sh+ bike 2010 catalogue

Perché? SH+® è potenza, forza, desiderio, emozione, sfida, piacere, paura, sensazione, competizione, miglioramento, amore, sogno, orgoglio e vita. Ma, soprattutto, è il tuo MODO di ESSERE! Questo è SH+® action more protection! Why? SH+® is power, force, desire, emotion, challenge, pleasure, fear, sensation, competition, improve, love, dream, pride and life. But, over all, it is your WAY to BE! This is SH+® action more protection!

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Post on 31-Mar-2016




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Why? SH+® is power, force, desire, emotion, challenge, pleasure, fear, sensation, competition, improve, love, dream, pride and life. But, over all, it is your WAY to BE! This is SH+® action more protection! Perché? SH+® è potenza, forza, desiderio, emozione, sfida, piacere, paura, sensazione, competizione, miglioramento, amore, sogno, orgoglio e vita. Ma, soprattutto, è il tuo MODO di ESSERE! Questo è SH+® action more protection! Butterfly Team Nannook


Page 1: SH+ Bike 2010 catalogue

Perché? SH+® è potenza, forza, desiderio, emozione, sfida, piacere, paura,

sensazione, competizione, miglioramento, amore, sogno, orgoglio e vita.

Ma, soprattutto, è il tuo MODO di ESSERE!

Questo è SH+® action more protection!

Why? SH+® is power, force, desire, emotion, challenge, pleasure, fear,

sensation, competition, improve, love, dream, pride and life.

But, over all, it is your WAY to BE!

This is SH+® action more protection!

Page 2: SH+ Bike 2010 catalogue

» Il processo in-molding permette di fissare la calottina microshell in policarbonato alla ca-

lotta interna di polistirolo espanso per crea-re un casco strutturalmente più resistente e solido. Il polistirolo espanso (EPS) è iniettato nella calottina microshell allor-quando questa è ancora nello stampo. Durante questa fusione vengono rinfor-zati i punti critici intorno alle aerazioni e ai lati in modo da alleggerire, solidifica-

re ed abbellire i caschi.

» In-molding is the process of bonding the Polycarbonate helmet’s microshell to its EPS

foam layer to provide a sturdier, more solid hel-met. The EPS foam is shot into the microshell cap

when it is in the mould. In-mold helmets are reinforced in crucial areas around vents and ribs, resulting in light, cool and though helmets.

» Le procès In-Mold permet de fixer la calotte micro-shell en Polycarbonat à la calotte exterieure en EPS, pour obtenir un casque plus resistant et solide. Le EPS est injecté dans la calotte micro-shell au moment où celle-ci est encore en phase de moulage. Au cours de cette fusion les points critiques à l’alentour des ventilations sont reinforcés.

» Bei der In-Mold Technik wird die Polycarbonat-Micro-Auflenschale mit dem EPS Hartschaum verschweiflt. Resultat ist eine vollstaendige Ver-bindung und eine sehr stabile Helmstruktur. Der EPS Hartschaum wird in die Micro-Auflenschale eingeschossen waehrend sich diese in der Form befindet, daher der Name. In-Mold Helme sind speziell an den kritischen Stellen ñ entlang der Luftoeffnungen und Rippen verstaerkt. So entsteht ein sehr leichter, gut beluefteter und aeuflerst strapazierfa-ehiger Helm.

» Butterfly è un rinforzo in Nylon ultra-resistente stampato direttamente all’interno del polistirolo dei nostri caschi alta gamma. Esso offre una migliore solidità e integrità invi-sibile fino al momento dell’occorrenza.

» Butterfly is a super tough Nylon reinforcement moulded directly into the EPS foam liner of our high range helmets. It provides extra strength and integrity, invisible until you need it.

» Butterfly est le renforcement en Nylon, ultra-resistant, moulé directement à l’inte-rieur de l’EPS des nos casques top. Il offre une solidité meilleure et une integrité pas

visible jusqu’au moment où il est necessaire.

» Butterfly ist eine sehr widerstandfaehige Nylon Verstaerkung, die direkt im EPS Hartschaum unserer hochwertigen Helme eingearbeitet ist. Das verhilft dem Helm zu un-

sichtbarer Staerke falls sie be-noetigt wird.

