santa sophia bulletin - 13 jul 2014

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Santa Sophia Parish Bulletin for July 13, 2014


  • Rev. Jacob A. Bertrand, Pastor Rev. John Bosco Musinguzi, In Residence

    MASS SCHEDULE: Sunday Vigil: 4:30 pm (Saturday); Sunday: 8:00 and 11:00 am. Liturgy of the Word for Children dismisses during the 11:00 am Mass unless otherwise noted. Monday - Friday: 7:45 am (Fridays, September through mid-June when school is in session Mass begins at 8:00 am). Holy Days and Holidays: see bulletin and parish website for special Mass times.

    NURSERY: Sunday, open from 7:45 to 9:30 am and from 10:45 am to 12:30 pm. Closed from 9:30 to 10:45 am. Located on the north side of the church.

    PENANCE (RECONCILIATION): Wednesday from 5:00 to 6:15 pm and by appointment.

    ANOINTING OF THE SICK: The first Saturday of the month after the 4:30 pm Mass or by appointment. In an emergency, please call the Parish Office at (619)463-6629.


    Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament: First Friday of each month from the end of daily Mass until 11:55 am. Date may change due to Academy schedule. Watch bulletin for details.

    Rosary: Daily after the morning Mass and other special occasions.

    Our Mother of Perpetual Help: Tuesday following the morning Mass.

    9800 San Juan St Spring Valley, CA 91977 Phone (619)463-6629 Fax (619)463-8101 [email protected]

    Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    July 13, 2014 With his analogy of the sower and the seed, Jesus gives us four images to help us gauge the depth of our spiritual maturity. What kind of soil does our faith exist in? Are we fruitful Christians? Does our seed yield as much as it could? Many of us have experienced all these stages at different times-the seed that fell on the path; the rocky ground; the seed choked by weeds-but ultimately, our goal as Christians is to be the seed sown on rich soil. We are called to be open to hearing the word, to seek to understand it, and to allow it to take firm root in our hearts. When we do this, the seed of our own faith can produce a rich harvest for the world.

    2014 Liturgical Publications Inc, LPI Resource Center. P.O. Box 510817, New Berlin, WI 53151-0817

    1800-950-9952, ext 246

    BAPTISM: Please call Donna Hernandez at the Catechetical Ministry Office (619)463-6011 for baptism preparation information. Parents are encouraged to begin the preparation process before their child is born. ADULT/CHILD RELIGIOUS FORMATION: Please call Donna Hernandez at the Catechetical Ministry Office (619)463-6011 for more information. MATRIMONY: Please call Fr. Jacob Bertrand at (619)463-6629 before setting the date, time and location of your wedding. In the Diocese of San Diego, couples should plan on a nine month (minimum) period of marriage preparation. FUNERALS: Please call Georgene Kruzel at the Parish Office at (619)463-6629 ext 102.

  • Page Two Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 13, 2014


    Jul 13, Sun: FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 4:30 pm +Johnny, +Jeffrey, and +Joseph Nededog 8:00 am For the Parishioners 11:00 am +Peter Ferro Jul 14, Mon: Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, virgin 7:45 am +Bassam Sarafa Jul 15, Tue: Saint Bonaventure, bishop, doctor of the Church 7:45 am +Nasim and +Sophia Fares & living and deceased family Jul 16, Wed: Weekday 7:45 am +Pat Nevins Jul 17, Thu: Weekday 7:45 am +Manuel A. Gomez Jul 18, Fri: Weekday 7:45 am +Verne Hubka Jul 19, Sat: Weekday No morning Mass Jul 20, Sun: SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 4:30 pm For the Parishioners 8:00 am +Glenn Maiers 11:00 am +Edward Tscherch


    SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sun: Is 55:10-11; Rom 8:18-23; Mt 13:1-23 Mon: Is 1:10-17; Mt 10:34-11:1 Tue: Is 7:1-9; Mt 11:20-24 Wed: Is 10:5-7,13b-16; Mt 11:25-27 Thu: Is 26:7-9,12,16-19; Mt 11:28-30 Fri: Is 38:1-6,21-22,7-8; Mt 12:1-8 Sat: Mi 2:1-5; Mt 12:14-21 Sun: Wis 12:13,16-19; Rom 8:26-27; Mt 13:24-43

    Dear parishioners,

    Last week I shared my hopes for us to begin three processes for ongoing growth and renewal in our already wonderful parish community.

