyman, 6 of Av.

Abe Gutman & Family in memory of their wife/mother, Laure Gutman, 6 of Av.

Libby Lehman in memory of her father, Reuben Friedman, 7 of Av.

Avi Rosenberg in memory of his father, Harvey Rosenberg, 11 of Av.

Marvin Pazornick in memory of his father, Sol Pazornick, 11 of Av.

Howard Blumenfeld in memory of his father, Reuben Blumenfeld, 12 of Av.

Abe Gutman Wife 6 Av Laure Gutman

Ben Gutman Mother 6 Av Laure Gutman

Daniel Gutman Mother 6 Av Laure Gutman

Evelyn Hyman Husband 6 Av Maynard C. Hyman

Sophia Liskovich Grandfather 6 Av Sam Zarembski

Peter Warschawski Mother 7 Av Camille Warschawski-Loeb

Regina Warschawski Mother 7 Av Camille Warschawski-Loeb

Ruth Klein Father 7 Av Irving Klein

Libby Lehman Father 7 Av Reuben Friedman

Norman Friedman Aunt 7 Av Fannie Beagun

William Eskin Father 7 Av Morton Eskin

Alan Blank Uncle 8 Av Benjamin Blank

David Wolf Father 8 Av William Wolf

Raizy Eskin Mother 8 Av Cecilia Etkin

Mayer Teles Mother 9 Av Sylvia Teles

Marty Cohen Father 9 Av Ben Cohen

Hillel Soclof Brother 10 Av Israel Soclof

Gurion Rosendorff father 11 Av Eric Rosendorff

Marvin Pazornick Father 11 Av Sol Pazornick

Avi Rosenberg Father 11 Av Harvey Rosenberg

Alan Blank Mother 12 Av Deborah Blank

Peter Warschawski Cousin 12 Av Thea Warschawski

Laurie Margolies Uncle 12 Av David Dorn

Howard Blumenfeld Father 12 Av Reuben Blumenfeld

Howard Kaplon Father 12 Av Israel Moses Kaplon


Shabbos Youth Programs Babysitting (18mo. to 3 years) - Board Room , Time: 8:45 - end of Shul

Preschool Group (4-5 year olds) - Classroom 2, Time: 8:45 - end of Shul

Beginner’s Minyan (1st-3rd Grade) - Social Hall (Greenspring Side), 9:30 - end of Shul

Younger Girls Groups (1st-3rd Grade) - shul next door, 10:00 - end of Shul

Older Boys Groups (4th-6th Grade) - Tower Classroom 1,10:25

Older Girls Groups (4th-6th Grade) - Shul next door,10:00-end of Shul

Youth (Teen) Minyan - Classroom 1, 9:15. Hot kiddush following davening dedicated in memory of Gilad Schwartz.

The youth department would like to remind all parents to remain on the shul premises if your children are participating in youth groups.

Happy Birthday to all Shomrei Youth with July Birthdays!!

Is your child’s birthday in July and not on this list? Fill out the youth survey on the Shul web site!

Shul Notes Aliyos If you have a Bar Mitzvah or Aufruf coming up, please

contact David Bienenstock at [email protected] to arrange your Aliyos.

Message From The Chessed Committee: A family in the community is in need of Shabbos meals. Please see "take a meal" form or contact [email protected] or Rochel Katz at [email protected] or call 410-292-4113.

Did you know? Gifts can be made to Shomrei Emunah with a stock donation? Shomrei has an account with Morgan Stanley and Vanguard to accept all stock gifts. Check the donations tab at for more information or call Shira at (410) 358-8604.

Special Chessed Opportunities: Larry Soltz is in Tudor Heights and would appreciate visitors. For more information contact Rabbi Marwick at [email protected]. Oscar Creeger is Homebound and would appreciate visitors. Please contact Rabbi Marwick 410 358-8604 ext 1

Please join Shomrei in partnership with ACHI (American Communities Helping Israel) to spread ACHI's message of "Think Israel--Buy Israeli." Thank you to the following people who have donated towards this project by sponsoring an Israeli product at Seuda Shlishit.

If you would like to sponsor an Israeli product for Seuda Shlishit, or any other Shomrei function, in future weeks, please send an $18 check made out to ACHI to Tova Taragin at 6600 Baythorne Road 21209. If you sponsored last year, and would like to sponsor again, feel free to do so. We will soon need more sponsors.