» Una rete di aerazioni specificatamente stu-diata all’interno del polistirolo fa entrare aria

fresca, la quale passando sopra la testa sposta l’aria calda all’esterno attraverso le prese d’aria posteriori.

» Specially designed ventilation channels on the interior of the helmet’s liner bring cool air in through the front, pass it over the head and flushes warm air out of the

rear air vents.

» Un reseau de ventilations étudié specifi-quement à l’interieur de l’EPS permet à l’air

fraiche d’entrer. Celle-ci en passant au dessus de la tete meut l’air chiude vers l’exterieur à travers les

prises d’air posterieures.

» Speziell designte Ventilationskanaele im Inneren des Helmes bringen frische Luft auf die Kopfoberflaeche und befoerdern warme Luft an den rueckwaertigen Luftoeffnungen nach auflen.


Internal padding


» La protezione ideale contro gli insetti: un’imbottitura realizzata in spugna microporosa con rete di protezione. È facilmente asportabile e lavabile grazie al velcro che lo tiene agganciato alla calotta.

» The ideal protection against insects: a padding realised with microporous paddings with protective net. It can be easily removed thanks to the Velcro that keeps it an-chored to the EPS.

» La protection idéale contre les insects: un rembourrage realisé en mousse micropo-reuse avec filet de protection. Il est facilement amovible et lavable graçe au Velcro qui

le tient attaché à la calotte.

» Der ideale Schutz gegen Insekten. In die mikroporoese Innenpolsterung ist ein Schutznetz eingearbeitet. Es wird mittels Klettverschluss direkt an der EPS Hartschaumschale befestigt. Es

ist sehr leicht ein- und auszubauen.


» Imbottitura interna realizzata in spugna microporosa accoppiata con vellutino antiallergi-co e antisudore. Il suo design e il suo posizionamento all’interno della calotta, combinato all’azione del sistema antiscalzamento, rendono l’uso del casco estremamente sicuro e confortevole.

» The internal padding is made of a microporous foam bonded with non-allergic, an-ti-perspiration pile fabric. Its design and position inside the shell, combined with the action of the retention system make our helmets extremely safe and comfortable.

» Rembourrage interne realisé en mousse microporeuse couple avec velours analler-gique et anti-transpiration. Son design et son positionnement dans la calotte, combiné

avec l’action du système retention, rendent nos casques extremement surs et comfor-tables.

» Die inwendige Polsterung besteht aus mikroporoesem Schaumstoff, der mit einem anti-allergischen und einem anti-transpirativen Florgewebe laminiert ist. Sein Design und seine Position

im Inneren in Kombination mit den Einstellsystemen machen unsere Helme sehr sicher und komfortabel.

Fusion In-Mold microshell

Channelled ventilation

Page 3: SH+ Bike 2010 catalogue

Satefy buckle


» Studiato per assicurare totale sicurezza e calzata ottimale, il sistema di chiusura Lock Pro permette di controllare il bloccaggio con un meccani-smo facile e rapido, aziona-bile anche in movimento.

» Studied to ensure safety and superior fit, the Easy Lock

System offers a quick fit con-trol with its user-friendly closure

system. It is so easy to be adjusted even in motion.

» Étudié pour assurer securité totale et comfort opti-male, le système de fermeture Lock Pro permet de controler le blockage avec un mécanisme simple et rapide, activable aussi en mouvement.

» Entwickelt um Sicherheit und ueberragende Pas-sform zu garantieren. Das LOCK SYSTEM PRO bietet schnelle Anpassung mit einem benutzerfreundli-chem Verschlusssystem.


» Il sistema Fastex® consiste in una chiusura a pressione semplice e rapida, che as-sicura una regolazione per-fetta e massima stabilità.

» The Fastex® system is a simple and quick snap lock buckle, extremely user-

friendly, which ensures a per-fect fit and maximum stability.

» Le système Fastex® est une fermeture à pression simple et rapi-

de, qui assure une regulation parfaite et le maximum de la stabilité.

» The Fastex® System ist ein einfacher und schneller Schnapp-Verschluss ñ extrem benutzer-freundlich und trotzdem wird perfekter Sitz und maximale Stabilitaet garantiert.


» I sistemi di regolazione Twin System II rendono la regolazione molto sem-plice e veloce. È sufficiente premere i due pulsanti e farli scorrere fino a quando il casco si adatta perfetta-mente – all’interno per stringere, all’esterno per allargare.

