scientific basis of krisna counsciousness

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  • 8/13/2019 Scientific Basis of Krisna Counsciousness



    1.The Bewildered Spirit Soul2.Perceiving the Existence of the Supreme Scientist, Lord

    r !"#a3. $hat is the Difficult%&4.The 'ncomplete and Speculative nowledge of Darwin(s

    Theor% of Evolution5.)omplete and Perfect nowledge of Evolution 6. *stric +uthoritative Scriptural- 'n.unctions re the

    Supreme /udgement7.ccepting a Bona 0ide Spiritual 1aster8.)onclusion2out the uthor

    'nternational Societ% for rishna )onsciousness

    2% S345P D617D4 D6S, Ph8D8


    Before ma9ing this hum2le attempt to write a few words a2outthe unlimited and inexhausti2le nectarean 9nowledge of the all:merciful Supreme Personalit% of ;odhead, the supreme scientist,Lord r !"#a, ' offer m% most hum2le o2eisances unto the lotusfeet of m% spiritual master and eternal father,

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    1odern scientists, especiall% geneticists, have gone so far that itappears as if the destin% of man lies in their hands8 The% proclaimthat in the future the% will ma9e human 2eings according todemand and necessit%8i1This sort of scientific revolution started in>?@A with the pu2lication 2% )opernicus, the Polish astronomer, ofthe heliocentric theor% +i8e8, the premise that planets revolvearound the sun-8 E8 E8 Sn%der, in his 2oo9 History of the PhysicalSciences, writes CSince an understanding of the natural worldwas possi2le through science, it was also possi2le through sciencethat man should 2e a2le to alter the world to his own ends andthere2% improve his nature8 The 2urden for man(s progress, then,was on man, not ;od8 ;od created the universe so that it o2e%edcertain natural laws8 These laws were discovered 2% men+scientists- therefore ;od was not particularl% necessar% exceptin a personal sense8C ii2

    1% concern is to show that ;od is still as necessar% as ever, andthat the further advancement of science itself is necessaril%dependent on this understanding8 $e have reached a point in ourtechnological capa2ilit% where humanit%, whose independence isthe cornerstone of the scientific edifice, is threatened 2% its ownachievements8 Doomsa%ers a2ound, 2ut whether the end comes2% 2om2, pollution, automated loneliness, or whether it comes atall, there can 2e no dou2t that a fundamental error is 2eingcommitted in thin9ing that humanit% alone has all the answers8

    Science:that is, o2servation and h%pothesis:is a 2asic fact of themechanics of thought8 $hat is lac9ing is a purpose, and a largerintellectual setting within which this empirical exercise can ta9eplace8

    The word CrevolutionC is appropriate to descri2e the histor% ofscience8 't has 2een most essentiall% a chronolog% of attempts tooverthrow the authorit%, not onl% of the )hurch, which 2urnedBruno at the sta9e, 2ut also of that 9ind of thin9ing called a priori,deductive, su2missive, or faithful, and that Person to whom sucha thin9er pa%s homage:!"#a, ;od8 There is no reason todocument here the progress of this intoxicating re2ellion8 $hat isimportant is that once it started, no one could stop it8

    This 2oo9let is primaril% directed to our scientific friends8 'nsteadof centering one(s consciousness around temporar% machines,one should transfer his consciousness to r !"#a, the supremescientist, 9nowing that

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    There can 2e innumera2le concentric circles around a commoncenter8 Similarl%, all scientists, philosophers, 2usinessmen,politicians, etc8, can engage in !"#a consciousness, 9eeping!"#a in the center of all their activities8!"#a consciousness is defined as Cone(s eternal relationship withthe Supreme Personalit% of ;odhead the ultimate goal of life,

    which is to return home, 2ac9 to ;odhead and the process ofreturning to the spiritual world8Ciii3ero, if it stands alone, has novalue8

