sap hcm and sap hr training tutorials

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  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


     What does ERP Stands for | ERP full form |

    ERP Meaning

     What does ERP Stands for, ERP full form, ERP Meaning ERP is the world largest enterprise software used for controlling the business processes and 

    let’s define what does ERP stands for and meaning of ERP? 

     ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) was coined by Gartner Group in the 1!"s#

      $ Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software places its focus on integrating an

    organi%ation& departments and functions '(R, logistics, Sales, )inance, Production etc* into a

    single and integrated computer system that aims to ser+e all those department teams& needs#

     ERP Training Tutorials

    Major components of ERP

    (uman Resources Management Systems

    )inancial Systems

    Supply hain Management ustomer Resource Planning

    Manufacturing Resource Planning

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


     What does does ERP mean

    -n the 1"&s,Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP  uses multi.module application software for

    impro+ing the performance of the business processes# ERP systems integrates with business

    acti+ities across functional departments, from production planning, parts purchasing, in+entory 

    control, product distribution, fulfillment, to order trac/ing resources# 0his led to the e+olution

    of ERP System# lso read what does SP stands for#

     What does ERP software do

    ERP software helps to implement all the functions of a company and it enables to plan, trac/,

    utili%e all the resources of company# 2y using Enterprise Resource Planning software you can

    manage a company by collecting, organi%ing and reporting information throughout the business


    Common ERP Modules

    Purchase orders 'P3*

    )inancial ccounting and controlling

    Manufacturing Resource Planning 'MRP*

    ustomer Relationship Management 'RM*

    (uman Resources '(R*

    0he ma4or benefits of  ERP systems are5 better customer satisfaction, better information, high

    producti+ity, better 6uality and decreases in time to mar/et, deli+ery time, in+entory le+els etc#

     What is SP (R 

    -n this article we are going to discuss what is SP (R and it importance# SP (R '(uman

    Resource management* also /nown as $(uman apital Management7 '(M* and it is an

    important module in ERP SP systems that supports all the process of human resource

    management in the enterprise#

    SP (R records the data from the hiring an employee to its final termination in organi%ation# -t

    store the employee data such as designation, role, salary details, wor/ing shifts, address and so


  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    SP (R is di+ided in to +arious sub modules such as

    1# 3rgani%ational management

    8# Personnel dministration

    9# 0ime Management

    :# Payroll

    ;# Personnel

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    SP (M and SP (R 0raining 0utorials

    SP (M ? (R 0raining

    ,"P -CM  '(uman apital Management* 0raining 0utorials for free of cost by real

    time SAP HRe>perts# SAP HR module  training material is designed to configure (R 

    module in an easy way with screen shots for onsultant as well as an end

    user# SP (r is also called as (uman Resource Management System '(RMS* and

    (uman capital management#

    ,"P -CM  '(uman apital Management* is one of the important modules in ERP

    ,"P# SAP HR (human Resource Management) manages all functions from hiringan employee to its final termination in organi%ation# -t consist +arious sub components

    such as Personnel anagement! "rgani#ational anagement (")! $ime

     anagement and Payroll #

    ,"P -R -CM module is integrated with other modules such as Production

    Planning, Material Management, )inancial ccounting ')-*, and ontrolling '3*#

    SP (R training material teaches you in a easy method with screen shots step by step

     with scenarios#

    Please refer below ,"P -CM -R  module training tutorial one by one in series with

    real time scenarios#

    Enterprise ,tructure


  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    4.  ssign Employee Subgroup to Employee Group

    Organizational Management

    1. reate organi%ational unit

    2. Setup @umber ssignment for plan +ersions

    3. Maintain @umber Ranges in 3rgani%ational Management

    4.  cti+ate -nheritance of ccount ssignment )eatures

    5. Set Ap 0ransport onnection

    6. -ntegration with ost

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    Enterprise Structure

    (ow to reate a ompany in SP | t ustomi%ing e>ecute pro4ect screen select ,"P Reference


