salt lake herald. (salt lake city) 1902-09-17 [p...

THE SALT LAKE HERALD WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 17 1902 7 j I I r i FILED FOR AN INJUNCTIONAt- torney General Will Try to Stop Coming Contest WILL BE HEARD TOMORROW CLAIMS MGOVBBNGOKBBTT A PRIZE FIGHT OlISYlLLK 9ept ICAttonMy Gen juaction to prevent the ontK be- tween Terry Meflewn and flfwws lll from bela MId Tbe ease will be- arcud before J l W ts com- mon pleaa awtete ot the ceaaty dw K court Thursday It Is that a oecieteB wIn be handed down promptly Itt 1 mains of the t one Should deeteftm M aga the match til raters attorneys cftM wIt be tan at WK to court and wilt be through in defendant to the H are Meoorem Sam H Harris W n f- Xounit John F Corbett hto- nuuutgw JM J Corbet owner of Audi Southern AtHitUc club and C C LaID txTteon frortl editor f a Cincinnati Ijr ia holder petition BUM that both MO v ni ant Corbett promotional iftfatora itoA that In a eon twtnat wilt exert hU utmost effort to dtwtble hla opponent further d lar that the ronl t U merely M poMpon utvnt of the right arran 4 to take ple before NntwNK Athtette dab in Coaa- wmnw that the prize tight will brtns- tapibtw many of haw a dwnoraltatag tt- h CtcUBMn r community th t contrary to UM lawn ot Defy Thompson Heard Prom D fyM who Dummy Rowan at Park City t winter hi now lorated in OH mining town end to look- ing for tn uM He fnt word down by a friend y Urdy Mkimr him to M Young ThontM of thla city and try to arrang a match U a chunce for- m ambitious Park City manager to butt into the pun In the B GhalleQKe Unaccepted Mor Uh Th IVrrtW Turk who nai been nnid to meet room th elate fair WM treU MU r day an l attracted c nM mM attentfei- H was oriewd la trot TurMvh style ft l- krd Hk a giant Aa yet none of tic local wraer hoe t tr n uo hla chat nii to mt him m a bont Cbe Curt WILL ALLOW HOPPLES- Chief Paul yesterday Decided Entries in Coming Race Meet Can Use This Harness Chief Pool who baa hap of UM- hor e rarea at Agricultural park yes tfrday settled an Important queaUM la- ard to the me of ta the corn to races that la of vital interest to nit the owners who intend to enter Itoreee hi the race When the pro gramme waa ant fatten out It won seated that the races would be held strictly accordlnc to the American Trotting Mociatton rule These rides prohibit uee of hopplea In a race and immediately there was K smalL a howl set up aawoff a rrreatei number of these who race horses A protest was at once made to CW f Paul y thtM Interested In the uae af- howrtea while thoM who owned hoceee that did not ne 4 this piece of kameM to auUce them hoe their test in a race cteaeared for the reese to he run strict- ly arcerdin to the rules The hopeta faction however won the day sad eon M uently were feettmr Tary luaUant but evening If bopplea had been re- trkted a laravr part of the posers in the city wouM hove been ut nod the raoea wooW not hre been aarlr M iuteraattaa DAN PATCH TAILED StalMeas Beat Mort ta Break Reawd- Kejwlte hi a ft0 H Kite XVw York Sept 11Wtth perfect weather a good track sod targe UM great stallion Dan Patek had every in hat n or J his afiort old Father TtaM the world pacing recerd at tbe Katpire track today but a did not 4- a Acvomoaaied by a running mate l et came out and paced a prelim inary mile In 211 Speculation w active at NO on two minutes M- or faater time In his hint eftort went to the quarter la mt aeoaoda- d then brake end came bat In his aerond effort b went to the quar- ter in and to bait hi lIt but red badly and earns bacae all out In Summary 2 trot purse UOM Rythmlc three traight heata in t i i ie Cot Wentworth and trinka Ciii also started H elaas pac for the Yonkers Hat won three t b S07 t tU lff JOnrt SUIT I eral Pratt filed tor aa Car ot tt ron e t the the the f for tN eenet Tern ontt u ref WIlliam K the tom C Gray anar ot the The priM I eac The ford where an rm WU to purse cent to tM and coitt to r It i w K the Ute eo the- ta ThomllOft met I Here XOtt Ihs all at about tIM J hop the elf d 2 2 t Bl- rk Cotillion nOd PrOS 10 4- J GO- Th i 4- r I tody jult tf- lAi r44C cn amy pphi pad aMipI The 4OrtOn Bobeft te oun are prod she med DIit the 0 per the sod bitng town flow shot row a- In ho very 7 be i0 the 2S1 1 WO 211 Duke O bOats Gold AdV4- 00L ¬ < < ° ¬ > < > ¬ < ¬ ¬ + + > pacing purse 1000 two in Hue Henley Pointer won two straight Mata in lW 210 Orrin B Dora Detaba Monte Joe Mercury Wilkes QajriMt and Lucre also started Special to beat record ot Star Point- er lltti Dan Patch lost Time 202 Jockeys Leg Broken Badly- St lout SopU II Jockey Sayers bad his fttt leg in four places and wan otherwise injured by being caught undEr Joaqulta which he was in the first race at Delmar to 111 close broken ridiur ¬ ¬ day on him The horse turned a complete somersault breaking his Heck Summary First race live furlong Harold Por- ker won Hetzei second Bas DQr third race six furlongs selling Satca U won Sister Sarah second Le gatioa third Tims 115 Third furlonjgt2year- oWsQorey won Lacy sec- ond Mamselle rlaa Fourth race SV4 furlongs Sthylene- woaJIrolx DOr seoaiwl Sambo third Fifth mile and gevienty yards Deana third Time iMOHv Sixth one and an eighth miles eiltng Orria won Nettle Regent sec- ond Hueana third Tlrrie 13S Baseball AMERICAN LEAGUE Standing of Teams Per Won Lost Cent PblUdelBhta 76 48 6 H 863 AOM0H 71 Ii Ml CaltMKO S MO hlnnton Detroit 87K Boston Sent II After Ram apparently well hi handKHteU iou a t a raHt br t a team in the eichth AttenfoD Score R 11 7 and BoMneen- PhltaaetehM Seat M It looked like a vtctorr for Waahlagton today tit Wit sell took HtMrtiNgi utaee on the rubber and the rome Attendant 1075 Seer R H E PnileaetoMa T It l- BttertesFi tte and Drill Hustings- VU M and Powers SU Louts Swt Louis won out D treU this afternoon by making three run tot the ninth innln after bfl teE shut o t KB to that tlmo Powell was hit hard In the lint Inning but was very effective after that Attendance im Score K H E- St Loote 1111It- eUerle Powell and S gdea Kissinger sid McOutee NATIONAL LEAGUE Standing of Teams PHtsWre- BreekWn Cincinnati Chicano S Leia- vPlU4 laaie New York Per Won Ltfst Cent 95 735 86 111 K H MS 88 St SM- i M 500 ej m- W U JB- PaikMielaaia Sot M Phtta M tried a new Mtcfcer today and Bee n wHlw t mesh ettert Atteadanee Seer a H B Una fc 2- ladelahle S 7 4 and KKtreige- Fa44en New York sot M Brooklyn ataln outplayed New York today and ww the score ol 7 ta put out of the game In th third inning for die ottK Unatre Irwlas aecWoa Attend w U Seer BatteHeeXnter and areimahan a Kilter Vmotrea Latham and Irwte PACIFIC NORTHWEST Standing of Teams Per Wen Lost Gent Seattle W wK Seat KSe 8e le f 4 3 Bntte- aaerteeSeavaU S4aa4 r RaaeK- K B- i 4 Batteries Drtafcwatar sad a4rC Attendant M TIt M d rues V rd TIll race race I 11 iT tJl i1 Ie 73 TS y1 tod eme 7 6 3- BattertwSMrk1l and Xatoll 11St froM 3 8 M HIII won II 3 ttefM K naIL no U tI York 1 e tl i- iiTa IS 11- 4II Iii > aMl I i- II 11 11 1 PrAm I wt- I 4 Seth seven sellingLunar won Fojind second www CleyId 35- 71tImore hsf S4A E- ton 2- To Warner saved Weshlocten 0- Dstett 31 B4en 3 sod UmXffik B- w 6 Dono- van JO 43- tPortloed e 115 S- o1eheo 31 newt ZserihSL- S00ln00 Wash 51st t6SesieS- eelinos and aiUvss ¬ ¬ > < SPOKANE PLAYBRS BBS3RVED- la Spi f a lin the Gleam 5jbOO ITn Year SBOkam 9 pt ItAll players of Spokanee leas oasaaalt with the exception Captain The directors have mad Kte y an of fw fw next year at aivaaeea1 salary which It ta thought he Will accept A commotion baa Mea ay the a- nouncetn nt that B H HateaHtefta and acaadates have cured majority of UM Meek f the Sjekane BaaabaM HvtentowR states that new grounds near the business center Have been se- cured for next year and seats for MM- I people are planned It te announced that the dab hoe cleared over JIOW which amount J4 a is to be set I apart fur te new grounds and the re- mainder dtetribttUd among the stock hoMer making dtvkkad of Si M cent A new heard of directors and a new ar expected for next Hagnates Up a Tree New York Sept 16 The National Season Wash Ute tense haft been reserved tr Rext used a I of I a to- per Club- year Ebony dub manager yeas < ¬ ¬ league magnates met in conference here today and adjourned without hay ing decided on any definite plan for the future as regards the American league situation The Absence of Prank de Hans Robinson of St Louis and James Hart of Chicago is said to have whatever action was to be eonsldored JohnT Brush announced that another conference would be held Sept 24 at which both Mr Robinson and Mr Hart would bo present Secret of Waddells Success The f Rube WaddoUs success In the American league Is out according to an eastern At Milwaukee at Columbus at Louis- ville and In Rube waa the most erratic pitcher that ever faced a bats man day he was invincible and whet his next turn came man on the opposing team was likely to fatten his betttn average- At the first word ef a coacher Rube likely to go skyhigh and not return to until the spectators were at home eating dinner Persons familiar with Rubes habits for years could not understand his ateadlnws at Philadelphia and at tributed to Connie Mack tOme peculiar power to racrain the wild giant compliment was undeserved All the credit for Waddelra suecoaa at Philadelphia belongs to Ban Johnson president American league syn after Connie Mack bribed Waddell to repudiate bbs contract Is to the UmpIres to proteot I secret Pltt burg remark- able orders Waddell bioccd Was ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ° The not allowed to speak to him When other 1 on they talk themselves hoarse they are benched Clark Griffith who has more privileges on the American league any other player was iatlnsr Johnson order American After When informed In New York that Ban Johnson OConnor and Vice President Somers had been In and had taken an option on two different grounds for the American league club next sea- son President Barney Dreyfus admitted Wired a paper as I follow- sI cannot prevent the American league can get 1 have no mortgage there The field Is open and the American can enter It It S B fit as I have heard thay havo already done I am satisfied that the and vicinity will pat- ronize the club playing the best ball and so we have no We will ball the like of which no American league club can and we will carry the people I wilt hold the people though glting them the best ball they have ever Pirates to Meet All Stars The twice champions of the National league at the close of the pres eat season will play a series of seven gomes with an r team composed of the best men to be found In Amer Iran Two games are to be played In Chicago one in Cleveland one in Co two In Plttsburg and two at other points not yet settled The coeds of the series are to be divided 0 and 49 per cent Joe Cantillion the famous umpire who has been handling the matter announced that the was complete Among those he names for team are Cy Young Jimmy Collins LaJoie Hick man iBbell Wallace Sullivan McFar land Heldrlck and Waddoll football Tackle Dougall Has Returned Tackle Dougall of last years Uni- versity team reported