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Presentation contrasting Service To Self (STS) with Service To Others (STO) and outlining how STS is holding back human progress and development


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Service To Others

Service To Others

The Path To AscensionThe Path To Ascension

© We Are Not Alone, 2008/2009

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Between 1977 and 1990 Daniel Quinn was writing a book. In its eighth version this book became a novel titled ‘Ishmael ’.

Ishmael was to win Quinn the prestigious Turner Tomorrow Fellowship prize for fiction that produces creative and positive solutions to global problems.

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Ishmael is a startling and insightful work. Out of 2,500 entries worldwide for the Turner prize it won on the first reading."From now on I will divide the books I have read into two categories -- the ones I read before Ishmael and those read after." -- Jim Britell, Whole Earth Review

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The theme of Ishmael, told to a student of the human condition by a telepathic gorilla, is how one largely unconscious idea is steadily overwhelming another similarly unconscious idea and leading to the destruction of our planet.

The ideas are Taking (new) and Leaving (old).

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‘Takers’ view the world as something to be conquered, developed and exploited.

‘Leavers’ view it as a gift to be nurtured and conserved.

Takers practice the economics of scarcity. “The food is under lock and key”. Leavers practice the economics of abundance. Food is a bounty to be shared.

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Quinn traces the progressive drift into takerism to the time of the first agriculture in Mesopotamia (modern day Iraq) when food began to be stored and defended from thieves.Today the philosophy of taking and rendering scarce all knowledge, commodities and services is almost universal.

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Worse, the gorilla character, Ishmael, in Quinn’s novel tells us that we no longer realise that we have a choice.

We can choose to be Takers or Leavers. What Quinn terms our ‘mother culture’ has however convinced us, during the past ten thousand years, that ‘this is the way we are meant to live’.

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One of the core features of takerism is its inherent notion of separation. Humans are separated from animals and are thought to have the right to exploit them as they will.

Worse, humans are separated from each other. Taker societies typically divide and control ordinary people.

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Another feature of takerism is that it is adversarial and combative. This notion isn’t restricted to military matters it applies in commerce, law, politics, education, sport, and so on.

In fact it is hard to name any area of taker society that doesn’t have adversarial overtones.

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As a consequence of these features taker societies engender self-serving attitudes. The prevailing concern becomes “looking after number one”.

Leaver societies are far more altruistic and have a focus on the common good and group welfare.

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Daniel Quinn, writing in his novels Ishmael, The Story of B, and My Ishmael, and in the non-fiction Beyond Civilization, asserts that the tribe is the natural form of organisation for humans.

The flock for birds,the herd for cattle,the school for fish,the tribe for humans.

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Quinn contrasts the practice of US hospitals turning out elderly patients who can’t afford the high price of health care with the cradle to grave security offered by traditional tribal cultures.

Leaver tribes look after their own, taker societies expect individuals to look after themselves – and there are winners and losers.

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Despite the overwhelming emphasis on competition in all areas of our taker societies Daniel Quinn notes that this is not what happens in nature.

Science now understands that the prevailing model in nature is cooperative rather than combative. Symbiosis underpins all of nature’s ecosystems.

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But tribes often fight other tribes,

don’t they?

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Yes tribes often fight each other. But these tribes have modern cultures. They copy what they see Western nations doing. The recent history of Africa is full of examples of this taker-tribal phenomenon. But that doesn’t mean that it’s natural or the way we’re meant to behave.

We’re actually better than that.

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Hey, I don’t know of any leaver-tribal cultures though.

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The entire culture of Australian Aborigines was and still is leaver-tribal. Although it has been dramatically degraded by the ingress of British ‘settlers’ since 1788 the nature of Aboriginal culture is well known and documented.

Australian Aboriginal culture is some 60,000 years old.

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An idea is successful if it works to the benefit of society as a whole. In this sense the lever-tribal model has been outstanding. It has has endured far longer than the fleeting histories of socialism, communism and capitalism.

A core idea of Aboriginal culture is managed abundance, whereas takers think controlled scarcity.

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British settlers viewed the new land as something to be conquered and exploited for the gain of a few whereas leaver-tribal Australians had no concept of owning or ‘developing’ nature.

Instead they considered that they belonged to the land. They cared for the land in the interests of the entire community of life.

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As a result of skilled husbandry and stewardship of the land, using fire and other means, Australia remained unspoiled and naturally productive – for tens of thousands of years.

In contrast it took less than 200 years for European settlers and their farming and mining methods to denude and poison the land.

