se taunts ifcto* · se taunts ifcto* businkss •ctter community bkttcr living ^tumi flai, hit. w...

Se taunts Ifcto* BUSINKSS •CTTER COMMUNITY BKTTCR LIVING ^tumi flAi, Hit. W [SStSB^K^TS^T 8BCAUCU8, N. J., JULY 1, 1922 mur* .. MSKOTON AT SHffW POINT HtW JtKUY FMttT STATt ifcMitftn. JJew *Mwy claim* nt»- tJhWMon aa Wo «rst to pptfp« aM o*i- Wgre rne plan or official shipping point Inspection of graded farm products. Till* will be achieved throairh arrange- ments completed by Mate aad federal •n*r1ret Mtrean* fnr a co-operative aya- Mm of standards nn4 operation* IB handling this snmmer several thon- •and carloada of white potatoes from New Jeraey farm*. At least a down Whet Mat**, according t« W A. Sher- man of fho tTnlted dates department of atrlctiHar*, who Inn worked out the cn-nper«HV« Inspection agreement •wWi CMot Alexis I.. Olarfi of the New Joreey Itaivan of Marketa, soon will to* fa line on this program, which la nailed by farmer* and shipper* aa a fr**t *tep toward better marketing VMtrlOda. Netv wsoy farmer* nave definitely planning during the last two year* for the nae of certain grndea In marveling staple farm product*, but offMal recognition of thine grades out aid* the star*, ha* heretofore been lack teg. Ttte.) have' recognised that « •Mpplng point Inspection that wonld carry a tnarantm to these ont«l*> aaattoti would he necessary In order to derive full valne from the grading Thta wW ntm be effected an atfhaanMfJt w%*rehy the Mat* ****** faaWton wW b* appoint of Notice To World WarVeterans The preamble of the Atnericnn l^esrton'a conatitntion atatea that it i» dedicated to Ood and Country. The Ut-Rion, diuinu it" career of only three years haa demonstrated that it is the l>est insurance policy the Nation h«». Pont appeals to all eligible ex • aervice men in tliii commnn- ty to join the Legion and to aid our ficht for Americanism. The bine and gold bntton of the Legion marks its wt-arer as one who has not thrown away his patriotism with his uniform. It means that he VIH» not "passed the buck" to some one else to see that the sick dnn disabled buddies get justice and to fulfull all those things that he desired to result from th« war. Kvery man in the service hoped for better things after the war. More than two million doughboys, gobs and gvrenes realiz- ed that it was going to he a fight to bring to pass all the things that the> dreamed of. The result of this prevailing sentiment waa the formation of the American Legion. Legion members are from every branch in the lervice, from those who were forced to remain HI home to men who won the congressional medal at Chatean-Therry. and in the Argonne. It all ranks from private togenerol. Onr Legion qoat can lie the most beneficial organization in this community. Its purposes sre high; its ideals are untatnish. ed. It deserves your support anil the membership of every war veteran. Join J. Hassenforder imst of the American Legion and make it the best post in your Stste. FRANCIS K. nOYLR Commander, J. Hussenforder Pott, American Lxgion. No. 118 LEAGUE OF PEACE TO BE PROPOSED UNlTID •TATtt WILL AN INTERNATIONAL OHOAN- UATION IN DUt TIMI. DEVELOPING HARDINQ'S IDEA flic reporter" aN> momtiprs »f Ml her the New Jerne}' Icnirue <>f Women Voters or the Klnte pVilerntlnn nf Wo- men's Clubs, hul their Identity In Iholr home conininiiltlps mirrmimlml with mystery, anfl their netlvltles are rtl- rei'tert entirely from their ntnte orunn Ikntlnni. Any hnuaewlfe Inqulrlnii the price of fr«ll or vettetHhles on her morning visit to the store or market niHy he procniinu tht* InforroKtlon. an thM there la no unn/irtiinlty for nny a>aler to rwognlte her and mlaqnot* of rarra «»•*•«» IVM n« ti\tm thoronvh train Mg WHH> WOTV nMhr federal In WlWM. Vn*y wni h« In ehiirKe of *. tWra of the >t«te dnpurt W «aH Wknorvtiof of crop In X* rtr« pta* will operate tn Ita Initial IMMcatton tn the marketing of potn *«•», *he etflp will graded nnAer (oat MaMarAa, laheleA ofllclnlly aa *N. t--V. <*. Orartm." Theiie will In- *«," "No. 1," "No. 1. Small" "No. 8. «aoh with apecMcatlom ** aXktl to nnyera. A >i«y«r anywhere In the eonntrj <JM> orrt»r these potatoes, knowlnn en- 1KMy what to «pe«'t In »l«e and (JIIHII- Xf, at «*ch aMpment mast conform to Wi« «nV4al Man^aMi In order to he ctrtiftefl hy Inapwtors at the alilpplnii point nnAer the seal of the 1'nlied Brute*. Thta ofllclal guarantee not only wtil (afoirnanl the buyer, hm «!»», wflR »ffoM proteotlon Mi the farmer •KtlnM an nnacriit>iilons type of den I •r, notorious for a practice of rolectlnn (hlpmenra at Alutani deillnmloni on a tailing market, dulrnlnu they were not «p to specification. The cenlfti'Rte of imipwtlon will he prlma facie evl- tome* tn any conrt nf the state of New Jer»«y i M all roiirts of the VnltM rltarm. snfl vennlne cause will have to to* ahown hereafter for *»y rejection «t shipments >lew Jersey farmara begin to ship TWIT potatws about July 111. Three "f the largest Ktvuip* of growers hnve WkeVI for the Inapw-tlon service on tlntn- entire emp. Theae are the Oar- Vlen Stafe fotafo Oronrera' Co-opera- tive Asaoclatlon, the Moninouth ('••iin- ly Farmers' Oo-operatlve Amnclatlon Utifl the Bnrllnifton ftninty Supply and * AWH'latlon. Neither wnidlnu Wnfiertio* la compulsory under the New tar*ey law, and the onVlitl iruar- •ntee wMI he applied nnly t<> Hie prod w<ra of those farmer* who flcvlde to **rtt* The plan. Winperatlon nf The state anfl fefl- Wai MirM«a on f)ie Initpectlon Men Ice waa mata fioaMhle throuirh a provWlon tti Wi* NM*lrt appropriations hill puss «4 >>y OYinxresa. lite federal depart *Wrt liaa H|fr#ed tn further I'o-opei'a- trNk, MHI plana are now helim ninde hy Vhe >l«i» Jets«y Market ftnreau to ex «%< th* hmpeetlon senlce as farmers may i*<inesi ft to ofhet CNI[>S for onV'Isl Marft-fefteral gra<l«a arc »M che exmpalim of state ofgnnt- s tn chec% proflreertng In r a m <ta thla snmiiior Sn New Jwaey . t>romrnein in their respective mMHMnniea, nave enlisted aa market teeners. They have worked out an l N t t e system afiA are recelvlnn co- of the stste Aopartment of pe. Tt Is hellevod thai their wfll prevent ton much of a sltiiiiTeil 11ml Ilie reward lutlfl out to Its hencii Is not sutnclcnt to meet tht lnrger Inducements offered by some of Its corporations, who are, apparently In a position to come near paying lha actual worth of service rendered." Circuit court judges In New Jersey receive 112,000 n year, with retirement at half pay after U years' servlie. PHibll* ««rvl«* Oaln* Increased earnings of Ihe subsidiary companies of the Public Service Cor* poratlon for Mnf _ss compared with same- v * " * ••Mlemtnt of ••vtral Oriat »>r*kl*m( In turep* la AwalUd—Adoption of «ho Now Namo la Cro4l(o4 to UNy After. •y JAMIi P. HORNADAV Washlngtun.—In due time—and that time uiuy not b« very far In the fu- ture—the United Htatea will pronuoo the formatlun of au International leagne of peace. No definite time for making the |iro|H«ul haa been Died bo- cause this tioveriiiiit'iit fi+li that It would be unwise to hrlng the «uh>»rt to the attention of the world until condition* are wort favorable thai they are now. The tmules that were adopted at the Wushlngton conference on the llmltutlon or unnaiiieMt must be nilin«d before the tuhject of a league that will euihrnce In Its mem berahlp prucllcally all the nations of the world la broached, and the gruat enterprise mum awnlt certain devetnp- moms In Kuroiw. The |ir<i|HUHMl league of p<ie.ce springs from the association of na- tions HiTin nbout which W'Hrren 0 llnrdliiR, then a randldale fur I'real- dent, tulkwl al lndlanup<ills August 28. 101M, and al l>es Molnes Heplxm- her T, lliat), and to which made frequent reference between the dale of hlx election and thv date of his Inaumirutlon, and even after his In aujrurutlnn. The Harding administra- tion from the outaet has l-een com- nilltfMl definitely against tuklng the United Mlntes Into ih« existing leagne of nations and In fnvor of the organ- isation of an Hastxlatlon of natlona which would he a modlncMlon of Ik* Ioo4foo of natlona and would awreisi TIM MtblttoM CLASS ROSTER iKGradualos, Publtt 8eh««l No. K) 1, Aqne, Dorothy 2, Decker, Amelia .V Borchard, Ann* 4. Brenner, Florence 5. Hrinktnann, Anna 6 Bremmer, John 7. Busch, Mae 8. CIUMI, Anita 9. Davis, Susan D. 10. Diatel, Mrta U. Dndley. Fred 12. Kidam, Rmma KV Klsner, May 14. Fledderman, Bernard 15. Gumuiorcaro, Carmcla 16. Grip, William ch reporter and urd compiled, and tuhllshcd for distribution *Mi> by aide »fih The average priced paid the farm- r for the an me products In the whole- inle markets throughout the state, aa dinwn by Ihe record* of the Hmte Hu- •can of Markets. This tiirVirntittl'in )• hen forwarded to every women's cluh mil to any other persons, organization iml newspapers reqiicHtlng It, According to the stare figrh-ullural inVlals, the Work of the market re- porter* aided > materially In cliecklnit tendencloa toward this kind of profit- ring last summer Halnoa, turvoyor Oonoral, Oloa Henry H. lliilnes, surveyor general nf New Jersey for 40 years and one of the best known members of the Mn< sonic fraternity In the sluto, having served for tunny years as grand In* tructor of the mate lodge, died at hl» home, 2H2 High HI reel, Ktirlington. at the age of eighty-seven years. 11 la health had failed rapidly since the death of his wife, Josephine Hum h Malnes, last Christmas, en tlic Ill'tlelh anniversary of their wedding, Mr. Halnes wa» H *on of r»r. Isaac . Hnines ami a direct rtoaiyndnnt of •onie of the earliest Kncllsh settlers tvf New Jersey. He was omlnncnt as n consulting engineer and surveyor, wa» engineer of the city of Murllngton and other New Jerwy mnnlclpulliies. For nearly a half century he hail hoea Idenilfled with the proprietors of west Jersey, nmnt of the time as state sur- veyor gener/il. This office hail afford- ed him Hn opportunity to delve Into a wealth of detail of Colonial history of New Jersey, and In recent yeurs he wna probably the greatest living au- thority oft this suhject, and on II he had lectured and written much. Ita was alao a skilled linguist. As a MHSOU he devoted much energy to the welfare of the order and as stHte grand Instructor was known In every lodge In the jurisdiction, lie was a member of Burlington l.oilkA Nn. « , A. F. and A. M Hoitillnot Chapter, ft. A. M. nnd Helena Cora- mnmlery, K T. He formerly held th* office of moat eminent grmul high priest of the Royal Arch Masons la the state. He waa one of those Instrumental 1% establishing the Now Jersey Masonlt Home, near Burlington, and only a few months hofore his death promoted the organism Ion In Burlington of the Or- der of ftpmolHy And Association for Roys under Masonic supervision. He hi survived hy three children, 1. ftnnwden Halnes, Miss Margaret Halnes and Mlaa Caroline Halnes of Burlington. i.«ra of Corporation* Governor rMward* accopti-d the re*- Ignatlon of William H. Spear of Jer- sey fit} 1 , a Republic*:!*, a* circuit court Judge. Mr. Spe«r %HI join the legal Watt of the Public Hervlce tVrpora- tloa. Tn M* letter th* governor said: "H la tntftftqaata .that tors hy President M <(perming revenues for May w»rt M,27n.irt4. an InciwaW of $183,4118 over May hist year. The amount avulluble for dividend* and snrfilua was fc;71,- ni\ a gain of (.Md.iMn. For ihe 12 months ended May ,11 Iho operating revenues amounted tn $711.- (KVT.N74. a gain of $7t'l.SS.M over the preceding 12 months. The amount available fnr dividends and surplus WHS $4,4110.314, H gain of |I,N.4O!«I» over the preceding 12 month*. Now Jeroey Bond* The state treasury will be benefited liy several thousand dollars In )u>. niluniH from the sale of $,\is.m,isin of innnel nnd hrlik'e h Is hy the Slate House Commission. The hoiids will lieiir Interest at 4 1 * per cent, and the fails that they were more than throe times oversubscribed and that the hlda mnged fr >m $1<W.S7H to JliDt Indicate iholr great popularity with Investors. Three different hnnklng companies offered to take the entire Issue. Two of them are New York Inxtliiulon*. lint the bonds are to go to New Jer- sey hunks, and most of them will no doiihl iilllmntely fall Into the hands of Investors in this MI ate. At the pre.«enl lime there Is consMcrnMc dcumnil for long term bonds, that lire regarded as "gilt edge," Hiich as the bridge nnd Innnel Issue. Haekeltatcwn Man In Pa«J Thomas A Shields of Hackctrstowa died with the secretary of state hU iwtlhVnte as a candidate for the Iicni- oeratlc noinlmitlon for Congress In tha SIMIi illsirlct. lie will act us his own <'iinipali.'n mamigvr. »ml the lliickelts- lown National Hank will he his depos llory for campalgfi funds. Mr. Shields served In the assembly In Him an,I HKH1 and run for Coin;rv*s In the latter yeiir against Itandolpb I'erk Inn Want O: K. Withdrawn Another move against the New Jer- sey Wholesale Itrug Company of New- urk for alleged violation of the Klllot •let wan made tn Twnton when IJ. Itinvlnml Munroe, Ant 1 Saloon League counsel, and (lirlstopher I' Connellv of Kiot Orange, geneni! ngenl umler nin'dor Applehy. confertS'd with the State Olonnl of IMiarmacy. They vir- tually present ixl a complaint and utved cancellation of the hoard's ap- proval of the basic penult Issued hy rhe federal government to the coni|>a- r>y to sell liquor. PoaVo Artificial Tasto. Kven In hla letter*. IV|H> depicts ar*nerj- with a very cool admiration; and never seems to amoclate Ii with any sentiment of moral Interest. Where anything of this appears. It la borrowed The tnste of Pope waa evl- aVntly artificial to the last degree. He delighted In a grotto decked out with looking glass and colored stones, a* mch as Wordsworth tn a tnouiiialn- pata, or Scott In a bord<4 snil(juJly.— Moor* T. Tuctenuao. friends. Undoubtedly he feels that If during hla term In the White Mouse he can he Inatrwncntal In bringing Iho nations of the world together In aa organisation pledged to maintain the lieuoe of the world, he will hnve ae- eumpllnhtNl a grt<ut work. Charles K. Hughes, secrclnry of state. It Is need- less to say Is thoroughly In sympathy with every effort that tins been made or Is likely to he Hindu lo hrlng the nation* together In nn endeavor to ( preserve the |icn<v of the world. League of Poaco Ita Now Namo. (inly recently the niinw "league of peace" was substituted for the original Iliirilliig conception "association of nil- lions.' A story Is being minted behind ibe scenes to the effect that It was I .inly Astur, Ihe woman of Virginia lilrth who In a member nf the Hrlllih IMirllament, who la rcspopalhle for the llnnllng administration's preferring Ihe name "league of peace." I.ady Valor, during ha) recent visit to the I'nllcd Slates, mnde many a|ieeches In tnvor of (he formation of a league of peace. As she has pointed out since she returned to Kngland, stie avoided ihe use of the term "league of nations" Ixvnuse itint combination of words has come to he mi offense to many persons In Ihe I'liltisl states, while the title "league of pence" lull a pe- culiarly effective nppotl to the people. .J Nothing else would satisfy the ad- ministration quite so well as Inter- national development* of a character I Iml noiilil o|H'ii the nny for the sub- mission of the league of ponce proposal during the present summer or eurly full. There Is n political side to the subject which I* receiving more or lea* attention In a quiet way. The IVmiH-rsts In the various stales will. It Is genemlly assumed. In making this yenr's platforms, Indorse the league of nations. The Republicans who lire shaping the (Mining campaign are hy no means ivrlaln that the llepuhllcnn party ought to lake a deflnlte imnitlun In opposition tn the I'nlted Stales'go- ing Into the present lengue In case the league covenant should he properly modified. A happy way out of the situation so fnr as the Kcpuhllcuna are concerned, It Is pointed out hy some of the politicians, would he for the administration to make Its league of peace proposal a month or so he- fore the November election!. The danger of the whole enterprise. If Ii ever takes definite form, would seem to he that II will possibly become a political Issue Just aa the league of nations became a foottwll tor the politic! nna. •rood a "Horrible gsampax* Fifty coats out of each dollar the consumer pays for. bread la absorbed In Ihe coat of <)l»!rlhutl to a statement made hy iho Joint grawlunal committee of Inqntry. (UlMVi-flLIXrTir 17. 1H. 19. 20. 21, 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 2H. 29. .10. ,M. M, ,VV 36. .17. 38. 40. 41. Hagan, Kngene Henkcl, Henry Held, Prank Hugerlch, Marion Juckstock, Bertha Kennelly, Thomas Kennelly, Frances Kiesewetter, Helen Kroling, Anna* l,owen»tein, Kathryn Miaik, Margarethe Muller, Margaret Ollwerther, Tbeodor* Parente, Madeline Pfauni. Rudolph Rother, Ida Rnscher. Arthur Sprenger, Charles Sproul, Joaeph** Teut, John Thoreton, Madeleine Vlikowski, Paulino Vanderv«*r, Zntaaf. Marietta Zulanl, Homy LOCALJVENTS ' Poiof Koanolly lo o4»oo«Un« a Hr* proof olalrway la Ik* Habov •« ICIMML TWre tlUW I ragakMr th* 8aotel Uaioat. *f (k< Th*ro will ho a rofuler moatlaa, *f ta* MOB'S Cl«k«f tae lUferasod <Xm+ Wd Th*Mi*io*M*H*M(4 MaMW » • * • . Ing tf tk* Farai I**d are ipissMst !•• weeks at «•* k*4*o *f MM. WWBW. M Walk* Volt*|. UMot Cm**$, N. T. Honry Wrtoof *f M l H T and Walur Raaua, *f Mtnato Pta«*, have agoui bo*n drawn far jarj d«t» bath having served throo asaalk* *«•. Mr*. Augusta Plelga ond itamtrtf. Mlao Agnos PMgh, will l « v * lawnaMl Mondat fat 1'innatla, Irki.. —4mmm» return umll Iho M l part •! lailaaikw. A prolti Obarok «o«a%m lath a**** vVo *Vj9^V vlrW^PV^vfV^P^aT ^a^P^Vv^^pHa *^rv *^r^p^p^B^tp^g*Jft^V *ii«da< o»o^i>g Ian* mk wfcta H*. Wllllaoj KaaokaadVMa lalaha* •*> eouetis •or* united In Iho *•"•» «f *•*> raaMiit Hev. j . R. Howora, aWwllm, Al ta* 9m4 kaard w pn*M* al kM*( MW M tk**r»*Mi Tko board CkaHM l * » k « f ?*m Maaa, M* aaa ^ ^af <nd Anna, •eoaaspalaia by J*ba •f 8'voatb 8tr**«, hav* ga«* bf —aw ssaWlo ta Bovwbroaa. aWMIva* OajMlf N. V.vboro ib«f «W May a M r aiy* figures for Ton, Tfllf) aao* TJBt ffio report says, adding that la IKU the entire producing root waa 44 cents suil the distribution coot M cents. Broad Is held up hy Ihe commlsaluo aa a striking example of what happeoa to Ihe farmer's product In the w u at costs and proAta before II roavbo* Ifeo The farmer'! wheat I* the •ahatan- tlsi raw material element from which bread la nutde, but It must be Iran* ported, handled through elevotura. gratVwl, sold to Ihe miller and eoa- turtad Into Hour before It lo accept able r*w uinterlsl to the muuuluctur Ing linker, the re|.ort eeta forth. Thea* minlilned oervleea during the perlial of thv surve) coat an average of (.4 ivnta. The average cost of manufac- turing the Hour Into bread waa taifl rents of the dollar the cuusurao* pays fnr bread A conxlilrmble factor ID tne baker's cost of distribution la the senlce ele- ment. Ills deliveries are made dally slid his Individual wltM are coaipant lively small In terms of dollar*. It Is quite |HiM»lhlv that the couauiner flada the convenience of h«lng able to gel freah hifud dally of Uk groat value as Ihe coiniiuMllty Itself. However, It svk<uis pooslhle thai giN'Mter emcleucy CHII be ilevi'lo|Hsl which will tend lo reduce the umnu facturlni: bilker's selling mat mid over head unU the retail Uenler** oiwrallug eX|H>nae. Tliti Inquiry d^iea not tnd' catu that the manufacturing baker haa exacted mi undue profit In taking !W cents from the conaumur's dollar for manufacturing bread Slid distributing It to the rvtuller. It would appear, however, that tbr retailer's operating ex|>enoe of 1,1 cent« mid ihe baker's average selling ex l<ense of l\7n cents out of the ih\lla> the. consumer pays for bread should be reduced hy Improvement of method To some degree consumers' demand for variety causes duplication of service oa the part of the several bakeries stak- ing dally deliveries lo tbo aaa»* re- tailers. The competitive eteneat hatwoaa munufaeturkag hakerloa la tbotr otorta to command markets aaraKlty taads to Increase ihe arooant of oerrteo a«4 the coat of selling. However, eoaaporl- tlon tenda to maintain a high standard of quality and couveoleace of serrtc* if k^m U laLGaBAJafta^B# *%f A f j y a j a s u '% voja^F ^s*4 a^^ ^^v^as*MV*^^^*' ^PT ^*»TP*alP*awa^*B^a»^p*. Tb* »ro«h»a1wg eiao* al I M kab) a fsre*«ll port]) la ib* *a<a)MflMi af MM ClaroMli* sehool The e*M* p****a Ib* •voalag away wllkgaato* aag g*a«*ai merry making. Tbr** bearty oka*** voro glvw« M k* oaaHallia* aorvaag i bo rofresbmoatf. Mlse KoMor, a**a«r> ualof P 8. land loaabor of Iba **•**, •nd Mia* Jahnoaa, a vWtiag koaohor, were gueait af ' Gainful eninhiyawni of youivg chlldraa troajaMtly awaa* that the chlldree, raeatva ta*do*,««i« ear* during the day, o* an ear* al aU, *c- soling to a rapart oatMat "OMMTM of Wagc-ltairnhAg MothaNk ft •»••> •» a Helecled Oroap ta Caiteag*." >"• made public by Iba Oalrod Mataa l*|iartnM*V of Ubjr. b g tb Tb* toilawlng prlaoo «aro . •Ml gift. preoMtod at ibo tcadaaibsg '<*rels«a*i ib* Ctarsadaa Itokaal kwl I'lturMlayeVMilna: Maaolotao Tbatolaa, honor aiiHionl, Alwam prla«, gold rtag Ueargo Vandarvoor, BigbMl Massalag la BngMsk.k**k; Ma* Baoek, btgboai la ArlthoMilo. baok, Jaaopk tproal. «aa y««ro porfwi allonaaaoa. gaU ka4*a >nd ekaia Uustave Jobnaoa. tiaaaipfcsa marble shaoior g*M modal Mas) Kabtaf « silver ateab bag. Mr. PaehM a g*J* piece from ibe elssa. A mass sMellng rolled by Maya* ^ohnlll, al ib* Town Hall laet Wodaaa- pay nl«kl tar Ike purpaso *f saanaissj <n* soi tineni of Ibo taxpayers an tba prapooitHHi of disean'lowing Ibaoarvla* of Ike Hackenaatk Water Ca. aaa gat- ting iho valor treat the Jxaay Qty sysloat. dkinol voet vlik Ihe taapayora approval. P.tor FWrloy deaaanoaa Iba the proposed ayatea, as a eeMly aftaa? aa II wauki require a puatpiag obllbMs oaervoir and oia«r «quli>asonl, basMaa people lo auaag* iho valor varka, a largo slafl of atflee 'aiuttyoeo, aag ouM OM*I Hkery pravo a*|rattta*la, A vary, pretty aaato wedding taak plaoo an T«ooday ovealag .I*. Mna Kulh Hllllnga, da«ga«or at labaal Trustee SIHI Mrs William BllWaji, aaal Wlllisa Hllbort. son af Tow* Ha tm hstisn and Mrs. Adnlpb W. Hittin* anllod la OMrrlago ol ibe baato af tka bride's aaroalo In Qeairo Uaa. Tba bride «aa ilvoa avay by bar Tiskas. Mdalt^ky k . « *, itharW^ aprotil. Tboboal boat atan owa M**n Wrtgbt, «MMB at Iba «*•»». TW vaa bMatlftaay aaaWakog VJMl Ahar ib* Ma.,**