  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    ,tep # 5. fter Selecting SP Reference -MG, a new screen -MG Path will be

    displayed# Select *efine compan(  e>ecute icon for creating a company 

    @e>t Screen will be displayed after selecting the define compan(  e>ecute


    ,tep ':C @ow Select @ew entries icon to create a new company and enter the company details

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    0he following details are to be entered for creating a new compan( 

    1# Enter ! character alphanumeric code /ey that represents the group of 


    8# Enter name of your company&

    9# -n the F,

    Postal code, ity#

    :# Enter ountry ode of the company ;# Enter language /ey 

    !# Enter local currency for the company 'also /nown as %ompany code


    # lic/ on Sa+e icon or 0R=HS after updating the re6uired information

    0hus new ompany "*"R,- is created in SP#

    (ow to reate ompany ode in SP |

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    ,tep ' : 0he below screen displays after selecting Edit! %opy! ,elete

    %ompany %ode ( ,efine %ompany %ode )

     we can create company code by selecting abo+e two options# 2y selecting first

    option cop(5 *elete5 compan( code all the configuration and tables get

    copied automatically along with assignments#

    (ere we are creating company code manually configure all the assignments

     by selecting second optionEdit Compan( Code *ata . *ou0le clic6 on

    Edit Compan( Code *ata

    Step ; 5. lic/ on 7ew Entries and update the following details

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    1# Apdate new Compan( code 6e(  

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


     fter updating ddress

    enter lic/ on Sa+e icon 0hus the compan( code 

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    ,tep ! 5. lic/ ,"P Reference /M4

    ,tep # 5. )ollow the Path as per below screen shot

    ,tep ' 5. lic/ Position

    Apdate compan( code for which you wants to assign and Enter

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    ,tep ) 5. Apdate ompany  -< in ompany field and clic/ on sa+e icon

    0hus compan( code "*8 was assigned to Compan( "*"R,-.

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    (ow to ssign ompany ode to ompany in


     ssign ompany ode to ompany Menu Path 5.

    SPR3 CD -MG Reference CD Enterprise Structure CD ssignment CD )inancial ccounting C

    D "ssignCompan( Code $o Compan( 

    0ransaction ode 5. O318

    0he following are the steps to "ssign the Compan( Code to Compan( in ,"P 9/CO

    ,tep 1 5. Enter the 0.ode ,PRO in the commend field

    ,tep ! 5. lic/ ,"P Reference /M4

    ,tep # 5. )ollow the Path as per below screen shot

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    ,tep ' 5. lic/ Position

    Apdate compan( code for which you wants to assign and Enter

    ,tep ) 5. Apdate ompany  -< in ompany field and clic/ on sa+e icon

    0hus compan( code "*8 was assigned to Compan( "*"R,-.

    (ow to create Personnel reas in SP

    0he following training tutorials guides you how to define Personnel reas in SP (R step by


    SP R?9 -MG Path 5 C SPR3 DD Enterprise Structure DD

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


     Bou can create new personal areas by copying e>isted personal area or creating by selecting new 


    Select $Personnel rea7

    lic/ on 7 @ew Entries7

    Apdate the following information

    Enter new personnel area /ey and description

    -n the personnel areas section update the address fields C (ouse number?street, Postal

    code, ity, ountry /ey,

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


     fter updating the information press enter, a pop window will be open for address details#

    Apdate the address data and clic/ on sa+e icon to sa+e the entries#

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    Enter the company code and enter

    Step 8 5 C lic/ on $@ew Entries7

    Apdate the following fields

    1# (ouse 2an/ 5 C Enter the ; character alphanumeric code

    8# 2an/ ey 5 .Enter 2an/ /ey 'Read more how to create ban/ /ey *

    9# ommunication data 5. Enter the telephone number and contact person

    lic/ on sa+e icon to sa+e the configured data# Successfully you ha+e created house ban/ in SP#

