santa maria de la paz catholic community

S a n t a M a r i a d e l a P a z C a t h o l i c C o m m u n i t y 1 1 C O L L E G E A V E , S A N T A F E , N M 8 7 5 0 8 F E B R U A R Y 2 4 , 2 0 1 9 We the Catholic Community of Santa Maria de la Paz dedicate ourselves to: fulfill the mission of Jesus, worshiping together, deepening our relationship with God, being a compassionate people, becoming co-creators of a more just society, being a loving family that values the richness of diverse cultures, gifts and traditions, and honoring the ministry of Mary as peacemaker. PASTORAL TEAM Fr. Daniel M. Balizan, Pastor .............................473-4200 Fr. Earl Rohleder, Ministerial Assistant .........473-4200 DEACONS: Rev. Mr. John Cordova ............................................. 473-4200 Rev. Mr. Eloy Gallegos .............................................. 473-4200 Rev. Mr. Dennis Snyder............................................ 473-4200 Rev. Mr. Juan M. Rodríguez (Retired) PASTORAL COUNCIL Tommy Baca, Fr. Daniel Balizan, Sr. Magdalena Casas-Nava, Deacon John Cordo- va, Andy Fambro, Deacon Eloy Gallegos, Sr. Stella Maris Hamann, Richard Mar- tinez, Tommy Martinez, Cynthia Orr, Angela Peinado, Paula Roybal, Rick Sando- val, Royanne Schissel, Denise Vargas & Brenda Weimer LITURGY SCHEDULE Saturday: 5:00PM (Anointing Mass on the 3rd Saturday) Sunday: 7:30AM, 9:30AM, & 11:30AM (Bilingual), 5:00PM (Life Teen) DAILY MASSES: Monday at 5:45PM (Spanish); Tuesday , Thursday & Friday at 12:15PM; Wednesday at 8:25AM (Santo Nino School Mass) Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession): Saturdays at 3:30PM while people are present or by appointment. PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday—Thursday 9:00AM—12:00PM; 1:00PM—5:00PM Friday 9:00AM—12:00PM

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Santa Maria de la Paz Catholic Community

1 1 C O L L E G E A V E , S A N T A F E , N M 8 7 5 0 8

F E B R U A R Y 2 4 , 2 0 1 9

We the Catholic Community of Santa Maria de la Paz dedicate ourselves to:

fulfill the mission of Jesus, worshiping together, deepening our relationship

with God, being a compassionate people, becoming co -creators of a more just

society, being a loving family that values the richness of diverse cultures, gifts

and traditions, and honoring the ministry of Mary as peacemaker.


Fr. Daniel M. Balizan, Pastor ............................. 473-4200

Fr. Earl Rohleder, Ministerial Assistant ......... 473-4200

DEACONS: Rev. Mr. John Cordova ............................................. 473-4200

Rev. Mr. Eloy Gallegos .............................................. 473-4200

Rev. Mr. Dennis Snyder............................................ 473-4200

Rev. Mr. Juan M. Rodríguez (Retired)

PASTORAL COUNCIL Tommy Baca, Fr. Daniel Balizan, Sr. Magdalena Casas-Nava, Deacon John Cordo-

va, Andy Fambro, Deacon Eloy Gallegos, Sr. Stella Maris Hamann, Richard Mar-

tinez, Tommy Martinez, Cynthia Orr, Angela Peinado, Paula Roybal, Rick Sando-

val, Royanne Schissel, Denise Vargas & Brenda Weimer


Saturday: 5:00PM (Anointing Mass on the 3rd Saturday)

Sunday: 7:30AM, 9:30AM, & 11:30AM (Bilingual), 5:00PM (Life Teen)

DAILY MASSES: Monday at 5:45PM (Spanish); Tuesday , Thursday & Friday at

12:15PM; Wednesday at 8:25AM (Santo Nino School Mass)

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession):

Saturdays at 3:30PM while people are present or by appointment.

PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday—Thursday 9:00AM—12:00PM; 1:00PM—5:00PM

Friday 9:00AM—12:00PM


Carmen & Reynaldo Balizan C.J. D.G. Dr. Leona Zastrow

If someone in your family is in need of prayers, please contact the parish office and

ask for your loved one's name, with their permission, to be included in the "Prayer

Requests" section of the weekly bulletin. Prayer requests will be placed in the

bulletin for three consecutive weeks, thereupon will be removed.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF February 24, 2019

Monday: Sir 1:1-10/Ps 93:1ab, 1cd-2, 5 [1a]/Mk 9:14-29

Tuesday: Sir 2:1-11/Ps 37:3-4, 18-19, 27-28, 39-40 [cf. 5]/Mk


Wednesday: Sir 4:11-19/Ps 119:165, 168, 171, 172, 174, 175

[165a]/Mk 9:38-40

Thursday: Sir 5:1-8/Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6 [40:5a]/Mk 9:41-50

Friday: Sir 6:5-17/Ps 119:12, 16, 18, 27, 34, 35 [35a]/Mk


Saturday: Sir 17:1-15/Ps 103:13-14, 15-16, 17-18 [cf. 17]/Mk


READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY March 3, 2019 | 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading: Sir 27:4-7

Psalm: Ps 92:2-3, 13-14, 15-16 [cf. 2a]

Second Reading: 1 Cor 15:54-58

Gospel: Lk 6:39-45


Remember seminarians DEACON NATHAN LOPEZ




in your prayers.

