s3.amazonaws.comvol+21....nd .mrms tbe existenoo of as •• of a na~rju the good man dozed...

, , Published b1 GEORGE B, , • THE S EVE NTH DAY 1ST H E S A B BAT H THE LOR D THY GOD y" I VOLUME XXI.-NO. 47. WESTERLY, R. 1., FIFTH:..i:>.A.Y J 23, 1865. Bible. Tbe "illionB of Ezekiel Isaiah Daniel, Zecbarlab, Soo: phen, Paol and John, fally confirm tbe above. When their spiritnal senses were opened, and they were introduced into tbe world of spirits tbey sa w snnll, moon 1l, forests: trees, flowers, billl, mountainll, riv- erR, Reas, fowls, animals, .tc., all of which can only be predicated opon the fllct that spirit Is lIubltance. John RIW mnltitndes of those who onclI lived on this eartb, in .. rell Ind blving .. IInbstan\ial an eXIstence, all when abundantly il this fact and truth de· clared and demonstrated in the Scrip- that Its denial is infidelity to theIr teachings. Nor does tbe Bible in itll teachiogs npon that sobject: rull coonter to an alm08t oniversal Bentiment oC mankind upon the snb- OlE PAm or STOOKING&' An old Bat by her brlgbt fireside; S ..... 1IOg tboughtflllly to and fro .. F" f I puir nTher be tender-.nd wioalog. f II 'pi . r. e oe,le- e nail of reproof, lIIys .n 014 a 1 llced the COlD In bill breecbet writer, mUlt be well oiled in kInd- .lIUG .... mlOVl Daring 'M THER.G OOKES A TIKB. In an ancient chair, whose creaky Told .. tale of long ago; pocket. ne .. d' In addition to b' b' f SI are It II riven home.-BOI· HI5t to IISO, b of DeJimlrk of Sweden,' oome. II tlme ... ben we gro ... old, like down the "", While down by her side on the kitchen Btood .. haakel of worsted b"Us-& •• . elDg 18 o"n If- ton Recorder. tlung finder, Lord Barco "as bill own factor and reat collector. A ten.nt wbo Called npon him to pay bis rent . tp be a fartbing Ihort. nlgl1t wInd cold iLl lad !lod ohilllngly; ot gold "lid steady rlY, aff'lotlon.lllllerinK oay, oomes a wben ..,. grow old, OOmel a time when laugh InK spring summer oeaBe to be • 00 Ibli I\utumn robe, ' "dt deol! v, ty. now the slope, roll' bope, __ .,.",.c: _____ :.w:;e behold fairer Ught, ""ioile,i ... bisper through the nlgbt lUr •• oorDU a time frhen .... grow old. ' Such, then, Is the sniritlnA.l -a "arId of _nl.;1-n ..t pOlllld nf et. Among all nations, a similar bas prevailed. Paol's philosophy of 11 fntnre as found jn the fifteenth Ch81Ptlli bill first letter to the most Incidly establisbes the views. In answer to the question, "How are the dead raisel\, and with wh.t body do tbey come 1" he boldly .nd .mrms tbe existenoo of as •• of a The good man dozed o'er the latest __ -'Iil1' TIlt the of his pipe went out And. unbeeded, the kitten, with' tangled the balls about Thl8 ....... t Id the wlf. in tM ancien I COU not be exculed, t ..... ;In" -,t:;o; and fro in the dr •. light the farmer had to pay the far- But anon a misty tear.drop came When the bOllne.. wall ad· In ber eye ofladed blne Jaated, tbe conntryman '.Iid to hil Then trlc tied d01l'n io a fnrro.., deep lordship : LIke .. 8ingle drop of dew" , So deep was the channeL.eo I. N uw, Barco. I wonld gie ye a The saw naught hnt dI· ..... min' for a sigbt 0' a' the goud and eye be..... . .tler ye baa." Tet be mV'Vekd mac" tllai l.1li. .n Well, iliOn," replied Baroo It W. 1I'I1ft' .... no cost any mair." , . rt Orher eye had weary lJ'own Add' I and real npon tbe recoustrnction tbe mate. And m .. rveled he more ILl tile la.ngled balll' . n . accor 109 y, .or and in con- tban thill worrd i8 to III!. .And rial body. Tbe whole argument was So be saId in a gentle tone. ' Ilderation of the aforesaid som. in '. . t 'b ' "I haVOvowsh, ared tby joys aince our mamo.. hand ft. rst w. e.1l and truly pal'd, bl's ye.lo IS no materIa, lit IS a8 diB- to draw the contrast beLween the .... tinct from matter as the soul is from material Dnd IIpiritual body, and not Cooceal not from me thy sorrows now." lordshIp exhIbIted several iron boxes the body. the conversiou of the 'former into the Then sbe spoke oftha time when the basket gold abnd .. silver coiDl. ' Where, then, i. it T Perhaps opon latter. Any otber c'o nstructl'on ren- there . ow, 8ays t e .armer, .. I am II b . Was filled to the very brim ncb as yoorself!' no one has tbere been more ders tbe argument n}lnsensical. And now tbere remained or the goodly pile " A I" vague obscurity tban upon the loca. Frum the foregoing facts and rea' But a single pair-for him. y, mon inqoired his lordship t . f tb . . I Tben wonder not at the dimmed eye·light " how can that be 1" ' IOn 0 e 8ptrIt wor d. Tbe 811n, 80nS, itis plain that the futnre ex,'st- There's b t f 'B tc .nuishot. ne pair ° atoeklDp to mend .. ecaose I've seen it-and ye can moon, stars, ellr-Ih, and almos! every ence of mankind is solely predica· do no mair." couceiv .. ble place, bas been named ble npon his own natore the ele- I can not but think ofthe busy feet HS its. locality, overlooking the fact, ments of which were made'to inhere I W th bOS8 wrappings were wont to lie' Th A " rich man thinka biz gold his 01111, th t f 1 d n e basket awaIting the needle'S tlme- nd ail hIS gold can brIDg . a I oc .. te on a11Y material globe his very being, .. nd whicb will as Now wandered so far away' The l'ich man thinks, when ihu. he thinks it must be itself material. Hence' certainly eventuate in his futore ex- How the sprightly steps, to a inother dear A very fooiish tblng. ' sho Id . 't ltd' . Unheeded fell on the careless ear. ' U we VISI every pane an SUD Istence as bis conception and ante. He buildB a palace; beautiful , in tbe material universe, we should natal being eventuated in this. For each empty nook in the basket old Its graeeful column. rise. for Ibe sUbb.lb Recoraor. b . h h By the hearth tl1ere's an emptv seat.' And while he thlnl<s tl1 em all his 01l'n e nl) nearer to It t an ere, The Man's first birth borns him into A.nd I miss tl1e shadows from o1fthe They glad a thousand eyes. ' -Harper's Weeki!!. III OF A FUTURE LIFE, error virtually denies a 8piritoal tbis present life', his' second borno A.nd the patter of many feet· ' H AND TSII Id h 0 'TIS fO,r this that .. tear gathered over my e spreads bl. 1I0rl! garden r ouod wor ,or supposes t at matter can bim into bis future life. As man be- slgbt The roses bud and bloom' ' ofiu Reward. and PunishmellU, be converted Into spirit. But both gins bis present life in a human Atthe one Pair of stockings tomend to.night. Bnt with himself we aU enjoy BY a. s. ORlOWOLD. reas a d I t' t d d f Their beauty and perfume. on n reve a Ion s an oppose orm, so be begins bis fotore in Ihe 'Twas said that far througb the forest wild - EsSAy read before tho &!.Sl.c'rn ABSocl.Uon _.. t h' TAd His noble ehar d pUblished bJ requ .. t of Ibe bod.. , ..... 0 suc • v.lew. be spiritual same form. M an's first form il! com. n over the mountalDs bold ' ,ger. paw an prance' tblt ylcto.,. had HEAVBlIS XY ROD, Diael ... , A lick soldier lay UpOD bi. bed ia "II .bc;II& io the bospital at N--. He WII jOlt tirlnl to recovering from • walltiag ' .. er ",ith. "biob hid lert bim weak and en bottle, lell! ... child, ud with more thaD. from a "o •• W Sw., cbild's longing lor the field, millie blm 114 clear familIar faces of mother' .nd .ery "ordl of liaten. ' il gre.ter __ .:we 1 ..... It 11'11 • SaDdar .fternoon ia Ao- by 1I\hie:' Not. breatb Ibe llq.ot.. .. •• ,' . U!e l'n,uld .1r, 100teetri broke the etiJInelB. Those of the from tile " ".. . patients who "ere too weak to II R .. ... .. , tbeir beds Jay modonle •• ; ba .. befrIended 10n, ... 0..4 '. whde the others "ho were permitted morder me ia retara I .till' to go -outaide of tbe ward, g.tbered puniah yoll. IwouI411'''fi_JO' in small gronps in the halls and cor- the wbole boUle; lIot DOW ,Ott ..... ridors and talked in low tones of hne oal1 bll." ADd drl.lila, oft their homes, and of dear friends .nd b alf himlelf, he gave the relt to ,. kindred far away. Swede. Suddenly the door of the ward The king, heat:io, the .tort. _l opened, and the chaplain eotered for the bargber. aad .. keel IIow ... escorting a party of ladies. .. Boys ,; c.me to .p.re the life or Hob a ..... he said, glancing down the long cal. of beds, ., 8S you are not able to .. Sire," .aid tbe bo.eet bar,hft, tend tbe cbapel service I thought II I could never kill a .. OIlDdIMr .... you would like to bave 'tbele ladies my." sing for yon." II Tltoa meritelt to be mad. .. ' Wbat -a gllld assent smiled from ble," tbe king a.id, aad ore.te4 II •• many pale faces I Tbe ladies took one immediat.e l l, giving' bi ... "\ their stand in tbe center of tbe room morial bearings a woodea a.o"It' and their clear ringing voices pierced with an arrow'l into the joyous melody of .. Heaven Tbe family only lately becaaae -. is my home." tinct in the person of .n old .aidea , Id d f h Was a land whose rivers darkenIng The rICh man's heart is proud' ' lGoDIIDuod froID lasl .... k.l wor IS as 18tlOct rom t e materi- posed of material substance, with a caves, He Bees them with one paIr of eyes TBI!: SPI'9 TUAL THEORY. aI, as tbe soul is from the bodv. spirit-form dwelling within Were gemmed WIth tbe rarest gold' But thousands have the crowd. ' "I'm but a traveler here, b 1: k Matter and spirit are not converti- It; hIS form is composed Then my first·born turned from th; oaken HIB parlor walls are IOllded down Heaven is my home; T T -- 118 eeu remar ed, fact8 of ble the one I'uto th otb If" bAd I duo'. , With gems of art-to pIe ase Earth is a desert drear, HPl >JVIIS o:r 'l'B1l ALU.unlaIAW lAaA· IIIU8t dete' 1'1 leer. a one 0 spmt su stance. Or, per. n knew tbe shadow I • Hi If Heaven is my home y B -S bId ....... lady.-Book of Golden DfIiI. , ,rmlDe p 11 osop 'y, Wh th . h 8 were on y ,our. ,mse ,he thinks-to please In truth Dllnge. and sorrow 8t .. · nd R A LJ:8SIII'Q. 0 o.n .. a .r __ WIll ever stand forlh con. ere, en,I8 t e spiritual world? to speak more strictly accord- Another forth on the foaming waves, Thepoorest man that sees. " Round me on every ha.nd· have mourned for aglll o.et the ... "Y",,"'l\" 1111 falae phil(lsophy, and all It is here; it is everywhere. For Ing to the facts. man's soul itself is And dlmlDlsbed the basket's otore- The stately ball. the cultnred grove Heaven II my fatherland,' most pnive .... al. deetractioa of the r,'velatl'ODS, Not un. wherever tbere is a material world in the human form, Hnd henc", dta'h But hls/eet grew cold-so weary and cold- The parks WIth pebbled way' Heaven Is my home." works' of anCient geDI"-. .....- A'';' •• th t f . b ' . ,They 11 never be warm any more- Tbe lea pmI': font that sweetly SI'nas- ... .. ....... "". iii m'lu'd being is ,. :Jrstuod clln a ere mns 0 necessIty e a corre- IS rather the unclothing tbe spirit. And thIS nook, in,tsemplioeBs seemeth to me For the .... he h .. a to pay.· Little did those yonog girls thiok, andrian Library il belie.eel to 11." It e .,hl·l, 80 h f" f t 'I'fi b sponding spiritual world. human form of I'(S e"rthly coverl'ng To gIve forth no vOice but the moan of the as tbey sang these bea t'fi I d nt' d te tIt n. ) P Y 0 uld U ure lee Of Ih tb B'bl Jr d h Bea. And pay tbat other eyes may gaze U I 0 wor II co lIne a grel r re .. are 0 •• rortb. Until the cnnetituen-t ele- 18, e I e auor t e strong- or body, and clothing it with a spiro An.d feast without a care, bow they would sink inU: tellectall riohe. th.n 1IItI ......... or prinoiples of matter were est possible proof. For, in all those itnal covering, composed of a Bub- Two have gODe toward the .... tting TbeJ0j,ls ours-the task hiB OWn l!Iany hear.ts. The poor fever pltient been boarded,m -- I instances recorded, when au gels or stance sl'ml'lar to I·tself. Add tb h To p ea.e them and prepare.' ltd I k I -- '" natura pbilosopby was ' n ma e em a ome in lIs light, IS ene I e one 0 a tr.nce, wbile we now, h.ve • I yul froa 1M . u the inertia of mat ?tber pbenomena, were seen, Thos man's futnre is bot tbe share, Garrick showed Dr. John· large tears pressed Illowly from nn- eartb. It furnilbed fael roi1flUl for was fully establiRhed, lind it WM It WII8 t e result of simply opening continuance of lb' th t b' Borne other basketo tbelr gannen'ts fill- son hiS fine hoose. fnrniture. etc., the der his hllf-clolled eye-lidl, and .rol1- the batb of illiter.te )(-1- 9; tbe spiritual eyes of the beholder IS; a earlDg a B t 'Oh' doctor clapped hl'!II on the back and -- .. _, &' bowu matter had no power of and be found hl'mself t'n tbe ml'dot of' similar relation to this, as the but- u mIne. , mlDe i3 emptier still I 'd .. D 'd 1 D ,ed down his pale cheeks. • nled, myaelf, fre1Jaeatly to wiJa4eil lIatural philosnpby became a terlly d fS t'l I' I' Anoth.r-thedearest-thefalrest_tbebest_ sal, aVI avid 1 David I these Near. him sat. comrade, by the why 1" ple---.1 -.I to "I ..... OM'.;.M tbe spiritual world. 0 0 IS anre 1110 or crysa IS Was taken by angels away tb tb' - IN II... - III Tbe inertia of matter wl'll state Atdeath man h . .. b f And 1 d' , are e lOgs which m!lke a de'ath- open.wlDd.ow,.who had been qoi.etly exill.tenoetb ....... prodaotl·OD.of ... k •• Why, then, it may be asked c.u· " aVlDg s c a 10 a garment that ... axeth not old bed terrible!' """" .. an important bearing npon tbe ' fled off this mortal coil," become8 an In a land of continual day. ' read 109 hIS BIble when tbe .illltorl gemnB. But the 1OIIIIi08 01 daI.- of I fnture life. If mat- we not see it? It is becaose, in the angel, having exchanged tbe mortal Oh, 'W::t e ,' no more at tbe dimmed eye· Why doot thou build up stately rooms on entered. Doring the liaging be had mYlltery I. found, I ·tblak. 1. UiI .... be motionless, it general, onr IIpiritoal senses are for tbe immortal, tbe corrnptible for While I mend the one pa.lr ollWck1nl. to- Thou underground to lie! the book, Iond lietened wbile mailla of lferollla1lfJ1lm .... f.,." be incapable of a88uming any- closed during our natoral life. In the incorrnptible, the natnral or mil- Than and planteat, bllt DO fruit mm hlB young face Iigoted np with joy, We tbere 41Mloftr dalA..., .. like organization, except' as oor llrdinary state. 1 we have lit, terial mode, or condition of be- as he thougbt of the glorionl min- of m.D " .. 80 bf, ....... ' organization is caused by some tIe or no cODsciousness from Ihe for t"a Ie I ,For Death, alul fa reapinc sianl which God h.a p"-ared for tioa, e.e'" _II senses of any world bnt 'be mater· .. - .1II0u0J,... or 011 ,u.a " h --, .... - ... 01 or PQ!'I'Qt _ foreillD to L' t em that love Him.' defiled with ... m.tter' beoome. a B ... Ui •• w. be 10 the .. . 01 tOl' power or it ill plain many analogous es:. d fiiiiiiii c.le 18 cast mto It tbare es:' a those of our friends wbo bave pre- to hold religious meetl'n- suppresse . ',;s a 0 'bl 'II d I" amplell. or unconsciousness of ceded ns to tbat better land, 118 much Let 08 8uppose that a man hu in- and anniversaries i a What is tbe matter, Frank 1" he be purIfied I mI. ng Cll e he, h anything, i8 no proof of its non-ex. closed within his collers all tbe gold n. nce ey asked, advancI'ng to tbe bed-I'de of of a flood, 10, r hI ' h d ws realize our spiritoal birth into that were holdIng a Sabbath s hI' - 0 o power, w C Ta ,'stence. The bll'nd are I'n a wo-Id of and 01'lver that ever -nd stl'lll'S - C 00 annl· h' ." 0 I d h' d tb 'b Itb '·01 ...... I If tt d b world as did onr friendl our natur .. 1 0 - - ersar th A I d III compaUion. an oanyt IDg e e ear." " tae groBI ma er, an t n8 light, of which tbey are entirely un- on this Western continent, and all v y ere. c ergyman was a - 9" helmed tL'- w/",k. 'orm b.1I long bAeD be birth into tuis world. Accordin o '" to dressing the children. He told tbem .or you, o.erw .... "OQIICI,. l' ,m ". conscious. The deaf are in a world the pearls, dl'amonds, BOp. Oh I P f tell . '11'zatl'on ,,1' 6 b a deI.- 01 L".L ••. Cilled by • me 8 ' .... ·ril ThUll the law of man's progressive being, aboot two bad little bo h h ' yes. ray or me;, me CIVI .. -_ ..... o ,1" of sound, but ape unoonsciona of I·t. phl'res, and otber precI'ons stonell of ys, w am e h t b Cb . t' H I' m and con81·,n-.1 the _"",6 .......... u Id man ' II ul I'S I' I't that 0" that is not first which is spiritnal, had ooce known add l'tt1 ow 0 e a rl8 Ian. eaven IS 8 , .......... .. Ba II 0 8p r , And should they explortl every planet the East Indies. Suppose that wI'thl'n ' n a goo let b f I h' n entll of liter .. ture ".4 .... OA •• pl'rlt What tben I'll but tbllot which is natural, aod a.fter- ",' I, whom he afterward leorned to no my ome, or am snc a SlD- mon m .... .... - _ r. , , o. "un in the universe. wonld they his hags and boxes are gatbered all a" d h k' I t I al bli • It,,' ,- .pI 'rlt T' nSI'ng tbe term spl'rl't I'n tbe p wards tbat wbich is spiritnal." k 'w. One day this II'ttle gl'rl was ner -an t e poor wea vOIce wu a mOB un "en 0 "IOn. ....... be any more consciouB of them the peppers and spices of Malabar, h k d . h b b d t ex' It ud be &W-t It a-" n e • ... we wo Id th r "Tbe first man is of the earth, eartby:. g I'ng borne from S bb th b 1 c 0 e wit so B. a 0 I, vr'· / 8e 8. U e co re' tbere tban here? But let tbel'reight S t th MId Ph'II' u a a -110 00, L' F k" 'd h' f' d 'tb'b .. _-- f d .... ...... ..... ',ondiing t . b the second man is from heaven,* heav uma ra, e 0 occa an tIP- h h h dId .. 18ten, ran, sal IS rlen , away WI • e "".., ... 0 _ • .-- ... , 1'1 erlll matter, 10 t e queM' and their hearing be opened, and pine Islands. Suppose th .. t hIS were 8 e a earoe to try to be and in a few simple words, be poiot. -Dr, Wayland. il matted Upon a cor- h 'd' d' I fi d h Iy. As is the earthy, such are they . d . It II h . like Jesus, .. who went abont doing answer will der,end a true t ey wou, Imme late y n t em' also that ar!!' earthy; and a8 is tbe grananes are store WIt ate rIce good," On her way bome, she sawed t.he s?ul to the Croes of TEA AS A to ft"" h' b f selves surrounded with both light heavenl.v, such are tbey also that are of Syria. and Hindostan, and all the t rttl b b t h Cbnst, the 1l1Oner 8 only hope, ..nd tbe I·uve·tl·gall· ... n. -ade b- V·I' .' 0 "" P I (Jsop Y 0 a and sound. In sound sleep, the man corn of Egypt, and of all other wo I e oys, a ou er own age, Itt H th k It db· ..... " .... .. 'fhat .pl·rl·t I'S a sub beavenly. And as we have borDe quarreling She went np to them on y rUB.. e en ne own y got,I'n regard to the oL-i-"I--. D - is as truly in the material world as places wherever grains are sown and' , h b d d d d ... -- BI "I co mu • be the I' I't ble co e the im .. ge of the earthy, we sball and told tbem bow wl'ckedly the tee SI e an . pray.e . bl·n·tl·ons.of te" aad COIII8IIIIII-··-.11 ' .1, h nev a ns - wben awake, and yet he is entirely grown. Suppose that tbere are 8hel- y Th h th ... - qoeuce of admitting the existence of unconsciuuB of it. So our spiritual also bear the image of tbe heavenly!' tered with!n bis spacious stables all weTa' acting. She made tbem stop . JOY lD eafvetn h a by him to{ French Ao ... ,."GI D ity r 'f G d t H t qllarreling and fi 11 d d DIg ,J)Y lD t e presence e an· Sciences, thadrtfcle ia fOlla4 '0 00 .. e, or I. a eXls s, tl mus senses are asleep, and hence we can That this Is the true rendering, is evident the elepbants, dromedaries, camels, ' nil y persna e gels 01 God over tbe one SlDner that be" sometbing, consequently a sub. not see the spiritual world until they from the seope at the Apostle'. argument. horses, and all sorts of beasts, both them to go to ber Sabbath-echool. ted .' to . th d d h tain elllential t'rlaciplel or alltrilloil, There CliO be no medium Tertullian sav_ that Lord Wll.8 inBerted by The boys were na!Iled Jim and Tom. ; JOY 0 In e crow e os- far exceeding 1n t ..... ... hi d h If are awakened, and yet the spiritual the heretIC H"rcion. See .. Iso Adam Clarke', tame and wild, that are to be fonnd Th . I JI d M W d PIta! ward, for .before th.e sommer ul-ting propertl'el, bela· .- ....... , somet ng an not iog. world is all around us now as then. commentary On 1 Cor. 15,47. in IIny of the world, Suppose e 1!;1r was ca ,e ary 00. ft f ddt F k .. 1M. ,. .. . spirit, th b tb"t t .. Now childr n" said tb tIe a erooon. a e In evenlD;g, ran. re·pect one of .l._ d .... \ .... b ....... . , en, It some lng, I mus How. tben, can we gain an" knowl- The whole argument of Paul lies that his gardens and parks are adorn- ., e , e gen - b d t Cb t h P .... , .......... - be B"b t t' I d '1 b J man ,. would you like to ee J'm'" w!ls.ena Ie Q &II I.' tl'clell of g a ne .. 1 nle, aud w II an la ,an neCe888r1 y ave edge of tbe spiritnal world? asks in the same direction, declaring tbe ed and p!'rfumed witb all the flowers, s I. S d h b ,. _. 'orm a8 a8 matter I'S a sub I d h With one voice they all shouted .' aVlOur, a,n reJoIce lD. 1m w 0.18 anperior to lOOP, in it ...... ri·Io....· I' g - one. I reply, in a manner somewbat fact of man's spI'ritnal nature as be- p ants an trees t at ever grew upon h I at B ' • r ... - 8t D d tl t b "Yes 7" our ope o. g ory.-.m ... ton ap.ts •. qnalitieB. M. Liebl ... 1.0 .iYei till ee, an conseqllen y mUB ave similar to the way we gain a knowl- iog tbat on which man'6 future life the face of the whole eartb. Sop" .. 'orin Thus tlle"e lire materl'al II JI'm, sland op," sal'd the gentle. hl'IOpt'nl'on b---.I on .cca-·- _L_ •• ' , edge of a human being. No person was based, and also sbowing tbe pose that bis wardrobe is replenish- ' ........ .... - and spiritual 8ubltances. in this world ever saw with the nat- contrast that existed between the ed with all the tapestries and silks man, looking to another part of the TRUE PROSPBRITY, ieal r_aroh, tbat 10 r.pee' bo&la .. Fur matter I, not spirit, nor is spirit ural cye a human being. If we ex, natural and spiritual. Hence be of Persi .. , the sables and fors of platform, You talk of the prosperity of yonr tea and cofee, tbeir benetlcl.. l •• eo .. lIfatter. Neither can tbey be con cept the materialists, it i8 universal- says, .. The first man Adam was Muscovy and Sib€ria, with al\ the A tall, reverend looking gentle- city. I know bnt one true prosperi on tbe healtb .re .erJ .ud ar. rertible into each olher, by any pro. Iy admitted, that tbe material body made a living soul," (referring to superfine cloths of France, Germany man, dressed in black, and wearing ty. Does the human 80ul grow and dne to the IIlibet.noe, II tb4l1ne," or ees! of rduemenl, being separated is not tbe man; yet tbat is all we our natural life j) .. the last Adam and England. Suppose tbat his eel- a white crav .. t, and looked prosper bere? Do not point me to .. cattine," .nd tb.t thele two ..... 1. by.discreet degrees, BEll. distinctly see in tbis world. We see material was made a quickening spirit," ret lars are stored with a\l tbe rich smilingly upon tbe children. your thronged 8treets. I a8k who allrespectsidentioa1. He thiDa &11M IUlmAI lind human. Both matter and P F d" There," said tbe speaker," that th g th ? Is't 10-' d d they are J'ustly to be coD.ideM' .. , _ feature&, colors, motion8, &0. But ferring to our spiritoal life after wines of Spain, Ntngal, rance an ron am I a "·mlD e , ' ' "pirit have lome properties in com. we do not see the real human being. death. (See Adam Clarke on verses Hnngary. Suppose tbat bis ware, is Jim. He has been a missionary 8elf-3eeking, gold-worshiping, man- elements of food for or"alll .. Jet man with eaob otber-properties That dwells within tbe veil of f1esb, 45-49.) honses are filled to repletion with all for several years in one of the Sonth de8pising crowd, which I see rnshing unknown, which are deat nea 00.' wlthont which tbere oan be no exist- bones, blood, and sinews. All we Soch is the philosophy of man's the goods and commodities that mer- Sea Islands. Now, would yon like throogh them 7 Do I meet in them, vert the blood into nefvOll ••• b- ence, luch 'l8ubstance and form, for cau see is the material covering of futnre life. Commencing his being chants ever traded for in any part of to eee Tom 1" under the female form, the gaily- stance, and thnll recrolr.:: the "'1 uamplo. Spirit is not the very ne. tbe 8piritual being. Tbe body is no. as an animal, on an earthly plane, the world. Nay, let the snpposition .. Yes, yes, Ilir I" was beard all decked prostitute, or the idle, waste· of the moving .nd til nklDI rMe gMiun of lutter. hut is ratber its thing but a lifeleas clod without it. yet, from that incorrnptible seed be tbat all the kingdoms of the earth over the house. ful, aimless woman of fasbion? Do tiee.-Scientific Amerioc",. correlation. And yet many who ad- At death, tbe mlln is removed, and which is planted within his being, he are his; that all the men, women and " Here he is," 8aid the speaker, I meet the young man, showlag Tm: WAY TO m& Oao •• I1."·_", mit lablllanOll and form to matter, then that wonderful orgllnization develops, by the laws of bis being. children in Eorope, Asia, Africa and straightening himself up ; "he, too, hiil pretty person as the perfectioD OllOU--We mDlt , .. te tile .... , " deny spirit. crumble\! back to dU8t. into an eartbly man j and at death America, and of every isle of tbe has been a missionary for years. of Natnre's works, wa8ting bi. gold- b I If ' ..... So ... arlae agllns' t.he existence As the man i8 preeent in tbe mao into an heavenly man. From that seas, are under bis command, and And now, would yon like to see lit· en hoors in !1is8ipation and Ilotb, :ed ::i:'':.! ::':7.;. ... krbtlf,. of Ifill" oa 'accoDnt of our IUpPOS- terial body, so the spiritual world is spiritual germ, with which bis Crea. placed at his disposal. Such soppo- tIe Mary Wood 1" and bearing in bill countenance tbe tioDI. When God .. ft •• lOat l be ed IDab"", to tell "hat it iB. But present in the material world. As tor impregnated the race, man pos- sitions are snpremely extra.vagant. " Yes, yes; 0 yes I" burst forth in gaze of the profligate T Do I meet tries' it. Some belie.er. .N ••• Ihe lime objeotion lies IIgalnst IDat. the spiritual gives life and action to sesses an element of being, inde- They are based upon thc a. perfect storm of voices. a grasping multitude, seeking to eurpriled when tbey .M eIIItW ". for wbo oan tell what matter the material form, '0 does the spirit- strnctible and immortal, a nature tive impossibilities. Bllt as 8upposi, II Well, do 'yon see that lady over thrive 'by concealment and fraud 1 sulfer. They thon,bt theJ .... 1 ... II r Our kDQwledge of- things d(- Ilal world give life aDd action to tbe that will ever" survive tbe wreck of tions allow them to etand. 01 wbat there, with a black velvet bonnet, An anxions multitnde, driven by rear eo me great tobin, for God ; ,"''''M" pends ul!0o their relation to us. We whole material world. There we matter and the crash of worlds." real advantage would sncb incalcu- putting down ber veil, and blusbing of want to donbtful means of gain 1 permit. tbem to do la ICla..r'ort" learn tbe Dature of ulaterial tbings obtain another evidence tbat spirit To b. continued. lable wealth be to auy man? How like a rose? Tbat's little Mary An unfeeling moltitude. caring no· sake. Go ronnd to e ........... ,;.: b th I t Th' . Wood. And now I bave a secret to tb' f tb 'f th th -, v_ .. Y 8 r ,e .. ec I upon us. e prlDcl' is substance j for there can never be much happier would tlJis proprietor 109 or 0 ers, I ey mlly em- glory j eacb hy • difl'etellt .to\'1 -.' pie 'I tbe .ame with spirhual 8uch a tbiug as abstract force. THB,. BaOKEN BucltLE,-You have of the world be than is that man in ten you. She is my wife. That selves prosper and enjoy f tell, yet everT one a tal. of .-.,. lIearly all Ohristlllnil admit er il! bnt tbe force with wbich some- read in history of tbat bero who, wbose behalf the prayer of Agar hail good girl sowed a very little seed in In the neighborbood of your com· inge. Bnt mlrk, .U " ........... l tbe n:l"ten06 of .. IIpiritual world, tbing acts. As one of the proper. when an overwhelming force was in been answered? God's garden. The froit which it fort able and splendid dwellingl, are ont of them It " .. I. ....... _I .;a AIi Lote"ol 1e ulre tit d" 11 d bore was two mission ariel to the d -• .-- .... II".. q I e a mISSIon ties of matter i8 inertia, its pnreet fnll pursllit, and all his fo owers Dr. Oummings, of Lon on, says: there abodes of or bnt it pUlNld • wa ne of tblll.at of "plfltllal sub8tance, for forms hllve no more power than the were urgio,,"o bim to II more rapid ,. I clln enjoy tbe glorie8 of the sky, heathen, all the good resnlting reckless crime, of. bestIal .lntemper- deep, bnt the" reloh·4 lheOIIlii,·flli.'" bo - C a spirl't I 0 Id I' t from tbeir labors,-Miss. OIr.ron. h d b Id f "" ,,.- .. In na w r ex 8 sod or rock. Hence, wherever mat- fligbt, coo\ly dismounted to repair a tbe eartb, the sea, as much as the ancl', of balf-famlB e c I ren, 0 Not one tbere blamee Gnd 'fOf" \IW' 1,Irituai to. form ter moves, or assnmes a form, it flaw in bis horse'8 harness. While Antocrat of all the Rnssias. If I profaneness, of dislolutenel', or way he led tbem tbhhft, .... 1 .... ' Itt Pot, •• no materIal unlverlle becanse some foreign substance bas busied with tbe broken buckle, the gaze upon some beantiful and MALIGNANT per- temptation for thoughtleBs yoatb r tion I" Is their oe11 , ..,.. OIlIIltl oC .ould exi't wlthont ,l!Iatter'Bnb8tan?e, acted upon it. Thus all power or distant cloud was sweeping down in sive landscape, I find that one plrt sons pride tbemselves on being blnnt, And are theBe moltiplying for yonr God murmur aot a' YODr Iol tOIl 10. 00 uUlverse Cllon force lieM in the IIpiritual world nearer thunder; bllt jost as the of it belong8 to Sir Edward Boxton, or,. as tbey call it, II honest j" bnt prosperity, and outstripping and most ha"e • palm .1 well •• wb'" '!lItbout .pmt IlIbatllnOtl. Spirit, That i8 the world of caoses ; thi8 of prancing boofs and eager spears anotber to my friend beside me, Sir very blunt people do little good to neutralizing tbe inflnences of truth robe. Learn to Klor1 fD 'itlblllaUOH" tbeo, II ... traly. subatan,ce as mat- effectl!, For tbis knowledge, this were ready to dasb upon bim, tbe John Maxwell, and a tbird part to otbers. and get little love to them- Ind virtue r Then yoor allo.-MOlteyn •• tel', h •• 1ur" real an eSlstence as pbilosopby, we are indebted to di. flaw was mended, and like a swoop- some one else. Bat the most beallti· Eelves. The Scriptores recommend i8 a vain sbow. Ita trne type 1S to tb,t •• Ild pOeBeliei form and other vine revelatiou. The calamities jog falcon he bad vanished from fnl part of tbe lanW!cape, the cream I;entleness and kindness. Tbere is make a better people. The glory TBE Dl1 •• SIIIIO".-1' ..... aUtibatea, which berel Job were all the eftirot of their view. The broken bockle of it all-the beautiflll view-the nothing in all this world of onrs balf and happiness of a city con8illll not Tennant once wok mucili ,.1 ... A •.• _cellar, conRqneooe from spiritual causes. All had tbeir ori- would have left bim on tbe field, a beggar at the roaddide 091'08 and so mean as a vindictive and malig- in tbe number, bnt in the character prep.re. letmoa to COllY'''' Ihe rouJOlng, tbere mUllt exilt a gin in the malignant agency and dismounted and inglorions prisoner j see8 jost as much as tbey do. All nant dilPosition. Yet many Chri. of itl population. or all the nlie ebrated infidel of lbe truth of world or ani.erle, with as power of a spiritoal being, clilled tbe timely delay sent him in safety that is beantiful in tower or tree, or tians gratifl tbill spirit, and deceive artll in a city, the grandellt il the art i but ID dl'lIr.ihd fotm. as the material. Satan. So when Abab, king of III, back to his comrades. There is in winding stream, every pallller by can themselves with the idea that tbey of forming noble specimena of bo- er Tbl, .piritu .. l, ,,()r\d IB, the abode of rael, wail to be destroyed, be daily life tbe same Inckless precipi- see and be charmed witb wlthollt are rebnking sin. Chri8tians ehonld manity. Tbe cOltilest prodnctionl oonfueed II to tIIlags, and hence there seduced by a lying Bpirit, who false- taney, and the lI"me profitable delay. asking leave. No trnst deedil can take heed of getting fond of tbe of onr mannfacturel are cbeap, com- IDd cloSe tbe mUlt be tbere .. II Dllce"ary proviso Iy urged him to enter upon that (atal Tbe man "ho, from his prayerless contain this beanty i it can not be work of .. rebuking." Soch" Ipirit- pared "jth a wile ,nd good human 1'bl, lonl for Utelr exl"tenCle. From tbe expeditiOli, by dictating to his pro. awakening, bounces into the bosi- monopolized by any." oal constables" do a great deal of being. A city which oonld prac\t. h.d ,d or. a ·""Ii" ...... 'r,:;:i.:'j llIOt ,b.t it t. Ipirit that, gives lift', pheta their falilehoods. ne8S of tbe day, ho"eYer good his Lord Barco was remarkable for millchief without intendlOg it. Tbay cally adopt the principle that maa liner·1I1 .... 'or.. ... .. i._ .... and bellce torm, to the material Ortbodoxy requires us to believe talents Ind great his diligence, is practicing Ule celebrated 1II 1 e, .. Get are in the cburcb what ... ery witty ie more than wealth or sbow, would die .aldet to world, It follow8, th"t spirit itself tbe fira' parents of mauhood only apon a Iteed harliess- all yon can, and keep all you can and sarcastic perlon i8 in society, or place itself at the be.d of t\le citi8ll, beell .t IDU,' PO".II .11 the farillty of forms were'l8duce<L from their loyahy by ed. WIth a broken bockle, and must get." One day, Wilking doW'll tbe wbat a tell·tale is in achool ; and ap- A city in wbicb mea ahoald be wblC\tl t. fGllod in the materi.1 .orld, the arllh-tr.itor and rebel. the devil. not marvel, if in hi. hottest haste or avenue from bollle, he sa" a far- proximate very cloaely to tb.t cl ... ed "orthy of tbe nalle, "ould be· the ...... BtfDt. the .plrltnal world mUli ban Tbe demonology of tbe New Testa' moe' haurdool leap, he be left in- thing lying at bis feet, "bich he wbicb the,poltle terma II bnlybodiee come the metropolis of the eartb.- Tb. God' plllnil billa, monntaioll, nIlIlYI, ment lovolvell the same truth. The in .the dallt j !,nd tbough cle!,ned. A begg.! p ... .. " Such Obri .. OltaAnillg. - III- II.", rt ..... I\!U, treee, &c. On \rUiDSS of lue p.oues8e?, tbeir inc,?" It may occlI.!!\on hit1!' at bl' ua!lll come I,n time. to be regarded 11.1 lb •. 'rQ .... alone, oan be found tbe herent or intelhgible Jargon, thelt beforeband, hiS neIghbor _IS wIser ship to g\ve him the fartblag,1A7. nUI.HeeI la IOClety, cODitantly to TIll proud periOD dlllpiae. th. .'&Ioti of De .pirkall lceaer1 luleriaA' were all the elfect ot d. wbo lela .11 in order before the it w .. Dot a ... a'. be ."oided, aDd the U\tle rood the1 btat the hlllSble reltralM _ ..... 11 ia ..... .-Qgj'CI!l or lIPiritllU -ceaoi .. So .aroh be,illI..-.Bev. J.HAll'iUoa. &ea&ioa. 410 .. a",a,. Oar ma· ooa' •• pt, .. - ..... is to .' Ii . -

