saint frances cabrini r.c. church · saint frances cabrini r.c. church 134 middle country road,...

Saint Frances Cabrini R.C. Church 134 Middle Country Road, Coram, NY 11727 Rectory Office: 732-8445 Fax: 732-8978 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: Mission Statement St. Frances Cabrini Church is a Roman Catholic parish community with ethnic diversity. Our central focus is the Eucharist from which all aspects of parish life emanate. Being a Spirit filled, prayerful and proactive parish, we foster Christian family life, evangelization, and the spiritual nourishment of all parishioners, both young and old. We endeavor to follow the example of St. Frances Cabrini and attend to all God's children in their temporal and spiritual needs in order to alleviate their suffering. We do all in the name of Jesus who is Lord and Savior of us all. Our parish enjoys a rainbow of activities for all ages in Liturgy and in Service. If you wish to join or volunteer, please contact the rectory. Pastoral Staff Rev. Donald Baier, Pastor - Ext. 312 Rev. James Akpan - Ext. 304 Deacon Peter Acquaro - Ext. 334 Deacon C. Sonny Pagnotta - 698-3149 Deacon Monte Naylor (Retired) - Ext. 1532-335 Alice Fazio, Business Administrator - Ext. 303 Carol Repetti, Secretary - Ext. 301 Theresa Schlauraff /Receptionist - Ext. 301 Louise Prinzivalli, Coordinator of Music Michael Treanor, Buildings & Grounds Rev. Rolando Ticllasuca, Comunidad Hispana - 473-0165 Rectory Office: 732-8445 Hours: Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM-12:00 PM, 1:00 PM-4:30 PM Evenings by Appointment Only. Office is closed on Saturday and Sunday. Religious Formation: 698-3149 Deacon C. Sonny Pagnotta, Director William Bowden, Coordinator Adult Faith Formation Melissa Perez, Paul Giglio, Assistants Regional Catholic School-Holy Angels - 475-0422 Michael Connell, Principal Parish Social Ministry, Outreach and Pantry - 736-6835 (Mon, Wed, Friday: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM) Denise Bugge, Director Parish Trustees: We Celebrate the Eucharist Saturday: 9:00 AM & 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM (Family Mass) & 11:00 AM 12:30 PM (Spanish - Fr. Rolando Ticllasuca) Weekdays: Monday through Friday 8:00 AM Sacraments Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM or by appointment Infant Baptism Second and Fourth Sunday at 2:30 PM. Parents must contact Mrs. Connie G. - 732-8445 Ext. 333. RCIA (Adults and Children) Adults and children seeking initiation into the Catholic Church. Please contact the parish rectory. Marriage Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance. Please call Deacon C. Sonny Pagnotta at 698-3149 Anointing the Sick Contact the Rectory for the anointing and/or Eucharistic visits to the sick and the homebound. Devotions • Novena to the Blessed Mother and St. Frances Cabrini Monday (following 8:00 AM Mass) • Rosary and Divine Mercy Weekdays Monday through Friday (following 8:00 AM Mass)

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Page 1: Saint Frances Cabrini R.C. Church · Saint Frances Cabrini R.C. Church 134 Middle Country Road, Coram, NY 11727 Rectory Office: 732-8445 Fax: 732-8978 E-mail: Web

Saint Frances Cabrini R.C. Church134 Middle Country Road, Coram, NY 11727

Rectory Office: 732-8445 Fax: 732-8978E-mail: [email protected] Web site:

Mission StatementSt. Frances Cabrini Church is a Roman Catholicparish community with ethnic diversity. Our centralfocus is the Eucharist from which all aspects ofparish life emanate. Being a Spirit filled, prayerfuland proactive parish, we foster Christian family life,evangelization, and the spiritual nourishment of allparishioners, both young and old. We endeavor tofollow the example of St. Frances Cabrini andattend to all God's children in their temporal andspiritual needs in order to alleviate their suffering.We do all in the name of Jesus who is Lord andSavior of us all.

Our parish enjoys a rainbow of activitiesfor all ages in Liturgy and in Service. Ifyou wish to join or volunteer, pleasecontact the rectory.

Pastoral StaffRev. Donald Baier, Pastor - Ext. 312Rev. James Akpan - Ext. 304Deacon Peter Acquaro - Ext. 334Deacon C. Sonny Pagnotta - 698-3149Deacon Monte Naylor (Retired) - Ext. 1532-335Alice Fazio, Business Administrator - Ext. 303Carol Repetti, Secretary - Ext. 301Theresa Schlauraff /Receptionist - Ext. 301Louise Prinzivalli, Coordinator of MusicMichael Treanor, Buildings & Grounds

Rev. Rolando Ticllasuca, Comunidad Hispana - 473-0165

Rectory Office: 732-8445Hours: Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM-12:00 PM, 1:00 PM-4:30 PM

Evenings by Appointment Only.Office is closed on Saturday and Sunday.