    ;an6 "ccounts

    lic/ on ban/ accounts option to maintain details of ban/#

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    -n ne>t screen, Apdate the following details#

     ccount id5 C Apdate the two digits account id

    description5 .Apdate the description of ban/ id

    2an/ ccount number5 C Apdate your ban/ account number

    urrency5 .Apdate the currency of ban/ account

     fter maintain all the details, clic/ on sa+e button to sa+e the configured ban/ details#

    (ow to create Personnel reas in SP

    0he following training tutorials guides you how to define Personnel reas in SP (R step by


    SP R?9 -MG Path 5 C SPR3 DD Enterprise Structure DD

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


     Bou can create new personal areas by copying e>isted personal area or creating by selecting new 


    Select $Personnel rea7

    lic/ on 7 @ew Entries7

    Apdate the following information

    Enter new personnel area /ey and description

    -n the personnel areas section update the address fields C (ouse number?street, Postal

    code, ity, ountry /ey,

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


     fter updating the information press enter, a pop window will be open for address details#

    Apdate the address data and clic/ on sa+e icon to sa+e the entries#

     ssignment of Personnel rea to ompany

    ode0he following training tutorial guides you how to ssign Personnel rea to ompany ode#

     fter defining Personnel rea, ne>t step is ssigning the Personnel rea to ompany ode#

    ,"P R# /M4 Path :  SPR3 D -MG D Enterprise Structure D ssignment D (uman

    Resources Management D ssign Personnel rea to ompany ode

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    lic/ on position button and enter your personnel area and enter

    Enter company code in the company code field

    lic/ on sa+e button to sa+e your entries# Successfully you ha+e assigned personnel area to

    ompany ode#

    (ow to

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


     t screen enter your personal area and enter

    lic/ on $@ew Entries7

     -n ne>t screen update the Personnel Subarea /ey and description

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


     fter updating the data, clic/ on sa+e icon to sa+e the entries#

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    Personnel Structure

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


     lic/ on sa+e icon to sa+e the entries#

     ssign Employee Subgroup to Employee Group

    Steps to ssign Employee Subgroup to Employee Group

     fter defining the employee groups and employee subgroups, ne>t step is assigning the

    employee subgroup to employee group#

     SAP R./ Path 0C SPR3 D -MG D Enterprise Structure D ssignment .D (uman Resources

    Management D ssign employee subgroups to employee groups

    lic/ on $@ew Entries7 and update the following fields

    Enter Employee group /ey in the EE group7 field

    Enter the Employee subgroup /ey in the EE subgroup field#

    0ic/ the countries to acti+ate#

    lic/ on sa+e icon to sa+e the entries#

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    (ow to Set up @umber ssignment for all Plan


    Set up @umber ssignment for all Plan Kersions

    SP R?9 -MG Path5 C -MG CD Personnel Management CD 3rgani%ational Management CD

    2asic Settings CD Maintain @umber Ranges CD Set Ap @umber ssignment for ll Plan


    0ransaction ode5 C 33@

     -n ne>t screen enter +alue in the Kalue abbr# if you want acti+ate number assignment for all

    plan +ersions or lea+e this field blan/ to deacti+ate #

     lic/ on sa+e icon to sa+e your entries#

    Maintain @umber Ranges in 3rgani%ationalManagement

    0he following tutorial guides you how to Maintain @umber Ranges in 3rgani%ational


  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    SP R?9 -MG Path5. -MG CD Personnel Management CD 3rgani%ational Management CD 2asic

    Settings CD Maintain @umber Ranges CD Maintain @umber Ranges

    0ransaction ode5 C 33@R 

    -n ne>t screen, lic/ on $@ew Entries7 to maintain number ranges

    -n ne>t screen enter the /ey in the field subgroup and press enter and clic/ on sa+e icon#

