sankar das sarma, michael freedman, and chetan nayak...

Topological quantum computation Sankar Das Sarma, Michael Freedman, and Chetan Nayak Citation: Physics Today 59, 7, 32 (2006); doi: 10.1063/1.2337825 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the American Institute of Physics Articles you may be interested in The quantum spin Hall effect and topological insulators Physics Today 63, 33 (2009); 10.1063/1.3293411 Topological phases and quasiparticle braiding Physics Today 65, 38 (2012); 10.1063/PT.3.1641 A Topological Look at the Quantum Hall Effect Physics Today 56, 38 (2007); 10.1063/1.1611351 Periodic table for topological insulators and superconductors AIP Conference Proceedings 1134, 22 (2009); 10.1063/1.3149495 Quantum Computing: A Gentle Introduction Physics Today 65, 53 (2012); 10.1063/PT.3.1442 Foundational theories in topological physics garner Nobel Prize Physics Today 69, 14 (2016); 10.1063/PT.3.3381

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Page 1: Sankar Das Sarma, Michael Freedman, and Chetan Nayak … · 2017-10-23 · Sankar Das Sarma, Michael Freedman, and Chetan Nayak

Topological quantum computationSankar Das Sarma, Michael Freedman, and Chetan Nayak

Citation: Physics Today 59, 7, 32 (2006); doi: 10.1063/1.2337825View online: Table of Contents: by the American Institute of Physics

Articles you may be interested inThe quantum spin Hall effect and topological insulatorsPhysics Today 63, 33 (2009); 10.1063/1.3293411

Topological phases and quasiparticle braidingPhysics Today 65, 38 (2012); 10.1063/PT.3.1641

A Topological Look at the Quantum Hall EffectPhysics Today 56, 38 (2007); 10.1063/1.1611351

Periodic table for topological insulators and superconductorsAIP Conference Proceedings 1134, 22 (2009); 10.1063/1.3149495

Quantum Computing: A Gentle IntroductionPhysics Today 65, 53 (2012); 10.1063/PT.3.1442

Foundational theories in topological physics garner Nobel PrizePhysics Today 69, 14 (2016); 10.1063/PT.3.3381

Page 2: Sankar Das Sarma, Michael Freedman, and Chetan Nayak … · 2017-10-23 · Sankar Das Sarma, Michael Freedman, and Chetan Nayak

32 July 2006 Physics Today © 2006 American Institute of Physics, S-0031-9228-0607-020-7

Quantum mechanics is arguably the most successfulquantitative theory of nature. The theory is now 80 years old,and no violation of quantum mechanics has ever beendetected in any laboratory despite a huge number of experi-mental tests involving light, atoms, molecules, and solids, aswell as nuclei, electrons, and other subatomic particles. Infact, various experimental tests of quantum electrodynamicshave achieved an astonishing agreement between measure-ment and quantum theory—on the order of one part in abillion. Not only is our modern intellectual description ofreality entirely quantum mechanical in nature, our moderntechnology—exemplified by transistors, computer chips,lasers, superconductors, and magnetic storage—is basedessentially on underlying quantum phenomena. Solid-statequantum phenomena, in which theory and experiment cometogether perfectly, have led to voltage standards through theJosephson effect and to resistance standards through thequantum Hall effect.

The recent advent of the concept of quantum computa-tion has opened a new chapter and has spawned seriousexperimental efforts toward the actual fabrication of a quan-tum computer. A real-world, commercial quantum computerwith, for example, a few million logical quantum bits, orqubits, would enable the efficient solution of computation-ally difficult problems, such as prime-number factorizationand database searching, using the quantum mechanicalresources of linear superposition, unitary evolution, and theexponentially large Hilbert space of entangled states. Yet thefinal read-out process would still be an ordinary classicalmeasurement. In fact, a quantum computer can be exponen-tially faster than a digital classical computer.

