scattering processes and resonances from lattice qcdscattering processes and resonances from lattice...

JLAB-THY-17-2495 ADP-17-28/T1034 Scattering processes and resonances from lattice QCD Ra´ ul A. Brice˜ no, 1, * Jozef J. Dudek, 1,2, and Ross D. Young 3, 1 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, 12000 Jefferson Avenue, Newport News, Virginia 23606, USA 2 Department of Physics, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia 23187, USA 3 Special Research Center for the Subatomic Structure of Matter (CSSM), Department of Physics, University of Adelaide, Adelaide 5005, Australia (Dated: June 21, 2017) The vast majority of hadrons observed in nature are not stable under the strong inter- action, rather they are resonances whose existence is deduced from enhancements in the energy dependence of scattering amplitudes. The study of hadron resonances of- fers a window into the workings of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) in the low-energy non-perturbative region, and in addition, many probes of the limits of the electroweak sector of the Standard Model consider processes which feature hadron resonances. From a theoretical standpoint, this is a challenging field: the same dynamics that binds quarks and gluons into hadron resonances also controls their decay into lighter hadrons, so a complete approach to QCD is required. Presently, lattice QCD is the only available tool that provides the required non-perturbative evaluation of hadron observables. In this article, we review progress in the study of few-hadron reactions in which resonances and bound-states appear using lattice QCD techniques. We describe the leading approach which takes advantage of the periodic finite spatial volume used in lattice QCD calcula- tions to extract scattering amplitudes from the discrete spectrum of QCD eigenstates in a box. We explain how from explicit lattice QCD calculations, one can rigorously gar- ner information about a variety of resonance properties, including their masses, widths, decay couplings, and form factors. The challenges which currently limit the field are discussed along with the steps being taken to resolve them. CONTENTS I. Introduction 2 II. Resonances, composite particles, and scattering amplitudes 3 A. Pole singularities 3 B. Coupled-channel scattering 4 C. Diagrammatic representation 5 III. Lattice QCD 5 IV. Scattering in a finite-volume 6 A. Scattering in non-relativistic quantum mechanics in one space dimension 7 B. Scattering in a periodic cubic volume 7 C. Relating scattering amplitudes to finite-volume spectra 10 1. Dominance of the lowest partial-wave 10 2. Coupled-channel scattering and parameterization of scattering amplitudes 11 3. Examples of finite-volume spectra for simple scattering amplitudes 11 V. Determining the finite-volume spectrum 12 A. Variational analysis of correlation matrices 12 B. Operator construction 15 * [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 1. The importance of “multi-hadron” operators 16 VI. Examples of resonance determination 18 A. Elastic resonances in ππ scattering 18 B. Resonances in coupled-channel meson-meson scattering 22 VII. Other approaches to resonance determination 23 A. Resonances in the L¨ uscher formalism in the narrow-width approximation 23 B. Resonances and ‘naive’ level counting 25 C. Finite volume EFT Hamiltonian approach 26 D. Unitarized chiral perturbation theory and chiral extrapolations 27 E. Other approaches 28 VIII. Coupling resonances to external currents 29 A. Determining matrix elements in lattice QCD 30 B. Lellouch-L¨ uscher formalism and its generalizations 31 C. Applications 32 IX. Contemporary Extensions 33 A. Particles with nonzero intrinsic spin 33 B. Three-particle systems 34 C. Elastic form factors of resonances 35 X. Outlook 35 Acknowledgments 36 References 36 XI. Numerical evaluation of F 40 arXiv:1706.06223v1 [hep-lat] 20 Jun 2017

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Page 1: Scattering processes and resonances from lattice QCDScattering processes and resonances from lattice QCD Raul A. Briceno,~1, Jozef J. Dudek,1,2, yand Ross D. Young3, z 1Thomas Je erson

JLAB-THY-17-2495 ADP-17-28/T1034

Scattering processes and resonances from lattice QCD

Raul A. Briceno,1, ∗ Jozef J. Dudek,1, 2, † and Ross D. Young3, ‡

1Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, 12000 Jefferson Avenue, Newport News, Virginia 23606, USA

2Department of Physics, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia 23187, USA

3Special Research Center for the Subatomic Structure of Matter (CSSM), Department of Physics,University of Adelaide, Adelaide 5005, Australia

(Dated: June 21, 2017)

The vast majority of hadrons observed in nature are not stable under the strong inter-action, rather they are resonances whose existence is deduced from enhancements inthe energy dependence of scattering amplitudes. The study of hadron resonances of-fers a window into the workings of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) in the low-energynon-perturbative region, and in addition, many probes of the limits of the electroweaksector of the Standard Model consider processes which feature hadron resonances. Froma theoretical standpoint, this is a challenging field: the same dynamics that binds quarksand gluons into hadron resonances also controls their decay into lighter hadrons, so acomplete approach to QCD is required. Presently, lattice QCD is the only available toolthat provides the required non-perturbative evaluation of hadron observables. In thisarticle, we review progress in the study of few-hadron reactions in which resonances andbound-states appear using lattice QCD techniques. We describe the leading approachwhich takes advantage of the periodic finite spatial volume used in lattice QCD calcula-tions to extract scattering amplitudes from the discrete spectrum of QCD eigenstates ina box. We explain how from explicit lattice QCD calculations, one can rigorously gar-ner information about a variety of resonance properties, including their masses, widths,decay couplings, and form factors. The challenges which currently limit the field arediscussed along with the steps being taken to resolve them.


I. Introduction 2

II. Resonances, composite particles, and scatteringamplitudes 3A. Pole singularities 3B. Coupled-channel scattering 4C. Diagrammatic representation 5

III. Lattice QCD 5

IV. Scattering in a finite-volume 6A. Scattering in non-relativistic quantum mechanics in

one space dimension 7B. Scattering in a periodic cubic volume 7C. Relating scattering amplitudes to finite-volume

spectra 101. Dominance of the lowest partial-wave 102. Coupled-channel scattering and parameterization

of scattering amplitudes 113. Examples of finite-volume spectra for simple

scattering amplitudes 11

V. Determining the finite-volume spectrum 12A. Variational analysis of correlation matrices 12B. Operator construction 15

[email protected][email protected][email protected]

1. The importance of “multi-hadron” operators 16

VI. Examples of resonance determination 18

A. Elastic resonances in ππ scattering 18

B. Resonances in coupled-channel meson-mesonscattering 22

VII. Other approaches to resonance determination 23

A. Resonances in the Luscher formalism in thenarrow-width approximation 23

B. Resonances and ‘naive’ level counting 25

C. Finite volume EFT Hamiltonian approach 26

D. Unitarized chiral perturbation theory and chiralextrapolations 27

E. Other approaches 28

VIII. Coupling resonances to external currents 29

A. Determining matrix elements in lattice QCD 30

B. Lellouch-Luscher formalism and its generalizations 31

C. Applications 32

IX. Contemporary Extensions 33

A. Particles with nonzero intrinsic spin 33

B. Three-particle systems 34

C. Elastic form factors of resonances 35

X. Outlook 35

Acknowledgments 36

References 36

XI. Numerical evaluation of F 40








t] 2

0 Ju

n 20


Page 2: Scattering processes and resonances from lattice QCDScattering processes and resonances from lattice QCD Raul A. Briceno,~1, Jozef J. Dudek,1,2, yand Ross D. Young3, z 1Thomas Je erson



In the last couple of decades, the field of hadron spec-troscopy has undergone a renaissance, spurred in partby the observation in experiments of a large number ofstates whose presence had not been anticipated. Manyof these, known colloquially as the “X,Y,Z ” states, havebeen found in the heavy quark sector (see (Chen et al.,2016; Liu, 2014) for recent reviews on the topic), anda complete understanding of them remains elusive, withpiecemeal proposals ranging from tetraquark construc-tions, to meson-meson molecules, to quark-gluon hybridstates etc... All these ‘pictures’ strongly depend on themodel chosen to locally approximate the low-energy be-havior of the fundamental theory of the strong interac-tion, quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Ultimately it isQCD which builds these states, and it is to QCD that weshould turn to understand them.

In practice, one does not have to go high in the ex-perimental hadron spectrum to find states that put ourunderstanding of QCD to a test. An iconic example isthe σ/f0(500) resonance, which couples to the ππ scatter-ing channel, and is both extremely light and unnaturallybroad, having a decay width larger than its mass. Untilrecently even its existence was not a settled issue (Capriniet al., 2006; Garcia-Martin et al., 2011; Pelaez, 2016), andat the QCD level, the origin of the σ remains a mystery.On the other hand, there is also a spectrum of ‘conven-tional’, mainly narrow, resonances, the lightest of whichis the ρ, whose mass pattern is fairly well described bymodels that consider mesons to be constructed from aquark and an antiquark, having a relatively weak cou-pling to their decay channels (Shepherd et al., 2016).

Motivated in part by the excitement in contemporaryexperimental exploration of the spectrum of hadrons,there is demand for a parallel theoretical program thatcan shed light on these states. Models, either at thequark level, or the hadron level, can help us to gain in-sight into how these states are constructed, but even-tually we need to anchor our understanding in first-principles calculation within QCD. Historically, this hasbeen extremely challenging, with one relevant complica-tion being that the vast majority of hadrons observed innature are unstable under the strong interactions. Weobserve all but the lightest hadrons through their decayproducts as resonances, whose lifetimes are of the sameorder as the time scale of QCD interactions. This forcesus to consider theoretical techniques which can consis-tently encode the physics of both binding and decay.Presently, the only rigorous theoretical tool which hasbeen shown to meet these demands is lattice QCD.

Lattice QCD considers quark and gluon fields on a dis-crete grid of points of finite size, and by sampling possibleconfigurations of these fields, with a probability dictatedby the lagrangian of QCD, hadronic observables can beestimated, along with a measure of statistical uncertaintythat can be reduced with increased computer time. Sys-

tematic errors arise from the choice of lattice spacing,the size of the box, and in many practical calculations,the values chosen for the quark masses, which for com-putational cost reasons may not be as low as the experi-mentally measured quark masses. These approximationsare controlled, and the corresponding uncertainties canbe systematically decreased, in principle.

The vast majority of lattice QCD calculations to datehave focused on the properties of states that are sta-ble within QCD, and these calculations have matured tothe level where they can be considered realistic, with up,down, strange and charm quark masses tuned to theircorrect physical values, and even some including the rela-tively small effects due to QED (Aoki et al., 2012b; Blumet al., 2007, 2010; Borsanyi et al., 2015; de Divitiis et al.,2013; Duncan et al., 1996; Horsley et al., 2016).

The study of hadron resonances using lattice QCD,and consequently the study of the QCD spectrum, is at amuch earlier stage of its development, but rapid progressis being made that we will review here. An approach thatrelates the discrete spectrum of QCD eigenstates in thefinite-volume defined by the lattice, to scattering ampli-tudes which may contain resonances, has been a powerfultool. Generically known as the “Luscher method”, it al-lows us access to hadron scattering amplitudes computedfrom first principles in QCD. By applying techniques sim-ilar to those used in the analysis of experimental scat-tering data, we are able to infer the resonance contentof these amplitudes by analytically continuing into thecomplex energy plane, where resonances appear as polesingularities.

From a practical point of view, a first challenge hasbeen to develop the algorithmic and computational tech-niques to make possible the determination of a tower ofexcited states, and recent years have seen tremendous ad-vances in lattice QCD methods, such as those describedin (Blossier et al., 2009; Dudek, 2011; Dudek and Ed-wards, 2012; Dudek et al., 2013a, 2011a, 2009, 2010; Ed-wards et al., 2011; Foley et al., 2005; Liu et al., 2012;Luscher, 1986b; Luscher and Wolff, 1990; Morningstaret al., 2011; Peardon et al., 2009). It is now not unusualto observe lattice calculations determining as many astwo dozen states in a single quantum number channel,with many methods being sufficiently flexible as to placealmost no restriction on this number in future calcula-tions.

The detailed discrete spectra of states extracted in lat-tice calculations have been used to constrain two-bodyscattering amplitudes in both elastic and coupled-channelcases, using a rigorous formalism that has been maderather general in derivations presented over the past fewyears. In this review we will consider all aspects of reso-nance physics within lattice QCD, including the couplingof resonances to external currents, and will outline chal-lenges which still remain and possible avenues to over-come them.

Page 3: Scattering processes and resonances from lattice QCDScattering processes and resonances from lattice QCD Raul A. Briceno,~1, Jozef J. Dudek,1,2, yand Ross D. Young3, z 1Thomas Je erson



The asymptotic states of QCD are QCD-stablehadrons, built from quarks and gluons, like the pion orthe proton. Our interest in this review is in compos-ite particles, which we will consider through their dualidentities as dynamical enhancements in hadron scatter-ing amplitudes, and as objects built from quarks andgluons. Two categories of composite particle are reso-nances, which are unstable, decaying into multiple stablehadrons, and bound-states, which are stable against de-cay by virtue of being lighter than the relevant decaythreshold. Bound-states can therefore be added to thelist of possible asymptotic states of QCD.

Familiar bound-states in hadron physics are atomic nu-clei, with the simplest being the deuteron, a compositeparticle having the quantum numbers of a proton and aneutron in a S-wave, with small fractional coupling toD-wave. A detailed spectrum of hadron resonances hasbeen observed experimentally (Patrignani et al., 2016),which includes both baryons and mesons with a widerange of angular momenta. Resonances with relativelylong lifetimes, narrow resonances, can often be observedas ‘bump-like’ enhancements in the invariant mass dis-tribution of their decay products.

Bound-states and resonances may be considered morerigorously as being associated with pole singularities ofscattering amplitudes. We can illustrate this in thecontext of elastic scattering of two spinless particles ofmasses m1, m2. The total energy and momentum inany frame, (E,P), the center-of-momentum frame en-ergy, E?, and cm-frame momentum, q?, are related toMandelstam s by

√s =

√E2 −P2 = E? =


1 + q?2 +√m2

2 + q?2,

such that the magnitude of q? is determined,

q? =1


[s− 2(m2

1 +m22) +


2 −m21



, (1)

but the direction q? is not, reflecting the possible angu-lar dependence of the scattering amplitude, which canbe expressed in terms of the angle θq? in the scatteringplane, or via Mandelstam t.

The elastic scattering amplitude, M(s, t), canbe decomposed in terms of partial-wave amplitudes,M = 1

∑` P`(cos θq?)M`(s), and hadron resonances of

definite angular momentum are expected to contributeto just one of the infinite set of partial-wave amplitudes.Conservation of probability above the kinematic thresh-old (E? > Ethr. = m1 + m2) is enforced by the elasticunitarity condition,


M`= − 1


2 q?

E?Θ(E? − Ethr.), (2)

and with the imaginary part specified by unitarity, it iscommon to express the real part of the elastic scatteringamplitude as a function of a real variable, the phase-shift,δ`(E






2 q?

E?cot δ`(E

?). (3)

The presence of q? in the unitarity relation indicatesan important property of partial-wave amplitudes whenthey are considered to be functions of a complex valueof Mandelstam s. The square-root in Eq.(1) meansthatM`(s) features a branch cut beginning at threshold

s =(m1 +m2

)2, and because of this there are two Rie-

mann sheets. The first, or physical sheet, has Im(q?) > 0,and is so named because it contains the real energy axis(s + iε with ε → 0+), where physical scattering occurs.The second, or unphysical sheet, has Im(q?) < 0 and canbe reached by moving down through the branch cut fromthe real axis.

A. Pole singularities

The existence of a composite particle of angular mo-mentum ` is indicated by the presence inM`(s) of a polesingularity — in the vicinity of a pole at s0, the elas-

tic partial wave amplitude takes the form M` ∼ g2

s0−s .Causality forbids there to be poles off the real axis on thephysical sheet (Gribov, 2008), but poles on the real axisbelow threshold on the physical sheet are allowed and areidentified with bound states, with the bound-state massbeing

√s0. Pole above threshold on the real axis violate

unitarity, which one case see from Eq. 2, which impliesthat,

ImM∗` ∝ |M`|2, (4)

which cannot be satisfied at a real-valued pole.Poles off the real axis are allowed to appear if they

are on the unphysical sheet — they appear as complexconjugate pairs and can be identified with resonances.The real and imaginary parts of their position are oftenassociated with a mass and a width for the resonance,√s0 = mR±i 1

2ΓR. The proximity of the lower half-planeof the unphysical sheet to the real energy axis means thatit is usually the pole at

√s0 = mR − i 1

2ΓR which hasthe dominant effect on the measured scattering ampli-tude. Such a pole with a small value of ΓR lies close tothe region of physical scattering and will give rise to aprominent ‘bump’ in the energy region around E? ≈ mR.Resonance poles lying further from the real axis, or poleswhich lie close to the opening of a new threshold, do notnecessarily have a simple ‘bump-like’ signature on thereal energy axis.

There is another possibility we have not yet considered:that a scattering amplitude has a pole singularity on the

Page 4: Scattering processes and resonances from lattice QCDScattering processes and resonances from lattice QCD Raul A. Briceno,~1, Jozef J. Dudek,1,2, yand Ross D. Young3, z 1Thomas Je erson


FIG. 1 The pole position of the ρ resonance with varyinglight-quark mass (expressed in terms of the resulting pionmass) from lattice QCD calculations (blue, (Dudek et al.,2013a,b; Lin et al., 2009; Wilson et al., 2015a)) and highly-constrained analysis of experimental data (black, (Anantha-narayan et al., 2001; Colangelo et al., 2001; Garcia-Martinet al., 2011; Masjuan et al., 2014; Masjuan and Sanz-Cillero,2013; Zhou et al., 2005)). Also shown (red), the result ofextrapolating the the lattice QCD data down to the phys-ical light quark mass using unitarized chiral perturbationtheory (UχPT) (Bolton et al., 2016) (UχPT is discussed inSec. VII.D). A transition from the ρ being a stable boundstate to being an unstable resonance is clearly visible.

real energy axis below threshold, but on the unphysi-cal sheet. This case is known as a virtual bound-state,and while the singularity will produce an enhancementat threshold, there is no asymptotic state possible. Vir-tual bound states can arise in cases when interactions areattractive, but not attractive enough to form a bound-state, with a famous experimental example being the di-neutron (spin-singlet NN scattering).

