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  • 7/29/2019 SDM-OldGrowthForests


    Old Growth Forests


    Rodney J Keenan and Michael F Ryan

    Science or Decision Makers

    is a series published by the

    Bureau o Rural Sciences.

    It describes the latest

    developments in scientic

    advice, assessments ortools relating to agricultural,

    sheries and orestry

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    supporting communities.

    Its purpose is to make rural

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    S C I E N C E for D E C I S I O N M A K E R S



    1 4



    Management and use o old growth

    orests is a matter o continuing public

    debate. This paper describes the

    conservation status and contribution to

    wood supply o old growth in Australia.

    The 1992 National Forest Policy

    Statement dened old growth asorest that is ecologically mature and

    subjected to negligible unnatural

    disturbance such as logging, roading

    and clearing.

    Old growth orests contain relatively

    large, old trees and more habitat

    eatures such as hollows, dead standing

    trees and logs than other growth stages.


    Although well surveyed in regions

    where Comprehensive Regional

    Assessments (CRAs) were conducted

    or Regional Forest Agreements (RFAs),

    there has been no comprehensive

    survey o old growth orests across

    Australia. Surveys undertaken or RFAs

    identied over 5.2 million hectares o oldgrowth orests in those regions.

    As a result o the RFAs and other

    processes, 3.7 million hectares o old

    growth orest are now in conservation

    reserves, 71 per cent o the total area o

    old growth in CRA/RFA regions.

    Old growth orests constitute about

    20 per cent o the public native orest

    area available or wood supply in timber

    producing regions in Tasmania and up

    to 15 per cent in parts o Victoria and

    New South Wales. Their contribution to

    short-term high quality sawlog supply

    is considerably higher than this level in

    those regions.

    R E V I S E D E D I T I O N

    M A R C H 2 0 0 4

  • 7/29/2019 SDM-OldGrowthForests


    SCI EN CEforDECISION MAKERS Old Growth Forests in Australia: Conservation Status and Signifcance or Timber Production

    IntroductionThis paper reviews denitions, current

    conservation status and the contribution to

    wood supply o old growth orests in Australia

    to inorm debate on uture management o

    these orests.

    Australia has nearly 165 million hectares o

    native orests (Figure 1). Native orests vary

    rom dense, tall orests dominated by eucalypt

    or rainorest species to open short woodland

    and mallee ormations. These orests provide a

    wide range o values, benets and services to

    the Australian community such as habitat or

    many kinds o plants and animals, clean water,

    soil protection, spiritual, recreation, aestheticand wilderness values. Commercial uses

    o native orests include timber production,

    grazing, honey production, tourism, seed and

    oliage collection and mining.

    Some native orests are described as old

    growth. Management and use o old growth

    orests is a matter o continuing public debate

    in Australia and in other parts o the world.

    Old growth orests are considered signicant

    because they have habitat, nature conservation

    and aesthetic values that are not ound in otherorest areas. They also provide an important

    resource or the timber industry in some parts

    o Australia.

    What are OldGrowth Forests?Forests are dynamic and go through stages o

    development ollowing disturbances such asre, storms or timber harvesting. The term old

    growth has been used in orest management

    or some time. It became more widely used to

    describe Douglas r (Pseudotsuga menziesii)

    dominated orests in northwestern USA that

    had reached later stages o development

    (Franklin et al. 1981).

    Old growth orests have a layered structure

    with large overstorey trees, a well-developed

    understorey o other tree species, shrubs and

    ecological eatures such as dead standingtrees and large logs on the orest foor.

    A number o wildlie species are reliant on

    these types o orest because o the range

    o nesting hollows and greater structural

    complexity they have in comparison with

    orests in earlier stages o development.

    Other growth stages, such as regrowth

    (when the orest is younger and the trees are

    actively growing) are also important or habitat

    and conservation. Some wildlie species in

    Australia, such as the Leadbeaters Possum,

    require more than one growth stage or their

    survival: one or nesting and another or

    FIGURE 1 Forest Cover In Australia By Dominant Genera.

    Source: National Forest Inventory

    Acacia forest

    Callitris forest

    Casuarina forest

    Eucalypt mallee forest

    Eucalypt woodland forest

    Eucalypt open forest

    Eucalypt closed forestMangrove forest

    Melaleuca forest


    Other forests




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    SCI EN CEforDECISION MAKERS Old Growth Forests in Australia: Conservation Status and Signifcance or Timber Production

    developed understorey o shrubs, herbs and

    grasses. This includes trees in an over mature

    or senescent growth phase that are no longer

    actively growing or that may be reducing in size

    due to crown dieback and branch shedding.

    Features such as hollows in which auna can

    nest are usually also more prominent.