Religious Formation: 698-3149Deacon C. Sonny Pagnotta, DirectorWilliam Bowden, Coordinator Adult Faith FormationMelissa Perez, Paul Giglio, Assistants

Regional Catholic School-Holy Angels - 475-0422Michael Connell, Principal

Parish Social Ministry, Outreach and Pantry - 736-6835(Mon, Wed, Friday: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM)Denise Bugge, Director

Parish Trustees:

We Celebrate the EucharistSaturday: 9:00 AM & 5:00 PMSunday: 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM (Family Mass) & 11:00 AM

12:30 PM (Spanish - Fr. Rolando Ticllasuca)Weekdays: Monday through Friday 8:00 AM

SacramentsSacrament of ReconciliationSaturdays 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM or by appointment

Infant BaptismSecond and Fourth Sunday at 2:30 PM.Parents must contact Mrs. Connie G. - 732-8445 Ext. 333.

RCIA (Adults and Children)Adults and children seeking initiation into the Catholic Church.Please contact the parish rectory.

MarriageArrangements must be made at least six months in advance.Please call Deacon C. Sonny Pagnotta at 698-3149

Anointing the SickContact the Rectory for the anointing and/or Eucharistic visitsto the sick and the homebound.


• Novena to the Blessed Mother and St. Frances CabriniMonday (following 8:00 AM Mass)

• Rosary and Divine MercyWeekdays Monday through Friday (following 8:00 AM Mass)

Page 2: Saint Frances Cabrini R.C. Church · Saint Frances Cabrini R.C. Church 134 Middle Country Road, Coram, NY 11727 Rectory Office: 732-8445 Fax: 732-8978 E-mail: Web

Page 01. St. Frances Cabrini RC Church June 03, 2018

Living Stewardship

We are grateful this week for all stew-

ards in our parish who use their gift of

time to receive the Body of Christ to

become the Body of Christ the rough

weekly Eucharist

MONDAY June 04, 2018

2 pt 1:2-7 Mk. 12:1-12 (353)

8:00AM + Joseph Petrucelli

TUESDAY June 05, 2018

2 Pt. 3:12-15a , 17-18a. 4:1-10 Mk. 9:30 –37 (342)

8:00 AM + Victoria Pleborski

WEDNESDAY June 06, 2018

Jas. 4:13-17 Mk. 9:38-40 (343)

8:00 AM + Helen Dowdle

THURSDAY June 07, 2018

2 Tm 2:8-15 Mk. 12;28-34 (356))

8:00 AM + Marie A Luca

FRIDAY June 08, 2018

Hos 11:1, 3-4, 8c-9 Eph 3:8-12 , 14-19 Jn. 19;31-37 (171)

8:00 AM + Rose Tsyz

SATURDAY June 09, 2018

2 Tm. 4:1-8 (358) Lk. 2:41-51 (573)

9:00 AM + Rose Tsyz

5:00 PM + Bob Belsten

SUNDAY June 10, 2018

Gn. 3:9-15 2 Cor 4:13-5: 1 Mk. 3:20;35 (89)

8:00AM + Bernie Havern

9:30 AM + Irene Ottt

11:00 AM + For Our Parishioners

12:30 PM Spanish Mass

Bulletin Stewardship

St. Paul reminds us today that all of our

gifts have their source in the Holy Spirit

and that those gifts are given “ for the

common good.” What gifts are mine to


Amount needed weekly to meet our

budget of $ 11,300

May 27, 2018

Regular Collection: $8,020.50

Envelopes 211 Attendance786

Bread & Wine

In loving memory


Imperia Marine

Sante Marine

Cesars Marine

with love

Julie & Dominick

Father’s Day

June 17th, 2018

Please remember Dad

Please send in your

Father’s Day Envelope

Page 3: Saint Frances Cabrini R.C. Church · Saint Frances Cabrini R.C. Church 134 Middle Country Road, Coram, NY 11727 Rectory Office: 732-8445 Fax: 732-8978 E-mail: Web

Page 02. St. Frances Cabrini RC Church June 03, 2018

JUNE 03, 2018

Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

MK. 14:12-16,22-26

As Mark tells the story of the preparations for the passion , Jesus is clearly in charge; even the

people plotting against him are inadvertently advancing the goal he has in mind. Two small

details reveal how Jesus prepared his own liturgy of Passion and Atonement and drew his

disciples to participate in the drama.

