cabrini partners with local community

YOU SPEAK, WE LISTEN CABRINI COLLEGE Pacemaker Winner Thursday, Feb. 3, 2011 Radnor, Pa. Vol. LII, Issue 16 INSIDE Teen Mom: entertainment or public service? See PERSPECTIVES, page 6 Business mogul brings experience to Cabrini See FEATURES, page 9 Winter trends during the winter See A&E, page 10 Cavs dominate Eastern See SPORTS, page 16 IRELAND COMES TO CABRINI By Danielle Alio Managing Editor Hope. That is the word that describes the emo- tion on the faces of some Hispanic parents in the Norristown Area School District as they celebrated their high school students’ new after-school program offered by an Engagement with the Common Good class at Cabrini. The success of the pro- gram was evident at the Christmas party that was held at the Norristown Public Library back in De- cember. While few were expected, over 30 people were in attendance includ- ing the Norristown Area School District Curriculum and Instruction Supervisor Patricia Demnisky. The college’s new Jus- tice Matters curriculum consists of courses that give students the opportu- nity to work with commu- nity partners on common projects. Spanish majors and minors work with the Norristown Area School District and mentor young high school students of Hispanic descent through a program called “Our Inter- connected Hemisphere.” According to The Chronicle of Higher Edu- cation, Hispanic students have a very low college graduation rate in compari- son to other students of a different ethnic PROGRAM, page 3 Student earns national award Delta Epsilon Sigma awarded Shannon Fandler, an English major and December 2010 graduate, second place for a short work of fiction. Her story, “The Indian,” will be published in a national bi-annual journal that has a circulation of about 20,000 people between colleges and individuals. This is actually the second year that Fandler has placed in this particular publica- tion. According to Dr. Seth Frechie, chair of the English department and mentor to Fandler, it is not uncommon for Cabrini students to be acknowledged on a national scale. “The department is very proud of Shannon’s accom- plishment,” Frechie said. “I believe it speaks directly to the kind of achievement the creative writing students at Cabrini are having in our re- vised curriculum. This award for Shannon is very impor- tant because it helps spread the word that English stu- dents accomplish extraordi- nary things.” Frechie, as well as Dr. Michelle Filling, assistant professor of English, both agree that while the depart- ment is full of hard working students, Shannon is truly a standout. This award comes AWARD, page 5 By Laura Hancq Asst. Sports Editor Irish student adjusts to life at Cabrini College Anyone could imagine how hard it would be to leave a familiar and comfortable area to explore something completely different. Matt McColgan, a Belfast, Ireland native and a current junior at Cabrini, can relate to this experience as he transitions to the American liftersyle. “Cabrini College is a small school, it’s a good school,” McColgan said. “I enjoy the classes that I take.” McColgan, like the previous students from Ireland, was accepted with open arms by students in what McColgan describes as an “approachable and friendly” manner. McColgan lives in the suburbs of Ireland with his large family of seven including his parents, three brothers, one STUDENT, page 5 By Sarah Luckert Photo Editor sarah luckert / photo editor Cabrini partners with local community Danielle alio / managing editor Dr. Raquel Green interacts with a parent of a Norristown Area School District student. The program mentor Hispanic youth throughout their high school career.

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This is an article I wrote for issue 16 of the Loquitur. it is an article about a class at Cabrini that mentors Hispanic high school students in the Norristown Area High School.


Page 1: Cabrini partners with local community

Y O U S P E A K , W E L I S T E N C A B R I N I C O L L E G E

Radnor, Pa. Vol L, Issue

        Thursday, Feb. 19, 2009

Pacemaker Winner

     Thursday, March 25, 2010

Vol LI, Issue 21


Hundreds  of  thousands  of  people  rallied  at  the  National  Mall  in 

Washington  D.C.  on  Sunday,  March  21  in  support  of  comprehensive 

immigration reform.





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support for an overhaul of immigration legislation.

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and “No human can be illegal” at the rally.




change and have traveled so far to stand up for their rights,” Garrett said.

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[email protected]


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American Cancer Society. Young and old, students 


the force cancer had on their lives and the impact 


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the Society are present during the event to oversee 

the happenings and further the Society’s mission.





[email protected]





Thursday, Feb. 3, 2011

Radnor, Pa. Vol. LII, Issue 16

INSIDETeen Mom: entertainment or public service?See PERSPECTIVES, page 6

Business mogul brings experience to CabriniSee FEATURES, page 9

Winter trends during the winterSee A&E, page 10

Cavs dominate EasternSee SPORTS, page 16

Ireland comes to cabrInI

By Danielle AlioManaging Editor

Hope. That is the word that describes the emo-tion on the faces of some Hispanic parents in the Norristown Area School District as they celebrated their high school students’ new after-school program offered by an Engagement with the Common Good class at Cabrini.

