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Reading Progress Tests Second Edition Year 4 Siobhan Skeffington and Annabel Charles Series Editor: Maddy Barnes FREE SAMPLE TEST Visit for additional free sample tests.

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Progress TestsSecond Edition


4Siobhan Skeffi ngton and Annabel Charles

Series Editor: Maddy Barnes

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Page 2: SAMPLE TEST FREE Progress Tests -

The Publishers would like to thank the following for permission to reproduce copyright material:

Page 9 Story of the Titanic (DK, 2012). Copyright © Dorling Kindersley Ltd., 2011. Reproduced by permission of Penguin Random House UK; page 10 The Jealous Giant copyright © 1997 by Kaye Umansky reproduced by kind permission of Kaye Umansky c/o Caroline Sheldon Literary Agency Ltd.; page 15 ‘10 Tiger Facts!’ used by permission of National Geographic KiDS (; pages 16–17 YES! No (Maybe…) Tom Gates # 8 by Liz Pichon © Liz Pichon 2015, reproduced in its original form by kind permission of Scholastic Children’s Books, an imprint of Scholastic Ltd; page 22 reproduced with kind permission of Eureka! The National Children’s Museum (; page 23 copyright 1952 by E.B. White. Text copyright renewed 1980 by E.B. White. Used by permission of HarperCollins Publishers / Copyright © 1952 by E.B. White. Reprinted by permission of ICM Partners; page 28 Excerpted from the work entitled: True Stories: The Story Behind Maps. Text © Capstone Global Library Limited 2011. All rights reserved; page 29 Star Seeker – A Journey to Outer Space by Theresa Heine and Victor Taveres, © Theresa Heine and Victor Taveres 2009. Reproduced by permission of Barefoot Books; page 34 I Wonder Why Castles had Moats and Other Questions about Long Ago by Philip Steele. First published 1994 by Kingfisher, an imprint of Pan Macmillan, a division of Macmillan Publishers International Limited. Copyright © Kingfisher Publications Plc 1994; pages 35–36 Reproduced from Greek Myths for Young Children by permission of Usborne Publishing, 83-85 Saffron Hill, London EC1N 8RT, UK. Copyright © 1999 Usborne Publishing Ltd; page 41 Step-by-step Mosaics by Michelle Powell. Copyright © Michelle Powell 2001. Published by Search Press, used by permission; page 42 ‘The Peacock’ by Cynthia Rider from My First Oxford Book of Animal Poems compiled by John Foster, reproduced by kind permission.

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ISBN: 978 1 5104 1180 7

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Year 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017

Author: Siobhan Skeffington and Annabel CharlesSeries Editor: Maddy BarnesAccessibility Reviewer: Vivien KilburnCommissioning Editor: Michelle TempestEditorial: Sarah Minty

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Why use Reading Progress Tests (Second Edition)?

The Reading Progress Tests were first developed in 2014 to support teachers to assess their pupils' performance against the reading and comprehension requirements of the 2014 National Curriculum Programme of Study for English.

The Reading Progress Tests (Second Edition) offer a brand new set of engaging reading extracts and questions to identify gaps in learning and assess pupils’ performance against age-related expectations.

The tests are written to the same framework as the 2014 Reading Progress Tests, with carefully chosen question types to bring them further in line with the Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 national tests.

Our expert authors have chosen new high-quality text extracts and have embedded familiar generic question stems to ensure that children regularly experience the types of questions that will equip them with the skills needed for the Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 national tests in reading.

The half-termly Reading Progress Tests (Second Edition) assess pupils across a range of reading comprehension skills and offer teachers a clear indication of how well pupils are doing in every year group, identifying gaps in pupils’ knowledge and understanding to help inform teaching.

The Reading Progress Tests (Second Edition) include:

• a wide range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry in line with the demand of the national curriculum

• a variety of text styles to encourage children to adapt their reading skills • heritage texts to drive improvement in vocabulary and familiarise children with this genre • an increased emphasis on inference and vocabulary questions to reflect the Key Stage 1

and Key Stage 2 national tests • an increased number of non-fiction texts in Years 3 and 4 to introduce children to a range

of text formats • longer fiction extracts in Years 5 and 6 to build children's reading stamina.

Separate Progress Tests are available to cover the requirements for grammar, punctuation, spelling and vocabulary for Years 2 to 6. For Year 1, there is a single set of Progress Tests for English. These include reading, spelling, and grammar, punctuation and vocabulary tests. All Progress Tests are designed to support effective classroom assessment and are easy to use and mark.

