school reopening instructional planning template schools... · web viewschool instructional...

School Instructional Reopening Plan – Template The swift transition to continuity of education highlighted strengths and challenges in local education communities’ readiness for remote learning. In addition to local education communities’ self-identified challenges in engaging all students in continuity of education, new evidence at the national level shows that the shutdowns caused by COVID-19 could exacerbate existing achievement gaps. How much learning students lose during school closures varies significantly by access to remote learning, the quality of remote instruction, home support, and the degree of engagement. As local education agencies (LEAs) plan for reopening of schools in the 2020–21 school year, it is anticipated students will probably need to stay home for at least part of it. It is critical that educators use the planning process to honestly reflect on successes and challenges of local continuity of education plans in the 2019-20 school year and learn how to make instruction more effective. Achieving this goal will require that LEAs provide teachers with resources that demonstrate how they can make virtual engagement and instruction effective and to train them in remote-learning best practices. It will also be necessary to work with parents to facilitate learning at home, establish strong social, emotional and mental-health supports for students, staff and families, and ensure that all students have the infrastructure (such as laptops, tablets, and good broadband) needed for remote learning. As a blend of remote and in-classroom learning becomes possible, more flexible staffing models may also be required, along with a clear understanding of which activities to prioritize for in-classroom instruction, identification of the students who most need it, and the flexibility to switch between different teaching methods. LEAs (and schools) are encouraged to use the following template to document goals, strategies, discrete action steps, and plans for professional learning and communication to achieve local goals for improved student outcomes in the 2020-21 school year and beyond. Goal Setting Steps to Complete this Section: 1. Develop SMART Goals for your priority challenges.

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Page 1: School Reopening Instructional Planning Template Schools... · Web viewSchool Instructional Reopening Plan – Template The swift transition to continuity of education highlighted

School Instructional Reopening Plan – Template

The swift transition to continuity of education highlighted strengths and challenges in local education communities’ readiness for remote learning. In addition to local education communities’ self-identified challenges in engaging all students in continuity of education, new evidence at the national level shows that the shutdowns caused by COVID-19 could exacerbate existing achievement gaps. How much learning students lose during school closures varies significantly by access to remote learning, the quality of remote instruction, home support, and the degree of engagement. As local education agencies (LEAs) plan for reopening of schools in the 2020–21 school year, it is anticipated students will probably need to stay home for at least part of it. It is critical that educators use the planning process to honestly reflect on successes and challenges of local continuity of education plans in the 2019-20 school year and learn how to make instruction more effective.

Achieving this goal will require that LEAs provide teachers with resources that demonstrate how they can make virtual engagement and instruction effective and to train them in remote-learning best practices. It will also be necessary to work with parents to facilitate learning at home, establish strong social, emotional and mental-health supports for students, staff and families, and ensure that all students have the infrastructure (such as laptops, tablets, and good broadband) needed for remote learning. As a blend of remote and in-classroom learning becomes possible, more flexible staffing models may also be required, along with a clear understanding of which activities to prioritize for in-classroom instruction, identification of the students who most need it, and the flexibility to switch between different teaching methods.

LEAs (and schools) are encouraged to use the following template to document goals, strategies, discrete action steps, and plans for professional learning and communication to achieve local goals for improved student outcomes in the 2020-21 school year and beyond.

Goal Setting

Steps to Complete this Section:

1. Develop SMART Goals for your priority challenges. 2. For each goal statement create a nickname for the goal. This nickname will be used as the title of the

goal within action plans and formal reports (no more than 35 characters).

Measurable Goal Statement (Smart Goal)

Measurable Goal Nickname (35 Character Max)

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Measurable Goal Statement (Smart Goal)

Measurable Goal Nickname (35 Character Max)

Measurable Goal Statement (Smart Goal)

Measurable Goal Nickname (35 Character Max)

Measurable Goal Statement (Smart Goal)

Measurable Goal Nickname (35 Character Max)

Measurable Goal Statement (Smart Goal)

Measurable Goal Nickname (35 Character Max)

Measurable Goal Statement (Smart Goal)

Measurable Goal Nickname (35 Character Max)

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Measurable Goal Statement (Smart Goal)

Measurable Goal Nickname (35 Character Max)

Measurable Goal Statement (Smart Goal)