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But there were only a few aboriginals then now there’s

millions of people.

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Food isn’t inevitably scarce. Food is presently kept scarce by the taker principles that underpin the global economy.

It is acknowledged that there is already sufficient productive capacity to feed everyone on the planet three meals a day.

However, there’s no profit in doing that so it doesn’t happen.

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We humans have a clear choice, we can pursue individual gain at the expense of others and the planet as a whole or we can work cooperatively to generate abundance while preserving natural resources and ecosystems.

That’s what Ishmael is about.

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Another way of expressing the two alternatives of taking or leaving is to use the terms

Service to Self (STS)


Service to Others (STO)

Capitalist cultures are riddled with STS thinking whereas leaver-tribal people think of STO.

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Choosing between a STS ethos and a Taker culture or a STO ethos and a Leaver culture is what humanity had to do.

Much of our time on this planet has involved this vital choice.

For the past ten thousand years most of the world mistakenly went in the STS direction.

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Examples of applied STS thinking are so numerous that they seem ‘normal’ to many people. Everyone comes to believe that this is the way we are meant to live.

• For profit corporations are STS. Boards and management combatively seek returns for shareholders and themselves.

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• Agricultural enterprises follow the STS paradigm.

• Banking and finance institutions are in the ‘taker’ or STS mold.

• The law and the accounting and legal professions all support the STS model.

• Science, with its ‘publish or perish’ ethos is strongly STS.

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• Governments, even the most open and ‘democratic’ forms, are universally self-serving and oriented to STS principles.

If you doubt this try to gain free access to the public buildings that we supposedly own, or obtain information held by officialdom about yourself, let alone wider matters.

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Examples of applied STO thinking also exist. However they are less numerous, less influential, and often embody strands of an STS ethos along with STO ideals.

• The Salvation Army is primarily about STO, but its military organisation structure is from the STS mold.

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• Many aid organisations and not for profit enterprises have STO goals and ideals, but are tarnished with STS thinking.

Because STS is such a dominant idea in our culture it is hard for people in these entities to recognise STS for what it is and weed it out of their culture.

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A truly STO organisation, such as a leaver-tribal collective, is characterised by humility, accommodation and patient service rather than forcefulness, and competitive behaviour.

Those of the STO fraternity don’t just serve others they have an empathy and connectedness with them, and with all living things.

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People and cultures who follow the STO path are characterised by common feelings towards others.

• They show other beings respect and even reverence.

• They can put themselves in the shoes of others and feel life’s experiences with them.

• Loving others is easy for them.

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People and cultures who follow the STS path are more likely to regard others as threats or targets for manipulation and control. They carry fear and anxiety into their relationships with others.

They play the blame game daily.

They use violence and force to subjugate and dominate others.

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When we look deep into the Milky Way on a clear night, we experience a sense of awe.

We all feel this consciousness - every one of us.

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Consciousness is the true source of life’s meaning.

As used here, consciousness is about our awareness of the Divine Order.

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Dr David Hawkins has used a muscle strength test procedure to ‘map’ levels of consciousness on a log scale of 1 to 1000.

See ‘The Choice’ and ‘Using CFK’

Not surprisingly STO cultures and individuals are higher on the Hawkins scale than are their STS counterparts.

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Here are some levels of consciousness as measured and described by the Hawkins scale.

500 Love400 Reason350 Acceptance310 Willingness250 Neutrality200 Courage150 Anger100 Fear

Presently, only 0.4% of the world’s population has a level of consciousness centred at 540 on the Hawkins scale.

But this will increase as the 2012 galactic convergence nears.

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The 500 level of consciousness is where Love, which emerges at 200, becomes the predominant energy for an individual or group.

At 540 love becomes unconditional. Here compassion, benevolence, mercy and forgiveness become dominant.

Leaders of leaver-tribal cultures are generally at 540 or higher.

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Understand that everyone experiences different levels of consciousness at various times.

So leaver-tribal elders feel anger and fear occasionally – as we all do.

However the experience and expression of unconditional love is where STO elders are centred.

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Leaders of STS cultures don’t calibrate highly on the consciousness scale. Dr Hawkins measured the average of Fortune 500 Chief Executive Officers at 190.

This doesn’t mean the CEO’s are bad people. It reflects the fact that they spend so much time in corporate combat that they centre at a sub 200 level.

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Yes, generals and other military leaders also have low levels of consciousness (LOCs). There’s not much love on a battlefield.

