services in the team today: nts · his...

All Saints Oakham Weekly Pewsheet Service Details and Notices Christ the King Sunday 25 November 2018 Services in the Team today: Oakham 8:00am Holy Communion (CW Trad) 10:30am Parish Communion* 6:00pm Evensong Whissendine 11:00am Morning Worship Teigh 2:00pm Holy Baptism Ashwell 10:30am Holy Communion* Market Overton 9:15am Holy Communion* Langham 11:00am Holy Communion* Braunston 11:00am Sunday Worship Brooke 8:00am Holy Communion* Hambleton 9:15am Holy Communion* Egleton No service If you are new to this church or visiting, please make yourself known to the clergy or churchwardens If you wish to receive Holy Communion in your pew, or would like a large print version of this Pewsheet, please ask a sidesman Please take this Pewsheet home

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Page 1: Services in the Team today: nts · his praise may thither fly: the earth is not too low, his praises there may grow. Let




ll Saints O


Weekly Pewsheet

Service Details and Notices

Christ the King

Sunday 25 November 2018

Services in the Team today:

Oakham 8:00am Holy Communion (CW Trad)

10:30am Parish Communion*

6:00pm Evensong

Whissendine 11:00am Morning Worship

Teigh 2:00pm Holy Baptism

Ashwell 10:30am Holy Communion*

Market Overton 9:15am Holy Communion*

Langham 11:00am Holy Communion*

Braunston 11:00am Sunday Worship

Brooke 8:00am Holy Communion*

Hambleton 9:15am Holy Communion*

Egleton No service

If you are new to this church or visiting, please make

yourself known to the clergy or churchwardens

If you wish to receive Holy Communion in your pew, or would

like a large print version of this Pewsheet, please ask a sidesman

Please take this Pewsheet home

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Oakham Team Clergy

Revd Stephen Griffiths Team Rector (Oakham)

01572 869483 [email protected]

Revd Deborah Marsh Team Vicar (Whissendine, Teigh, Ashwell &

Market Overton) 07919 385314 [email protected]

Revd Iain Osborne Curate

07935 549947 [email protected]

Revd Charlotte Osborn Curate

01572 724198 [email protected]

Lay Ministers

Mr Michael Hinman Reader – 01572 722061 [email protected]

Mr David Pattinson Reader – 01572 723884 [email protected]

Mrs Robin Robson Reader – 01572 757404 [email protected]

Mr Alan Rudge Reader – 01572 755570 [email protected]

Mr Vyv Wainwright Reader – 01572 759157 [email protected]

Mrs Jenni Duffy Parish Evangelist – 01572 720064 [email protected]

Mrs Gail Rudge Parish Evangelist – 01572 755570 [email protected]

Mrs Madeleine Morris Lay Pastoral Minister – 01572 868418 [email protected]

Mrs Susan Osborne Lay Pastoral Minister – 07926 833684 [email protected]

Director of Music

Mr Kevin Slingsby – 01572 898242 [email protected]

Oakham Team Office

Mrs Janine Weaver Team Administrator – 01572 724007 [email protected]

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 9am- 12:30pm, Thursday 11am-3pm.

Mrs Sue Willetts Finance Assistant – 01572 724007 [email protected]

Mr Kevin Slingsby Pewsheet & Website – 01572 898242 [email protected]

Notices or reports for inclusion in the pew sheet and website should be sent by

email or delivered to the office by Wednesday at 11 am.

Safeguarding Officers

Mrs Ruth Bray Oakham Hambleton – 01572 720529 [email protected]

Mrs Alex Martin Whissendine Teigh Ashwell Market Overton –

01664 474432 [email protected]

Mrs Jessica Blight Langham – 07557 333513 [email protected]

Mrs Gail Rudge Braunston – 01572 755570 [email protected]

Mrs Margaret Ashton Egleton – 01572 723559 [email protected]

Please contact one of the Ministry Team if you would like a chat or a visit.

[email protected]


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8:00am Holy Communion

10:30am Parish Communion*

The Order of Service is contained in the separate Service Book.

Processional Hymn*

1. Let all the world in every corner sing, my God and King.

The heavens are not too high, his praise may thither fly:

the earth is not too low, his praises there may grow. Let all the world in every corner sing,

my God and King.

2. Let all the world in every corner sing, my God and King.

The Church with psalms must shout, no door can keep them out;

but above all, the heart must bear the longest part, Let all the world in every corner sing,

my God and King.

