science and technology is the panacea for the growth and security of the nation

Science and technology is the panacea for the growth and security of the nation Introduction During 18 th century, industrial revolution in Europe led to nations to high growth and development which helped them enhance their reach all over the globe, helped raise the living standards of citizen of Europe and this was achieved due to advancement of Science and technology. India during ancient time was a pioneer in science and technology which was witnessed from still standing monolithic rails of Maurya dynasty, the art and architecture of medieval times- use of stone as raw material, concept of zero by Aryabhatta etc. During the time of industrial revolution, India was still using primitive methods of production and cultivation, primitive arms and ammunition, which led to domination of European countries over India leading to slavery and widespread exploitation of resources by colonialists. Science has contributed greatly in providing security to country in terms of the parameter like physical security- better military armaments and equipements, economic security- improved methods of production technology and govt services, food security- by raising the crop yield and better produce to farmers, social security- better medical facilities to citizens, longer life expectancy, reduction in death by epidemics etc. Science can never alone act as driver of growth it requires complementary policy and guidliness which could realize its potential. Europe was able to benefit from newer technology because it complemented it with

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Science and technology- as Panacea for growth and security of nation


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Science and technology is the panacea for the growth and security of the nation


During 18th century, industrial revolution in Europe led to nations to high growth and development which helped them enhance their reach all over the globe, helped raise the living standards of citizen of Europe and this was achieved due to advancement of Science and technology. India during ancient time was a pioneer in science and technology which was witnessed from still standing monolithic rails of Maurya dynasty, the art and architecture of medieval times- use of stone as raw material, concept of zero by Aryabhatta etc. During the time of industrial revolution, India was still using primitive methods of production and cultivation, primitive arms and ammunition, which led to domination of European countries over India leading to slavery and widespread exploitation of resources by colonialists.

Science has contributed greatly in providing security to country in terms of the parameter like physical security- better military armaments and equipements, economic security- improved methods of production technology and govt services, food security- by raising the crop yield and better produce to farmers, social security- better medical facilities to citizens, longer life expectancy, reduction in death by epidemics etc.

Science can never alone act as driver of growth it requires complementary policy and guidliness which could realize its potential. Europe was able to benefit from newer technology because it complemented it with required policy driven changes like skill development, education , trickle down of technology to poor sections etc.

Economic Growth

Growth refers to positive change in size during a period of time. Science and technology is enabler of growth and development by better means of production, cultivation, rational and practical application methods, innovative technology . One of major criteria for difference between developed and a developing country is advancement in science and technology by developed countries.

Economic growth is directly linked to science and technology as it acts as enabler to enhance the productivity of system and processes. Improvement in methods of

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production by use of automated machines has led to use the constrained natural resoruces more productively and reduced the involvement of human labour. Thus increasing out comfort and standards. Science and technology make the nation self-reliant and reduce the dependence on other countries. The Make in India programme of govt is one of flagship schemes where science and technology plays most prominent part in developing India as manufacturing hub in world.

Poverty is inversely linked to economic growth of country, higher the economic growth lower the poverty level. But this requires that use of better technology reach to lower levels of section of society otherwise it will increase the disparity within the country. Science and technology can provide better living standards to poor only when it is coupled with policy changes like skill development , education, hygiene and sanitation, availability of cheap medical services etc.

Also, Technology cannot implement in itself on its own but requires proper implementation in society. Improper use of technology will not benefit the society indeed act as impediment for its growth. Like for example heavy automation of industrial plants without skill development of labour will lead to widespread unemployment in country leading to poverty. Without skill development of labour workforce , the technology cannot be suitably applied all over the country leading to unproductive use of technology.


IT infrastructure in govt services has made citizen more informed which is one of pillars of democracy. Transparency and accountability of govt services by application of E-governance projects has led citizen to make informed decisions. Science and technology has led to seamless flow of information from govt to citizens by use mobiles, internet , television etc.

Climate change and environment

One of biggest problems of 21st century is climate change which can be only tackled through better technologies and green technologies. Harnessing renewable sources of energy has been possible through use of innovative technology which act as major mitigation agent to climate change. Climate change possess serious threats to country by coastal erosion by rise in sea level , melting of glaciers leading to rise in water level of rivers causing widespread

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damages by flooding etc. this bears direct burden on agriculture by erratic monsoons and soil erosions. The most important factor being monsoon pattern which is being affected by climate change and India being rainfed country greatly depends on monsoon rainfall. Science and technology can help us avert this damages by providing better resilient crops , efficient use of water resources like micro irrigation, high yielding variety seeds etc.