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Page 1: Se taunts Ifcto* · Se taunts Ifcto* BUSINKSS •CTTER COMMUNITY BKTTCR LIVING ^tumi flAi, Hit. W [SStSB^K^TS^T 8BCAUCU8, N. J., JULY 1, 1922 mur* .. MSKOTON AT SHffW POINT HtW JtKUY


^tumi flAi, Hit. W [ S S t S B ^ K ^ T S ^ T 8BCAUCU8, N. J., JULY 1, 1922 mur* ..



ifcMitftn. — JJew *Mwy claim* nt»-tJhWMon aa Wo «rst to pptfp« aM o*i-Wgre rne plan or official shipping pointInspection of graded farm products.Till* will be achieved throairh arrange-ments completed by Mate aad federal•n*r1ret Mtrean* fnr a co-operative aya-Mm of standards nn4 operation* IBhandling this snmmer several thon-•and carloada of white potatoes fromNew Jeraey farm*. At least a downWhet Mat**, according t« W A. Sher-man of fho tTnlted dates departmentof atrlctiHar*, who Inn worked out thecn-nper«HV« Inspection agreement•wWi CMot Alexis I.. Olarfi of the NewJoreey Itaivan of Marketa, soon willto* fa line on this program, which lanailed by farmer* and shipper* aa afr**t *tep toward better marketing

VMtrlOda.Netv • wsoy farmer* nave

definitely planning during the last twoyear* for the nae of certain grndea Inmarveling staple farm product*, butoffMal recognition of thine grades outaid* the star*, ha* heretofore been lackteg. Ttte.) have' recognised that «•Mpplng point Inspection that wonldcarry a tnarantm to these ont«l*>aaattoti would he necessary In orderto derive full valne from the grading

Thta wW ntm be effectedan atfhaanMfJt w%*rehy the

Mat* ****** faaWton wW b* appoint• • • • • • o f

Notice To World War Veterans

The preamble of the Atnericnn l esrton'a conatitntion atateathat it i» dedicated to Ood and Country. The Ut-Rion, diuinu it"career of only three years haa demonstrated that it is the l>estinsurance policy the Nation h«».

Pont appeals to all eligible ex • aervice men in tliii commnn-ty to join the Legion and to aid our ficht for Americanism. Thebine and gold bntton of the Legion marks its wt-arer as one whohas not thrown away his patriotism with his uniform. It meansthat he VIH» not "passed the buck" to some one else to see thatthe sick dnn disabled buddies get justice and to fulfull all thosethings that he desired to result from th« war.

Kvery man in the service hoped for better things after thewar. More than two million doughboys, gobs and gvrenes realiz-ed that it was going to he a fight to bring to pass all the thingsthat the> dreamed of. The result of this prevailing sentimentwaa the formation of the American Legion.

Legion members are from every branch in the lervice, fromthose who were forced to remain HI home to men who won thecongressional medal at Chatean-Therry. and in the Argonne. It

all ranks from private togenerol.Onr Legion qoat can lie the most beneficial organization in

this community. Its purposes sre high; its ideals are untatnish.ed. It deserves your support anil the membership of every warveteran. Join J. Hassenforder imst of the American Legionand make it the best post in your Stste.

FRANCIS K. nOYLRCommander, J. Hussenforder Pott,

American Lxgion. No. 118





flic reporter" aN> momtiprs »f Ml herthe New Jerne}' Icnirue <>f WomenVoters or the Klnte pVilerntlnn nf Wo-men's Clubs, hul their Identity In Iholrhome conininiiltlps l» mirrmimlml withmystery, anfl their netlvltles are rtl-rei'tert entirely from their ntnte orunnIkntlnni. Any hnuaewlfe Inqulrlnii theprice of fr«ll or vettetHhles on hermorning visit to the store or marketniHy he procniinu tht* InforroKtlon. anthM there la no unn/irtiinlty for nnya>aler to rwognlte her and mlaqnot*


rarra«»•*•«» IVM n« ti\tm thoronvh trainMg t» WHH> WOTV nMhr federal InW l W M . Vn*y wni h« In ehiirKe of

*. tWra of the >t«te dnpurtW « a H Wknorvtiof of crop In

X* rtr« pta* will operate tn Ita InitialIMMcatton tn the marketing of potn*«•», *he etflp will h» graded nnAer(oat MaMarAa, laheleA ofllclnlly aa*N. t--V. <*. Orartm." Theiie will In-

* « , " "No. 1," "No. 1. Small""No. 8. «aoh with apecMcatlom

** aXktl to nnyera.

A >i«y«r anywhere In the eonntrj<JM> orrt»r these potatoes, knowlnn en-1KMy what to «pe«'t In »l«e and (JIIHII-Xf, at «*ch aMpment mast conform toWi« «nV4al Man^aMi In order to hectrtiftefl hy Inapwtors at the alilpplniipoint nnAer the seal of the 1'nliedBrute*. Thta ofllclal guarantee notonly wtil (afoirnanl the buyer, hm «!»»,wflR »ffoM proteotlon Mi the farmer•KtlnM an nnacriit>iilons type of den I•r, notorious for a practice of rolectlnn(hlpmenra at Alutani deillnmloni on atailing market, dulrnlnu they were not«p to specification. The cenlfti'Rte ofimipwtlon will he prlma facie evl-tome* tn any conrt nf the state of NewJer»«y i M all roiirts of the VnltMrltarm. snfl vennlne cause will have toto* ahown hereafter for *»y rejection«t shipments

>lew Jersey farmara begin to shipTWIT potatws about July 111. Three "fthe largest Ktvuip* of growers hnveWkeVI for the Inapw-tlon service ontlntn- entire emp. Theae are the Oar-Vlen Stafe fotafo Oronrera' Co-opera-tive Asaoclatlon, the Moninouth ('••iin-ly Farmers' Oo-operatlve AmnclatlonUtifl the Bnrllnifton ftninty Supply and

* AWH'latlon. Neither wnidlnuWnfiertio* la compulsory under the

New tar*ey law, and the onVlitl iruar-•ntee wMI he applied nnly t<> Hie prodw<ra of those farmer* who flcvlde to**rtt* The plan.

Winperatlon nf The state anfl fefl-Wai MirM«a on f)ie Initpectlon Men Icewaa mata fioaMhle throuirh a provWlontti Wi* NM*lrt appropriations hill puss«4 >>y OYinxresa. l ite federal depart*Wrt liaa H|fr#ed tn further I'o-opei'a-trNk, MHI plana are now helim ninde hyVhe >l«i» Jets«y Market ftnreau to ex«%< th* hmpeetlon senlce as farmersmay i*<inesi ft to ofhet CNI[>S for

onV'Isl Marft-fefteral gra<l«a arc

»M che exmpalim of state ofgnnt-s tn chec% proflreertng In ram<ta thla snmiiior Sn New Jwaey

. t>romrnein in their respectivemMHMnniea, nave enlisted aa markett e e n e r s . They have worked out anl N t t e system afiA are recelvlnn co-

of the stste Aopartment ofpe. Tt Is hellevod thai theirwfll prevent ton much of a

sltiiiiTeil 11ml Ilie reward lutlfl out toIts hencii Is not sutnclcnt to meet thtlnrger Inducements offered by some ofIts corporations, who are, apparentlyIn a position to come near paying lhaactual worth of service rendered."

Circuit court judges In New Jerseyreceive 112,000 n year, with retirementat half pay after U years' servlie.

PHibll* ««rvl«* Oaln*Increased earnings of Ihe subsidiary

companies of the Public Service Cor*poratlon for Mnf _ss compared with

same-v* " *

••Mlemtnt of ••vtral Oriat »>r*kl*m(In turep* la AwalUd—Adoption of«ho Now Namo la Cro4l(o4 to UNyAfter.

• y JAMIi P. HORNADAVWashlngtun.—In due time—and that

time uiuy not b« very far In the fu-ture—the United Htatea will pronuoothe formatlun of au Internationalleagne of peace. No definite time formaking the |iro|H«ul haa been Died bo-cause this tioveriiiiit'iit fi+li that Itwould be unwise to hrlng the «uh>»rtto the attention of the world untilcondition* are wort favorable thaithey are now. The tmules that wereadopted at the Wushlngton conferenceon the llmltutlon or unnaiiieMt mustbe nilin«d before the tuhject of aleague that will euihrnce In Its memberahlp prucllcally all the nations ofthe world la broached, and the gruatenterprise mum awnlt certain devetnp-moms In Kuroiw.

The |ir<i|HUHMl league of p<ie.cesprings from the association of na-tions HiTin nbout which W'Hrren 0llnrdliiR, then a randldale fur I'real-dent, tulkwl al lndlanup<ills August28. 101M, and al l>es Molnes Heplxm-her T, lliat), and to which h« madefrequent reference between the daleof hlx election and thv date of hisInaumirutlon, and even after his Inaujrurutlnn. The Harding administra-tion from the outaet has l-een com-nilltfMl definitely against tuklng theUnited Mlntes Into ih« existing leagneof nations and In fnvor of the organ-isation of an Hastxlatlon of natlonawhich would he a modlncMlon of Ik*Ioo4foo of natlona and would awreisi

TIM MtblttoM

CLASS ROSTERiKGradualos, Publtt 8eh««l No. K)

1, Aqne, Dorothy2, Decker, Amelia.V Borchard, Ann*4. Brenner, Florence5. Hrinktnann, Anna6 Bremmer, John7. Busch, Mae8. C I U M I , Anita

9. Davis, Susan D.10. Diatel, MrtaU. Dndley. Fred12. Kidam, RmmaKV Klsner, May

14. Fledderman, Bernard

15. Gumuiorcaro, Carmcla

16. Grip, William

ch reporter and urd compiled, andtuhllshcd for distribution *Mi> by aide»fih The average priced paid the farm-r for the an me products In the whole-inle markets throughout the state, aadinwn by Ihe record* of the Hmte Hu-•can of Markets. This tiirVirntittl'in )•hen forwarded to every women's cluhmil to any other persons, organizationiml newspapers reqiicHtlng It,

According to the stare figrh-ulluralinVlals, the Work of the market re-porter* aided > materially In cliecklnittendencloa toward this kind of profit-

ring last summerHalnoa, turvoyor Oonoral, Oloa

Henry H. lliilnes, surveyor generalnf New Jersey for 40 years and one ofthe best known members of the Mn<sonic fraternity In the sluto, havingserved for tunny years as grand In*tructor of the mate lodge, died at hl»

home, 2H2 High HI reel, Ktirlington. atthe age of eighty-seven years. 11 lahealth had failed rapidly since thedeath of his wife, Josephine Hum hMalnes, last Christmas, en tlic Ill'tlelhanniversary of their wedding,

Mr. Halnes wa» H *on of r»r. Isaac. Hnines ami a direct rtoaiyndnnt of

•onie of the earliest Kncllsh settlerstvf New Jersey. He was omlnncnt asn consulting engineer and surveyor,wa» engineer of the city of Murllngtonand other New Jerwy mnnlclpulliies.For nearly a half century he hail hoeaIdenilfled with the proprietors of westJersey, nmnt of the time as state sur-veyor gener/il. This office hail afford-ed him Hn opportunity to delve Into awealth of detail of Colonial history ofNew Jersey, and In recent yeurs hewna probably the greatest living au-thority oft this suhject, and on II hehad lectured and written much. Itawas alao a skilled linguist.

As a MHSOU he devoted much energyto the welfare of the order and asstHte grand Instructor was known Inevery lodge In the jurisdiction, liewas a member of Burlington l.oilkANn. « , A. F. and A. M HoitillnotChapter, ft. A. M. nnd Helena Cora-mnmlery, K T. He formerly held th*office of moat eminent grmul highpriest of the Royal Arch Masons lathe state.

He waa one of those Instrumental 1%establishing the Now Jersey MasonltHome, near Burlington, and only a fewmonths hofore his death promoted theorganism Ion In Burlington of the Or-der of ftpmolHy And Association forRoys under Masonic supervision.

He hi survived hy three children, 1.ftnnwden Halnes, Miss MargaretHalnes and Mlaa Caroline Halnes ofBurlington.

i.«ra of Corporation*Governor rMward* accopti-d the re*-

Ignatlon of William H. Spear of Jer-sey fit}1, a Republic*:!*, a* circuit courtJudge. Mr. Spe«r %HI join the legalWatt of the Public Hervlce tVrpora-tloa.

Tn M* letter th* governor said: "Hla tntftftqaata .that

tors hy President M<(perming revenues for May w»rt

M,27n.irt4. an InciwaW of $183,4118 overMay hist year. The amount avullublefor dividend* and snrfilua was fc;71,-n i \ a gain of (.Md.iMn.

For ihe 12 months ended May ,11 Ihooperating revenues amounted tn $711.-(KVT.N74. a gain of $7t'l.SS.M over thepreceding 12 months. The amountavailable fnr dividends and surplusWHS $4,4110.314, H gain of |I,N.4O!«I»over the preceding 12 month*.

Now Jeroey Bond*The state treasury will be benefited

liy several thousand dollars In )u>.niluniH from the sale of $,\is.m,isin ofinnnel nnd hrlik'e h Is hy the SlateHouse Commission. The hoiids willlieiir Interest at 41* per cent, and thefails that they were more than throetimes oversubscribed and that the hldamnged fr >m $1<W.S7H to JliDt Indicateiholr great popularity with Investors.

Three different hnnklng companiesoffered to take the entire Issue. Twoof them are New York Inxtliiulon*.lint the bonds are to go to New Jer-sey hunks, and most of them will nodoiihl iilllmntely fall Into the hands ofInvestors in this MI ate. At the pre.«enllime there Is consMcrnMc dcumnil forlong term bonds, that lire regarded as"gilt edge," Hiich as the bridge nndInnnel Issue.

Haekeltatcwn Man In Pa«JThomas A Shields of Hackctrstowa

died with the secretary of state hUiwtlhVnte as a candidate for the Iicni-oeratlc noinlmitlon for Congress In thaSIMIi illsirlct. lie will act us his own<'iinipali.'n mamigvr. »ml the lliickelts-lown National Hank will he his deposllory for campalgfi funds.

Mr. Shields served In the assemblyIn Him an,I HKH1 and run for Coin;rv*sIn the latter yeiir against ItandolpbI'erk Inn

Want O: K. WithdrawnAnother move against the New Jer-

sey Wholesale Itrug Company of New-urk for alleged violation of the Klllot•let wan made tn Twnton when IJ.Itinvlnml Munroe, Ant 1 Saloon Leaguecounsel, and (lirlstopher I' Connellvof Kiot Orange, geneni! ngenl umlernin'dor Applehy. confertS'd with theState Olonnl of IMiarmacy. They vir-tually present ixl a complaint andutved cancellation of the hoard's ap-proval of the basic penult Issued hyrhe federal government to the coni|>a-r>y to sell liquor.

PoaVo Artificial Tasto.Kven In hla letter*. IV|H> depicts

ar*nerj- with a very cool admiration;and never seems to amoclate Ii withany sentiment of moral Interest.Where anything of this appears. It laborrowed The tnste of Pope waa evl-aVntly artificial to the last degree. Hedelighted In a grotto decked out withlooking glass and colored stones, a*m c h as Wordsworth tn a tnouiiialn-pata, or Scott In a bord<4 snil(juJly.—Moor* T. Tuctenuao.

friends. Undoubtedly he feels that Ifduring hla term In the White Mousehe can he Inatrwncntal In bringing Ihonations of the world together In aaorganisation pledged to maintain thelieuoe of the world, he will hnve ae-eumpllnhtNl a grt<ut work. Charles K.Hughes, secrclnry of state. It Is need-less to say Is thoroughly In sympathywith every effort that tins been madeor Is likely to he Hindu lo hrlng thenation* together In nn endeavor to (

preserve the |icn<v of the world.

League of Poaco Ita Now Namo.(inly recently the niinw "league of

peace" was substituted for the originalIliirilliig conception "association of nil-lions.' A story Is being minted behindibe scenes to the effect that It wasI .inly Astur, Ihe woman of Virginialilrth who In a member nf the HrlllihIMirllament, who la rcspopalhle for thellnnllng administration's preferringIhe name "league of peace." I.adyValor, during ha) recent visit to theI'nllcd Slates, mnde many a|ieeches Intnvor of (he formation of a league ofpeace. As she has pointed out sinceshe returned to Kngland, stie avoidedihe use of the term "league of nations"Ixvnuse itint combination of wordshas come to he mi offense to manypersons In Ihe I'liltisl states, whilethe title "league of pence" lull a pe-culiarly effective nppotl to the people. .J

Nothing else would satisfy the ad-ministration quite so well as Inter-national development* of a characterI Iml noiilil o|H'ii the nny for the sub-mission of the league of ponce proposalduring the present summer or eurlyfull. There Is n political side to thesubject which I* receiving more orlea* attention In a quiet way. TheIVmiH-rsts In the various stales will.It Is genemlly assumed. In making thisyenr's platforms, Indorse the leagueof nations. The Republicans who lireshaping the (Mining campaign are hyno means ivrlaln that the llepuhllcnnparty ought to lake a deflnlte imnitlunIn opposition tn the I'nlted Stales'go-ing Into the present lengue In case theleague covenant should he properlymodified. A happy way out of thesituation so fnr as the Kcpuhllcuna areconcerned, It Is pointed out hy someof the politicians, would he for theadministration to make Its league ofpeace proposal a month or so he-fore the November election!. Thedanger of the whole enterprise. If Iiever takes definite form, would seemto he that II will possibly become apolitical Issue Just aa the league ofnations became a foottwll tor thepolitic! nna.

•rood a "Horrible gsampax*

Fifty coats out of each dollar theconsumer pays for. bread la absorbedIn Ihe coat of <)l»!rlhutlto a statement made hy iho Jointgrawlunal committee ofInqntry.






















Hagan, KngeneHenkcl, HenryHeld, PrankHugerlch, MarionJuckstock, BerthaKennelly, ThomasKennelly, FrancesKiesewetter, HelenKroling, Anna*l,owen»tein, KathrynMiaik, MargaretheMuller, MargaretOllwerther, Tbeodor*Parente, MadelinePfauni. RudolphRother, IdaRnscher. ArthurSprenger, CharlesSproul, Joaeph **Teut, JohnThoreton, MadeleineVlikowski, PaulinoVanderv«*r,Zntaaf. MariettaZulanl, Homy

LOCALJVENTS' Poiof Koanolly lo o4»oo«Un« a Hr*proof olalrway la Ik* Habov •« ICIMML

TWre tlUW I ragakMrth* 8aotel Uaioat. *f (k<

Th*ro will ho a rofuler moatlaa, *fta* MOB'S Cl«k«f tae lUferasod <Xm+


Th*Mi*io*M*H*M(4 MaMW » • * • .Ing tf tk* Farai I**d are ipissMst ! • •weeks at «•* k*4*o *f M M . WWBW. MWalk* Volt*|. UMot Cm**$, N. T.