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    most powerful 2rain, Lord r !"#a8 The sun that we see dail% isthe nearest star8 't is one hundred earth diameters across and isninet%:three million miles awa% from the earth8 Ever% da% the sunsupplies the solar s%stem with a tremendous amount of heat, lightand energ%8 CThe ver% tin% fraction of the sun(s energ% that fallson the earth:estimated at a2out five parts in a hundred million

    million:is a2out ' KK,KKK times greater than all the energ% used inthe world(s industries8 The total energ% the sun emits in a singlesecond would 2e sufficient to 9eep a one 9ilowatt electric fire2urning for >K,KKK million million %ears8 Put in a different wa%, theenerg% the sun emits in one second is greater than the wholeamount of energ% the human species has consumed throughoutits entire histor%8Civ2et it is onl% one of the countless num2er ofstars floating in the s9% in ever% direction8 $ith the materialscientific 2rain, the thermal, electrical and nuclear powerhouses

    have 2een made8 These can suppl% heat, light and energ% to asmall, limited extent, 2ut Lord !"#a is suppl%ing the wholeplanet with an unlimited source of energ% .ust from one sun8!"#a sa%s CThe splendor of the sun, which dissipates thedar9ness of this whole world, comes from 1e8 nd the splendor ofthe moon and the splendor of fire are also from 1e8C FBg8 >?8>MI

    The planets are revolving in a s%stematic path around the sun8Even within the smallest atom, the electrons are or2iting aroundthe nucleus in a perfect manner8

    Thus, from the su2microscopic realm of the atom to theexpanding reaches of the galactic o2.ects, this material universeis running li9e intricate, well:oiled cloc9wor9 according to greatnatural ph%sical laws and principles8 Scientists have gained greatacclaim for ma9ing a few spaceships, whereas !"#a effortlessl%produces gigantic spaceships, such as planets and stars, whichare perfectl% e=uipped and maintained8 'n Bhagavad-gt !"#asa%s, gm viya ca bhtni dhraymy aham ojsaC' enter intoeach planet, and 2% 1% energ% the% sta% in or2it8C FBg8 >?8>AI Thelaws made 2% the supreme 2rain alwa%s remain perfect the% are

    never violated8 $e never see the sun rising in the west andsetting in the east8 The colorful rain2ow that we o2serve when thesun is shining during a shower is onl% visi2le when the sun is2ehind the o2server, due to the laws of refraction8 lso, each %earthe seasons change =uite periodicall%, producing s%mptomsuni=ue to each season8


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    Jow let us loo9 into some aspects of the Lord(s creation at themolecular level8 )hemists find that the different colors in flowersare due to chemicals called anthoc%anins, and the differentaromas are mostl% due to chemicals called terpenes andterpenoid compounds8 The molecular framewor9s for thesecompounds range from ver% simple structures to ver% complex

    networ9s8 )amphor, for example, is a terpenoid compound, andthe characteristic odor of lemons is due to the molecule calledlimonene, which is one of the simple terpenes8 Similarl%, thecharacteristic colors in carrots and tomatoes are due to moleculescalled carotenoids, which are higher forms of terpenes8 Themolecular framewor9 for each definite color or aroma iswonderfull% uni=ue8 little change in position of a few atoms inthe molecule, a little variation in the geometr% of the molecule ora slight change in the siNe of the molecule can cause a color to

    change from orange to red, a mild, pleasing aroma to 2ecomerepellent and pungent, and a flavor to change from sweet to2itter8 7n one extreme we find the smallest molecule, theh%drogen molecule, which contains onl% two atoms of h%drogen87n the other extreme we find giant molecules such as theproteins and nucleic acids +DJ and 4J-, the 2uilding 2loc9s ofall living material 2odies, which contain innumera2le atoms madefor a definite function8 Similarl%, the cr%stalline pattern of eachdifferent molecule is uni=ue8 The geometrical shape for sodiumchloride +common salt-, for example, is cu2ical8 )harcoal, graphiteand diamonds are all derived from the same element, car2on, and%et the shining and transparent diamond is extremel% hard,whereas graphite is soft, 2lac9 and opa=ue8 This is due to thedifference in the cr%stalline forms of these molecules8 'n thecr%stal lattice of the diamond, each car2on atom is tetrahedrall%surrounded 2% four other car2on atoms at a distance of >8?@angstroms +one angstrom O >K:HQ cm8-8 'n graphite, 2%contrast, the three 2onds of each car2on atom are distorted so asto lie in the same plane, the fourth 2ond 2eing directed

    perpendicularl% to this plane to lin9 with a car2on atom of theneigh2oring la%er8'n this wa% we can cite innumera2le examples of molecularnetwor9s so fantasticall% and delicatel% arranged that chemistscannot 2ut wonder a2out the most expert hand and 2rain who isma9ing all these wonderful artistic arrangements in

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    scientist, r !"#a, are inconceiva2le !acintya"# There is noscientist who can den% it8

