saint matthew catholic · office with new information at [email protected] or 770.964.5804...

Saint Matthew Catholic 215 Kirkley Road, Tyrone, GA 770.964.5804 (Office) Mass Monday & Wednesday Tuesday Thursday - Communion Service Saturday Sunday 8:30 am & 11:00 am & 2:00 pm Daily and Weekend Readings can be found at January 27, 2019

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Page 1: Saint Matthew Catholic · office with new information at or 770.964.5804 . Thank you for keeping us up-to-date! Stephen Ministry— The Stephen Ministers

Saint Matthew Catholic

215 Kirkley Road, Tyrone, GA 770.964.5804 (Office)


Monday & Wednesday


Thursday -Communion Service


Sunday 8:30 am & 11:00 am & 2:00 pm Daily and Weekend Readings can be found at

January 27, 2019

Page 2: Saint Matthew Catholic · office with new information at or 770.964.5804 . Thank you for keeping us up-to-date! Stephen Ministry— The Stephen Ministers

Saint Matthew, Tyrone, GA

Anointing of the Sick—Anyone facing surgery or dealing with a serious illness should contact the parish office or Fr. Kevin for the reception of this sacrament. Communion to the Sick and Homebound—If you or someone you know is ill, in the hospital, or homebound, please notify the parish office so a visit can be arranged. Reconciliation—Saturday at 4:15 m or by appointment. Sacrament of Marriage—Please contact Parrish Office at least six months in advance for planning of wedding. Baptisms—Please contact Parrish Office to schedule a baptism. Rosary Group —Thursdays after the 9:00am Communion Service Eucharistic Adoration—Every Thursday 9:30am to 12:00pm . First Thursday of each month from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. Request for Mass Intentions—To schedule a Mass intention, please contact the Parish Office at 770.964.5804 . Bulletin Deadline—Announcements for the bulletin must be submitted by 10:00am on Monday for the following Sunday bulletin. Bulletin announcements will run for 2 weeks. Email them to [email protected] Membership—Please stop by the Parish Office to fill out a Registration Form or complete online on our website. Changed Your Address or Phone Number? —If you have moved or changed phone number please notify the church office with new information at [email protected] or 770.964.5804 . Thank you for keeping us up-to-date! Stephen Ministry— The Stephen Ministers provides spiritual support to people facing a crisis or going through tough times. The care you receive is free, confidential and helpful. To learn how you or a friend, neighbor or family member can receive care, please contact Julie - 734.560.9512 Unción de Enfermos— Cualquier persona que enfrenta cirugía o enfermedad seria debe ponerse en contacto con la oficina parroquial para la recepción de este sacramento. Comunión a los Enfermos—Si usted o alguien conocido esta enfermo, en el hospital, o confinado en casa, notifique a la oficina de la parroquia para convenir una visita. Confesión—Sábados a las 4:15pm o por cita. Sacramento de Matrimonio—Por favor contacte a la Oficina de la Parroquia con 6 meses de anticipación para planear la ceremonia. Bautizos—Por favor contacte a la Oficina de la Parroquia para la preparación de bautismo. Quinceañera—Por favor contacte la Oficina de la Parroquia con 6 meses de anticipación. Grupo de Rosario—Jueves después de servicio de comunión de 9:00am. Exposición del Santísimo—Todos los Jueves 9:30am a 12:00pm. Primer Jueves de cada mes de 6:00pm a 9:00pm. Intención de Misa—Para ofrecer una Misa de intención, por favor contacte a la Oficina Parroquial al 770.964.5804. Anuncio de Boletín—Anuncios para el boletín deben llegar a la Oficina el lunes antes de las 10:00am para el boletín del próximo domingo. Envíe el anuncio a [email protected] Membrecía—Pase por la Oficina Parroquial para llenar la Forma de Registración o complete en línea en la pagina web. Cambio de Dirección o Teléfono? - Si usted se a mudado o cambiado de teléfono, por favor notifique a la Parroquia con la nueva información a [email protected] o 770.964.5804. Gracias por mantenernos al día!

