september 2015 bbbs coaches corner

COACHES CORNER “TAKE FLIGHT “, BIG IMPACT EVENT WORKSHOP TEACHERS TOP TEN WISHES BIG IMPACT DINNER AND AWARDS SHARE THE LOVE FUNDRAISER SEPTEMBER MATCH ACTIVITY SEPTEMBER MATCH ACTIVITY—PHOTO SCAVENGER PHOTO SCAVENGER CRAFT ACTIVITY—BACK TO SCHOOL PENCIL TOPPERS DEAR MATCH COACH—LUNCH WITH FRIENDS? MATCH ANNIVERSARIES—SEPTEMBER WHITESIDE REPORT SOUTHERN REGION (MACOMB) UPDATE BIGS’ NIGHT OUT—FREIGHT HOUSE COMMUNITY CALENDAR V O L U M E 7 , I S S U E 9 S E P T E M B E R , 2 0 1 5 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: TAKE FLIGHT! TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20th The BBBS 2015 Big Impact Event will be offering a one-of-a-kind training opportunity for business professionals that helps them accomplish the following: Enhance effecve collaboraon within the workplace. Build ownership of plans that are developed. Gain a beer understanding of the “interconnectedness” of various roles within an organizaon. Create greater individual and team accountability. Idenfy obstacles that hinder plan implementaon. Manage me and “task saturaon”. Adapt to emergent change in the marketplace. Tap into organizaonal resources to improve knowledge and experience. Develop a culture of connuous improvement. Learn about the importance of mentoring in the workplace and in life. The four-hour, “Take Flight” workshop on Tuesday, October 20th will be conducted by an elite, execuve training organizaon called Aſterburner, Inc. Aſterburner speakers and trainers are former jet fighter pilots who have been taught goal seng and implementaon of goals through a model called “Flawless Execuon”. Their unique perspecve helps business professionals truly understand the importance of creang a solid plan and working it while adapng to fast-paced change. Aſterburner has trained more than 1.5 million business professionals and have earned a 9.1 (out of 10) rang over 19 years of training. Eighty-five percent of their client list is in the Fortune 50 list. Opportunies for training like this don’t come along very oſten. Area businesses support one-to-one youth mentoring programs with their donaons and sponsorship support. BBBS wanted to find a way to further connect with area businesses and strengthen their relaonship. Aſter meeng with prospecve sponsors, BBBS began its search for just the right speakers who could offer business professionals a very unique and effecve training session. This is when BBBS connected with Aſterburner. If you, or the company you work for, think you could benefit from a training experience with Aſterburner, then watch for more informaon on the BBBS website, REGISTER TODAY! TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20 (iWireless Center, Moline) 12:30 p.m. registraon, 1 –5 p.m. training and CEO mentor panel 5—6 p.m. “Meet and Greet” (with trainers and CEOs) You are also welcome to aend the 2015 Big Impact Dinner and Awards 6—8 p.m. iWireless Center, Moline, IL featuring keynote speaker, Maj. General Kevin O’Connell Commanding General, U.S. Army Sustainment Command and Rock Island Arsenal Presented by: Supported by:

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TAKE FLIGHT! TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20th The BBBS 2015 Big Impact Event will be offering a one-of-a-kind training opportunity for business professionals that helps them accomplish the following:

Enhance effective collaboration within the workplace.

Build ownership of plans that are developed.

Gain a better understanding of the “interconnectedness” of various roles within an organization.

Create greater individual and team accountability.

Identify obstacles that hinder plan implementation.

Manage time and “task saturation”.

Adapt to emergent change in the marketplace.

Tap into organizational resources to improve knowledge and experience.

Develop a culture of continuous improvement.

Learn about the importance of mentoring in the workplace and in life.