for this years work at the university yesterday Dou gall Is looked upon as a good man and played In nearly every game the Var- sity had last year He said yesterday that he would try for the team again this year and as he weighs several pounds heavier he stands a good chance- of making the position Goddard Will Push Bowling Fred Goddard who holds the record- In the city for ten pin bowling made In a match game has bought an inter eat in the Brunswick alleys and will henceforth help push the game along in this city Crap and trigger Still After That Bear Karl Mayer the bear slayer acoom panted by several of his friends made the trip up City Creek canyon in an endeavor to find another bruin that they are positive Is located somewhere thereabouts Fresh tracks were discovered in several places In the neighborhood of where Mayer killed a bear the day before but all efforts to locate the owner were fruitless Mayer said last evenIng that h and his com- panions tracked over hills all morning and until 4 oclock In the aft ernoon and at last returned home tired and worn out Mayer will make an other trip up the canyon today to find the bear and if unsuccessful says he win give up the chase miscellaneous It twice on for vie Pitts burg knew ledge the case and with us I WIn not longer the out Men tJl Bowling the duty but they address remarks to Rube beneh such was coming as peer as they Atnerlean yester- day ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ No Games Played There were no games played in the Elks pool tournament last evening on account ewaral of the players beu g out of the ThIs two runes will be played SOLDIERS SMASH A PRESIDIO SALOON San FrancIsco Sept IS Another riot occurred at the Presidio today Five hundred soldiers chagrined at being molested in their attempt to destroy the saloon f Adolph HehneM teat night gathered la front ot the place again to e c dir ¬ day and began stoning the building breaking windows and doing other damage RehneW left the saloon In charge of hla wife and proceeded to the PreeHfo to get aid During his absence the soldier Woke in the front doers and the mob proceeded to drink up Rehneids stock and made with the cigars A squad of so the scene and the riotous soldiers were ordered to their oama Mounted poHee guard of soldiery now patrol the district which has been the scene of much disturbance during tbe past few days ROCK SPRINGS CONVENTION- S eetal te Resold Rock Springs Wye Sept 16 The Sweetwater county Republican conven- tion was held here today with forty delegates The following ticket was named State senator Dr R Harvey Reed representatives S A Bugas J B Young oren Larsen Gavin Barr sheriff John Button treasurer Wil- liam Rogers clerk Charles tJvingston attorney C M McMillan surveyor F A Manley coroner Hopldns- cemmiseliKiers EE Peters Marcus Outsen assessor Benjamin Howell superintendent Mrs Mary A Clark t4I appeared ttn c David way sad a TOo < ¬ ¬ CLEAN STRONG MEN NAMED BY UTAH DEMOCRATS I t Continued from Pane 30 States that when the senator left Washington he left behind him his in terests in the hands of Hanna adding that at times when It interested the trusts that Hanna and not Senator Kearns represented the state of Utah In the senate In he urged upon the of the state to send men to Washington who were capable- of acting for themselves and the inter- ests of the state and not placing that right in the hands of those who were dominated by the greedy and ever grasping hands of the trusts John T Caine Speaks The judge sat down amid a storm of applause Before the demonstration In had fully subsided there were calls for John T Caine of Salt Lake and he was Introduced- He said he was glad to be present and take part in a Democratic convention and say that he was still a Democrat and always would be Applause He said the to be decided this fall during the campaign was whether the people were to govern themselves- or be ruled by Senator Kearns and a Ten men Interested in the Sliver King mine Applause He did not think that It would take the voters of the state very long to decide and that they would vote to govern themselves- Mr Caine then recounted an Incident tending to show that the senator did not respect the wishes of the people in any matter where his personal were at stake It was the fact that the senator forced the city council- of Salt Lake to appoint a certain man to office he did not mention any names l I i Inter- ests ¬ ¬ when the majority of the council were opposed to him But the senator said he had to be appointed and he was ap pointed over the protests of the Coun ell and the citizens of Salt Lake repro sented by the councilmen- In conclusion he said that if the peo- ple wanted to be bossed by Senator Kearns all they had to do this tall was to vote the Republican ticket But if they wanted to govern themselves they would cast their ballot at the fall elec- tion for the nominees of the Democratic ticket After the applause brought forth by his remarks had subsided a man from the Salt Lake delegation moved that the rules be suspended and that the convention proceed with the business before it without waiting any longer for the resolutions committee The chair held that to the rules would require a unanimous de- cision of the convention As there were some who wanted to hear other ora- tors who were upon the platform these were cries of no from all parts of the house RawlinsKearns Challenge Delegate Jackson of the Salt Lake contingent was recognized by the chair He said he wanted to Introduce a reso- lution It Is in the interest of fair play he added He read his resolu tion which follows We endorse the action of Chairman Roylance In challenging the candidate for congress to a Joint debate with the nominee of this con- vention and we urge that a further challenge bo sent looking toward a joint discussion In the coming of the Issues by Senator Joseph- L Rawlins on the one hand and Sen- ator Thomas Kearns on the other As might be expected It caused an uproar of laughter The chair hardly able to control his own feelings said it was unconstitutional as it would Inflict cruel and unusual punishment More laughter and applause The chair said he was compelled to over rule the resolution Amid cheers and laughter the resolution was adopted Webers Telling Talk- A J Weber rose to his feet to make- a motion but the chair said If he wanted to deliver a speech he would be recognized laughter otherwise he would have to keep his seat Weber said he did not want to address the convention but thought it advisable to select the state committee The delegates said no and called upon We- ber to address them He made one of the most telling speeches of the convention He said the Democratic party wan not dead neither was It dying He said the dele gates and the members of the party would live to see it win many a bril- liant victory in the future that the country could not get along without the Democrats that they would be here as long as the world stood and would be used as a balance wheel in the world to come Judge Weber said he was glad that the convention had adopted Jacksons resolution as It meant if the Repub- licans accepted a double duel in the field this fall Senator Rawlins and Senator Kearns one Judge Young and Judge McCarty another and Joe Howell and Judge King the third Laughter Then he said he had read in last evenings Ogden Standard an editorial which was commenting on the Roy lance challenge to Howell which said that if a man was not capable of dis- cussing the Issues of the day on the stump in his own state he could not do it in Washington and that such a man had no right to be elected to con gress Platform Reported Chairman Noble Warrum of the committee appeared upon the stage at that moment and said he was in behalf of the committee ready to report The announcement was re- ceived with applause The chairman then proceeded to read the resolutions which were listened to attentively Repub- lican cant pal reso- lutions ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ throughout When were adopted unanimously amid cheers The strong points of the platform received hearty recognition at the hands of the delegates being applaud- ed most vigorously The mention of Bryons name was the signal for long and loud applause The adoption of a party emblem came next A beaver county delegate said the party could not be more ap- propriately represented than by a roos terAnd a rooster In a defiant attitude he shouted With its head raised a little high- er shouted another delegate which sally was greeted with applause And amid cheers the emblematic rooster In defiant attitude with Its head a little higher was unanimously adopted as the Democratic emblem fer the fall campaign Young Is Nominated The chair then announced that nom- inations for candidates for the supreme bench was the next order of business Judge Henderson of Salt Lake was recognized to place the name of Judge Richard W Young before the conven tion He said he was not going to make a nominating speech as the con- vention anticipated the name he would propose and he simply was voicing the sentiments of every loyal Democrat in the house he simply wanted to concur in the choice of the convention He said the bench always needs men who can hold the scale of Justice in their hands without prejudice or bias It needs a man who has the courage of his convictions after he has made up- his mind And the Judge said Major Young was possessed of both those sterling attributes In a most degree In a few succinct the judge outlined Major Youngs life telling bow he fitted himself for the bar by studying law while he was in the army a remark- able sentences ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ and when be had become proficient In Blackstone and began to prac tice He then recounted how the nom inee went to the aid of the country at the outbreak of the SpanishAmerican war how he was promoted and ad- vanced In the Philippines on account of his sterling qualities his masterly mind and great ability Then the judge told of Major Youngs appoint- ment as judge of the supreme bench in the Philippines his faithful perorm ance of his arduous duties his return home and the demands made upon him by his party to accept the nomination for the state supreme bench and his acceptance- In conclusion Judge Henderson said Major Young would be a credit to the bench because he was a man of the courage of his convictions would credit to the state because he had- a reputation without spot or blemish would be a credit to the party nominating him because he is the best man in the state for the position and will be elected Seconded by Powers Judge Powers seconded the nomina- tion He did BO as a fellow lawyer- he said at the same time vouching- for every word Judge Henderson had uttered and vouching for Major Youngs honesty capabilities Integrity and fitness for the office John T Caine of Salt Lake county moved the rules be suspended and the nomination of Major Young be made by acclamation Both motions were carried with cheers There were loud and persistent calls for the nominee be- n and ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ The chair Informed the delegates that he was not in the house Send for him they yelled He is In Salt Lake shouted back the chair Dont make any difference came the reply send fur him anyway All right I will answered the chairman King Nominated Judge Powers of Salt Lake then nominated Judge W H King for con- gress He said he was impelled by what he thought were for the best in terests of the state and at the request ot his friends that he nominated Judge King for congress He held that no Democrat had the right to refuse to run for office when his party called him adding that the Democrats of Utah most certainly called Judge King- to make the run Delegate Nebeker of Cache In sec- onding the nomination of Judge King said that no other name aroused so much enthusiasm in his section of the state as that of the man just placed- in nomination He felt positive that with King and Young at the head of he ticket this fall that it would A delegate from Beaver county moved the rules be suspended and the nomination be made by acclamation It was done amid cheers and applause State Committees Organized The next order of business was the selection of the state committee After considerable dlscussldn It was decided that every county In the state have one representative on the committee with the exception of the following whose personnel was Increased Cache Utah and Weber to three each Salt Lake to five Box Elder Davis Juab San pete and Summit to two each It was also voted that the chairmen of the county committees be members of the state committee exofllcio Inasmuch a all organizations were not perfected all the counties could not announce their memberships but the following- did D Underwood county chairman Box H Blackburn county chairman H H Cordon Cache C E W Fullmer county chairman William Edwards Peter S Barson A Young county chair man Veater county chair man A Huck county chairman D Adams county chairman F Gear county chairman E D Sorenson Francis county chairman Mlllard A Greenwood county chair man James county chairman San R Butt county chair- man P Christensen county chairman B Ericcson Salt Lake Noble Warrum county chairman Mrs J H N Spencer O W Powers J H Moyle Summit B MoDonough county chairman J I Boyden M Hayes temporary county chairman Tooele William Waterfall county chairman Uinta Otto Malmberg county chair man W M Roylance J H Clark R Murdock county chairman Washington P Cottam county chairman I BeaverS ElderT CarbonJ GarfieldJames GrandJ IronC JuabH MorganSamuel PluteS JuanP SanpeteJ Haywood SevierH WasatchJ win- ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Weber D county chairman T B Johnson T D Dee Judge Xing Accepts- On motion of Judge Powers It was voted that the state committee hae the power to tin any and all vacancies that might occur on the state ticket The chair announced that he had Just received word from Judge King that he would accept the nomnlation that he already had his coat off pre- pared for work and that ha would come to Provo and address the rally In the evening This information drew forth loud and prolonged applause Upon motion of Judge Powers the convention passed resolutions thanking- the citizens and Democrats for their hospitality and the ladles who so kind- ly served meals for the delegates and strangers In the city The convention then adjourned to meet at 730 oclock in the same place- to hear Senator Rawlins and the other speakers who would address the rally CHOLERA VICTIMS NUMBER THOUSANDS Manila Sept 16 Six additional cases of cholera including one death have developed on board the United States steamship Sherman at Nagasaki Ja pan from this port All the sufferers- are enlisted men General Chaffee has ordered the Sherman to continue In quarantine for five days Cholera is light in Manila and bad in the provinces The totals to date from the islands are 5S579 cases and 41S4 deaths These are unofficial estimates POSTAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY WINS OUT Butte Mont Sept Knowles has signed the final decree in the suit brought by the Postal Tel- egraph company against the Oregon Short Line Railroad company The is a victory for the Postal Tel egraph company condemning a right ol way along the line of the Short Line road from Silver Bow Mont to the southern limits of the state Time Postal from the south to Montana points H mor I re- ported T 16Judge de- cree will now be able have an outlet C ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Ogden Office 203 Eccles Building Telephone 14 Ogden Sept 17 WEBER COUNTY FAIR Arrangements Nearly Complete- For Exhibition Later This Month Many Features- The directors of the Weber County Fair association wore In session nearly all of yesterday afternoon and made great progress towards the completion or the arrangements forthe exhibition- to be given Sept 24 to 27 Inclusive The directors closed a contract with a vau- deville troupe to give three shows per day for the last three days one show each day to be free The troupe Is the same as has been engaged to show at the state fair Three days of racing were also pro vided for and It was decided to make the first prize In all freeforall events- a purse of 150 This Is an advance of 50 over the usual purse A number- of additional premiums were also ac- cepted by the board Already about twothirds of the floor space has been engaged by different merchants Twenty new stalls for animals have been completed work on the sheds for stock to be en tered in competition Is well under way The directors also appointed the judges- at the meeting of yesterday Three running horses from Nevada were broughtto the grounds last night and placed in training Site For Church The piece of ground at the corner of Twentyfifth street and Madison ave- nue recently purchased as a site for an Episcopal church was not purchased- by the Church of the Good Shepherd- but by Rev Samuel Unaworth and two other gentlemen acting with him as trusteoB These gentlemen purchased- the site for 3000 and agree amongst themselves to turn It over to the church corporation at the same price In the event of its being desired Remains to Be Sent West No arrangements for the funeral of Mrs T Helen Van Alen have yet been made The body has been embalmed- and is at the undertaking establish ment of A Richey It Is quite prob able that the remains will be sent to her old home in California but nothing definite will be determined until the arrival of the dead womans sister from the coast Soldier Burled in Ogden The body of the soldier found Mon- day by J T Axley was buried yester- day There Is little doubt that the dead man was Charles J Shatter of Brooklyn and Parker J Hall will en deavor to communicate with his rela tives Ogden Briefs Mrs S E Corey Is In Ogden from Salt Lake George J Kelly returned yesterday from the east Frank Hewlett was in Ogden yester day from the capital Mr and Mrs William G Wilson are spending today In Pocatello Among the Salt Lakers In Ogden yesterday was Ed O Johnson E A Larkin was among the visitors from Ogden to Provo yesterday Manager Clark has booked Richards Pringles minstrels for the Grand tonight and the advance sale is good Will S Edson Is suffering from a broken wrist received In a fall from- a car In the Southern Pacific transfer service Dr John Driver returned yesterday from Europe after an absence of about two months spent mostly In England Holland and France- H B Redford of Spencer Ida Is in Ogden the guest of Mr and Mrs H H Spencer Mr Redford is to leave here for Ann Arbor Mich where he is enrolled as a law student Mr and Mrs Kavanaugh of Denver were in Ogden yesterday en route to Union Ida where they are to visit the parents of Mrs Kavanagh who was formerly Miss Lydia Corey or this Citi D P Dlgnan accompanied by his brother J L Dlgnan has returned from Salt Lake and is engaged In re fitting and refurnishing the hall in the Perry block preparing the same for a dancing academy The suit of J C Nye against C Ma- lone was on trial yesterday In the Sec- ond district court The is over a check issued by Malone who later stopped payment on it alter it bad passed into the possession of Nye The verdict was In favor of Nye to the amount of the check 25 James OBrien who was brought In to the police station yesterday morning by Officer FitZ9atrick is still at the I OGD i I rac- Ing I EN NEWS cask ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ though no formal charge has been booked against him OBrien claims he was defending himself in the melee when the man Cox received the cuts which sent him to the hos- pital GENERAL MILES IN BUTTS Butte Mont Sent It Lieutenant Gen- eral Nelson A commander et the United States army who is on way to the PhlHBDin arrived In Butte to nteht at about 11 oclock Four hears later he departed over the Short Use for- th south en route to Saw Francisco ROPE FOR BARD Los Anete Sept IS Mp mThe et States Senator Thomas R Bard who Is daneerously m of pneu- monia is still more favorable tonight There has bn a sHsht decrease in tem- perature and Dulse and his physicians profess to be more hoiwfu- lWbclome and Sweet Ask your grocer for it I have used Ripans Tab ules over two years and regard them as indispen sable for athletes who re quire a light laxative be starting in to train- At Druggists The Fiveeast package is enough for an ordinary occasion The family bottle GO cents contains a supply for a year his e Colt Eat th Royal r MaRinePep sine Bread 13 1 Q Y I MUss con- dition 5Mti 1 l l ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < KlHNpU In a Carefully Prepared Ar- ticle Recommends Dr D Kennedys Favorite Remedy In recent issue of the New York Magazine of Sanitation and Hygiene recognized authority on nfl matters pertaining to health Jnmes H Mont- gomery M D editorially After a careful investigation of Dr David Kennedys1 Favorite Remedy a specific for kidney liver and bladder troubles rheumathiiii dyspepsia and conatipation with Its attendant ills we Ire free to confess that a more merito- rious medicine has never come under the examination of the chemical and medical experts of the New York Mag- azine of Sanitation antI Hygiene In fact otter the most searching tests and rigid Inquiry Into the record of Dr Da- vid Kennedys Favorite Keniedy it a duty to recommend its use in unequivocal term to every reader of this Journal whose complaint cornea within the list of ailments which this remedy Is advertised to cure We have obtained such overwhelming proof of the efficacy of this speclrtc have no satisfactorily demonstrated its curative powers through personal experiments- that a care for the Interests of our readers leads us to call attention to Its great value JAMES H MONTGOMERY M D Dr David Kennedys Favorite Rem- edy 5s for sale by all druggists at 1 a bottle or slit bottles for less than a cent K dose Sample bottleenough for trial free by maIl Dr David Kennedy Corporation Rond GUt N Y Dr David Kennedys Cherry Balsam best for Colds Coughs Consumption 5e Me J100 ir wiwirft that stove of yours is dis- carded as no good and you commence to save your