safe estimation of corrosion

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  • 7/27/2019 Safe Estimation of Corrosion




    Semester May

    Aug 2013

    Assignment: Safe estimation of corrosion

    STUDENT NAME : Tan Chern Yee

    STUDENT ID : 1000922102

    DATE OF SUBMISSION : 18-07-2013

    PROGRAM ENROLLED : B.Eng (Hons) Chemical Engineering



  • 7/27/2019 Safe Estimation of Corrosion


    Safe estimation of corrosion

    Corrosion is the constant state of destruction that material undergoes by reaction to the

    environment. This is because metal has a tendency to revert to its original states which is more

    stable. In chemistry corrosion can also be known as an electrochemical reaction which consist of

    a oxidation and reduction reaction (redox). The metal that corrodes is the one that undergoes

    oxidation where the metal reacts with the environment to form metal oxides or salts of its

    original state. Hence, it is better for engineers to have a safe estimation of corrosion when

    designing and construction of a project.

    There are several factors that can affect or cause metal to corrode. The most common form of

    corrosion is general or uniform corrosion due to metal being exposed to the environment. While

    it is the most common cause of corrosion it is also the easiest to detect and prevented. Hence, in

    order prolong the lifetime and ensuring the safety, all metallic surfaces must be painted with

    corrosion prevention coatings. Besides coatings, when designing a project corrosion allowance is

    a must to be considered as corrosion occurs the thickness of metal decreases with time and

    failures may occur due to stress subjected to the compromised section due to corrosion over time.

    The other more common form of corrosion is galvanic corrosion which can be due to galvanic

    corrosion. This occurs when there is a potential difference between two dissimilar metals. The

    further apart both metals in the galvanic series the high the potential which means the faster the

    corrosion rate when two dissimilar metals are placed together. Thus, as a thumb rule when

    designing a project dissimilar metal part is to be avoided at all cost. This can also occur between

    metals and the environment.

    The most dangerous form of corrosion is the localized corrosion where it can happen rapidly and

    suddenly due to various reasons where the affected area is random. Various form of localized

    corrosion are pitting, crevice and filiform corrosions. Localized corrosion occurs randomly on

    the surface area of metals. Thus, frequent inspection on working equipment and structure of

    building where the metallic parts are exposed is a must to be conducted in order to maintain a

    safe working environment.

  • 7/27/2019 Safe Estimation of Corrosion


    In any industry the working environment may differ from one workplace to another. This is due

    to the contaminant or by-product that is released to during the production process. As engineers,

    this has to be taken into account when doing the selection of material together with the

    estimation of the effects of corrosion and the preventive step to be taken before corrosion takes

    place and damages any structure or equipment.

    While corrosion can be happen due to many external factors, design also plays an important role

    in corrosion. This is because there are types of corrosion that occurs due to designs flaw for such

    as sharp turning or junction in a design. This type of turning can cause concentration cell type

    corrosion due to design flaws and improper joint such as riveted and bolted joints. While

    designing aspect may cause corrosion to occur, manufacturing flaws such as crevices from

    improper welding too can cause corrosion to occurs. Thus, crevices and unnecessary gaps must

    be welded properly to prevent concentration cell based corrosion.

    While prevention can only do so much proper maintenance and regular maintenance is important

    in order to spot corroded segments of the equipment used or detect structural flaws and thinning

    of structure due to corrosion. It is also important to clear out deposit of corroded metals and treat

    the affected if possible before corrosion spreads any further and causes damage. Therefore, in

    order to safely estimate the effects of corrosion, the several factor to take note are :

    Thickness of corrosion allowance for intended life expectancy of equip Reactiveness of working environment towards metals Resistant of metals towards corrosive elements Wear and tear (stress) towards equipment causing erosion corrosion Inspection of stagnant areas of equipment Ensure any crevices or gap formed are seal immediately Presence of other type of working equipment based on different metal species Design flaws that maybe prone to corrosion Whether reactant used will react with the metal of the equipment

  • 7/27/2019 Safe Estimation of Corrosion


