selden news items - nys historic...

SELDEN NEWS ITEMS --i- a llctir. . Ti- I . SoliK r, . 'JT«;.J W1 si 'Viii > -v i -" N ' - l ' N -^ "WAIN* * M' .i.DrA S"I IJ)ENTS , PARENTS Accompanying him<elt on his '•¦ -"'Ciu- . William U..p. . im . ; j,- „„k!,aveu folk singer , entertained ihe students and many „{ their parents at Selden scno.-l last Friday a ' .iiM'tw wi in a pro- gra m ol folk songs ranging- f,-,,,,, the s i x t e e nt h century to the present time. Arthur Kozlik , princi pal , introduced the guest artist win opened the pi- u- gram with a simpie one phrase seng. Pretty Little (iirl With the U,-«i lJre . ss tin , - w ith which he pointed mi! the elemental c h a r a c t e r is t i c o- foik songs. "This song doesn ' t .seem to ;sa V niuch , he said , "hut it reallv says a great deal. S n i n v mo liked ilia- , " girl with the red dress on , so | l0 : at down and sung about it. I iking each other and letting each ulier know about it is one of the ivally nnportan*. things in living for ail .f ns. " He went on to show lunv peop le have always sung to lighten their labors , the wood chopper to the rhythm of his axe in "Lookv Lookv * l. -nder , " .]„. ^u-.-l driller in "Take this Hammer " and the s h a n ty m a n hurling bis wei ght against the ele- ments in "Cape Cod Boys." With the tale of his troubles in trying to teed his own baby during the "tood in th.- hair . -taue , " Mr. Bonyun struck a common u'- ouinl with the children who f.'d tiler, own bab y brothers and si. -tei- -. They rocked with laugh- ter both at tlie descri ption and the . -i'i:g "(loin Paul , " wbicii the singer had made up to linaily charm his in- fant into taking food without a struggle. Exp laining how ancient minstrels , "the newspapermen of Elizabethan times , " carried news from town to town with ballads of momentous events , Mr. Bonyun rounded off the program with the illustrative ballads: "High Barbarce , " "The Fox " and "The Erie Canal , " all of which were well received. Littl e I ngr id Schultz e , d a u g hter of Mr. and Mrs. Heinz, Schultze of Ever- green drive celebrated her sixth birthday last Thursday with a party given by her mother for the chil- dren of her class and her teach er , Mrs. Ruth Hawkins, at thc school. R ef res hment s of ic e cream and cake were served. M r. and Mrs. Louis Duke of the Midd l e Country road entertained Mr. and Mrs. Richard Henry at cards last Thursday evening. Cards have been received from Mr- . Clarence Anderson and Mrs. Mattie Means who are vacationing in Miami , Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Lucas , Sr. , oi Forest Hills spent the weekend at their bungalow on Hollywood ave- nue. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Heinz Schultze of Evergreen drive last Fri- day i veiling were Mr. and Mrs . Jack Harrington and son , John. Mr. and Mrs. Chris McGinn of Flatbush spent Sunday at their bun- galow on Hemlock street. M r. and Mrs. Lucien Grignon and son , Joseph of Bellerose Manor , spent the weekend at their bungalow on Adirondack drive. Mi. and Mrs. Guy Grignon and bab y, Larry of Be lie rose Manor spent th e weekend at the home of the let- ter ' s parents , Mr. a nd Mrs. Leslie H ough of the Middle Country road. M rs. Thomas Williams of the Blue Point road celebrated her eighty- seventh birthday. Willard Hough is enjoying- a week' s vacation from nis duties al Brookhaven National laboratory. Dinn er guests of Mr. and ' Mr s. Lo uis Du k e of the M i ddle Country road on Friday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Lucas, Sr., of For- est Hills and Selden. Mrs . Will ard Hough was guest of h ono r at a st o rk sh ower g i ven at the home of her sister, M rs. Anne Bello of Coram , by Mrs. James Harring- ton , J r., Saturday evening. The rooms were prettily decorated with pink and blue crepe paper and crepe paper umbrellas, which were given as favor. - - . A lar ge stork guarded the gifts. The giiest-of-honor . -at under a large decorated umbrella. Guests were Mrs. Marie Ruppola , Mrs. Les- lie Hough , Mrs. Clarence Dare , Mr s. Wendell Still , Mis s Lucille St i ll , Mrs. Guy Grignon, M rs. Jerome Ruppola , Mrs. Jean Ruppola , Mr s. Thomas Ru pp ola , Mr s. Alan Burke , Mrs. Ther es a Webe r , Mr s. Leonora Ten- an t) , Mr s. James Harrington , Sr., Mrs. James Harrington , Jr., Mrs . Lillian Brunqucll , Mrs. Anne Bruno , Mrs. Jose phine Femia , Mrs. Lena Feriiia , Mrs. J ohn Harrington , Mrs. Bett y Flor , Mrs. Y vonne Grignon , M rs. Teresa Ditges, Mr s. Mary Chui- satio , Mrs. Bcttina Cicenia , Mrs. M ar ie Bell o, Mrs. Caterini Ippolito , Mr s. Florence Holz and Mrs. Richard He nry. Delicious refreshments were ser ved , includin g a lar ge decorated cake. Recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Henr y of the Middle Count ry road were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mussel! of Hem pstead. The r e wa s a l ar ge gatherin g at the social ni ght held by Selden Post , Amer ican Legion , at Bob' s Brass Ra il. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zis , newly- weds of West Haven , Conn., were serenaded by the band. The special award was made to Mrs . Barker and a t abl e radi o wa s aw ard ed to Mrs. William Stude. These social evenings will be held the last Satur- day evening of each month. Gu ests of Mr. and M rs. Heinz Schultze of Evergreen drive on Sun- d ay were the Re v . and Mrs . L. Cuban a nd sons of Port Jeffer son St a tion , and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pennisc of Hillside. The Rev. Frederick Williams gave his farewell . message to the congre- gation of th e Selden Com muni t y church on February 27. A new choir of twelve voices, under the guidan ce of Mrs. Foster Lohnes at the or gan , r end ered the h y mnn ' 'I Am With Th ee. " A purse was presented to the Rev . Mr. Williams. A h ome-coming and birthday party was tendered to Mr. and Mrs. J. Logan Dare at their home on Middle Country road Monday night , in hon- or of the return of Mr. Dare from the French hospital in New York and Mrs . Da r e' s birthday. Guests were her son-in-law and daughter , Mr. and Mrs. Da niel S eal ey and son , Des of Frceport; Mr. and Mrs . Clarence Da re , Mrs. Wendell Still and daugh- ters , May belle and Lucille , and Steve Mariniizzi. Mrs. Cornelius Ferguson and Karl Olson of .Selden; M rs. Arden Terry, Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Stewart and son , Earl , and daughter. Marian , and Mr. and Mrs. Willra m Wentisch of Farmingville. Mrs . Ott<> Timsries of Middle Country road celebrated her birth- day last Wednesday. Guests were Mrs. Anna Cich of Brooklyn , M rs. Annie Conner and daughter, Eliza- b eth , Mrs. Heinz Sclufitze and daugh- ter , Ingrid, and Joan and John Peter Cich of Selden. Delicious refresh- ments were served and Mrs. Timsries received many lovely gifts. Sunday guests of Mrs. Timsries were Mrs. A n t o i n e t te Ruthof and daughter, Mr s. Elsie O'Neill of Corona , Mrs. W. Stitch and Mrs. Wagenknecht of Jackson Heights. Mr. and Mrs . Daniel Sealey and .son , Dez of Freeport , spent the week- end at the home of Mrs. Sealey ' s par- ents , Mr. and Mrs. J. Logan Dan. ' . The boys of the Selden 4-H Wild- cats have a display of their wor k in the widow of Nanna ' s Delicatessen store. At the last meeting it was decided to attend a demonstration meeting Sunday. Charles Heiimau of Brooklyn is spending .some time at bis bungalow on Iiighview drive . Hi s guests re- cently were Mr. and Mrs. George Pause and family. J. Logan Dare has returned to his home on the Middle Country road fr om the French hospital in New Yo rk , wh e re he was conf ined f o r three weeks following an operation. Mrs. Ver gil Hervey of Map lewood av enu e left l a st week f or Mia m i , where she will spend several weeks. D i etrich Lut je ns of th e Mid d l e Country road celebrated his 74th birthda y February 25. M r. and Mrs. William Haspel , Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. William Haspel , Jr. and son, Billie and dau ghte r , Jean, returned to their home on Adiron- dack drive recentl y afte r spending a month in Miami , Fl a. Mr. and Mrs . Richard H enry of the Middle Country road were recent dinner guest s o f their dau ghter , M i's . J oseph Kucera of Sayville. Hi gh .score rs at the silver tea held in th e firehouse February 24 for the b e nefi t of the Lad i es ' Gu i ld of t he Community ch u rc h were Mrs. Jules Ar n dt , Mr s. Louis Duke , Mrs. Wil- lia m Thede , Mrs . Willi am Fiegc , Mis. Clarence Keefe r and Mrs . J. Phillips. The dark horse was awarded to Mrs. Josephine Phillips of Centereach. W alter Ormsby presided at the re- cent meeting of the Brookhaven Town school Board s at Selden school; A liulfe t. supper was served by the members of the Parent-Teacher as- sociation. Those on the committee were Mrs. Jules Arndt , chairman; .Mrs. Sa l Is a b e lla , Mrs. Phili p Holz , M rs. R ob ert Lu cas , Mrs. Otis Leo Smith , Mrs . J oseph Martin and Mrs. Hciiis- Schultze. Recent dinner guests of Mr. and . Air. - . George lli'iin<piell of Evcrgi ee,: drive were Mrs. Frank Brunqucll and ,,i . 