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12 August 26, 2018 11:15am Welcome. Grow. Love. Morning Has Broken

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TRANSCRIPT August 26, 2018


Welcome. Grow. Love.

Morning Has Broken




Welcome! Our prayer is that you will experience the presence of

Christ in this service. Please fill out a “Connection” card located in

the bulletin so we can get an accurate record of attendance. If you

are a first time guest, we are so grateful to have you with us. Please

stop by the Welcome Desk in the entrance to the Sanctuary so we

can give you a Welcome Gift Bag.



OPENING HYMN No.147 vs. 1,2,4 (UMH)

“All Things Bright and Beautiful”





* HYMN No. 78 (CH)

“I Love You, Lord”


THE LORD’S PRAYER Pastor Christi

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.


OFFERING Pastor Susan

OFFERTORY “Written in Red”


August 26, 2018 14th Sunday after Pentecost


* DOXOLOGY Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

Praise Him, all creatures here below;

Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.



“Morning Has Broken”



Luke 9:28-36 (NIV)



“Hymn of Promise”





*The congregation is asked to stand.

The altar flowers are given to the glory of God and by

Phoebe and Anthony Patterson


Sermon Notes

“This week will be different because my take home

from Sunday is…”


Fellowship Time - You are invited to our fellowship time that is held

between worship services. This is a time to visit with friends and meet

new ones! We'll have the coffee pot on and some breakfast goodies

available in the Café from 8:30 – 8:55am and from 10:00 – 10:30am. We

will also have coffee in the Fellowship Hall immediately following the 8:15

worship service. Wherever you head for fellowship time, we welcome you

and encourage you to come!

Join THE RIDGE for a Luau – Today from 5:00 –

6:30pm. Rain or shine! Dinner will be provided.

Costume, contests, games, slip-n-slide (bring a

change of clothes to get wet)! Pick up a new Fall

Event Calendar.

Back to School Prayer Walk - Monday, August 27 we would like to pray

for our children and teachers. Please sign up at the walking track or

contact Larissa Brown if you would like to participate in the Prayer Walk.

Open Gym - Begins Thursdays starting August 30 from 4:00-6:00pm in the FLC. There will be ball games, an art station and video games during this time. Also on August 30 there will be a meal from 5:30-6:00pm and an exciting opportunity for you to meet our top youth

candidates and give feedback.

Stephen Ministers - Are you discerning a call to be a Stephen Minister? Are you wanting more information? Pick up applications from Pastor Christi through the end of August.

Flu Vaccines - Free Flu vaccines will be offered at the September 26 Feed and Seed. This is an annual event coordinated by the congregational nurse program and CVS. You must be 14 years of age or older to receive the vaccine.

Regular and senior vaccines will be available. Preventive health is our number one goal. Hope to see you there.


Bread of Life Ministry - As part of Oak Ridge United Methodist Church’s mission for servant outreach, the Bread of Life Meal Ministry assists church member facing crises, illness, recovering from surgery, homebound, or other situations by providing them a meal. At the present time, we are providing weekly meals to two of our church families. In support of this ministry, we are urgently seeking volunteers to provide a meal to those who need our support. Our goal is involve every church family by asking them to provide just one meal during the entire year (or more if they desire). The meals do not need to be homemade - prepared meals from stores or restaurants are fine. Many volunteers just make an additional amount of their family meal to share with others. Volunteers may access a calendar sharing web site and sign up to prepare and deliver a meal on a specified day. Meal suggestions, allergies and delivery details are provided. Please prayerfully consider joining us in this ministry. We truly need your help and a small amount of your time will make a huge difference to others. The meals and fellowship have been greatly appreciated by the recipients. Contact Donna Cleveland @ 336-643-0715 or [email protected] for information to access the web site or if your family has a need to receive meals through this ministry.