Honry Wrtoof *f Ml H Tand Walur Raaua, *f Mtnato Pta«*,have agoui bo*n drawn far jarj d«t»bath having served throo asaalk* *«•.

Mr*. Augusta Plelga ond itamtrtf.Mlao Agnos PMgh, will l « v * lawn aMlMondat fat 1'innatla, Irki.. —4mmm»return umll Iho M l part • ! lai laaikw.

A prolti Obarok «o«a%m lath a****vVo *Vj9^V vlrW^PV^vfV^P^aT ^a^P^Vv^^pHa *^rv *^r^p^p^B tp^g*Jft V

*ii«da< o»o i>g Ian* mk wfcta H*.Wllllaoj KaaokaadVMa lalaha* •*>eouetis •or* united In Iho *•"•» «f *•*>raaMiit Hev. j . R. Howora, aWwllm,

Al ta* 9m4

kaard w pn*M* al kM*( MW

M tk**r»*MiTko board

CkaHM l*»k«f ?*m Maaa, M* aaa^ ^ a f

<nd Anna, •eoaaspalaia by J*ba•f 8'voatb 8tr**«, hav* ga«* bf —awssaWlo ta Bovwbroaa. aWMIva* OajMlfN. V.vboro ib«f «W May a M r aiy*

figures for Ton, Tfllf) aao* TJBt ffioreport says, adding that la IKU theentire producing root waa 44 cents suilthe distribution coot M cents. BroadIs held up hy Ihe commlsaluo aa astriking example of what happeoa toIhe farmer's product In the w u atcosts and proAta before II roavbo* Ifeo

The farmer'! wheat I* the •ahatan-tlsi raw material element from whichbread la nutde, but It must be Iran*ported, handled through elevotura.gratVwl, sold to Ihe miller and eoa-turtad Into Hour before It lo acceptable r*w uinterlsl to the muuulucturIng linker, the re|.ort eeta forth. Thea*minlilned oervleea during the perlialof thv surve) coat an average of (.4ivnta. The average cost of manufac-turing the Hour Into bread waa taiflrents of the dollar the cuusurao* paysfnr bread

A conxlilrmble factor ID tne baker'scost of distribution la the senlce ele-ment. Ills deliveries are made dallyslid his Individual wltM are coaipantlively small In terms of dollar*. It Isquite |HiM»lhlv that the couauiner fladathe convenience of h«lng able to gelfreah hifud dally of Uk groat value asIhe coiniiuMllty Itself.

However, It svk<uis pooslhle thaigiN'Mter emcleucy CHII be ilevi'lo|Hslwhich will tend lo reduce the umnufacturlni: bilker's selling mat mid overhead unU the retail Uenler** oiwrallugeX|H>nae. Tliti Inquiry d iea not tnd'catu that the manufacturing baker haaexacted mi undue profit In taking !Wcents from the conaumur's dollar formanufacturing bread Slid distributingIt to the rvtuller.

It would appear, however, that tbrretailer's operating ex|>enoe of 1,1 cent«mid ihe baker's average selling exl<ense of l \7n cents out of the ih\lla>the. consumer pays for bread should bereduced hy Improvement of methodTo some degree consumers' demand forvariety causes duplication of service oathe part of the several bakeries stak-ing dally deliveries lo tbo aaa»* re-tailers.

The competitive eteneat hatwoaamunufaeturkag hakerloa la tbotr otortato command markets aaraKlty taadsto Increase ihe arooant of oerrteo a«4the coat of selling. However, eoaaporl-tlon tenda to maintain a high standardof quality and couveoleace of serrtc*

i f k^m U laL GaBAJafta B# *%f A f j y a j a s u'% voja^F ^s*4 a^^ ^^v^as*MV*^^^*' ^ P T ^*»TP*alP*awa^*B^a»^p*.

Tb* »ro«h»a1wg eiao* al I M kab) afsre*«ll port]) la ib* *a<a)MflMi af MMClaroMli* sehool The e*M* p****a Ib*•voalag away wllkgaato* aag g*a«*aimerry making. Tbr** bearty oka***voro glvw« M k* oaaHallia* aorvaagi bo rofresbmoatf. Mlse KoMor, a**a«r>ualof P 8. land loaabor of Iba **•**,•nd Mia* Jahnoaa, a vWtiag koaohor,were gueait af '

Gainful eninhiyawni ofyouivg chlldraa troajaMtly awaa* thatthe chlldree, raeatva ta*do*,««i« ear*during the day, o* an ear* al aU, *c-soling to a rapart oatMat "OMMTMof Wagc-ltairnhAg MothaNk ft •»••> •»a Helecled Oroap ta Caiteag*." >"•made public by Iba Oalrod Mataal*|iartnM*V of Ubjr . b g tb

Tb* toilawlng prlaoo «aro .•Ml gift. preoMtod at ibo tcadaaibsg'<*rels«a*i ib* Ctarsadaa Itokaal kwlI'lturMlayeVMilna: Maaolotao Tbatolaa,honor aiiHionl, Alwam prla«, gold rtagUeargo Vandarvoor, BigbMl Massalag laBngMsk.k**k; Ma* Baoek, btgboai laArlthoMilo. baok, Jaaopk tproal. «aay««ro porfwi allonaaaoa. gaU ka4*a>nd ekaia Uustave Jobnaoa. tiaaaipfcsamarble shaoior g*M modal Mas) Kabtaf« silver ateab bag. Mr. PaehM a g*J*piece from ibe elssa.

A mass sMellng rolled by Maya*^ohnlll, al ib* Town Hall laet Wodaaa-pay nl«kl tar Ike purpaso *f saanaissj<n* soi tineni of Ibo taxpayers an tbaprapooitHHi of disean'lowing Ibaoarvla*of Ike Hackenaatk Water Ca. aaa gat-ting iho valor treat the Jxaay Qtysysloat. dkinol voet vlik Ihe taapayoraapproval. P.tor FWrloy deaaanoaa Ibathe proposed ayatea, as a eeMly aftaa?aa II wauki require a puatpiag obllbMsoaervoir and oia«r «quli>asonl, basMaapeople lo auaag* iho valor varka, alargo slafl of atflee 'aiuttyoeo, aag• ouM OM*I Hkery pravo a*|rattta*la,

A vary, pretty aaato wedding taakplaoo an T«ooday ovealag . I * . M n a

Kulh Hllllnga, da«ga«or at labaalTrustee SIHI Mrs William BllWaji, aaalWlllisa Hllbort. son af Tow* H a t m

hstisn and Mrs. Adnlpb W. Hitt in*anllod la OMrrlago ol ibe baato af tkabride's aaroalo In Qeairo Uaa. Tbabride «aa ilvoa avay by bar Tiskas.M d a l t ^ k y k . « * , i t h a r W ^aprotil. Tbo boal boat atan owa M**nWrtgbt, «MMB at Iba «*•»». TWvaa bMatlftaay aaaWakog VJMl

Ahar ib*

• M a . , * *

Page 2: Se taunts Ifcto* · Se taunts Ifcto* BUSINKSS •CTTER COMMUNITY BKTTCR LIVING ^tumi flAi, Hit. W [SStSB^K^TS^T 8BCAUCU8, N. J., JULY 1, 1922 mur* .. MSKOTON AT SHffW POINT HtW JtKUY



( O m i i l . t i i ' l I m m I ' i n - II

t t i l i r , i ' U ' s Imri'iiii n i l i t 'F tHiiulltitiiia

foitltil nul t i i l i - n - i i i M f i l m-litml |ir"U

n u w u t i l i f t l i . l i l i n i , u t f i i iu i t i i i f i i m l

III l iuuli l i uf t i iv i i i u H u M w i l l , I U H W -

t | i i , ,H i.uw tu Uif t l i i l i l i ' f i i m u l ui

muni' In-liilli't'a i iu ' l ' i i i ' ik l',t f l i i l i ln- i i

Wlut Iiml I l i f . i ' « i i u i w l i n v fur l i u i f f

I . Ill i . -na* I t tmi l ii II « rt'll,'Hi

' . l it ' . i ' l« . . , ' t t ' w . . . • Uu i . . - i t i l» in

ft Mttilj' uf M S fiil i i i l lua uf w n i k i i i i !

Hlltllll'IX III « I l l i l l Mfl'f U.IIHU f l l i l i l l f l l

Wiultn' tlii' mi l ' " f fi'Mitfi'ii , t f«r» I'll''

|)I1>\I|I I l l f l iu l f i l ( . l lu l l l f - kumMl In On'

t'tltftlU" I ' l l l l i l l I ' l i l l l i l l f i ' iml I

tlu.v mii'M'iit'M, unit liii'liiilinl II

tl|HifUll UI>HI(l uf - I I ' c u l i i l i l l (ill

) | tt||H flllllUl Illlll kill' |U'.'lill'lll I

«t|ll|tlll>Ult'lll ul' u i u l l l f l - Itilil III i l" " ' H i . / • - , , »

Imtli minimi mul lu-uiti-ii iu'iuiu-- V*Jf, ' ' '« >WIlWP lilt' fllllll'l' tllla II mi'iillii I ..f Illf. *TJ>O»v.«—

fiiuill.v Hiitiiii mill tvuikiil ivutiliir'

wfi.v in Uu' uiful urn

liiiulit|iiiiit< fur tin' i

Tin' (A ilu.v mirwi li'» In I'lii.iuiI III' Illlltl "f I III' »IW|,V llill Ili'l lulllliUIIU

In niutiiiiilnii mill iliilil i n n ' iiml 1111 HI

lull; ninny nf llii'lu Iiml ii"l |'i'"i uli''l

tiilt<t|UMlt'l,v l"f ilii' IHIV 11ml tiiiiulin;

tif lilt' lllllur illlllllt'lt. Ulll.t l".ti u in- .r

tfui, wllli 11 i'ii|wtll,v uf 'Jl> fiuli, w i n '

«v«Uiililf in itilurttl oliiltlifit. I if ilii>

VN9M fltlltltvn vvlm uei i ' iinl fiuml (HI

In tlltjf Mintfl'li'a, ,111 It'iial 11 fuiinli

\\W» h'fi wllli 1111 |iru\lalmi fur tin-ir

n i iv ««li|t> fvtuii 1I1111 nwilt< In lln<

AMWHtanM I* P**'-Tliv WIHHII uiii'imiiiiiv iviiiitU nt 11

|MI||I llf T4J t'lllltllfll Wt'lf ulllltUU'llllDll llltwt* IHII!l|DtlVtl llllUltul'ulll.V Wllli

llw Htlfliilmifti "( nil Hit' illtlilivn vii111 Illllti »i>lii'lft| • i lmul- III

iifluliUiiilii»»U. , \ liirui'

miMtlllll llf IflWItltlllun \M1» f'HIII'l

ouitiiiii tht» t'lillilivn uf wiiut' mi

tiver mil' 1I1U1I ul' whiuu Wfrv

aiuuiliinl Hftiilf fur llit'lr 11 uo.

> rv|mri i'iini|iii»u>n Hii> akill 111

Illltl IIMIIHill'lllt'lll alum II li.tuf ilit< wuiiii'ii In t'uri'.iliiu Hit'

trl|ll«l Illtl'tltHI llf WltHO-flll'tlul', llMIlM'kwiwr unit inu|li«i<, mul oiuitui Uwi n

lHri|« |t|M|HM'llll|l WIIV lining llll'il'

huuitmui'li wliliiiiulimn Imlf uf I lie Jl^i inniliinti w



t l ivn;

|rtmi> Ihrtinuh

vtinlluii uf imlilt'iii mul Hit'

uf lii'iililr, mul |iiuvliliiiti »iii.-.iu»ir-

^lr ll«> (iillit'i'« i»i|i|ittri vilit'ii Iw ^

limit i f llirit|iiit'lliilt'il. l>> liii'4in« ul

mul 11I1I tr<iin »u>ml


^ ' ^

Illttlttl'i Illf l)|tt>ttl'llt>r « u t l | u f luvlliillmia In|iSir I lila ulilt't't

HKVIKW PATIKHNS ftw AUUU8Ti » « M t t t U t / V H i t

For Salt «t

Plankroad Dry Goods StoreSECAUCUS]27» P«Ur«on PUnkiomi

G»n»r*\l Lin* of Dry Goodi andFurnlih uHt M wry low priotti,


A|»n«y fur R«y«l Sttcivty Crochtl Cotton

; Iho nimlinrit In uvm-ml >lm»>il|tmi|*>|ll',V III MU'lltlfV UlffllWlVl-ii III 111'

H|HH'llll l l M l t ' f l l l ' l l Ittt ' l l l l l li.V l l l l l

«f «uu»' I 's. Hi.

|Hi i i m i l . l iu'lutli ' umi'v iii)i-t|ki*ilt

Ilii'imiili Id

1I11' nt' l imiU, l u

I'hllilri'ii u u l i l i U '

x i i i i u l m t U ul l

i i f

H l l l l l i l t ' I H ' i i l i v l i n u u f I I I . ' i i u I I I , 1 l r . . h i

iivfr-fiilluulnii mul III UI'HIIII "I',I~,.

Wlll'ti HUt'tlt'tt''! Illlit'tl I l l i l l l i tr III Illi'lr| i l i in» fur t't'i'litlii IniitillvH iinttt-r I M I V .

IhtJ Ulll l lf l l l l ' l l l | i l iU l l l f l i l ul Hit' In.. Ii

W." I l l f ft'l'i'l'l -.Illli'*. "t lt ' i ivlt l i i t t<

| | l t ' lt"t|IUH^it'l)i'V I'")' Illitkllli; ^llv !i :,)•

runi;i- i i it ' i i i^ i i m l On1 I I I K I I ' , 1 w i n 11.ii

l i i i s p i n 1'iirry in I U M H I W I I.I I U I I I H H H

f l i i | i l i > \ i i i f n l nil l l u ' IIIUAKII .>I l u n i \ o

hult l luuui i i i t ' i i i f ul "

doma a P«rt»ci S<L

Al'flwlHH'll W* Ilir lu lh . l^ iun . ' . l IllhUIII I m t i i f . M II •lYiiiiiu. . . i I ' m * .

Mtflt'li-. - I " ( « . i i a . I - .mi l iiu> ,1 n « i « t

l l l l i l^llK'll i l ' l l l uf lll'i I l l t l l l v

lltm I* in Itv

«» tliv re|ttiatiitry tiflu . imi . Iwt'kurtiuinlii mul In

llt'rv In I'liilmli li'lilit U Iiuln'iitl.iitf luiil, tiuiifilini Uif uitni|i uf

i.'liililul Inillillliua,i u liii|i> him K uu IIIMII' t i n slum

Illltl Illtt lillf Illl" liffll M'lfflt'tl lit Illf i Hull .illil IIIIIV «i' fVlWIftl III llt> PUUIKiiliiiiimui luirii, luiimli iimiii tu nuiiitt H iu4 lml t l t i niww inn, i.iki

i In iliu in

ai l t - f l , fllll.V Ifaturt'll Illul l i | i » i l \ f t l . |

I l i u iin- r .ui i i i i t -ul i i l f w i i . i v - * . iit'ltl I I* ,-t-.-.-ui|i- mul Itf iv ilului Umtt'tifk Ut»i 111.I.I III- Illiliiv in III- Itiu, Imltl Imll'l- u Kim: I I . u i - i ' nul l ,I i i m l II i \ i i i i . u u 'u-ii,-; - i i f i ' l i i i l f t l l f i f U Ilif lutuiiiii.

fllllll'kfil l l lu ' l i ' l l l | . I'flikl'llllllll t'\|IU

.11 inii » u > l u i i l

Tltti (Inif- uf |S'iiu>.\lvuiiiii Nru

,lt'i-f\ mul Kiiii-iiH, In Ilif II lftii«l«


Illlll ftiMtt'lllltilla lui Illl' tll*fltt.-lllll lit !wiiilil lutililfuia imltttl uii'li |iiu.-tn«lu»Iliu llf-l Illluil- uf Illl llli. |itu|i|tul uf

, 1 . 1 I l l l '

, . | l I I I s . |

i . i i n ' i i \ i l i i i l | trm'i i i i iuft l i l i f ultltl i

l ir . iuuluiui till lilt- imi i l un l i t .^"~ ~

i l l

i l l t l i i * u i i i i i i > i i . i i i i > i i i t ' i

i h t - i i i i i u i t i i i i - . K ^ m u l \ t i l l u u i t i

i i - . « i l | i \ i i i f i t k i i i t ' i * . m u l i i t - i t ' i n t u n 1 ,

u l I l i i ' u l ' U l l i i t l i l l i k l l s u l i> t l l ' A l t i t - l ' l i ' i l l i I

M . i . l u i 1 I . i l l . 1 111 H i t ' I l l i i ' ( i f i i i i u i l i - l i | i

>'< I Ii . ' i n 1 - I i i l i ' l >,ii|i V t t l l l | ( f , ' l t l t 111

I i i I t i i i . . i ; i . | i ^ i . i n l i | l l \ l u l t u l l i . l l t ' l ' t ' l i l t 1

I I I I I U H t t - t . l l i l t . l l t ' t ' i l i t l t l ' n k l l s l l l l t ' l I t t l l t

H i t ' s i n - m i l i K ' i i u . n , •. u f n . l i M I , 1 i l i i I I . ^

( l i i l l ' l u W I I I t t I m m i \ ' t - u i f 111 . W I ' l l i l I . i

llfiv nivi I HblNISi AUOUT INOI-itNP


t N i t itAl U

H»».iul,|y olmil -\l<tiO Hi>\,« j

btiHuiuti it tiiniae in nnlt.ilt \Q> \HUM. i

t.MU—Futii t>i«t,ii pi tyc|UHv,l tin turn ,.ui|'(.k»

l i l t < u ' l . i \ - t t - l l i i - l i | l - f i i l l l I 1 I 1 1 U

Fo rmyour own opinion of thequality of printing we turnout bv looking over thesamples we will be Itul toshow you. There I? noth-

ing in this lino that wecan't do to yourentire satis-

class printingcreates a good

l i l t ' t ' l l i t k l l k l i n . I I l i k l i i i I f ! u l I l l l ' I t *

( i l l l ' l l l I I I , . - v - l l - . l . , . 1 I i , n u l l , - . I I , , . , . , ,

t U l l l l l l l t ' l l l ' > I l i f M ' M ' l l l l I t - . 1 - . M i l l

u i i i M l l . ' l . l I ' l i U . i l , l ' \ I l i i - t , t i , i , ; i ' . , i . |

i l v l l . . , 1 1 . I I I I ['••• I ' l . l l i M i - 1 . 1 . 1 . . 1 | | , |

l l u ' i l n \ u i I ' .: \ , n t

i l l I t I i l 1 i - i . mil

tklt'll lit llu .1 \ , i i 1' 11II

l l l " - - l ' l l . I l l f l ' H l l U | ' l i - « H i I l l i f l l ) l l | ' . . 1 1

\ i l i l i l i t i m I ' i ' X i 11 i u r i i l I1 .11 t u t ' h l u i i h l

t i l m u l . i i f \ f i . . | n - i - . l i n n - i t u t i t i i i i n v

| . | i ' ) i l l \ I I I . i n i n - l 1 - l l i « - I I I M I I ' I I l i K h l

u i H i m l i a l u i k ' - 11 I n . M ' u i " I . t l i l . l i l 1 -

| i | l l t l l | . | l l u n i i W i i l i v l n i , - . , | s I n f | m l

l u t t ' I ' I I I | > i i . - i r - - i l t i l | n i i > | . t n l > \\

i l l ) t l i K I I I - I t | . \>\ u i . I l i t .11 1- | i t - i k i i l u l

I .11 i n i . 1 1 . > \ . 11 n i . ' M 1.1 l l i i s i . K n u t -

t i n s l u ' t - i i i n . n i t - <ii l i t . ' l a - . 4 . I ' . i i i n s u l

l i l t - I .MV . t l i i t l ' i n . i > \ \ f l i . i ) l u i . I . ! u i u t

l l i t ' l i f \ l .II \ t a i - > A l t i l l u i y l 1111 . i f

S I I U | | . t . m - i - U t - l i . l l i ' l i n I i m l . u u , i l i f l i l

I t l t l l i l i t l f t i t - , t l l u i t h a i l i . l - l i n - u i t t i l l l '

i l l l l i l u i l .1 s l l l t i ' t u j | i ^ l . 1 . I n . M ' l u t III •>

111 H i . - l i . - i i l - , I>I s . i t m t \ . i t 1 m t i l i i i t h i a



U t I

t i n - , i l i i - i i , • u r i ; i s i - i i u ' i l i i i i i t ' u (

\ t l l l l l I s | i | . i l i l | f t l l l ' t 111!1 S i S H I I I I f l l l f l i

l l l . l l v v l i l l l l l i ' l i . i s 11,1 . . l | i s | , , | i , ' u t I I , f

IIVJl'i 1 1 I f ' l i t l l . ' l l " l - l l ' f I ' t ' i k . l l . l l l u i i u l

I l i i | f | i f l i t t f i n I 1 I I I - I i ' I T i l i ; u i l . H U M

„ . - - . , t . \ l l l l s | l l U U I H l l s l l l l l l U | , , 11 l i t l l l . l l l t l i l t ,

f u c t i o n . H i g h - j ( „ . , . , ; , , , , ,„ , , i , ' , „ II,,- . . I I v , , , > , , I , H , , , , I.-iui-i, tin- I i i . i i - i i i i i . i l | . \ i i . i s l i i u i i . In

It'lll Illl,I' I l l l l l . s llll'il Illl,II,'.Ill, ,' , , | , (

M.IVt' I 'ff l t I.I ,'lklst'l III (' it-- l i l f 'IllltlIlliiliilf, I l l f ; l iU' l . i l i l ' I l l f s t i l iuuit nu>.

till' )tlll>llt'~l.It'll, II" It l l | III" ••. I'U,Illl


and your

Hil l ' s , l i u i o lluluratMl I l l f I t tu l l ' t l i i l l i l 1 1 1 ' " "HitIII lUllV I"' t u l l l l l f l l tll't'lt l u Iiul u l i f i i M I - | . > t . . | .m ' iWi | t , . | t . in ' i - f i i i l ' l f t l i i i . i l i n i v i u l f l U u ' iii-t-inlitii, , l i | | II... I' l i 's l . l i ' i i l |,1 s|i,', llu s , ; i . |. I lllHllllll III i f l U l l l l U M I l l f I I , l l ' U n III,tl lilt-

ll'lil |>llll'lil Ul l lu ' I'lisl lu i i l i f | | | l | | \ Illlll

u i . i | | . i i u ! mi l vili i i l la \ f i l u lit' i n ' i i i u f

| I t l l s l l f l l .