A crucial problem in the construction of a large, many-qubit quantum computer is quantum decoherence: A physicalsystem will remain in a coherent superposition of states onlyfor a finite—often short—time. Any interaction with the restof the world or any measurement that leads to a “wavefunc-tion collapse” will decohere the system and thereby destroythe encoded quantum information. But a seminal theoreticaldevelopment underlies the possibility of constructing a quan-tum computer: quantum error correction, or fault-tolerantquantum computation (see the article by John Preskill inPHYSICS TODAY, June 1999, page 24), which established athreshold theorem that proves that quantum decoherence can

be corrected as long as the decoherence is sufficiently weak.If one thinks of quantum decoherence as unwanted noise

in quantum computation, then effective “software” error cor-rection depends on eliminating or minimizing noise in thecomputer. That approach is similar in spirit to error correc-tion in classical digital computers. For quantum computa-tion, however, an alternative strategy, topological quantumcomputation, does not try to make the system noiseless, butinstead makes it deaf—that is, immune to the usual sourcesof quantum decoherence. This revolutionary strategy makesquantum decoherence simply irrelevant, thanks to the glob-ally robust topological nature of the computation.

Quantum computationSuppose we have a controllable quantum system at our dis-posal. We further assume that it is possible to initialize thesystem in some known state |ψ0⟩. We evolve the system by theunitary transform U(t) until it is in some final state |ψ1⟩ =U(t)|ψ0⟩. Because that evolution will occur according to someHamiltonian, we require enough control over the Hamilton-ian so that U(t) can be made to be any unitary transformationwe desire. Finally, we need a way to measure the state of thesystem at the end of this evolution.

Such a process of initialization, evolution, and measure-ment is called quantum computation.1 The basic unit of aquantum computer is the qubit—a quantum two-level sys-tem with states |0⟩ and |1⟩—which can be controlled, manip-ulated, coupled, and entangled with other qubits by externalmeans. The unitary operations themselves define the quan-tum computational code.

So why hasn’t everyone run out and built a quantumcomputer? There is a basic obstacle—namely, the occurrenceof errors. In the more colorful language of Asher Peres,“Quantum phenomena do not occur in a Hilbert space. Theyoccur in a laboratory.” Of course, errors occur even in classi-cal computers, but they can be surmounted by keeping mul-tiple copies of information and checking against those copies.

With a quantum computer, however, the situation ismore complex. If we measure a quantum state during anintermediate stage of a calculation to see if an error hasoccurred, we may, due to wavefunction collapse, destroy aquantum superposition and thus ruin the calculation. Fur-thermore, errors need not be merely a discrete bit flip of |0⟩

Topological quantumcomputationSankar Das Sarma, Michael Freedman, and Chetan Nayak

The search for a large-scale, error-free quantum computer is reaching anintellectual junction at which semiconductor physics, knot theory, string the-ory, anyons, and quantum Hall effects are all coming together to producequantum immunity.

Sankar Das Sarma is a Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland, College Park, and director of the university’scondensed matter theory center. Michael Freedman is director of Microsoft Project Q at the University of California, Santa Barbara.Chetan Nayak is a senior researcher at Microsoft Project Q and a professor in the department of physics and astronomy at the Uni-versity of California, Los Angeles.

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to |1⟩, but can be a continuous phase error:a|0⟩ + b|1⟩ → a|0⟩ + beiθ|1⟩ for arbitrary θ. Such continuouserrors, superficially reminiscent of errors in classical analogcomputation, may at first sight appear impossible to rectify;for that reason, quantum computation was long consideredto be impossible. In the mid-1990s, however, it was shownthat, despite those difficulties, quantum error correction isindeed possible.1

One can represent information redundantly so thaterrors can be identified without measuring the information.However, the error correction process can itself be a littlenoisy. More errors can then occur during error correction,and the whole procedure will shoot itself in the foot unlessthe basic error rate is extremely small. Estimates of thethreshold error rate above which error correction is impos-sible depend on the particular error correction scheme, butthey typically fall in the range of 10−4 to 10−6 (see, for exam-ple, reference 1 and references therein). Thus a quantumcomputer must be able to perform 104 to 106 operations per-fectly before an error occurs. That constraint is extremelysevere, and although impressive experimental advanceshave been made over the last five years, it is unclear whetherquantum decoherence can be overcome in a practical quan-tum computer architecture using quantum error correctionprotocols.

Taming errors is the central physics problem that mustbe solved for quantum computation to be realized. Topolog-ical quantum computation alleviates the problem in a fun-damental manner.