    Forest composition and structure vary

    considerably across Australia and thereore

    dierent states adopted dierent denitions

    or assessment o old growth orest values.

    No denitions were developed or assessments

    undertaken in the Australian Capital Territory,

    South Australia or the Northern Territory.

    Denitions adopted or Comprehensive

    Regional Assessments (CRAs) were:


    The JANIS denition was adopted. For the

    purposes o mapping old growth orests a

    detailed rule set was developed or dierent

    orest types involving crown senescence

    characteristics and levels o disturbance.

    For details reer to Tasmanian Public Land Use

    Commission 1996. Tasmanian-Commonwealth

    Regional Forest Agreement, Environment and

    Heritage Report, Vol. I, Background Report,Part C.


    Forest which contains signicant amounts

    o its oldest growth stage in the upper

    stratumusually senescing treesand has

    been subjected to any disturbance, the eect o

    which is now negligible. A maximum regrowth

    crown cover o 10 per cent applied. Areas with

    regrowth crown cover o more than 10 per cent

    are almost always associated with signicantunnatural disturbance.

    New South Wales

    JANIS (1997) denition was adopted but a

    maximum regrowth crown cover o 30 per cent

    was used to dene senescing orests.

    Western Australia

    Forest that is ecologically mature and

    which has been subjected to negligible

    past disturbance.

    eeding. Thus, it is important that a mosaic o

    growth stages is present in the landscape to

    ensure the maintenance o many species.

    In Australia, eucalypt orests with similar

    canopy structures to old growth conierous

    orests in northwest USA can be ound in

    cooler, wetter parts o the country where

    disturbances such as re are relatively

    inrequent. Applying the concept o old growth

    in drier regions where re is requent is more

    dicult. Older orests in these areas are oten

    less diverse, with a canopy o older trees (oten

    with hollows), a sparse understorey and ground

    cover o native grasses. Overstorey species

    generally do not develop the same crown

    characteristics ound in tall eucalypt orests inwetter areas.

    It has been argued that recent occurrence o

    disturbances such as re does not preclude

    orests rom having values associated with old

    growth (Burgman 1996). Multi-aged eucalypt

    orests and the presence o old hollow bearing

    trees that provide habitat or many wildlie

    species can be a consequence o

    re disturbance.

    Defning Old Growth Forests

    In Australia, the 1992 National Forest Policy

    Statement (NFPS) made specic provision or

    the protection o old growth orests. The NFPS

    initiated a process or undertaking assessments

    o orests or conservation values, including old

    growth values. A working group o state and

    Australian Government agencies took the NFPS

    denition into consideration in developing a

    denition that was accepted by all governments

    (JANIS 1997).

    Further development o this

    denition enabled consistent

    application across dierent

    orest types (Pitman

    et al. 1996). Ecologically mature

    orests, as identied within

    the denition, are dened by

    the characteristics o older

    growth stages. This includes the presence o

    trees in a condition that would be expected

    in such a orest type where there have beenno disturbances or a long period and a well-

    Old growth orest is

    ecologically mature orest

    where the eects o

    disturbances are

    now negligible.

  • 7/29/2019 SDM-OldGrowthForests


    SCI EN CEforDECISION MAKERS Old Growth Forests in Australia: Conservation Status and Signifcance or Timber Production

    Attributes o OldGrowth ForestsThe ollowing attributes can generally be used

    to describe old growth orests in Australia.

    Structure and Composition Properties

    n An overstorey dominated by relatively

    large trees

    n An overstorey dominated by relatively oldtrees with hollows and other characteristics

    o late mature, over-mature or senescent

    trees (Figure 2).

    n A well-developed understorey o trees,

    shrubs and herbs.

    n Large allen logs and woody debris.

    n Low rates o change in composition and


    Functional Properties

    n Low average tree growth rates, with

    growth in young trees balanced by death

    o older trees.

    n High level o biomass in live trees, dead

    trees, logs and orest foor.

    n Lower water transpiration, higher water fow

    to streams and higher soil moisture than

    younger growth stages.

    Other Properties

    n Absence o recent large-scale disturbance

    such as re, logging, grazing etc.

    n Aesthetic values.

    n Sucient size o orest stand that is likely

    to remain intact in the long-term.

    Conservation Status

    o Old Growth ForestsProtection o old growth orest was identied

    as a priority in the 1992 NFPS. Following a

    process o consultation between state and

    ederal governments the ollowing reservation

    targets were agreed:

    1. For those orest types where old growth

    orest is rare or depleted (dened as less

    than 10 per cent o the current distribution o

    its orest type), all viable examples should be

    protected (100 per cent target)

    2. For other orest types, 60 per cent o old

    growth orest should be protected, with

    appropriate fexibility in the target applied

    to ensure:

    n old growth orest representation is rom

    across its range;

    n high quality habitat areas are included;


    reserve design is appropriate (i.e. can bemanaged practically);

    FIGURE Tree Growth Stages or Eucalypts on High Quality Sites

    (e.g. Mountain Ash (Eucalyptus Regnans)in Australia.