Use of space technology for forecasting cyclones , weather patterns has greatly helped in mitigation of disasters. Weather forecasting avialble in advance to ground force help in disaster preparedness and reducing the loss of human lives to great extent. The biggest example being prediction of Phailin cyclone helped the country to rescue all its citizens from area thus averting the hazard turning into disaster. So here also technology alone cannot avert disaster but requires sufficient ground administration and planning to reap the benefits of information provided by newer technologies

Food security

The rising population of greatly posses a big threat to food security of country. Since time of independence out net area under cultivation has remained more or less stangnant yet our food production has increased three- four times in last four decades. This has been possible due to application of science and technology in field of agriculture which during 1960s was termed as Green revolution. Since India is mostly rainfed country and agriculture being primary source of income for 60% of population, vagaries of monsoons can only be eliminated through use of better technologies like irrigation , biotechnological produced seeds, fertilizers , mechanization etc.

Also, science has made available better weather forecasting techniques which provides farmer information regarding the quantum of monsoon and enables him to plan accordingly. Timely information regarding weather conditions has greatly improved the lives of farmers who are now not fully dependent on vagaries of monsoon. Agriculture being one of biggest employer in country has direct bearing in economic growth of country and with help of better science and technology only agriculture can prosper helping millions in country to improve their standard of living and reducing rural poverty.

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Science can only act as enabler to better productivity, its implementation matter the most and its forward and backward linkages . Science can make available better seeds , fertilizers , weather forecasts etc but only when farmer is capable of applying these into fields, its benefits can be reaped. This requires better policy provisions which will educate farmer how to use these technology because technology cannot implement on its own. So science alone can never help is raising the growth of sector unless its guided by proper implementation channel.

Internal and external security

With rising threats from terrorism and insurgency issues, these create a vast challenge to country’s internal security. Here also science and technology play major role in providing country with better equipment’s and armaments to tackle these threats. With evolution of technology and use of artificial intelligence has led to use of unmanned weapons which neutralize threats automatically as they come under its range. The increasing allocation for research and development in defence budget shows the importance of newer technology in field of security. With help of science it is now possible to guard the difficult areas such as Siachen glaciers by providing military with resources as height of 6Kms.

The use of science and technology is important factor because the same weapon which acts as deterrent , creating peace also acts as weapons of mass destruction. Development of better defence technology has also led to arms race between countries thus giving threat to world peace. Advent of nuclear weapons by developed country has led to growing demand of developing countries to develop this for their own security. But this possess a great risk if they fall into hands to insurgents, terrorists, rebels etc. though science provides for advancement in security, it is intricately linked to use to such technology which will lead to security of nation.

Energy Security

India being developing country and one largest importer of energy, providing energy security to its citizens is biggest challenge . Science can help to achieve it by providing technology for efficiently harnessing its energy resources like extraction of shale gas, coal bed methane, nuclear power production which require advanced technology. These energy resources are also greener in respect of conventional resources thus also help in mitigating climate change also. Use of

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renewable energy resources has been possible due to advancement in science and technology. But these technology is available with developed countries and extremely expensive to developing nations as these have to balance it with other developmental needs of country like social security, poverty alleviation etc.

Also use of these technology possess new type of risk associated with harnessing them such as wide spread destruction upon uncontrolled usage like Chernobyl nuclear disaster in Ukraine (1984). So, availability of technology as right price plays an important role in energy security not just development of technology. Supporting policies like favourable land acquisition, environmental impact assement is also required to reap the benefits of newer technology by its citizens otherwise it will benefit only small section of society while damaging near by environment.

Social Security

Providing better living conditions to citizens has been one of long term goals of development for country. Life expectancy being at 32 years during independence has now increased to around 62 years in current time has been achieved with help of advancement is field of medical sciences, better provisions of sanitation, hygiene etc. concept of smart city given by govt is also based on making a city resilient to shocks by use of adaptable technologies. Newer medicines has reduced the spread to disease epidemics.

Science and technology has greatly helped in growth and development of nation i.e. from food deficient country to self sufficient country, increasing life expextancy and better living conditions of citizen, reducing poverty levels, mitigating climate change. Technology has also enabled to maintain world peace and internal security of nation by providing it with advanced weapons to reach new heights in sky. But Science and technology act as enabler to these because they alone cannot work unless complemented by sufficient policy driven changes like skill development, education etc.So , Science and technology is essential for growth and development but not panacea since it alone can never lead to betterment of lives of its citizens.d

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