science learning outcomes

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  • 7/31/2019 Science Learning Outcomes


    analyse the growth curve for male and female,

    apply the principle of expansion and contraction of matter in solving simple problems.

    apply the use of spring and beam/lever balance in the context of an experiment.

    appreciate the uniqueness, orderliness, beauty and harmony in the Universe as a sign of the glory of God,

    arrange in order the components in the electricity transmission and distribution system,

    arrange sequentially cell organisation from simple to complex using the terms cell, tissue, organ, system an

    build a complete electric circuit,build a parallel circuit,

    build a series circuit,

    calculate power on the work done.

    calculate the amount of current flowing through an electrical appliance,

    calculate the work done.

    carry out a scientific investigation.

    carry out activities to compare and contrast the properties of different metals and non-metals,

    carry out activities to explore the densities of objects and liquids.

    carry out activities to separate the components of a mixture.

    carry out activities to show that air, water, soil and living things have mass and occupy space.

    carry out activities to show: a) the percentage of oxygen in air, b) that air contains water vapour, microorgan

    carry out an activity to explore the applications of the concept of floating and sinking related to density.carry out an activity to investigate the change of energy from potential to kinetic energy and vice versa.

    carry out an experiment to investigate the use of different materials as heat insulators.

    carry out an experiment to show how different types of surfaces affect frictional force,

    carry out experiments to investigate combustion.

    carry out experiments to investigate heat absorption and heat release.

    carry out the experiment to study the conditions required for the germination of seeds,

    carry out the experiment to study the relationship between resistance and current,

    carry out the experiment to study the relationship between voltage and current,

    choose a suitable test for oxygen and carbon dioxide

    choose the right tool and measure length,

    choose the right tool and measure the volume of liquid,

    choose the right tool to measure the body temperature and the temperature of a liquid,classify animals and plants according to their ways of reproduction.

    classify elements as metals and non-metals based on their characteristics,

    classify flowering plants according to the parts that can reproduce vegetatively,

    classify levers,

    classify plants based on their support systems.

    classify various animals based on common characteristics,

    classify various plants based on common characteristics,

    combine a few food chains to construct a food web,

    compare and contrast a series circuit and a parallel circuit in terms of current, voltage and resistance.

    compare and contrast a step-up transformer and a step-down transformer,

    compare and contrast between evaporation and boiling,

    compare and contrast male and female gametes in terms of size, numbers and and contrast oxygenated and deoxygenated blood,

    compare and contrast self- pollination and cross-pollination,

    compare and contrast sexual and asexual reproduction,

    compare and contrast the arrangement of components in a series circuit and a parallel circuit.

    compare and contrast the generation of electrical energy in various types of power stations,

    compare and contrast the growth rate in male and female,

    compare and contrast the stars based on certain characteristics,

  • 7/31/2019 Science Learning Outcomes


    compare and contrast the structure of arteries, veins and capillaries,

    compare and contrast the support system between land and aquatic invertebrates.

    compare and contrast the support system between land and aquatic vertebrates,

    compare the strengths and weaknesses of the various types of water purification.

    construct a pyramid number from a food chain,

    contrast and compare between dilute solution, concentrated and saturated solution,

    control the variables that are required for photosynthesis,debate on the abuse of birth control and its effects on the community,

    define density,

    define renewable and non-renewable sources of energy,

    define what a star is,

    describe fertilisation in human,

    describe fertilisation in plants,

    describe how a transformer works,

    describe how donated blood is stored and handled.

    describe how electricity is transmitted and distributed from power stations to consumers.

    describe how life will be if force does not exist.

    describe how life would be without clean air,

    describe how man applies the concept of density,describe how man solves problems related to environment,

    describe how man uses the different states of matter,

    describe how static electrical charges can be produced in some materials,

    describe how the factors affect the rate of transpiration,

    describe how the water supply system works,

    describe how we hear.

    describe how we see.

    describe how wilting occurs,

    describe internal and external fertilisation,

    describe the application of research carried out on vegetative reproduction in agriculture.

    describe the application of the evaporation of water in daily life.

    describe the breathing mechanism.describe the changes in female during puberty,

    describe the changes in male during puberty.

    describe the changes in the uterus wall during menstrual cycle,

    describe the characteristics of the Sun,

    describe the characteristics of the various fractions from the fractional distillation of petroleum,

    describe the circulatory system as a system of tubes with a pump and valves that ensure one-way flow of bl

    describe the current flowing through the components in a parallel circuit,

    describe the current flowing through the components in a series circuit,

    describe the death of stars,

    describe the development of a zygote into an embryo and subsequently into a foetus until birth.

    describe the developments in space exploration,

    describe the developments in the field of astronomy,describe the diffusion of oxygen from the alveoli into the blood capillaries,

    describe the diffusion of oxygen from the blood capillaries into the cells.

    describe the directions of current and electron flow in an electric circuit.

    describe the effect of the change in voltage on current,

    describe the effects of air pollution,

    describe the effects of nutrition on the growth in children.

    describe the effects of the change in resistance on current,

  • 7/31/2019 Science Learning Outcomes


    describe the expanse of the Universe compared to Earth,

    describe the flow of food particles in the alimentary canal,

    describe the formation of calcium oxide and calcium hydroxide,

    describe the formation of stars,

    describe the fractional distillation of petroleum,

    describe the function of fuse in electrical wiring system,

    describe the functions of stomata,describe the functions of the components in the electricity transmission and distribution system,

    describe the functions of the different parts of the female reproductive system,

    describe the functions of the different parts of the male reproductive system,

    describe the functions of the kidney,

    describe the functions of the male and female reproductive parts of a flower in sexual reproduction.