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Page 1: s3.amazonaws.comVol+21....nd .mrms tbe existenoo of as •• of a na~rJU The good man dozed o'er the latest __ -'Iil1' TIlt the lig~t of his pipe went out And. unbeeded, the kitten,

, ,


VOLUME XXI.-NO. 47. WESTERLY, R. 1., FIFTH:..i:>.A.YJ 23, 1865.

Bible. Tbe "illionB of Ezekiel Isaiah Daniel, Zecbarlab, Habakk~k, Soo: phen, Paol and John, fally confirm tbe above. When their spiritnal senses were opened, and they were introduced into tbe world of spirits tbey sa w snnll, moon 1l, s~an, forests: trees, flowers, billl, mountainll, riv­erR, Reas, fowls, animals, .tc., all of which can only be predicated opon the fllct that spirit Is lIubltance. John RIW mnltitndes of those who onclI lived on this eartb, in .. rell fo~m8, Ind blving .. IInbstan\ial an eXIstence, all when

abundantly il this fact and truth de· clared and demonstrated in the Scrip­tor~, that Its denial is infidelity to theIr teachings. Nor does tbe Bible in itll teachiogs npon that sobject: rull coonter to an alm08t oniversal Bentiment oC mankind upon the snb-

OlE PAm or STOOKING&' An old ~Ir. Bat by her brlgbt fireside;

S ..... 1IOg tboughtflllly to and fro

.. F" f I body:~re:liedr~nl~ l~~nel'd puir nTher mu~t be tender-.nd wioalog. f II 'pi . r. e ~,.n oe,le- e nail of reproof, lIIys .n 014 a 1 llced the COlD In bill breecbet writer, mUlt be well oiled in kInd-

.lIUG .... mlOVl

Daring 'M ~~:.:'~I:~I THER.G OOKES A TIKB. In an ancient chair, whose creaky

Told .. tale of long ago; pocket. ne be~ .. d' In addition to b' b' f SI are It II riven home.-BOI· HI5t to IISO, b of DeJimlrk of Sweden,' oome. II tlme ... ben we gro ... old,

like down the "", While down by her side on the kitchen Btood .. haakel of worsted b"Us-& •• ~-~,

. elDg 18 o"n If- ton Recorder. tlung finder, Lord Barco "as bill own factor and reat collector. A ten.nt wbo Called npon him to pay bis rent b"J?pea~d . tp be a fartbing Ihort.

ar~~~::~.~~gltbe nlgl1t wInd cold iLl lad !lod ohilllngly;

ot gold "lid steady rlY,

aff'lotlon.lllllerinK oay, oomes a wben ..,. grow old, OOmel a time when laugh InK spring

summer oeaBe to be • 00 Ibli I\utumn robe, '

"dt deol! v, ty. now the slope, roll' bope,

~, __ .,.",.c: _____ :.w:;e behold fairer Ught, ""ioile,i ... bisper through the nlgbt

lUr •• oorDU a time frhen .... grow old. '

Such, then, Is the sniritlnA.l -a "arId of _nl.;1-n .. t pOlllld nf

et. Among all nations, a similar bas prevailed.

Paol's philosophy of 11 fntnre as found jn the fifteenth Ch81Ptlli bill first letter to the most Incidly establisbes the views. In answer to the question, "How are the dead raisel\, and with wh.t body do tbey come 1" he boldly .nd .mrms tbe existenoo of

as •• of a na~rJU

The good man dozed o'er the latest __ -'Iil1'

TIlt the lig~t of his pipe went out And. unbeeded, the kitten, with'

tangled the balls about Thl8 ....... t Id the wlf. in tM ancien I ~'tn COU not be exculed, t ..... ;In" -,t:;o; and fro in the dr •. light a~ the farmer had to pay the far-But anon a misty tear.drop came ~bilfg. When the bOllne.. wall ad·

In ber eye ofladed blne Jaated, tbe conntryman '.Iid to hil Then trlc tied d01l'n io a fnrro.., deep lordship : ~_

LIke .. 8ingle drop of dew" , So deep was the channeL.eo sUe~ I. N uw, Barco. I wonld gie ye a The I:~e!r:;; saw naught hnt ~ dI· ..... min' for a sigbt 0' a' the goud and

eye be..... . .tler ye baa." Tet be mV'Vekd mac" tllai l.1li. • .n Well, iliOn," replied Baroo It W.

~:t~~~J;;;:~I':' 1I'I1ft'.... no cost any mair." , . rt Orher eye had weary lJ'own Add' I ~ and real npon tbe recoustrnction tbe mate. And m .. rveled he more ILl tile la.ngled balll' . n . accor 109 y, .or and in con-

tban thill worrd i8 to III!. .And rial body. Tbe whole argument was So be saId in a gentle tone. ' Ilderation of the aforesaid som. in • '. . t • 'b ' "I haVOvowsh, ared tby joys aince our mamo.. hand ft. rst w. e.1l and truly pal'd, bl's

ye.lo IS no materIa, lit IS a8 diB- to draw the contrast beLween the .... tinct from matter as the soul is from material Dnd IIpiritual body, and not Cooceal not from me thy sorrows now." lordshIp exhIbIted several iron boxes the body. the conversiou of the 'former into the Then sbe spoke oftha time when the basket fill.:~ wit~ gold abnd .. silver coiDl. '

Where, then, i. it T Perhaps opon latter. Any otber c'o nstructl'on ren- there . ow, 8ays t e .armer, .. I am II b

. Was filled to the very brim ncb as yoorself!' no one ~u ~ect has tbere been more ders tbe argument n}lnsensical. And now tbere remained or the goodly pile " A I" vague obscurity tban upon the loca. Frum the foregoing facts and rea' But a single pair-for him. y, mon inqoired his lordship t. f tb . . I Tben wonder not at the dimmed eye·light " how can that be 1" ' IOn 0 e 8ptrIt wor d. Tbe 811n, 80nS, itis plain that the futnre ex,'st- There's b t f 'B tc.nuishot.ne pair ° atoeklDp to mend .. ecaose I've seen it-and ye can

moon, stars, ellr-Ih, and almos! every ence of mankind is solely predica· do no mair." couceiv .. ble place, bas been named ble npon his own natore the ele- I can not but think ofthe busy feet HS its. locality, overlooking the fact, ments of which were made'to inhere I WthbOS8 wrappings were wont to lie' ThA" rich man thinka biz gold his 01111, th t f 1 d n e basket awaIting the needle'S tlme- nd ail hIS gold can brIDg .

a I oc .. te on a11Y material globe his very being, .. nd whicb will as Now wandered so far away' The l'ich man thinks, when ihu. he thinks it must be itself material. Hence' certainly eventuate in his futore ex- How the sprightly steps, to a inother dear A very fooiish tblng. ' sho Id . 't ltd' . Unheeded fell on the careless ear. '

U we VISI every pane an SUD Istence as bis conception and ante. He buildB a palace; beautiful , in tbe material universe, we should natal being eventuated in this. For each empty nook in the basket old Its graeeful column. rise.

for Ibe sUbb.lb Recoraor. b . h h By the hearth tl1ere's an emptv seat.' And while he thlnl<s tl1 em all his 01l'n 1-1I1~OSIOPJIIY e nl) nearer to It t an ere, The Man's first birth borns him into A.nd I miss tl1e shadows from o1fthe "'~II They glad a thousand eyes. '

-Harper's Weeki!!.

III OF A FUTURE LIFE, error virtually denies a 8piritoal tbis present life', his' second borno A.nd the patter of many feet· ' H AND TSII Id h 0 'TIS fO,r this that .. tear gathered over my e spreads bl. 1I0rl! garden r ouod wor ,or supposes t at matter can bim into bis future life. As man be- slgbt The roses bud and bloom' '

ofiu Reward. and PunishmellU, be converted Into spirit. But both gins bis present life in a human Atthe one Pair of stockings tomend to.night. Bnt with himself we aU enjoy BY a. s. ORlOWOLD. reas a d I t' t d d f Their beauty and perfume. on n reve a Ion s an oppose orm, so be begins bis fotore in Ihe 'Twas said that far througb the forest wild -

EsSAy read before tho &!.Sl.c'rn ABSocl.Uon _.. t h' TAd His noble ehar d pUblished bJ requ .. t of Ibe bod.. ,..... 0 an~ suc • v.lew. be spiritual same form. M an's first form il! com. n over the mountalDs bold ' ,ger. paw an prance'

tblt ylcto.,. had HEAVBlIS XY ROD, Diael ... ,

A lick soldier lay UpOD bi. bed ia "II .bc;II& io the bospital at N--. He WII jOlt tirlnl to recovering from • walltiag ' .. er ",ith. drl~Olrlat "biob hid lert bim weak and "'I~ en bottle, .D-ili~iHiti lell! ... child, ud with more thaD. from a "o •• W Sw., ."l::t;;:::'~,.F:::". cbild's b~~e-sick longing lor the field, millie blm 114 clear familIar faces of mother' .nd .ery "ordl of Siil"',--.~·!I'I liaten. ' il gre.ter __ .:we 1 .....

It 11'11 • SaDdar .fternoon ia Ao- by 1I\hie:' ~,=:I: ~.l Not. breatb Ibe llq.ot.. .. •• ,' . U!e l'n,uld .1r, 100teetri broke the etiJInelB. Those of the from tile " ".. . patients who "ere too weak to II R .. ~I ... ~ .. , lea~e tbeir beds Jay modonle •• ; ba .. befrIended 10n, ... 0..4 '. whde the others "ho were permitted morder me ia retara I .till' ~ to go -outaide of tbe ward, g.tbered puniah yoll. IwouI411'''fi_JO' in small gronps in the halls and cor- the wbole boUle; lIot DOW ,Ott ..... ridors and talked in low tones of hne oal1 bll." ADd drl.lila, oft their homes, and of dear friends .nd b alf himlelf, he gave the relt to ,. kindred far away. Swede.

Suddenly the door of the ward The king, heat:io, the .tort. _l opened, and the chaplain eotered for the bargber. aad .. keel IIow ... escorting a party of ladies. .. Boys ,; c.me to .p.re the life or Hob a ..... he said, glancing down the long rO~1 cal. of beds, ., 8S you are not able to .. Sire," .aid tbe bo.eet bar,hft, tend tbe cbapel service I thought II I could never kill a .. OIlDdIMr .... you would like to bave 'tbele ladies my." sing for yon." II Tltoa meritelt to be mad. • .. '

Wbat -a gllld assent smiled from ble," tbe king a.id, aad ore.te4 II •• many pale faces I Tbe ladies took one immediat.ell, giving' bi ... ~ "\ their stand in tbe center of tbe room morial bearings a woodea a.o"It' and their clear ringing voices brok~ pierced with an arrow'l into the joyous melody of .. Heaven Tbe family only lately becaaae -. is my home." tinct in the person of .n old .aidea , Id d f h Was a land whose rivers a~d darkenIng The rICh man's heart is proud' '

lGoDIIDuod froID lasl .... k.l wor IS as 18tlOct rom t e materi- posed of material substance, with a caves, He Bees them with one paIr of eyes TBI!: SPI'9TUAL THEORY. aI, as tbe soul is from the bodv. ~oul ~r spirit-form dwelling within Were gemmed WIth tbe rarest gold' But thousands have the crowd. ' "I'm but a traveler here, b 1: k Matter and spirit are not converti- It; hIS ~econd form is composed Then my first·born turned from th; oaken HIB parlor walls are IOllded down Heaven is my home; T T -- •

118 eeu remar ed, fact8 of ble the one I'uto th otb If" bAd I duo'. , With gems of art-to pIe ase Earth is a desert drear, HPl >JVIIS o:r 'l'B1l ALU.unlaIAW lAaA· IIIU8t dete' 1'1 leer. a one 0 spmt su stance. Or, per. n knew tbe shadow I • Hi If Heaven is my home y B -S bId .......

lady.-Book of Golden DfIiI.

, ,rmlDe p 11 osop 'y, Wh th . h 8 were on y ,our. ,mse ,he thinks-to please In truth Dllnge. and sorrow 8t .. · nd R A LJ:8SIII'Q. 0 o.n .. a .r __ WIll ever stand forlh con. ere, en,I8 t e spiritual world? ~aps, to speak more strictly accord- Another w~nt forth on the foaming waves, Thepoorest man that sees. " Round me on every ha.nd· have mourned for aglll o.et the ...

