sdro 14th february 2011 john ovenstone letter to arthur

{Vtt NSW Office of StateRevenue StateDebt Recovery '14 Fefiuary 2A11 MrArthur Cristian PO Box 1 320 BOWRALNSW 2576 Dear MrCristian I refer to your contact with our Otfice on 2 December 2010 in relation to Enforcement Orders 282003038 and 268490700 . The issues raised in your recent contact have beenreviewed and a determination has been made that enforcemeni action is to continue. Thismatter hasbeen reviewed to the limits of our authoritv andfurther corresoondence of this nature will not be considered. As previously advised you musteitherl . Paythe totalamount dueon the enclosed' enforcement orders. or . Maintain the payments outlined in yourcurrent timeto payorder unless you are notified, in writing, that your order has been amended. Please find enclosed a time to pay order issued forthe balance owing. Repayments are$15 perfortnight starting lrom 14 March 2011. To avoid further enforcement action and costs, you mustmaintain the payments outlined in thistimeto payorder. Further enforcement action willtakeplace without notice unless youtakeup one of the above options to resoive the outstanding enlorcement orders by 14 March 201 1. The State DebtRecovery Olfice website (wv\,'\,.sdro. outlines the finesprocess, has answers to frequently asked questions, standard forms and other useful information. lf you have any questions or would likeany moreinformation, please contact us on 1300 655805. Yours sincerely John Ovenslone Assistant Director Client Services StateDebtRecovery Ollice Ourreterence: FBU/10791/10 Please ensure allrelurned correspondence quotes oulrelerence number. Stare Debt Becovery olr ce PO BoxA2ST1 SyCneySouft Nsr^r 1235 Pirone1300655805 TIY (02 ) 6354 7255 (N ea fln g/Eeech mparr€d only) www sdro nsv, lB[] 77456270638 Oli c€ olSlate Fevenue: SO9001-OualilyCeniiled

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Refer Here For More Information: For Documentation Of Harm Done By The Powers-That-Be And Their Representatives,Evidence Revealing How Victims Did Not Break The Peace, Caused No Crime or Harm, There Were No Injured Parties. Documenting Incontrovertible Evidence Demonstrating How The Powers That Be (PTB) And Their Lackeys Will Break All The Laws They Are Supposed To Uphold. They Will Kidnap, Intimidate, Terrorise, Rape, Pillage, Plunder And Lie And Take Responsibility For None Of It. All Part Of Their Tactics Of Using Fear And Trauma To Keep Us In Our Place. Relatives Of Those Under Their Radar Are Also Not Safe From Attack And Intimidation. All Starting From A $25 Fine For Not Voting And A $65 Fine For Not Changing A Dog Registration. We Do Not Have Freedom And Can Only Appear To Have Freedom If We Comply. Regardless How Small The Matter The PTB Throw Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars Away To Enforce Their Will.... Go Here: Fiona Cristian Reply To State Debt Recovery OfficePart One: - From 17th October 2008Part Two: - From 18th December 2008Part Three: - From 9th January 2009Part Four: - From 14th January 2009Part Five: - The Sick Puppy - From 20th February 2009Part Six: - Police Officers, Sheriff’s Officers, Tow Truck Driver and State Debt Recovery Office Blatantly Ignore the Law To Rape, Pillage and Plunder The Private Property Of Fiona Cristian - From 11th March 2009Part Seven: - Affidavit Of Truth - Letter To The Queen + Australia: Fascism is Corporatism - From 30th March 2009Part Eight: - The Pirates Auction And The Ghost Of VSL386 - From 4th April 2009Part Nine: - Arthur Cristian's Letter To Pru Goward MP - From 15th December 2009Part Ten: - Should We Be In Fear Of Those Who Claim To Protect Us? - From 13th October 2010


Page 1: SDRO 14th February 2011 John Ovenstone Letter To Arthur


Office ofState RevenueState Debt Recovery

'14 Fefiuary 2A11

Mr Arthur CristianPO Box 1 320BOWRAL NSW 2576

Dear Mr Cristian

I refer to your contact with our Otfice on 2 December 2010 in relation toEnforcement Orders 282003038 and 268490700 .

The issues raised in your recent contact have been reviewed and a determination has beenmade that enforcemeni action is to continue. This matter has been reviewed to the limits ofour authoritv and further corresoondence of this nature will not be considered.

As previously advised you must eitherl

. Pay the total amount due on the enclosed' enforcement orders.


. Maintain the payments outlined in your current time to pay order unless you arenotif ied, in writ ing, that your order has been amended.