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    ta9en care of 2% the drones +male 2ees-, while the wor9ers collectnectar from flowers all da% long8 't is =uite amaNing to considerhow the 2ees, with their tin% 2odies, can collect such a greatamount of hone% for themselves as well as for other livingentities8 'n this wa%, the colon% is maintained with 2eautiful order8Similarl%, the loving relationship 2etween a mother and her 2a2%

    is =uite clearl% visi2le even in ver% small forms of living entities8During the monsoon season in tropical countries, when there aretorrents of rain, the small ants run to find shelter, carr%ing theireggs on their heads8 The spider ma9es its wonderful we2s withgreat architectural s9ill to serve as a shelter as well as to catch itspre% for survival8 Sil9worms spin hundreds of %ards of fine threadsto form cocoons for their shelter during the pupa stage8 'nside atin% seed, smaller than the siNe of a mustard seed, the wholepotenc% of a 2ig 2an%an tree is present8 'n this wa%, we can see

    the wonderful arrangements of the Supreme Lord, who iscreating, maintaining and guiding all living entities, small or 2ig8!"#a sa%s C0urthermore, 7 r.una, ' am the generating seed ofall existences8 There is no 2eing:moving or unmoving:that canexist without 1e8C FBg8 >K8AGI

    The main trou2le with material scientists is that the% generall%neglect the most important and fundamental aspect of theirin=uiries8 0or example, when Jewton saw the falling of the apple,he as9ed wh% and how the apple fell8

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    t the present time the% are speculating that there ma% 2e atenth planet in the solar s%stem, and the% are tr%ing to locateit8vi1-:?8 Thedescription of the material and spiritual universes is completel%given in the Brahma-sa'hit, 0ifth )hapter, and from Bhagavad-gt we get the clear information that the entire material

    universe is onl% one fourth of the creative energ% of the SupremeLord, r !"#a8 The other three fourths of the creative energ% ofthe Lord are manifested in the spiritual s9%, called the3ai9u#halo9a8Lord r )aitan%a 1ah*pra2hu, the golden avatra +incarnation-of the Supreme Personalit% of ;odhead r !"#a, clearl%explained to San*tana ;osv*m, one of the Lord(s intimatedisciples, a2out the nature of these universes8 The Lord explainedthat the material universes have a limited length and 2readth,whereas no one can measure the length and 2readth of all the

    3ai9u#ha planets8 These 3ai9u#ha planets are li9e the petals ofa lotus flower, and the principal part of that flower is the center ofall the 3ai9u#has8 This part is called !"#alo9a, or ;olo9a3!nd*vana8 The Supreme Lord, r !"#a, has

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    9nowledge, 2eaut%, fame and renunciation:and in each and ever%3ai9u#ha planet a different expansion of !"#a has

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    The greatest disease in the minds of the scientists is that the% donot 2elieve that something is a fact unless it is proved 2%scientific experiments8 $hen a scientist ma9es a statement andhe supports that statement with scientific experiments, ever%oneis completel% convinced, and no =uestions are as9ed8 $hen wetal9 a2out the spirit soul to these scientists, their usual response

    is, C

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    of Thermod%namics8 This law, as formulated 2% Planc9, states thatthe entrop% of a perfect cr%stal at a2solute Nero degrees is e=ualto Nero8 0actuall%, there is no means availa2le for measuringdirectl% the a2solute entropies8 Therefore the proof of this law is2e%ond the realm of experimental science8't is also to 2e noted that so:called scientific theories are

    changing constantl%8 0or example, at the 2eginning of theJineteenth )entur% +>HKH-, /ohn Dalton, in developing his atomictheor%, stated that atoms could not 2e further divided8 K8AMI


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    Scientists have to understand that the 9nowledge and a2ilit% the%have is extremel% limited and in fact =uite insignificant8 $ith thisinsignificant and limited 9nowledge, how will it 2e possi2le tounderstand 9nowledge 2e%ond the material context& ctuall%there is no =uestion a2out the existence of the soul8 The livingentities are fragmental spirit souls, whereas Lord !"#a is the

    supreme soul, supreme person and supreme scientist8 !"#asa%s CThe living entities in this conditioned world are 1% eternal,fragmental parts8 Due to conditioned life, the% are struggling ver%hard with the six senses, which include the mind8C FBg8 >?8I lsoC't should 2e understood that all species of life, 7 son of unt,are made possi2le 2% 2irth in this material nature, and that ' amthe seed:giving father8C FBg8 >@8@I

