session1-organization behavioure

Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long What is Organizational Behavior? Lecturer: Do Tien Long 09 04 51 54 46 [email protected]

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  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    What is Organizational Behavior?

    Lecturer: Do Tien Long09 04 51 54 [email protected]

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    After studying this chapter, you shouldbe able to:

    1. Describe what managers do.2. Define organizational behavior (OB).3. Explain the value of the systematic study

    of OB.4. Identify the contributions made by major

    behavioral science disciplines to OB.5. List the major challenges and

    opportunities for managers to use OB concepts.



















  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    What Managers DoWhat Managers Do

    Managerial Activities Make decisions Allocate resources Direct activities of others

    to attain goals

    Managerial Activities Make decisions Allocate resources Direct activities of others

    to attain goals

    Managers (or administrators)Individuals who achieve goals through other people.

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Where Managers WorkWhere Managers WorkOrganizationA consciously coordinated social unit, composed of two or more people, that functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals.

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Management FunctionsManagement Functions

    PlanningPlanningPlanning OrganizingOrganizingOrganizing




  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Management Functions (contd)Management Functions (contd)PlanningA process that includes defining goals, establishing strategy, and developing plans to coordinate activities.

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Management Functions (contd)Management Functions (contd)OrganizingDetermining what tasks are to be done, who is to do them, how the tasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom, and where decisions are to be made.

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Management Functions (contd)Management Functions (contd)LeadingA function that includes motivating employees, directing others, selecting the most effective communication channels, and resolving conflicts.

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Management Functions (contd)Management Functions (contd)ControllingMonitoring activities to ensure they are being accomplished as planned and correcting any significant deviations.

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Mintzbergs Managerial RolesMintzbergs Managerial Roles

    E X H I B I T 11E X H I B I T 11Source: Adapted from The Nature of Managerial Work by H. Mintzberg. Copyright 1973 by H. Mintzberg. Reprinted by permission of Pearson Education.

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Mintzbergs Managerial Roles (contd)Mintzbergs Managerial Roles (contd)

    E X H I B I T 11 (contd)E X H I B I T 11 (contd)Source: Adapted from The Nature of Managerial Work by H. Mintzberg. Copyright 1973 by H. Mintzberg. Reprinted by permission of Pearson Education.

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Mintzbergs Managerial Roles (contd)Mintzbergs Managerial Roles (contd)

    E X H I B I T 11 (contd)E X H I B I T 11 (contd)Source: Adapted from The Nature of Managerial Work by H. Mintzberg. Copyright 1973 by H. Mintzberg. Reprinted by permission of Pearson Education.

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Management SkillsManagement SkillsTechnical skillsThe ability to apply specialized knowledge or expertise.

    Human skillsThe ability to work with, understand, and motivate other people, both individually and in groups.

    Conceptual SkillsThe mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations.

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Skills Needed at Different Levels of Management













  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Effective Versus Successful Managerial Activities (Luthans)

    Effective Versus Successful Managerial Activities (Luthans)

    1. Traditional management Decision making, planning, and controlling

    2. Communication Exchanging routine information and processing


    3. Human resource management Motivating, disciplining, managing conflict, staffing,

    and training

    4. Networking Socializing, politicking, and interacting with others

    1. Traditional management Decision making, planning, and controlling

    2. Communication Exchanging routine information and processing


    3. Human resource management Motivating, disciplining, managing conflict, staffing,

    and training

    4. Networking Socializing, politicking, and interacting with others

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Allocation of Activities by TimeAllocation of Activities by Time

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Willsons managerial skills on 11 observable categories

    Skills Exhibited by an Effective Manager

    1. Clarifies goals and objectives for everyone involved

    2. Encourage participation, upward communication, and suggestion

    3. Plans and organizes for an orderly work flow

    4. Has technical and administrative expertise to answer organization-related questions

    5. Facilitates work though team building, training, coaching, and support

    6. Provides feedback honestly and constructively

    7. Keeps things moving by relying on schedules, deadlines, and helpful reminders

    8. Controls details without being overbearing

    9. Applies reasonable pressure for goals accomplishment

    10. Empowers and delegates key duties to others while maintaining goal clarity & commitment

    11. Recognizes good performance with rewards and positive reinforcement

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Evolution of the 21st Century Manager - Robert Kreitner & Angelo Kinicki

    Past Managers Future Managers

    Primary role Order giver, privileged elite, controller Facilitator, team member, teacher, sponsor