During the summer months, ACHI treats from Israel will only be featured at Seudat Shlishit on Shabbat Mevarchim.

Please continue in the ACHI spirit. Fill a dish (KLEE) every week with Israeli products and spread the message of "Think Israel-Buy Israeli" at your Shabbat table. Fill it and refill it every week. If you want Klee cards to share with your guests, please contact Tova. ACHI would love to see pictures of your filled klees. Please send them to [email protected].

Jechiel and Hadassah Juskowicz David and Pam Lehmann David and Pam Lehmann Jechiel and Hadassah Juskowicz Sam and Donna Wach

Marvin and Mindy Pazornick Jechiel and Hadassah Juskowicz Marvin and Mindy Pazornick Alan and Tova Taragin



NEW LISITNG-RENTAL–HEATHER RIDGE-Beautiful 3 Br, 2 full and 2 half bath townhouse with updated kitchen with 2 sinks, large LR/DR combo. Beautiful deck patio. 2nd patio off of kitchen. Finished lower level.

RENTAL-BAYTHORNE ROAD-Beautiful 5Br, 3Ba split with updated kitchen and baths, hardwood floors, patio, 2 car attached garage in Ranchleigh. Available early July.

HEATHER RIDGE–Lovely 3BR, 2½ BA end of group townhouse with large eat-in kitchen with outside patio. LR/DR combo, fireplace, and patio. Master bedroom with walk-in closet and dressing area. Spacious lower level family room. Gated community. Tennis courts, swimming pool, Club House, and tot playground available.

STRATHMORE TOWER-2 Lovely 2 Br, 2 Ba condos with eat-in kitchens, large living room/dining room, loads of closets, laundry in condo, balcony, assigned covered parking space. Front desk service. 4th and 7th floor units available.

THE TOWERS-Immaculate 3rd floor 2 Br, 2 Ba condo with spacious eat-in kitchen, large living room and diing room. Master bedroom/bathroom suite with whirlpool. Laundry in unit. Pool and tennis courts available. Beautiful 6th floor 2 Br, 2 Ba penthouse with 9 foot ceilings, large eat-in kitchen, spacious living room and dining room. New tub and shower in hall bath. Master bedroom/bath with whirlpool. Separate laundry room in unit. New windows. Updates throughout! Only $99,900!

SHARON ZUCKERBROD, ABR Accredited Buyer Representative Life Member Real Estate Million Dollar Association

Cell: 410-599-5303

Office: 410-583-5700

[email protected]

Aaron Bernstein Ariana Orshan

Shayna Kagan Aaron Rakovsky

Atara Kidorf Yoni Shuman

Dovid Kossman Chani Sklare

Shifra Kossman Meir Spatz

Akiva Lasson Aliza Steinberg

Tziporah Marizan Dovid Yaacov Steinberg

Avi Marwick Gavriel Wealcatch

Barry Moss Aylee Zaslow

Rabbi Sklare's weekly shiur for men in halachic sugyos will begin a new stimulating topic for the Three Weeks בענייני בין המצרים

A series of three shiurim is planned

Sunday July 16th: The Concept of a Fast : תענית

Sunday July 30th: אבילות

Attain newfound meaning for the Three Weeks, as developed by Rabbi Sklare's characteristic

combination of creativity, passion, and lomdus.

The shiur will take place from 8:00 to 9:00 pm (followed by Maariv) Shomrei Emunah boardroom

We’d like to express our gratitude to all of our friends for their support and tefillos during my recent illness. It was a great comfort to our family, and we are certain that all of your tefillos contributed to my road to recovery.

With much appreciation, Mendy Vim and Family

Welcome New Members Josh and Reena Markowitz Ezra and Ariella Bernstein



Community Notes Please drop off any new school supplies in the designated box in the shul coat room for the Dovid Gutman a”h, School Supply Discretionary Project. This project distributes school supplies to families in need within our community.

A community member is in need of a kidney transplant. If you are 18 or older, you may be eligible to become a donor. Any blood type is compatible. For more information about the process and how to be tested, please contact [email protected]. Please also forward this message to family members, friends and co-workers who might consider becoming a donor. Absolute confidentiality is assured.

