saint athanasius ·...

Saint Athanasius Church PASTOR Rev. Oscar D. Tabujara PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Paul-Cuong Phan DEACON Rev. Leonel Mancilla MASS SCHEDULE/Horario de Misas Vigil (Saturday): 5:30p.m. (English) 7:30p.m. (Español) Sunday (Domingo): 8:00a.m. (English) 9:30a.m. (Español) 11:15a.m. (English) 1:00p.m. (Español) 5:30p.m. (English) Daily Masses/Misas Diarias: (solo en Inglés) Monday - Friday: 6:45a.m., 9:00 a.m. Wednesdays 6:30p.m. Saturdays: 9:00 a.m. Holy Days: 6:45a.m., 9:00a.m., 5:30p.m., 7:00p.m. (Español) RECONCILIATION / CONFESIONES Saturday/Sabado: 4:00 - 4:30 p.m. (English) 6:30 - 7:15 p.m. (Español o Inglés) OR anytime by appointment with a priest/ También con cita. 160 N. Rengstorff Ave. Mountain View, California 94043 e-mail: [email protected] website: Office: (650) 961-8600 Fax: (650) 968-5633 SCRIPTURE READINGS Acts of the Apostles 10:34a, 37-43 (42ABC) Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 Colossians 3:1-4 John 20:1-9

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Page 1: Saint Athanasius · celebration called "Salubong" (which literally means "meeting" or "encuentro" in

Saint Athanasius Church

PASTOR Rev. Oscar D. Tabujara PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Paul-Cuong Phan DEACON Rev. Leonel Mancilla

MASS SCHEDULE/Horario de Misas Vigil (Saturday): 5:30p.m. (English) 7:30p.m. (Español) Sunday (Domingo): 8:00a.m. (English) 9:30a.m. (Español) 11:15a.m. (English) 1:00p.m. (Español) 5:30p.m. (English) Daily Masses/Misas Diarias: (solo en Inglés) Monday - Friday: 6:45a.m., 9:00 a.m. Wednesdays 6:30p.m. Saturdays: 9:00 a.m.

Holy Days: 6:45a.m., 9:00a.m., 5:30p.m., 7:00p.m. (Español) RECONCILIATION / CONFESIONES Saturday/Sabado: 4:00 - 4:30 p.m. (English) 6:30 - 7:15 p.m. (Español o Inglés) OR anytime by appointment with a priest/También con cita.

160 N. Rengstorff Ave. Mountain View, California 94043 e-mail: [email protected]

website: Office: (650) 961-8600 Fax: (650) 968-5633

SCRIPTURE READINGS Acts of the Apostles 10:34a, 37-43 (42ABC)

Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 Colossians 3:1-4

John 20:1-9

Page 2: Saint Athanasius · celebration called "Salubong" (which literally means "meeting" or "encuentro" in



