sample chapter - the devil's son

1 CHAPTER ONE I shall begin by telling you that when you finish reading I will have left you with only one mystery, my true identity. The name I shall give you is Mark. It is my middle name and to a certain extent my preferred one. My true name is a source of some mockery and although I have grown to like its “uniqueness” it has brought me a great deal of pain. I chose the surname Armstrong after one of my longest heroes and an inspiration to so many, Neil Armstrong. The first man on the moon always had me wanting to go to space. I know its big dream but to be a test pilot is something that has always satisfied that urge to go to the dangerous places few have dared venture. The reason I named this book ‘The Devil’s Son’ is because that’s what I am. I lived for a decade with a man who subjected me to pain and misery that I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy. As you will see my family are not good people. With the exception of my half-brother and uncle they have each worked to destroy both what I have worked for and have hurt me in ways I can only describe in writing. Knowing that I have written and recorded my side of the story and that people can take lessons from this book makes me feel accomplished. With every copy of this book sold I know that I am both a step nearer to making this a better world and improving my personal future.

Upload: marcus-armstrong

Post on 16-Sep-2015




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This file is a free sample copy of chapter one from my book, The Devil's Son.


  • 1


    I shall begin by telling you that when you finish reading I

    will have left you with only one mystery, my true identity.

    The name I shall give you is Mark. It is my middle name

    and to a certain extent my preferred one. My true name is

    a source of some mockery and although I have grown to

    like its uniqueness it has brought me a great deal of


    I chose the surname Armstrong after one of my longest

    heroes and an inspiration to so many, Neil Armstrong.

    The first man on the moon always had me wanting to go

    to space. I know its big dream but to be a test pilot is

    something that has always satisfied that urge to go to the

    dangerous places few have dared venture.

    The reason I named this book The Devils Son is

    because thats what I am. I lived for a decade with a man

    who subjected me to pain and misery that I wouldnt wish

    upon my worst enemy. As you will see my family are not

    good people. With the exception of my half-brother and

    uncle they have each worked to destroy both what I have

    worked for and have hurt me in ways I can only describe

    in writing.

    Knowing that I have written and recorded my side of the

    story and that people can take lessons from this book

    makes me feel accomplished. With every copy of this

    book sold I know that I am both a step nearer to making

    this a better world and improving my personal future.

  • 2

    There is no specific start date to my story, but merely a

    recollection of my earliest memories, followed by a

    catalogue of hell that I can only unleash on these pages

    for fear of the destruction they might create if they were

    to be uttered freely to the world. This book for me is the

    nearest I will ever come to closure. This is my opportunity

    to tell the world what happened and more importantly how

    I survived.

    My first and earliest memory was of my hands obscurely

    enough. I remember walking out of the front door of our

    house in France. I must have only been three years old

    but I remember looking at my hands as I held them up to

    the blue sky and used them to cover the sun. When I took

    them down from the sky I remember counting them for

    some reason. I think that must have been the first time I

    realised I had five fingers on each hand. It only lasts a few

    seconds in my mind but I do remember every detail. The

    sun was high in the sky and to my left. It must have been

    late in the morning or early in the afternoon. I looked from

    above my hands and down the derelict yard to a stone

    wall that must have been four feet high and stretched

    across a hundred feet to the dirt track lane that ran

    through the farm. Beyond the fence were trees that

    stretched far into the distance.

    The next memory I can recall is a bit of a mashup of a

    variety of visits to a family friends home. To this day I

    cannot remember what his name was or what he did for

    a living. But he was just like us, English and living in

    France. He must have had at least one daughter, and I

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    think two more. The one I do remembered was in her late

    teens. She was very kind to me and always cared. I

    remember sitting on a sofa watching some show about

    doctors. All I can remember was this doctor removing a

    tomato from a gentlemans stomach during an operation.

    Something I still dont understand to this day. I can also

    remember he lived in a large house and had clearly done

    well for himself. For some reason I always felt very safe


    My early childhood is littered with fun, excitement and

    enjoyment. I know that there were a multitude of events

    that happened to me during those happy occasions, but

    they are to some extent a mystery to me. The ones I do

    remember will haunt me for the rest of my life. But those

    which I have forgotten I know are still there, suppressed

    for my own sanity. What I will tell you in this book are

    things that I have experienced and never been given the

    chance to speak of or gain closure too. I am writing this

    for the pure reason that it is the only way it will be heard.

    I need to know someone knows and will acknowledge it

    was not fair to me.