Opportunities for Service

August 26 September 2

8:15am Worship

Acolyte Grace Andronica Charley Gaines Ushers Courtney & Pat Craft Joyce & Rich Sydell Door Greeters C. & M. Simpson Lynda Simpson A/V Sydney Wentz Edward Jordan 11:15am Worship

Acolytes Madison Wiener E. & L. Taylor Ushers A. Chandler, C. Little, R. Lomax, R. Miller, F. Thompson T. Phillips Door Greeters na na Guest Station Nancy Meyers Amelia Yarbrough Sound Technician Mark Covington na ProPresenter Graham Royal na Cameras Ben Covington Tim Florence Financial Workers A.Fahnestock,L. Gardner J. Osborne, V. Gardner

Altar Guild for August: Cathey Prince

Food Collections for August

Good Samaritan Pantry: Backpack Ministry: Canned Fruit or Fruit Cocktail Peanut Butter (15 oz. or smaller) &

Squeezable Jelly (20 oz. plastic cont.)

Please place donations in the Donation Center located near the church office. Thank you for your support.


Mission of the Month: Guatemala Stove and Water Filter Ministry –

August is the month that ORUMC comes together to financially support the

Guatemalan mission. You can help support the Guatemalan mission in

several ways. Our teams will serve 500 families - $300 will totally cover

the cost for just one family to receive a stove, water filter and medications.

Giving any portion toward that is appreciated. A list of items needed by

these families is provided. Please pray for the ministry, the team members

and the people we serve.

At an average of six per family, that's 3000 people directly impacted. We

share God's love by dealing with physical needs. The better health and

money saved from the stoves and water filters is life changing for them but

the primary goal is growing God's Kingdom. We work in partnership with

the local church. The work we do opens the door for the local church.

Many will grow in their relationship with Christ and many will come to know

Him. Please be a part of this ministry. Make an eternal impact - $300

takes care of a family. It will be life changing for them and may be the

beginning of their relationship with Christ. Please use the memo line on

your check and put MoM: Guatemala stoves so donations reach the

appropriate account. Thank you for being a mission church and reaching

out of our community to serve the less fortunate.

Guatemala Stove & Water Filter Ministry Personal Experiences

I am beyond excited to go back to Guatemala this year. Last year was my first experience and I never imagined it changing my life the way it did. It was so humbling. I got to help many families by installing stoves and playing and loving on their children. The kids were such a big part of the trip (their smiles could light up your whole world). To watch them play soccer with other missionaries and make crafts was so amazing. This year I will be missing a week of college to go and serve others. I have been blessed beyond words and can’t wait to return. – Megan Huber We are so very excited to go on our first mission trip to Guatemala with ORUMC! Our hearts have been stirred for years after seeing and hearing how lives have been impacted by the love of Christ with each trip. I (Dee) have been on international mission trips before, and each one has truly changed my life. Every time I’ve been on any trip that calls me to look outside of my own comfort zone and give sacrificially to others, I’ve felt I was the one ministered to, the one who was the most blessed. We look forward to experiencing that with our mission team, and we know we will come back different people than when we went. Lord, use us to love the people in Guatemala! And use our church to send us there! Love in Christ, Dee and Todd Hall


When mission work calls you to make the commitment, you have prepared your heart but as the day approaches to prepare for travel, you need to think about the reality of going to a place very unlike your home. There are no modern conveniences like a sink to brush your teeth in; a water bottle and a nearby corn field will do. No hotel room, just your bug hut and sleeping bag on the floor of a church along with 20 other friends. But does it matter? You are there for one week and you are strong enough to do it! What will you love about this experience? Beautiful smiling faces, loving reception by people who have prayed you

would come and serve in their community, and the knowledge that you are leaving their environment and health far better because of the cook stove and water filter you are installing. You will also come to feel as though the team members serving with you are your new family in Christ. Trust me. You have made the right decision to join the mission team and we look forward to serving with you. Blessings, Dan and Jerry Chance

**A list of the items that can be donated for the Guatemala trip can be found at the Guest Station in the narthex or on the desk in the foyer of the FLC. Boxes are placed near the mail slots in the foyer of the education building and in the foyer of the FLC for donations.**


ORUMC's Annual Welcome Home Celebration

Sunday September 9th!