Rev. Kevin Hargaden, Pastor Deacons

Rev. Mr. Jim Weeks Rev. Mr. Bill Hampton Rev. Mr. Gayle Peters Rev. Mr. King Cooper Rev. Mr. Leon Roberts Susana Ikhwan Director of Operations and

Hispanic Ministry Leila Wathen Director of Music Mario Camarillo Communications Specialist

Parish Office Hours / Horario de Oficina

Monday –Thursday, 9 am to 3 pm

Lunes—Jueves, 9 am a 3 pm

Page 3: Saint Matthew Catholic · office with new information at or 770.964.5804 . Thank you for keeping us up-to-date! Stephen Ministry— The Stephen Ministers

January 27, 2019, Third Sunday of Ordinary Time

MASS INTENTIONS / INTENCIONES DE MISA Monday, January 28, 7am Requested by Tuesday, January 29, 9am Requested by Wednesday, January 30, 7am John Nauman & Requested by Helen Martin Joan Karl Thursday, January 31, 9am Friday, February 1, 9 am Requested by Saturday, February 2, 5 pm Lois Pfarr & Jack Young Requested by Frank Pfarr Sunday, February 3, 8:30 am Eldon & Margaret Grate Requested by Ginger Denman Sunday, February 3, 11 am Lillian Bosco Requested by Jayne Steinbrenner Sunday, February 3, 2 pm St. Matthew Parish Family Requested by

Mary Whittaker Joan Karl David Nelson Dosha Marshall Georgia Valkmer Carol Gaul A.J Garner Frances James Roland Roger Kathleen McCarrey Darlene Nollman Gary & Sharon Creed Jon Danner Angie & Carl Dellaquila Lillian bosco Theresa & Joe DeLisi Angela & Justino Beck & Bufano families Stephanie, Dan, Luke, Lilly Michael Spataro Jr. Joanna, John, Charlie, Jack Steve Massie Patrick Zachary Judy Marilyn Wideman Family Payner Family Mary & Bill Platt Sean McHugh Souls in Purgatory Fr. Kevin Martin Fr. John Murphy Kathleen McCarrey Pat Quarnstrom Larry Owen Andy Hughes Laueise Burrows Cliff, Mary, & joe Craddoch Michi Ledbetter

Jim & Carol Balloni Louis & Family Cecilia & family Iko & family Jim & Cindy Robertson Mar Haynes family Wagner Family Dawn Christine Edwards Jack Pederson Bob & Cathy Graham Sue Wantuk Judy Hughes Ed Abrams David & Meg Sandy Basaraba Gerry Jackson Everett Johnson Charlotte Johnson Deacon Bill Speed Naida Speed Mary Jo Shamos Marty Yarbrough Janet Cox Chris & Family Sunni & Family The Chisholm Family Our Military Families John Milani Ray Miguel del Valle Kerri Tracy Beth & Stella Eubanks Dan McLeod Mary B Barry Easterwood Cherrie Mason Jairo Molano Luis O Castaño

Nicole & Cassie Semple Rene & GeeGee Candice & Blake Heather Alexis & Jeremy Gary & Marty The Russ Family Greg Gelbert Mariam Hansen Darius Cooper & family King Cooper Jr & family Lynch Family McCarrey Family Otto Family Ada & family Ngozi & family NN & family Johnson Family Vicki White Tim Bearden Eva Perez de Garcia Francisco de Garcia Alicia N Runnion Anna & Henry Mary Jo Dodson Tony & jean Justine & Richard Saudy Maroin FitzGerald Family Sam W Guy White Crystal Beckham & Family Terry Williams Arthur & Elva Davis David E Pounds Walter I. Felt Herbert N. Maier Roland Roger Federal Employees



Febrero 3

Lectores Victor Rodriguez Patty Garcia Carmen Hernandez Ma Luz Rodriguez

Ministros de

la Eucaristía

Patty Garcia Marta Lopez Ma Luz Rodriguez

Ujieres Jonatan Cruz Marlene Garay Maria Jimenez Xailin Lozano Alex Pedroza Carrasco Eduardo Romo