The Reading Progress Tests include one test for each half term. All the tests have been:

• written by primary English assessment specialists • reviewed by primary English curriculum and assessment experts.

How do the tests track performance?

The results data from the tests can be used to identify gaps in learning and track pupils' performance. They show whether pupils are working towards, meeting, or exceeding the

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Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2

Autumn test 1 Part A: Story of the Titanic (non-fiction) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Autumn test 2 Part B: The Jealous Giant (fiction) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Answers and mark scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Coverage grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Visit for additional free sample tests.

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Why use Reading Progress Tests (Second Edition)?

The Reading Progress Tests were first developed in 2014 to support teachers to assess their pupils' performance against the reading and comprehension requirements of the 2014 National Curriculum Programme of Study for English.

The Reading Progress Tests (Second Edition) offer a brand new set of engaging reading extracts and questions to identify gaps in learning and assess pupils’ performance against age-related expectations.

The tests are written to the same framework as the 2014 Reading Progress Tests, with carefully chosen question types to bring them further in line with the Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 national tests.

Our expert authors have chosen new high-quality text extracts and have embedded familiar generic question stems to ensure that children regularly experience the types of questions that will equip them with the skills needed for the Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 national tests in reading.

The half-termly Reading Progress Tests (Second Edition) assess pupils across a range of reading comprehension skills and offer teachers a clear indication of how well pupils are doing in every year group, identifying gaps in pupils’ knowledge and understanding to help inform teaching.

The Reading Progress Tests (Second Edition) include:

• a wide range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry in line with the demand of the national curriculum

• a variety of text styles to encourage children to adapt their reading skills • heritage texts to drive improvement in vocabulary and familiarise children with this genre • an increased emphasis on inference and vocabulary questions to reflect the Key Stage 1

and Key Stage 2 national tests • an increased number of non-fiction texts in Years 3 and 4 to introduce children to a range

of text formats • longer fiction extracts in Years 5 and 6 to build children's reading stamina.

Separate Progress Tests are available to cover the requirements for grammar, punctuation, spelling and vocabulary for Years 2 to 6. For Year 1, there is a single set of Progress Tests for English. These include reading, spelling, and grammar, punctuation and vocabulary tests. All Progress Tests are designed to support effective classroom assessment and are easy to use and mark.

The Reading Progress Tests include one test for each half term. All the tests have been:

• written by primary English assessment specialists • reviewed by primary English curriculum and assessment experts.

How do the tests track performance?

The results data from the tests can be used to identify gaps in learning and track pupils' performance. They show whether pupils are working towards, meeting, or exceeding the

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Test demand

Test demand increases both within tests and across the year, which means that tests at the beginning of the year are easier than those at the end of the year. Within each test, the Part A extract and questions are easier than the Part B extract and questions. As the year progresses, the extracts and questions become increasingly difficult.

Tracking performance

The marks that pupils score in the tests can be used to track how they are performing against the expected standard for their year group. The marks for each test have been split into three performance thresholds:

• working towards • expected • exceeding.

The thresholds for each year group are as follows:

Performance thresholds

Working towards Expected Exceeding

Year 2 0 –7 8 –12 13 –15

Year 3 0 –10 11–16 17–20

Year 4 0 –10 11–16 17–20

Year 5 0 –10 11–16 17–20

Year 6 0 –10 11–16 17–20

The table gives the performance thresholds for each test, which you can use to see how well each pupil is doing in each test. If pupils are meeting the expected standard for their year group, they will consistently score in the middle zone of marks in the tests. The higher the mark in the zone, the more secure you can be that they are meeting the expected standard for their year group. Because the tests become progressively harder throughout the year, you will not necessarily see an increase in an individual pupil’s marks each time they take a test.

How to use the Reading Progress Tests (Second Edition)

Preparation and timings

1 Make enough copies of the test(s) for pupils to have their own copy. 2 Hand out the papers and ensure pupils are seated appropriately so that they can’t see each

other’s papers. 3 Pupils will need pens or pencils and erasers. Encourage pupils to cross out answers rather

than rub them out. 4 There are no time limits for the tests but normal practice is to allow a minute per mark for

written tests. Help with reading may be given using the same rules as when providing a reader with the DfE Key Stage 2 national tests.

Supporting pupils during the tests

Before the test, explain to the pupils that the test is an opportunity to show what they know, understand and can do. They should try to answer all the questions but should not worry if there are some they can’t do.

