secure chat application total doc

Secure Chat application using RSA ABSTRACT P ro ject T itle : A Survey on Cryptography A lgorith m s in S ecu rity o f V otin g System Approaches Jo u rn al: IEEE Com puter S cience IS B N : 978-0-7695-3243-1 In tro d u ctio n : There are three generalclasses of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on m ix-nets, and using hom om orphism encryption. H istorically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of allthe ballots, and that the contents of individualballots rem ain secret. C ryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. V oter’s finalballot m ust be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her finalballot to anyone. In the other w ay, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. S urvey on kinds of cryptography m ethods and voter verified in voting system s for better com prehension and different of them are goals of this article. S urvey of cryptography variety m ethods on security of V oting, beside of voter-verified helps to find new w ays in selecting m odels. A nd w ith these m odels except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty. E N V IR O N M E N T : Servers: O p eratin g S ystem Server: W indow s X P or later Tools: M icrosoft V isualS tudio .N et-2005 (2.0) Code B eh in d : C# .N et H ardw are S p ecificatio n : P ro cesso r: IntelPentium or M ore RAM: 1 G B Ram H ard D isk : PC w ith 20G B A PROJECT REPORT ON

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Post on 24-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB


Page 2: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

***************Title of the Project***************

Submitted to ******************** University for the partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the

Page 3: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Award of Degree for

***********Course Name*************

Done By

Page 4: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Mr. /Miss *********************************************

**************Institute of Management and Computer Science

Page 5: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB


Page 6: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

This is to certify that Mr., /Miss ****************** bearing Roll

No. ********************** have developed software project

Titled **************** For ********************* Software

Page 7: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Solutions as Partial fulfillment for the award of the Degree of


Head of the Department Principal

Page 8: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB ******College Name******

Page 9: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB External

Page 10: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB


At every outset I express my gratitude to almighty lord for showering his grace and blessings upon me to complete this project.

Page 11: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Although our name appears on the cover of this book, many people had contributed

in some form or the other form to this project Development. We could not done this project without the assistance or support of each of the following we thank you all.

I wish to place on my record my deep sense of gratitude to my project guide, Mr. ******, ***** Software Solutions, for his constant motivation and valuable help through the project work. Express my gratitude to Mr. ******, Director of ******* Institute of Management & Computer Sciences for his valuable suggestions and advices throughout

Page 12: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

the ***** course. I also extend my thanks to other Faculties for their Cooperation during my Course.

Finally I would like to thank my friends for their cooperation to complete this project.

*******Your Name*********

Page 13: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 14: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 15: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB


Page 16: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 17: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 18: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

In this project, you will develop a secure chat program that lets users send short messages to each other via an encrypted, authenticated channel. The project is deliberately

Page 19: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

open-ended to give you the opportunity to develop the features you find most compelling. For example, you may develop a chat program with a GUI (in DOT NET), as you see fit. You may include a rendezvous server in your chat system . There are also several optional security extensions to the base project.  

Connection Initiation. If Alice and Bob are both running your chat application, then Alice can use her program to initiate a connection to Bob. If you have a rendezvous server, then she may just click on a name in a list, or you may have Alice specify Bob's current IP address or hostname, e.g. [email protected] 

Page 20: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Basic Security Handshake. Once Alice and Bob's chat applications are connected via

a TCP connection, they should perform a Diffie-Hellman key agreement to establish a shared secret key, k. The exact format of the messages exchanged in this step is up to you.  

Key Setup. The actual chat messages should be encrypted using an encryption algorithm(RSA), mode-of-operation, and algorithm of your choice. You will have to derive encryption keys, etc. from the shared secret k. Chatting. Once the key setup is complete, users can exchange chat messages, and the program will transmit these over the encrypted channel.

Page 21: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB  

Page 22: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 23: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 24: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 25: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 26: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB


Table of Contents


Page 27: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB INTRODUCTION TO PROJECT





Page 28: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB SYSTEM ANALYSIS





Page 29: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB INPUT AND OUTPUT





Page 30: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB ECONOMICAL FEASIBILTY





Page 31: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB INTRODUCTION TO .NET FRAME WORK





Page 32: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB UML DIAGRAMS





Page 33: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB UNIT TESTING





Page 34: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS


Page 35: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB


Page 36: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

From the days of development of public-key cryptography, the RSA cryptography has gained utmost popularity. It is believed that there is certain difficulty encountered in computing eth roots modulo N, where n is the product of two large unknown primes.Inspite of this difficulty, this method is widely secure for large N.RSA can be processed by factorization of N.But the security of RSA is often based on the integer factorization problem, which is and continues to be a well-studied problem. At present, for the RSA to be considered secure, the suggested bit length of N is at least 1024.Using the popular factoring

Page 37: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

algorithms, the expected workload of factoring a 1024-bit modulus is 2 powers 80 which are currently believed to be impracticable. A workload of 280 is the current cryptographic benchmark used for security.

The foremost reason for the RSA to be popular lies in its simplicity. Only one modular exponentiation is enough for both encryption and decryption. However, computing an exponentiation modulo N is very costly because the RSA modules are much larger than

Page 38: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

other module of public key cryptosystems such as those based on elliptic curves. The size of the key pairs is the other main limitation in using RSA. For instance, the RSA key size must be much larger than that of elliptic curve based cryptosystems to offer the same level of security as a given symmetric key cryptosystem. Furthermore, as the security level is increased the RSA key size grows at a much faster rate than the keys in an elliptic curve cryptosystem.

Page 39: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB In this project, you will develop a secure chat program that lets users send short

messages to each other via an encrypted, authenticated channel. The project is deliberately open-ended to give you the opportunity to develop the features you find most compelling. For example, you may develop a chat program with a GUI (in DOT NET), as you see fit. You may include a rendezvous server in your chat system . There are also several optional security extensions to the base project.

Connection Initiation If Alice and Bob are both running your chat application, then Alice can use her program to initiate a connection to Bob. If you have a rendezvous server,

Page 40: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

then she may just click on a name in a list, or you may have Alice specify Bob's current IP address or hostname, e.g. [email protected] Basic Security Handshake. Once Alice and Bob's chat applications are connected via a TCP connection, they should perform a Diffie-Hellman key agreement to establish a shared secret key, k. The exact format of the messages exchanged in this step is up to you.  Key Setup. The actual chat messages should be encrypted using an encryption algorithm(RSA), mode-of-operation, and algorithm of your choice. You will have to derive encryption keys, etc. from the shared secret k. Chatting.

Page 41: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Once the key setup is complete, users can exchange chat messages, and the program will transmit these over the encrypted channel.


The IT solution provider for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies integrate is called as Software Solutions. Their approach focuses on new ways of business combining IT innovation and adoption at the same time leveraging an organization’s current IT assets. Their work with large global corporations and new products

Page 42: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

or services and to implement prudent business and technology strategies in today’s environment.


Software Development Services

Engineering Services

Systems Integration

Page 43: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Customer Relationship Management

Product Development

Electronic Commerce


IT Outsourcing

Page 44: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB In Order to accomplish two broad targets, we apply technology with creativity and


Effectively address the business issues our customers face today.

Generate new opportunities that will help them stay ahead in the future.


Page 45: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB A strategy where we architect, integrate and manage technology services and

solutions - we call it AIM for success.

A robust offshore development methodology and reduced demand on customer resources.

A focus on the use of reusable frameworks to provide cost and times benefits.

Page 46: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB They combine the best people, processes and technology to achieve excellent results

- consistency. We offer customers the advantages of:


They understand the importance of timing, of getting there before the competition. A rich portfolio of reusable, modular frameworks helps jump-start projects. Tried and tested methodology ensures that we follow a predictable, low - risk path to achieve results. Our track record is testimony to complex projects delivered within and even before schedule.

Page 47: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB


Our teams combine cutting edge technology skills with rich domain expertise. What’s equally important - they share a strong customer orientation that means they actually start by listening to the customer. They’re focused on coming up with solutions that serve customer requirements today and anticipate future needs.

Page 48: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB A FULL SERVICE PORTFOLIO:

They offer customers the advantage of being able to Architect, integrate and manage technology services. This means that they can rely on one, fully accountable source instead of trying to integrate disparate multi vendor solutions.


Page 49: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Xxx is providing its services to companies which are in the field of production, quality

control etc with their rich expertise and experience and information technology they are in best position to provide software solutions to distinct business requirements.

Page 50: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB


RSA’s information-centric approach to security protects the integrity and confidentiality of information throughout its lifecycle – no matter where it moves, who accesses it or how it is used. RSA offers industry-leading solutions in identity assurance &

Page 51: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

access control, encryption & key management, compliance & security information management and fraud protection.

RSA is essentially two distinct instances of RSA that share the same public and private exponents.

Reduce the storage space of 2 RSA keys. In particular, focus on the situation of using two RSA systems simultaneously, such as blind signature and authentication/secrecy

Page 52: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB By using this system we can communicate with the computers across the network with

extra effort.


I f you want to communicate in LAN have to use 3ed party tool.

For this the company or any organization has to spend money for that.

