sangiovanni vincentelli gruppo 2003 insieme per la ricerca milano 21 settembre

UNIVERSITA’ E INDU UNIVERSITA’ E INDU Alberto Sangiovanni-Vinc The Edgar L. and Harold H. Buttner C University of California at Berkeley Co-Founder, CTA and Member of the Co-Founder, CTA and Member of the Cadence Design Systems USTRIA IN US USTRIA IN US centelli Chair of EECS Board Board

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Alberto Sangiovanni Vincentelli. Università e industria in USA


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Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli

The Edgar L. and Harold H. Buttner Chair of EECSUniversity of California at Berkeley

Co-Founder, CTA and Member of the BoardCo-Founder, CTA and Member of the BoardCadence Design Systems



The Edgar L. and Harold H. Buttner Chair of EECS

Founder, CTA and Member of the BoardFounder, CTA and Member of the Board

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• Le mie considerazioni si basano su osservazioni personali maturate in 35 anni di permanenza a personali maturate in 35 anni di permanenza a Berkeley relative principalmente

– Alle relazioni Industria-Universita’ nella Silicon Valley (e nella regione di Boston)

– All’Ingegneria

Le mie considerazioni si basano su osservazioni personali maturate in 35 anni di permanenza a personali maturate in 35 anni di permanenza a Berkeley relative principalmente

Universita’ nella Silicon Valley (e

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A personal view of US University SystemA personal view of US University System


A personal view of US University SystemA personal view of US University System

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Silicon Valley: The land of InnovationSilicon Valley: The land of InnovationSilicon Valley: The land of InnovationSilicon Valley: The land of Innovation

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Silicon Valley: The land of InnovationSilicon Valley: The land of InnovationThe land of InnovationThe land of Innovation

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Pasteur’s QuadrantPasteur’s Quadrant


Considerations of Use?

Quest forFundamentalUnderstanding



Pure BasicResearch(Bohr)



D. Stokes


Considerations of Use?

Pure BasicResearch


Basic Research(Pasteur)

Pure AppliedResearch(Edison)

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Job Creation from Start-upsJob Creation from Start-upsupsups

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Shared Vision: “The Moon Shot”

Organizing for High-Impact R&DOrganizing for High-Impact R&D




Project Project

Shared Vision: “The Moon Shot”

Impact R&DImpact R&D



Project Project

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The “Moon Shot” ApproachThe “Moon Shot” ApproachThe “Moon Shot” ApproachThe “Moon Shot” Approach

�� Use Use an overarching, longan overarching, long--range goal to organize and loosely range goal to organize and loosely direct the researchdirect the research

�� Use Use an overarching, longan overarching, long--range goal to organize and loosely range goal to organize and loosely direct the researchdirect the researchdirect the researchdirect the research

�� Usually applicationUsually application--drivendriven

�� Organize the effort as a loose confederation of tightlyOrganize the effort as a loose confederation of tightlysubsub--projectsprojects

�� Even if you don’t reach the moon, lots of good Even if you don’t reach the moon, lots of good producedproduced

direct the researchdirect the research

�� Usually applicationUsually application--drivendriven

�� Organize the effort as a loose confederation of tightlyOrganize the effort as a loose confederation of tightlysubsub--projectsprojects

�� Even if you don’t reach the moon, lots of good Even if you don’t reach the moon, lots of good producedproducedproducedproducedproducedproduced

The “Moon Shot” ApproachThe “Moon Shot” ApproachThe “Moon Shot” ApproachThe “Moon Shot” Approach

range goal to organize and loosely range goal to organize and loosely range goal to organize and loosely range goal to organize and loosely

Organize the effort as a loose confederation of tightlyOrganize the effort as a loose confederation of tightly--knit knit

Even if you don’t reach the moon, lots of good Even if you don’t reach the moon, lots of good results will results will be be

Organize the effort as a loose confederation of tightlyOrganize the effort as a loose confederation of tightly--knit knit

Even if you don’t reach the moon, lots of good Even if you don’t reach the moon, lots of good results will results will be be

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The demise of great private research centersThe demise of great private research centers

Bell LabsBell Labs

The demise of great private research centersThe demise of great private research centers

Xerox PARCXerox PARC

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Sea Change in Research SupportSea Change in Research Support

• Research support has been changing

• Support is shifting from Federal to Industrial / Private• Support is shifting from Federal to Industrial / Private

• What are the implications?