We should be careful not to think of bound-states, vir-tual bound-states and resonances as necessarily havingfundamentally different origins. For example, it has beenobserved in lattice QCD calculations that as the massesof the light u, d quarks are increased from their physicalvalues, the lightest resonance in ππ P -wave scattering,the ρ, has a width which decreases, until at a certainpoint the width becomes zero and the ρ becomes a stablebound-state (Ali Khan et al., 2002; Allton et al., 1999;Bernard et al., 1993, 2001; DeGrand, 1991; Dudek et al.,2013a,b; Feng et al., 2015, 2011; Leinweber and Cohen,1994; Lin et al., 2009; Wilson et al., 2015a) (illustratedin Fig. 1). Another example is the di-neutron which, aspresently understood, evolves from a virtual bound-statewhen the u, d quark masses take their physical value, toa true bound-state when the quarks are somewhat heav-ier (Beane et al., 2013, 2012b; Berkowitz et al., 2017;Yamazaki et al., 2012, 2015).

B. Coupled-channel scattering

Generalizing to the case where there are multiple two-body scattering channels kinematically accessible is rel-atively straightforward if we introduce the scatteringmatrix M, with matrix elements, Mab, where a, b la-

bel channels (e.g. ππ, KK, ηη . . . ). The symmetry ofQCD under time-reversal ensures that this matrix is sym-metric, and a constraint on the imaginary part of M isfurnished by unitarity. The unitarity condition is mostcompactly expressed in terms of the matrix inverse ofMin the partial wave basis,


` (E?))ab

= −δab1


2 q?aE?

Θ(E? − Ethr.a ), (5)

where we see that there are only imaginary pieces alongthe diagonal and only above the relevant kinematicthreshold. The presence of the channel momentum, q?a,indicates that M now has a branch cut starting at eachkinematic threshold.1

A resonance pole will appear at the same position ineach element of the matrix, (M`(s))ab ∼ rab

s0−s . Theresidue can be factorized (Gribov, 2008), rab = ga · gb,such that we obtain couplings describing the resonance’sconnection to each scattering channel.

Empirically one can measure only quantities whichlead to estimates of (M`(s))ab for real values of s = E?2,and the behavior in the complex plane must be obtainedby analytically continuing parameterized functions of s.Unitarity provides a strong constraint on the possibleforms of such parameterizations, and a convenient wayto implement this is by utilizing a K-matrix, where wewrite (



)ab− i δab



2 q?aE?

, (6)

and where by choosing K to be a matrix of real functionsof s for real energies above kinematic threshold, we ensurethe unitarity condition is satisfied.

Analyticity constraints on scattering amplitudes inprinciple constrain the set of allowed forms for K, butoften these are not manifestly enforced, with forms typ-ically chosen for their simplicity used in fits to exper-imental data. For example, choosing the K-matrix tocontain just a simple pole, Kab = γaγb

m2−s , leads to a scat-tering matrix of the Flatte form (Flatte, 1976a,b), or inthe single-channel case, a Breit-Wigner.

With an explicit choice of parameterization made, itsfree parameters can be varied to try to best describe ex-perimental data for real energies. The amplitudes maythen be analytically continued into the complex planeand examined for pole singularities. If they are found,the pole position can be interpreted in terms of a massand width, and the pole residue can be factorized intocouplings.

1 This complicates the Riemann sheet structure for complex s,leading to 2nchan sheets for nchan open channels. Typically onlya small number of those sheets are close to physical scattering.

Page 5: Scattering processes and resonances from lattice QCDScattering processes and resonances from lattice QCD Raul A. Briceno,~1, Jozef J. Dudek,1,2, yand Ross D. Young3, z 1Thomas Je erson


C. Diagrammatic representation

We will later explore the behavior of scattering ampli-tudes when our theory is placed in a finite box, and thederivations that we will present are most easily performedusing a diagrammatic representation. While QCD is atheory whose fundamental degrees of freedom are quarkand gluons, these fields are confined, and the relevantasymptotic states for scattering processes feature onlycolor-singlet hadrons. The Feynman diagrams we will bediscussing in the following feature only these asymptoti-cally allowed hadrons.2

The diagrammatic representation of the scattering am-plitude describing n incoming and n′ outgoing hadrons,M(n → n′), is the sum over all diagrams with n incom-ing and n′ outgoing legs that have been amputated and puton-shell. All intermediate propagators are evaluated us-ing the iε-prescription and all intermediate loop momentaare integrated. We make the fairly standard iε prescrip-tion and momentum integration explicit in this statementbecause later we will have cause to adjust them.

For the simple case of elastic scattering of spinlesshadrons, the sum of diagrams for 2 → 2 amplitudes canbe presented immediately, as in Fig. 2(a), where the di-agrams can be drawn in a remarkably simple form byintroducing the Bethe-Salpeter kernel, Fig. 2(b), and thefully-dressed single-particle propagator, Fig. 2(c). Theuse of these two objects, which are themselves infinitesums, ensures that all diagrams, including those involv-ing intermediate multi-particle states, are included in thedefinition of the scattering amplitude. This seeminglysimple representation is in fact exact to all orders inthe perturbative expansion. We will return to this di-agrammatic representation of the scattering amplitudelater when we consider correlation functions evaluated ina finite spatial volume.


Before proceeding to a discussion of the determinationof resonance properties, we first present a basic overviewof the numerical approach known as lattice QCD (for amore detailed introduction to lattice QCD we point thereader to (Gattringer and Lang, 2009)).

Lattice QCD is a non-perturbative approach to QCD,where the quark and gluon fields are quantized on a dis-crete grid of spacetime points of finite size (Wilson, 1974).By transforming to Euclidean time, the path integralcomes to feature a factor which can be treated as a prob-ability according to which gauge-field configurations may

2 One could always envision that QCD can be mapped onto an all-encompassing low-energy effective field theory, which dictates allof the dynamics of hadrons.

+ + ...+iM = =


=C(2)⇤µ ( +

)( )( V



( ( )(+ +

}( (( ( ( (

( (�K⇤

= +

+ + ...

...++= +




1PI 1PI 1PI+ + ...(b)

=C(2)⇤µ ( +

)( )( V



( ( )(+ +

}( (( ( ( (

( (�K⇤

= +

+ + ...

...++= +




1PI 1PI 1PI+ + ...


FIG. 2 (a) The scattering amplitude, M as the sum overall on-shell amputated four-point diagrams in terms of theBethe-Salpeter kernel (b) and the fully-dressed single particlepropagator (c). Solid lines correspond to the particles in theprimary channel being considered, while dashed lines denotefluctuations due to particles that cannot go on-shell.

be drawn in a Monte-Carlo approach. The gauge fieldsin lattice QCD are expressed in terms of SU(3) matri-ces, U , one for each link of the lattice, and in terms ofthese and the quark fields, ψ, ψ, the Euclidean partitionfunction can be expressed as

ZE =

∫DU DψDψ e−SE(ψ,ψ,U), (7)

where the integral is to be thought of as being over allpossible configurations of the gauge and quark fields, andwhere the action SE is any suitable discretization of theQCD action. Correlation functions which feature fieldsat various space-time points can be similarly defined,



∫DU DψDψ f(ψ, ψ, U) e−SE(ψ,ψ,U), (8)

where for a suitable choice of function we may be able torelate the value of the correlation function to a physicalobservable.

Because the QCD lagrangian is bilinear in ψ, ψ, thefermionic part of the integral can be done exactly leaving

ZE =

∫DU detQ(U) e−Sg(U) =

∫DU e−SE(U), (9)

where Q(U) is the “Dirac matrix” which appears betweenψ and ψ in the discretization of the QCD lagrangian. Inthe case of correlation functions, all possible Wick con-tractions of ψ and ψ in the function are replaced with“propagators”, Q−1(U), when the fermion fields are in-tegrated out.

The quantity e−SE is positive definite, and can betreated as a probabilistic measure of the importance of

Page 6: Scattering processes and resonances from lattice QCDScattering processes and resonances from lattice QCD Raul A. Briceno,~1, Jozef J. Dudek,1,2, yand Ross D. Young3, z 1Thomas Je erson


a given gauge field configuration, to be used in a Monte-Carlo generation of a finite number of possible gauge fieldconfigurations. With these configurations in hand, thevalue of a correlation function can be computed on eachconfiguration, and by averaging over the ensemble of con-figurations, a statistical estimate obtained.

In this approach one discretizes and truncates space-time, which introduces respectively an ultraviolet cutoff(via the lattice spacing, a) and an infrared cutoff (viathe lattice volume, L), and QCD in its usual form can inprinciple be recovered as L→∞ and a→ 0. In this doc-ument we will not be overly concerned with the behaviorof lattice QCD under changes in a, but the dependenceon L will prove to be precisely the tool needed to inves-tigate scattering of hadrons in lattice QCD.

The introduction of a space-time boundary requires usto specify boundary conditions for the fields, and themost common choice is to have fermion(gauge) fieldsbe anti-periodic(periodic) in the temporal direction, andto have all fields be periodic in spatial directions. Pe-riodic boundary conditions on a cube, L × L × L,mean that free particles can only have three-momentap = 2π

L (nx, ny, nz) for integer ni. The finite size inthe temporal direction, usually denoted T , effectivelyputs the system at a finite temperature, but providedmπT � 1, where mπ is the mass of the lightest asymp-totic particle in QCD (the pion), this effect is usuallynegligibly small, being suppressed exponentially.

Truncation to a finite periodic spatial volume has sev-eral impacts on the theory, some of which we will takeadvantage of to determine scattering amplitudes — thesewill be discussed in the next section. Other impacts arenot so useful. An example is the change in the propertiesof stable hadrons due to them being able to ‘see’ them-selves around the periodic volume. These ‘polarization’effects can be shown to be exponentially suppressed withincreasing volume (Luscher, 1986a), scaling like e−mπL,and by working in large enough volumes, mπL� 1, theycan be reduced to a negligible level.

The parameters which must be specified in order tocarry out a computation in lattice QCD include themasses of the quarks. Historically, most lattice QCDcalculations have been carried out with mass values forthe light up and down quarks somewhat larger than theirphysical masses, owing to the large computational cost ofworking with very light fermion fields. An obvious effectof this is that the masses of hadrons computed in theselattice QCD calculations come out larger than they wouldin the physical version of QCD (or in experiment). Inparticular it is usual to characterize the quark mass usedby quoting the pion mass calculated using that quarkmass. In recent years we have seen an increasing numberof lattice QCD calculations (of relatively simple quanti-ties) that use a quark mass value that is rather close tothe physical value.


In a finite volume, strictly speaking, we cannot in-troduce the asymptotic states we require to define ascattering system – when we separate particles by largedistances they begin to feel significant effects from theboundary, such that they are not truly free or asymptotic.Furthermore, the spectrum of eigenstates of QCD in a fi-nite volume is qualitatively different from that in infinitevolume. The continuous spectrum of multihadron stateswe observe in scattering experiments is present becausethe volume of the system is effectively infinite, allowing aparticle to have any continuous value of momentum. In afinite volume, no such continuous distribution can exist,as application of the boundary conditions will quantizemomenta, leading to a discrete spectrum of states.

In this chapter we will show that information aboutscattering amplitudes can be obtained from the discretespectrum in a finite volume, and in particular from itsdependence on the volume. We will illustrate the basicidea using the simplest possible system, non-relativisticquantum mechanics in one space dimension, before mov-ing to the desired case, relevant to lattice QCD calcula-tions, of scattering in quantum field theory in three spacedimensions when the boundary is a cube with periodicboundary conditions. In the latter case, while conceptu-ally the physics is the same, complications arise from themismatch between the partial-wave expansion, which re-lies upon continuous rotational invariance, and the cubicgeometry of the lattice boundary.

The final result, which we will refer to as the Luscherquantization condition 3 , is of the following form:

det[F−1(E,P;L) +M(E)

]= 0. (10)

This equation features the determinant of a sum of twocomplex, energy-dependent matrices, and is quite gen-eral, with a version of it being applicable to all possi-ble 2 → 2 scattering processes, be they elastic, coupled-channel, featuring spinless hadrons or hadrons with spin(Bedaque, 2004; Bernard et al., 2011; Briceno, 2014;Briceno and Davoudi, 2013a; Briceno et al., 2014; Christet al., 2005; Feng et al., 2004; Fu, 2012; Guo et al., 2013;Hansen and Sharpe, 2012; He et al., 2005; Kim et al.,2005; Lage et al., 2009; Leskovec and Prelovsek, 2012;Li and Liu, 2013; Liu et al., 2006; Luscher, 1986b, 1991;Rummukainen and Gottlieb, 1995). The components areM, which is a matrix, diagonal in total angular momen-tum, built out of the infinite volume scattering matri-ces introduced in Section II.B, and F−1 which encodes

3 The idea of extracting scattering information from finite-volume spectra predates (DeWitt, 1956; Huang and Yang, 1957)Luscher’s seminal work, but he was the first to find a non-perturbative relation

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the ‘kinematics’ of the finite-volume. F−1 is in generalnot diagonal in angular momentum, but is diagonal inthe space of dynamically coupled channels, and it differsdepending on the value of the total momentum of thetwo-body system, P.

We can interpret Eq.(10) in the following way – for agiven total momentum, P, and a set of scattering am-plitudes, M`(E) (which might be matrices in the spaceof kinematically open channels), in an L × L × L vol-ume, the discrete spectrum of states having a specifiedquantum number 4 , En(P, L), is given by all energiesfor which the determinant evaluates to zero. Techniquesto determine the scattering amplitudes from values ofEn(P, L) computed using lattice QCD will be discussedlater, after we first motivate the finite-volume approach,and then sketch a derivation of Eq.( 10).

A. Scattering in non-relativistic quantum mechanics in onespace dimension

We can illustrate the essential relationship between thediscrete spectrum of states in a finite periodic volumeand the infinite volume scattering amplitudes using thesimple case of elastic scattering of two identical spinlessbosons in one spatial dimension in non-relativistic quan-tum mechanics (DeGrand and DeTar, 2006).

We begin by considering the infinite-volume systemwhere we suppose that the bosons, separated by adistance |x|, interact through a finite-range potential,V (|x|), with V (|x| > R) = 0. Outside the potential,the wavefunction of the two-boson system will be of theform ψp(|x|) ∼ cos

(p|x| + δ(p)

), where all values of the

momentum, p ≥ 0, are allowed, and where the elasticscattering phase-shift, δ(p), describes the scattering am-plitude. In principle, if the potential is specified, one cansolve for the positive energy eigenfunctions inside the well(thus accounting for the dynamics of the system), andmatch the wavefunctions at |x| = R to determine thephase-shift.

Now consider putting the system in a periodic box (acircle of circumference L > R). A single boson in this boxwould have a simple momentum spectrum, pn = 2π

L nfor integer n, which follows from applying the periodicboundary conditions to free-particle wavefunctions, eipx.For the interacting boson pair, we apply the periodic

4 we will discuss later what these ‘quantum numbers’ are witha cubic symmetry, given that the broken rotational symmetryindicates that they will not be values of angular momentum

boundary conditions (at x = ±L/2) to the wavefunc-tion, cos

(p|x| + δ(p)

), and its derivative, which leads to

the following condition on the momentum:

p =2π

Ln− 2


This simple result illustrates most of the important fea-tures of the spectrum in a finite-volume: there will beonly discrete values of p (and hence E) which solve thisequation; if there is no scattering (δ(p) = 0), we re-cover the free-particle spectrum; when the particles inter-act, the discrete spectrum depends on the infinite-volumescattering amplitude (via δ(p)) and the volume of the‘box’ (L).

The result for quantum field theory in a three-dimensional periodic cubic box (a torus) shares all thesequalitative features – let us now sketch a derivation.

B. Scattering in a periodic cubic volume

To arrive at Eqn. 10, we equate two different but equiv-alent representations of the two-point correlation functionin a finite volume: the dispersive representation whichexpresses the correlation function in terms of the dis-crete spectrum of eigenstates, and an all-orders diagram-matic representation. The derivation sketched here fol-lows the approach first presented in (Hansen and Sharpe,2012; Kim et al., 2005), using a notation similar to thatin (Briceno and Hansen, 2016).

A two-point correlation function in a finite Euclideanspacetime of spatial dimension L×L×L can be written5,

CL(x4 − y4,P) ≡∫L



dy e−iP·(x−y)


]L, (11)

where B† and A are creation and annihilation op-erators having the quantum numbers of the hadron-hadron scattering channel we wish to study, andwhere we have projected into definite three-momentum,P = 2π


(nx, ny, nz

). The dispersive representation fol-

lows by inserting a complete set of discrete eigenstates ofthe finite-volume Hamiltonian, CL(x4 − y4,P) =



∣∣En,P;L⟩ ⟨En,P;L


where the eigenstates in a finite volume are normalizedaccording to



⟩= δn,n′ δP′,P.

5 on a lattice, the integral∫Ldx would be replaced by a finite sum

over lattice sites

Page 8: Scattering processes and resonances from lattice QCDScattering processes and resonances from lattice QCD Raul A. Briceno,~1, Jozef J. Dudek,1,2, yand Ross D. Young3, z 1Thomas Je erson


+ ...

B†VA B† AV V VA V B†+ + + ...CL(P ) = V

= ++

+ ...+


1PI =




+ ...

B†VA B† AV V VA V B†+ + + ...CL(P ) = V

= ++

+ ...+


1PI =


VL =_ VR† L R† L R† ⌘ �L(P ) F (P, L) R†(P )

+CL(P ) � C1(P ) = A B⇤ A B⇤M +...V = �A(P )1

F�1(P, L) + M(P )B⇤(P )



FIG. 3 (a) The diagrammatic representation of the finite-volume two-point correlation function for energies where thetwo-particle states can go on-shell. (b) The finite-volumefunction, F (P,L), defined in Eq. (15), expressed in terms ofthe difference between finite and infinite volume two-particleloops.

The diagrammatic representation of the same finite-volume correlation function, for energies below any three-particle threshold, can be constructed according to theapproach laid out in (Kim et al., 2005). As illustrated inFig. 3 those diagrams where an intermediate two-particlestate can go on-shell play the dominant role in determin-ing the dependence of the correlation function on thefinite-volume. Qualitatively this can be understood byrecognizing that on-shell particles can propagate over ar-bitrary distances and hence sample the boundaries ofthe volume, and the quantitative manifestation of thiswill be pole singularities at energies corresponding to al-lowed free two-particle states. Diagrams in which theintermediate two-particle state cannot go on shell can beshown to contribute at a level which is exponentially sup-pressed ∼ e−mπL, and these can be neglected for volumesL� m−1

π .