    Source: Jacobs (1955)

    Regeneration Regrowth Mature(younger)




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    SCI EN CEforDECISION MAKERS Old Growth Forests in Australia: Conservation Status and Signifcance or Timber Production

    n largest and least ragmented areas

    are protected; and

    n community needs or recreation and

    tourism are met.

    These criteria, along with targets to ensure

    all orest communities are appropriately

    represented in reserves and that high quality

    wilderness areas are protected, were applied in

    developing Regional Forest Agreements.

    As a result o recent state government policies,

    all old growth on public land is in ormal or

    inormal reserves in South-East Queensland

    and Western Australia.

    Consequently, 3.7 million hectares o old growth

    orest are now in ormal and inormal reserves

    (Table 1, Figure 3). This constitutes 71 per cent

    o the total o the 5.2 million hectares o old

    growth orest in CRA/RFA regionsan increase

    o 1.2 million hectares since 1995.

    The percentage o old growth in conservation

    reserves varies across regions, rom 57 per cent

    in North East Victoria and the Upper North East

    o NSW to over 85 per cent in the West and

    Central Highlands regions in Victoria.

    Old Growth Forests andRegional Native Forest

    Wood Supply

    This reserve status represents a signicantincrease in the conservation status o old

    growth orests in Australia. Old growth orests

    also make a signicant contribution to regional

    wood supply rom native orest or industry. As

    a result o conversion o timber supply rom old

    growth to regrowth and increasing production

    potential rom younger regrowth orests this

    contribution will decline over time.

    Except or Tasmania, there is little publicly

    available inormation providing precise

    estimates o the area o old growth in orests

    scheduled or timber harvesting.

    TABLE 1 Area o Old Growth Forest in CRA/RFA Regions by Ownership and Conservation Status1.

    Total area Area o Area o Old Area o Old Growtho Region (ha) Forest (ha) Growth Forest Forest in Reserves

    On Private or On % old

    Unresolved Public Total Formal Inormal Total GrowthCRA/RFA Region Tenure2 (ha) Land (ha) (ha) (ha) (ha) (ha) Reserved

    South-East QLD 6,180,000 3,230,000 74,000 196,000 270,000 196,000 73%

    South-West WA 4,257,000 2,121,000 N/A 331,000 331,000 308,000 23,000 331,000 100%


    East Gippsland 1,214,000 1,075,000 N/A 225,000 225,000 121,000 32,000 153,000 68%

    Central Highlands 1,125,000 709,000 N/A 26,000 26,000 14,000 8,000 22,000 85%

    North East 2,318,000 1,326,000 N/A 259,000 259,000 99,000 48,000 147,000 57%

    Gippsland 2,652,000 1,510,000 N/A 209,000 209,000 89,000 50,000 139,000 67%

    West 5,776,000 1,124,000 N/A 122,000 122,000 77,000 33,000 110,000 90%

    Vic Sub-total 13,085,000 5,744,000 N/A 841,000 841,000 400,000 171,000 571,000 68%

    NSWEden 813,000 724,000 17,000 81,000 98,000 66,000 4,000 70,000 71%

    Upper North East 3,907,000 2,312,000 234,000 421,000 655,000 237,000 134,000 371,000 57%

    Lower North East 5,800,000 3,288,000 253,000 777,000 1,030,000 646,000 93,000 739,000 72%

    Southern 4,510,000 2,665,000 140,000 613,000 753,000 525,000 37,000 562,000 75%

    NSW Sub-total 15,030,000 8,989,000 644,000 1,892,000 2,536,000 1,474,000 268,000 1,742,000 69%

    TASMANIA3 6,800,000 3,169,000 115,000 1,124,000 1,239,000 777,000 72,000 851,000 69%

    TOTAL 45,352,000 23,253,000 833,000 4,384,000 5,217,000 3,691,000 71%

    1From National Forest Inventory 2003, WA Forest Management

    2Private orests not assessed or old growth in WA or Victoria

    3Areas or Tasmania are based on 2001 data and do not include changes resulting rom the 2005 Tasmanian Community Forest Agreement.

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    SCI EN CEforDECISION MAKERS Old Growth Forests in Australia: Conservation Status and Signifcance or Timber Production

    TABLE Approximate Area o Native Forest Available or Timber Production on Public Land by Growth Stage.