This server has to bare lot of burden. it will effect on other processes

Page 53: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB In Existing System while communicating users there is no handshaking.

In existing System total text goes in plain text.

It leads to Security lose.

In this essentially Has only single key share the same public and private exponents.

You can communicate any system within the network

Page 54: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB You can also chat with specified system by giving Ip address

We also have a provision to ping the selected node.

Internally it use shell command

Memory issue is very high

Cross threading issue will be here. It will to communicate between users depends on operating System

Page 55: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB


In order to overcome these drawbacks, many researchers have studied variants of RSA which either reduce the computational costs or reduce the key storage requirements.

The problem which is faced in the existing system is that information cannot be transferred from one place to another with high security which could be easily accessed

Page 56: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

by any one. The solution to the problem using RSA cryptopad is that the readable language will get convert to non-readable Language. . Ensuring that no one can read the message except the intended receiver. So this process becomes high secure with security purposes for militaries and government.

When public-key cryptography was first developed, the RSA cryptosystem has become the most popular cryptosystems in the world.

One of the reasons that RSA is popular is its simplicity.

Page 57: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Both encryption and decryption requires only one modular exponentiation.

In addition the security level is increased the RSA key size grows at a much faster rate than the keys in an elliptic curve cryptosystem.

Page 58: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 59: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 60: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 61: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB SYSTEM ANALYSIS

Page 62: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 63: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 64: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB 2.1 INTRODUCTION

The dependence of organizations in both public and private sectors on electronic data processing has become dominant. Providing protection to this important data is of utmost concern to the organizations and cryptography is one of the primary ways to achieve this. Public Key Cryptography is used to protect digital data going through an insecure channel from one place to another. RSA algorithm is extensively used in the popular

Page 65: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

implementations of Public Key Infrastructures. This paper focuses on an effectuation of RSA algorithm using gmp library from GNU. Examination of changes in the performance of the algorithm by changing the number of characters that we are encoding is also done.(we termed this procedure as bitwise incremental RSA).

Since data communication is an important characteristic of our living, protection of data from misuse is requisite. A cryptosystem involves a pair of data transformations called

Page 66: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

encryption and decryption. Encryption is applied to the plain text i.e. the data to be communicated to produce cipher text i.e. encrypted data using encryption key. Decryption uses the decryption key to convert cipher text to plain text i.e. the original data. Cryptography is said to be symmetric if the encryption key and the decryption key are the same or one can be derived from the other. This type of coding system can be easily broken if the key used to encrypt or decrypt can be found. In order to enhance the protection mechanism, Public Key Cryptosystem was introduced in 1976 by Whitfield Diffe and Martin Hellman of Stanford University. This mechanism makes use of a pair of related keys one for

Page 67: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

encryption and other for decryption. Former key, known as private key, is kept secret and other one known as public key is revealed.

The public key is used to encrypt the message and decryption can only be done through the private key. So, the encrypted message cannot be decrypted by anyone who knows the public key. Thus ensuring the secure communication. RSA is the most prominent public key algorithm. It depends on the issue of factoring in mathematics that shows that given a very large number it is quite unattainable in today’s aspect to find two prime factors. The large the number the less the chances for finding the factors of the number. As we

Page 68: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

increase the number the possibility for factoring the number decreases. So, we need very large numbers for a good Public Key Coding system. Numbers of varying precision can be manipulated by a library named as GMP. We have used this library to implement RSA algorithm. This paper signifies that the time to decrypt and the efficiency of coding system depends to a large extent on the number of bits encrypted together using a public key.


The credentials validation rules and their implications.

Page 69: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Calculating inverse of a shared secret modulus, which involves mathematical

formulation of RSA.

Employing hash function in the field of cryptography.

The potential of RSA algorithm is discussed.

A detailed inspection of fast exponentiation method is done.

A close examination of Coding system for sensor networks is done.

Page 70: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Security evidence for various digital signature schemes is provided.

Multiparty credentials validation services and key agreement rules.

Various fast RSA implementations are formulated.

RSA is implemented in an efficient way.

The basic RSA algorithms and other cryptography related issues are formulated.

Page 71: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB SCOPE OF PRESENT WORK

Our work in this paper is concentrated primarily on the implementation of RSA. In order to enhance the efficiency of implementation, GMP library is employed. We have explored the behavior and possibility of the algorithm with the change of various input parameters. A system with suitable user interface is prepared based on the analysis.


Page 72: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Introduction

The RSA coding system is based on the dramatic difference between the ease of finding large primes and the difficulty of factoring the product of two large prime numbers (the integer factorization problem). A basic idea of the RSA algorithm for encrypting and decrypting messages is given here.

Page 73: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Key generation

For the RSA coding system, generation of two large prime numbers, 'p' and 'q' of same size in bits is initiated first. Later, calculate 'n' where n = pq, and 'x' such that, x = (p -1)(q-1). We select a small odd integer smaller than x, and relatively prime to it i.e. gcd(e,x) = 1. At last we find out the unique multiplicative inverse of e modulo x, and name it 'd'.

Page 74: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Hence, the public key is given by the ordered pair (e,n) and the private key is indicated as d.

RSA Encryption

For instance assume Tom wishes to send a message say ‘m’ to Jerry. To encrypt the ‘T’ using the RSA encryption methodology, Tom must obtain Jerry's public key ordered pair (e,n). As a result, the message 'm' must be represented as an integer in the interval [0,n-1].

Page 75: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

For the purpose of encryption it, Tom simply calculates the number 'c' where c = m ^ e mod n. Tom sends the encoded text c to Jerry.

RSA Decryption

To decode the encoded text c, Jerry needs to use her own private key d and the modulus n. Calculating the value of c ^ d mod n provides the decoded message (m). And such texts also offer considerable insights into the various security issues related to the

Page 76: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

methodology. Our foremost concern is on a simple yet flexible implementation of the RSA coding system that may be of practical importance.



We have effectuated the RSA coding system in two forms: a console way of

Page 77: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB accomplishing and a graphical user interface way of accomplishing which is user

adoptable. We concentrate on the console mode of accomplishment here. The console application employs a 1024 bit modulus RSA implementation, which is sufficient for non-critical applications. A slight change in source code achieves higher bit-capabilities with a minor hit in performance.

Handling large integers and the GMP library

Any practical implementation of the RSA coding system would involve dealing

Page 78: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB with large integers. A way to overcome this would be to write down a library on our

own to handle all the functions. Hence this results in avoiding our dependence on the third-party library. But there are limitations. First, the speed of our implementation would not match the speed of the libraries available. Secondly, it does not provide as much security as open-source libraries do. Among the many available libraries, we restrict the choice to three libraries: the BigInteger library (Java), the GNU MP Arbitrary Precision library (C/C++), and the OpenSSL crypto library (C/C++). The GMP library best suits our needs. It aims at providing the fastest possible arithmetic for applications that need a higher precision than

Page 79: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

the ones directly supported under C/C++ by utilizing highly optimized assembly code. The GMP library is a cross-platform library, implying that our application should work across platforms with minimal modifications. The facilities provided by this library are utilized to its best in the application. The key generation, encoding and decoding procedures all made use of the integer handling functions provided by this library.

Timings for 1024-bit RSA (without compiler optimization)

Page 80: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB The Encryption time and Decryption time which are tabulated below are recorded on

a 733 MHz Pentium Class processor by making use of time measurement functions offered by the C library on a GNU/Linux platform (kernel 2.4.20). Key generation: 0.465994 seconds. The following times were recorded by considering a file with exactly 10,000 characters:

Page 81: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 82: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

(All times per 10,000 characters)

Timings for RSA for varying bit strengths

By changing the constant representing the bit-strength, RSA moduli of various sizes may be used quite easily. The following times were recorded using the same input file

(10,000 characters):

Bit Strength Chars at once Key Generation Encryption Decryption

Page 83: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 84: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB The fastest one is the 512-bit RSA where as the slowest one is the 2048-bit RSA.

But in terms of security, 512-bit RSA is not good. 2048-bit RSA provides utmost resistance to attacks. In the present scenario, 1024-bit modulus maintains a good balance in terms of speed and security.


Page 85: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Implementation Environment

Hardware Environment:

Server Side: Pentium Processor PC

128 MB RAM


Page 86: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Client Side: Pentium processor PC



Software Environment:

Server Side

Page 87: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Operating System: Windows XP

Database :

Client Side

Operating System: Windows XP

Software : .NET FRAMEWORK 3.5

Page 88: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB


The user should have the following knowledge to operate the application.

Knowledge of web browser

Knowledge of navigating through web sites.

Page 89: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Knowledge of chatting.

Knowledge of opening and reading messages.


The proposed system will overcome all the drawbacks of the existing system. In the existing system it had only few options for project execution notepad. But in the

Page 90: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

proposed system few more motions were added. In particularly for the encryption and decryption purposes there is a new method of key pairs of public and private keys were created. For the encryption method the public key is used and for the decryption process the intended receiver used the private key to receive the information.


The inputs and outputs that are provided for the system are follows:

Page 91: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Inputs:

For the process of input encryption method, IP address and port number are given as inputs. The message to be sent is in the form of a string is also an input for the system.The request is then sent to the server and the RSA algorithm then generates public and private keys is done. Then string to be encrypted is done with the public key.