The core object in the diagrammatic representationis the difference between the two-particle loop in finiteand infinite volume as shown in Fig. 3(b). We will illus-trate this in the simplest case of two identical spinlessparticles – the extension to cases of unequal masses andparticles having non-zero spin can be found in the litera-ture (Briceno, 2014; Briceno and Davoudi, 2013a; Bricenoand Hansen, 2016; Hansen and Sharpe, 2012). Inside theloop, one particle carries momentum k and the otherP − k, and their on-shell energies are ωk =

√k2 +m2

and ωPk =√

(P− k)2 +m2 respectively. In a finite-volume, the integral over continuous particle momentumis replaced by a sum over the allowed discrete momenta

k = (2π/L)n with n ∈ Z3,∫dk










The difference between finite and infinite-volume loopfunctions, having arbitrary smooth functions L(P −k, k)and R†(P − k, k) at the vertices, takes the form 6

FL =








× L(P − k, k) ∆(k) ∆(P − k)R†(P − k, k),

with ∆ being the fully-dressed Euclidean single-particlepropagator, defined with unit residue at the poles. Per-forming the contour integration over k4, dropping termswhich do not have singularities for physical E (i.e. termswhich vanish exponentially in the volume), and approxi-mating the non-singular part of the function by the valueat the pole, we arrive at

FL = −[








2ωk 2ωPk

× L(P − k, k)1

E − ωk − ωPk + iεR†(P − k, k)


The presence of the pole at E = ωk − ωPk + iε will en-sure the dominance of the on-shell values of L and R†.These have a familiar decomposition when expressed inthe cm-frame. The on-shell condition written in termsof the cm-frame relative momentum, q?, is E? = 2ω?q ,which determines the magnitude of q?, but not its direc-tion, which coincides with k boosted into the cm-frame.We can decompose L and R† in terms of spherical har-monics, as

Lon(P,k?) ≡√

4π Y`m(k?)L`m(P ),

R†on(P,k?) ≡√

4π Y ∗`m(k?)R†`m(P ) , (13)

and the factors L`m,R†`m, being independent of the loopmomentum, can be taken outside the integral and sumto give

FL = −L`m(P )F`m;`′m′(P,L)R†`′m′(P ), (14)


6 For identical particles, one should include a symmetry factor of12

. Through this review we ignore such factors, both in finite- andinfinite-volume quantities, in such a way that the relationshipbetween these is consistent.

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F`m;`′m′(P,L) ≡[







]4π Y`m(k

?)Y ∗`′m′(k


2ωk 2ωPk (E − ωk − ωPk + iε)



)`+`′. (15)

The factors



)`are introduced to cancel the ambigu-

ity in defining the spherical harmonics at threshold.

In summary, the difference between a finite-volumetwo-particle loop and its infinite-volume counterpart canbe written as a product of matrices in angular momen-tum space featuring only on-shell quantities. We may ap-ply this result to the diagrams appearing in Fig. 3(a) —there the functions appearing inside the loops are eitherBethe-Salpeter kernels or overlaps with the source and

sink operators. For each diagram we replace it with itsinfinite volume expression plus a finite-volume correctionwhich is functionally identical to Eq.(14) with L and R†replaced with the appropriate functions. The sum of all2→ 2 on-shell amputated diagrams is replaced with thescattering amplitude 7 M. After a substantial amountof algebra, one can show that the correlation functioncan be written in terms of the infinite-volume correlationfunction, C∞, and a geometric series in −MF which ap-pears between the fully dressed overlaps to the sourceand sink operators B? and A?,

CL(x4 − y4,P) = L3



[C∞(P )−A?(P )F (P,L)


(−M(P )F (P,L)

)nB?(P )


= L3



[C∞(P )−A?(P )

[F−1(P,L) +M(P )


B?(P )

]. (16)

In order to complete the derivation by comparing to thedispersive representation, Eq.(12), we must evaluate theintegral over P4, which can be done by considering theanalytic properties of the integrand. In order for Eq.(12)to result, the integrand must include a series of poles ofthe form 1

P4−iEn(L) . Since the position of the poles corre-

sponds to the spectrum in a finite volume, they are surelyvolume dependent, and as such they must arise from the

factor[F−1(P,L)+M(P )

]−1in Eq.(16). This factor will

diverge appropriately if the matrix[F−1(P,L) +M(P )

]is singular, that is if det

[F−1(P,L) +M(P )

]= 0, which

we recognize as Eq.(10).

The relationship between the finite-volume spectrumand the infinite-volume scattering amplitudes, Eq.(10)has thus been derived, but one additional useful resultconcerning matrix-elements follows if we evaluate the dP4

7 whose partial-wave expansion we generalize toM(P, q′?, q?) = Y ∗`m(q?)M`m;`′m′ (E?)Y ∗

`′m′ (q′?) for ar-

bitrary directions of initial and final-state particles, realizingthat rotational invariance in infinite volume will make thematrix M`m;`′m′ diagonal in angular momentum

integral, giving,

CL(x4 − y4,P) =∑n


× L3A?(En,P)R(En,P)B?(En,P)(17)

where R is the residue of the finite-volume two-particlepropagator,

R(En,P) ≡


(−(iP4 + En)

[F−1(P,L) +M(P )

]−1). (18)

We will consider the importance of this result later whenwe investigate the computation of resonant matrix ele-ments in QCD.

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C. Relating scattering amplitudes to finite-volume spectra

Eq.(10), which we repeat here,

det[F−1(E,P;L) +M(E)

]= 0,

describes the relationship between the finite-volume en-ergy spectrum, En(P, L), and the infinite-volume scatter-ing amplitudes. As the derivation in the previous sectionindicates, the matrices F−1 andM are, even in the sim-plest elastic spinless case, formally of infinite size, fea-turing all possible integer values of ` ≥ 0. How thencan we hope to use this equation in practice? To makeprogress we first note that at low energies, higher partial-wave amplitudes typically reduce rapidly in magnitude as` is increased. This is expected on the grounds of angu-lar momentum conservation which leads to a behavior atthreshold which much fall at least as fast asM` ∼ (q?)`.It follows that, in practice, the contribution of higherpartial waves to Eq.(10) is numerically negligible at lowenergies, and one is well justified truncating the angularmomentum space to the lowest few ` values.

An additional simplification comes from consideringthe fact that, although the use of a cubic symmetryfor the lattice boundary has broken the continuous ro-tational symmetry needed for angular momentum to bea good quantum number, there is a smaller residual sym-metry group still present. In the case of the rest frame(P = 0), this is the group of rotations which leave a cubeinvariant, the cubic or octahedral group. This group hasa finite number of irreducible representations, or irreps.For example, for bosonic systems the irreps are labelledA1, A2, T1, T2 and E (plus an additional parity label), andthese can be though of as the ‘quantum numbers’ carriedby finite-volume eigenstates. When projected into one ofthese irreps (subduced is the term-of-art used), the densematrix F−1 (whose rows and columns are labelled by `,mvalues) becomes block diagonal, reflecting the fact thatonly certain ` values subduce into each irrep, see Table I.

For non-zero momenta P, the symmetry is reduced stillfurther, to the appropriate little group, each of which hasits own set of irreducible representations. We will notgo into detail here (see e.g. (Thomas et al., 2012)) exceptto note that in general, these in-flight irreps are typically

Λ(dim) `

A1(1) 0, 4, . . .T1(3) 1, 3, 4, . . .T2(3) 2, 3, 4, . . .E(2) 2, 4, . . .A2(1) 3, . . .

TABLE I The lowest partial waves, `, that are subduced intothe Λ irrep for the cubic group for bosonic systems – thedimension of each irrep is given in parentheses. An irrep ofdimension d has d equivalent “rows” – analogous to the 2`+1m-values in the rotationally invariant case.

more dense in ` content and usually feature both parities.Although subduction simplifies the behavior of F in

angular momentum space somewhat, the dependence onenergy remains complicated, featuring many singularities— some illustration is provided in Appendix XI.

1. Dominance of the lowest partial-wave

An extremely important case, the one most commonlyconsidered in the literature to date, has only the low-est partial-wave subduced into an irrep having a non-negligible amplitude, with all higher partial-waves as-sumed small enough to ignore. In the case of elasticscattering this assumption leads to F−1 and M being1 × 1 matrices, and Eq.(10) reducing to a simple equa-tion, M = −F−1, which is often expressed in terms ofthe elastic scattering phase-shift as

cot δ`(E) = − cotφΛ` (P, L,E) (19)

where the right-hand-side is related to the finite-volume function we have previously discussed,cotφΛ

` (P, L,E) = 16π E?

2q? ReFΛ` , where the energy

dependence of F is illustrated in Appendix XI.Under these conditions, determining the scattering am-

plitude from values of En(P, L) computed using latticeQCD is straightforward – one simply inserts the latticeenergy value into the function on the right-hand-side ofEq.(19), to yield a value of δ` at that energy. The moreenergy levels are determined, the more discrete pointsone will have on the phase-shift curve.

One might wonder how we can know, in any partic-ular calculation, whether we are justified in neglectinghigher partial waves. The simplest approach is to di-rectly determine the corresponding higher partial-wavephase-shift using a relevant irrep. For example, if we areconsidering ππ scattering with I = 1, we might be con-cerned about the contribution of the ` = 3 partial-waveto the T−1 irrep, which should be dominated by ` = 1 atlow energies. We can use energy levels in the T−2 and A−2irreps, which have ` = 3 as their lowest partial wave8,assuming that still higher partial-waves are negligible.

Going beyond this simplest case of a single partial wavedominating, Eq.(10), suitably subduced and truncatedto include only the lowest few relevant partial-waves, inprinciple has each finite-volume energy level as a func-tion of the phase-shift for all included partial waves. Ofcourse, level–by–level this is just one equation in mul-tiple unknowns, and it cannot be solved. However, inpractice, we will determine many energy levels with each

8 ` = 2 cannot contribute to I = 1 in this case due to Bosesymmetry. We can also make use of levels in moving-frame irrepswhich have ` = 3 as their leading contribution.

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one providing a constraint. If the scattering amplitudesare smooth functions of the energy, they can be suitablyparameterized, and we can attempt to describe the spec-trum as a whole, by varying a small number of param-eters. A similar situation arises in the case of coupled-channel scattering, and indeed is more acute there, asthere is usually no sense in which one channel can beconsidered ‘weak’ relative to a ‘dominant’ channel, sowe will illustrate the parameterization of amplitudes ap-proach there.

2. Coupled-channel scattering and parameterization ofscattering amplitudes

We can illustrate the approach most easily if we ini-tially assume a system dominated by S-wave scatteringof two coupled channels of spinless particles that we willlabel ππ and KK. If mπ < mK there is a region of elas-tic ππ scattering before the KK threshold opens. S-wavescattering is described by the matrix of scattering ampli-tudes,

M =

( Mππ;ππ Mππ;KK



where each entry is a complex number at each valueof cm-energy. Multichannel unitarity, Eq.(5), specifiesthe imaginary parts so that just three real numbers areneeded at each value of energy to completely specify thescattering. This matrix appears in a version of Eq.(10),


[(F−1ππ 00 F−1



( Mππ;ππ Mππ;KK


)]= 0,

(20)where F−1

ππ and F−1

KKare known functions of E and L

whose imaginary parts are such that this equation is realfor matricesM satisfying the multichannel unitarity con-dition (see Appendix XI). It follows that for any partic-ular finite-volume energy level En(L), we have one realequation and three unknowns.

An approach that has proven successful in a numberof explicit calculations (which will be discussed in Sec-tion VI) was outlined in (Guo et al., 2013). In it the en-ergy dependence of the scattering matrix is parameterizedby some explicit analytic form featuring a small numberof free parameters, {ai}. For any particular set of valuesof these free parameters, the explicit parameterized formforM can be substituted into Eq.(20) and that equationsolved for a discrete spectrum of finite-volume energiesin an L× L× L box, Epar.

n (L; {ai}). This spectrum canbe compared to the spectrum obtained in a lattice cal-culation, and by varying {ai} a χ2 can be minimized tofind a best description.

Of course this approach requires us to propose par-ticular parameterization forms for M. Since they must

satisfy multichannel unitarity if Eq.(20) is to have solu-tions, the question of how to parametrize M is equiva-lent to to choosing a parametrization for the K-matrixintroduced in Eq.(6). One might be correctly concernedthat by having choosen a particular parametrization forthe K-matrix one might introduce possible systematicbias. This can and should be tested by varying the choicemade in the parametrization. It is empirically observedin explicit calculations presented in Section VI that incases where a large density of energy levels are deter-mined, strongly constraining the free parameters in theparameterization, any sufficiently flexible form for theK-matrix will give compatible amplitudes. Furthermore,if the channel contains a fairly narrow resonance, the an-alytic continuation of all parametrization forms into thecomplex plane will show pole singularities at consistentlocations.

3. Examples of finite-volume spectra for simple scatteringamplitudes

In this subsection we will present some illustrative ex-amples of the finite-volume spectra obtained by solvingEq.(10) for some simple scattering amplitudes. The verysimplest case is that of no scattering at all, and in thiscase the finite-volume spectrum will simply be the dis-crete spectrum of non-interacting hadron pairs. For ex-ample for a pair of spinless particles, which we mightcall ππ, in the rest frame, E(L) = 2

√m2π + k2 with

k = 2πL (nx, ny, nz).

The simplest non-trivial case we will consider isweakly interacting elastic S-wave scattering, describedby tan δ(q?) = a q?, with scattering length a < 0 beingrepulsive and a > 0 being attractive. Figure 4 showsthe finite volume spectra in the rest frame P = [000](A+

1 irrep) and, for illustration, one possible movingframe, P = [110] (A1 irrep). We observe that in the weakattractive case (a > 0, green curves), the energies lie closeto, but systematically lower than, the non-interacting en-ergy levels (black dashed curves), while in the repulsivecase (a < 0, red curves) they lie systematically higher.

A more interesting case is presented in Figure 5,where the elastic amplitude is a relativistic S-wave Breit-Wigner,

tan δ0(E?) =E? Γ(E?)

m2 − E?2 with Γ(E?) =g2



(21)with m chosen to be 1182 MeV and three increasing val-ues of coupling, g. For the narrowest resonance (g = 1.0,upper panel), it is clear that at every value of L thereis an ‘extra’ level (beyond those expected in the non-interacting case) in the vicinity of 1182 MeV, and in thoselocations where a non-interacting curve (black dashedcurves) crosses this energy, there is an ‘avoided levelcrossing’. Levels at energies far from 1182 MeV are ob-

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served to lie very close to the non-interacting curves, aswe might expect given that at those energies, δ0 ≈ 0◦

or 180◦, either of which correspond to no scattering. Asthe coupling is increased (lower panels), the avoided levelcrossings become broader and the effect of the resonanceis effectively spread over a larger energy region, where itis no long possible identify any single level as ‘belonging’to the resonance.

Figure 6 shows an example of an S-wave two-coupled-channel process constructed to feature a simple narrowresonance coupled to both channels, which we label ππand KK, where these channels are otherwise uncoupled.A simple Flatte form achieves this 9 , and gives us ourcanonical view of a multichannel narrow resonance: it ap-pears as a bump in the channels to which it couples, andthe height of the bump is simply related to the couplingto that decay channel. It has a nearby pole on the near-est unphysical sheet (since we are above both thresholdin two-channel scattering, this is sheet III, Im q?ππ < 0,Im q?

KK< 0) that is partnered by an ‘image’ pole (Au

et al., 1987) on a more distant Riemann sheet (in thiscase, sheet IV, Im q?ππ > 0, Im q?

KK< 0) .

Focussing on the corresponding finite-volume spectrumwe notice that, as was the case in elastic scattering, thereis a typically an ‘extra’ state in the vicinity of the res-onance mass. The characteristic ‘avoided level crossing’behavior is again present. It is clear that computing inmoving frames (such as P = [110] shown in the figure)provides a high density of levels which can be used toconstrain the scattering matrix.

We end this section by pointing out that the physicsof multichannel resonances in infinite and finite volumesis not always as simple as was implied by the previousexample. Figure 7 shows a two-channel amplitude whichfeatures a resonant pole causing a rapid energy variationat the opening of the KK threshold 10. It is clear thatthis resonance does not manifest itself as a bump, butrather as a dip in the magnitude of the ππ → ππ am-plitude, and as a rapid turn-on of the ππ → KK andKK → KK amplitudes at threshold. There is a pole onsheet II whose presence is being felt at the KK thresh-old – a very distant pole on sheet III has little impact onthe behavior at KK threshold. We will not discuss herewhat physics might cause such a pole distribution, onlypoint out that this is a possible scattering amplitude, one

9 in S-wave, Mij(E?) = 16π


∑k g



10 The scattering matrix here is constructed from a K-matrix pa-rameterized via

K−1 =

(a b+ c(E?)2

b+ c(E?)2 d+ e(E?)2

), (22)

where a, b, c, and d are constants, and we have replaced the phasespace factor in Eq.(6) with the so-called Chew-Mandelstam phasespace, first introduced in (Chew and Mandelstam, 1960) anddescribed in detail in (Wilson et al., 2015b).

which may be somewhat reminiscent of the experimentalf0(980) resonance.

Now, examining the finite-volume spectra correspond-ing to this amplitude, we see that, while there can belarge departures from the non-interacting spectrum inthe region around the resonance position (which is veryclose to the KK threshold), there is no obvious ‘extra’level present. This example illustrates the case that inmultichannel scattering, a presence of an additional levelmight suggest the existence of a resonance in the the-ory, but the converse, that the absence of an ‘extra’ levelimplies the absence of a resonance, is certainly not true.


It should be clear from the results of Section IV thatone can learn about scattering amplitudes if one has de-termined the discrete spectrum of states in one or morevolumes, in one or more frames. In this section we presenta discussion of how the reliable extraction of a discreteexcited state spectrum can be achieved in practical lat-tice QCD calculations.

A. Variational analysis of correlation matrices

From the form of Eq.(12),

C(t) ≡∫L



dy e−iP·(x−y)[〈0|A(x, t)B†(y, 0)|0〉


= L6∑n


∣∣En,P;L⟩ ⟨En,P;L


it would seem that by decomposing the time-dependenceof a single correlation function in terms of a sum of ex-ponentials one could get access to the entire spectrum ofstates. Unfortunately this approach is not practical forthe determination of anything beyond the energy of thelightest state with the quantum numbers of A, B†. Atechnique that has proven extremely effective is to com-pute a matrix of correlation functions using a basis ofoperators,

Cij(t) ≡∫L



dy e−iP·(x−y)[〈0|Ai(x, t)A†j(y, 0)|0〉


which can be analyzed variationally (Blossier et al., 2009;Luscher and Wolff, 1990; Michael, 1985). The set of Noperators {Ai}i=1...N all have the same quantum num-bers but will ideally have differing magnitudes of overlap〈0|Ai|En〉, onto each state in the spectrum. It followsthat there will be a certain linear superposition of opera-

tors, v(n)i Ai, that will optimally (in the variational sense)

interpolate each state n in the spectrum, and these su-perposition weights can be shown to be the eigenvectorswhich solve a generalized eigenvalue problem,

Cij(t) v(n)j (t, t0) = λn(t, t0)Cij(t0) v

(n)j (t, t0). (23)

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-45 0 451.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

FIG. 4 Finite volume spectrum in a rest-frame irrep and a moving-frame irrep for weak attractive (green) and repulsive (red)elastic scattering. Non-interacting energy levels are indicated by the dashed black lines and the gray band shows the kinematicthreshold (2mπ). Plotted is cm-frame energy, E? in MeV, against L in fm. Scattering particles have mass 300 MeV and thescattering length is |a| = 0.32 fm. Rightmost panel shows the corresponding elastic phase-shift in degrees.







