schuco-th cte220 collector ch2-p3523

Schüco Collector CTE 220 CH 2 Performance Series

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Page 1: Schuco-TH CTE220 Collector CH2-P3523

Schüco Collector CTE 220 CH 2Performance Series

Page 2: Schuco-TH CTE220 Collector CH2-P3523

2 Schüco Schüco Collector CTE 220 CH 2

Performance for Large SystemsThe Schüco Performance Collector Series was specifi cally developed for large solar thermal installations. A unique proprietary thermal conduction technology improves the heat transfer between the absorber and the serpentine pipe work, resulting in higher output.The Schüco Performance Series collector is constructed using a serpentine-manifold hydraulic confi guration which allows up to 16 collectors to be connected in series with minimal pressure losses.

The Schüco performance collector design reduces overall system pipe size and pumping station require-ments, as compared to conven-tional header-riser designs. The benefi ts are reduced installation cost and time.

Key Features• Integrated sensor wells

provide precise temperature measurements

• Unique 360° bonding technology provides high effi ciency thermal transfer

• Serpentine design allows the collector to manage all climatic conditions resulting in high system reliability

• Hail resistant clear glass with exceptional light transmission for high solar outputs

• Long life span and durability due to temperature and corrosion resistant materials

• Up to 16 collectors can be interconnected in a row

• Optimized stagnation behavior due to reliable collector evacuation

• Quick and easy installation

Volume Flow 15 l / m2h, Water / Glycol (60 / 40), Mean Temperature 68 °F

Schüco Performance Collector CTE 220 CH 2Flow Requirements and Pressure Drop

* Manual Vent Required** Manual Vent Recommended

1 – 16parallel

Pressure Drop = 4.84 ft. headFlow Rate = 2.64 gpm**

Pressure Drop = 4.38 ft. headVolume Flow = 2.47 gpm**

Pressure Drop = 3.91 ft. headVolume Flow = 2.31 gpm**

Pressure Drop = 3.51 ft. headVolume Flow = 2.14 gpm**

Pressure Drop = 3.31 ft. headVolume Flow = 1.98 gpm**

Pressure Drop = 3.14 ft. headVolume Flow = 1.90 gpm**

Pressure Drop = 2.98 ft. headVolume Flow = 1.65 gpm**

Pressure Drop = 2.81 ft. headVolume Flow = 1.49 gpm**

Pressure Drop = 2.71 ft. headVolume Flow = 1.32 gpm**

Pressure Drop = 2,61 ft. headVolume Flow = 1.16 gpm**

Pressure Drop = 2.51 ft. headVolume Flow = 1.00 gpm*

Pressure Drop = 2.44 ft. headVolume Flow = 0.82 gpm*

Pressure Drop = 2.37 ft. headVolume Flow = 0,66 gpm*

Pressure Drop = 2.34 ft. headVolume Flow = 0.49 gpm*

Pressure Drop = 2.31 ft. headVolume Flow = 0.32 gpm*

1 – 15parallel

1 – 14parallel

1 – 13parallel

1 – 12parallel

1 – 11parallel

1 – 10parallel

1 – 9parallel

1 – 8parallel

1 – 7parallel

1 – 6parallel

1 – 5parallel

1 – 4parallel

1 – 3parallel

1 – 2parallel

Page 3: Schuco-TH CTE220 Collector CH2-P3523


Technical Data Schüco Performance Collector CTE 220 CH 2

Schüco 3Schüco Collector CTE 220 CH 2

Applications Schüco CTE 220 CH 2

Domestic hot water production Yes

Space heating YesLarge systems Yes

Assembly type

On-roof YesFlat-roof YesIn-roof NoFaçade NoDirection PortraitMax collectors in series 16

Size and weight

Gross area 28.95 ft2

Absorber surface area 27.12 ft2

Aperture surface area 27.02 ft2

Dimensions 84.72" x 49.3" x 3.14"Weight 104 lbs

Performance values

Rated thermal output 2.0 kW Effi ciency 79.2 %Heat loss coeffi cient a1 3.818 W/m²K Heat loss coeffi cient a2 0.017 W/m²K² Angle of radiation correction factor 0.96

Hydraulics / Pipework

Pipework Collection pipe meanderOrientation VerticalHydraulic connections cu pipe 18 mm Number of hydraulic connections 4Type of connector Clamping ringExtreme compensation With compensator connectorPosition of hydraulic connection On the long sides (x 2)


Absorber coating Highly selectiveAbsorption 95 % Emission 5 % Absorber material Aluminium Absorber pipe CopperBonding technology absorber plate / pipe Thermal conduction technology

Hydraulic values

Permitted heat transfer fl uid Schüco (water /glycol mixture) Heat transfer volume .46 galMinimum volume fl ow .66 gal / minPressure loss See graphic (page 2) Pressure drop 4.80 psiStagnation temperature 410 °F

Transparent glass

Solar glas s Clear glass, low ion contentTransmission > 91 % Thickness 4.0 mm

Thermal insulation

Insulating material Mineral woolInsulating thickness 35 mm


Frame material Aluminium Sealing EPDM Back sheet Aluminium

Art. num.

Frame color natural aluminium 271 941

Hydraulic scheme Schüco CTE 220 CH 2

Certifi ed in accordance with Solar Keymark

Innovative Schüco thermal conduction technology with a 360° enclosed absorber pipe

Collector peformance chartAvg. fluid temp. Collector performance

68 °F 1983 W104 °F 1782 W140 °F 1557 W176 °F 1308 W212 °F 1035 W248 °F 738 W

Page 4: Schuco-TH CTE220 Collector CH2-P3523

P 3523/USA/07.10/Printed in USA Specifications subject to change without notice.

All the illustrations in this brochure are only examples of Schüco products.

Schüco USA

Schüco - Your Partner for Windows and Solar Products As a leading innovator in system-based construction, Schüco supplies components for the entire building envelope, including software solutions for planning, design, calculation, and fabrication.

Aluminum systems

Steel systems

PVC-U systems

Solar systems

Schüco Design

Schüco Collector CTE 220 CH 2

An appropriate solution for every buildingWith Schüco’s solar thermal portfolio, any kind of solar installation can be realized, from installations for single-family homes to installations for large commercial buildings. The standard large installation collector was developed specifi cally for large solar thermal systems. Up to 16 collectors can be connected in a row. Through the modular system, long rows of collectors can be effi ciently installed as on-roof or fl at-roof systems.

Complete service for Schüco partnersEvery Schüco partner benefi ts from the full support of the strong Schüco brand and Schüco’s excellent customer service. The advantages of a partnership with Schüco include the possibility to take part in assembly and sales training programs at Schüco’s own training centers, care andsupervision from area managersand sales engineers, the Schüco hotline, as well as extensive marketing measures and pro-fessionally developed brochure material for addressing end customers.

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