The success of the pro-gram was evident at the Christmas party that was held at the Norristown Public Library back in De-cember. While few were expected, over 30 people were in attendance includ-ing the Norristown Area School District Curriculum

and Instruction Supervisor Patricia Demnisky.

The college’s new Jus-tice Matters curriculum consists of courses that give students the opportu-nity to work with commu-nity partners on common projects. Spanish majors and minors work with the Norristown Area School District and mentor young high school students of Hispanic descent through a program called “Our Inter-connected Hemisphere.”

According to The Chronicle of Higher Edu-cation, Hispanic students have a very low college graduation rate in compari-son to other students of a different ethnic

PROGRAM, page 3

student earns national award

Delta Epsilon Sigma awarded Shannon Fandler, an English major and December 2010 graduate, second place for a short work of fiction. Her story, “The Indian,” will be published in a national bi-annual journal that has a circulation of about 20,000 people between colleges and individuals.

This is actually the second year that Fandler has placed in this particular publica-tion. According to Dr. Seth Frechie, chair of the English department and mentor to Fandler, it is not uncommon for Cabrini students to be acknowledged on a national scale.

“The department is very proud of Shannon’s accom-plishment,” Frechie said. “I believe it speaks directly to the kind of achievement the creative writing students at Cabrini are having in our re-vised curriculum. This award for Shannon is very impor-tant because it helps spread the word that English stu-dents accomplish extraordi-nary things.”

Frechie, as well as Dr. Michelle Filling, assistant professor of English, both agree that while the depart-ment is full of hard working students, Shannon is truly a standout. This award comes

AWARD, page 5

By Laura HancqAsst. Sports Editor

Irish student adjusts to life at Cabrini College

Anyone could imagine how hard it would be to leave a familiar and comfortable area to explore something completely different. Matt McColgan, a

Belfast, Ireland native and a current junior at Cabrini, can relate to this experience as he transitions to the American liftersyle.

“Cabrini College is a small school, it’s a good school,” McColgan said. “I enjoy the classes that I take.”

McColgan, like the previous students from Ireland, was accepted with open

arms by students in what McColgan describes as an “approachable and friendly” manner.

McColgan lives in the suburbs of Ireland with his large family of seven including his parents, three brothers, one

STUDENT, page 5

By Sarah LuckertPhoto Editor

sarah luckert / photo editor

Cabrini partners with local community

Danielle alio / managing editor

Dr. Raquel Green interacts with a parent of a Norristown Area School District student. The program mentor Hispanic youth throughout their high school career.

Page 2: Cabrini partners with local community

Thursday, Feb. 3, 2011 The Loquitur 3 News

Spanish ECG class offers high school students new program after school in Norristown

PROGRAM, page 1

background. This fact also holds true on the high school level, which is where the Spanish ECG class is trying to make a differ-ence.

“We would like somehow to contribute to that and help in ways that we think we can to im-prove the futures of many Latino students by community organiz-ing, advocating for them, work-ing closely with them, believing in them and by ultimately helping them to secure funding sources for grants and scholarships,” Dr. Cynthia Halpern, chair of the ro-mance languages and literatures department and the ECG 200 pro-fessor, said.

The Cabrini students’ ultimate goal with the high school students is to see them graduate and re-ceive scholarship money for col-lege.

In the fall of 2009, the stu-dents began with an ECG 100 class taught by Dr. Nicholas Uliano, associate professor of the romance languages, who intro-duced the students to many of the challenges faced by Latino im-migrants. After ECG 100, the stu-dents continue with the program for four years, concluding with a senior-level course.

Cabrini students who are par-ticipating in this program travel to the Norristown Area High School certain days during the week af-

ter school to meet with Spanish-speaking high school students.

“Our ECG 200 class talks about Mexican immigration and their struggle when they come over to the United States,” Jess Merone, sophomore psychology and social work major and stu-dent mentor, said. Merone, along with her parents and siblings, are immigrants from Italy.

According to Merone, the main issues facing immigrants are language barriers, feeling ac-cepted in school and discrimina-tion. These factors most likely contribute to the low graduation rates.

“We’re helping them with schoolwork and providing oppor-tunities for them to continue on with their schoolwork,” Merone said.

Dr. Raquel Green, assistant professor of romance languages and the ECG 300 professor, ex-plained that some Hispanic stu-dents start falling behind academ-ically during the third or fourth grade because of the language barrier. As the students move to the higher grades that gap widens.

“That’s when they begin to feel ‘I am never going to catch up’ and that is when behavioral issues may emerge,” Green said. “They feel more isolated.”

“I at least want to see one stu-dent graduate,” Lisa Gomez, ju-nior exercise science major and ECG class student leader, said.

