sarah jenkins

Sarah Jenkins 179 Eagle Rd Newbank NSW 2011 Tel: 0400 000 000 E: [email protected] [date] Anne Watson Managing Director Quest Consulting 9 Bathurst St Sydney NSW 2000 Dear Ms Watson Please accept this letter as my formal resignation from Quest Consulting. As per my employment contract, I am giving one month’s notice and my last day of employment will be 27 March 2014. I will ensure that all my projects are completed by that date and assist in any way possible to ensure a smooth handover to my replacement. On a more personal note, let me express my gratitude for the wonderful opportunities for professional growth and development you have provided over the last six years. I have learned so much and your guidance and mentorship have been invaluable. I also greatly enjoyed working with such a supportive and dynamic team. Working on the Turner project was a particular highlight and provided me with one of the most satisfying experiences of my career. While I am excited by the new opportunities that I will be pursuing, I will always remember my time at Quest with great fondness. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further information after I leave, and also please keep in touch. Kind regards [sign here] Sarah Jenkins - See more at: templates/detailed-appreciative-resignation-letter/#.dpuf detailed-appreciative-resignation-letter/ Joseph Williams

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Page 1: Sarah Jenkins

Sarah Jenkins

179 Eagle Rd 

Newbank NSW 2011 

Tel: 0400 000 000 

E: [email protected]



Anne Watson

Managing Director 

Quest Consulting

9 Bathurst St 

Sydney NSW 2000


Dear Ms Watson

Please accept this letter as my formal resignation from Quest Consulting. As per my employment

contract, I am giving one month’s notice and my last day of employment will be 27 March 2014. I will

ensure that all my projects are completed by that date and assist in any way possible to ensure a smooth

handover to my replacement.

On a more personal note, let me express my gratitude for the wonderful opportunities for professional

growth and development you have provided over the last six years. I have learned so much and your

guidance and mentorship have been invaluable. I also greatly enjoyed working with such a supportive and

dynamic team. Working on the Turner project was a particular highlight and provided me with one of the

most satisfying experiences of my career.

While I am excited by the new opportunities that I will be pursuing, I will always remember my time at

Quest with great fondness. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further information after I

leave, and also please keep in touch.

Kind regards

[sign here]

Sarah Jenkins- See more at:

Joseph Williams

6 Piper Crescent 

West Beach SA 5024 

Tel: 0435 000 000

Page 2: Sarah Jenkins



Mrs Sonja Rosenthal

The Edge Media Group 

The Strand 

Adelaide SA 5000


Dear Sonja

Please accept this letter as notice of my resignation. As per my employment contract, I am giving one

month’s notice and will be leaving on Friday 17 October 2014.

While I have been very satisfied working in your team at The Edge, I have decided to make this move to

advance my career. I have enjoyed working with you and appreciate the opportunities I have been given

over the past three years.

My projects are currently up to date and I believe I will be able to make an efficient handover of my

current projects before I leave.

Please let me know if you need my help in any other way.

Kind regards

[sign here]

Joseph Williams- See more at:

Samantha Jones

25 Smith Street

Miltown NSW 0000

02 9000 000



Sally Ralston

Managing Director

Publishing Inc.

1 Anne Street

Sydney NSW 1111


Dear Sally

Yesterday I was offered a journalism cadetship at World News. This is a great opportunity for me, as I

want to work in the newspaper industry and build my journalist qualifications. It is a full-time position, so I

will be unable to continue working at Publishing Inc.

I will be starting my cadetship on 6 April. According to my contract with Publishing Inc., I am obliged to

give one week’s notice, which means I will need to finish on 3 April. I estimate that I will be able to

complete the work set for me in the next week. However, I am available to discuss any questions about

the work I have been doing.

Page 3: Sarah Jenkins

Thank you for the opportunity to work with such an enthusiastic and productive group of people. I have

really enjoyed my time here, learnt a lot about writing for the book market and I hope that I have

contributed successfully to the business.

If not for the opportunity to be graded as a cadet as part of an intensive World News program, I would

have enjoyed staying in the position you offered me.

