seth ward university of wyoming. muhammad 570-632 hijrah 622 qur’an the beginnings of jihad...

Jewish History: Jews in the Medieval Islamic World Seth Ward University of Wyoming

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  • Seth Ward University of Wyoming
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  • Muhammad 570-632 Hijrah 622 Quran The beginnings of Jihad Muhammad and the Jews
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  • [17.1] Glory be to Him Who made His servant to go on a night from the Sacred Mosque to the remote mosque of which We have blessed the precincts, so that We may show to him some of Our signs; surely He is the Hearing, the Seeing. [17.2] And We gave Musa the Book and made it a guidance to the children of Israel, saying: Do not take a protector besides Me; [17.3] The offspring of those whom We bore with Nuh; surely he was a grateful servant. [17.4] And We had made known to the children of Israel in the Book: Most certainly you will make mischief in the land twice, and most certainly you will behave insolently with great insolence. [17.5] So when the promise for the first of the two came, We sent over you Our servants, of mighty prowess, so they went to and fro among the houses, and it was a promise to be accomplished. [17.6] Then We gave you back the turn to prevail against them, and aided you with wealth and children and made you a numerous band. [17.7] If you do good, you will do good for your own souls, and if you do evil, it shall be for them. So when the second promise came (We raised another people) that they may bring you to grief and that they may enter the Temple as they entered it the first time, and that they might destroy whatever they gained ascendancy over with utter destruction. [17.8] It may be that your Lord will have mercy on you, and if you again return We too will return, and We have made hell a prison for the unbelievers. A selection from the Quran
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  • Quran
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  • Conquest of Jerusalem 638 History of Jews in Palestine: continue but flourish under Fatimids. is in Babylonia. Islamic Ascendancy: 7th-13th centuries
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  • Abbasid Empire 750 (built Baghdad 762) Exilarch, Geonim (singular Gaon) Nathan the Babyloniandescription of the academy and the status. (Blech) Sura and Pumbeditha Responsa (=Fatwa) Hebrew: Teshuva Prayerbook (based on a response by R. Amram Gaon) Iraq
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  • Translation of the Torah (Tafsir) Beliefs and Opinions Polemics against Qaraites Calendar controversy. Rational vs. Traditional commandments. Free Will. Commentary on Sefer Yetsirah. Halachic monographs. Fight with David ben Zakkai. Saadia ben Joseph (882-942)
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  • Qaraites: Anan ben David Benjamin al-Nahawandi Daniel al-Qumisi, Yefet ben Ali, Khazars End of an Era: Rabbi Sherira Gaon, Rabbi Hai Gaon (d. 1038) Qaraites, Khazars, and Others
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  • Islamic conquest 711 Abd al-Rahman III (declares caliphate 927) Hasdai b. Shaprut Poetry (Dunash, student of Saadia) Samuel Ha-Nagid (993-1056) Yehosef ben Samuel (1066) Judah Ha-Levi (d. 1141) Spain
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  • My heart is in the east, and I in the uttermost west-- How can I find savor in food? How shall it be sweet to me? How shall I render my vows and my bonds, while yet Zion lies beneath the fetter of Edom, and I in Arab chains? A light thing would it seem to me to leave all the good things of Spain-- Seeing how precious in mine eyes to behold the dust of the desolate sanctuary. Judah HaLevi , , .
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  • Reconquista in Toledo (1085), Almoravides Almohades 1146 Maimonides 1138-1204 Spain, Continued
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  • Fatimids: North Africa > Egypt > Palestine Fatimid Dynasty in Tunisia 927, Conquer Egypt, Found Cairo 969 Recognize Palestinian Academy in 10th and 11th Centuries Al-Hakim 1007-1021 Seljuk Conquest of Palestine, Manzikert in Asia Minor 1071 Maimonides arrives c. 1165 after going to North Africa and Tiberias Saladin 1171 Egypt
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  • Commentary on the Mishnah (Kitab al-Siraj, perush ha-mishnayot) 13 principles in comment to Perek Helek Rambam 13 principles and Geniza.doc Yigdal: Words translated by Max Landsberg (Reform Jewish) and Newton Mann (Unitarian) in Rochester NY Comm. On Mishnah: On tradition: intro to work Ethics: 8 Chapters and commentary on Avot Code of Jewish Laws (Mishneh Torah) Guide of the Perplexed (Moreh Nevukhim) Maimonides
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  • From the time he was little, this strong one [Abraham] used to think day and night about how this sphere could move without a Mover, without someone to turn it. He had neither teacher nor informer, rather, he was implanted in Ur of the Chaldees, among the foolish idolaters. His mother and father and all the people were idolaters, and he among them. His heart continued its analysis until it perceived the way of truth and the line of righteousness from his correct understanding. He reached this understanding at 40 years of age (Abraham began to proclaim this in public. The king sought to kill him but he miraculously escaped to Harran, where he taught and attracted followers, and) went around from city to city and kingdom to kingdom until he came to Canaan. (He wrote books and passed along his teaching to Isaac; Isaac passed it on to Jacob and Jacob to his sons and followers,) so that this matter became more and more strengthened among the children and followers of Jacob, so that there was a community that knew God. This continued until they spent many years in Egypt and they returned to learning their practices [i.e. those of the idolatrous Egyptians] and to worship stars like them, except for the tribe of Levi.The principle which Abraham had planted was almost uprooted And God in his love for us, and in keeping with his oath to Abraham, made Moses the Master of all Prophets and sent him and crowned [Israel] with His commandments and informed them about the manner of worshipping him and about the judgment in store for idolaters and all who follow them in error.
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  • Maimonides 13 Principles A. Exalted be the Living God and praised, He exists - unbounded by time is His existence; He is One - and there is no unity like His Oneness - Inscrutable and infinite is His Oneness; He has no semblance of a body nor is He corporeal - nor has His holiness any comparison; He preceded every being that was created - the First, and nothing precedes His precedence; Behold! He is Master of the universe - Every creature demonstrates His greatness and His sovereignty; B. He granted His flow of prophecy - to His treasured, splendid people; In Israel, none like Moses arose again - a prophet who perceived His vision clearly; God gave His people a Torah of truth - by means of His prophet, the most trusted of His household; God will never amend nor exchange His law - for any other one, for all eternity; C. He scrutinizes and knows our hiddenmost secrets - He perceives a matter's outcome at its inception; He recompenses man with kindness according to his deed - He places evil on the wicked according to his wickedness; By the End of Days He will send our Messiah - to redeem those longing for His final salvation; God will revive the dead in His abundant kindness - Blessed forever is His praised Name.
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  • 1099 1170s or 1180s-Benjamin of Tudela 1187 (Saladin) 1291 (Fall of Acre and Athlit) Crusader Kingdoms
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  • Al-Ghazzali d. 1111, Averroes d. 1196 Reconquista in Spain 1085-1248 (Islam limited to a small state centered in Granada) Mamluks stop Mongols c. 1250 and finish Crusader enclave in 1291. Baghdad falls to Mongols 1258 Ibn Taymiyya (661-728=1263-1328) Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya Islam and the Latter Middle Ages
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  • Pact of Umar and other questions Dhimma Status
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  • END OF THE ERA: Reconquista and Expulsion from Spain1492 Ottoman conquest of Constantinople1453 Ottoman conquest of Middle East1516-17 Reformation (Luthers 95 Theses1517) OVERVIEW Babylonian Talmud and Geonim succeedleading to Decentralization (Samaritan and Qaraite) Institutionalized minority taxes and legal status Cairo Geniza allows picture of A Mediterranean Society Overlapping Rabbinic / Philosophic / Mystical-Pietist divisions Overview