Gabriel Fonseca Luis Valadez Victor Pedroza


February 2 February 3 February 3

5pm 8:30 am 11am

Lectors John Milani Michelle Whittaker Dawn Bond

Ken Groover Scott Whittaker Maribeth Larson



Amy Anderson Dwight Hallock Mary Barcala

Mike Anderson Laurie Hallock Kimberly Marchand

Lynn Brooks Ada Ngoddy Rhonda Sauer

Donna Groover Dennis Norris Rick Sauer

Melissa Parente Donna Norris Joyce Strength

Tom Sheehan Theresa Weeks Nancy Wood

Ministers of


Michelle Campbell Ken Miller Harry Kelley

Jack Warber Claudette Roberts Olly Larson

Lawanda Wideman Chris Turk Sonya Sartain

Tammy Turk John Strenght

Altar Servers Starr Helms Frank Marant Baden Bond

Collin Sheehan John Marant Joel Courtois

Abby Wheeler Joshua Soberano Angel Fuentes

Page 4: Saint Matthew Catholic · office with new information at or 770.964.5804 . Thank you for keeping us up-to-date! Stephen Ministry— The Stephen Ministers

Saint Matthew, Tyrone, GA

New year, same old debt? Improve your financial well-being for 2019 and beyond. Learn how to get out of debt and start building wealth using Dave Ramsey’s principles. Maximum of 3 sessions at no


Contact: Financial Coach – Ann Margaret Smith at 470-332-8818

Altar Server Training - Second Sunday of every month from 9:45-10:45 am. Anyone who has done first communion.

Blood Drive Saint Matthew Catholic Church, Tyrone and Life South Community Blood Center will conduct a blood drive in the area near Our

Lady of Victory Catholic School on Feb 17, 2019 from 9:30AM to 2:30PM. Blood drive staff will include personnel who speak Spanish. The Saint Matthew Knights of Columbus will conduct preliminary signups in the church narthex after masses on Feb 2, 3, 9, 10, and 16. Please consider being a donor.

Save the Date! Mardi Gras Party March 2nd at 6:30 PM in the cafeteria at OLV. Tickets will be limited to 100 participants.


Training for Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist has been scheduled.

Thank you for your willingness to share your talents with our parish family by serving as an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist at St. Matthew again this


All Eucharistic Ministers must attend one train-ing session every three years as required by the Archdiocese. If you have not been trained since

2016, you must be recertified to continue serving.

February 2 @ 11am in sanctuary

February 3 @ 12pm in sanctuary

NEWS FROM OUR AROUND THE PARISH Online Giving for Catholic Schools Week: Make a gift in thanksgiving to your favorite Catholic school this week in celebration for its contribution to your family and community. Give online by going to and click on “Give Now.” Your

gift will support your school for future generations. For more information, please contact Juliet Greco at the Catholic Foundation: [email protected] or 404-497-9440.

Nurturing the Nurturer One-Day Women’s Retreat Saturday, February 2nd, 2019 8:00am-5:00pm We are holding a wonderful women’s one-day

retreat at the Peachtree City Hotel and Conference Center. We have 3 great speakers coming and the cost is only $40 and includes breakfast, lunch and snacks. 2443 GA-54, Peachtree City

Page 5: Saint Matthew Catholic · office with new information at or 770.964.5804 . Thank you for keeping us up-to-date! Stephen Ministry— The Stephen Ministers

January 27, 2019, Third Sunday of Ordinary Time


Donaciones en línea para la Semana de las Escuelas Católicas: Haga una donación en agradecimiento a su escuela católica favorita esta semana, como una forma de reconocimiento por su contribución a su fa-

milia y comunidad. Haga su donación en línea, visitando y haciendo clic en "Dar ahora". Su donación apoyará a la escuela de su elección por generaciones. Para obtener más infor-mación, comuníquese con Juliet Greco en la Fundación Católica del Norte de Georgia: [email protected] o 404-497-9440. Nutriendo al Criador

Retiro de mujeres de un día Sábado 2 de febrero de 2019. 8:00 am-5:00pm Estamos realizando un maravilloso retiro de un día para mujeres en el Peachtree City Hotel and

Conference Center. Tenemos 3 excelentes oradores y el costo es de solo $ 40 e incluye desayuno, almuerzo y bo-cadillos. 2443 GA-54, Peachtree City

Se Buscan Bailadores Estas interesado en bailar para el festi-val internacional parroquial? Se buscan candidatos para bailar, no experiencia necesitada. El festival internacional es Mayo 28. Si quieres apuntarte, por fa-vor de contactar a Carmen Hernandez al 678-891-8546.