    /ust as the existence of air can 2e felt 2% touch and the existenceof certain molecules 2% fragrance and aroma, similarl%

    consciousness is the clear s%mptom of the existence of the soul8C7 son of Bharata, as the sun alone illuminates all this universe,so does the living entit%, one within the 2od%, illuminate theentire 2od% 2% consciousness8C FBg8 >A8A@I Biologists also confirmthat even the smallest microorganisms, such as 2acteria, haveconsciousness8 $hen consciousness enters into a material 2od%8we call it a living 2od%8

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    each of such parts is divided into one hundred parts, each suchpart is the measurement of the dimension of the spirit soul8C ix8

    Scientists are familiar with the law of conservation of energ%which states that energ% can 2e neither created nor destro%ed8

    The living entities are the superior energ% of the Supreme Lord,r !"#a8 Therefore the soul is eternal8 Cnow that whichpervades the entire 2od% is indestructi2le8 Jo one is a2le todestro% the imperisha2le soul8C FBg8 M8>I The nature of the spiritsoul is ela2oratel% descri2ed in the Second and Thirteenth)hapters of Bhagavad-gt# 7ne simpl% has to ta9e the9nowledge from the supreme scientist, r !"#a, the spea9er ofBhagavad-gt#

    4. The nco$plete and Speculative)nowledge o# Darwin" Theor/ o# volution

    Before )harles Darwin pu2lished his theor% of evolution in >H?G,he fre=uentl% corresponded with 848 $allace, one of hiscontemporar% naturalists8 'n one of his letters to 848 $allace+Decem2er MM, >H?-, Darwin wrote, C888 ' am a firm 2eliever thatwithout speculation there is no good and original o2servation8888( x1

    Thus, one does not need to ma9e an extensive stud% in order tounderstand his theor%8 HA>:>HAR-8 Ever%sensi2le person 9nows that speculative 9nowledge is =uite falli2le8

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    short notes these ' enlarged in >H@@ into a s9etch of theconclusions, which seemed to me pro2a2le from that period tothe present da% ' have steadil% pursued the same o2.ect8 'nconsidering the 7rigin of Species, it is =uite conceiva2le that anaturalist might come to the conclusion that species had not 2eenindependentl% created, 2ut had descended, li9e varieties from

    other species8Cxi2Darwin has no 9nowledge a2out the nature of the spirit soul8

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    )omplete and perfect 9nowledge of evolution in minute detail is

    availa2le in the 3edic literatures8

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    material 2odies, giving up the old and useless ones8C FBg8 M8MMI 'nthis wa% the transmigration of the soul is going on8s we noted from Brahma-vaivarta P$r1a, the most importantspecies of life is the human 2eing8 The )ednta-stra instructs,athto brahma-jij0s CJow, therefore, in this human form of life,it is time to in=uire a2out spiritual realiNation8Cxvi4$ho am '& $hatis the real mission of human life& $hat is the ultimate purpose ofour existence& Ever% intelligent person must as9 these =uestionsand should search for the right answers from the right source8 So:called modern educators claim that the purpose of education is tosolve the pro2lems of life8 But in actualit% the% are teaching theirstudents how to increase sense gratification more and more,there2% creating more and more paths to degradation8 CThusperplexed 2% various anxieties and 2ound 2% a networ9 ofillusions Fin terms of increased sense gratificationI, one 2ecomes

    too strongl% attached to sense en.o%ment and falls down intohell8C FBg8 >R8>RI 'n modern universities and colleges no oneteaches the science 2% which to answer the =uestion C$ho am '&Crla Pra2hup*da 9indl% points out, CThere are so man%departments in a universit% technological, medical, engineering,etc8 But where is the department to 9now and understand whatthis life is, what ;od is, and what our relationship is&C xvii6The mostimportant department of education, that which teaches the realmission of human life, is completel% left out8 Scientists claim that

    modern science is a product of man(s curiosit% to 9now8 $h%aren(t the% curious to 9now who we are and what our relationshipis with the Supreme Lord, the supreme scientist, r !"#a& The)edas give all the answers perfectl%8Lower forms of life such as animals, 2irds and plants do not sufferfrom sinful activities 2ecause the% never violate the laws ofnature8 tiger, for instance, does not commit sinful activit% 2%9illing its pre% 2ecause his 2od% is meant to act in that wa% it isproperl% e=uipped for that purpose8