Page 92: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB After the encryption is done the encrypted string occurs in the text box which will be

received by the intended receiver and decryption is done with the private key by the intended receiver



Login module

Page 93: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Register module

Sharing Key module

Encrypt module

Decrypt module

Login module:

Page 94: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB In this module user has to his give system IP, sysname to the login form. It check with the OS. If it is correct it redirect to server/client form.

Register module:

Any user wants to with his concern his/her give credential to register

Sharing key module:in this module the system will create two keys for sharing in a network between communicate users. It will create based on RSA algorithms

Page 95: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Encrypt Module:

In this, using key the whole cipher text will be converted in user understandable format.

Decryptmodule:In this using keys the plain text will converted in cipher format. It can’t be understood by the hacker.

Page 96: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Encryption ModuleIn the encryption process the plain text is entered and key pair is generated. The public key is given for encrypting the data so that no one can read the message except the intended receiver. Assuring the receiver that the received message has not been altered in any way from the original.Decryption Module

Page 97: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

The decryption module also uses multiple algorithms for decryption of data from the encrypted state. It uses the key fixed by the encryption module to retrieve the encrypted data messages to the readable format.

The decryption process uses the private key for the conversion of the encrypted data to the readable decrypted data.

Page 98: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 99: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 100: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Feasibility Report

Page 101: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 102: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Preliminary investigation examine project feasibility, the likelihood the system will be useful to the organization. The main objective of the feasibility study is to test the Technical, Operational and Economical feasibility for adding new modules and debugging old running

Page 103: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

system. All system is feasible if they are unlimited resources and infinite time. There are aspects in the feasibility study portion of the preliminary investigation:

Technical Feasibility

Operational Feasibility

Economical Feasibility


Page 104: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB The technical issue usually raised during the feasibility stage of the investigation includes

the following:

Does the necessary technology exist to do what is suggested?

Do the proposed equipments have the technical capacity to hold the data required to use the new system?

Will the proposed system provide adequate response to inquiries, regardless of the number or location of users?

Can the system be upgraded if developed?

Page 105: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Are there technical guarantees of accuracy, reliability, ease of access and data security?

Earlier no system existed to cater to the needs of ‘Secure Infrastructure Implementation System’. The current system developed is technically feasible. It is a web based user interface for audit workflow at NIC-CSD. Thus it provides an easy access to the users. The database’s purpose is to create, establish and maintain a workflow among various entities in order to facilitate all concerned users in their various capacities or roles. Permission to the users would be granted based on the roles specified. Therefore, it provides the technical guarantee of accuracy, reliability and security. The software and hard requirements for the development of this project are not many and are already available in-house at NIC or are available as free as open source. The work for the project is done with the current equipment and existing software

Page 106: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

technology. Necessary bandwidth exists for providing a fast feedback to the users irrespective of the number of users using the system.


Proposed projects are beneficial only if they can be turned out into information system. That will meet the organization’s operating requirements. Operational feasibility aspects of the project are to be taken as an important part of the project implementation. Some of the important issues raised are to test the operational feasibility of a project includes the following: -

Is there sufficient support for the management from the users?

Page 107: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Will the system be used and work properly if it is being developed and implemented?

Will there be any resistance from the user that will undermine the possible application benefits?

This system is targeted to be in accordance with the above-mentioned issues. Beforehand, the management issues and user requirements have been taken into consideration. So there is no question of resistance from the users that can undermine the possible application benefits.

The well-planned design would ensure the optimal utilization of the computer resources and would help in the improvement of performance status.

Page 108: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB 3.3. ECONOMICAL FEASIBILITY

A system can be developed technically and that will be used if installed must still be a good investment for the organization. In the economical feasibility, the development cost in creating the system is evaluated against the ultimate benefit derived from the new systems. Financial benefits must equal or exceed the costs.

The system is economically feasible. It does not require any addition hardware or software. Since the interface for this system is developed using the existing resources and technologies available at NIC, There is nominal expenditure and economical feasibility for certain.

Page 109: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 110: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 111: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 112: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 113: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB


Page 114: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 115: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 116: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB


Page 117: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Purpose: The main purpose for preparing this document is to give a general insight

into the analysis and requirements of the existing system or situation and for determining the operating characteristics of the system.

Scope: This Document plays a vital role in the development life cycle (SDLC) and it describes the complete requirement of the system. It is meant for use by the developers and will be the basic during testing phase. Any changes made to the requirements in the future will have to go through formal change approval process.

Page 118: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB DEVELOPERS RESPONSIBILITIES OVERVIEW:

The developer is responsible for:

Developing the system, which meets the SRS and solving all the requirements of the system?

Demonstrating the system and installing the system at client's location after the acceptance testing is successful.

Page 119: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Submitting the required user manual describing the system interfaces to work on it

and also the documents of the system.

Conducting any user training that might be needed for using the system.

Maintaining the system for a period of one year after installation.

Page 120: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB



Outputs from computer systems are required primarily to communicate the results of processing to users. They are also used to provides a permanent copy of the results for later consultation. The various types of outputs in general are:

External Outputs, whose destination is outside the organization.

Page 121: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Internal Outputs whose destination is within organization and they are the

User’s main interface with the computer.

Operational outputs whose use is purely within the computer department.

Interface outputs, which involve the user in communicating directly.


Page 122: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

The outputs should be defined in terms of the following points:

Type of the output

Content of the output

Format of the output

Location of the output

Page 123: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Frequency of the output

Volume of the output

Sequence of the output

It is not always desirable to print or display data as it is held on a computer. It should be decided as which form of the output is the most suitable.


Page 124: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Input design is a part of overall system design. The main objective during the input design is as given below:

To produce a cost-effective method of input.

To achieve the highest possible level of accuracy.

To ensure that the input is acceptable and understood by the user.


Page 125: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB The main input stages can be listed as below:

Data recording

Data transcription

Data conversion

Data verification

Page 126: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Data control

Data transmission

Data validation

Data correction

Page 127: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB INPUT TYPES:

It is necessary to determine the various types of inputs. Inputs can be categorized as follows:

External inputs, which are prime inputs for the system.

Internal inputs, which are user communications with the system.

Operational, which are computer department’s communications to the system?

Page 128: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Interactive, which are inputs entered during a dialogue.


At this stage choice has to be made about the input media. To conclude about the input media consideration has to be given to;

Type of input

Flexibility of format

Page 129: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Speed


Verification methods

Rejection rates

Ease of correction

Page 130: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Storage and handling requirements


Easy to use


Keeping in view the above description of the input types and input media, it can be said that most of the inputs are of the form of internal and interactive. As

Page 131: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Input data is to be the directly keyed in by the user, the keyboard can be considered

to be the most suitable input device.


At this stage care is to be taken to ensure that input data remains accurate form the stage at which it is recorded up to the stage in which the data is accepted by the system. This can be achieved only by means of careful control each time the data is handled.

Page 132: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB ERROR DETECTION

Even though every effort is make to avoid the occurrence of errors, still a small proportion of errors is always likely to occur, these types of errors can be discovered by using validations to check the input data.


Page 133: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Procedures are designed to detect errors in data at a lower level of detail. Data

validations have been included in the system in almost every area where there is a possibility for the user to commit errors. The system will not accept invalid data. Whenever an invalid data is keyed in, the system immediately prompts the user and the user has to again key in the data and the system will accept the data only if the data is correct. Validations have been included where necessary.

Page 134: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB The system is designed to be a user friendly one. In other words the system has

been designed to communicate effectively with the user. The system has been designed with popup menus.


It is essential to consult the system users and discuss their needs while designing the user interface:

Page 135: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB USER INTERFACE SYSTEMS CAN BE BROADLY CLASIFIED AS:

User initiated interface the user is in charge, controlling the progress of the user/computer dialogue. In the computer-initiated interface, the computer selects the next stage in the interaction.

Computer initiated interfaces

Page 136: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB In the computer initiated interfaces the computer guides the progress of the

user/computer dialogue. Information is displayed and the user response of the computer takes action or displays further information.


User initiated interfaces fall into tow approximate classes:

Page 137: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Command driven interfaces: In this type of interface the user inputs commands or

queries which are interpreted by the computer.

Forms oriented interface: The user calls up an image of the form to his/her screen and fills in the form. The forms oriented interface is chosen because it is the best choice.


The following computer – initiated interfaces were used:

Page 138: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB The menu system for the user is presented with a list of alternatives and the user

chooses one; of alternatives.

Questions – answer type dialog system where the computer asks question and takes action based on the basis of the users reply.

Right from the start the system is going to be menu driven, the opening menu displays the available options. Choosing one option gives another popup menu with more

Page 139: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

options. In this way every option leads the users to data entry form where the user can key in the data.


The design of error messages is an important part of the user interface design. As user is bound to commit some errors or other while designing a system the system should be designed to be helpful by providing the user with information regarding the error he/she has committed.

Page 140: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB This application must be able to produce output at different modules for different inputs.


Performance is measured in terms of the output provided by the application.