    1) A Year of Hospitality - Please think about how you personally can increase the spirit of welcome with your own

    personal actions. Whether its in the parking lot, in the pews, or wherever you may be to make others around you feel welcome.

    2) Establishing a Five-Year Pastoral Plan - please keep the development council in your prayers as we go through the first stage of creating a five year plan.

    3) Santa Sophia Day of Discovery - September 20th - This will be a day to pray together and dialogue about our gifts and how we can use them for the parish. It will be from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. This is being put on by the past heads of the pastoral council and Sr. Mar-garet Eilerman. I look forward to seeing you there!

    I thank you ahead of time for taking seriously the role you have to help us all fulfill the call of the Gospel.

    On another note, thank you to those who have sent questions about Catholic teachings to my email box in response to my homily two weeks ago. I hope to respond to one question each week. Look for my new Ask the Pastor section in this bulletin.

    In Christ,


    Just as at sea those who are carried away from the direction of the harbor bring themselves back on course by a clear sign . . . so scripture may guide those adrift on the sea of life back into the harbor of the divine will.

    ~Saint Gregory of Nyssa (c. 335-c. 395 C.E.)

    The mustard seed is small even for seeds, too small perhaps for birds to see as they fly. Yet this is the seed that Jesus picks out to represent his kingdom. The seed that birds cannot see eventually becomes a home for them. In the full-grown tree the birds will not consider how their place of rest came to be from an invisible seed. Our situation is much different from the birds, however, for in our lives our place of rest, our hope must be in that mustard seed. Saint Paul wrote to the early Christians: Hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is seen? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with pa-tience. Today take rest in the invisible.

    Reprinted with permission

  • Page Three Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 13, 2014


    DO YOU WANT OUT OF A RELATIONSHIP BUT ARE AFRAID OF HOW THE OTHER PERSON WILL REACT? This is a Safe Place Community: Santa Sophias team provides faith-based support to parishion-ers, family and friends who suspect or know of violence in their relationships. Call (619)663-9785 and leave a message. A team member will call and offer resources that can help in situations of child, elder or intimate partner abuse.

    DOGMA AND DONUTS Three consecutive Sundays - Jul 27, Aug 3 and 10 between Masses from 9:15 am to 10:45 am - enjoy three wonderful speakers from Catholic Answers: Tim Staples, Chris Check, and Trent Horn. Each will teach us about our faith while we mow down some donuts. Keep your eyes peeled for reminders about these special events. For more info about our speakers visit and look at their bios.

    Jul 27 - How to be Persuasively Pro-Life by Trent Horn

    Aug 3 - What Were the Crusades? By Chris Check

    Aug 10 - Mary, The Mother of God - Whats All the Fuss About?

    Because some family schedules have changed FR. BOSCO IS SEEKING A FEW MORE FAMILIES TO VOL-UNTEER for housing Kolping Youth Camp students (ages 18+) visiting San Diego this summer, Aug 9-30. These young people are from Germany and are not necessarily Kolping members nor Catholics. At a minimum they must be housed in pairs and must have their own beds but sharing a room with host family children is fine. Transportation and food to be taken care of by Kolping. Father will be away on Sundays speaking for missions during July so you cant catch him after Sunday Masses. Please email [email protected] or call him at (619)463-6629 ext 107.


    BURRITOS! SUNDAYS, JUL 13, 20 AND 27, the Catholic Daughters will be selling breakfast burritos

    after Masses in Prendergast Hall. Just $3.00! Plan to stay after Mass and visit with friends over a delicious plate of bur-ritos. Of course, donuts and coffee will be available as usual. A great dessert!

    Summer is here and many parishioners travel and visit other parishes. Parish expenses do not stop during the summer so please consider eGiving, automatically recurring electronic gifts transferred from your bank ac-count or credit card to Santa Sophia. Visit to set up this function.

    If you have arrived at Mass and forgotten your envelope, please use a supplemental envelope available on the side tables. Is your wallet empty? Do you hate to write checks? Give online now by scanning the QR code at right!