In the 16th and 17th centuries some missionaries from Europe were very creative and dramatic in their preaching and teaching of the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus. They intro-duced Passion Plays, which are still popular in Oberamergau, Bavaria, Germany, in other places in Europe, in central and south America and even in some places in the U.S. Adults and children celebrate these events with much color, sights, sounds and foods that even today still attracts many pilgrims and tour-ists. In 2020, there will be another opportunity to see the fa-mous Oberamergau Passion Play. We have our American version of the "Oberamergau Passion Play" in Eureka Springs, Arkansas presented yearly. In the Philippines the Spanish mis-sionaries in the 16th century introduced an interesting Easter celebration called "Salubong" (which literally means "meeting" or "encuentro" in Spanish, celebrating the emotional "meeting" of the risen Lord and his grieving mother, Mary). St. Joseph's has a yearly simpler version of this. At dawn be-fore the Easter morning Masses, the congregation goes to the Church for this "salubong" celebration. Ladies and girls pro-cess with the statue of Mary (wearing the black veil of mourn-ing) from the Church to the Salubong site. Men and boys fol-low the statue of the risen Lord to the same place but taking another route. Both groups meet at the salubong site where a stage had been built usually by a tall tree. A choir of children from 20 to 60 or more, dressed as angels, are excitedly wait-ing to sing the "alleluia Easter song." As Jesus and Mary meet, the choir of angels sing with the priest leading the East-er prayer. Then from up on the tree a special angel is lowered just above Mary and removes her black veil of sorrow to show Mary wearing the white veil of joy. (Though never mentioned in the Bible, it nevertheless portrays what is obvious in our human experience. We share our greatest joy first with our loved ones. Thus Jesus shares his victory over death first with Mary who represents the Christian community). After more Easter songs and blessings, the children and the congregation follow the two statues to return to the Church for the Mass with brass bands playing festive music and Easter dancers dancing as they process . After the Mass the children "angels" and others are treated with hot chocolate and delicacies in the Rectory ground. Ven-dors sell special Easter foods outside the Church to add to the festive celebration of the resurrection. Indeed this is a brilliant way of engaging especially the children in the liturgy and at-tracting more people to what could just be another "boring liturgy". Everybody is excited and happy. The message of Easter is that JESUS IS ALIVE, HE HAS RISEN FROM THE DEAD. We too will have our own res-urrection, as we profess when we pray the Creed. Our Chris-tian faith is in its very essence a resurrection religion. No res-urrection, no Christianity. And Easter means that right now, no matter how difficult our problems are, our suffering, pain, crises, persecution... if we face them with the faith of the one who rose from the dead, we will be able to overcome them and there is going to be a "resurrection". Easter means that there is a cycle of dying and rising in our personal lives. Whatever part of us seems to have died, whatever relationships have died, the hope has not died. HAPPY EASTER TO YOU ALL and TO YOUR LOVED ONES! D. Tabujara, Pastor


Death Anniversary Remembrance Week of April 21


Aileen Arnaudo Enos Cortinas

Frances Schultz Maria Tranchina

Angelica Agarpao Louis Cabello

Margaret (Peg) Herzing Mary Anne Marquis

Frank Jr. Sanchez Petra Alvarado

Frank Fabyancic Hung Han

Edward Savitsky William Thompson

Africa Yumul Anna Kuehl

Esteban Martinez Napoleon Oribello

Alma Torcellini Betty Gutierrez

Ruth Karbowski Thomas Nazario Charles Bischoff

Lucena Fernandez Claire Fronteira Frank Remaro

Erminia Sanchez

Remember to honor our advertisers listed in the back of the Sunday Bulletin. Remember to tell them you saw their Ad

in St. Athanasius Bulletin!

HOLY SATURDAY-April 20- 8:30 PM (Only Mass of the Day)

Sun (21) 8:00 Pablo Alvarez & Sabina Dalag — Deceased (†) Barbara Brown — Sick (S) 11:15 Beatrice Thelisma — Thanksgiving (T) Balbino Suresca — Deceased (†) 5:30 Marissa Hidalgo Lee — Birthday (B)

Mon (22) 6:45 Isagani Arevalo & Danilo Codilla — Deceased (†) 9:00 Miyabelle Elizabeth Villareal — Birthday (B)

Tue (23) 6:45 Nicolas Dominic Amora & Leticia Dosdos — Deceased (†) 9:00 ________________________________________

Wed (24) 6:45 Fidel B. Avanzado, Sr. — B-day/Deceased (†) 9:00 Marcelo & Paula Ramirez — Deceased (†)

Thu (25) 6:45_______________________________________ 9:00 Charlotte Papa — Deceased (†)

Fri (26) 6:45 _______________________________________ 9:00 _______________________________________

†—Deceased; T—Thanksgiving; S.I.—Special Intention; B—Birthday; S– Sick

Please Pray for the Sick Barbara Brown, Terry Limcolioc, Jim Cesano, Maria Merlitti, Kathy Doerr, Julie Hidalgo, Gloria Ramirez,

Ellen Poso, Lina Taskovich, Soledad Jara, Danilo Fidel, JoAnne Arnold, Lucile Bianco, Isaura Aguilar,

Romulo Prieto, and Stefanie Serpa.