H,\ U t f I l l l . ' l l i i l l l i ' lUl l | l l iu»> Illl* lii't'lls i i t u i nil.-.! , | u i i i j I ' l t w i i i t n i Hup-

, l lu . : i l l , , , - . . - . ,i I n n t'1,1 I I I I U l , l \ s lq

Hill, ' i l l ' lu M UU It Ulflt Itl'f | l l l l l | i i | l

i".i,lu ilii- t m m u H i n t n t - t i u r n . Hi* 't(

i i i - i I I U i m u iiiiil i t - | i l iu nut i l i i i u m i l li I l lu l l ^ l l l l l l a ul f . iU»l l 'Uf l lV.t |ll'UII>."

Al l lat't'a m u l l l t l t l i i u V Iif t' . i l i l l l l 'I l l s , l u i t f t l i l l k l l t l U l f i l '^t ' l l fkt lU-l t III

I,, w ; , n III,,,HI,,ii H i l l - Iiii UU li l t ' n u t

I , , , l l l i i l l til Illl' IlltlUllU t'tllUIUull

I u i l i l u i - 1 1 , m i l l . u l i i l u l u a. . i t l l l t - l u lilt' ttiluUIIU, |lltttl~I, i 11 I s It. I . i l l u l l l f l . n llt'lll

, ' l i , . | I i u u l l f l l In' MfKlltittl-I ' Is I l l f l l | | f l l f i l l il | , | l |t

. . u u l u i f \ i ' i I U t l t m s i u M i

•• " •'i II \ i i l l I U I \ M » I - u u1,1 III I l l f l l | l |HV

1 , ,, , , 11unt», \ \ t - f it itttul

> i>.ut l lu- t i . i l i i i l t ' i l i i i l lu iu i l l ' \ -

| . ' . - . . l t i ' t ls l i i ' l i i u l l ' l f i l f l i l l i u t f lluutt

, i,,. Il l i ' I .HIU It' Illl Itlillltilltli II Ift'l'

II . ..i u i t i t ui us(>u i i iu i i m u l u i m m: , u . . i t in i - l lu t l A t , , t i n t t t f t|ii . 'a>>. , I l l l l l i l . l l l . l l III (I l l s f l ' l , til I l l ik f l '

, , i . i . i i i . i i i s . iml u n t i l f i f i l f i i i f , I mit}-

ii'i l i . i | tut i i iu l f Is inni i i t i ta ' i i| . . Illl II I . .1 Illl | l l | I | , , | , | , , | » U '

. : . . I l i i t u l i t uk u u , l l l i , I -Ul, | iul 't III

.il i l . f i i m l I U I - I - « L u l l (•iiui.i'-ii

I,,|lt.-V Itlitl l l lt ' IlltUlltl Illtl ^,t'tll ttfI,. . I l l s . , ) . l , , . , | "

W i n I I l l u . l . l l u l i t l u l l l u l l f t l l | » I l l l

ln-l i s l i i l i l . . | I | | I I l i i i iut l lu i i II a i iu lu l f t l Illtl

,i .n i t M u l l ul I t i . i i u i . t lit I l i f A i m 11

i iii i u ) i i i i i | . - , lutl i l l . - u r u l a l u i s f t ' t f f

, i u , i li.'.'U i f t i l l u t i l l i n g uvf t ' I l i f f i t

, . | . i - i i i i l i mil l i i f t f i I U U I O f l t t - t l i v f l > '

u in Hit- l i i f l i l f t i l l ' a . Ill IIO' l vuti in' i i ' s iu t - i i . i i i f i t i i i i ' i ' t 'u i l f iu ' f Imi l

. I l l l I l l f l l f l - l l l f l l l u l l I l lUl - f l l lit Hii i,,t I..-.! l l , i u , . h li lit. . m i l Iif Hit. ui i t - t

, , . , , . l , i i i i i t - i , ul n i l I l i f » l i l l l -

I. ., | i , i l i i l i.i Unit l l f u l i ' l l l u l III. l l l i i l l

in I in l lu l i l , \ il Illl It llliill l u l l l u i i | l f i t

i l l u l l i ' ,.lv i-ii ,• in I ill \ . i i i a a u I l i tu l l

i i l l u l l l t i u lit- t int Hi ni l I l i f t f U I U k l f iI, l ! I , I ' ' I I ' , I , - I f

I'M.' Urotiiul iiitiKi-u

lull lt l lUU OltlltlllltfuC.0(|.I ',.) ri i - . | .U, , i | ,»i , l u u l . l ,

t i .u i i tuv l Ukvvlt l i t t i l . H i mI '.if O. t^l ' f i I" ,t .

|l« tllV .1,. JilllllK* ,

AhB«m|ilV ii'.M'i lin.llU


A Ictttitir ni'ilfiitfkl v ir . it'll

l>ei k ti illKui t l . miluir. (ti.)iu

(llrKt .I i ,. V- ll'l I, .If t i l* t 1'1,'

.ti my.

1 ' n July -), O»< IJI it,i"i


Sucfeuor to B*hr«n» Bron,

1261 Pattrson Ptankroad. Union 6493, SICIUCUS




Stt Mt About Fttding Them EconomlcilljMy lolivy Pint CUM Goodt At LQWMI PrU%i

Prompt D«livtry «»d Court«ou« S«rv)««,

A Trill Order Will Convince YouSPECIALS

Pratt* lUby Chick P»»d, Ur«« SOci Sm«H 18c" R««uUtur " BOci " IBc

Conkwy'a BuM#rmilk SUrl r»f P«#dlift lb», for , > i 1880 " " a,S8100" « 4.38

! ) ' H Ail ic lP! . ..» t w i n i r t u , , n

> ti.yneil tit pt»v 141 ,,(».»n 1 r».*,,th»i

j . t 'r i ' -CvXtwi . t iot t IQ ti^iitv

I Coiiktttutu>tt fot U\v U'u t i t

be >',

l i t

u>i,:l< ,il AIM ,<v'it

n >lMr in In.. ,

I h o t m i l i i n , ) in I « , , C I H , 1 . 1 , 1

hcU ,»»»M UblUI l i j ;(||.t U l|t . ' It

t d t u v v l tr> u » i u t i i t d | » | t ( - i i 4 i u a » n j

c o u t u n U A% i w i i k * t . s . , 1 ; . , , . ; , i v t o

l t d v>l t J ' H . - t l ( . U l t U t l i O n

$ 1 ( 1 0 C A S H

IIIHI tluvtit tt«l«.H»* »«•» l»rtm

lnt|tiir« K, Q, WKHNKH,I'ltnttiii AMIU I ' u , 4\M««, N


Morris Worthily Honored *JS:i;;,::;,';„::,;.;,,:,...;;.:; I ,: ;.;;;:|\,;:1 ^ t ^ . M ^ lI'lu.i. i l i ' i t u u 11 - . t i i i u . « - i i t u . ' l u r u i l i . lul l lu i III- i i f III*,

ttultfk*! Mui'i' i- l lu ui'fttl Aui f i ' i t 'mi -mil i i i i iui - iu^ l i i u m i - \ i s ut In* w i n - i> ; -i w l i i i t l t t l tu t|ti- I ' m i t t l >s l i t l f - - u l i - i - n | i f l u 1, i m i i l 1,1 t in , i i | , , | 11,.'Hi | | | , . nutat I ' lHUi i l (uil l i l lit I I - l i l t 1 iii-ii s u n l u i u i i i i

Secaucus Building & Lo^vn Association\m I'A I KHiiON r-UANKHCMD, UCAUCUS

| i \ | i i 'uvl i l l i i t ! Hit' n t t f — i t t v 111 in Is 1 M u n i - t i n - .1 t l i l i ' i i i i i i i t . tin- I'urn k

l i t f u u i u i i i . i l i f l l i - t u l u i i i ' i t m y i t i t i 4-<<i,utt"<i. mul mi itti-

ICUUllllltl, lUII Wl'tl I l l l f f 'It Il ls ' »U!HI'ls III Illl' K f l l i l i l U t ' U ut Illtlftilt, wita atlli.lft It'll tu I I f luiiulUmluli I lu-iiiliMinv Will,1 llu l i -

uf lut|iri»umut'nl fur tmllry t M i l t |» I uliiwil lil» liniiifu-f

i i i i u i , lit-Hi,, , h .

m wllli • MHliir tlutl

Ihv itrnif*1 tif Uu1 ultl I'nlltHl Hl«ti>o

huuaw In Ultwluul »lr»»l, hw

IMWIII uf Ilia iiiimli.y |ili living |n« i rfik

It tit Uif ituiulilit uf I t . Itm tint. Wltt'iiih« y Utirrl* itn

I ' lut l i ' . - I, i « n i M iml an!) Itm;*:II Ilif ultt iluta it liulat. t'tuilil I'nal H

-IIIH' uiiliiiiii luitlni} iti uvl unt in ilivimini mul ruin iu i'iii mi n iifw IUIII Ink(mi' vim iittilil m m mm' ,\uur luii iutwimul \uti iif f i Iiml in \tiilH |tmk III

l'YJ» VtU'H UOMK!»Tlif HiiiltliiiH mul I.II.III (.rnvrtli-- fuc ,»WvtnM i f INVHSTOHS *w\

I I O M I U l II.III l l> S«v,' mul Imy w ttutnv «ml \w ,v««»»«w« ImiiUnnl,Siivi' «ml IUI V I'ur yttiir luiiiu> muiillilv ti»almtl tvl ri'ii* nr NMVP KIII)

Slmr»< »lit> IVtiltU, Wv [\*w- -tt'iirt'tl lntit»«» tut «n,«n,v U l\ f - l t i r - it ml Uuuif liuiMt r- Imlli (trtitll, Ttti« l« *


inilia in Hit- ntiirtitl Iwtl altirv

itlil Ihililiiu luiil ruw will uf iMtji.—


U W I S U N U I U ,

Page 3: Se taunts Ifcto* · Se taunts Ifcto* BUSINKSS •CTTER COMMUNITY BKTTCR LIVING ^tumi flAi, Hit. W [SStSB^K^TS^T 8BCAUCU8, N. J., JULY 1, 1922 mur* .. MSKOTON AT SHffW POINT HtW JtKUY





AmuW w«ml»rfii\ ihtnt htm h*ppimml, I'v* hail » M i w fnini r'allinr—ffun kl*.lh«>cl » Wiinr nu'l

It "am* Htla ninnilng, Miulmrhnnuht tl \« tu imv *h» hnik«tt i|iii>m'—« Dili*, Th*r* *i'f» twit hut *|miaIt h*r fli*»k», antt h*r «)'i>» w»r*w » bright,

wl (Mud yau how H t»tii>r h*r» fnim—y«iir folk**," Mi* Mill, hutiilhtt tl

Hit* h*»lt*t*tl Ittifnr* tha "ynur rwlk»" )ual • • *hi> *lway« tin**. Ami1 IwOt huntly »y*r Hint alt* ini>iiiimi>hit Hani* «») way, Mm w lion «li» tint*aha alwaya ami* a funny littltt minutiW»tw» It, )ual aa ah» tllit Imtny.,

I tNWliI * •* ah* n*« WtUlttftNUt Wllal•ulllil IK l« It. Mill I imwa *IHV> waanj•.iwilwrtttl tiny mnr* Ihnti I »««, mil)1 w«a ulattttor <n iht It Hunt alt* «*>I mUKMHK Aliyhnw, wlii'lt alii> aawfc«W «iail I K««, MMlt hit* I JUIM|l»tl l«llh» l*|i»r, the itrow hark, ami lmiki*i» * * » » M It ah*'i» liven hurt, am-Midi

"I did M»t kmiw, Mart* INI a l»ll«nmr fotliw wnulil WWHI * .

I «ttw't kmiw what I illit *ay in ilia.)I ««*«• I Mitn't MY mi) thin*, IM ai•Mhly h*fun tu rwtil th« Mi**, ami Iw » to wwh. » hurry \« ftrnl nut vthnihV« Mill,

I'll winy It h w * It wawt'l Itm*

II w«a Ilk* ihlt l

"My l * « r Muryt"Mum* way titrlalntaa haa mail* mi

IMnh uf you, I wlah I Imil awn ,\nu•MUM* «lft V*t I l l*\» mil |h<i alttlltnalW*» what wwwW \*v*w* y«u, i s . Mlft* truth, I tM*«l In foul othw h«ti tu «iv» it mv

"I «m »wivt*rtn« IfI Itlil,

Mir* »»r» Ui

iht>n la in

wutta«a(*»ti It la

to Mlmkat I illil, I au|i|HW» I hail a \wp,\

tlui«K Yiiwr Aunt <lan« M,va II mmnt \\<* IflUu* mi* »f lhi<

that t*.at nl«tit, Mil* tiait aAn* ttlniwr, anil ahi> IIIVIIIHI MI»

»Kit Mia* Mivnw ami Mia* ManIn wit It with H* Hhi> anlit «ln-

\\\* ^ tad H>m*»\\\m Itmr*«.l li«itvk\tin< In a I'rwvit

IMtt ,MM) kimw Ihitl M«i\\*"Mm I \*t\ tk»ui t« lh,-lf i>lmlli>r aft

unt tn itii< XIMIM'V MI think I mnai IM\« fMllni ««li-»i>

itarti wliwi I ««nk*. ttui I ili>ln't niiml

w«iiiv<t in mlin ItMI I alajwl nil nv«r

" l l t ixv \\\i\«y, now, i


nu It

ittit y

« ml»aliMmr\


liwi* r»«.illu< tli* M\\'t nut|I«H I «n

tip unit

•A* wlilrtal 'm* «mt MIIV )u*t•til* nf dt>r «»•

"I nntliv I* tinwnt)i»r In that Mi*r,


a*.y yauilttmily «ml

« If *tuu*tliinii In«ay It:




ii\ a»k H tah* illil, am) lli<> vltMlnlat anil all

"T«i» vMlHlat I" \vt\|H

•mi tu ««lk H|i mnt"YUM ittMi't tutwH tu)«wr Nihi^ almnt

'^\k. mv nutlr\lH« in•k*

yi*M »\«>r


«HttR\ Ilak*,

|»tl»«t, tmv (Itut It"I miMM't t«4t Mma* »v«urjilMn« hadn'tHut I UMtt




IM t«k»rJ\wt Ilk* lk«t M »

•h* lwik*«l •» itmrtt*.n t« walk twin, «t|i ami• M 4«WM. T*»«v nil nt *N«H« twmtf n« tk» w u i * ami tw**.n»» rt» »mt • * »• If k*f kimrt

AMI WIMM I trM tu lIt

)K »W tort** m» *irlt«Mi>M * Mm fcwwttf N Id k«*

w»it>, H\IV ln'lil HIM

"Mil, MI) ilitrlliiu, ttixt't )<ni mil' Innvili'miiirui it till ia Imn uiinitniHti u i«tiir lla l« ll\i< llila \ \« , \ t Anil t<>\full )nU |nmc vlillill uliiil I>,III|,| \wWiHan (\» )>ml Alnl lii'lv I lllli, Ji-nlII«« Jimlmia iif )IIIIIV ii«tt rtilhiM', fill1

rv«r jii'ii'll l<ivv IIIIH Iwiiiit limn )iniill) Illul

"till, I liimw I nuitit lii.l l.i any allllila In ,\"H I kimu I miulu in,I inIllll I itin'l M | i II, I WIIIII JI . I I ! Iviani )nu iivi'iy inintili>t Imi I i m win tilvn yuu u|i aid ivimUi nimiilia "I>nni) yiiil' | l imi' In ul\ (i )<ni II|I inIn in Ami lii''« ymir Inilu't1, Mmli-Allil III' • M IP'inl IIIHII, I titmw linn nih»nt nitiii, I kimii ll all tin' lii'Ui-innw •Inm l'\i> tii'ii mlmr mnn AnilI mitilil In li<ll ymi in ln\i< IIIIH llniI'm an mitiiii ,\"ii'll IIIMI liim in<iii'illi*4« ynu tin imv ami wtini in l m \ umtv Ami I mii'l tll\<> ymi ti | i | I IHIII'Im\<> ,\MII ii\ii"

1'IIKII I lili'il In lt<ll IIIT, nf IMIIIHI'IImI all* ttuuliMTi IIII\I> in HIM' m« ii|iami llml I lii\t<tl Imr « iMtnio |ni i,,'iu>f limit I .11,1 l i i i l ioi llni I-\I.II ilmiilllln'l ii'llllnll Ili't, ntltai' >ltn »nlil InllMltl In ln\i< Itlnt 'Hull ln> « « • lnm<aiim* anil nwnlwl im>, ||i< m<i>iliHl im>Jual tta miitli na »\»' IIIH>I|I<II im\ amiinnylw mnh> Ami I Inm alio wi'til miHUHln HIHIIII Imw unmilniiil nml n«riilII \ \«a In |i \ i i \\w way ui' wviv livtimMitt »li« rutli'it lti<r>i>lr ti WUVIHI wnmtilt tltHI «I»AI <>\i>r Hllnwinl Illlnnn int\'\ in atmti a I»I»« Ami «ln> >nii| iralt* itntlil nnly I m w In-r lir» in ll\t<


»li.|(h ami t o n Imrwai In lakfalut HI* In H'ln, anil what * a|ilrtntl>ltlttip »* hail, mitt Imw ImvU Mnltii<rItmanil villh ItKr m l •<ttnt>ha itmt hrlvlilKlra, anil IMIW, MIIIMI ** «iH linnu'Mf HH^I'I'IIMII* Kttlit w» litnki'il iitrnvIlkt' alulfta limn mmlit<r nml iiaiifliliT,unit IIIIMI'I llml n lm "f Itltn Of n t m wI inlil a i m i e tii"tv alimil Mr KiiHi'i-hhvrtli, ttm, m Knthvr'tt kwiw Wlm h*«!!• it linn fl'li'lnl nf Mnlltt<l''a HullI'll Iti'M'f kiinwit ni l | wnit' Itnt'N llil«limn, ami Imw Im wna \i>r> rli'lt ami at«n«! MlUnaltW nwt\, That AMttt t ln l l l f

Tlii-ii I Inlil him llml lit lit* aft<<rItttttii aimlliiT tfvttilniimti I'ttnitt nmttmtV ttr I " a i w f w l l y IwrnillfHl <•»«itM'l Alnl I ntilalii'il ill' Ity Ii-Hllilalmiti Iln1 i'In'lHlttittN iint'ly Iti llti' t* i*Itlllll, Illl'l Imw InM'ly till' Itnllw limki'il,«ml MnOit'i', nml tlinl limy anlil IItmlii'il Itlttv tint,

Ami llml v a * a l l Ami wlit'ii I Itail» i l it ilnim, I aN" llml I Itml wrlMt'iiH Imiii li'di't, n iitviti lnn« li'lli'f AmtI Wlia Itllllnal ItfHtl'l II «Ha Inn |n|t||,till I rvmiMiiliiMi'it Unit Knllwr hml

»Tltmi altit Intuit tii fry rtunln, auk

I «Mulilu't tin « lltlnt wild In'i'i «ml,nf VUU«WK that vsmkvit itw a\l u\\ «mlI liwinn In or»,

Wl i> alniniiil Www} rtuhl nff aliiirtmul «i|w>i| hot ijii-a lti>iivl» wlllt liw

aakvil wlml waa almlthlnklni nf,tlltln'l ah* kmiw nu) lii'tinr ihnn Intalk Ilk* thla In inn* Tlnm aim MIII,

Ami wn illil,Ami nil Hif rval nf Hint ilnv Mnihrr

wna an mil Mini l lwly yntl'tl Hiluk aimtUitol'1 hltnw linw In i'l'y\

Nnw, Wttaii'i Hml fuuuy*til iviiimt- I alinll nnawiir I 'nl lnra

li'Ht'l' llulll mi 111, I'tll I Iln Mil I U rfnlntnat IIIIMI what In aaj \ONI WIIK LATIN

I illlawi'lfil II I- , IIIIIV« lilli'l IliiiHiti yiiaiiiilit), nml II a y.n.i' nnvvllni I hml nn itwful llni" HM-I' II IJilal ilitln'l kumv wlml In II." wmlilIn am I'll alnll nut nil t l t l i l , nml l ' iIlllllk | Wna linlllil In tli'l ninny In-nullCully. Tlii'it, nil nl' n •u.l.liii ll tumlili1iUll> n\|i|' nii>, wlml I wna ilminiwi'lllliu it liMlvr In Ini lul l" i-I Ami Imlilil l imnuin ,|tl»l Imw Imtl ln..K wlu'n111' ||nl II, nil »li>lli mnl ilunllli'il allHint III Ilia itlinlt' nll l i hla |-,i|" i mlli't ,mnl I'll Illiniilli" hla i-wa li.i.kliiii ,1.111 nMini tvtiillliu wlml I wivlv Ami nln'iiI Hinutilil nl llml mi |n'ii ,|ual «"Hi.In IIln, Iln' Mint nl' mi «IIIlim innUllntimy iniliiir unnlil wntil In ivml '