    -n ne>t screen clic/ on $hange -nter+al7

    lic/ on $-nsert -nter+al7 and update the following data#

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    EJ C Maintain E>ternal number range inter+al )rom @umber C 0o @umber, and tic/ the

    e>t chec/ bo>#

    -@ C Maintain -nternal number range inter+al )rom @umber C 0o @umber

    lic/ on sa+e icon to sa+e entries, ignore warning message and press enter to continue#

     cti+ate -nheritance of ccount ssignment

    )eatures SP

     cti+ate -nheritance of ccount ssignment )eatures

     SAP R/3 IMG Path:C SPR3 CD -MG CD Personnel Management CD 3rgani%ational

    Management CD 2asic Settings CD Acti1ate nheritance of Account Assignment 'eatures

    Transaction Coe:! 33-@(

    -n ne>t screen C Change +iew

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    lic/ on Sa+e icon to sa+e the entries#

    Set up pd transport connection C 33R 

    Set up pd transport connection

    SP R?9 -MG Path5 C SPR3 CD -MG CD Personnel Management CD 3rgani%ational

    Management CD 0ransport CD Set Ap 0ransport onnection

    0ransaction ode5. 33R 

    3n the hange Kiew  2Set 3p P, $ransport %onnection40 "1er1iew screen, enter the following


    Group Sem.Abbr. Value Description

    TRSP CORR X Transport Switch (X = No Transport)

    TRSP STOBJ Redefinition: Standard Transport ObjectTRSP !OBJ Redefinition: or"f#ow TransportObject

    lic/ on Sa+e button to sa+e the entries#

    -ntegration with ost

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    SP R?9 -MG Path 5. SPR3 CD -MG CD Personnel Management CD 3rgani%ational

    Management CD -ntegration CD Set u" Integration #or Cost $istri%ution

    0ransaction ode 5. 33t screen $hange Kiew $-ntegration with ost

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    $ or" Center  

    C Job

    % Cost Center  

    O Or&ani'ationa# nit

    P Person

    a#ificationS Position

    @o onfiguration re6uired here# SP standard will be applied#

    SP 3rgani%ational Management onfiguration

    '(R C 3M*

    SP (R 3rgani%ational Management

    0he following tutorial guides the 3rgani%ational Management onfiguration in SP (R '(R C

    3M* step by step#

    ,et up 7um0er "ssignment for all Plan =ersions

    SP R?9 -MG Path5 C SPR3 DD -MG DD Personnel Management DD 3rgani%ational

    Management DD 2asic Settings DD Maintain @umber Ranges DD Set Ap @umber ssignment

    for ll Plan Kersions

    $ransaction Code: C 33@

    Maintain 7um0er Ranges

    SP R?9 -MG Path5. SPR3 DD -MG DD Personnel Management DD 3rgani%ational Management

    DD 2asic Settings DD Maintain @umber Ranges DD Maintain @umber Ranges

    $ransaction Code:  33@R 

    ,et up pd transport connection

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    SP R?9 -MG Path5 C SPR3 DD -MG DD Personnel Management DD 3rgani%ational

    Management DD 0ransport DD Set Ap 0ransport onnection

    $ransaction Code: 33R 

    /ntegration with Cost *istri0ution

    SP R?9 -MG Path 5. SPR3 DD -MG DD Personnel Management DD 3rgani%ational

    Management DD -ntegration DD Set up -ntegration for ost

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    SP R?9 -MG Path5 Personnel Management DD 3rgani%ational Management DD -nfotype

    Settings DD cti+ate?isted number range inter+al#

    lic/ on $-nsert -nter+al7 button

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    -n ne>t screen, enter the following information,

    lic/ on Sa+e icon to sa+e the entries#

    Maintain user Parameters SP

    Maintain user parameters

    0he following training tutorial guides you how to Maintain user Parameters in SP step by step#

    SP -MG Path5 C SPR3 D SP Reference -MG ');* DDD Personnel Management DDD Personnel

     dministration DDD 2asic Setting DDDD Maintain user Parameter#

    )ollow the -MG path and double clic/ on $Maintain user parameters7

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


     Select the rele+ant ountry ode by selecting drop down list# fter specifies country press enter

    to continue#

      message bo> will be displayed as $Parameters created for -ndia7 # Press enter to continue