1, 1, 'ii. - . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reino an d Ja c k Bath all o f Ma. ncth. CENTEREACH and LAKE GROVE M/s. Wesley Hallock. Tel. Konk. St39 •UNCLE WIN' Rl'ELK K TO HOLD SERVI CE I \ LAKE G R O VE " Uncle W i n " Ruelke , director of the child Evangelism Fellowship ot Jamai ca, will hold a children ' s serv- ice this Sunday at ;! p. ni. in the New- Village Congregational church. Sunday school children here will take special pa rt by singing, recit- ing verses of Scripture, etc., w hich will be recorded. On Stindav , March 27 , at 7 p. m., this service will be broadcast over Station WINS. All parents and friends are invited to attend this special service this Sun- da y. Mrs. Pauline Cullen and Mrs. Ethel Smith attended a Home Bureau lead- er ' s lesson Tuesday in East North- port. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Newton are parents of a daughter, Jean Nanette, born recently at Mather Memorial hospital, Port Je fferson. Mrs. Hollis Terry of Oceanside has been spending some time with Mrs. Ed win Overton. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Overton of the National Bible institute of New Y ork city spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs . Percy Overton . Miss Dorothy Conkel entertained at her home in honor of her birthday and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Newton ' s wed- ding anniversary last Thursd ay night. Guests present were the Rev . Cha rles Furman, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Newton , Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Raynor , Mr. and Mrs. Howard Furman and fami- ly and Mrs. Wesley Hallock , Sr. Miss Bernice Overton has returned t o the Pro v iden ce Bi ble i n stitute , Pr ov iden ce, R. L, .after a week's va- cation at her home here. J a ck Chri s te n se n , who is a student at the Pr ov idence Bibl e inst i tute , gave a brief message at the Congre- gational church last Sunday night. Gr ace Furma n cel e brated h e r ninth birthday by entertaining 15 of her little friends a t her h o me Saturday afternoon. Those present w ere Irene Lad d , Faylene Olson , Viola Odenwald, Sall y St ohr , Connie Stohr , Barbara Neill , Denise Barnett , Janet Burr , Martha Riccard i , Di anne Burr , J eannie Sea m an , J ea nette Schorf , Lavinia Furman and Rose Ann Fitz- gerald. Thc Wednesday night prayer- meet- in g of the Con g regati on a l church wa s held thi s week at the home of Mr. and Mr s. Sidnev Williams of Elliott a venue. The local Home Bureau will meet at the h ome of Mrs. Alvin Smith next Tuesday. A lesson will be given on sewing plastics by Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Paulino Cullen. Mrs . Jerome A. Stiydam of Wood- bury has returned home after spend- in g some tim e with h e r sister , Mrs. Wesley Hallock. Tt-s Callan, Tel. Konk. 3327 Mr. and Mrs. William Zsemberry are parents of a daughter, bo r n March 3 at Mather Memorial hos- p ital , Port Jefferson. Mrs . Zsem- berry is the daughter of Mr. and Mis. William Groben. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wetsell an- nounce thc arrival of a daughter, born March (> at the Southside hos- pital , Bay Sh ore. Mrs. Margret Montgomery, Mr s. Florence Dufiicld , Mrs. Gert rude For- ro and Mrs . Marie Brandt of the Tor- dik-D iederich-Duflield Post a u x i l ia r y a t tended a depa rtment meetin g a nd dinner i n honor of the national presi- dent at the Statler hotel , Ne w Y o rk city last Saturday. Bill y Bishop celebrated his fourth birt hday Monday. The table was beautifullv decorated and a large cake with four candles was the center of attraction. Billy received many gifts. Th ose attending were Mrs. Bertha De l k a a n d gr andsons , Bonnie , Hal an d David Schnieder , Mrs. A rmond Georgic and son , A r mond , Jr., and twin daughters , L orraine and Bar- bara , M rs. William Siegrist and son , William , Miss Carol Peco rek , Nor- man and R i ch ar d B r iss o n , Mrs. J. Campbell and Mrs . Paul Siegrist. Mrs. Margret Montgomery will h old a brush party at her home Wed- nesday. Mr s. Rita Callan was given a .sur- p rise baby shower Monday afternoon. Am ong the ladies present were Mrs. Elsie Jac ob so n , M rs. Edith Anderson , M rs. Marie Tordik , Mrs. Roberta Bishop, Mrs. Jennie Siegrist , Mr s. Florence English , Mrs . Eileen M aier and Mrs. R uth Ulrich. Miss Frances Falkman celebrated hur birthda y last Sunda y with a party at her home. Among those p resent wore the Misses Jean Mollcr , Emily Schanib, Virginia Sager , Lil- lian Bushmaun, Helen Wa l s h , Eileen Smith , Ruth Schmaltz, Pat Ca ld e ra Elvira Falk ma mi; also Richard Wright , Phil St ohr , Ch arles Stein- man , Robert Bingay, all of Center- eac h; Do ri s Cushman , Dorothy Per- kins , In gr id Butler , Jerry Alfano , R o ber t Porkins , Fr ank Di p tole , Alex Kozikovvski , H enry Weatherby, all of Port Jefferson. Miss Ingrid Butler spent the weekend with Miss Falk- man. Trie meeting of the 4-H Happy-Go- Lucky Girls will be held Wednesday ni ght instead of Thursday. Mr. and M rs. Larry Ferguson and son returned this week after a ten- day tri p to Mississippi where Mr. Ferguson visited his parents. Harry Johnson celebrated his eighty-first birthday recently. Tordik-f'iedoriek-DufTield post and auxiliary met hist Wednesday night Nominations for officer*' were held, At th e next meeting, Mar ch 16, the a nnua l e l ecti o n of officers will t a ke place. JOSEPH A. WEBER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Hawkins Ave. and Church St. Lake Ronkonkoma DUAkir HONKONKOM \ 9ri7« - It No An. -wrr , I nUWt- Ring CENTRAL LSLII' 'ilOS Holbrook News Josephine Kobcr The Mothers' club met in the school hall last night. District Super- intendent Walter Ormsby was guest speaker. Lenten services are being held at St. J ohn ' s Lutheran church at 8 p. m. every Thursday night. Miss Josephine Keber of Broad- way avenue was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Klien of Center Mori- ches for several days last week. They spent last Sunday with Mrs. C. Kle in and son , Emil. of East Mor- iches. Sunda y guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Heine of Coates avenue were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hyatt a nd dau ghte r, Miss Mildred , of West- bur y. Mr s. A. II. Habich entertained the Grandma Coterie at her home last Wednesday. The Lad i es' Aid society of St. J ohn ' s Lutheran church hold its monthly card party at the guild hall last Thur sday. Mrs . Lucy Richer wa s cnairman, the co-hostesses were Mrs . Fr ed C. Michael , Mr s. Andrew Mi ller and Mrs. Bryan St. Louis. Mr. and Mr s. Clarence Crosby of Floral Park spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. We h renbcrg, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. F. Siedentopf. Fred Siedentopf , Sr., celebrated his birthday Sunday. Dinner guests we re Mr. and Mr-s. Edward Smith of St. Albans and Mr. and Mrs . Fred