    Learning & Knowledge Periodic learning, narrow specialist Long-life learning, generalist with multiple specialties

    Compensation criteria Time, effort, rank Skills and results

    Cultural orientation Monocultural, monolingual Multicultural, multilingual

    Primary source of influence Formal authority Knowledge (technical and interpersonal

    View of people Potential problem Primary resource

    Primary com.cation pattern Vertical Multidirectional

    Decision-making style Limited input for individual decisions Broad-based input for joint decisions

    Ethical considerations Afterthought Forethought

    Nature of interpersonal relationships

    Competitive (win lose) Cooperative (win win)

    Handling of power and key information

    Hoard and restrict access Share and broaden access

    Approach to change Resist Facilitate

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Enter Organizational BehaviorEnter Organizational Behavior

    Organizational behavior (OB)A field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward

    improving an organizations effectiveness.

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Complementing Intuition with Systematic Study

    Complementing Intuition with Systematic Study

    Systematic studyLooking at relationships, attempting to attribute causes and effects, and drawing conclusions based on scientific evidence.

    Provides a means to predict behaviors.

    IntuitionGut feelings about why I do what I do and what makes others tick.

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Influences on OB.



    The organisation itself

    The environment

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long


    Are a central feature of OB Are a necessary part of any behavioural set Bring to the organisation their personality, skills and

    attributes, values, needs and expectations Can create conflict if their needs and the demands of

    the organisation are incompatible

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Management and the individual

    Managements task is to integrate the individual & the organisation, providing a working environment that permits the satisfaction of individual needs & attainment of organisation goals

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Groups Exist in all organisations

    Are essential to organisational working and performance

    Comprise a range of different individuals

    Can develop their own hierarchies and leaders

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long


    Can have a major influence on behaviour and performance of individual members

    Have their own structures and functions, role relationships and influences and pressure

    An understanding of group structure and behaviour complements a knowledge of individual behaviour

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    The organisation

    Individuals & groups interact within the structure of the formal organisation

    Organisational structure is created by management to:- establish a relationship between individuals & groups- provide order and systems to direct efforts of the organisation into goal seeking activities

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    The organisation

    The formal structure allows people/groups to carry out organisational activities to achieve aims & objectives

    Behaviour is affected by patterns of organisational structure

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long


    The environment affects the organisation through:

    technological & scientific development economic activity social & cultural influences government activities

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long


    The effects of the operation of the organisation within its environment are reflected in the:

    management of opportunities & risks

    successful achievement of organisational aims & objectives

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field

    E X H I B I T 13 (contd)E X H I B I T 13 (contd)

    PsychologyThe science that seeks to measure, explain, and sometimes change the behavior of humans and other animals.

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field (contd)

    E X H I B I T 13 (contd)E X H I B I T 13 (contd)

    SociologyThe study of people in relation to their fellow human beings.

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field (contd)

    E X H I B I T 13 (contd)E X H I B I T 13 (contd)

    Social PsychologyAn area within psychology that blends concepts from psychology and sociology and that focuses on the influence of people on oneanother.

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field (contd)

    E X H I B I T 13 (contd)E X H I B I T 13 (contd)

    AnthropologyThe study of societies to learn about human beings and their activities.

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Behavioural science a multidisciplinary approach

    Economics Political science

    Personality system(psychology)

    Social system(Sociology)

    Cultural system(Anthropology)

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Why Do We Study OB? To learn about yourself and how to deal with

    others You are part of an organization now, and will

    continue to be a part of various organizations Organizations are increasingly expecting

    individuals to be able to work in teams, at least some of the time

    Some of you may want to be managers or entrepreneurs

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    The importance of the study of organizational behaviour

    In its concern for the way people behave in an organizational context, organizational behaviourcan be regarded as the key to the whole area of management

    The more technical a managers training, the more important organisational behaviour becomes

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    The organisational iceberg

    Source: Don Hellriegel, John W. Slocum, Jr and Richard W. Woodman, Organizational Behavior, Eighth edition, South-Western Publishing (1998), p.6. Reprinted with the permission of South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning: Fax 800 730 2215.

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    The organisational icebergFormal (overt) aspects

    Source: Don Hellriegel, John W. Slocum, Jr and Richard W. Woodman, Organizational Behavior, Eighth edition, South-Western Publishing (1998), p.6. Reprinted with the permission of South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning: Fax 800 730 2215.