» The Twin Systems make fitting simple and quick. Simply squeeze the twin lo-cking mechanisms and slide to the perfect fit – inward for a tight fit or outward to loosen.

» Les systèmes de regulation Twin System II permettent une regulation de la taille très simple et rapide. Il est suffisant de pousser les deux boutons et de les faire passer jusqu’à quand le casque est parfaitement place sur la tete.

» Das TWIN SYSTEM macht die Helmanpassung einfach und schnell. Einfach die beiden Verschlussmechanismen drue-cken und in die perfekte Passform schieben innerlich fester Sitz, aeuflerlich angenehm locker.

Retention systems


» Lo Speed Turn System è carat-terizzato da un disco rotante frizionato che garantisce una regolazione microme-trica.

» The Speed Turn System is characterised by a rotating disc with teeth that grants a micrometric adjustment.

» Le Speed Turn System est charac-terisé par un disque rotatif avec friction qui garantit une regulation micro-métrique.

» Das SPEED TURN SYSTEM ist charakterisiert durch ein drehendes Rad mit kleinen Zaehnen auf der Kop-frueckseite, welches eine mikrometrische Verstellung gewaehrlei-stet.


» Il Speed Turn System Flash è dotato di una luce intermit-tente azionabile con una semplice pressione del disco, posizionata diret-tamente sul sistema di regolazione.

» The Speed Turn System Flash is provided with an intermittent light that can be lighted with a simple pressure on the wheel. It is positioned directly on the retention system.

» Le Speed Turn System Flash est pourvu d’un flash intermittent qu’on peut activer avec une simple pres-sion du disque, positionné directement sur le systè-me de regulation.

» Dieses System ist gegenueber dem SPEED TURN SY-STEM zusaetzlich mit einem Blinklicht ausgestattet. Es befindet sich auf dem Drehrad und ist durch ein-fachen Druck einzuschalten.


» Inserto integrato direttamente nel polistirolo per un aggancio preciso del frontino. Copribile con appositi bottoni quando il casco viene usato senza frontino.

» Insert integrated in the EPS for a precise visor fixing. It

can be covered with coverings when you use the helmet wi-

thout visor.

» Insert integré directement dans le EPS pour un attache précis de la visière. Il

est possible de le couvrir avec des boutons dediés quand le casque est utilisé sans la visière.

» Die Schildhalterungen sind direkt im EPS Hartschaum integriert f¸r eine praezise Befestigung. Falls kein Schild benoetigt wird können die Aufnahmenloecher ver-sch-lossen werden.

Visor attachment

Page 4: SH+ Bike 2010 catalogue

Team Nannook

Page 5: SH+ Bike 2010 catalogue

Continental Team MilramDominik Nerz - U23 German Champion

Page 6: SH+ Bike 2010 catalogue

team Utensilnord

Page 7: SH+ Bike 2010 catalogue



white black red


- sistema di regolazione di taglia micrometrica Twin System II

- micro-metric size retention system Twin System II

- système de regulation de la taille Twin System II

- Ruckhaltesystem Twin System II

- Comfort padding: imbottitura di spugna microporosa, rimovibile e lavabile.

- Comfort padding: microporous foam padding. Removable and washable.

- Comfort padding: rembourrages en mousse microporeuse. Removable et lavable.

- Comfort padding: Polsterung aus mikroporoesem Shaumstoff. Austausch- und waschbare.

- Calotta aerodinamica. Testato nella galleria del vento; perfetto per l’uso in time trials e triathlon.

- Aerodynamic shell. Proven in wind tunnel testing; perfect for road time trials and triathlons.

- Coque aerodynamique. Testé dans un tunnel; idéal pour les courses contre la montre et le triathlon.

- Aerodynamik Schale. Windkanaltests bewährt; perfekt für Straßenzeitfahren und Triathlon.

Tecnologia / Technology / Technologie / Technologie: tight-fit shell Taglie / Sizes / Tailles / Grosse: unisize (55-58)

Peso / Weight / Poids / Gewicht: 430g.