"Y",,"'l\" 1111 falae phil(lsophy, and all It is here; it is everywhere. For Ing to the facts. man's soul itself is And dlmlDlsbed the basket's otore- The stately ball. the cultnred grove Heaven II my fatherland,' most pnive .... al. deetractioa of the r,'velatl'ODS, Not un. wherever tbere is a material world in the human form, Hnd henc", dta'h But hls/eet grew cold-so weary and cold- The parks WIth pebbled way' Heaven Is my home." works' of anCient geDI"-. .....- A'';' ••

th t f . b ' . ,They 11 never be warm any more- Tbe lea pmI': font that sweetly SI'nas- ... .. ....... "".

iii m'lu'd being is ,. :Jrstuod clln a ere mns 0 necessIty e a corre- IS rather the unclothing tbe spirit. And thIS nook, in,tsemplioeBs seemeth to me For the .... he h .. a to pay.· Little did those yonog girls thiok, andrian Library il belie.eel to 11." It e .,hl·l, 80 h f" f t 'I'fi b sponding spiritual world. human form of I'(S e"rthly coverl'ng To gIve forth no vOice but the moan of the as tbey sang these bea t'fi I d nt' d te tIt n. ) P Y 0 uld U ure lee Of Ih tb B'bl Jr d h ~ Bea. And pay tbat other eyes may gaze U I 0 wor II co lIne a grel r re .. are 0 ••

rortb. Until the cnnetituen-t ele- 18, e I e auor ~ t e strong- or body, and clothing it with a spiro An.d feast without a care, bow dee~ly they would sink inU: tellectall riohe. th.n 1IItI ......... or prinoiples of matter were est possible proof. For, in all those itnal covering, composed of a Bub- Two ~~:~s have gODe toward the .... tting TbeJ0j,ls ours-the task hiB OWn l!Iany hear.ts. The poor fever pltient been boarded,m ~ .ill'~. --"lC()vel~ed, I instances recorded, when au gels or stance sl'ml'lar to I·tself. Add tb h To p ea.e them and prepare.' ltd I k I k· --'" natura pbilosopby was ' n ma e em a ome in lIs light, IS ene I e one 0 a tr.nce, wbile we now, h.ve • I yul froa 1M . u the inertia of mat ?tber 8p~itnal pbenomena, were seen, Thos man's futnre st~te is bot tbe AT~f;:~u~~e::eh:;'~it,j':~~i~\~i: share, W~en Garrick showed Dr. John· large tears pressed Illowly from nn- eartb. It furnilbed fael roi1flUl for

~I was fully establiRhed, lind it WM It WII8 t e result of simply opening continuance of lb' th t b' Borne other basketo tbelr gannen'ts fill- son hiS fine hoose. fnrniture. etc., the der his hllf-clolled eye-lidl, and .rol1- the batb of illiter.te )(-1- 9; tbe spiritual eyes of the beholder IS; a earlDg a B t 'Oh' doctor clapped hl'!II on the back and -- .. _, &' bowu t~Dt matter had no power of and be found hl'mself t'n tbe ml'dot of' similar relation to this, as the but- u mIne. , mlDe i3 emptier still I 'd .. D 'd 1 D ,ed down his pale cheeks. • nled, myaelf, fre1Jaeatly to wiJa4eil

lIatural philosnpby became a • terlly d fS t'l I' I' Anoth.r-thedearest-thefalrest_tbebest_ sal, aVI avid 1 David I these Near. him sat. comrade, by the why 1" ple---.1 -.I to "I ..... OM'.;.M tbe spiritual world. 0 0 IS anre 1110 or crysa IS Was taken by angels away tb tb' • - IN II... - III Tbe inertia of matter wl'll state Atdeath man h . .. b f And 1 d' , are e lOgs which m!lke a de'ath- open.wlDd.ow,.who had been qoi.etly exill.tenoetb ....... prodaotl·OD.of ...

k ••

Why, then, it may be asked c.u· " aVlDg s n· c a 10 a garment that ... axeth not old bed terrible!' """" .. an important bearing npon tbe ' • fled off this mortal coil," become8 an In a land of continual day. ' read 109 hIS BIble when tbe .illltorl gemnB. But the 1OIIIIi08 01 daI.-of I fnture life. If mat- we not see it? It is becaose, in the angel, having exchanged tbe mortal Oh, 'W::te,' no more at tbe dimmed eye· Why doot thou build up stately rooms on entered. Doring the liaging be had mYlltery I. found, I ·tblak. 1. UiI ....

be Jirele8~, motionless, it general, onr IIpiritoal senses are for tbe immortal, tbe corrnptible for While I mend the one pa.lr ollWck1nl. to- Thou ~'~:Art underground to lie! C~08ed the book, Iond lietened wbile mailla of lferollla1lfJ1lm .... f.,." be incapable of a88uming any- closed during our natoral life. In the incorrnptible, the natnral or mil- llcrnlogBht.iS:ii;[J;rui~i"'· Than ~~we.est and planteat, bllt DO fruit mm hlB young face Iigoted np with joy, We tbere 41Mloftr dalA..., .. like organization, except' as oor llrdinary state. 1 we have lit, terial mode, or condition of be- ~ as he thougbt of the glorionl min- of m.D " .. 80 ~ bf, ....... '

organization is caused by some tIe or no cODsciousness from Ihe for t"a Ie • I ,For Death, alul fa reapinc thee~COllllq. sianl which God h.a p"-ared for tioa, e.e'" pr-"a~'~ _II senses of any world bnt 'be mater· .. -.1II0u0J,... or 011 ,u.a " h '~r --, .... - ... 01 or PQ!'I'Qt _ foreillD to • L' t em that love Him.' defiled with lIal~let.a ...

m.tter' beoome. a B ... Ui •• w. be 10 the ~~~~~;;;j~g:~~~ .. !h~ad: . .=~~~~...J=~~~~~~= 01 tDll~ld' tOl' !hat~ter power or it ill plain many analogous es:. d fiiiiiiii c.le 18 cast mto It 'l'bl~ tbare es:' a those of our friends wbo bave pre- to hold religious meetl'n- suppresse . ',;s a 0 'bl 'II d I" ~be" ~ amplell. or unconsciousness of ceded ns to tbat better land, 118 much Let 08 8uppose that a man hu in- and anniversaries i a th"'~" What is tbe matter, Frank 1" he be purIfied • I mI. ng Cll e he, h ~ anything, i8 no proof of its non-ex. closed within his collers all tbe gold • n. nce ey asked, advancI'ng to tbe bed-I'de of of a flood, 10, "benltealill"!IIl:~""

r hI' h d ws realize our spiritoal birth into that were holdIng a Sabbath s hI' - 0 o power, w C Ta ,'stence. The bll'nd are I'n a wo-Id of and 01'lver that ever W'~ -nd stl'lll'S ~ - C 00 annl· h' ." 0 I d h' d tb 'b Itb '·01 ...... I If tt d b

• world as did onr friendl our natur .. 1 0 - ~ - ersar th A I d III compaUion. an oanyt IDg e e ear." " tae groBI ma er, an t n8 light, of which tbey are entirely un- on this Western continent, and all v y ere. c ergyman was a - • 9" helmed tL'- w/",k. 'orm b.1I long bAeD be birth into tuis world. Accordino'" to dressing the children. He told tbem .or you, o.erw ....

"OQIICI,. l' ,m ". conscious. The deaf are in a world the pearls, dl'amonds, rubl'~s, BOp. • Oh I P f tell . '11'zatl'on ,,1'6b a deI.- 01 L".L ••.

Cilled by • me 8' .... ·ril ThUll the law of man's progressive being, ~ ~ aboot two bad little bo h h ' yes. ray or me;, me CIVI • .. -_ .....

o ,1" • of sound, but ape unoonsciona of I·t. phl'res, and otber precI'ons stonell of ys, w am e h t b Cb . t' H • I' m and con81·,n-.1 the _"",6 .......... u Id man

' II ul I'S I' I't that • 0" that is not first which is spiritnal, had ooce known add l'tt1 ow 0 e a rl8 Ian. eaven IS 8 , .......... ~--.. Ba II 0 8p r , And should they explortl every planet the East Indies. Suppose that wI'thl'n ' n a goo let b f I h' n entll of liter .. ture ".4 .... OA bD~ •• pl'rlt What tben I'll but tbllot which is natural, aod a.fter- ",' I, whom he afterward leorned to no my ome, or am snc a SlD- mon m .... .... -_ r. , , o. "un in the universe. wonld they his hags and boxes are gatbered all ~ a" d h k' I t I al bli • It,,' ,-

.pI'rlt T' nSI'ng tbe term spl'rl't I'n tbe • p wards tbat wbich is spiritnal." k 'w. One day this II'ttle gl'rl was ner -an t e poor wea vOIce wu a mOB un "en 0 "IOn. • ....... be any more consciouB of them the peppers and spices of Malabar, h k d . h b b d t ex' It ud be &W-t It a-"

n e •... we wo Id th r "Tbe first man is of the earth, eartby:. g I'ng borne from S bb th b 1 c 0 e wit so B. a 0 I, vr'· / 8e 8. U e co re' tbere tban here? But let tbel'reight S t th MId Ph'II' u a a -110 00, L' F k" 'd h' f' d 'tb'b .. _-- f d .... ·~ ...... • ..... ',ondiing t . b the second man is from heaven,* heav uma ra, e 0 occa an tIP- h h h dId .. 18ten, ran, sal IS rlen , away WI • e "".., ... 0 _ • .--... ,

1'1 erlll matter, 10 t e queM' and their hearing be opened, and pine Islands. Suppose th .. t hIS were 8 e a earoe to try to be and in a few simple words, be poiot. -Dr, Wayland. il matted Upon a cor- h 'd' d' I fi d h Iy. As is the earthy, such are they . d . It II h . like Jesus, .. who went abont doing --':.:.::.~~----

answer will der,end a true t ey wou, Imme late y n t em' also that ar!!' earthy; and a8 is tbe grananes are store WIt ate rIce good," On her way bome, she sawed t.he trembl~ng s?ul to the Croes of TEA AS A B~R.lGE,""A.ccordlnJ to '~o,wllelhte ft"" h' b f selves surrounded with both light heavenl.v, such are tbey also that are of Syria. and Hindostan, and all the t rttl b b t h Cbnst, the 1l1Oner 8 only hope, .. nd tbe I·uve·tl·gall· ... n. -ade b- V·I' .' 0 "" P I (Jsop Y 0 a and sound. In sound sleep, the man corn of Egypt, and of all other wo I e oys, a ou er own age, Itt H th k It db· ..... ".... .. 'fhat .pl·rl·t I'S a sub beavenly. And as we have borDe quarreling She went np to them on y rUB.. e en ne own y got,I'n regard to the oL-i-"I--.

D - is as truly in the material world as places wherever grains are sown and' , h b d d d d .~- ... --BI

"I co mu • be the I' I't ble co e the im .. ge of the earthy, we sball and told tbem bow wl'ckedly the tee SI e an . pray.e . bl·n·tl·ons.of te" aad COIII8IIIIII-··-.11 ' .1, h nev a ns - wben awake, and yet he is entirely grown. Suppose that tbere are 8hel- y Th h th t· ... -

qoeuce of admitting the existence of unconsciuuB of it. So our spiritual also bear the image of tbe heavenly!' tered with!n bis spacious stables all weTa' acting. She made tbem stop . bte~e ~a8h JOY lD eafvetnh a by him to{ ~b~ French Ao ... ,."GI D ity r 'f G d • t H t qllarreling and fi 11 d d DIg ,J)Y lD t e presence ~ e an· Sciences, thadrtfcle ia fOlla4 '0 00 .. e, or I. a eXls s, tl mus senses are asleep, and hence we can • That this Is the true rendering, is evident the elepbants, dromedaries, camels, ' nil y persna e gels 01 God over tbe one SlDner that

be" sometbing, consequently a sub. not see the spiritual world until they from the seope at the Apostle'. argument. horses, and all sorts of beasts, both them to go to ber Sabbath-echool. ted .' to . th d d h tain elllential t'rlaciplel or alltrilloil, There CliO be no medium Tertullian sav_ that Lord Wll.8 inBerted by The boys were na!Iled Jim and Tom. r~pen ; JOY 0 In e crow e os- far exceeding 1n Importa.~ t ..... ... hi d h If

are awakened, and yet the spiritual the heretIC H"rcion. See .. Iso Adam Clarke', tame and wild, that are to be fonnd Th . I JI d M W d PIta! ward, for .before th.e sommer ul-ting propertl'el, bela· .- ....... , somet ng an not iog. world is all around us now as then. commentary On 1 Cor. 15,47. in IIny p~rt of the world, Suppose e 1!;1r was ca ,e ary 00. ft f ddt F k ~ .. 1M. ,. .. . spirit, th b tb"t t .. Now childr n" said tb tIe a erooon. a e In ~ evenlD;g, ran. re·pect one of .l._ moe~ d .... \ .... b ....... .

, en, It some lng, I mus How. tben, can we gain an" knowl- The whole argument of Paul lies that his gardens and parks are adorn- ., e , e gen - b d t Cb t h P ...., .......... -be B"b t t' I d '1 b J man ,. would you like to ee J'm'" w!ls.ena Ie Q ~ec.elv~ ~18 &II I.' tl'clell of gane .. 1 nle, aud deol~-'"", w II an la ,an neCe888r1 y ave edge of tbe spiritnal world? asks in the same direction, declaring tbe ed and p!'rfumed witb all the flowers, • s I. S d h b ,. _. 'orm a8 re~lly a8 matter I'S a sub I d h With one voice they all shouted .' aVlOur, a,n reJoIce lD. 1m w 0.18 anperior to lOOP, in it ...... ri·Io .... ·

I' g - one. I reply, in a manner somewbat fact of man's spI'ritnal nature as be- p ants an trees t at ever grew upon h I ~y-, at B ' • r ... • -8t D d tl t b "Yes 7" our ope o. g ory.-.m ... ton ap.ts •. qnalitieB. M. Liebl ... 1.0 .iYei till ~ ee, an conseqllen y mUB ave similar to the way we gain a knowl- iog tbat on which man'6 future life the face of the whole eartb. Sop" .. • 'orin Thus tlle"e lire materl'al II JI'm, sland op," sal'd the gentle. hl'IOpt'nl'on b---.I on .cca-·- _L_ •

•• ' , • edge of a human being. No person was based, and also sbowing tbe pose that bis wardrobe is replenish- ' ........ • .... -~ub8taucell and spiritual 8ubltances. in this world ever saw with the nat- contrast that existed between the ed with all the tapestries and silks man, looking to another part of the TRUE PROSPBRITY, ieal r_aroh, tbat 10 r.pee' bo&la .. Fur matter I, not spirit, nor is spirit ural cye a human being. If we ex, natural and spiritual. Hence be of Persi .. , the sables and fors of platform, You talk of the prosperity of yonr tea and cofee, tbeir benetlcl .. l •• eo .. lIfatter. Neither can tbey be con cept the materialists, it i8 universal- says, .. The first man Adam was Muscovy and Sib€ria, with al\ the A tall, reverend looking gentle- city. I know bnt one true prosperi on tbe healtb .re .erJ grea'~ .ud ar. rertible into each olher, by any pro. Iy admitted, that tbe material body made a living soul," (referring to superfine cloths of France, Germany man, dressed in black, and wearing ty. Does the human 80ul grow and dne to the IIlibet.noe, II tb4l1ne," or ees! of rduemenl, being separated is not tbe man; yet tbat is all we our natural life j) .. the last Adam and England. Suppose tbat his eel- a white crav .. t, aro~e, and looked prosper bere? Do not point me to .. cattine," .nd tb.t thele two ..... 1. by.discreet degrees, BEll. distinctly a~ see in tbis world. We see material was made a quickening spirit," ret lars are stored with a\l tbe rich smilingly upon tbe children. your thronged 8treets. I a8k who allrespectsidentioa1. He thiDa &11M IUlmAI lind human. Both matter and P F d" There," said tbe speaker," that th g th ? Is't 10-' d d they are J'ustly to be coD.ideM' .. ,

_ feature&, colors, motion8, &0. But ferring to our spiritoal life after wines of Spain, Ntngal, rance an ron am I a "·mlD e , • ' ' "pirit have lome properties in com. we do not see the real human being. death. (See Adam Clarke on verses Hnngary. Suppose tbat bis ware, is Jim. He has been a missionary 8elf-3eeking, gold-worshiping, man- elements of food for or"alll .. Jet man with eaob otber-properties That dwells within tbe veil of f1esb, 45-49.) honses are filled to repletion with all for several years in one of the Sonth de8pising crowd, which I see rnshing unknown, which are deat nea t~ 00.' wlthont which tbere oan be no exist- bones, blood, and sinews. All we Soch is the philosophy of man's the goods and commodities that mer- Sea Islands. Now, would yon like throogh them 7 Do I meet in them, vert the blood into nefvOll ••• b­ence, luch 'l8ubstance and form, for cau see is the material covering of futnre life. Commencing his being chants ever traded for in any part of to eee Tom 1" under the female form, the gaily- stance, and thnll recrolr.::

the "'1 uamplo. Spirit is not the very ne. tbe 8piritual being. Tbe body is no. as an animal, on an earthly plane, the world. Nay, let the snpposition .. Yes, yes, Ilir I" was beard all decked prostitute, or the idle, waste· of the moving .nd til nklDI rMe gMiun of lutter. hut is ratber its thing but a lifeleas clod without it. yet, from that incorrnptible seed be tbat all the kingdoms of the earth over the house. ful, aimless woman of fasbion? Do tiee.-Scientific Amerioc",. correlation. And yet many who ad- At death, tbe mlln is removed, and which is planted within his being, he are his; that all the men, women and " Here he is," 8aid the speaker, I meet the young man, showlag Tm: WAY TO m& Oao •• I1."·_", mit lablllanOll and form to matter, then that wonderful orgllnization develops, by the laws of bis being. children in Eorope, Asia, Africa and straightening himself up ; "he, too, hiil pretty person as the perfectioD OllOU--We mDlt , .. te tile .... , " deny tb~m,t() spirit. crumble\! back to dU8t. into an eartbly man j and at death America, and of every isle of tbe has been a missionary for years. of Natnre's works, wa8ting bi. gold- b I If ' .....

So ... arlae agllns' t.he existence As the man i8 preeent in tbe mao into an heavenly man. From that seas, are under bis command, and And now, would yon like to see lit· en hoors in !1is8ipation and Ilotb, :ed a~ ::i:'':.! ::':7.;. ... krbtlf,. of Ifill" oa 'accoDnt of our IUpPOS- terial body, so the spiritual world is spiritual germ, with which bis Crea. placed at his disposal. Such soppo- tIe Mary Wood 1" and bearing in bill countenance tbe tioDI. When God .. ft •• lOatl be ed IDab"", to tell "hat it iB. But present in the material world. As tor impregnated the race, man pos- sitions are snpremely extra.vagant. " Yes, yes; 0 yes I" burst forth in gaze of the profligate T Do I meet tries' it. Some belie.er. .N ••• Ihe lime objeotion lies IIgalnst IDat. the spiritual gives life and action to sesses an element of being, inde- They are based upon thc mo~t1lOsi- a. perfect storm of voices. a grasping multitude, seeking to eurpriled when tbey .M eIIItW ". t~r; for wbo oan tell what matter the material form, '0 does the spirit- strnctible and immortal, a nature tive impossibilities. Bllt as 8upposi, II Well, do 'yon see that lady over thrive 'by concealment and fraud 1 sulfer. They thon,bt theJ .... 1 ... II r Our kDQwledge of- things d(- Ilal world give life aDd action to tbe that will ever" survive tbe wreck of tions allow them to etand. 01 wbat there, with a black velvet bonnet, An anxions multitnde, driven by rear eo me great tobin, for God ; ,"''''M" pends ul!0o their relation to us. We whole material world. There we matter and the crash of worlds." real advantage would sncb incalcu- putting down ber veil, and blusbing of want to donbtful means of gain 1 permit. tbem to do la ICla..r'ort" learn tbe Dature of ulaterial tbings obtain another evidence tbat spirit To b. continued. lable wealth be to auy man? How like a rose? Tbat's little Mary An unfeeling moltitude. caring no· sake. Go ronnd to e ........... ,;.: b th I

• t Th' . Wood. And now I bave a secret to tb' f tb 'f th th -, v_ .. Y 8 r ,e .. ec I upon us. e prlDcl' is substance j for there can never be much happier would tlJis proprietor 109 or 0 ers, I ey mlly em- glory j eacb hy • difl'etellt .to\'1 -.'

pie 'I tbe .ame with spirhual tbing~, 8uch a tbiug as abstract force. Pow~ THB,. BaOKEN BucltLE,-You have of the world be than is that man in ten you. She is my wife. That selves prosper and enjoy f tell, yet everT one a tal. of .-.,. BQ~'" lIearly all Ohristlllnil admit er il! bnt tbe force with wbich some- read in history of tbat bero who, wbose behalf the prayer of Agar hail good girl sowed a very little seed in In the neighborbood of your com· inge. Bnt mlrk, .U " ........... l tbe n:l"ten06 of .. IIpiritual world, tbing acts. As one of the proper. when an overwhelming force was in been answered? God's garden. The froit which it fort able and splendid dwellingl, are ont of them It " .. I. ....... _I • .;a • • AIi Lote"ol 1e ulre tit d" 11 d bore was two mission ariel to the d • - • .--.... II".. q I e a mISSIon ties of matter i8 inertia, its pnreet fnll pursllit, and all his fo owers Dr. Oummings, of Lon on, says: there abodes of sqnal~ ~ieery or bnt it pUlNld • wa1· ne w~'" of tblll.at of "plfltllal sub8tance, for forms hllve no more power than the were urgio,,"o bim to II more rapid ,. I clln enjoy tbe glorie8 of the sky, heathen, ~ith all the good resnlting reckless crime, of. bestIal .lntemper- deep, bnt the" reloh·4 lheOIIlii,·flli.'" bo- C a spirl't I 0 Id I' t from tbeir labors,-Miss. OIr.ron. h d b Id f "" ,,.-.. In na w r ex 8 sod or rock. Hence, wherever mat- fligbt, coo\ly dismounted to repair a tbe eartb, the sea, as much as the ancl', of balf-famlB e c I ren, 0 Not one tbere blamee Gnd 'fOf" \IW' ~itbont 1,Irituai .ubsta~ce to. form ter moves, or assnmes a form, it i~ flaw in bis horse'8 harness. While Antocrat of all the Rnssias. If I profaneness, of dislolutenel', or way he led tbem tbhhft, .... 1 .... ' Itt Pot, •• no materIal unlverlle becanse some foreign substance bas busied with tbe broken buckle, the gaze upon some beantiful and ~xteu· MALIGNANT CHRISTIAN~.-Some per- temptation for thoughtleBs yoatb r tion I" Is their oe11 , ..,.. OIlIIltl oC .ould exi't wlthont ,l!Iatter'Bnb8tan?e, acted upon it. Thus all power or distant cloud was sweeping down in sive landscape, I find that one plrt sons pride tbemselves on being blnnt, And are theBe moltiplying for yonr God murmur aot a' YODr Iol tOIl 10. 00 .plrlt?~1 uUlverse Cllon e~l~t force lieM in the IIpiritual world nearer thunder; bllt jost as the of it belong8 to Sir Edward Boxton, or,. as tbey call it, II honest j" bnt prosperity, and outstripping and most ha"e • palm .1 well •• wb'" '!lItbout .pmt IlIbatllnOtl. Spirit, That i8 the world of caoses ; thi8 of prancing boofs and eager spears anotber to my friend beside me, Sir very blunt people do little good to neutralizing tbe inflnences of truth robe. Learn to Klor1 fD 'itlblllaUOH" tbeo, II ... traly. subatan,ce as mat- effectl!, For tbis knowledge, this were ready to dasb upon bim, tbe John Maxwell, and a tbird part to otbers. and get little love to them- Ind virtue r Then yoor prOl!~rity allo.-MOlteyn •• tel', h •• 1ur" real an eSlstence as pbilosopby, we are indebted to di. flaw was mended, and like a swoop- some one else. Bat the most beallti· Eelves. The Scriptores recommend i8 a vain sbow. Ita trne type 1S to • tb,t •• Ild pOeBeliei form and other vine revelatiou. The calamities jog falcon he bad vanished from fnl part of tbe lanW!cape, the cream I;entleness and kindness. Tbere is make a better people. The glory TBE Dl1 •• SIIIIO".-1' ..... aUtibatea, which berel Job were all the eftirot of their view. The broken bockle of it all-the beautiflll view-the nothing in all this world of onrs balf and happiness of a city con8illll not Tennant once wok mucili ,.1 ...

A •.• _cellar, conRqneooe from spiritual causes. All had tbeir ori- would have left bim on tbe field, a beggar at the roaddide 091'08 and so mean as a vindictive and malig- in tbe number, bnt in the character prep.re. letmoa to COllY'''' Ihe rouJOlng, tbere mUllt exilt a gin in the malignant agency and dismounted and inglorions prisoner j see8 jost as much as tbey do. All nant dilPosition. Yet many Chri. of itl population. or all the nlie ebrated infidel of lbe truth of ·o.i~W ~pirltllil world or ani.erle, with as power of a spiritoal being, clilled tbe timely delay sent him in safety that is beantiful in tower or tree, or tians gratifl tbill spirit, and deceive artll in a city, the grandellt il the art ~ianlty i but ID dl'lIr.ihd fotm. as the material. Satan. So when Abab, king of III, back to his comrades. There is in winding stream, every pallller by can themselves with the idea that tbey of forming noble specimena of bo- er bi'I"borea(~:;~:;S;ij;G' Tbl, .piritu .. l, ,,()r\d IB, the abode of rael, wail to be destroyed, be daily life tbe same Inckless precipi- see and be charmed witb wlthollt are rebnking sin. Chri8tians ehonld manity. Tbe cOltilest prodnctionl oonfueed II to ~plrllaal tIIlags, and hence there seduced by a lying Bpirit, who false- taney, and the lI"me profitable delay. asking leave. No trnst deedil can take heed of getting fond of tbe of onr mannfacturel are cbeap, com- IDd cloSe tbe mUlt be tbere .. II Dllce"ary proviso Iy urged him to enter upon that (atal Tbe man "ho, from his prayerless contain this beanty i it can not be work of .. rebuking." Soch" Ipirit- pared "jth a wile ,nd good human 1'bl, alle~cteeld .;:::~:~~ lonl for Utelr exl"tenCle. From tbe expeditiOli, by dictating to his pro. awakening, bounces into the bosi- monopolized by any." oal constables" do a great deal of being. A city which oonld prac\t. h.d ,d or. a ·""Ii" ...... 'r,:;:i.:'j llIOt ,b.t it t. Ipirit that, gives lift', pheta their falilehoods. ne8S of tbe day, ho"eYer good his Lord Barco was remarkable for millchief without intendlOg it. Tbay cally adopt the principle that • maa liner·1I1 .... 'or.. ... .. i._ .... ~lc!!~;i,::,' and bellce torm, to the material Ortbodoxy requires us to believe talents Ind great his diligence, is practicing Ule celebrated 1II1e, .. Get are in the cburcb what ... ery witty ie more than wealth or sbow, would die .aldet to .~~','I~~.!!~ world, It follow8, th"t spirit itself tha~ tbe fira' parents of mauhood only ~allopiDg apon a Iteed harliess- all yon can, and keep all you can and sarcastic perlon i8 in society, or place itself at the be.d of t\le citi8ll, beell .t IDU,' PO".II .11 the farillty of forms were'l8duce<L from their loyahy by ed. WIth a broken bockle, and must get." One day, Wilking doW'll tbe wbat a tell·tale is in achool ; and ap- A city in wbicb mea ahoald be ~wer. wblC\tl t. fGllod in the materi.1 .orld, the arllh-tr.itor and rebel. the devil. not marvel, if in hi. hottest haste or avenue from h~ bollle, he sa" a far- proximate very cloaely to tb.t cl ... ed "orthy of tbe nalle, "ould be· the ...... BtfDt. the .plrltnal world mUli ban Tbe demonology of tbe New Testa' moe' haurdool leap, he be left in- thing lying at bis feet, "bich he wbicb the,poltle terma II bnlybodiee come the metropolis of the eartb.- Tb. God' plllnil billa, monntaioll, nIlIlYI, ment lovolvell the same truth. The ~loriou~ly in .the dallt j !,nd tbough ~areflllly cle!,ned. A begg.! p ... i~other me~'lIl!latter .. " Such Obri .. OltaAnillg. - wb~ III-II.", rt ..... I\!U, treee, &c. On \rUiDSS of lue p.oues8e?, tbeir inc,?" It may occlI.!!\on s~me hit1!' d~lay ID~ at ~e tl~e, entre.~ bl' I~- ua!lll come I,n time. to be regarded 11.1 lb •. 'rQ .... alone, oan be found tbe herent or intelhgible Jargon, thelt beforeband, hiS neIghbor _IS wIser ship to g\ve him the fartblag,1A7. nUI.HeeI la IOClety, cODitantly to TIll proud periOD dlllpiae. th. ~~ .'&Ioti of De .pirkall lceaer1 luleriaA' were all the elfect ot d. wbo lela .11 in order before the it w .. Dot wor~ a n®~ ... a'. be ."oided, aDd the U\tle rood the1 btat the hlllSble reltralM _ :,,~.~.'!Mi ..... 11 ia ..... .-Qgj'CI!l or lIPiritllU -ceaoi .. So .aroh be,illI..-.Bev. J.HAll'iUoa. &ea&ioa. 410 .. ~ a",a,. Oar ma· ooa' •• pt, .. - ..... is to

.' Ii ,~\" . -

Page 2: s3.amazonaws.comVol+21....nd .mrms tbe existenoo of as •• of a na~rJU The good man dozed o'er the latest __ -'Iil1' TIlt the lig~t of his pipe went out And. unbeeded, the kitten,

I ..


