sam - the bonds that bind

Unity in Diversity SAM Student Alumni Meet The bonds that bind

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Post on 14-Jul-2015




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Unity in Diversity

SAMStudent Alumni Meet

The bonds that bind

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The story begins when totally divergent and dissimilar entities - we’ll call them atoms who by a special screening process – JEE! entered the haloed portals of IIT Bombay (Indian Institute

of tension… Oops! Technology!)

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These young hopeful atoms scared of ragging I’m sure, unconsciously began interacting with

each other.

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There was safety in numbers they thought...

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…Lets face the music together!

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So the bonding began. Two or three of the atoms got together

and formed a molecule and then the molecules

got together and formed bigger


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…But The final product was still in a nascent baby phase.

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Surprise quizzes, relative grading, SPI, CPI, Engineering drawing, wood & metal workshops,

labs – these atoms bumped into them all.

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…Other bonding opportunities







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Sporty encounters…


Weight lifting


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At meal times…

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Aha… bird watching!Interesting bonding sighted

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Who unplugged me?

Temperature rising!

Aha! I got the cat into the bag!

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Back to realityMany doubts did arise…

Unsteadily upwards?

upwards? Downwards?

Sideways but straight?

Where are we going?

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Philosophical questions still naggedAre we just cogs in the academic machine

churning out iit degrees?

Hurrah! I got the degree!

Then graduation

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My bags are packedBut which way to go?

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And so the students pursued the ir i nd i v i dual goals and soon became Alumn i of IITB……………BUT i n t ime , they returned onceAga i n to the ir Alma Mater… .

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….And began to interact & share their experiences with the present students on

campus.A strange phenomenon began to unfold….due to

these interesting student-alumni interactions…..Planck by quantum planck (nothing constant about this!)……..cricks in inner, mental

walls began to appear…..

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And the inner walls of Diversity came crashing down and Unity, the new cement that really binds people heart, mind and soul emerged

from this admixture of diverse debris.

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Voila! The final product had quietly emerged

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cryptically classified….

– the intangible yet concrete cement of Unity……. .

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SAMstudent Alumni Meet

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At SAM we celebrate OUR

Unity in Diversity

The bonds that bind


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SAM started as a platform to facilitate student-alumni interactions and to help students avail of the numerous

benefits IITB's pool of experienced alumni can provide. various events such as Beyond the Horizons, Buddy Talks, Mentor-mentee lunch which are part of the Alumni Student Mentorship Program

- the first of its kind, and many more such events.

SAM has been expanded to encompass cultural and sports events to make it a complete festival for students and alumni

together.. We hope to create strong long lasting bonds between IITians,

both new and old..

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Unity in Diversity


Student Alumni MeetThe bonds that bind

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