Siedentopf , Jr., of Brooklyn. Callers later in the day were : Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wehrenbcrg, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hyntt and daughter; Mildred , of Westbury, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wehrenberg, Sr. Henry F. Heine of Coates avenue has returned home from Mather Me- morial hospital , Port Jefferson, and is able to be about again. J. C. Wehrenberg, Jr. , celebrated his birthday last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs . Frank Schumchyk had as guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beeker and daughters of Man- orville and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Karlen of Calverton. Rosemary Barbers , Tel. Ronk. 9115 Mr. and Mrs. Max Jab honsky of Ford street entertained the following guests Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. George Delact and son , Henry, of Wood- ha ven , for jnerly of Pa tcho gue , Mi ss Doroth y Smitt of Richmond Hill , Mrs. Rose Schimedt , Mrs. Rose. Weeks and Mr. and M rs. Philip S chimitt , all of Centereach , and Lloyd Rohm of Sayville. Mr. and M rs. Fred Stahman spent the weekend at their bungalow on Ford street. The Monday Night Bridge club met at the home of Mrs. Katherine Davies of Railroad avenue. Miss Wanda Heinricb and Mrs. A. Heinrieh of Long Island city, who very frequently visit Mr. and Mr s. John Wild of Smith street , have left, for Miami , Fla., for a stay of three weeks. The Holbrook Owls baseball Ath- letic club held its first meeting last Thursday at the home of Joe Bucalo of. Robert street to begin prepara- tion for the coming baseball season. A census has been taken of the nu m ber of Catholic peo p le i n th is vicinity, but th e result s ha ve not yet been compiled. Mr. and Mrs. E. Morrison , and f a mil y form erl y of Br oad wa y avenue , Sayville, h a ve mo ve d to their new h ome on Laurel street. Miss Sally Jarman and her bro- ther , R ay mond , of Terry boulevard spent the weekend at the home of Jimmy Connely of South Ozone Park. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barbera of G r u n dy avenue were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rich a nd son , Charles, of Jamaica; Miss Rose Altaic and John Artale of Springfield Gardens; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Arone and son , Sam , of Elmhurst and Mr. and Mrs. George Emanuel and daughter , Christinn a, of Maspeth. The Fire department met at the fi rehouse last Tuesday night. The Friday night Bowling club , which includes Mrs . J. Wehrenberg, Mr s. Lillian Wehrenberg, Mrs. John Wild , Mrs. Ann Styger, Mrs. Mil- dred Hermans, Mrs. Evelyn Mullen , Mrs. May Kraucek , Mrs. Rose Hag- gerty, Mrs . Lillian Wilkenson , Mr s. Katherine Davies and Mrs. Betty Fair , all of Holbrook , and Mr s. M. Meyer of Patchogue, will spend Sat- urday in New York , where they will have dinner and attend the musical , "Hi gh Button Shoes. " Mr. - . Anthony Bello of Grundy ave- nue attended a cosmetic demonstra - tion at the home of Mrs. N. LaGrega of Patchogue Wednesday .. ni ght. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. \V. Turi of Garden City, son- in-law and daughter of Mrs. George Sufo of Long Island avenue was christened Fransesca Elizabeth Sun- day afternoon at St. John ' s Lutheran church by the Rev. Louis Martin. Mrs . Ella Ear of Connecticut was the child' s g o d m o th e r , and Gebor Eder of New York city was the god- father. Following the christening, a large reception was held at the home of Mrs. Suto. NEWS OF MIDDLE ISLAND Kltzabclh UsriiFK. Tel. Yaphank .3al<- Anniversary greeting- to Mr. and Mrs. Peter brown. March . Mrs. Brown is the former Mrs. Else Bren- ner of Middle Island and is now mak- ing her home m ijaiiford. Fla. .A covered dish supper will be held at the .Middle Island Presb yterian clutrch next Wednesday at ti:)ii) p. m. Each family is to bring a covered dish. 1 lie Men ' s club met at the home of Lawrence Barnes last Wednesday night. Subject of the evening was the New Lite Movement , whicli was presented in a debate between Charles Hulline and Albert Bayles. Eaeli month a different subject will be discussed. Attending were Albert bayles, l ' nomas Bayies , Uersc hel Hulline, Charles Hulline , John Kos- chara , Edmour Gagnon , the Rev . Wil- liam Stewart , Everett 1'feilfe r , Doug- las Clareus and Lawrence Barnes. Refreshments were served by Charles Hotline and Albert ij . -ivies. The April meeting will he held m inc church. The Missionary society of the Presbyterian church met at the home of Mrs. Lawrence Barnes at noon last Thursday. Following this meet- ing the Ladies' Aid society met. Plans were made to hold a pot roast supper in April. The blanket dull win start at the April meeting un- der the supervision of Mrs. Louis Duke of Seidell. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Fritz Clareus, Mr s. Thomas Bayles and Mrs. Joseph Hud- son. Present at this meeting were : Mrs. Carl Holschuh , Mrs. Richard Fisher, M rs. Martha Wissman, Mrs. Ray me R i tch , Mrs. Charles Hulline , Mrs. Herschel Hulline, Mrs. Thomas Bayles, Mrs. Richard Bayles, Mrs. I' i'itz Clareus, Mrs . Fannie Hills , Mr s. Fred Blum , Mrs. Ernest Ran- dall , Mrs. Louis Duke , Mr s. Edm our Gagnon , Mrs. Peter Wilson , M rs. Everett Pfeilfer , Mrs . George Fielitz, Mrs . Joseph Hudson , Mrs. Frank Rothwell and Mrs . Lawrence Barnes. The World Day of Prayer service held at the Pr esbyterian church Fri- day af ternoon un der th e di r ec tion of Mrs. Th omas Bayles was well at- tended. Mr. and Mr s. George , Hun gerf o rd of Jackson Heights were supper guests Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fr ank Rothwell of Bartlett road. Mr s. Rothwell spent Friday in New York and she and Mr. Rothwell we r e dinne r gue s ts at the h o me of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Volmer of Val- ley Stream. Mis. - Georgia Prassos of Astoria and Middle Island celebrated her thirteenth birthday at the home of her uncle and aunt , M r. and Mrs . .Steve Prassos on Sunday. Many rela- tives and 1 riends ' were present. Pliili p Wissman spent the week- end at the home of his mother , Mrs. Martha Wi. -sman of Church lane. Mr. and Mrs. .lack Arbitis of Shoreham visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rothwell , Sunday. Mr . and Mrs. John Kaminski and children visited Mrs. K a m i n s k i' s brother-in-law and sister , M r. and Mrs. Charles Campbell of Brooklyn, Sunday. M rs. Richard Bayles and Albert Bayles attended the funeral Sunday of Mrs. Letitia Rowell Feinberg- at Mt. Sinai. Mrs. Feinberg taught in the West Middle Island school dis- trict many years ago. Mr. and Mrs. La w rence Barnes were visited on Sunday by his moth- er , Mrs. Rose Barnes, and his broth- er-in-law and sister, M r. and Mrs. William Johnson , a nd childr en of Woods ide. Mrs . W illiam Stewart has just re- turn ed h o m e afte r s pend i n g so me time with her son , No rman Stewart, and her daughter, Mrs. Neal Watspj i , both in Boston , and her dat i ' gnter, M rs. Richard Hoell of New "London , Conn. A devot io nal service will be held a t t he Middl e I sl a nd Presbyterian church at. S p. m. every Wednesday during Lent. OBITUARIES MRS. M A R J O R IE L. BECKWITH, aged <>1 , died last Thursday al her home o n Middle road , Bayport. A native of New York city, sh e had lived in Bayport two years. Surviving are her husband , Ch ar les Beckwith of Blue Point; a daug ht er , Mrs. Chester Miller of Blue Point; a son , C. Gordon Beckwith of Man- chest er , Conn.; her mother, Mrs. Frances L. Wilson of East Orange, N. J., and a br other , Arthur W. Wil- son of Westport , Conn. A Christian Scienc e reader , Mr s. Clarice Bruch , officiat ed Saturda y at s ervices in the C. W. Ruland Sons Funeral cha pel , Patchogue. Crema- tion was private. MISS CELINE HOFFMANN , aged . '!