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expected standard for their year group. This data can then be used alongside other evidence to enable effective planning of future teaching and learning, for reporting to parents and as evidence for Ofsted inspections. PDF versions of the tests are available via your My Rising Stars account (

Online analysis and reports

You also have access to online analysis and reports via MARK (My Assessment and Reporting Kit). MARK enables you to:

• gain valuable insight into individual and group performance • view gap analysis at a glance • generate reports in a few clicks.To unlock access to MARK, visit You can then log into MARK at any time by visiting:

For support with using MARK, visit or email [email protected]

About the Reading Progress Tests (Second Edition)

The tests are written to cover the requirements of the Programme of Study for the 2014 National Curriculum. There is a separate test for each half term. The number of marks for each test is as follows:

Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

15 20 20 20 20

The style of the tests mirrors that of the national tests that pupils take at the end of Key Stages 1 and 2. Each test has two extracts with questions. The extracts used in the tests are authentic, age-appropriate ones and include fiction, poetry and non-fiction, including those by well-known children’s authors.

The tests assess across a range of skills as exemplified by the reading content domains for Key Stage 2:

Key Stage 2 Reading content domain reference

2a give/explain the meaning of words in context 2b retrieve and record information/identify key details from fiction and non-fiction 2c summarise main ideas from more than one paragraph 2d make inferences from the text/explain and justify inferences with evidence from

the text 2e predict what might happen from details stated and implied 2f identify/explain how information/narrative content is related and contributes to

meaning as a whole 2g identify/explain how meaning is enhanced through choice of words and phrases 2h make comparisons within the text.

Full details of which content domain each question assesses can be found in the Coverage grid on page 59.

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Test demand

Test demand increases both within tests and across the year, which means that tests at the beginning of the year are easier than those at the end of the year. Within each test, the Part A extract and questions are easier than the Part B extract and questions. As the year progresses, the extracts and questions become increasingly difficult.

Tracking performance

The marks that pupils score in the tests can be used to track how they are performing against the expected standard for their year group. The marks for each test have been split into three performance thresholds:

• working towards • expected • exceeding.

The thresholds for each year group are as follows:

Performance thresholds

Working towards Expected Exceeding

Year 2 0 –7 8 –12 13 –15

Year 3 0 –10 11–16 17–20

Year 4 0 –10 11–16 17–20

Year 5 0 –10 11–16 17–20

Year 6 0 –10 11–16 17–20

The table gives the performance thresholds for each test, which you can use to see how well each pupil is doing in each test. If pupils are meeting the expected standard for their year group, they will consistently score in the middle zone of marks in the tests. The higher the mark in the zone, the more secure you can be that they are meeting the expected standard for their year group. Because the tests become progressively harder throughout the year, you will not necessarily see an increase in an individual pupil’s marks each time they take a test.

How to use the Reading Progress Tests (Second Edition)

Preparation and timings

1 Make enough copies of the test(s) for pupils to have their own copy. 2 Hand out the papers and ensure pupils are seated appropriately so that they can’t see each

other’s papers. 3 Pupils will need pens or pencils and erasers. Encourage pupils to cross out answers rather

than rub them out. 4 There are no time limits for the tests but normal practice is to allow a minute per mark for

written tests. Help with reading may be given using the same rules as when providing a reader with the DfE Key Stage 2 national tests.

Supporting pupils during the tests

Before the test, explain to the pupils that the test is an opportunity to show what they know, understand and can do. They should try to answer all the questions but should not worry if there are some they can’t do.

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expected standard for their year group. This data can then be used alongside other evidence to enable effective planning of future teaching and learning, for reporting to parents and as evidence for Ofsted inspections. PDF versions of the tests are available via your My Rising Stars account (

Online analysis and reports

You also have access to online analysis and reports via MARK (My Assessment and Reporting Kit). MARK enables you to:

• gain valuable insight into individual and group performance • view gap analysis at a glance • generate reports in a few clicks.To unlock access to MARK, visit You can then log into MARK at any time by visiting:

For support with using MARK, visit or email [email protected]

About the Reading Progress Tests (Second Edition)

The tests are written to cover the requirements of the Programme of Study for the 2014 National Curriculum. There is a separate test for each half term. The number of marks for each test is as follows:

Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

15 20 20 20 20

The style of the tests mirrors that of the national tests that pupils take at the end of Key Stages 1 and 2. Each test has two extracts with questions. The extracts used in the tests are authentic, age-appropriate ones and include fiction, poetry and non-fiction, including those by well-known children’s authors.

The tests assess across a range of skills as exemplified by the reading content domains for Key Stage 2:

Key Stage 2 Reading content domain reference

2a give/explain the meaning of words in context 2b retrieve and record information/identify key details from fiction and non-fiction 2c summarise main ideas from more than one paragraph 2d make inferences from the text/explain and justify inferences with evidence from

the text 2e predict what might happen from details stated and implied 2f identify/explain how information/narrative content is related and contributes to

meaning as a whole 2g identify/explain how meaning is enhanced through choice of words and phrases 2h make comparisons within the text.