Año nuevo, ¿la misma vieja deuda? Mejore su bienestar financiero para 2019 y más allá. Aprenda cómo salir de las deudas y comenzar a crear riqueza utilizando los principios de Dave

Ramsey. Máximo de 3 sesiones sin costo. Contacto: Asesor financiero: Ann Margaret Smith al 470-332-8818

¡Reserva El Dia! Fiesta del Carnaval 2 de marzo a las 6:30 pm en la cafetería de OLV. Las entradas se limitarán a 100 participantes.

Donación de Sangre La Iglesia Católica de San Mateo, Tyrone y Life South Community Blood Center

llevarán a cabo una campaña de donación de sangre en el área cercana a la Escuela Católica de Nuestra Señora de la Victoria el 17 de febrero de 2019 de 9:30 a.m. A 2:30 p. m. El personal de donación de sangre incluirá personal que hable español. Los Caballeros de San Mateo de Colón realizarán inscripciones preliminares en el nártex de la iglesia después de las misas el 2, 3, 9, 10 y 16 de febrero. Por favor considere ser un donante.


Page 6: Saint Matthew Catholic · office with new information at or 770.964.5804 . Thank you for keeping us up-to-date! Stephen Ministry— The Stephen Ministers

Saint Matthew, Tyrone, GA














December 17, 2018

Dear Fr. Hargaden,

Thank you so much for the $1,541.50 gift that St. Matthew Church made on October 31, 2018 to assist our disaster recovery and rebuilding efforts for our neighbors who have been affected by Hurricane Mi-chael. Catholic Charities' Disaster Distribution Site was open for 49 days supporting the immediate basic needs of those affected by the hurricane. We were able to serve over 80,000 individuals with the sup-port of over 4,000 volunteers! We are now focusing on the long term recovery needs of those affected as they rebuild their lives. We will be supporting their essential basic needs, their ability to repair and rebuild their homes, to find temporary housing, and to relocate if they are unable to stay in the commu-nity they love. We are helping our neighbors in need, as you would like to be helped if your family was in need.

On behalf of our neighbors who need Catholic Char-ities as they rebuild and recover from this disaster ..

Thank you! Your generosity is tremendously ap-preciated by us and by those we serve. The impact from Hurricane Michael is devastating and will take a very long time to recover.

Faithfully yours,

Matthew Knee Executive Director

SVdP/ San Vicente de Paul 1/20 $192.5

Tithing— Promise Place 1/20 $1,259

Offertory/Ofertorio 1/20


Online Giving /en Linea 1/20 $3,877


17 de diciembre de 2018 Estimado Padre Hargaden, Muchas gracias por la donación de $ 1,541.50 que hizo la Iglesia de San Mateo el 31 de octubre de 2018 para ayudar en nuestra recuperación de desastres y los es-fuerzos de reconstrucción para nuestros vecinos que han sido afectados por el huracán Michael. El Sitio de Distribución de Desastres de Caridades Católicas estu-vo abierto durante 49 días para apoyar las necesidades básicas inmediatas de los afectados por el huracán. ¡Pudimos atender a más de 80,000 personas con el apoyo de más de 4,000 voluntarios! Ahora nos estamos enfocando en las necesidades de recuperación a largo plazo de los afectados a medida que reconstruyen sus vidas. Apoyaremos sus necesidades básicas esenciales, su capacidad para reparar y reconstruir sus hogares, encontrar una vivienda temporal y reubicarse si no pueden permanecer en la comunidad que aman. Esta-mos ayudando a nuestros vecinos necesitados, como le gustaría que lo ayudaran si su familia estuviera en ne-cesidad. En nombre de nuestros vecinos que necesitan Carida-des Católicas mientras se reconstruyen y se recuperan de este desastre ... ¡Gracias! Su generosidad es tremendamente apreciada por nosotros y por aquellos a quienes servimos. El im-pacto del huracán Michael es devastador y llevará mu-cho tiempo recuperarse. Fielmente tuyo,

Matthew Knee Director Ejecutivo

Page 7: Saint Matthew Catholic · office with new information at or 770.964.5804 . Thank you for keeping us up-to-date! Stephen Ministry— The Stephen Ministers

January 27, 2019, Third Sunday of Ordinary Time


Reflexión del Tercer Domingo de

Tiempo Ordinario

El significado de la liturgia de hoy es sutil y de múltiples capas.

Necesitamos antecedentes para comprender lo que está sucediendo en la primera lectura de hoy.