1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0



















0 45










0 45










0 45




1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

FIG. 5 Finite volume spectrum in two irreps for a Breit-Wigner resonance with three values of decay coupling. Plotted is cm-frame energy, E? in MeV, against L in fm. Scattering particles have mass 300 MeV and Breit-Wigner mass is m = 1182 MeV.Dashed black curves show non-interacting energy levels, and the gray band at 600 MeV indicates the kinematic threshold.Rightmost panel shows the elastic phase-shift in degrees.

Page 14: Scattering processes and resonances from lattice QCDScattering processes and resonances from lattice QCD Raul A. Briceno,~1, Jozef J. Dudek,1,2, yand Ross D. Young3, z 1Thomas Je erson








600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600








600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600







1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0







1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0










600 800 1000





1200 1400









-400 -300 -200 -100 100 200 300 400







(e) (f)

FIG. 6 Narrow resonance in two channel scattering modeled by a Flatte amplitude. Channels are labelled “ππ” and “KK”with mπ = 300 MeV and mK = 500 MeV.(a) Finite-volume spectrum in rest-frame: interacting theory shown by black curves, non-interacting ππ and KK energiesshown by red, green dashed curves respectively, kinematic thresholds (2mπ, 2mK) shown by the horizontal red, green bands.Horizontal dashed black line indicates the Flatte mass, m = 1182 MeV.(b) Same as (a) for the frame moving with momentum [110] – energy is the corresponding cm-frame energy, E?.

(c) Phase-shifts and inelasticity, defined in two-channel scattering via Mππ;ππ = 4πE?


(η e2iδππ − 1


Mππ;KK = 4πE?√q?ππq


√1− η2 ei(δππ+δ

KK), MKK;KK = 4πE?


(η e2iδ

KK − 1).

(d) Square of the amplitude modulus,∣∣A∣∣ = 1

16π2 q?



∣∣.(e) Poles of the amplitude plotted in the complex energy plane – above the KK threshold, the lower half plane of sheet III isclosest to physical scattering, and the pole highlighted in black is the cause of the prominent bump in the amplitudes near1182 MeV.(f) Poles of the amplitude plotted in the complex q?

KKplane – physical scattering runs down the positive imaginary axis below

KK threshold, then along the positive real axis above. That the IV sheet pole is always rather distant from physical scatteringis apparent.

Page 15: Scattering processes and resonances from lattice QCDScattering processes and resonances from lattice QCD Raul A. Briceno,~1, Jozef J. Dudek,1,2, yand Ross D. Young3, z 1Thomas Je erson








600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600






600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600










600 800 1000 1200 1400









-400 -300 -200 -100 100 200 300 400







1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0







1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0








(e) (f)

FIG. 7 As Figure 6 for an amplitude featuring a nearby sheet II pole.

In this expression, t0 is a suitably chosen reference time,which ideally is selected to be such that only N statesare required to saturate Cij(t0) to a good approxima-tion (Dudek et al., 2008). The eigenvalues feature therelevant state energies, λn(t, t0) ∼ e−En(t−t0). Fittingthe time dependence of each of these quantities, alsoknown as principal correlators, therefore enables a de-termination of the discrete spectrum. There are variousapproaches to handling the time-dependence of the solu-tion of Eq.(23), see e.g. (Bulava et al., 2009; Dudek et al.,2008; Kiratidis et al., 2017, 2015; Mahbub et al., 2013).

B. Operator construction

There still remains the question of what form the op-erators, which must have the quantum numbers of thehadronic system of interest, but which need to be con-structed from the basic quark and gluon fields of QCD,should take. A longstanding approach for the case ofsystems with meson quantum numbers is to make useof fermion bilinear operators, ψΓψ, where the quarkfields may be smeared over space, and where the Γ ob-ject controls the spin-structure and may, if desired, havespatial dependence. A recent application of this ap-proach (Dudek et al., 2013a, 2011a, 2009, 2010; Thomaset al., 2012) considers a large basis of operators con-

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structed out of the following basic form,

ψΓψ = ψΓDi . . . Dkψ, (24)

where the Di are gauge-covariant derivatives in the spa-tial directions. Using up to three derivatives, a very largebasis of operators can be constructed, and with these op-erators, large matrices of correlation functions computed.When these are analyzed variationally, spectra like thoseshown in Figure 8 can be obtained (Dudek et al., 2013a).The set of states observed closely matches the expec-tations of a model where mesons are quark-antiquarkconstructions, with the addition of some states that alsohave gluonic content (Dudek, 2011). But this spectrumis surely incomplete — in particular when the volume ischanged, the extracted spectrum varies relatively little,in contrast to the expectations of the previous section(where for example at least some levels approximatelytrack the volume dependence of non-interacting levels).Subsequent calculations using an augmented operator ba-sis have shown that this spectrum is indeed incomplete,and it is to the form of the required additional operatorsthat we now turn.

1. The importance of “multi-hadron” operators

In order to resolve the complete low-lying spectrum ofstates through variational analysis of correlation matri-ces, it proves to be necessary to include in the opera-tor basis some operators which ‘resemble’ the expectedmulti-hadron states in that energy region. This was il-lustrated in (Wilson et al., 2015a) for the case of the ρresonance appearing in ππ scattering. The operator ba-sis used (in the P = 0 frame) included a large numberof operators of the ‘single-meson’ ψΓψ type described inthe previous section, and in addition several operators ofform

∑k ck π(k)π(−k), where π(k) is a shorthand no-

tation for a superposition of ψΓψ operators which op-timally 11. interpolates the lightest pseudoscalar withmomentum k The product of two “pion” operators, ina fictitious world where pions do not interact, wouldclosely resemble an eigenstate of the system with energy2√m2π + k2. These ‘meson-meson’ operators are qualita-

tively different from the ‘single-meson’ operators — eachmeson operator is projected into a definite momentumand this means that they effectively sample the entirelattice volume.

Figure 9 shows the result of variational analysis of alarge matrix of correlation functions performed on anL3 ∼ (4 fm)3 lattice. In the lattice units presented,the pion mass is atmπ = 0.0393 and the kaon mass is

11 Optimal operator determined through variational analysis of amatrix of correlators for the irrep in which the moving pion sits.

atmK = 0.0834. The first column shows the spectrumextracted using 30 operators including several ‘ππ-like’and ‘KK-like’ operators. The histograms show the rela-tive size of overlaps,


∣∣En,P;L⟩, of each state onto

each operator in the basis, and it is clear that the lowesttwo levels have strong overlap with both ‘single-meson’operators subduced from J = 1 (orange) and ππ oper-ators (red). The third column indicates the spectrumwhich is extracted if meson-meson operators are not in-cluded in the basis, and it is immediately clear that thespectrum is completely different, in particular in placeof two low-lying states in the complete spectrum, onlyone state appears. It appears that without the meson-meson operators the variational system cannot find twoorthogonal combinations to overlap with the two states.

A rather simple explanation for this was presentedin (Dudek et al., 2013b). Imagine one could turn offthe ρ → ππ coupling and all ππ interactions, but retainthe ρ as a stable state in the spectrum — in this limit,the finite-volume eigenstates will be a single |ρ, L〉0 stateof definite mass, and free |π(k)π(k), L〉0 states at ener-gies 2

√m2π + k2. These states would be interpolated by

‘single-meson’ operators and ‘meson-meson’ operators re-spectively. With a small but not zero coupling ρ → ππ,these basis states will admix to form finite-volume eigen-states, and in the case that the ρ lies near just one ππstate we can treat this as a two-state system,

|E1, L〉 = cos θ |ρ, L〉0 + sin θ |ππ, L〉0,|E2, L〉 = − sin θ |ρ, L〉0 + cos θ |ππ, L〉0,

and in the expected case that a ‘single-meson’ operator Ooverlaps significantly only with |ρ, L〉0, the correspondingcorrelator would behave like∑


e−Ent 〈0|O(0)|En, L〉 〈En, L|O†(0)|0〉

∝ cos2 θ e−E1t + sin2 θ e−E2t . (25)

We note that as soon as any dynamical coupling ρ→ ππis turned on, the mixing angle θ will be particularly sen-sitive to L as the ππ (non-interacting) energy passes theρ “mass”. If the free particles’ energy is in the near vicin-ity (loosely, within the width) of a resonance, both cos2 θand sin2 θ will be appreciable. It is therefore physicallynot possible for a local ρ-like operator to have significantpreference to couple to either E1 or E2. If we work withan operator basis that only has appreciable couplings tothe compact ρ-like state it would prove impractical withfinite statistics and a limited time-extent to resolve thepresence of two exponentials. As a consequence we wouldend up concluding the presence of a single state whosemass is somewhere between E1 and E2.

It can be justified that the ‘single-meson’ operator hassuppressed overlap onto the ππ state by appealing to thedifference in spatial distributions of the operator and thestate. The operator is a local object, which samples only

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FIG. 8 Spectrum of isoscalar(black/green boxes) and isovector(blue boxes) mesons extracted from variational analysis of largematrices of correlation functions in (Dudek et al., 2013a). Degree of black/green indicates the hidden light (uu + dd) versushidden strange (ss) content of each state determined from relative sizes of operator overlap. Orange outlines indicate lightestset of states having significant overlap with operators featuring a chromomagnetic gluonic construction, suggested to be a signalfor them being hybrid mesons.




FIG. 9 Low-lying finite-volume energy spectrum (gray boxes) extracted from variational analysis of rest-frame correlationsfunctions with varying operator basis. Histograms show, for each state, the relative size of overlap onto each operator in thebasis. First column: large operator basis including many ‘single-hadron’, ψΓψ, operators, several ‘ππ-like’ operators, and one‘KK-like’ operator. Second column: as before, excluding the KK-like operator. Third column: using only ‘single-hadron’operators. Fourth, fifth columns: excluding the ‘single-hadron’ operators. Dashed lines show the non-interacting ππ and KKenergies on this 323 lattice. Energy expressed in units of the temporal lattice spacing, 1/at ∼ 6.0 GeV. Figure adapted fromone appearing in (Wilson et al., 2015a).

a small region of space, while the two-meson state occu-pies the entire lattice volume, and hence the overlap issuppressed by the volume. We emphasize here that oper-ators interpreted as being of ‘single-hadron’ type need notbe just fermion bilinears (or three quark constructions in

the case of baryons), but may contain any number offermion fields (for example, tetraquark meson construc-tions, ∼ ψψψψ). What distinguishes them from multi-hadron operators is how they sample the spatial volume,in particular that they are local to a restricted region of

Page 18: Scattering processes and resonances from lattice QCDScattering processes and resonances from lattice QCD Raul A. Briceno,~1, Jozef J. Dudek,1,2, yand Ross D. Young3, z 1Thomas Je erson


space rather that the full spatial volume.

It is clear that we need to include ‘meson-meson’ op-erators into our basis, but how many do we need? Asan example, do we need to include KK-like operatorswhen studying ππ scattering, since these two channelscan, in principle, couple. This is illustrated in the sec-ond column of Figure 9 where we observe that excludingKK-like operators does not change the spectrum belowKK-threshold. On the other hand, above KK-threshold,where we expect there to be states which contain an ad-mixture of KK, we observe that one state disappearswhen the relevant operators are not included.

We conclude this discussion by providing a ‘rule ofthumb’ for the required operator basis: in addition to‘single hadron’ operators capable of overlapping onto anyresonances you might anticipate, be sure to include mul-tihadron operators for all expected non-interacting levelsin the energy region you wish to study .

In light of this, how should we view the spectra pre-sented in Fig. 8, which were extracted without includ-ing any multihadron operators, but using a large basisof ‘single-hadron’ operators? We might guess that weare overlapping only onto the ‘single-hadron-like’ parts(pieces analogous to |ρ, L〉0, but for other resonances)and hence the spectrum is indicating the presence of aresonance (which is probably narrow) in some energy re-gion, without precisely determining its properties. Wewill return to this question in Section VII.A, where wederive a relevant result for how narrow resonances mightmanifest themselves in finite-volume spectra.


Recent years have seen an increasing number of latticeQCD calculations making use of the Luscher approachin order to determine hadron resonance properties. Inthis section we will summarize this progress. We beginby reminding the reader that the procedure laid out inthe previous two sections is not only useful in the ex-traction of resonances, scattering amplitudes in whichno resonance appears can also be determined. ππ scat-tering with isospin=2 is the classic example, and thiscase has been studied in a number of lattice calculations(Aoki et al., 2002; Beane et al., 2006, 2012c, 2008; Bulavaet al., 2016; Du et al., 2004; Dudek et al., 2011b, 2012;Feng et al., 2010; Fu, 2013; Fukugita et al., 1995; Guptaet al., 1993; Helmes et al., 2015; Kuramashi et al., 1993;Li et al., 2007; Sasaki et al., 2014; Sharpe et al., 1992;Yagi et al., 2011; Yamazaki et al., 2004). Several re-cent calculations (Beane et al., 2012c; Bulava et al., 2016;Dudek et al., 2011b, 2012) determine multiple energy lev-els and use these to determine the energy-dependence ofthe elastic phase-shift.

One application of these calculations has been to studythe pion mass dependence of the scattering length (Beane






0.2 0.3 0.4





FIG. 10 Elastic I = 2 ππ scattering phase shift using NLOchiral perturbation theory constrained by lattice QCD finite-volume spectra computed at mπ ∼ 391 MeV. Figure adaptedfrom (Beane et al., 2012c).

et al., 2006, 2012c, 2008; Feng et al., 2010; Fu, 2013;Helmes et al., 2015; Sasaki et al., 2014; Yagi et al., 2011;Yamazaki et al., 2004), which may be compared to theexpectations of chiral perturbation theory (Colangeloet al., 2001; Weinberg, 1966), and these studies findthat chiral perturbation theory describes the scatteringlength up to surprisingly large values of the pion mass,mπ ∼ 400 MeV. The energy dependence of the S-waveππ interaction has been studied by the NPLQCD Collab-oration by considering low-lying rest and boosted latticespectra across multiple volumes. These results, at a pionmass of mπ ∼ 390 MeV, sufficiently constrain the NLOchiral expansion such that the effective range parametersand be extrapolated to the physical pion mass. The re-sulting phase shift is shown in Figure 10, where it is seento be in reasonable agreement with experimental data.

Using the same gauge field configurations as theNPLQCD study, the Hadron Spectrum Collabora-tion (Dudek et al., 2012) considered multiple irrep spec-tra in various moving frames to determine the energydependence of the S and D-wave elastic scattering phase-shifts up to the 4π threshold, as shown in Figure 11. Theeffect of the angular momentum barrier at threshold isclearly observed, with the D-wave being significantly re-duced in magnitude with respect to the S-wave.

A. Elastic resonances in ππ scattering

The most widely studied example of resonance ex-traction in lattice QCD is the ρ resonance in P -waveisospin=1 ππ scattering (Aoki et al., 2007, 2011; Baliet al., 2016; Bulava et al., 2016; Dudek et al., 2013b; Fenget al., 2011; Lang et al., 2011; Pelissier and Alexandru,2013; Wilson et al., 2015a). At all but the smallest pionmasses, the ρ is an elastic resonance, kinematically able

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0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

FIG. 11 Elastic I = 2 ππ scattering phase-shifts in two partialwaves determined from finite-volume spectra in three volumeswith mπ ∼ 391 MeV. The curves indicate scattering lengthdescriptions of the finite-volume spectra. Figure adapted fromone appearing in (Dudek et al., 2012).

to decay only to ππ, and even at the physical pion mass,although the ππππ channel is kinematically open, it hasnegligible coupling to the ρ (Patrignani et al., 2016).

The pioneering application of the Luscher approach tothis case was reported on in (Aoki et al., 2007). This earlywork considered a relatively small volume, determiningtwo energy levels in the rest frame using a basis of op-erators featuring a ππ-like construction and a ψΓψ con-struction with vector quantum numbers. The two energylevels were utilized to give two points on the phase-shiftcurve using Eq.(19), which is the minimum required todetermine the two free parameters appearing in a Breit-Wigner description of the scattering amplitude, while ofcourse not providing a measure of goodness-of-fit.

Later works, in particular (Feng et al., 2011), com-puting for several values of the pion mass, extended theapproach by making use of some moving frames to obtainmore energy levels and hence more points on the phase-shift curve. With one volume per pion mass, (Feng et al.,2011) had typically three points in the energy region cor-responding to the resonance (and more outside this re-gion), giving slightly more constraint on the resonanceparameters. At about the same time, (Aoki et al., 2011)also considered moving frames.

(Dudek et al., 2013b) and (Wilson et al., 2015a)perhaps best illustrate the power of extracting multi-ple energy levels using multiple volumes and/or sev-eral moving frames. Figure 12, taken from (Dudeket al., 2013b), shows the elastic phase-shift determinedat mπ ∼ 391 MeV using energy spectra in three vol-umes, 163, 203, 243 (L ∼ 2.0, 2.4, 2.9 fm), in all relevantirreps, in all frames up to P = [200]. There can be nodoubt from these data points that there is a resonancepresent with the energy dependence of the phase-shift be-ing mapped out in detail across the entire elastic region,and the resonance parameters being tightly constrained.Figure 13, taken from (Wilson et al., 2015a) illustratesthat the use of multiple moving frames on a single larger








0.14 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19

FIG. 12 Elastic I = 1 ππ scattering phase-shifts in P -wavedetermined from finite-volume spectra in three volumes withmπ ∼ 391 MeV. Figure adapted from one in (Dudek et al.,2013b). Energy expressed in units of the temporal latticespacing, 1/at ∼ 5.7 GeV.

volume (which has a denser energy spectrum) can lead tothe same level of detail in the mapping out of the elasticphase-shift. These calculations also computed spectra inirreps whose lowest angular momentum is not ` = 1, butrather ` = 3, and in this way they were able to placesome constraint on the size of the F -wave phase-shift,confirming that it is indeed negligibly small in the en-ergy region where the ρ appears, justifying the neglect ofhigher partial-waves in the finite-volume analysis.