We will have ONE combined worship service in the Family Life

Center at 10:30am on Sunday, September 9th, immediately followed

by a time of Fellowship, Food, and Fun! You won't want to miss

this special opportunity to reconnect with your ORUMC church

family!!! (Please note that on this particular Sunday there will

be no Discipleship Hour/Sunday School classes, and there will be

no morning Fellowship Time coffee and snacks.)

If you are interested in helping with this event, please contact Kim

Jackson at 704-576-8429 or [email protected]. We will

gladly accept your help in ANY way that you would like to offer

(kitchen duty, food setup, table/chair setup, table decorations,

manning the drink table, etc.). Please don't assume that we have all

the help we need.....there is never enough!!

Feed & Seed weekly dinners will resume on

Wednesday, September 12th

Stay tuned for more details!!!


Running Wild School, family, and life…

not just surviving, but nailing it!

Calling all 6th -12th graders

Join us for our BACK-2-SCHOOL BASH





Hosted by Oak Ridge UMC

Andy Lambert, Hood House Band, The Ridge

2424 Oak Ridge Road, Oak Ridge NC



Connect at ORUMC!

Sunday Morning Worship Schedule

8:15 & 11:15 Worship services, held in the Sanctuary, that use a variety of hymns, songs and readings to support the weekly message.

9:00 (Crosswalk) - A service held in the Family Life Center where the weekly message is supported by worship bands that lead with

vibrant Christian music. Nursery Schedule, Room B109

8:15, 9:00 & 11:15am Worship services, 4 years and younger 10:00am Discipleship Hour, infants & toddlers only

Sunday Morning Discipleship Hour

10:00 Discipleship Hour with a place for all ages to grow in their knowledge of God, apply His Word and become imitators of Christ.

For information about our ministries, contact:

Adult Discipleship, Rev. Susan Mitchell,

[email protected], ext. 222

Children & Family Ministry, Larissa Brown,

[email protected], ext. 203

Music Ministry, Kenny Phillips,

[email protected], ext. 223

Worship Arts, Bev Miller

[email protected]

Welcome & Witness, Emily-Sarah Lineback

[email protected], ext. 221

Youth Ministry, Tracey Ring (Interim)

[email protected], ext. 204

Our Presence:

Attendance for Sunday, 8/19/18

8:15 Sanctuary Worship 60

9:00 Crosswalk Service 188

11:15 Sanctuary Worship 168

Total 416

Our Gifts:

Sunday, 8/19/18

Weekly Amount Needed


Weekly Amount Received


Year-to-date Amount Needed


Year-to-date Amount Received



Weekly Adult Recreational Opportunities Zumba: Monday, 9:05am (FLC); Thursday, 9:05am (FLC)

Yoga: Monday, 7:00pm (Café); Wednesday, 9:00am (F219);

Thursday, 7:00pm (Fellowship Hall) For more calendar information, please visit the church website at

If you would like to know about the latest church events

and more…

August Prayers and Praises

Prayer needs

Thelma Caldwell, sister of Tonya McMahon

Laura Squires, sister-in-law of Tonya McMahon

Tonya McMahon

Ronnie Lanier, surgery in September, friend of Nancy Underwood

Rick Wooldridge, surgery August 23, father of Jennifer Smith

Donnie Gilley, cancer, cousin of Robert Vansteen

Dave Simpson, diagnosed with ALS, brother of Mike Simpson

Teresa Geiger and family

“Mom” Horner, moving into assisted living facility

Smiley Funderburk, cancer

College students, teachers and students going back to school

Kay Morrow, cancer, sister of Myra Blackburn

Steve Shores, Stage 3 colon cancer, brother of Terry Shores

The Mills and Justus families at the passing of Robert Justus

The Lambert and Saxman family at the passing of Nevin Lambert


Stephen Ministers

Senior Pastor: Rev. Andy Lambert

Associate Pastor: Rev. Christi Taylor 2424 Oak Ridge Road, Oak Ridge, NC 27310

Church: (336) 643-4690 Church Office Hours: M-Th, 8:00am – 5:00pm;

Friday, 8:00am - 2:00pm