1111 ••• at. ,.mdn. Not a mormor ill on record, bec.ale Bat I coald not help thinkiDg, what tbe In,mDtioa, .ad tben making the acted iD an eIecative c.p.city j .od itll own. It Ihonld be I., departed &Jall,~. S.bba~ tbe Ger:.tilel.or the Apoltle. did oot .n nnfortan.te man poor Noah waa, Board ille agent to execute the will proyided the Tr.el of the churchel bowey., tbat extraordiu.ry o'clock A. )I., ·New. '0., .188., .... keep tbe Sabbatb, or taa .. ht th.t it to be 110 frowned apon bv God, wbile of the Allociation in the use of the ahall, after being duly elected, ap· baye been made apoa oar member· U year. Mrl 8 b-.a I

.. ~ portion upon the several churcbee Ihip during tbole yeal·l. .M.oy have ,. , - OJl, beet bad beeu, or ever wal to be, changed be amiled .0 gracioully upon tberetl~ property of DeRoyter Inlltitute. Ihe cost of such neces8ary repairs. enlillted aud fallen in battlt', while .ofrerer from ooolnlllpHoo, tbe

,,..IWILY ... I., rlm.DAY, NOV. II, lle1.

or eet .Iide; .nd DO inlltitutioD w.. of tbe antedeluyiaa world I Wb.t a Accordingly, at tbe J aly meetiDg As confidently u if repeating au the ulaal proportion have died in the eue i victim to .blcb .he b .. beld with greater reverence by them. pity tbe three worthiel h.d not joined the Auociational Committee and the .dom, the docament onder consider- common conr.e of natare. Bellidea aer phy.icianl nat, all4 (lIQIilt

'IATUD'IGODAID IlIB )(EKOBIAL. If tbey woald make luch an ado be- witb the lIIultitnde in worshiping Board of Traltees tbe incumbent ation 8everal times repeata tbe ide •• thi., many of oor membera, botb la, fuudly hope tb.t ber r8tllo'al ' 11M.. 100 'I' h G '1 d'd . N . T ( 'b dIll tbat tbe action of a churcb, because .nd clerical, bave emigrated to tbe .

• 0.". MD-rInll PAil • c~uae t .e. entlh~sb I b not practIce h ebnCbadneduGar'odl , Imlage: an~ th~~ rn.tees, the 1 OnTIY 0 y ega I y it is a member of the Association, ill West and other portionl of tbe coan. mb Irb~_ rNI

olt IBn tbe Impro,e_L Tbat tbe Apoetlel .Iways kept thG clrOUmCI8!On, w IC t ey esteemed ave secure I b e.slDg lDSte ... compe~nt to e elt rallteC!l to aa n· therefore &II8Ociational action whicb, .Iry oolside of New Eogl.od. .Moat er _. lb. ot, .1 .. I eli_ ...

• enGtb da, u tbe Sabbalh, i8 beyond le88 important, it is uaacoount.ble of bil!l curse I I thoagbt, alllo, of lltitiltion .lready incorporated,) elect- in application, is eqoivalent'to lIay- of tbeBe are n6t 1000t to onr Chnroh, too f.r, .od foad coa$ro,etl.1 •. In Acta 13 : U,ii-", tllat tbere wall never any lIen.iti_ Abraham, Lot, the Apolltles .nd ed tbe nominees of tbe AIl!ociation ing, Ihat the action of a church in for they are still members of it in dil&ppointed. Sbe Waa faUIP we are told, tbat wben Paal and bil ne81 manirested about the Sabbatb, primitive Cbristianll; how blind and as Trollt_ of DeRuyter Iastitate, discipli.ni~g. one of its memb~rs. is other placel." p.red for ber cbange, ,.11' the ..::.

I d t d f P r a 'f th h d b d' d)' ded h h . d·' . I b 11" 't the dlsclphne of an ASSOCIatIOn. . Le -..... compan 001 epar e rom e g ,I ere a een .any move to 18- en t ey were to t e 10 Icatlons ~IV ng I em a contro 109 maJor! Y Tbe effect of this movement i8 not 109 fore ber death. talked 1Ihb tbe1 c.me to Antioch in Pilidia, aod parage or set it aSide. In after agea, 01 God'e will concerning tbem I And In the Board, and then making the only to impede and em barr&88 the HOKE liED, each member of ber f.mlly, ~in went ioto the Iynagoiae on the 8ab· when sucb a move W&8 made by the how we Protestants had always mis· entire Board tbe sernnt of the As· work socceslfolly going forward, FAlUNA, ILL. leave of Ibem, antll the,. Ibool4 r bath day .nd prelohed. It Aad wben Roman cbnrch, it produced, a pro· judged the Roman Oatholics, who, .ociation, by passing the following but to undo t~e .action already taken We are indebted to Bro. E. W. beyond Ihe tbe rlYer. the Jewl bad gone out of the Iyna· tracted and bitter controversy. But for more than a thooland yearll com' preamble and resolation oIl'ered by by t.be As~oClatIon, and attempt to Irish for a map or Farina, Ill., and Thul tbC!le f.millea, coyered

th Ge til b ht that· ..... ' . .' do 10 a dIfferent manner the work ... h' be I . f th go,ae, f1 n. e~ esoag there IS not Ihe ehghtest IDtImatlOn prlsed ne'irly all who pretended to Eld. Ii. Ii. LeWIS, a dIrect represent· whicb tbe Association seemed likely VIClDlty, SOWIng t oca'lOn 0 e Borrow, are called to w.de the d ,oe .. word. might be preached to tbat any disputes arose on that be the worshipers of Obrist; wbile ative of the Association, without to accomplish by its own cbosen different land ownerll, and wbich of ",aters of alliction. 11.1 God.: tbem tbe neIt Sabbath j .nd the question dnring the Apostles' days. Protestants could almost be C01Inted a dissenting yote : .,... of procedore.. It. needs no them are seventh·day people. It i. tify to tbem, and tbe good of pc.t Sabb.tb ,day came almollt the Paul in Actl 2i: 20 21 near the on your fingerll-so cnrled were "Whereas the Board of Trustees ""~nt to prove thIS pOI!lt~ for no evident from tbil, tbat the element. church and' oommunity tbelle ,.

b I "t ,- tb ,- h tb d " ," D 'I' h d ooe WIll pretend that' IWtlon taken f . t tb . , ... woe 01 y..,ge er.., ear e wor close of hill life cballenges 'his Jew. they of God I Idolaters, to·day, of eRoyter nstltute as adde to I b ' t b h . 0 a etrong 80Cle y .re. ga erl~g reayementa. And may we .11 .. f G d " Tb' h d' t' '1 b II th b f th separate y. y 8epara e c urc es, III th d th t tb t f th .,. o (). II appene loar een ish enemies to point out a single ontnumber all other classes more I s na~ ers a e .mem ers o. e b h ·t th u h it be pre. .ere., an a .e.c 10.n 0 • e member, lba,t in tbe mld.t of II";

~... b . d Edacatl nal CommIttee appOInted a c urc capaci y, 0 g " B d d ... . yeare ... er t e relarrectloa, an was fanlt in bim except that he had than two to one. See how God b h 0 •. :d'. b. cisely the same mea8ure is tbe act mISSIonary oar lD sen Inr a mIl' there i8 but a .tep.,belween III a a d thO t . _#te d' Y t e ASSOCIation relll 109 lD t IS f As" Th' h· h . th • 114 , recot II tr y years III .r; an no preached tbroogh Christ the resur- blesses aDd smiles npon tbem, and State tbereby plaoing the Institntion 0 an sOClatlOn. at W IC slonary ,among e~ was no. prema· death. J. CURL' "b"n- :.. hl'D'"'' at ei'L-r among . . b h f d . d' . I r makes an act tbe meuure of an As· tnre. Below we "Ive tbe namN of " .. D- ~ .... '. ~ . rectlon from the dead. And In chap- ow e rownl upon an curses,anb· an e1"118 contro i tbere,ore- 1I0ci.tloo, is tbe ract that it wae pro. • Je"", or Gentilel, or dllOlple., &8 to ter 21>· 8 be declared in opeD court idolaters I Rtd1Jltl, Tbat ". andentand tbat d d b 'd d ~ b an AII- .eventh-day I.nd-owner., &8 indlo.t- A BAlIUm ~~:~~I~~;~~~::i h • -"'1 ' t' . , " this Board il the servant of tbe As· nce y or provl e or y d' 'h' p' I k· r-,- ".'1 ,t eu pr_. oe ot re,erence rellpec 109 before his enemies "Neither against Tbe hiltory of the world proves ... . d d sociation "'hen acting in its eIecu. e OD. III m. , .Imp y remar 109, .-'! ~ owlor o.rd,

Ihi. ..... -h d'd t L k' 80clatlon, bavlDg en eavore to com- . . A II II that ... e hear or lever I otb I me f _.I __ 0.... .,. y I no u e say tbe law of the Jews neither against that tbe more nearly a sYlltem of I with it . isb s as rar as we are tlve capacIty. s we . m.ay ~e ca a erll pur· 0 0 our re_era. ._y , Iha; tbi. h.ppened on the Je-iah '. .. . pya we, f h' the bnb spokes and felhes whlcb are cbasing tbere since the m. tbat the I b' th '

" p tbe temple nor yet agalDst Ceasar rehglon 18 made 10 conform to tbe able to do under the ltatutes 0 t IS ' . . 'h P W.I on y reuon • 1:1 e PtopIi, S bb Ib • d 'b t h th~ dl·s" S " unfitted and uDJomed to each at er, a made' of Westerlv cao not It b,ID 'I D. '

.IJ. a ,nn • a w en . • . bave I offended anything at all." spirit and praetices of the world, the tate. wheel, as to call the voluntary action M' WhItt rd W' ~ e ~ y • .,.b" clplea broke ~read at Troae, It. was This was twenty·seven years after more rapidly will its votaries incresse Now to the questions raised in the of individ.ua~ churche.s ~he action of i S.aCo~~, 0, w: t ~~riehj bath diecu'lion, il beoaale 0l1li 'of on the Cbrl.tlan Sabbath r EVIdent- tbe resurrection. Now, Paul knew in nnmbers. U The world wi:l love article referred to : an ASSOCIatIon. It IS In "no sense Paul M. ViDcellt, D. R. Potter, 'he championl "long .iD~e Pili ""1 Iy, becaase no such distinction was th t 't . t th I f th· , d carrying out the spirit or intention N. Vinceot, J.M. Craodall, cbildiSh thiogl ;" which mellDI, Ie

h r h t· H a I. was agal?S e aw 0 e its own.' An on the contrary, the 1. There hall never been but one of the Associatinn either in matter Amos Coillirove, A. Brockway, th t hi' " thoug t 0 at t at Ime. e wrote Jewl! to secnlarlze the Sabbatb, or more a man or body of men conform Board of Trustees of DeRuyter 10' ~ .Y', I A . --Mam, E. A. Mendenhall, snpP.O!Ie,.? ong IIOce pat '1I'J

by inspiration and as moved by tbe .. t"t te th t th h t b or manner; or tbe Centra ssoCla· De&. CrosBley, A. C. Bond, the Idea of bemg able to defend, in' . ' . encQ~rage otbers ID any way to d18' their lives and dispositions to God sIn ,so a ere as no een, tion, at its last session, appointed H. H. Crandall, W. N. Muson, HOJY Spirit to wnte, and he could respept it 8S a holy day; it was a and his troth, the greater will be the nor could there be, any ,c' traDsfer of its own Trustees and its own General L. D. Ayers, G. R, Manoo, a pnblic debate, tbe practice of keep. n9t baye called the Beventb day the capital offence and he could not contrast between them and the world, property" from one Board to anoth· Agenl, and did not tleek or ask any L. H. Malleoo, G. L, Malleon, ing Sunday in place or tbe Slibbalb. S bb tb 'r h S bb th h db' er. Tbe Board that now bold the . b t f tb D. R. Piatts, P. B. Clarke, N I k f It d' d "

a a , I tea a a een trutbfully say wbat he did, if be bad and the more are they a living re- said property bave bound themselves, sucb actIOn on t e par c e N. Malleoo, Heirs of S. C. MaDOo, 0 ac 0 goo JU glllent t!Jere. chao-d or abolished without delib- t d't 'd d (M I f churches. It was taken for granted, H.Stillman, S.CarliHie, FromIheN~etlW .. 1d1,NoY.IIh,II., .. - ,.' ever trea e I as a common ay, or buke to tbe spirit and practices of by an or inance, see anua a that the enterprise was so important _ Marsh, E. W. Irish, erate deceptIon. For he kne.w taught others so to regard it. And the world, lind tberefore the more Regents, page 19,) which tbey had and worthy, as to find a ready and EliAyers,. W.H.Rich, TOIheJley.Freder\GU:~!:?' wbether tbe seventh day ~as I stdl if be had done so, the JtJws would the world will hat~ oppose, and ~~: lifa:o~ig:!;o i~ak~~~~)fho~~ ~~~ generous response by those who are ~: ~e~ft~:s, !..r'p!tt~~k, Dear Sir,-I have clrefully reM fhe Sabb.th or I1Ot, and he ec ared not have been under the necessity of separate from their company. Christ Seveath.day Baptist Ceotral 4.sso. and those who are not members of S. C. Smith, C. H. Thompson, the extract8 from your latedi8coaraet\

..... hat he knew to be a fact, or else bribing false witnesses to sustain a lells os, tbllt It strait is Ihe gate, and ciation. the cburch. The recent movement W. S. Dunham, Isaac Clawson, npon the ecclellilstical billtory of deceived . . is not only nncalled for, by any ex· G. D. Brown.

I· . charge aglllllst blm, and even then narrow is the way, that leadeth unto 2. It is the one and only Board of isting circnmstance~ but nnwise and Westerly. as poblillbed ia the N.".. • Npw et those who proclaIm tbat DeRuyter Institute, wbich is repair· , ALBION. glln.ett Weekly of.Oot. 19tb, in wblcb fan life, and few tbere be that find it." unjust for the reason tbat it must Nov. 6th,1865. 'AP9ltolic eIalQPle is eq, aivalent to B'ut one of the last arguments Are tbese "'ew" tbe ones that he ing the building, anu bas enga~beld endang' er tbe prospects and success To Ihe EcIilor or the Ilabbath Recorder: tbe correctness of tbe tbeofY, and

-"h h • I .' teachers, wbo also are responsl e I the proprl·ety and mor.ll·ty of I.· law, ... ere to t elr princip es, and b h of the school, by rendering doabtfD Five weeks ago to-day, I bad an .. used by onr firlilt·day friends is, frowns upon? And tbe many who for the expenses incurred, whic t ey h b' b practice, of the Seventh.day Bapti." ab'lwbaYB cdalsltbde aevehnlfih dad

y the :~- It That it makes no difference whicb go in the U broad way," the ones bave only assumed upon the plight· ~;~:;t ::dor~:~a~s! i~~s ~~~~ttoba: attack of fever, whicb run .its course. relative to the Sabbatb; a~e called in at , an on ay I erst. ay 0 t e day we keep, if we only keep one upon whom be lavishes bis richest ed faith of tbe Association. been i~ certain localities to induce I am now, und.er the bles8IDg of God, questioo; lalsor, Yho'or Itatemenl, Ib,1

week, as the Apostles dId. They day properly j" and this, perhaps, in bles8iug~ and fondest smiles? 3. We can answer the tbird qoestion those who bave sub!cribed to refuse fast convalesclDg. and bope soon to as the resn tot ele prlicticf8, tbe dare not do ii, for they know that in no better tbau by repeating, what to pay, and those who have not'sub. resume my work. Doring my ill. pablic eentimeot of tbiB ,place.(j.

the next breatb after having contend· Rebels against God have, ever h b . b tance refierred to I'n I b become clouded aod vitl·.ted I·n _ a ahort' time, if snob a practice as eeo III su s scribed to refuse to do so, unti t e ness tbe following events have trans- ,~ ebould become aniversal. no sanctity ed tbat the <Ify has been changed by since the fall of mau, (except during this article, that by the laws of the chorch, as such, shall be II!.ade a di· pired" upon thl.s field to wbl'ch spect to the trae nature and IlIOred.

Divine aathority, or that the ""ostles h' f b fl d) f t b State of New York, after an acade- t h h f D ' ness of the Sabbath inatitation. would be att.ched to Sonday in the ~.. I e tIme 0 t e 00, ar ou n nm er· db· rRecttParIY t~Ot tt e owdners Ip °h eb· will permit me to allade briefty Thinking tbat tbe ca.ae of iralh .. .. enforced the observance of the first ed bis faithful and true servants. my bas become incorporate y Its oyer ns I n e, an 8S a c urc . r pOblt.c m.md. It III .chlefly by a false day by example, whl'ch I·S equI'valent Trostees, tbe power to elect otber or shall have the power to control the MRS. MARTHA BURDICK, relict of tbe will be .dvanced bl a

I f S l And false preteuders bave alwaYII dd't' ITt . t d I'n the Obristian·like ex.minatloD of app IcatloD 0 crlpture anguage, a Ilona rUB ees 18 ves e donations, of those wbo are not memo late Adin Burdick, Esq., died Oct. ' to law I Does it make no difference, outnumhered his true people. Never·· be t T ustees alone d'd sOubject before tbe commDnit1, I

'tha* tbis soperstitious regard for if God has changed the day, and . h lOcum n r . bers?f the churcb, and who I not 11th, 1865, aged 75 years. Sbe had hereby invite yoa to pabJicly debate SandaY'11 m.lntained, all thoaRands theless, let me have my portion WIt ,. Tbe writer does not .eem to un· cRontrlbuIte I? tbe chubrch, bhatltofDhe- been declining for several montbs. with me at sacb place and ti-

'11 te t'r now enjoins the observance of the the despised, self-denying "few," derstand, that the founding, endow· oyter nstltote, as t e 8C 00 0 t e , d .' h --.. WI I I y. first day by authority of the fourth who have God's word and example ing, or conducting of a literary in· Central Association thus leaving Altbougb sister Burdick bad never an In BUC manner, &8

AgaiD, in Acta 16: 13, Luke says stitution, doos not come within the snch donors without voice or repre. united witb any churcb, she made a motut~lly a\grt':ld touPtohn, Stbebb tb th 't' Ph'I' .'" 0 th S bb tb commandment, with all tbe sanctity for their rnle. For God il an over· f tb b· t f h' h th " h . h b th . ... qnee IOn re a Ive Il a •

a In lIppI, o. e a a. ' b h d·d h th' D range 0 e 0 ~IlC s or w IC e sentatlOo, elt er III c urc or e profeSSIOn of rehglon 10 Brookfield, tbe Sanday, both I'n th'e l'lgbt oflbe t at e ever I t eleven , oes, whelmin", .. maiority. ' N. W. C I A .. . d B d f T d f we weot Ollt of tbe cIty 1Iy a rIver it make no difference whether we" entra ssoclatlOn was orgaDlze, oar 0 . rostees j a roo eo pro- N. Y. Her fortitude in trouble, her Bible and of hiltory. 1 deeire 110 side,',where prayer was wont i'o be all set forth in ils constitution, and cBedurde we hTlcb mast prlelclude from thhe patient re,ignation onder her gre.t mere dillputation, bat a e.lldid &IIi

bey God or disobey? Will Christians , DE'DUYTEB IBBTIT0 'l'E. that, therefore, no constitutional oar 0 rustees a persons w 0 made, and we Bat down and spake ... t be f f the amiction (the lOllS or vilion for sev. earnest .earch .rter trntb. l teach sucb doctrine? Doel it make :to the EdIIor of u.. Sal>baIh Recorder : pOwer i8 conferred upon delegates are no mem rs 0 Bome one 0, I am yoara troly

lbe women - which reBorted difference whether we practice ~find in the S.lBB~ REOORDO of appointed by the churches, or by the Seventh-day Baptist Chorchell of tbe eral years,) togetber with her .rdent ~ r A H ~ ~~~~~~==~~~:~t:~ teacb trutb or iallebggd in IUe ~ SliT, an .rlicle, 0"' &lie ajerl... ociMiou;-to" act" ..nth or with"nt Oentrat . Association i ~ tbing con· I?v:e (gr, aJ!d,_tr.!!.st io.,Jes.IIJ~ of which Paolor of th. P.1I'oat~ok ·&tn:::.r,.1~

I :~;;~~~~~:~o:n:;-e or the ture of "One' 0,1" t~- Subs-"J.-s," T·b'f-bl'~ ,~.roh_ 'Dt~ mny 10 tile. spIrit and 1ntenlt~!:I!I or she so familiarly spoke proved her wtlst ChurcNh. ~ 1." j" 9'10 ",...,.".. matter. e 0 IgatlOn to ac In tbe law. wblch say., It No re IglOUS " '. DTDLT, ov.,,_ .

. wai It ill declared to be tbe Sab· other every time we observe the making certain statementl, and ask. tbis matter rests upon higher claims, quali6cation or test shan be required reh~loo real and practical. How J'rOmIboN .......... I&W_1,N~.1I1h,I .. , b.tb; In Acts IT: 1, 9, he says, sev.enth day or the first day as sacred ing certain questions, re!pecting and is foanded in the relation of from any trostee, president, princi. glorlons the changll to her, who had RnLY~ro It A OIJlD." tbat at Tbessalonica, "Paul, as his time. Does it make no difference DeRuyter Iq!ltitnte. Had the writer tdhings'f and finds exprheBsbion in t~e pal. or 10lther officer, of any incorpor- Bat in darkness for more tban 'four. Rev. J.. B. LeWII:

~anner waa, went in anto them, and oty 0. every ~an w 0 as ~n tn· a!e~ co ege o~ a~ademy, or aa. a. con· teen years, to be translated to the Dear Bir,-I much wonder tbat wbetber we worship the true God or written over his real name, be woold terest tn humamty, wbether 10 the dltlon for admiSSIon to any pnvllege h" h h b d you appear io a prloted c.rd of chal.

tbree Sabbatb days reuoned with a false one, if we only worship one have commended himself to &11 those cburch or out of it, to provide the in tbe same." s IDIDg sore, were t e ransome lenge ,to me, on a matter you ban tbem out of 'the Scriptnres." In chap· properly? For He whose anthority who believe in an open and manly means for a proper cultare of tbe In conclusion, we wish to say, that see &S they are see~, aad know &8 never mentioned to me. Tbill may ter 18, we .re told tbat Paul went to we knowingly obey in religious mat- way of dealing with every question youag and rising generation, es· the Board of Trustees of DeRuyter tbey are known. Eld. D. E. Maxson have • sbow of .pirit, bot oot of

/ Oorrntb, and wroaght attent.making, f pecially they of their own bouse- Institute are ready, and have no attended her funeral and will doubt. goodjadgment. Wben a boy, I gm ters, is tbe God \ye worship. Whose of public interest, and saved bimsel h Id d' t f bl b h d h '11 . , d d h I ' --- aDd, rea.oned'in the synagogue every 0 s, un er CIrcums ances avora e ot er purpose, t an to 0 t e WI less furnish an appr . te b't a an atlcepte c a leDgC!l; but 10Dr

authority introdnced the ob!e{vance from the unfavorable suspiciun of a to trntb and righteoasness. and faitbfnlly fnlfill their plighted .. . oPrJa 0 I U ry since I put away cbildisb tbioge. Salibath, aad persuaded the Jews of Sonday into theCbristian church? covert attempt to embarralls a most 6. I do not know how far the church. obligations to the Central Associa· notIce tn due tIme. Theological doell! were neyer ingaed and the Gentilea, and he continned See Dan. 7 : 25, and discourse No. i. worthy and important pllblic enter- es bave acted It in the matter ;" but it tion, with reference to DeRuyter 10' CORNELL!. L., only child of C. G. and odor with me ; they belong to .D ill-,there '. y~ar and six m?ntha. That If His servants ye are to wbom ye prise. Preilumiog, however, that no i8 known, however, tbat a ~ove!llent stitute~ and to the public. . S. L. Crandall, closed in death her ferior stage -of caitore. Wbile I w. u.the tIme he orgaDlzed the Cor- yield yourselves servants to obey." bad motives have inftaenced tbe bas recently been started, tn printed .1 WIsh to say, that the Inatltu,? short mission to earth Oct 15tb fondly cberisb .nd freely preeoh my

h b t b Ii circnlars to inaugurate the action wIll open Dec. 6tb, under the auspl' , '. 'own convictionll.-it Is not my babil lotblaD c arc, 0" am, ve years Does it make no difference whether writer, I proceed to make a state- suggelte'd by tbis public manifesto, ces of the. Cent:al Associat~on, and 1865, aged .11> ye~rs. She, WIth her to take offenle tb.t perllOn., claim. Ifter, he wrote, exhorting, eacb one we trnst in Cbrist or the priest for ment witb reference to DeRuyter In· and as a concomitant of it. The tbat no palOs wtll be spared to make parents, unIted WIth the Seventh-day ing tbe same privilege, liIainl.in leU.

o(tbem to lay by hims~lf in store, pardon, if we only trust ill one pro· stitute, and its relations to the Cen. movement has taken on form i~ the it worthy of a· generous patronage. Baptist Church in Albion last spring, timents different from my own. aa God. had prospered blm, for the perly? Now, any principle whicb tral Association. sbape of a dateless, nameless clrcu· STEPHEN BURDICK, and she became a promising member My views on tbe S.bb.tb .re foaDd poor .aIDW at Jeruealem. Tbere he will warrant the setting aside of lar, printed in. DeRuyter, aDd sent DJ:BUYTD :~;.'I~~~ ~~:t.d of Trustees. of the Sabbath.Sohool. And when in a small volome, "The S.bbath

h k d At the last meeting of that ASSD- out to be used ID the chorches of the ' . Institution," iAaed by tbe 'Am. Bap. worked during L t e wee an wor- God's authority in one instance, will ciation, its Committee on Education Association, ad libitum. In tbe call Iii'" We have received three otber we remember the tnterest sbe took Pub. Society, at • COlt of abo1lt for. Ibiped on the Sa~bat~, and thus apply equally to every trotb. And closed its report, witb the following for a chnrch meeting, whicb this communications on the subject treat- in our meetings last winter and ty cenll. In thil, every perllOn CID taurbt them to do lIkewlle. be wbo thus sets aside his law in one recommendation,: "Your Committee exotic iustrument presome9 to make, ed of by Eld. Bordick. Two of spring, and io the Sabbath.School, obtain my leotimenta,in better(ollD,

10 tbe 19tb ch'pter, we are tol.d I'nstance, J'ustifies his neighbor in it 1Iet8 fortb, as tbe object of sucb tbem are anonymous, and, II'ke the we feel that the compliment paid and at lesB expeole, tban by .I&eud· h would therefore recommend, that the . 'h r f b . bl'c d b te Y . iD 'h.' be .preached and taug.t 10 settl'ng aSI'de any and every other meetlDg, 't e trans.er 0 t e pro· h . . th' . Illg a pu I ea. Dar 'Ie ... "

.. - .: d n te Association appoint a Special Com· perty of the DeRuyter Institnte to communication commented upon, are er VIrtues 10 e obItuary notice subltance, I thiok, are allO in priot. EP""IIU~, ID Iynag0l!i0es an p va law. If I justify myself in stealing, mitte, to consider whether good reo tbe cburcbes of tbe Oentral Associa. mostly occnpied in raising questions was just. May God sanotify aDd Moreover, the pre •• , tbe palpU, Inr bouaeI, two yed·rslalnd t~reAe ';ll°bDthSd; how can I rebuke my neighbor for aults are to be boped for by secoring tion." a tbing not proposed or ex· which would no doubt be cheerfully overrule this untimely deatb to tbe publici balls, .re OpeD to yoa. , I so,that all tbll we ers 10 SIll ear fraud or lying, &c. ? peeled by the Association, and en· answered by any member of the good of tbe Sabbath.School, made know Dot wbat, more .. wile mia the word of the Lord, both' Jews and tbe control of DeRuyter Institote, tirely onli,ke the plan inaugurated at fib b' could delire. • • " Greeks. If tbe Apostles kept both droys, as and placing it under a Board of its last se8sion, and therefore calcu. Committee of the Association or of the sorrow 0 y t IS event. I do not need to .tmldl Salbb.ltari ..