    DID YOU FORGET YOUR HELP VBS TREE DONA-TION?. If you missed todays Jul 13 deadline to re-turn donated items please drop them off next week at the Santa Sophia Academy office.

    FEED THE NEED FOOD DRIVE JUL 13. Grocery Outlet in Casa de Oro is bringing pre-filled bags of groceries, to be donated to the Santa Sophia food pantry the catch? Members of our St. Vincent de Paul Conference need YOU to donate $5.00 for each bag transferred from the Outlet truck to the St. Vincent de Paul truck. Unlike other local bag of food drives, the entire proceeds stay in our community. If you cant donate after Masses on Jul 13 then cash donations will also be accepted at the store registers throughout the month of July. See store display or a cashier for more details.

    THE SENIOR HIGH YOUTH GROUP continues to meet throughout the summer every Sunday from 9:30 to 10:45 am in the Catechetical Ministry Office. For more info contact the Sr. High Youth Group Co-ordinator, Gennette, at (619)463-6011 ext 112 or email [email protected].

  • Page Four Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 13, 2014

    $14,017.70 $1,355.70

    $11,209.50 $1,452.50

    56 63

    148 74 43

    7 4 1



    Learn more at

    Contact us to request a pre-admission packet and to arrange a meeting,

    screening, test for entrance or tour!

    SANTA SOPHIA ACADEMY LOUISE AMADO PRESCHOOL - for ages 2 - 5 Victoria Simanek, Director

    (619)463-0141 [email protected]

    SANTA SOPHIA ACADEMY (K - 8) Karen Laaperi, Principal

    (619)463-0488 [email protected] Fax: (619)668-5469 Extended Day Care: (619)668-5471



    Preserving Our Legacy Bldg Fund $10.00 St. Vincent de Paul $125.00 Fire Restoration Fund $10.00

    Jun 23 - 29, 2014 Plate Envelopes eGiving

    Breakdown of gifts received $0.01 to $5.00 $5.01 to $10.00 $10.01 to $25.00 $25.01 to $50.00

    $50.01 to $100.00 $100.01 to $150.00

    $150.01 to $500.00 $500.01 to $1,000.00

    Total contributing households


    Jun 30 - Jul 6, 2014 Plate Envelopes eGiving

    Breakdown of gifts received $0.01 to $5.00 $5.01 to $10.00 $10.01 to $25.00 $25.01 to $50.00

    $50.01 to $100.00 $100.01 to $150.00

    $150.01 to $500.00 $500.01 to $1,000.00

    Total contributing households

    $17,894.00 $1,445.00

    $14,724.50 $1,724.50

    55 58

    141 84 41 10 14

    1 404

    Preserving Our Legacy Bldg Fund $2,032.00 St. Vincent de Paul $870.00 Fire Restoration Fund $2,689.00 Peters Pence $2,378.00

    W hat is the significance of the incense? Why is it used during certain portions of the Mass, what is its history?

    Incense has a rich significance stemming from our Jewish roots and anticipating our heavenly goal.

    Jewish roots: we can think back to the first time God appeared to Moses in a mysterious cloud and how Moses entered into that cloud (Exodus 24:18). The cloud has always been understood as a sign of Gods presence dwelling in that location.

    Heavenly goal: we can look to the book of Revela-tion, which is a vision of heaven as described by the beloved disciple John. The context of Revelation is a liturgy -- the wedding feast of the lamb (Jesus). The wedding feast is a vision of the groom (Jesus) and his bride (the Church). Our earthly liturgy is meant to be a participation in this heavenly liturgy; it truly is the place where heaven and earth kiss. In Revelation 5:8 we read Each of the elders held a harp and gold bowls filled with incense, which are the prayers of the holy ones. Note that the heavenly liturgy has incense and so too does our earthly participation in that heav-enly liturgy.

    Viewing incense through the lenses of our Jewish roots and our heavenly goal helps us to understand its significance to Catholics.

    1. It denotes the presence of God. Thus, the incense is used in all those places where Gods presence is


    Continued on Page Seven


    TWO EVENINGS OF RECOLLECTION AUG 18-19 Little Flower Haven, 8585 La Mesa Blvd

    Preached by Fr. Wolfgang Seitz and Fr. Matthew Hincks, ORC.