All,I an IM l l ) In Hitnk nt Hilmia HmlI limit! Wl'lln hill •thllllla *>U Ilium*Hull wntiltl Inl i n >l lilii nun Al"'«ttill' I'lValthml Mint ntir ii ittnll) 'HaniIliiiv anil Hit' alnln nr Ilii' wnnHu'lami tlin t'M|ia Ami an Vit lii'illn1

"Ivur Knlln'i I lulu' my pi'it liihitttit In litfntut \"ii Hml "

'Ilil'll IM aln|i nml Hunk, Hint lliln»Mill iMll'W III)- \IOII lllllllMl' t Ill'll I 'I|tul ilnwn aniiu'Hilnu llul II »«< mifill, nml I kimw II wna nwfill !*n I ' !kn\*i tn liiMr ll ti|t nml h«i«in im.tiit

't'liVvii Hmna t illil \ t m i , th.m I K-iMittil i't\V ll illil at'l'ltl lla If | III'!"I ii'lll'lwrllii Ihnl Ifllvi' t h n v I Ihnitiilil nfMAIIIII Mnllmr wlml In a.i> nml »TI\t i n t hvr tn hwlii i w 'Vhiin I IVUWIWlaihMl hnw aim t'rh'tl nml tt'nlt nn nml•Mtltt Hilmta ulii'li III" II'IIII . .IIIIIN nmllnl»ii l ahtint Imn iltvmllwl Mini imlialUt-tll It till SSrta, ISttil Iliiw alw Wita>i«liiua (Sir M r I'll I n w 1'nHnr I'ttiinHimi I illil hi'r Ami I wita nfrnlil «ln'Mihi It MtfHllt, Mini an I tllthi'l lit." In n>khw Ami »n I iHiln'i itn Ii

Tmti, aftin' n Hints I n«i mil hi* h1'lit* Mint IVMII II niiulu Ami nil K aanthill I Ml all wnnn nmt liH|i|iy,)lla| «a I llllt Whvll I l\l»l «Mt It, Mini•niiir why I wna Iwik wllli hint In Iln'nlimirVMtni'y anil h* wan li'llliitf tun nilalmut H»' ainr» Ami I turum nilalmtil Mn» atwtlil nf him, Ami I .lual

tiitl htm what I ttltl mt tVlaimna ility,Hint I kimw rink! nit llwi HIKI wnulilIw M\t Wh\. JU»! ll«' PUali'.t HllUllIn thn wnrhll Ami *n I «nt nul nfnwh admit nt |*|nir ami iti|i|i*»l my|wm In th* Ink nml h*t*.n atwln,

Ami ihi* tin** X itlim't hnvv a hitnf twtitit*, I Inhl him all ahnul tlti<ttv* I hail rht-wniM* *\i \ unit th*l«v«iila, anil thn Huh* isUnOHl llnhlva nl Hn> fitu \w k*.tl atiittn*1 »ml |tht,vInt ttwin*, Amt I'M* hnw, v

tHMl Mtv

%• I «*M It Oft.

aatiril inn fnl' II, ltt> Imil naKi'il mi' Hitvll lilnt «ll alttittl wlmt I illil im n n ' Mnilla ilit.V,

Mn I will It tilt,


Vm, I knnw It1* IMWII itult* a whll*,hill ih»r* liaatt't l»>ti a IhltK hi «y—itnllilnii it»w , ,'kt>ttlWI' I

raw'I'hrw* |>lia«» iiml all thnt «htil»

kill l«m .il IIIMH Jn»t iiinlilnit HI)- in.niih»HhM nil UN> WIIIIK, mm all Jn«i Intmt'ti im' I ha I Imrt-iii ,,!<! » ' i r . | | - n|illni>l Why, J .III . I iiiliik II una A milJ.iHI. IIIMMH II III»II-«I| nr MMUIITI


ll • IHMIH* I'mliM-a Ivimt. l i lit in*l«»l lilvltl, Oh, II vtn» •Imil, ninl nilliln'l ait) nn.illiliia nl>,ml nlmi |Wtnlt. Illll I Wna |HiH|i| nr I I , Jll"l I III'•ntm' I Jtiai k u o a I una I IW .Ililu'tIH>I Atml .Imi.' in wi | |p in M.iilii-t, miIIB il|i| Inlnii' Ami l inn, Inaiilna, linIlllial Inn I- Inl-n.illi.n din alH|->i IMHJ••Itiiiuli In llilnlt i.r im. a lltiin fur Imn.iiii'hil.i ii-,| aliintl Hi* m-hc.l, amillml I I'IIIIIIIII'I nn ilion, m Aiiilt'iwin-»llli\ Mini an hi' «nlil | hml [wiwt claylii'iv nil | | nnl«li>'il

Alnl I wna an ulu.l lo ainjrl | | imnluimi vt>r> Imi'i'i ilmi ii.|,i'i', ll mail*Mnlllif lin|i|iy. Inn, Mlii' llkp.l | | , Hint•In' Hi'iimlil ll mi" i i ' i j , m i ) iiimi ,ifI niln'i tn In) wlllinit In nhn imi ti|talnnwl Mini' immili* nr hi* ait,an I i nnlil on In ai Imnl l inv. Alnl *lwaitlil an. Hlni anlil mui> in Atinl llnitlnHint 'It* naa nllimal ii>tn|ili'i| In VM-|tt>ami llmnli him Itul Aunt llnilH* mlil,"I'n.'h," Mini II Vina nn umiv limn Iwnillilil In On, nml Him aim wniilitn'l Iww i n will Im In n limn vilm an m n .fully ni.iiiliil wi'iihin tn hur, MnMnllmr illtlll'l tin ll, I nimaa.

Illll I whi l* I hml In m i l l . HiriMili'lli'la, IIIIIIIHII, Inirmv I (Hit nm> tlMlMnflml anlil wnulil iln In >HI. | 11,«lll>l mtii mannli'il >n iilnit I wa> aln) .Illll llml Mnilit'i anl.l »liu »na arntltlIm ninilil rvvl hurl, nml llml nmilil l »IIHI Imil w|mo hri l l.tx'ii an alml, AmiHit' •viniul nnw "iiinuli'il • • ir I waa anami') lm| in mi In Amli'tantiMIlK lln>hral nl AtD'll Hint Mnltifr anlil Ittalunnlil m m I' tin III Ihv Vlnl'lil l l i ' i lIlilnV I illiln'l wmil |n ainy In llnaimt,Hill lln> Ililhl It'lliT I mnilniititl InUiMkv )u*t Ulml lUtmiiih In atay. MiniJttal auny t'lmuiili llni In (tn, H.i HintMmItot anlil II n n i all rlilltl, Ami Iai'lit II,


Will, llir Inai i>lmmlaii< ilm|i w i n !>vaiii|ilny, Tlmr* *»r» jnal w i w i l ) .alk |ilnii>a In Dial lwn|inilhit hn« Iivitlilml Iln ni*llnil IIrat i|ny, tlf inllfKi',HUM wi'iv lint' nml ilntniv. am) I JIKIIm ml llii'in, lull Illi'' la, rm tlio\n-t \\n>V I've tiii'ii mt t i i t atiih M>l|i|iyIlllli' iilniiw Vmi aiv, n\rry ilny, *llli>mil lliiukliiu IM J I M nnltintltV | i | iknut tin' lilitip**! |i|t'n'a. Hn yntl i altItimtltw what thvy (Hit tlnwii tn tnWiifttllni ln>l mnaili i l imnim* alnimitl*

Aa ^lt HIP avlt tll«>||illlM> I ilnn'l aima« I rn>l nny mm* tli*ii|illiinil Hmn Iil\il lw("W. ami I kimw I want t<hi«t>«-lulu Jitai n> ntut'h n« »\»f, Ami I «*Mm in Mnth*r

llni Mnt IIIT la gmiir, llntimlly *h»

•*>mt ll Amt ll ia lnt»r*Mtn« Uolh«T ««>a II la. In.. Hliv w y i a*ti> wlahvt«4«''i| fcinmii •KHIKHIIIIII alxiut aatnnio-my «IIHN ahn naa a «IM, m*l *h»-a•ntn It uniilil | , , , r m , , | , iMng, a

wlinlit VM Maine Bh.l li«t,,ih>r allar.iiiml, ulnm ahv martlii l I i l l i rr ; ttwllu'ii aim w.iiilil h a w IHMIUM H U M .Ihllii HIIIIIII a.iniPllilnv Ii* «na Inter-I'alril In. NIIP wl . l alii' riHil,|n1 hf4(tllml IH.w, nr •tnirai' , I,ill a|l(i rnvlit (v*thai I kn»w mtnrthlitc «hii»l awttll'lllla

l l a r e m a *n f u n n y i n »war l inr t a l kamh n l"t »li.nil l-'nlltnr aa «ln. iluoa,whim iHifnii' aln. mnpr uM . , | tn mwiHull liim mil) In an) Inm afrnlil ah*l id- Hint I wmil.l Imr him Imlipr thanI illil InT, mnl In makp inp aa) nv*rami nii'i' a m l n llial I itlitti't Amt Ianhl an .ilin i | n ) |o h*r—I Mman, I aalriI ilinniilii | | waa funny, th* may ah*Ittllifitl m>w,

Kim i'nlnM>.t up amt MI h*r Up. amiHitiv a i|ini>r Hill* laiitti. Th*n ah*«Min wry anlmr antt «ra»», anil Mid:

"I lomw, it«*r, IVrhap" I am talk-luii Hmn> than I uaH In, hut, ynu **•,I'w hfrni iiiinkiiiir mill* a im, ami I

l'u> li-nrtiml aiutt* ih lnn , I'm tryltit>n mnki' >nu fwg»| what I aaltt—Mhnutynttf Im Hit mn nmrr than him. Thaiwnaiii rliihl, ilt-ar. MHIIIIT « • • wrnnc.Nliv alinuiiin-i try in InMumrv yn»•imlliM yniir f»th»r. l l» la a tnndlimn, ami Hii'W ar* nnn* inn manytf»»\ mwi IN th* wttrM—Nrt, Kn, I wnnlaa) Hml " ulir lirivVp nff,

Itut alw'il alnittly MM It, anil, nfi<niiiHM>, I kn*w ah* «aa Hilnklnt nf Ik*lliMlnlal, | ' n l n n Hlllrt.

Hlti. WIMII mi ia,>r« aft*r thai, %*\ua Im mm'*. Anil ah* Mhl a«al» thatI IIIII*I lnvt> r'ath*r ami try In p i n t *him Hi »M>fjr »a) i ami ah* r r M a litHi' ami lalk*il a Inl ahnul hnw Kanl Itwaa in m> i««itiim, amt that «h» waaarmnl ah*M nnly IM>M maklAl IthatilPi-. Ihmuth h*r avinahiwua, and Imuai furnlv* hw, anil try in fnra* It,Ami alw waa aur* ah»M iln l»tt»r mi»).Ami ah* aalil Dial, aft*r alt, UNwnant in jual li»ln« hanpy yonratlt.II waa m Im* inuoh ha|t|tlMM yo«


<ri*a*M« »r ik. unit** Mai«al Acnralian.l

Tli*, ibr nrw w hllp tstt-lay-Ini (nn-r*l imrpiw* fowl orl«1naMa1and Mn« ili'i Mli wd by Oat VMMMlal*a lipiwrlinmi W H r imad* ita Brat public m tthy MatilMin Knnar» itard*« |>i>tiltryMm«, hp|,| m Nrw Yiirk fruw iMMwryW In my wnwr* in at ih> bird* wait•hown In th* opm pt*****. I* a«MI>linn In tin- I jimntiaa, and ntbtrMMt-lirv.1 fnwl, ,,r alanteith* d*|iartnit>nl put nn an *M*Mt«a>NhlMi mnaiatiM ,A mndrla af pavrtryhimami. a dla|ilay of r-athan at HMMaattard kr i i , awMM Mck m

MM • M>

nit, ll «aa l..v»lyl AM) I mml, andah>> iflnl anm* ninff, and t»» klaurdraih nllmr, anil I |itinnlaM. And afttn?| n I ll

Imly, Ilko )>ni t|n wh*n y n v ^ h**nin a "Mindful i-hurrti avnlr* with anftintiali' ami i>ilitr*<| »lm|n»a, and•wryhmly kitn>Hu«. Anit I Wt at IfI'll iM>»i>r IH> naiithty at thnufhll»Mngaln And I hat IM n * m Mlml M mMnry nnw. Why, IM h» (tail tn h*Mmy hnlf th* tlims and *v*«r ' h


'AWt o f MMtMai ih" vin.

Iliilal Imali'l iiiln* a im* Ilia) tiny h*|itMl»iaiii i I ihuil kimw wln'iln'r MrKMali'Htlintk phi|inniil nr mil I nnlyklmw Ilia) Mil nf it autltMl lit' aln|i|i*ilttnnlltt I itnlt'l knnw HIP riitanii

I iltUt'l nlt'll'tMil mi intli'h na I ixmlIn, nitywity Nnl Imi Hml I'm In II'"IIMnll lllll'l.'ll "nil Itlal III" an ill"; lilt*'llinal I'II I'ylntill Ihltl iMUli'a tu dink*tltwv rliiht nff, ninl. nf ivuran wh»ntlmy ann inn |ln>\ ilmi I liiinllj i'\nr||n nil wtlli wli,il I ln) HIV antlttii !*'tII Jll«l lillllllnlll Inlliiwa llml I il.'llln \ t i ln nl llilna> na I lim'il I"

Nnl Hml Itn'lv'a linnli In Imnr,tlinituh llt-nli), Urn* lual l>n I any.Until! Ui'lim "li, nml HilDua at-in't Imlfan III "1,1 na HUM lla.'.l I" I'" u Ili-tl Ml|,',i«l,,il'i,,,,k wna l i . lv itml nil Hi*ival. 'I'lu'i'in nil k|i'|'|'"<l ii'inlim iinw,'Hi.»l 111' nlu'itl t'lii'ii n\'i'l II lim lullM Inn' al.'l) nl Mi'lliit'a In |'l|| III

Ami lulu", Inn II ' i" I nm Hlli'i'ilIn \t mnnllt k'nlnu nn >i \ l i i i i l')""k nn,I tii i ' i nu'l Iniiti iiki-'lllni M.'tIn i l> tvtllUk In I'" nliniKt naIIIII n» Atml .linn' wna nlinul nn tv.t-t'ltimi I'lt'l'it nlli'iilii'lia 11"Hi ymiiiilIni-tt till- aln' ll'la ti.i' kn In |tl||.|ia, aIlllli', I'll I' tin- l"\l« nl atlitml, lull Illlli'l.ii IHIU- In In' i li-l|a'hD'l-,l All'lwtii'inll't lilt' l i l t ! y>'lliu In lutlii n ,,iii i n - i>, vt i nu,itliln«' ii'nily Hiiiilii'H |with Mt'llnt nr Atml I l i l l l" i t i l i l nl.m^ |,)l"'ii ? IMin miaui'i'a ttt'ii't' Hn

! I i" iil'mil HIM'II tt|i'a nhinniiltitit• In mntlniiti. I'ltlii'lI tu itnitat' l l n . U " I nllHM" It'll, amit ,t| tmllat' wlil'n t *n Ittn'H tn .Xnth'l"1-Ja,.ttl|ll" llila aittnnit't, Hn'lv mtti t'|.

aniinililiik tl"llin Ihi'tv llul I ilmiltl II, <I I.-ik,-I in >n) I Im "-n't Itt'iml IIMIII

t'lllhtt Ilk, III! I Itliaill.lV'l I|U t'tnlatlima It in i, na | anlil, nml wmli> Jn>lHi niti< ita I IMIVW hnw, itml ("Itl lilntMil III' nahl'tl Itlt' III, IIUI 111' lll'M'l' Ittl

lll.l'..ll-l"l, III -"III 111' I III,-II.Ill III-111,lllil llllliv I Illltik, Mnt III I .11.1, ItmSlif'a n«ttti| tin, vii'V an innti) tlmna IfI I' I iwiiiil ttMwt liim lUiiin AinIkhi' iilwnla Innka an anil "( linni)wlii'U I any im antt nl utml ami anliyI'lit'iliii, nil In nun '

wnya nnw, l \u' Utaiimn Hun wwikHan aht< UMW ini' a | i i i i i l l ) Inii'lyli>i\ nt 1'ltiHitlnliia « wltnlii twii |muml|m\ nil «l " i « v . «nil I w ni'wr lin'1mnli' HtMlt a Itnir |Hiuml nt mtiv Kthnvllul Jn«l aa I wna Hillitillin hnw r"fnttiv I wita ipilnn In h n w a nml fvHai,Hint Mil I Miinlinl tn IH»I wlml tin V'Utl.lnk alii- Inhl urn) Mint anlil I i-nulilhai«> i h i w IUIIII*, ami nttly t h i i *|ilt'i>ia n ' lux, anil nnl tuw Hill* linyniiii nnnriv Ami wlivu t aakml her whyaht' uaw na> amh M hit lm« mi. Hum, ;If llml wna all I wttlil !\Mii\ aim **ti|| | w«a In Iwi-h HI* wlf i|l*il|illuiv Vitalavlf ill" Iplliwi wna rntit nf thn iun*tVM'tnh'tlUl Hlint« In Hw wmli| I'lmlIf aln' 'I nn»,\ Ill-mi lailvlit It wh*n ah* ,waa a tit!, hvr llt> wimltt haw h*** iwry. v*») illAvtvnt, Amt *n ah* «*« jtttst- i mv a «*tv*.t tilt !m^ nt \ihm v )

^lf my HMJ' nwn Jwai an aa ti«' lak*nHlv

,Mm. alaalt.lalnn. WntiM yn« h*lh>v« It T J«*t

that Mm* *v*tilnt Mnthtr ««Mw«tni* aialnai lanthlni tiai Iud andInt Inn niKoh nnia* playlAf witht*ri and I (Mt itmav I )m

m, MM MM l«M»i

AN"ii, llatnn in thla il.iui wiH'k I hml tn h « \ « n n*w |wH»

ilivaa nml ii* ftnmit a (wrfwi dtrltntnf n |illili alllt nil tfnltl Inntila anil Miililall|.|n'ia |n Innti li Alnl I kn*w IM ImikI"-IIIHill itliinit Hi It; ami "iiiv M"lhor" In in t"l II mi nm Itul tintI l i l - I l l l l " M i l W"l H l l " I I 1,1 I! l i l t . ' IIIIH

Il l i i l l l l ' i l m a III II . n i n l I l l l l ! ' a l l k a n a l ) ,

i i i i i n l i i i 1.11 II i l i l i i l i n i n n i i - h l l i !

I l l . I - I I IV I - | l lni >t|au|i|i"|iittitt Itlnt I

«tt|.|t..ii- I .Iiit vlinw l| anllin |ll fftOt.I i l l n i i m i l I • l i . n i i i l II a w l i i i l i ' I n l

M " | l i , i i l l . I I I i «II ,I n i i . i i l i u m I I I , i i , l i u l

lU l i l l " w n ! l i t i l u v III l i t " t i l t a l l l t DUI

l i f t n u n i i m u i t i l I H I . m n l a ( i i . | -

" T i n a m I n l n - i t t H i i ' | t l n k i l l iMla ,

i l l -I l l | k l l t ' l l I . ' | | W l l l l l l ' i l II I l l l l | |

w i t i l i , - l a i i l h i l l n n t n i l f n r t m t n n l

i m l l l i t - u ' i t " I ' l l i , | , , i t M m l i t ' i n l l i

i m i " i . . i i . , 'K , n i i i l m i in<r I m i " i i ' . i k t i

HI Nl, I ki-llllik tn I'" \illll. ninl In"ftilltl "I ih i '« ."

