saint maron church · 5/31/2020  · given full proof of the day of jesus' passion, the day of...

Saint Maron Church Season of the Glorious Pentecost May 31, 2020 Saint Maron Church 7800 Brookside Rd Independence, OH 44131 Office: 216-520-5081 Fax: 216-524-2659 E-mail: [email protected] Website: St. Maron Church saintmaronchurch Clergy Rev. Fr. Elias Yazbeck: Administrator Rev. Deacon George Khoury Subdeacon Lattouf Lattouf Subdeacon Ghazi Faddoul Subdeacon George Faddoul Emergency: 612-501-6383 Liturgy Schedule Daily Mass: Chapel 6:00 p.m.: Tue-Wed-Thurs 10:00 a.m.: Friday Saturday: Chapel at 5:00 p.m. Sunday: Downtown 9:30 a.m.: English 11:00 a.m.: Arabic-English Pentecost Great hour of the Churchthis is how Pope Paul VI defines the Solemnity of Pentecost. Because of his spiritual nature, which comes directly from God, man cannot be alone. He deeply needs to be loved and to love. Without love he feels paralyzed ... crippled. The Apostles, who knew very well the weaknesses and fears of human nature, and had given full proof of the day of Jesus' passion, the day of Pentecost is how they were reborn, rediscovering and rediscovering in themselves, by the action of the Spirit, the same ener- gy as God, so that he can now express himself without fear, giving life to the Christian community. It is enough to read the Acts to touch the great inner change that has taken place in them. It was no longer the time to hide, to fear, but to testify in the light of the sun: "they began to speak in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them to be able to express them- selves" (Acts 2, 1-11) The Holy Spirit had now transformed them, to the point of not fearing opposition any- more, but even rejoicing, each time they were persecuted, imprisoned, scourged, always returning to the square and in the temple to "praise God" and continue the work of evan- gelization, which had been entrusted to them by the Master, the same one to which all of us Christians are called today, albeit in different ways. There is a day in our lives in which the Event of Pentecost also happens for us, that is the day when we receive the great sacrament of Confirmation: the Holy Spirit becomes the soul of our courage in living and spreading the Gospel. The Gift of the Holy Spirit is truly great. Knowing that He is strength and light gives courage in the vicissitudes of life. This is why Pentecost is the "great hour of the Church, which must show its true face, the Merciful Face of its Lord and Master, who invited us to become" merciful like the Father ". It is now up to us to let ourselves be invaded by the Holy Spirit.

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Page 1: Saint Maron Church · 5/31/2020  · given full proof of the day of Jesus' passion, the day of Pentecost is how they were reborn, rediscovering and rediscovering in themselves, by

Saint Maron Church Season of the Glorious Pentecost

May 31, 2020

Saint Maron Church 7800 Brookside Rd Independence, OH 44131 Office: 216-520-5081 Fax: 216-524-2659 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

St. Maron Church saintmaronchurch

Clergy Rev. Fr. Elias Yazbeck: Administrator Rev. Deacon George Khoury Subdeacon Lattouf Lattouf Subdeacon Ghazi Faddoul Subdeacon George Faddoul Emergency: 612-501-6383

Liturgy Schedule Daily Mass: Chapel 6:00 p.m.: Tue-Wed-Thurs 10:00 a.m.: Friday Saturday: Chapel at 5:00 p.m. Sunday: Downtown 9:30 a.m.: English 11:00 a.m.: Arabic-English


“Great hour of the Church” this is how Pope Paul VI defines the Solemnity of Pentecost.

Because of his spiritual nature, which comes directly from God, man cannot be alone. He deeply needs to be loved and to love. Without love he feels paralyzed ... crippled.

The Apostles, who knew very well the weaknesses and fears of human nature, and had given full proof of the day of Jesus' passion, the day of Pentecost is how they were reborn, rediscovering and rediscovering in themselves, by the action of the Spirit, the same ener-gy as God, so that he can now express himself without fear, giving life to the Christian community.