    For more info call (313)527-1739

    Mon, Aug 18 6:00 pm Rosary/Confession

    6:30 pm Holy Mass 7:15 pm Conference

    Tue, Aug 19 6:00 pm Rosary/Confession

    6:30 pm Conference 7:30 pm Holy Mass with

    formal reception

  • Page Five Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 13, 2014


    Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Phone: (619)463-6629 Fax: (619)463-8101

    [email protected]

    Facebook: SantaSophiaCatholicChurch


    Pastor: Rev. Jacob A. Bertrand Ext 101 Business Mgr: Bill Smirniotis Ext 104 Receptionist: Sara Gonzalez Ext 100 Bookkeeper: Sana Auro Ext 103 Outreach: Ext 104 Maintenance: Jim Kinney Ext 108



    Br. Kevin McGoff, OFM Director of Liturgical Music

    Santa Sophia Singers Santa Sophia Kids Chorale Br. Kevin McGoff, OFM, Dir: (619)463-6629



    Altar Servers, Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist &

    Ministers of Hospitality/Ushers Rosemary Wellington: (619)698-0855



    Baptism Adult & Child Religious Education Phone: (619)463-6011

    Fax: (619)668-5458 [email protected]

    Director: Bernadette Padlo Administration: Donna Hernandez Sr. High Youth: Gennette Medina Jr. High Youth: Nathan Johnson


    and for the special intentions written in the Book of Needs at the back of the church

    Marilyn Filley Ed Paige

    Sr. Roseanne Cordova Sr. Nora Murphy

    Lettie Reyes Nancy Bonapace-Gindt

    Pablo Lucas

    Ellen Lucas Julia Garmo Suzy Walker

    Brandon Ancho Lenny Goins

    Leticia Rebollar


    Twitter: @fr_jake_bert

    Facebook: FatherJacobBertrand

    Rachel Smith: [email protected] Teresa Sporleder : [email protected]

    Please remember those in need of special prayer:


    Mrs. Patricia Beilke Ms. Corinna Sparhawk Mr. Jeffrey Wydra, Jr. Mrs. Reyna Spencer



    SPRECKLES ORGAN SUMMER CONCERT Our part-time or-ganist, Dr. Alison Luedeke will be performing on Jul 20 at 2:00 pm. All are welcome!

    YOU CAN NOW ACCESS AUDIO FILES of Fr. Jacob's homilies from our website via Soundcloud. Scroll down to the Recommended by Fr. Jacob section. If you do not have access to the Internet and you need a par-ticular homily on CD, please contact the parish office. Also check out his recommended reading list!

  • Page Six Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 13, 2014




    When: Mon thru Fri, 8:30 am to 4:00 pm in the Catechet-ical Ministry Office.

    What to Bring: Fees and your child's baptism cer-tificate, if not already on file, are due at the time of registration.

    Special Note: Families who are not registered at Santa Sophia must provide a letter from their parish priest giving permission to attend Santa Sophias religious education classes.

    Prerequisites: Confirmation prep: Completion of Religious Ed Level 8 or graduation from a Catholic elementary school is a prerequisite for Confirmation Level I. Level I candidates must bring their Sponsor Eligibility Form completely filled out, signed and sealed by the sponsors parish priest in order to register for Level II.

    More info, fees and forms are online just click Faith Formation in the left navigation bar at:

    HERE AT SANTA SOPHIA we have two main oppor-tunities to meet with other young adults (ages 18-39) from your parish:

    1st Saturday of the month is Coffee and Cate-chism in the Verhoeven Room from 10:00 to 11:30 am. Here its easy to connect with the young adult community and learn a little something about the Catholic faith over a cup of coffee.

    2nd Saturday of the month is Supper Saturday. Right after the 4:30 pm Mass gather in the parking lot to carpool to dinner at a local restaurant

    Check out the East County Young Adult Group on Facebook or friend Father Jacob Bertrand and he will add you.



    Fellowship Fun Inspiring Talks Adoration Holy Mass Socials Dancing Get more info and register at



    A wife noticed her husband stand-ing on the bathroom scale, sucking in his stomach. Thinking he was trying to weigh less with this maneuver, she commented, I dont think thats go-ing to help.

    Sure it does, he said. Its the only way I can see the numbers!

    Reading while sunbathing makes you well, red.