The four-hour, “Take Flight” workshop on Tuesday, October 20th will be conducted by an elite, executive training organization called Afterburner, Inc. Afterburner speakers and trainers are former jet fighter pilots who have been taught goal setting and implementation of goals through a model called “Flawless Execution”. Their unique perspective helps business professionals truly understand the importance of creating a solid plan and working it while adapting to fast-paced change. Afterburner has trained more than 1.5 million business professionals and have earned a 9.1 (out of 10) rating over 19 years of training. Eighty-five percent of their client list is in the Fortune 50 list. Opportunities for training like this don’t come along very often. Area businesses support one-to-one youth mentoring programs with

their donations and sponsorship support. BBBS wanted to find a way to further connect with area businesses and strengthen their relationship. After meeting with prospective sponsors, BBBS began its search for just the right speakers who could offer business professionals a very unique and effective training session. This is when BBBS connected with Afterburner. If you, or the company you work for, think you could benefit from a training experience with Afterburner, then watch for more information on the BBBS website,


TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20 (iWireless Center, Moline)

12:30 p.m. registration, 1 –5 p.m. training and CEO mentor panel

5—6 p.m. “Meet and Greet” (with trainers and CEOs)

You are also welcome to attend the

2015 Big Impact Dinner and Awards 6—8 p.m. iWireless Center, Moline, IL

featuring keynote speaker, Maj. General Kevin O’Connell Commanding General, U.S. Army Sustainment Command and Rock Island Arsenal

Presented by:

Supported by:

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As a new school year begins, everyone wants to ensure students start on the right foot. The Parent Teacher Association surveyed teachers and compiled the following list of the top ten things teachers wish parents would do to help students be successful.

1. Establish a daily family routine, including healthy eating and sleeping habits.

2. Build children’s self-esteem by expressing interest in their schoolwork and affirming their worth through positive messages.

3. Communicate openly with the school and contact the school when they are aware of issues concerning their children’s school success.

4. Check on homework regularly and ask questions about their children’s work.

5. Read or talk with their children. Connect everyday experiences to what is being taught in school.

6. Express high but realistic expectations for their child.

7. Use community learning opportunities. Expose their children to the library, museums, the theater, concerts, etc.

8. Encourage children to join clubs, scouts, after-school sports or fine arts, and other community programs. 9. Monitor out-of-school activities and set expectations for appropriate behavior. Model learning at home by playing games, reading newspapers or magazines, and discussing current events. Although this list is directed at parents, mentors also play an important role in achieving these goals. Mentors may not realize the impact the time they spend with their Littles can have on academic success. Many of the suggestions on this list are already being done by our mentors. Check in with your Little’s new teacher and let them know what you and your Little have been doing in your match. Ask if the teacher has any suggestions for experiences they think could benefit your Little. The extra support you offer will make a BIG difference.



BIG IMPACT AWARDS DINNER HONORS VOLUNTEERS Nominations are coming in for the Big Impact Awards which will be held Tuesday, October 20th at the iWireless Center in Moline, IL. Registration opens at 5 p.m. with a “Meet and Greet” featuring Patrick Houlalan, from Afterburner, Inc. (trainer from the afternoon “Take Flight” Workshop). In addition, the CEOs of our four presenting sponsors will be on hand, as will our keynote speaker, Major General Kevin O’Connell, Commanding General, U.S. Army Sustainment Command and Rock Island Arsenal. After the “Meet and Greet” we will be seated for dinner at 6 p.m. Our keynote address will be at 6:30, with the Big Impact Awards beginning at 7 p.m. Please come and join us as we honor our adult-mentor volunteers, all-around volunteer and supporting companies.

“TAKE FLIGHT” Big Impact Dinner / Awards

Pricing: Current Big: $35.00 per person 1-2 guests $50.00 per person 3-6 guests $45.00 per person 7+ guests $40.00 per person

All proceeds go to support BBBS one-to-one mentoring programs.

To Register:

or call 563-323-8006

Presented by: Supported by:

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SHARE THE LOVE FUNDRAISER Vote for local businesses and BBBS receives $5.00 for each voter!

BBBS unique code: Locals Love Us is offering a unique fundraising method, that could really help BBBS as we help Locals Love Us increase their voting participation! In addition, as you are voting, make sure you vote for Big Brothers Big Sisters under the Community Services category! Every person who logs in using the BBBS unique code (above), registers and then votes in a minimum of 30 of the 200 categories and completes a simple phone verification process, Locals Love Us will donate $5.00 to Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Don’t forget to cast your vote for Big Brothers Big Sisters in the charitable / community services category!