Requirement specification plays an important part in the analysis of a system. Only when the requirement specifications are properly given, it is possible to design a system, which will fit into required environment. It rests largely in the part of the users of the existing system to give the requirement specifications because they are the people who

Page 141: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

finally use the system. This is because the requirements have to be known during the initial stages so that the system can be designed according to those requirements. It is very difficult to change the system once it has been designed and on the other hand designing a system, which does not cater to the requirements of the user, is of no use.

The requirement specification for any system can be broadly stated as given below:

The system should be able to interface with the existing system

Page 142: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB The system should be accurate

The system should be better than the existing system

The existing system is completely dependent on the user to perform all the duties.



Page 143: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB The Microsoft .NET Framework is a software technology that is available with several

Microsoft Windows operating systems. It includes a large library of pre-coded solutions to common programming problems and a virtual machine that manages the execution of programs written specifically for the framework. The .NET Framework is a key Microsoft offering and is intended to be used by most new applications created for the Windows platform.

The pre-coded solutions that form the framework's Base Class Library cover a large range of programming needs in a number of areas, including user interface, data access, database connectivity, cryptography, web application development, numeric algorithms, and network

Page 144: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

communications. The class library is used by programmers, who combine it with their own code to produce applications.

Programs written for the .NET Framework execute in a software environment that manages the program's runtime requirements. Also part of the .NET Framework, this runtime environment is known as the Common Language Runtime (CLR). The CLR provides the appearance of an application virtual machine so that programmers need not consider the capabilities of the specific CPU that will execute the program. The CLR also provides other important services such as security, memory management, and exception handling. The class library and the CLR together compose the .NET Framework.

Page 145: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Principal design features


Because interaction between new and older applications is commonly required, the .NET

Framework provides means to access functionality that is implemented in programs that execute

outside the .NET environment. Access to COM components is provided in the

Page 146: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

System.Runtime.InteropServices and System.EnterpriseServices namespaces of the framework;

access to other functionality is provided using the P/Invoke feature.

Common Runtime Engine 

The Common Language Runtime (CLR) is the virtual machine component of the .NET framework. All .NET programs execute under the supervision of the CLR, guaranteeing certain properties and behaviors in the areas of memory management, security, and exception handling.

Page 147: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Base Class Library 

The Base Class Library (BCL), part of the Framework Class Library (FCL), is a library of functionality available to all languages using the .NET Framework. The BCL provides classes which encapsulate a number of common functions, including file reading and writing, graphic rendering, database interaction and XML document manipulation.

Simplified Deployment 

Page 148: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Installation of computer software must be carefully managed to ensure that it does

not interfere with previously installed software, and that it conforms to security requirements. The .NET framework includes design features and tools that help address these requirements.


Page 149: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

The design is meant to address some of the vulnerabilities, such as buffer overflows, that have been exploited by malicious software. Additionally, .NET provides a common security model for all applications.


The design of the .NET Framework allows it to theoretically be platform agnostic, and thus cross-platform compatible. That is, a program written to use the framework should run without change on any type of system for which the framework is implemented. Microsoft's

Page 150: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

commercial implementations of the framework cover Windows, Windows CE, and the Xbox 360. In addition, Microsoft submits the specifications for the Common Language Infrastructure (which includes the core class libraries, Common Type System, and the Common Intermediate Language), the C# language, and the C++/CLI language to both ECMA and the ISO, making them available as open standards. This makes it possible for third parties to create compatible implementations of the framework and its languages on other platforms.

Page 151: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB


Page 152: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 153: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Visual overview of the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI)

Common Language Infrastructure

Page 154: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB The core aspects of the .NET framework lie within the Common Language

Infrastructure, or CLI. The purpose of the CLI is to provide a language-neutral platform for application development and execution, including functions for exception handling, garbage collection, security, and interoperability. Microsoft's implementation of the CLI is called the Common Language Runtime or CLR.


Page 155: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

The intermediate CIL code is housed in .NET assemblies. As mandated by specification, assemblies are stored in the Portable Executable (PE) format, common on the Windows platform for all DLL and EXE files. The assembly consists of one or more files, one of which must contain the manifest, which has the metadata for the assembly. The complete name of an assembly (not to be confused with the filename on disk) contains its simple text name, version number, culture, and public key token. The public key token is a unique hash generated when the assembly is compiled, thus two assemblies with the same public key token are guaranteed to be identical from the point of view of the framework. A private key can also be specified known

Page 156: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

only to the creator of the assembly and can be used for strong naming and to guarantee that the assembly is from the same author when a new version of the assembly is compiled (required to add an assembly to the Global Assembly Cache).


Page 157: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

All CLI is self-describing through .NET metadata. The CLR checks the metadata to ensure that the correct method is called. Metadata is usually generated by language compilers but developers can create their own metadata through custom attributes. Metadata contains information about the assembly, and is also used to implement the reflective programming capabilities of .NET Framework.

Page 158: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB


.NET has its own security mechanism with two general features: Code Access Security (CAS), and validation and verification. Code Access Security is based on evidence that is associated with a specific assembly. Typically the evidence is the source of the assembly (whether it is installed on the local machine or has been downloaded from the intranet or

Page 159: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Internet). Code Access Security uses evidence to determine the permissions granted to the code. Other code can demand that calling code is granted a specified permission. The demand causes the CLR to perform a call stack walk: every assembly of each method in the call stack is checked for the required permission; if any assembly is not granted the permission a security exception is thrown.

When an assembly is loaded the CLR performs various tests. Two such tests are validation and verification. During validation the CLR checks that the assembly contains valid metadata and CIL, and whether the internal tables are correct. Verification is not so exact. The verification mechanism checks to see if the code does anything that is 'unsafe'. The algorithm

Page 160: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

used is quite conservative; hence occasionally code that is 'safe' does not pass. Unsafe code will only be executed if the assembly has the 'skip verification' permission, which generally means code that is installed on the local machine.

.NET Framework uses appdomains as a mechanism for isolating code running in a process. Appdomains can be created and code loaded into or unloaded from them independent of other appdomains. This helps increase the fault tolerance of the application, as faults or crashes in one appdomain do not affect rest of the application. Appdomains can also be configured independently with different security privileges. This can help increase the security of the

Page 161: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

application by isolating potentially unsafe code. The developer, however, has to split the application into subdomains; it is not done by the CLR.

Class library

Namespaces in the BCL

Page 162: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB


System. CodeDom

System. Collections

System. Diagnostics

Page 163: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

System. Globalization

System. IO

System. Resources

System. Text


Page 164: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB


Microsoft .NET Framework includes a set of standard class libraries. The class library is organized in a hierarchy of namespaces. Most of the built in APIs are part of either System.* or Microsoft.* namespaces. It encapsulates a large number of common functions, such as file reading and writing, graphic rendering, database interaction, and XML document manipulation, among others. The .NET class libraries are available to all .NET languages. The .NET Framework class library is divided into two parts: the Base Class Library and the Framework Class Library.

Page 165: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB The Base Class Library (BCL) includes a small subset of the entire class library and is

the core set of classes that serve as the basic API of the Common Language Runtime. The classes in mscorlib.dll and some of the classes in System.dll and System.core.dll are considered to be a part of the BCL. The BCL classes are available in both .NET Framework as well as its alternative implementations including .NET Compact Framework, Microsoft Silverlight and Mono.

The Framework Class Library (FCL) is a superset of the BCL classes and refers to the entire class library that ships with .NET Framework. It includes an expanded set of libraries, including WinForms, ADO.NET, ASP.NET, Language Integrated Query, Windows Presentation

Page 166: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Foundation, Windows Communication Foundation among others. The FCL is much larger in scope than standard libraries for languages like C++, and comparable in scope to the standard libraries of Java.

Memory management

The .NET Framework CLR frees the developer from the burden of managing memory (allocating and freeing up when done); instead it does the memory management itself. To this

Page 167: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

end, the memory allocated to instantiations of .NET types (objects) is done contiguously from the managed heap, a pool of memory managed by the CLR. As long as there exists a reference to an object, which might be either a direct reference to an object or via a graph of objects, the object is considered to be in use by the CLR. When there is no reference to an object, and it cannot be reached or used, it becomes garbage. However, it still holds on to the memory allocated to it. .NET Framework includes a garbage collector which runs periodically, on a separate thread from the application's thread, that enumerates all the unusable objects and reclaims the memory allocated to them.

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Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB The .NET Garbage Collector (GC) is a non-deterministic, compacting, mark-and-sweep

garbage collector. The GC runs only when a certain amount of memory has been used or there is enough pressure for memory on the system. Since it is not guaranteed when the conditions to reclaim memory are reached, the GC runs are non-deterministic. Each .NET application has a set of roots, which are pointers to objects on the managed heap (managed objects). These include references to static objects and objects defined as local variables or method parameters currently in scope, as well as objects referred to by CPU registers. When the GC runs, it pauses the application, and for each object referred to in the root, it recursively enumerates all the objects reachable from the root objects and marks them as reachable. It uses .NET metadata and reflection to discover the objects encapsulated by an object, and then recursively walk them. It

Page 169: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

then enumerates all the objects on the heap (which were initially allocated contiguously) using reflection. All objects not marked as reachable are garbage. This is the mark phase. Since the memory held by garbage is not of any consequence, it is considered free space. However, this leaves chunks of free space between objects which were initially contiguous. The objects are then compacted together, by using memcpy to copy them over to the free space to make them contiguous again. Any reference to an object invalidated by moving the object is updated to reflect the new location by the GC. The application is resumed after the garbage collection is over.