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    developed8 Lord !"#a sa%s C$hatever state of 2eing oneremem2ers when he =uits his 2od%, that state he will attainwithout fail8C FBg8 H8RI 0rom the human platform the spirit soulcan escape the misera2le wheel of 2irth and death 2% developing!"#a consciousness8 Cnd whoever, at the time of death, =uitshis 2od%, remem2ering 1e alone, at once attains 1% nature8 7f

    this there is no dou2t8C FBg8 H8?I This is evolution from thematerial platform to the spiritual platform8Lower forms of life +animals, 2irds, plants, etc8- are not favora2l%situated for ta9ing to !"#a consciousness 2ecause the% are notintelligent enough to understand this great science8 7n the otherhand, it is understood from 3edic literature that there aredemigods who are more elevated than human 2eings, 2ut theirposition is also not favora2le for ta9ing to !"#a consciousness2ecause the% are too materiall% opulent8 Too much material

    opulence is also a dis=ualification for ta9ing up !"#aconsciousness8 C'n the minds of those who are too attached tosense en.o%ment and material opulence, and who are 2ewildered2% such things, the resolute determination of devotional serviceto the Supreme Lord does not ta9e place8C FBg8 M8@@I That is wh%it is an a2solute necessit% for all sane human 2eings to ta9e up!"#a consciousness from this human platform, which is theintermediate 2irth 2etween the demigods and the lower forms oflife8 7therwise, the precious human form of life will simpl% 2ewasted8

    6. '"tric uthoritative Scripturalnunction" re the Supre$e 9udge$ent

    $e understand that our 9nowledge and intelligence are extremel%limited8 7ur 2rains are tin%, our senses and scientific e=uipmentare imperfect, and our vision is limited8 $ith all these imperfectmeans, how will it 2e possi2le to comprehend the 9nowledge+science- 2e%ond& ttempting to understand unlimited 9nowledge2% one(s own limited means in the name of doing research issimpl% a waste of valua2le time and energ%8 rla Pra2hup*daver% 9indl% explains that 2% the mature research wor9 of rla


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    3%*sadeva, an avatra +incarnation- of the Supreme Personalit% of;odhead

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    argue a2out or o2.ect to this point8 Similarl%, when a child learnsthat two times two is e=ual to four from his father and he tells thesame thing to a professor of mathematics, the professor has toagree that the child is spea9ing perfectl%8 The child ma% not 2eperfect, 2ut the 9nowledge that he is spea9ing is perfect 2ecausehe has ta9en it from an authorit%8 Similarl%, all the 3edic

    9nowledge is infalli2le8 0or example, it has 2een mentioned in the)edas that cow dung is pure whereas other stool is impure, andmodern science has found this to 2e true8 't has 2een scientificall%confirmed 2% chemical anal%sis that cow dung indeed containsvarious antiseptic properties8

    There are four principal defects inherent in the conditioned soul,namel%, imperfect senses, the propensit% to cheat, suret% ofcommitting mista9es and suret% of 2eing illusioned8 Therefore, theconditioned soul is completel% unfit to ma9e an% rules and

    regulations8 The in.unctions laid down in the stras +authoritativescriptures- are a2ove these four defects8 Therefore, all the greatsaints and cryas +hol% teachers- accept the scripturalin.unctions completel%, without adulteration8 7ur position issimpl% to accept the supreme authorit% without =uestion8 'n thiswa%, one can understand the Supreme Lord and supremescientist, Lord r !"#a, through authorit%8 7ne can perceive ordetect

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    Cou are the Supreme Brahman, the ultimate, the supreme a2odeand purifier, the 2solute Truth and the eternal divine person8 ouare the primal ;od, transcendental and original, and ou are theun2orn and all:pervading 2eaut%8 ll the great sages such asJ*rada, sita, Devala, and 3%*sa proclaim this of ou, and now

    ou ourself are declaring it to me8C FBg8 >K8>M:>AI 'n the same

    wa%, all the mahjanas +great self:realiNed personalities- li9ePrahl*da 1ah*r*.a, u9adeva ;osv*m and Bali 1ah*r*.a, thegreat cryas +hol% teachers- li9e 1adhv*c*r%a, 4*m*nu.*c*r%aand Lord r )aitan%a 1ah*pra2hu, all m% predecessor gurus+spiritual masters- in disciplic succession and now m% spiritualmaster and eternal father,

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    the first explosion of a nuclear device, which was 2eingconsidered for use as the Cultimate weaponC to win the war8 'ntheir 2un9er, as the% confronted the terrif%ing, spectacular powerof the 2om2, Dr8 7ppenheimer =uoted a verse from theBhagavad-gt, CTime ' am, the destro%er of the worlds888,C nodou2t fearing that it would ta9e a person as intelligent as ;od to