Words: George Herbert (1593-1633) Music: Luckington, Basil Harwood (1859-1949)

(Ancient & Modern – 704)


Eternal Father, whose Son Jesus Christ ascended to the throne of heaven that he might rule over all things as Lord and King:

keep the Church in the unity of the Spirit and in the bond of peace,

and bring the whole created order to worship at his feet; who is alive and reigns with you,

in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

First Reading – Daniel 7.9-10,13-14*

As I watched, thrones were set in place, and an Ancient One took his throne; his

clothing was white as snow, and the hair of his head like pure wool; his throne was fiery flames, and its wheels were burning fire. A stream of fire issued and flowed out

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from his presence. A thousand thousand served him, and ten thousand times ten

thousand stood attending him. The court sat in judgement, and the books were opened. As I watched in the night visions, I saw one like a human being coming with

the clouds of heaven. And he came to the Ancient One and was presented before him. To him was given dominion and glory and kingship, that all peoples, nations, and

languages should serve him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that shall not pass away, and his kingship is one that shall never be destroyed.

Second Reading – Revelation 1.4b-8

Grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come, and

from the seven spirits who are before his throne, and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To him

who loves us and freed us from our sins by his blood, and made us to be a kingdom, priests serving his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. Look! He is coming with the clouds; every eye will see him, even those who

pierced him; and on his account all the tribes of the earth will wail. So it is to be. Amen. ‘I am the Alpha and the Omega’, says the Lord God, who is and who was and

who is to come, the Almighty.

Gradual Hymn*

1. Christ is alive! Let Christians sing.

The cross stands empty to the sky. Let streets and homes with praises ring.

Love, drowned in death, shall never die.

2. Christ is alive! No longer bound to distant years in Palestine,

but saving, healing, here and now, and touching every place and time.

3. In every insult, rift and war,

where colour, scorn or wealth divide, Christ suffers still, yet loves the more,

and lives, where even hope has died.

4. Women and men, in age and youth, can feel the Spirit, hear the call,

and find the way, the life, the truth, revealed in Jesus, freed for all.

5. Christ is alive, and comes to bring

good news to this and every age, till earth and sky and ocean ring

with joy, with justice, love and praise.

Words: Brian Wren (b 1936) Music: Truro, Psalmodia Evangelica, 1789

(Ancient & Modern – 199)

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Gospel – John 18.33-37

Pilate asked Jesus, ‘Are you the King of the Jews?’ Jesus answered, ‘Do you ask this on your own, or did others tell you about me?’ Pilate replied, ‘I am not a Jew, am I? Your

own nation and the chief priests have handed you over to me. What have you done?’ Jesus answered, ‘My kingdom is not from this world. If my kingdom were from this

world, my followers would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not from here.’ Pilate asked him, ‘So you are a king?’ Jesus

answered, ‘You say that I am a king. For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.’

Offertory Hymn*

1. Thou didst leave thy throne and thy kingly crown,

when thou earnest to earth for me; but in Bethlehem's home was there found no room

for thy holy nativity: O come to my heart, Lord Jesus;

there is room in my heart for thee.

2. Heaven’s arches rang when the angels sang, proclaiming thy royal degree;

but in lowly birth didst thou come to earth, and in great humility:

3. The foxes found rest, and the bird had its nest

in the shade of the cedar tree; but thy couch was the sod, O thou Son of God,

in the desert of Galilee:

4. Thou camest, O Lord, with the living word that should set thy people free;

but with mocking scorn and with crown of thorn they bore thee to Calvary:

5. When the heavens shall ring, and the angels sing,

at thy coming to victory, let thy voice call me home, saying, ‘Yet there is room,

there is room at my side for thee:’

Words: Emily Elizabeth Steele Elliott (1836-1897) Music: Margaret, Timothy Richard Matthews (1826-1910) (A&M – 811)

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Communion Hymns*

1. King of kings, majesty,

God of heaven living in me. Gentle Saviour, closest Friend,

Strong Deliverer, Beginning and End, all within me falls at your throne.

Your majesty, I can but bow;

I lay my all before you now. In royal robes I don’t deserve,

I live to serve your majesty.

2. Earth and heaven worship you,

love eternal, faithful and true, who bought the nations, ransomed souls,

brought this sinner near to your throne; all within me cries out in praise.