Also illustrated in Figure 13 are the resonance pole po-sitions found for a variety of amplitude parameterizationsconstrained to describe the finite volume spectra. It isclear from the tiny degree of scatter in the pole position,that the presence of a pole at that particular complexenergy value is required, regardless of the other details ofthe parameterization, to describe this scattering system.

A calculation on the same lattice configurations as(Wilson et al., 2015a), but using a different correlatorconstruction technique, operator basis and variationalanalysis method is presented in (Bulava et al., 2016). Asshown in Figure 14, the phase-shift extracted is compat-ible with that presented in Figure 13 within the largerstatistical errors.

The ρ is an isospin=1 resonance in ππ scattering inP -wave, and with this isospin, this is lowest allowed par-tial wave — ππ scattering in S-wave cannot occur withisospin=1, but can with isospin=0. Experimentally theS-wave is very different to the P -wave, featuring not anarrow resonance “bump”, associated with a rapid rise inphase-shift through 90◦, but rather a gradual increase inphase-shift from ππ threshold up to the KK threshold,where some more rapid variation (associated with thef0(980) resonance) occurs. It has long been suspectedthat the slow increase in phase-shift is associated witha very broad resonance, the σ, whose pole is located farinto the complex energy plane. Recently, a highly con-strained analysis of experimental ππ scattering data has

Page 20: Scattering processes and resonances from lattice QCDScattering processes and resonances from lattice QCD Raul A. Briceno,~1, Jozef J. Dudek,1,2, yand Ross D. Young3, z 1Thomas Je erson









0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16





0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16








0.128 0.129 0.130 0.131 0.132 0.133

FIG. 13 Left: Elastic I = 1 ππ scattering phase-shifts in P -wave determined from finite-volume spectra computed in a single323 volume with mπ ∼ 236 MeV. Right: Resonance pole position for a wide range of amplitude parameterizations constrainedto describe the finite-volume spectra. Energies expressed in units of the temporal lattice spacing, 1/at ∼ 6.0 GeV. Figuresadapted from those in (Wilson et al., 2015a).

02.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0







FIG. 14 Elastic I = 1 ππ scattering phase-shifts in P -wavedetermined from finite-volume spectra computed the samemπ ∼ 236 MeV configurations as used in the calculationpresented in Figure 13, but using a different correlator con-struction technique, operator basis and variational analysismethod. Color coding as in Figure 13. Figure adapted fromone appearing in (Bulava et al., 2016).

confirmed that such a pole is present and determined itsposition with some precision (see (Pelaez, 2016) for a re-view of the situation).

Very recently we have seen the first serious lattice QCDdetermination of elastic ππ scattering in the isospin=0S-wave (Briceno et al., 2017a). Lattice QCD calculationof this channel had long been considered extremely chal-lenging owing to the need to compute diagrams in whichall the quarks and antiquarks annihilate, leading to some-thing which is completely disconnected. By computing alarge number of propagation objects in the distillationframework (Peardon et al., 2009), the Hadron Spectrum

Collaboration were able to compute the required corre-lation functions and obtain finite-volume spectra at twopion masses, mπ ∼ 236, 391 MeV. The lattices are thesame ones used in the ρ extractions described above, withthree volumes at the heavier mass and a single larger vol-ume at the lighter mass.

Figure 15 shows the elastic scattering phase-shift de-termined from spectra on these lattices for the two pionmasses, and a clear change is observed between thetwo. At the heavier quark mass, the behavior is thatof a bound-state lying just below threshold, while at thelighter mass we observe something much closer to the ex-perimental situation, with a slow increase in phase-shiftover the elastic region.

At the heavier quark mass, all analytic parameteri-zations of the scattering amplitude capable of describ-ing the finite-volume spectra feature a pole locatedon the real energy axis, on the physical sheet, atE? = 758(4) MeV, which is interpreted as a bound-stateσ (lying below the ππ threshold at 2mπ = 782 MeV).At the lighter quark mass, the situation is somewhatless clear — many different parameterizations are ca-pable of describing the spectra, and while they do fea-ture a pole far into the complex plane on the unphysicalsheet, the position of that pole is not precisely deter-mined, with considerable scatter observed as the ampli-tude parameterization is varied. This observation is notunique to the finite-volume situation — the same scat-ter in pole position is observed when a variety of ampli-tudes forms are constrained using only the experimentalelastic phase-shift data. It is only when amplitude formswhich build in the required constraints of analyticity andcrossing-symmetry are utilized that the pole position canbe pinned down with precision (Pelaez, 2016).

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0.01 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.11 0.13






-0.06 -0.03 0 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12

FIG. 15 Elastic I = 0 ππ scattering phase-shifts in S-waveat two pion masses. Phase-shifts extracted from experimentaldata shown in grey along with a curve following from highlycontrained analysis of that data. Figure adapted from onein (Briceno et al., 2017a).

This brings us back to a point previously raised in thecontext of analyzing the spectra that lie above multipletwo-body open channels, discussed in Sec. IV.C.2. Wefound that the quantization condition describing suchsystems, Eq.(20), relates a single energy level to multiplecomponents of the scattering amplitude. We argued thisissue can be circumvented by using flexible parametriza-tions of the energy dependence of the scattering ampli-tude. If a large density of states are determined, thesystematic error in the resulting scattering amplitude onthe real axis is expected to be small, because the quanti-zation conditions constrains different linear combinationsof the scattering amplitude in close proximity. That be-ing said, it is quite possible that consistent results on thereal energy axis might lead to significantly different val-ues for the position of any resonant pole if it lies far intothe complex plane. This motivates the need for furtherconstraints on the scattering amplitude – as an example,for light quark masses, it might be important to imple-ment low-energy constraints imposed by chiral perturba-tion theory, such as the Adler zero present in the isoscalarππ channel, which plays an important phenomenologicalrole.










-0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3

FIG. 16 DK S-wave elastic scattering phase-shift at two val-ues of the light quark mass. Straight lines indicate effectiverange fits to the lowest two points at each mass, with the pointat which these lines intercept the dashed curve (−|q?|) beingthe position of a bound-state D?

s0 meson. Figure adaptedfrom one presented in (Lang et al., 2014b).

A system rather similar to the ρ in ππ is the narrowK? meson in P -wave πK scattering with isospin=1/2.There is an important difference, however, when this sys-tem is considered in a finite volume — the πK S-wavesystem does not decouple from the P -wave in movingframes, which significantly complicates the analysis sincethe S-wave, like the ππ case, appears to house a broadresonance. A few lattice calculations have consideredelastic scattering in the πK channel (Bali et al., 2016; Fuand Fu, 2012; Lang et al., 2012; Prelovsek et al., 2013).

A number of papers have reported on the determina-tion of elastic scattering amplitudes involving mesonscontaining a heavy quark (Lang et al., 2015, 2014b,2016; Mohler et al., 2013; Prelovsek and Leskovec, 2013a)– these studies have typically considered only the restframe in a single volume, giving a limited constraint onthe energy dependence of the phase-shift. An example isshown in Figure 16 which displays the DK S-wave elas-tic phase-shift at two pion masses computed in (Langet al., 2014b). The use of a single volume and only therest frame limits the number of relevant energy levelsto two, with an effective range formula used to interpo-late between the two in order to locate the position of abound-state D?

s0 meson.

The need to determine multiple energy levels in a lim-ited energy region in order to map out the scatteringamplitude has lead to suggestions for approaches otherthan the use of moving frames. One example is to con-sider lattices in which one spatial direction is longer thanthe others, i.e. L × L × (L′ > L). In this way the unitof momentum in the z-direction is smaller than that inthe x, y directions, leading to a changed spectrum of non-interacting levels. In the interacting case, the spectrumis also changed, and the breaking of the cubic symmetrycauses there to be more levels in the rest-frame spectrum.The complications are that, similar to the moving-framescase, operators in the irreps of a smaller symmetry groupmust be constructed, and unlike the moving frames case,new gauge fields are required for each new value of L′.This approach was applied in explicit calculation of the ρ

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resonance in (Pelissier and Alexandru, 2013). In princi-ple one could also consider moving frames in these asym-metric boxes (Lee and Alexandru, 2017).

Another proposed approach is to change the bound-ary conditions felt by the quark fields, by introducinga “twist” that can effectively induce a non-zero valueof momentum (Bedaque, 2004; Sachrajda and Villadoro,2005). Typically the proposal, called partial twisting, isto only apply the twist to “valence” quarks, i.e. to thepropagators that go into correlator construction, so thatnew gauge-field generation is not required for each newtwist value. Complications include the need to show thatthe application of a different boundary conditions to thevalence versus the sea quarks does not lead to an un-acceptable breakdown in the unitarity of the theory12.(Ozaki and Sasaki, 2013) used partial twisting to obtainmore points on the phase-shift curve in a calculation ofJ/ψ φ elastic scattering and similarly (Chen et al., 2014)in the elastic scattering of isospin=1 DD.

B. Resonances in coupled-channel meson-meson scattering

To date there have been four lattice QCD calcula-tions which have used the Luscher approach to determinecoupled-channel scattering amplitudes, all in the mesonsector. The first was a study of coupled πK, ηK scat-tering, reported on in (Dudek et al., 2014; Wilson et al.,2015b), in which spectra were computed on three latticevolumes, including a large number of moving frames. Theresulting energy levels were used to tightly constrain thetwo-channel scattering matrix, and this led to the conclu-sion that there is very little coupling between the chan-nels, with the ηK channel being weakly repulsive. TheπK channel was found to feature a broad resonance anda virtual bound-state in S-wave, a bound-state K? inP -wave, and hints of a narrow resonance in D-wave.

The second reported coupled-channel study appearedin (Wilson et al., 2015a), where the extension of the spec-tra used to determine elastic ππ scattering in P -wave,to an energy region above KK threshold, was used toconstrain coupled-channel ππ,KK scattering. As in theprevious case, relatively little coupling between the twochannels was observed.

The third case is the only one to-date involving heavyquarks, and the first to consider three-channel scat-tering. Using the same distillation technology, oper-ator constructions and analysis approach as the stud-ies above, (Moir et al., 2016) studied the coupledDπ,Dη,DsK system, finding a near-threshold bound-state in S-wave, a deeply bound D? in P -wave, and evi-

12 This concern may be somewhat less if only heavy quarks aretwisted, since their annihilation and ‘sea’ behavior is likely to beless relevant

dence for a narrowD-wave resonance coupled dominantlyto Dπ.

The fourth and most recent calculation, (Dudek et al.,2016), considered the coupled πη,KK system (with ad-ditional limited consideration of the coupling with theπη′ channel). Experimentally, the S-wave in this sys-tem features a strong enhancement at KK threshold thatis usually ascribed to the presence of a resonance, thea0(980). In (Dudek et al., 2016), the Hadron SpectrumCollaboration presented spectra from three volumes in arange of frames with mπ ∼ 391 MeV. In total, below πη′

threshold, they found 47 energy levels which were used toconstrain the two-channel πη,KK scattering matrix. Alarge number of K-matrix parameterizations were foundto be capable of describing the finite volume spectra –Figure 17 shows all such amplitudes determined in thisway which have an acceptable goodness-of-fit.

Examining Figure 17, we see that the πη → πη am-plitude shows a ‘cusp-like’ behavior at the KK thresh-old, and indeed a cusp is always allowed when a newkinematic threshold opens. However in this case, thestrength of the effect, and the rapid turn-on of ampli-tudes leading to KK suggest there might be a resonancenearby. This can be examined by analytically continuingthe amplitude parameterizations into the complex energyplane, and on doing so, a clear outcome emerges – allsuccessful parameterizations feature a pole on sheet IV(Im q?πη > 0, Im q?

KK< 0), and as can be seen in Fig-

ure 18, there is very little scatter with variation in pa-rameterization form. The residues of M at the pole canbe factorized leading to couplings of the resonance to theπη and KK channels which prove to be comparable inmagnitude 13.

Poles are also found on sheet III, which is closest tophysical scattering above the KK threshold, but theyare either far into the complex plane, or lie outside theenergy region in which there are energy levels to con-strain the amplitude. The position of these poles, whichwe emphasize are irrelevant for the behavior near theKK threshold, shows significant scatter with parameter-ization change, suggesting that they might be artifacts.

The same study found that the P -wave amplitudebelow πη′ threshold is compatible with zero, and theD-wave scattering matrix features a narrow resonancewith comparable couplings to both πη and KK finalstates. The extraction of the amplitudes in D-wave isnot at the same level of rigor as the S-wave: the three-body πππ channel can couple to the JP = 2+ partialwave, but not to 0+, and the D-wave resonance lies above

13 A description of these energy levels using amplitudes motivatedby unitarized chiral perturbation theory (Guo et al., 2017) gives aquite similar result for the pole position and couplings, althoughthe validity of using the effective theory at this pion mass is notclear.

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0.18 0.19 0.20 0.21 0.22 0.23242016








FIG. 17 πη, KK S-wave coupled amplitudes, expressed via∣∣A∣∣ = 116π

2 q?



∣∣, plotted from πη threshold up to πη′

threshold. Central values and inner bands indicate ampli-tudes and statistical errors taken from one particular suc-cessful parameterization, while the outer band indicates thedegree of scatter observed (in the 1σ error bands) over alarge number of successful parameterizations. Points belowthe graph show the positions of energy levels on each of threevolumes used to constrain the amplitudes. Calculation per-formed at mπ ∼ 391 MeV, with energy expressed in units ofthe temporal lattice spacing, 1/at ∼ 5.7 GeV. Figure adaptedfrom one appearing in (Dudek et al., 2016).

the πππ threshold. The calculation reported in (Dudeket al., 2016) did not include operators resembling πππ,nor was any attempt made to account for such a scatter-ing channel, indeed the formalism to do so does not yetexist in a complete form (this will be discussed further inSection IX).

This study illustrates some important points that arelikely to be generally applicable to future studies ofcoupled-channel resonances using the Luscher approach.The extracted amplitudes do not have a simple ‘canoni-cal’ resonance behavior (as illustrated in Figure 6), andit is only by obtaining a dense spectrum of energy levelsacross the relevant energy region (illustrated by the dotsat the bottom of Figure 17) that it is possible to constrainamplitude parameterizations sufficiently to determine theenergy-dependence. The rest-frame spectrum in one vol-ume alone (unless it were extremely large) would not beenough to understand this system. The use of a range ofanalytic parameterizations to describe the spectra, andthe ability to continue these into the complex plane tosearch for pole singularities, leads to a description of theresonant physics in terms of a pole position and cou-plings, which one can argue is the least model-dependentapproach possible.

In summary, (Dudek et al., 2014, 2016; Moir et al.,2016; Wilson et al., 2015a,b) present an approach tostudying coupled-channel scattering in lattice QCD,based upon calculating the spectrum in many moving

frames using a large basis of ‘single-hadron’ and ‘hadron-hadron’ operators, that can be extended to other scatter-ing channels. The relevant finite-volume formalism is inplace for systems featuring any number of coupled two-hadron channels, including those where the scatteringhadrons have non-zero spin (Briceno, 2014). Nucleon-meson scattering such as πN, ηN . . ., in which excitednucleon resonances, N?s, are expected to appear, is oneobvious example. Here the challenge is largely computa-tional – with the increase in the number of quarks comesan increase in cost – this has restricted the scope of cal-culations (Lang et al., 2017). A larger challenge, whichbecomes more acute at the mass of the pion is reduced,is the presence of three-hadron and higher multiplicitychannels, for which a complete finite-volume formalismis not yet in place. We will return to this issue in Sec-tion IX.


We have presented an approach for resonance deter-mination in lattice QCD which follows from the Luscherquantization condition, Eqn. 10, and illustrated its suc-cessful application in a number of explicit lattice QCDcalculations. Alternative approaches have been proposedand in some cases applied, and in this section we willbriefly review them, beginning with a consideration of thesimplest possible approach: directly associating a partic-ular finite-volume energy level with a resonance.

A. Resonances in the Luscher formalism in thenarrow-width approximation

We might wonder if, in the case of a narrow resonance,we can use the width of the resonance as a small param-eter and obtain a simple result for the appearance of theresonance in a finite volume. We can explore this in thesimplest case of elastic scattering with a single partial-wave dominating. In this case the Luscher quantizationcondition, Eq.(10), takes the form,

0 = q? cot δ`(E?)

+ 8πE?








2ωk 2ωPk (E − ωk − ωPk),

where the removal of the imaginary part of F and M−1

which is completely specified by unitarity has lead to theintroduction of the principal-value integration.

For an amplitude dominated by a narrow elas-tic resonance, we may use the Breit-Wigner form,

cot δ`(E?) =


E? Γ(E?) , with an energy-dependent width

Γ(E?) = g2


E?2 that ensures the correct threshold be-havior. The corresponding quantization condition will

Page 24: Scattering processes and resonances from lattice QCDScattering processes and resonances from lattice QCD Raul A. Briceno,~1, Jozef J. Dudek,1,2, yand Ross D. Young3, z 1Thomas Je erson





0 0.16 0.20 0.24







0.195 0.200 0.205 0.210 0.215 0.220





-0.10 -0.05 0.05 0.10






-0.050 -0.045 -0.040 -0.035 -0.030

FIG. 18 Pole singularities in the S-wave coupled-channel amplitudes plotted in Figure 17. Left(right) panel: poles in complexenergy plane (poles in complex q?

KKmomentum plane). In both cases the red(blue) points show the sheet IV(III) pole found

for a large number of amplitude parameterizations. Energy expressed in units of the temporal lattice spacing, 1/at ∼ 5.7 GeV.Figure adapted from one appearing in (Dudek et al., 2016).

then be,

E?2 = m20 + 8π

E?2 Γ(E?)










2ωk 2ωPk (E − ωk − ωPk),

and in the limit of the width being small (either due toa small coupling, or a small phase-space for decay), weexpect a solution very close to E? = m0, and further solu-tions very close to the non-interacting two-body energies,

E = ωk+ωPk. Specifically these “nearly non-interacting”levels are the energies which solve

E − ωk − ωPk = − ν



2ωk 2ωPk8πE?2 Γ(E?)


where ν is the degeneracy of the non-interacting state.An explicit equation for the energy of the level near m0

can be found at lowest non-trivial order in the smallwidth of the resonance,

E?R(L) = mR

(1 +


+ 8πΓRq?R








2ωk 2ωPk (ER − ωk − ωPk)+O(Γ2




where the pole-position mass (mR) and width (ΓR) havebeen introduced.