AMIT Baltimore is hosting their Annual Family-In-Israel Event, honoring Marci & Michael Langbaum. DATE: Sunday evening, August 13, 2017 TIME: 5:30 PM –Supper Will Be Served LOCATION: Private Home COST: $86 (includes supper and a Mother-In-Israel Pin) Contact: AMIT Office 410-484-2223, [email protected]

SHARE YOUR RIDE GMACH 410-358-RIDE (7433) when you or your visitors travel. Offer a ride for a person or a small item [forgotten laptop, tefillin, medicine, wallets, cell phones.] Last month there was an elderly man, who said to me that he is too elderly to drive any more! Who was asking for a ride to Flatbush to attend his grandchild's wedding.

Schmooze and News: Introducing an educational summer series at Tudor Heights! Thursdays at 6:30pm. Come for light refreshments and stay for an informative talk. There will be a different speaker each week. Join us to learn more about the issues impacting seniors in the community around us. Next Speaker: Stephen Bowman, President of Peregrine Thursday, July 13th at 6:30pm Topic: Spirituality and the Dementia Journey RSVP required two days before the event: 410-318-8000. Peregrine Senior Living at Tudor Heights 7218 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21208

Caring for a loved one with dementia? Join us for an educational support group. Led by Carol Wynne, a Geriatric Nurse Practitioner specializing in all aspects of dementia care. Meetings at Tudor Heights at 6pm on the 4th Wednesday of each month. RSVP required: 410-318-8000.

Join WIT for their annual Tisha B’Av lecture, Tuesday, August 1st at 3:00 pm. The lecture entitled “ Tisha B’Av: Seeing Beyond the Tears” will be given by Rabbi Shmuel Silber and will take place at Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion. No Charge for WIT Members. $5 suggested donation for non-members. For more information please contact WIT at [email protected] or 410-358-2545.

"You & I - The Source of Everything": A Four Part Seminar, led by Rabbi Ilan Feldman and Larry Grayson. Apply a cutting edge methodology to the challenges of Torah Living in such a way as to make unpredictable results possible in our service of Hashem. Starts Rosh Chodesh Elul! Aug. 22-23, Aug. 29-30, 6-10PM @ Bais Yaakov High School. COST: $100. Early bird sign-up by Aug 3, only $50! Visit or call 678-799-2404 for more info.


Shomrei Post -Carpool Shiur for Women a weekly discu ss ion of con temporary i ssues connec ted to the Parsha. Meets Tuesdays at 9:30am . P lease contact Rabbi Marwick wi th any ques t ions .

Thursday Morning Shiur on Contemporary Halachic Issues at 9:30am. (note t ime change) For more i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a c t D a v i d B i e n e n s t o c k a t Zeidy12@aol .com.

“Pizza & Parsha” for Students & Young Professionals ages 17-29 th i s program is dedicated L ’ i lu i Ni shmas Gilad Schwartz and sponsored by the Mayer Fami ly . Takes place at 7:30pm on Thursdays.

Thursday Nigh ts in the Knish Shop Par ty Room 9:15pm, 11th and 12th grade boys Parsha Discuss ion .

Halachic Themes f rom the Parsha Sh iur Thursdays at 10:15pm. Thi s past week’s top ic : “When Do the Nine Days End?”

Shabbos Afternoon Shiur wil l be given by Rabbi Shmuel Iser, Rosh Kollel of Shomrei Emunah Night Kollel on the topic: "Does Everyone Deserve Tzedaka?”

The Rav’s Mishnayos Shiur ! Atten t ion Boys in 5 th , 6 th grade. The sh iu r wi l l take place in Rabbi Marwick ’s off ice at 6:20pm. Learn ing Maseches Shabbos .

Once again a large quantity of outer wear, winter clothing, hats, umbrellas, sweaters etc have been left at the shul. We have placed them all in the front coat room along the wall. Please see if they belong to you. Any clothing not claimed by August 14th will be considered ownerless and will be donated to charity.

The Men's Shmiras HaLashon Chabura invites you to join them for the ongoing examination of the laws of proper speech. Sundays, after the 8am minyan, Classroom 1. Shmiras HaLashon: It's a life changer.