I I.'-,-' It" I , nl t't'ill-a,, tll.ll II wna|||a| », Im- in..IV nf lliHl ai'lf illai l|i||ln

Itul Mntlur ntiii-r uai'il In am anyI h l l t l t n l n n i l a i ' l l , l | a , l | , I l l i l ' .

| a a l . i - i l j ' l l l l n l t n It" l l k | i A l t l ' t . l i l t toT


Mn l>I k l i . ' i i a l i i - l a I m w j

I ' l l ! I t i l l l i l l i k I n i n I, l ' i I H I . I V ' A> I

II * M . ' l l I "I v i l > | I I I . I . I v ' . r I , ' I . I '

V l l l l t II t i l l " I . l , , i | | l i l h . - r l l l l a l n

I I ; , - m i l l n i i ' i i . ' h i - I n . i l l , I I , ' - i i I. "I i

t . i i k n n l kf't ' |> l i " U « " . , n i l . I III, ,I II I"

•••Ml I . ' I I I I I I . I H i " i' I h l n i i a n l n n » l i . -

ii i a II k i l l . I n ' f I l l n n . i i l i l h u l l ' I ' i r i . |

i | i l l l i ' i l l l t t ' t v i i l . a l , | i U n a a u l v {

I IIHI L N I I I ' I H I I i l l a t l t i t l l l ' a l l i ' a t ' l i ' i ' i v

a i h t m l n m l M " H n > l l a k " " i i ; w l l l i n •>

I t l l t l u 1 ! m l m l a n m n i - t i w h i ' t l a l i r a n l i t

a l t ' i l K M , i n n A m i i v , t i l l II l a i i n l l f

it In t n f I n n l - t i . H i It l a U n t It l«

m n " i M u m n m l I iT' l i in t" «'li"--i

I ' k ' l l ' i l III I ,HUH l l . ' i l I n 1 ' i . lk" l U l "I

HI,.I I I IVI - n m l I" II | i"l t i n n a ' Vutl nl

m u i v i Vui'l l l n i i l i ' I n u t l " nl ' I - I t m

I ititu't m l m l Vml M.iHii'i i | . a > " I

t-lttit'l- t lu l ,-|i In w Siitlt . IIIUI' wnu l i l

I"M- II II alut m i l ) k in w I


Wlml iln inn aii|'|i"M I nut li<*nilnti

Uni! 1 \ l l t l t l lll'M'l Mtll'aa, ^Illl'k \i>aalMla' \tiil Hml la Inl r'nllnr, Inn

M"Ilint iitlut' III" Hi,! Intuit mi" till!wild a ItiH.k nr lliiiliilllillit ra uinlilkAM1 Mim, Kill' a«nl II wiia n ivri wnuihiftul wnl1* mt naiimitnuy, nml alwuaa aim' I wt'iil'l llml II lnii-ii>aintyMim anlil altii Wita ^iitnii In t^int IIahnul in nn' an limit a •'«> Ami Unit,»him I an! |n MuhirwiiMIWi nmlr*nHitM inlkiil in mn, IM kimw •mn*-Ihtnt Ami k»M l»- (ihsiainl,

tfhv anl.l ahr Ihnuthl iw nwi t It |ur'nlln'r, aili-r hi'M Iwii an tn.Ml amiktMil a* In ht n»i al»y hw* *lHni«t

tahnW Mnnlh« nt hi* a»v, an Ik**)! nn with my ai-hnnl, Ami

that ahv »aa Miry aur» thlanh>«.*i' him ami makv htm h«|i|iy,

And an, tnr 'wnai a » « * wnw,•T ha* n^ail |n It' nn hnur a ihv> nm

. A MltJi i tIMd* ia» *f .ptararda. thawaji^ . "- ta*•kt^p u A BfejaBk hj&jkAA kaB ^^k& a,^—^ „ m a* *m -*

Mrda fttr NMMthw. Hwof *arty htMMhg. ttw t«wriWlU*| fr«M th» »a* nt » high ia*r», rapmti aad W|H*la1i|. r*M1n| Nwfar*. H, k, aad th*• f poultry.

4 *k|*ia«J^uA ^ ^ • a^kfl'ittt kft ft I« W a n t W ^n^VaTW"W \ \

ftfetH^aA ft«a^*^^ki aa^ai^aft AMI ft^a^ak ^>^i^*^b^^^h^^ai .^^ft ^ ^ ^ ^ A

*•*!• !«•• pan w w» prafffMLi « • •" • w MM ^ivi MnfUMttaai !• Itol ^I M N ttmt*t%tmt Mat Uaiallaaal iIt. Th*t w»«twt aat«t*r*M tt tfc* part *f Ik* ivartaw rMitn Imitw to ttw U-

M> will h* tat mU ««•«« «w

, nnii|i mnrr arhnnl la dnnp Mytrunk la all pniki'il, and I'm n w l i Ii-

In AHilnraniiilll*, | h»n»ii tmut*MWinnt'itlitg Itul n"t aa I Inrt Imil ir»artilt ii" ll la wry. w r y <tl*>rmii. WhyII . I . n,«r r m mtl lv (n lnt aa MaryItr4i**tty, Mnthfir h«a lnm*<l mr Hit*MHI.I latlmv I (ii Nn«. »haV' ln )nltIliink nr 11)01 T Anil If I'm (nt tn hvMnt) th ' i i ami Mary h*r*. Inn, »hmim n I r w r In' Mailrf Hh. I knuw Innl I'll l'i' wllllim in h» Mar) half.

nml innjl.i. in. ITI l l i tn half, Ha* Hilt*llni iiln-ti II IMIIIN in rvally h>ilncM.iit mil n( linn I'tira time, that UHull" ali.iHii-l tlllttt.

A fit I nm Mitry,l iI'm l.-nriii'.l tn i<nnk. T S a l a Mnry,I'm la'im aiiiili nm aatrmminy That**

Mn)I n ' Innrmtt In walk qnlntly. *|wi*k

• i ' ltl) , linmll lint Inn li'lltlly aII'I l » ,il nil Him-a I l ia fa Mary.

An-1 ii.'i\, in atl'l In all Una. M"tli*thia lin.l imi tlivaa lllii> Mar) Vna, ah* |Ilk'in twn iMM'ka ntiv Hh* t^nii" llitn jnit I'xmti tmi< mnrtitttii anil anld ah* iuniitiil In |nnk nwr tnj tlr«>aai>« nmttl.iiika, ami t isuild ar»\ | , j H«> wnyah.< ri-,"u,|.,l ami Ml Imr Up alnl tii | i |v.lIn i IIK'I tn llw Itmtr, llml ah* waan t•nil'-I Xln> Mid:

"I tl.ii'V. my iWar, that nn SutitMajin Ml hint' In t n In Inwn ahn|i|t|nitijulti- n iiinnl'i-r nf ihiia* Ililti^a willtint .In ill nil."

\ti . l I « n» »t< harn>y ' Vlatnni nf «*willittaaiia nm) liala ami ahma> riaW hplutv nni ami in IMI Iln1 |tlnk hmilisl allkIHIIIII- Int" my mlml IhntitK I ill'lntivnlli lntv»i tnihh h m * » nf that

Wi'll ni ' m i l l "h'S'i'ltit mi Matufiln>. l-iil tliil nv m-l Hip pink allkfWi 'li.l mil We tlltl i r t - y i m i l twv*rI I W " wliai Wi> (MI I « M n*« alnahwntlllvaai'a, H'| \ (ilnlll ami ItillnPly, *lwl aImlr "f hitriltl Ihlik. In* ahnva Why.I timltl l iaiv • t l i t l ! I illil 1«.iat i~O aaI i>\i'lnlunnl

"Why Mn»hi>r, lh.K*> a i * Mar*Ilillllia'"

•Mr ii'wr*i\ th*y'r»i Mary thin**,'atiawitnii Mmhi*. r<Ma>rrully, "Thaf*ulinl I ninant tn huy Mary thlmr*, Mymi i-all th»m vrmt ynw t»tnt tn h*Mary ln»t m>«t w-w-kT ttf (Mttnav ytMan-1 Anil tlltlii t ynu Ml <m Inl yvar,aa vntut aa ymi gni (*•*«, MIM Amtvr•mi n<vliiti-.l in y\*r rtnthtnt amihnttthi m"« fur grimt \V*tl, I am tryl*« tn an> thai ah* ikt** «M h»t» fcitin that Ihla y**.r"

Amt th*w ah* hnafht *M » fctPWf l I | M 1 V W M BaP V^^ a a Ma ^BV

that «**• A«M turn «WMkm tr**v I k»*« AM laiawiw IN»«i4 til |WI lh**» IW t» t* laV

I V <n* *n*tMI»r Hwt I mi I Ml


WtM pulhrt* h*«ta ) « «)ar* n«t ti|. in atamlard wttlM. ItM**>Mr», (radlni *tf» la taaanHal, *«< a«4yfrom th* priatucvni' Mandpoliil hutfrm* th* tmy»r*\ h«r aa «na-rait*4. ua»atandarttla*tl *t( I* mt>r* nr t*a* «tan unnM-ialn twanttty. Th* i»arkaH-Int of aui-h » iwiMtuii I* n*v*r adiilni«tnr» tt rMia an um>w -<**.ry haadMo>nn th* hu)*r who nnvr knew* wkat•juallty h* will rtxvlv*. Th* huy*r I*nnl*r tn nmt*rt him**tr *t*ln*t ln*imwi |w> « .iMiaMiMHiiltatly In* prUtVFtwli *a*K« ahmtl'l b* en,,\rA hy *|Mtti niK't H» r^iilrt'tnviila nf th* a i h

k*t, Th* nm traitc nf * n * twdtii*r>Ity cMialata of ct«a,n. fr**h, r**Mn*Myfull, atrtnu. aw«aM *«|a wllli an av*t«ati- wplglit nf M |«ninnla n*t pvr aland-aM &> ittMMi pa*p nr nwr M nua<*a1in ih» iitajun Th» a»i-nnit frwtV Iw»l»h 44 |ioiiniia or mnr* n*t, p*t Iitntm i-*a» Thi> HiM Wwnih i\ twumta ** mnn> n*t fttrtntm r«w. Tli»j aim n«k* ai>f |ittlli>ta' ««t* which w*tth M |in<ndi

<%r mnr* BH for ao d***« «r U •«««*•

•-U <>*d *tfh«at»« *m alntoatHi* r*a«tt «l »»t«wh* taitMi

amunt th* h«Mk* » •

Th* i IUIK chlok drthk* * irvat d*»i

M It* h**lih and« • •

Th* drat fond tk* «*!<•»

• * • ! nr Imtthalur Mt«r with th* 1*111

• • •

tlM* than th* fowl* will **t «* k*r>fwity rtvan. T» altow «*f« I* w l

Vartvty !• rtttMM • « w «J « « Matl«MK>rtant (hint* ui—*r<»d with fMat

Ha* will ttv* fair rianHa hwajw* «t

rM«* HMt M » lavr* It • taM »» I


Page 4: Se taunts Ifcto* · Se taunts Ifcto* BUSINKSS •CTTER COMMUNITY BKTTCR LIVING ^tumi flAi, Hit. W [SStSB^K^TS^T 8BCAUCU8, N. J., JULY 1, 1922 mur* .. MSKOTON AT SHffW POINT HtW JtKUY





Offical Omanot the

Town of Secaucus

Demoted to the Social tnd Industrial Advancement of theTown of S.-caucuR. N. J,

Published Weekly by Charlen Hae«e

Uncle Ted'* Bed:: Time Stc iries::

Sixteen Months of Rep ablican A<bnaiitration Meana Six i*en Moatfat ,

Of Accompli.hi «oL jj

Ntws Items of a reliable nature lolicited. Correspondence must alwaybe accompanied with nam« of sender.

Call Number, Union 2441-M


PRACTICAL FRIENDSHIPLntior, orgnnliu<l or umirgiuilxi'il, nrvrr had n firmer frit'iul in

the White HOIIHI- tlwtn I'risidi nt lliirdin^. l.alior, or^auixril or ui>-orgntiWi'il, iicvor Imil brltvr frivmU in Citngrvss tliim WIH'II UV|IU1I-llrntiN lire in powt'r. It has lucn thr cmiHliiiit rmltavor of ('on-gn-NH nnil the President to liring tin- country'* economic conditionhack to normalcy—in pt'iicctiinc inillistrin 1 activity, in WII^I-M. intile return on invested capital, in the cost of living, l» the ninrketvalue of Liberty HOIUIN, and in employment. The process is not yetcomplete but enough has linn accomplished to demonstrate the•oundncm of Itcpiiblienii mcthodx.

Chief among the accomplishments lian hcen the return to workof more than U,000,000 wuge earners who were thrown out ofemployment in the period of dcprcsUm lugliniing in and following(or a short time the Democratic regime. The rising tide of pros-perity ot the pant year, currying with it opportunities for work forall who winded to lie employed, has testified to the soundness ofRepublican doctrines and their wise application, The great massof voters, laborer* or otherwise, know the record, and they willnot be misled by a few Democrats mid Socialists who happen to hein control of some of the labor orgaiiixutions.


What IN the political stntus of (ii-nrgr I.. Hi'coril?According to Mrs. Lillian I''. I'YIokcrt. the virt'-cliiiirnmii of

the Ri'puMleun StiiU- Coiiimitlie, tills CHII.Iiituti- for tin- UnitedStates Senate Republican nomination on tlie tU|inlilicnn ticket, isnot considered or recognised us nil nppimiiit to Sriuilor 1'rclinglinv-sen ami nil* tillers lUc \H>MUUI> Unit is is (jiilU1 \iro|nr for tile'sorganisation to endorse Mr. l'rclinglinysi'ii lirfore tlie priuuirii-xon the ground tliut the present iiuiuiilient is unopposed.

"Mr. Record might with just ns niueli propriety nui in tlieDemocratic prlmurlc* ns he Ims liecn within the last few years aUemoerat, HrogrcRnlve, Single Tnxrr ns well us a HepuhlWan, andthe stuff he is "ending out now in more Socialistic than anythingelse," says Mrs. Kolchurt in her circular letter appeal.

This is altogether something new, hut Mrs. leickcrt can he dc-i to do Just such things. She is a brilliant, able puliti-

n. uiun u N tffo wTT KcTWKTVn* CnaHWi*I*Ju 'as 'Ti "gFalisIto^par," and according to what Mrs. Fcichcrt says he )• a man without

"Thut's Just what I ,' tnli) Frnli l le 11IniiK time 11*11," wild ,1 » ,k . "When ll rlli'inihlii'iiiin iiiinr In 41ml 1'n'hidrl IllnnliiiK tniik r h i i r w i ia March, IW I,l iber ty Hnnila were vriiy ilnwu und Itried to K<'t liim to • avr his prnnir* nt illiny one lirciuixr I fcnrw thai all tl irnnnHt'iiNe at \ \ a*hi *jrton WIIN nver a) 1 cIthey would K° up . Hiinner iir lutiT."

"Yes, hut what . <IUl you ilor" uibi' i lllulli.

"Well, "line ron want tn k i m * . 1hi my hieycle . |t WUN old unyway, nI'll, mime 11I1I tires of t 'nrle Teii'K, .1

lot uf newspup t\rn anil old Junk I fimnnall down In II n- eelhir and in the nttli'.I put thnt wl .Iv wluil I had in my littlehank nnd I 111,1 eiioillth In tmy 11 tlftyilnlliir hoiid. Hut it didn't cost me fifly dolhirN b ut 11 whole lot less nndnnu its worl l ,\ lifty dollnrx. The hunkKIIJ.S S O . "

"Anil tlw Inmk is right," suid fiicle'I'ed, ii|||xra rhi|[ on the seene. "1 waswondering wlint hud hecome of thoseold tires < ,f mine. I was Kiting •" tryand hn\f two of them made into onespare t'tf e, hut sinee you Invrstrd yournioncy ' with so much itrntie I'll forgiveyou till . time."

".Inr i," eontinueil t'ncle Ted, "itwouMi i'l he 11 had idea for everyone torem'T .her what you have said. Whentlie It I'puhlicnns took charge of our pn\-crnio *iil nt Washington, some hondwwctt selling Ht M cents on the dollaran<1 today every issue is helling for Itsfutl value and more. That means thatIn ' hi months of rtrpuhlican adiuinis-tra'ion there has hren an increase of111.0 re thnn $2,OilO,lifl!>,noo In the valueof these irovrrnment securities.

1 "While we are tnlking ahout th'it,111.I you know thnt In Mnrrli, I Ml!I,when 1'reshrent Harding and the He|Kohllrnn l*nrty ennic back into powerII lere was a national drht of Wl.niln,nno.nilii- Ami Ihe interest on this enehyear nmountrd to more than $1,000,-OOn.nilll! Why, kiddies, In lill.'l whentlie llemoernts eamr into power theyffiiund the Hepuhlicans Inid left a debtMint was less than the interest on the«Vht left hy the Democrats In 1OT1 !In other words, the drill left by theDcmiifnits was '2,300 per cpnt morethan tlie one left hy the Itepiiblleans.Of course most of this drill left hy theIVnitM'ruts* was due to the war hutmuch of it was due to absolute wa.ste.l l i f part of this story that maker* youfeel irood Is that within III months ofltcpnhllcau administration, that ilehtlias hren cut down hy $7(1(1,0110,11(1(1.

"!l hadn't Intended to make a Ntory ofthid hut I uilirht as well point nut someof the othrr hlg things accomplishedin thnne 16 montlis. From snnir of thrnewspaper articles nnd from utatrnirnts

i-lhnae not too, friendly to PmlilcntNilVliur -and 111 b>li»r. _ .*" -"*-**


IMPORT BUNKA New York City paper gives some weird tariff reasoning.

It finds our consumption of potatoes is one million b\i,shels dailyand that we raise as high as 100.000.00) bushels annually, ami itcondemns the duty of .'IB cents n bushel (.58 cents a hundred pounds)approved by the Senate Committee on I'inuncc, saying "On a millionbushels of potatoes consumed a day III) cents a bushel runs up to aneat total of $H50,000" or #137,* 50,000 itmuiullv IIH a tnritV eburgeon the American people. This assumes llmt the price on every bus-hel of potatoes will lie controlled and that the controllers will adilthe tariff. But even with foreign competition kept, out there willbe domestic competition. We recall a time when with a duty fVS cents a bushel on potatoes, they were selling fur as low aicent* a bushel at point of shipment. I ' i d t l th 'JO tadded.

fer e l g fur li

I'.vidently the 'JO cents was not

' i . . J

EXPERIENCE SHOWS"Kxperirnee shows that the public does not the attcinjit

to prevent it from getting access to the fuels regarding any branchof the (iovcrnment which undertakes to represent its interests"•ays the New York Journal of ( omnicrec. which being » slrcniioiusfree trade paper, is upset because the damper was put on certainforeign ambassadors who were violating diplomatic courtesy bypropngnndUing against the pending I a rill lull. Ami experience liasalso .shown that the American people deeply resent attempts on thepart of foreign governments, through their representatives, to tellus how to conduct our own affairs It may suit the Journal ofCommerce, which is an intcrnationalistic paper. In call in foreignambassadors to help the cause of free trade, hut it doesn't suit u>.and it didn't suit the Administration. And tlic Adniiiiislratinu isrunning the Government, while papers like tin; Journal are doingall they can to handicap the running.

Quartermasters at the I'lattslmrg reserve ol'.ieers training campreport that the students and training school* I lie re have ipiicklyrun out of sixes !l. It) and II . I'roni that souir one concludes thatUrge feet go with hi gintclli i t s . No rule of surl lils all eases.Arthur Mrisbanc. though, is fond of telling i>f the large feet ofBertha of the Big Feet, the mother of Char leinagne. At leastpedal extremities of generous proportions itre nothing to be ashamedof . ,

SIMPLY COMMON SENSEVice C'hnnri'llor I'Vldrr lias denied tln> .ippliriitinn for tcmpnr

ary nllniuny of 11 woman wliii-r liuslinnd is \uing her for divorce furdffnertion and whose Imslmnd earn-, less tlmn sin* doOs. The jutire of that ruling ean hardly lie dis|iuteil.

Kvldently the vice ehaneellur has iio sympathy with that con-ception of thr equality of the sexes which would allow a woman t<|to in a amoker and demand that thr men atop smoking or wouldperpetrate siinillnr ntisiiniitio.

SCORCHING THE BUYERAccording to the list of imported articles recently submitted t

the Senate hy Chairman Mc( Hinder a llutiron for HIIICII u!l centswas paid, lanilrd, hy the importer, was sold uv ir I lie counter for$5 .80 , or a prolit of B!IH per cent. That U crrhi inh ironing out tinAmerican consumer.

A protective tariff Ii n productive tariff—increased1 home produetlon, and Federal revenue.

If, as the roni|Mnrr snys. ja«« IIMI.HJC is still in its infancy, thrriis reason to hope that whooping cough or aojuething ,wlll ,yrt provi


By OLIVE ROBERTSUnlviralty of Montana.

MOTH Kits are often heard Co nay,"My children have such untdly

liublK. ami I don't Deem to be able(o hrrulf them. 1 talk all day long, butIt doesn't do any good."

No motbvr nevits to endure her chil-dren's untidy habits, or any other un-deslrnlile hahlts, If she goes abouttraining In the right way, and Is wlll-Inic lu take a little trouble to curry ttout. Fo'ir simple rules bused on psy-chology, may serve to give suchmothers an lnsl|;lit Into the means otforming right hublts. If curried outfaithfully, tbeso rules ennnot fall toproduce results.

First decide for yourself whnt luihltyou wish to form. Thou start cnthuttl-ustlcally and determinedly to breakthe old juul Inunch the new our. Sayto your children, "lti'Klnnlnff today, weare all going to hang up our wraps,and put our hooks and rubbers ID theproper places when we come home/rout school. Let's' sec who reme-inberslevery time, nnd doesn't have to havemother tell her once nljmit It." Arouseas much enthusiasm as you enn abouttlw matter. He careful that you donot start to break and form anew toomany habit* at one time. Select oneor two huhlts to work out, nnd keep atthwn until you ore- reasonably surethat they are well fixed. Then starton another.

May Bs Hard Task.Second, penult no exceptions to oc-

cur after you have once started. Nomatter how good the Intentions- of thechildren are, tiny will lapse into theold ways afier a few days. That Iswhen you will have to Work. You willllud that eternal vigilance on your partwill be the price of your children's

<u>,f»n *%. fi,%.iti;Bi n^inuniacriifHin wiuaprndlnn nmnryl like water tn run theCDvrrnmrnt. Hirt fn'ts nml fliriirrs donot lie, and those mil l - interested willUnil that thr Demnrrats aprnt $H,A3H,-O+d.SSIl tn run thr idivrrninrnt during:hr last yrar they were in power."

"I'resldcnt Mardintf has been in theIVhltc House more than a year," spokeip Jack, "and what has he spent t"

"Thr first h*rnl year of the HardinfrAdiuinlstration ends .lune :ll)th and thei'ost for that yenr will not he moreIhnn *:|,1I'.".>,:I;L'.(I:|II which means a snv-lim "f *l,tiim,(M«l,000 in the expensesuf rutuiiiiK our >rovermnent.

"Mow liave they been aide to saveo luueh?" asked Ituth.

"As I Mnve told you before, Ituth,,uost of this snvin)r hns been due to the!iud(ret s\>lein crented by (.'impress Inipecinl session and put into cffeel h\I'resident llnrdinir with (ienernl Dnwesnt its bend, ( ienend Oawes realised

Itnt he was put into that work reallyo save money, nnd nlthouyh some de-inrtnients of the tiovernment were not.0 eulhusia*<tic nbout having their spen-iliim iiionev cut, he went rinhl nheailanil pro\ed that there wen' main" pinres where money could be saved in hiplumps."