Ventilazione / Vents / Prises d’air / Beluftungsoffnungen: 3

Sistema di regolazione / Retention system / Système de régulation: Twin System II

Certificazione / Certification / Cértification / Bestatigung: EN 1078


yellow fluo

Page 8: SH+ Bike 2010 catalogue




- calotta in polistirolo grigio super-leggero

- extra-light silver EPS shell

- coque en polystirene gris super-leger

- Grau EPS Schale superleicht

- inserti in carbonio

- carbon inserts

- inserts en carbon

- Karbon-gitterstruktur

brilliant black orange/white silver/white pink/white red/white/green pearl white

- rete di aerazioni con 26 prese d’aria

- channeled ventilation with 26 vents

- système d’aération avec 26 prises d’air

- Durchluftung mit den 26 Eroffnungen

Sebastian Donadio

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- sistema di regolazione di taglia micrometrica Twin System II

- micro-metric size retention system Twin System II

- système de regulation de la taille Twin System II

- Ruckhaltesystem Twin System II

Tecnologia / Technology / Technologie / Technologie: in-mold Taglie / Sizes / Tailles / Grosse: S/M (54-58); L/XL (58-62)

Peso / Weight / Poids / Gewicht: 280g.

Ventilazione / Vents / Prises d’air / Beluftungsoffnungen: 26

Sistema di regolazione / Retention system / Système de régulation: Twin System II

Certificazione / Certification / Cértification / Bestatigung: EN 1078

- Bug padding: imbottitura di spugna microporosa con rete di protezione anti-insetti, rimovibile e lavabile.

- Bug padding: interchangeable paddings with protective ent. Removable and washable.

- Bug padding: rembourrages en mousse avec filet de protection anti-insectes. Removable et lavable.

- Bug padding: mikroporose Polster mit Netschutz. Austausch- und waschbare.

- Comfort padding: imbottitura di spugna microporosa, rimovibile e lavabile.

- Comfort padding: microporous foam padding. Removable and washable.

- Comfort padding: rembourrages en mousse microporeuse. Removable et lavable.

- Comfort padding: Polsterung aus mikroporoesem Shaumstoff. Austausch- und waschbare.

white/black/red red/white sonic light blue sonic red sonic silver sonic black



Page 10: SH+ Bike 2010 catalogue




- inserti in alluminio

- aluminium inserts

- inserts en Aluminium

- EPS-Schale mit Aluminium

- calotta in polistirolo grigio super-leggero

- extra-light silver EPS shell

- coque en polystirene gris super-leger

- Grau EPS Schale superleicht

carbon/yellow black soft white carbon/white carbon/red

Zoetermeer XC Teamrelay - Wendelin Engen

Page 11: SH+ Bike 2010 catalogue


carbon/orange carbon/blue

- rete di aerazioni con 23 prese d’aria

- channeled ventilation with 23 vents

- système d’aération avec 23 prises d’air

- Durchluftung mit den 23 Eroffnungen

- Comfort padding: imbottitura di spugna microporosa, rimovibile e lavabile.

- Comfort padding: microporous foam padding. Removable and washable.

- Comfort padding: rembourrages en mousse microporeuse. Removable et lavable.

- Comfort padding: Polsterung aus mikroporoesem Shaumstoff. Austausch- und waschbare.

- sistema di regolazione di taglia micrometrica Twin System II

- micro-metric size retention system Twin System II

- système de regulation de la taille Twin System II

- Ruckhaltesystem Twin System II

Tecnologia / Technology / Technologie / Technologie: in-mold Taglie / Sizes / Tailles / Grosse: S/M (54-58); L/XL (58-62)

Peso / Weight / Poids / Gewicht: 305g.

Ventilazione / Vents / Prises d’air / Beluftungsoffnungen: 23

Sistema di regolazione / Retention system / Système de régulation: Twin System II

Certificazione / Certification / Cértification / Bestatigung: EN 1078305


Page 12: SH+ Bike 2010 catalogue




red/silverorange/black silver/white white black/white blue/black


- Comfort padding: imbottitura di spugna microporosa, rimovibile e lavabile.

- Comfort padding: microporous foam padding. Removable and washable.

- Comfort padding: rembourrages en mousse microporeuse. Removable et lavable.

- Comfort padding: Polsterung aus mikroporoesem Shaumstoff. Austausch- und waschbare.

- Bug padding: imbottitura di spugna microporosa con rete di protezione anti-insetti, rimovibile e lavabile.