Habiendo sido derrotada Babilonia, el rey Ciro de Persia decretó que los judíos exiliados pudieran regresar a su hogar en Jerusalén. Ellos reconstruyeron su templo en ruinas (ver Ezra 6: 15–17) y bajo Nehemías terminaron de reconstruir las murallas de la ciudad (ver Nehemías 6:15).

El escenario estaba preparado para la reno-vación del pacto y el restablecimiento de la Ley de Moisés como la regla de vida de la gen-te. Eso es lo que está pasando en la primera lectura de hoy, mientras Ezra lee e interpreta (ver Nehemías 8: 8) la Ley y la gente respond-en con un gran "¡Amén!"

Israel, como cantamos en el salmo de hoy, se está dedicando nuevamente a Dios y su ley. La escena parece la profecía de Isaías de la que Jesús lee en el Evangelio de hoy. Lea todo Isaías 61. Las "buenas nuevas" que Isaías trae incluyen estas promesas: la liberación de los

prisioneros (61: 1); la reconstrucción de Jerusalén o Sión (61: 3–4; véase también Isaías 60:10); la restauración de Israel como un reino de sacerdotes (61: 6; Éxodo 19: 6); y la forja de un pacto eterno (61: 8; Isaías 55: 3). Suena mu-cho como la primera lectura.

Jesús, a su vez, declara que la profecía de Isaías se cumple en él. La escena del Evangelio, también, recuerda la Pri-mera Lectura. Al igual que Ezra, Jesús está delante de la gente, le dan un rollo, lo desenrolla, luego lo lee y lo inter-preta (compare Lucas 4: 16–17, 21 y Nehemías 8: 2–6, 8–10).

En la liturgia de hoy somos testigos de la creación de un nuevo pueblo de Dios. Ezra comenzó a leer al amanecer del primer día del año nuevo judío (ver Levítico 23:24). Jesús también proclama un "día de reposo", un gran año de jubileo, una liberación de la esclavitud al pecado, una liberación de las deudas que tenemos con Dios (véase Levítico 25:10).

La gente saludó a Ezra "como un hombre". Y, como lo enseña la Epístola de hoy, en el Espíritu el nuevo pueblo de Dios, la Iglesia, se hace "un solo cuerpo" con Él.

Escrito por Dr. Scott Han

Reflection on the Third Sunday of

Ordinary Time

The meaning of today’s liturgy is subtle and many-layered.

We need background to understand what’s happening in today’s First Reading.

Babylon having been defeated, King Cyrus of Persia decreed that the exiled Jews could return home to Jerusalem. They rebuilt their ruined temple (see Ezra 6:15–17) and under Nehemiah finished rebuilding the city walls (see Nehemiah 6:15).

The stage was set for the renewal of the covenant and the re-establishment of the Law of Moses as the people’s rule of life. That’s what’s going on in today’s First Reading, as Ezra reads and interprets (see Nehemiah 8:8) the Law and the people respond with a great “Amen!”

Israel, as we sing in today’s Psalm, is rededicating itself to God and His Law. The scene seems like the Isaiah prophecy that Jesus reads from in today’s Gospel.

Read all of Isaiah 61. The “glad tidings” Isaiah brings include these promises: the liberation of prisoners (61:1); the rebuilding of Jerusalem, or Zion (61:3–4; see also Isaiah 60:10); the restoration of Israel as a kingdom of priests (61:6; Exodus 19:6); and the forging of an everlasting covenant (61:8; Isaiah 55:3). It sounds a lot like the First Reading.

Jesus, in turn, declares that Isaiah’s prophecy is fulfilled in Him. The Gospel scene, too, recalls the First Reading. Like Ezra, Jesus stands before the people, is handed a scroll, unrolls it, then reads and interprets it (compare Luke 4:16–17, 21 and Nehemiah 8:2–6, 8–10).

We witness in today’s Liturgy the creation of a new people of God. Ezra started reading at dawn of the first day of the Jewish new year (see Leviticus 23:24). Jesus also proclaims a “sabbath,” a great year of Jubilee, a deliverance from slavery to sin, a release from the debts we owe to God (see Leviticus 25:10).

The people greeted Ezra “as one man.” And, as today’s Epistle teaches, in the Spirit the new people of God—the Church—is made “one body” with Him.

Written by Dr. Scott Han