Gomez was chosen to serve as the intern of the mentorship pro-gram because of her Puerto Rican family background. Gomez stated that her family is her biggest in-

spiration. “Where I live there’s not a lot

of graduates. There are a lot of drop-outs and I know people per-sonally that dropped out,” Gomez said.

This program is new for the Norristown Area High School in that it is the first one geared to-ward working specifically with Spanish-speaking students.

“As a district we are charged with ensuring that students are successful and when there are students who are speakers of other languages, I think we are responsible for doing whatever it takes to ensure that students feel supported and know they are sup-ported,” Dr. Janet Samuels, su-perintendent of Norristown Area School District, said.

Halpern explained that the

program also benefits each Cabri-ni student enrolled in the ECG 200 class at an intermediate level in their Spanish language studies and they get to practice their lan-guage skills with the high school students.

Halpern explained how she felt the parents of the high school children were nothing but grate-ful for the time, care and dedica-tion of the Cabrini students.

“There are no words. There are just no words to tell you how emotional I felt,” Halpern said. “To me, it was a precious mo-ment in time. That will personally give me the energy to keep going because this is the beginning of something that’s going to be ex-traordinary.”

[email protected]

Relay For Life was started in 1985 by a man named Dr. Gordy Klatt. Klatt decided to walk around a track for 24-hours to raise money for the American Cancer Society. Just by this one man’s action, over 3.5 mil-lion people participate in this event all over the country.

“This event is important to Cabrini be-cause I think it really unites the campus. Everybody knows someone who survived cancer or passed away from cancer. Fight-ing to find a cure for cancer is something everyone can relate to,” Melissa Phillips, last years Relay For Life participant and organizer, said.

Last year was Cabrini College’s first time joining in Relay For Life. With over 300 participants raising $27,000 and pass-ing their goal of $23,000, the college want-ed to advocate more by having another Re-lay For Life event.

“The first year event won an award from ACS rookie of the year for how successful it was. The goal for this year is $30,000,” Allie Potter, Relay For Life co-chair and senior special education major, said.

Several communities and colleges all over the United States participate in this event to raise money for the ACS. “The goal is to get teens to sign up and walk the whole night,” Potter said.

This event is a walk that will begin at 3 p.m. on March 26 and will go until 7 a.m. on March 27. It will be held in the Dixon

Center.Individuals can either walk as a team,

walk alone or donate money. However, someone from a team must be walking at all times.

The point of that is to show that the walk has to last the whole night without stopping, because this disease doesn’t stop.

“I stayed up all night last year and it was worth every minute,” Mary Stevens, junior elementary education major and Relay For Life member, said. “Every time I thought I wouldn’t make it without falling asleep.”

If students do not wish to participate in walking, they have the opportunity to do-nate money for this cause.

While the participants are on their break from walking, there are activities to participate in. This event is going to be a Hollywood theme. There will be food, fun, tug-of-war, bingo at 8 p.m., a ceremony at 9 p.m., zumba, a band and a t-shirt contest.

“Through this event we take the time to celebrate those who fight it and for those who lost their lives. It’s a night of events and activities to raise money for a great cause,” Beth Gillespie, Relay For Life co-chair, junior math major and secondary education major, said.

“Cancer effects everyone and every stu-dent can take part of this great cause. It’s not a sports team where you have to try out to be a part of. This event is very unique,” Gillespie said.

Relay For Life at Cabrini College is spreading the word more this year to en-courage students to participate.

“I hope this year we can get even more

students involved and raise even more money. I hope more people realize how great this event is and how much it can help people,” Stevens said.

“Everyone has a story. It has been crazy trying to plan the event. Our motto is ‘any-thing for relay.’ Were not raising money for ourselves, it’s all for other people. There are not many things like this at Cabrini. It’s for a really good cause,” Gillespie said. She also noted the emotional impact.

“I love the feeling of when we raise money and have advocacy events. It’s all

so worth it. After the event we all cried and we were so excited we met our goal. It’s so rewarding. We love it,” Gillespie said.

It is recommended to pre-register online to make a team. As of now there are al-ready 21 teams signed up. Just go to You also have the option of registering and making your payment the day of. It is $10 per person. You can pay online as well.

[email protected]

By Natalie Crawford Asst. Copy Editor

Volunteers needed to repeat success of Relay for Life

noelle westfall / submitted photo

Junior political science major Nikki Mosco and 2010 alumni Joe Kimpflen hang a banner in the Dixon Center for last years Relay for Life event on March 20, 2010.

danielle alio / managing editor

Cabrini students interact with the parents of students in the Norristown Area School District at the Christmas party. This celebration was held at the Norristown Public Library in December to recognize the success of the new program.