Full details of which content domain each question assesses can be found in the Coverage grid on page 59.

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9© Rising Stars UK Ltd 2017 You may photocopy this page

Year 4 Autumn test 1: Part A (non-fi ction)

This text is from Story of the Titanic by DK Publishing.

Story of the TitanicPassengers have been boarding the Titanic all morning. A boat train from Waterloo Station in London arrived at 9.30 am carrying second- and third-class passengers. Another train, carrying � rst-class passengers, is due at 11.30 am. Then, at midday, the Titanic will set sail.


Captain Smith is a favourite of the rich and famous and personally greets all the � rst-class passengers.


The ship is well stocked with food, including 7,000 lettuces and 2,500 kg (5,525 lb) of tomatoes. The ship’s bakers rise early to bake fresh bread each day.


Many � rst-class passengers bring their servants – maids, valets and nannies for children.


There are 109 children aboard the Titanic. Many passengers are returning from visiting relatives, going on holiday or on a journey to start a new life. There are lots of families, business men and single passengers.


The two promenade suites are the most expensive on board. Joseph Bruce Ismay, chairman of the White Star Line, has one. Rich passengers can pay for the Parlour Suite on the Titanic. This contains not only a living room and bedroom but also a bathroom and lavatory.


The Titanic’s largest room is its � rst-class dining saloon. Styled on a 17th-century stately home, it seats 550.

10 April 1912

A steward serves tea

A steward prepares for lunch

A steward carries luggage

A second-class bedroom with bunk beds

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Many pupils will be able to work independently in the tests, with minimal support from the teacher or a teaching assistant. However, pupils should be encouraged to ‘have a go’ at a question, or to move on to a fresh question if they appear to be stuck, to ensure that no pupil becomes distressed.

It is important that pupils receive appropriate support, but are not unfairly advantaged or disadvantaged. Throughout the tests, therefore, the teacher may read, explain or sign to a pupil any parts of the test that include instructions, for example by demonstrating how to circle an answer.

With younger age groups, you may also consider using the PDF versions of the tests available via your My Rising Stars account ( You can project the PDF on to a whiteboard to support a whole class or group to take the tests. You may choose to refer to the words on the whiteboard and read them aloud so that pupils can follow them on the screen and on their own test paper, and then write their answers on their papers individually.

Marking the tests

Use the detailed mark scheme and your professional judgement to award marks. Do not award half marks. For multiple choice questions, accept positive indications of the correct answer, such as crosses – as long as the correct answer is clearly identifiable.

It is useful to use peer marking of test questions from time to time. Pupils should exchange test sheets and mark them as you read out the question and answer. You will need to check that pupils are marking accurately. This approach also provides an opportunity to recap on any questions that pupils found difficult to answer.

Feeding back to pupils

Once the test has been marked, use a five-minute feedback session with the pupils to help them review their answers. Wherever possible, pupils should be encouraged to make their own corrections as in this way they will become more aware of their own strengths and weaknesses.

Agree with each pupil what they did well in the test and what the targets are for them to improve. A template Pupil progress sheet is provided on page 8 for this purpose.

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9© Rising Stars UK Ltd 2017 You may photocopy this page

Year 4 Autumn test 1: Part A (non-fi ction)

This text is from Story of the Titanic by DK Publishing.

Story of the TitanicPassengers have been boarding the Titanic all morning. A boat train from Waterloo Station in London arrived at 9.30 am carrying second- and third-class passengers. Another train, carrying � rst-class passengers, is due at 11.30 am. Then, at midday, the Titanic will set sail.


Captain Smith is a favourite of the rich and famous and personally greets all the � rst-class passengers.


The ship is well stocked with food, including 7,000 lettuces and 2,500 kg (5,525 lb) of tomatoes. The ship’s bakers rise early to bake fresh bread each day.


Many � rst-class passengers bring their servants – maids, valets and nannies for children.


There are 109 children aboard the Titanic. Many passengers are returning from visiting relatives, going on holiday or on a journey to start a new life. There are lots of families, business men and single passengers.


The two promenade suites are the most expensive on board. Joseph Bruce Ismay, chairman of the White Star Line, has one. Rich passengers can pay for the Parlour Suite on the Titanic. This contains not only a living room and bedroom but also a bathroom and lavatory.