Words & Music: Jarrod Cooper © 1998 Sovereign Lifestyle Music

(Ancient & Modern – 700)

Jesus, remember me

when you come into your kingdom. Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.

Words: Taizé Community Music: Jacques Berthier (1923-1994)

© Ateliers et Presses de Taizé

(Ancient & Modern – 838)

Post Communion Prayer

Stir up, O Lord,

the wills of your faithful people; that they, plenteously bringing forth the fruit of good works,

may by you be plenteously rewarded; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Final Hymn*

1. Christ triumphant, ever reigning, Saviour, Master, King!

Lord of heaven, our lives sustaining, hear us as we sing:

Yours the glory and the crown,

the high renown, the eternal name!

2. Word incarnate, truth revealing, Son of Man on earth!

Power and majesty concealing by your humble birth:

3. Suffering servant, scorned, ill-treated, victim crucified!

death is through the cross defeated, sinners justified:

4. Priestly King, enthroned for ever

high in heaven above! sin and death and hell shall never

stifle hymns of love:

5. So, our hearts and voices raising through the ages long.

ceaselessly upon you gazing, this shall be our song:

Words: Michael Saward (b 1932)

Music: Guiting Power, John Barnard (b 1948) © Michael Saward/Jubilate Hymns

(Ancient & Modern – 612)

6:00pm Evensong

The Order of Service is contained in the separate Service Book, and the hymns are taken from New English Hymnal.

Opening Hymn

433 – O worship the King

Responses – Ferial

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Psalms 72.1-7 deus judicium

J Turle

1 Give the King thy | judgements ∙ O | God : and thy righteousness | unto ∙ the | King’s — | son.

2 Then shall he judge thy people ac- | cord-ing | un- to | right, * and de- | fend the | poor.

3 The mountains also | shall bring | peace : and the little hills | righteous-ness | unto ∙ the | people. 4 He shall keep the simple | folk ∙ by their | right :

defend the children of the | poor and | punish ∙ the | wrong doer.

†5 They shall fear thee as long as the sun and | moon en- | dureth :

from | one ∙ gener- | ation ∙ to an- | other.

6 He shall come down like the rain into a | fleece of | wool : even as the | drops that | water ∙ the | earth.

7 In his time shall the | right-eous | flourish : yea and abundance of peace so | long as ∙ the | moon en- | dureth.

Glory | be ∙ to the | Father,

and to the | Son and ∙ to the | Ho-ly | Ghost; As it was in the beginning is | now and ∙ ever | shall be :

world | with-out | end, A- | men.

First Lesson – Daniel 5

Office Hymn 282 – Faithful Shepherd, feed me

Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis – Set 9

Second Lesson – John 6.1-15

Hymn after the Prayers 499 – Thy kingdom come, O God

Hymn after the Sermon 332 – All hail the power of Jesu's name (omit verses 2 & 3)

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This Week


7:15-9:15pm – ALPHA COURSE

Oakham Baptist Church


10:00am – BIBLE STUDY

25 Willow Crescent, Oakham

We are continuing with our study of the

Communion Service. New folk will be welcome. Details from Catriona (01572




All Saints Oakham

Form 3 Music Award Holders

Music for chamber ensembles to include

Martinu Charleston (La revue de cuisine)

7:30pm – HOME GROUP

19 Ashwell Road, Oakham



MARSHALL – All Saints Oakham

Katie Marshall soprano and Musical Village Choir with Fraser Graham

accompanist. Raffle in aid of Olivia’s Journey.



Oakham Market


3:00-4:30pm –TEA PARTY

All Saints Oakham Church Hall

Come along and bring a friend. Contact

Pam (01572 755532)


All Saints Oakham

Come and join us for this special celebration of the start of Advent. This will be the only Team evening service

of the day, but there will be normal morning services.

Looking Ahead


7:15-9:15pm – ALPHA COURSE

Oakham Baptist Church


CONCERT – All Saints Oakham



All Saints Oakham

NO service this morning.



All Saints Oakham


Piano music by W A Mozart to include

Fantasia in D minor, K397


All Saints Oakham Mayhew Room

Meeting for all parish Churchwardens

and Treasurers.


10:00am-12:00pm – CHRISTMAS


The Old Rectory, Church Lane, Brooke

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Gates Garden Centre, Somerby Rd,

Cold Overton, Oakham LE15 7QB

The visit has been brought forward from February. We aim to meet at

10:30am in the coffee shop for tea/coffee and cake and a good chat,

before having a browse through the Christmas shop and other areas. There

will be a sign-up sheet at the South Door, just for us to gauge numbers, so

please sign up if you would like to come along. Please indicate whether

you would like a lift.