It is enough to read the Acts to touch the great inner change that has taken place in them. It was no longer the time to hide, to fear, but to testify in the light of the sun: "they began to speak in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them to be able to express them-selves" (Acts 2, 1-11)

The Holy Spirit had now transformed them, to the point of not fearing opposition any-more, but even rejoicing, each time they were persecuted, imprisoned, scourged, always returning to the square and in the temple to "praise God" and continue the work of evan-gelization, which had been entrusted to them by the Master, the same one to which all of us Christians are called today, albeit in different ways.

There is a day in our lives in which the Event of Pentecost also happens for us, that is the day when we receive the great sacrament of Confirmation: the Holy Spirit becomes the soul of our courage in living and spreading the Gospel.

The Gift of the Holy Spirit is truly great. Knowing that He is strength and light gives courage in the vicissitudes of life. This is why Pentecost is the "great hour of the Church, which must show its true face, the Merciful Face of its Lord and Master, who invited us to become" merciful like the Father ". It is now up to us to let ourselves be invaded by the Holy Spirit.

Page 2: Saint Maron Church · 5/31/2020  · given full proof of the day of Jesus' passion, the day of Pentecost is how they were reborn, rediscovering and rediscovering in themselves, by

Liturgy Intentions Sat. May 30: Season of the Glorious Pentecost 5:00 pm Facebook ONLY Mem Lit for Ramez El-Hayek (Dr Ziad El-Hayek & family) Sun. May 31: Season of the Glorious Pentecost 9:30 am: St. Maron Church Parishioners Intention 11:00 am: St. Maron Church & Facebook Also Parishioners Intention

Next Week Sat. June 6: Sunday of the Holy Trinity 5:00 Chapel: Facebook Also Parishioners Intentions Sun. June 7: Sunday of the Holy Trinity 9:30 am: Mem Lit Charles Nemeth (Joe & Ann Sessin & their children) 11:00 am: Parishioners Intentions Facebook Also

Tuesday & Thursday Summer Liturgy

Tuesday: English 6:00 pm Facebook Thursday: Arabic 6:00 pm Facebook

The Chapel is Closed This Week

St. Maron’s Church Organizations

Parish Council President: Najib Rached: [email protected] 3rd Wed. of the month at 7:00 pm Finance Council President: Rick Ganim: [email protected] 2nd Wed of the month at 7:00 pm Immaculate Conception Sodality (ICS) President: Bernadette Faddoul: [email protected] 1st Mon. of every month at 7:00pm Sons of Mary (Men’s Club) President: Joey Faddoul: [email protected] 1st Mon. of every month at 7:00 pm Maronite Christian Formation Program (MCFP) Sunday Director Maroun Kattar: [email protected] Sundays (except Holy Days) 10:45 am to 11:30am Maronite Christian Formation Program (MCFP) Thursday Director Michelle Nin: [email protected] Thursdays 7:00 pm Parish Center, Independence Maronite Young Children (MYC) President: Rita Kanaan: [email protected] Maronite Youth Organization (MYO) Coordinator: George Shamatta: [email protected] 1st and 3rd Saturday : 5pm with Liturgy/Meeting Maronite Young Adults (MYA) President: Aleina Soueidi: [email protected] Meeting/Event: Third Friday of each month Maronite Mothers Club (MMC) Coordinator: Tina Chamoun: [email protected] Arabic School: Coordinator: Jihad Kawkabani: [email protected] Classes Sat. Oct-April (except Holy Days) 10 am -12noon 50+ Social Club Mary Ann Watson: [email protected] 1st Friday of each month. Liturgy: 10:00 am Book & Cine Club Katia Abboud: [email protected] Rosary Prayer Group Daad Chamoun: [email protected]

Our deepest condolences to parishioner Dr. Ziad El-Hayek on the passing of his dear father Ramez

El-Hayek, 81 years old, who passed away peacefully in Lebanon on May 29, 2020

A Memorial Liturgy will be said Saturday, May 30th at 5pm Live on Facebook followed by Prayers of Incense.