    describe the functions of the parts of an electrical wiring system,

    describe the functions of xylem and phloem.

    describe the generation of electrical energy in various types of power stations,

    describe the importance of conserving energy sources,

    describe the meaning of menstruation,

    describe the menstrual cycle,

    describe the methods of birth control,describe the Milky Way,

    describe the physical changes of seedlings during germination,

    describe the physical characteristics of water,

    describe the process of digestion in the alimentary canal,

    describe the process of inhalation and exhalation,

    describe the properties of calcium carbonate,

    describe the properties of light i.e. reflection and refraction,

    describe the properties of minerals,

    describe the properties of sound,

    describe the reactions between metals and non-metals,

    describe the resistance in a parallel circuit,

    describe the resistance in a series circuit,describe the role of earth wire in electrical wiring system.

    describe the role of the blood circulatory system in the transport of substances,

    describe the roles of transformer in the transmission and distribution of electricity.

    describe the roles of transpiration,

    describe the shape of the kidney,

    describe the steps to be taken when accidents involving electricity occur,

    describe the transport of oxygen by blood,

    describe the Universe,

    describe the uses of the various fractions of petroleum,

    describe the various types of water purification,

    describe the voltage across the components in a parallel circuit,

    describe the voltages across the components in a series circuit,describe the ways plants eliminate their excretory products,

    describe the wiring in a 3-pin plug.

    describe ways to conserve electricity,

    describe ways to detect static electrical charges,

    describe ways to overcome sterility,

    describe what a magnetic field is,

    describe what a mineral is,

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    describe what an electromagnet is.

    describe what electrostatics is,

    describe what growth is,

    describe what pollination is,

    describe what transpiration is,

    design an experiment to study the conditions required for the germination of seeds,

    design an experiment to study the relationship between resistance and current,design an experiment to study the relationship between voltage and current,

    design or improvise a device that use the principle of a lever.

    desribe the formation of fruits and seeds.

    determine the composition of water,

    determine the mass of an object,

    determine the point of equilibrium in regular and irregular shapes,

    determine the suitable rating of a fuse for an electrical appliance,

    determine the volume of solid using the water displacement method.

    determine the weight of an object,

    draw a diagram of a complete circuit,

    draw conclusion on the sensitivity of the skin at different parts of the body towards stimuli.

    draw conclusions on the conditions required for germination of seeds.draw the directions of the magnetic field,

    draw the general structure of an animal cell and a plant cell,

    draw the magnetic field of a bar magnet,

    estimate the area of regular and irregular shapes using graph paper,

    estimate the calories of food taken in a meal,

    explain defecation,

    explain everyday phenomena caused by static electrical charges,

    explain how a spring balance works,

    explain how the factors affect a balanced diet,

    explain stereophonic hearing.

    explain that change in state of matter involves the absorption and release of heat,

    explain the advantage and the disadvantage of a parallel circuit,explain the advantage and the disadvantage of a series circuit.

    explain the advantages and disadvantages of friction,

    explain the advantages of cross-pollination,

    explain the concept of mass,

    explain the concept of weight,

    explain the contributions of petroleum and natural gas industry to the economic development of our country,

    explain the defects of hearing,

    explain the difference between mass and weight,

    explain the diversity of living organisms in a habitat,

    explain the effect of water pollution on living things,

    explain the effects of forces,

    explain the effects of human activities on the balance in nature,explain the effects of pollutants on the respiratory system,

    explain the effects of the phenomena on the surface of the Sun on the Earth,

    explain the existence of air pressure with reference to the Kinetic Theory,

    explain the factors affecting air pressure.

    explain the factors affecting the solubility of solutes in water,

    explain the formation of natural fuel resources,

    explain the function of the different parts of the ear,

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    explain the functions of different parts of the eye,

    explain the functions of the different parts of a seed,

    explain the importance of avoiding the intake of substances that are harmful to the foetus.

    explain the importance of biodiversity to the environment.

    explain the importance of excretion.

    explain the importance of maintaining a healthy heart.

    explain the importance of maintaining healthy kidneys.explain the importance of personal hygiene during menstruation.

    explain the importance of research on human reproduction.

    explain the importance of science in everyday life,

    explain the importance of the Sun and the Moon to life on Earth.

    explain the importance of variety of earths resources to man,

    explain the importance of water as a universal solvent in life,

    explain the meaning of neutralisation,

    explain the process of absorption of the products of digestion,

    explain the reflection and absorption of sound,

    explain the role of photosynthesis in maintaining a balanced ecosystem

    explain the steps needed to prevent and control air pollution.

    explain the steps taken to preserve and conserve living organisms,explain the support system in vertebrates and the various support systems in invertebrates,

    explain the use and management of energy sources.

    explain the use of a magnet in a compass.

    explain the various support systems in woody and non- woody plants,

    explain the various types of forces.

    explain through examples the effects of impurities on the physical characteristics of water.

    explain through examples that minerals exist in the form of natural elements or natural compounds,

    explain through examples the advantages and disadvantages of biological control in regulating the number

    explain through examples the classes of food,

    explain through examples the definition of acid and alkali,

    explain through examples the factors that affect the rate of evaporation of water with reference to the Kineti

    explain through examples the interdependence among living organisms and the environment to create a balexplain through examples the uses of neutralisation in daily life.

    explain through examples the uses of silicon compounds in our daily life

    explain ways of rectifying the defects in hearing,

    explain ways to preserve water and its quality.

    explain ways to control water pollution,

    explain ways to correct vision defects,

    explain ways to increase friction,

    explain ways to reduce friction,

    explain ways to save water.