Measurable Goal Nickname (35 Character Max)

Measurable Goal Statement (Smart Goal)

Measurable Goal Nickname (35 Character Max)

Measurable Goal Statement (Smart Goal)

Measurable Goal Nickname (35 Character Max)

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Action Plan Steps

Once measurable goals for Teaching and Learning and Student and Staff Wellness have been identified, detailed action plans to meet each goal should be developed. Steps to Complete this Section:

1. Identify an evidence-based strategy to achieve each measurable goal. Enter one evidence-based strategy per action plan.2. Select the measurable goal(s) that will be impacted by the evidence-based strategy. You can select more than one goal.3. Create an action plan for each evidence-based strategy that includes the following components:

a. Action Step: Identify the discrete action steps required to prepare for and implement the strategy. Be sure to list steps in sequential order.

b. For each action step, complete the following fields: i. Anticipated Start/Completion Date: Select the date on which the action step is scheduled to begin and the date by

which it should be completed.ii. Lead Person/Position: List the person(s)/position(s) responsible for ensuring the action step is implemented effectively.

iii. Materials/Resources/Supports Needed: List any materials, resources, or support the LEA or school requires from an external partner in order to implement the action step effectively.

iv. PD Step?: To implement the action step effectively, do any administrators, staff, students, or other stakeholders in your education community need to be trained?

v. Com Step?: To implement the action step effectively, will administrators, staff, students, or other members of your education community require specific communication regarding this action step?

c. Anticipated Outputs: List 2-3 tangible products or observable events/milestones/shifts in practice that will help you assess whether you are implementing the action plan effectively.

d. Monitoring/Evaluation: Describe how the LEA or school will monitor implementation of this action plan. Include a description of the people who will be involved, the data that will be used, and any tools that will be used in the monitoring routines.

Evidence-based Strategy Name Measurable Goals

Action Steps Anticipated Start Completion DateClick or tap to enter a date.

Click or tap to enter a date.

Material/Resources/Supports Needed Prof Development Step Communication StepChoose an item. Choose an item.

Lead Person/Position

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Action Steps Anticipated Start Completion DateClick or tap to enter a date.

Click or tap to enter a date.

Material/Resources/Supports Needed Prof Development Step Communication StepChoose an item. Choose an item.

Lead Person/Position

Action Steps Anticipated Start Completion DateClick or tap to enter a date.

Click or tap to enter a date.

Material/Resources/Supports Needed Prof Development Step Communication StepChoose an item. Choose an item.

Lead Person/Position

Anticipated Outcomes Monitoring/Evaluation

Evidence-based Strategy Name Measurable Goals

Action Steps Anticipated Start Completion DateClick or tap to enter a date.

Click or tap to enter a date.

Material/Resources/Supports Needed Prof Development Step Communication StepChoose an item. Choose an item.

Lead Person/Position

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Action Steps Anticipated Start Completion DateClick or tap to enter a date.

Click or tap to enter a date.

Material/Resources/Supports Needed Prof Development Step Communication StepChoose an item. Choose an item.

Lead Person/Position

Action Steps Anticipated Start Completion DateClick or tap to enter a date.

Click or tap to enter a date.

Material/Resources/Supports Needed Prof Development Step Communication StepChoose an item. Choose an item.

Lead Person/Position

Anticipated Outcomes Monitoring/Evaluation

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Evidence-based Strategy Name Measurable Goals

Action Steps Anticipated Start Completion DateClick or tap to enter a date.

Click or tap to enter a date.

Material/Resources/Supports Needed Prof Development Step Communication StepChoose an item. Choose an item.

Lead Person/Position

Action Steps Anticipated Start Completion DateClick or tap to enter a date.

Click or tap to enter a date.

Material/Resources/Supports Needed Prof Development Step Communication StepChoose an item. Choose an item.

Lead Person/Position

Action Steps Anticipated Start Completion DateClick or tap to enter a date.

Click or tap to enter a date.

Material/Resources/Supports Needed Prof Development Step Communication StepChoose an item. Choose an item.

Lead Person/Position

Anticipated Outcomes Monitoring/Evaluation

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Evidence-based Strategy Name Measurable Goals

Action Steps Anticipated Start Completion DateClick or tap to enter a date.

Click or tap to enter a date.