May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the Mercy of God, rest in

peace. Amen

Page 3: Saint Maron Church · 5/31/2020  · given full proof of the day of Jesus' passion, the day of Pentecost is how they were reborn, rediscovering and rediscovering in themselves, by

Sunday of the Glorious Pentecost المجيدةأحد العنصرة

From the Acts of the Apostles 2:1-21 فصل من أعمال الرسل

يا إخوتي، .فحدث بغتة دوي من ٱلسماء كأنه دوي ريح عاصفة، ومأل كل ٱلبيت حيث كانوا جالسين .في تمام ٱليوم الخمسين، كان الرسل معا في مكان واحد

وح ٱلقدس، وبدأوا يتكلمون بألسنة أخرى، كما .وظهرت لهم ألسنة منقسمة كأنها من نار، وٱستقر على كل واحد منهم لسان هم من ٱلروٱمتألوا كل

وح يؤتيهم أن ينطقوا ة تحت ٱلسماء .كان ٱلر ا حدث ذلك ٱلصوت، ٱحتشد ٱلجمع وأخذتهم .وكان يقيم في أورشليم يهود، رجال أتقياء من كل أم فلم .ٱلحيرة، ألن كل واحد منهم كان يسمعهم يتكلمون بلغته

بوا وقالوا: "أليس هؤالء ٱلمتكل مون جميعهم جليلي ين؟ فكيف يسمعهم كل واح منا بٱللغة ٱلتي ولد فيها؟ د فدهشوا وتعجسيا، وفريجية، وبمفيلية، ومصر، ونواحي ليبية وآ ونحن فرتيون، وماديون، وعيالميون، وسكان ما بين ٱلنهرين، وٱليهودية، وكبدوكية، وبنطس، ٱلقريبة من قيروان، ورومانيون نزالء، يهود ومهتدون، وكريتيون، وعرب، نسمعهم يتكلمون ب وكانوا كلهم .لسنتنا عن أعمال ٱهلل ٱلعظيمة"أ

.مدهوشين حائرين يقول بعضهم لبعض: "ما معنى هذا؟" .لكن آخرين كانوا يقولون ساخرين: "إنهم قد ٱمتألوا سالفة"

جال ٱليهود، ويا جميع ٱلم يمين في أورشليم، ليكن هذا معلوما عندكم، وأصغوا ق فوقف بطرس مع ٱألحد عشر، ورفع صوته وخاطبهم قائال: "أيها ٱلر .ال، ليس هؤالء بسكارى، كما تظنون. فٱلساعة هي ٱلتاسعة صباحا .إلى كالمي

م، ويرى شبانكم رؤى، ك ويكون في ٱأليام ٱألخيرة، يقول ٱهلل، أن ي أفيض من روحي على كل بشر، فيتنبأ بنوكم وبنات :بل هذا هو ما قيل بيوئيل ٱلنبي وأعمل عجائب في ٱلسماء من فوق، وآيات على .وعلى عبيدي وإمائي أيضا أفيض من روحي في تلك ٱأليام فيتنبأون .ويحلم شيوخكم أحالما

، ٱليوم ٱلعظيم ٱلمجيد .ٱألرض من أسفل، دما ونارا وأعمدة من دخان ب فيكون أن كل من .وتنقلب ٱلشمس ظالما وٱلقمر دما قبل أن يأتي يوم ٱلر يخلص." ب يدعو بٱسم ٱلر

والتسبيح هلل دائما.

When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sit-ting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability. Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven living in Jerusalem. And at this sound the crowd gathered and was bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in the native language of each. Amazed and astonished, they asked, “Are not all these who are speaking Galile-ans? And how is it that we hear, each of us, in our own native language? Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabs— in our own languages we hear them speaking about God’s deeds of power.” All were amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, “What does this mean?” But others sneered and said, “They are filled with new wine.” But Peter, standing with the eleven, raised his voice and ad-dressed them, “Men of Judea and all who live in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and listen to what I say. Indeed, these are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only nine o’clock in the morning. No, this is what was spoken through the prophet Joel: ‘In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. Even upon my slaves, both men and women, in those days I will pour out my Spirit; and they shall prophesy. And I will show portents in the heaven above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and smoky mist. The sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the coming of the Lord’s great and glorious day. Then eve-ryone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.’” Praise be to God always!