    Apdate the parameters +alues for the parameters -

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    ,"P /M4 Path: C SPR3 DD SP Reference -MG ');* DD Personnel Management D Personnel

     dministration DD 3rganisation

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    1 0rainee?apprentice

    8 0rained


    hoose Sa+e icon to sa+e the entries#

    SP Set up Personnel ctions 0ypes0he following SP (R tutorial guides you how to create personal actions step by step# 2efore

    creating new personal action refer how to define infogroups#

    Step 15. *efine /nfogroups

    -MG Path5 C SPR3 D SP ustomi%ing -mplementation Guide DD Personnel Management DD

    Personnel dministration DD ustomi%ing Procedures DD ctions DD *efine /nfogroups

    Step 85.  "dd the /nfot(pes to /nfogroup with rele+ant operation

    Step 95. reate the Personnel ctions

    -MG Path5 C SPR3 D Personnel Management D Personnel dministration D ustomi%ing

    Procedures D ctions D Setup Personnel ctions

    -n ne>t screen, double clic/ on $Personnel ction 0ypes7

    SP deli+ered with

    some standard personnel action types, select those actions types which are rele+ant and clic/ on

    $copy as7 icon

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


     fter copying, change ction ode with your own action type and update the

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


      pop.up.window displaying to choose the specify ob4ects to be copied# Select $Cop( all7 to

    copy all entries#

      message will be displayed as $@umber of dependent entries copied7 and press enter to


     Bou are bac/ to initial screen, name of the action shows blan/# Apdate the action te>t again

    Select ction and double clic/ on $ctions 'indi+idual maintenance*

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


     Bou can see all the copied infotypes and subtypes and you can modify 'delete or add new

    entries* as per your business needs#

    @ow you ha+e to lin/ the action with a transaction# Select action and double clic/ on transaction

    for actions

    Successfully personal actions are maintained in SP#

    Maintain Personnel ctions in SP

    Maintain Personnel ctions

    0he following training tutorials guides you how to maintain personnel actions in SP step by


    SP -MG Path5 SPR3 D -MG D Personnel Management D 3rgani%ational Management D 2asic

    settings D Maintain Personnel ctions

    3n the screen change +iew

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    hange action /ey and update the name of your action# Press enter to continue

      pop.up.window displaying to choose the specify ob4ects to be copied# Select $Cop( all7 to

    copy all entries#

      message will be displayed as $@umber of dependent entries copied7 and press enter to


     Bou are bac/ to initial screen, name of the action shows blan/# Apdate the action te>t again

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    Select ction and double clic/ on $ctions 'indi+idual maintenance*

     Bou can see all the copied infotypes and subtypes and you can modify 'delete or add newentries* as per your business needs#

    @ow you ha+e to lin/ the action with a transaction# Select action and double clic/ on transaction

    for actions

    Successfully personal actions are maintained in SP#

    Maintain Personnel ctions in SPMaintain Personnel ctions

    0he following training tutorials guides you how to maintain personnel actions in SP step by


  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    SP -MG Path5 SPR3 D -MG D Personnel Management D 3rgani%ational Management D 2asic

    settings D Maintain Personnel ctions

    3n the screen change +iew

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    Select ction and double clic/ on $ctions 'indi+idual maintenance*

     Bou can see all the copied infotypes and subtypes and you can modify 'delete or add newentries* as per your business needs#

    @ow you ha+e to lin/ the action with a transaction# Select action and double clic/ on transaction

    for actions

    Successfully personal actions are maintained in SP#


    (ow to create new position using PN19 in SP


  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    reate new position by using PN19