Now, what do all thes'e facts in. some assert, aad tbeir :xample is Management. who shall secore lated to embarrass and defeat tbe Board of Trastees. The other is by MRS. SJ.RA.H A. RANDOLPH, wife of anillm for 'myaelf j ,

" eqnivalent to law, then wqere do teacbers and educational facilities purpose of tbe Association. In the Eld. Summerbell, Cbairman of the Dea. B. F. Randolpb, terminated her years I have eIamiDealii,~t~~~~r::::!I~~, die.te? Oar opp'onen.ta tell UII that Ii d h'" I· . rellolations wbich are proposed for (J • tt f th A . t' b pl·lgrl·mage on earth "uddenly after And, 110 far as I kno~ p tbey ,Imp Y I 0... a ey aval e tbe church to pass, the church "ac. . Db' f ·11 f . f Y eo Oglca .,.ue IS .ve

. 1 h th t th '1 d they n aut orlty lor secu arlzlDg capable of meeting tbe wants of our omml ee 0 e ssoCla lon, w 0 ~. b th I . I A I'~ b theDllelvel of these opportunities to tbe seventh day? Tbe Apostles' own people, and making it a centre cepts of DeRayter Institote, proffer. asks the CommIttee to meet at e- a rle I ness, a congestlO~ 0, aided "a caDdid and amelt preacb, wbeo tlie Jews were togetber. e~ample in keeping. the. seventb d,ay of influence opon communities aroond ed to tbe Oentral Association," i. e. Royter on the 5th of December. It heart, Oct. 16th, 1865. Thll deatb after tratb," b~~)f" aa .nlbil'i.OI Bat bo;, do tbey know that this was bUllu. t4em to do lil:ew~e, accordlng us." Upon whicb the following the chorch takes, by its individoal came too late to be printed tbis week, was the more sarprising, for tbe for ' .nd p.rtY"fic&ory'. all the reuon why. tbey did so? to their own rule. And lDasmuch as action by the Ass'lciation is recorded: actioo, tbe Institute oot of the bands and will scaroely need to be printed reason, that Mrs. R. bad enjoyed I hav~. i. alway' calm,

TAere I'. DO' .och l'ntl'matI'on 1'0 Scr'lp, the Apostles always called the It Voted, that a Committee of one of the Association, and becomes a after the explanation of Eld. Bor- for many yearl almost conlt,nt Ct~U~ It III ~:~:~~~~~~iE;~~ D' h S bb h d party owner to tbe property in ques· . h I f Ime 11 'are'to

ture. And.n unfoanded sapposition seventh day tea at, an never from each charch in the Association, tion. Tbis it proceedll to consom- dIck. ea tb, .nd rom tbe fact that lhe 'Yuun rl'llleflli1Ir.~' II d th Ii t d th S bb th d h ,__ ' , ,,' , ..... 'tum .. conllidered dangeroal Dn- W_~,No, v. 8th, WI. '111 DO "e-ideDce , or argament. No ca e e ra ay. e a a ,no.r be appointe to carry out t e re- mate hy'a relOlve, .pPointin~ II two A J D.o.. A th k J

• b t.he d tl be ... b ad t ,J.l'J.NIIE'.I; ~YIB.- t e wee • til in tbe armll of deatb. Tbus, this 10:''' RlIOn could J'oll&ify the ApOlf,' Y .aDY l) . r 8~re tl .8" W re 18 commeadatioo ot the report ia regard of ttl wemberll to e m eras eel I f h P k • - h b ""t r -'I h Ii t f N B rd" who are authorized y prayer meeting 0 tear 'IItreet r~iDily, consisting of ber bu.b.nd, 'Dt'T .. I1 .. 0,.... ............ , .... "" •• tle~ ill Dtterlo'" laoh a bl&8phemous t etr .at on y ,or ClOt, 109 t e rs to DeRuyter Institute.'1 Said Com .. 0 a. ew oa , . . h B I I C B I ............ 'UD ..... _ ... ..,." ...

.. "" d S bb th d L d d d ~ . . to dlSplllce the BOlrd of tbe AssoClII.- cbu. rc , .os.too, ate y, _apt. art ett, aged father, and three de .... ndect nartw--iclt Sem'lo"r'-, 'be old.1 tf faleebood &8 to declare in the name ay a a ao or a ay, an or mtltee was made to CODIIst of J ameli tion bv presenting Iheir credentials I k f r- n. _ J •

f lth. Ho~ GhOlt that the seventh representing that the seventb day is Summerbell, OhairmtJn, O. H. Max- froo:. the, charoh, not at the next sal or mlss~o~'&rY, sp~ e. a a young children, have been bereft of one of the Tbeological Semin.riee of tbe o "3 , • d • B Japanese sl.ttmg by hIS sld.e. He.bad the, 'best of wlYel, of daagbter., of Ev.ngelical Lutberan. Cb1lrcb of da~ wu the Sabb.th, if tbey knew it only a common worklDg ay, 1 son, Wm. M. Jones, Benjamin Max- meeting of the Central Association, Cb f< d Cb B bl P i 1 beI,aUI[!\; bail cellled to be tbe Sabbath by'di- their own rule. they are solemnly for· son, J. B. Olarke, Geo. E. Tomliason, in Jnne 1~66, to receive th~ s~nction gone to IDa, oan a IDese I e, mothers by tbis providenoe that country, • eoated,la the -ine' ·.··ntho'rit.v. biddeD to do it, and are goilty of 0 V H'bb d H A. Hull A. A. and ~doptlon of the ASSOCIatIOn, a8 which he coold read, and then rnn fell upo~ tbem withoot warni~g aa v~l1ey or the ~,~:~:~:::~~~t!: • II • • • I &r,. , an Improvement apon the former away and worked bis passage to tbis th th d b It { hI' mllel soutb of OooperltowD,

Nor doe. it accODot for their never transgression. Lewis, Thomas R. Reed, J. H. Bab- pl.n, bat at DeRuyter, to the Board ttl f tb t e an er prom t e c oadleaa coaoty, New York. Iti~~i~~ couu ry, 0 ear~ more 0 e rue sky. But, thank God, she W.II oot both .u academical .ndtl

•• ying that tbe firet day \was the Again, if only one seventh part of cock, Halaey Stillman, Josepb West, of Trullrees, wboh are ~do mBeetdDec. God and ete. rnal hfe. Alpheas Har- only a member of the church, baL a department, .nd bu IeDt S.bbatb,' it it bad become sach, and time is binding, as tbey sometimes and D. B. Kenyon. Subsequently, a I>th, 1865, when t e .sal oar are d E f h --,- h b' I IIIlinirltl1.

ted t te In favor of the y, sq., ID one 0 I' ose ves~ e working eRlcien' nr..~.I· • th t e r.nka of tbe 'Golpe 'hili RlIlo.e .U cause of dissen!lion plea.d, then resting a se, venth part of resolntion wal passed by the ASSD- eIpec a vaca. h k' dl d k b' , '1/' v,., _\an, 80 at 1 tiD b ' k • , .. . . h .' f th new .pplicanta tor posse88lOn of the came, . as 10 y un ert~ en IS we have no doabt iJut the event m.ny a rerl, w oee wor amoDg fa'are generations of Cbrist· eacb day, or on stor!lly days, is ob· elatIOn, dIrectIng t e action 0 e ro rt. The ciroular in question edocatlOn. Tbat he promIses to be . . ' abnnd.ntly bl_d. An .d4!iti'~~.~ t.bl.'" Tbey wrote by inspi~atioD, serviDg the law as consistently as Oommittee then appointed, al fol •. C .. ':t tand tbe credentials for the worthy of this effort to make bim ~hlChb covered her faDllly aod tbe ,60,000 or upwardll i, to be and Obrilt promised to send the keeping any particolar day. And lowlI: c'Resolved, Tbat tbe com· caadidatell for Trusteeship, wbicb it r I . 'd f h f II . c urc with sorrow, wal ber tran .. Ita pretlent fundi for

d b t k use u IS eV.1 ent rom t e .0 owmg lation to the shiniD Ihore and the n.1 proeecDtion of the wOlrk .. ,colIl~~": Holy' 8pirit of truth, wbo .hould yet they woold exclade any member mittee on DeRayter Institnte be ra- ba •. proYid~ I e. meaDS .0 .ma e, prayer, whIch he wrote out lD a good J'o,vs f h g ted to the ch.rp of tbe T~a.~!II.,u 101'''- 'hem I·Oto All Lru'b. And' wbo IIbould presume thus to practice quelted to take immediate mealnres whlcb begll~ WIth a slgDlficant I b d J 0 eaven. b I .. .

.. • -. . • whm!ar, se~tlog forth tha~ the. OeD' c ear an : ' . t e OltltutlOD. abo.e , .... ge •• how hoW' he did wbat they bere claim il all tbat the to h.ve the property of laid Iutltnte tr.l ASIOciation did ~ppoint a Com· .. 0 God I if thou have ot e es OIWlLU W. YARBR, brother·in-l.w Tbe Trlbllte lUiu them, io word and deed, on this Sabbath law enjoins I traurerred to themselves, as Trus· mUtee aDd inatract It -to bave the pleAe look npon me g y, of Prof. A. R. Oornwall, clolled in CODlta(IIOljfM.

.object. ' And when all other argu men til fail, tee., in bebalf of tbe Associ.tion." property of DeRuyter Institute tran.a- It 0 God I if thoo' have got ears, deat", 'a; 0 term of .everal weeks' recordt of Beaid-. it i. well known, tbat tbe the lut plea for • firllWay Sabbath It wal foond, tbat the incombent ~erred to them!lOlvel '!I Tralte!'8 ID please hear for me. sofrering of typhoid fe,er Oct. 25th }leople to

amObriatiao ohurcbe. were founded I 's," th.t God b6 , .baadaatly Imiled Trulltees of the Iitltitate had tbe 1111· bebalf, •• Dd tbe s~lId Oommltt~ ," I wiah heartily to read Bible 1866. Mr. Y. wu • g~ citizeo,' lilt !low - '. belDg 'OW' JO POlsellslon of the. saId and I wish to be civilized wi h . d' f I. a

in JQde~ whicb cbarchel, it i. ad- upon ita obsernnce, by blC!llling power, accordlnlg to the Shtate ~aw. to ~r?~!y_~ Tr~teebl of the Instolllnt~, Bible. JOSEPH Nn Sw 1/ t In alltrIOul, 0 good habita, and the bilthe",

mi&~, .alt bi.tory ab.-daDtly thoee deDomia.tion. wbo keep h sell, mortgage, et, or ot erW18e nse It 11 t""",,ore, In IIU lltance, res vea, . atrictly moral. He wal ... devoted • pro,.." au wonhiped on the seventb with .ucb ,uperior namber •. " Thil or diape,e of .nch property, for the th.t tbe charc~, havi~g adop~ the ME'l'HOD18K IN NEW ENGLAND.-There bll.band and an afreotioDat.e father,

ye.r. Ifter lleaMd'to be reg.rded &8 Ibe clinch- benefit Of. t~e AC7:'Y;" bnt th~t ;U~i:1i ':r!:o:;, ~J:: ;;!~ hll been. falling off in the member. and gaY. hi. family ,and frieuch, hi kOO.D, tba' iIIg &flument witb tbe .Methodist the AMoclatloo, 00 In~ corpora • proYided tb.t the Tratltee. of the ship of tbe six New Englaad Confer. hi. l&8t .ickneaa, the UndOObtiDA' ..

. a1il~~"".~lllia'l1fMll.cntltllii!e ofJode., brother to whom refereoce bu been conld not be made tecbnlcally own- AMociatiOD IlOW in pCll8eMioD of the ences, daring tbe last three years .ar.nce, that b,. faith iD Jela. he 1!f):4"~1~'··, dal" bepu with made. He coottaated oor DlIlIlbera er of the property, the oWDerahip by property of DeRuyter In.Utote IIhall the number of 860. Zion', He:. .tt.iDed the pearl of sre.t price,

: ,!:,~,~It~::l:: .. well u o..UIea.. with ,hoM of tIM! )(etb04ilt., and I.w being Yelted in the Bo.rd of abandoa their UBlt, ~Dd rite it into alladell to the fact, and la-I'. .nd that iD tbe eYeot of bia d_th, ,<";'::,,,'·:',:,,';;,;,111 d'---' I h 'I' b th T b" ht be " 1 the ,. ... ble poaae.110D of memberll J. t~~.~::~1 _allou D then drew t e coac allon, t .• t II rDa~, a. mil pD. ~n rea oUIIe church only .. nominated" b .. It mi h . theIr .-reat 10&8 would be bia etemal

obo dil'lreaC8 abowed th., God .mded OD poeeetJIlon aDd control of laid pro· iodiYidllal and 1a~deDt. cbarc: Uetbodl'amg t leeu ml ~t fi!lt t IIlght th.t g.iD. ' . ..... ~I . Lo._ i d Ii ' L! be T' -I""U ... W O!IIDg I S power, to •. i~r. . .,. th~ lor -..p or SUDd.,., ao fOWD' perly, bylDa&lng t rQteeI DDaI· action, .. action noukeel lor, .Dd lome extent at 18I1t, .• nd wu failinl' II ... P.E. SA17IID.,

~!W, "i6IIj~I~:o~~;" for keepiDs'Saturday •• Nd bl the Auociati01l Trane. of 1I!ItIZpIICled, WheD the Alloci.tioD DOl oall to go 'aIi~ad, but allOto bold 0, P. Saunden, J&if:or 1viitib:iv:.;'a:'I' r


i ,~ /;. .', __ • f" ft


,,'. L _~~,<':;

Page 3: s3.amazonaws.comVol+21....nd .mrms tbe existenoo of as •• of a na~rJU The good man dozed o'er the latest __ -'Iil1' TIlt the lig~t of his pipe went out And. unbeeded, the kitten,


to pay lIalariel!, '180,000 for books and I1tatlOnery, and ,'15,000 for the IInpport of evening scbools. Tbe Board state that t be wbole number of pnptls aUendlDg tbe scbools dur· in~ tbe year endlDg October ht, 1885, was lI.S.516.

AccordlDg to the Ohnrhan Bepo8i tory, tllere artl to Vermont '1'8 U ni· ve18shsl lIocietles aud 88 Universal· illt olugymen. For.6 years tbey have steadily lIustained a Universal 1st paper, and for many years two Universalist academies, and tbey are now raising a fund of '50,000, to found a lauob larger and more im porlant one. There IS ~robsbly no otber State where Universalism is 80 prevalent ID proportIOn to tbe pop­ulation.

A correspondent at Edgerfield, Tenn, describes the recent session of tbe Tenneslllle OOllference of the M. E. Ghurcb Soutb in that place. It was a melancholy meetlOg Brother Behan, Secretary of the Missionary SOCiety, asked Brother McFerrlD, the Treasurer, how much money was in tbe treasury in 1862. "SIxty tbou· sand dollars in Confederate bonds," was tbe reply No more questions were asked

) Tbe WlZlchmll. lind ~ar says: Newlon Theologioal SemlDary was neyer in so t10urisbIDg a conditiou liS lit present Twenty one students have entered tbe junior class, lind several more are expected, tbe larg est class known in its entire history. QUite a number have also en tered tbe other cll\sses, and tbe wbole number of students is larger tban at IIny former perIOd

We see It stated Ihat the Method ists of Wilmington, Dol, are bUild­ing' a marble churob liS 11 tbauk offering to tbe Lurd for snppressIDg

~ treason ID the I and. A fi ttIDg ooca slOn for gratItude, no doubt; hut wbetber a marble cburcb IS tbe most acceptable tha~k-off;;;ng that can be presented to the Lord, may admit of a questIOn '

The oldest pastor in Massllchusetts is Rev Dr ElDerson, of Sa.lem, who bas been settled over tbe same parlsb for more thlln slx,y years. and IS now more tbau Dlllety years of age. He is tall, bas full beard and hair as Whl te a~ wool, and IS in good bealth. He Dds tbe church, and usoally pronun .. "es the beIledlC' tion at the close of the servICes

TbE! late Eplscopal General Oon­vention unaUlmously adopted are· solution, tbat ID view of the IDcreas­ed cost of hVIDg, it IS the oplDIon of tbe lay members of tbls House tbat tbtl salary of every clergyman ought to be IDcreased at least one-half the amount beretofore paid ID COlli.

By an estimate based on tbe sta· tiStlC8 of the several PresbyterIan General Assem biles for tbe past year, it bas been foud tbat tbe avcrage amount paid for miuisters' salllrles m tbtl UDited Presbyterian cburcbes IS 1~.6 j and 10 the Old School,

'S843 Rev.Oharles T. Brooke, of New­

port. R I, bas received the sum of , •• 000 as a gift from bls friends Of tbe amoont, '3,000 is to defray tbe expense of a trip to Europe, and '1,000 t~ meet t!!l!...l!a"ho ~r I .. ~ 1.~H:r during b18 ablle~

Tbe Free Will Baptist Geueral Conference oC Maine passed a resola­tlOn probibiting the ordlDatlon of mlUisters wbo use tobacco.

Rev. W H Milburn, kaowu as tbe Metbodist If Blind Preacber, " IS soon to be admItted to Orders by B18bop Hopkins of Vermont

A great religious revival is in pro· grells at BlUgbamton, N. Y.


But it was quite clear that he mU8t 800U haTe relief. On Saturday after· noon and Sunday, he frequently spoke of resigning i and It was ar· rauged, tbat after an examination by Dr. Brown of tbe Bloomin~dale Asy­lum, on Monday, be wonld either re­sign then, or await, for a few days, the effect of medical treatment. He hlld been disinclined to consult a pbyslclan nntil inforllled that Dr. Browu waH at the bead of an asylum He remarked to Mr. Weed twice on Sunday, that deatb, if it conld be reached without crime, wonld be a rehef

He bad intervals of tranqmllity wben hiS mind could be drawn away from the evils it created to the fact tbat in aU respects bis circumstances aud condition were sucb as to brlOg contentment; tbat be bad no cares, no sorrows, no cause of anxiety i and tbat bis lot, compared wltb bun· dreds of tbousands, was enviable. To all he assented, and for half an bour cheerfulness retnrned to him FlOany, wben Alr Weed left him on Sunday evening, he sllemed quite con tent to await thtl io,terview witb Dr. Brown, who came on Monday, but tbe patient had departed to re tura no more."

TBE UKAlOJ. REBBLLIOll. Tbe insurrection in Jamaica was

a short, bot determined and bloody strnggle on tbe part of tbe msurgents Tbe dlfIiculty origmated m an at­tempt to collect taxes by force of tbe negroet'! for tbe lands they occupied Tbese attempts tbey denounced, ap­pealing to the courts to have tbe proceedings stayed At last tbey became so Violent tbat tbey were ejected from the court bouse Upon tbls they fired tile bUilding and killed tbe magistrates, under circumstances of tbe most revoltmg cruelty They then attacked all tbA wblte and brown popnlatlOn, cnt off heads, piJ laged bouses, and produced a terrIble paOlC among tbe EuglIsb reSidents. whom they tllreatened to extermlDate Tbe story of their outrage~ reads lIke tbe horrors of tbe former rebellIon agallIst tbe EnglIsb, 10 tbe East Indies, told over agalO.

Tbe mode of deahng witb tbe rebel· lion was sharp, deCiSive, aud pecu lIarly Enghsh. When tbe troops arrIved, tbe negroes were shot dllwn m all dlrectlOlIs, or tried by coart martial and bung on the spot Thirty bad been execu ted on the day pre­cedlDg the writing of tbe last diS' patch Tile blacks all over the coun· try were belOg Indiscriminately siaugbtered by the military j for as soon BS their leaders were captnred, tbey lost beart and made bot a weak resistance.


A case of Bome Interest bas just been deCided before tbe New York Court of Common Pleas Augostus H Lockwood, a straw goods dealer, sent a message over tbe Independent Line to Dedham, Mass., wblch was intended to relld thus: .. Stop sew· 109 pedal braid nntll I see you" Tbe operator, however, sent It in the following form: If Keep sewing pedal brlud untIl J "-:r~" Tho plaluuit complaIDs that by tbis mls· take be lost $1.004 T5, and tbe jury rendered a verdict awardIDg blm tbat amount.

Goveruor Brownlow, of Tennessee, in a late letter, says tbe entire State of Tennessee abounds wltb thieves and robbers wbo would morder a ma.n for hl8 watch or a five dollar bill He bll6 no faith in tbe rebel professions of loyalty, tbinks tbe war ended at least two years too Moon for tbe good of the country, and adjores the repubhcan majority not to admit to Oongress indlscrlmlDately the reo

Hon Preston King, lately appoint- presentatlves from tbe lately rebel. ed Oollector of tbe port of New York, hous States committed Buicide, on Monday of last Samuel B Tbompson,a young man week, by jumpIng from II HobQken in Henrietta, N. Y, wbo IS allllcted ferryboat. It seems thllt bis health witb periodical attacks of insanity,

went to Rocbester tbe otber day, and bad not been good for several days, drew $1500 from tbe bank, and re and his friends, fearing insanity, paning to the market, purchased a bad engaged an acquaintance to reo load of potatoes, wbicb he gave to a maIn with him at his headquarter8 stranger He gave away bank notes in the Astor House. On the mOrDmg by the bandful to strangers, and

wben ta.ken into custody by tbe po· 'in question, he went out on the rre· lIce, br.d but $50 left. Several huu. tense of a sbort walk, called at a dred dollars were snbsequently reo store 0 in Wellt-etreet and bought 110 covered. tweuty.th·e pound bag of sbot, wbich George Sonue, employed at a piauo he f .. lened npon bis chest by a manufactory ID New York, crawled

Clstring aroulId biB neck, and then mto a box partially packed with an f nprlght piano, Tuesday, and went to

went llpon the ferryboat, rom wblch sleep The packers presently return. be jumped into tbe river, and was .ed and fastened on tbe lid oftbe box, drowned. wbICh was tben swnng off IOta a

An express train on tbe Cbicago and Rock leland Radroad, containing a large number of passengers, was precipitated down an embankmeut by a misplaced sWltcb, on Tuesdlly nigbt, Nov. Uth, two miles east of Morris, Illinois. Some of tbe cars were turned upside down and nearly ~emohshed i but, slUgularly enougb, It 18 said tbat no person was kIlled, tbough six were seriously lind others alightly injured

Tbe report8 made to tbe Commis· sioner of Internal Revenue show tbat the amount uf State bank notes and certified cbecks in circulatIOn durmg tbe month of September was 18'1',-86T ,516. This is a great reduction smCE! the year before la8t, when the State bauk circulatIOn exceeded $238,000,000

The $40.000 wbich were stoll1n from an express wagon in Chicago, a week or two ago, bave not only been recovered, but tbe driver of the wagon was fooud to be the tblef. and It has smce beeu ascertamed tbat he WIIS connected With a gang of desperate characters, embraclOg 80me of both sexes, who have also been taken lUtO custody.

Mr. Dixon, wbo, lU 1860, was tbe only man in Fairfax connty, Va, tbat cast a vote for Mr Lincoln, was aSSllsslOated last week In the publIc streets of Alexandria by one Dr. M"ddox, not far from where tbe gal· lant Ellsworth was murdered Dixon surVived but a few bours He leaves a Wife and eight chddren.

Extensive frauds on the govern· ment by evasion of tbe Internal reo venue are said to bave recently been discovered 10 tbe Pennsylvania 011 regIOns, near Pltbole Tbe govern· ment claims amount to one bundred and forty-elgbt tbousand dollars, and some of tbe largest wells bave been taken posseSSIOn of by officers.

It IS now asserted tbllt tbere bas been a concerted movement ID tbe Soutbern States to elect only sncb men to Congress as It was known could not take tbe oatb They deslte to present tbemselves In solid pba· laox, In bopes to overawe Congress by tbelr unanimity.

A aoldler belonglOg to tbe garrison 10 Toronto undertOOK the other dav to beat bls Wife With hl~ belt. bu-t aCCidentally struck the baby ID her arms with the bucklc, and killed It He and hiS Wife burled tbe child and kept quiet, bnt tbelr dreadful secret was discovered aud the man arrested

Capt. S S Lee, formerly of the navy, and brother to Gen. Lee, is about to take up hiS reSIdence on tbe Potomac, in Maryland. And engage In

agrIC11ltural parSUlts Capt Lee entered the navy in 1820, and is about 66 years of age.

While a miner In the Mouut Oenis tunnel, recently, was filling a bole wltb gunpowder, a spark was struck from tbe rock, and a Violent explo sian took place. Tbe fire reacbed several other mines ready to be ex­ploded, and a number of tha mlDers were killed or wounded

Tbe Oommlttee of the Harvard Alumni Assoplatlon, have selected 001 T. W Higginson to p ... p ..... tho I'rVl'v~"1l MemOrial BIOgraphies of Alumni wbo bave fallen during the war-nearly one bundred In number -and be bas accepted tbe trust.

The phYSICians of Wasbington bave been holdmg a counCil to adopt meaenres agaIDst tbe cbolera. It was shown from statistIcal records of tbe Illst vISitation there, tbat as many died who had medICal attendance as died without It

Tbe Society of Fdends at the WeBt held their yearly meeting recently at RICbmond, Indiana, and resolved to endeavor to raIse tbls year $30,000 to aid 10 tbe varIOus works of humamty.

A Dine-yeaTS old boy in North Mansfield, Conu, set the school bouae on fire, because he did not want to go to school. The bouse burned down, involVIng a 108S of $7000.

A company IS belQg organized at Richmond, With a capital of five mil hun dollars, for the pnrpose of mak 109 loans to Soutbern planters wbo need capital to re commence opera-tions With.

Sam Whaley, a freedman, on St. 8lmon's Islaud, attempted to shoot Rev. Geo. H. Eaton, tbe superinten­dent on tbat Islllnd, bnt anotber freedmau struck tbe gun from bis band just ID tlmo to 8ave the life of tbe superinteIldent. and at tbe same time be sbot the VIII am, cau8mg bls Instaut deatb

Tbe Sontb Carolma ConventIOn has pasRed the constItutional alDend­ment abo!IijblDg slavery, wltb scarce­ly any OPPOSition.

A bank in Elkhorn, Wisconsm, was last wel'k robbed of 170,000 by thIeves, wbo socceeded In forcing opeu the Iron safe With guupowder.

C Breckley. in a suit agal nst tbe city of Cblcago, for falling througb a SIdewalk, hIlS just recovered a ver­dict of $14,000

ooO«orting &Ssuranoe. and oalmly yielded to the summons to depart and be ..nth Chmt.

In KUton. Wls .Oot. 8th. 1866, of dlphthe ria, CUIII I .• daUfhter of Kary E. Pond, and grand daughter 0 Dea. Nathan 1Ury1Ltt, aged 8 years lLnd 3 1II0nth!.

In MUton, Wis., Oo!. 12th. 18M, of typhlll fever. followed by diphtheria. OIlSON FalD. BICX. SOD <If Lucius H. and Hannah S. Garth· walt, aged 3 years. 1 month. aud 23 days.