First, as if the coming events were going to involve Jesus alone, the disciples asked where

they should prepare for him to eat the Passover . When he gave them the instructions about the

city and the man carrying a water jar, they realized that he already had everything planned.

Then reminding them that he had predicted that “the cup that I drink, you will

drink” (Mark10:39),he told them to prepare the place where they would celebrate Passover

together. Thee new Passover was theirs—he would celebrate with them and for them.

At that supper , Jesus revised the traditional Passover ritual. The changes he made revealed

how the Passover was being newly enacted, now not ritually or in remembrance , but con-


through the events that has begun to unfold . The traditional Passover meal celebrated the

Unfold . The traditional Passover meal celebrated the memory of the last meal the people of

Israel ate as slaves. They ate it on the night that the blood of a lamb saved them from death and

enabled them to escape into freedom . At the Last Supper, Jesus said the traditional prayer of

thanksgiving as he broke the bread . But as he recited the ritual prayers and blessings recalling

God’s saving actions in their history, he added himself to the story. In what had to be unforget-

table , shocking addition to the ceremony , he invited his disciples to eat the bread he had

prayed over as communion with him. He was offering himself to them and inviting them to do

the same.

When he took the cup, he reinforced his teaching as he again reinterpreted their traditional

ritual. Jesus equated the cup with his blood poured out like the blood Moses sprinkled on the

people when they ratified the convent. It was like the blood the high priest would sprinkled on

the people on the Day of Atonement, the blood which represented God’s offer of communion

with the chosen people And they drank that cup with him.

The Last Supper scene sums up the meaning and message of Jesus’ life. It reveals him as

God’s self—offering to humanity and taught how humanity can accent divine life. Like many

things he did , the words Jesus used at the Last Supper were shocking. In the minds of some

they were sacrilegious , in the hearts of others, they were sacramental. The shocking sacrilege

some could not accept was that Jesus had equated himself with the God who reaches out to hu-

manity in convent love. The sacrament others perceived and received was his offer of

Communion with that very God, Communion that comes through him, through his body and

blood, through his life. Those who saw only sacrilege knew why his blood had to be poured

out. Those who understood the invitation to Communion gradually understood that Commun-

ion called them as well to become his body. The reading for the celebration reminds us that we

are part of the whole Judeo-Christian salvation history. Most of all, as Augustine would tell us

Page 4: Saint Frances Cabrini R.C. Church · Saint Frances Cabrini R.C. Church 134 Middle Country Road, Coram, NY 11727 Rectory Office: 732-8445 Fax: 732-8978 E-mail: Web

Page 03. St. Frances Cabrini RC Church June 03,2018

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Page 04. St. Frances Cabrini RC Church June 03, 2018

Page 6: Saint Frances Cabrini R.C. Church · Saint Frances Cabrini R.C. Church 134 Middle Country Road, Coram, NY 11727 Rectory Office: 732-8445 Fax: 732-8978 E-mail: Web

Page 05. St. Frances Cabrini RC Church June 03, 2018

Please note that “Prayers for the Sick” will be announced from the altar for 4 weeks. Then the

names will be in the bulletin for another 4 weeks. Please inform the Rectory if you wish to

add a loved one for prayers, or to have someone’s name remove

Chris Beekmann,Gerard D, Ambrosio, Marcie Bowen,

Kathy HilgenbergJennifer Manzo,Michael De Prospo Sr.,Mary Conlin,

Eric Duchnowski, Nancy Obermeyer Burpee,Georgette Smith, , Loretta Snyder, Dorthy

LechthalerRichard Felman,Francine Silva, Patricia Cobb

Anthony Receniello, Jeannie Angelone, Gregg Darcey ,Michael Manchise,

Mason & Marus Reynolds, William Travis, Joe Maher ,Nicole Nuzzi,

Maureen Cuozzo, Patricia Vander-Puttan, Carla Williams, Ed Chapman, Cestaro Fam-

ily,Joseph Bluemke Norma Wiley, Major Dan Dresch, Caroline Rosoti ,

Maria Warren,Pasquale Cervini, Marie Maszerowski, Joan Darcey,

Dana Hertzovitd, Joseph Massa, Richard Mercy, Mary Forte, Carl Bugge,

Annette Brittain, John Smoloff, Evelyn Mc Parlin, Marion Borg ,

Walter Schneider, Cy Arnold Maureen Flaig, Mary Bootz, Rob Bagnasco,

Gloria Beekman, Tracie Williams, Regina Williams, June Adam, Patrick Cahill, Carol

Cacciatore, Marge Rende, Jane Duchnowski, Bruce Bierman , John Balkam,Josephone

Sacco, Stephanie Giglio, Arline Guma


If you, or someone you know, desire to learn more about the Catholic faith, and

perhaps become a part of our Church community , then RCIA (Rite of Chris-

tian Initiation for Adults) is for you. It is meant specifically for adults who are

seeking Baptism, or those who never received Confirmation or Eucharist.