Page 170: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB The GC used by .NET Framework is actually generational. Objects are assigned a

generation; newly created objects belong to Generation 0. The objects that survive a garbage collection are tagged as Generation 1, and the Generation 1 objects that survive another collection are Generation 2 objects. The .NET Framework uses up to Generation 2 objects. Higher generation objects are garbage collected less frequently than lower generation objects. This helps increase the efficiency of garbage collection, as older objects tend to have a larger lifetime than newer objects. Thus, by removing older (and thus more likely to survive a collection) objects from the scope of a collection run, fewer objects need to be checked and compacted.

Page 171: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB


Page 172: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Microsoft started development on the .NET Framework in the late 1990s originally under the name of Next Generation Windows Services (NGWS). By late 2000 the first beta versions of .NET 1.0 were released.

Page 173: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 174: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

The .NET Framework stack.


Version Number

Release Date

Page 175: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB










Page 176: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB







Page 177: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Client Application Development

Client applications are the closest to a traditional style of application in Windows-based programming. These are the types of applications that display windows or forms on the desktop, enabling a user to perform a task. Client applications include applications such as

Page 178: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

word processors and spreadsheets, as well as custom business applications such as data-entry tools, reporting tools, and so on. Client applications usually employ windows, menus, buttons, and other GUI elements, and they likely access local resources such as the file system and peripherals such as printers. Another kind of client application is the traditional ActiveX control (now replaced by the managed Windows Forms control) deployed over the Internet as a Web page. This application is much like other client applications: it is executed natively, has access to local resources, and includes graphical elements.

In the past, developers created such applications using C/C++ in conjunction with the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) or with a rapid application development (RAD)

Page 179: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

environment such as Microsoft® Visual Basic®. The .NET Framework incorporates aspects of these existing products into a single, consistent development environment that drastically simplifies the development of client applications.

The Windows Forms classes contained in the .NET Framework are designed to be used for GUI development. You can easily create command windows, buttons, menus, toolbars, and other screen elements with the flexibility necessary to accommodate shifting business needs.

Page 180: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB For example, the .NET Framework provides simple properties to adjust

visual attributes associated with forms. In some cases the underlying operating system does not support changing these attributes directly, and in these cases the .NET Framework automatically recreates the forms. This is one of many ways in which the .NET Framework integrates the developer interface, making coding simpler and more consistent.

Page 181: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Server Application Development

Server-side applications in the managed world are implemented through runtime hosts. Unmanaged applications host the common language runtime, which allows your custom managed code to control the behavior of the server.

This model provides you with all the features of the common language runtime and class library while gaining the performance and scalability of the host server.

Page 182: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB The following illustration shows a basic network schema with managed

code running in different server environments. Servers such as IIS and SQL Server can perform standard operations while your application logic executes through the managed code.

Server-side managed code

Page 183: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 184: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB ASP.NET is the hosting environment that enables developers to use the

.NET Framework to target Web-based applications. However, ASP.NET is more than just a runtime host; it is a complete architecture for developing Web sites and Internet-distributed objects using managed code. Both Web Forms and XML Web services use IIS and ASP.NET as the publishing mechanism for applications, and both have a collection of supporting classes in the .NET

5.2 C#.NET

Page 185: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB The Relationship of C# to .NET

C# is a new programming language, and is significant in two respects:

Page 186: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB It is specifically designed and targeted for use with Microsoft's .NET Framework (a

feature rich platform for the development, deployment, and execution of distributed applications).

It is a language based upon the modern object-oriented design methodology, and when designing it Microsoft has been able to learn from the experience of all the other

Page 187: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

similar languages that have been around over the 20 years or so since object-oriented principles came to prominence

One important thing to make clear is that C# is a language in its own right. Although it is designed to generate code that targets the .NET environment, it is not itself part of .NET. There are some features that are supported by .NET but not by C#, and you might

Page 188: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

be surprised to learn that there are actually features of the C# language that are not supported by .NET like Operator Overloading.

However, since the C# language is intended for use with .NET, it is important for us to have an understanding of this Framework if we wish to develop applications in C# effectively. So, in this chapter

Page 189: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

The Common Language Runtime:

Central to the .NET framework is its run-time execution environment, known as the Common Language Runtime (CLR) or the .NET runtime. Code running under the control of the CLR is often termed managed code.

Page 190: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB However, before it can be executed by the CLR, any source code that we develop (in

C# or some other language) needs to be compiled. Compilation occurs in two steps in .NET:

Compilation of source code to Microsoft Intermediate Language (MS-IL)

2. Compilation of IL to platform-specific code by the CLR

Page 191: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

At first sight this might seem a rather long-winded compilation process. Actually, this two-stage compilation process is very important, because the existence of the Microsoft Intermediate Language (managed code) is the key to providing many of the benefits of .NET. Let's see why.

Page 192: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Advantages of Managed Code

Microsoft Intermediate Language (often shortened to "Intermediate Language", or "IL") shares with Java byte code the idea that it is a low-level language with a simple syntax (based on numeric codes rather than text), which can be very quickly translated into native machine code. Having this well-defined

Page 193: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Universal syntax for code has significant advantages.

Platform Independence

First, it means that the same file containing byte code instructions can be placed on any platform; at runtime the final stage of compilation can then be easily accomplished so that the code will run on that particular platform. In other words, by

Page 194: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

compiling to Intermediate Language we obtain platform independence for .NET, in much the same way as compiling to Java byte code gives Java platform independence.

You should note that the platform independence of .NET is only theoretical at present because, at the time of writing, .NET is only available for Windows. However, porting .NET to other platforms is being explored (see for example the Mono project, an effort to create an open source implementation of .NET, at

Page 195: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Performance Improvement

Although we previously made comparisons with Java, IL is actually a bit more ambitious than Java byte code. Significantly, IL is always Just-In-Time compiled, whereas Java byte code was often interpreted. One of the disadvantages of Java was that, on execution, the process of translating from Java byte code to native executable resulted in a

Page 196: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

loss of performance (apart from in more recent cases, here Java is JIT-compiled on certain platforms).

Instead of compiling the entire application in one go (which could lead to a slow start-up time), the JIT compiler simply compiles each portion of code as it is called (just-in-time). When code has been compiled once, the resultant native executable is stored until the application exits, so that it does not need to be recompiled the next time that portion of

Page 197: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

code is run. Microsoft argues that this process is more efficient than compiling the entire application code at the start, because of the likelihood those large portions of any application code will not actually be executed in any given run. Using the JIT compiler, such code will never get compiled.

This explains why we can expect that execution of managed IL code will be almost as fast as executing native machine code. What it doesn't explain is why Microsoft expects that

Page 198: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

we will get a performance improvement. The reason given for this is that, since the final stage of compilation takes place at run time, the JIT compiler will know exactly what processor type the program will run on. This means that it can optimize the final executable code to take advantage of any features or particular machine code instructions offered by that particular processor.

Page 199: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Traditional compilers will optimize the code, but they can only perform optimizations

that will be independent of the particular processor that the code will run on. This is because traditional compilers compile to native executable before the software is shipped. This means that the compiler doesn't know what type of processor the code will run on beyond basic generalities, such as that it will be an x86-compatible processor or an Alpha processor. Visual Studio 6, for example, optimizes for a generic Pentium machine, so the code that it generates cannot take advantages of hardware features of Pentium III processors. On the

Page 200: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

other hand, the JIT compiler can do all the optimizations that Visual Studio 6 can, and in addition to that it will optimize for the particular processor the code is running on.

Language Interoperability

How the use of IL enables platform independence, and how JIT compilation should improve performance. However, IL also facilitates language interoperability.

Page 201: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Simply put, you can compile to IL from one language, and this compiled code should then be interoperable with code that has been compiled to IL from another language.

Intermediate Language

From what we learned in the previous section, Intermediate Language obviously plays a fundamental role in the .NET Framework. As C# developers, we now

Page 202: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

understand that our C# code will be compiled into Intermediate Language before it is executed (indeed, the C# compiler only compiles to managed code). It makes sense, then, that we should now take a closer look at the main characteristics of IL, since any language that targets .NET would logically need to support the main characteristics of IL too.

Here are the important features of the Intermediate Language:

Page 203: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Object-orientation and use of interfaces

Strong distinction between value and reference types

Strong data typing

Error handling through the use of exceptions

Page 204: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Use of attributes

Support of Object Orientation and Interfaces

Page 205: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB The language independence of .NET does have some practical limits. In particular, IL,

however it is designed, is inevitably going to implement some particular programming methodology, which means that languages targeting it are going to have to be compatible with that methodology. The particular route that Microsoft has chosen to follow for IL is that of classic object-oriented programming, with single implementation inheritance of classes.