From the Holy Gospel according to Saint John 14:15-20 إنجيل القد يس يوحنا

قال يوحنا الرسول: .وأنا أسأل اآلب فيعطيكم برقليطا آخر مؤي دا يكون معكم إلى األبد .إن تحبوني تحفظوا وصاياي»قال الرب يسوع لتالميذه:

ا أنتم فتعرف الذي ال يقدر العالم أن يقبله، ألنه ال يراه، وال يعرفه. أم .ه، ألنه مقيم عندكم، وهو فيكمونهو روح ٱلحق ا أنتم فترونني، ألن ي أنا حي وأنتم ستحيون .لن أترككم يتامى. إن ي آتي إليكم ا قليل لن يراني العالم، أم في ذلك اليوم تعرفون أن ي أنا في أبي، .عم

، وأنا فيكم. وأنتم في واألمان لجميعكم حقا

“If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, to be with you forever. This is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, because he abides with you, and he will be in you. “I will not leave you orphaned; I am coming to you. In a little while the world will no longer see me, but you will see me; because I live, you also will live. On that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you.” This is the truth! Peace be with you.

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Communion and Anointing of the Sick

Clergy is available to administer Communion or for anointing of

the sick to those homebound or hospitalized. Call the office if you

or a family member is in need.

For emergency only call: 612-501-6383

House Blessing Please call the office if you would like your home blessed 216-520-5081

Sacrament of Baptism and Confirmation If you are a new parent and wish to have your child baptized at Saint Maron Church or Chapel you must call the office at least two months in advance. We try very hard to have only one baptism per Saturday and Sunday. Times are after the 5pm Saturday liturgy (Chapel) or following the 11am Sunday liturgy (Church).

Mystery of Crowning (Sacrament of Matrimony) MANDATORY you contact and meet with Fr. Elias at least 8 months in advance of your desired date. Couples are required to participate in our pre-Cana classes. Once a couple has met with Father Elias their date will be secured. Call the office to schedule an appointment.: 216.520.5081

High School Graduates send us your name and high school and we will post it in the bulletin for all to see. College Graduates, send us your name, col-lege and degree you acquired. We know this year’s graduates have had to be creative due to Covid-19, so let us acknowledge each and every one of you. Email to: [email protected]

May’s Prayer Intention

Remember, O Lord, your children suffering from fear and

threatened by epidemic. Give us the peace you gave your disci-

ples on the day you rose from the dead. Heal everyone infected,

guide and protect the medical community who care for them.

Accept our repentance and have mercy on us.

We pray to you, O Lord.

We con-tinue to pray for all those

suffering from Coronavirus and for all who are ill. Remember all those in hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living and other care facilities and for their loved ones who are unable to visit during this time. And hold in your thoughts and prayers all those doctors, nurses, EMS, healthcare staff on the frontlines caring for those with the Covid 19 virus.

Page 5: Saint Maron Church · 5/31/2020  · given full proof of the day of Jesus' passion, the day of Pentecost is how they were reborn, rediscovering and rediscovering in themselves, by

Below you will find a list of precautions necessary to have a safe reopening of our church.

1. Hand sanitizer will be at the entrance of the church. We also recommend you bring your own to use as


2. We appreciate if each one of you will wear your own mask which also includes children, as

suggested by health and government authorities for the safety of others as well as yourself. We know this

is inconvenient. The cry room will be open for children to use at the parent’s risk.

3. Please leave the church immediately following the final blessing without socializing inside the church.

4. The Social Hall in the basement will be closed until further notice.

5. All church activities will remain suspended until further notice.

6. We will continue having 40-day liturgies without the condolence line following.

7. If you would like to speak with Fr. Elias, please give him a call. Please do not come to the sacristy after


8. Communion will be received into your hand only. You may lower your mask to place the host into your

mouth. Both the priest and recipient cannot be wearing a glove.

9. Restrooms will be open for emergencies and will be used at your own risk

10. No books will be in the pews.

11. The weekly bulletin will not be printed. It will continue by email and website.

12. If you are sick, have health issues or have been in contact with Covid-19 patients, you are encour-

aged to remain at home.

13. Fr. Elias will resume distributing communion at your home for homebound and those requiring the anoint-

ing of the sick. Unfortunately, he will not be able to sit and visit in the home or go to hospitals or nursing


14. Bishop Zaidan and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops have extended dispensation for all

those who want to stay home or do not feel comfortable returning yet.