Topology and quantum computationWe now seemingly change subjects completely and considertopology, the branch of mathematics concerned with thoseproperties of geometric configurations that are unaltered byelastic deformation. The usual joke is that a topologist can-not tell the difference between a donut and a coffee cup. Onecan be continuously deformed into the other through asequence of smooth, small alterations, such as stretching orindenting the surface, without ever tearing it (see figure 1).Both a donut and a coffee cup have a single handle, so eachis topologically equivalent to a torus. Topological equiva-lence can only be destroyed by a drastic change, such as tear-ing the donut or gluing together two different parts of it. Inother words, topology focuses on those features of geometry

that are robust against small local perturbations.Another example of topology is knot theory, which says,

for instance, that there is no continuous way to unknot a knot-ted loop of string. Knot theory is particularly relevant to thephysics underlying topological quantum computation.Rather amusingly, similar knot-theory concepts2 also arise ina completely different area of physics, conformal field the-ory,3 which has possible applications to string theory.

Local geometry is a highly redundant encoding of topo-logical information. Error correction, though, requires theredundant representation of information so that errors do notoccur. Hence, as proposed by Alexei Kitaev,4 if a physical sys-tem has topological degrees of freedom that are insensitiveto local perturbations, then information contained in thosedegrees of freedom would be automatically protected againsterrors caused by local interactions with the environment. Ifthe system happens to be a quantum system, one should, inprinciple, be able to perform fault-tolerant topological quan-tum computation without worrying about decoherence—thetopological robustness provides quantum immunity.

This idea sounds like the answer to our quest for fault-tolerant quantum computation until we stop for a minute andrealize that most physical systems do not have topologicaldegrees of freedom. Instead, they have local degrees of free-dom that are sensitive to local perturbations. For instance, ifwe have a transistor with conductance G and cut out a pieceof it, its topology remains intact but we will have drasticallyaffected its conductance G. And for a quantum mechanicalspin with two accessible states, the so-called spin qubit, anyvariation in the local magnetic field will affect the relativephase between those two states. So it doesn’t sound like thetopological solution suggested above has anything to do withreal-world physics. This pessimistic conclusion is wrong,however, because of one of the most amazing discoveries ofthe past 30 years.

Topological states of matterRemarkably, condensed phases of matter do exist that areinsensitive to local perturbations. They are topologicallyinvariant at low temperatures and energies and at long dis-tances. These topological states are as real as metals orordered magnets, but they are not as common.

The existence of such topological states is surprising,since the topological invariance is not a symmetry of the

Figure 1. To a topologist, adonut and a coffee cup are thesame because they can be con-tinuously deformed into eachother without tearing or rejoiningthe surface.

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34 July 2006 Physics Today

underlying Hamiltonian of electrons and ions that are cou-pled through the Coulomb interaction in a solid. TheCoulomb repulsion between two electrons, and thus theHamiltonian, depends strongly on the distance betweenthem if the positions of the other electrons and the ions areheld fixed (a valid approximation for short time scales). Con-tinuously deforming the system by stretching or contractingit so as to change that distance will affect the energy. There-fore, topological invariance can only be a symmetry thatemerges at low energies and long distances. At those scales,as the distance between two electrons is changed by stretch-ing the system, the other electrons will rearrange themselvesso as to keep the energy unchanged. In the right circum-stances, such invariance could lead to a topological quantumground state.

Although this idea sounds simple, it is actually a rever-sal of the paradigm with which many physicists have become

accustomed—namely, that low-energy, long-distance physicsis less symmetrical than the microscopic equations of motion.In a solid, for instance, the Hamiltonian is invariant underarbitrary uniform translations of all the particles. In theground state, however, the ions form a crystalline lattice thatis invariant under a much smaller group of translations, thatis, discrete translations through lattice vectors. The cosmicmicrowave background provides an example from physics ata very different scale. It has a slight anisotropy, meaning thatthe temperature is different in different directions, eventhough the underlying equations are rotationally invariant.Crystalline lattices and the microwave background are bothexamples of spontaneously broken symmetry.

Topological states of matter are an example of the con-verse: physical systems in which the low-energy, long-distance physics is more symmetrical than the microscopicequations. This is emergent symmetry.

In high-mobility gallium arsenide heterostructures and quantumwells, electrons can be confined to move in a two-dimensionalplane. If a 2D electron gas is placed in a perpendicular mag-netic field and cooled to low temperatures, the electrons organ-ize themselves in a topologically invariant state.