"You know, too, that a ltepuhliriiu[°onnress in I M l , vvhilx Woodrow Wilsou w,is still in the White House, a hudiret Inw and il was vetoed hyMr. Wilson."

"Trll us ;itfnin sninfthinur ithniit uliatN lirni doll" to Juwer our tuxes," said>.-k.1'iirlr lr<l rrossrti his Irirs nnd sni.l.

".du'k, \\w \n\ «r rrvrmir law, us it iso i l lcd , piiKM'il liv tli*.* ltf|iidilii'iin dtiti/llrfsi Ims Minde | | ir t:i\ Inirdrn of thr4'ininlrv \vss hy .*S|H,(Mli),uoii for (hryrtir nnd hesidrs thnt, nmki'H n jinn isinn fnr n t'lit ns trfnit n^aiit for tliryear \9'2H. This wns urcninpli^liril Itv<|oinjr iiwuy with till luxes mi frei"lit4<\|trcsH, nn<l pureel post nmtter. Allntii*»nn»T tn \rs WPTI* rrpi-iilrij, Kxcrs"profits tuxes, whirl, mused so tnucht pui hi r fur hundreds uf sum Her husinesses, wen* nlsti rrnr.iled. And thenthr (Trent Mix which rtTeets rvrrytiody,Jhr Income tux w«s reducrd hy iiiak'ihe rxcinptions (rrrntrr.

"Kiddirs, vvhrn nnynnr tnlks of un-1'iuplnyinrnt rrnirudirr this, Tlint iMurcti, lR'Jl. H\rrr wrrr nlxtul 5,oniV•<)()i) people out of n-nrk! As u result•<if thr Activities of the llurdintf UIIMM'Mistrntion there is no reuson toduy furiiny umn hftnfr out uf Wfirk, if he rrn!l\wonts work. Pructicully nil line* ofluhor nrr ndvertfsin" fnr help. hother word*, rxcrpt whrrf strikes nr*-in rffrrt, tlir unrninloyntent sitimtionno lunurr rxUts.

" \ n d rrmetnlter. too, this ntlministrntjon hn% ont nnd dfte.s tint intvnd tiirrt mixed np with V.nrope;in policiesI'rrsidrnt Hnrdinir rrfusrd to have anvthlnjr tn tin with (irnnn nnd hr is havinir tn do with thr Hireling nt tinllniiur. \Vr <slmwrd that wr were sineerr In Wfinttnjr prticr lust N'oveiidteruhrn thr tmUonn wrrr eittled (it \V:tshIn (ft cm nnd nn nitrerinrnt wn« rrnchr<mi nnvnl nrtnninrnt«, This mrrreinrn<nirnnn n rrlief of .«'>nn,ono<HH) n yrtirfroin tnxr* itnpimrd to huild nnd mnin\n\n rontly «htn^. Wr must not fftrirnthnt it wns nil nnr result nnd th»njrh<nn thr pnrt of President Ilnrdlnaf nn«thonr im-n whom hr chote u hU cab(net advlaon.**


I P. T. Claxton, federal com-imlsRlnner ot eilucntlon, himI said that during the year 10'JO,

the American people Hpent morefor luxuries than they have spentnn education In the entire hia-tory of the country.

Tills nation, with Its vast re-rce« can well afford to pro-

lile all of Its children with OT-ry educational advantage, be-

ginning with the kindergarten,and when we come to recngnlte

prevalent waves of crime,lanarrhy and unreJL the tragic

^ 1 Impres-the

neceaslty, not a luxury.

Ifood habits. When Mnry conic* homeIn a hurry to go out to piny, Hhc willthrow her books on the ni'iirettt chtthIhin't say, "Oh, well, Hhe In litllc, nndIt 1B hard to rotiifmher all the time,I'll let It go this time." Thnt IN whereyou will fall. Kven though Mnry tutsnlready KOIIP tuvay to play, sho shouldhe callfMl tinck Inmicdlatcly and ml<:In ft kind manner, "You forKot yourbooks today. Put them nway, andthen you mny tr<( to pltiy." One ortu-o rxpiTU'nrcs of that kind will sooimako Mnry more careful.

Third, repvat the deslruhlc action nnoften as possible. Wi» all know thatthe hahlt Is most firmly fixed whlcliwe havo »tH»n iiraelUiiift longest. Seb,*1

every occasion to porform the notwhich you wish to become a hnhlt,and Its acquisition will ouine all thesooner.

Do Not Dtpend on Talking.Lnnt of all, act, <lon't talk. Profpn

nor J nines SUVH, lu bin Talks to Teachera: "Pon't preach too much orabound In Rood talk In the abstract."When Mary throws her c<mt on thflnnr and her nihhcfa In the middle othn IIHII, don't tell her that nice llttltRlrla don't ilo tborse thlujpt, or thatHbe la a careless iclrl and should knowbetter, and n prent deal more to tlmvffect. Simply riril her an xmm nsyou discover whnt she bus done, nndtell her quietly and RiMul-ni(ture<lly t<put her thlnps awny Immediately, an<then we \\u\\ »he tlm H It. Snrh trentment as thin In far more effectivethnn mere talking.



Every farmer knows thnt suc-cess in producing fine stock de-pends upon getting the. younginihiinlH sinrtt-d right.

Thr number of drafted wenreJeitiMl for physical disabilityduring thr- war shows ttiat WHneed to pay more attention tnbuilding up our children phyfl-lenity. The kindergarten, withIts admirable system of physi-cal culture-, and Its sunny, airyrooms, whore the children spendthree happy bourn each schoolday, furnishes tlip best possibleenvironment, and physical aswell in Intellectual and socialtraining. '

It Is ton bail thst klndergar- •tens sre not available- for a far <larger percentage of nnr rhll- irlren. Rarly training such as Is \given In the kindergarten should tmake healthier children, and Ibetter children In every way.—Henry V. Wallai-e. .Secretary ofAgriculture, Washington, D. C.


Highland Trust Companyo f N e w J e r s e y

8ummtt Avanue and Dtmott 8tr*at







Theodore Mendles,Inc.TRANSFER STATION

WEST HOBOKEN, N. J. Phone Union 1157

Courtlandt Building and Loan Ass'n127 Sunrait AVWIIM, Watt H»bok«ii

YOliR SAVINGS BUYS YOUR HOMESThe Building and Loan provides for Snving of INT ''.TORS and

&MEBUIlDKRlSSave and buy a hymrl ' " f V v ^ J \g p

H<&ME,BUIl.DKRlStSave and buy a hy fVv^J \7fe«ve an'd pa'y |or yourluime monthly Vstead of reitt Save and

Share the Profits* We have secured homjis for many members. In-vestors and Hon^ebuilders both profit. This ii a sood busiaeaiproposition under State supervision.A new (17) Scries Open April 3,1922. Bring > New MemberGEORGE J. McEWAN, Pres. WILLIAM S. DAVIDSON, Sec





1307 Paterson Plank RoadSECAUCUS


FRANK P. JONESFresh Fruit, Vegetables

Fish and Clams290 Front Si. Stcuau

Telephone 38 Bergen

Henry W. Moier


9 Jones Street Jersey City(Near Sip Avenue)


J. POLLACKCarpenter and Builder

Screens and Glass Enclosures for PorchesWindow Frames, Sashes, Doors, Trim & Screens Made To Order

All Kinds of Mill Work -:- Glizini a Specialty\ ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVKN

733 Hudson Avenue, SECAUCUS

/ Advertising \I In this paper will bring I% good returns on the m\ money invested & M

•IsctrlflaAA third of the farm land In Sweden

now uses electricity for power. Farm-•rs over there are beginning to makeInquiries about electrically-propelledplows and harrows. Many of themDie electric sawa to cut their firewoodand lumber. Borne erea have electricelevator* that lift whole wagon loadsof bajr and grain to the mow.

Swedish government officials pre-dict It'll only be a few jeara untilpractically their whole country will beoa an electrical basis.

Where does the power come from?Usually, large water-power planta.Bat many Bwedlahrfarmera dam smallatraama and aae the falling water togeaerate their owm. •

A Up there for American farmers,raawika 0 M Okicag* Brwlai Post

Page 5: Se taunts Ifcto* · Se taunts Ifcto* BUSINKSS •CTTER COMMUNITY BKTTCR LIVING ^tumi flAi, Hit. W [SStSB^K^TS^T 8BCAUCU8, N. J., JULY 1, 1922 mur* .. MSKOTON AT SHffW POINT HtW JtKUY


CAKES—10 a. m. daily



K. FALLER1251 Paterson Plankr'd


Lovar of tlw Wood* and Hllla AlmoatMakw Direct Accuaation la



Seventh & Front SU.


Hardware & Paints1265 Paterson Plankroad


Ml Da


Gas Fitting|t»«a> • • ail

kind* *f work.

1«»4 f HMIW»4

H. R. Litennii's Dairyfresh If ilk (tea my ewn fam

Delivere* I* few door •

Andiw ManzoMUOB Contractor

111 StVOlk SL SeCSKM

MRS. A. BLONDELLChoice Gre—rise, Delicateuen,

Cake*. Candies, etcFarm Road Secaucus


1374 Patenea PlankroadOflea open evanlnga for Conanltattea

Tai. W.b.t«r 5288

SEBASTIAN MAULBECKTown Engineer of Secaucus

Mambar of ifca Uualclpal Eaglnaw*•f Iba City at* Now York.

17 Union Street West Hobofcen


— LAWYER —WaMwil Bank BaMInc, Waal Bakafcae

mt Patwaaw Haataead. gaaaacw

M . L E H F E L D

, Statioaery u d Confectioaery

Cgan, Tobuc* asd N*dea*


J. POLLACKCarpenter and Builder

Window Framea, Subaa. Uaora, Trialand Soreana mada ta ordar. All klcida•I Hill Work Gluing a SfMtalt

•atlauua Omrtmllt Otmm783 Uudaoo A»aima



m liter «r*H ta»


Mason ContractorCaawraU Watk Spacialty

843 Hudson Aw. Sacauciu

Laat auinnwr 1 Hjmnt aeveral veoksIn the woods anil lived at nearly anatural life m imp well could. ThatIn, evi-rylimly won- the kind of clutlieahe nulled tn, uinl did about ns hepleaxed. without reiturd to fiiHhlon orarbitrary wiclul cuxloin. 1 nollc-cdtlmt whenever anybody hired u (.Tildeto perfurni work tlmt he could Just»H eiislly Imvp dune himself—HIII-IIas row Inn UJI the luko lu k'" Huh-InK—he Imiiiedlittcly lost custe. ItWIIH regarded us un udm!sx|i>n of Inability or wnikmws. The mini mimtadmlri'd In our party WIIH the one mostciipubte of ItelttK HUfurl<>nl unto hlm-•ulf—able to KO forth nnd catch hlnown Ush. conk his own food, ami con-struct his own mile shelter. After amonth or two I (»rew uci'iifltoiiicil tothe woods Idea tlmt looking afterone's own wantH 1H loglciil anil com-memlnble, nliil nenrly fnrirot about themodem city viewpoint. Hut the firstgarage man I dealt with on my returnto clvlllzutinn almost Rnuhheil hiewhen he imtlnil that, thouch I hullfl hirer*' autn, I WHS my own chntiffi'iirand filled my own greniie cups. ThenI (mtised nnil thought how wldi'spnvidIs the difference In the nttliuile ti>-H/ird servimts or helpers In the nonilsand the city. Wherever our modernnoclal life Is highly pmnich developedIt Is more or less dlsifraceful to doanything useful that one cun pusslhlyhire done. A woman gains more Hrt-elnl prestlst' from keeping thr<'e hiredgirls than from being the most expertconk nnd most systematic housekeeperIn the neighborhood. Not to have serv-ants 1H to he Inferior.—Fred C. Kelly,In Leslie's Weekly.

NOT MATTER OF GALLANTRYSurly Man Had Reaaona Entirely Hla

Own for Giving Up Hla Saat InStreet Car,

The old snylnc that "nil fat menare good autured" la not home out InHill, an overly fat city employee ofLos Angeles. DIM Li known u« u wom-an hater und looks upon girls of thegiggling age as of no use whatever.Frequently he spreads out over un en-tire seat In n street car anil growlslike a grlMly hear If n shop girl "hasthe nerve" to make him contract suf-ficiently to nmke room for her.

On tils way home recently Dill wasaeen to arise and proffer his seat totwo girls who stood near.

"Whut's the Idea, BUI?" asked a fel-low employee. "Are you renlly gettinghuman t"

"Don't kid yourself," replied milgruffly. "That's the hottest sent \ everencountered and I eover entirelymuch territory. That's all;

Pity the Cfcy Child.Little Uuleu Is an upurbnent bouse

cliUJ.Ilrought up In a northwest npnrt-

ment, the sidewalks have been herplaygrounds, pun^ers-hy and automo-biles her playmates, the pulehesaround trees lu-r only contuct withold mother eurth.

Of course, there have been trips toporks, and nil that, but of natureas an entity she knows little. Likemust city dwellers, she has to feelthe heartbeat of the universe throughatone and bricks.

One day recently her mother tookher Into the suburbs to visit somefriends.

For awhile the child was contentedto play In the new rooms, lint atlast Nhe grew tired.

"flu play In the. ynrd," her mothersaid.

Helen looked In wonder."Where Is the ynrd?" she nsked.—

Washington Star.

Concrete Houiea.The use of concrete houses Is he-

coniing common In various sections ofthe country, tn connection with thegeneral program for the Investigationnnd Improvement of houblng condi-tions now being carried out by thebureau of stiindnrilfl, several trips ofInspection have been made by mem-bers of the stuff of tlmt hurriiu testudy Improvements In the building ofconcrete houses. The trip recentlymade Included many projects In thevicinity «f Pittsburgh, Cleveland. Oii-cag" nnil Minneapolis. Oreat Improve-ments, both In the ordinary uses ofthe concrete and In the architectural«nd ornamental effects obtained, werenoted on this trip. It seems certainthat some style of concrete Imuse willbecome very common In the neur fu-ture.—Scientific American.

Improved Ranga Findar.The lurgest runge tinder In the

world Is more than twice the size ofany used during the war, and hasbeen constructed In Hiiglund fur usein constul defense, says l'opular Me-chanics MagaMne. It was designed bythe two original Inventors of the rangefinder that bun been In use In the Brit-ish navy for many yearn, and thatconsists of a horizontal tube carriedon a central frame, which rotutes withthe tube on a pedestal.

New Powerful Machine Qun.Remarkable possibilities are con-

eelvahle In connection with a power-drlven machine gun, (aid to haveoriginated In flennnny, but which Isnow bring developed In thin country,says Popular Mechanics Magailne.Bejldei having several advantagesover other machine guns. It la, orrather will be when It Is fully devel-oped, driven aotlnl; by external pow-er, such aa an electric motor, or


programmeCommencement Exercises

Srraurus $)ubl.r SrhnolsThursday Kvening, June 29, 1922

At 8:15

In the Auditorium, School No. 1Centre Avenue and Fifth Street


Head Usher—Miss Constance Rockwell

Miss Mary Morrison Miss Nettie Hasellon

Miss Ruth Spence Miss Elva Taylor

Miss Frauces Sproul Miss Mildred Stone

Miss Marjorie Barrall

Class Motto—"Knowledge is Power"

Chorus work under the direction of Miss Bessie Dickinson,

Supervisor of Music.

Accompanist—Miss Marion Hugerich

Physical Training Demonstration nnder the direction of

Miss Gladys Vandyke, Supervisor of Physical Training

First Honor—Madeleine Thoreton


Class Colors-OW Rose and Silver

1. Processional March . . Orches t ra School No. 3

2. Invocat ion . . . . Rev . John R. Howard

Pastor of Stcaucus Reformed Church

J. Salutatory George Vanderveer

4. Opening Chorus, Barratt . ."Orpheus With His Lute"

5. Essay . . Margarethe Misik"Conveniences of Modern Inventions"

6. Orchestra, (Overture) Urn net t . ."Princess of the Stm"

7. Essay, Fred Dudley"The Radio Phone1

8. Recitation, Helen Kiesewetter"E Phirihtis Uinim"

9. Orchestra, Hayder . ."Softly Gliding"

10. Essay, Tliotnas Keunelly"The Soldier Bonus"

11. Chorus, 1) 'outer . ."Spriugtime"

12. Valedictory, Madeleine Thoreton

l j . Award of Prizes and Presentation of Class . .. . Mr. M. J. Pechtel, Supervising Principal

14. Presentation of Diplomas . . . Mr. August Schell,President of the Board of Education

15. Address Mr. Cornelius Muste, A. M.

Bayonne, N. J.

16. Physical Training Demonstration

17. Closing Chorus and Orchestra,"We'll Never Let the Old Flag Fall"

Followed by Flag Salute.

BABY CHICKSConkey's and Pratt's


Fountains, Sprayen and Remedies"CARBOLA" Disinfectant, Whitewash


Secaucus Feed StoreJohn Arkema Phone Union 1888 W

EXTRA SPECIALWe Have Secured a Large Quantity of


TIRESWhich We Are Pleased to Offer at These Low



. ... 22.7528.00

33x4} 28.7534x4} 29.5035x4} 30.0036x4} , 31.0033x5 . .32.5035x5 33.0037x5 33.50

All Fresh StockFactory Gaurantee::: 12,000 Miles

With Every Tube Purchrmd

ECONOMY TIRE STORES3784 Boulevard, Cor. Paterson Plank Road

West Hoboken, N. J.

Union 5604


WANTEDTwo (2) Lots, lin County

Avenue, between Washing-ton Avenue and Weigand'sLane, Secaucus.


E. R. ElsaesserElectrical Contracter

I Motor and Lighting Repair*Finished Houae Wiring

No Job too law nor too Small774 Second Street




Louis Zulauf715 Ninth Street Secaucus

Will Call At Your Homenud Saw V'ottr Wood Any Day

NEW HOUSE KOK SALE ti room*I and bain, all improvement*', concrot| utoop and rnrloaad porch. Plot 11HU1U5i Call: John Lucht, 75 Outrol Lan*. S<-caucu*.

You Say You Can'tAdvertise?

Thai's what other* have(aid and all of atuddenfound aomc competitorwa* afotnf what theythought they couldn't do.And getting away with it

Get the bulge on yourcompetitor* by tellingyour awry in an attractivemanner to k w i be r«ad.You'll get the result*.

We An Aaihe* to Het>

S T I V E PALASIOESTOYS AND CANDYStatioa>«7. Cif an *ad T o U c n


I99B Pilrsoi Plii.Rul,

Hutloff* Bread and RodsFrmah £ n r > Aftmmmmm

All Kinds of Fancy CakesSupplied by

Mrs. Perlott's Bakery;t«5 FKUNT ST. SECAUCUS

Albert Bochmuller, Sr.General 1 rueki


Edw. RickteridiMOVING and TRUCKING

Ice and Coal207 Centre Art.,

8ALB-8t*M i«eiMl Mahtaa, IM rain tola. IMW ea*h* » . Bnkaaavr 771 l * a « « w a x

M l *a It* etw« «n»««tji tk« ate-

Page 6: Se taunts Ifcto* · Se taunts Ifcto* BUSINKSS •CTTER COMMUNITY BKTTCR LIVING ^tumi flAi, Hit. W [SStSB^K^TS^T 8BCAUCU8, N. J., JULY 1, 1922 mur* .. MSKOTON AT SHffW POINT HtW JtKUY



Way in Which This May Be DoneWith Three-Electrode

Vacuum Tube.

For e v * o illnuii'iii I'tiiirnt HIWP IH• dotlnltp plnta potontlul tlmt willf ivv tin1 Mtmnci'Hl NIKIIIIIH. Whi'ii us-ing fttlilj liuiil lulii'H—IIIKII mi'iiiiin—brliiKlni: ">» >II|M fnuii Hie Imlhlihiiilrvlla of tile pliiti' of "It" ImrtiM-.v willg ive vurlatlouv Dint niv llm1 I'IIIIIIKII.

For ViT\ Mt>ft, ^ii^'tHiN Inhi's. low

ament trada In connecttof a nctotwill rn< illKuntrom tu Ui» lit* of U>«tUumt'ut. |

Not« Hint tho rtlmiiwf rl'Mwtal U•et tu ntuce the tt.hxUuum muuimt ofIVHINIIIIHV Ill mrlcn Altll tin' HlmilMll. IAfter limei'tlut: tin. lul<e HI*1 that It INproperly sciiteil ninl Unit I In1 four |primus nrnimillhi; (ruin tin' lulu' Imsrmillio Ki'ixl nilillirl wllll I lull ri'siHftlVO I'lllltlll'tK III (III* Illlll' NlU-Ul't.

If, I I I ' I I T Imt r i i l i i i ; III wl i l i n v i i c u u n i

lu lu - I IM-II IIH II i l i ' t . ' i l i . r n l i h II n i l i l l j

l l l i imi ' i i t I ' l t r r r i i t i i ' . i l p l a t e p n l i ' t i t l u l , ,

tin s i l f lu l l s IUI> Ili ' l l l i l , !!•• "»<'f ' I ' " '"ll' - !cu l t r i i i ' i ' t ' c l ly m n l II :-- | I I -I ' I nil1 i-niintT- \

tlnlis. enhtnets, lin'lll'lty ill' hulll I III'" A " m n l " I I " hul t i ' i ' l i 'H , m n l l a k e n limit

lit t h e u r l i l I 'o inh ' i iKi ' i ' m u l h ' u k .

