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  • 8/14/2019 Sales Training.ppt


    Developing Excellent Selling Skills

  • 8/14/2019 Sales Training.ppt


    Sellers pay more attention to the specific

    products they offer than to the benefitsand experiences produced by the


    They focus on the wantsand lose sight

    of the needs.

    Marketing Myopia

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    It is the process of:

    analyzing a customers need for a

    product, service or idea

    then providing persuasive information

    about that product, service or idea to the


    What is Selling?

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    After SalesFollow - up Closing




    The 7 Steps of a Sale

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    1. Prospecting for new business shouldbe done:

    Daily With Focus

    Routinely With Seriousness

    2. When prospecting: Be prepared Get organized Take good notes

    Six Powerful Prospecting Tips

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    3. When prospecting:

    Use a script - don't shoot from the hip.

    Practice the script until it sounds smooth and


    Role-play with an associate over the phone.

    Avoid the temptation to sell over the phone.

    Your objective is to gather information andmake the appointment.

    Six Powerful Prospecting Tips

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    10 Critical Mistakes CommittedDuring Phone Prospecting

    Mistake 10: SendingUnnecessary Literature

    Send me information on that."uh, I didn't have a chance to readthat yet."Printed materials can be a finecomplementto your sales effort.YOU still need to generate interest tothe point where they deserveliterature.

    Action Steps:If you hear therequest early in the call, respondwith, "I'll be happy to sendsomething that summarizes what wediscussed. Let me ask you, though, ifyou like what you see, I'm assumingwe'll be able to do business


    Mistake 9: Poor

    Telephone Image

    People fuss about their personalappearance, but ignore the way they"look" on the phone. And that canbe fatal to tele-professionals.

    Experiment:On your next 10 callsmark in 2 columns: "desirable" &"undesirable," describing the totalimage you form based on what theother person says & how they say it.

    Action Step:The best way toimprove the way you sound is to

    listen to yourself on tape.

    Mistake 8: No Post-Call Review

    It is important to REFLECT on theactivities of each phone call. Theseare learning opportunities.Learning doesn't take place while

    you're engaged in an activity. Ittakes place afterward, when youdwell on it.

    Action Steps:At the end of everycall you place, simply ask yourselftwo questions:

    1. What did I like about this call?2. What would I have donedifferently on this call?

    Mistake 7: LousyListening

    Listen More Than You Talk.

    The other person's desire to listen &to talk to you is in inverse proportionto the amount of speaking you do.

    Plus, the more you talk, the greaterthe possibility you'll mention thingsthey can object to.

    Action Steps: The key is sellingyourself on WHY you need to listen.

    "Why do I need to listen to this person?""Because what this person says will tellme exactly what I need to say in order tohelp them buy, therefore putting moremoney in my pocket."

    Have your purpose in mind before

    and during every conversation.

    Mistake 6: ScreenerAbuse And Misuse

    The strong-arm tactics of thesalespeople cause resistance with thescreeners.

    Basic psychology tells you that the

    more someone is pushed, the harderthey resist.

    Action Steps:

    To get to your buyers, all you needto do is help screeners do their job,which is protect the buyer's time sothat only callers with something ofvalue are allowed to spend timewith the boss.

    "I have some ideas that have helpedother retailers in your industry cutdown on their advertising expenseswhile generating more store traffic.

    I'd like to ask Ms. Ritu a few questionsto see if this would make sense foryou to take a look at."

    "You probably work closelywith Ms. Ritu, is that right?"

    "So I'm better preparedwhen I speak with her,there's some information youcould help me with first..."

    Get Information From the


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    10 Critical Mistakes CommittedDuring Phone Prospecting


    Needs Filled /ProblemsSolved

    Questions to Ask

    Your businessoffersovernightdelivery on

    orders receivedby 5:00 P.M.,while all theothercompetitorscut off theirordering timeat 12:00 noonfor next day-delivery

    Often have lastminute ordersthey require thenext day, and

    their existingvendor isn'table to meetthose requests,therefore itcausesinconveniences,and maybe evenlost business.

    "How quickly do younormally needdelivery?""Do you ever need next-

    day delivery on ordersyou realize you need toplace later in the day?""What do you do insituations like that?""What happens whenyou need it the nextday, but have to waitfor two days? What kindof inconvenience doesthat cause?"