The most salient manifestation of topological invariance isthe quantization of the transverse or Hall resistanceRxy = h/νe2, where the so-called filling factor ν is a rationalnumber, h is Planck’s constant, and e is the electron charge.(The fundamental constants h and e combine to form a quan-tum of resistance h/e2 ≈ 25 812 Ω, which is macroscopicand used as the international reference standard for resis-tance.) We usually distinguish the cases in which ν is an inte-ger (the integer quantum Hall effect) from those in which ν isa fraction (the fractional quantum Hall effect). The quantiza-tion of Rxy occurs simultaneously with the vanishing of the lon-gitudinal resistance Rxx, as seen in the figure.

Quantum Hall states bear resemblances to both supercon-ductors and insulators. Like superconductors, quantum Hallstates have zero longitudinal resistance and exhibit dissipa-tionless current flow. But because of the nonzero Hall resis-tance, the longitudinal conductance Gxx, obtained by invertingthe resistivity matrix, is also zero, as in an insulator. Like bothsuperconductors and insulators, quantum Hall states have anenergy gap Δ for excitations above the ground state. Both Rxxand Gxx scale as e−Δ/T.

The robust quantization of the Hall resistance in a quantumHall state is a direct manifestation of the topological nature ofthe system’s ground state. In fact, the quantized Rxy is a topo-logical invariant—it is independent of the shape or size of thesample—which is why the quantization is exact.

From Robert Laughlin’s theory for the ground state andlow-lying excitations of a fractional quantum Hall state atν = 1/m with m odd, we know that the hallmark of the frac-tional quantum Hall states is that they support excitations withfractional charge and exotic braiding statistics. For instance,at the ν = 1/3 plateau, the low-lying excitations about theground state are quasiparticles with charge e/3. If an electronis added to the system, it will break up into three quasiparti-cles, each with charge e/3.

At first glance, this looks a little crazy. We know that a pro-ton is composed of three quarks, but an electron is supposedto be fundamental. How can it break up into smaller con-

stituents? The answer is that the system is composed of manyelectrons. If they were not interacting with each other, then anadded electron would move independently of all the others,and there would simply be an excess charge e wherever theextra electron was located, moving with whatever momentumthe electron had been injected with. However, the electrons inthe fractional quantum Hall state are all interacting with eachother. Low temperatures and a strong magnetic field tend toenhance the effects of the electron–electron interactions. Con-sequently, when an electron is added to the ν = 1/3 state, theother electrons rearrange themselves so that no excess chargee is found at the location of the added electron. Instead, it isenergetically favorable to have three lumps of excess chargee/3. The size of the lumps of charge is controlled by the ener-gy gap Δ and is comparable to a quantum mechanical lengthscale known as the magnetic length l0 = √�c/eB, on theorder of 100 Å for a field of 5 T. (Figure adapted from ref. 9.)

Box 1. The fractional quantum Hall effect

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In more technical language, we would say that a systemis in a topological phase if its low-energy, long-distance effec-tive field theory is a topological quantum field theory—thatis, if all of its physical correlation functions are topologicallyinvariant up to corrections of the form e−Δ/T at temperature Tfor some nonzero energy gap Δ. This behavior is preciselywhat is found in the fractional quantum Hall effect,5 as dis-cussed in box 1.

Anyons and braidingIn addition to their fractional charge (see box 1), quasiparti-cles in the fractional quantum Hall effect have anotherremarkable property: They are anyons. Anyons were firstproposed as a mathematical possibility in which any phasefactor eiα, not just +1 for bosons and −1 for fermions, canresult from a counterclockwise interchange of two particles.Such natural generalizations of fermions and bosons aretopologically allowed in two spatial dimensions. To under-stand anyons a little better, we first look at the braiding ofparticle trajectories in two spatial dimensions.

Consider the braiding properties of particle trajectoriesin 2 + 1 dimensions (2 spatial and 1 time dimension). Accord-ing to Richard Feynman’s path-integral formalism, the quan-tum mechanical amplitude for n particles that are at positionsx1, x2, . . . , xn at an initial time t0 to return to those coordinatesat a later time t is given by a sum over all trajectories. Eachtrajectory is summed with weight eiS/�, where S is the trajec-tory’s classical action. This particular assignment of weightsis consistent with the classical limit: As � → 0, the stationarypoints of the action dominate and give the familiar classicalsolutions. A peculiarity of two spatial dimensions, however,is that the space of particle trajectories is disconnected: Asmay be seen in figure 2, it is not always possible to continu-ously deform a given trajectory into a different one.