Our Rectory Office will be closed on Easter Monday (April 22).

For emergencies in cases of life and death situa ons needing a priest, please call: (408) 444-0257.

Page 3: Saint Athanasius · celebration called "Salubong" (which literally means "meeting" or "encuentro" in


Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord April 21, 2019


If you have experienced the death of a loved one, please join us as we share our losses, and devel-op coping strategies.



Next weekend’s 2nd collection is for the

Catholic Home Missions Thanks for your support!

Saturday /Sabado April 6

5:30 PM $779 7:30 PM $467

Sunday / Domingo April 7 8:00AM $807 9:30AM $1,112.20 11:15AM $1,058.97 1:00 PM $1,221 5:30 PM $885

Mail In / Por Correo $0 Total $6,330.17

Goal / Meta $7,600 Variance/ Diferencia <$1,269.83>

“Hand In Hand In Ministry” Week #9 Report We have not reached our Goal of $142,282,

if you have not yet made your pledge we want your par cipa-on and need your support. Please share a por on of your

blessings. Please make your pledge today.

Due to early bulle n deadline, the final report for our Annual Diocesan Appeal 2019 will be published in the bulle n issue of April 21st.

Divine Mercy Novena Schedule 2019

Easter Sunday: following 11:15am Mass in the Marian Room

Monday-Saturday (April 22-27): following the 9:00am Mass in the Church

Divine Mercy Sunday (April 28)

“Give to the Most High as he has given to you, generously, according to your means. For the Lord is one who

always repays, and he will give back to you


IMMIGRANTS Following Pope Fran-cis’ lead for the Church to preach the Gospels in public places, all are invited to join in the peaceful march and

rally for a just immigration reform and dignity for all immi-grants. On WEDNESDAY, MAY 1ST , the 8th annual march begins AT 4:30 PM, RENGSTORFF PARK (Rengstorff and Crisanto), and will continue with a RALLY from 6:30 – 7:30 at Civic Center Plaza, 500 Castro Street. For more information contact Philip Cosby (650) 906 - 9641

Saint Athanasius Parish First Communions Sunday, May 5, 2019

*Practice (Spanish) Wednesday, May 1 at 6 PM in the Church

*Practice (English) Thursday, May 2 at 6 PM in the Church. For more information please contact Deacon Leo at

650.961.8600 Ext 111

MARRIED COUPLES: Scripture says about married people that “Two shall live as one”. How often do you find your-selves living as two? A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend can help you get back to basics in this complicated day and age. The next

Marriage Encounter Weekends include: May 17-19, 2019 in San Jose, CA and Aug 9-11, 2019 in San Francisco, CA. For more information and/or to register for a Weekend, visit our website at: or contact Ken & Clar-anne at [email protected] or 408-782-1413.

St. Joseph Mountain View Preschool Through 8th Grade

Now Accepting Applications… Visit

for more information Or Contact Us For A Tour At

[email protected] / 650-967-1839 We’d Love To Show You All

The Great Things SJMV Has To Offer!

SUCCESSFUL PUPUSAS SALE! Our Youth group had a Pupusas Sale fundraiser on April 6 & 7, 2019 to raise

funds for their Annual Diocesan Retreat in Lake Tahoe this summer. Thanks to your generosity and support we were able to raise $1,960. We would like to extend our sincere gra tude and apprecia on for all of the hard work and dedica on pro-vided by the parents and volunteers who helped preparing the food, se ng up, serving and cleaning during this event. We could not have done it without you!

Saint Athanasius Church

Please join us for an Easter Egg Hunt TODAY, Sunday April 21, 2019 after the 11:15 AM Mass

Come and celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord with us, bring your kids and have some fun with our church family.