In .ackson C.nter, Ohio. OoL 9th. 1885. of typhoid fever, •• G MUSON. Bro. Xaxson made a profession of religion some twenty. five y.ars ago. and untted with the Seventh· day Baptlat Church In thai place, of whloh he was a worthy member wh.n he died. He left three lovely ohlldren, fatherle88 and motherle8l, their mother having died t,..o years ago. also, brothers and I!1stera, and a large clrole of friends, who mourn his 1081

NEW YORK 'M ARKETB-lIOV.20,lB65. .A.shes-Pots $9 00. Pearla 9 25. CoUOn-61@1j20. for middlings. FltJur ana MeaL-Flonr. 7 70@8 00 for BU·

perflne N. Y .• 8 16@8 '0 for extra, 8 ~@8 10 for ranoy. 8 25@8 65 for the low grades of Western extra, 8 90@9 00 for sblppmg Oblo, 9 15@1l 10 for trade brand8, 13 00@16 25 for

SPEOIAL lIOTIOES st. Lows extr.... Buckwbeat Flour, 4. 50@ ___________ .___ 6 00 11100 lb. Rye Flour 6 [email protected]

)(eal, 5 00 for Brandywine. .tr DIISIlYTBR IlISTITUTII -The Truatees of Gra", _ Wbeat, 1 8O@1 87 for Chloago

DeRuyter Institute are requested -to meet at Spnng and MIlwaukie CluO, 2 4.~ for Ambor the Institule BIlUdlDg, In DeRllyter, on Tues. New York, 2 60 for white )(1cblgan. Bye day, the 5th day of Deoemller next, at 9 1 1B@1 20. Oats 620. Corn, 94.@950. for o'clook A M. A general attendance Is In mt;ed weste65m. I

vi d .aay-8O@ o •• or Shipping, 75@8Do. for te.: The flrst term of the Assoclatlonal retail lots. School WIll open on the 6th of December, Hops-20@600. (the day follOwing,) and It Is very desirable ProvIStOns-Pork.32 60 for lIIell 28 60 for tba.t tbe several ohurcbes wltbin the bounds Weslern prime meu. Boof, 13 Oii@u 16 for of the A.ssoclation should be ",epresented In plam mell, l4. 75@16 76 for extra. lArd 25 the Board. CH .. n .. H MAXSON Sec' @290. Butter.30@350 for Western Reurve.

• y t6@55c for N Y. State daines. 60@660. for DeRuyter, Nov. 10th, 1865. Orange County. Cheese,17@19!c.forN. Y.

.tr HIsTORY OF TUB GBNU.u. CONPllllBNOII -At Its late ses810n. the General Oonference reoommende d the early publication of Its history. prepared under Its directIOn. After spendlDg some days In making arrangements for Its publIoatlOn. It 1\'as as certalned that the cost of prlDting wouid be greater than wben the history was flrst prepared. last wIDter Its publtcatlOn, however. Will not be loog delayed In tt.e mean ume. an In troduotory Ghapter. on the early history of the DenommatIOn, wIll be prepared trom ma terlals \D the writer's bands. that '11'111 trace its hIstory, from Its three !Starting pOints, In Rhode Island In 1664. m PennsylVania in 168(. and In New Jersey lD 1100 TillS n otice IS for the benefit at many frIends who have expressed an aUluety for the early publica tlon of the History Tno •• wlshmg to oom­munica.te wlth me on the subject, may ad dress mil at Walworth. Walworth Co , Wis.

J. B.l.lLEY.

.,. To TEOSE lNTZRBSTED -The underSign ed take pleasure In oertlfYlOg to the kind attentions bestowed upon our chlldren, wblle Sick With the typhOid fever at Alfred Unl verslty Several members oft he Faoulty. and some of the Citizens. have laid us under lasting obhgatlOns. for theIr unreml\tlOg at tention. and for theIr faIthfulness a.nd skill In ca.rmg for our sick om~s Parents and friends at a. dl~tance may be assured, that every attentIOn that could be deSired. and that skill and experIence can furntsh. Will be freely and faithfully bestowed by the Pro fessors and tbelr families at Alfred upon any who may become sick there, while un dar theIr care From our observatlon and knowledge. we are satisfied that III most. If not all cases of Sickness here. there has been some predispOSIng cause aside from can nee tion With the sohool The Sickness has gen erally been of a. mIld type, and not contagl ous N one of the students or citizens have dIed of the fever We have no reason to be lIeve that Alfred Cenler IS an unhealthy 10 caltty Where so many congregate togeth er. cominll: tram dltrerent localities. It is need fnl that espeCial Oare be ta~en to preserve health This the Professors carefully InsISt upon With proper attention to person al habits. In conn eo bon With the change from labor to study, good health may b. seoured here as elsewhere. • .. lDIS Buny.


.Alfred Center, Nov. 13. 18§5.

I/r A CoUGII. COLD. OB SOD TnoJ.T, re qulre8 Immediate attention, and should be cheaked. If allowed to continue ... iTrltatlon oat ~bo LUDpi, a perma.nent Throat Affection, or an Inourable Lung Dls .... e,ls often the result.

BaoWN's J!aoNcm .. L TaOOJIXS Having a direct influenc. to the parts. give ImmedIate rehef.

For BronchItis, Asthma. Catarrh. CODSump tive and Throat Diseall6s. Troohes are used WIth always good success


Will flnd Troches nsefulln clearing the voice when taken before SlnglDg or Speaking, and reU.vmg the throat after an llDusual exer tlon of the vooal orga.na. The 2h>cha are recomlllended and prescribed by Physicians. and have had testimontals from eminent men throughont the cou ntry. BelDg an article of true mertt, and havlDg pronea their efficacy by a test of many years. each year flnds them In new localtlles in various parts of the world, and the Troches are universally pro nounced better than other arttoles

Obtain only "BROWN'S BRONcmj,L TBOOHES,t' and do not take any of the worthless 1m1ta hollS that may be oll"ered

Sold everywhere til the United Stat ••• and in Foreign Countries. at 35 cents per box

State. Seeds-Ciover [email protected]/ lb. Timothy 3 50

@3 75 1Il bnshel. Rough ~ l&X8eed 3 60@3 75. 7iI/low-U@I'ic.

LETTERB. J. C. Rog.rs, Thos.B Brown. Stepheu Bur

dICk. H I:' BurdICk. A B Prentice. P. F. Randolph, W. M Philllps, L A. D .. vlo. C. D. Ennis. Abram Coon. J. B WhitFord. O. D. Sherman, J B Cottrell. Albert Whitford. W A Babcock. L •• DaVIS. C. H Ka.XSOD. B G. StIllman Ephraim Maxson. Elias I l4&oon, Wm C. Whitford, H B LeWIS.

REOEIPTS. AU payments for the SAB.U'H RReouEB Bre

acknowledged from w.ek to week In the paper. Persons sending money. the reo celpt of whIch l.B not duly acl<nowledged. sbould give us eariy notice of the oml8810n.

PaYB ,"0 Vol No

W. A. BabCOCk. Leonardsville. t2 60 22 62 Hampton Green, Berlin. N. Y., 2 50 22 5 Orlando Holcomb, DeRuyter. 2 60 22 '6 Wm G Crandall, .. 1 25 21 52 Lemuel D. Rogers. Blchburgh, 2 50 21 52 L J DaVIS. Q~lDcy. OhIO. 2 1i0 22 66


$30.000,000 LOAN




TWENTY YEA.R COUPON BONDS IN SUMS OF $50, $100, $,00. AND $1.000.




In U S Currency, thus yielding an tIlterelt of TWELVE PER CENT. IN GOLD, or SEV· ENTEEN PER CENT IN CIJRRENCY, at the prelent rate of preml~m on ,old.



nnLENSE TIU.CTS OF KIllING £ND AGffiCULTURAL LL~D8, SIXTY PER CENT. of PORT DUES. IMPOST!'!, and T.A.XE8 .. ln the Btate. of TAMAULIP.&.B and SAN LuiS POTOSI, and the PLIGHTED F A.lTH of the sald States and the GENERAL GOVERN· MfiiNT are ALL PLEDGED for the redemp· tl a of these Rands and paym ent of Internt.

THE SECURITY 18 A.MPLE. $301D U. S. Currency WIll buy a 7 per

cent. Gold Bond of $50 $60 ID U S Currenoy Will buy a 7 per

c.nt Gold Bond of tl00 $300 in IJ S Currency will buy a 7 per

cent. Gold Bond of $500 $600 til U S Currenoy WIll buy a 7 per

oent. Gold Rond of $1000 Let every lover of Bepublloan Instltutiona

buy at least ONE BOND.

Circulars forwarded and subso rlptlons reo oeived by

JOHN W CORLIES & CO • and J N. TlF FT, Financial AgeDt

of the Republlo of Mexico. 57 Broadway,N. Y. .tr Subscnpttons also recel ved by Ranks

and Bankers generally thronghout the Uml· ed Btates


LITERA.TUBE. SCIENCE. AND ART. New Volume begins .anuary, 1866.

The EcLECTIC M .. GAZINB IS, as Its name indl· cates, a selectwn. from otb.er magazlnel and periodicals. Thes. selectIOns are car. fully made each month. from the entire range of forelgo PerlOdlcals. In thIS respeot it 18 en­I'rell/ unltke other manthlles. and bas no rival. The followlDg are some of lhe works from whICb selecUons are made: London Q~arterly, Revue de Deux_ond.s,

The Navy Department bas in the yards at WashIngton, Portsmouth, Boston, New York and Phi ladelphia, .tr"T1l1Iowphysic to the dogs I'll none o!!t. over 3000 condemned cannon to be To make assurance doubly sure,

I'll take "-PlanlGlt,on Billers.

British Quarierly. London Society. Norih British Revlew,Bentley's Klscellany. Popnlar Science" Cornhlll Magazine,

offered by the Ordnance Department They never tall. for sale shortly This great Stomacb He .. ler. so long and

Satu~day ReView, Fraser'a Magazine, Leisure Hour, Tempie Bar. WestmIDster ReViow. Ohamber'a Journal, Dubl1nUmver8ltyMag EdInburgh Review, Art Journal, Lon. Natlonat Review.

Tbe New York Tim" gives tbe hatcbway aud lowered into a trnck

followiog ioformatlon relative to Mr. belodw, wHlth ';be ~~~~yb~~~o~~;:~-"... , I d war S. e"88 , -..1111 8 alit ays: aud serIOusly tbough not dangerously

A Maine paper says tbat court was favorably known to the American publtc. IS beld darmg twenty days at FarmlDg- Just what the people need It is a rellledy tun ID tbat State at an expeose of they can rely on For Dyspepsia. Heartburn. $8000 and tbat tbe verdicts awarded Headache. Dlzzlne88. Ague. Liver ComplalDts, d 'tb t t t d t .1 80 Pains in the Side and Back, a;o , It has no

urIng a Ime amlJun e 0 t> equal, not the least among Its VIrtU.S Is 118

We have also arranged to •• cure choloe selections from the French, German, and otber Oontinental Pellodlcals, translated e. peelally for the EcLlOOTlo. and It Is hoped tbts new feature wUl add greatly to the variety and value of the work.

"llr. Xing was unable to .tand bruised, before be could be released. the pressure oC bis official position "Voyagell of deatb," is the title Every allegatlQI1 of misconduct ID accorded to tbe voyages of the 8ubordmates disturbed b!m. Tbe Coolie transport ships, and. tbe ap­great nomber of mentorlOus and propriatene88 of tbe name 18 borne wounded ollicers and soldiers asking ont by the followlDg figures: In the for situatioDs excited hiS sympatbies Ally there were drowned 318 j ID tbe Two 0I tbreo reported cases of fraod Ea!:; Ie Speed there were drowned alarmed bim to Bucb a degree that 262' in tbe Clarence tbere dIed about '''0 weeki ago bls nerve8 gave way 103! In tbe Golden South tbere died It "as suggested tbat be sbonld go abo~t 1Il0' in the Fusdier died aud t~ O,densburg for a week or fort- drowned, iS9-total daring twelve Dlght, 10 the hope tbat repose aud months 98T h~me ~8soclations. would tranqui!ize St George's Episoopal Cburcb, on ble mIDd. He did go, bnt findmg Stuyvesant Squl1re, New-York, took no relt tbere, returned to tbe ~8tor fire last week, througb the careless· HooBe On ~aturday. It Wall Imme uels of tinner8 wbo bad been at work dlately eVident that no favo~able on the roof, and was entirely con' Qban~e bad oQcurr~d. He saId to Inmed with the exception of tbe tbe Crlendll around blm, that he bad lis' A fine organ wbich coat broken down i was incapable of mak- .:0 0'00 was destroyed. It was the Ing a01 eft'ort ; that he bad no judg· largest' Protestant churcb ID New· ment or memory, and no power to Yo k and one of the finest. Tbe reBillt "bat be knew.to be .imagin!lry los~ 'is estimated at 1200,000. 10 hyde. In the mea~tlme bls phY81cai rance ,10000. ealth WII unimpaIred. 8U,. II tI

On Sonday in tbe morning be ac. Anotber great artesian we, ow-

Mr. Jobn B Gough's temperance extreme pleasantlleS8 to the taste and omme· lecture m New York, on Wednesday dialebeneflolaletrect. Try It. ye dyspeptics, Dlgbt, is said to have been the and be oured I twenty fonr hundredth time he has -"'-T-H-B-M-j.-S-ON-&-H-U-L-IK-C-.l-W-rn-BT-O-B-a.l1l-s, spoken (In tbat subject forty dill'erent styles. adapted to sacred and

Tbe Germllns in Texil8 are prepar· secularlllUBIC, foH80 to 'SOO each. TmRTY· 109 to plant cotton extensively, aud pm GOLD or SILVER )bD.lLS, or other flr.t to raise It by tbelr own labor They preminms, awarded tbem illustrated Cata also inVite their countrymen to logue free. AddreS8 MASON & H.uu.rn, BOIl-emigrate to tbe State of Teus. ton, or MUOK BaOTaSIl!, New York.

Mr A Pardee, of Hazelton, Penn. baving already given 120.000 to tbe endowment oC Lafayette College, now offers '100,000 for the establish­ment of a SCientific department

A bale of cotton at tbe Central mills, Soutbbridge, was opened a few days ago, and found to contain foar abells, one loadod, aud weigbing fifty pounds m tbe aggrllgate

Tbe Young Men's Society of Detroit ofrered Henry Ward Beecher 'S 000 'for a course of six lectures, he' to select bis own tIme. Mr. Beecher dec lined.

'MARRIED. In Little Genesee.N Y.Nov.1Uh.1865,by

Rev. Thos. B Brown. at Ibe resid.noe of the bride'S father, W1L H. RICH, of FarlD .. , m .• and MARY L. Enw ABDS, daughter of •• Ed wards. Esq • of the former place

At the Highland Cure. Nov 12th. 1B65. by Eld H. P. Rlll'dlOk, Ilr ••• 1(. HODGa and El.­I&!! WILIID. both of Almond. N. Y.

In D.Rnyter. N. Y • Nov 15tb. 1866, by E1d. Stephen Burdick, Ilr. FaANXLIN B FEL LO"S and 11188 S.lII.lB A. Rucocx. all of De· Ruyter.

At Utica, Wis. Nov. lIth, 1865, at the res Idence of the bride'. father, by Rev. A B. Prentice, Xr. AuI .. 'I'IJB C 1Uxsol(, of Albton. and 11188 S .. Il.llI E., dau,hter of Da.n\el S. Truman.

In lacks on Center, Ohio. Nov. 6tb.1866, by E1d. L. A. DaTls. Kr. IB.lIIL L. D .... IS and )(Iss K .... T L. STOUT, of J &cltaon Center.


EMBELLISHKENTS. Each number 1& embelll.bed WIth one or

1II0re Fine Steel Engravings-portraits of elll' tIlent m.D, or illnstratlve of IIDportant hIB' toncal events.

Volumes commence In .~nuary and .aly of eRch yMr. snbscriptions can oommenoe with any month.

TOIlS $5 per year; SlDgle Numbers, 60 cents. Five Copies. '20.

Tbe Trade. Clergymen, Teachers. and ClnbB supph.d on favorabl. t.rms. Addre ..

W. H. BIDWELL, 6 Beekman St., N. Y.




Annonnces to his old friends, and nerybody else, that he has at last got ont of ANDlasON· VlLLB PRISON, h ... a bran new ovJfU of the best kind, and h ... agatll commenceli the practice of hiS profe88lOn at .Alfred. ae tlila teeth lustaB good IJB anybodll. extracte them earefully. without the nll6 of Laughing G ... , or any other sort of gas. And If yoa need any

ARTIFICIAL TEETH, He oan make them to fU. you ezactly.

Post Ollice addre... A.LF&EIl. Anegany Co •• N. Y.




The total 81Ck and wounded in the government bospltals throughout the country is le88 tbn fi ,e tboUSllnd. Eight mootb. since tbere were over a hundred tboDsand

This Splendid Kacblne oomblnes all tbe good quahtle8 of our tDI1/l knoum manu factunng machone •• nth lD&Dy ne,.. and val· uable Improvements. It 11~1I'lft. qUiet, and positive In Its operation t Ii,... the very In

In Westerly, Nov. 16th, li66, ELIZ .. Coox. est and ooarseat materia ... and anythlnl be

P A. T II If !... O"~l~J Inftllton to

W I S T A. R 'S B A L S A. 11 Patent an ~!~~l!! gIP IlUNN .00.,

... loan ,..bo ban jii~~!ili~ W I L DOH Z B B .. thePaielltOfioe

au IIIN uno POI DULY Their AIII.:;oan~~~~l~;~ HALF A CENTIJRY, 07 Ia the .. on Wlft ..,.. .oaT .. ITO_G .uoc •• Dr cumM pampblet.

ftIIlon, II 001l«hs, COlda ..... Hoanen_. 80re Throat, Co., No. IT

InfluenZlo, wnooplng COngb, OroIlP, ;~;;;:;n~;;-;~";; .... ;-;"...,~ LlYn Complaint, BroDohltla,

DUltenityof Breathlnl, A.alhllla, and every

all'eotioD of THE THROAT, LUNGS, .AND OBEilT.


which oarneR olf more viotlm. than aD]' j~~~;~~~~i~iiei1jl~1 other diBease, and whiCh ballles tlfe It ill of the Phyololan to .. great.r exlent than any other lIIaiady, ollen

YIELDS TO THlS BUEDY I when &II othe .. prove Inell'e otuaI.



wblle ... a preparation. free from nODOUS In gredlents. pOIson8. or IIIlnerall' unltlDg stili. oClenoe. and medloal kno,..ledge; com· bining all that 10 valuable In the vegetable klngdom for this ola.u or di ......... It II

INOOHPABA.BLE I and Is entitled, merita an d reoel Vel the PD' eral oonfldenoe of tbe pub 110


8ou/h. CongregatIOnal Ohure", Brodgq,orl, Connecticut.

BBIDe .. o ....... n .... ry 21, ISM. ~.---I conolder It a duty ,..hioh I

owe to sull'ering bum .. ulty to bear telilmon], to the virtues of Dr. W,star's Salaam of Wild Cherry. I have ull6d It-when I have had OC0&810n for any remedy for Cough!, Colda, or Sore Throat-for many years. and never. in a lingle instanoe, ha~ It failed to relieve .. nd oure me I have frequently been very hoarse on Saturday, and looked for,..ard to the delivery of two sermons on the followlnl day with sad misgivings. but by & hberal use of the Balsam my hoaraeness hu Invar· lably been r.moved, and I have preaohed without dIfficulty.

I commend it to my brethr.n In the minis· try. and to publIo speakers generally, as a certain remedy for the bronchial troubles to whICh we are peouliarir exposed

Entirely unsolioited. send you thlo testi· monlal, which you are at IIb.rty to UII6 In any way you choose. Perhaps the Bals&1II does not atr.ot aU p.rsona alike. but It always removes my hoarseness, and flts me for the mtilister's hard worklDg dar-the S .. b bath.

V.ry truly yours, FB"'c!s LoBnOLL. PRICE ONE DOLLA.R A BOTTLE.


18 Tremont St • Boston. AND FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGlSTS.

GRA.CE'S CELEBRA.TED SALVE Cures Cuts. BUml, Scalds.

GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE C~res Wounds, Bruise s, Sprains.

GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cures Rlng,..orms, Warts, &0.

GRACE'S CELEBRA.TED SAL VE Cures Boils, Ulcen, 0 a.noers.

GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cures Salt Rhenm. Erys lpelu.

GRACE'S CELEBRA.TED SALVE Curss Corns, Felons, Pliea.

GRACE'S CELEBRA.TED SALVE Cures Frozen Limbs. and ChllblalIII.

GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cures Cbapped Hands. and Bllaten.

GRACE'S OELEBRA.TED SALVE Heals Old Sores. Fie sh Wounds.

GRACE'S CELERRATED SALVE Is prompt ID aotlon, removea pain at oDoe, and reduoe. the most angry look Ing swel· Ungl aDd 1n1l&lllmatlon, &8 if by maglo-thue atrording reliet and a complete oare.

ONLY 25 CENTS A BOX! (Sent by maD for 15 oe nt •• )

SETH W. FOWLE a; SOIll, BoItOD, Propnelon.

For sale by aU DruggiBt., Grooers, and at &II country stores.


PROTOXIDE OF IRON. A new d,soovery In IIIldlclne which

STRIKES AT THE ROOT OF DISE .&.BE, by supplytng the Blood with Its vital princl·

pie. or life element-IRON. This 18 the seoret of tbe wonderful SUOOI88

of this remedy In curing Dyspepna. L1n.'" Oamp/a",l.

DiafTh~a, Boils, NeroO't1$ Chill. and Fe~ers Humors,

Oonstituhona! V'gor, D1.8Ilases qf Ute Kid"eys ana

Bladder. Female Oompta1nls ,

and aU dise ... e. originating In .. BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD,

or aooompaDIed by nDILJr.Y or a LOW BUn OP l!'H8 SYSTEII.

Being free from Aloohol In an,. form, ,II energm"g '!!feels are not fol/lJIJJCd bll CI) rre· spond'ng reacholl. but are permanent. In· fusing tlkength. Vigor, and New Llf~ Into aU parts of the system. and building up an iliON CONS'l'ITtrTION

DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY. ~OIII the Venerable Arohdeacon Soott, D D.:

DIlNH.lB. C. E , _aroh 24.. 1866. • • • .. I am an inveterate Dy.peptio

more than 25 yea .. ' standing. • • • .. I have been so wonderfully ~eD'

ellted In the three short weeks during which I have used the Peruvian Syrup, that loan scarc.ly persuade myaelf of the realltr. People who have koown 1118 are utonllhed at the change I am widely kno,..n. and oan but reoommend to others that which has dOD8 80 much for me." • • • • A C.&.BE OF 37 YEARS' STANDING OUBED I

From Insley .ewett, No. 16 Avon Place, Boston

" I have sull"ered, and sometimes severely tor 27 years, from dyspepSia Ioolllmenoed takmg the Peruvian Syrup. aud fou nd Imme· dlate beneflt from It. In tb. cOllroe of three or lour ,..eeks I ,..aa entirely relined from my 8ull'erlDgs, and have enjoyed uoln terrupt· ed bealth ever slnoe."

Thousands have been ohanged tiy the u H of thil r.m.dy, from ,..eak. Rloltly, lutrerl DI oreatares. to IIroog. healthy, aDd hapP7 .. en and ,..omen; and Invalids oan not reuon,.. bly hesitate to give Ita trial.

A pamphlet of 32 page •• oontainilll: certifl. oates of cureB. lind recommendatloD8 frOID some of the most eminent phyalolau. oler· gymen, and others, besides muoh other val· nable aDd Interesting lIIatter, will be Hnt PHD to any ons sendlDg III their name and roaidenoe.

I/r Bee that each bottle baa PEBUVI.AN SYRIJP blown In tbe gl .....

rOB IllII n

•• P. DINSIlORE, 38 Dey 8t, Ne" York, 8ETH w FOWLE & 80N,

18 Tremont 81. , BOltoa, AND BY ALL DRIJGGISTS.


A Pure Solution of Iodine. WITHOUT A SOL­VENTIl

Contalnln, ~ FULL a .... ll( to eacb ounoe ot WAter


It h48 oured and tDill oure BCROFUL.l tn ID Ita m .. nlfold form ••


and It hal been uled wtth .. tontlhlnl IUO' o_lnc .... of

VIEWS OF THE w J.B~;~l~~i~=~5,i;!:! expenae. and forminl a 10 history of \the lreat braclng­BULL BUNL DUTCH GAt", CH.lBLESTON, PONTOONS,


S. WALES. No.7 Water Btnlt,loItoD,

J AM E B G R A. Y'-~~~J=='jj AGENT, , SooDay'. ~. Row.BoIton. Farml IIIId ClOIlllUy boulht, BOld, and exoh_pd..

J 11. WINSLOW • • [_ .... _ Il10.]

100.000 W ATOBES, CIl.t.llfIl, 8ILtD &a;n-' ClLIB,oIIG.

WORTH 1600.000 I I

BMoomal"",. ~. GbMII",phOll~ ,.. "1I!!tllt!'~. male ~inl8..! .Hearl. Lo_. aM ~.

quleeoed io ~ suggl'lItlon of 'attend- ing 2~O,OOO gallons daily, ~aII strur log oborcb bat did not go He reo at Cblcago a few days SlDce. te quellted tbat Mr. Weed IIbonld be diame~er il five incbell, .~boagh tbe 8en\ -fat ea.ly in the morning aDd IOtentlOn is to enlarge It to twenty

d ' '. b h' b ., ill have a p.1IIIe moet of tbs day in con versa I~C es, at w IC ~I:le 1 w tlOO with bim and two or tbres otber dI8cbarge • capacity of n ,000,000 frllode. He llpolre freel, of bi, men- gallol18 datly. tal aberration tweoty be year, a,o There are iu Philadel pbi. almost Mod eJpr8ttled a dealre DOW to 'o,~ 8"e thounnd hee1l8ed lJquor IIhOpl, an 1I,I~m .• Yet all he said proved and aa .many more, it is .ai~, wbere tbat bl, bUild " .. now unclouded liquor 111 lold by those not heeD.ed. ::: lIi1ditttllrbed. Hil ner"oll. IYI' The city h.. the larre" poor house

Gen. Augur issued an order for­biddmg tbe whippiug of colored men under any law of Virginia, witbin the hmita of his Department..

wife of Alben Cook, aged Ii yearfl. tween the two extremes, In a beauttful and In Providenoe Nov. 15th, 1865. of typhoid aubstantial manner. It Herru. FeU.. Q:wdf.

fever, Krs S ..... a CUBI, wife of lohn L Braids.7Uckl, (Jal/wrl. Bii1chel,.to. and .nO Olarke. and daall;hter of Eliu Sannden of generally do a rreater range of ,..ork tban Weltsrly, aged 37 yean. Her relllaina ,..ere any machine beretofore olrered to the pub· brought to Westerly, and Interred In the Hc. We respectfally InTlte all In ,..ant of a Blver Bend Cemetery. ~ Family &rttiwg Jladl"'O! to pa" 1111 a

.Kidney .Di8ea .... ~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~I Onr Clreul ... , ,..hloh 111'\11 be II8JIt _ to anyone .endina: their addr_, _tal.. t ... tlmonlu from the Bey. Genrp Storl'l, of Brooklyn, NY .. Edward H. Parker, A ••• , K. D , or N." yor:t, aDd .. u" otlle ...

Prioe tl 00 a bow •• or , for .. 00. DB. H. ANDERII" CO.,

Phyllcl'" &lid OIle-1It!J

, ... lila, oal" WII aIfeoYd. ia ihe world.

A Fort Smitb correspondent of tbe n;buM lI&y8 that tbe rebel Choctaw and Chick~aw Indianll are IIhooting­down tbe negroes and their famtliea la 'hat region u thll1 would dog ..