() , d i ed suddenl y la st Thu r sd ay at her residence on Grcenport avenue, Medf ord . She was a lifelong resident of that community. Sur v ivors in clu de h er mother , Mrs . Adol p h H of fmann ; and o ne br other , Carl Hoffmann , may or of Bellport. Funeral services were held Satur- da y a ft e rn oo n a t th e Pe ttit Funer a l home , Patchogue, with the Rev . Carl Gernannt of the Emanu e l Lutheran church officiating. Interment was in Woodland cemetery, Bell port. Your Home Will Look Even Lovelier with a NEW CARPET SEE OUR WIDE SELECTION NOW! ^^eg^^ m ^^^ ^^^M^^^ A colorful array of modern ^_^^liii^^^ >'' ^^__i___iP floor coverings to add ^^^^ f ^:f^-^M^^B charm to living. We have j ' ¦ .k ^^d^^M^^ w^i - *^ *P*-«1 everything from a large ! *& _i^ - * » ' •'* ' * - **' - ' '/ ^* / r -* room carpet to a small-sized ; ^wB-j ^ : -\' .^y ^y J 'J^g 27 inch floor carpet. Take | 0»l|4' '^ v ' ? ' S^.^^ ll^f your choice for a brighter , j j W/Sj&^f ^^^ ,jetter home - | I €. B. ~ -DX V IS V INC . | Main Street Port Jefferson j PORT JEFFERSON 285 L EGAL NOTICE ¦" ANNUAL REPORT OF THE VILLAGE TREASURER (Continued from page 4 , this section» ware Co., Supplies ...... 37.20 I. Janvey & Sons , Supplies 1.. . if, C H Vrooman , Supplies 2b.b2 fohn ' Schioeder , Rent ten- ds courts ,. - 100.00 Oak Park Nurseries , Sup- _- lii . 10 Gustav Moo ' s, Repairs .... 22.50 Swan River Nursery, Pest Ad C oi n ph r0 Morge , Painting 50.00 Skinner Insurance Onice , Insurance ... _ •- 7- " > .S5 William Quarltere , Prim- ing shrubs OO . OO Gil-Bart Co., Repairs _ 0. :j_ State Insurance Fund , In- surance . . >0.i t> Herbert E. Rowse , Sharp- ening mowers ->.00 Charles H. Lane , Services IM. OO Robert R. Ryder , Mattins 1R.00 Stanley Ruland , Erecting & removing dock & nets 450.00 James G. Shand Inc., Sup- plies 107.4!) Merwin Still , Spiles ' j S.tlii W. F. Goodger , Sharpen- ing shears & saw 1.45 2,878.58 STREET LIGHTING March 1, 1918 to February 28. l!»l!i Inclusive Patchogue Electric Lipht Co., Services 17, ;> 11.42 17, 311.42 PLANNING BOARD March 1 , 1948 to February 28, I!H!I Inclusive Comptroller State of New- York , Employees ' Re- tirement System lo.T-1 Village of Patchogue , De- ductions withholding tax 0.40 John M. Muddeman , Sal- ary less fees 2S5.72 Lena K. Sedate , Salary less fees 4' .U>4 385.50 TAX REDEMPTION PERSONAL M_rch 1 , 19-18 to February 28, 1»4» Inclusive Mrs. Harriet Gou ld , Tax Redemption Personal 52. 10 Charles Charach , Tax Re- demption Personal 20.14 72.S4 MUNICIPAL DKHT AND INTERES T March 1, 1918 to February 28, I'll!' Inclusive Peoples National Bank , Temporary Loan , bonds , interest lS ,21;- .75 Patchogue Bank , Tempo- rary Loan , bonds , inter- est : 10 . 1121. 17 28 2:" , .' . , 2 NON BUDGET March 1 , 1«>18 to February - K . l' . H' . l Inclusive L. C. Smith & Corona Typewriters Inc., Type- writer K' .t '. or. American LaFrance Foam- ite Corp., Equipment. l' . t . 507. 00 Goods Roads Machinery Co., Sno-Go 1O . 2 MI . O0 Burroughs Adding Ma- chine Co., Adding Ma- chine 2.12. " in Harold Ashare , Services . 300. 0( 1 Central Motor Sales & Service , Willys p ickup truck 2 ,:!85.20 Frank Halliwell , Painting Municipal Bldg is*( . i . 0(i Municipal Machinery Co., Sweeper , snowplow 7. 3' . i5 . (io Edward Ehrbar Inc., Pay- loader & equipment (; , (i _ 'n no Patchogue Motors , Ford truck 4 , 15( 1 . 00 Joseph & Louis Kreisbeig, Purchase 14 Terry St., & unearned premium ins. policy .. .. 0 . 02:1.2 1 Oak Park Nurseries, Trees 120. 00 Havens '& Pelletreau , Services 35. 00 Q- A. Lerch , Taxes Kreis- berg property l-T. i . uo Title Gua rantee & Trust Co., Examining title 1W.00 Harry Stevenso n , Heating equipment :iJ5 .00 Herbert Kane , Emergency watchman 4 1. 1" Joseph Hawkins , Emer- gency watchman 8.- " wne Pontieri , Emcrgencv . watchman " . 7>" Martin Rowland , Emer- gency watchman 13. 3U Joseph Rhodes , Emer- gency watchman 4 1.7" F»ul Andrisani , Emer- gency watchman 27. 1" Tank Anderson , Emer- gency watchman 7. ' . '-> trying Mitchell , Emci - . feney watchman . 7. 0" Alfred Cafiero , Emergence watchman " .. 11.2" "ed C. p apC Emergency watchman 17. 3" Vl »age of Patchogue , De- ductions withholding tax 2-3.05 «• O. Perm Machinery Co. In c, Motorgrade r 8, 155 . 00 (J7 , 15!i .!»< ' » M CURRENT REVENUE •"arch I , 194 8 to February - « . 1919 p , Inclusive oe "s Glass Service , Re- Pairs windshield -1.75 2L75 M_r ^ R i <ING MUTER ACCOUNT " 11ar ch I , 19J8 to February 28 , 1919 n ' , Incluisivc ^mptroller State of New lork , Employees ' Re- v f»"ement System l.' - T Vl »age of Patchogue , Dn- . auctions withholding tax 23. :"' **"-* K. Sedate , Salary Jess fees 1 12>" v, " a . of Patchogue , ! VIM nian salary .. .. 2 , 1V. ' .8' ' >\ m„ c of Patchouli*., Re- imburse Traffic light T operation .. 32.:'^ ! fe Asph_i_ "0o; "i nc;; , ; M -tenal 07. "2 i Northport Sand and Grav- el Co.. Material 1,372.00 Local Steel and Supp ly Co .. No parkins signs .. 18.82 Tin- Patchogue Advance , Printing 7.32 Fein-!' S< l'vice Station . Gas, oil , repairs 47.00 John J. Hot- Son , Kent parking space , repairs to fence, insurance .. iS8.t>i> M. II. Rh odes , Parking .M.'U'r Collections 7 , 0 13.27 Benjamin Charach & Son , Airent , Kent parking space 120 .0" Edgar A- Sharp. Insur- ance , rent parking space |>94. H8 Alma Makela , Agent , Kent parking space 2. - .00 Gil-Bart Co., Repairs to ^ _ scooter 1-J -' ¦ •- Village of P a t c h o g ue , Petty cash account 4.1-) Ideal ' Pamt Co ., Traffic paint - ' ' -- (' . B. VaiiAii'ii. .Material .v app lication . '! . "' 1 - : '9 Patchogue Paint & Hard- ware Co ., Tralhc paint 23l. *7 Robert Ii. Ryder. Signs 43,00 Frank Scutari , Str eet _ f _ painting ' -•• , ' * (Jeorge Kass eJ , Street painting ¦ J, *' hu Kav Silsb" , Street paint- ing - 1 '"'° 1 ,,u , s DeSant, Street painting 17 ' t> 8 Arthur Ihud , Street paint- ing . .. lj - < * 1 George , S t re e t n. ',, ntill,. ' 1 '-'" 1'aU'hogn.' Electric Light. Co .. Trallic Signal op- .•ration *£} •§ K. J. Brooks. Seals <<> .1< ) Frank Fiala & Son , 'I raf- , >} lie white . J -1. . - - Soiifh Shore Contracting &, Dredging Corp., .,. >- .. Equipment hire 1 !_ . •<" W. R. Marian ' . - Sons Inc., . , ,.,-,, Supplies ¦- Aldrich Electric Co., K(- pair- trat'ic lights - ' ¦»• > •»' Estate of II. Clay Lo. see , Kent parking space •>"" "; Edgar VVbaleii , Parts .. . "-¦ ¦ - Williamson Law Book ( •>¦¦ Supplies ,., ' -"¦* * F.ddiu Blacker , Auto Elec- tric Service , Repairs <~ ^ part .- I' atchogue Motors Inc., New patrol car , gnier- , , I-I. I - 1 atoi .,.• 00 f-inv Bros.. IVintiug - ' ¦ '"" .);, ; ,„„ G. Shand Inc., Sup- ^^ p lies ¦¦ ¦ ' ,. 11 o -'0 Shortage , hags ol IIICKC I- ¦ » •'" j .;, ,\. Sharp Insurance \.. ' eiicv . Insurance '— " South Bay Consolidated Water Co .. Services ^ >¦' j H „,.|,„rt I-;. Rowse , Sup- ^^ j I'l' 1 ' - - "' 2" ,58 '2.7' I |;, ..,peet fullv --i' 1 '"" 11 ;' . ' .}.. . : ni;;.KY L . KII - . IH ! Village Treasurer mSESS 5 zs I 0. B. Davis , Inc. j i Funeral Home I _ , _ ? Quiet , serenity, good taste | § and adequacy mark the estab- | g lishnient which we place at | g your disposal when the mis- P i fortune of death afflicts your | 1 family. It is definitely planned i 5 as a setting for the last trib- _ I ute , which you desire to be § perfect. 1 216-222 East Main Street | Port Jefferson, N. Y. 1 Port Jefferson 360-285-161 | s- Phone or Write tor Onr Fre« i 6 Booklet . ••Wli.t to Do." _ S ' . 3 Eiiiiiiiiiii miiiiiiiiiiiit'iiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiu itaiiiiiiimiiniiiiimiiiitl t& €ST -%\\ W ** 56 s m J J0HNf_WIJlf^_^niC,Mfl''fl6€R W I Ninet y-three Years I I Dependable Service I ; _Bv_B^^|vT||^l^|^|ft^Fv2l iC^_rVB *' II 70 No.Ocffltl flV pqTCHOGUCj ¦ m Dm' OR wowr Jm PETTIT I FUNERAL HOME 326 Kast Main Street PATCHOC-UE , N. Y. OFFERING Moderatel y Priced Funerals Including " Over 50 Items of Service ARTHUR C. PETTIT Director Telephone Patchogue 52 l*S_;fc5g*3£9—-B ft^^M - B-SE8E MiIS_—I i ; Iy B^ J -A-OBEKTACJUO & SHARl' 6 FUNERAL HOME- 1 I B I ROBERTACCIO, UC. MG1-. ffl J 0\ Ser vice thai S a l i if i e^. . . B {j 15 RAILROAD AVENUE ¦ St ¦ - . .;;-/ PHONE 135 PATCHOGUE jB iba^&sm a^f m i^^B&aittsa wMtmuw}