• What are the innovative business models for above critical mass research?

• How do we best adopt to the new landscape?

Sea Change in Research SupportSea Change in Research Support

Research support has been changing

Support is shifting from Federal to Industrial / PrivateSupport is shifting from Federal to Industrial / Private

What are the innovative business models for above critical

How do we best adopt to the new landscape?

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Overall Berkeley COE Research SupportOverall Berkeley COE Research SupportResearch SupportResearch Support

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Federal support is changingFederal support is changingFederal support is changingFederal support is changing

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Industrial Support in %including sub-awards

Industrial Support in %including sub-awards

COEIndustry + Private + Individual = 26%


EECS: 48,763,000






All Else28.751.000


Industry Private

Individual All Else

EECSIndustry + Private + Individual = 41%

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R&D Gap is in the Private Sector

R&D as% of GNL

Private Companies State and P.A.






Stati Uniti




Fonte: Intesa Sanpaolo, Servizio Innovazione della Divisione Corporate su dati OECD 2005 2007

0 1


in the Private Sector

State and P.A.


, Servizio Innovazione della Divisione Corporate su dati OECD 2005 - The Economist - August

2 3 4

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Great Works and Grand Challenges as an organizing principleGreat Works and Grand Challenges as an organizing principle

“Use Inspired Basic Research” as a Framework

– Energy — e.g. Zero Energy Buildings

– Health— e.g. Curing malaria with synthetic biology

– Education — e.g. ICT for the developing world

Great Works and Grand Challenges as an Great Works and Grand Challenges as an

“Use Inspired Basic Research” as a Framework

e.g. Zero Energy Buildings

e.g. Curing malaria with synthetic biology

e.g. ICT for the developing world

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Example of Grand ChallengesResearchExample of Grand ChallengesResearch

•ARPA-E is a bold concept that will provide access to the funding needed to bring the next generation of energy technologies to fruition. Specifically technologies to fruition. Specifically

•Enhance our economic security by identifying technologies with the potential to reduce energy imports from foreign sources; reduce energy-related greenhouse gas emissions; and improve efficiency across the energy spectrum.•Ensure we remain a technological leader in developing and deploying advanced energy technologies.

•ARPA-E will uniquely focus on high risk, high payoff concepts •ARPA-E will uniquely focus on high risk, high payoff concepts technologies promising true energy transformations.

Barack Obama and Steven Chu addresses

Example of Grand Challenges-Use Inspired Example of Grand Challenges-Use Inspired

E is a bold concept that will provide access to the funding needed to bring the next generation of energy technologies to fruition. Specifically ARPA-E aims to:technologies to fruition. Specifically ARPA-E aims to:

Enhance our economic security by identifying technologies with the potential to reduce energy imports from foreign sources; reduce

related greenhouse gas emissions; and improve efficiency

Ensure we remain a technological leader in developing and deploying

E will uniquely focus on high risk, high payoff concepts -E will uniquely focus on high risk, high payoff concepts -technologies promising true energy transformations.

Barack Obama and Steven Chu addresses

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Energy Collaborative Research: Government, Industry, UniversityEnergy Collaborative Research: Government, Industry, University

Researchers at U.S. universities, led by the Massachusetts Institute of Technologyenergy research funds contained in the House recovery bill. The research dollars will produce jobs, reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil and stem dollars will produce jobs, reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil and stem the production of greenhouse gases, according to theAmerican Universities, a group of 62 schools that conduct research.

Obama’s New Energy for America Plan, as explained on the White House Web site, calls for creating five million jobs by spending10 years, “to catalyze private efforts to build a clean energy future.”

Two major energy initiatives were launched in 2007: theInstitute (EBI), a partnership of UC Berkeley, Berkeley Lab, and the University of Illinois, funded by BP with $500 million over ten years; and the Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI), a partnership of three national labs and three research universities in the San Francisco Bay Area, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy with $125 million over five years.

Energy Collaborative Research: Government, Energy Collaborative Research: Government,

Researchers at U.S. universities, led by Berkeley, Stanford University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, are targeting the $2 billion in

energy research funds contained in the House recovery bill. The research dollars will produce jobs, reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil and stem dollars will produce jobs, reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil and stem the production of greenhouse gases, according to the Association of

, a group of 62 schools that conduct research.