Please find enclosed a time to pay order issued for the balance owing. Repayments are $15per fortnight starting lrom 14 March 2011. To avoid further enforcement action and costs,you must maintain the payments outlined in this time to pay order.

Further enforcement action will take place without notice unless you take up one of theabove options to resoive the outstanding enlorcement orders by 14 March 201 1.

The State Debt Recovery Olfice website (wv\,'\,.sdro. outlines the fines process,has answers to frequently asked questions, standard forms and other useful information. lfyou have any questions or would like any more information, please contact us on1300 655 805.

Yours sincerely

John OvensloneAssistant Director Client ServicesState Debt Recovery OlliceOur reterence: FBU/10791/10

Please ensure all relurned correspondence quotes oul relerence number.

Stare Debt Becovery olr ce PO BoxA2ST1 SyCneySouft Nsr^r 1235 Pirone1300655805 TIY (02 ) 6354 7255 (N ea fln g/Eeech mparr€d only)www sdro nsv, lB[] 77456270638 Oli c€ ol Slate Fevenue: SO9001-OualilyCeniiled

Page 2: SDRO 14th February 2011 John Ovenstone Letter To Arthur

Office ofState RevenueState Debt Recoverv

Date of this notice: 't4 Feb 2011 Original order datei 14 teb 2011


Time To Pay order:

First Payment due: 14 Mar 2011


Read the information on this Notice carefully to understand your responsibilit ies.

Notice of approval and conditionsThe State Debt Recovery Ofiice (SDRO) has approved a llme to Pay Order in relation to youroutstanding Enforcement Orders.

l \ ,4oney paid on a Time To Pay Order may be put against any of your outsiandrng Enforcement Orders

It is possible that there are other matters in youl name which have not yet been enforced or identifled asbelonging to you. FURTHER ENFORCEMENT oRDERS WILL NoT BE AUToMATICALLY ADDED To THIS TIMETO PAY ORDER. YOU MUST CONTACT THIS OFFICE BEFORE THE PAYMENT DUE DATE AND APPLY TO HAVETHEM ADDED.

The State Debt Recovery Office reserves the right to review the approved Time to Pay Order at any time if changedcircumgtances are identified. Please notify this Offlce of any change in your address.


What happens if I don't make payments?

l f you do not make payments as required in your Time to Pay Order, your Order wil l be cancelled andenforcement action will continue. This can rnclude RTAsanctions, having your personal belongings taken and soldby the Sheriffor having part of your wages or bank account taken (garnished) to satisfy the debt. lf you cannot makepayment, contact the State Debt Recovery Office immediately.

How do I make payments?Payments can be made by any of the payment methods deiailed overleaf.lf you lose your payment notice or requile a new one, contaci SDRO.

N ote:

Any RTA sanctions or restnctions applied before this llme to Pay Orderwas granted will not be lifted until all outstandingEnforcemeni Orders have been paid in full.

Page 3: SDRO 14th February 2011 John Ovenstone Letter To Arthur


First payment of:

Regular payments of:

Date of first Payment:

To be paid:

Totalamount due:


Last payment of: $3,00

How do I obtain more information?

lf you need further information, you may:r e-mail to: [email protected] visit our website at: hltpJ/www.sdro.nsw.govau. telephone the State Debt Recovery Office on: 1300 655 805 (Mon FriSam to 5.30pm). post corespondence (NOT PAYMENT) to: State Debt Recovery Ofiice, PO Box 42571, SYDNEY SOUTH 1235. use the TTY service (for hearing and speech impaired callers only) on (02) 6354 7255

Payment optionsPay by phone: Call13001301t2to make payment byc,?d,t card. Use the Customer Reference number belor.IntenEt Vrsit wlvw.sdro,nsiw,govau 10 rnake pa)fnent byc/edit can . Use tle Custcrner Reference number belor.BPAY: Ouote Biller Code 364174 and the CustomerReference numbef located below to make paymentlrcm yov credit card, savings or cheque account.Please call you r financial institution, or access BpAyvra your f inancial insti tut ion's internet/electronicbanking sile. For more information

Credil Card payments can be made using Visa orMastercard to a maximum of $4.000.

GSI daes nat applt la lines enlotced undet lhe rines Acl 1996



O Posrbiilpay'Take this notice to any Post Office, wherepayment may be made by cash or cheque.EFTPOS faci l i t ies mav also be avai lable.