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SELDEN NEWS ITEMS--i- a llctir. . Ti- I . SoliK r, .'JT« ;.J

W1si'Viii>-v i -"N '- l ' N - "WAIN**M'.i.DrA S"I IJ)ENT S, PARENTSAccompanying h i m < e l t on his'•¦- " ' C iu - . W i l l i a m U..p .. im . ;j,-„„k!,aveuf o l k singer, en t e r t ained ihe studentsand many „{ the i r parents at Seldenscno.-l last Friday a'.iiM'twwi in a pro-gra m ol fo lk songs r anging- f,-,,,,, thesixteenth cen tu ry to the present time.A r t h u r Koz l ik , pr inc i pal , introduced

the guest artist win opened the pi-u-gram with a s impie one phrase seng.Pretty L i t t l e ( i i r l W it h the U,-« t i n , - w i th wh ich he pointed mi!the e lementa l character is t ic o- fo iksongs.

"This song doesn 't .seem to ;sa Vniuch , he said , "hut it real lv says agreat deal. Sninvmo l iked il ia-, " girlw i t h the red dress on , so |l0 : at downand sung about it . I i k i n g each otherand l e t t in g each u l i e r know about itis one of the iva l ly n n p o r t an *. t h i n g sin l i v i n g for ai l .f ns."

He w e n t on to show lunv peop lehave a lways sung to l igh ten theirlabors, the wood chopper to ther h y t h m of his axe in "Lookv Lookv*l .-nder ," •.]„. ^u-.-l d r i l l e r in "Taket h i s H am m e r" and the shan tymanh u r l i n g bis wei ght against the ele-men t s in "Cape Cod Boys." Withthe tale of his troubles in t ry ing toteed h i s own baby d u r i n g the "toodin th . - h a i r .- t aue," Mr. Bonyun strucka c ommon u ' - o u i n l w i th the chi ldrenwho f.'d t i l e r , own bab y brothersand si.-tei- -. They rocked wi th l augh-t e r b o t h at t l ie descri p t ion and the.-i'i:g "( loin Paul ," wbici i the s ingerhad made up to l i n a i l y charm his in-f a n t i n t o t a k i ng food wi thout as t r u g g l e .

Exp la in ing how ancient mins t re ls,"the newspapermen of El izabethantimes ," carr ied news f rom town totown w i t h ballads of momentousevents , Mr. Bonyun rounded off theprogram w i t h the i l lus t ra t ive ballads:"High Barbarce," "The Fox" and"The Erie Canal ," all of which werewell received.

Littl e I ngr id Schultz e, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Heinz, Schultze of Ever-green dr ive celebrated her s ix thbirthday last Thursday wi th a partygiven by her mother for the chil-dren of her class and her teacher,Mrs. R u t h Hawkins, at thc school.R ef reshment s of ice cream and cakewere served.

M r. and Mrs. Louis Duke of theMidd le Count ry road entertained Mr.and Mrs. Richard Henry at cardslast Thursday evening.

Cards have been received fromM r - . Clarence Anderson and Mrs.M a t t i e Means who are vacationing inM i a m i , Florida.

Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Lucas, Sr.,oi Forest H i l l s spent the weekendat their bungalow on Hollywood ave-nue.

Guests of Mr. and Mrs. HeinzSchul tze of Evergreen drive last Fri-day i veiling were Mr. and Mrs . JackHar r ing ton and son , John.

Mr. and Mrs. Chris McGinn ofF la tbush spent Sunday at their bun-galow on Hemlock street.

M r. and Mrs. Lucien Grignon andson , Joseph of Bellerose Manor, spentt h e weekend at thei r bungalow onA d i r o n d a c k d r ive .

M i . and Mrs. Guy Grignon andbab y, Larry of Be lie rose Manor spentth e weekend at the home of the let-ter 's parents , Mr. and Mrs. LeslieHough of the Middle Country road.

Mrs. Thomas Williams of the BluePoint road celebrated her eighty-seventh birthday.

Willard Hough is enjoying- aweek's vacation f rom nis duties alBrookhaven Nat ional laboratory.

Dinn er guests of Mr. and ' Mrs.Louis Duke of the M iddle Countryroad on Friday evening were Mr.and Mrs. Gabriel Lucas, Sr., of For-est Hills and Selden.

Mrs. Willard Hough was guest ofh onor at a stork shower given at thehome of her sister, M rs. Anne Belloof Coram, by Mrs. James Harring-ton , J r., Saturday evening. Therooms were prett i ly decorated withp i n k and blue crepe paper and crepepaper umbrel las, w h i c h were given asfavor.--. A large stork guarded thegi f t s . The gi ies t -of -honor .-at undera large decorated umbrella. Guestswere Mrs. Marie Ruppola, Mrs. Les-lie Hough , Mrs. Clarence Dare, Mrs.Wendell Still , Miss Lucille Still , Mrs.Guy Grignon, M rs. Jerome Ruppola,Mrs. Jean Ruppola , Mrs. ThomasRu ppola , Mrs. Alan Burke, Mrs.Ther esa Webe r, Mrs. Leonora Ten-an t), Mrs. James Harrington, Sr.,Mrs. James Harr ington , Jr., Mrs.Lil l ian Brunqucll, Mrs. Anne Bruno,Mrs. Josephine Femia, Mrs. LenaFeriiia , Mrs. John Har r ing ton , Mrs.Bett y Flor, Mrs. Yvonne Grignon,M rs. Teresa Ditges, Mrs. Mary Chui-satio, Mrs. Bcttina Cicenia, Mrs.Marie Bell o, Mrs. Caterini Ippolito,Mr s. Florence Holz and Mrs. RichardHenry. Delicious refreshments wereserved , includin g a large decoratedcake.

Recent d inner guests of Mr. andMrs. Richard Henry of the MiddleCount ry road were Mr. and Mrs.Jack Mussel! of Hempstead.

The re was a large gathering atthe social night held by Selden Post ,American Legion, at Bob's BrassRa il. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zis, newly-weds of West Haven , Conn., wereserenaded by the band. The specialaward was made to Mrs. Barkerand a table radi o was awarded toMrs. William Stude. These socialevenings will be held the last Satur-day evening of each month.

Guests of Mr. and M rs. HeinzSchultze of Evergreen drive on Sun-day were the Rev. and Mrs . L. Cubanand sons of Port Jefferson Station ,and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Penniscof Hillside.

The Rev. Frederick Williams gavehis farewell .message to the congre-gation of the Selden Com m u n i t ychurch on February 27. A new choirof twelve voices, under the guidan ceof Mrs. Foster Lohnes at the organ ,rendered the hy mnn ''I Am WithThee." A purse was presented tothe Rev. Mr. Williams.

A home-coming and bir thday partywas tendered to Mr. and Mrs. J.Logan Dare at t h e i r home on MiddleCoun t ry road Monday n i g h t , in hon-or of the re turn of Mr. Dare f rom theFrench hospital in New York andMrs. Da re's birthday. Guests wereher son-in-law and daughter, Mr. andMrs. Daniel Seal ey and son , Des ofFrceport; Mr. and Mrs. ClarenceDare, Mrs. Wendell Sti l l and daugh-ters, May belle and Luci l le, and SteveMar in i i zz i . Mrs. Corne l ius Fergusonand Karl Olson of .Selden; M rs. ArdenTerry, Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Stewartand son , Earl , and daughte r. Mar ian ,and Mr. and Mrs. Willra m Wentischof Farmingvil le .

Mrs . Ot t<> Timsries of MiddleCountry road celebrated her b i r th-day last Wednesday. Guests wereMrs. A n n a Cich of Brooklyn , M rs.A n n i e Conner and daughter, El iza-beth , Mrs. He inz Sclufitze and daugh-ter, Ingrid, and Joan and John PeterCich of Selden. Delicious refresh-ments were served and Mrs. Timsriesreceived m a n y lovely gifts. Sundayguests of Mrs. Timsries were Mrs.A n t o i n e t te Ruthof and daughter, M r s.Elsie O'Neill of Corona , Mrs. W.Stitch and Mrs. Wagenknecht ofJackson Heights.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sealey and.son, Dez of Freeport, spent t he week-end at the home of Mrs. Sealey 's par-ents , Mr. and Mrs. J. Logan Dan.'.

The boys of the Selden 4-H Wi ld -cats have a display of t h e i r wor kin t he widow of N a n n a 's Delicatessenstore. At the last mee ting it wasdecided to at tend a demonstrationmeet ing Sunday.

Charles H e i i ma u of Brooklyn isspending .some t ime at bis bungalowon I i ighview drive. Hi s guests re-cently were Mr. and Mrs. GeorgePause and family .

J. Logan Dare has returned tohis home on the Middle Co u n t r y roadf rom the French hospital in NewYork , where he was conf ined forthree weeks following an operation.

Mrs. Vergil Hervey of Map lewoodavenu e left last week for Mia mi,where she wil l spend several weeks.

Dietrich Lut jens of th e Mid d leCount ry road celebrated his 74thbirthday February 25.

M r. and Mrs. William Haspel , Sr.,and Mr. and Mrs. William Haspel , J r .and son, Billie and daughte r , Jean,returned to their home on Adiron-dack drive recently after spending amonth in Miami , Fla.

Mr. and Mrs . Richard Henry ofthe Middle Country road were recentdinner guests of their daughter , Mi's.Joseph Kucera of Sayville.

Hi gh .scorers at the silver tea heldin t h e firehouse February 24 for thebenefi t of the Lad ies' Gu i ld of t heCo m mu n i t y ch urch were Mrs. JulesA r n dt , Mrs. Louis Duke, Mrs. Wi l -lia m Thede , Mrs. Wil l i am Fiegc, Mis.Clarence Keefer and Mrs. J. Phill ips.The dark horse was awarded to Mrs.Joseph ine P h i l l i p s of Centereach.