    Mistake 5: InadequateQuestioning

    Mistake 4: PoorPreparation

    Mistake 3: Mis-understand Objectons

    When salespeople suggesttreatment without diagnosis theresult is usually disastrous for thecaller: He loses credibility in the

    listener's mind. So customers bringup objections as a result of poorquestioning & lousy listening.

    Action Step: Map out yourquestioning strategy before your call.

    You can see in this situation, if thequestions uncovered the need /problem, the "benefit" would thentruly be of value.

    Poor preparation ensures a sloppy,rambling call.On the other hand, you can and shouldchoreograph your call before you place it.The result of your call is also determinedbefore you pick up the phone.

    Action Step: The most importantstep is setting your PrimaryObjective.Ask yourself what you want to do atthe end of the call, and what shouldthey do at the end of the call.The objective must involve ACTION.

    People object when reps don'tquestion effectively, when they talktoo much, and basically presentfeatures the person isn't excited

    about. Then when objections arevoiced, its not handled it effectively.Action Step: The best way todeal with objections is to preventthem from arising in the firstplace.However, when objectionsdo arise, dig for the reasonsbehind them.

    "I see. Well, let'stalk about that."

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    10 Critical Mistakes CommittedDuring Phone Prospecting

    Mistake 5: InadequateQuestioning

    Mistake 4: PoorPreparation

    Mistake 3: Mis-understand Objectons

    When salespeople suggesttreatment without diagnosis theresult is usually disastrous for thecaller: He loses credibility in the

    listener's mind. So customers bringup objections as a result of poorquestioning & lousy listening.

    Action Step: Map out yourquestioning strategy before your call.

    You can see in this situation, if thequestions uncovered the need /problem, the "benefit" would thentruly be of value.


    Needs Filled /ProblemsSolved

    Questions to Ask

    Your businessoffersovernightdelivery on

    orders receivedby 5:00 P.M.,while all theothercompetitorscut off theirordering timeat 12:00 noonfor next day-delivery

    Often have lastminute ordersthey require thenext day, and

    their existingvendor isn'table to meetthose requests,therefore itcausesinconveniences,and maybe evenlost business.

    "How quickly do younormally needdelivery?""Do you ever need next-

    day delivery on ordersyou realize you need toplace later in the day?""What do you do insituations like that?""What happens whenyou need it the nextday, but have to waitfor two days? What kindof inconvenience doesthat cause?"

    Poor preparation ensures a sloppy,rambling call.On the other hand, you can and shouldchoreograph your call before you place it.The result of your call is also determinedbefore you pick up the phone.

    Action Step: The most importantstep is setting your PrimaryObjective.Ask yourself what you want to do atthe end of the call, and what shouldthey do at the end of the call.The objective must involve ACTION.

    People object when reps don'tquestion effectively, when they talktoo much, and basically presentfeatures the person isn't excited

    about. Then when objections arevoiced, its not handled it effectively.Action Step: The best way todeal with objections is to preventthem from arising in the firstplace.However, when objectionsdo arise, dig for the reasonsbehind them.

    "I see. Well, let'stalk about that."

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    Handling Objections

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    I know how you feel.

    Other customers have felt the same way

    Ill show you what our customers have found.


    Listen and confirm

    Align with the customer before redirecting

    Explain why and how the situation can be changed

    or altered

    Objection Handling Techniques

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    Smoke out all important objections

    See the objection as a question

    Agree with the customer about something

    Admitting to the Objection

    Objection Handling Techniques

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    You have just a few seconds to make a good

    initial impression be it in person or on the phone.

    Maintain an attitude that you are seeking to helpyour prospect meet a need or solve a problem,

    rather than force the sale of a product or service.

    Know your product and be enthusiastic about it!

    If you're not enthusiastic, your prospect certainly

    won't be.

    Tips for successful selling

  • 8/14/2019 Sales Training.ppt


    MMM TRAINING SOLUTIONSLandline: +91-44-42317735

    Cell: +91 9677044366

    Cell: +91 9677040908

    Email: [email protected]


    Contact Information

    Pramila MathewCEO and Executive


    Vikas V.Vice-President