    explain what air pollution is,

    explain what conservation and preservation are,

    explain what digestion is,explain what evaporation is,

    explain what excretion is,

    explain what is meant by the moment of a force,

    explain what matter is,

    explain what producers, consumers and decomposers are,

    explain what solubility is,

    explain what solute, solvent and solution are,

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    explain what suspension is,

    explain why air is a mixture,

    explain why human beings are complex organisms.

    explain why some objects and liquids float,

    explain why we need to conserve energy,

    explain with example the existence of frictional force,

    explain with examples how work is done,explain with examples the application of friction in daily life.

    explain with examples the application of stability in life.

    explain with examples the applications of technology related to space exploration and astronomy,

    explain with examples the interactions between living organisms,

    explain with examples the meaning of vegetative reproduction,

    explain with examples the use of expansion and contraction of matter in daily life,

    explain with examples the uses of cross-pollination in agriculture

    explain with examples things that use the principle of air pressure,

    generate ideas on how to use natural fuel resources efficiently.

    generate ideas to solve problems using the principle of air pressure,

    give examples of alternative sources of energy.

    give examples of daily observations which show a change in state of matter.give examples of elements, compounds and mixtures,

    give examples of heat flow in natural phenomena,

    give examples of metals and non-metals,

    give examples of problems that may arise if standard units are not used.

    give examples of sources of electrical energy used in everyday life,

    give examples of the uses of heat,

    give examples of unicellular organism and multicellular organism.

    give examples of water pollutants,

    give examples on the uses of organic solvents in our everyday life.

    group the various sources of energy into renewable and non-renewable,

    identify and relate a sensory organ to its stimulus,

    identify and use appropriate prefixes in the measurement of length and mass.identify energy changes,

    identify load, force and fulcrum in the lever,

    identify oxygen and carbon dioxide based on their properties,

    identify that cell is the basic unit of living things,

    identify the activities that cause electricity wastage,

    identify the appropriate device to overcome the limitations of sight.

    identify the bright stars in the sky,

    identify the characteristics used to measure growth rate,

    identify the components of an electric circuit and their symbols,

    identify the different areas of the tongue that respond to different taste,

    identify the different parts of a flower,

    identify the different parts of a transformer,identify the elements in natural compounds,

    identify the excretory organs in humans,

    identify the excretory products of plants.

    identify the factors affecting the rate of transpiration,

    identify the general structures of animal cells and plant cells,

    identify the instrument for measuring current,

    identify the instrument for measuring voltage,

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    identify the location of implantation of embryo,

    identify the location where fertilisation occurs in flower,

    identify the locations of kidneys and other parts of the urinary system,

    identify the locations of xylem and phloem,

    identify the male and female gametes,

    identify the male and female reproductive parts of a flower,

    identify the parts in an electrical wiring system,identify the parts of plants sensitive to specific stimulus,

    identify the parts of the digestive system,

    identify the parts of the female reproductive system,

    identify the parts of the male reproductive system,

    identify the phenomena occurring on the surface of the Sun,

    identify the position of the sensory cells in the detection of smell.

    identify the producer, consumer and decomposer in a food web,

    identify the properties of acid, identify the properties of alkali,

    identify the structure of a seed,

    identify the structure of the human ear,

    identify the structure of the human eye,

    identify the structure of the human heart,identify the structure of the human respiratory system,

    identify the structure of the human skin involved in stimuli detection,

    identify the structure of the lung,

    identify the structure of the nose,

    identify the structures of the kidney,

    identify the structures of the Sun,

    identify the substances which are acidic or alkaline in everyday life,

    identify the Sun as a star,

    identify the sun as the primary source of energy,

    identify the type of electric current supplied to homes,

    identify the types of fuses,

    identify the various forms of calcium carbonate,identify various habitats in one ecosystem,

    illustrate the path of blood flow in the circulatory system,

    investigate the pathway of water in a cut stem using a suitable stains,

    justify that human need a stable, productive and balanced ecosystem.

    justify the generous distribution of food to the underprivileged / needy,

    justify the importance of blood donation,

    justify the importance of conservation and preservation of living organisms,

    justify the importance of eating nutritious food,

    justify the importance of interaction between living organisms and the environment,

    justify the importance of the support system to living things.

    justify the need for having safety precautions and safety features at home to prevent electrical accidents

    justify the need to continue space exploration.justify the needs for conserving electricity,

    label the general structure of an animal cell and a plant cell,

    list examples of air pollutants,

    list the diseases that affect the respiratory system,

    list the end products of digestion of carbohydrate, protein and fats.

    list the natural fuel resources,

    list the natural sources of water,

  • 7/31/2019 Science Learning Outcomes


    list the products of combustion,

    list the properties of oxygen and carbon dioxide,

    list the resources on earth needed to sustain life,

    list the resources on earth used in everyday life.

    list the sources of air pollutants,

    list the substances which are harmful to the respiratory system,

    list the types of interactions between living organisms,list the various forms of energy,

    list the various sources of energy,

    list the various types of generators,

    list things around them that use the principle of the lever,

    list uses of heat conductors and heat insulators in daily life,

    list what he sees around him that is related to science,

    make hypotheses on the conditions required for the germination of seeds,

    make inference about the absorption of glucose through a Visking tube.

    match the blood group of the donor to that of the recipient,

    measure current in an electric circuit,

    measure the magnitude of force.

    measure voltage in an electric some careers in science such as:a) science teachers b) doctors c) engineers d) environmental scient

    name the different types of human cells,

    plan a balanced diet.

    practise good habits to improve the quality of air.

    practise habits that keep the air clean.

    practise reducing the use, reusing and recycling of materials.

    predict problems our country would face if there is a shortage of electricity.

    predict the consequences if a certain component of living organisms in the ecosystem is missing.