W al te r Ormsby presided at the re-cent m e e t i ng of the Brookhaven Townschool Board s at Selden school; Al iu l f e t. supper was served by themembers of the Parent-Teacher as-soc ia t ion . Those on the commit teewere Mrs. Jules A r n d t , cha i rman;.Mrs. Sa l Is a bella , Mrs. Ph i l i p Holz ,M rs. Robert Lucas, Mrs. Otis LeoS m i t h , Mrs. Joseph Mar t in and Mrs.Hc i i i s - Schultze.

Recent d i n n e r guests of Mr. and.Air.- . George lli'iin<piell of Evcrgi ee,:d r i v e were Mrs. F rank B r u n q u c l l and

, , i . 1, 1, ' i i . - . Mr . a n d Mrs . F r a n k Re inoan d Ja ck Bath all of Ma. ncth.


M/s. Wesley Hallock. Tel. Konk. St39


"Uncle W in" Ruelke, director ofthe child Evangelism Fel lowship otJamaica, will hold a children 's serv-ice this Sunday at ;! p. ni. in the New-Village Congregational church.

Sunday school chi ldren here wi l ltake special pa rt by singing, recit-ing verses of Scripture, etc., w hichwill be recorded. On Stindav , March27 , at 7 p. m., th i s service w i l l bebroadcast over Station WINS. Allparents and friends are invited toattend this special service this Sun-day.

Mrs. Pauline Cul len and Mrs. Ethe lSmith attended a Home Bureau lead-er 's lesson Tuesday in East Nor th -port.

Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Newton areparents of a daughter, Jean Nanette,born recently at Mather Memorialhospital, Port Jefferson.

Mrs. Hollis Terry of Oceanside hasbeen spending some t i m e wi th Mrs.Edwin Overton.

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Overton ofthe National Bible i n s t i t u t e of NewYork city spent the weekend wi th Mr.and Mrs. Percy Overton.

Miss Dorothy Conkel enter ta inedat her home in honor of her b i r thdayand Mr. and Mrs. Jay Newton's wed-ding anniversary last Thursday n igh t .Guests present were the Rev. CharlesFurman, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Newton,Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Raynor, Mr.and Mrs. Howard Furman and fami-ly and Mrs. Wesley Hallock , Sr.

Miss Bernice Overton has returnedto the Providen ce Bi ble insti tute ,Prov iden ce, R. L, .after a week's va-cation at her home here.

Jack Chri stensen , who is a studentat the Providence Bibl e inst i tute ,gave a brief message at the Congre-gational church last Sunday night.

Grace Furma n celebrated her ninthbirthday by entertaining 15 of herlittle friends at her home Saturdayafternoon. Those present w ere IreneLadd, Faylene Olson , Viola Odenwald,Sall y Stohr , Connie Stohr , BarbaraNeill , Denise Barnett , Janet Burr ,Martha Riccard i , Di anne Burr,Jeannie Seaman , Jea nette Schorf ,Lavinia Furman and Rose Ann Fitz-gerald.

Thc Wednesday night prayer- meet-ing of the Congregati onal church washeld th i s week at the home of Mr.and Mrs. Sidnev Wil l iams of El l io t tavenue.

The local Home Bureau wi l l meetat the home of Mrs. Alvin Smi th nextTuesday. A lesson will be given onsewing plastics by Mrs. Smith andMrs. Paulino Cullen.

Mrs. Jerome A. Stiydam of Wood-bury has returned home after spend-in g some tim e with her sister, Mrs.Wesley Hallock.

Tt-s Callan, Tel. Konk. 3327

Mr. and Mrs. William Zsemberryare parents of a daughter, bornMarch 3 at Mather Memorial hos-pital , Port Jefferson. Mrs. Zsem-berry is the daughter of Mr. and Mis.Wi l l i am Groben.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wetsell an-nounce thc ar r iva l of a daughter,born March ( > at the Southside hos-p i ta l , Bay Shore.

Mrs. Margret Montgomery, Mrs.Florence Dufiicld, Mrs. Gert rude For-ro and Mrs . Marie Brandt of the Tor-dik-Diederich-Duflield Post a u x i l ia r yat tended a depa rtment meeting a nddinner i n honor of the nat ional presi-dent at the Statler hotel , New Yorkcity last Saturday.

Bi l l y Bishop celebrated his f o u r t hb i r t hday Monday. The table wasbeaut i fu l lv decorated and a large cakew i t h four candles was the center ofattraction. Billy received many g i f ts .Those at tending were Mrs. BerthaDelka and grandsons, Bonnie, Halan d David Schnieder, Mrs. A rmondGeorgic and son, Armond , Jr., andtwin daughters, Lorraine and Bar-bara, Mrs. Wil l iam Siegrist and son ,William , Miss Carol Pecorek, Nor-man and R ichar d Brisson , Mrs. J.Campbell and Mrs. Paul Siegrist.

Mrs. Margret Montgomery wi l lh old a brush party at her home Wed-nesday.

Mrs. Rita Callan was given a .sur-prise baby shower Monday af ternoon.Am ong the ladies present were Mrs.Elsie Jacobson , Mrs. Edith Anderson,Mrs. Marie Tordik, Mrs. RobertaBishop, Mrs. Jennie Siegrist, Mrs.Florence Engl i sh, Mrs. Eileen M aierand Mrs. R uth Ulrich.

Miss Frances Falkman celebratedhur birthda y last Sunday with aparty at her home. Among thosepresent wore the Misses Jean Mollcr ,E m i l y Schanib, Virginia Sager, Lil-l ian Bushmaun, Helen Walsh , EileenSmith, R u t h Schmaltz, Pat Cald eraElvira Falk ma mi; also RichardW r i g h t, Phil Stohr , Ch arles Stein-man , Robert Bingay, all of Center-each; Dori s Cushman , Dorothy Per-k i n s , In grid Butler , Jerry Al fano,Rober t Porkins , Frank Diptole, AlexKozikovvski , Henry Weatherby, a l l ofPort Jefferson. Miss Ingrid Butlerspent the weekend with Miss Falk-man.

Trie me e t i n g of the 4-H Happy-Go-Lucky Gi r l s wil l be held Wednesdayni ght instead of Thursday.

Mr. and M rs. Larry Ferguson andson r e t u r n e d this week af ter a ten-day t r i p to Mississippi where Mr.Ferguson visi ted h is parents.

H a r r y Johnson celebrated h ise i g h t y - f i r s t b i r thday recently.

To r d i k - f' i e d o r i e k - D uf T i e l d post anda u x i l i a r y met hist Wednesday nightN o m i n a t i o n s for officer*' were held,A t th e nex t meet ing, Mar ch 16, thea nnua l el ecti on of officers will takeplace.

J O S E P H A . W E B E RF U N E R A L D I R E C T O R

Hawkins Ave. and Church St. Lake RonkonkomaDUAkir H O N K O N K O M \ 9ri7« - It No An.-wrr ,I nUWt- Rin g CENTRAL LSLII ' ' i l OS

Holbrook NewsJosephine Kobcr

The Mothers' club met in theschool hall last night. Distr ict Super-in tendent Walter Ormsby was guestspeaker.

Lenten services are being held atSt. John 's Lutheran church at 8 p.m. every Thursday night.

Miss Josephine Keber of Broad-way avenue was a guest of Mr. andMrs. Richard Klien of Center Mori -ches for several days last week.They spent last Sunday with Mrs.C. Kle in and son , Emil . of East Mor-iches.

Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.Henry F. Heine of Coates avenuewere Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hya t tand dau ghter, Miss Mildred , of West-bury.

Mrs. A. II. Habich enter ta ined theGrandma Coterie at her home lastWednesday.

The Lad ies' Aid society of St.John 's Lutheran church hold i tsmonth ly card party at the gui ldhall last Thursday. Mrs. Lucy Richerwas cnairman, the co-hostesses wereMrs. Fred C. Michael, Mrs. AndrewMi ller and Mrs. Bryan St. Louis.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crosby ofFloral Park spent Saturday with Mr.and Mrs. J. C. Wehrenbcrg, Sr., andMr. and Mrs. F. Siedentopf.

Fred Siedentopf , Sr., celebratedhis birthday Sunday. Dinner guestswere Mr. and Mr-s. Edward Smith ofSt. Albans and Mr. and Mrs. FredSiedentopf , Jr., of Brooklyn. Callerslater in the day were : Mr. and Mrs.Herbert Wehrenbcrg, Mr. and Mrs.Walter Hyntt and daughter; Mildred ,of Westbury, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C.Wehrenberg, Sr.

Henry F. Heine of Coates avenuehas returned home from Mather Me-morial hospital , Port Jefferson, andis able to be about again.

J. C. Wehrenberg, Jr., celebratedhis birthday last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schumchykhad as guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs.Frank Beeker and daughters of Man-orville and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Karlenof Calverton.

Rosemary Barbers, Tel. Ronk. 9115

Mr. and Mrs. Max Jabhonsky ofFord street entertained the fol lowingguests Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeDelact and son , Henry, of Wood-haven , forjnerly of Patchogue, Mi ssDorothy Smitt of Richmond Hill ,Mrs. Rose Schimedt, Mrs. Rose.Weeks and Mr. and M rs. Phi l ipSchimitt , all of Centereach , andLloyd Rohm of Sayville.

Mr. and M rs. Fred Stahman spentthe weekend at the i r bungalow onFord street.

The Monday Night Bridge clubmet at the home of Mrs. KatherineDavies of Railroad avenue.