Consequently, at the quantum mechanical level, we havethe freedom to weight each trajectory’s contribution to thepath integral by a different phase factor. Since the trajectoriesare not continuously deformable into each other, the classi-cal limit is completely blind to the phases we choose.

These phase factors constitute an abelian (commutative)representation of the braid group. For the case of two parti-cles, the braid group is simply the group of integers, withinteger n corresponding to the number of times one particlewinds counterclockwise about the other (negative integersare clockwise windings). If the particles are identical, then wemust allow exchanges as well, which we can label by half-integer windings. The different representations of the braidgroup of two identical particles are labeled by a phase α, sothat a trajectory in which one particle is exchanged counter-clockwise with the other n times receives the phase factor einα.

If α = 0, the particles are bosons; if α = π, the particlesare fermions. For intermediate values of α, the particles areanyons. The anyonic representations of the braid group arejust an extension of the two-particle case: Whenever any of Nidentical particles is exchanged counterclockwise n timeswith another, the system gains a phase factor einα.

In interacting many-body systems—such as metals,semiconductors, magnets, and liquid helium—the low-energy excitations that control most of the observable prop-erties behave, somewhat magically, much like weakly inter-acting particles. Such excitations, dubbed quasiparticles byLev Landau, are usually bosons or fermions. However, in afractional quantum Hall state—and perhaps elsewhere—quasiparticle excitations above the ground state are anyons.In the fractional quantum Hall state with filling factor ν = 1/3,for example, a phase e2πi/3 results when one quasiparticle

encircles another; when a counterclockwise exchange occurs,half of that phase is accrued, eπi/3. In fact, the phase factor isexactly e2πi/3, independent of shape, speed, and other trajec-tory details. Finite-temperature corrections to the phasechanges are on the order of e−Δ/T, as in longitudinal and trans-verse resistance in the Hall regime (see box 1). At low tem-peratures, those corrections are extremely small.

Abelian anyons provide an example of a unitary trans-formation that can be performed exactly in a topological stateof matter. Unfortunately, it is a trivial transformation, justchanging the phase of the wavefunction. To apply unitarytransformations that are useful for quantum computation, wewill need a special class of topological states that supportnon-abelian anyons.

Non-abelian anyonsAbelian anyons at the 1/3 fractional quantum Hall state do notconstitute the most exotic possibility that one can imagine.Suppose we have g degenerate states ψa, where a = 1, 2, . . . , g,of particles at positions x1, x2, . . . , xn. Exchanging particles 1and 2 might do more than just change the phase of the wave-function. It might rotate it into a different one in the spacespanned by the ψa states. Expressed in terms of those states,ψa → Mab ψb. Exchanging particles 2 and 3 may lead to a dif-ferent rotation: ψa → Nab ψb.

If Mab and Nab do not commute—that is, ifMabNbc ≠ NabMbc—the particles are said to obey non-abelianbraiding statistics. With such particles, we can effect non-trivial unitary transformations just by braiding particles.Thus, non-abelian quasiparticles are the sine qua non fortopological quantum computation.

Non-abelian braiding gives the answer to a question thatmay have been bothering the reader: If topological protectionis so effective at isolating quantum information from errorscaused by the environment, how can we manage to manipu-late and read the information? If the quasiparticles of the sys-tem exhibit non-abelian braiding statistics, that is, if they arenon-abelian anyons, then the g-dimensional Hilbert space ofn-particle states can be used to store quantum information. Tomanipulate it, we need to perform braiding operations on then quasiparticles in the system. Ideally, we would like to be ableto perform any desired unitary transformation (or at least toapproximate it within desired accuracy) simply by braidingquasiparticles. For a large class of states, such manipulationcan indeed be done.6 At the end of a calculation, we can read

Figure 2. Different trajectories of a collection of parti-cles in two spatial dimensions cannot always be adia-batically deformed into each other. The unbraided pairsin (a) and the braided pairs in (b) are two such discon-nected trajectories.

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36 July 2006 Physics Today

the state of the system by using a non-abelian generalizationof the Aharonov–Bohm effect to make a topological meas-urement of topological information: By sending in a non-abelian anyonic test quasiparticle and allowing its differenttrajectories to encircle the quasiparticles that contain thedesired quantum information, we can read that informationthrough the quantum interference between the trajectories.