The Titanic’s largest room is its � rst-class dining saloon. Styled on a 17th-century stately home, it seats 550.

10 April 1912

A steward serves tea

A steward prepares for lunch

A steward carries luggage

A second-class bedroom with bunk beds

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Many pupils will be able to work independently in the tests, with minimal support from the teacher or a teaching assistant. However, pupils should be encouraged to ‘have a go’ at a question, or to move on to a fresh question if they appear to be stuck, to ensure that no pupil becomes distressed.

It is important that pupils receive appropriate support, but are not unfairly advantaged or disadvantaged. Throughout the tests, therefore, the teacher may read, explain or sign to a pupil any parts of the test that include instructions, for example by demonstrating how to circle an answer.

With younger age groups, you may also consider using the PDF versions of the tests available via your My Rising Stars account ( You can project the PDF on to a whiteboard to support a whole class or group to take the tests. You may choose to refer to the words on the whiteboard and read them aloud so that pupils can follow them on the screen and on their own test paper, and then write their answers on their papers individually.

Marking the tests

Use the detailed mark scheme and your professional judgement to award marks. Do not award half marks. For multiple choice questions, accept positive indications of the correct answer, such as crosses – as long as the correct answer is clearly identifiable.

It is useful to use peer marking of test questions from time to time. Pupils should exchange test sheets and mark them as you read out the question and answer. You will need to check that pupils are marking accurately. This approach also provides an opportunity to recap on any questions that pupils found difficult to answer.

Feeding back to pupils

Once the test has been marked, use a five-minute feedback session with the pupils to help them review their answers. Wherever possible, pupils should be encouraged to make their own corrections as in this way they will become more aware of their own strengths and weaknesses.

Agree with each pupil what they did well in the test and what the targets are for them to improve. A template Pupil progress sheet is provided on page 8 for this purpose.

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11© Rising Stars UK Ltd 2017 You may photocopy this page

Name: Class: Date:

Story of the Titanic

2 What time and date did the Titanic set sail?


1 mark

3 a) Find and copy two words that say the Titanic had plenty of food on board.

b) Give two examples of the amount of food on board.




1 mark


1 mark

Year 4 Autumn test 1: Part A (non-fiction)

/ 6 Total for this page

4 How many children were on board the ship?


1 mark

1 Look at the first paragraph.

a) Who were the last passengers to board the Titanic?

b) How do you know?


1 mark


1 mark

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Year 4 Autumn test 1: Part B (fi ction)

This text is from The Jealous Giant by Kaye Umansky.

After a week of burnt toast and things from packets, Waldo stuck a note on Hetty’s

boulder. It said:

But she didn’t reply.

Waldo decided something must be done. He set

his alarm clock really early one morning, got up, took

his basket and went out shopping. When he returned,

he put on an apron and got to work. He chopped

and peeled and grated and sliced. He measured and

tasted and simmered and fried. He used every pot

he possessed, and made a shocking mess. But, to

his great triumph, he fi nally had a big pot of stew

bubbling away on the stove and a cake in the oven.

After he had cleaned up, which took ages, Waldo had

a wash, combed his beard and changed his socks.

Then he laid the table with a white cloth and put a

bunch of daisies in a jam jar. It looked very nice.

Then he went round to Hetty’s and stuck another note on her boulder. This one said:

Dear Het,Supper tonight at my place. Seven o’clock sharp. PLEASE come.Love, Waldo

Then, feeling very pleased with himself, he went back home to put his feet up for

ten minutes, worn out with all the unaccustomed hard work.

Several hours later, Waldo woke to fi nd the cave full of thick, black smoke! With a

choking cry, he groped his way to the oven, where his lovely stew had quite boiled away,

leaving a thick, gloppy, tar-like mess in the bottom of the pan. And as for his cake – well.

It was a charred, smoking ruin.

Waldo is a giant who is very fond of his next-door neighbour, Hetty. When Hetty starts spending

time with dashing fi tness trainer Ed, Waldo becomes jealous and decides to try cooking a special


© Rising Stars UK Ltd 2017 You may photocopy this page

Dear Het,Any chance of supper? I am fading away. Love, Waldo

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11© Rising Stars UK Ltd 2017 You may photocopy this page

Name: Class: Date:

Story of the Titanic

2 What time and date did the Titanic set sail?


1 mark

3 a) Find and copy two words that say the Titanic had plenty of food on board.

b) Give two examples of the amount of food on board.




1 mark


1 mark

Year 4 Autumn test 1: Part A (non-fiction)

/ 6 Total for this page

4 How many children were on board the ship?


1 mark

1 Look at the first paragraph.

a) Who were the last passengers to board the Titanic?

b) How do you know?