Page 206: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Besides classic object-oriented programming, Intermediate Language also brings in

the idea of interfaces, which saw their first implementation under Windows with COM. .NET interfaces are not the same as COM interfaces; they do not need to support any of the COM infrastructure (for example, they are not derived from I Unknown, and they do not have associated GUIDs). However, they do share with

COM interfaces the idea that they provide a contract, and classes that implement a given interface must provide implementations of the methods and properties specified by that interface.

Page 207: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Object Orientation and Language Interoperability

Working with .NET means compiling to the Intermediate Language, and that in turn means that you will need to be programming using traditional object-oriented methodologies. That alone is not, however, sufficient to give us language interoperability. After all, C++ and Java both use the same object-oriented paradigms, but they are still not

Page 208: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

regarded as interoperable. We need to look a little more closely at the concept of language interoperability.

An associated problem was that, when debugging, you would still have to independently debug components written in different languages. It was not possible to step between languages in the debugger. So what we really mean by language interoperability is

Page 209: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

that classes written in one language should be able to talk directly to classes written in another language. In particular:

A class written in one language can inherit from a class written in another language

The class can contain an instance of another class, no matter what the languages of the two classes are

Page 210: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB An object can directly call methods against another object written in another


Objects (or references to objects) can be passed around between methods

When calling methods between languages we can step between the method calls in the

Page 211: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB debugger, even where this means stepping between source code written in different


Page 212: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB This is all quite an ambitious aim, but amazingly, .NET and the Intermediate

Language have achieved it. For the case of stepping between methods in the debugger, this facility is really offered by the Visual Studio .NET IDE rather than from the CLR itself.

Strong Data Type

Page 213: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB One very important aspect of IL is that it is based on exceptionally strong data

typing. What we mean by that is that all variables are clearly marked as being of a particular, specific data type (there is no room in IL, for example, for the Variant data type recognized by Visual Basic and scripting languages). In particular, IL does not normally permit any operations that result in ambiguous data types.

Page 214: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB For instance, VB developers will be used to being able to pass variables around

without worrying too much about their types, because VB automatically performs type conversion. C++ developers will be used to routinely casting pointers between different types. Being able to perform this kind of operation can be great for performance, but it breaks type safety. Hence, it is permitted only in very specific circumstances in some of the languages that compile to managed code. Indeed, pointers (as opposed to references) are only permitted in marked blocks of code in C#, and not at all in VB (although they are

Page 215: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

allowed as normal in managed C++). Using pointers in your code will immediately cause it to fail the memory type safety checks performed by the CLR.

You should note that some languages compatible with .NET, such as VB.NET, still allow some laxity in typing, but that is only possible because the compilers behind the scenes ensure the type safety is enforced in the emitted IL.

Page 216: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Although enforcing type safety might initially appear to hurt performance, in many cases this is far outweighed by the benefits gained from the services provided by .NET that rely on type safety. Such services include:

Language Interoperability

Page 217: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Garbage Collection


Application Domains

Common Type System (CTS)

This data type problem is solved in .NET through the use of the Common Type System (CTS). The CTS defines the predefined data types that are available in IL, so that all

Page 218: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

languages that target the .NET framework will produce compiled code that is ultimately based on these types.

The CTS doesn't merely specify primitive data types, but a rich hierarchy of types, which includes well-defined points in the hierarchy at which code is permitted to define its own types. The hierarchical structure of the Common Type System reflects the single-inheritance object-oriented methodology of IL, and looks like this:

Page 219: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 220: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Common Language Specification (CLS)

The Common Language Specification works with the Common Type System to ensure language interoperability. The CLS is a set of minimum standards that all compilers targeting .NET must support. Since IL is a very rich language, writers of most compilers will prefer to restrict the capabilities of a given compiler to only support a subset of the facilities

Page 221: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

offered by IL and the CTS. That is fine, as long as the compiler supports everything that is defined in the CLS.

Page 222: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Garbage Collection

The garbage collector is .NET's answer to memory management, and in particular to the question of what to do about reclaiming memory that running applications

Page 223: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

ask for. Up until now there have been two techniques used on Windows platform for deal locating memory that processes have dynamically requested from the system:

Make the application code do it all manually

Make objects maintain reference counts

Page 224: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB The .NET runtime relies on the garbage collector instead. This is a program whose

purpose is to clean up memory. The idea is that all dynamically requested memory is allocated on the heap (that is true for all languages, although in the case of .NET, the CLR maintains its own managed heap for .NET applications to use). Every so often, when .NET detects that the managed heap for a given process is becoming full and therefore needs tidying up, it calls the garbage collector. The garbage collector runs through variables currently in scope in your code, examining references to objects stored on the heap to identify which ones are accessible from your code – that is to say which objects have

Page 225: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

references that refer to them. Any objects that are not referred to are deemed to be no longer accessible from your code and can therefore be removed. Java uses a similar system of garbage collection to this.


Page 226: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

.NET can really excel in terms of complementing the security mechanisms provided by Windows because it can offer code-based security, whereas Windows only really offers role-based security.

Role-based security is based on the identity of the account under which the process is running, in other words, who owns and is running the process. Code-based security on the other hand is based on what the code actually does and on how much the

Page 227: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

code is trusted. Thanks to the strong type safety of IL, the CLR is able to inspect code before running it in order to determine required security permissions. .NET also offers a mechanism by which code can indicate in advance what security permissions it will require to run.

The importance of code-based security is that it reduces the risks associated with running code of dubious origin (such as code that you've downloaded from the Internet). For example, even if code is running under the administrator account, it is possible to use code-

Page 228: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

based security to indicate that that code should still not be permitted to perform certain types of operation that the administrator account would normally be allowed to do, such as read or write to environment variables, read or write to the registry, or to access the .NET reflection features.

.Net Framework Classes

Page 229: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

The .NET base classes are a massive collection of managed code classes that have been written by Microsoft, and which allow you to do almost any of the tasks that were previously available through the Windows API. These classes follow the same object model as used by IL, based on single inheritance. This means that you can either instantiate objects of whichever .NET base class is appropriate, or you can derive your own classes from them.

Page 230: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB The great thing about the .NET base classes is that they have been designed to be

very intuitive and easy to use. For example, to start a thread, you call the Start() method of the Thread class. To disable a TextBox, you set the Enabled property of a TextBox object to false. This approach will be familiar to Visual Basic and Java developers, whose respective libraries are just as easy to use. It may however come as a great relief to C++ developers, who for years have had to cope with such API functions as GetDIBits(), RegisterWndClassEx(), and IsEqualIID(), as well as a whole plethora of functions that required Windows handles to be passed around.

Page 231: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Name Spaces

Namespaces are the way that .NET avoids name clashes between classes. They are designed, for example, to avoid the situation in which you define a class to represent a customer, name your class Customer, and then someone else does the same thing (quite a likely scenario – the proportion of businesses that have customers seems to be quite high).

Page 232: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

A namespace is no more than a grouping of data types, but it has the effect that the names of all data types within a namespace automatically get prefixed with the name of the namespace. It is also possible to nest namespaces within each other. For example, most of the general-purpose .NET base classes are in a namespace called System. The base class Array is in this namespace, so its full name is System. Array.

Page 233: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB If a namespace is explicitly supplied, then the type will be added to a nameless

global namespace.

Page 234: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Creating .Net Application using C#

C# can be used to create console applications: text-only applications that run in a DOS window. You'll probably use console applications when unit testing class libraries, and for creating Unix/Linux daemon processes. However, more often you'll use C# to create applications that use many of the technologies associated with .NET. In this section, we'll give you an overview of the different types of application that you can write in C#.

Page 235: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Creating Windows Forms

Although C# and .NET are particularly suited to web development, they still offer splendid support for so-called "fat client" apps, applications that have to be installed on the end-user's machine where most of the processing takes place. This support is from Windows Forms.

Page 236: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

A Windows Form is the .NET answer to a VB 6 Form. To design a graphical window interface, you just drag controls from a toolbox onto a Windows Form. To determine the window's behavior, you write event-handling routines for the form's controls. A Windows Form project compiles to an EXE that must be installed alongside the .NET runtime on the end user's computer. Like other .NET project types, Windows Form projects are supported by both VB.NET and C#.

Page 237: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Windows Control

Although Web Forms and Windows Forms are developed in much the same way, you use different kinds of controls to populate them. Web Forms use Web Controls, and Windows Forms use Windows Controls.

Page 238: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB A Windows Control is a lot like an ActiveX control. After a Window control is

implemented, it compiles to a DLL that must be installed on the client's machine. In fact, the .NET SDK provides a utility that creates a wrapper for ActiveX controls, so that they can be placed on Windows Forms. As is the case with Web Controls, Windows Control creation involves deriving from a particular class, System.Windows.Forms.Control.

Windows Services

Page 239: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

A Windows Service (originally called an NT Service) is a program that is designed to run in the background in Windows NT/2000/XP (but not Windows 9x). Services are useful where you want a program to be running continuously and ready to respond to events without having been explicitly started by the user. A good example would be the World Wide Web Service on web servers, which

listens out for web requests from clients.