15. Please follow the signs when you enter the church.

16. If we feel that the numbers are larger than we can accept, we will then do reservations in the coming


17. Baptisms, weddings, and funerals are allowed within the guidelines of the government and the Ohio Cath-

olic Bishops requirements.

18. Weekday Liturgy will be on Tuesday (English) & Thursday (Arabic) at 6pm Facebook Live:

If you know of anyone that does not have email, please share this information with them. It would

be greatly appreciated.

I am glad to announce the reopening of the church this Sunday May 31st as we celebrate The Glorious Pentecost. As you are aware, we can not be complacent as we know the Covid-19 virus is still with us, we must continue to take precautions with social distancing as well as health precautions. Unfortunately, we WILL NOT BE REOPENING THE CHAPEL THIS WEEKEND however I will continue to live-stream on Facebook Saturday evening at 5:00 pm. Updates will be provided as soon as it is safe to reopen the Chapel There will be two Liturgies each Sunday, our 9:30 am and our 11:00 am, open to attend at St. Maron Church, down-town. The 11:00 am Liturgy will also be live streamed on Facebook. Please see a list of precautions to follow, found below. We are all in this together and we are still learning about how to deal with this pandemic which has affected the whole world. Please know I am doing my best to keep my parish safe while providing spiritual needs for all of you. I hope you all stay safe and healthy. God bless you. Fr. Elias Yazbeck

Page 6: Saint Maron Church · 5/31/2020  · given full proof of the day of Jesus' passion, the day of Pentecost is how they were reborn, rediscovering and rediscovering in themselves, by

Gift of the Altar: May 2020

BREAD in Memory of: Deceased members of the Richards & Nofel families (Edward P. Richards, Jr.)

Elizabeth (Libby) Ganim and Charlotte B. Ganim (Douglas Ganim & family)

Mr. & Mrs. Edward (Eddie) & Matilda (Tillie) Shaheen, Ms. Stephanie Shaheen, and all deceased members of the Kaleel, Shaheen and Salloum families (Mr. & Mrs. George Salloum and family)

Otis (Pete) and Mary Root (John & Christine Root & family)

WINE in Memory of:

Deceased members of the Richards & Nofel families (Edward P. Richards, Jr.)

Mr. & Mrs. Edward (Eddie) & Matilda (Tillie) Shaheen, Ms. Stephanie Shaheen, and all deceased members of the Kaleel, Shaheen and Salloum families (Mr. & Mrs. George Salloum and family)

George & Shafia Shaia & daughter Sr. Stella Marie Shaia S.N.D. (Joe & Gladys Shaerban & family)

Otis (Pete) and Mary Root (John & Christine Root & family)

CANDLES in Memory of:

Deceased members of the Richards & Nofel families (Edward P. Richards, Jr.)

Jacob & Juliette Saad & the deceased members of the Saad & Elzeer families: (Thomas Saad & family)

George & Roma Sessin (Their children & their families)

Edward & Nina Monsour (Bill & Denise Bishilany & family)

Edward & Nina Monsour (Celeste & Don Sabol)

Mr. & Mrs. Edward (Eddie) & Matilda (Tillie) Shaheen, Ms. Stephanie Shaheen, and all deceased members of the Kaleel, Shaheen and Salloum families (Mr. & Mrs. George Salloum and family)

Otis (Pete) and Mary Root (John & Christine Root & family)

GENERAL DEPOSIT $ 2,450.00 Sunday Collection $ 2,300.00

Parking Garage-Monthly $ 150.00

REMINDER: The Social Hall will be closed until further notice.

Sunday Donuts have been cancelled until further notice.

What do I do w/ my envelope,

tithe, offering?

1. You can make your offering via Pay Pal

2. You can make your offering through Square

3. You can mail your envelope to 7800 Brookside Road Independence, Ohio 44131

4. You can physically drop off your envelope at the Par-ish Office weekdays.

Thank you for your generosity

First Communion Rescheduled

Our new date is Saturday

Sept. 19 and Sunday Sept. 20.

May 24, 2020

Thank you for all who support St Maron during this difficult time.








[email protected]

216-520-5081: Office

Page 7: Saint Maron Church · 5/31/2020  · given full proof of the day of Jesus' passion, the day of Pentecost is how they were reborn, rediscovering and rediscovering in themselves, by

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