Lawyers engaged in regular adversarial proceedings in the courts are also prone to having low LOCs.

Again, it’s not the people it’s the emotions and thoughts they work with.

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It’s important to realise that the activities you engage in and the thoughts that apply to them affect the centering of your consciousness.

People who engage in giving and altruistic work are more likely to have high LOCs.

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“Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words.

Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviours.

Keep your behaviours positive because your behaviours become your habits.

Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values.

Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.”

….. Mahatma Gandhi

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Martinus Thomsen (1890-1981) was born in Denmark,of humble origins and in quite poor circumstances.

Despite having only limited schooling in a village school, on two days of the week during the summer and autumn, Martinus developed an entire theory of creation and existence, and authored some 40 books.

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Martinus' predictions about the future of humanity were quite extraordinary. Well before Star Trek, and even before there was television to broadcast that now famous science-fiction series, he foresaw teleportation.

He also predicted technologies such as; supercomputers, robotics, credit cards and money-less transactions.

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Martinus developed a deep understanding of cosmology and the vibrational nature of the universe.

At the time of his death he calibrated above 700 on the Hawkins scale of consciousness.

The Martinus Institute in Denmark has a web site at:

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Martinus set out clear principles for humanity to live by. These are very relevant to all who seek to follow the STO path.

By following the seven principles that Martinus saw as necessary to becoming a person of good character it is possible to centre thinking at a high consciousness level.

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1. Remove the concept of 'enemies' from your consciousness.

2. Never retort to anger, slander or other forms of attacks which are directed against you.

3. Never say anything evil about anyone or anything.

4. Be absolutely true and honest under all circumstance in life.

5. Remain absolutely untouched by flatter, praise or blame.

6. Never participate in killing, hurting or maiming living creatures.

7. Never let your thoughts move away from working on how you may best serve your fellow beings.

………….. Martinus

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I can’t keep up my mortgage or put gas in my car. How can I help anyone?

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Art Bell coined the term ‘The Quickening’ for what is now happening in our predominantly STS culture. The pace of living is getting faster and the behaviour of everyone in the rat race is more and more frantic.

People tend to redouble their efforts at ‘solutions’ that don’t work anymore. What they need to do is become calm and centred.

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In order to become calm and centred amidst the clamour of the quickening we must move up the consciousness scale.

We can do this by centring our thinking around higher energies. These energies are associated with service to others and giving – no matter how hard the times or how difficult our own situation is.

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Martinus held that humans are transitional beings. We are of the animal kingdom but we are destined to rise above it.

As Martinus saw it:Our selfish tendencies stem from the struggle for existence in the animal kingdom. There they were necessity, even a virtue. But today this is not the case. Today the innate animal tendencies threaten the entire existence of mankind.

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Further:During evolution selfishness has become an automatic characteristic, which unconsciously directs our actions towards goals that are primarily for our own benefit. In our soul a struggle is going on between our previous animal mentality and our dawning human consciousness.

This struggle will come to a conclusion in December 2012.

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And finally:

Our cosmic destiny is to become citizens of the real human kingdom. The basis of life there is unselfishness and perfect neighbourly love.

However, those who aren’t ready won’t make the transition to a higher plane of existence in 2012.

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But what is this ‘higher plane’ of


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There are various descriptions of the planes of existence. In all cases they describe increasing energies and a shift in focus from the material to the spiritual.

Martinus describes RED energy as instinctive and characteristic of the plant kingdom.

ORANGE energy is higher and it fits the animal kingdom.

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YELLOW energy is, in Martinus’ cosmology, emotional and it fits the true human kingdom.

Unlike the mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms the true human kingdom offers the first opportunity to break free of the attachment to, and need for, a physical body.

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GREEN energy is about the kingdom of wisdom and is the energy of high intellect, according to Martinus.

TURQUOISE or intuition energy is of the divine kingdom. The inhabitants of this energy level have culminating control of it.

All the energy colours are similar to the those of the Chakras.

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The seven centres of spiritual power in the human body in Eastern tradition are the Chakras.

Vibrations (Hz) increase as the levels do.

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In the 1970s Dr Valerie Hunt of UCLA conducted a lengthy study that measured the frequencies and colours of the human energy field.

These proved to be exactly as described by Eastern mystics and natural healers.

There are 7 measurable Chakras.

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In her book ‘Wheels of Light’ Rosalyn Bruyere notes that as a person who was born with the ability to see auras around others, and who learnt to manipulate the Chakras to heal people, she came to a new definition of good health.