To explore how non-abelian braiding could work, con-sider two simple models. The first model has three basic qua-siparticle types, which we’ll label 0, 1/2, and 1. These threelabels are the “topological charges”—essentially a general-ization of the α phase factors—of the three quasiparticletypes. An arbitrary combination of quasiparticles can simi-larly be labeled by a topological charge. In an abelian system,the total charge is simply the sum of each quasiparticle’scharge. But in a non-abelian system, the addition rules getcomplicated; in this first model, the rules resemble those forquantum mechanical angular momenta.

We’ll say a quasiparticle of charge 0 is present when thesystem is in its ground state—that is, when no quasiparticlesare present at all. It is also possible for a collection of nonzeroquasiparticles—like quantum mechanical spins—to essen-tially cancel each other out, so that when another quasipar-ticle is taken around the entire collection, nothing happens.In that case, we again say that the collection has total topo-logical charge 0. Alternatively, the topological charge of a col-lection could be 1/2 or 1. These are the only possibilities. If weconsider, for example, two 1/2 quasiparticles, their total topo-logical charge can be either 0 or 1. However, if we have two1 quasiparticles, their total topological charge must be 0, andif we have a 1/2 and a 1, their total topological charge must be1/2. (The combination of 0 and any j is j.)

Suppose we have four quasiparticles of type 1/2 whosetotal topological charge is 0. The total topological charge ofthe first and second quasiparticles can be either 0 or 1. If it is0, then the total topological charge of the third and fourthmust also be 0 since the total of all four is 0. Similarly, if thetopological charge of the first two is 1, then that of the thirdand fourth must also be 1. Thus, we have two states of four1/2 quasiparticles and, continuing in a similar manner, 2n−1

states of 2n quasiparticles of type 1/2 for which the total topo-logical charge is 0.

These arguments suggest a way to create a basis todescribe this degenerate space of states. Combine the 2n qua-siparticles into n pairs. Each pair can have a topologicalcharge of 0 or 1; only the charge of the last pair is constrained,since the total charge of all 2n quasiparticles is 0. Thus, 2nquasiparticles form n − 1 qubits. An arbitrary state of the sys-tem can be projected onto basis states formed by assigning adefinite charge of 0 or 1 to each qubit; each basis state thuscorresponds to a sequence of n − 1 classical bits.

In such a basis, the braiding rules are as follows. Whentwo quasiparticles belonging to the same pair are braided, abasis state only changes by a phase. However, when a qua-siparticle from pair i is taken around a single quasiparticlefrom pair j, as in figure 2b, a NOT gate is applied to qubits iand j (up to a phase). When a quasiparticle is taken aroundboth quasiparticles in pair j, a basis state is multiplied by +1if bit j has charge 0, and by −1 if the bit has charge 1. There-fore, the two braiding operations between pairs do not com-mute. From these braiding rules we can determine the effectof an arbitrary braid on any initial state. Unfortunately, braid-ing alone is insufficient in this system to generate all possi-ble unitary transformations. However, the next example issufficient and therefore supports universal quantum com-putation through braiding.6

Now consider a model with only a single nontrivial qua-siparticle type, with topological charge 1. As before, it is use-ful to say that a quasiparticle of charge 0 is present when noquasiparticles of charge 1 is present. When two quasiparti-cles are present, their combined state can be either 0 or 1. Sup-pose we have n quasiparticles with total topological charge0; let An be the number of such states. To determine An, picktwo of the quasiparticles. Their combined state is either 0 or1. If their combined state is 0, then the remaining n − 2 quasi-particles must also have total topological charge 0, and thereare An−2 of those states. If the combined topological charge ofthe two quasiparticles is 1, then the pair is topologicallyequivalent to a single quasiparticle of charge 1, and so thesystem behaves as if there were n − 1 quasiparticles of type1; there are An−1 of those states that have total charge 0. Hence,An = An−1 + An−2. The dimension of the Hilbert space forn + 1 particles is thus the nth Fibonacci number, and thesequasiparticles are sometimes called Fibonacci anyons.

For an example of their braiding rules, consider fourquasiparticles whose total topological charge is 0. If wedivide the quasiparticles into two pairs, each pair can have atotal topological charge of either 0 or 1; thus we can label thetwo states |0⟩ and |1⟩. If the initial state is |0⟩, then detailedcalculations show that the braid of figure 2b transforms it toτ−2 (τe4πi/5 + e2πi/5) |0⟩ + τ−3/2 (eπi/5 − e3πi/5) |1⟩, where τ = τ2 − 1 isthe golden ratio, (1 + √5)/2.