money to buy a new one Give it a fair trial buy a ton of that good coal It has saved the reputa tion of many a faithful old heater BAMBERGER 161 Ateighn Street Exclusive agent Two telephones 2S8 or 650 Developing By Daylight All are invited to call at the- I new store of The Johnson Co No Main St old Deseret News build- Ing on Thursday morning 10 to 12 oclock and see the workinc by r a representative of the Eastman Kodak Co of their new daylight developing machine E JOHNSON Supt FemaleRegulating Pills The Druggist Sole Agent 324 S ilaln St Assessment Notice No 3 THE BLUE EAGLE MINING COM of Sevier county Utah Location- of principal place of business Bait Lake City state location of mine and works Sevier county Utah Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting- of the board of directors of said company held on the 16th day of August as- sessment No 3 of five 5 cents per share was levied on the capital stock of the corporation for the purpose of taking- up the and lease on property and payable immediately to the secretary- at the of the company 7 McCer nick block Salt Lake City state of Utah Any stock upon which this assessment shall remain unpaid on Saturday 27th September will bo delinquent and for sale at public auction and unless payment is made before will be the delinquent assessment together the costs of advertising and expense of vale By order of tile board of directors ERNEST WILLIAMS Secretary Salt Lake City Utah Aug 2M MKK Assessment No 13 WEST MORNING GLORY MINING company Office and principal place of business Salt Lake City Notice Is hereby given that at a meet- ing of the board of directors of th Wet Morning Glory Mining company on the day September an a- Beesment of PA cent per shore was levied upon stock of the issued and outstanding pay- able immediately to the secretary at office room 306 Deoly Block Salt Lake City Utah Any stock upon which this aeaeaement may unpaid OR Wednesday the 15th day of October M92 win be delia quent and advertised for sale at public rI i I I the says I I I E WaitBef- ore I 1 RUAB Mil THIS 0 lIZ held I I be- comes I I i p sold on Nov 1st 194 to with ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = auction and uni ae fore will be sold en Saturday the let day ef November Mat at 11 a secretarys office to pay the de- linquent assessment thereon together with the eMU of advertising and ex pease of sale By order of the board of directors J M BURT Secretary Assessment No 3 DIAMOND CONSOLIDATED MINING company Office and principal place of buslnesa Salt Lake City Notice is hereby given that at a meet- ing of the board directors tbe Dia- mond Consolidated Mining compass held on 14th day of September an asessment of two C3c cents per share was levied upon the stock of the corporation issued and outstanding pay secretary at office room 3 8 Block Salt Lake City Utah stock upon which this aseeemeot may remain unpaid on Thursday the Jab advertised for sale at put unless payment is made before will b sold on the 3d day of November 1SQ6 at 11 oclock a m at the eretarys office to pay the d Hn uent aeeesameat thereon with the eMU of ad- vertising and expense of By order of the of directors J M BURT ry Assessment Notice No 24 THE TETRO MINING COMPANY OF Tintic Location of principal place of business Salt lake City state of Utah Location of mine and works Tiatlc min- ing district Juab county State ef Utah Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of tbe board of directors e com- pany held on Aug 3d 15X aMeceraeat of two cents a share was levied I on the stock of the corporation payable immediately to the at the of the company H7 block Salt Lake City state of Utah Any stock whkh tItle aacesunem shill remain unpaid on Saturday the 2Mb day of September IMC will delinquent and advertised for sale at public auctloa and unless payment i wilt be sold on Saturday the iSth day of October 1S02 at 1 oclock to tbe assessment together with the of advertising and expense of By order of the of directors ERNEST WILLIAMS Secretary Salt Lake City Utah Aug Sd TSAC NOTICE OF REMOVAL OF NEYADA Copper M M Co office SeR Lake to Mammoth Juab county Utah At a meeting ef of above the office at JK D F Walker building Salt Lake City was or- dered removed to Mammoth Juab county i LARS Juab county Utah A gv 51- SC2 m m- at the Y rio day October 002 wilt 1M delinquent aM and sale Seer I 4 c be delta costs from directors Utah N c OL OUr the secretary in sale M i ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Delinquent Notice LITTLE MINING MILLING shareholders as lollowa- Blla Sullivan A4 la trx SW 500 s A a swteher H uuo 3 Tho c Burns 2 iu U H Dannrar C9 W i o Wlnlln iow WJrtlm Ijm 10- 3Arwetroijt 8 iuu- j J H UN jow i A s camobeii sea 4 117 J A IJeuui H iS Jw WlrttlMn 5W A K iL JW9 Wc W H Clark 01 Sot S12 M at M 5 4 Uatfleld Sons Co s W 11 Doscher Stte s W IL Clark is H2 K T KiMtaN r- K Q McDonald Oao Gorman lj fg M S PcHdarffMt M X S OimDben- sK B M US K Vatermaa 3N- K M West Late H M West 19W lod- K M WoNt IWU Ifloi- B M West Lett w 611 8 M West 643 K 31 West l t jow- tt K M Wast sM i Hl 141 a M West ISO R M West l- K K M West aw R X West tM E M West a Mrs R J RHdeiiat Ilamett Ik iJuwOer- OS Bamett lWD woo its Batwtt Lanater ieu ia 9- t Banu tt ft MM J S Crltehlew 14M 1WW 4 Adams tone A Ce Sid And in Borordimc with law and au or- der of the board of made on th 2 tii day of July UK tn many shareS of each oared at stock ae may aa sarv will be sold at the secretarya of flee No W Main street Salt lAka Utah on S Vs MKtt at 1J Tclock noon l say the delinquent as seiwnwBt the MC of M- vertialne expenses of a- JO6 OBBRNOORFBR e rtary- N 191 South Main Street Salt Lake City Utah Assessment Na 2 WJBDCB EXTKSfMON MINiNG COY PrincipaL ef buriiwM Salt Lake UUa beeatkM of mines Ohio mining district Fiat ceunty Utah Notice ui hereby ctven that at a meet- ing of board of dlreciors hId en the Wth day of gu tcanaer 1MB No ef onehalf cent W shire was levied o aH stack teo4 and oiitatandinc payable Immedlatcb to the his yu South Twnpie street Salt Lake City Utah Any on which atttsemeat remain un paid on Monday Oct 38 wilt be de- linquent for cle at auctten and unleae payment u made be- fore will be sold on Monday Nov W WK at 2p W at the office to pay the ttiM nt anaMomcnt thereon to- gether with the cost of advftrtlting nod expense of R E WORRBCL Secretary 9M So West Temple St Salt Lake City Utah S pt J4th THERE WILL BK A SPECIAL MEET- Ing of the of the Pioneer Nurseries company held at the office of the company W Attas Block September 9t at 1 oclock p m for the purpose of conaUleiiag a proposition to articles of Incorporation of said amending sectIon 2 article IX thereof so a to aa tewit That two 2 number th entire board ef directors preTided for in article of Uuc agreement constltutf a quorum thereof be authorized ta transact the business of said corporation end ex rcta eoroerate powers And to amend article I to rend aa fol lowsThat the said corporation shall be called and known by the name of Pioneer Nurseries COmPOST and shell b and Is formed and ergante 4 at Salt Lake city In Salt Lake county in the state of Utah in which said county shall located its principal and general office for the IU finencial general and and period Delinquent Notice THE TOMBOY GOLD COPPER Minter Co ef Utah Notice There are deMiMtMeHt upon th following aeseribed stock en a e unt f- aa ee in nt levied on the h day of July 1MB several amouata et oppoelt th names of the aaarenaWers a follows No Wo Core Name U SaMuel Vwlaer MOJI W 13 II E Carter 2w 8 B F 1MM Xm- m BrVtbam aolemen MM 5- 1J1 Andrew AndO M 131 T M JiJ 13 Hoi N Show U S 7S 3 McCarthy 7 C C Anderson MM 2 And to accordant with law and o- o r ef the board of directors snide on lth day VfH so man shares o each of rtock M may b Salt Lake Utah en UK o lock a m pay abtinoirvni a c m ot C R EPPBR80N Sec I CUI liP ryprh a1 buelneo N Ilk fOIl Wm deliDQuent UDOR tho- N6 11steck OR nt t- har levW 0 eel1t prb- ttt8 u JIiI un Ur set op l the tile vr1 mountJi till of th rettpettho KalM No Anat C B Tu lJlie H S I 7 L WtjoJ 111 SnRluel lL NL 158 r A II 1U3 IlK T elM Zt D SUIH 1000 l 00 ru lY I W 5 JeeN Si boo 276 Stt tlerBan 10jo 386 114 tee van ra Sal j IQ Ii Bua W W eruda tl S I w AnMt MIlD Tally leO TIIIv JIll ltIe Mill I- tM lilt S I Lee lc- II 515 I Vu lOt I jt It e 81 E ii- isa jJ l Ie I tS 500 sir Ill III 0 liT 10411 4 Langley mote I I he lit r GUY Thursday I the tar t stock arT stockholders r o Salt OR the 35th day ot of t VI i I be the of Its e uniems sooner I Secretary Sept S lOlL Mra j the Ant sa I sa P J McKenzie ltIP 1I- is J X LOB O 126 N It X 5- IS the t July I red be sold at the office or the XO Ii Conunerelal block l CIty the 11th day at Ia to together witl cost adnrtln tut I e PlaOeot heit- c2rL Str ST boated Neleott Clue Deee 000- it mi Mrs T beiWvan ltd iv 1O54- hAdnitstrx ii ien Joseph 43 JO 315 West 415 W 3t IS 115 SoS e Iou 343 s 1 West en en en bOOS 0 < S 5sd 500 G 304 Ill t404 1450 i directors South together with t pan plate assessment I a and is sere West the liSt sale read fol- lows shell Its trans- action eXtatSSCe shoE years dteelve5 accordIng to low5 WATSON Shares Jolusen Mrs si LOb 5bw 34- 0In v 280 said necessary will eempoY o- Se ember > > > > ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ < > = = No 1 CARBONATE AND RATTLER MTN eaatpany place of buclnesa Notke to hereby given at a n iinc of board of dirt of and Rattler Min tac held on Mth Au an of nt upon this assessment way r- Bute unpaid on Mid Jwh dar of will be leltnquat of 1 to the assessment together with R n City Utah DeMnaesnt Notice Wytae of the respective W No A t- O irt Shares I ip Waft am r H C J Doao i h Thomas Warhnr- etIE Krrtck MlBr Ml- MB 205m xa- Kd Hillier D X WUW In accordance with law and an or of the board ef directors made the ttth aar of Aaeuet TffX so ma v shares of each parcel of seek stock as tsar be sold at auction at the office af Adam Mtteg secretary and at K Sooth rate street Salt Lake Utah on Monday the SlIt day of September IMt at 2 p nu to pay the delic- qeect thereon with the costs of advertWnKr and exaiuo of sale ADAM Acting e met at Salt Lobe that the ore tile CMZbQIUILC the day of per wu leVied the of the taUOD MUed and oetJltandlng I bach bloCk Salt Lake Utah An tock ptelL her 1M sale at pJbUc end unlJ Is made wW ee sold iQ the Costa of expenses of pal W PARKS Seemr I euerbach block Salt Lake t t- PERMFJAC f Prtnctsei place of sIt Utah even the following on of Mill f m1lt J cent J sbar Oft the lStu j Of Augest 1tIf tIN sveid amounts Ht opposite the Xsme S I Thomas R J It t c 1Ji 1 I C F Willie C F wtiioie M JL LaWl5 UN IS 5 j 1fjI ir f- A C A FftrMed Sf 230 o 38 0 r ft j at VIti j- AM II em j be I treasurer i WC R t Secretary I J tt City corn y assessment share en capIta stock payable Sept 5 George W part serrtarl at his OIACe joos 415 t e City advertised Mr uttIOO payment delInquent Ill roxpOCIDAT43D MTN log busineas Lake City arm daithOuent deeLribed- stbsk No I 5 Ii1od day names as Iolla DAsh 3- cLag 2- itflang 21 43- 435ua mm 113 4 o 1 SI- P 3 1lOi 31 2 It o I Snyder 11 < > > < =