Page 4: Saint Athanasius · celebration called "Salubong" (which literally means "meeting" or "encuentro" in



En los siglos 16 y 17 algunos misioneros de Europa eran muy creativos y dramáticos en su predicación y enseñanzas del sufri-mientos, muerte y resurrección de Jesús. Introdujeron Obras acerca de la Pasión de Cristo, las cuales aún son muy populares en Oberamergau, Baviera, Alemania, y en otros países de Euro-pa, en América Central y América del Sur y hasta en algunos lugares en USA. Los adultos y niños celebran estos eventos con mucho color, con paisajes, sonidos y comidas que hasta el día de hoy atraen a muchos peregrinos y turistas. En el año 2020, habrá otra oportunidad para ver la famosa Obra de la Pasión de Cristo de Oberamergau. Nosotros tenemos la versión americana de la “Obra de la Pasión de Cristo de Oberamergau” en Eureka Springs, Arkansas presentada cada año. En Filipinas los misione-ros españoles en el siglo 16 introdujeron una celebración de Pas-cua muy interesante llamada "Salubong" (que literalmente se traduce como "encuentro" en español, celebrando el emotivo "encuentro" de Jesús resucitado y María, su Madre). San José tiene una versión anual más simple. Al amanecer, antes de las Misas de la mañana de Pascua, la congregación va a la Iglesia para esta celebración de "salubong". Las mujeres y las niñas procesan con la estatua de María (vestida con el velo negro de luto) desde la Iglesia hasta el sitio de Salubong. Hombres y niños siguen la estatua del Señor resucitado hasta el mismo lugar, pero toman otra ruta. Ambos grupos se reúnen en el sitio de Salubong donde se construyó un escenario generalmente cerca de algún árbol alto. Un coro de niños de 20 a 60 miembros o más, vestidos como ángeles, esperan con entusiasmo para cantar la "canción de Aleluya de Pascua". Cuando Jesús y María se encuentran, el coro de ángeles canta con el sacerdote que dirige la oración de Pascua. Luego, desde lo alto del árbol, un ángel especial baja justo por encima de María y se quita el velo negro de dolor para mostrar a María con el velo blanco de alegría. (Aunque nunca se menciona en la Biblia, retrata lo que es obvio en nuestra expe-riencia humana. Primero compartimos nuestro mayor gozo con nuestros seres queridos. Así, Jesús comparte su victoria sobre la muerte primero con María, que representa a la comunidad cris-tiana). Después de más canciones y bendiciones de Pascua, los niños y la congregación siguen las dos estatuas para regresar a la Iglesia para la Misa con bandas de música que tocan música festiva y bailarines de Pascua bailando mientras procesan. Después de la misa, los niños "ángeles" y otros son recompensa-dos con chocolate caliente y manjares en la Rectoría. Los vende-dores venden comidas especiales de Pascua fuera de la Iglesia para hacer mas festiva la celebración de la Resurrección. De hecho, esta es una manera brillante de involucrar especialmente a los niños en la liturgia y atraer a más personas para las que la Pascua podría ser otra "liturgia aburrida". Todos están emocio-nados y felices. El mensaje de Pascua es que JESUS ESTA VIVO, EL HA VENCIDO A LA MUERTE. Nosotros también resucitaremos, al profesar el credo. Nuestra fe cristiana es en esencia una reli-gión de resurrección. Sin Resurrección, no hay Cristiandad. Y la Pascua quiere decir que ahora, sin importar lo difícil que nuestros problemas puedan ser, nuestros sufrimientos, dolor, crisis, perse-cución… si los enfrentamos con fe, podremos vencerlos y esa será nuestra "resurrección". Pascua significa que hay un ciclo de morir y resucitar en nuestras vidas personales. Cualquiera que sea la parte de nosotros que parece haber muerto, las relaciones que hayan muerto, la esperanza no ha muerto. ¡LES DESEO UNA FELIZ PASCUA A TODOS USTEDES Y A SUS SERES QUERIDOS! Rev. Oscar D. Tabujara, Pastor


BAUTIZOS La próxima fecha para bautizar será el 25 de Mayo a las 11 AM. La clase de preparación será el 8 de Mayo (Se requiere previa registración). Llame para una entrevista inicial (650) 961-8600 Ext 101.