MM A S SS S S II N T E N T I O N SN S F o r t h e W e e k



Daily Scripture Readings

Monday, February 25, 2019 5:45PM -For all our parishioners living and deceased Tuesday, February 26, 2019 12:15PM -For all our parishioners living and deceased Wednesday, February 27, 2019 8:25AM †Marcello V. Silva - Marcello and Helen Thursday, February 28, 2019 12:15PM †Martha Romero (31st) - Gurule & Griego Families †Barbara Timmons - Robert Timmons Friday, March 1, 2019 12:15PM †Jose Chavez (33rd) - Family Saturday, March 2, 2019 5:00PM †Bennie Perez Sr. - Albert & Annabelle Gallegos †Frances Dimas - Brenda Weimer -In Thanksgiving to St. Joseph - Beatrice Romero Sunday, March 3, 2019 7:30AM †Danny, †Billy & †Ricky Bransford - Art & Pearl Bransford †Ned Burleson and -health of Mary Burleson - Family †Theresa Baker, †Pita & †Joseph V. Gonzales

- Clarence & Bernadette Garcia

9:30AM †Elizabeth Pacheco - Pacheco Family †Bernardita Ortiz - Cal & Sheila Baca †Joe Tiano (7th) - Family

11:30AM †Josephine Blaber - Susan Martin & Sierra Club †Betty Barela - Jolene Lockhart -In Thanksgiving to St. Jude, St. Benito & St. Anthony - Andy & Frances Ortiz

5:00PM †Andy (34th) & †Ricardo Lopez, †George Quintana - Lopez Family

FEBRUARY 24, 2019 3

LOVE OF ENEMY How can we love our enemies, turn the other cheek, or give

people the shirt off our back? And why should we? How far

will that get us? That is what Jesus said will get us far indeed.

We should treat enemies with the very kindness and mercy of

God, the way David and Abishai treated their enemy Saul,

the Lord’s anointed. We should refrain from judging them.

We should stop condemning them. We should forgive them.

We should give to them a generous measure. We should do

good to them. We should love them. James A. Wilde, PhD ©2000, OCP

WHAT IS THE LITURGY OF THE WORD? The main part of the Liturgy of the Word is made up of the readings from Sacred Scripture together with the chants occurring

between them. As for the Homily, the Profession of Faith, and the Universal Prayer, they develop and conclude it. For in the

readings, as explained by the Homily, God speaks to his people, opening up to them the mystery of redemption and salvation,

and offering spiritual nourishment; and Christ himself is present through his word in the midst of the faithful. By silence and

by singing, the people make this divine word their own, and affirm their adherence to it by means of the Profession of Faith;

finally, having been nourished by the Divine Word, the people pour out their petitions by means

of the Universal Prayer for the needs of the whole church and for the salvation of the whole


Why do we have silence between the readings and after the homily?

The Liturgy of the Word is to be celebrated in such a way as to favor meditation, and so any kind

of haste such as hinders recollection is clearly to be avoided. In the course of it, brief periods of

silence are also appropriate, accommodated to the assembled congregation; by means of these,

under the action of the Holy Spirit, the Word of God may be grasped by the heart and a response

through prayer may be prepared. It may be appropriate to observe such periods of silence, for

example, before the Liturgy of the Word itself begins, after the First and Second Reading, and

lastly at the conclusion of the Homily. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM)

"Give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken

down, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap. For the measure with

which you measure will in return be measured out to you." - Lk 6:38

"But rather, love your enemies and do good to them, and lend expecting nothing back; then

your reward will be great and you will be children of the Most High, for he himself is kind to

the ungrateful and the wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful." - Lk 6:35-36


Y !"# % Y !&' A(!)"

Tommy Baca, Director

629-1328 • [email protected]


YOUTH NIGHTS: High school teens! Join us for our youth

nights in the Social Center following the Sunday evening


February 24—Bible Study on Jesus Messiah

March's Theme is Spiritual Warfare

Mar. 3 -- Fight!

Mar. 10 -- Movie Night

Mar. 24 -- DisSpelled

Mar. 31 -- Social Night

The Mid-School Youth Group will meet again TODAY...