Come and see! We meet on Monday evenings from 7:30 PM to 9:00PM in

Room 1 at the Parish Center

Pray the Rosary

with us

After the 8:00 AM Mass

Monday thru Friday

Saturday after

9:00 AM Mass

Hail Holy Queen

Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, Our life, our

sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor

banished children of Eve, To thee do we send up

our sighs, Mourning and weeping in this valley of

tears. Turn then, most gracious Advocate, thine

eyes of mercy toward us, And after this our exile,

show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary! Pray

for us, O Holy Mother of God, That we may be

made worthy of the promises of Christ.


Page 7: Saint Frances Cabrini R.C. Church · Saint Frances Cabrini R.C. Church 134 Middle Country Road, Coram, NY 11727 Rectory Office: 732-8445 Fax: 732-8978 E-mail: Web

Page 06. St. Frances Cabrini RC Church June 03, 2018

Pro Life Rose

Happy Birthday

Irene Garafano

With love

Your daughter

Cabrini’s Pro-Life Family Invites you to dedicate a Pro-Life Rose for any

intention by calling Denise Bugge at 631 736-

6835 Your participation helps bring a greater

awareness to the sacredness of all human life,

especially the unborn. Cost is $5.00. A fresh rose

will be placed at the statue of the Blessed Mother

each week.

Bread and Wine or Sanctuary Lamp

If you wish to offer the Bread and Wine or

Sanctuary Lamp for any special week for a

loved one or in thanksgiving , please contact

the rectory at 631 732-8445.

Cabrini Cash

Winners for May

We want to Thank Our generous

Parishioners for supporting our

recent Flower Sale.

As always they are very generous

to us.

Many Thanks,

The Columbiettes

Doris Gallagher


Catholic Daughters of the Americas

Court St. Frances Cabrini #2438

will hold their regular meeting on

Tuesday , June 5th , at 7:30 pm in the

Parish Center, Refreshments will be


Reminder— All the Ladies of the

Parish are invited to attend our








Marie Catania

Joanne Della Valle

Roberta Obermeyer

Patricia Springsteed

A. Altmaura

B. Virginia Kelliher

Page 8: Saint Frances Cabrini R.C. Church · Saint Frances Cabrini R.C. Church 134 Middle Country Road, Coram, NY 11727 Rectory Office: 732-8445 Fax: 732-8978 E-mail: Web

Page 07. St. Frances Cabrini RC Church September 06, 2015

August 30,2015 2015

Page 07. St. Frances Cabrini RC Church September 06, 2015

August 30,2015 2015

Page 07. St. Frances Cabrini RC Church June 03, 2018

All are invited

Our Parish has been blessed with Father Don Baier,

for the past 14 years. He has provided for us spiritually by

touching the hearts and souls of so many of us, deepening our faith

and spirituality so we may come to know and love God.

Please join us in prayer as Father Don celebrates

A Mass of Thanksgiving

June 24 th 11:00 AM

Join us to wish Father Don good fortune and health as he

retires. Light refreshments will follow immediately in

Parish Hall

Page 9: Saint Frances Cabrini R.C. Church · Saint Frances Cabrini R.C. Church 134 Middle Country Road, Coram, NY 11727 Rectory Office: 732-8445 Fax: 732-8978 E-mail: Web

Cabrini’s Pro Life Family

Invite you to dedicate a Pro-Life Rose for

any intention by calling Denise Bugge at

736-0683. Your Participation helps bring a

greater awareness to the sacredness of all

human life, especially the unborn.