QUINCEAÑERAS Este servicio se ofrece sólo a los feligreses registra-dos y activos que han recibido la primera comu-nión. Por favor, hacer arreglos 6 meses antes del

evento. Por favor llame a Rosa Mancilla al (650) 961-8600 Ext. 101 para obtener más información.

BODAS Este es un llamado a las parejas de novios o también los que ya están viviendo juntos. Si usted esta considerando casarse por la Iglesia, llame a la oficina hispana al 650.961.8600 Ext 101 y con mucho gusto le ayudaremos. Se necesita hablar con seis meses de anticipa-

ción, dentro de este tiempo usted tendrá que venir de cuatro a cinco juntas. Las reuniones son privadas. solamente la pareja y el preparador se reúnen.

Recemos el Rosario por el Fin del Aborto Ven a rezar con nosotros el Rosario (3x) los jueves por la protección de los bebes nacidos y no naci-dos. Iniciamos a las 10:45 AM, frente a Planned Parenthood en Mountain View, 225 San Antonio

Road (intersección de California St. & San Antonio Rd.) De forma pacifica sin confrontaciones. ¡Necesitamos más Oracio-nes!

Queremos agradecer a todas las familias que han contribuido generosamente a nuestra campaña anual de ADA 2019.

Recuerden que la Comunidad Hispana de San Atanasio hace una promesa al ADA de $20,000 cada año. Durante las pasadas 10 semanas se han colectado segundas colectas, este dinero más los fondos recaudados en la Kermes del domingo de ramos serán des nados para cubrir la promesa hispana. En la siguiente edición les presentaremos un reporte final de los fondos recaudados.

¡Dios los bendiga y recompense su generosidad!

RECUERDE: Nuestra oficina parroquial estará cerrada el

22 de abril—Lunes de Pascua. Para emergencias de situaciones de vida o muerte que necesiten la asistencia de un sacer-dote favor de llamar al: (408) 444-0257.

¡EXITOSA VENTA DE PUPUSAS! Muchísimas gracias a los padres de familia, a los estudiantes de Confirmación y a los feli-greses que hicieron posible esta venta en la

que se colectó $1,960, dinero que será des nado para cubrir parcialmente los gastos del Re ro Diocesano Anual en Lake Tahoe este verano. Gracias a todos por su generosidad.

Dios los recompense y los llene de bendiciones!

Page 5: Saint Athanasius · celebration called "Salubong" (which literally means "meeting" or "encuentro" in


Mission Statement for St. Athanasius Parish --“St. Athanasius Church’s mission is to build disciples of Jesus Christ and assist them in responding to God’s call to love and to serve”

Misión de la Parroquia de San Atanasio -- "La Misión de la Iglesia de San Atanasio es cons-truir discípulos de Jesucristo y ayudarles a responder el llamado de Dios a amar y servir"


FAMILY PRAYER HOUR Tuesdays - 7:00 PM We need only to look around to see the tremendous pres-sures facing our families and how those pressures pull our families apart. There’s little doubt that we live in a society of instant everything, one of the major contribu-tions to family deterioration. Family Prayer Night is a response. It is a way for families to set aside an hour a week to be together in the presence of God, to pray and appreciate the most important people in our lives. Join us every Tuesday in church, 7-8 pm for Adoration, Benedic-tion and Prayer.



JOVENES PARA CRISTO Viernes a las 7 de la noche se reune el grupo de Jovenes para Cristo en el salón parroquial. Mayores de 18 años unica-mente.

ST. ATHANASIUS BEREAVEMENT, COMFORT AND SUPPORT GROUP Meets every 4th Friday of the month at the Rectory at 7PM. For details, please call (650) 961-8600

FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament All Day the First Friday of the month starting after 9:00 AM Mass. Please sign-up for an hour of adoration on the sign-up sheet in the back of church. Benediction at 12 PM.

SENIORS LUNCH Meet the second Tuesday of the Month (October-April) in the Parish Hall at 11:30 AM. For more information please call the Rectory (650) 961 8600 Ext 102.