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24TH Text or call Marie Morrison,

Youth Minister, 505-629-9169

for information.

M*&*+"-/* H*+01&

Sr. Magdalena, Director

629-1327 • [email protected]




RCIA % A(!)" C &2*/31"* &

Bernade4e Bach, Director

629-4211 • [email protected]

RCIA THIS IS A TEST: Can you name the seven sacraments? If

you thought that was easy, can you name the elements of

each sacrament, what must be present for it to be a

sacrament? Which sacraments have you received? Are you

living up to those sacraments? These are questions we as

Catholics should be asking ourselves on a regular basis to

make sure we are following the intentions of Jesus. Lord

Jesus, make us more conscious of all of your sacraments.

Perdonado (3 sesiones)

12 de marzo 6 – 7:30 pm ¿Dónde estás?

26 de marzo 6 – 7:30 pm Un encuentro de mise-


02 de abril 6 – 7:30 pm Explicación del rito

fecha HORA Tema(s)

26 de febrero 6 – 7:30 pm Entrando en el miste-


5 de marzo 6 – 7:30 pm Continuando la vida de




Our council would like to thank the Santa

Maria De La Paz community for your

generous donations to our homeless

campaign drive. We are blessed to have

such a generous faith community.

LENTEN FISH FRY As we quickly approach the season of Lent our council will

again host three fish fries. The first fish fry will take place on

Ash Wednesday, March 6th, the second will be on Friday

March 22nd and the final one will be on April 12th. The

event will be held at the Social Center from 6:30PM to

8:30PM. The cost of each ticket is $10.00 for adults and

$5.00 for children.

FREE THROW COMPETITION WINNERS Congratulations to the Knights of

Columbus Free Throw Champions: Boys Champions Girls Champions Age Group Luis Molina Casey Bowen 9

Sebastian Duty Eliana Quintana & Fabina Pacheco 10

Elijah Salazar Maria Victoria Trujillo 11

Brian Trujillo Sofia Parra 12

Isaiah Gallegos Elyssa Quintana 13

Daryl Montoya Jr. 14


CrossesSMDLP will once again

place crosses with your

Lenten intentions around

the perimeter of our parish each day during Lent. Stop by

the Parish Office to reserve your date and pick up your

purple ribbon to write your intentions. Your cross will be

placed during a prayer service held on your specified date at

12:00 noon.

FEBRUARY 24, 2019 5

Adult Religious Education classes continue for this school

year. Although the classes are required for parents and sponsors of First Communion and Confirmation candidates, we invite all parishioners to attend one or all of the units

offered. The classes are meant to enrich our spiritual lives, help

us understand and communicate the Catholic faith and aid us

in our spiritual growth. The cost of each unit is very minimal

(usually $5 to $10) and is determined by

the materials used.


Christ by Tim Gray began on February

19th. This is the last opportunity for

parents and sponsors of First

Communion and Confirmation

candidates to fulfill the Adult Religious

Education requirement.

Feb. 26 Partnership in the Gospel Mar. 5 Friendship in Christ

Mar. 12 The Mind of Christ

Mar. 26 Imitatio Christi

Apr. 2 All Things in Christ

Alth gh the cl


You are invited to join Father Daniel M. Balizan in a spiritual

pilgrimage to Portugal, Spain and France November 5-15,

2019. Come celebrate your devotion to the Blessed Mother,

Mary, and visit renowned Marian sites including Fatima,

Lourdes, Avila, and Monserrat. Additionally, the trip includes

visits to the fabulous cities of Madrid, Salamanca and


The price of the trip is $3,399 per person from Albuquerque.

For more information and to register for the trip, contact:

Tour Coordinator: Kathleen Mariel 505-474-0841

Email: [email protected]


November 5-15, 2019 ONLY $3,399

per person

PARISH DIRECTORY PHOTOS • June 4-8 and June 18-22

Sign up will be in late April or May

Go to and

enter parish code



Sacrament of Baptism Expectant parents must be registered members of this parish for

at least six (6) months and should call the parish office at least

three (3) months before the baby’s birth to make arrangements.

For more information contact the parish office at 473-4200.

Un-catechized children, ages seven and above, who need

Baptism should contact Sr. Stella Maris at 629-4212 or

[email protected] for more information.

Sacraments of First Reconciliation & First Holy Eucharist Candidates for these sacraments are usually received within the

3rd grade and with at least one prior year of Religious

Education. Enrollment for Religious Education takes place

early in the fall and the Sacraments are received in May.

Contact Sr. Stella Maris at 629-4212 or family [email protected]

for more information.

Sacrament of Confirmation (High School age) For those considering the Confirmation Formation Process, the

candidate must: 1) be a high school aged youth, 2) have at least

one year of religious education prior to confirmation class (or

attend St. Michael’s High), and 3) be willing to commit and

have the faith readiness to embrace the Roman Catholic Faith

Lifestyle. Call Tommy Baca at 629-1328 or [email protected] for

more information.