Material/Resources/Supports Needed Prof Development Step Communication StepChoose an item. Choose an item.

Lead Person/Position

Action Steps Anticipated Start Completion DateClick or tap to enter a date.

Click or tap to enter a date.

Material/Resources/Supports Needed Prof Development Step Communication StepChoose an item. Choose an item.

Lead Person/Position

Action Steps Anticipated Start Completion DateClick or tap to enter a date.

Click or tap to enter a date.

Material/Resources/Supports Needed Prof Development Step Communication StepChoose an item. Choose an item.

Lead Person/Position

Anticipated Outcomes Monitoring/Evaluation

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Professional Development Steps

Steps to Complete this Section:For each step that requires professional development include the following:

1. Professional Development activity name. 2. Action Step: To which action step is the professional development activity aligned? 3. Audience: List the stakeholder group(s) who will engage in the professional learning.4. Topics to be Included: List the content on which the professional development will focus to build capacity for participants to implement

the evidence-based strategy.5. Evidence of Learning: Identify the tangible ways that participants will be expected to demonstrate their learning.6. Lead Person/Position: List the person or organization that will provide the professional learning.7. Anticipated Start/Completion: Identify the start and end dates for each professional learning activity.8. Types of Activities: List the types of activities that will be offered for this professional development step.9. Frequency: How often will the professional learning activity(ies) occur?

(If you need more than the number of tables provided please copy and paste more into the document)

Professional Development Activity Name:

Action Step Audience

Topics to be Included

Evidence of Learning

Lead Person/PositionStart: Click or tap to enter a date. Completion: Click or tap to enter a date.

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Anticipated Timeline

Learning Format (If you need additional Learning Format tables for this Professional Development Activity please copy and paste more into the document)Types of Activities FrequencyDanielson Framework Component Met in this Plan Choose an item.

Choose an item.

This Step Meets the Requirements of State Required Trainings Choose an item.

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Learning Format (If you need additional Learning Format tables for this Professional Development Activity please copy and paste more into the document)Types of Activities FrequencyDanielson Framework Component Met in this Plan Choose an item.

Choose an item.

This Step Meets the Requirements of State Required Trainings Choose an item.

Professional Development Activity Name:

Action Step Audience

Topics to be Included

Evidence of Learning

Lead Person/Position

Anticipated TimelineStart: Click or tap to enter a date. Completion: Click or tap to enter a date.

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Professional Development Activity Name:

Action Step Audience

Topics to be Included

Evidence of Learning

Lead Person/Position

Anticipated TimelineStart: Click or tap to enter a date. Completion: Click or tap to enter a date.

Learning Format (If you need additional Learning Format tables for this Professional Development Activity please copy and paste more into the document)Types of Activities FrequencyDanielson Framework Component Met in this Plan Choose an item.

Choose an item.

This Step Meets the Requirements of State Required Trainings Choose an item.

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Steps to Complete this Section:

For each step that requires a specific communication activity include the following:

1. Type the communication activity name.2. Action Step: Select the action step the communication activity is aligned 3. Audience: Identify the intended audience(s) of the communication activity.4. Topics to be Included: Identify the topics that must be included to achieve the purpose of the communication activity.5. Lead Person/Position: List the person that will be responsible for the communication activity.6. Anticipated Start/Completion: Identify the start and end dates for each communication activity. 7. Type of Communication: Select the form of communication you are using to engage with your audience.8. Frequency: How often will the communication activity(ies) occur?

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Communication Activity Name:

Action Step Audience

Topics to be Included

Lead Person/Position

Anticipated Timeline Start: Click or tap to enter a date. Completion: Click or tap to enter a date.

Communication (If you have additional types of Communication please copy and paste additional tables into the document)Type of Communication Frequency

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Communication Activity Name:

Action Step Audience

Topics to be Included

Lead Person/Position

Anticipated Timeline Start: Click or tap to enter a date. Completion: Click or tap to enter a date.

Communication (If you have additional types of Communication please copy and paste additional tables into the document)Type of Communication Frequency

Communication Activity Name:

Action Step Audience

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Topics to be Included

Lead Person/Position

Anticipated Timeline Start: Click or tap to enter a date. Completion: Click or tap to enter a date.

Communication (If you have additional types of Communication please copy and paste additional tables into the document)Type of Communication Frequency