In the first example, braiding operations had the effectof π/2 rotations about orthogonal axes in Hilbert space; suchrotations form a finite group. In the second example, how-ever, the rotations are by multiples of π/5 about different axesin Hilbert space. Those rotations do not form a finite groupbut rather a dense set, so any desired unitary transformationcan be approximated to arbitrary accuracy. Thus, Fibonaccianyons support universal quantum computation.6 Reference7 presents specific gates for such non-abelian anyons.

Now all we need is to identify a stable topological statesupporting quasiparticles that are non-abelian anyons andthen perform the requisite braiding operations to carry outtopological quantum computation.

Non-abelian topological phases in natureThe most likely known candidate8,9 for finding a topologicalstate with non-abelian anyonic excitations is the fractionalquantum Hall state at the plateau observed at ν = 5/2. Quasi-particle excitations (which, according to theory, have chargee/4) about this ground state are suspected to be non-abeliananyons10,11 of precisely the type discussed in the first exam-ple above.

How can we tell experimentally if this hypothesis is cor-rect? How can we use this state for quantum computation?These two questions have essentially the same answer: Byperforming braiding operations and observing their effects,we can deduce the non-abelian statistics of the quasiparticlesin the state and apply fault-tolerant quantum gates to topo-logically protected qubits. Recent theoretical work12−15 pro-poses specific experiments to achieve these two ends, asdescribed in box 2.

The ν = 5/2 state, if it is non-abelian, would realize thebraiding statistics of the first example above. But thosebraiding operations alone cannot implement any desiredunitary transformation. To achieve that completeness, qua-siparticle braiding must be supplemented by either someunprotected operations or some other topological opera-tions, such as topology change. However, the ν = 12/5 quan-tum Hall state, if it is non-abelian, would most likely realizethe non-abelian statistics of the second example in the

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previous section, and thus could support universal topolog-ical quantum computation.

A non-abelian quantum Hall state is currently the mostpromising route to topological quantum computation andperhaps the most promising route of any kind to scalable,fault-tolerant quantum computation. However, we shouldalso look elsewhere for a topological quantum computer,even though that search requires reinventing the wheel thatis already in motion in the context of the fractional quantumHall effect. We need to understand how and when topologi-cal phases can occur in other physical systems. Some possi-bilities are p-wave superconductors such as strontiumruthenate16 (see PHYSICS TODAY, January 2001, page 42), frus-trated quantum magnets17 (see PHYSICS TODAY, February2006, page 24), and cold atoms in optical lattices18 (see

PHYSICS TODAY, March 2004, page 38). Where to find suchphases is very much an open problem. One might be onlyhalf-joking in suggesting that the easiest way to solve thatproblem might be to build a fractional quantum Hallquantum computer first and then use it on the solid-statephysics problems that must be solved to develop a “high-temperature” topological quantum computer.

OutlookThe most important issues facing topological quantum com-putation are twofold: (1) finding or identifying a suitablesystem with the appropriate topological properties (that is,non-abelian statistics) to enable quantum computation; and(2) figuring out a scheme to carry out the braiding operationsnecessary to achieve the required unitary transformations.

With a device like that shown in thefigure, one can determine whetherthe observed quantum Hall state at afilling factor ν of 5/2 is non-abelianby performing a simple quantumcomputation with a topologically pro-tected qubit.13 The device consists ofa quantum Hall bar that has two indi-vidually gated “antidots,” labeled 1and 2, in its interior. (An antidot is theopposite of a quantum dot; it is aregion from which electrons areexcluded as a result of an electrostat-ic potential applied to a gate elec-trode.) By tuning the voltages appliedto the six gate electrodes around theperimeter, one can control the tunnel-ing (dashed lines) between the top and bottom edges at thosepoints. There are three basic steps to our computation: (i) per-form a nondemolition measurement of the qubit, (ii) flip thequbit, and (iii) measure it again.