Miss Wanda Heinricb and Mrs.A. Heinrieh of Long Island ci ty,who very frequently visit Mr. andMrs. John Wild of Smith street,have left, for M i a m i , Fla., for astay of three weeks.

The Holbrook Owls baseball Ath-letic club held its first meeting lastThursday at the home of Joe Bucaloof. Robert street to begin prepara-t ion for the coming baseball season.

A census has been taken of thenu m ber of Catholic people i n th isvicinity, but th e result s ha ve notyet been compiled.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Morrison, andfamil y formerl y of Broad way avenue,Sayville, h ave moved to their newhome on Laurel street.

Miss Sally Jarman and her bro-ther , Ray mond , of Terry boulevardspent the weekend at the home ofJ i m my Connely of South Ozone Park.

Sunday guests at the home of Mr.and Mrs. Jack Barbera of Grundyavenue were Mr. and Mrs. FrankRich and son , Charles, of Jamaica;Miss Rose A l t a i c and John Ar ta l eof Springfield Gardens; Mr. andMrs. Joseph Arone and son , Sam , ofE lmhurs t and Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeEmanuel and daughter, Christinna ,of Maspeth.

The Fire department met at thefi rehouse last Tuesday night.

The Friday night Bowling c lub ,w h i c h includes Mrs. J. Wehrenberg,M r s. L i l l i an Wehrenberg, Mrs. JohnWild , Mrs. Ann Styger, Mrs. Mil -dred Hermans, Mrs. Evelyn Mul len ,Mrs. May Kraucek, Mrs. Rose Hag-gerty, Mrs . L i l l i an Wilkenson, Mrs.K a t h e r i n e Davies and Mrs. BettyFair, all of Holbrook , and Mrs. M.Meyer of Patchogue, w i l l spend Sat-u r d a y in New York , where they wi l lhave d inne r and a t tend the musical,"Hi gh But ton Shoes."

Mr.-. A n t h o n y Bello of G r u n d y ave-nue a t tended a cosmetic demonstra-t ion at the home of Mrs. N. LaGregaof Patchogue Wednesday ght.

The i n f a n t d augh t e r of Mr. andMrs. \V. Turi of Garden City, son-i n - l a w and daughter of Mrs. GeorgeSufo of Long Island avenue waschr is tened Fransesca El izabeth Sun-day a f t e rnoon at St. John 's Lutheranchurch by the Rev. Louis Martin.

Mrs. El la Ear of Connect icut wasthe ch i ld 's godmother , and GeborEder of New York city was the god-father. Following the ch r i s t en ing ,a large reception was held at thehome of Mrs. Suto.

NEWS OF MIDDLE ISLANDKltzabclh UsriiFK. Tel. Yaphank .3al<-

A n n i v e r s a r y g ree t ing- to Mr . andMrs. Peter brown. March !¦• . Mrs.Brown is the former Mrs. Else Bren-ner of Middle Island and is now mak-ing her home m ijaiiford. Fla.

.A covered dish supper w i l l be heldat the .Middle Island Presby t e r i a nclutrch next Wednesday at ti : ) i i ) p.m. Each fami ly is to br ing a covereddish.

1 lie Men 's c lub met at t he homeof Lawrence Barnes last Wednesdaynight . Subject of the even ing w a sthe New Lite Movement, whicl i waspresented in a debate betweenCharles Hulline and Alber t Bayles.Eaeli m o n t h a d i f f e r e n t subject w i l lbe discussed. At tend ing were Albertbayles, l 'nomas Bayies , Uersc helHulline, Charles Hul l ine , John Kos-chara , Edmour Gagnon, the Rev. Wil -l iam Stewart, Everett 1'feilfer , Doug-las Clareus and Lawrence Barnes.Refreshments were served by CharlesHotl ine and Alber t ij .-ivies. TheApr i l meeting wil l he held m incchurch.

The Missionary society of thePresbyterian church met at the homeof Mrs. Lawrence Barnes at noonlast Thursday. Following th is meet-ing the Ladies' Aid society met.Plans were made to hold a pot roastsupper in April. The blanket dul lwin start at the April meet ing un-der the supervision of Mrs. LouisDuke of Seidell. Ref reshments wereserved by Mrs. Fr i tz Clareus, Mr s.Thomas Bayles and Mrs. Joseph Hud-son. Present at this meeting were :Mrs . Car l Holschuh, Mrs. RichardFisher, M rs. Martha Wissman, Mrs.Ray me Ritch, Mrs. Charles Hul l ine ,Mrs. Herschel Hulline, Mrs. ThomasBayles, Mrs. Richard Bayles, M r s .I'i'itz Clareus, Mrs. Fannie Hi l l s,Mrs. Fred Blum , Mrs. Ernest Ran-dall , Mrs. Louis Duke, Mrs. EdmourGagnon , Mrs. Peter Wilson, M rs.Everett Pfeilfer, Mrs. George Fieli tz,Mrs. Joseph Hudson , Mrs. FrankRothwell and Mrs. Lawrence Barnes.

The World Day of Prayer serviceheld at the Presbyterian church Fri-day af ternoon un der the di rect ion ofMrs. Thomas Bayles was well at-tended.

Mr. and Mrs. George, Hun gerf ordof Jackson Heights were supperguests Saturday at the home of Mr.and Mrs. Frank Rothwell of Bartlettroad. Mrs. Rothwell spent Friday inNew York and she and Mr. Rothwellwere dinne r guests at the home ofMr. and Mrs. Charles Volmer of Val-ley Stream.

Mis.- Georgia Prassos of Astoriaand Midd le Island celebrated hert h i r t e e n t h b ir thday at the home ofher uncle and a un t , M r. and Mrs..Steve Prassos on Sunday. Many rela-t ives and 1 riends 'were present.

Pli i l i p Wissman spent the week-end at the home of his mother, Mrs.M a r t h a Wi.-sman of Church lane.

Mr. and Mrs. .lack Arbitis ofShoreham visited Mr. and Mrs. FrankR o t h w e l l , Sunday.

Mr . and Mrs. John K a m i n s k i andc h i l d r e n visi ted Mrs. Kaminski'sbro the r - in - l aw and sister, M r. andMrs. Charles Campbell of Brooklyn,Sunday.

M rs. R icha rd Bayles and AlbertBayles at tended the funera l Sundayof Mrs. Let i t ia Rowell Feinberg- atMt. S ina i . Mrs. Feinberg taught inthe West Middle Island school dis-t r ic t many years ago.

Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Barneswere visi ted on Sunday by his moth-er , Mrs . Rose Barnes, and his broth-e r - i n - l a w and sister, M r. and Mrs.W i l l i a m Johnson, and childr en ofWoods ide.

Mrs . W ill iam Stewart has just re-turn ed h ome after spend ing somet ime w i t h her son , Norman Stewart,and her daughter, Mrs. Neal Watspji,both in Boston , and her dati'gnter,M rs. Richard Hoell of New "London,Conn.

A devot ional service will be heldat t he Middl e Island Presbyterianchurch at. S p. m. every Wednesdayd u r i n g Lent.


aged <> 1 , died last Thursday al herhome on Middle road , Bayport. Anative of New York city, she hadlived in Bayport two years.

Surviv ing are her husband, Char lesBeckwith of Blue Point; a daug hter,Mrs. Chester Miller of Blue Point; ason , C. Gordon Beckwith of Man-chester, Conn.; her mother, Mrs.Frances L. Wilson of East Orange,N. J., and a brother, Ar thu r W. Wil-son of Westport, Conn.

A Christian Science reader, Mrs.Clarice Bruch , officiat ed Saturda y atservices in the C. W. Ruland SonsFuneral chapel, Patchogue. Crema-tion was private.

MISS CELINE HOFFMANN , aged.'!(), d ied suddenly la st Thu rsday ather residence on Grcenport avenue,Medf ord . She was a lifelong residentof that communi ty .

Surv ivors in clu de her mother , Mrs.Adol ph Hof fmann ; and one brother ,Carl Hof fmann, mayor of Bellport.

Funeral services were held Satur-day a ft ern oon at th e Pettit Funer alhome, Patchogue, wi th the Rev. CarlGernannt of the Emanu el Lutheranchurch officiating. Interment was inWoodland cemetery, Bell port.