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Page 1: Salt Lake Herald. (Salt Lake City) 1902-09-17 [p 7]… ·  · 2009-02-28THE SALT LAKE HERALD WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 17 1902 7


j I

I r i



torney General Will Try to

Stop Coming Contest



OlISYlLLK 9ept ICAttonMy Gen

juaction to prevent the ontK be-

tween Terry Meflewn and flfwws

lll from bela MId Tbe ease will be-

arcud before J l W ts com-

mon pleaa awtete ot the ceaaty dw K

court ThursdayIt Is that a oecieteB wIn be

handed down promptly Itt 1mains of the

t one Should deeteftm M agathe match til raters attorneyscftM wIt be tan at WK to court

and wilt be through in

defendant to the H areMeoorem Sam H Harris W n f-

Xounit John F Corbett hto-

nuuutgw JM J Corbetowner of Audi

Southern AtHitUc club and C C LaIDtxTteon frortl editor f a Cincinnati

Ijr ia holder petitionBUM that both M O v ni ant

Corbett promotionaliftfatora itoA that In a eontwtnat wilt exert hU utmost effort todtwtble hla opponent

further d lar that theronl t U merely M poMpon

utvnt of the right arran 4 to take plebefore NntwNK Athtette dab in


wmnwthat the prize tight will brtns-

tapibtw many ofhaw a dwnoraltatag tt-

h CtcUBMn r community th tcontrary to UM lawn ot

Defy Thompson Heard PromD fyM who Dummy

Rowan at Park City t winter hi nowlorated in OH mining town end to look-ing for tn uM He fnt word down bya friend y Urdy Mkimr him to MYoung ThontM of thla city and try toarrang a match U a chunce for-

m ambitious Park City manager tobutt into the pun In the B

GhalleQKe UnacceptedMor Uh Th IVrrtW Turk who nai

been nnid to meet room thelate fair WM treU MU rday an l attracted c nM mM attentfei-H was oriewd la trot TurMvh style ft l-

krd Hk a giant Aa yet none of ticlocal wraer hoe t tr n uo hla chat

nii to mt him m a bont

Cbe Curt


Chief Paul yesterday DecidedEntries in Coming Race Meet

Can Use This Harness

Chief Pool who baa hap of UM-

hor e rarea at Agricultural park yestfrday settled an Important queaUM la-

ard to the me of ta the cornto races that la of vital interest to nitthe owners who intend to enterItoreee hi the race When the programme waa ant fatten out It wonseated that the races would be heldstrictly accordlnc to the AmericanTrotting Mociatton rule These ridesprohibit uee of hopplea In a raceand immediately there was K smalL

a howl set up aawoff a rrreateinumber of these who race horses

A protest was at once made to CW fPaul y thtM Interested In the uae af-howrtea while thoM who owned hoceeethat did not ne 4 this piece of kameMto auUce them hoe their test in a racecteaeared for the reese to he run strict-ly arcerdin to the rules The hopetafaction however won the day sad eonM uently were feettmr Tary luaUantbut evening If bopplea had been re-trkted a laravr part of the posers

in the city wouM hove beenut nod the raoea wooW not hre been

aarlr M iuteraattaa


StalMeas Beat Mort ta Break Reawd-Kejwlte hi a ft0 H Kite

XVw York Sept 11Wtth perfectweather a good track sod targe

UM great stallion Dan Patekhad every in hat n or Jhis afiort old Father TtaM

the world pacing recerd at tbeKatpire track today but a did not 4-

a Acvomoaaied by a running matel et came out and paced a prelim

inary mile In 211 Speculation wactive at NO on two minutes M-

or faater time In his hint eftortwent to the quarter la mt aeoaoda-

d then brake end came bat Inhis aerond effort b went to the quar-ter in and to bait hi lIt but

red badly and earns bacae all out InSummary

2 trot purse UOM Rythmlcthree traight heata in t i

i ie Cot Wentworth andtrinka Ciii also startedH elaas pac for the Yonkers

Hat won three tb S07 t tU lff JOnrt



eral Pratt filed tor aa



ttron e tthe thethe

f for tN eenet Tern

ontt u refWIlliam K thetom C Gray anar ot the






ford where an rm WUto purse cent to tM

and coitt to r It iw

K theUte eo the-ta

ThomllOft metI


XOtt Ihsall at

about tIM








Bl-rk Cotillion nOd PrOS10




i 4-

rI tody jult tf-




pphi padaMipI



teoun are


med DIit the 0 perthe


bitng town

flow shot






i0 the


WO 211Duke


bOatsGold AdV4-



< <












pacing purse 1000 two inHue Henley Pointer won two straightMata in lW 210 Orrin B DoraDetaba Monte Joe Mercury WilkesQajriMt and Lucre also started

Special to beat record ot Star Point-er lltti Dan Patch lost Time 202

Jockeys Leg Broken Badly-

St lout SopU II Jockey Sayersbad his fttt leg in four placesand wan otherwise injured by beingcaught undEr Joaqulta which he was

in the first race at Delmar to

111 close





day on him The horse turneda complete somersault breaking hisHeck Summary

First race live furlong Harold Por-ker won Hetzei second Bas DQr third

race six furlongs sellingSatca U won Sister Sarah second Legatioa third Tims 115

Third furlonjgt2year-oWsQorey won Lacy sec-ond Mamselle rlaa

Fourth race SV4 furlongs Sthylene-woaJIrolx DOr seoaiwl Sambo third

Fifth mile and gevienty yards

Deana third Time iMOHvSixth one and an eighth miles

eiltng Orria won Nettle Regent sec-ond Hueana third Tlrrie 13S



Standing of TeamsPer

Won Lost CentPblUdelBhta 76 48 6

H 863AOM0H 71 Ii MlCaltMKO S MO

hlnntonDetroit 87K

Boston Sent II AfterRam apparently well hi handKHteU ioua t a raHt br t ateam in the eichth AttenfoDScore

R 117

and BoMneen-

PhltaaetehM Seat M It looked like avtctorr for Waahlagton today tit Witsell took HtMrtiNgi utaee on the rubberand the rome Attendant 1075Seer


PnileaetoMa T It l-BttertesFi tte and Drill Hustings-

VU M and Powers

SU Louts Swt Louis won outD treU this afternoon by making

three run tot the ninth innln after bfl

teE shut o t KB to that tlmo Powellwas hit hard In the lint Inning but wasvery effective after that Attendanceim Score

K H E-

St Loote1111It-

eUerle Powell and S gdea Kissingersid McOutee


Standing of Teams


ChicanoS Leia-vPlU4 laaieNew York

PerWon Ltfst Cent

95 73586 111K H MS88 St SM-

i M 500ej m-W


PaikMielaaia Sot M Phtta Mtried a new Mtcfcer today and Bee n

wHlw t mesh ettert AtteadaneeSeer a H B

Una fc 2-

ladelahle S 7 4and KKtreige-


New York sot M Brooklyn atalnoutplayed New York today and wwthe score ol 7 ta put outof the game In th third inning for dieottK Unatre Irwlas aecWoa Attendw U Seer