Page 240: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

It is very easy to write services in C#. There are .NET Framework base classes available in the System.ServiceProcess namespace that handle many of the boilerplate tasks associated with services, and in addition, Visual Studio .NET allows you to create a C# Windows Service project, which starts you out with the Framework C# source code for a basic Windows service.

Page 241: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB The Role of C# In .Net Enterprise Architecture

C# requires the presence of the .NET runtime, and it will probably be a few years before most clients – particularly most home machines – have .NET installed. In the meantime, installing a C# application is likely to mean also installing the .NET redistributable components. Because of that, it is likely that the first place we will see many C# applications is in the enterprise environment. Indeed, C# arguably presents an

Page 242: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

outstanding opportunity for organizations that are interested in building robust, n-tiered client-server applications.

Page 243: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 244: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 245: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 246: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 247: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB SYSTEM DESIGN

Page 248: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB


Software design sits at the technical kernel of the software engineering process and is applied regardless of the development paradigm and area of application. Design is the first step in the development phase for any engineered product or system. The designer’s goal is to produce a model or representation of an entity that will later be built. Beginning,

Page 249: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

once system requirement have been specified and analyzed, system design is the first of the three technical activities -design, code and test that is required to build and verify software.

The importance can be stated with a single word “Quality”. Design is the place where quality is fostered in software development. Design provides us with representations of software that can assess for quality. Design is the only way that we can accurately translate a customer’s view into a finished software product or system. Software design serves as a foundation for all the software engineering steps that follow. Without a strong design we risk

Page 250: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

building an unstable system – one that will be difficult to test, one whose quality cannot be assessed until the last stage.

During design, progressive refinement of data structure, program structure, and procedural details are developed reviewed and documented. System design can be viewed from either technical or project management perspective. From the technical point of view, design is comprised of four activities – architectural design, data structure design, interface design and procedural design.

Page 251: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB


Page 252: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 253: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 254: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB


Use Case Diagram:

Page 255: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB







Page 256: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 257: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB






Ip and port info



Page 258: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Sequential Diagram:((client/Server) :

Page 259: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

User Checkip() CheckSysname() Login ChatRoom

1 : Enter Ip()

2 : Verify()

3 : Enter systemname()

4 : Verity()

5 : authenticate()

6 : varity no()7

8 : if authenticate response()

Page 260: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 261: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

User Host Prepare Compose SendServer Setting

1 : Enter ip and port()

2 : verify()

3 : start server()

4 : verify()

5 : Compose()

6 : Send()

Page 262: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Collaboration Diagram:

Page 263: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB





1 : Enter Ip() 2 : Verify()

3 : Enter systemname()

4 : Verity()

5 : authenticate()

6 : varity no()


8 : if authenticate response()

Page 264: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 265: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB


Prepare Compose


Server Setting

1 : Enter ip and port()

2 : verify()

3 : start server()

4 : verify()

5 : Compose()

6 : Send()

Page 266: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Data Flow diagram:

Page 267: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 268: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 269: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 270: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Class Diagram:

Page 271: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 272: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 273: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 274: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 275: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 276: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 277: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 278: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 279: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB


Page 280: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 281: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 282: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Home Screen:

Page 283: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 284: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 285: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Server application:

Page 286: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB If U want login to Chat with other system Open file menu ->Click login

Enter Ur System IP Address (

Enter Ur System Name (Chandu)

Page 287: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 288: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 289: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

This the Our actual Chat application:

Page 290: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 291: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 292: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 293: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Click On Host Button

Page 294: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 295: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 296: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 297: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 298: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 299: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 300: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 301: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Client System:

Page 302: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB If U want to Connect to Server Application . U have to enter Server ip Address.

Click on Connect button

Page 303: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 304: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 305: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 306: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 307: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 308: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 309: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 310: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Sample Code:

Page 311: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB namespace CHAT


public partial class ChatApp : Form


ChatSession session;

Page 312: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB public ChatApp()



//the form control is sent with it because we will need it later to do invokes on it(to be on the safe side of threading)

Page 313: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB session = new ChatSession(this);



private void btnsend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Page 314: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB {



private void btnhost_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Page 315: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB {

session.port = int.Parse(txtport.Text);

MethodInvoker invoker = new MethodInvoker(session.Host);

invoker.BeginInvoke(null, null);

btnhost.Enabled = false;

Page 316: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB btnconnect.Enabled = false;


private void btnconnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


Page 317: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB session.port = int.Parse(txtport.Text); = txtip.Text;

MethodInvoker invoker = new MethodInvoker(session.Connect);

invoker.BeginInvoke(null, null);

btnhost.Enabled = false;

Page 318: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB btnconnect.Enabled = false;


private void txtmessage_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)


Page 319: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)





Page 320: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB void sendmessage()


if (session.Connected)



Page 321: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB txtmessage.Text = "";




MessageBox.Show("Not connected");

Page 322: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB }


void SetEvents()


session.gotmessage += new ChatSession.gotMessage(session_gotmessage);

Page 323: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB session.lostconnection += new



void session_lostconnection()


Page 324: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB MessageBox.Show("Lost connection, closing the application");



void session_gotmessage(string message)

Page 325: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB {

txttext.Text += DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss") + ">" + message + "\r\n";


private void txtip_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)

Page 326: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB {


private void ChatApp_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

Page 327: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB {


string ip = (Dns.GetHostByName(Loginform.sysname)).AddressList[0].ToString().Trim().ToString();

txtip.Text = ip;


Page 328: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB



class ChatSession


Page 329: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

public delegate void gotMessage(string message);

public event gotMessage gotmessage;

public delegate void Lostconnection();

Page 330: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB public event Lostconnection lostconnection;

Control control;

public int port;

public string host;

Page 331: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Stream stream;

Encryption encryption;

Message message;

Page 332: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB bool connected = false;

/// <summary>


/// </summary>

Page 333: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB /// <param name="invokecontrol">The gui that needs to be updated</param>

public ChatSession(Control invokecontrol)


this.control = invokecontrol;

Page 334: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB }

public bool Connected


get { return this.connected; }


Page 335: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

public void Host()




Page 336: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB TcpListener listener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, port);


SendMessageToControl("Starting to listen on port " + port);

TcpClient client = listener.AcceptTcpClient();

SendMessageToControl("Connection established with " + client.Client.LocalEndPoint.ToString());

Page 337: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Initialize(client);


catch (Exception ex)


Page 338: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB MessageBox.Show("Unknown error occured:" + ex.Message);



public void Connect()


Page 339: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB try


TcpClient client = new TcpClient(host, port);

SendMessageToControl("connecting to " + host + " on port " + port);


Page 340: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB }



MessageBox.Show("Unknown error occured");


Page 341: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB }

void Initialize(TcpClient client)


Page 342: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB encryption = new Encryption();

stream = client.GetStream();

message = new Message(stream, encryption);

Page 343: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB //starts accepting messages from the other peer

MethodInvoker invoker = new MethodInvoker(getMessage);

invoker.BeginInvoke(null, null);

SendMessageToControl("Sending public key");

Page 344: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

//the public key has to be sent first(unencrypted ofcourse)

message.Send_Message(encryption.Get_This_Publickey(), false);

SendMessageToControl("public key sent");

Page 345: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB connected = true;


public void getMessage()


Page 346: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB try


SendMessageToControl("Receiving public key");

//The first line is the public key from the other peer

string publickey = message.Receive_Message();

Page 347: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

SendMessageToControl("public key Received");


for (; ; )

Page 348: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB {




catch (Exception ex)

Page 349: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB {




Page 350: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB public void SendMessage(string messagestring)


message.Send_Message(messagestring, true);


Page 351: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB }

void SendMessageToControl(string message)


control.BeginInvoke(gotmessage, new string[] { message });

Page 352: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB }


Page 353: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB class Encryption


RSACryptoServiceProvider contact_public = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(1024);

RSACryptoServiceProvider this_private = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(1024);

public Encryption()

Page 354: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB {


public byte[] EncryptOutgoingV2(byte[] message)

Page 355: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB {

return contact_public.Encrypt(message, true);


public byte[] DecryptIncomingV2(byte[] encrypteddata)

Page 356: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB {

return this_private.Decrypt(encrypteddata, true);


public string Get_This_Publickey()

Page 357: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB {

return this_private.ToXmlString(false);


public void Set_Contact_Public(string xmlstring)

Page 358: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB {




Page 359: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 360: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB



Page 361: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and represents the

ultimate review of specification, design and coding. In fact, testing is the one step in the software

engineering process that could be viewed as destructive rather than constructive.

A strategy for software testing integrates software test case design methods into a well-planned series of steps that result in the successful construction of software. Testing is the set of activities that can be planned in advance and conducted systematically. The

Page 362: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

underlying motivation of program testing is to affirm software quality with methods that can economically and effectively apply to both strategic to both large and small-scale systems.


The software engineering process can be viewed as a spiral. Initially system engineering defines the role of software and leads to software requirement analysis where

Page 363: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

the information domain, functions, behavior, performance, constraints and validation criteria for software are established. Moving inward along the spiral, we come to design and finally to coding. To develop computer software we spiral in along streamlines that decrease the level of abstraction on each turn.