To be healthy is to be ‘full of light’

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Natural healers engage the energy field of the body via the head and the higher Chakras. However, the Light enters via the 1st Chakra. Energy in a red vibrational state is drawn in via the base of the spine. Then it is raised in frequency at each of the following Chakras.

But few people have all, or even most Chakras activated.

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Bruyere finds that most people she treats in the U.S.A. are centred at the 3rd, yellow, Chakra. Recall that Martinus identifies the yellow state as being the true human kingdom. It offers the first opportunity to break free of attachment to the physical body.

But people in an STS culture will always have difficulty doing so.

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Being centred in STS thoughts and actions keys people into the physical world. They are shut off from the higher levels of the heart and the head.

Their levels of consciousness, as measured on the Hawkins scale, are also restricted. People at sub 500 levels don’t necessarily live in fear and hate but they don’t live in Love either.

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By centering in STO thoughts and actions people can find the true path to higher consciousness, and come to merit ascension.

Ascension to a higher state of existence isn’t necessarily full Enlightenment, but it is certainly Salvation.

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There is a direct correlation between LOCs of the Hawkins scale and the vibrational levels of the seven Chakras.

LOCs Chakras

800 – 1000 7th

700 – 800 6th

600 – 700 5th

500 – 600 4th

400 – 500 3rd

300 – 400 2nd

200 – 300 1st

An LOC of 540 is the threshold for ascension.

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When we attain an LOC of 540 or higher and live in unconditional love we are predisposed to thoughts and actions that fit within the STO ethos.

Note the word ‘live’. We might all occasionally experience unconditional love but not actually dwell there. But once our centre is at 540 we have this attitude to all ‘other selves’.

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Planetary densities also follow the rule or the octave, with overlapping levels of increasing informational field frequency.

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While the principles of cosmic densities are the same as those of bodily Chakras the scale and intensity of the phenomena are far greater.

Sir Oliver Lodge (1851-1940) wrote of the frequency of the cosmic aether. “Its rate of vibration which enables us to see any ordinary object is five hundred million million per second”.

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Sir Oliver, who invented the spark plug, was an eminent physicist of his day and one of the last to maintain the existence of the aether.

Twentieth century science completely abandoned the notion following a flawed experiment by Michelson and Morley. But Lodge, and also Albert Einstein, had been right about the aether and other scientists were wrong.

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What Michelson and Morley had failed to appreciate was that there are two conjugate forms of space. There is the 3D space we are all familiar with and there is also 4D space.M/M tried to measure the aether in 3D space when it is actually in 4D space. Naturally their experiment failed to find an aether – but it does exist.

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3D space is finite and always has one centre. 4D space is infinite and unbounded, thus it has no centre. Or, in another sense, 4D space has centres everywhere.

Dr Peter Plichta notes that 3D space is three dimensional to the power of three, and four dimensional space is four dimensional to the power of four.

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“A three-dimensional body - for instance a cube - has three axes at right angles to each other. This is therefore referred to as X-Y-Z axial geometry.

The four dimensional infinite space around a point does not possess a Z axis but only X2Y2 plane geometry.“ ………… Peter Plichta

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“When I multiply these two intersecting planes with each other, I am actually squaring something that is already squared, and the resultant units are to the power of 4 (cm2). From two dimensions we now have four.” …… Peter Plichta

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Hey I failed geometry, what are you trying to tell me?

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Plichta, in his book, ‘God’s Secret Formula’ uses the example of Plato’s mirror (two mirrors joined at 900) to illustrate that while we can see three images in this arrangement we can never touch any of them. When we try they always resolve to a point.

4D space is inaccessible to us by physical means.

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How then do we access 4D space and the Field of Consciousness?

Plichta tells us simply.

“The interface between the finity of observation and the infinite realm of the imagination is the human mind”.

This is what the Mystics have been telling us for thousands of years.

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Back in 1933 Sir Oliver Lodge explained quite cogently that matter is inert and does not have any energy of its own.

He said that all the energy is in the space that fills the considerable gaps between atoms. This aether energy is constantly vibrating at high frequencies and is incredibly dense.

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Sir Oliver Lodge said that:

“A field of force always exists in what we call vacuum or Aether, what the Ancients called 'void'; never does it exist in matter.“

“A magnetic field exists wholly in the Aether, iron filings are only used to demonstrate it and map it out. An electric, a gravitational, field is in the same predicament."

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“That Aether is a very substantial entity, far denser than any form of matter, has been gradually becoming clear to physicists. …Every cubic millimetre contains as much substance as what, if it were matter, we should call a thousand tons. Aether is of the order a million million times as dense as water.”