I will always have the fondest memories of my time spent at Publishing Inc.

Kindest regards

[sign here]

Samantha Jones- See more at:

Date Month Year

Mr/Ms full name 


Company name

Street address

Suburb State Postcode

Dear [boss’s name]

In the first paragraph you need to state that you are resigning. Briefly explain your reason or reasons for

leaving. It is appropriate to start a resignation letter with ‘I am writing to inform you’ but feel free to use

your own words as long as they are polite and professional. Closing the first paragraph with

‘unfortunately, this means I am unable to continue my work with …’ will give your letter a nice touch. It is

professional to use the actual business name of the companies you are referring to rather than ‘them’ or


You can state if you have been offered a new job or a promotion at another organisation and give a brief explanation of why you have accepted it. ‘The opportunity will further my career’ is a good reason to use.

In the second paragraph, mention details such as dates, entitlements or superannuation – anything you

need to clear up before you leave. Clarifying the date of your last day will let your employer know how

long he or she has to find someone to replace you. It is a good idea to give your contact details so that

your boss can get in touch if they have any queries about the projects you were working on. It will make

the transition a lot smoother for everyone. 

Be succinct about the details you need to mention. If it takes too long to explain some details consider briefly mentioning it in writing and speak with your boss about it during your meeting.

Page 4: Sarah Jenkins

It’s good to close your letter with ‘I regret any inconvenience my resignation may cause’ and offer a brief

positive statement about the time you spent working at the place you are leaving. Closing your letter

along these lines will soften what could be difficult news for your employer to hear. 

It’s not always necessary to end with a sentence about how much you enjoyed your job. But if it feels natural to include this then do.

Lastly, politely thank your employer for the opportunities and support he or she has given you during your

time at the company. 

Being polite and showing your appreciation for the opportunities you have been given will leave a good overall impression on your employer.

Yours sincerely


If you have the technology to do so, scan your signature and insert it into the document.

Your name- See more at:

Graham Conopoulos

31 Meer Street 

Eagletown NT 7000 

Tel: 0400 000 000 

E: [email protected]



Mr Jacob Filly

Chief Executive Officer 

Genie Design Studios

88 Main Drive 

Eagletown NT 7000


Dear Mr Filly

Please accept this letter as formal notification of my resignation at Genie Design Studios as I have been

offered a job at another company. It is with sadness that I leave a role where I have worked with such a

fantastic and supportive team. I have really enjoyed the variety of projects and challenges in this job and

have learnt much about the industry.

As per my employment contract, I am giving one month’s notice and my last week here will commence 7

June 2014. I will ensure that all my projects are completed and will notify clients about the handover.

I’d like to extend a huge thanks to you and the rest of the management team for all you have done for me

over the last two years.

Page 5: Sarah Jenkins

Please feel free to get in touch should you require information after I have left.

Yours sincerely

[sign here]

Graham Conopoulos- See more at:


Ms. Joyce Michaels


ABC Company

15 Main St.

Sometown, MA 55555

Dear Joyce,

Please accept this letter as notice of my resignation from my position as staff

accountant. My last day of employment will be June 22, 2012.

I received an offer to serve as senior accountant of a Fortune 500 company,

and after careful consideration, I realize that this opportunity is too exciting for

me to decline.

It has been a pleasure working with you and your team over the last three

years. One of the highlights of my career was collaborating with you to

automate ABC Company’s accounting, financial and balance systems and

setting up your accounting infrastructure. Your company is poised for

continued growth and I wish you much success with your upcoming

acquisition of XYZ Company.

I would like to help with the transition of my accounting duties so that systems

continue to function smoothly after my departure. I am available to help recruit

and train my replacement, and I will make certain that all reporting and

records are updated before my last day of work.

Joyce, thank you again for the opportunity to work for ABC Company. I wish

you and your staff all the best and I look forward to staying in touch with you.

Page 6: Sarah Jenkins

You can email me anytime at [email protected] or call me at 555-555-




Roberta Jones