10:00am-3:30pm – QUIET DAY

Westgate New Church, 68b Westgate, Peterborough

Sr Rachel Overton, Bishop’s Advisor for Spirituality, leads a day of reflection on Mary the Mother of Jesus and what she

has to show us about relating to God. Open to all – see website for more

details and booking information.


All Saints Oakham Mayhew Room


All Saints Oakham

Rutland Choral Society’s Winter

Concert, including music by John Rutter, Harold Darke and Elizabeth

Poston. Tickets £10 from, Coleman’s

Stationers or on the door.



All Saints Oakham




All Saints Oakham Church Hall

Holy Communion (celebrated by Revd Stephen Griffiths), followed by

Christmas readings and tea. All welcome.


10:00am-12:00pm – OPEN HOUSE

Home of Araminta & Tony Mathias,

2 Lodge Gardens, Oakham

All are welcome to call in for tea or coffee and a friendly chat.


11:00am -2:00pm – CHRISTMAS FAYRE

Market Overton Bowls Club Stalls, raffle, carols, Santa’s grotto,

tombola, books, refreshments. Proceeds to St Peter & St Paul Market Overton. More information or to book a stall –

Sarah Bateman (07799 334455).

Please pray for

– Lysander Edward Oliver Vaughan, who will be baptised at

Teigh today, and his parents Jeremy & Gabby;

– The family and friends of Adrienne

Armstrong, whose funeral took place at Peterborough Crematorium on


– The family and friends of Nigel Almond, whose funeral took place at

Oakham on Wednesday;

– The family and friends of Sylvia Moss, whose funeral took place at

Egleton on Thursday;

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– The family and friends of Alison

Foers, whose funeral took place at Oakham on Friday;

– The family and friends of Percy (Bill)

Wood, Yvonne Armitage and John Allen, who have died recently;

– For the victims of environmental

disasters and all those still trying to rebuild their lives;

– The victims of terror attacks and who

continue to suffer from the effects of violence, especially the Rohinga and

Kachin people in Burma;

– The people still facing severe famine in

Nigeria, Somalia, Southern Sudan and Yemen;

– Dedicated and effective action against climate change and the pollution of our seas;

– Those returning to Iraq and those in

Syria as they try to rebuild their lives and for help and a safe place for the refugees;

– Give thanks for the release of some

of the Nigerian girls, and pray for those still held captive;

– Victims of religious extremism and

persecution especially in Sudan, CAR, Kenya, Syria, Somalia, Eritrea, North

Korea, China, India, Northern Nigeria, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, and Pakistan;

– The Brexit negotiations, that they may

be conducted with wisdom and fairness;

– For all those involved in planning and

running the Alpha Course this autumn;

– The Rutland Food Bank;

– The Drop-in Centre;

– Justin and John our Archbishops and Donald and John, our Bishops;

– Stephen, Deborah, Iain & Charlotte, our Team Clergy, and all lay members of the Ministry Team;

– Madeleine McCann and her family and

all missing children.

Autumn Sale 2018

It is a great pleasure to be able to say what a successful Autumn Sale we have

had at Oakham this year. We began our planning with the joint aims of offering a welcoming morning in the church to the

local community, whilst at the same time raising much needed funds for All Saints.

The comments received seem to say that the event was hugely enjoyed by

volunteers and visitors alike, and the total raised so far is in excess of £2100.

A big thank-you to anyone who, in any way, has contributed to this. We will

publish a final total in the near future when all monies have been collected in.

Autumn Sale Steering Group.

Unclaimed Raffle Prizes

Any of you who came to the Autumn Sale on Saturday November 17th may

be the lucky winners of three unclaimed raffle prizes. Please can you check your

pockets and bags to see if you still have the tickets, so you could come into

church and claim your gift. Please could you also tell any friends or neighbours

who came to the sale but who may not read this notice. The prizes will be in the

kitchen area and on display next Sunday 25th November. The three lucky blue ticket numbers are: 775 – Baobab Cafe

£10 voucher; 837 – Costa Coffee two free small hot drinks and 2 free cakes,

offer valid until 1/1/2019; 864 – Baylis and Harding women's gift box

comprising luxury slippers, foot soak crystals and soothing foot lotion.

