science 4

Episode 04

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Science 4


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Episode 04

Page 2: Science 4


OBJECTIVE : After completing this unit, OBJECTIVE : After completing this unit, we will be able to :we will be able to :

1.1.Name and describe energy roles that Name and describe energy roles that organisms play in an ecosystemorganisms play in an ecosystem

2.2.Explain how energy moves through an Explain how energy moves through an ecosystemecosystem

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• Abiotic factor: Non-living things into the ecosystem, affecting the life of organisms. Examples: air, light, water, and temperature. Abiotic factors can be harmful to the environment. (sulphur dioxide emissions produce acid rain)

Biotic factor: All living things into an ecosystem. Any living component that affects another organism. Include animals which consume the organism in question, and the living food that the organism consumes.

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P r o d u c e r s

Energy mostly enters to the world as sunlight and producers capture it to turn it into food molecules in a process called photosynthesis.

They are: plants, algaes and bacteria.

Producers are the source of all the food in an ecosystemA producer can make its own food

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Flowers capture the sunlight Flowers capture the sunlight for Photosyntesisfor Photosyntesis

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CONSUMERSCONSUMERS• Consumers cannot make their own food.

• Consumers obtain energy by feeding on other organisms.

Consumers are classified by what they eat:HerbivoresCarnivoresOmnivores

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HerbivoresDo they eat “ Potatoes ” ? ? ? ?

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primary consumers

• Also known as HERBIVORES , such as: mice, deer, cows, and elephants

• Herbivores eat ONLY PLANTS

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Secondary Consumers

• Are CARNIVORES – they eat only animals• If the animal must be killed before it is eaten,

the secondary consumer is known as a predator.• However, sometimes the animals does not have

to be killed to be eaten.

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Secondary Consumers

O m n i v o r e s they eat Both : Plants and Animals

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ScavengersFeeds on the bodies of dead organisms

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DecomposersBreak down wastes and dead organisms, and so complete the cycle by returning nutrients to the ecosystem. (to the soil or water and carbon dioxide to the air and water)

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Let’s play with

the animal Diet•