Step 1. Plug into your browser. (This connects your voting to BBBS receiving the $5 donation.) Step 2. Vote in a minimum of 30 categories (a category is under a “section”). Step 3. Complete a simple phone verification process. The whole process should take about 10-15 minutes.


Help us find Bigs for our Littles!Help us find Bigs for our Littles! If you are a current Big Brother or Big Sister all you need to do is recruit ONE

co-worker, church member, friend or family member to become a Big this year.

Ask you friend to call 563-323-8006 or go to and click on volunteer.

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To register for a Match Activity contact Jaime at 563-323-8006 or email [email protected]

CRAFT ACTIVITY—BACK TO SCHOOL PENCIL TOPPERS It’s that time of year again, yep school has started. What better idea than add-ing some fun pencil toppers to spice up your Little’s back to school gear?! You will need: pencils crafting fur (9”-12”) any color glue gun googly eyes

DIRECTIONS: 1-Cut fur into 1.5 inches long and 2 inches wide. 2- Use hot glue gun to glue along the side and bottom on the inside of the fur. 3- Then place your pencil on one side of the fur with the glue and roll it over the fur to cover the top in fur. NOTE: put the pencil just below where the eraser is so that the kids can still use the eraser on the pencil if needed. 4- Using your glue gun, place googly eyes onto fur.

Join us for an adventure-filled afternoon on a scavenger hunt through the city of Davenport.

Each team will use a digital camera to document as many items, landmarks and wacky activities

as possible.

We guarantee it will be FUN! Wrap up the hunt at the BBBS office while we check out our photos on the big screen and pig

out at our “Build Your Own Sundae” ice-cream bar.

(Each match is asked to bring a sundae topping.)

Please RSVP by Wednesday, September 23rd

to Jaime at [email protected]

Saturday, September 26th 1:00-4:00 pm

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Little’s First Name

Big’s First Name

Big’s Last Name

Years Matched

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Help us find adult mentor volunteers!

If you know a co-worker, church member, friend or

family member who

would make a good mentor, please refer

them to us! or call 563-323-8006

David Joel Purcell 6

Terrionna Sue Cruchelow 4

Mark Kevin Wellman 3

Patience Jane Bahls 2

Savion Aaron Call 1

Kaden Brian Schoon 1

Cameron Austyn McGonigle 1

Elijah Jefferson /Stephanie Caddy 1

Camille Jadyn Derr 1

Alexis Georgene Zust 1

Aaron Jesse Easley 1

Congratulations Matches!

QUESTION: What should I do if my Little asks to bring a friend to lunch?

Dear Volunteer, As match coaches, we hear this issue come up quite often. There are many Littles in our program who want their friends to tag along, because let’s be honest, having a School-Based Big is pretty awesome and they want to share you with all of their friends. At BBBS, we ask that the time spent with your Little be one-to-one. We understand it isn’t always easy to say “no” to your Little when he or she is asking to bring a friend. You can start by explaining to your mentee that you really would like to spend lunch with just the two of you. If your Little joined the BBBS program seeking more self confidence in peer interactions, don’t axe this idea completely. Talk with them about how every once in a while bringing a friend would be okay. Allowing your Little to bring a friend may be helping to create more social interactions with their peers.

However, for those Littles who have no issues making friends, or being social with others, allowing them to bring friends may take away from the one-to-one relationship you are trying to create with

your Little. If your Little insists, maybe set a special day every couple months that he or she may bring a friend to join you both for lunch. Just remember, this is not what our program is meant for, we strive to create strong and enduring, professionally supported 1-to-1 relationships. As always, please do not hesitate to

talk with your match coach about this

issue. As match coaches we are happy

to talk with your Little about this

situation. You don’t have to feel

uncomfortable addressing it on your

own. We are here to help and support your match in any way we can.