Clearly, for a small width, this is a small volume-dependent shift away from mR, unless it happens thatER =

√m2R + P2 is approximately equal to a non-

interacting energy level, in which case the shift can beenhanced due to the effect of the pole. This is preciselythe ‘avoided level crossing’ behavior observed in Figure 5for a Breit-Wigner resonance.

Because the sum over discrete momenta is not in-variant under boosts, the volume-dependent correctionterm will differ in different frames, and we would not

expect the energy of the resonance to perfectly satisfythe dispersion relation expected for a single particle, i.e.

ER(P, L) 6=√(


+ P2. This was explicitly ob-

served in the results presented in (Wilson et al., 2015a),which we show in Figure 13 — we see that when weboost the moving frame energy levels that lie near theresonance position back to the cm-frame, they do not alllie at the same energy, and it is this effect which allowsus to map out the energy-dependence of the phase-shiftwithin the narrow width of a resonance.

It is worth pointing out that the corresponding analy-

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sis for a bound-state leads to the finite-volume correctionsbeing not power law as above, but rather exponentiallysuppressed like e−κL with κ the binding momentum. Be-cause E for a bound-state is always below threshold,the function in the sum above is smooth and the dif-ference with the integral is exponentially small (Beaneet al., 2004; Bour et al., 2011; Briceno et al., 2013a, 2014;Davoudi and Savage, 2011; Hansen and Sharpe, 2017;Koenig and Lee, 2017; Koenig et al., 2011, 2012; Korberand Luu, 2016; Luscher, 1986a; Meissner et al., 2015)

It appears that we can conclude (at least in the elas-tic case) that if there is a narrow resonance of mass mR,there will be a finite-volume energy level close to mR,with a volume-dependent shift that is likely to be smallunless a non-interacting level happens to lie very closeby. In the limit of zero width due to there being nocoupling to the decay channel, we would interpret thisstate as being like the |ρ, L〉0 basis state we discussed inSection V.B.1, that will be interpolated well by ‘single-hadron-like’ operators. We can thus combine our ob-servations in this section and those in Section V.B.1 topropose an explanation of the spectra extracted in cal-culations like (Dudek et al., 2013a), which use only alarge basis of ‘single-hadron-like’ operators and no mul-tihadron operators, one example of which we previouslypresented in Figure 8. It is likely that these calculationsare resolving the presence of relatively narrow resonancesin the relevant energy regions, and the masses plottedshould be viewed as being imprecise guides to the mR

values of these resonances. What the decay properties ofthese states are, or whether there are broader resonancespresent, cannot be determined from such calculations.

B. Resonances and ‘naive’ level counting

The previous section suggested that the presence of anarrow resonance might be inferred by there being an‘extra’ energy level beyond those expected in the non-interacting spectrum. A number of recent calculations(Lang et al., 2015, 2017, 2016; Lee et al., 2014; Pad-manath et al., 2015; Prelovsek et al., 2015; Prelovsekand Leskovec, 2013b) make use of bases of operatorsthat include multihadron operators and extract spectrathat, in some cases, are likely to be reasonably close tothe complete spectrum in a given energy region. Typ-ically only the rest frame is considered, and the use ofrelatively small volumes limits the density of states ex-tracted. Since these spectra commonly extend into en-ergy regions where more than one scattering channel iskinematically open, a coupled-channel Luscher analysisof the type described in Section VI.B would be desired,yet there are insufficient numbers of levels to fully con-strain multichannel parameterizations. Instead an ap-proach is followed that appeals to narrow resonance ar-guments of the type we presented in the previous section,

and as we have argued, at best this approach can suggestthe presence of a narrow resonance, but cannot determineits properties with any precision.

The calculated finite-volume spectrum is comparedto the known multichannel non-interacting spectrum,with each calculated level being associated with a non-interacting level, until all non-interacting levels in therelevant energy region have been exhausted. Any cal-culated level that appears in excess of this counting isthus a candidate to be due to the presence of a narrowresonance. Further confirmation of these assignments aresought from the values of the overlaps 〈En|O|0〉 extractedfrom the variational solution, with large overlaps onto‘single-hadron’ operators used to suggest a resonance as-signment.

An example, albeit not an ideal one, owing to the com-plicating presence of scattering hadrons of non-zero spin,and three-body channels which are not considered, is theanalysis presented in (Padmanath et al., 2015). Using abasis of meson-meson operators and single-hadron opera-tors of both quark-bilinear and tetraquark constructions,they extract a rest-frame spectrum in the T+

1 irrep (wherethe X(3872) experimental state would be expected to ap-pear if it is a JP = 1+ resonance) in a single volume.

Observing an ‘extra’ level beyond the ηc‘σ’, DD∗, J/ψ ω

and χc1‘σ’ levels expected in a narrow energy window,they choose to associate this state with the X(3872).

The converse argument has also been made, that ifno level appears in excess of those expected in the non-interacting spectrum, there is likely to be no resonance.An example is the calculation presented in (Prelovseket al., 2015) of the hidden-charm I = 1 sector, wherea basis of meson-meson operators is supplemented withtetraquark operators, and the rest-frame spectrum of theT+

1 irrep is determined in a single volume. Each calcu-lated lattice level is matched with an expected nearbynon-interacting level, with no lattice levels left over, andit is concluded that there is no signal for a Zc resonance.

We conclude this section by raising a note of cau-tion regarding the use of the absence of an ‘extra’ levelto conclude the absence of resonant behavior. In Sec-tion IV.C.3 we presented an example of a two-channelamplitude which features a relatively narrow resonancecorresponding to a pole singularity on the second sheet,but whose finite-volume spectrum does not obviously fea-ture an isolated energy level that we can associate withthe resonance (Fig. 7). In Figure 19 we present an exam-ple of how the approach described in the current sectioncould be misleading when applied to this amplitude — acalculation of the rest-frame spectrum in a quite reason-able (2.4 fm)3 volume would give the spectrum shown,which would certainly not lead one to conclude the pres-ence of a relatively narrow resonance close to the KKthreshold and might, unfortunately, lead one to incor-rectly conclude the absence of any resonance in this en-

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2.0 2.5 3.0







FIG. 19 Rest-frame spectrum in a (2.4 fm)3 lattice for theamplitude plotted in Fig. 7.

ergy region.In summary, the level counting approach is based

largely on expectations from elastic scattering, and in thecase of coupled-channels, while we might get simple nar-row resonances which do behave like elastic resonances(e.g. Fig. 6), and which come with an ‘extra’ level, wecan also have more subtle situations where a resonanceis present, but no ‘extra’ level appears. The approachdescribed in Sec. VI.B, where the complete spectrum inmany moving frames and/or volumes is used to tightlyconstrain the energy dependence of the scattering matrix,does not suffer from the weaknesses outlined above.

C. Finite volume EFT Hamiltonian approach

Following the diagrammatic approach presented inSection IV.B, given an explicit quantum field theoryLagrangian describing the interactions between hadronfields, one can proceed to determine and parametrize thepropagators of multi-particle states in a finite-volume,and the location of the poles of these objects wouldgive the prediction of the finite-volume spectrum for thatgiven QFT.

The procedure we have been describing thus far is onewhere a particular hadron-level Lagrangian is never spec-ified, but instead we use relations that hold for any uni-tary quantum field theory, which relate the finite-volumespectrum to the infinite-volume S-matrix.

Alternatively, one can specify a particular choice ofhadron-level lagrangian, consider the finite-volume prop-agator, say of two-particle states, and tune the param-eters of the theory in order to reproduce the observedfinite-volume spectrum (Beane et al., 2012a; Bernardet al., 2008b; Hall et al., 2013; Wu et al., 2014). Be-

cause this procedure assumes a suitable low-energy effec-tive field theory that describes the interacting system inthe region of interest being evaluated in a finite-volume,it is commonly referred as the finite volume EFT Hamil-tonian approach.

Although the Luscher quantization condition is neverexplicitly used in this approach, we can show that thefinite-volume spectra of the EFT Hamiltonian have thesame relationship with the infinite volume scattering am-plitudes as given by the Luscher quantization condition(up to exponentially suppressed corrections) — providedone works within the validity of the EFT and incorpo-rates enough non-negligible partial waves 14. We canillustrate the equivalence of the two approaches in thesimple case of elastic scattering of equal mass spinlessbosons in a single dominant partial-wave, in the overallrest-frame (Wu et al., 2014). The development of theLuscher approach presented in Section VII.A leads to

q? cot δ =








k2 − q?2 , (26)

while the equivalent expression in the finite-volume EFTapproach (Hall et al., 2013) follows from the relation de-termining the relative momentum of the two-body sys-tem,

ωq =√m2 + q?2 = ∆0 −





ωk − ωq,



ωq −∆0 − Σ(k)= − 1



q? cot δ − iq? .

In these expressions, ∆0 and g are bare parameters orfunctions in the EFT being considered and the self-

energy, Σ(q?) = 2π2∫



g2(k)ωq−ωk+iε . Eliminating

the imaginary part that is fixed by unitarity, we are leftwith

q? cot δ =2π











ωk − ωq,

and if g(k) is a smooth function of the momentum, thenthe difference between the sum and the integral will bean exponentially small quantity such that

q? cot δ =








k2 − q?2 +O(e−mL),

14 A similar technique to those presented in the references abovewas used in (Briceno et al., 2013b) to generalize the Luschercondition to two-nucleon systems

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which is clearly equivalent to Eq.(26) for reasonably largevolumes.

Given that the finite volume spectra of the Hamil-tonian and the Luscher formalism have the same re-lationship to on-shell scattering, neither method offersany more or less information about the physical scat-tering amplitude. The EFT Hamiltonian can be viewedas a particular amplitude parameterization. When con-strained by the same lattice QCD results, all sufficientlyflexible parameterizations should agree on the on-shellscattering amplitude. The alternative parameterizationswill in general give different analytic continuation intothe complex plane and this may manifest itself in varia-tion in the position and couplings of any resonance poles.

The Hamiltonian formulation has been used in theanalysis of recent numerical lattice QCD studies, withthe study of the Λ(1405) generating significant attention(Hall et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2017a). Owing to the com-putational cost, the numerical studies of this state havebeen limited to the use of only local interpolating oper-ators (Hall et al., 2015; Menadue et al., 2012). At heavyquark masses (mπ & 400 MeV) the Λ is clearly isolatedas a deeply-bound state, far below the πΣ threshold. Asthe quark masses are lowered, this state becomes reso-nant in πΣ and lies somewhere near the vicinity of theKN threshold. Without having access to a dense finite-volume spectrum, it has not been possible to constraina general parameterization of the coupled-channel scat-tering as described in Section VI.B. A more phenomeno-logical approach is taken by introducing a Hamiltonianthat describes the meson-baryon interactions through a“bare” state. The parameters of this Hamiltonian arethen constrained by the quark-mass evolution from thebound-state region at larger quark masses, supplementedwith a coupling strength informed by the physically-observed width.

This work has gone further to investigate the elec-tromagnetic coupling to this finite-volume state. Theclaimed result is that the strangeness magnetic momentof the Λ(1405) vanishes in the vicinity of the physicalpoint (Hall et al., 2015). Such a result has highlightedthe tremendous discriminating power of external probesto resolve the structure of resonant states. In this case,a vanishing strangeness moment would suggest that thestrange quark is bound to a K meson, which cannot carryany magnetization in an S-wave. As discussed above,even in the narrow-width approximation, the quantiza-tion condition leads to finite-volume eigenstates whichboost nontrivially. Finite-volume eigenstates in the Λsystem could then differ significantly in composition inboosted frames. The influence of this modified structureon three-point correlation functions remains to be quan-tified. A systematic approach to matrix elements will bediscussed further in Section VIII.

The Hamiltonian formulation has also been used infurther studies of the N∗(1535) (Liu et al., 2016) and

Roper (Kiratidis et al., 2017; Liu et al., 2017b; Wu et al.,2017) resonances. In these exploratory investigations,two-body operators have not been used in the extractionof the spectrum. As discussed in Sec. V.B.1, this im-plies that the spectrum obtained is incomplete and onecannot trust that the spectra obtained are indeed accu-rate, which would subsequently the resulting scatteringamplitudes and resonant poles.

D. Unitarized chiral perturbation theory and chiralextrapolations

An approach closely related to that described in theprevious section considers the particular EFT of chi-ral perturbation theory, unitarized using some prescrip-tion (Dobado and Pelaez, 1997; Gomez Nicola andPelaez, 2002; Oller et al., 1998, 1999; Pelaez and Rios,2006), in a finite-volume (Agadjanov et al., 2016b;Bernard et al., 2011; Chen and Oset, 2013; Doring andMeissner, 2012; Doring et al., 2011, 2012; Garzon et al.,2014; Guo et al., 2009; Hanhart et al., 2008; Molina andDoering, 2016; Nebreda et al., 2011; Rios et al., 2008). Inpractice, these works rederive or generalize the Luscherspectral condition using χPT as a starting point. The fi-nal result always has the same functional form as Eq.(10)(up to exponentially suppressed corrections), with thescattering amplitude being that of χPT or some suitableunitarization (UχPT ). The advantage of this procedureis that it typically builds into the amplitudes some low-energy properties of QCD (relevant for light quarks), andit allows for the relation of observables obtained usingdifferent values of the quark masses, a “chiral extrapola-tion”.

This methodology has been applied in the study ofnon-resonant scattering lengths in the heavy-light mesonsector (Liu et al., 2013), as well as in chiral extrapo-lations of the ρ (Bolton et al., 2016; Hu et al., 2016).First exploratory studies of the chiral extrapolations ofthe a0(980) (Guo et al., 2017) and σ (Doering et al., 2016)resonances have appeared, analyzing the finite-volumeenergy levels calculated by the Hadron Spectrum Col-laboration (Briceno et al., 2017a; Dudek et al., 2016).

From a technical standpoint there is no new insightcoming from considering UχPT in a finite volume as com-pared to simply using Eq.(10) with amplitude forms givenby infinite-volume UχPT. In the case of multichannelscattering there is not a unique procedure for unitarizingχPT, so one should be careful not to assume that the cor-responding amplitudes are a direct consequence of QCD.Pioneering lattice QCD calculations of the excited statespectrum are currently being performed with relativelyheavy quark masses, mπ & 300 MeV, where the relia-bility of SU(2) flavor χPT would be questionable, andfurthermore, the application of χPT for channels withexplicit strange-quark degrees of freedom requires mak-

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ing an expansion about the SU(3) flavor symmetric pointof QCD, and obtaining reliable estimates associated withthis poor approximation of QCD is notoriously challeng-ing.

The use of chiral effective field theories to extrapo-late hadron results down in quark mass is not a newapproach. In the past, when states which appear as res-onances at the physical quark mass were only realized asbound states at higher quark masses, this approach wasused to extrapolated lattice results for the ρ (Allton et al.,2005; Armour et al., 2006; Bruns and Meissner, 2005;Leinweber et al., 2001) and ∆ (Bernard et al., 2005; Lein-weber et al., 2000; Pascalutsa and Vanderhaeghen, 2006;Young et al., 2002) resonances, for instance. In thoseworks, it was necessary to put in the decay thresholds ar-tificially, using the experimental width to constrain therelevant coupling parameters. The significant new fea-ture moving into the true resonance regime is the abil-ity to directly determine the width (and hence coupling)within the lattice calculation and thereby directly studythe quark mass dependence of the complex pole location— such as highlighted in Figure 1.

E. Other approaches

There have been several other approaches proposed todetermine resonance properties in lattice QCD calcula-tions, here we will briefly summarize them.

In what we might call the ‘tuned threshold’ or UKQCDmethod (see e.g. (McNeile and Michael, 2006)), the ap-proach requires us to find a value of quark mass suchthat the resonance to be studied happens to lie ratherclose to the kinematic threshold of its two-body decaychannel. That is, if the resonance decay is R → ab,mR ≈ ma +mb. Under these conditions it is argued thatthe resonance to decay-channel coupling, gR→ab, can bedetermined by considering the correlation function witha ‘single-hadron’ operator with the quantum numbers ofR at the source, and an ab-like ‘meson-meson’ operatorat the sink. The finite volume of the lattice appears toplay no role in this approach. It was applied to the de-cays b1 → πω and π1 → πb1 in (McNeile and Michael,2006), and has recently been applied to baryon decaysin (Alexandrou et al., 2016, 2013).

Underlying this framework are two necessary assump-tions which might lead to important systematic errors.First, it is assumed that states interpolated using single-particle and multi-particle operators correspond solely toa resonance, |R〉, and a scattering state, |ab〉, respectively.As we saw in Sec. V.B.1, this in general not true. Second,one must assume that the resonance state is an asymp-totic state, and the overlap between the multi-particleand resonance state, 〈R|ab〉, is equal to the scattering am-plitude coupling these two “channels”. This, of course,

is not true for actual resonances, but the process of tun-ing the threshold such that resonance cannot actuallydecay, making it a bound-state at threshold, increasesthe possible validity. Of course in practice it may not bepossible to find a quark mass where the required near-degeneracy occurs, or that quark mass may be very farfrom the physical quark mass, making the extrapolationquestionable.

The histogram method is based on the constructionof a probability distribution which mimics the scatter-ing cross section (Bernard et al., 2008a). This methodutilizes the low-lying eigenstate spectrum across a uni-form distribution of finite volumes, binned as a functionof energy, one then generates a histogram which countsthe number of states. In the vicinity of a resonancethere will be a pronounced enhancement in this “den-sity of states” distribution. While offering a clear visu-alization of the resonance structure, a direct comparisonhas demonstrated that it is not as straightforward to im-plement as the conventional Luscher technique (Giudiceet al., 2012), and it is not clear that the approach wouldbe useful for the study of resonances which do not appearas a clear ‘bump’ in the scattering amplitude.

A recently proposed approach to coupled-channel scat-tering in a finite-volume makes use of an optical potentialto convert the problem into one featuring just a singlechannel with the effect of the other channels absorbedinto the optical potential (Agadjanov et al., 2016b). Theintention is to extend the power of the Luscher methodto high energies where many-particle states can go on-shell without having to explicitly take into account sucheffects (by hiding them in the optical potential), and al-though this appears to be a formally sound idea, puttingthis into practice even for the simplest of systems intro-duces some model-dependence. At this early stage it isnot clear how much information must be supplied by thefinite-volume spectrum to make this approach practical –in the coupled πη, KK case considered for illustration in(Agadjanov et al., 2016b), the density of states requiredwas extremely high, at the level where, if one actuallyhad this set of energy levels, one could bin in energy,and in each bin solve coupled versions of Eq.(10), to findall elements of the scattering matrix without needing tointroduce any auxiliary optical potential.