1 mark


1 mark

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Year 4 Autumn test 1: Part B (fi ction)

This text is from The Jealous Giant by Kaye Umansky.

After a week of burnt toast and things from packets, Waldo stuck a note on Hetty’s

boulder. It said:

But she didn’t reply.

Waldo decided something must be done. He set

his alarm clock really early one morning, got up, took

his basket and went out shopping. When he returned,

he put on an apron and got to work. He chopped

and peeled and grated and sliced. He measured and

tasted and simmered and fried. He used every pot

he possessed, and made a shocking mess. But, to

his great triumph, he fi nally had a big pot of stew

bubbling away on the stove and a cake in the oven.

After he had cleaned up, which took ages, Waldo had

a wash, combed his beard and changed his socks.

Then he laid the table with a white cloth and put a

bunch of daisies in a jam jar. It looked very nice.

Then he went round to Hetty’s and stuck another note on her boulder. This one said:

Dear Het,Supper tonight at my place. Seven o’clock sharp. PLEASE come.Love, Waldo

Then, feeling very pleased with himself, he went back home to put his feet up for

ten minutes, worn out with all the unaccustomed hard work.

Several hours later, Waldo woke to fi nd the cave full of thick, black smoke! With a

choking cry, he groped his way to the oven, where his lovely stew had quite boiled away,

leaving a thick, gloppy, tar-like mess in the bottom of the pan. And as for his cake – well.

It was a charred, smoking ruin.

Waldo is a giant who is very fond of his next-door neighbour, Hetty. When Hetty starts spending

time with dashing fi tness trainer Ed, Waldo becomes jealous and decides to try cooking a special


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Dear Het,Any chance of supper? I am fading away. Love, Waldo

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Year 4 Autumn test 1: Part B (fiction)

Name: Class: Date:

The Jealous Giant

1 Look at the first paragraph.

What had Waldo been eating all week?

Write two things.


2 2b

1 mark

2 Look at Waldo’s first note to Hetty.

What did he want her to do?


1 mark

3 In his first note, Waldo says I am fading away.

What does he mean by this?

Tick one.

he is disappearing

he is invisible

he is very hungry

he is very full 2g

1 mark

4 Look at the paragraph beginning: Waldo decided something must be done ...

Number the sentences to show the order in which they happen in the story.

One has been done for you.

he fried

he measured

he simmered

1 he chopped

he grated


1 mark

/ 4 Total for this page

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Year 4 Autumn test 1: Part A (non-fiction)


7 Using all the text and the pictures, tick to show what information is correct

about first-class and second-class passengers.

Passengers First-class Second-classThey slept in bunk beds.They had dinner in the largest dining room.They brought their valets.


1 mark

6 Look at the pictures and the captions.

Name two jobs the stewards perform.


2 2b

1 mark

8 Look at the whole text.

Why do you think it may have been more comfortable to travel as a first-class


Give one reason.


1 mark

/ 10 Total for this test

5 Name three rooms you would find in the Parlour Suite.



3 2b

1 mark

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Page 12: SAMPLE TEST FREE Progress Tests -


Year 4 Autumn test 1: Part B (fiction)

Name: Class: Date:

The Jealous Giant

1 Look at the first paragraph.

What had Waldo been eating all week?

Write two things.


2 2b

1 mark

2 Look at Waldo’s first note to Hetty.

What did he want her to do?


1 mark

3 In his first note, Waldo says I am fading away.

What does he mean by this?

Tick one.

he is disappearing

he is invisible

he is very hungry

he is very full 2g

1 mark

4 Look at the paragraph beginning: Waldo decided something must be done ...

Number the sentences to show the order in which they happen in the story.

One has been done for you.

he fried

he measured

he simmered

1 he chopped

he grated


1 mark

/ 4 Total for this page

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Year 4 Autumn test 1: Part A (non-fiction)


7 Using all the text and the pictures, tick to show what information is correct

about first-class and second-class passengers.

Passengers First-class Second-classThey slept in bunk beds.They had dinner in the largest dining room.They brought their valets.


1 mark

6 Look at the pictures and the captions.

Name two jobs the stewards perform.


2 2b

1 mark

8 Look at the whole text.

Why do you think it may have been more comfortable to travel as a first-class


Give one reason.


1 mark

/ 10 Total for this test

5 Name three rooms you would find in the Parlour Suite.



3 2b

1 mark

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Year 4 Autumn test 1: Part B (fiction)


/ 10 Total for this test

6 Waldo wanted to give Hetty stew for dinner, but what did he plan to give her

for pudding?