    0he following training tutorials guides you how to create new position in SP (R by using

    transaction code PN19 step by step#

    $ransaction code:  PN19

    ,tep 1: C Enter transaction code $PN197 in the command field and enter#

    ,tep !:  Apdate the +alidity period i#e starting date and ending date fora new position# fter

    updating +alidity clic/ on e>ecute ')O*#

    ,tep #:  -n ne>t screen, update the following fields#

    1# 3b4ect abbre+iation5 C Apdate the name of the ob4ect, you can update up to 18 characters

    8# 3b4ect name5. Apdate the descripti+e name of the ob4ect, you can update up 8:

    characters long#

    9# lic/ on sa+e button to sa+e the data

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    ,tep ': C -n ne>t essential relationship screen, create the relationship ."9 that belong to

    organi%ational unit

    1# Apdate the id of related ob4ect, you can get id by pressing f: function /ey on id field#

    8# fter selecting -< press enter, then automatically organi%ation unit abbre+iation and

    name fields are updated#

    9# lic/ on sa+e button 'ctrlHs* to sa+e the relationship#

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    ,tep ):  -n ne>t step, create relationship .""8 reports to managers position#

    1# Select related ob4ect, here we selected S position#

    8# Apdate the -< of related ob4ect by pressing function /ey ): on -< field#

    9# fter updating -< ob4ect press enter, automatically abbre+iation and name are updated##

    lic/ on sa+e button to sa+e the configured relationships#

    reate d+ertisement for Kacancies in SP

    reate d+ertisement

    0he following training tutorials guides you how to create ad+ertisement for +acancies in SPstep by step#

    0ransaction code5 C P2W 

    ,tep 1:  Enter transaction code $P2W7 in the SP command field and press enter#

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    ,tep ! :  -n ne>t screen, clic/ on e>ecute button 'or press function /ey )O*#

    ,tep #:  3n the maintain ad+ertisement screen clic/ on ad+ert button to maintain new

    ad+ertisements as per your business re6uirements#

    Step :5 C lic/ on $@e>t free ad+ertisement number7 then ad+ertisement number will beautomatically generated for your reference#

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    Step ;5 C Select instrument from the list as shown below#

    ,tep 8:  Apdate the following fields

    Publication date5 C Apdate the publication date of the ad+ertisement#

     d+ertisement end date5 C Apdate the ad+ertisement end date#

    Publication costs5 C Apdate the publication code with currency and

    0e>t5 C Enter the descripti+e te>t of the ad+ertisement#

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    lic/ on $

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    ,tep #:  -n ne>t screen, clic/ on insert line button#

    ,tep ':  Apdate the following fields#

    1# 7O:  Apdate the two digits /ey that identifies the number range inter+al#

    8# 9rom 7o:  Enter the starting number of inter+al

    9# $o num0er:  Enter the last number of inter+al#

    :# E>t:  hec/ the e>t if the number range inter+al is for e>ternal or /eep it blan/ number

    range for inter+al purpose#

    lic/ on sa+e button to sa+e the configured data in SP#

    -ow to delete num0er ranges for applicant num0ers

    -f you want to delete number range inter+al it is mandatory @R status field should be $"7 or elsethe system throws an error message#

    Go to inter+al D select change inter+al number#

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    hange the @R status to " and -gnore the warning message and clic/ on yes to sa+e the data

    @ow go bac/ to edit inter+al screen and select the number range inter+al @3 and clic/ on delete


    lic/ on sa+e button'ctrlHs* to sa+e the data#

    reate Media | Recruitment medium in SP

    Create Media %Recruitment Media&

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    0he following training tutorials guides you how to create media in ,"P -R  step by step

     with screen shots# Recruitment media is used to create for configure the instruments into one

    category# Bou can create media by using the following na+igation method#

    $ransaction code: C SPR3

    ,"P /M4 Path:  C SPR3 DD -MG DD Personnel management DD Recruitment DD

     Wor/force re6uirement and ad+ertisement DD Create media.

