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Page 1: Sample Copy. Not For Distribution.a philosophical composition in Tamil. This composition of over 3,000 short verses is also about sacredness and monistic theism. Most scholars and

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Page 2: Sample Copy. Not For Distribution.a philosophical composition in Tamil. This composition of over 3,000 short verses is also about sacredness and monistic theism. Most scholars and


The Path of Universal Brotherhood

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Page 3: Sample Copy. Not For Distribution.a philosophical composition in Tamil. This composition of over 3,000 short verses is also about sacredness and monistic theism. Most scholars and




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© Copyright, 2018, B. Kamalakkannan

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ISBN: 978-1-5457-1967-1

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The Path of Universal Brotherhood

Shown By Tirumandiram

B. Kamalakkannan


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Foreword To Kamalakkannan’s

Book On Tirumandiram

By Dr. Gurumurthy Kalyanaram

February 21, 2018

Dr. Gurumurthy Kalyanaram, a doctoral alumnus

from MIT, is a global academic who has served as Adviser, Professor and Dean. He is also a policy

and management consultant. He makes New York his home.

Tirumandiram produced by Tirumoolar in the

fifth century AD or so is for most part a mystical,

and in part an yogic, in part a poetic, and in part a philosophical composition in Tamil.

This composition of over 3,000 short verses

is also about sacredness and monistic theism. Most scholars and practitioners attribute the

origin and development of Saiva Siddhanta of the

twelfth century to Tirumandiram -- the intellectual moorings of Saiva Siddhanta, a

thought whose central tenets are Saivism and Yogic Mysticism.

Tirumoolar in this composition employs the

imagery of Lord Natarajapathi as his instrument

and theme in his verses.

In this short book of commentary on select verses of Tirumandiram, Kamalakkannan is to the

point, thoughtful and eclectic. His inferential but faithful English translation accomplishes two

objectives simultaneously. One, it provides us --

the readers, astute and less informed -- a ready reference to the essentials of Tirumandiram. Two,

it is faithful and eclectic -- a synergy that is challenging toaccomplish but one that is wholly

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necessary to be faithful to the generous impulses

of Indian thought and tradition.

Obviously, there are many commentaries on Tirumandiram– too many -- but this short

composition by Kamalakkannan is not as much a commentary as it is a platform for further


The mystical and the romantic, the mystical

and the divine, the mystical and the yogic, the mystical and the philosophical are constant

themes in Indian thought, always. But they have also been themes of other societies. For instance,

Sufi saints/poets, Kabir Das, Rabindranath

Tagore in India, and Khalil Gibran and Omar Khayyam in the Middle East, and W.B. Yeats in

Europe have all employed the allegorical, the mystical and the divine instruments.

In one of his poems in Gitanjali, Tagore

sings: "Men going home glance at me and smile

and fill me with shame. I sit like a beggar maid, drawing my skirt over my face, and when they

ask me, what it is I want, I drop my eyes and answer them not." And in another song, Tagore

has this to sing: “I have had my invitation to this world's festival, and thus my life has been

blessed. My eyes have seen and my ears have heard. It was my part at this feast to play upon

my instrument, and I have done all I could. Now,

I ask, has the time come at last when I may go in and see thy face and offer thee my silent


And in his introduction to Gitanjali, Yeats writes: "These lyrics---which are in the original,

my Indians tell me, full of subtlety of rhythm, of

untranslatable delicacies of colour, of metrical invention---display in their thought a world I

have dreamed of all my live long. The work of a supreme culture, they yet appear as much the

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growth of the common soil as the grass and the

rushes. A tradition, where poetry and religion are the same thing, has passed through the

centuries, gathering from learned and unlearned metaphor and emotion, and carried back again to

the multitude the thought of the scholar and of the noble."

Tirumandiram is different in that it inspires and evokes the yogic powers within a human

being, and through imagery informs us how we may channel our yogic powers and become

"immortal men and women" as Dr. Radhakrishan would say. Tirumandiram exhorts complete

clarity of purpose, mind and intellect for the mystical and the spiritual to manifest itself in the

self. Kamalakkannan has done justification to

these central elements of Tirumandiram.

Kamalakkannan weaves his pithy comments with occasional but productive references to

other texts. Over all this composition is worthy of our attention and reading, precisely because it is

simple, direct and not burdensome. I

congratulate Kamalakkannan for producing this composition, and giving me an opportunity to

review and reflect.



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Dr. S. K. Thirunavukkarasu;



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Email: [email protected]

Date : 05-12-2017


In this life-changing book, Shri. B. Kamalakkanan delivers the powerful teaching of mystic saint

Tirumoolar on the “Pathways of Universal brotherhood”. It helps the readers begin seizing

the truth of God's word concerning their lives. This encouraging message will motivate you to

press beyond limitations and start living

according to the full potential God intended!

The author with the divine blessings of almighty perceived through his preceptor,

brought out this book of “insight” comprising the extract of 330 poems from Tirumandiram the

main work of Tamil shaivite. The Mystic

Tirumoolar, is considered one of the 18 siddhars.

Tirumoolar, as a moral philosopher teaches the ethics of non-violence (ahimsa), abstinence

from slaughtering, meat and alcohol. He condemns coveting another man's wife but

declares that "love is God", proclaims the unity of

mankind and God and stresses the acquisition of knowledge.