    Our Common Ground Collaborative out-reach ministry is looking for willing pa-rishioners to perform two important roles:

    #1 - A computer gifted individual who can help or-ganize our communication, both among our mem-bers and outbound. Four hours a month would likely be all that's needed.

    #2 - Coordinator for our school music program - bringing 'live' music performances to students at our Common Ground served school. You don't have to carry a tune, just be able to juggle dates with both school administrators and music providers. This per-son is picking up with the second year of an existing program.

    If you can help with either one of these needs - or would just like to learn more about them - please email Dennis Regan at [email protected] or call (619)670-8487.

    The ST. VINCENT DE PAUL FOOD PAN-TRY served 299 families(1,245 people) during June. If you would like to help, needs this month include breakfast cere-als and ramen noodles.

    Also, the pantry volunteers recently began a Monday morning fresh produce give away. Every Monday, beginning at 9:00 am, fresh produce is available to anyone, as long as it lasts.


    Knights of Columbus 5th Annual Wine Tasting Sat, Sep 13 ~ 7:00 to 10:00 pm

    Prendergast Hall


  • Page Seven Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 13, 2014

    During Mass, we sit, stand and kneel in order to physically reinforce our spiritual participation within the various parts of the Mass. These postures are not mere customs, but physical expres-sions of our love for God. When done properly, these physical gestures help us to better emphasize and acknowledge different elements within the Mass, His presence there, and our participation in this great Mystery. They absolutely and positively impact our personal, spiritual growth.

    Sitting is a typical posture for listening and so we sit for the pre-Gospel readings and homily.

    Standing implies confidence, attentiveness, respect and honor. During Mass, we stand as we pray with confidence, as we listen attentively to the Gospel, and as we show respect for the celebrant when he enters and exits. Kneeling signifies adoration. During Mass, we kneel throughout the entire Eucharistic Prayer and after receiving Holy Communion. Some may also kneel, outside of Mass, while in personal prayer in the church.

    The ways in which we sit, stand and kneel play an important role in our communication with the Lord, as we pray with our bodies. The effort we make in these postures can enhance our participa-tion and deepen our devotion or weaken it. Therefore, when we sit, we sit up in a way that helps us truly listen. We stand with respect and honor, keeping both feet on the floor. We kneel in awe and adoration, placing both knees on the kneeler, back straight and hands folded in prayer. We do all of these in ways that allow us to be taught by God how to grasp and express the divine Mystery that we celebrate.

    And on entering the house they saw the child with Mary His mother. They prostrated themselves and did him homage Matthew 2:11 ... He stood up to read and was handed a scroll of the prophet Isaiah Luke 4:16-17

    Continued from Page Four


    W H Y

    W H E N

    H O W

    ASK THE PASTOR (continued)

    most tangible during the Mass; at the altar, over the Book of the Gospels, around the priest, and towards the people of God gathered at Mass (remember to bow when being incensed.) In all these places we know God is present amongst us.

    2. The incense reminds us of the intercession of the saints. Just as surely as the incense rises towards the heavens so too do our prayers of intercession through the saints rise to the throne of the Lamb (Jesus).

    On a pastoral note I know that the incense for some of you can be a source of frustration and maybe even bothersome. I have three pastoral considerations for you:

    1. Often in the past the incense that has been used is not real incense but chemicals mixed with incense and so the chemicals often caused a reaction. Here at Santa Sophia we use pure, natural resin incense

    so that what we are burning does not introduce harsh chemicals into the air you are breathing.

    2. We are also a little conditioned to think that once we see smoke we should be coughing. And so when its a day that we are using incense and you see the smoke try not to let yourself automatically think it means youre going to cough or expect to have a bad reaction.

    3. When we use incense the pleasant smell can be tempting to take a big whiff. If you do it can make you cough as well because theres too much smoke and not enough oxygen flowing into your lungs. So be careful to regulate your breathing when you see incense and it will help you not to get into a coughing fit.

    Given the above guidance, some truly have respira-tory issues with incense and so I remind you that our Sunday 8:00 am Masses do not include the use of in-cense even on Solemnities. For further reading I recommend The Lambs Supper by Scott Hahn.

  • Santa Sophia ChurCh/ 164 For advertising information, please call (951) 776-0601


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