    2e a2le to use atomic energ% properl%, and that humanit% mightnot 2e e=ual to the tas98 To 9now that answer for certain, whichevidence will 2e sufficient for us& The su2lime words of the 3t,or the 2rute force of histor%&

    7. ccepting a Bona :ide Spiritual ;a"ter

    n% sincere soul who is searching for spiritual science must tr% tosee9 out a 2ona fide spiritual master in disciplic succession+parampar-8Lord r !"#a is the original spiritual master8 The3edic 9nowledge, as it is, has 2een handed down from master todisciple, one after another8 Even on the mundane platform, ifsomeone wants to learn chemistr%, he has to approach aprofessor of chemistr% how much greater, then, is the need toapproach a 2ona fide spiritual master to attain the supreme

    spiritual perfection, !"#a consciousness8 't is a2solutel%necessar% for a sincere soul to approach a 2ona fide spiritualmaster and surrender unto the lotus feet of the spiritual masterwithout reservation8 Lord r )aitan%a 1ah*pra2hu instructedSan*tana ;osv*m thus CThe first and foremost thing is that oneshould accept a 2ona fide spiritual master8 That is the 2eginningof spiritual life8((xix1

    The s%mptoms of a 2ona fide guru +spiritual master- and devoteeare descri2ed in the Padma Pur*#a8 C person who is a =ualified2r*hma#a, and at the same time =ualified with all the s%mptomsof a devotee, can 2ecome the spiritual master of all classes ofmen, and such a devotee and spiritual master must 2e respectedas ;od

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    a person is full% conversant with the science of !"#a, !"#aconsciousness, he can 2ecome a 2ona fide spiritual master,initiator, or teacher of the science8 'n other words, his capa2ilit%to 2ecome a 2ona fide spiritual master depends on his sufficient9nowledge of the science of !"#a, !"#a consciousness it doesnot depend on 2irth or a particular position in societ%8Cxxi3 The=ualifications of a 2ona fide spiritual master are also descri2ed inthe *rmad-Bhgavatam, Eleventh )anto, where the sagePra2uddha tells 1ah*r*.a Jimi C1% dear ing, please 9now forcertain that in the material world there is no happiness8 't issimpl% a mista9e to thin9 that there is happiness here 2ecausethis place is full of nothing 2ut misera2le conditions8 n% personwho is seriousl% desirous of achieving real happiness must see9out a 2ona fide spiritual master and ta9e shelter of him 2%initiation8 The =ualification of a spiritual master is that he must

    have realiNed the conclusion of the scriptures 2% deli2eration andarguments and thus 2e a2le to convince others of theseconclusions8 Such great personalities who have ta9en shelter ofthe Supreme ;odhead, leaving aside all material considerations,are to 2e understood as 2ona fide spiritual masters8 Ever%oneshould tr% to find such a 2ona fide spiritual master in order tofurfill his mission of life, which is to transfer himself to the place ofspiritual 2liss8Cxxii4The sage further continued C1% dear ing, adisciple has to accept the spiritual master not onl% as spiritual

    master, 2ut also as the representative of the Supreme Personalit%of ;odhead and the Supersoul8 'n other words, the disciple shouldaccept the spiritual master as ;od 2ecause he is the externalmanifestation of !"#a8Cxxiii5

    'ndeed, this material world is a vast ocean of sufferings andmiseries, and the waves of my +illusion- are constantl% 9ic9ingthe living entities8 Therefore, undou2tedl%, all human 2eingsurgentl% need the 9ind and a2le guidance of an expert captain tocross this vast ocean of ali:%uga8 'f we are in the hands of an

    expert captain, our position is =uite safe8 The 2ona fide spiritualmaster in disciplic succession is, un=uestiona2l%, an expertcaptain8 7ur material 2odies are the ships, and the words of!"#a are the favora2le winds8 'f one ta9es shelter of such aspiritual master, there is no difficult% in crossing this vast ocean ofali:%uga8 'n Bhagavad-gt Lord !"#a instructs r.una C/ust tr%to learn the truth 2% approaching a spiritual master8 'n=uire from


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    him su2missivel% and render service unto him8 The self:realiNedsoul can impart 9nowledge unto %ou 2ecause he has seen thetruth8C FBg8 @8A@I lso in the 3edic literatures we find

    yasya deve par bha.tir yath deve tath g$ra$tasyaite .athit hy arth% pra.ante mahtrnana%

    C7nl% unto those great souls who have implicit faith in 2oth theLord and the spiritual master are all the imports of 3edic9nowledge automaticall% revealed8Cxxiv7