Cost is $5.00

Page 08. St. Frances Cabrini RC June 03, 2018

Social Ministry Happenings

June 3, 2018

[email protected] There are many who help to make our Parish Outreach a ministry and for God’s direc-

tion in serving with a loving spirit and a willingness to do all we can to fulfill this calling

continuing ray of hope for those in need. Without the volunteers and our parisishioners’

overwhelming generosity , it would be difficult to assist the families who come to us with

so many difficulties. Please continue to pray for our for our ministry and for God’s di-

rection in serving with a loving spirit and a willingness to do all we can to fulfill this




ACCEPT STUFFED ANIMALS Be sure to check our parish website for emergency hotline direct

links, update on community assistance information and employment



Tuna /Canned Fish


Canned Pasta


Pasta Sauce

Bar Soap

Laundry Detergent

Baby Wipes



Alcoholics Anonymous 24 Hour Hotline 631-669-1124

Birthright: 631- 821-9727

Brighter Tomorrow: 631-395-1800

Brookhaven Dept of Housing and Human Services 631- 451-6600

Catholic Charities (Food Stamp Info): 631- 789-9546

Child Abuse: 631- 439-0480

Domestic Violence Hotline-The Retreat 631- 329-2200

Elder Abuse 631-761-7470

Fidelis (Family Health Plus): 1-888 –343-3547

Good Shepherd Hospice: 631-465-6300

Hope House Ministries; 631-473-6030

Page 10: Saint Frances Cabrini R.C. Church · Saint Frances Cabrini R.C. Church 134 Middle Country Road, Coram, NY 11727 Rectory Office: 732-8445 Fax: 732-8978 E-mail: Web

Page 09. St. Frances Cabrini RC Church June 03, 2018

Pray for Our Troops

AZ-3Robert Murdolo US Navy

Kyle Roberts Air Force

Lt.CommanderThomas Brown-Navy

Bosen’s Mate Christopher F. Wetzel

Brian A. Harris-Army

Master Sgt. Kori Jackson–Air Force

Chief Master Sgt David Jackson

Daniel Hennessy -Army

Matthew Talibon-Marines

John Maresca

Ryan LaBlanc-Iraq

Michal Mark

C.P.O. Jesse Deery U.S.C.G

Sgt. Justin Wanat-Nat. Guard

Sgt. Jason Mc Kevitt-Nat. Guard

Sgt. Shawn Herzog-10th

Lt. Col. Andrew Eanniello USMC

Kent Korunka

Matthew R. Cotter-Air Force

Nicholas Byrd

Staff Sgt John Paul Esposito-Air Force

Stephen Brewster-Air Force

Kyle Brewster-Marines

Col. David Harney

Doug Hennessy-Army

1st Sgt. Julio Tomas Santos-Army

Lance Corp Adam Cervasio

Lance Corp Nicholas Cervasio

Kelsey Desz Air NationalGuard

Michael Desz Air Force

Sarah Desz Air Force

Joseph Marotta—Air Force

Benjamin Marotta-Army Police

James Carlos Jackson Marine

L//cp Andrea Franco USCM

Kindly call the Rectory Office at

631-732-8445 if you know of anyone

that is on this list and has returned


Thank you



7:30 PM

7:30 PM


7:00 PM


10:30 AM

7:00 PM



5:30 PM

7:30 PM


6:30 AM


11:00 AM

11:00 AM

June 04, 2018


K of C Officers Meeting

June 05, 2018

Catholic Daughters

June 06, 2018



June 07, 2018

June 08, 2018

Boy Scouts Religious


Boy Scouts

June 09, 2018

Ladies of the Sacred Heart

June 10, 2018

Spanish Children Choir

Spanish lector

Spanish Mass






Rm. 7/8

Rm. 7/8

Rm. 1


Rm. 2

Rm. 1


Page 11: Saint Frances Cabrini R.C. Church · Saint Frances Cabrini R.C. Church 134 Middle Country Road, Coram, NY 11727 Rectory Office: 732-8445 Fax: 732-8978 E-mail: Web

Page 10 St. Frances Cabrini RC June 03, 2018

Monthly Intention for Spiritual Adoption

May: In the third month of spiritual adoption, we pray for a pro-life physician who will

care for both the mother and child as patients, and direct all medical actions toward safe-

guarding their lives and health, including those in high-risk pregnancies and the

commonly termed “hard cases.”

May: Your baby is making progress, developing all of his external features and internal

organs. His brain is functioning at 40 days. His mother can hear his heartbeat now on an

ultrasonic stethoscope. His milk –teeth buds are present at 61/2 weeks. From this moment

onward, your spiritually adopted baby grows and refines his body . Everything he needs to

spiritually adopted baby grows and refines his body . Everything he needs to survive once

he is born already is present by the end of the eighth week. Please pray for him and his


Save the Date

Day of Recollection

Saturday, June 16, 2018

(1:00pm –4:00pm)

Details to follow


All Calendar request are due.

Please return to Alice.