As per the rules set forth in the text for the first example ofnon-abelian anyons, the device forms a qubit when there isone quasiparticle (or any odd number14,15) on each antidot.One can determine which state the qubit is in by measuringthe longitudinal conductivity σxx, because it is determined bythe interference between two processes that are sensitive tothe topological state of the quasiparticles on the antidots.When appropriate voltages are applied to the gates at M andN and at P and Q so that tunneling can occur there withamplitudes t1 and t2, those two processes are a quasiparticletunneling from M to N, and a quasiparticle continuing alongthe bottom edge to P, tunneling to Q, and then moving alongthe top edge to N. (The amplitude t2 includes a phase factorassociated with the extra distance traveled in the secondprocess.) The relative phase of the amplitudes for theseprocesses depends on the state of the qubit: σxx ∝ |t1 ± it2|2,where the amplitudes are added if the qubit is in state |0⟩ andare subtracted if the qubit is in state |1⟩. Such a measurementprojects the qubit onto one of the eigenstates but otherwiseleaves it intact. Hence, it is an example of a quantum nonde-molition measurement.

To flip the qubit, we apply voltage to the gates at A and Bso that one quasiparticle, with charge e/4, tunnels between theedges. If the ν = 5/2 plateau is a non-abelian topological

state, as expected, the tunneling will transform the qubit from|0⟩ to |1⟩ and vice versa. This is the logical NOT operation.Measuring the qubit again should show the relative sign of thetunneling amplitudes reversed, even though the magneticfield, chemical potential, and gate voltages are precisely thesame. It may be useful to have a third antidot between A andB to act as a turnstile ensuring that only a single quasiparticletunnels between A and B. If control of the tunneling betweenA and B is imperfect, then some of the time an even numberof quasiparticles would tunnel between A and B, which wouldproduce no change in the conductivity, but some of the timean odd number of quasiparticles would tunnel, thereby flip-ping the conductivity, which is enough to confirm that theν = 5/2 state is non-abelian.

What is the stability of the qubit? A bit-flip error occurswhen, as in the controlled bit flip, a quasiparticle encirclesone of the antidots or passes between them from one edge tothe other. A phase-flip error occurs when a quasiparticleencircles both dots. The rates for both sources of error aresimilar since they are limited by the density and mobility ofexcited quasiparticles. Hence, we expect that the error rate Γwill have a thermally activated form: Γ/Δ ∼ T/Δ e−Δ/T ∼ 10−30,where Δ is the quantum Hall state’s energy gap. This numberhas sparked interest in topological quantum computingbecause it is well below the fault-tolerance threshold andmany orders of magnitude smaller than the estimated errorrates for other proposed physical implementations of quantumcomputation.

Box 2. Topologically protected qubits at the ν = 5/2 plateau

Page 8: Sankar Das Sarma, Michael Freedman, and Chetan Nayak … · 2017-10-23 · Sankar Das Sarma, Michael Freedman, and Chetan Nayak

38 July 2006 Physics Today

Both are tall orders, and any experimental progress even in accomplishing the first one would be an importantachievement.

The only topological system definitely known to exist innature is in the quantum Hall regime, where topologicalstates, such as the ν = 1/3 fractional quantum Hall state, thatsupport abelian anyonic excitations are reasonably wellestablished. Of course, for topological quantum computa-tion, anyons are necessary but not sufficient. We also neednon-abelian anyonic statistics, which may exist in theobserved ν = 5/2 fractional quantum Hall state. The reason fordiscussing the fractional quantum Hall state at length in thisarticle is precisely because it is the only known concrete can-didate that addresses both of the above issues. One cannot,however, rule out the possibility that the 5/2 state is not non-abelian, since currently there is, at best, only indirect experi-mental and theoretical evidence that it is non-abelian.

The good news is that experiments are under way to testthe non-abelian nature of the quasiparticle statistics in the5/2 state (see box 2). But even if the 5/2 state is definitivelyshown to be a non-abelian state, it is still not enough for auniversal quantum computer. It can form a perfect quantummemory, but it does not allow any general unitary transfor-mation to be applied.

The state with ν = 12/5 is extremely fragile and is barelyobservable even at low temperatures (on the order of 20 mK)and in the best samples.9 It may be a non-abelian state thatsupports universal quantum computation. However, much isunknown about the 12/5 state, and its possible role in topo-logical quantum computation is speculative at this stage.

Thus there is a strong need to find other systems satis-fying the above two criteria for topological quantum com-putation. Although a few non-quantum-Hall proposals havebeen put forth, concrete suggestions for how to carry out qua-siparticle braiding exist only in quantum Hall systems. Yeteven unsuccessful quests for other systems capable of sup-porting topological quantum computation will likely reaprewards along the way.

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