    Therefore, we simpl% have to depend on the 9ind and causelessmerc% of the spiritual master and the Supreme Personalit% of;odhead, Lord r !"#a8 Lord )aitan%a 1ah*pra2hu sa%s CB%the merc% of !"#a one gets a spiritual master, and 2% the merc%of the spiritual master one gets !"#a8C 'n Bhagavad-gt it isstated CThe Supreme Lord is situated in ever%one(s heart, 7r.una, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, whoare seated as on a machine, made of the material energ%8C FBg8>H8R>I $hen the Supreme Lord within the heart sees the sincerit%of the conditioned soul,

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    philosophers cannot give transcendental 9nowledge to theirstudents8 The% have no =ualifications to do so8

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    master in all circumstances8 Therefore, one should execute theorders of the spiritual master one hundred per cent, without an%tinge of personal motivation8

    8. onclu"ion

    'n a transcendental discourse 2etween Lord r )aitan%a1ah*pra2hu and r 4*m*nanda 4*%a, one of the greatestdevotees of the Lord, the Lord in=uired from 4*m*nanda 4*%aC$hat is the highest standard of education&C 4*m*nandaimmediatel% replied that the highest standard of education is to9now the science of !"#a8 *rmad-Bhgavatam sa%s that

    3*sudeva +another name of Lord r !"#a or ;od- is theultimate o2.ect of 9nowledge

    vs$deva-par ved vs$deva-par ma.h%vs$deva-par yog vs$deva-par% .riy%vs$deva-para' j0na' vs$deva-para' tapa%vs$deva-paro dharmo vs$deva-par gati%

    nowledge i" 'r( )*+,a% the Per"onalit/ o# ?odhead. The

    purpo"e o# per#or$ing "acri#ice i" to plea"e @i$. Yoga i"#or realiAing @i$. ll #ruitive activitie" are ulti$atel/rewarded =/ @i$ onl/. @e i" "upre$e >nowledge% and all"evere au"teritie" are per#or$ed to >now @i$. eligionCdhar$a i" rendering loving "ervice unto @i$. @e i" the"upre$e goal o# li#e.8M8MH:MGI

    The process of realiNing >8?@I

    The conditioned living entities should perform yaj0as +sacrifices-for the satisfaction of 3i"#u +!"#a-8 3i"#u is also called


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    a.WeUvara, the Lord of all sacrifices8 'n Bhagavad-gt the all:merciful r !"#a sa%s to r.una C7 2est of the uru d%nast%,without sacrifice one can never live happil% on this planet or inthis life what then of the next&C FBg8 @8A>I Lord r )aitan%a1ah*pra2hu, the merc% incarnation of the Supreme Personalit% of;odhead Lord r !"#a, introduced the sa2.rtana-yaj0a +the

    chanting and glorification of the names of ;od- ?KK %ears ago forthe deliverance of al' men in this age of ali8 The Lord(sincarnation is mentioned in the *rmad-Bhgavatam as follows

    .(&1a-var1a' tvi&.(&1a' s2gop2gstra-pr&adamyaj0ai% sa2.rtana-pryair yajanti hi s$-medhasa%

    C'n this age of ali, people who are endowed with sufficientintelligence will worship the Lord, who is accompanied 2% >8?8AMI

    rla Pra2hup*da states C6rtana means Hari-.rtana,glorification of

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    $e therefore hum2l% re=uest ever%one:scientists, philosophers,2usinessmen, politicians, etc8:to please chant the rnah-mantraGR>he earned his B8S8 degree, with highest honors in )hemistr% from;auhati Zniversit%, and he earned his master(s degree in)hemical Engineering and )hemical Technolog% with similarhonors from )alcutta Zniversit% in >GR@8 GR@:>GRR-8llured 2% material advancement, he came to the Znited States ofmerica and .oined the Department of )hemistr%, )anisius

    )ollege, Buffalo, Jew or9, in >GR and o2tained an 18S8 degreein )hemistr% in >GRG8 Then he .oined the Department of)hemistr%, Zniversit% of )alifornia, 'rvine, where he is finished hisPh8D8 in Ph%sical 7rganic )hemistr% in /une of >G@8 Jow he iswor9ing as a Post:Doctoral 4esearch ssociate at Emor%Zniversit% in tlanta, ;eorgia8CEarl% in >GK,C he relates, C' got a ca2legram from 1anipursa%ing (our mother expired, 1arch M@, >GK saradha pril R,>GK8( 0rom that ver% moment, m% outloo9 a2out life 2ecame=uite changed8 ' was ver% much occupied with thoughts of the

    extremel% temporar% nature, filled with sufferings and miseries, ofthis material world8 7ne evening in /une, >GK, Dr8 4ao, later4*m*nanda Pra2hu, and ' went to Laguna Beach and saw four orfive disciples of