Lastly we consider the potential method, which hasbeen championed by the HAL QCD collaboration (Aokiet al., 2012a, 2010, 2013; Ishii et al., 2012, 2007). Thisis the only approach which does not make direct useof the discrete spectrum in a finite-volume. Instead,from correlation functions constructed using operatorsfeaturing spatially displaced hadron operators, one ac-cesses a quantity which the authors associate with a

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non-relativistic inter-hadron potential. By solving aSchrodinger equation including this potential, one ob-tains scattering amplitudes and/or bound-state energies.

This formalism has largely been implemented in thestudy of baryon-baryon systems, where unlike the resultsobtained by other groups using fairly standard deter-minations of sub-threshold energy levels (Beane et al.,2013, 2012b; Berkowitz et al., 2017; Yamazaki et al.,2012, 2015), the HAL QCD collaboration sees no ev-idence for a bound deuteron or di-neutron for heavierthan physical quark masses. At this stage it is not clearwhat is the source of this discrepancy, whether it is thatthe long-distance part of the potential, to which shal-low bound-states are most sensitive is not being accu-rately determined by HAL QCD, or whether, as HALQCD have suggested (Iritani et al., 2017, 2016), that thespectra obtained in (Beane et al., 2013, 2012b; Berkowitzet al., 2017; Yamazaki et al., 2012, 2015), which do notmake full use of the variational technique presented inSection V.A, are not reliable. 15 Another applicationof the potential method by the HAL QCD collaborationhas been in a multi-channel study of the Zc(3900) (Ikedaet al., 2016).

An important observation is that while systems poten-tially featuring shallow bound-states (baryon-baryon),and complicated coupled-channel meson systems (Zc)have been studied in the potential approach, the sim-plest resonant systems have not. In particular, there hasbeen no presentation of ππ I = 1 scattering and the ρresonance, which would seem to be an ideal benchmarkcalculation. The sensitivity of the tightly-bound ρ to thevery short-distance part of a ππ ‘potential’ might be aproblem for the method, as it is not clear that the short-distance region can be precisely determined.


As we have seen already in this review, the fieldhas witnessed a tremendous burst of activity provid-ing progress in the ability to determine masses, widthsand couplings to two-body hadronic decay channels ofhadronic resonances. In particular, a general quantiza-tion condition for two-particle systems in a finite volumehas been derived, Eq.(10), which relates the discrete spec-trum in a finite volume to scattering amplitudes in infi-nite volume, and approaches based upon Eq.(10) havebeen successfully implemented in a number of numericalcalculations.

15 We point the reader to a response by the NPLQCD collabora-tion (Beane et al., 2017) in regards to the remarks made by theHAL QCD collaboration (Iritani et al., 2017).

Going beyond this, we can consider if there are fur-ther rigorous tools we can bring to bear to aid devel-opment of an understanding of hadron resonances. Theresponse of resonances to external probes, such as elec-tromagnetic or weak currents, has the potential to revealsubstantial new information about the internal structureof resonant systems. For instance, as discussed above, ithas been demonstrated that a vanishing strange-quarkmagnetization of the Λ(1405) would suggest that thestrange quark is most-probably bound in a kaon andhence a clear signature that the resonance has the struc-ture of a KN molecule (Hall et al., 2015). Similarly, thenature of the Roper resonance has challenged theoristsfor many years, and resolving the relevant electromag-netic transition form factors (Segovia et al., 2015; Wil-son et al., 2012), which can also be measured (Aznauryanand Burkert, 2012; Aznauryan et al., 2008, 2009; Duggeret al., 2009), could help to distinguish between differentproposed scenarios, such as a quark orbital excitation,explicit gluonic excitation, or hadronic molecule. Thegluonic content of resonances could also be studied di-rectly by evaluation of gluonic operators which have beenpreviously considered for stable hadrons (Detmold andShanahan, 2016; Horsley et al., 2012; Meyer and Negele,2008). Such matrix elements would provide a more rigor-ous framework with which to build on existing analyseswhere gluonic content has been inferred from operatoroverlaps (Dudek, 2011; Dudek and Edwards, 2012; Dudeket al., 2013a, 2011a, 2009, 2010; Edwards et al., 2011; Liuet al., 2012).

To isolate matrix elements of resonant states in latticeQCD, we once again must apply a formalism which mapsbetween the quantities directly obtained from finite-volume correlation functions and the desired infinite-volume observables.

Firstly we will present a diagrammatic representationfor an infinite-volume scattering amplitude featuring ex-ternal currents, which we will refer to as a transitionamplitude. In close analogy to scattering amplitudes, thediagrammatic representation of the transition amplitudedescribing n incoming and n′ outgoing hadrons, with jinsertions of external currents, Tj(n → n′), can be ex-pressed as

the sum over all diagrams with n incoming and n′ out-going hadronic legs (that have been amputated and puton-shell) and j insertions of the external current. Themomenta flowing through the external currents are con-strained to satisfy conservation of momentum, but areotherwise free. All intermediate hadron propagators areevaluated with the iε-prescription and all intermediateloop momenta are integrated.

Figure 20 illustrates this in the case of (a) a 0→ 2 tran-sition, relevant to e.g. the vector decay constant of the ρresonance decaying to ππ and (b) a 1→ 2 transition, rel-evant to e.g. the transition form factor of the ∆ baryon

Page 30: Scattering processes and resonances from lattice QCDScattering processes and resonances from lattice QCD Raul A. Briceno,~1, Jozef J. Dudek,1,2, yand Ross D. Young3, z 1Thomas Je erson



++ ...


++ ...




+ ...




+ ...+



+ ...


+ ... ... + ...

+ + + ...




+ ...





+ ...




+ ...





+ + +



+ ...





+ +

+ + ...+



+ ...




+ ...+

iW =





+ ...+





+ + ...+iH = +=

++ ...





+ + ...+iV =











++ ...


++ ...




+ ...




+ ...+



+ ...


+ ... ... + ...

+ + + ...




+ ...





+ ...




+ ...





+ + +



+ ...





+ +

+ + ...+



+ ...




+ ...


iW =





+ ...





+ + ...+iH = +=

++ ...(b)

FIG. 20 Shown are the diagrammatic definitions of the(a) 0→ 2 and (b) 1 → 2 transition amplitudes. The fullydressed propagators and kernels are defined in Fig. 2. Theempty squares and circles denote electroweak kernels, whichare purely real below multiparticle thresholds.

resonance in γ?N → πN . The case of 2→ 2 transitions,relevant to e.g. deuteron photo-disintegration γd → npwhere the deuteron is a bound-state in np scattering, canbe found in (Briceno and Hansen, 2016).

Focussing on the 1 → 2 transition, it is clear thatiH should depend on the virtuality of the external cur-rent, Q2. For a fixed value of Q2, with the three ex-ternal hadrons on-shell, the only remaining freedom isin the direction of the relative momentum of the twooutgoing hadrons, and it follows that in analogy to thepartial-wave expansion of the scattering amplitude, wecan partial-wave expand the transition amplitude,

H =√

4πH`m(Q2, E?)Y`m(q?), (27)

where for simplicity we have assumed the externalhadrons are all spinless, although the generalization isstraightforward. The energy dependence of the partial-wave transition amplitude, H`m(Q2, E?), must be closelyrelated to that of the corresponding scattering ampli-tude, M`(E

?). For example if the transition process isγ?π → ππ in P -wave, we would expect a close relation-ship with the scattering process ππ → ππ in P -wave.Indeed this relation can be seen by comparing the dia-

grams in Figure 20(b) with those in Figure 2(a), wherewe observe that the iterated ‘rescattering’ is the same inboth cases, with the only difference being the presenceof an additional kernel characterizing the coupling to theexternal current. In particular we would expect that ifthe strong rescattering in M` gives rise to a pole in E?

corresponding to a composite particle (e.g. a bound-stateor a resonance), that same pole singularity must also bepresent in H`m.

In fact we can rigorously define what we mean by aresonance transition form-factor by considering the be-havior of H near the pole. Recall that for the scatteringamplitude, we could factorize at the pole to define cou-plings to the incoming and outgoing channels, e.g.


M(ab→ cd) ∼ gR→ab gR→cds0 − s

, (28)

similarly we can factorize H,


H(γe→ cd) ∼ Fγe→R(Q2) gR→cds0 − s

, (29)

where Fγe→R(Q2) is the transition form-factor for γe→R as a function of the virtuality of γ. In these expressionsR may be a bound-state, in which case s0 is real andbelow kinematic threshold, and g, F are (in a suitableconvention) purely real, or R may be a resonance, inwhich case s0 is complex, and g, F may also be complex.

A. Determining matrix elements in lattice QCD

Retaining our focus on amplitudes like H which fea-ture hadrons in both incoming and outgoing states, withinsertion of a single current, we are led to consider three-point functions of the following form,

C(3)L (x4, y4, z4,P,P

′) ≡∫L

dx dy dz e−iP′·(z−y) e−iP·(y−x)

[⟨0∣∣T A(z)J (y)B†(x)

∣∣0⟩]L, (30)

where B† has the quantum numbers of the desired incoming state, A has the quantum numbers of the desired outgoingstate, and J is the current operator. As in the two-point function case, there is a dispersive representation in termsof the discrete eigenstates of QCD in a finite-volume,

C(3)L (x4, y4, z4,P,P

′) = L9∑n,n′

e−En′ (z4−y4) e−En(y4−x4)


∣∣En′ ,P′, L⟩ ⟨En′ ,P′, L

∣∣J (0)∣∣En,P, L⟩ ⟨En,P, L∣∣B†(0)

∣∣0⟩, (31)

where the finite-volume transition matrix elements,⟨En′ ,P′, L

∣∣J (0)∣∣En,P, L⟩ are what we would like to determine

in explicit calculations.

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In the simplest case where the initial and final statesare both QCD-stable hadrons, the finite-volume transi-tion matrix elements have an immediate interpretation –they can be related to the infinite volume transition am-plitudes with only exponentially suppressed finite-volumecorrections. For example if A and B are both isospin-1pseudoscalar operators and the current has vector quan-tum numbers 16 , the lowest energy contributions to thecorrelator comes from the pion form-factor, with thematrix-element having a Lorentz covariant decomposi-tion (in infinite volume 17 ),⟨

π(P′)∣∣J µ∣∣π(P)

⟩= (P ′ + P )µ Fπ(Q2), (32)

where the virtuality Q2 = −(P ′−P )2. Current conserva-tion constrains the value of Fπ(0), but the form-factor isotherwise unconstrained, and non-perturbative calcula-tions are required to determine the Q2 dependence. Pro-vided volumes such that mπL � 1 are used, the ex-ponentially suppressed finite-volume corrections can beneglected, and such stable-hadron form-factors can becomputed in a relatively straightforward manner in lat-tice QCD. Well studied cases include the π and nucleonform factors (Alexandrou et al., 2011; Capitani et al.,2015; Chambers et al., 2017; Collins et al., 2011; Greenet al., 2015; Lin et al., 2010; Shultz et al., 2015; Yoonet al., 2016).

Our interest here though is in composite particles, andin this case the relation between the finite-volume tran-sition matrix element and the infinite-volume transitionamplitude is not so simple, and the formalism to relatethe two in general cases has only very recently been laidout.

B. Lellouch-Luscher formalism and its generalizations

The first suggestion for how to relate transitions ininfinite volume to the matrix elements calculated in afinite volume came from Lellouch and Luscher, who de-scribed the case of the weak decay K → ππ (Lellouch andLuscher, 2001) in the rest frame of the kaon. This ideahas subsequently been generalized to systems in movingframes (Christ et al., 2005; Kim et al., 2005), coupledchannels (Hansen and Sharpe, 2012), γ? → ππ (Fenget al., 2015; Meyer, 2011), bound state photodisintegra-tion (Meyer, 2012), γ?N → ∆ (Agadjanov et al., 2014),and elastic resonance form factors (Bernard et al., 2012)among others. In this subsection we will sketch theframework as presented in (Briceno and Hansen, 2015,

16 strictly speaking, operators in cubic or little-group irreps thatcontain subductions of the relevant helicities

17 in finite volume there is an extra factor of[(2ωL3)(2ω′L3)


due to the different normalization of finite-volume states.


++ ...

+ + ...VV +=


FIG. 21 The diagrammatic representation of the momentum-space three-point function coupling one- and two-particlestates. All objects are defined in Figs. 2, 3, and 20.

2016; Briceno et al., 2015b) which holds for generic two-body systems. 18

(Briceno et al., 2015b) showed that the relation-ship between finite-volume matrix elements and infinite-volume transition amplitudes can be obtained using adiagrammatic representation of three-point functions,following a procedure similar to the one described inSec. II.C for two-point functions19.

As an example of this formalism, let us consider thethree-point correlation functions with a single QCD-stable hadron interpolated by A and a two-hadron stateinterpolated by B† (relevant to e.g. γπ → ππ). Inmomentum space, this is diagrammatically depicted inFig. 21. As was the case for two-point functions, wecan express the correlation function in terms of on-shellinfinite-volume quantities (in particular, the transitionamplitudes Hin(Q2, P )), and finite-volume quantities,

C(3)L (P, P ′) =A?(P ′) ∆(P ′)Hin(Q2, P )

× 1

F−1(P,L) +M(P )B?(P ) + · · · (33)

where ∆ is the single-hadron propagator. One can thenFourier transform to Euclidean space-time, and matchthe resulting expression to Eq.(30). After a substantialamount of algebra, one arrives at the following expressionrelating the finite-volume matrix element of the externalcurrent to infinite-volume transition amplitudes,

L3∣∣∣⟨E′n,P′, L∣∣J (0)

∣∣E(1)0 ,P, L



(1)0 (P)



′)]Hout , (34)

where the matrixR was defined in Eq.(18). Hin andHout

are row and column vectors in the same space in which Rresides, namely the space of angular momenta and openchannels, and each element corresponds to the angularmomentum component of the amplitude associated with

18 (Agadjanov et al., 2016a) presented a rederivation of the generalresult presented in (Briceno et al., 2015b) applied to the specificB → K? → Kπ weak decays.

19 an earlier study using similar methods, (Bernard et al., 2012),was restricted to the non-relativistic case

Page 32: Scattering processes and resonances from lattice QCDScattering processes and resonances from lattice QCD Raul A. Briceno,~1, Jozef J. Dudek,1,2, yand Ross D. Young3, z 1Thomas Je erson


the given channel. For example, when only one channelis kinematically open, we can explicitly write the productappearing in the equation above as,


′)]Hout ≡ Hin




Hout`′m′ ,


where prior to partial wave projection, H is defined dia-grammatically in Fig. 20(b), and its partial wave projec-tion was defined in Eq.(27).

This result demands some commentary: firstly, we ob-serve that there is not a one-to-one mapping betweenthe finite-volume matrix element and the infinite-volumetransition amplitudes. In general, the reduction of rota-tional symmetry tells us that multiple angular momen-tum transition amplitudes will appear in a matrix ele-ment computed for a given lattice irrep (see e.g. Ta-ble I for the P = 0 case), and this is implicit in Eq.(34).Secondly, we see from Eq.(18) that R depends on thevolume, on two-body kinematics, and importantly, alsothe two-body scattering dynamics in M. As a result,in order to correctly extract transition amplitudes fromfinite-volume matrix elements, one must first determinethe two-body spectrum and then use Eq.(10) to constrainthe relevant scattering amplitudes. Furthermore, sinceR depends not just on M, but also its derivative, we re-quire a parameterization of the energy-dependence of thescattering amplitude, which can in principle introduce asource of systematic uncertainty.

Although we have sketched a case in which the asymp-totic hadrons are spinless, the extension to hadrons withspin is straightforward (Briceno and Hansen, 2015). Therelated formalism for 0 → 2 transitions was first intro-duced by Meyer in the context of extracting the timelikeπ form factor via γ? → ππ (Meyer, 2011), and the gener-alization to make it applicable to generic 0→ 2 processesis presented in (Briceno and Hansen, 2015).

C. Applications

The primary application of the finite-volume formal-ism to date has been to the process K → ππ where theweak interaction induces a hadronic decay of the other-wise QCD-stable kaon. The weak interaction does notconserve isospin, so both isospin=0 and isospin=2 ππstates can appear in this decay. Experimentally the I = 0channel is observed to be an order of magnitude largerthan the I = 2 channel, and this can be qualitativelyexplained by the presence of the resonant σ in I = 0 andthe absence of resonant behavior in I = 2. The role theseamplitudes play in constraining sources of CP violationin the Standard Model has ignited a significant researchprogram to determine the K → ππ amplitudes preciselyusing lattice QCD (Bai et al., 2015; Blum et al., 2011,2012a,b; Boyle et al., 2013).

Kinematically, the decay K → ππ decay is rather sim-ple – the cm-energy of the two-pion state must coincidewith the mass of the kaon, which is possible since the pionmomenta lie in a continuum in infinite volume. Howeverin lattice QCD calculations one is not at liberty to specifythe energies of ππ states in a given volume, since theseare governed by the dynamics of the system, as we havepreviously discussed. What one can determine is thetransition amplitude at nonzero virtualities, here definedas Q2 = −(PK −Pππ)2, and interpolate to the physicallyrelevant point, Q2 = 0 and Eππ = EK . Technical chal-lenges have to-date prevented this approach from beingapplied fully, instead what has been done mostly is toimplement carefully chosen boundary conditions (as de-scribed at the end of Section VI.A) to tune a ππ energylevel such that it coincides with the kaon mass. Further-more, in all of these studies a single operator is used toextract the finite-volume ππ state, which we have exten-sively discussed can lead to large uncontrolled systematicerrors in the spectrum, matrix elements, and amplitudes.

For 0→ 2 transitions, the case of γ? → ππ has been re-cently explored (Feng et al., 2015), partially motivated bythe important role this amplitude plays in constrainingthe dominant hadronic contribution to anomalous mag-netic moment of the muon. The infinite-volume transi-tion amplitude is a Lorentz vector whose dynamics canbe parametrized by a single dimensionless function whichcorresponds to the pion form-factor, Eq.(32), for time-like virtualities, Q2 = −(E?)2 < 0. By restricting at-tention to energies below the KK threshold, Feng etal. (Feng et al., 2015) determined Fπ(E?) at two values ofthe quark masses corresponding to mπ = 290, 380 MeV,shown in Figure 22. One clearly observes the presenceof the ρ resonance in the energy dependence of the form-factor, as we would expect since γ? → ππ should havethe same pole singularities as ππ → ππ in P -wave.