The author like a humming bird extracts the

nectar from the beautiful flower “Tirumandiram” and nourishes us as baby hummers with the

sweet essence of universal brother hood in the

transcribed 330 poems. In this open-minded book, starting from the praise of Omnipresent

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God, the journey takes us through a divine

pathway in which preface and chapters one to nine are positioned as direction boards for eternal


The author emphasizes the greatness of Vedas as pointed out by the mystic that the

virtuous path means not only knowing the subtle

body and the Holy Spirit but to attain the eternal life through acceptable ways & means. I am sure

that those who read this amazing book which is more spiritual than religious, will understand the

concept “who is the one that pervades everything; is he the one who is in me as well?”

To sum up, in short, the Pathways of Universal brotherhood shown by “Tirumandiram” is a work,

which deals with how one may live a divine life in

the midst of the worldly one Wish you all a delightful reading!!



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Mystic Tirumoolar was one among the eighteen

great Siddars who lived in India two thousand years ago. Numerous Siddars had left thousands

of poems about their experiences in the path of

wisdom and preparation of medicines etc. “TIRUMANDIRAM – 3000” is one of the

ancient books brought out by the Mystic Tirumoolar and it is considered to be a treasure

in the path of wisdom. It is a fact that all the Siddars have used code words in their poems,

the real meaning of which cannot be understood without the guidance of a Preceptor related to the

path of wisdom.

By the grace of God and my Preceptor Mystic Arumugam Pillai of Pudukkottai, I had the

opportunity to research over fifty thousand poems of various Siddars for the past fifty two

years. As an output of my research I have published thirty books pertaining to spirituality,

which includes a book in Tamil consisting of 330 poems from Tirumandiram.

I feel that it is expedient to propagate the

following doctrines of Tirumoolar among the people of the world:

i. The mankind as a whole is a single tribe and

there is a single God in the Universe. - 2104

ii. The Supreme Father has entered the head of all human beings through the gateway at the

fontanelle and remains in the narrow path, which

is a dark cave and shines as our soul (Holy

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– 411 iii. If you meditate day and night, the fontanelle

will be reopened (as was in the childhood) and you will attain eternal life.

- 2303

These doctrines are in consonance with the versions of Indian Vedas and with the practical

experience of all the Siddars. It can be rightly said that attaining eternal life by a man is purely

based on science.

I have transcribed 330 poems of

Tirumandiram from Tamil to English on the basis of the principles of path of wisdom. A

careful reading of the poems will enlighten mankind regardless of caste, creed or nation and

lead them towards attaining eternal life. I have established in this book that the doctrine of

Tirumoolar is not confined only to Indian Vedas

but also find a mention in the Bible and the Quaran. If the people of the world are made to

realise that the unique God remains as the soul (Holy Spirit) of each and every man, the cruel

deeds of assassination in the name of religion will come to an end.

I would like to place on record that the doctrine of Tirumoolar was propagated by

Mystic Ramalingam (Vallalar) of 19th century A.D through 28 poems under chapter 6C of

Tiruarutpa – 31 Deathless Great Life. But, the people of his days strongly revolted against him

and attempted to poison him (vide Tiruarutpa, 6B/11 Piriyen Enral, 5). Consequently,

Vallalar informed the people that even though

the Tamil population had revolted against his doctrine of Universal brotherhood, in future the

people of Russia, America and other northern countries in the world will realise his doctrine and

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preach to the people of the world including Tamil

Nadu (vide. The Theosophist – Monthly Journal vol3/10 – No. 34, Bombay July 1882; page 244).

I have furnished all the 28 poems of Vallalar

in ANNEXURE I of this book.

I pray to the almighty that the Universal

Brotherhood as predicted by Vallalar should come into action, so that peace and tranquillity will

remain in this world.

I am grateful to Dr. Gurumurthy Kalyanaram,

New York and Dr. S.K.Thirunavukkarasu, Chennai for kindly offering the Foreword.

I invite comments from the readers

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Content List

Sr. Contents Page

1. Tirumoolar – Author of



2. An Outline on Meditation And Eternal Life


3. The Path of Universal Brotherhood Shown by



4. Glimpses of Eternal Life in



Annexure - I 98 Annexure - II 112

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B. Kamalakkannan


Chapter 1

Tirumoolar–Author Of Tirumandiram


Tirumoolar is one of the eighteen prominent mystics in South India. He has recorded about

himself in Tirumandiram as follows:

1) “I came from heaven to the earth, took

birth as a man and meditated concentrating on the Holy Spirit, which is

the form of Lord Natarajapathi. He purified my Subtle body and eradicated

all my sins.” -Tirumandiram,113

2) “Oh mystic Malanga! The purpose of my

coming to the earth is to propagate in Tamil the glorious Vedic versions which

were taught to me by Lord Natarajapathi in Sanskrit”

-Tirumandiram, 77 3) “All of us meditated aiming at the Holy

Spirit and hence we got the title of “NATHAN” from Lord Natarajapathi. He

guided my meditation to attain eternal

life. -Tirumandiram, 68

The great mystic Bhogar has recorded as follows about Tirumoolar in his book “Bhogar 7000


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