- Bug padding: interchangeable paddings with protective ent. Removable and washable.

- Bug padding: rembourrages en mousse avec filet de protection anti-insectes. Removable et lavable.

- Bug padding: mikroporose Polster mit Netschutz. Austausch- und waschbare.

Tecnologia / Technology / Technologie / Technologie: in-mold Taglie / Sizes / Tailles / Grosse: S/M (54-58); L/XL (58-62)

Peso / Weight / Poids / Gewicht: 250g.

Ventilazione / Vents / Prises d’air / Beluftungsoffnungen: 26

Sistema di regolazione / Retention system / Système de régulation: Twin System II

Certificazione / Certification / Cértification / Bestatigung: EN 1078


Twin system II retention system

Page 13: SH+ Bike 2010 catalogue


Tecnologia / Technology / Technologie / Technologie: in-mold Taglie / Sizes / Tailles / Grosse: S/M (54-58); L/XL (58-62)

Peso / Weight / Poids / Gewicht: 250g.

Ventilazione / Vents / Prises d’air / Beluftungsoffnungen: 26

Sistema di regolazione / Retention system / Système de régulation: Twin System II

Certificazione / Certification / Cértification / Bestatigung: EN 1078



- Sistema di regolazione di taglia micrometrica Twin System II

- micro-metric size retention system Twin System II

- Système de regulation de la taille Twin System II

- Ruckhaltesystem Twin System II

orangeblueyellow red white



Comfort padding Bug padding

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black softwhite silvertechnology

Tecnologia / Technology / Technologie / Technologie: in-mold Taglie / Sizes / Tailles / Grosse: Unisize (54-60)

Peso / Weight / Poids / Gewicht: 280g.

Ventilazione / Vents / Prises d’air / Beluftungsoffnungen: 21

Sistema di regolazione / Retention system / Système de régulation: Twin System II

Certificazione / Certification / Cértification / Bestatigung: EN 1078

- sistema di regolazione di taglia micrometrica Twin System II

- micro-metric size retention system Twin System II

- système de regulation de la taille Twin System II

- Ruckhaltesystem Twin System II

- Comfort padding: imbottitura di spugna microporosa, rimovibile e lavabile.

- Comfort padding: microporous foam padding. Removable and washable.

- Comfort padding: rembourrages en mousse microporeuse. Removable et lavable.

- Comfort padding: Polsterung aus mikroporoesem Shaumstoff. Austausch- und waschbare.


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Yader Zoli

Jader Zoli - Team Torpado 4US

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white/black/red red/black orange/black soft red/white/blue

Tecnologia / Technology / Technologie / Technologie: in-mold Taglie / Sizes / Tailles / Grosse: S/M (54-58); L/XL (58-62)

Peso / Weight / Poids / Gewicht: 280g.

Ventilazione / Vents / Prises d’air / Beluftungsoffnungen: 26

Sistema di regolazione / Retention system / Système de régulation: Twin System II

Certificazione / Certification / Cértification / Bestatigung: EN 1078

- frontino amovibile

- removable visor

- visière amovible

- austausch Visor

- inserti in carbonio

- carbon inserts

- inserts en carbon

- Karbon-gitterstruktur

KTM Team - Hungary

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- rete di aerazioni con 26 prese d’aria

- channeled ventilation with 26 vents

- système d’aération avec 26 prises d’air

- Durchluftung mit den 26 Eroffnungen

- sistema di regolazione di taglia micrometrica Twin System II

- micro-metric size retention system Twin System II

- système de regulation de la taille Twin System II

- Ruckhaltesystem Twin System II

- Bug padding: imbottitura di spugna microporosa con rete di protezione anti-insetti, rimovibile e lavabile.

- Bug padding: interchangeable paddings with protective ent. Removable and washable.

- Bug padding: rembourrages en mousse avec filet de protection anti-insectes. Removable et lavable.

- Bug padding: mikroporose Polster mit Netschutz. Austausch- und waschbare.

- Comfort padding: imbottitura di spugna microporosa, rimovibile e lavabile.

- Comfort padding: microporous foam padding. Removable and washable.

- Comfort padding: rembourrages en mousse microporeuse. Removable et lavable.

- Comfort padding: Polsterung aus mikroporoesem Shaumstoff. Au-stausch- und waschbare.