1 mark

8 How long was Waldo asleep?


1 mark

5 But, to his great triumph, he finally had a pot of stew bubbling …

In this sentence, the word triumph is closest in meaning to …

Tick one.




sorrow 2a

1 mark

7 Waldo was unaccustomed to hard work.

What does this tell us about Waldo?


1 mark

9 Look at the last paragraph.

How did Waldo feel when he woke up?


1 mark

10 What do you think Waldo did next?


1 mark

/ 10 Total for this test

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Answers and mark schemesAutumn test 1: Part A – Story of the Titanic

Part A: Story of the TitanicContent domain

Mark Extra information

1a Award 1 mark for:• the first-class passengers

2d 1

1b Award 1 mark for:• their train from Waterloo came in last / their train was

the last to arrive

2d 1

2 Award 1 mark for:• Midday 10th April 1912

2b 1 Also accept 12pm 10/4/1912

3a Award 1 mark for both words:• well stocked

2a 1

3b Award 1 mark for any two of the following:• 7,000 lettuces• 2,500 kg of tomatoes• fresh bread baked every morning

2b 1 Also accept the numbers written in words, e.g. seven thousand, and minor copying errors.

4 Award 1 mark for:• 109

2b 1 Also accept the answer written in words.

5 Award 1 mark for any three of the following:• living room• bedroom• bathroom• lavatory

2b 1

6 Award 1 mark for any two of the following:• serve tea• prepare / make lunch• carry the luggage

2b 1

7 Award 1 mark for all correctly ticked:

Passengers First-class Second-classThey slept in bunk beds.

They had dinner in the largest dining room.

They brought their valets.

2h 1

8 Award 1 mark for one of the following points:• they had larger rooms / suites• they had people to help them / servants• they ate in a large dining room• they boarded last so didn’t have to wait

2f 1

Year 4 Answers and mark schemes: Autumn test 1: Part A

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Year 4 Autumn test 1: Part B (fiction)


/ 10 Total for this test

6 Waldo wanted to give Hetty stew for dinner, but what did he plan to give her

for pudding?


1 mark

8 How long was Waldo asleep?


1 mark

5 But, to his great triumph, he finally had a pot of stew bubbling …

In this sentence, the word triumph is closest in meaning to …

Tick one.




sorrow 2a

1 mark

7 Waldo was unaccustomed to hard work.

What does this tell us about Waldo?


1 mark

9 Look at the last paragraph.

How did Waldo feel when he woke up?


1 mark

10 What do you think Waldo did next?


1 mark

/ 10 Total for this test

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47© Rising Stars UK Ltd 2017 You may photocopy this page

Answers and mark schemesAutumn test 1: Part A – Story of the Titanic

Part A: Story of the TitanicContent domain

Mark Extra information

1a Award 1 mark for:• the first-class passengers

2d 1

1b Award 1 mark for:• their train from Waterloo came in last / their train was

the last to arrive

2d 1

2 Award 1 mark for:• Midday 10th April 1912

2b 1 Also accept 12pm 10/4/1912

3a Award 1 mark for both words:• well stocked

2a 1

3b Award 1 mark for any two of the following:• 7,000 lettuces• 2,500 kg of tomatoes• fresh bread baked every morning

2b 1 Also accept the numbers written in words, e.g. seven thousand, and minor copying errors.

4 Award 1 mark for:• 109

2b 1 Also accept the answer written in words.

5 Award 1 mark for any three of the following:• living room• bedroom• bathroom• lavatory

2b 1

6 Award 1 mark for any two of the following:• serve tea• prepare / make lunch• carry the luggage

2b 1

7 Award 1 mark for all correctly ticked:

Passengers First-class Second-classThey slept in bunk beds.

They had dinner in the largest dining room.

They brought their valets.

2h 1

8 Award 1 mark for one of the following points:• they had larger rooms / suites• they had people to help them / servants• they ate in a large dining room• they boarded last so didn’t have to wait

2f 1

Year 4 Answers and mark schemes: Autumn test 1: Part A

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Part B: The Jealous GiantContent domain

Mark Extra information

1 Award 1 mark for both of the following:• burnt toast• things from packets / food in packets

2b 1

2 Award 1 mark for the following point:• he wanted her to make him some food / make his

dinner / cook for him

2d 1

3 he is very hungry 2g 1

4 Award 1 mark for all correctly numbered:

5 he fried

3 he measured

4 he simmered

1 he chopped

2 he grated

2c 1

5 success 2a 1

6 Award 1 mark for the following:• cake

2b 1

7 Award 1 mark for any of the following:• he was a bit lazy• he didn’t cook• he didn’t do very much

2d 1 Do not accept he put his feet up

8 Award 1 mark for one of the following:• several hours / a few hours / lots of hours

2b 1

9 Award 1 mark for any of the following:• upset his dinner was ruined• cross all his hard work was lost• worried about what he was going to give Hetty

2d 1

10 Award 1 mark for one of the following points:• Waldo cleaned up the mess• he bought and cooked some more food• he got a takeaway• they went out to a café / restaurant

2e 1 Award the mark for any plausible prediction.