The prototype amplitude to illustrate 1→ 2 scatteringis πγ? → ππ, which plays a role in a wide range of phe-nomenology, principally through the isospin=1 P -waveamplitude, which features the ρ resonance (see, for ex-ample, (Capraro et al., 1987; Colangelo et al., 2014a,b;Huston et al., 1986; Wess and Zumino, 1971; Witten,1983)). This amplitude was recently determined for thefirst time using lattice QCD in (Briceno et al., 2015a,2016) using the correlator construction technology laidout in (Shultz et al., 2015). With a pion mass of 391 MeV,a large number of three-point correlations functions werecomputed corresponding to a range of momenta for theπ operator, the ππ operator, and the current insertion.The ππ operators used were those found to optimally in-terpolate finite-volume energy levels through variationalanalysis in (Dudek et al., 2013b) – they contain linearcombinations of ππ-like constructions and ρ-like ‘single-meson’ operators. From these correlation functions,

Page 33: Scattering processes and resonances from lattice QCDScattering processes and resonances from lattice QCD Raul A. Briceno,~1, Jozef J. Dudek,1,2, yand Ross D. Young3, z 1Thomas Je erson


0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.20





0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.10




FIG. 22 Shown is the π form-factor in the timelike region obtained in (Feng et al., 2015) using two different values of thelight-quark masses corresponding to mπ = 290, 380 MeV.

finite-volume matrix elements of the type appearing onthe left-hand-side of Eq.(34) were determined, and thecorresponding infinite-volume amplitudeH could then beobtained using parameterizations of the scattering am-plitude capable of describing the finite-volume spectrum.A global analysis, making use of parameterization of theE? and Q2 dependence of the transition amplitude wasperformed.

The results for the transition amplitude as a functionof E? at two different values of Q2 are shown in the leftpanel of Figure 23, where the enhancement due to the ρresonance is clearly visible. In the right panel of Figure 23we show the ρ→ πγ transition form-factor rigorously ex-tracted from the residue of the ρ-pole in our parameter-ized transition amplitude as indicated in Eq.(29). Thesmallness of the imaginary part of F is correlated withthe narrow width of the ρ at mπ ∼ 391 MeV.

It is worth remarking the rapid progress there has beenin this area of the field. In the last couple of years,we have seen the ideas first set in place by Lellouchand Luscher (Lellouch and Luscher, 2001) generalizedto increasingly complex reactions (Briceno and Hansen,2015, 2016; Briceno et al., 2015b). Furthermore, we areentering an era where the sophistication of these ideasare matched by that of the numerical tools. Two illus-trated examples are the two discussed in this section.First, the idea of studying the γ? → ππ amplitude wasproposed by Meyer by considering a system of ππ atrest (Meyer, 2011). This was shortly after generalizedby Feng et al. (Feng et al., 2015) for ππ systems withnonzero momenta, and in the same study the authorsperformed the first numerical implementation. Similarly,the idea of studying 1 → 2 reactions was first proposed

in 2014 by two groups (Agadjanov et al., 2014; Bricenoet al., 2015b), and within a year these ideas were firstput into practice in the context of the γ?π → ππ ampli-tude (Briceno et al., 2015a, 2016).

With the formalism now laid out and tested in thesimplest of systems, one can expect to see application toa variety of more interesting systems. A contemporaryexample comes in the charmonium sector, where XY Zresonances defy explanation in simple models. The vec-tor Y resonances can have their decay constants studiedrigorously using the approach presented above, and therelative size of these can be compared to the produc-tion rates in e+e− and may also inform suggestions as tothe internal structure of these states. Radiative transi-tions between various XY Z resonances and conventionalcharmonium states can also be studied rigorously, andthe corresponding form-factors can similarly be used toinfer details of internal structure.


In this document we have focused our attention onideas that have attained a certain maturity and that havebeen tested in at least one numerical study. In this sec-tion we will discuss a selection of extensions that havenot yet quite reached this level.

A. Particles with nonzero intrinsic spin

The bulk of serious calculations to-date have consid-ered meson-meson scattering systems where the scat-tering particles are spinless. The formalism to deal

Page 34: Scattering processes and resonances from lattice QCDScattering processes and resonances from lattice QCD Raul A. Briceno,~1, Jozef J. Dudek,1,2, yand Ross D. Young3, z 1Thomas Je erson








0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8


2.0 2.1 2.32.2 2.4 2.5

2.0 2.1 2.32.2 2.4 2.5






534 pt

4 pt

FIG. 23 Left panel: shown is the πγ? → ππ transition amplitude as a function of the c.m. energy of the system for twovalues of the photon virtuality obtained (Briceno et al., 2015a, 2016). This is compared to the elastic ππ scattering amplitude.Right panel: Shown are the real and imaginary components of the π → ρ form factor obtained for quark masses where the ρis stable (Shultz et al., 2015) and when the ρ is unstable (Briceno et al., 2015a, 2016). This is compared to the experimentalphotocoupling (Capraro et al., 1987; Huston et al., 1986).

with stable scattering particles of non-zero spin is inplace (Briceno, 2014), and with it one could consider sys-tems featuring mesons like the ω or the D?, which arestable for pion masses larger than physical, or the J/ψwhich only has a small hadronic width and which can berendered stable by neglecting cc annihilation. The for-malism would also have an application in meson-baryonand baryon-baryon scattering.

Scattering systems where the hadrons are not spin-less are typically more complicated, featuring coupledamplitudes even if only one kinematic channel is open.For example, in the case of pseudoscalar-vector scat-tering, the S-wave has JP = 1+ quantum numbers(3S1 in the 2S+1LJ notation), but so does the D-wave(3D1) and these channels will mix in a 2 × 2 scatteringmatrix. The limited set of calculations that have beenperformed here so far have typically ignored this fact, forexample in the study of πρ and πω scattering in JP = 1+

in (Lang et al., 2014a), the ‘spinless’ Luscher formalismwas applied, effectively setting the D-wave amplitude tozero by fiat. In addition, not all possible meson-mesonoperator constructions corresponding to non-interactinglevels in the energy region of interest were included, soit is not clear that the complete finite-volume spectrumwas determined.

Similarly, to date, calculations of two-baryon sys-tems (Beane et al., 2013, 2012b; Berkowitz et al., 2017;Yamazaki et al., 2012, 2015) typically ignore the fact thatdifferent partial waves mix, either dynamically due tothe tensor force, or due to the mismatch between thecubic boundary and rotational symmetry (in finite vol-ume). The first attempt to constrain the contribution ofthe tensor force in the deuteron channel was carried outin (Orginos et al., 2015), using ideas proposed in (Bricenoet al., 2013a,b), but the signal obtained, with heavier

than physical light quarks, was consistent with zero.The approach outlined in Sections V, in which the

finite-volume spectrum is determined in a range of vol-umes and/or moving frames, providing a large number ofenergy levels to constrain the various channels which arecoupled by spin, is likely to be the way forward to studysuch systems.

B. Three-particle systems

A larger challenge is presented by the fact that mostresonances in QCD with physical mass quarks are ac-tually able to decay to three-body final states, and theformalism we have been primarily discussing in this doc-ument, which is expressed in Eq.(10), applies only tosystems below three-body thresholds. This has motivatedextensions of this formalism for energies where three-particle states can go on-shell (Briceno and Davoudi,2013b; Briceno et al., 2017b; Hansen and Sharpe, 2014,2015; Polejaeva and Rusetsky, 2012) 20.

The current state of the art formalism is outlinedin (Briceno et al., 2017b), where a quantization condi-tion was derived relating the finite-volume spectrum toscattering amplitudes for systems where two- and three-particle channels are coupled, for energies below the four-particle threshold. We do not present the result here, butit can be compactly written in form analogous to that ofcoupled two-particle systems, expressed in Eq.(20). Inarriving at this result, two restrictions have been im-posed, causing this to be not the most general equation

20 Interesting progress has also been made for 1+1 dimensional sys-tems (Guo, 2016; Guo and Gasparian, 2017).

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for three-particle systems. First, all individual particlesinvolved are assumed to be identical and carry no intrin-sic spin, and as a result, there are only two channels thatare kinematically open. This is a fairly mild assump-tion that is put in place only to simplify the kinematics.Second, the energies of the two-body subsystem (insidethe three-particle system) must be below any pole in thetwo-particle K-matrix. In (Hansen and Sharpe, 2014,2015) it was shown that poles in the K-matrix can leadto power-law finite-volume effects which have thus far notbeen accounted for. The removal of this restriction is notso simple, but it is not expected to be insurmountable.

Although this formalism has yet to be implementedin numerical studies, there have been two important for-mal checks performed for the simpler system consideredin (Hansen and Sharpe, 2014, 2015), where two- andthree-particle states decouple due to an additional sym-metry in the system (e.g. G-parity in multi-pion sys-tems). First, in (Hansen and Sharpe, 2016a,b) the au-thors demonstrated that this quantization condition re-duces to previously determined perturbative expressionsfor the finite-volume corrections to the energy of the low-est lying state in a system composed of three weaklyrepulsive scalar bosons (Beane et al., 2007; Tan, 2008).Another important check was performed in (Hansen andSharpe, 2017), where the authors showed that this quan-tization condition also reproduces the finite-volume cor-rections of Efimov bound states considered in (Meissneret al., 2015).

C. Elastic form factors of resonances

There are rigorously defined properties of resonancesthat can be computed in lattice QCD, which are notnecessarily accessible in experiments. A good exampleare the form-factors of unstable particles, which may beextracted from the residue at the resonance pole of a2 → 2 transition amplitude featuring a current inser-tion of whatever construction is of interest. The requiredfinite-volume formalism, whose construction is analogousto those presented in Section VIII is given in (Bernardet al., 2012; Briceno and Hansen, 2016). From the form-factors, one can proceed to rigorously determine radiior other moments for these states, and this could givea concrete tool for distinguishing compact and molecularstates, for example. Furthermore, it was recently demon-strated by Ji (Ji, 2013) that quark distribution functionsof QCD-stable states can be accessed non-perturbativelyvia lattice QCD. This idea, in conjunction with the for-malism laid out in (Briceno and Hansen, 2016), could al-low for the determination of the quark distribution func-tions of unstable states, allowing a view of the boundstructure of resonance states.


The study of scattering processes and resonance prop-erties within lattice QCD is entering an exciting pe-riod. In the last few years we have witnessed tremendousprogress both in the development of the relevant formal-ism, and its application in explicit calculation. In thisreview we have presented some of the highlights of thisprogram.

At the core of the formalism is the observation thatinfinite-volume scattering amplitudes control the discretespectrum of eigenstates in a finite periodic box. Wehave discussed techniques for solving the inverse prob-lem, where the discrete spectrum is extracted from a lat-tice QCD calculation and the scattering amplitudes areinitially unknown. In order to get to the point wherethese techniques can be applied, it is necessary to reli-ably determine the excited state spectrum within a lat-tice QCD computation. We have illustrated the power ofthe variational method applied to matrices of two-pointcorrelation functions computed using a large basis of op-erators, and shown the vital importance of including rel-evant multi-hadron operators in this basis.

Recent calculations have successfully determined elas-tic scattering amplitudes in several channels, and theextension into the coupled-channel sector has now beendemonstrated in a number of cases.

Going beyond the simplest hadron-hadron scatteringprocesses, we have seen progress in the development offormalism that handles reactions in which an electroweakcurrent couples to a scattering system. As well as al-lowing rigorous first-principles QCD study of a range ofphenomenologically interesting reactions, this formalismcan also be used to compute processes which are experi-mentally inaccessible, such as the form-factors of hadronresonances.

Exploratory studies are being performed using unphys-ically large values of the quark masses, with reasoningbeyond just the usual argument of decrease in cost: asthe pion mass decreases, the threshold for three-hadronchannels opening also decreases. Eq.(10) as presented isrestricted in validity to energies below the lowest cou-pled three-hadron threshold. This unwanted constrainthas motivated studies that are attempting to generalizeEq.(10) for systems where three or more particles can goon-shell. These works, which we have briefly reviewed,are advancing rapidly, but remain in the developmentalstage. There is hope that the most general quantizationcondition involving two- and three-particle states will bederived in the next few years and its implementation willfollow.

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We thank the authors of papers whose figures we re-produce in this article for their permission to do so,and S. Sharpe, M. Hansen and C. Thomas for theircomments on a early draft of the manuscript. RABand JJD acknowledge support from U.S. Departmentof Energy contract DE-AC05-06OR23177, under whichJefferson Science Associates, LLC, manages and oper-ates Jefferson Lab. JJD acknowledges support fromthe U.S. Department of Energy Early Career awardcontract DE-SC0006765. RDY acknowledges supportfrom Australian Research Council grants CE110001004,FT120100821 and DP14010306.


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The matrix F (E,P;L), whose inverse appears inEq.(10), is, in the case of single-channel scattering, anobject whose matrix elements are given by Eq.(15). Theappropriate generalization to multiple scattering chan-nels, including the case where the scattering particles arenot spinless is presented in (Briceno, 2014) – here we willfocus on the numerical implementation of the simplestcase of elastic scattering of spinless particles. In this casewe can show that, for a frame momentum P = 2π

L d,

F`m;`′m′ = i1


2 q?


δ`,`′δm,m′ + i1





b(`m; ¯m |`′m′)(q?L





)2) (36)

where γ = E/E?, b(`m; ¯m |`′m′) =√


⟨`m; ¯m

∣∣`′m′⟩⟨`0; ¯0∣∣`′0⟩, and where the Luscher zeta functions

are defined by

Page 41: Scattering processes and resonances from lattice QCDScattering processes and resonances from lattice QCD Raul A. Briceno,~1, Jozef J. Dudek,1,2, yand Ross D. Young3, z 1Thomas Je erson


Zd`m (s;x) =


|r|` Y`m(r)

(|r|2 − x2)s. (37)

In this expression the sum is performed over Pd ={r ∈ R3

∣∣ r = γ−1(n − αd)}

where n is a triplet of

integers and α = 12

(1 +




)for scattering parti-

cle masses m1,m2. The operation γ−1 is defined asγ−1x = 1

γx|| + x⊥ with x||, x⊥ being the components ofx parallel to and perpendicular to the direction of d.A longer discussion can be found in (Rummukainen andGottlieb, 1995) and (Leskovec and Prelovsek, 2012).

The zeta function in Eq.(36) contains the factor(|r|2 −



, which is singular if q? = 2πL |r|,

which corresponds to a two-particle state taking anallowed non-interacting energy in the L × L × Lvolume. We can easily illustrate this in the rest-frame (d = 0) where q? = 2π

L |n| and hence

E? =


1 +(


)2 |n|2 +


2 +(


)2 |n|2, which areprecisely the non-interacting energy levels. Strategies fornumerically evaluating the zeta function can be foundin (Fu, 2012; Kim et al., 2005; Leskovec and Prelovsek,2012; Rummukainen and Gottlieb, 1995; Yamazaki et al.,2004).

The matrix F becomes block-diagonal if we considerthe remaining symmetries of the cube (or the boostedcube), using the operation known as subduction into irre-ducible representations (irreps) of the relevant symmetrygroup. Subduction from `,m into the nth embedding of` into the irrep Λ (row ρ) is achieved by applying

SΛρn`m (R) =


SΛρn`λ D


where R is the rotation which carries a vector along [001]into the direction of d, and where we are summing overa quantity λ that can be associated with helicity. Thehelicity-based subductions, SΛρn

`λ can be found in (Dudeket al., 2012; Thomas et al., 2012). It follows that we cansubduce F as follows:

δΛ,Λ′δρ,ρ′ FΛ`n;`′n′ =


(SΛρn`m (R)



`′m′ (R))∗,

where the orthogonality of different irreps and differentrows within an irrep is expressed explictly on the left-hand-side. We can write the subduced F in the form,

FΛ`n;`′n′ = i



2 q?


[δ`,`′δn,n′ + ifΛ




and above threshold (q? > 0), f can be defined to be

real, so that the imaginary part of F is 116π

2 q?

E? δ`,`′δn,n′ .

Since elastic unitarity ensures that Im 1M`

= − 116π

2 q?

E? ,

the Luscher quantization condition, Eq.(10), which canbe recast into the form det

[M−1 +F

]= 0, is effectively

then a real equation. Importantly ifM is parameterizedin a manner which does not respect unitarity, we can seethat this equation will have an imaginary part which isvolume-independent and which cannot be solved. Thesearguments generalize naturally to the coupled-channelcase, and it is there that the condition that M satisfyunitarity is a practical constraint.

In Figure 24 we illustrate a typical behavior for fΛ inthe case of the four one dimensional irreps, A1, B1, B2, A2

of d = [110]. Note that there are many divergencesin these functions, and these divergences correspond tothe possible non-interacting particle pairs in these ir-reps. Since the non-interacting spectrum is different indifferent irreps, the set of divergences differs dependingupon Λ. Note also that there can be very tight regionsin (q?L/2π)2 between neighboring divergences – whenwe come to find solutions to Eq.(10) using numericalrootfinding techniques it will be important to ensure thatwe pay attention to this.

In Figure 25 we illustrate the behavior of some ele-ments of a typical fΛ below threshold. We observe thatthe diagonal elements fΛ

`n;`n, as we go further belowthreshold, we tend to value of i, and the off diagonalelements tend to 0. This ensures that FΛ → 0 as wego some way below threshold. It follows that bound-states lying far below threshold appear in finite-volumeat an energy that is very close to their infinite-volumeenergy. Another consequence is that in the case of multi-channel scattering, a kinematically closed channel doesnot have a significant impact on the quantization condi-tion at energies far below its threshold, so it is not nec-essary to include in Eq.(10) the continuation of distantclosed channels. Note that there is a narrow region belowthreshold where the finite-volume functions are not zero,and this indicates that the effect of a closed channel can‘leak’ down a little way below its threshold – the effect isexponentially suppressed with increasing volume.

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0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
















FIG. 24 fΛ`n;`′n′ for d = [110]. From top to bottom: fA1


fB111;11, fB2

11;11, fA221;21, which are in each case the lowest ` sub-

duced into that irrep. The scattering particles ‘A’, ‘B’, arechosen to have masses 300 MeV, 500 MeV, respectively andL is chosen to be 3.6 fm. The divergences can be seen to cor-respond to the energies of non-interacting AB pairs havingmomenta of the type shown at the top of the diagram.








-0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0

FIG. 25 fA1`n;`′n′ for d = [110] plotted below the kinematic

threshold. Masses and volume as in Figure 24.