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    doing8 Soon, one of the devotees stopped 2% and gave us a cardinviting us to come for a Sunda% love feast8 7n that da%, ' 2oughta small 2oo9 entitled 6(&1a, the 9eservoir of Pleas$re, 2% rlaPra2hup*da8 few da%s later, under Dr8 4ao(s strong influence, 'went with him to see rla Pra2hup*da in Los ngeles8 This wastoward the end of /une >GK, when Dr8 4ao was initiated8

    C$hen ' saw the devotees in the Los ngeles Temple, ' suddenl%felt that ' should 2e living li9e them8 ' vividl% remem2er the2eautiful loving exchange of flowers 2etween GR?,

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    old children in the pu2lic schools on St8 Thomas8 ' dedicate eachda% of teaching to the spiritual 1aster and Lord !"#a8 1% .o2 isver% difficult and tiring8 t times ' feel discouraged 2% the factthat ' am too wea9 to remain stead% in !"#a consciousness whileat wor9 +not to spea9 of at home-8 et ' feel that m% 2est serviceto the Lord is to strive for pure devotion in m% teaching duties8

    ' have found it eas% to give up m% practice of flesh:eating,mari.uana smo9ing, and use of intoxicants8 But m% mind oftenseems uncontrolla2le8 ' would li9e to see

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    came into m% possession a cop% of the 2oo9 Bhagavad-gt s /t/s# lthough ' am so far onl% up to )hapter @, the idea of rishnaconsciousness has ta9en possession of m% thin9ing8' would appreciate it if %ou would let me 9now how one can learnfurther a2out this matter8 Jote ' am age ?K and am not loo9ingfor an%thing complicated, 2ut somehow ' feel that this is not


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    information a2out %our movement&

    ours ver% trul%,nders 0ranNenLast %ear in /une, ' came for the first time in contact with %ourmovement8 ' provided m%self with some of %our 2oo9s 2ecause 'was interested in %our bha.ti-yoga s%stem8 Especiall% the 2oo9+opani&ad struc9 me ver% much 2ecause of the deep andela2orate devotional purports and the ver% special translation8 'thin9 that the Swami must 2e a ver% devoted and educated man,one of the rare true servants of ;od8$ith 9indest regards,388 van B%lert

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    i1. To$ Pa">al% tivedanta Swa$i Pra=hupda% Teachings of Lord Caitanya Hew Ior>% &o" ngele"% &ondon andBo$=a/G The Bha>tivedanta Boo> Tru"t% 1E681% p. 23.

    iv:red @o/le% "trono$/ ?arden it/% Hew Ior>G Dou=leda/ and o$pan/% 1E62% p. 232.

    v9a$e" @. )rieger% he$ical and ngineering Hew"% ;arch 12% 1E73% p.16.

    viD. awlin" and ;. @a$$erton% G .. Horton and o.% 1E7-% p. 66.

    xiharle" Darwin% The Frigin o# Specie"% Hew Ior>G D. ppleton and o$pan/% 1883% pp. 1K2 italic" added.xiilvar llegard% Darwin and the ?eneral eader ?ote=ergG lander" Bo>tr/c>eri >tie=olag% 1E58% p. 217.

    xiii.. Bha>tivedanta Swa$i Pra=hupda% -haga"! /s 0t 0sHew Ior>G The ;ac$illan o$pan/%1E72% p. 456.

    xiv1. -rah#a."ai"arta Pur!1a.

    xvPad#a Pur!1a.


    xvii.. Bha>tivedanta Swa$i Pra=hupada% tivedanta Swa$i Pra=hupda% The Nectar of +e"otion Hew Ior>% &o" ngele"% &ondon andBo$=a/G Bha>tivedanta Boo> Tru"t% 1E7-% p. 58.

    xxiii=id.% p. 5E.

    xxiv5"et!"atara 67ani8ad% 6.23.

    xxv11. Pra=hupda% Teachings of Lord Caitanya% p. 172.

    xxvi12. Pra=hupada% Nectar of +e"otion% p. 1-3.

    xxviiiLvantha a>ravart( Qh>ura% 5r 4ur"a89aka, ver"e 8.

    xxviii.. Bha>tivedanta Swa$i Pra=hupda%