X Mail payments not available.

tluliltll||il illllllllllllllllllllfr lllil lllilllll llllil'455 2947 0000009000599330 60

PAYMENT NOTICE Do not delach- This notlce must be presented for each instalment payment,


Time to Pay Order:

First payment of:

t> Stisr

Regular paymenta of, I Sts-oo ]

ililililil|il tiltilililililililililililil iltililil lilt||'455 2947 0000009000599330 60


To be paid: t"""'tt,,y


Page 4: SDRO 14th February 2011 John Ovenstone Letter To Arthur

State Debt Recovery OfficeI o"i.i* .io-nrce o stat. i*u

ABN:77 766 744 9lA. GST doet not dpply to Jine! enJoteed

undet the finet A.t 1996

Time to Pay Order No : 9000599330


As at the 1,1 Feb -201 I , the SDRo has identif ied the fol lowinS Enforcement ordefs as belonging to you. l t is yourre<poflsibi ih to che(-k al ld ens!re that alJ of your Enforcement Orders have been included in this Order.

t6BJ!1r700, 282003038


Payment Due

Due Date Amounl

1.1/01,/2011$15.002Bl03/201 1 $15.00r 1/0.r/201 r $ 15.0025104/201 1 $ 15.0009/05/2011 $ 15.0023/05/2011 $15.0006/06/2011 $ 15.0020106/2011 $ 15.00a4/o7t2011 $15.O01B/07/2011 $15.0001/08/2011 $ 15.00t5108/2011$15.0029108/2011 $15.0012l09/2011$15.0026109/2011 $r 5.0010/10/201 1 $15.0024110/2011 $15.0007111/2011S15.002r l r1 l2011$15.0005/121201 1 $1s,0019/12/2011 $15.OO02/01/2012 $ t 5.0016/01/2012 $15.0030/01/2012 $ 1s.0013/02/2012 $15.0027/02/2012 $15.OO12/03/2012 $15.0026/03/2012 $15.OOo9/o4/2012 $15.OO23/04/2012 $15.0007/o5/2012 $15.0021105/2012 $15.0004/06/2012 $15.0018/06/2012 $15.00a2107/2012 $15.OO1 6107 /2O1 2 $1 5 .OO3OlO7/2O12 $15.OO

Payment DueDue Date Amount

10/09/2012 $15.0024/09/2012 $15.AA0B/10/2012 $t 5.0022/1012012 $15.0A05/11/2012 $15.0019/11/2012 $15.OA03/12/2012 $15.O417/12/2012 $15.OO31/12/2012 $15.O014/01/2013 $15.002Bl01/2013 $1 5.001 1/02/2013 $1 5.0025/0212013 $15.001 1/03/2013 $1s.0025103/2013 $15.0008/04/2013 $15.0022/0412013 $15.O006/05/2013 $15.0020105/2013 $ t 5.0003/06/2013 $15.0017/06/2013 $15.O001/0712013 $15.0015/07120r 3 $15.0029/07/2013 $15.0012108/2013 $15.0026/08/2013 $15.O009/09/2013 $15.0023/O9/2O11 $15.OO07110/20r 3 $15.0021l10/2013 $15.0004/1 1/2013 $ 1s.001B/1 1/2013 $1 5.0002/12/2013 $15.0O16/12/2013 $1s.O03011 21201 3 $1 5 .O013lO112014 $l5.OO27/O1/2014 $15.OO

Payment DueDue Dale Amount

10/03/201,1 $15.0024103/2014 $1s.0007/04/2014 $15.002110412014 $15.0005/05/20r4 $ 1s.0019/05/2014 $ 15.000210612014 $15.001610612014 91s.0030/06/2014 $15.001410712014 $15.002a/07/2014 $15.0011/08/2014 $15.0025/OA/2O14 $15.0008/09/2014 $t5.0022109/2014 $15.0006/10/20r4 $15.0020110/2014 $1s.0003/11/2014 $15.0017t11/2014 515.OO0111212014 $1s.0015112/2014 $15.002911212014 $15.0012t01t2015 $15.0026101/2015 $ 15.00o9lo2l2a15 $15.0023t02t2015 $15.0009/03/2015 $1 5.0023103/2015 $1 s.oo06/04/2015 $1 5.0020104/2015 $15.0004/05/2015 $15.0018/05/201 5 $15.0001/06/201 5 $15.00r 5/06/2015 $15.0029106/2015 $15.OO13/O7l2O1s $15.0027/O712015 $15.OO


Detai ls


Detai ls


Detai ls

Page 5: SDRO 14th February 2011 John Ovenstone Letter To Arthur

13/08/2012 $1 5.oo27tO8/2012 $15.0O

10/02/2014 $15.0024/02/2014 $15.00

10/08/2015 $1s.oo24108/201s $3.00