BatteHeeXnter and areimahana Kilter

VmotreaLatham and Irwte


Standing of TeamsPer

Wen Lost Gent

Seattle W wK Seat KSe8e le f 4 3Bntte-

aaerteeSeavaU S4aa4 r RaaeK-

K B-i 4

Batteries Drtafcwatar sad

a4rCAttendant M

TIt Md

ruesV rd





iTtJl i1

Ie73TS y1



76 3-

BattertwSMrk1l and Xatoll


3 8





no UtI York


e tli-

iiTa IS 11-4II Iii




II 11 11 1PrAm

I wt-I




sellingLunar won Fojind second






E-ton 2-










B-w 6


JO 43-

tPortloed e 115S-

o1eheo 31



S00ln00 Wash 51st t6SesieS-


and aiUvss






la Spi f a lin theGleam 5jbOO ITn Year

SBOkam 9 pt ItAllplayers of Spokanee leas oasaaalt

with the exception CaptainThe directors have mad Kte y an offw fw next year at aivaaeea1 salarywhich It ta thought he Will accept A

commotion baa Mea ay the a-

nouncetn nt that B H HateaHtefta andacaadates have cured majority ofUM Meek f the Sjekane BaaabaMHvtentowR states that new groundsnear the business center Have been se-

cured for next year and seats for MM-I people are planned It te announcedthat the dab hoe cleared over JIOW

which amount J4 a is to be setI apart fur te new grounds and the re-

mainder dtetribttUd among the stockhoMer making dtvkkad of Si M

cent A new heard of directorsand a new ar expected fornext

Hagnates Up a TreeNew York Sept 16 The National


Wash Ute

tense haft been reserved tr Rext





Ia to-









league magnates met in conferencehere today and adjourned without haying decided on any definite plan for thefuture as regards the American leaguesituation The Absence of Prank deHans Robinson of St Louis and JamesHart of Chicago is said to havewhatever action was to be eonsldoredJohnT Brush announced that anotherconference would be held Sept 24 atwhich both Mr Robinson and Mr Hartwould bo present

Secret of Waddells SuccessThe f Rube WaddoUs success

In the American league Is out accordingto an eastern

At Milwaukee at Columbus at Louis-ville and In Rube waa the mosterratic pitcher that ever faced a batsman day he was invincible andwhet his next turn came man onthe opposing team was likely to fattenhis betttn average-

At the first word ef a coacher Rubelikely to go skyhigh and not return

to until the spectators were athome eating dinnerPersons familiar with Rubes habits foryears could not understand his

ateadlnws at Philadelphia and attributed to Connie Mack tOme peculiarpower to racrain the wild giantcompliment was undeserved

All the credit for Waddelra suecoaa atPhiladelphia belongs to Ban Johnsonpresident American league syn

after Connie Mack bribed Waddellto repudiate bbs contract Is

to the UmpIres to proteotI


Pltt burg










The not allowed to speakto him When other 1 on

they talk themselves hoarsethey are benched Clark Griffith whohas more privileges on the Americanleague any other player was

iatlnsr Johnson order

American AfterWhen informed In New York that Ban

Johnson OConnor and Vice PresidentSomers had been In and hadtaken an option on two different groundsfor the American league club next sea-son President Barney Dreyfus admittedWired a paper as


sIcannot prevent the American league

can get 1 have no mortgage there Thefield Is open and the American can enterIt It S B fit as I have heard thay havoalready done I am satisfied that the

and vicinity will pat-ronize the club playing the best ball andso we have no We will ballthe like of which no American leagueclub can and we will carry the people

I wilt hold the peoplethough glting them the best ballthey have ever

Pirates to Meet All StarsThe twice champions of the

National league at the close of the preseat season will play a series of sevengomes with an r team composedof the best men to be found In AmerIran Two games are to be playedIn Chicago one in Cleveland one in Co

two In Plttsburg and two atother points not yet settled Thecoeds of the series are to be divided 0and 49 per cent

Joe Cantillion the famous umpire whohas been handling the matter announcedthat the was complete Amongthose he names for team areCy Young Jimmy Collins LaJoie Hickman iBbell Wallace Sullivan McFarland Heldrlck and Waddoll

footballTackle Dougall Has Returned

Tackle Dougall of last years Uni-versity team reported for this yearswork at the university yesterday Dougall Is looked upon as a good man andplayed In nearly every game the Var-sity had last year He said yesterdaythat he would try for the team againthis year and as he weighs severalpounds heavier he stands a good chance-of making the position

Goddard Will Push BowlingFred Goddard who holds the record-

In the city for ten pin bowling madeIn a match game has bought an intereat in the Brunswick alleys and willhenceforth help push the game alongin this city

Crap and trigger

Still After That BearKarl Mayer the bear slayer acoom

panted by several of his friends madethe trip up City Creek canyon

in an endeavor to find anotherbruin that they are positive Is locatedsomewhere thereabouts Fresh trackswere discovered in several places In theneighborhood of where Mayer killed abear the day before but all efforts tolocate the owner were fruitless Mayersaid last evenIng that h and his com-panions tracked over hills allmorning and until 4 oclock In the afternoon and at last returned home tiredand worn out Mayer will make another trip up the canyon today to findthe bear and if unsuccessful says hewin give up the chase



twice on for vie

Pitts burg

knew ledge the case and

with us I WIn not longerthe out





dutybut they address remarks to Rube


such was

coming as peer as they














No Games PlayedThere were no games played in the Elks

pool tournament last evening on accountewaral of the players beu g out of the

ThIs two runes will beplayed



San FrancIsco Sept IS Another riotoccurred at the Presidio today Fivehundred soldiers chagrined at beingmolested in their attempt to destroy thesaloon f Adolph HehneM teat nightgathered la front ot the place again to




day and began stoning the buildingbreaking windows and doing otherdamage RehneW left the saloon Incharge of hla wife and proceeded to thePreeHfo to get aid During his absencethe soldier Woke in the front doersand the mob proceeded to drink upRehneids stock and made with thecigars A squad of sothe scene and the riotous soldiers wereordered to their oama Mounted poHee

guard of soldiery now patrol thedistrict which has been the scene ofmuch disturbance during tbe past fewdays


Rock Springs Wye Sept 16 TheSweetwater county Republican conven-tion was held here today with fortydelegates The following ticket wasnamed State senator Dr R HarveyReed representatives S A Bugas JB Young oren Larsen Gavin Barrsheriff John Button treasurer Wil-liam Rogers clerk Charles tJvingstonattorney C M McMillan surveyor FA Manley coroner Hopldns-cemmiseliKiers E E Peters MarcusOutsen assessor Benjamin Howellsuperintendent Mrs Mary A Clark

t4I appeared ttn




sad a







tContinued from Pane 30

States that when the senator leftWashington he left behind him his interests in the hands of Hanna addingthat at times when It interested thetrusts that Hanna and not SenatorKearns represented the state of UtahIn the senate In he urgedupon the of the state to sendmen to Washington who were capable-of acting for themselves and the inter-ests of the state and not placing thatright in the hands of those who weredominated by the greedy and evergrasping hands of the trusts

John T Caine SpeaksThe judge sat down amid a storm

of applause Before the demonstrationIn had fully subsided there werecalls for John T Caine of Salt Lakeand he was Introduced-

He said he was glad to be present andtake part in a Democratic conventionand say that he was still a Democratand always would be Applause Hesaid the to be decided thisfall during the campaign was whetherthe people were to govern themselves-or be ruled by Senator Kearns and aTen men Interested in the Sliver Kingmine Applause He did not thinkthat It would take the voters of thestate very long to decide and that theywould vote to govern themselves-

Mr Caine then recounted an Incidenttending to show that the senator didnot respect the wishes of the people inany matter where his personal

were at stake It was the factthat the senator forced the city council-of Salt Lake to appoint a certain manto office he did not mention any names







when the majority of the council wereopposed to him But the senator saidhe had to be appointed and he was appointed over the protests of the Counell and the citizens of Salt Lake reprosented by the councilmen-

In conclusion he said that if the peo-ple wanted to be bossed by SenatorKearns all they had to do this tall wasto vote the Republican ticket But ifthey wanted to govern themselves theywould cast their ballot at the fall elec-tion for the nominees of the Democraticticket

After the applause brought forth byhis remarks had subsided a man fromthe Salt Lake delegation moved thatthe rules be suspended and that theconvention proceed with the businessbefore it without waiting any longerfor the resolutions committee

The chair held that to therules would require a unanimous de-

cision of the convention As there weresome who wanted to hear other ora-tors who were upon the platform thesewere cries of no from all parts ofthe house

RawlinsKearns ChallengeDelegate Jackson of the Salt Lake

contingent was recognized by the chairHe said he wanted to Introduce a reso-lution It Is in the interest of fairplay he added He read his resolution which follows

We endorse the action of ChairmanRoylance In challenging the

candidate for congress to a Jointdebate with the nominee of this con-vention and we urge that a furtherchallenge bo sent looking toward ajoint discussion In the coming

of the Issues by Senator Joseph-L Rawlins on the one hand and Sen-ator Thomas Kearns on the other

As might be expected It caused anuproar of laughter The chair hardlyable to control his own feelings saidit was unconstitutional as it would

Inflict cruel and unusual punishmentMore laughter and applause The

chair said he was compelled to overrule the resolution Amid cheers andlaughter the resolution was adopted

Webers Telling Talk-A J Weber rose to his feet to make-

a motion but the chair said If hewanted to deliver a speech he wouldbe recognized laughter otherwise hewould have to keep his seat Webersaid he did not want to address theconvention but thought it advisableto select the state committee Thedelegates said no and called upon We-ber to address them

He made one of the most tellingspeeches of the convention He saidthe Democratic party wan not deadneither was It dying He said the delegates and the members of the partywould live to see it win many a bril-liant victory in the future that thecountry could not get along withoutthe Democrats that they would behere as long as the world stood andwould be used as a balance wheel inthe world to come

Judge Weber said he was glad thatthe convention had adopted Jacksonsresolution as It meant if the Repub-licans accepted a double duel in thefield this fall Senator Rawlins andSenator Kearns one Judge Young andJudge McCarty another and JoeHowell and Judge King the thirdLaughterThen he said he had read in last

evenings Ogden Standard an editorialwhich was commenting on the Roylance challenge to Howell which saidthat if a man was not capable of dis-cussing the Issues of the day on thestump in his own state he could notdo it in Washington and that such aman had no right to be elected to congress

Platform ReportedChairman Noble Warrum of the

committee appeared upon thestage at that moment and said he wasin behalf of the committee ready toreport The announcement was re-

ceived with applause The chairmanthen proceeded to read the resolutionswhich were listened to attentively





















throughout Whenwere adopted unanimously amidcheers

The strong points of the platformreceived hearty recognition at thehands of the delegates being applaud-ed most vigorously The mention ofBryons name was the signal for longand loud applause