    CRA/RFA Estimated Sawlog Approximate % Old Growth % Mature and % Regrowth % Uneven

    Region Yields m3

    /yr Area Available in Area Overmature Aged andor Timber Available1 (inc Old Growth Other

    Production (ha) where Applicable)


    East Gippsland 143,000 211,000

  • 7/29/2019 SDM-OldGrowthForests


    SCI EN CEforDECISION MAKERS Old Growth Forests in Australia: Conservation Status and Signifcance or Timber Production

    n Old growth and regrowth orests are oten

    intimately mixed. Access to these regrowth

    areas is dependent on harvesting associated

    old growth.

    n Thus, area gures alone cannot be used orassessing the impact on wood production

    o ceasing timber harvesting in old growth

    orests. Old growth orests generally contain

    higher timber volumes than younger growth

    stages. Consequently, those old growth

    orests planned or harvesting contribute a

    higher proportion to regional native orest

    wood supplies or industry in the short-term

    than indicated by their areas.

    n For example, in Western Australia, State

    Government policy is to cease timber

    harvesting in old growth orests. Impacts o

    this policy have lead to a reduction in supply

    o rst and second grade jarrah and karri

    sawlogs to the timber industry rom

    544,000 m3 to 185,000 m3.


    Old growth orests have been subject to

    considerable research and investigation over the

    last ten years since the signing o the National

    Forest Policy Statement.

    Seventy-one per cent o identied old growth

    orests in areas covered by Regional Forest

    Agreements (including the state based agreement

    in South-East Queensland) are now

    in conservation reserves.

    Old growth orests continue to make a substantial

    contribution to wood supplies in the short to

    medium term in a number o important timber

    production regions around Australia.

  • 7/29/2019 SDM-OldGrowthForests


    SCI EN CEforDECISION MAKERS Old Growth Forests in Australia: Conservation Status and Signifcance or Timber Production


    Burgmann, M.A. 1996. Characterisation

    and delineation o the eucalypt old growth

    orest estate in Australia: a review. Forest

    Ecology and Management 83:149-161.

    Franklin, J. F., K. Cromack, W. Denison,

    A. McKee, C. Maser, J. Sedell, J.

    Swanson, and G. Juday. 1981. Ecological

    characteristics o old-growth Douglas fr

    orests. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-118, USDA,

    For. Serv. Pacic Northwest Forest and

    Range Exp. Stat., Portland, Oregon.

    Jacobs, M.R. 1955. Growth Habits o the

    Eucalypts. Forestry and Timber Bureau,


    JANIS 1997. Nationally Agreed Criteria or

    the Establishment o a Comprehensive,

    Adequate and Representative Reserve

    System or Forests in Australia. A report

    by the Joint ANZECC / MCFFA National

    Forest Policy Statement Implementation


    National Forest Inventory 2003. Australias

    State o the Forests Report. Bureau o Rural

    Sciences, Canberra.

    Pitman, M., Ferguson, I., Burgman, M.,

    Bradshaw, J., Noble, I. and Raison, J. 1996.

    Report on the Victorian Oldgrowth Joint

    Scientifc Advisory Group. In: Commonwealth

    and Victorian Regional Forest Agreement

    Steering Committee Comprehensive Regional

    Assessment East Gippsland Environment

    and Heritage Report Appendix l, pI1-I29.

    Commonwealth and Victorian Regional Forest

    Agreement Steering Committee, Canberra.

    Woodgate, P.W., Peel, W.D., Ritman, K.T.,

    Coram. J.E., Brady, A., Rule, A.J. and Banks,J.C.G., 1994. A study o old growth orests in

    East Gippsland. Department o Conservation

    and Natural Resources, Melbourne.

    Commonwealth of Australia 2006

    This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permittedunder the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced

    by any process without prior written permission fromthe Commonwealth. Requests and inquiries concerningreproduction and rights should be addressed to theCommonwealth Copyright Administration, AttorneyGenerals Department, Robert Garran Offices,National Circuit, Barton ACT 2600 or posted at

    DISCLAIMERThe Commonwealth of Australia acting through the Bureauof Rural Sciences has exercised due care and skill in thepreparation and compilation of the information and dataset out in this publication. Notwithstanding, the Bureau

    of Rural Sciences its employees and advisers disclaimall liability, including liability for negligence, for any loss,damage, injury, expense or cost incurred by any personas a result of accessing, using or relying upon any ofthe information or data set out in this publication to themaximum extent permitted by law.

    Agricultural Sleeper Weeds

    Assessment o Vegetation Condition

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    Climate ChangeCoordinated Land Use Mapping

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    Managing Connected Surace


    Old Growth Forests in Australia

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