Jaime Keller at [email protected]


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WHITESIDE COUNTY SEPTEMBER UPDATE Featured Match of the Month Bianca and Gloria Bianca and Gloria are celebrating a 4 year Match Anniversary this month for their Community Based match, although they have been matched for nearly 6 years! Bianca and Gloria enjoy baking and trying out new recipes together. They also make some of the best peanut clusters, some of which they donated to the BBBS Whiteside Yard Sale. Congratulations Bianca and Gloria! Things to do with your Little Rock Falls: Rock Falls Farmers Market All new Farmer's Market! With over 20+ vendors, everyone is sure to find what they are looking for. Produce, crafts, art, home based businesses, and more! Opens May 16th and goes through October. 400 W 2nd St, Rock Falls. Wednesdays 8am-11am; Fridays 3pm-7pm; Saturdays 8am-1pm Firehouse Museum The museum is located at 403 W. 2nd St. in Rock Falls. It will be open for tours each Saturday through October from 10:00 am-2:00 PM. Come out and see the newest additions to the museum including two Sterling Fire Engines! Admission is free! Carson and Barnes Circus Wednesday, Sept. 2, 2015, Gieson Motorsports, 800 East Rock Falls Road, Rock Falls. Show times run at 4:30pm and 6:30pm. Advanced ticket cost are $6 for children and $12 for adults. Tickets can be purchased prior to the event at all Shell Gas Stations in Dixon, Sterling and Rock Falls. For more information, contact 815.625.4500 Bridge the Community Saturday, Sept. 12, 2015 Bridge the Community is the only event in the Sauk Valley Area which features a 5K and 10K option, with courses that take you along the beautiful Rock River in both Sterling and Rock Falls, Illinois – crossing the river twice! The event kicks off with a Kids’ Bridge Dash at 8:30 a.m. with a fun run across the 1st Avenue Bridge. The 5 & 10K takes off at 9:00 a.m. beginning on E. 2nd Street along the Rock Falls riverfront. Make it a day to Bridge the Community! Visit our website at for more information. Twin Cities Annual Fiesta Days Saturday, Sept. 12, 2015 Twin Cities Annual Parade that steps off at noon. This 60+ year old tradition in the Sauk Valley crosses the bridge through both communities with a day full of festivities, food and family!

Sterling 2015 Taste of Fiesta This year's 4th annual family festival "Taste of Fiesta" will be held September 19th at the Grandon Civic Center in Sterling from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm. This event will feature numerous food vendors, diverse entertainment and ethnic demonstrations of art and dance. This event is brought to you by the Taste of Fiesta, Inc. a not for profit organization. Twin Cities Farmers Market Your source for locally produced meat, poultry, eggs, produce, baked goods, crafts and more! The Farmers Market is open year around, 8am until 12 pm every Saturday morning; located in the historic Twin City Produce Building, 106 Avenue A in Downtown Sterling, Illinois. What’s Happening at the Whiteside Office Our Yard Sale was a success! We were able to raise over $250 for Match Activities! Thank you so much to everyone who donated items or baked goods as well as those who came and shopped! Something to Try with Your Little Geometric Fall Leaf Art The colors are just starting to change, but you and your Little can use your imagination and make some beautiful leaf art of your own!








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SUMMER OF SERVICE AT THE MACOMB OFFICE BBBS hopes everyone had a wonderful summer! We sure did, and it’s time to share the good news. WEEKEND LUNCHES, ALL SUMMER Something magical happened in Macomb this summer. During the school year the “Backpack Program” provides kids in need with foodstuffs for the weekends. There was no such program in the summers, but the need was identified and the community went into action. Through a coordinated effort, 9 groups in Macomb volunteered to make sack lunches, available to any kid needing them, for each of the 11 weekends of the summer. These groups of community-servants provided sandwiches, fresh fruit (often it was the group itself that paid for the fruits), and snacks, all wrapped neatly in a take-home bag, for a total of 56 kids all summer long. At first the kids were all BBBS, but word spread and a good number of non-BBBS kids signed up. (We’re currently working to bring some or all of those kids into the program, too.) Every Friday when BBBS brought the materials to the workspace, we were met by a crowd of smiling volunteers, excited for the opportunity to help kids in need, proud to be part of such a noble endeavor. A community is a living, breathing organism, made up of people who come together in moments of joy and sadness to support each other. Macomb stepping up to feed the children makes BBBS’ heart swell with pride. Here are the 9 groups that gave of themselves for the greater good:

SCHOOL SUPPLIES Wesley United Methodist Church is full of great people; three times this summer they came together to make weekend sack-lunches for our kids (and some kids not in the program). They enjoyed helping, and we were very glad to have their help. One of those great people was Kim Lampitt, former Director of the

Macomb office, and she asked how Wesley could continue supporting BBBS kids. Well, yesterday some folks from Wesley showed up with a mountain of school supplies for our families most in need, which the Wesley congregation bought and collected, all out of the goodness of their hearts. BBBS could not be any more grateful. SAVE THE DATE The 2015 Bowl for Kids’ Sake event will be on Saturday 7 November, at Digger’s College City Bowl. We are working hard to make this year’s the best BFKS sake Macomb has ever seen. Give us a call to volunteer or to register your team. Be there for Macomb’s only bowling event to benefit local kids!





To inquire about becoming a Big in

Macomb call Pete at 309-837-5437

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Devona and her Little Brianna recently

transitioned to the community-based program

just before school got out for summer. They

have done a lot of fun activities together like

going on picnics, watching movies, and cooking.

One of their most recent activities was going

shopping for school supplies. Thanks to Devona’s

workplace they donated $150 for Brianna to

spend so she can get ready to go back to school.

They had fun shopping for supplies together and

getting Brianna’s school year off to a good start!

Thank you to Walcott Trust & Savings Bank for

the support you give to our Littles in the



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REGISTER FOR BIGS’ NIGHT OUT BY SEPT. 11TH to Kayla at [email protected]

Tuesday, September 15 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Freight House, Davenport

Join BBBS staff for a fun evening of appetizers, networking and jams! Big Brother and guitarist from “Just Chords”,

Ryan Goettsch, will serenade us with some great tunes while we enjoy an evening along the riverfront!

Bring a friend to be entered into a drawing for a PRIZE!

Sponsored by:

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1 2 3 4 5 Pontiac Fiero Car Show

Pow Wow Rock Island Grand Prix

6 Pow Wow Rock Island Grand Prix Pioneer village

7 Pow Wow

Pioneer Village Rock Island Parade

East Moline Parade k Club




11 12 Heritage Tractor

Parade and Show Beaux Arts Fair

13 14 15 16 17 18 Celtic Highland Games

Autumn Fest

19 Celtic Highland Games

Kids Craft Day

20 21

22 23

24 Pinterest Party 25 QC Balloon Festival

26 QC Balloon Festival

Ghost Tales Pumpkin Fest


27 QC Balloon Fest

Pumpkin Fest Vintage Rods Car Show Harvest Moon


29 30

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BIGS’ NIGHT OUT The Freight House

Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Figge- September 1- 20 has FREE admission including LIVE UNCOMMON events at the Plaza at 225 West Second Street in Davenport until September 20. Pontiac Fiero Car Show- September 5 at 10 AM to 4:00 PM. at the Village of East Davenport at 2107 East 11th Street in Davenport. See Labor Day Weekend Pow Wow- September 5-7 at 10:00 AM-10:00 PM at Black Hawk State Historic Site at 1510 46th Avenue in Rock Island to celebrate the Sauk tribe and the Meskwaki tribe return this area. Enjoy traditional dances, authentic food, and more. Please bring lawn chairs and blankets. Donation accepted in lieu of admission fees. Call 309-644-1666 for more information. Rock Island Grand Prix- September 5-6 starting with practices 8:00 AM and around 12:00 PM qualifying heat races start on Saturday and over by 5:00 PM usually and then Sunday practice starts at 8:00 and the actual race is around 11:00 and over usually at 5:00 PM in downtown Rock Island. If possible, the Kids Zone will be by Fort Armstrong to the Post Office. FREE admission but cost if in the pit! Call 309.292.8133 for more information. Pioneer Village Labor Day Celebration-September 6-7 at 11:00 AM -5:00 PM at Walnut Grove Pioneer Village at 18817 290th Street in Long Grove will have volunteers dressed in pioneer style clothes demonstrate crafts & sell their items. There will be food vendors, ice cream and pie in the soda fountain, children’s games and crafts, music too. Price is adults $2 and kids $1. Call 563-328-3283 for more information. The 31st Annual Rock Island Labor Day Parade- September 7 the parade starts promptly at 9:30 AM and travels west along 18th Avenue, turns south at 24th Street, then west on 25th Avenue. FREE! East Moline Labor Day Parade- September 7 at downtown East Moline at 11:00 AM and ends at 1:00 PM. The route is 12th street to 15th Avenue then 3rd Street to 12th Avenue. FREE! Call 309-738-6536 for more information. QCA Heritage Tractor Parade & Show- September 12 from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM at John Deere Pavilion at 1400 River Drive in Moline. The parade is at 10:00 AM and is followed by a tractor show. Admission to both is FREE. Call 309-765-1000 for more information. Beaux Arts Fair- September 12-13 on Saturday at 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM and Sunday at 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM at Figge Art Museum Plaza at 225 W. 2nd Street in Davenport for the Beaux Fair. Artist will display painting, jewelry, pottery, woodworking, metal sculpture, stained glass, photography and more. A children's art project area will be available. Food vendors will be there. Parking and admission are FREE both days. See for more information. Celtic Highland Games- September 18-19 at Centennial Park at 315 S Marquette St in Davenport starting Friday from 3:00 PM-9:00 PM and on Saturday from 9:00 AM