The adoption of a party emblemcame next A beaver county delegatesaid the party could not be more ap-propriately represented than by a roos

terAnd a rooster In a defiant attitudehe shouted

With its head raised a little high-

er shouted another delegate whichsally was greeted with applause Andamid cheers the emblematic roosterIn defiant attitude with Its heada little higher was unanimouslyadopted as the Democratic emblem ferthe fall campaign

Young Is NominatedThe chair then announced that nom-

inations for candidates for the supremebench was the next order of business

Judge Henderson of Salt Lake wasrecognized to place the name of JudgeRichard W Young before the convention He said he was not going tomake a nominating speech as the con-

vention anticipated the name he wouldpropose and he simply was voicing thesentiments of every loyal Democrat inthe house he simply wanted to concurin the choice of the convention

He said the bench always needs menwho can hold the scale of Justice intheir hands without prejudice or biasIt needs a man who has the courage ofhis convictions after he has made up-

his mind And the Judge said MajorYoung was possessed of both thosesterling attributes In a most

degreeIn a few succinct the judge

outlined Major Youngs life tellingbow he fitted himself for the bar bystudying law while he was in the army











and when be had become proficient InBlackstone and began to practice He then recounted how the nominee went to the aid of the country atthe outbreak of the SpanishAmericanwar how he was promoted and ad-vanced In the Philippines on accountof his sterling qualities his masterlymind and great ability Then thejudge told of Major Youngs appoint-ment as judge of the supreme bench inthe Philippines his faithful perormance of his arduous duties his returnhome and the demands made upon himby his party to accept the nominationfor the state supreme bench and hisacceptance-

In conclusion Judge Henderson saidMajor Young would be a credit to thebench because he was a man of thecourage of his convictions would

credit to the state because he had-a reputation without spot or blemish

would be a credit to the partynominating him because he is the bestman in the state for the position andwill be elected

Seconded by PowersJudge Powers seconded the nomina-

tion He did BO as a fellow lawyer-he said at the same time vouching-for every word Judge Henderson haduttered and vouching for MajorYoungs honesty capabilities Integrityand fitness for the office

John T Caine of Salt Lake countymoved the rules be suspended and thenomination of Major Young be madeby acclamation Both motions werecarried with cheers There were loudand persistent calls for the nominee








The chair Informed the delegates thathe was not in the house

Send for him they yelledHe is In Salt Lake shouted back

the chairDont make any difference came

the reply send fur him anywayAll right I will answered the

chairmanKing Nominated

Judge Powers of Salt Lake thennominated Judge W H King for con-gress He said he was impelled bywhat he thought were for the best interests of the state and at the requestot his friends that he nominated JudgeKing for congress He held that noDemocrat had the right to refuse torun for office when his party calledhim adding that the Democrats ofUtah most certainly called Judge King-to make the run

Delegate Nebeker of Cache In sec-onding the nomination of Judge Kingsaid that no other name aroused somuch enthusiasm in his section of thestate as that of the man just placed-in nomination He felt positive thatwith King and Young at the head ofhe ticket this fall that it wouldA delegate from Beaver county

moved the rules be suspended and thenomination be made by acclamationIt was done amid cheers and applause

State Committees OrganizedThe next order of business was the

selection of the state committee Afterconsiderable dlscussldn It was decidedthat every county In the state have onerepresentative on the committee withthe exception of the following whosepersonnel was Increased Cache Utahand Weber to three each Salt Laketo five Box Elder Davis Juab Sanpete and Summit to two each It wasalso voted that the chairmen of thecounty committees be members of thestate committee exofllcio Inasmuch

a all organizations were not perfectedall the counties could not announcetheir memberships but the following-did

D Underwood countychairman

Box H Blackburn countychairman H H Cordon

Cache C E W Fullmer countychairman William Edwards Peter SBarson

A Young county chairman

Veater county chairman

A Huck county chairmanD Adams county chairmanF Gear county chairman

E D SorensonFrancis county

chairmanMlllard A Greenwood county chair

manJames county chairman

San R Butt county chair-man

P Christensen countychairman B Ericcson

Salt Lake Noble Warrum countychairman Mrs J H NSpencer O W Powers J H Moyle

Summit B MoDonough countychairman J I Boyden

M Hayes temporarycounty chairman

Tooele William Waterfall countychairman

Uinta Otto Malmberg county chairman W M Roylance J H Clark

R Murdock countychairman

Washington P Cottam countychairman



















Weber D county chairmanT B Johnson T D Dee

Judge Xing Accepts-On motion of Judge Powers It was

voted that the state committee haethe power to tin any and all vacanciesthat might occur on the state ticket

The chair announced that he hadJust received word from Judge Kingthat he would accept the nomnlationthat he already had his coat off pre-pared for work and that ha wouldcome to Provo and address the rally Inthe evening This information drewforth loud and prolonged applause

Upon motion of Judge Powers theconvention passed resolutions thanking-the citizens and Democrats for theirhospitality and the ladles who so kind-ly served meals for the delegates andstrangers In the city

The convention then adjourned tomeet at 730 oclock in the same place-to hear Senator Rawlins and the otherspeakers who would address the rally



Manila Sept 16 Six additional casesof cholera including one death havedeveloped on board the United Statessteamship Sherman at Nagasaki Japan from this port All the sufferers-are enlisted men General Chaffee hasordered the Sherman to continue Inquarantine for five days

Cholera is light in Manila and bad inthe provinces The totals to date

from the islands are 5S579 casesand 41S4 deaths These are unofficialestimates



Butte Mont SeptKnowles has signed the final decree inthe suit brought by the Postal Tel-egraph company against the OregonShort Line Railroad company The

is a victory for the Postal Telegraph company condemning a right olway along the line of the Short Lineroad from Silver Bow Mont to thesouthern limits of the state Time Postal

from the south to Montana points

H mor






will now be able have an outlet







Ogden Office 203 EcclesBuilding Telephone 14

Ogden Sept 17


Arrangements Nearly Complete-

For Exhibition Later This MonthMany Features-

The directors of the Weber CountyFair association wore In session nearlyall of yesterday afternoon and madegreat progress towards the completionor the arrangements forthe exhibition-to be given Sept 24 to 27 Inclusive Thedirectors closed a contract with a vau-deville troupe to give three shows perday for the last three days one showeach day to be free The troupe Is thesame as has been engaged to show atthe state fair

Three days of racing were also provided for and It was decided to makethe first prize In all freeforall events-a purse of 150 This Is an advance of

50 over the usual purse A number-of additional premiums were also ac-cepted by the board

Already about twothirds of the floorspace has been engaged by differentmerchants Twenty new stalls for

animals have been completedwork on the sheds for stock to be entered in competition Is well under wayThe directors also appointed the judges-at the meeting of yesterday Threerunning horses from Nevada werebroughtto the grounds last night andplaced in training

Site For ChurchThe piece of ground at the corner of

Twentyfifth street and Madison ave-nue recently purchased as a site for anEpiscopal church was not purchased-by the Church of the Good Shepherd-but by Rev Samuel Unaworth and twoother gentlemen acting with him astrusteoB These gentlemen purchased-the site for 3000 and agree amongstthemselves to turn It over to the churchcorporation at the same price In theevent of its being desired

Remains to Be Sent WestNo arrangements for the funeral of

Mrs T Helen Van Alen have yet beenmade The body has been embalmed-and is at the undertaking establishment of A Richey It Is quite probable that the remains will be sent toher old home in California but nothingdefinite will be determined until thearrival of the dead womans sisterfrom the coast

Soldier Burled in OgdenThe body of the soldier found Mon-

day by J T Axley was buried yester-day There Is little doubt that thedead man was Charles J Shatter ofBrooklyn and Parker J Hall will endeavor to communicate with his relatives

Ogden BriefsMrs S E Corey Is In Ogden from

Salt LakeGeorge J Kelly returned yesterday

from the eastFrank Hewlett was in Ogden yester

day from the capitalMr and Mrs William G Wilson are

spending today In PocatelloAmong the Salt Lakers In Ogden

yesterday was Ed O JohnsonE A Larkin was among the visitors

from Ogden to Provo yesterdayManager Clark has booked Richards

Pringles minstrels for the Grandtonight and the advance sale is good

Will S Edson Is suffering from abroken wrist received In a fall from-a car In the Southern Pacific transferservice

Dr John Driver returned yesterdayfrom Europe after an absence of abouttwo months spent mostly In EnglandHolland and France-

H B Redford of Spencer Ida Is inOgden the guest of Mr and Mrs HH Spencer Mr Redford is to leavehere for Ann Arbor Mich where heis enrolled as a law student

Mr and Mrs Kavanaugh of Denverwere in Ogden yesterday en route toUnion Ida where they are to visitthe parents of Mrs Kavanagh whowas formerly Miss Lydia Corey or thisCiti

D P Dlgnan accompanied by hisbrother J L Dlgnan has returnedfrom Salt Lake and is engaged In refitting and refurnishing the hall in thePerry block preparing the same for adancing academy

The suit of J C Nye against C Ma-lone was on trial yesterday In the Sec-

ond district court The is over acheck issued by Malone who laterstopped payment on it alter it badpassed into the possession of Nye The

verdict was In favor of Nye tothe amount of the check 25

James OBrien who was brought Into the police station yesterday morningby Officer FitZ9atrick is still at the





















though no formal charge hasbeen booked against him OBrienclaims he was defending himself inthe melee when the man Cox receivedthe cuts which sent him to the hos-pital

GENERAL MILES IN BUTTSButte Mont Sent It Lieutenant Gen-

eral Nelson A commander et theUnited States army who is on wayto the PhlHBDin arrived In Butte tonteht at about 11 oclock Four hearslater he departed over the Short Use for-th south en route to Saw Francisco

ROPE FOR BARDLos Anete Sept IS M p mThe

et States Senator ThomasR Bard who Is daneerously m of pneu-monia is still more favorable tonightThere has bn a sHsht decrease in tem-perature and Dulse and his physiciansprofess to be more hoiwfu-

lWbclome andSweet

Ask your grocerfor it

I have used Ripans Tabules over two years andregard them as indispensable for athletes who require a light laxative bestarting in to train-