    In all honesty I really cant find the earliest memory of

    violence. I have so many I can only give a description of

    the ones which I remember fully. The order is probably

    wrong but it all comes together. I can however remember

    vividly one time when my parents were having an

    argument. I had already walked out of my bedroom and

    to the top of the stairs where I perched to look through the

    wooden banister that ran down into the kitchen and dining

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    room which made a single room. My father had this metal

    rasp he used as a farrier, it was at least a foot long with a

    solid blue plastic grip handle. He gripped it in rage, poised

    to use it for destruction and chaos. It was hanging above

    my mothers head as he screamed threats to kill her. I

    remember vividly him screaming you stupid bitch. I have

    no idea if he ever hit her with it, though I do have my

    doubts. I can imagine that if he had hit her he would have

    killed her instantly. Its not much but at that point it all cuts

    out and the memory ends.

    I should point out that my father was a farrier. He worked

    across the UK and had forced our movement from

    England to France when I must have been a few months

    old. It was this drive to move around that would end up

    bringing what I would call a lower middleclass family down

    from the near millionaire status to the debt stricken

    poverty of suburban Britain. His apparent career was

    more of a money loosing profession that resulted in my

    residency in three European countries and transition from

    a bi-lingual English child living in France to a council

    house tenant in suburban hell and eventually into the

    person I am today.

    My mother on the other hand was a horse and riding

    trainer. She taught a number of people to ride and care

    for horses. We had a field next to the house which must

    have been a few acres in size. It was separated from the

    house by the long drive that split off into the front yard and

    down the hill into the main lands of the farm. In the field I

    remember we had a few horses, I think sixteen at one

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    point. She had made the family fortune from a young age

    buying, training and then selling horses for both

    professional and recreational use. She had built up a

    livery yard and bought a house that she would eventually

    sell on to move shortly before my first birthday.

    I also had a younger sister, who I must stress was never

    harmed like I was. Something I feel an urgency to stress

    but that as you will read in this book something that brings

    a deep seated confusion and resentment towards her and

    has led me to believe a great number of things that I hope

    you will understand as you read.

    My older half-brother moved back to Britain when I was

    only seven so that he could live with his father while we

    moved to Romania. At the time of writing this I am unsure

    of his full feelings towards this decision but I do know he

    is angry at his abandonment. Though to be quite frankly

    honest he should be glad he got the hell out when he did.

    If hed stayed he really wouldnt have enjoyed it. Living

    with his father really was the best outcome he could get

    and to some extent it does anger me that he feels he got

    the worse deal. Though I suspect he was never told the

    full story.

    While we lived in France we did have a good life. From

    what I do remember I think I might have lived a near

    normal life. I had friends who I would play with in school,

    I had a degree of freedom to live happily and despite a

    number of occasions that I have left suppressed in my

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    mind I know that I lived a very good life compared to most


    I guess the real story to my life began when I was seven

    and still in France. We were in one evening and I

    remember it was announced to me that we were going to

    be moving that summer holiday. At first it wants

    something that bothered me much, even if it did confuse

    me slightly. I remember being shown this map of Europe

    and my father pointing at this landlocked country in the

    colour yellow. I think my first thought was what the hell

    does this have to do with anything. As it turned out it was

    where we going to move, Romania. Its not often spoken

    about and I had no clue what this whole thing was about.

    I do remember the one thing I was most upset about was

    that unlike in France I would have to go to school on a

    Wednesday, though my objections to the concept of a five

    day school week died down quickly with the silver lining

    being that school finished at lunchtime and the summer

    holidays would be three months long.

    The sale of the house was rather uneventful and rather

    quick. It must have been less than a month between the

    decision being thrust upon us and signing the deeds over.

    What I do know now is that the price he had sold our

    house for was less than half the valuation. Im certain he

    had an urgency to leave the place other than to continue

    his farrier work. The move had little effect on me. I did

    miss the people and the location but its something that

    my mind has forcefully locked away.

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    Moving day arrived a couple of weeks after the signing of

    the deed. We packed up very quickly. It all went into a big

    yellow Citroen van and a massive Land Rover. I

    remember it all just disappearing as it was all forced into

    the two vehicles. The night before we started packing was

    when it really set in that we were leaving. Wed still stay

    in the country a couple more weeks but wed be gone

    pretty quickly afterwards.

    After wed packed up I remember we drove to a family

    friends. They had a big caravan in one of the fields near

    their house. Not the lap of luxury but it was bearable for

    two weeks. For some ludicrous reason I remember being

    in a field cutting bracken down. We were cutting in lines

    from the path outwards and down the side of the

    woodland hedge. Its a rather odd memory given that I

    havent got a clue what preceded it. I felt somewhat

    empty. I can just see myself whacking and whacking for

    hours on end.

    A couple days later I remember playing in the field with a

    couple a plastic trucks wed been given as gifts by our

    hosts teenage sons. Theyd been very nice to us before

    we left. On one occasion we went out camping in one of

    the field. I think it might have been the happiest I had felt

    while living in France. I dont think I knew it was going to

    all change from then on.