~ 7'" 1 ... • K L mit. Every machIne warranted, and fuD In HopkInton, .. 0". .... -, rio GU In---tions "'ven by oom-tent and court.· WIILLS,1fido,.. of Ihe late B1lIIe1 Well •• qed .u -.. r- hie!. TID 83 years. She prof_d faith in Chriat ,..ben ~JNG~Rn~:-UF ~~:{N8~1lP.urT .t about fourteen ,. .... of .... and jollied the ........ 668 BrotId.. ii.,.. 8eTlnth-day BlIptlat Chareh In Waterford. Hanonr Street, .,.,...,D, 111' ", 00liii0 oro UIo 01011 of rue, Ill' cberlll.d a Iort.

'211 Broad,.. .. ", _ew york. .AJIO for Ial. b" B&'l'B W. POWL •• 10_,

18 Tre_t II&net, lIoItoIl, .... 111 DnaIIIII IIMnIlT.

Page 4: s3.amazonaws.comVol+21....nd .mrms tbe existenoo of as •• of a na~rJU The good man dozed o'er the latest __ -'Iil1' TIlt the lig~t of his pipe went out And. unbeeded, the kitten,

~ 0

THE S~~H R~Ol!D:&l\, NOVEMBER 23., 1865.

_.111.,... odor, whicb will pervade the whole of & tree whlcb gIOWI lD tbat climate Geller.ls kIlled ontrlght in battle, ~ honle i and tbey must be boded or only. '!If~lIle two Majl1r Geoerah and DIne

a:slJ.d jil' J!" iI I'" " i , stewed, when tbls odor Will diS' Mr. Newton baa .Iso reC~lved se BrigadIer Generals died of wOuQds Tbe TIme8 Wallhlngtoo dlsp.tch

ODDS AND EliDS. K ING'S PORTABLE LEMONADE IS tho ooly preparation of tb. Itl nd made

from tb. frlut Ae an arUcl. of loonollly. purity. and del!l',ousnes •• It c.qoot be sur pllJlsed. Ilnd 18 recommended by pbYllcl~n, fur lDV&h~ .nd ramlly "'" It "UI keep for years In any clunate. wblle Ita oondeDHd form reoden It esp.ci&lly oonvenlent fur tnveleMt All who un lemonlllre re9, uuted to gIve It a trJat EntertalomNiIAl tIt OOme. partl .. and plonlol Boould ... ot be WltlrOUt It For sal. by all D rnggillto KDd IIr11t 01 .... Oro­cers. )(aouf"ctured only by


~"wMJ'Qf, t.8' ~U1f:S. appear. veral vadetlel of (''\iioeAe u'P1and received lD actiO!!, and sevellteen !lays that dnrlng the enJ.lre w.r the "!,, Tb I rf I b· h t b I~" ld 1 f b navy lost only tourteen bundred and

!M ......... a..... 0·' tbe f .... n. are 18 peco Jar pe nme 18 near y rice. l' IC • I IS e Ie""". woo genera 8 0 t e two ranks died of Llgbtor8!ty8Iu., Il.,eota. BI.ell:. Oartt BI~e. Rollt, CrlmlOli ~'i!lOITfI1. r u"" '" im t bl t th h 12 b II h 81X men kIlled and sixteen hnndred lO.-uiIiP .... "11" tq witAll •• i aqd percep leo e oman eenBeS uoorUI we In t 1ft country dIsease. III the year 1862, oor losses

OO,""ltDfftll le1lt(l t"er& i. a me,bod when the Cnngoll is growing beneatb of general officers 10 battle were aod tblrty-elght wonnded ont of Yello.... IIoU.rloo. D~hll •• ' Orapre. l!ink, Pu,!!le.

In If:.:1I.~:!1 0.10' ,liai woal" not be the ROIl; .nd for thi\! reaeon the FA.TTElfIIG POULTRY. very heavy, nombenng no less tban seventy five thoosand sallorll and LiCht Browo. Rod \',,,I,t. Llallt QrMl! O.rlr. B10 ... 0. 81\l& Vlnl.t IliPIl: O"'D'

·nI ... t JI:t~ .... tbArAr 18 • BiitAd 1 tb fift hil b m.rmes on tbe rolls, and tbat tbe aID .. ID to •• who are OD ,be outalde rUllIo-.. ~ ~ s ~ n e It ill of no Dire to pot op a skeleton ceo. w e dnrmg t c present III tb: 11\ti1l\fa;~,IQm. MallY ye&ls sellrcb for tbem by a pecolIar breed and expect to rna1te a fioe. fat, tender year, or rrom the end of 186' to tbe whole expense of tbe nlvy 810ce the 'P~D E~lfl!iIIRlU~. a P,aiillDt iu the of dogs that lUe trained fOf this Pill' meated fowl of It, bl feeding moon olose of the w.r, we 10llt bllt one beglOntng of tbe war Id less thao Iuea .. AaJla .. ar t",,_ Qll.)! faQCled pose .. Clever httle dogs they are, finement Fattening is addmg fat to Gener.I, thoogh the fightlOg was ~:I~.r~.ondred and thuty mllhon

£!lat., l8IparJai BIU'.llelll'ltt, ' D .. b, Lllfill. Lavender. Oberry.

bimlelt $0 be ... Redeemer of the aod tramed frollJ puppybood to hnnt le.n Yon muet have the lean laid grf'.t lIud deCldl.e wOfIdI; a •• hi. talk .Dd acti01l8 tbe trnm~ out by tbe nose, and tben on while the bird IS mnDlng at • " Perley" telegraphs th.t the re-

LOUIS F II.ETZGEB. No 6'9 Pearl Street. New York.

__ ~o A.g.n' fo. Kina'. Perfum •• , ToIl.t Artlole •• ato.

For dyelnc8t1k. "oolen. "DtiMlud GoodI -lIuoh III Bht&,,/a.l.ljCllrrl. IIibbcDI. ,."tb." Glo ..... 0_. _net!, Rata .... ItII Il:IMi Of Wearilll App.rel. Willi atllllllllt" COl. ora.

were alw.". in k"~ing wltb the to 8cratcb It op wltb their long. liberty. No .mount of feeding Will STlllWDRIIY CULTl1RJ: IN CONNICTI' ward of $100,000 fur the arreet of cbuao\8r. I",a that he exacted a allarp cl,wl! It II! ctmonll and make. hard, old fowl tender If a COT -Tbe Rural Amencan pobhshes Jeff DaVIS has been plld. The re-1I'\ct;!LifClq'.,,"06 to his perlOn and his lDt<.lreatlng to watch tbe powers of hen III over ten months old sbe may the figores respectmg the cultore of w.rds for the arrest of Booth, offered dl~l:r cletlnd power. But one nose possessed by tbese small dog.s, as well he ten years She has passed 8trawberrles at Walhngford, Ot, as hy tbe General Government, the daj~ .not~er patient arrived, wbose bow dIrectly tbey perceIve tbe odor tbe age for the table She IS old at pnr80ed by the br.ncb of the OneIda State of CahforOla, and tbe CIties or idioa1ncruy I' "H, tbat be was tbe of the hidden truflle; they rush to ten months, and ougbt not to be Oommnnlty We gIve tbe totals In Baltimore and WashIngton •• monnt Supre\lle Beillg. It; little wblle "fter the place. straight as a dart. even at palmed 01T ao a chICken brIef. Total ezpen~e of cnltlvatlon of 109 In all to $250.000. WIll be dllltrlb- LIFE, GROWTH AND BEAUTY. hi. entrance into the inlhtuUon be twenty yards dI8~u.uce "-Hort, Four months. Dr at most five five acres and two-fifths, $1.518 98; oted 10 a few days WIlDt loto ~Ge. or tbe h~lllI - al he ;'o,s culturlllt months, is old enongh to take chicle expense of harvesttng and market A Havana correspondent says th.t MRS. S. A ALLEN'S P ... lnl, ~ illl.,lned fep;eeentative II ens for the table, .nd If yoo take 109. $1.'89 23; m.klDg • total of an aSSOCIatIOn bas been formed 10 ofjbe So_, who. not liking bu. bea~. THE SOUTH VIOTORIOUS." them at that a,\!';e, 10 good fleshy con- •• 068 21 On tbe other Side of the Ooba to confine and prevent tbe WORLD'S HA I B RES TO REB AND Iii'" remi~d hI. who he wa~. So sayll Wendell Pblllips So say dltlon. thr~e or four weeks of con- account, we notIce 2'1,200 quart! of further exteHion of tbe Afrlca.n slave DB E S SIN fJ.

"Ye.,YQ. lire tile. Son, bot know, we. bnt 10 a very dilferent sensc. finement ooght to bru g them Into berrlee. brInging an aver.ge of trade A petitIOn for tbe porpose of TO INVIGORATE. STRENGTIlEN AND frOID: Uli. tlllle hellceforth, that yot! We hold tbat the South bas most first rate condition for the t",ble H twenty-one cents, tot.l, $5,712 Add orgamzlDg the society has been pre- LENGTIlEN THE HAIR ha.e eeen tbe Fatber, and blust obey glorIOusly, beneficently trlnmpbed, tbey are gOlDg to market they may plants sold, $91 '15 •• nd you b.ve the sen ted to the Captain General, who TREY ACT DIRECTLY UPON THE BOOTS

blm I" ID our late struggle-tbat her gaID be crowded to adv.ntage. bllt for haodsome total nfS5 80995. yleldlDg wIll probably grant It. .. ~ .. I\.~''',e enougIJ," said tbe by It will Immensely exctlcd tbat of home cousumptlOn It 18 not needed a profit of $2.'IH 74, The bemes Mr Kason. the Iowa M. (J. got

OF THE HAIR. SUPPLYING REQUIRED NOUBlSRMENT. AWn NATURAL COLOR AND BEA.UTY RETURN'S GREY HAlRDIB-lIee,_ulI tlnIlD.tit.Uon to tbe frIend the Nortb-1O that, If you make a coop big enougb for are mostly the W1180n_ An ex perl lost on the PlaIDS wblle chaslOg a

wbo 1l1~. ill tll4l partlcularll, "from I Slavery '18 aboltshed -Tbat hor- fifteen or twenty fowl., and pnt bnt ment was trIed with tbe Tflomphe de bnlI .. lo, aod bad all mlnner of nn 'b = • ' bl b b G d It d b II I APPEARS. BALD SPOTS ARE COVERED, • at 0 1 .o ..... rd, all power was rl e af ansm no longer scoorgell foor or five mto It, they will not ran e, cu Iv.te 10 I S In very p ellosant expenences; was chased II.~ q"w \h~I"lter i and, at length, and Cripples the linest portion of our readily fa.tten They have too much flch SOlI, and It was fonnd tbey Yleld- by bufIllloes, scared hy wolvel. yelled BA.tR STOPS FA.LLlNG. A.IW LUXURIANT t~ lanoled S6n's • air.drawn' VisIOn eounlry Labor Will no more be room To fatten rapIdly they muat ed a profit of $663 79 per acre, ex· at hy IndIans, and lay ont In tbe GROWTH IS TIlE RFl3U"T. "A.DIE, .UW meltecla;rr/AY •• ud he left the e~tab- stigmatIzed tbere as the fit employ Dot bave room to move aboot freely. ceedmg the profit of the Wilsons per grass all ntght. and dido't kill hiS CHn.OBEN WILL APPRECIATE THE OE 1IIIiIl'le'" a perteotly sane blan " ment of "mud Inlls" and mIDdies". bllt Simply enough to stand and shift acre $158. Bllt tbe year b!\fore the bulblo after all LIGRTFUL FBAGRA.NCE. A.ND RICH. GLOB

Some twAlI~e or fifteen years ago. bentghted, deglilded serfs Had tbelr poSltIOO They ought to be Tnompbe did not do 11.9 well, and Tbe UOIted SlateR steamer TIOga SY APPEARANCE IMPA.RfED TO THE tbere was in tile Lbnatlc Asylum at Slav~ry never cressed the AtlantIC. fed tbree tImes a day Indu<o meal they are not as Plilatable arrived at Hilton Head. With two HAm. AND NO FEAR OF BOILING mE Worcelter j Mass., a kInd of crazy toe poplllatlOn of the Sonth wonld or dongh IS one of tbtl bp,t art cle8 more passengers on board picked op SKIN. SCALP. OR MOST ELEGA-NT HEAD Day, OroCkett, who fapoled tbat he have heen double and her wealth at of food to lay on fat Oatmeal mIxed SALT MINES -The salt mlDes of at sea from the missing raft, and tb~ DRESS could do anything tbat conld be least treble what they are to day. WIth mIlk IS also first rate E tber Cracow were discovered In 1251 ooly snrvlvors of those who attempt-doliI', /And a bttle more. One day. a Common Schools wOllld have edncat. substance sbonld be fresb mIxed The lengtb of the mlDes from east to ed to save themselves from the SOl D BY ALL DRUGGIST:; good maoy yiutors were walklDg ed her chIldren; Maunfactures dl- e:\cb IHne. and no more ougbt to be west IS above SIX tbousand feet i wrecked steamer R"publlc DEPOT 193 & 20D GREEliWICH ST. N Y very slowly through tbe halls, exam- verSified lind enriched her IOdustry given thao Will be eaten up at the tbe bre~dth fron nortb to sonth R A lad 10 ~cme Coonty. WIS. 19 imp, Ibem, .nd oCCaBlOnally say10g Freedom of speech find of the press tIme If YOIl give too much the bIrd above two thonsand, and tbey are f

d I f d b I d b years 0 age. named Jobn Stllesky. a word or two to tb" patients After wool have enhghtened and elevated wII over ee or ecome c aye, t at eIght hundred feet In deptb When " d a few days Since, shot hiS fatber and av.er"coucteo1tsreceptionofagentle- her masses We firmly beheve thllt IS. the appetite IS estroyed. and the a stranger wIsbes to VISit these h h " f d mot er Wit a gon. and then sbot mall Wtill me~tioned that he bad come the wealth of the Soutb Will be ood gets sour, and If tbe fowl oes mlDes. be IS hablled in a 811lt of b Ii S ... • d k d d d Imself He WIIB IDBaoe HIS parents rap'! \lnUi varohaa, the crp.zy man double wlthm tbe next ten years. not ta e II deci e 18taste to It, It miner's clotbe8. and let dowa by

iptenupted blm abropl.ly wlth- and that her people Will find tbe 1m 1 WIll not tbrIve npon It machlOery a perpendicular descent were SlttlDg at snpper wben the .. ~-------------1fT< F df rId k temble deed wad committed pIANO FORTE PLAYING

.Elaye YOIl felt any of my earth. provement 10 tbelr ConditIOn 80 grellt ee attemog .ow s at ay-brea of SIX bundred feet The plape IS • qmea down 'there lately?" tbat they WIll be thankful even fur 10 the mornlDg Gover tbem up warm very dark. aDd the mmer. who de- The Widow of Nlcbolas Cna9tl. an EASILY AND THOROUGHLY LEARNED

If No." rephed one of the Visitors, the Rebellion, SIDM It IS probable at nIghts. and protect tbem from cold ecends as a gOlde. stnkes a I1ght, and old Il\dy of 8T, who hves at Cotty BY THm USE OF "we bave had nothlDg of the kmd that, but for It. Slavery would have durlDg the day Feen regnlarly, condncts Ibe stranger forward hnnk, can t'epeat page af er page of th b k h h d h RICHARDSON'S NEW METHOD wlierlt: 1 live!' clung to them au aU er ceolury. never on stale tJOd Ne,;er sobJect through several ghomy wlDd,ng e 00 s w Ie mtereste er In

"I tbo~glit 80 1--1 knew it I" re- Even five ye:us hCDce, they WIll tbem to draugbts of air Never passages. at tbe end of which they yonth. and IS never better pleased MOST DECIDEDLY

THE BE3T BOOK OF INSTRUCTION turiNid tla. patient, Crowning "I openly and generally rejOIce that I place them where tbey can Bee other descend by ladders two hundred feet than when sbe can get some yonng ha.e 10 ellemy. Ice I Ice I Wby. I Slavery IS no more fowls runnmg about In tbese Clr lower mto a large cavern i through person to haten to her Havlog .. regul ... sale or ordered on.e or ml very best earth- II State S01Jere!gnty and the con-I ollmslances, tbey Will fatten beautl- thIS cavern they enter npon an open Mr J urnes PIerce, of Malden. Mass, TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND COPIES A Yu" qOllke. (or yoar part nf the conntrYistltutwnal right of secessIOn ale no fully 1U th,ee weeks, and tbere IS no phlln. peopled by the mlDers and who was elected ta the Loglslature. Tblspopularworkls9uperlOrlnexcelience It!lli&l to b,na torn up theeartb. and more--Tl.ey we(lt-alw.oYI! ml,reiuev- known pr cess by wblcb they can their families. tJgether With tbelr lO~tead of giVing the usual enter to all otner Metbod.· aod TilE BOOI{ t. ., • • b k I b THAT EVERY PUPJL NEEDS lor Ibe acquire lIell' tlla lIlill81Mlppt IDte the Gulf of ous, pestIlent d'elusklns A.. natlOu. e ept hell. I y alter they are well I h ,rses. dogs a~d other domestic aDl- lalDment to hiS fnends, placed $100 meot 01 a tborougb koowledge 01 Plaoo torte MlllllM Look here I " be contmued, whose several parts are each Its 1 fattened Begm tben three weeks mal. NothIng Cau exceed the bfll- 10 the hands of fonr respooslble gen plaYlog I It " adapt.d to all Gu.des of Tul . i k i b f k II C I J b d b \10n from the Rud~melltal ~tudles or tbe pO'DI D' &0 a crao n tbe pl.sterlDg, superIOrs, and whereof any part IS e ore yon want to I alcn ate lIancy 01 tb,s place IlIomlDated by I emen. to f Istrl nted among tbe youogest to tbe Stud,e. and exerCIses of Ad "that III one of my earthqoakes at}lberty to wltbdraw at WIll. 19 a I tbe number the coop Will bold. and than sands of lamps' reflecting thelf poor of tbe place vaoced PupIl, lwvedilloos are published, Wbat do you thmk of tbat? I have fraud-a sham-a flltlltty It can fill It so fnll tbat tbe fowls can do hgbt opon the beautiful and trans- A yonug girl ID Lafayette. Indl F~~g:~~~tlO~VI~~~~~":~rtll~s °o\bde.~.t:t0r,~'~~ got more ordll'll ror earthqllakes thap have no sottled policy. make no bnt little m(}re tban 8tand comfort- parent snrface of the salt 10 every ana. was stung 10 her moutb by a prelereoce IS deslgoated. the edmoo witb I Clallattend to lO a year I bave got bllldlUg engagements, hold no stable ably You can't ezpect to do more varIed color. bee. ca09\Og a frlghtfulswelllr:g lind A.merloao FlogerlDg WIll be seot r .... b h' f I h fI b h I I ... Be 8ure tlla.t 10 orderlDg it you "\re .OU~ com,n, 0 .. nort t IS a ternoon pOSItIOn t IS a fogbauk, a smoke I t an put on es l' I e fow s are snft ,catIOn The girl's mother pnt partlcnl" 10 speel/Ylog tbe • Ne .. Metbod " -jlld two In Vermont I" wreatb. a dlssolvlOg IlloslOn MI' runDlng at large Yon can't fatten QUARRELING -If anything In thf' some coal Oil In the stllng mouth. PrlCe $3 75 Mailed poot paid to aoy addresl.

J '" II d P fl hId I k ad Sold by aU ~Ius c Dealer. euersoo we sal that, If the South I atllng on es IS on y preparatory wor! WI I ma e a man feel b Iy, and the paID subSided almost Instant OLIH:1I lJITtiUN .I:. CO. PublIshers. TRUFFLES. were severed from the Nortb, Sooth to fnttenlOg If you want to get the except plOchIDg hiS fiogers ID tbe ly. aod the swelhng passed off 277 WII.$hlngtoo St • Boston

Iq, tbe LOlldon market, tbey are al- CarollDa and GeorgIa wonld ooly hIghest prICe 10 the market, yon mu,t crack of a door. It IS. nnquestlOnably, Han Jacob Collalller. UOIted A. III E RIC A N BIB L E UNION mo~.t"dl! !!IoId all a prod net l~- transfer tbelr Jealousy of New Eog- coop and feed three weeks 10 tbe a qnarrel No m.n ever fillIp to St 1St f V d S,O "UOOUE ST NEW YORK. '" ... I d t hid d V I m r dlc t d .r h II. thlok lesa of hImself .fter tban '-_ a es ena or rom ermont. an "u~ .. por a from Fr.nCIl, and at a price an 0 Mary an aD IrgID11l. t p annh 10 a e - JUassac use..., 0 "" who hEld the posllton of Postmaster IrooHwo to tbree dollars per ponnd was understood tbroogbout the late laug man fore. It degrades hIm In the eyes of Goneral III PreSident Taylor's Cab-

Its obloct 18 to procure aod clnulate the most r"ltblul Ver800Q8 of tbe S"cred l:Iorlp tures 10 all l"ogl1ages tllrougllout tile world. B t tb lb Ii f rebelhon, tbat tbe trIUmph of seces· otners. aod, what 19 woree, It blont8

o mqre.1 an ree ~uarter8 0 the sIan woold le.d 10 fortber seceS"lons. FATrENING TURJ:us-Mnch has bls senSIbilItIes on the one hand. ond Inet, died at Woodstock, Vt. on q~"tl~" ,bu. Ibid, and that of tbe ~ m Thur8day of last -~ek aged t Ii ", ... lita> .' d __ .> E I The Soutb wants order and repose' 1 been publtshed of late 10 onr agrl mcreases the power of pas"lonate ir- h ", seven Y- ENGLISH NEW TE3TAIlENT.

DftI qla "'t' II pro 0.,.,.. 10 Dg Isb ec h d bIt I' ,- I I t' t th fltablhty on tbe otber The troth t ree year~. "BVI.'» FROII THIl FINJ.L COJ(J(ITTEIl sOU4~"'II,t;ah~Y supplied. to the s eS$lon IS anarc y mil. e c rODlC- co ora Jonrn.... n re.a Ion 0 e 0 d d fI r: if snlclde ex-It d f: bb t -Ilmentary prOpertI'ea of ch.rco.l It IS. the more pe-ceably and qllietty ne bun re lor barrels were This gre .. t ... urlr. is .. ow completed. It II L~ (I l.t.kUI! ov conntrv dealers q e rom an a era Ion 0 a 0 q 0 db d t t ,prlDtedOOC.,lr.opeotype.andmakesa.duo .. t, .. " JDf ,a~ ... iota a law The I."t; half centur,.·" b •• bee .. repeat.ecU7 _.tecl. u..- ... e get on, the !:;ctter for our nelgh- selZO y revenne e ec Ive8, a ,ew deCimo volume or 766 pages

.... rl I h h' h convnlslOns of SpaOlsh America filly domestlo fowls may he Catted on It bors In nl.ne -- o .. ~ o£ teo. tbe days ago, on the Northl'rn frootler, 1"RIC.S

,,~.ery tt e all It erto been writ- prefigure what the South wonld have wltbout any otber food, .nd that too. better conrse 18, If a man cbeats yoo, l!bfxltyd otf .... b.ob .. oonlaloed \In cans PlaloClotb BlDdlog. Buled Border Llnel. Sl 00 ten abQQ' tbe trufBe i and we look In d h d h h te t th b qlllt dealing wltb him If be 18 abn Q 109 rom tree to five gallons or emoev ................ di

,," " • 126 yllilJlJ for aD'" accoont of Its habitat experience. a er Independence In a 8 or rime an on t e mosl 'Spirits Roau. Red EdgSB... A ~

'lO,l Ii d ~ been wrested from the Federa.l au- nntntlve grams I have recently sive. qUIt hIM company; .nd If be &oao. Gilt Edges. .. .. 200 or w~, 0 s Of propagatIon in botam- th t Th t d f h M m d e rlmenl a d t slande~ yon, toke care to live so Eilz:\beth Taylor, in Kentncky, Turkey morocco. Gilt," .. 80D Cal .grk.. In 1I~lentJlio trea'l'ses It Of] les. e ra e 0 t e Issourl. a e.n xpe ,0 mos say. .a " T k G It th CI d

v • Doper MIS I d Ob t d tbat the resolt Burprl~ed me aa I had that nobody WIll beheve him No was divorced from her hosband In urB~J'Od~o.rocco. I • WI aspa an < 00 ill ii1~d intbe ranka oftbe esculent b b s IISIPPI an 10 arres ' I b tb k t '1- F - " u Ii I I't: th 10 d Y a oom acrnss the gre.t river be· 8 ways een ra ~r 8 ep Ica • our matter wbo he IS or how he mlt'lnses 1861; marrIed another, was divorced Oheap E,ht,oll PIa.lD Cloth. without nnled' I~t"h e"mTubB room'b an 1,S'llow Cairo. and tnrned from New- turkeys were confined In a pen, and you tbe wisest' way IS to let him from hIm soon lifter' re marned her Haled Horder Lmes. 76 bam e 0 er Cl arlU I t On the reI elpt of tile prIce for 61lher of

If Tb r ~ W f t' t Orleans and the Gnlf to New York fed un meat. bOIled potatoes. and alone; for there IS nothIng better first husband, and now seek. a dl- the above style_. a c'ry, Will be sent, by " e "e .. re e 0E nalllhre 8 Phro uo and the Atlantlc--tbere IS no SlOgle oats Fenr others of the same brood tban thlR cool cal m alld qmet way vorce from blm agalB mall. to ",y p.rt of the OIted Bt"te •. • 1Ona aays an ng IS aut ollty fi f d I 'b • • Cople. m,y "Iso be obtaloed at the ornoe " • . 'aspect wherem tbe overthrow of were also con ned In anotber pen. 0 ea 109 Wit the wroogs we meet. Tbe E:npress Eugenle VISIted sev ot tbe SJ.BBATn RECOBn&&

ao e:ltr~ordJllary as thl8 famJly of secession IS not a great escape for and fed dally on the same aHlcles. eral cholera hospItals In ParlS reccnt-the fODgl i and to no other country the South -N Y. Tnbune bnt with one plllt of very 60ely pnl SALTING ANO P.lCIUNG Poas: --I WIll Iy. and mlnlstered at tbe bedSides of th~ on, own are tbere so blany vem:ed charcoal mIXed With tbelr tell you my mode, alter an experIence tbe SICk WIth all tbe sollcltode of a 'f'u"lJiel of the class to be seen, wltb mfINESE SEEDS A .... D PUEl> meal and potatoes Tbey bad also a of tblrty years I 8110w the bogs to sister of chanty their cnflOOI ".hap~8, their bello~Iful vt'" ., .On plentiful sopply of broken charcoal oolor., a,dd dl¢lr f.lrY rIDgs, spru;tg The Washmgtoll Ohronwle says lD theIr peo Tbe eight were killed cool after kllllDg-take ant the bones. The C:lOgresslOnal Beat of James ing up like milgic after a Dlgbt's that C(;mmISSlOner Newton. of the 00 the slime day and there was a ~~I:S S~~~I~~!~e)~~, at c~~ ~t~ h:~: Brooks. of New York. IS to be con rlln or a dablp d$Y." Unlike the AgrlC1lltllra,1 Department, has re- difference of one ~nd a balf ponnds tested by W E D.}dge. Eleven mllshloOIll. tbl' stl'lltllge fonglle IS celved from Cbma a collectIOn of each lD favor of tbe fowls wblCb had pork IOtO pieces of nvement Width bnndred pages of testimony have prOP/Ap"d und(rr tbe surface of tbe nearly one huodred varietIes of been supplied wltb the charcoal -put a quantity of ;salt 10 the bot been taken and filed SOI~. Tlley.re found where the SOIl cereals and vegetable seeds. ID small they belDg mllcb the fattest and th~ tom of the ca8k-then'Pnt 10 a conrse Wilham Johnson. tbe ooly brother . III.ell: 1 • d 'th B t quantitIes for the experimental or ,of meat-laYIng tbe pieces on the of the PreSIDent of tbe UOIted States II , oa~Y, ml:le WI In • or, meat greatly soperlor H pomt of edges-tben a coverlDg Of salt-then il.compoee.1t 01 ohalk and clay. They propagatlog garden, together wlthi tenderness and flavor -Germantown and Oollector at Velasco. dl€d Nov

I t Ih t fl t an almost endless vanety of c I Imother conrse of meat, and so on 4th He dIed frorn the eff~cls of 'n ,row c Ole 0 e roo II 0 arge reep, nr OSI- Telegraph ootil tbe cask IS foil The whole IS " and Teem t6 ~ prQpaglited by the ties from Chma Tbese are tbe re- aCCIdental gunsbot wound .... ril.' d:r:- of then lonl. fibrous suits of the labors of Varnnm D. MANUFAcrURES IN WORCESTER -Tbe carefully kept covered with brIDE', as Tb d d b h d r- ~ r If' • b db tb' 0 IIlns h t t th t t m strong as saIl and bOlhog water Will e groun oecople y t e IS rootl, an noorll e 1 e npptngs 0 ,W 0 wen a a. conn ry .aansarlpt says tb:t.t the largest mantled forts snrroundmg W ashlDg frolll ,bel' "aDobes. Tbe1 are foond about two years smce In thlB col brancb of bnsmess In Worcester 18 make. sklmmmg tbe bOlhng brme ton IS to be turned over to tbe own la Jbto&beriee. plantations and lectlO.n IS 0, Cbmese ,olume on botauy the manufaotnre of boots and sboes ilO loog as anythlDg rises Tbe brIDe ers as soon as all tbe bUlldmg~ at-w~"'''''. altd IIOIXI"'Umes ill banks and and agrlcnltnre, pflDted 10 tbe ClII- amounting to .2.558.51~ The ne'xt' IS put on cold, and I am carefol to t h d t tb f d

ERIE RAILWAY -TRAINS LEAVE D"pot loot of Chambers st. New York.