A t h r e e c l c c t l ' m l e v a c u u m I l l l ' " r i l l l

l«> s l l l i s l l t l l l c i l f u r I h i ' c r y s t a l Mi II lIU

l i ' i i u r In t i n 1 s l n i p Y rn i l i i i n v i ' l v l t i d

NI'I i l i 'Hi ' i ' lheil In H I M r i i l i i i n i i u Nhiir t

t h i n ' 111:11. l ' s l u y 11 v n u n l u l u ' Inp h n i ' u f II IT) Mill i l i ' l i ' i ' l n r Will ( j ive

11 i n i i i l i l i i i i i l r r s i g n a l , m n l 11 i l i ' i i ' i i i i r

Hint w h e n 111 i n ' i i i l l i i s t i - i l w i l l HIU.V m l

THE HOME RADIOHow to Make and Use It


• > •


vai'iiutn, 11 finer ri'Kiilnlli'ii of "II" tunt*»ry |ioli-tilhtl IH rt'tiuiivtl ninl is mostOBRII.V olittiliMl liy IIII'IIIIX of nn "A"

hnttory |ioti'iitloiiii'li'r. KIK. II showshmv nn "A" lniiii'iy iinH'iillniiii'lrr isiNimuH'thit hi tin* I'lmili of a thriv-eltH'tl'tHlt* Vllrlllllll tllht" to ulvi' tllli* VII-rlullomi In tin' plnli' fliviilt |'"t' mini.Till* rfslatmii i> of nn "A" luilti'iy |>otTOtliulll'li'l' aliollhl hi' lii'lwi'i'll Jim mulA00 MIIIIIH. |ty lni'\lHL' Ihi' sllili-r onthe "A" hnln-ry |>oit>iiiioiiifi«'r n va-riation nf I'liiti' Toltm-i' • •< 111111 to tin'**AM hnMpr.v, nr nliout six volts, runtm KWiimt. If tin' lulu' I'OIIIIIIIIS trn-i,too high n plntc vultiito will rim-,, tin'tuhe to "hiirkovcr" Hint Is, tin' misla lonlMMl mul IIIMIIIIII'K 11 rumlm-ior. nl

J l lMi ' i l . ' I ' h i ' l i r l n l u h l r l i 'Mil b i '

I ' i ' i l i i lri ' i l t o i lo t h h is HH i ' , . H o w s ;

O u r s t i m i h i l ' i l w l r i l l l l i l soi-Ki ' l .

I l l i r IMII.0I1I11 Ill l l l i i i ' l i t I'l s l u t .

O u t ' tfl'hl i -oi i ih ' i is i ' i - n n i l I r a k m i l l -

I ' l l l i ' i l .

T h r i ' i ' h l m l l i i u | i o s t s ,

A K o n i r t ' o f t l l i i i n r ' i i r i i i ' i i-Mi n i n l 11

Sotll ' l ' l ' of |l | iltl> | i l i l i ' l l l l l l l .

S i ' l i i ' i i n i t l i ' i i l l y t i n ' s i t IH r o n n i ' i ' t i ' i l

u p u s s h n u n In I T : I.', whi ' i i 11-• . ! w i t h

11 t l i i i ' i ' i ' l i ' r t i ' o i l i ' n i l i ' u s 11 l U ' t i v i o r .T h i s H l ' l , t o o , i- i i i i I n ' vi ' l ' .v r u n -

M ' l i l i t i t l y I I I M I I I I I I ' I I " i i n i l ** l>> i n i i i r h

t i i i s i - i n o u i i t t i i i : t i n 1 i i ' l i r s o r l o ' t w i t h

t i l l ' l l l l l l l l l ' l l l I ' l n o s l n l In I ' l l ' I t .

I n 11 u i v n t n i n n y o f H i t ' 1 1 - i m l n-

i ' 1 ' l v l l i u r l l ' i l l l l s n s i i l t i n ' - " ' ' i i l l i ' i l i l l -

III. WIRELESS TELEPHONYIn ninny wny*. nil tin. principles ninl IIIWH "f wlroh-M toleurnphy npplj

rquul ly wi-ll to riiilln li'li'iihuiiy, hut . In other ways, there lire ([rent illfferencinbetween il»> two, In t he llritt plni'e, Hie vIliriilliniH or wnvra sent out !«>' thi>wireless icleirruph IriitiHinllli-r lire Int i ' rnipir i l n* lliey lire prnilureil liy tin' *'!•liiiili.r »f 11 spnrU cull mnl while the How of Ihe imi-lllntlmin or VVIIVCK limy In1

su ruphl Unit they nppenr IIH U memly HIICUIII, yet Iheri ' Is reiilly 11 illntlnel)>«»»• n i t e r eneli "lie.It 11 ti 'leplmtie trmisniltter ninl receiver w e niiMnrhi'il to the nrill-miry wireless Itistrit-IIII'IIIM UHI'II In ti'letiru-

phy, Ihe HIHIIUIH or vl-

hnillnllH of the vnlrewntilil \ a r y the |uilh ofthe i-li-i-tl'lnll OKI-IIIII-

tlntiH liliil t he KIIIIII'. vii-rliiiliiiis woiihl he pro-iliu.'il on t he n-i'i'lver.l lm, owlni: t o t h e fuelUnit iln> waves H I T In-iiM-ni|ileil mnl lire nott'oiitlnnotiH, the wnrilh

or HIHIIUIH vvotili) I in

up Into Hei'lloiis %I1I1I1wnuhl he ineiiitltn.'h'Ns,iillli"iii.'h Hiirh MIIIIIKIHIIH music, hells, whist-linn, i'ti'., tnlKht he rec.npilr.nlilp. In fni-r

pniniils nf this sort fiviiueiilly hnve heen heiiril over onl lnnry wlreli-Hs lele-Urnpli llistriiinelilH. Henr i ' It Is eusy In see Hull the wily rrilHnll why Illl snlltiilsriiiiiini lie itii'i'li'il thi'iiut^li spure hy orilliiury wireless ti'lem'npti iippnrutttM Inl>eeiin-.i' 11I' tlie luii'iTii|iteil or hrolieu w u v e ^ whereus, If llie.ii1' waves wereii'lil itllli'lls nr Well' so liiin'illl'l.v I'llphl us In ll 1 '1 >• 11 > I'nlltlllllnlls, r III' snllllllslln'\ 1 I'oiilil nisllv In- lieiuil mul iimli'i'si I. There fore , t h e rentt'lllnliliili'lillll key In sin sslul n l r e l e s s lelepliiilly Hi':. Ill pl'mllli'lui.' wllill lireUliittli ll- etitilitmitlls. \MI \ I -S illiil II K In the pel'l'i'iiloli ninl enlltrnl of slli'llWllVes llmt riiilln li'li-|i|inliy owes tutlrli nf Its ruphl iiilvitliri'lllellt.

T h e Hi'c»tn|i',iii,\ltiu t l m r e s . Nwi* I, '1, X I, \ » ll l i ixlnite \m\ how tli» In-tel iiipleil teli'iii'ii|ili.\ i i i i i e i i l s mnl the I'oiiiliiiioiis waves enrry sniinils, Thus ,1 ivi'.<"-enls the vnvlai luus In vt!irutl«»Ns in » eer tutn wnnl . 2, t he Intermit-l> 111 L~.llhilL.n- nt the U I I T I I S S Ivlr, rnl'li -iii ' l . ' i mnl :i, the wuy the wonlv oul.l lie tii'okiii mul mii'i'i'iiiiii'il li.v lu'lti^: triuistultt. ' il hy menus uf sm-1* luter-ru|iieil wiives. I'ILCIIII' 1, 011 the other liuiiil, slinws t he I'lititlniioii.s wuvi'H nf theHii ' . less iele|ilioiie 'r; .'• the muiiiil waves uf u vvonl iind tl, tlie wnythi' 1'iiiilliiiiniis wiivev. inien'ii |iii ' il h,\ Ihe wonls wnuhl n | ipear. Ity stinly-Illir tlii-M' illaiil'uuis von vm\ eiislly see the tlUTeri'llt'e lielweetl the wontI'l'ol.ei-, ti|i us In l l t i t re II mnl How Inn smimthly us In l icure ll. It iiiust he liorneIn iiiltnl. however . Hint whereas t he SOIIUIIH of the vuli'e, of music, etc. , eiiunothe sallsrin-tiirlly -elll. or t'l '.rlveil hy vvlreless li ' lecriiph IlistrlltMelits, yet wlre-

KODAKSWJ are ttia a Jttiarizad Eastman Kodak Dealers ol SecaucusLL'C US have your n.iiue and address and we will sendyou Free of Charge the l,ue*l H;istman Kodak booklet,"At Home wilh the Kodak." Also full parliculursabmif the Kodak Contest.


ll'S ' pi rl In III In I" I ' l lv elveil. overwlrelr^s ii-li'i'h.iiie lustruiiu'iits. Inilei'il, Ihe very h.'st Iruiisuiliiln^ riulhiphiuiewets serve Ihr ln>t I'nr si.u§.iiu' leli'Ul'iiplile messages, the only illllerelire heliiiithat tin' Ihe Conner the ei'iitluuniis high fi'eipieney waves lire useil, whereiiH,when si'tiillm; mill' in.'vsiiires hy teleurapli, the waves ure hroken or "ehuiipeil"I'V sinialile liisiru'tiii'iiis mnl 11 key which opens mul clones Ihe circuit.

In IISIHK w l i i ' l i o ii'ic|iliniiy, Just US In wireless teleuruph.v. there must heiwo vcpm-uie mills kiiowii as iri'iisinliicrs mnl receivers nii'l 11 trunsniliier ennhe uscil ntil.v TIM seinlliii; mul 11 receiver for rccclvlnc. As the semlliik' nr transmil 1 iiii; iipi'iiratus of the wireless telephone Is fur inure couipllcuieil tliiiu therccehlii^' Instrmaciits, us the tit'cnlcst Interest In vvlreleHs.telepliony lies III re-lelvltic the iiieHsuueH. sutms, etc., sent In least from InrKe setullni; slallnlis.mul us the recelvei'H nre very riltuple ami etiny to umlerHtiinil nr to eniiHiruet,we will pat the curl her.ire the horse, nn to speuk, mnl cointliler the rwulvliifmil nf rmllo telephony hefnn. we take up Iliv Winllng


Invvlni! »n exvesHlve cnl'l'V'tit to Hmv li>tho plute circuit which will ilestmytho pleinentH,

In tialng 11 vai'iiuiu IIIIH- clrrult forthe Hint lime, uUviiyo cluel; the elreult t» »«• that "A" nml "It" hnterleHarc eiinnecteil I" their re-pcctlve termlnnN nn the socket. The marking's ton ihe Hockct ure imilu mnl cmiimt he1

\ i ' i - | o l * t l l l > l ' l u n r l l . ' l l s 11 . • ! " I 1\ 1* 11

i l i ' t i ' r t o r . h u t u s i i i i i i i i i [ ' ' i i i > - r a i i ' l ; i s

n n i i s f l l l n t i i r , » « w i l l I " ' i ' \ | > l ; i i n . ' i l

Inn rT l o - r v w i l l n l « > l'i- |>i ' lnl i ' i l i\ u i l ' l i '

i.f s M N I I - : , - . | In i l i ' i i i l i u ,i; ,1-1:11:1,

m n l t l u w t in- ilitv-'i '- ' iit y u t v , u i ' l iMuto

I ' lnW'il In t i n ' - . ' I ' | : , L 1 ; n u - w i l l I . , '

i v u l l l y n in l i ' i ' s i i . i . i l lij, Hi u l m m i '

l lh t ' i i tn l l l i i l ' n u l l I l i i ' s i ' t i ' i ' m s .



A fmvtlnir uf rt'|iri i!iriit!itlvt'sof s ta t ions uUlilii :t(Ul iiifU-i> ulXt'w V»»rk atnl N**\v J«'is«-> wn»I'ltUt'tl to iiH'\»nt rii'li '1 "Jiuit"In ihe iiir. Sum*- uf iho s u r dthllius Hint mint* (liroimli IUIMI\m\v miiuiiit-il lie I) i t i tr .

K(»r ust> a t r u s s ilu- *.,>. «.i»i|;ir\tif tt ttlht'i, .Hiirh an 1 hi* hi'h<>rniult coils, iiKt> 11 i'Miitloiix^r DItWt'llty DilVf |.!ilh'-* «.r |f>4.<4. III.'It' w n n ut i iv nsi><l tit (in1 fi'oli.ltirv r | |Tli)t , 111** I M U . T willtin* svt unrk.

ll\ uft.-i uirlni; up it st*t, yuulii'ttr iiMttiiiii; )>ut it -4ii>ai|,\ humIn tin1 mi ' lM' is , .\>tu into hevery -lire thta then' 1* • I*'"fin-Htt Hojiic^\wi\\ 'Iriir*1 outtit** wiring nm-Hillv mul sum*!WWW (unit will ivfvs.-ivt ii->'U\

Tltt* M«i i-tillt-tl 'Nj.iitcht'tfl" ml.liiH, If lilu**1*! w v r tmiv \s lnUH\H\ In w itlnu u s«>(, w ill Itiipruvo Mtt> tun'i'arutui' U*» \^>\-t-vitt tint) iv<hH't> ihf Oiin^^r i-f

Mow tunl tunn* it re (ln< rttdiofuns tumlnu !<• nnln»-fri><(Ui>iir>Mit'plltlrtitiun Insu-ail <>r mt lt.»-frtMjtH'iM'y. Th»« ilil**f r»*«sna fortliU IICH In tho furt (Imt InrtiilltH'tV4|mtnr> niu|>llll< iui«.n tht>Inromlnc . lirititM ur*1 iiin|ilin<><th**fnr* \\wy r*'in'h the i|i>tt*i-tur.whort* AUvy ur*» rvrdllt-tl. whlti*lit iiMtlli*-frwim>ni>,v th**> art' tun|I|I!UM1 iiritT rnM'hlittf I h»> de-twtor. In fti** tlr*I niwtiftl s knu)n that tir** v^ry \v**uk ur*»hnmi;M In. WIMTCUH In tht* IHI-Ifr inHtiod they wuuhl |>r*4uih),vnot IH» hetirtl.

N«w Radio S'.ition at the PresidioCan Oe He.ird Half Way

Around tho Globe.

•'Hello, lliill.illllll."T i n . I 111.1 \ sMiiinl l ; ' :e t i n Inn. h i l l It

I s 11 ] v : t l i ! ) . (lev I ' l l 1 e h s s

T h e in'W I'.'nlii' s L i t i o n nt t h e r r e s l i l l i i

S u n I ' r . i i i i ' l s i o .* w i t h i ' e i l . i l l o n i l i t l n n . s

ri_;!it. e l m h e I i , . , n l l u i i r wn.\ u r o i i n i l

t l i e I 'II .I I I ; . . I : I N i:i i l , 11 e of i-.m

St i l l , : o i l l ) l i I.if,' I' |>, 1', I 'M- Il losl

p i ' W i r f i l l i i i e m i i a l u l i e 11 i n i s i n i i i e r o n

t h e l - ae l t i e • -•-•-.!.

l .orMti ' i l o n Hie lh : : ln 'M MOIIII In t h e

l'resl»lii>. o x e r l x o ^ i l i f •sail I ' l ' i in r l s i -n

I ' ny . t w o 1."ii» foot i n ' r l n l t o w t - r s t o nut : -

l i n n l I t s e t l l i i e n i •>. l l l e Hew s l n l l o l l

• III r o i n i i i i i m l s i m i l a r s t n t l n i i s In S a l t

l.i\k«" C i t y i tml t ' l i e s e n n e .

London Profeiwr Evolvu Novtl Th»-ory of |h« Atmoipharlo |

Envelop*. I

Kleclflllcil ilusi thrown off liy Ihes u n f o r m s minsp l i i ' l ' l c e n v e l o p e

MI t t h e r . i i ' ih i j . o i l ! IIHI m i l e s w h i c h

p i v v c n i s w l i t l i ' s s w a v e s f rnn i c s c a p l n u '

lu lu i n i i t i l ' c s | i acc , nccoi ' i l luu to Prof .

.1. A. r i e n i i l n ! , f n lvc l ' . s l i y e o l l c a c , l .ol l

t lon. v i ln .se wnrK In w i r e l e s s Is k n o w n

al l o v e r Die wnr l i l .

T h e s c l c c i i hy t h e i l l l - t . l ie <

s|t.V s. l i f t s a s 11 s u i t n|' vv'llelcss sjiellk-

IllL' t i l l ' i ' a m i c u a h l c s VMIVCS ase i t fo r

loin: i l l s i n n c c wrn'k wli!,-li a r e a l ' o u i

leu tn i l c s 111 l e n g t h - | n t r a v e l ll.lKlt! illlil

I'J.UHi in i l . ' s .

It It w e r e no t for t i n t s i ' i e e n ,

civi l liu I . ' In- ). | ' .e ' . .s.i .i- 's t h e o r y , l l l e

vv i l i ' l c - s c n i l : : \ llu'iiv\|i ou t hv t h e

til;; - e " i l . n j l . .v\cl 's w.ei l i l n. ' l i-lile;

In H ai ' tll , I,III \>nl | l i | p ; i s s H.vay

Ul'.-I I..' l u . l

How Big Ii an Electron?O l l c v c l . v h . ' i i - u i ' i I l i y c \ | > i ' n l n i - | i t I n

n i e i i M l i ' i n u 1111 i l n l i . n v * ; i s [ i , - i i . , n i n i l

h.v 1111 A n . c i n . . 11 . I ' r u i e s s i . r M i l l i l . m i n f

f l u e n t " H ' l n u i . i l n . . - . l a n n n i i i e . I m p

ll "! al.-.ll l I i m ' i ' l l , h u h hi ,1:1111vti'V III ll , | i ilitU, ! '-,•! ,\ ,-,-n \ \v i i ) . l ; , l , s

Wlins i i l , , t l l . : i l I ' L . I . ^ , ' VVa-- S l l l i j e r l t o

<-i.:tlv».i. I l l , - i l l - i- " i i-sl vva^ .s t ionul .v

l l l l ' i n u . i i l c i l a l n l vvns v i c w e i l w i t h .1

U' le- . i - , ipe . ISv c o u t r t i t l l n u H i e p o l e l l

Hi l l s o l t h e p l a l i s l i e n i l i l l-op c o l i h l

h e Ml.nli- t o t a i l , , r r i s e u l w i l l . T h e

il l 'o | i c i n i l l i i i i i i l h | . | . i . , i l u p a m i I n s !

i ' l e c ' i o i i s . A s It i ' i , u.-.l u p .111 e l c , 11.-n It

u o u l i ' t i m v c l n \ :i 1.' t i n | i , i s< l ivc p l a t e ,

l i y f i u v i ' t l l l y <>l . -e i ' v i tu t h e .1.11 f t l i e

i l r o p of o i l . M i l l i l . m i i v u s n h l e 1 it-l

m i n e v e r y nccur . l l . - l .v l l h n r u e tu l i lc i l

t n It d y U s p , i l . | : i u i | p OIIC e h e l l o i i .

Berr Taxrd ?,CC0 Venn Ano.Itei-r vvns Invi ' i l o v e r '_'.IHIII ve : i r s m;n

in i:u.vpt.


The Hist nutlonnl rinlln com-pass stiitlnii on the (irenl Lakeswas recently Instulleil. other.slntlotm will shnrlly he In xerv-Ice when the "fnivcyiinl" nf thehikes will have InM Its lerrors.

II Is I'hllnieil that .Inlill lluyesllmiimnuil, Jr.. mul I>r. K. 1..t'hulVee have Inventeil 1111 appli-ance Hint Insures secrecy Inwireless, The system Is linseilon principle of inoiluchik' chur-uctci'lstlc ivnvcs to which onlyes.icciully ei|itlppeil receiversare responsive.

Seirctnry lluover'H force uf"clher cups" limy lake the formof special k'ovi'rllliieul iletecl-luu siatious uliere aerial coiu-|,:tssrs cniilil he arrmii:eil an as

I" ilctl'i't llle llll'ecllnll from" til. h liiierrnptloiiN come, liy aseries of relu.vs, Ihe uoverumenlstation ueart'.st the violatingaina't'iir Mil he tiotlileil amithe source of llollhle M,,|i|,,-,l,

Nnvv Uie fans In Kii.'luinl areIIIIVIIII; 11 tin 11I Hun- with theirair. Aci ni'illnj; to a r<-pori rrotaI'.imlnnil lli.-iv n)"> onlynilth,u'l/eil aiiialeiir opcrutors Inthe. t'nlivil Kinu'.loiu. I'liiloll Imll.v Mall slates Hint Iheivuxnu fur th.. mt's invil.v. roulh Is the lint Unit "limn,pcriuu anil sellselv'ss rest fie

lions lii this country pivvehlwireless nuiuli'Uls frmupracllie. Tl hi Inules of theiiriu.v ami nut > air forces «ivafl'al.l nf llle amateurs mnl t|sctheir Intliieii.e lii hnvlnt: the|,ostnltli'e alltluit'ltles Impose till-possll.le mnl vcxiltlnlls ri-.strli'-11.111-. lli:il limit the llelil."


ShavliiK P.rlor

HKO Krnnf Strnnt. mrni S*>v>>nih

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165 Third StrtwtHODOKEN


SECAUCUS DEPARTMENT STOREBUaktto tad OaalwtablM. Ialuta' Atfpant. Rvbkw wd

IiMif imt OMUMM'I VwakklMi. M«aX TwUta* tad

SB018, BOOTS AND RUBB1MAtwtr loc PMrtMt FMtMX tmf WMI Ikinf t moth* IM Wittm

1269 PatMfon Plankroad,

OH (Jtotktat

R. J. amir

4RTHUR A. D0ER1NGSanitary Plumbing

and Gas Fittertoptlrtag Promptly A««»*»*T*

IdlmsUta C C


MUSIC ROLLSAll tho Latest at Cot PrfowStcoa4 Rolb lie ap, ft

MM, WMUI ut ill kM il

IMMMI il Ml friM.For Bxehaniv-vUbM lor tH«REPAIRING ASPBCIALTT

Hoboken Pbonograpk FichannA. STUTKCR. P M . .

529 Wuhmitu Strttt HobKM1L OUHL. ARCHITECT

I* ChsrkM Rt Irnrt CHt N. J.

Mttsl sell 4 piece library suii at

incr mi tuviinnl of

l)nvi>. Hops I.iini'.




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