- calotta in polistirolo grigio super-leggero

- extra-light silver EPS shell

- coque en polystirene gris super-leger

- Grau EPS Schale superleicht

Page 18: SH+ Bike 2010 catalogue

NATT hero




Tecnologia / Technology / Technologie / Technologie: in-mold Taglie / Sizes / Tailles / Grosse: S/M (54-58); L/XL (58-62)

Peso / Weight / Poids / Gewicht: 310g.

Ventilazione / Vents / Prises d’air / Beluftungsoffnungen: 23

Sistema di regolazione / Retention system / Système de régulation: Twin System II

Certificazione / Certification / Cértification / Bestatigung: EN 1078

green red black blue

- inserti in alluminio

- aluminium inserts

- inserts en Aluminium

- EPS-Schale mit Aluminium

- sistema di regolazione di taglia micro-metrica Twin System II

- micro-metric size retention system Twin System II

- système de regulation de la taille Twin System II

- Ruckhaltesystem Twin System II


- Comfort padding: imbottitura di spugna microporosa, rimovibile e lavabile.

- Comfort padding: microporous foam padding. Removable and washable.

- Comfort padding: rembourrages en mousse microporeuse. Removable et lavable.

- Comfort padding: Polsterung aus mikro-poroesem Shaumstoff. Austausch- und waschbare.

- frontino amovibile incluso

- removable visor included

- visière amovible inclus

- austausch Visor frei

Page 19: SH+ Bike 2010 catalogue


SPEEDY exclusive



270 black softwhite soft flower silver flower purple flower green

- Frontino leggero e rimovibile con receiver integrato

- Light and removable visor with integrated receiver

- Visière légère et amovible avec receiver integré

- Leichte Visor mit erganzten Receiver

- Comfort padding: imbottitura di spugna microporosa, rimovibile e lavabile.

- Comfort padding: microporous foam padding. Removable and washable.

- Comfort padding: rembourrages en mousse microporeuse. Removable et lavable.

- Comfort padding: Polsterung aus mikro-poroesem Shaumstoff. Austausch- und waschbare.

Tecnologia / Technology / Technologie / Technologie: in-mold Taglie / Sizes / Tailles / Grosse: S/M (54-58); L/XL (58-61)

Peso / Weight / Poids / Gewicht: 270g.

Ventilazione / Vents / Prises d’air / Beluftungsoffnungen: 20

Sistema di regolazione / Retention system / Système de régulation: Twin System II

Certificazione / Certification / Cértification / Bestatigung: EN 1078

- sistema di regolazione di taglia micro-metrica Twin System II

- micro-metric size retention system Twin System II

- système de regulation de la taille Twin System II

- Ruckhaltesystem Twin System II

Page 20: SH+ Bike 2010 catalogue

MX 15B



Tecnologia / Technology / Technologie / Technologie: multi-layeredfiberglass

Taglie / Sizes / Tailles / Grosse: 55-56; 57-58; 59-60; 61plus

Peso / Weight / Poids / Gewicht: 790g.

Ventilazione / Vents / Prises d’air / Beluftungsoffnungen: 12

Certificazione / Certification / Cértification / Bestatigung: EN 1078

black/white red/white

- sistema di aerazioni con 12 prese d’aria

- channeled ventilation with 12 vents

- système d’aération avec 12 prises d’air

- Durchluftung mit den 12 Eroffnungen


- mentoniera rigida integrata

- rigid integrated chin protection

- mentonnière rigide integrée

- fest integrierter Kinnschutz

Team Pegaso

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army black soft

Tecnologia / Technology / Technologie / Technologie: ABS shelland EPS

Taglie / Sizes / Tailles / Grosse: unisize (54-60)

Peso / Weight / Poids / Gewicht: 600g.

Ventilazione / Vents / Prises d’air / Beluftungsoffnungen: 15

Certificazione / Certification / Cértification / Bestatigung: EN 1078


- mentoniera rigida integrata

- rigid integrated chin protection

- mentonnière rigide integrée

- fest integrierter Kinnschutz

- sistema di aerazioni con 15 prese d’aria

- channeled ventilation with 15 vents

- système d’aération avec 15 prises d’air

- Durchluftung mit den 15 Eroffnungen

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Team Pedini - Iret

Hegedus Laszlo

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army soft military green soft white soft silver soft black soft

- sistema di aerazioni con 11 prese d’aria

- channeled ventilation with 11 vents

- système d’aération avec 11 prises d’air

- Durchluftung mit den 11 Eroffnungen

Tecnologia / Technology / Technologie / Technologie: ABS shelland EPS

Taglie / Sizes / Tailles / Grosse: unisize (56-61)

Peso / Weight / Poids / Gewicht: 400g.