RESPECT LIFE GROUP Supports the sacredness of all human life through direct ser-vice to women in crisis pregnancies, education, advocacy and direct action on behalf of human life. Meets every first Saturday at 10 AM in the Marian Rm. For more infor-mation please call Carmel Caligaris at (650) 967-3807.

ST. PAUL DISCIPLESHIP GROUP The St. Paul Discipleship Group is a group of parishion-ers that walk together in their spiritual journey. We meet most Tuesday nights (8:30-10:00) to praise God, pray together, discuss various topics about our faith, and re-flect on Scripture. We invite you change with us! Con-tact Mark Ruzon ( [email protected], 650-215-3167) for more information.

Sacrament Preparation for Children & Teens Preparation for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist (Grades 1-12) and for Confirmation (Grades 9-12) is a two year process. For more information please contact the Catechetical Office at (650) 961-8600 Ext 111.

Faith Formation for Children, Teens and Adults Our Faith Formation program seeks to empower our most important Catechists—our parents—to guide the faith for-mation of their children. We deepen our faith in Jesus through Scripture stories, reflection, prayer and seasonal celebrations in large and small groups. Formation sessions will be provided to the parents and students in Grades 1-5 on Sunday mornings during the school year. Our Middle and High School Youth Formation program features a variety of small and large group activities. For more information, please contact our Catechetical Office at (650) 961-8600 Ext 111.

Baptism of Children Parents are invited to contact our parish Secretary to set up an appointment for an initial interview with one of our priests. Parents and Godparents are required to attend a Baptismal preparation session prior to the Baptism. No Baptism date can be set until the interview with the priest. Children age 7 or above are required to participate in our Children’s Faith Formation program to prepare for this sacrament. Para bautizos en Español, llamar a Rosa Manci-lla al (650) 961-8600 Ext. 101.

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Parish volunteers serve the needy of our area through our Food Pantry and Emergency Assistance program. Volun-teers are needed to staff the Food Pantry for an hour or two Tue. Wed. or Fri. Please call (650) 562-1000 and leave a message. ALTERNATIVES TO ABORTIONS REAL OPTIONS (650) 559-1550 298 San Antonio Rd. Suite 100, Mountain View, CA 94040 CATHOLIC CEMETERIES For burial information and pre-planning assistance, please call 888-715-2150. We help you meet eternal life with faith, hope, and love.

Office for the Protection of Chil-dren and Vulnerable Adults / Oficina de Protección de Niños y

Adultos Vulnerables. Diocese of San Jose– Anthony Gonzalez Phone (408) 983-0113 Emergency Line: (408) 983-0144

Page 6: Saint Athanasius · celebration called "Salubong" (which literally means "meeting" or "encuentro" in


Divine Mercy Novena Schedule 2019

Devine Mercy Devotion From the diary of a young Polish nun, a special devotion began spreading throughout the world in the 1930s. The message is nothing new, but is a reminder of what the Church has always taught through scripture and tradition: that God is merciful and forgiving and that we, too, must show mercy and forgiveness. But in the Divine Mercy devotion, the message takes on a powerful new focus, calling people to a deeper understand-ing that God’s love is unlimited and available to everyone — especially the greatest sinners. The message and devotion to Jesus as The Divine Mercy is based on the writings of Saint Faustina Kow-alska, an uneducated Polish nun who, in obedience to her spiritual director, wrote a diary of about 600 pages recording the revelations she received about God’s mercy. Even before her death in 1938, the devotion to The Divine Mercy had begun to spread. The message of mercy is that God loves us — all of us — no matter how great our sins. He wants us to rec-ognize that His mercy is greater than our sins, so that we will call upon Him with trust, receive His mercy, and let it flow through us to others. Thus, all will come to share His joy. It is a message we can call to mind simply by remembering ABC. A — Ask for His Mercy. God wants us to approach Him in prayer constantly, repenting of our sins and ask-ing Him to pour His mercy out upon us and upon the whole world. B — Be merciful. God wants us to receive His mercy and let it flow through us to others. He wants us to ex-tend love and forgiveness to others just as He does to us. C — Completely trust in Jesus. God wants us to know that the graces of His mercy are dependent upon our trust. The more we trust in Jesus, the more we will receive.