    prepare slides following the proper procedure,

    put in practice good eating habits,

    put into practice the principle of heat flow to provide comfortable living.

    recall the relationship between electrical energy usage, power and time,relate magnetic field lines and strength to magnetic field,

    relate the centre of gravity to the stability of objects.

    relate the changes of air pressure in the thoracic cavity to inhalation and exhalation,

    relate the characteristics of flowers to their agents of pollination,

    relate the characteristics of the blood vessels to their functions,

    relate the current flow through a conductor to magnetism,

    relate the dining culture of different people conforming to sensitivities and religious beliefs.

    relate the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle to fertilisation,

    relate the food web and the pyramid number to energy flow,

    relate the importance of taking nutritious food to the health of both mother and foetus during pregnancy,

    relate the point of equilibrium as the centre of gravity of objects,

    relate the problem of defecation with eating habits.relate the properties of calcium compounds to their uses.

    relate the properties of silicon compounds to their stability,

    relate the response in plants to their survival.

    relate the safety measures taken when using gas under high pressure.

    relate the sense of taste with the sense of smell.

    relate things and matter,

    solve problem by calculating the cost of electricity used.

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    solve problems related to levers.

    solve simple problems related to density,

    state the meaning of the boiling point of water,

    state the meaning of the freezing point of water,

    state and give examples of the limitations of sight, connect stereoscopic and monocular visions with the sur

    state examples of metals and non-metals,

    state examples of silica,state examples of silicate,

    state how energy is generated by the Sun.

    state how water is reabsorbed in the large intestine,

    state Ohms Law.

    state other sources of heat,

    state that a force is a push or a pull,

    state that acid and alkali only show their properties in the presence of water,

    state that all that exists in the Universe is not permanent,

    state that dark, dull objects absorb heat better than white, shiny objects,

    state that dark, dull objects give out heat better than white, shiny objects,

    state that heat causes solids, liquids and gases to expand and contract,

    state that heat flows from hot to cold,state that heat flows in three different ways (conduction, convection and radiation),

    state that heat is a form of energy,

    state that matter is made up of particles,

    state that metals react with non-metals at different rate.

    state that oxygen is needed for combustion,

    state that the sun gives out heat,

    state that things have mass and occupy space,

    state the arrangement of particles in the three states of matter,

    state the blood groups,

    state the change in state of matter in physical processes,

    state the constituents of blood and their functions,

    state the device used to overcome the limitations of hearing,state the difference between heat and temperature.

    state the differences between elements, compounds and mixtures,

    state the differences in the movement of particles in the three states of matter.

    state the different forms of silicon compounds,

    state the direction and the magnitude of frictional force,

    state the elements in calcium carbonate,

    state the excretory products of each excretory organ,

    state the factors required for photosynthesis,

    state the factors that must be considered when planning a balanced diet,

    state the function of different receptors pressure, heat, pain,

    state the function of different types of human cells,

    state the function of each cell structure,state the function of each class of food,

    state the functions of the heart,

    state the functions of the organs in the digestive system,

    state the importance of reproduction,

    state the importance of the preservation and conservation of resources on earth,

    state the limitations of hearing,

    state the meaning of power,

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    state the meaning of sterility,

    state the meaning of temperature,

    state the meaning of the preservation and conservation of resources on earth,

    state the meaning of unicellular organism and multicellular organism,

    state the parts of the plants that can reproduce vegetatively,

    state the percentage of nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide in air,state the physical quantities length, mass, time, temperature and electric current,

    state the position of the Solar System in the Universe.

    state the power and voltage rating of home electrical appliances,

    state the products of photosynthesis,

    state the properties of static electrical charges,

    state the quantity of energy in each gram of carbohydrate, protein and fats,

    state the ratings of fuses,

    state the reasons for water purification,

    state the role of an ovum in reproduction,

    state the role of sperm in reproduction,

    state the S.I. units and the corresponding symbols for these physical quantities,

    state the safety measures to be taken when dealing with static electricity.state the safety measures to be taken when using electricity,

    state the similarities and differences between an animal cell and a plant cell.

    state the steps in a scientific investigation/experiment,

    state the stimuli that cause response in plants,

    state the symbols and values of prefixes for unit of length and mass: milli-, centi-, and kilo-,

    state the three states of matter,

    state the types of current,

    state the types of electrical wiring,

    state the types of galaxies,

    state the types of pollination,

    state the types of reproduction,

    state the types of static electrical charges,state the unit for current,

    state the unit for resistance,

    state the unit for voltage,

    state the unit of force,

    state the unit of power,

    state the unit of work,

    state the uses of acid and alkali in daily life,

    state the value of the main voltage,

    state the various defects of vision,

    state what a balanced diet is,

    state what a heat conductor is,

    state what a heat insulator is,state what a lever can do,

    state what air is made up of,

    state what combustion is,

    state what electricity is,

    state what elements, compounds and mixtures are,

    state what fertilisation is,

    state what habitat and ecosystem are,

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    state what photosynthesis is,

    state what resistance is,

    state what species, population and community are,

    state what voltage is,

    suggest ways to improve the stability of objects around them,

    suggest ways to keep the air clean,

    suggest ways to use energy activities organised by various parties to preserve and conserve the living organisms.

    test the presence of hydrogen and oxygen

    test for starch, glucose, protein and fats.

    use a microscope properly,

    write an equation in words to describe the neutralisation process,

    write equations in words for the reaction between metals and non-metals,

    write equations in words for the reactions of calcium carbonate,

    write equations in words to show the effect of heat on the minerals.

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    isms and dust.

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    f pest in certain areas.

    c Theory,

    anced ecosystem.