Ventilazione / Vents / Prises d’air / Beluftungsoffnungen: 11

Certificazione / Certification / Cértification / Bestatigung: EN 1078



Page 24: SH+ Bike 2010 catalogue

STREET II business



Tecnologia / Technology / Technologie / Technologie: in-mold Taglie / Sizes / Tailles / Grosse: S/M (54-58); L/XL (58-62)

Peso / Weight / Poids / Gewicht: 280g.

Ventilazione / Vents / Prises d’air / Beluftungsoffnungen: 19

Sistema di regolazione / Retention system / Système de régulation: Speed Turn System Flash

Certificazione / Certification / Cértification / Bestatigung: EN 1078

black/red/white silver soft blue/white black/grey/white black soft


- sistema di regolazione di taglia con luce intermittente Speed Turn System Flash

- retention system with intermittent light Speed Turn System Flash

- système de regulation de la taille avec lumière intermittente Speed Turn System Flash

- Ruckhaltesystem Speed Turn System Flash

- Imbottitura con rete di protezione anti-insetti, rimovibile e lavabile.

- Interchangeable paddings with protec-tive net. Removable and washable.

- Rembourrages avec filet de protection anti-insectes. Removable et lavable.

- Polster mit Netschutz. Austausch- und waschbare.

- Comfort padding: imbottitura di spu-gna microporosa, rimovibile e lavabile.

- Comfort padding: microporous foam padding. Removable and washable.

- Comfort padding: rembourrages en mousse microporeuse. Removable et lavable.

- Comfort padding: Polsterung aus mi-kroporoesem Shaumstoff. Austausch- und waschbare.


Page 25: SH+ Bike 2010 catalogue




Tecnologia / Technology / Technologie / Technologie: in-mold Taglie / Sizes / Tailles / Grosse: S/M (54-58); L/XL (58-62)

Peso / Weight / Poids / Gewicht: 230g.

Ventilazione / Vents / Prises d’air / Beluftungsoffnungen: 16

Sistema di regolazione / Retention system / Système de régulation: Speed Turn System

Certificazione / Certification / Cértification / Bestatigung: EN 1078

- sistema di regolazione di taglia micro-metrica Speed Turn System

- micro-metric size retention system Speed Turn System

- système de regulation de la taille Speed Turn System

- Ruckhaltesystem Speed Turn System

- Comfort padding: imbottitura di spugna microporosa, rimovibile e lavabile.

- Comfort padding: microporous foam pad-ding. Removable and washable.

- Comfort padding: rembourrages en mousse microporeuse. Removable et lavable.

- Comfort padding: Polsterung aus mikro-poroesem Shaumstoff. Austausch- und waschbare.


orange/silver pink/white whitewhite/black/redred/white/green red/silver

Page 26: SH+ Bike 2010 catalogue




Tecnologia / Technology / Technologie / Technologie: in-mold Taglie / Sizes / Tailles / Grosse: S/M (54-58); L/XL (58-62)

Peso / Weight / Poids / Gewicht: 220g.

Ventilazione / Vents / Prises d’air / Beluftungsoffnungen: 17

Sistema di regolazione / Retention system / Système de régulation: Speed Turn System

Certificazione / Certification / Cértification / Bestatigung: EN 1078


carbon/blue carbon/orange carbon/red white tribal blackpink

- Comfort padding: imbottitura di spu-gna microporosa, rimovibile e lavabile.

- Comfort padding: microporous foam padding. Removable and washable.

- Comfort padding: rembourrages en mousse microporeuse. Removable et lavable.

- Comfort padding: Polsterung aus mi-kroporoesem Shaumstoff. Austausch- und waschbare.