At Druggists

The Fiveeast package is enough foran ordinary occasion The familybottle GO cents contains a supplyfor a year



Eat th Royalr MaRinePep

sine Bread

















KlHNpUIn a Carefully Prepared Ar-

ticle Recommends Dr D

Kennedys FavoriteRemedy

In recent issue of the New YorkMagazine of Sanitation and Hygiene

recognized authority on nfl matterspertaining to health Jnmes H Mont-gomery M D editorially

After a careful investigation of DrDavid Kennedys1 Favorite Remedy aspecific for kidney liver and bladdertroubles rheumathiiii dyspepsia andconatipation with Its attendant ills weIre free to confess that a more merito-rious medicine has never come underthe examination of the chemical andmedical experts of the New York Mag-

azine of Sanitation antI Hygiene Infact otter the most searching tests andrigid Inquiry Into the record of Dr Da-vid Kennedys Favorite Keniedy it

a duty to recommend its use inunequivocal term to every reader ofthis Journal whose complaint corneawithin the list of ailments which thisremedy Is advertised to cure We haveobtained such overwhelming proof ofthe efficacy of this speclrtc have nosatisfactorily demonstrated its curativepowers through personal experiments-that a care for the Interests of ourreaders leads us to call attention to Itsgreat value

JAMES H MONTGOMERY M DDr David Kennedys Favorite Rem-

edy 5s for sale by all druggists at 1 abottle or slit bottles for less thana cent K dose

Sample bottleenough for trial freeby maIlDr David Kennedy Corporation Rond


Dr David Kennedys Cherry Balsambest for Colds Coughs Consumption5e Me J100

ir wiwirft

that stove of yours is dis-carded as no good and youcommence to save your money tobuy a new one Give it a fairtrial buy a ton of that goodcoal It has saved the reputation of many a faithful old heater

BAMBERGER161 Ateighn Street

Exclusive agent

Two telephones 2S8 or 650

Developing By DaylightAll are invited to call at the-

I new store of The Johnson Co NoMain St old Deseret News build-

Ing on Thursday morning 10 to 12oclock and see the workinc by

r a representative of the EastmanKodak Co of their new daylightdeveloping machine


FemaleRegulating Pills

The DruggistSole Agent

324 S ilaln St


of Sevier county Utah Location-of principal place of business Bait LakeCity state location of mine andworks Sevier county Utah

Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting-of the board of directors of said companyheld on the 16th day of August as-sessment No 3 of five 5 cents per sharewas levied on the capital stock of thecorporation for the purpose of taking-up the and lease on propertyand payable immediately to the secretary-at the of the company 7 McCernick block Salt Lake City state of Utah

Any stock upon which this assessmentshall remain unpaid on Saturday 27thSeptember will bo delinquent and

for sale at public auction andunless payment is made before will be

the delinquent assessment togetherthe costs of advertising and expense ofvale

By order of tile board of directorsERNEST WILLIAMS Secretary

Salt Lake City Utah Aug 2M MKK


company Office and principal place ofbusiness Salt Lake City

Notice Is hereby given that at a meet-ing of the board of directors of th WetMorning Glory Mining company onthe day September an a-

Beesment of PA cent per shorewas levied upon stock of the

issued and outstanding pay-able immediately to the secretary atoffice room 306 Deoly Block Salt LakeCity Utah

Any stock upon which this aeaeaementmay unpaid OR Wednesday the15th day of October M92 win be deliaquent and advertised for sale at public
























I i


sold on Nov 1st 194 towith














auction and uni aefore will be sold en Saturday the letday ef November Mat at 11 a

secretarys office to pay the de-linquent assessment thereon togetherwith the eMU of advertising and expease of sale

By order of the board of directorsJ M BURT Secretary


company Office and principal place ofbuslnesa Salt Lake City

Notice is hereby given that at a meet-ing of the board directors tbe Dia-mond Consolidated Mining compass heldon 14th day of September anasessment of two C3c cents per sharewas levied upon the stock of thecorporation issued and outstanding pay

secretary atoffice room 3 8 Block Salt LakeCity Utah

stock upon which this aseeemeotmay remain unpaid on Thursday the Jab

advertised for sale at putunless payment is made before will bsold on the 3d day of November1SQ6 at 11 oclock a m at the eretarysoffice to pay the d Hn uent aeeesameatthereon with the eMU of ad-

vertising and expense ofBy order of the of directors



Tintic Location of principal place ofbusiness Salt lake City state of UtahLocation of mine and works Tiatlc min-ing district Juab county State ef UtahNotice is hereby given that at a meetingof tbe board of directors e com-pany held on Aug 3d 15X aMeceraeat

of two cents a share was leviedI on the stock of the corporation

payable immediately to the atthe of the company H7block Salt Lake City state of Utah Anystock whkh tItle aacesunem shillremain unpaid on Saturday the 2Mb dayof September IMC will delinquent andadvertised for sale at public auctloa andunless payment i wilt besold on Saturday the iSth day of October1S02 at 1 oclock to tbe

assessment together with theof advertising and expense of Byorder of the of directors

ERNEST WILLIAMS SecretarySalt Lake City Utah Aug Sd TSAC

NOTICE OF REMOVAL OF NEYADACopper M M Co office SeRLake to Mammoth Juab county UtahAt a meeting ef of above

the office at JK D FWalker building Salt Lake City was or-

dered removed to Mammoth Juab countyi LARS

Juab county Utah A gv 51-






Y rio

day October 002 wilt 1M delinquent aMand









Utah N c OLOUr





M i



< ¬






shareholders as lollowa-

Blla Sullivan

A4 la trx SW 500s A a swteher H uuo3 Tho c Burns 2 iuU H Dannrar C9 W i o

Wlnlln iowWJrtlm Ijm

10-3Arwetroijt 8 iuu-j J H UN jow

i A s camobeii sea 4117 J A IJeuui HiS Jw WlrttlMn 5W AK iL JW9 Wc

W H Clark 01 Sot

S12 M at M 54 Uatfleld Sons Co s

W 11 Doscher Stte sW IL Clark is

H2 K T KiMtaN r-K Q McDonaldOao Gorman lj

fg M S PcHdarffMt MX S OimDben-

sK B M USK Vatermaa 3N-

K M West Late HM West 19W lod-

K M WoNt IWU Ifloi-B M West Lett w

611 8 M West643 K 31 West l t jow-tt K M Wast sM i Hl

141 a M West ISOR M West l-

K K M West awR X West tME M West aMrs R J RHdeiiatIlamett Ik iJuwOer-

OS Bamett lWD wooits Batwtt Lanater ieu ia 9-

t Banu tt ftMM J S Crltehlew 14M 1WW

4 Adams tone A Ce SidAnd in Borordimc with law and au or-

der of the board of made onth 2 tii day of July UK tn many shareSof each oared at stock ae may aasarv will be sold at the secretarya offlee No W Main street Salt lAka

Utah on S Vs MKtt at1J Tclock noon l say the delinquent asseiwnwBt the MC of M-

vertialne expenses of a-

JO6 OBBRNOORFBR e rtary-N 191 South Main Street Salt Lake

City Utah


PrincipaL ef buriiwM SaltLake UUa beeatkM of mines Ohiomining district Fiat ceunty Utah

Notice ui hereby ctven that at a meet-ing of board of dlreciors hId en theWth day of gu tcanaer 1MB

No ef onehalf cent W shire waslevied o aH stack teo4 and oiitatandinc

payable Immedlatcb to thehis yu South Twnpie

street Salt Lake City Utah Anyon which atttsemeat remain unpaid on Monday Oct 38 wilt be de-

linquent for cle atauctten and unleae payment u made be-

fore will be sold on Monday Nov W WKat 2 p W at the office to paythe ttiM nt anaMomcnt thereon to-

gether with the cost of advftrtlting nodexpense of

R E WORRBCL Secretary9M So West Temple St

Salt Lake City Utah S pt J4th

THERE WILL BK A SPECIAL MEET-Ing of the of the PioneerNurseries company held at the officeof the company W Attas Block

September 9t at 1 oclock p m forthe purpose of conaUleiiag a propositionto articles of Incorporation ofsaid amending sectIon 2

article IX thereof so a to aatewit

That two 2 number th entireboard ef directors preTided for in article

of Uuc agreement constltutf aquorum thereof be authorized tatransact the business of said corporationend ex rcta eoroerate powers

And to amend article I to rend aa followsThat the said corporation shall becalled and known by the name of PioneerNurseries COmPOST and shell b and Isformed and ergante 4 at Salt Lake cityIn Salt Lake county in the state of Utahin which said county shall located itsprincipal and general office for the

IU finencial generaland and period


Minter Co ef UtahNotice There are deMiMtMeHt upon th

following aeseribed stock en a e unt f-

aa ee in nt levied on the h day of July1MB several amouata et oppoelt thnames of the aaarenaWers afollowsNo Wo

Core NameU SaMuel Vwlaer MOJI W13 II E Carter 2w8 B F 1MM Xm-

m BrVtbam aolemen MM 5-

1J1 Andrew AndO M131 T M JiJ

13Hoi N Show U S 7S

3 McCarthy 7C C Anderson MM 2

And to accordant with law and o-

o r ef the board of directors snide onlth day VfH so man shares o

each of rtock M may b

Salt Lake Utah enUK o lock a m

pay abtinoirvni a c mot



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upon this assessment way r-

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R nCity Utah

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In accordance with law and an orof the board ef directors made

the ttth aar of Aaeuet TffX so ma v

shares of each parcel of seek stock astsar be sold atauction at the office af AdamMtteg secretary and at KSooth rate street Salt Lake Utahon Monday the SlIt day of SeptemberIMt at 2 p nu to pay the delic-qeect thereon withthe costs of advertWnKr and exaiuo ofsale ADAM



at Salt Lobethat theore tile CMZbQIUILC

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W PARKS SeemrIeuerbach block Salt Lake



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