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  • 7/31/2019 Science Learning Outcomes



  • 7/31/2019 Science Learning Outcomes


    ival of animals,

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  • 7/31/2019 Science Learning Outcomes


    list what he sees around him that is related to science,

    explain the importance of science in everyday life,

    name some careers in science such as:a) science teachers b) doctors c) engineers d) environmental s

    state the steps in a scientific investigation/experiment,

    carry out a scientific investigation.

    state the physical quantities length, mass, time, temperature and electric current,state the S.I. units and the corresponding symbols for these physical quantities,

    state the symbols and values of prefixes for unit of length and mass: milli-, centi-, and kilo-,

    identify and use appropriate prefixes in the measurement of length and mass.

    choose the right tool and measure length,

    estimate the area of regular and irregular shapes using graph paper,

    choose the right tool and measure the volume of liquid,

    choose the right tool to measure the body temperature and the temperature of a liquid,

    determine the volume of solid using the water displacement method.

    determine the weight of an object,

    explain the concept of weight,

    explain the concept of mass,determine the mass of an object,

    explain the difference between mass and weight,

    apply the use of spring and beam/lever balance in the context of an experiment.

    give examples of problems that may arise if standard units are not used.

    identify that cell is the basic unit of living things,

    prepare slides following the proper procedure,

    use a microscope properly,

    identify the general structures of animal cells and plant cells,

    draw the general structure of an animal cell and a plant cell,

    label the general structure of an animal cell and a plant cell,

    state the function of each cell structure,

    state the similarities and differences between an animal cell and a plant cell.

    state the meaning of unicellular organism and multicellular organism,

    give examples of unicellular organism and multicellular organism.

    name the different types of human cells,

    state the function of different types of human cells,

    arrange sequentially cell organisation from simple to complex using the terms cell, tissue, organ, syste

    explain why human beings are complex organisms.

    state that things have mass and occupy space,

    explain what matter is,

    relate things and matter,

    carry out activities to show that air, water, soil and living things have mass and occupy space.

    state that matter is made up of particles,

    state the three states of matter,

    state the arrangement of particles in the three states of matter,

    state the differences in the movement of particles in the three states of matter.

    define density,

    explain why some objects and liquids float,

    solve simple problems related to density,

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    carry out activities to explore the densities of objects and liquids.

    describe how man uses the different states of matter,

    describe how man applies the concept of density,

    carry out an activity to explore the applications of the concept of floating and sinking related to density.

    list the resources on earth needed to sustain life,

    list the resources on earth used in everyday life.state what elements, compounds and mixtures are,

    give examples of elements, compounds and mixtures,

    state the differences between elements, compounds and mixtures,

    carry out activities to compare and contrast the properties of different metals and non-metals,

    classify elements as metals and non-metals based on their characteristics,

    give examples of metals and non-metals,

    carry out activities to separate the components of a mixture.

    explain the importance of variety of earths resources to man,

    state the meaning of the preservation and conservation of resources on earth,

    state the importance of the preservation and conservation of resources on earth,

    practise reducing the use, reusing and recycling of materials.state what air is made up of,

    explain why air is a mixture,

    state the percentage of nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide in air,

    carry out activities to show: a) the percentage of oxygen in air, b) that air contains water vapour, microo

    list the properties of oxygen and carbon dioxide,

    identify oxygen and carbon dioxide based on their properties,

    choose a suitable test for oxygen and carbon dioxide

    state what combustion is,

    state that oxygen is needed for combustion,

    list the products of combustion,

    carry out experiments to investigate combustion.

    explain what air pollution is,

    list examples of air pollutants,

    list the sources of air pollutants,

    describe the effects of air pollution,

    explain the steps needed to prevent and control air pollution.

    describe how life would be without clean air,

    suggest ways to keep the air clean,

    practise habits that keep the air clean.

    list the various forms of energy,

    list the various sources of energy,

    identify energy changes,

    identify the sun as the primary source of energy,

    carry out an activity to investigate the change of energy from potential to kinetic energy and vice versa.

    define renewable and non-renewable sources of energy,

    group the various sources of energy into renewable and non-renewable,

    explain why we need to conserve energy,

    suggest ways to use energy efficiently.

    describe the importance of conserving energy sources,

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    explain the use and management of energy sources.

    state that the sun gives out heat,

    state other sources of heat,

    state that heat is a form of energy,

    give examples of the uses of heat,

    state the meaning of temperature,state the difference between heat and temperature.

    state that heat causes solids, liquids and gases to expand and contract,

    state that heat flows in three different ways (conduction, convection and radiation),

    state that heat flows from hot to cold,

    give examples of heat flow in natural phenomena,

    state what a heat conductor is,

    state what a heat insulator is,

    list uses of heat conductors and heat insulators in daily life,

    carry out an experiment to investigate the use of different materials as heat insulators.

    state the change in state of matter in physical processes,

    explain that change in state of matter involves the absorption and release of heat,give examples of daily observations which show a change in state of matter.

    explain with examples the use of expansion and contraction of matter in daily life,

    apply the principle of expansion and contraction of matter in solving simple problems.

    state that dark, dull objects absorb heat better than white, shiny objects,

    state that dark, dull objects give out heat better than white, shiny objects,

    carry out experiments to investigate heat absorption and heat release.

    put into practice the principle of heat flow to provide comfortable living

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    and organism.

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    rganisms and dust.