-9:00 PM. This 2 day festival celebrates the culture of the Celtic lands. Enjoy Scottish games, music, step dancing, ethnic food, Highland Dance Competition, Irish Dance Demonstration, Bagpipes, Sheep Herding, Medieval Combat Society, Bonnie Knees Contest, Celtic Princess Contest, and Quad City Strongman Demonstration. FREE Admission. See for schedule. Autumn Fest- September 18 at 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM at DeWitt’s Lincoln Park Area. Most of the night’s activities are FREE. Autumn Fest has a variety of children’s activities, car show, food vendors and live music. Free Kid's Craft Day- September 19th from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the John Deere Pavilion at 1400 River Dr. in downtown Moline. They are hosting a FREE crafts activity just for kids. Also you will receive “Be a Tourist” coupon to receive 15% off your purchase at their John Deere Store. Call (309) 765-1000 for more information. Pinterest Party- September 24 at 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM at the Rock Island Library Branch at 3059 30th Street for a Pinterest craft parties on the last Thursday of each month. Come create a decorative leaf jar. FREE and all materials are supplied. Registration is required and to register call (309) 732-7323. Quad Cities Balloon Festival- September 25-27 starting with balloon launch at 5:00 PM at Rock Island County Fairgrounds at 4200 Archer Drive in East Moline with weather permitting. Admission is FREE to attend but a donation of non-perishable food items is appreciated. There will be food vendors and Fun Kids Area. Go for the schedule. Ghost Tales at the House- September 26 at 2:00 PM-5:00 PM at The Colonel Davenport house is located on the north side of Arsenal Island in Rock Island. Call (309) 786-7336 or visit for more information. Pumpkin Festival- September 26 & 27 from10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. at 3501 207th St. North in Port Byron (close to East Moline). Admission is FREE. There will be Zip Line Rides, Panning for Gems, Hay Rack Transportation, Haunted Attraction, Pony Rides, Inflatable Games, Crafts, Contest with Prizes, Hay Rack Ride & Haunted Corn Maze. Grandparents get a Free Hay Rack Ride & Haunted Corn Maze. For more information, call 309-523-3619 Quad-City's Vintage Rods Car Show- September 27 at 9:00 AM-noon at Black Hawk College at 6600 34th Avenue in Moline. There will be door prizes, awards, 50/50, DJ music and more. Price of admission is $2.00 Harvest Moon Song & Dance Fest- September 27 from noon-5:00 PM at Walnut Grove Pioneer Village at 18817 290th Street in Long Grove. Enjoy 100 years of country music and dance in the outdoor amphitheater. Adults $6.00, Kids $3.00, under 5 FREE. Call 563-328-3283 for more information.


Ringling Brothers & Barnum & Bailey Circus iWireless Center