    ,tep 1:  )ollow the -MG path and clic/ on create media to maintain the media as per your

     business re6uirements#

    ,tep !:  3n the o+er+iew screen, clic/ on $new entries7, the following are the media we are

    going to configure#

    Medium Name of Medium AP! Applicant class text

    "#   Press $P *+terna# $pp#icant

    "$   *,p#o-,ent office $P *+terna# $pp#icant"%   .ai# P /nterna# $pp#icant

    "&   /nternet $P *+terna# $pp#icant

    ,tep #:  -n the ne>t new entries screen, update the following fields#

    1# Medium:  Enter the numerical /ey that identifies the medium in SP

    8# 7ame of medium:  Enter the name of the medium#

    9#  "pplicant class:  Apdate the applicant class whether e>ternal applicant'P* or

    internal applicant 'P*#

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    lic/ on sa+e button or press ctrlHs to sa+e the configured data, then you get a message as data

     was sa+ed#

    Successfully recruitment media is created in SP#

    reate Recruitment -nstruments in SP

    reate Recruitment -nstruments0he following SP training tutorials guides you how to create recruitment instruments in SP

    step by step# )irst recruitment instruments are created and they are classified according to the

    media used#

    ,tep 1:  Bou can create recruitment instruments in SP (R by using the following na+igation


    $ransaction code:  SPR3#

    ,"P /M4 Path:  SPR3 DD -MG ');* DD Personnel Management DD Recruitment DD

     Wor/force re6uirement and ad+ertisement DD Create recruitment instruments#

    ,tep !:  3n the o+er+iew screen, clic/ on new entries to maintain new recruitment instrument

    as per your business re6uirements# 0he following recruitment instruments are creating in SP#

    !nstrument !nstrument Medium Name of medium

    00000011 Ti,es of /ndia 2 Press

    00000013 4ind 2 Press

    00000015 Na"ri6co, 7 /nternet

    00000018 .onster6co, 7 /nternet

    00000030 Ot#oo" e,ai# 9 .ai#

    ,tep #:   3n the new entries screen, update the following fields#

    1# /nstrument:  Enter uni6ue id that identifies the recruitment instrument in SP#

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    8# /nstrument:  update the descripti+e name of the instrument#

    9# Medium:  Apdate the medium /ey  that the instruments are classified according to the

    medium used#

    :# 7ame of medium:  @ame of medium will automatically updates after your press

    enter /ey#

    lic/ on sa+e button 'trlHs* to sa+e the configured recruitment instrument data in SP#

    Create addresses for recruitment instruments

    =ets learn how to create address for recruitment instrument in SP, go bac/ to img path and

    clic/ on create address for recruitment instrument#

    Path5 C SPR3 DD -MG ');* DD Personnel Management DD Recruitment DD Wor/force

    re6uirement and ad+ertisement DD Create aresses recruitment instrument 

    ,tep 1:  3n the o+er+iew screen, clic/ on new entries#

    ,tep !:  Apdate ddress, -

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    @ow go bac/ to -MG path and clic/ on Create recruitment instrument& update the address

    fields to instruments#

    lic/ on sa+e button to sa+e the changed data#

    reate personnel 3fficer in SP

    Create personnel Officer

    0he following SP training tutorials guides you how to create personnel officer in SP step by 

    step# Personnel officers are authori%ed to process the applications that are assigned to them

    from the personnel department#

    ,tep 1: C Bou can create companies personnel officer by using the following na+igation method#

    $ransaction code:  SPR3

    ,"P /M4 Path:  SPR3 DD -MG DD Personnel Management DD Recruitment DD

     pplication administration DD Create personnel officer.