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    identify and relate a sensory organ to its stimulus,

    identify the structure of the human skin involved in stimuli detection,

    state the function of different receptors pressure, heat, pain,

    draw conclusion on the sensitivity of the skin at different parts of the body towards stimuli.

    identify the structure of the nose,identify the position of the sensory cells in the detection of smell.

    identify the different areas of the tongue that respond to different taste,

    relate the sense of taste with the sense of smell.

    identify the structure of the human ear,

    explain the function of the different parts of the ear,

    describe how we hear.

    identify the structure of the human eye,

    explain the functions of different parts of the eye,

    describe how we see.

    describe the properties of light i.e. reflection and refraction,

    state the various defects of vision,explain ways to correct vision defects,

    state and give examples of the limitations of sight, connect stereoscopic and monocular visions with th

    identify the appropriate device to overcome the limitations of sight.

    describe the properties of sound,

    explain the reflection and absorption of sound,

    explain the defects of hearing,

    explain ways of rectifying the defects in hearing,

    state the limitations of hearing,

    state the device used to overcome the limitations of hearing,

    explain stereophonic hearing.

    state the stimuli that cause response in plants,

    identify the parts of plants sensitive to specific stimulus,

    relate the response in plants to their survival.

    explain through examples the classes of food,

    state the function of each class of food,

    test for starch, glucose, protein and fats.

    state what a balanced diet is,

    state the factors that must be considered when planning a balanced diet,

    explain how the factors affect a balanced diet,

    state the quantity of energy in each gram of carbohydrate, protein and fats,

    estimate the calories of food taken in a meal,

    plan a balanced diet.

    explain what digestion is,

    identify the parts of the digestive system,

    describe the flow of food particles in the alimentary canal,

    state the functions of the organs in the digestive system,

    describe the process of digestion in the alimentary canal,

    list the end products of digestion of carbohydrate, protein and fats.

    explain the process of absorption of the products of digestion,

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    make inference about the absorption of glucose through a Visking tube.

    state how water is reabsorbed in the large intestine,

    explain defecation,

    relate the problem of defecation with eating habits.

    justify the importance of eating nutritious food,

    put in practice good eating habits,justify the generous distribution of food to the underprivileged / needy,

    relate the dining culture of different people conforming to sensitivities and religious beliefs.

    explain the diversity of living organisms in a habitat,

    classify various animals based on common characteristics,

    classify various plants based on common characteristics,

    explain the importance of biodiversity to the environment.

    state what species, population and community are,

    state what habitat and ecosystem are,

    identify various habitats in one ecosystem,

    explain through examples the interdependence among living organisms and the environment to create

    list the types of interactions between living organisms,explain with examples the interactions between living organisms,

    justify the importance of interaction between living organisms and the environment,

    explain through examples the advantages and disadvantages of biological control in regulating the num

    explain what producers, consumers and decomposers are,

    combine a few food chains to construct a food web,

    identify the producer, consumer and decomposer in a food web,

    construct a pyramid number from a food chain,

    relate the food web and the pyramid number to energy flow,

    predict the consequences if a certain component of living organisms in the ecosystem is missing.

    state what photosynthesis is,

    state the factors required for photosynthesis,

    state the products of photosynthesis,

    control the variables that are required for photosynthesis,

    explain the role of photosynthesis in maintaining a balanced ecosystem

    explain what conservation and preservation are,

    explain the steps taken to preserve and conserve living organisms,

    justify the importance of conservation and preservation of living organisms,

    support activities organised by various parties to preserve and conserve the living organisms.

    explain the effects of human activities on the balance in nature,

    describe how man solves problems related to environment,

    justify that human need a stable, productive and balanced ecosystem.

    state the meaning of the freezing point of water,

    state the meaning of the boiling point of water,

    describe the physical characteristics of water,

    explain through examples the effects of impurities on the physical characteristics of water.

    determine the composition of water,

    test the presence of hydrogen and oxygen

    explain what evaporation is,

    explain through examples the factors that affect the rate of evaporation of water with reference to the

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    compare and contrast between evaporation and boiling,

    describe the application of the evaporation of water in daily life.

    explain what solute, solvent and solution are,

    contrast and compare between dilute solution, concentrated and saturated solution,

    explain what suspension is,

    explain what solubility is,explain the factors affecting the solubility of solutes in water,

    explain the importance of water as a universal solvent in life,

    give examples on the uses of organic solvents in our everyday life.

    identify the properties of acid, identify the properties of alkali,

    state that acid and alkali only show their properties in the presence of water,

    explain through examples the definition of acid and alkali,

    identify the substances which are acidic or alkaline in everyday life,

    state the uses of acid and alkali in daily life,

    explain the meaning of neutralisation,

    write an equation in words to describe the neutralisation process,

    explain through examples the uses of neutralisation in daily life.list the natural sources of water,

    state the reasons for water purification,

    describe the various types of water purification,

    compare the strengths and weaknesses of the various types of water purification.

    describe how the water supply system works,

    explain ways to save water.

    give examples of water pollutants,

    explain the effect of water pollution on living things,

    explain ways to control water pollution,

    explain ways to preserve water and its quality.

    explain the existence of air pressure with reference to the Kinetic Theory,

    explain the factors affecting air pressure.

    explain with examples things that use the principle of air pressure,

    generate ideas to solve problems using the principle of air pressure,

    relate the safety measures taken when using gas under high pressure.

    state that a force is a push or a pull,

    explain the effects of forces,

    explain the various types of forces.

    state the unit of force,

    explain how a spring balance works,

    measure the magnitude of force.

    explain with example the existence of frictional force,

    state the direction and the magnitude of frictional force,

    carry out an experiment to show how different types of surfaces affect frictional force,

    explain the advantages and disadvantages of friction,

    explain ways to increase friction,

    explain ways to reduce friction,

    explain with examples the application of friction in daily life.

    explain with examples how work is done,

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    state the unit of work,

    calculate the work done.

    state the meaning of power,

    state the unit of power,

    calculate power on the work done.

    describe how life will be if force does not exist.explain the support system in vertebrates and the various support systems in invertebrates,

    compare and contrast the support system between land and aquatic vertebrates,

    compare and contrast the support system between land and aquatic invertebrates.

    explain the various support systems in woody and non- woody plants,

    classify plants based on their support systems.

    justify the importance of the support system to living things.

    determine the point of equilibrium in regular and irregular shapes,

    relate the point of equilibrium as the centre of gravity of objects,

    relate the centre of gravity to the stability of objects.

    suggest ways to improve the stability of objects around them,

    explain with examples the application of stability in life.list things around them that use the principle of the lever,

    state what a lever can do,

    identify load, force and fulcrum in the lever,

    classify levers,

    explain what is meant by the moment of a force,

    solve problems related to levers.

    design or improvise a device that use the principle of a lever.