Your Home Will Look Even Lovelierwith a


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; ^wB-j :-\'. y y J'J^g 27 inch floor carpet. Take |

0»l|4'' v'? 'S^.^^ ll f your choice

for a brighter, j

j W/Sj& f ^^^ ,jetter

home- |

I €. B.~-DXVISV INC. |Main Street Port Jefferson j




VILLAGE TREASURER(Continued from page 4, this sec t ion»

ware Co., Supplies ...... 37.20I. Janvey & Sons, Supplies 1... if,C H Vrooman , Supplies 2b.b2fohn 'Schioeder, Rent ten-ds courts ,. • - 100.00

Oak Park Nurseries, Sup-!¦_- lii . 10

Gustav Moo's, Repairs .... 22.50Swan River Nursery, Pest



r0Morge, Painting 50.00

Skinner Insurance Onice,Insurance ..._ •- 7-"> .S5

William Quarltere, Prim-ing shrubs OO .OO

Gil-Bart Co., Repairs _ 0.:j_State Insurance Fund, In-

surance ..>0. i t >Herbert E. Rowse, Sharp-

ening mowers ->.00Charles H. Lane, Services IM. OORobert R. Ryder, Mattins 1R.00Stanley Ruland , Erecting

& removing dock & nets 450.00James G. Shand Inc., Sup-

plies 107.4!)Merwin Still , Spiles 'j S.tliiW. F. Goodger, Sharpen-

ing shears & saw 1.45


March 1, 1918 to February 28. l !»l!iInclusive

Patchogue Electric LiphtCo., Services 17,;> 11.42


March 1, 1948 to February 28, I!H!IInclusive

Comptroller State of New-York, Employees' Re-tirement System lo.T-1

Village of Patchogue, De-ductions withholding tax 0.40

John M. Muddeman , Sal-ary less fees 2S5.72

Lena K. Sedate, Salaryless fees 4'.U>4


M_rch 1, 19-18 to February 28, 1»4»Inclusive

Mrs. Harriet Gou ld , TaxRedemption Personal 52. 10

Charles Charach , Tax Re-demption Personal 20.14


INTERES TMarch 1, 1918 to February 28, I ' ll! '

InclusivePeoples National Bank ,

Temporary Loan , bonds ,interest lS ,21;- .75

Patchogue Bank , Tempo-rary Loan , bonds , in ter-est : 10 .1121. 17

28 2:",.'.,2NON BUDGET

March 1, 1«>18 to February -K. l'.H'.lInclusive

L. C. Smith & CoronaTypewriters Inc., Type-writer K'.t'.or.

American LaFrance Foam-ite Corp., Equipment. l'.t .507.00

Goods Roads MachineryCo., Sno-Go 1O .2MI.O0

Burroughs Adding Ma-chine Co., Adding Ma-chine 2.12. "in

Harold Ashare, Services . 300.0( 1Central Motor Sales &

Service, Willys pickuptruck 2,:!85.20

Frank Halliwell , PaintingMunicipal Bldg is*( .i .0(i

Municipal Machinery Co.,Sweeper, snowplow 7.3'.i5 .( io

Edward Ehrbar Inc., Pay-loader & equipment (; ,( i _'n no

Patchogue Motors , Fordtruck 4 ,15(1 .00

Joseph & Louis Kreisbeig,Purchase 14 Terry St., &unearned premium ins.policy .. .. 0.02:1.2 1

Oak Park Nurseries, Trees 120.00Havens '& Pelletreau ,

Services 35.00Q- A. Lerch, Taxes Kreis-

berg property l-T.i .uoTitle Gua rantee & Trust

Co., Examining title 1W.00Harry Stevenson, Heating

equipment :iJ5 .00Herbert Kane, Emergency

watchman 4 1. 1"Joseph Hawkins, Emer-

gency watchman 8.-"wne Pontieri , Emcrgencv. watchman ". 7>"Martin Rowland , Emer-

gency watchman 13. 3UJoseph Rhodes , Emer-

gency watchman 4 1.7"F»ul Andrisani , Emer-

gency watchman 27. 1"Tank Anderson , Emer-

gency watchman 7.'.' ->trying Mitchell , Emci -. feney watchman . 7.0"Alfred Cafiero , Emergence

watchman ".. 11.2""ed C. papC Emergency

watchman 17.3"Vl »age of Patchogue, De-ductions withholding tax 2-3.05

«• O. Perm Machinery Co.Inc, Motorgrader 8,155.00

(J7 ,15!i .!»< '»M CURREN T REVENUE•"arch I, 194 8 to February -«. 1919p , Inclusiveoe"s Glass Service, Re-Pairs windshield -1.75

2L75M_r ^

Ri<ING MUTER ACCOUNT"11arch I , 19J8 to February 28, 1919n ' , Incluisivc^mptroller State of Newlork , Employees' Re-v f»"ement System l.'-TVl»age of Patchogue, Dn-. auctions withholding tax 23.:"'**"-* K. Sedate, SalaryJess fees 1 12>"v,"a.&« of Patchogue , !VIM nian salary .. .. 2,1V. '.8 ' '> \

m„c of Patchouli*., Re-imburse Traffic light

T operation .. 32.:'^ !

fe • Asph_i_ "0o; "i nc;; , ;M-tenal 07. "2 i

Northport Sand and Grav-el Co.. Mater ia l 1,372.00

Local Steel and SupplyCo.. No p a r k i n s signs .. 18.82

Tin- Patchogue Advance,P r i n t i n g 7.32

Fein- !' S< l'vice Stat ion .Gas, oil , repairs 47.00

J o h n J. H ot- <£ Son , K e n tp a r k i n g space , repairsto fence, insurance .. iS8.t>i>

M. II . Rh odes , Pa rk ing.M.'U'r Collections 7,0 13.27

B e n j a m i n Charach & Son ,Airent , Kent pa rk ingspace 120.0"

Edgar A - Sharp . I n s u r -ance , r en t p a r k i n g space |>94. H8

Alma Makela , Agent, Kentpa rk ing space 2.- .00

Gi l -Ba r t Co., Repai rs to ^

_scooter 1-J -' ¦•-

V i ll age of Patchogue ,Pet ty cash account 4.1- )

Ideal ' Pamt Co., Traff icpa in t "¦- ' ' --

( ' . B. V a i i A i i ' i i . .Mate r i a l.v app l i ca t ion . '!."' 1-:'9

Patchogue P a i n t & Ha r d -ware Co ., Tralhc p a in t 23 l .*7

Robert Ii. Ryder. Signs 43,00

Frank Scu ta r i , Street _ f

_p a i n t i n g '-•• ,'*

(Jeorge Kass eJ , Streetp a i n t i n g • ¦ • J , *'hu

Kav Silsb" , Street p a in t-ing - 1'"'°

1 ,,u , s DeSant , Streetp a i n t i n g 17't> 8

A r t h u r Ihud , Street paint -i ng . . . lj - <* 1

George A l l . i n , S t re e tn.' , , n t i l l , . ' 1 '- '"

1'aU'hogn.' Electric Light.Co .. Trallic Signal op-. • ra t ion *£} •§

K. J. Brooks. Seals <<> .1< )

F r a n k Fia la & Son , 'I raf- ,>}lie w h i t e . J -1..--

S o i i f h Shore Co n t r ac t i n g&, Dredging Corp., ., . > - ..E q u i pm e n t h i r e 1 !_ . •<"

W. R. M a r i an '.- Sons Inc. , .,, . , -, ,Supp l i es ¦- •

A l d r ic h E lec t r i c Co., K(-

p a i r - t ra t' i c l i g h ts -'¦»• > • •» '

Es ta te of I I . Clay Lo.see,Kent p a rk i n g space •>"" ";

Edgar VVbal e i i , Pa r t s .. . "-¦• ¦-W i l l i a m s o n Law Book ( •> ¦ ¦

Supp l ie s , . , '-"¦**

F.ddiu B l ac ker , A u t o Elec-

t r i c Service , Repai rs <~ ^part .-

I'a t c hog u e Motors Inc . ,

New p a t ro l car , g ni e r -, , I - I . I - 1

a t o i .,.• 00f- inv Bros.. I V i n t i u g •- '¦'•"".);, ;,„„ G. Shand Inc . , Sup-

^^p lies ¦¦ ¦ ' ,. 1 1 o -'0Sho r t age , hags ol I I I C K C I - ¦» ••'"j .;, ,\. Sha rp I n s u ra n c e

\ ..'e i i cv . I n s ur a n c e '— "So u t h Bay C o n so l i d a te d

W a te r Co.. Services^

> ¦ '

j H „,. | ,„rt I-;. Rowse, Su p -

^^j I ' l ' 1 ' - - "'2",58'2.7'

I |;, ..,peet f u l l v -- i ' 1 '""11;'.'.}.. .: ni;;.KY L. K I I - . I H! V i l l ag e Treasure r

mSESS5 zs

I 0. B. Davis, Inc. ji Funeral Home I_, _

? Quiet, serenity, good taste |§ and adequacy mark the estab- |g lishnient which we place at |g your disposal when the mis- Pi fortune of death afflicts your |1 family. It is definitely planned i5 as a setting for the last trib- _


ute, which you desire to be §perfect. 1

216-222 East Main Street |Port Jefferson, N. Y. 1

Port Jefferson 360-285-161 |s- Phone or Write U» tor Onr Fre« i6 Booklet. ••Wli.t to Do." _S ' . 3Eiiiiiiiiiii miiiiiiiiiiiit'iiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiu itaiiiiiiimiiniiiiimiiiitl

t& €ST- % \ \ W **56 s mJ J0HNf_WIJlf^_^niC,Mfl''fl6€R W

I Ninety-three Years I

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_Bv_B^^|vT|| l | |ft^Fv2l iC _rVB*'

II 70 No.Ocffltl flV pqTCHOGUCj ¦m Dm'ORwowr Jm


326 Kast Main StreetPATCHOC-UE, N. Y.

O F F E R I N GModerately Priced

FuneralsIncluding " Over 50 Items


DirectorTelephone Patchogue 52

l*S_;fc5g*3£9—-Bft^^M-B-SE8EMiIS_—Ii ;



J 0\ Ser vice thai S a l i if i e^. . . B

{j 15 R A I L R O A D A V E N U E ¦St ¦ -..;;-/ PHONE 135 • PATCHOGUE jB

iba^&smaf m i ^B&aittsawMtmuw}