VIa. Pa.VlJOI<t. Ii erry 7 A M Day Expres. for Caoaodalgna. Ro

cbestert Bufftl.l0, '!:ht,ht.molLDCla. and West COD oeelS Ilt Buff .. lo wtth Lak:e 8bore aod Graod Truok Railways. aod at &Iamaoca with At laotlc a3d Gre"t We.tero llallw .. y.

830 AM. Milk and Way lralD. dally, to Otlsvllle

10 AM. Express Mall. for Buff,.lo. coo oectlDg wltb Latte c;bore llall .. ay 'J' M, Way tram. for 1'ort Jervl.,and

Newburgb 5 PM. NIght Express. for Canand&lgua.

ROChester, Buffa.l0. 'doalamanca. aud West 6 P M I Llglltumg .l!:lpre~8 da.lly, for Ca­

na.nda.lgua, .Kochester, Buffalo Salamanca, Duolr.lrK aoa West Conuect" at Buffolo with Lake ::lhore 1L0d Oraod Truok: llallway. and at ::!"Iamaoca Wltb. Allaotic aod Great Wegteln ltallwifo,}.

8 P M Em'grant Tram. dally. for BUffalo. Salamaoca. Ounklrk. and West

HUGH RIDDLE Geo'l Sup·t. N. Y W. R IIJ.BR.Geu·! Pass Ageot.New York.

dlin'IItt b. "r btl AI i" know that there IS al ways nndls<olv ac e 0 e orts are sol "!\'I'!:I'l'l':iI. O. ab~ahY' were Ireets nese an~uage I SOl nQmderohos spe- IS the woolen maouf .. ctorerd. 82.162,. ed salt In the barrel It IS not fonnd It IS offiCIally ascertallled. from

"b08n I beMa' t em or at a Itt e clmens a agncu tnra an at er Im- 931', wife do .1.500.000', roIling Id h b tbe rolls In pos'esston of tbe Govern- tl Trams leave the followlog stations at the d

• t ,. bite Th ltd h {'\ .. necessary to sca t e nne In spring • mes lUdwated II ance .rom t e r II mil. ey P emen s an mac mery ~llIte a mllls.·1 300000 " cotton and woolen h G aOBNELLSVILLE .. r I t r' lilt f I fib i' I sometimes nse saltpetre. aud 80me ment. t at en L'e's armv. when It gro~nn yo,. 0 CUll era ON 81:1 0lr

l arge cO

f ebc IOn 0lspeclmens a res, macblnery, $1.190.000. Then there times not H.ms and shonlders are surrendered. contalOed 28 000 meo, ~oo~n! ~a'l. ~o;~~ ~~Bl.

JlYeJl round eallh tree. " or WI some 0 t em rea curIOSities, accom- are thirteen estabhshrnents which d G J 8'1 12 '0 P II h .\ II ·_lo .. ~ th k' d f th II d II salted 10 separate casks an en obnston's 31.000. ' ' 'e:.., ourl_ ""pea every ID a pany IS co ectlOn, an are we prodoce from $100,000 to $100.000 142 P II 3 10 ..

tree. bot freqoenl lbe oak, tbe hme worth the attentIOn of tbose versed rer annum. aver.glDg $334.000 eaoh, _ A monnmeot of Scotch granIte, 10 .. 5' 83D .. aad ced.r, and ~ppear e.pemally to 10 sucb matters. amountmg to $' 348.000 Tbere are A DWARF ENGINE -One of tbe ten feet high, has Jllst been erected ALFRED 8 '0 .. 10.' 'be beecb, elDee wherever tbat Mr Newton also receives wltb thiS beSides Dlnety two dllTerent klOd~ of most cunol1s ar,lcles of an exhlbl- at New Haven, over the remains of 105 and HS PilI 0,. BO. 860 r. II tree growl ",lth 'be richest loxurl' reinforcement to bls department a mechanICal bl1SlDeB~, vary tog from tlOn now heIDg held III Eogland IS a Professor Wm A Larned. of Yale 1 D3 ~ II "1INII~0 55 J. II aaile the traMe. are found In great nomber of speCImens of CblDese plio '500 to 890.000. and amonntmg 10 steam englOe lod boller, In mIDl"tllre. College, who died In Febroary, 1863. 733" 1 '8 r II aband.aql ... d of the best qnahty" per Bamboo paper, nearly wblte, tbe aggregate to about $1.615.000 and descnbed a8 tbe sm.llest steam Two bOy8 III CaIro got into a scnf· 13 19 P II 685 ..

when trofllcs and of goud qU.llty, sellsln OblOa at Total $a.73'.454 As the popnla- eogme lD tbe world It stands 8Clr- Be at school tbe other day, wben ulle 950" l~~ ':.

.i:eE~~~!~~~~i Is tbe month of the rate of III 08 per ream; a good tlOn IS 80.0~8. It .ppears tbat Ihere cely two Inches In heIght, .. nd 18 fat.lly stabbed the- otae.r wl,h a PalmDtI.IP appearance de- qll.hty of B.mboo paper, 't'ery hgh~ IS one branch nf mannfactuflDg in- covered Wlto .. glass sbade. The kOlfe Tbe juveDlle murderer IS 11 324- II. 13 59 J. • .281.70' P.II

Q~1l tbe .tate of yellow, at $2 65 per ream i Mnlberry dnstry to every 332 lohabltaots 8y wheel IS made Qf gold, wllb steel aboot 10 years old CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW lER I.n a dry "lion the paper, nearly white and rather 81m· There are of cour.e a large number arms •• nd makes seven tbousand ra- Tbomas Morsey was killed to tbe SEY~FromfootorLlbertyStreet.North

will Dol look Cor them sy, $1 00 per ream; straw paper, an of tradlDg est.bhshments, fin.nclal volUtlOllS per mmote. Tbe eng me axe works at Ellst Donglas. Mass. River. N. Y -Coooeetlllg at Hampton luno v b d II t I b ht II f and bOil r t d t tb tlOO wab Delaware. Lackawana and WelUrn .. ,.o,em er. an exce en q aa Ity. rIg ye ow, or Instltotloos, &~, beSides a very oon- er are .IS ene age er receotly, by tbe bursting of a grlnd- Ballroad aod at ElUlton with Lebl,h V&lley II.. for wr.pplDg' 75 cents per ream; mul- slderable populationengllged m agrl- With tblrtyelgbt mmiature screws stone Railroad and Its Coooeotioos.formlDCa dlrecl , .. ,ro •• bll" .Itlls- berry paper, browo. a good qoa!lty, cllllure, so that Worcester may pro- .nd bolts, the whole weighlDg fOllr- .Mlcbael Mitchel W&S killed at ~~:a~/;f!~:s~BG and. TIlE WE.::lT. WlthOUt

dlllD.p,wtaatliertbey 1'111 .145 per ream; Bamboo paper, bght b.bly ch.llenge a comparIson wltb teen gralDs, or onder one qoarter of Cbelsea. Mass, while at tbe bottom lirlid'f'lllit'.~Itt •• 41'''11. They 1'111 in· color aod good lace, $134 per ream; aoy otber CIty III the Uolted States an ounce_ The m.nllCacturer •• ys f II G~:~xp~~~rr~I~~~a1IEy ro~ J:!Ew!.~.S~l<

:ft1)m 'GII'tlter to balf a ponnd .nd 8traw paper, good qoahty, 61 for Its diverSIfied Industry that the evaporatIOn of BIX drops of 0 a wde • a :tone f"lling from the cept Sundays. wbeo one evening tratn. • lIona tbey cents per ream ThiS p.per IS more water Will drIve the engme eight top an crns 109 bls skUll. 8m:y KII •• &nd Two Hours saved by thl.

Th ... Dy .. ar. DO\ lmttaUona; bot, -" •• tD' -

LIQUID I'OU, -(with the .zo.pUoo of AYe lit tile oolor. wbloh are Nldom ul8d)-"nd pr.pa,ed br an experleooed praotlollol Dyer. on II 11111' princIple. th.y .re II'lIrranied .nll.rlor to any other 10 market lor belluty. depth and permaoenoe of oolor. "od to 111'1 .,,\I.fao tloo to IlII who u.e them. Tbe 0010 r. will bear wlUlbln, II'lth 10~p and .. arm "ater The dlrectloos aooomp"oying elloh bom. are ploLm aDd full. formIng a oomplete rami Iy 0f,r·. A.88IStaot and GUido. by follo .. lnr "hlcb tbe mo~t In8xpenenoed Cao produoe a .pleodld oolor. wltb yery little trou ble and at trllllOg expen... '

Prepared and put up In 25 lind 60 c801 bot. tles. by IlA.BRIOTr & CKA.IlPL'N

We.llrly." t •• And BOld by Oru"lslI and 'Dulin ... ry. ...bere

E .t; ll. T. A!THONY .t 00 . ' M.ooUFACTUBERS OF PttQTOQUPBlO


_01._ AIIJ1_~. 601 BBO.ADlrA.Y, .aw ro_.

In addition to our m"ln bOllne .. 0' P.O. TOGR&.PIlIC IlATEIUA.LS. W8 are 1I.",olll'­terll for tile Collomog. vIz STEREOSCOPES '" SfEBE08COPIO VIBWI

or tbese. we have an Immen .. uaortllltnt, Including

VIEWS OF THE WAB, Obtained at great upen ... and formlll, a oomplete paCTOGBJ.FIIIC IIIS1'OBr o. us a.u~ 1nI10II


Bull Run. YorktowD, Gellysburgh. Fur Oakl. Savage Stll.hon, Frederlcksburgh. Fmrfax, Richmond. Deep Bottom. MOOltf)rII,

Dutch GaP. Pontoon Traloa, Hltnover Junotlon. Lookout KOUhttillt, Cblck .. homlny, City Polot, N.sbvllle. Petersbargb, Balle PI.in. Chatl"DOoP. Atlanla • Hoblle,

~ ort Morgan. Cbllrlestoo. Florida. !ltrawberry PlalDl,

&0 • .to. &0 American aod ForeIgn ClUe. tlod Land.

IIcapes, Groups, Statuary. &0, &0 .Aleo t ltevolvlDg Stereoscopes. for pub!\o or prt­vale exblbltlon Our ()atalogue will be Mill to any address 00 receipt of Stamp.

PHOTOGRA.PHIO ALBUMS. We were the first to Introduoe thele Into

the Umted States. "nd we manur"cture 1m meDse quantities In gre"t voLrlety. rllngt", In price from 60 ceols to •• 0 Our ALSUM~ bave tbe reputation 0 ( beIng 8uperlor IQ beauty Ilod durabilIty to any otber '1 be;,: \VIII be seot by maUJ F&I!;t<:. 00 receipt of price . j

__ FIN .... nUlls JLU>J: TO 08»Ba. ,.



Our Clltalogue nO'll" embrace. oY,r 1'1 •• TnOUSAlID different subJeols (10 "hlob ttd\lL­tioos "re continually Delng made) 01 Eml Dent Americans, &c , viz about 100 Major Generals. 75 Navy OMoera. 100 BligaodleJ: u 126 8tKIO. 270 Colvn.ls. 6.0 Statesmen, '0 Art,st.. 1300lvlotlOl.

lUO Lleut Golonels 120 A.uthor •• 2.0 other Oilleers, 60 rromlDeut Women

S 000 Gople. of Worn of A.rt. Including reproduotions of the molt oele. orated J,;ngravlng •• Palotlogs Statue •• 110. Catalo;:ue. sent 00 receipt oll:!tamp A.n or. der lor Oue Dozen Platures from our Cat •• logue, Will be Ailed on reoelpt of IL 10, l1li11 lent by mall, .PRIB

Photograpbers and otbers ordering coo~ COO wlll pie ..... remit t"entyllY. p.r ceot of the amoWlt with Ihelr order.

__ Tbe prices IlIld quality of our looda canoot fatllo BaUlty.


1"".n'!. 17£ k. 176 GREENWICR-BT., (ONB SQU~1lB WK8T~J,. 'ROJ.~U.)

Between Courtlaodt and Dey·ets • life" Tort.

JOHN PATTEN, Jr •• ProprlWW.

The Pacillo Hotel I. well and widely kRoft to tbe travellog pubho The 10cIltioo 1181' peclally 8ult .. ble to merobanllaod bu.,ioe. men, It IB In close proximity to the bUllne • part of tbe City-Is 00 tbe hlgb"MY Of Bouth. el n and Western trllv.l-and adJ""'nt to 1111 tbe pllnClp.1 flallroad and I:Iteambo"tdQPola.

1 be PaClne bas IIber .. 1 .. coommodatlon tor over 300 gu .. ts , It Is well (urollbed. "od pot· sesseB every modern Improvement for the comfort lind eoterlalomeot of 1111 Inm"te. The room. are apacioul and we" ventilated I prOVIded wltb gas Ilnd watllr; the attend .. oce is prumpt RDd respectful; and the tabl. I. geoerally proVlded with every dehollo)" or tbe season

The subsortber. WhOI for the past re .. years bas been tbe essie. I. now lot, proprIetor. "nd Inteods 10 IdenUty hlmNlf tborougbly WIth lhe Inte.em 01 bil bouae • Wltllloog experIeoce IlJI a botel keeper. b. trusts. by moderate charge. and a liberal polley. to maintalo the favorable reputlltloo of tbe Pamno Hotet ,

N B.-To preveot overch.,ge by HacI!;' men. tbe coacbes of the Rotel "re o"n.d by tbe proprtetor JOHN PAT'J'EI!I./tl.



The eMel 10 this watoh are a ne" lu.o· doo. oomp08ed 01 several differePI •• taII! combIned. rolled togetber Ilod pl.ullhed. pro­ducing &0 ouot Imitation of 18 O"r,,\ 1I"0ld, caUed Arcana. Tbey are as b."u\lftd .. solid gold and are .. If"rde~ at one .. l,;hth tile cost Tbe oase8 are b8"~tlIUl!y deilln.d, aod are engrlived In "n 81"ot .tyl. oi tile celebraled Uold H~ntlllg Leverl. "od III eI. act "0 Imitation of gold lUI to defy d.teotlon. Tbe movements are mllnul"otured by the welllr.nowo at. Jimer Watob CompN; ot Europe. sod. are superbly IInl.b.d. hl.,'lq eog,I\ved pallets. t&ooy o~ned brl ....... justlnll re&qlator, 11 .. 4IaI tIIIIl •• I&IOK haods

Tbe .. 1I"atob .. alii aU Htlllliq 0 ..... a~ of tbree .1 .... the .,bUe.t beIUcfotJ.tt4l ... A c .... of oil< mll b.lOuttlTXilllOf __ for 'li6 A. slOgle Doe .eDI to Il .. nd .... CIU!8 for '~6 They wUl rlltldlly MIllo. tllrM timeR tbelr oosl. W • .. tso Import a "'1" ... perlor ftnl.h.d aDd el., .. nt ..... Iob, .. 1t1011 q cao .eU fur ISO eaob. or '160 per 0'" or .11. Tbese lire "'.0 huotlq 0 .... _ lind for UiIIIa Bnd Geot, W. are .ote .,eula tllr '~II W .. \ob In the United IItllt88. alld IItlile .... /leoulne whloh 40 nO\ be"r oar T,. .... •• PerIWol ordering watob... C. O. D I WlI& please r/tmlt 26 per oent of the amount .. 1111 tbelr order Orders for .ny kind at .Atoll. 811 promptly lind faithfully (nlAlleti. Ad.,.., AROANA. WATOH (JQ. No. 6t FULTOIJ· ST New Yorlt City • Import'nt tmd Deal ... 10 Watobes of eYery deaorlplloJl. 110_· Ion to G!rat"d W. Devaugh " lill.

ponod, while dlfthmlt to tear than that of American THli: HOGS -Wow IS the time to mIDntes Tbe dwarf piece of me- Tbat overcoat wblCh. Wasblng. ~~ht~n~~~~a~~:mc;:~n:~ St Loul •• &0 • to lIi:l illches manufacture. fatten the hogs to kill thiS fall See challlsm ia desIgned alld made by a ton taIlor bas been maklOg for Jeff. Ooe Express tralo daily. el<oept Saturdays. NEW YO R ~. AND B 0 8T 01f

A I.rge nomber of specimens of that tbey haYe a good w.rm and dry clock m.nufacturer 10 Horsfortb, ~a5vOIs, has been forwarded It cost for the 011 RegIOns .-Ob d I tb b t b E I d .. 1 FJ.LL A.&BJ.NGIIIINrB-COmmenolng Bept. N.wLoIlDON.NO.WlC.J.lIDWO·A_ ........

externally, oak, or a

Tlti. is tbe il~nother tlOd truller, ihough

accoonte, called accoQn' olitl color.

.. nd eqo.1 'l'hlB

tbrougb g .. illad

.nd i. of a firm, in color when

darter 0llt1l ita becoming en-

i'ftO •• .,.. grotMtIl, dillcoli1 10


lOese cor s arfl a 80 lD IS a c neBt Many fa.mers are In the h.blt og an %5. 181i5. Leave New York &8 fo\lolVs (SUnd",1 e1tcepted.) at 6 O·;nOOkP;"c,'· of cnrlosltles, and consist mostly of of bolllDg po ..... ktns and mashlOg The dwarf eleph.nt pnrchased by At 6 J. II for Easton. Ilaocb Cbunk. WII From PIer 39N. B., foot of V .. ttT ....... tho fibres of trees &c A rb ttl "'I' A F G Th f 1MB' E I!&msport. Wilkesbarre.llah .. ooy City •• tc New Yo-k

• .ew 0 es tbem wltb meal. ThiS mokes very J.IIILY J.TBIRING - e amI y r arnum s .geot In nrope •• ~ew "I T I 8 f FI • f d ~ ..... , ra 0 a t ~. II, or emlngtoo. Tbe new and ma&llillo.nt m •• ar om 0' o aorgo sogar, syrup, an a VllrIety good feed. S8 it comhlOes the grow of Jobo Markham and wife, of Mld- weekd sIDce. at • great cost, died OIr Ea~too. Water Gap.Scrantoo. Wilkesbarre. BOSTON. WlIllamW!lool<.oo.III .... rJ..~ of 1I0rghnm seed"" are embraced In 109 .nd fatt.'D1nD" propertlea neces- dletown, Conn, consilltlng of ten the passage from Eogl.nd Great Bend PlttstOO. Binghamton, &e. Ne" York_Tu .. daya, Tllu~." _1If' 'h II' tb b .. a b Id 9.1. • , Western .E:r.presB, for &aston, Allen d d r N r ..... 40 .... WI'-..A

• e co eC.IOo. e sngar elOg a very Bary One of the best hogs we ever C I ren With tbelr ten wives alld Rev Air ltomeyn pastor of a town. Bea.ding. Barrteburg. Pittsburgh. and i1:~&; an~°Prid:;.:""n p n-" ........ . fine arllcle. fattened was fed in tbl8 way, bnt an husbands, twenty graudchlldren, one Metbodlst Cborcb at Sioatsbnrlrh, N. tbe West. wltb bnt ooe chaoge of O&rII to OIn Th. nell' an411l1ll\l1lOellhtea_ mlor

A curiosity shown 03 _os a Testo- granddaughter In I d J ~ clonati or Chicago. and but two chan"'* to NEW YORK.. Tho .... G. ·.-.t·.--· ... ·'I 3 "m ~ Important precautIOn was osed in . .w,.n one great , was IOst.ntly killed by. col halOn St Louis e- Irom New YorIt-I(onda;.,".d~-;:;'

ment ~r1nted In CblOese I.ngnage, takmg out the 8eeds from the pomp- grandchlld-.lllo the mother of Jobn of two trainS on the Erie Railroad 12 II. Train. for Eaaton. Allentown. Hauob FrldtoYI. from Nell' LoBao~T1IuiIII,.i."h"" 10 the finest style of the Chmeae art. k'ns he fore cookIng The seeds are M.rkham, she belog gre.t-great- Chunk. BeadlDi. Pottev!!!e. Harrisburg. etc. daYI and Ila,Qtdaya. tbe re~ult of Amerloo d d he f Appended to a marriage notice 10 '00 r. II for I!lutoh. Soranton. Greatllend, l'beN two .te ........ 11.,.. ....... 1\ .. u, ,a'

mn geOlu8 an powerfully dmretic, and prevent tbe gran mol r to one 0 the cblldren Betblebem. MBnnch Chunk preMiy for till. route.1rith d.oiItl'Jl ... · enterprille, lD the person of AI, WJl- aOimals from fattenIDg. Let tbelr Ibul making live generations, as weLi oNfecwarYd~.~~ are tbe word,,: "Plenty 7 1" II Express trlltn. exoept Batttrda11l. PfOvemenll.lnoludilll Water fICIII§ h.m Gamble. supermtendent of the food be comparatively dry. MI~ a '11 the entire f.mlly and d-~endAnt. ~ ~wor the Oil 8ell'oo, via "auooll Cbunk IIDd menll.and are tile oo:r .te ...... ~ • A P b t A ~ maTh D . f C 1 b' b IlUamsport. sle.plDg care tbrou,h. for Lolli leland 80110 Wltll IItll

merlcan res y erl.n press .t lutle salt wub their food, and let of John M.rkbam, conslstmg oC e Istrlct 0 0 om la U a 600 p • for Somerville and Ftemlnlton. pr.N"lollmprcrr .... nt. Sboangbal. them. If conveu.eD~· h.ve ft little forty·five persons, aaeembled at the grog ebop to eacb 91 of tbe IOb.bi- 620p II.forSomerville. COnductorall4lo~TIIII'~k

or attention -a t 11 d t ... .. • • t t 8001" J(. Western EJ:pr.IS, for ENton, AI ".y. p_n ... ,. p;OOMd 110.... · " II nex ca e a cbarcoal. Abo,e aU tblDgB. do not old bomestead, recently. The fol an s le"town.Budlng.lI&rrllburg.Pltllbura.and Immediately on .ul .... 1 IltIR_en. t .

IeYen cates of Insects, collected 10 teacb tbem how to squeal -Mau,e lOWing peraon. "reprelent the fi.e Ooly 12 of the '0 forts and eaJ:tb· the Weat Sleeplog Car. from lerMY City pr_ Tralne 10 Bo.&o&. Wllid It •• Una, Obloa, .nd tbe greatest variety ever "'a--. generatlona, VIZ'. Sorab ".rkham. works .ronnd Washmgton .re to be through to Plttabnrg. Lawrance, rltobbVl, If __ , 00 ..... recel d tb ' d .r!1 ... ~. ~ .... ELIZ.lBilTBPORT AND NIlW YOBI: I'EBRY. Wblt. Kountallll.h .h.

ve In a. "partmen t from .ged 88 years; John Markh.m, IIoged ret.lned and garrl~ned Leave New T~rlt from foot Liberty.t • III p_ .... ramlltlll ... rr_ ..... . Iny place at anyone time. They are OUR Los .... IN GINElU.LS -From 68', George T M.rkham, a-d 46 " Hon J.cob Oollamer, U.S. Senator 10 ~ J(. .od '30 P Ill. From Pier 2 North DepO\ of "I. ~a." ...... ... .. ell wortb a c"ref ItO'¥' .,- Hlver. at' P II Tlte boata .top &t B.rpn aU ao P. 1(. Wol'llttkt " r.IL, II ... · ..

.. n IDspec Ion 80rne statlstl~made up a~ the War Edgar Markham, aged U ; and Geo. from Vermont, died at hl8 reSidence Point and Karrlner', Harbor. Ne" LondllbU' P. M. .~ A specImen of Chinese wall paper Department. ot'\~e cllsnaltles to onr E MarkbalB, aged 8 years. 10 Woodstock, Nov IItb Tloltetl for the .... t can b.prOClllreda ,.relllltUlt ••• " ....................

The raw graced the I"me t hi th If' the O.C. of the Ceotral Ka\lr~ of lIIe" II ........ III B ... q,rJ, Uit.aHl rtfJ mae, e co ors 0 genenl omeera rI'u" the war, It • Al d H S h d I' ..... -.. .. ... ea' I\nL which were red, .. ellow and bloe h os ex.n er tcp eus ec lDel to Ja ... ey, fOIl' of Liberty Str •• t, ortb RI1'.r GQOiilII 10 all. .... .1 ••

.. r-. " .ppear. ~ , • h' U • T_' lo_.>_ Oh.o. __ '" I' f 0 . b d' .t lifo 1 Aator Houl. at 171 and aI' aloM ......... or" 1IIt .... or. .. op"..iYl Tb~ ~ lDanufactured from the IIbr~ a we. ell" .. aJor n: 18. -'OOR 10 lie ........ "" too I~ ron or on,reea 1.11 18 I.inct In •• rL;r::l , .. frlael»&l~.. ....... .... ~!

General. and 86"~ Brigadier UeofllaaD &00 ~ (Morli" Iv 0.1DdII" .............. " I .... .,.l "