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    survival of animals,

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    balanced ecosystem.

    ber of pest in certain areas.

    inetic Theory,

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    identify the structure of the human respiratory system,

    identify the structure of the lung,

    describe the process of inhalation and exhalation,

    relate the changes of air pressure in the thoracic cavity to inhalation and exhalation,

    describe the breathing mechanism.

    describe the diffusion of oxygen from the alveoli into the blood capillaries,describe the transport of oxygen by blood,

    describe the diffusion of oxygen from the blood capillaries into the cells.

    list the substances which are harmful to the respiratory system,

    explain the effects of pollutants on the respiratory system,

    list the diseases that affect the respiratory system,

    practise good habits to improve the quality of air.

    describe the circulatory system as a system of tubes with a pump and valves that ensure one-way flow

    state the functions of the heart,

    identify the structure of the human heart,

    compare and contrast the structure of arteries, veins and capillaries,

    relate the characteristics of the blood vessels to their functions,compare and contrast oxygenated and deoxygenated blood,

    illustrate the path of blood flow in the circulatory system,

    describe the role of the blood circulatory system in the transport of substances,

    explain the importance of maintaining a healthy heart.

    state the constituents of blood and their functions,

    state the blood groups,

    match the blood group of the donor to that of the recipient,

    justify the importance of blood donation,

    describe how donated blood is stored and handled.

    describe how wilting occurs,

    describe what transpiration is,

    describe the functions of stomata,

    identify the factors affecting the rate of transpiration,

    describe how the factors affect the rate of transpiration,

    describe the roles of transpiration,

    investigate the pathway of water in a cut stem using a suitable stains,

    identify the locations of xylem and phloem,

    describe the functions of xylem and phloem.

    explain what excretion is,

    identify the excretory organs in humans,

    state the excretory products of each excretory organ,

    explain the importance of excretion.

    identify the locations of kidneys and other parts of the urinary system,

    describe the shape of the kidney,

    identify the structures of the kidney,

    describe the functions of the kidney,

    explain the importance of maintaining healthy kidneys.

    describe the ways plants eliminate their excretory products,

    identify the excretory products of plants.

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    state the importance of reproduction,

    state the types of reproduction,

    state what fertilisation is,

    describe internal and external fertilisation,

    compare and contrast sexual and asexual reproduction,

    classify animals and plants according to their ways of reproduction.identify the parts of the male reproductive system,

    describe the functions of the different parts of the male reproductive system,

    state the role of sperm in reproduction,

    describe the changes in male during puberty.

    identify the parts of the female reproductive system,

    describe the functions of the different parts of the female reproductive system,

    state the role of an ovum in reproduction,

    describe the changes in female during puberty,

    compare and contrast male and female gametes in terms of size, numbers and mobility.

    describe the meaning of menstruation,

    describe the menstrual cycle,describe the changes in the uterus wall during menstrual cycle,

    relate the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle to fertilisation,

    explain the importance of personal hygiene during menstruation.

    describe fertilisation in human,

    identify the location of implantation of embryo,

    describe the development of a zygote into an embryo and subsequently into a foetus until birth.

    relate the importance of taking nutritious food to the health of both mother and foetus during pregnanc

    explain the importance of avoiding the intake of substances that are harmful to the foetus.

    state the meaning of sterility,

    describe ways to overcome sterility,

    describe the methods of birth control,

    debate on the abuse of birth control and its effects on the community,

    explain the importance of research on human reproduction.

    identify the different parts of a flower,

    identify the male and female reproductive parts of a flower,

    identify the male and female gametes,

    describe the functions of the male and female reproductive parts of a flower in sexual reproduction.

    describe what pollination is,

    relate the characteristics of flowers to their agents of pollination,

    state the types of pollination,

    compare and contrast self- pollination and cross-pollination,

    explain the advantages of cross-pollination,

    explain with examples the uses of cross-pollination in agriculture

    identify the location where fertilisation occurs in flower,

    describe fertilisation in plants,

    desribe the formation of fruits and seeds.

    identify the structure of a seed,

    explain the functions of the different parts of a seed,

    describe the physical changes of seedlings during germination,

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    make hypotheses on the conditions required for the germination of seeds,

    design an experiment to study the conditions required for the germination of seeds,

    carry out the experiment to study the conditions required for the germination of seeds,

    draw conclusions on the conditions required for germination of seeds.

    explain with examples the meaning of vegetative reproduction,

    state the parts of the plants that can reproduce vegetatively,classify flowering plants according to the parts that can reproduce vegetatively,

    describe the application of research carried out on vegetative reproduction in agriculture.

    describe what growth is,

    identify the characteristics used to measure growth rate,

    analyse the growth curve for male and female,

    compare and contrast the growth rate in male and female,

    describe the effects of nutrition on the growth in children.

    describe what a mineral is,

    explain through examples that minerals exist in the form of natural elements or natural compounds,

    identify the elements in natural compounds,

    describe the properties of minerals,write equations in words to show the effect of heat on the minerals.