Diary, Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, Divine Mercy in My Soul (c) 1987 Congregation of Marians of the Immaculate Conception, Stockbridge, MA 01263.

Easter Sunday: following 11:15am Mass in the Marian Room.

Monday-Saturday (April 22-27): following the 9:00am Mass in the Church.

Divine Mercy Sunday (April 28)

Page 7: Saint Athanasius · celebration called "Salubong" (which literally means "meeting" or "encuentro" in



Page 8: Saint Athanasius · celebration called "Salubong" (which literally means "meeting" or "encuentro" in



(650) 961-8600 HOURS: 9:00 am.-12:30 pm and 1:30-5:00 pm Tue- Friday.

(Office is closed on Mondays/Cerrada los Lunes)


Rev. Oscar D. Tabujara (Pastor/Párroco) Rev. Paul-Cuong Phan (Parochial Vicar)

E-mail: [email protected] Rosa Maria Mancilla (Pastoral Associate)

OFICINA DEL MINISTERIO HISPANO 961-8600 Ext. 101 - E-mail: [email protected]

Mike Cavera (Pastoral Associate)

ADULT FAITH FORMATION / LITURGY 961-8600 Ext. 108 - E-mail: [email protected]

Rev. Dcn. Leonel Mancilla (Deacon/Diácono) CATECHETICAL PROGRAM

961-8600 Ext. 111 E-mail: [email protected]

Betty Dominguez (Business Manager / Secretary)

961-8600 Ext. 102 E-mail: bertina. [email protected]

For Maintenance Issues Please Contact our Parish Office.

To reach a priest after office hours in an EMERGENCY situation, such as a death or the need for the Last Rites call: (408) 444-0257

Para hablarle a un sacerdote después de las horas de oficina en una situación de emergencia, ya sea de muerte o necesidad del sacramento de la unción de los enfermos llamar al: (408) 444-0257

WELCOME TO ALL NEW PARISHIONERS! ¡Bienvenidos todos los nuevos feligreses!

Please register by filling in the details below and dropping in the collection basket, or at the rectory. Por favor inicie el proceso de registracion llenando este pequeño formulario y depositándolo en la canasta de

la colecta, o llevándolo a la rectoría. NAME (Nombre):_______________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS (Dirección) ___________________________________________________________________________ PHONE (Teléfono) ____________________E-mail:_____________________________________________________ Envelopes (Sobres de contribución):

Farewell to Two Dedicated Parishioners You Will be Missed!

We are sad to report that Mary Anne Williams and her daughter, Samantha Williams, will be moving to another parish closer to their home in San Jose during the month of May. Mary Anne joined our parish in 1985, was married here by Fr. Casey, served in the (10:30 then 11:15 Mass) choir for 29 years, served as a Lector for 10 years, assisted with the Children’s Liturgy of the Word for 15 years and served as a Eucharistic Minister for the past 4 years. Her daughter Samantha was Baptized and made her First Com-munion here, then served as an Altar Server for 7 years, became coordinator of the English Mass Altar Servers about 2 years ago, served as an Eucharistic Minister for 4 years, and assisted her mom with the Children’s Liturgy of the Word for several years. We asked Mary Anne and Samantha for a favorite memory of St. Athanasius and here is what they said: Mary Anne – “There are so much wonderful memories, it's hard to pick. However, I love children and I'll say my favor-ite memory was singing with the kids in the choir who are now teenagers and doing activities with the kids during Children's Liturgy at 11:15 mass.” Samantha – “Serving as an Altar Server side by side with her cousins as one family serving the parish.” Mary Anne and Samantha answered God’s call to serve their parish community and we hope that their example will inspire you to volunteer your time and talent as well. We will miss them very much and we thank them for their years of service. Following the 11:15am Mass on Easter Sunday we will have a little farewell reception for them in the Parish Hall. Please join us if you can.