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    The organisational icebergBehavioural (covert) aspects

    Source: Don Hellriegel, John W. Slocum, Jr and Richard W. Woodman, Organizational Behavior, Eighth edition, South-Western Publishing (1998), p.6. Reprinted with the permission of South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning: Fax 800 730 2215.

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    The organisational icebergFormal (overt) aspects

    Customers Technology Formal goals Organisational design Financial resources Physical facilities Rules & regulations Surface competencies & skills

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    The organisational icebergBehavioural (covert) aspects

    Attitudes Communication patterns Informal team processes Personality Conflict Political behaviour Underlying competencies & skills

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Morgans 8 ways of viewing organizations

    1. Machines2. Organisms3. Brains4. Cultures

    5. Political systems6. Psychic prisons7. Flux & transformation8. Instruments of


    The metaphors are not fixed categories and are not mutually exclusive

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    1. Machines

    Organizations can be designed as machines with orderly relations between clearly defined parts

    This view can provide the basis for efficient operation in a routine, reliable and predictable way bureacratic structure

    However it may limit the development of human capacities

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    2. Organisms

    The organization is seen as a living system; in the same way that biological mechanisms adapt to changes in their environment

    Organizations operating within a turbulent and dynamic environment require a adaptable type of structure

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    3. Brains

    Involves thinking about the organization as inventive and rational, and in a manner that provides for flexibility and creative action

    The challenge is to create new forms of organization capable of intelligent change and that can disperse brain like capacities

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    4. Cultures

    Sees organizations as complex system made up of their own characteristic sets of ideology, values, rituals, and systems of belief and practice

    Attention to specific aspects of social development helps to account for variations among organizations

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    5. Political systems

    Create order and direct people, organizations are intrinsically political

    They are about authority, power, superior-subordinate relationships and conflicting of interests

    This view helps in a understanding of day-to-day organizational life, the wheeling and dealing, and pursuit of special interests

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    6. Psychic prisons

    View organizations as psychic phenomena created and sustained by conscious and unconscious processes

    Organizations and their members are constrained by their shadows or psychic prisons and become trapped by constructions of reality

    This view provides an understanding of the reality and illusions of organizational behaviour

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    7. Flux and transformation

    Everything is in a constant state of flux, embodying characteristics of both permanence and change

    Organizations can be seen as in a state of flux and transformation

    To understand the nature and social life of organizations, it is necessary to understand the sources and logic of transformations and change

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    8. Instruments of domination

    Organizations are associated with processes of domination, and individuals and groups impose their will on others

    A feature of organizations is a symmetrical power relation that result in the pursuit of the goals of the few through the efforts of the many

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Management as an integrating activity

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    The psychological contract The series of mutual expectations & satisfaction of needs

    arising from the people / organisational relationship

    Process of giving & receiving by the individual & the organisation

    Covers a range of expectations of rights and privileges, duties and obligations that do not form part of the formal agreements but still has important influence of peoples behaviour

    The significant of the contract depends on the extent it is perceived to be fair

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Group practice

    The class is divided into two groups: Group 1 represents the organization: What

    do you expect from the employees? Group 2 represents the employees:

    What do you expect from the organization?

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Individuals expectations Provide safe and hygienic working conditions Make every reasonable effort to provide job security Attempt to provide challenging and satisfying jobs and reduce alienating

    aspects of work Adopt equitable personnel policies and procedures Allow staff genuine participation in decisions which affect them Implement best practice in equal opportunity policies and procedures Provide reasonable opportunities for personal development and career

    progression Treat members of staff with respect Demonstrate an understanding and considerate attitude towards personal

    problems of staff

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    The organizations expectation

    To accept the ideology of the organization To work diligently in pursuit of organizational

    objectives Not to abuse goodwill shown by management To uphold the image of the organization To show loyalty Not to be betray positions of trust To observe reasonable and acceptable standards of

    dress and appearance

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Process of balancing

    It is unlikely that all expectations of the individual or of the organisation will be met fully

    There is a continual process of balancing, and explicit and implicit bargaining

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Formula for balancing unwritten needs of employees with the needs of the

    organisation Caring demonstrating genuine concern for individuals Communicating really talking about what the company

    hopes to achieve Listening hearing not only the words but also what lies

    behind the words Knowing - those who work for you, their families, personal

    wishes, desires & ambitions Rewarding money is not always necessary


  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    There Are Few Absolutes in OB

    Contingency variables: "It Depends!!!"