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    ,tep !:  3n the o+er+iew screen, a list of personal officers list will be displayed# Clic6 on new 

    entries to create new personnel officers as per your organi%ation re6uirements#0he following

     +alues are configuring in SP#

    Group Administrator Administrator name Title Tel no. SAP name

    $$R $da $$RS4 .r6$$R R$; R$;/ .r6

    $$R SRS S

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    lic/ on sa+e button to sa+e the configured data#

     pplication structure C pplicant group,

     pplicant range

    Create "pplication ,tructure

    0he following training tutorials guides you how to create application structure in SP (R step

     by step# -n pre+ious tutorials we ha+e discussed about how to create personnel officers#

     pplication structure consists the following configuration steps#

    1# reate pplicant group

    8# reate applicant ranges9# reate unsolicited application ranges

    1. Create "pplicant group

    0he applicant group is used to group together applicants on the basis of type of 4ob they ha+e

    applied, for e>ample permanent employees, contract employees, hourly based employees and soon#

    ,tep 1:  you can create applicant group by using the following na+igation method in SP#

    )ollow the img path and clic/ on applicant group#

    $ransaction code:  SPR3

    ,"P /M4 path:  SPR3 DD -MG ');* DD Personnel management DDRecruitment DD

     pplication administration DD pplicant structure DD Create applicant group.

    ,tep !: lic/ on new entries to create new applicant group as per your re6uirements#

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    ,tep #: On the new entries screen5 update the following fields.

    1. "pplication group: Enter the application group 6e(.

    8#  "pplication group te>t : .Apdate the descripti+e te>t of application group#

    9#  "pplication class:  Apdate the application class 'P for e>ternal applicant and P for

    internal applicant*#

     fter updating the details, press enter and clic/ on sa+e button to sa+e the data#

    !. Create  applicant ranges

    ,tep 1:  you can create applicant ranges by using the following na+igation method in SP#

    )ollow the -MG path and clic/ on applicant ranges#

    $ransaction code:  SPR3

    ,"P /M4 path:  SPR3 DD -MG ');* DD Personnel management DDRecruitment DD

     pplication administration DD pplicant structure DD Create applicant ranges.

    ,tep !:   lic/ on new entries to maintain new ranges as per your organi%ation re6uirements#

    ,tep #:  3n the new entries screen, update the fields applicant range and applicant range te>t#

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


    Press enter and clic/ on sa+e button to sa+e the configured data#

    #. Create unsolicited application ranges

    ,tep 1:   )ollow the img path and clic/ on unsolicited application group#

    $ransaction code:  SPR3

    ,"P /M4 path:  SPR3 DD -MG ');* DD Personnel management DDRecruitment DD

     pplication administration DD pplicant structure DD Create unsolicited application


    ,tep !: Apdate the necessary field and press enter#

    lic/ on sa+e button to sa+e the configured entries#

    ,"P -R $ime Management %$M&

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials


  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials



    updating all the mandatory fields, clic/ on sa+e button to sa+e the configured entries#

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials



  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials



    nter your country grouping /ey and press enter#

    -n ne>t screen assign employee

    subgroup grouping /ey to employee group and sa+e the data#

    !. ,et wor6 schedule rules and wor6 schedules. ,tep 1: C )ollow the img path and clic/

    on $Set wor/ schedule rules and wor/ schedule7 Path5 C SPR3 DD -MG DD 0ime management

    DDWor/ schedules DD Wor/ schedule rules and wor/ schedules DD Set wor/ schedule rules and

     wor/ schedule ,tep !: Select defined wor/ schedule rule and clic/ on copy as button#


    p #:  Apdate the target ESG /ey and change the details as per your organi%ation re6uirements#

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials



    on sa+e button to sa+e the configured details# Similarly create wor/ schedule rules for other es

    grouping# #. 4enerate wor6 schedules ,tep 1:  Bou can generate wor/ schedules by

    manually or in batch# )ollow the img path and clic/ on generate wor/ schedules in batch# Path:

     SPR3 DD -MG DD 0ime management DDWor/ schedules DD Wor/ schedule rules and wor/

    schedules DD wor/ schedules in batch# ,tep !: Apdate the details and clic/ on e>ecute ')O*#

  • 8/18/2019 SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials



    s successfully wor/ schedule are defined and reports are generated#