Obama’s New Energy for America Plan, as explained on the White House Web site, calls for creating five million jobs by spending $150 billion, over 10 years, “to catalyze private efforts to build a clean energy future.”

Two major energy initiatives were launched in 2007: the Energy Biosciences Berkeley, Berkeley Lab, and the

University of Illinois, funded by BP with $500 million over ten years; and ), a partnership of three national labs and

three research universities in the San Francisco Bay Area, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy with $125 million over five years.

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Industry and US UniversitiesIndustry and US Universities

• Pure local decisions based on accomplishments and feedback from peers

• Ranking determines rigor in promotion criteria

• Ranking are essential • Ranking are essential

– To attract the best students world

– To obtain grants and awards

– To have an impact

• Professors are promoted on the basis of their contributions in all areas, including professional activities

• Reciprocal respect and attention to respective roles Industry


• Reciprocal respect and attention to respective roles IndustryAcademia

• Unrestricted grants: “speed not patents”

• “Transfer of technology” through visiting professionals and summer students

• Formation of new companies favored

Industry and US UniversitiesIndustry and US Universities

Pure local decisions based on accomplishments and feedback

Ranking determines rigor in promotion criteria

To attract the best students world-wide

Professors are promoted on the basis of their contributions in all areas, including professional activities

Reciprocal respect and attention to respective roles Industry-Reciprocal respect and attention to respective roles Industry-

Unrestricted grants: “speed not patents”

“Transfer of technology” through visiting professionals and

Formation of new companies favored

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Implementing a Local Research LaboratoryImplementing a Local Research Laboratory• There are many possible modelsexamples for discussion:

– Cadence Berkeley Laboratories

– The Siemens Berkeley Technology– The Siemens Berkeley Technology

– ST Microelectronics Berkeley Laboratory (transformed in UPEK Start-up)

– Kawasaki Steel Corporation Berkeley Labs (transformed in Comsilica Start-up)

– Ericcson Berkeley Laboratories

– Hughes Research Labs

– AT&T

– Intel Berkeley Labs

– Pirelli-Telecom Italia Berkeley Labs

– GM Berkeley Labs

– Toyota Berkeley Labs

– UTC Berkeley Labs

Implementing a Local Research Implementing a Local Research

There are many possible models—some Berkeley-located

Cadence Berkeley Laboratories

The Siemens Berkeley Technology-to-Business CenterThe Siemens Berkeley Technology-to-Business Center

ST Microelectronics Berkeley Laboratory (transformed in UPEK

Kawasaki Steel Corporation Berkeley Labs (transformed in

Ericcson Berkeley Laboratories

Telecom Italia Berkeley Labs

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How Can Industry Leverage How Can Industry Leverage

• Place a small number of large bets and a larger number of smaller ones– In today’s IT world, the long-term impact of many research projects are strongly influenced by an expensive commercial context

– Identify the key schools, the key faculty in specific areas, and make them – Identify the key schools, the key faculty in specific areas, and make them successful

• Employ an intellectual property policy that maximizes the impact of the research and maximizes your access to results– In information technology, that usually demands a very open (“public domain”) approach!

– In other areas of research, e.g. biological sciences, a more restrictive approach might be better—no oneapproach might be better—no one

• Couple the research closely to your own business units– “One-week-per-month” visitor approach

– Build a small research laboratory adjacent to the University

– Invest in a local, independent technology incubator to obtain an “unfair advantage.”

Can Industry Leverage University ResearchCan Industry Leverage University Research

Place a small number of large bets and a larger number of

term impact of many research projects are strongly influenced by an expensive commercial context

Identify the key schools, the key faculty in specific areas, and make them Identify the key schools, the key faculty in specific areas, and make them

Employ an intellectual property policy that maximizes the impact of the research and maximizes your access to results

In information technology, that usually demands a very open (“public

In other areas of research, e.g. biological sciences, a more restrictive no one-size-fits-all!no one-size-fits-all!

Couple the research closely to your own business unitsmonth” visitor approach

Build a small research laboratory adjacent to the University

Invest in a local, independent technology incubator to obtain an “unfair

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The SCIENCE-Application DilemmaThe SCIENCE-Application Dilemma

Raffaello Sanzio, The Athens School

Application DilemmaApplication Dilemma

Raffaello Sanzio, The Athens School