- frontino amovibile optional

- removable visor optional

- visière amovible optional

- austausch Visor optional

Page 27: SH+ Bike 2010 catalogue

Team Ferrometal

Page 28: SH+ Bike 2010 catalogue




Tecnologia / Technology / Technologie / Technologie: in-mold Taglie / Sizes / Tailles / Grosse: unisize (53-56)

Peso / Weight / Poids / Gewicht: 240g.

Ventilazione / Vents / Prises d’air / Beluftungsoffnungen: 8

Sistema di regolazione / Retention system / Système de régulation: Speed Turn System Flash

Certificazione / Certification / Cértification / Bestatigung: EN 1078


red silver star surf

- sistema di regolazione di taglia con luce intermittente Speed Turn System Flash

- retention system with intermittent light Speed Turn System Flash

- système de regulation de la taille avec lumière intermittente Speed Turn System Flash

- Ruckhaltesystem Speed Turn System Flash

- sistema di aerazioni con 8 prese d’aria

- channeled ventilation with 8 vents

- système d’aération avec 8 prises d’air

- Durchluftung mit den 8 Eroffnungen


Page 29: SH+ Bike 2010 catalogue

Tecnologia / Technology / Technologie / Technologie: tight-fit microshell Taglie / Sizes / Tailles / Grosse: S (47-52); M (52-56)

Peso / Weight / Poids / Gewicht: 220g.

Ventilazione / Vents / Prises d’air / Beluftungsoffnungen: 8

Sistema di regolazione / Retention system / Système de régulation: Speed Turn System

Certificazione / Certification / Cértification / Bestatigung: EN 1078





- sistema di regolazione di taglia Speed Turn System

- retention system Speed Turn System

- système de regulation de la taille Speed Turn System

- Ruckhaltesystem Speed Turn System

- Imbottitura realizzata in spugna micro-porosa e velluto anti-allergico

- Microporous foam padding with anti-allergic velvet fabric

- Rembourrage realisé en mousse microporeuse et velours anallergique

- Mikroporosen Schaum mit antiallergi-schen Fleecegewebe Padding

flash pinklucky baron flash green star splash

Page 30: SH+ Bike 2010 catalogue

photo by Dino Bonelli

Page 31: SH+ Bike 2010 catalogue

- Weight: 400 Gr.

- Material: 100% Polyamid

- Color: black/blue

- Volume: 5 Litre

zeta 110 h2o

business bag- Color: black

- Material: 100% Polyester

zeta 140- Color: black/blue

- Volume: 20 Litre

- Material: 100% polyamid

- Weight: 550 g

trolley bag zeta 500- Color: black

- Volume: 162 Litre

- Weight: 5000 Gr.

- Material: 100% Polyester

zeta 300- Color: black/blue

- Volume: 115 Litre

- Weight: 2800 Gr.

- Material: 100% Polyester

sport bag- Color: black/blue

- Volume: 40 Litre

- Weight: 1100 Gr.

- Material: 100% Polyester




Page 32: SH+ Bike 2010 catalogue




Material: 100% cotton

sizes: S; M; L; XL

Material: 100% cotton

sizes: S; M; L; XL

full zip sweater

racing pro sweaters

white blue grey/beigeblue/white

white/black black/white red/whiteitalian flag

Photo by Dino Bonelli

Page 33: SH+ Bike 2010 catalogue



- red

- white

- black

- italian flag


- red

- black

winter cap

racing cap

Material: 100% cotton

sizes: S; M; L

lady sweaters



Colours: black, blue, red

Material: 100% polyester

dimensions: 24x50 cm


Page 34: SH+ Bike 2010 catalogue




- Dimensions:

cm. 40 L x 40 H x 40 P


- Dimensions:

cm. 42 L x 110 H x 32 P- Dimensions:

cm. 48 L x 205 H x 48 P

for 9 helmets

x-legs blossom


- Dimensions: cm. 31 Ø

rotating display

- head display made by polycarbonate

- Dimensions: cm. 15 L x 26 H x 22 P



Page 35: SH+ Bike 2010 catalogue





300 x 80 cmBANNER

h. 550 cm

single roll -up

80 cm

210 cm



80 cm

outdoor tent3 x 3 mt

outdoor flagsh. 220 cm

indoor flag

corner roll -up

Page 36: SH+ Bike 2010 catalogue

Team Brondello Martina Dogana Danilo Napolitano Dominik Nerz

Team Merida - Austria

Page 37: SH+ Bike 2010 catalogue

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