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Challenges and Opportunities for OB

    Responding to Globalization Increased foreign assignments Working with people from different cultures Coping with anti-capitalism backlash Overseeing movement of jobs to countries with low-

    cost labor Managing people during the war on terror.

    Managing Workforce Diversity Embracing diversity Changing U.S. demographics Implications for managers

    Recognizing and responding to differences

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Challenges and Opportunities for OB (contd)

    Improving Quality and Productivity Quality management (QM) Process reengineering

    Responding to the Labor Shortage Changing work force demographics Fewer skilled laborers Early retirements and older workers

    Improving Customer Service Increased expectation of service quality Customer-responsive cultures

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    What Is Quality Management?

    1. Intense focus on the customer.

    2. Concern for continuous improvement.

    3. Improvement in the quality of everything the organization does.

    4. Accurate measurement.

    5. Empowerment of employees. E X H I B I T 16E X H I B I T 16

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Challenges and Opportunity for OB (contd)

    Improving People Skills Empowering People Stimulating Innovation and Change Working in Networked Organizations Helping Employees Balance Work/Life

    Conflicts Improving Ethical Behavior

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    A Downside to Empowerment?

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Basic OB Model, Stage I

    E X H I B I T 1-6E X H I B I T 1-6

    ModelAn abstraction of reality.A simplified representation of some real-world phenomenon.

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    The Dependent Variables



    Dependent variableA response that is affected by an independent variable (what organizational behavior researchers try to understand).

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    The Dependent Variables (contd)

    ProductivityA performance measure that includes effectiveness and efficiency.

    EffectivenessAchievement of goals.

    EfficiencyMeeting goals at a low cost.

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    The Dependent Variables (contd)

    AbsenteeismThe failure to report to work.

    TurnoverThe voluntary and involuntary permanent withdrawal from an organization.

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    The Dependent Variables (contd)

    Deviant Workplace Behavior Voluntary behavior that violates significant organizational norms and thereby threatens the well-being of the organization and/or any of its members.

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    The Dependent Variables (contd)

    Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)Discretionary behavior that is not part of an employees formal job requirements, but that nevertheless promotes the effective functioning of the organization.

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    The Dependent Variables (contd)Job satisfactionA general attitude (not a behavior) toward ones job; a positive feeling of one's job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics.

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    The Independent Variables

    IndependentVariables Can Be

    IndependentIndependentVariables Can BeVariables Can Be

    Individual-Level Variables

    IndividualIndividual--Level Level VariablesVariables







    Independent variableThe presumed cause of some change in the dependent variable; major determinants of a dependent variable.

  • Organisational Behavior, Do Tien Long

    Challenges Facing the Workplace


    Organizational Level Productivity Developing Effective Employees Global Competition Managing in the Global Village

    Group Level Working With Others Workforce Diversity

    Individual Level Job Satisfaction Empowerment Behaving Ethically

    Skills Needed at Different Levels of ManagementWillsons managerial skills on 11 observable categoriesEvolution of the 21st Century Manager - Robert Kreitner & Angelo KinickiInfluences on OB.IndividualsManagement and the individualGroupsGroupsThe organisationThe organisationEnvironmentEnvironmentContributing Disciplines to the OB FieldContributing Disciplines to the OB Field (contd)Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field (contd)Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field (contd)Behavioural science a multidisciplinary approachWhy Do We Study OB?The importance of the study of organizational behaviourThe organisational icebergThe organisational icebergFormal (overt) aspectsThe organisational icebergBehavioural (covert) aspectsThe organisational icebergFormal (overt) aspectsThe organisational icebergBehavioural (covert) aspectsMorgans 8 ways of viewing organizations1. Machines 2. Organisms3. Brains 4. Cultures 5. Political systems6. Psychic prisons7. Flux and transformation8. Instruments of dominationManagement as an integrating activityThe psychological contractGroup practiceIndividuals expectationsThe organizations expectationProcess of balancingFormula for balancing unwritten needs of employees with the needs of the organisationThere Are Few Absolutes in OBChallenges and Opportunities for OBChallenges and Opportunities for OB (contd)What Is Quality Management?Challenges and Opportunity for OB (contd)Basic OB Model, Stage IThe Dependent VariablesThe Dependent Variables (contd)The Dependent Variables (contd)The Dependent Variables (contd)The Dependent Variables (contd)The Dependent Variables (contd)The Independent Variables Challenges Facing the Workplace