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Part of the run up to Christmas is Christingle, which is on Sunday 9th

December at 4pm; and part of the excitement is making the Christingles

on Saturday 8th Deember at 2pm in the Mayhew Room. It is always fun. Please come and join us if you would

like to.

Mrs Mary Willows

Revd Iain Osborne has been in touch

with Mary’s family, who want to pass on her thanks for our prayers in her

recent poor health. Please keep praying, and she also greatly appreciates

cards and letters (she is in Belton House Retirement Home, Littleworth Lane, Belton In Rutland, Oakham, LE15

9JZ). However, Mary is too tired to cope with people, so we are asked not

to telephone or visit. Mary’s family request that, if you want to hear

further news of Mary, you should speak to Iain; but do not contact the home


Rutland Foodbank

Please have a look at the ‘Reverse’ Advent Calendar highlighting possible

donations this Advent. Also, do have a look at the Foodbank’s Facebook page.

Update From Traidcraft

It was announced last week that Traidcraft PLC has been given the opportunity to continue its mission,

which is fantastic news. For full details please do have a look at

n and also continue with me to support

them in their work. Thank you. Denise.

October Traidcraft Sales

A massive £381.77! – thank you SO much to everyone who has responded

to my article and notice regarding Traidcraft, if any one else would like a catalogue to place a Christmas

card/food/gift order please do get in touch. Many thanks again, Denise

(01572 722729 / 07981 639649 / [email protected]).

St John & St Anne


St John & St Anne (almshouse provider) are looking to recruit to the following

positions: Property Services Manager (30 hours per week – 5 days) and Administrative Assistant

(25 hours per week – 5 days). This local charity, a leading provider of

accommodation for older people, is seeking to strengthen its staff team

with two permanent appointments. The ideal applicants will be available to

work flexibly and will hold a full driving licence. Offering attractive salaries, the

Charity is committed to paying all employees above the Real Living Wage,

and also offers a generous pension contribution. An information pack and

application form for either position is available from: St John & St Anne,

William Dalby House, South Street, Oakham LE15 6HY, 01572 756950, Closing date for completed applications: Friday 30th November 2018.

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Rutland Foodbank

Christmas Hampers

Once again, Rutland Foodbank will be

giving Christmas Hampers to those in our county who may struggle to buy those small luxuries that make Christmas

a celebration. The hampers will include mince pies, Christmas puddings,

chocolates and even family games. We are seeking cash donations. £20 will

sponsor one hamper but any amount is welcome – cheques made payable to

'Rutland Foodbank'. Donations can be made to the Team Office at Oakham, or

via team ministers in the villages, by early December if possible.

Friends Visit to Gates

Garden Centre

It has been decided to bring the visit to

Gates forward to Thursday 6th December, rather than February when

it might be very icy and cold and difficult for driving. We aim to meet at

10:30am in the coffee shop for tea/coffee and cake and a good chat,

before having a browse through the Christmas shop and other areas. There

will be a sign-up sheet at the South Door, just for us to gauge numbers, so

please sign up if you would like to come along. Please indicate whether

you would like a lift.

Braunston Living

Advent Calendar

We plan to transform 24 (or more) of

our houses into a real-life Advent calendar, 'unveiling' a new street-facing

window/s each night during December.

Volunteers will be given a number

between 1 and 24, and will light up their window on that date and keep it

lit during the hours of darkness until after Christmas. More details from

Karen Allen (07961 050077 / [email protected]).

Braunston Repairs Appeal

Braunston church needs urgent repairs to make it watertight, repair crumbling

masonry and replace access ladders inside the tower. The total cost is estimated at £54,000! Existing church

funds, grants pending and initial donations already total £24,000

meaning we need to raise a further £30,000 or just £24,000 if all remaining

donations are gift aided. Much more information is on display inside the

church. Although the cost looks a lot, if we don't do this work soon we will

have a much higher bill and keeping our thousand-year old church usable will

become a real challenge. For more details or to make a donation contact

Rob Anderson on [email protected].

Carols for the


The recently formed and flourishing Sunday Night Youth Group would like

to come to sing carols to any who are housebound early one evening before

Christmas. If you have names to suggest of those who would appreciate

this, please let Charlotte know ([email protected] or

01572 724198).

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Vote at Oakham Tesco

during Nov & Dec!