Autumn test 1: Part B – The Jealous Giant

Year 4 Answers and mark schemes: Autumn test 1: Part B

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59© Rising Stars UK Ltd 2017 You may photocopy this page

Coverage gridTest Question Content domain Marks

Autumn test 1

Part A (Non-fiction) 1a 2d 1

1b 2d 1

2 2b 1

3a 2a 1

3b 2b 1

4 2b 1

5 2b 1

6 2b 1

7 2h 1

8 2f 1

Part B (Fiction) 1 2b 1

2 2d 1

3 2g 1

4 2c 1

5 2a 1

6 2b 1

7 2d 1

8 2b 1

9 2d 1

10 2e 1

Autumn test 2Part A (Non-fiction) 1 2b 1

2 2a 1

3 2b 1

4 2a 1

5 2b 1

6 2b 1

7 2a 1

8 2d 1

9 2b 1

10 2a 1

Part B (Fiction) 1 2b 1

2a 2b 1

2b 2b 1

2c 2b 1

2d 2d 1

3a 2b 1

3b 2d 1

4 2a 1

5 2g 1

6 2d 1

Year 4 Coverage grid

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Part B: The Jealous GiantContent domain

Mark Extra information

1 Award 1 mark for both of the following:• burnt toast• things from packets / food in packets

2b 1

2 Award 1 mark for the following point:• he wanted her to make him some food / make his

dinner / cook for him

2d 1

3 he is very hungry 2g 1

4 Award 1 mark for all correctly numbered:

5 he fried

3 he measured

4 he simmered

1 he chopped

2 he grated

2c 1

5 success 2a 1

6 Award 1 mark for the following:• cake

2b 1

7 Award 1 mark for any of the following:• he was a bit lazy• he didn’t cook• he didn’t do very much

2d 1 Do not accept he put his feet up

8 Award 1 mark for one of the following:• several hours / a few hours / lots of hours

2b 1

9 Award 1 mark for any of the following:• upset his dinner was ruined• cross all his hard work was lost• worried about what he was going to give Hetty

2d 1

10 Award 1 mark for one of the following points:• Waldo cleaned up the mess• he bought and cooked some more food• he got a takeaway• they went out to a café / restaurant

2e 1 Award the mark for any plausible prediction.

Autumn test 1: Part B – The Jealous Giant

Year 4 Answers and mark schemes: Autumn test 1: Part B

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59© Rising Stars UK Ltd 2017 You may photocopy this page

Coverage gridTest Question Content domain Marks

Autumn test 1

Part A (Non-fiction) 1a 2d 1

1b 2d 1

2 2b 1

3a 2a 1

3b 2b 1

4 2b 1

5 2b 1

6 2b 1

7 2h 1

8 2f 1

Part B (Fiction) 1 2b 1

2 2d 1

3 2g 1

4 2c 1

5 2a 1

6 2b 1

7 2d 1

8 2b 1

9 2d 1

10 2e 1

Autumn test 2Part A (Non-fiction) 1 2b 1

2 2a 1

3 2b 1

4 2a 1

5 2b 1

6 2b 1

7 2a 1

8 2d 1

9 2b 1

10 2a 1

Part B (Fiction) 1 2b 1

2a 2b 1

2b 2b 1

2c 2b 1

2d 2d 1

3a 2b 1

3b 2d 1

4 2a 1

5 2g 1

6 2d 1

Year 4 Coverage grid

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ge S


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/ 5 Total for this page

Year 6 Spring test 2: Part A (fiction)

Name: Class: Date:

Liar and Spy

2 What does the cafeteria smell of before lunch?

Give one thing.


1 mark

4 What does Mom do to try to help Georges?

Give two things.


2 2b

1 mark

3 Why is Mom extra sensitive about Georges?


1 mark

5 Look at the section from: I count the number … to … like underwater


How does this section suggest that Georges is nervous?

Give two ways.


2 2d

1 mark

1 What does we both live for Friday suggest about Ms Warner and Georges?


1 mark

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