saul bass wild

Walk on the wild side

Upload: daisymae96

Post on 13-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Saul bass wild

Walk on the wild side

Page 2: Saul bass wild

The first thing we see are these incredibly piercing eyes, the eyes could be used to connote hunting for example throughout the sequence we see this wild cat look as if he is searching for prey or something. It also look as if it is staring into you which does in fact engage the audience.To me these bold piercing eyes remind me of warning possibly even attempting to get someone to stay away.

Page 3: Saul bass wild

In this scene a black cat is used throughout I think this shows bad luck which could come through in a film, I think this because of the superstition that black cats are bad luck.

Page 4: Saul bass wild

We see this shot and the cat looks like he is approaching his prey, he looks very calm and his footsteps are very gentle not making it too obvious that he's there, this could be used to hint what happens in the film maybe something turning up out of the blue, I think this because if he is hunting the prey the prey wouldn’t be in the know of this happening.

Page 5: Saul bass wild

These two clips of the sequence to me shows loneliness and isolation. I think it shows isolation due to the cat being behind bars I think this shows the cat as being in the unknown which could relate to events in the film. The other clip is of the cat alone, to me this shows independence maybe of some characters. As the cat walks alone he seems incredible wary of things maybe this is to shows that some characters should be wary of things too.

Page 6: Saul bass wild

This clip shows this cat searching through the wood, maybe it showsthat in the film there is a part with someone hunting down someone. This maybe connotes danger as if he is hunting.

Page 7: Saul bass wild

In this sequence there is a random burst of conflict with the two cats, cats are very spiteful creatures so maybe this resembles the film including conflict and spiteful actions.

Page 8: Saul bass wild

In this part the cat meows and the other cat leaves to me this resembles someone warning off the others and maybe in this film it is one man for himself there's no sides or teams in the conflict which will probably happen.

Page 9: Saul bass wild

After this manic fight the cat returns to piece and maybe this will show that in the film no matter how much you go through with the battles the characters will have to carry on. I also think maybe as it was peaceful hunting then a fight then back to walking maybe it resembles there are on going cracks in the road and on going conflicts.