Next time you are in Tesco Oakham remember to vote for All Saints’

Church, Braunston Bats in Churches

project for funding of up to £4,000 by

Tesco's Bags of Success scheme. The final funding depends on voting in the

Oakham Tesco store between 1st November and 31st December.

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Regular Groups & Activities

CHILDREN’S GROUPS Tiny Tots (age 0-4). Thursdays 9:45am during term-time. Oakham Church

Sunday School (age 5-11) Sundays 10:30am (except 3rd) Oakham Church Hall

Fishes Club (up to age 10) Sundays 11:00am (except 2nd) Whissendine Church

ASH&ASK (All Saints Hub/Kids – aged 11-16) Second/Fourth Sundays 10:30am in term time Oakham School Bowes Room

HOME GROUPS Leader: Catriona Drye (770429) 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 10:00am 25 Willow Crescent, Oakham

Leader: Stan Bruce (756656) 2nd & 4th Wednesdays 7:30pm 19 Ashwell Road, Oakham

Leader: Patrick Wilson (723288) 2nd & 4th Thursdays 2:30pm 6 Peterborough Avenue, Oakham

Leader: Michael Hinman (722061) & Monica Compton (755734) 2nd & 4th Mondays 7:30pm Oakham

Leader: Alan & Gail Rudge (755570) Mondays fortnightly 7:30pm 34 Church Street, Braunston

St Andrew’s House Group – Leaders: Revd Chris Bamber (01664 474360), Jane Beynon (474882) & Catherine Wilson (474556). Tuesdays fortnightly 11:00am Whissendine (phone for venue)

CHOIR Laudamus Joint Choir Practice Tuesdays 6:45-8:15pm Whissendine Church

Langham Choir Practice Tuesdays before 1st, 2nd & 4th Sundays 11:00am-12:00pm Langham Church

BELL RINGING Oakham Bells Tuesdays 7:30-9:00pm

Langham/Braunston/Brooke Bells Wed 7:30pm 12 Dec/28 Nov/5 Dec

Whissendine Bells Thu 7:30-9:00pm

MOTHERS’ UNION Oakham & Braunston 2nd Thursday 2:15pm Oakham Church Hall; Corporate Communion 3rd Wednesday 10:00am Chapel of St John & St Anne


Fourth Thursday of month, with pub lunch during winter and picnic during summer. See pew sheet for details.

Dennis Corton (01572 722272)

OTHER GROUPS Drop-In Centre Tea, coffee, chat & lunch Wednesdays 10:00am-4:00pm Oakham Congregational Church

Oasis Tea, coffee, biscuits and & chat Fridays 10:30-11:30am Oakham Church Mayhew Room

Open House Monthly coffee morning in someone’s home – see Diary for details..

Prayer Chain Prayer requests can be made in strictest confidence to Mary Willows (01572 756264) who will then inform the chain

Bereavement Supporters Training Group Second Tuesday of every month 7:00pm in Oakham Church Hall


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Services During The Week


26 Nov

08:30 Morning Prayer Oakham

01:00 Funeral John Allen



27 Nov

08:30 Morning Prayer Oakham

10:00 Holy Communion Oakham

05:30 Evening Prayer Teigh

Wednesday 28 Nov

08:30 Morning Prayer Oakham 10:00 Holy Communion J&A

12:00 CTiO Prayer Mtg Cong Ch 05:30 Meditation J&A

Thursday 29 Nov

09:00 Team Communion Oakham 09:45 Tiny Tots Oakham

11:30 Funeral Percy (Bill) Wood Braunston

12:00 Ecumenical Prayer Oakham 02:00 Funeral Yvonne Armitage



30 Nov

08:30 Morning Prayer Oakham

10:00 BCP Communion Oakham

Services Next Sunday – 2 December

Advent Sunday


08:00 Holy Communion (CW Trad)

10:30 Parish Communion

06:00 Advent

Carol Service

Whissendine 11:00 Holy Communion

Teigh 09:00 Matins

Market Overton 09:15 Holy Communion

Ashwell 10:30 Morning Worship


Braunston 11:00 Holy Communion



Egleton 09:15 Holy Communion

Next Sunday’s Readings

First of Advent: Psalm 25.1-9; Jeremiah 33.14-16; 1 Thessalonians 3.9-13; Luke 21.25-36 Oakham Evensong: Psalm 72.1-7; Daniel 5; John 6.1-15