Sacrament of Holy Matrimony Contact the parish office to make arrangements at least six (6)

months before planned date.

Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick Family members of anyone who is seriously ill or preparing for

surgery are asked to call the parish office to schedule a time for

Anointing. Please do not wait until the sick person is near

death or has passed away.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) RCIA is a journey of faith for adults who wish to become

Catholic or adults who wish to complete their initiation

sacraments of First Eucharist and Confirmation. This journey

takes place within community because the example of Church

members and their prayers are important to the process. Also,

the joy exhibited by newcomers can spark renewed faith in

other Church members. For more information, contact

Bernadette Bach at 629-4211 or [email protected]

Adult Sacrament of Confirmation Adult confirmation is a faith journey process for adults 18 and

over who wish to complete their final initiation sacrament in

order to more completely live in the image of God and bear out

the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. This takes place during

the fall of each year. Contact Bernadette Bach at 629-4211 or

[email protected].


FREE INCOME TAX ASSISTANCE Free income tax assistance will be offered through April 15

at the Santa Fe Higher Education Center at 1950 Siringo

Road. The service will be provided by volunteers from

AARP Foundation’s Tax Aide program.

AARP is partnering with the Santa Fe Community College

to offer the service which is available primarily by

appointment only. Starting January 29, one can schedule an

appointment by calling 505 946-3615 or by going online at Appointments will be available on

Mondays and Tuesdays from 8a.m. to 4p.m. and on

Saturdays from 9a.m. to noon.


The Madonna Retreat and

Conference Center presents

“Amazing Grace, Amazing Love:

A Lenten Retreat for Women”


March 16, 2019 Retreat @ 9:00AM - 3:00PM

Followed by a fundraiser Tea Party @3:15PM - 5:00PM

The retreat will explore how grace comes to us, the nature of

the grace of the feminine, finding grace in dark times, and

grace found in the Incarnation and Pascal mystery.

Retreat COST: $45 (includes lunch– sr. discount available)

Tea Party COST: $25 per person

Both: RETREAT + TEA Party $65/person

The speaker, Sr. Paula Gallagher IHM is a member of the

Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart from Scranton,

PA. Her service includes music educator, spirituality

presenter, spiritual director, liturgist and liturgical musician,

RCIA director, family caregiver, and adult faith formation

specialist in dioceses across North America.

To register call 505 831-8197.

FEBRUARY 24, 2019 7

“The size of your giving is not measured by how much you give but by how much is left over after you give.”

Dr. Allen Hunt Dynamic Catholic

This week’s FEATURED advertiser...


“How is God asking you to share the God- given blessings of your life?”


Parish Goal:


Help us reach our goal!

It’s not too late to pledge! Stop by the Parish Office to

fill out a pledge form or ask

a Minister of Hospitality for



29th annual St. Mike’s

Foundation Blue Stampede on

Wednesday, April 24, 2019 at the Santa Fe Community

Convention Center at 5:15PM. Funds raised help lower

income students receive much needed tuition assistance.

A $150 ticket admits two people to the event and includes

dinner, and entry into the $10,000 reverse raffle. REGISTER

on-line at or call 505/988-



Santa Fe Fiesta, Inc. is currently seeking candidates to por-

tray the coveted roles of General Don Diego de Vargas y La

Reina de La Fiesta de Santa Fe. Deadline to submit your

application is 5 pm on Thursday, March 28, 2019. Go to the

web using this link for rules, information, and application:


JORNADA DE FE On Saturday March 2nd from 9:00AM—3:00PM Joel Hopko

will conduct a session on "The Church in New Mexico" for

Jornada de Fe. The session will be held at the Cristo Rey

Parish Center and will include a pot luck luncheon.

Monsignor Jerome Martinez y Alire has developed a national

recognition for his extensive knowledge and deeply personal

insights into the unique and colorful history of the Catholic

Church as it migrated from the 'Old World' and found

fertile ground in New Mexico. Joel will combine excerpts

from Monsignor Jerome's video presentation with a focused

discussion around the key issues he raises, including

especially "enculturation," that is how the Church's particular

blend of European cultures have affected its presentation

and assimilation in a non-European cultural environment

like New Mexico.

Joel is the coordinator for Jornada de Fe program, sponsored

by the Archdiocese and the Santa Fe deanery. He has an MA

in Theology and has been active in adult Catholic theological

education throughout the state for over 40 years.

Collection amounts for the weekend of February 16th and

17th were not available at time of publication. They will be

published in a future bulletin.

James H. Russell Agency, Inc. Insurance Auto, Home, Commercial Insurance Services

(505) 983-7357 •