Page 364: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 365: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

A strategy for software testing may also be viewed in the context of the spiral. Unit testing begins at the vertex of the spiral and concentrates on each unit of the software as implemented in source code. Testing progress by moving outward along the spiral to integration testing, where the focus is on the design and the construction of the software architecture. Talking another turn on outward on the spiral we encounter validation testing

Page 366: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

where requirements established as part of software requirements analysis are validated against the software that has been constructed. Finally we arrive at system testing, where the software and other system elements are tested as a whole.






Component Testing

Integration Testing

User Testing

Page 367: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB


Page 368: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 369: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 370: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 371: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB


Page 372: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Unit testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of software design, the

module. The unit testing we have is white box oriented and some modules the steps are

conducted in parallel.


This type of testing ensures that

Page 373: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB All independent paths have been exercised at least once

All logical decisions have been exercised on their true and false sides

All loops are executed at their boundaries and within their operational bounds

All internal data structures have been exercised to assure their validity.

Page 374: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

To follow the concept of white box testing we have tested each form .we have created independently to verify that Data flow is correct, All conditions are exercised to check their validity, All loops are executed on their boundaries.


Established technique of flow graph with Cyclomatic complexity was used to derive test cases for all the functions. The main steps in deriving test cases were:

Page 375: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Use the design of the code and draw correspondent flow graph.

Determine the Cyclomatic complexity of resultant flow graph, using formula:

V(G)=E-N+2 or

V(G)=P+1 or

V(G)=Number Of Regions

Page 376: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Where V(G) is Cyclomatic complexity,

E is the number of edges,

N is the number of flow graph nodes,

P is the number of predicate nodes.

Determine the basis of set of linearly independent paths.3. CONDITIONAL TESTING

Page 377: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB In this part of the testing each of the conditions were tested to both true and false

aspects. And all the resulting paths were tested. So that each path that may be generate on particular condition is traced to uncover any possible errors.


This type of testing selects the path of the program according to the location of definition and use of variables. This kind of testing was used only when some local variable

Page 378: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

were declared. The definition-use chain method was used in this type of testing. These were particularly useful in nested statements.


In this type of testing all the loops are tested to all the limits possible. The following exercise was adopted for all loops:

All the loops were tested at their limits, just above them and just below them.

Page 379: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB All the loops were skipped at least once.

For nested loops test the inner most loop first and then work outwards.

For concatenated loops the values of dependent loops were set with the help of connected loop.

Unstructured loops were resolved into nested loops or concatenated loops and tested as above.

Page 380: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 381: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB


Page 382: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 383: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 384: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB


The protection of computer based resources that includes hardware, software, data, procedures and people against unauthorized use or natural

Page 385: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Disaster is known as System Security.

System Security can be divided into four related issues:




Page 386: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Confidentiality

SYSTEM SECURITY refers to the technical innovations and procedures applied to the hardware and operation systems to protect against deliberate or accidental damage from a defined threat.

Page 387: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB DATA SECURITY is the protection of data from loss, disclosure, modification and


SYSTEM INTEGRITY refers to the power functioning of hardware and programs, appropriate physical security and safety against external threats such as eavesdropping and wiretapping.

PRIVACY defines the rights of the user or organizations to determine what information they are willing to share with or accept from others and how the organization

Page 388: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

can be protected against unwelcome, unfair or excessive dissemination of information about it.

CONFIDENTIALITY is a special status given to sensitive information in a database to minimize the possible invasion of privacy. It is an attribute of information that characterizes its need for protection.


Page 389: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB System security refers to various validations on data in form of checks and controls to

avoid the system from failing. It is always important to ensure that only valid data is entered and only valid operations are performed on the system. The system employees two types of checks and controls:

RSA Crypto pad is one of the major digital rights management enabling technologies. Usually, to provide confidentiality, the data is encrypted using a stream cipher or a block cipher. Here security purpose is the important aspects to transfer data’s in a not readable format ensuring that no one can read the message except the intended receiver. Assuring the receiver that the received message has not been altered in any way from the original.

Page 390: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

NET has two kinds of security:

Role Based Security

Code Access Security

The Common Language Runtime (CLR) allows code to perform only those operations that the code has permission to perform. So CAS is the CLR's security system that enforces

Page 391: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

security policies by preventing unauthorized access to protected resources and operations. Using the Code Access Security, you can do the following:

Restrict what your code can do

Restrict which code can call your code

Identify code

Page 392: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 393: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 394: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 395: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB


Page 396: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

In this paper an efficient implementation of RSA is shown by using various functions of the GMP library. Feasibility analysis is done by comparing the time taken for encryption and decryption. It shows that when we increase the number of bits of

information to be encrypted together the total time including encryption and decryption steadily decreases. It must always be kept in mind that the integer representation of the message to be encrypted should lie within the range specified by the modulus (that is, m lies in the range

Page 397: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

[0,n-1]), which poses a limitation on the maximum number of characters that can be encrypted at a single time.

Page 398: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 399: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 400: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 401: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 402: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 403: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 404: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 405: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB


Page 406: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 407: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 408: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 409: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

S. Berkovits, “Factoring via superencryption,” Cryptologia, vol. 6, no.

3, pp. 229–237, 1982.

Page 410: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

M. Bellare and P. Rogaway, “Optimal asymmetric encryption—How

to encrypt with RSA,” in Advances in Cryptology—EUROCRYPT’94,

ser. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, A. D. Santis, Ed. New York:

Springer, 1995, vol. 950, pp. 92–111.

Page 411: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

D. Bleichenbacher and A. May, “New attacks on RSA with small secret

CRT-exponents,” in Public Key Cryptology—PKC 2006, ser. Lecture

Notes in Computer Science. New York: Springer, 2006, vol. 3958,

pp. 1–13.

Page 412: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB J. Blömer and A. May, Eds., “Low Secret Exponent RSA Revisited,”

in Cryptography and Lattices, Int. Conf., CaLC 2001, J. H. Silverman,

Ed., 2001, vol. 2146, pp. 4–19, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer


D. Boneh, “Twenty years of attacks on the RSA cryptosystem,” Notices

Page 413: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 203–213,

Paul Syversion and Illiano Cervesato, The logic of authentication protocols,

FOSAD’00, Bertinoro, Italy, 2000.

Dario Catalano, Rosario Gennaro and Shai Halevi, Computing inverse over a

shared secret modulus, IBM T. J. Watson Research center, NY, USA, 1999.

Page 414: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB [Don coppersmith, Markus Jakobsson, Almost optimal hash sequence traversal,

RSA Laboratories, NY, 2001.

Elichiro Fujisaki, Tatsuaki Okamoto, David Pointcheval and Jacques Stern, RSAOAEP

is secure under the RSA assumption, Journal of Cryptology, 2002.

Daniel M. Gordon, A survey of fast exponentiation methods, Journal of

Page 415: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB algorithms, 27, 1998, 126-146.

Adrian Perrig, Robet Szewczyk, Victor Wen, David Culler and J.D. Tygar,

SPINS: Security protocols for sensor networks, Mobile Computing and

Networking, Rome, Italy, 2001.

David Pointcheval and Jacques Stern, Security proofs for signature schemes,

Page 416: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB EUROCRYPT ’96, Zaragoza, Spain, 1996.

[8] Giuseppe Ateniese, Michael Steiner, and Gene Tsudik, New multiparty

authentication services and key agreement protocols, IEEE Journal of Selected

Areas in Communication, 18(4), 2000.

Cetin Kaya Koc, High speed RSA implementation, RSA Laboratories, CA, 1994.

Page 417: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB Anand Krishnamurthy, Yiyan Tang, Cathy Xu and Yuke Wang, An efficient

implementation of multi-prime RSA on DSP processor, University of Texas,

Texas, USA,2002.

Menezes, P. Van Oorschot, S. Vanstone, Handbook of Applied Cryptography,

CRC Press, 1996 ( )

Page 418: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 419: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 420: Secure Chat application Total Doc

Secure Chat application using RSA

.Net IEEE Project


Project Title: A Survey on Cryptography Algorithms in Security of Voting System Approaches J ournal: IEEE Computer Science ISBN: 978-0-7695-3243-1

I ntroduction: There are three general classes of cryptographic voting protocols: those based on blind signatures, those based on mix-nets, and using homomorphism encryption. Historically, cryptographic research has focused on proving that the tally is the sum of all the ballots, and that the contents of individual ballots remain secret.

Cryptographic voting research considered the voter and the polling booth to be one entity. Voter’s final ballot must be secret and she cannot prove the contents of her final ballot to anyone. In the other way, voter needs ability to verify that their votes are cast and counted as intended. Survey on kinds of cryptography methods and voter verified in voting systems for better comprehension and different of them are goals of this article.

Survey of cryptography variety methods on security of Voting, beside of

voter-verified helps to find new ways in selecting models. And with these models except of increasing of voting safety assure to voter about system honesty.

ENVIRONMENT: Servers: Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005 (2.0) Code Behind: C#.Net Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 1 GB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Page 421: Secure Chat application Total Doc