    state examples of metals and non-metals,

    describe the reactions between metals and non-metals,

    write equations in words for the reaction between metals and non-metals,

    state that metals react with non-metals at different rate.

    state the different forms of silicon compounds,

    state examples of silica,

    state examples of silicate,

    relate the properties of silicon compounds to their stability,

    explain through examples the uses of silicon compounds in our daily life

    state the elements in calcium carbonate,

    identify the various forms of calcium carbonate,

    describe the properties of calcium carbonate,

    write equations in words for the reactions of calcium carbonate,

    describe the formation of calcium oxide and calcium hydroxide,

    relate the properties of calcium compounds to their uses.

    list the natural fuel resources,

    explain the formation of natural fuel resources,

    describe the fractional distillation of petroleum,

    describe the characteristics of the various fractions from the fractional distillation of petroleum,

    describe the uses of the various fractions of petroleum,

    explain the contributions of petroleum and natural gas industry to the economic development of our cou

    generate ideas on how to use natural fuel resources efficiently.

    describe what electrostatics is,

    state the types of static electrical charges,

    state the properties of static electrical charges,

    describe how static electrical charges can be produced in some materials,

    describe ways to detect static electrical charges,

    explain everyday phenomena caused by static electrical charges,

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    state the safety measures to be taken when dealing with static electricity.

    give examples of sources of electrical energy used in everyday life,

    state what electricity is,

    state what voltage is,

    state what resistance is,

    describe the directions of current and electron flow in an electric circuit.identify the instrument for measuring current,

    identify the instrument for measuring voltage,

    state the unit for current,

    state the unit for voltage,

    state the unit for resistance,

    measure current in an electric circuit,

    measure voltage in an electric circuit.

    design an experiment to study the relationship between resistance and current,

    carry out the experiment to study the relationship between resistance and current,

    describe the effects of the change in resistance on current,

    design an experiment to study the relationship between voltage and current,carry out the experiment to study the relationship between voltage and current,

    describe the effect of the change in voltage on current,

    state Ohms Law.

    identify the components of an electric circuit and their symbols,

    draw a diagram of a complete circuit,

    build a complete electric circuit,

    build a series circuit,

    build a parallel circuit,

    compare and contrast the arrangement of components in a series circuit and a parallel circuit.

    describe the current flowing through the components in a series circuit,

    describe the voltages across the components in a series circuit,

    describe the resistance in a series circuit,

    explain the advantage and the disadvantage of a series circuit.

    describe the current flowing through the components in a parallel circuit,

    describe the voltage across the components in a parallel circuit,

    describe the resistance in a parallel circuit,

    explain the advantage and the disadvantage of a parallel circuit,

    compare and contrast a series circuit and a parallel circuit in terms of current, voltage and resistance.

    describe what a magnetic field is,

    draw the magnetic field of a bar magnet,

    draw the directions of the magnetic field,

    relate magnetic field lines and strength to magnetic field,

    explain the use of a magnet in a compass.

    relate the current flow through a conductor to magnetism,

    describe what an electromagnet is.

    list the various types of generators,

    describe the generation of electrical energy in various types of power stations,

    compare and contrast the generation of electrical energy in various types of power stations,

    give examples of alternative sources of energy.

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    identify the different parts of a transformer,

    describe how a transformer works,

    compare and contrast a step-up transformer and a step-down transformer,

    describe the roles of transformer in the transmission and distribution of electricity.

    arrange in order the components in the electricity transmission and distribution system,

    describe the functions of the components in the electricity transmission and distribution system,describe how electricity is transmitted and distributed from power stations to consumers.

    state the value of the main voltage,

    state the types of current,

    identify the type of electric current supplied to homes,

    state the types of electrical wiring,

    identify the parts in an electrical wiring system,

    describe the functions of the parts of an electrical wiring system,

    describe the wiring in a 3-pin plug.

    state the power and voltage rating of home electrical appliances,

    calculate the amount of current flowing through an electrical appliance,

    recall the relationship between electrical energy usage, power and time,solve problem by calculating the cost of electricity used.

    identify the types of fuses,

    state the ratings of fuses,

    describe the function of fuse in electrical wiring system,

    determine the suitable rating of a fuse for an electrical appliance,

    describe the role of earth wire in electrical wiring system.

    state the safety measures to be taken when using electricity,

    describe the steps to be taken when accidents involving electricity occur,

    justify the need for having safety precautions and safety features at home to prevent electrical accident

    identify the activities that cause electricity wastage,

    describe ways to conserve electricity,

    justify the needs for conserving electricity,

    predict problems our country would face if there is a shortage of electricity.

    describe the characteristics of the Sun,

    identify the structures of the Sun,

    identify the phenomena occurring on the surface of the Sun,

    explain the effects of the phenomena on the surface of the Sun on the Earth,

    state how energy is generated by the Sun.

    define what a star is,

    identify the Sun as a star,

    identify the bright stars in the sky,

    compare and contrast the stars based on certain characteristics,

    describe the formation of stars,

    describe the death of stars,

    state the types of galaxies,

    describe the Milky Way,

    describe the Universe,

    state the position of the Solar System in the Universe.

    appreciate the uniqueness, orderliness, beauty and harmony in the Universe as a sign of the glory of G

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    describe the expanse of the Universe compared to Earth,

    state that all that exists in the Universe is not permanent,

    explain the importance of the Sun and the Moon to life on Earth.

    describe the developments in the field of astronomy,

    describe the developments in space exploration,

    explain with examples the applications of technology related to space exploration and astronomy,justify the need to continue space exploration.

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    of blood,

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