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You're losing me again.

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Sorry. The point is that atoms of matter are condensed out of a highly vibrating energy field. We can’t sense the aether by sight, touch, smell, etc, because it’s in 4D space. But we can perceive substance that is made up of atoms condensed from it.

The spooky part is that atoms aren’t solid, they’re more like the ripples made by a stick in a stream.

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When the frequency of the aether is lowered substantially we can then perceive what we call matter. Just as we don’t see ripples in a stream until a stick or a rock slows the flow at a point, so we don’t see matter until atoms condense out of the aether.

But what acts as a ‘stick’ to cause matter to manifest? Thought does.

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This is what Martinus meant by turquoise level entities having ‘culminating control’ over their reality. A person or other entity centred at the level of the throat Chakra (blue) has the power of mind over matter – the reality we perceive.

This requires an LOC between 600 and 700. Uri Geller is in this range.

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Quantum mechanics deals with how observers connect to the world they observe. As such it is crucial to our understanding of reality, and it will ultimately confirm or deny what has been previously outlined in this presentation.

So far, quantum mechanics is supporting everything said here about the nature of reality.

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The Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation (IQOQI) is a serious quantum mechanics research lab in Vienna.

Rather than theorising they’re conducting experiments to determine whether there is, as it seems, a physical reality. Or whether, instead, we create the world just by looking at it.

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Einstein once challenged the postulate that we create our own reality by observation with the question: “Do you really believe that the moon exists only when you look at it?”

However there’s a difference between the sort of group think consensus that goes on with physical reality and what happens at the subatomic level.

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We all perceive the Moon in the sky, no question, it’s ‘there’. But what about the particles that make up the atoms that comprise the Moon? Quantum theory tells us that when it comes to photons the act of observation affects reality. But is this true?

In 2006, at IQOQI, they performed an experiment with polarised light which indicated that, yes, it is true.

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Of course there might be an error in the experiment. But IQOQI is headed by Anton Zeilinger, a scientist with an impeccable record in quantum mechanics.

His work includes the first teleportation of light, the first quantum cryptography in a banking transaction, and entanglement of electron pairs over long distances through air.

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Anyway, the IQOQI team repeated the experiment with polarised light in 2007. They found that the results disproved the notion of a realistic subatomic world by 80 orders of magnitude.

It isn’t looking as if the world is as real as the Moon at the quantum level. There, it seems, observations and thoughts really do influence reality.

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The team at IQOQI have seen the implications of their work, they’re adding a philosopher to the project.

As one commentator put it: “The (Quantum) theory’s mathematics is simple enough to be taught to undergraduates, but the physical implications give rise to deep philosophical questions. …”

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But why should I think about this stuff? I’ve got plenty of problems as it is.

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We all need to think about the nature of reality and how we might be able to shape it for the better. The end of a Great Cycle in 2012 is approaching – it’s coming ready or not – and we have to think now.

If you are alive today the whole point of your present life has been to recognise and make the choice between STS and STO.

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STO is an attitude, it starts inside us, it comes to guide the way we think and act towards ‘other selves’ and the wider community of life.

As we practice STO our separation from the rest of our species diminishes and we naturally become calmer and centred at higher levels of consciousness.

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The Quickening is a time of increasing stress and difficulties. It is a test, we either succumb to the pressure and go crazy or we calm and centre our thoughts and adopt the principles of Love and Kindness.

Yes, this is easy to say but difficult to do in an STS world on the verge of a cataclysmic event, but it is the best approach by far.

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Simple kindness to one’s self and all that lives is the most powerful transformational force of all. It produces no backlash, has no downside, and never leads to loss or despair. It increases one’s own true power without exacting any toll. But to reach maximum power such kindness can permit no exceptions, nor can it be practiced with the expectation of some selfish reward.

… David R. Hawkins

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Rather than seeking to directly change the ingrained attitudes of those caught up in the STS ethos we should simply live as we were really meant to live – and so set an example for others to follow.

We should band together in light tribes and know that, if sufficient people will it, the future of humanity beyond 2012 can be unbelievably bright.

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We should not feel little or powerless in the face of the rampant STS ethos.

“Every thought, action, decision or feeling creates and eddy in the interlocking, interbalancing, evermoving energy field of life, leaving a permanent record for all of time.”

….. David R. Hawkins

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The End

Think on it all and remember

We are not alone

Lothar Viridis