0 01-. rju ? (£., jcflj() k' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben i told him that, according to oj¥...

£, /t(ntcr fbru /0 01-. RJu? (£., Letfr J CfLj() K'

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Page 1: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve

£, /t(ntcr /(GtJse~ft fbru /0 01-. RJu? (£., Letfr f~

JCfLj() K'

Page 2: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve

One f rois-'11.l.UI!!ll lll.eterle , hollY'·,oorl , C:llif - about l'e~tin~iederich Wol out of Cftr.p lluvorne~ hriege, France to Mexico

One from Kurt flose nfeld . ))5 Broadv.ay, t!YC - asks t hat GenPr••l Per shing be requested to cable Uurectwl retain on behal ~ or the anti- !Jazis in unoccupied ~· ranee . August 24, 1940

JJrde Park , Nn York

J.ly tiear L)r. lar~i!don : t

><t Mrs. :!oosevelt 11!' Nlquest- 1 &.Ill

encloqin:; ttvo ~ "le<r:.<ms .,hich st.e t.n s received. S!-c " "111<1 be <iMply t; r utefu£ Jb r t~h~> tever you conld do t o help in either c~se .

Very si B:erel,y y::~urs ,

I Dr, P'rank lti.o.gdon !margency Rescu. Committee 122 last 42D1 Stretlt !lew York, r ... York

Secretaey to Wrs. llooeevelt

/f) / /.._)


Page 3: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve

.' · .~~~ ottaobod ro: BO!p•!IL Lustis appeore

to be only listing in ruee under name

~rp£.- .. .,.1 _.e;.~._ ... ~ ...... ........

s .

Page 4: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve


II;J dear Dr. liJIIdozu

lira • ltooeft'elt. 1a • OJ'T'7 t.•t tbS.

npq \o lllllt ~ 11h1cb .a. -.de - U.. cue 7011. .-. t.o her on OotoW 4 b DDt .ore CICIO~. Boweww, lbe kll01111 of ~bUll elM llblcb aJ.cbt. be dooe about. it..

Dr.PI"'DDtl~ 122 lut. 42lld ..... ._ ton, lw tortt

v...,.. einoereq JOV••

Sm Lt.r7 t.o lira .. tooaeYelt.


;oJ; v


Page 5: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve


My dear Mr. President:


October 11, · 1940.

Attached is a memorandum for Mrs. Roosevelt.

It is assumed that this is the form in Which you wanted



Memorandum for Mrs . Roosevelt. Letter with enclosure from Frank Kingdon returned.

The President,

The Wh1 te House.

Page 6: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve


ll"'ill•••-•11'"" ....... ,, 1<1 - """""" 0: _,. ......... ,. fRIINK KINGDON

121 lASt • lad srun HfW YOU. H. ' ·

ltra . Fr anlclin D. Rooae~lt The llhite Houa e Wuhillgton, D. c .

~ dear Ura . RooaeTelto


Ootober 4, 1940

Aa a hwoan dooUMilt aDd a detailed aocouat o1' one tudl)< 1 a experience, thia paper will, I aa sure, be of interest to you .

The inevitable question i a, 'llhat oan we do about itT The &newer to the:t I do not lr::aaw. Perhape, nothing, but I .., aure that it will atir you .


- ( (r?

Page 7: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve


._,,,. =•~ DM!P.!

!MH UUn-.1 ..... Ul Unnell... OIM -

.. , ........ "'-' &lftalte ....... ldal ..... lea.

It 11 ~ anu.u u ......... ..

...,.J'illle .. r«r M .._.. •• of • •=ws. IIIUP

U. law Ull ~al 1a ft.w& wt.a • ata 11"117 of

wlllllt .a.. ..... u .. .rti.Nh o-t .. ..,..._ .. of • ._._

.... ftl ~iaal .... ~ ·-· IOUIIll ..

.. ...,. ........ ~ ..... ,. ..... Uete wtllllt lien 'Mo

•'-lUI& ltJ tM PNil.oatte .-lHN, ... n.,Ma

Wlll, 111'. lllliaa ........ llftftl ...... ....... .

u.. &aevutt•• a111 •.W• ~u ... w till .-.. . •11 Ulat tlae7 -.n M Htllftl& tllat ............ ,

"pateUoa aliA lateaUoae ef till qpUeaate Ul lUll

Uaat Ulail' , .. ,_ la _... laUI& ltatee wlll aot 'be

utrPeW .. .a. &ate""' .r a. tau~& ....... tbl1 11 ... J'Itoo4 k lie tbat tlaolJ' lahDUOU U1 at

•llnrat.n aliA tbat tlaelr -....-.. 04 .. ,.taueae

... 01-.

Aa lO \be 1U ... t .... , 1liiiUe .. lff1HJ'I If

\be ltate De,....., !lan u biV1otp of \be u .. hr

1a .. fllll If ...... 1 ... ' u 11 fall'lJ to ...

ae...a ,_ tb lt&'-U la tM 11tMJ' UHlf la 1.)

U..t - ~ U111t lleft 1111-al'•to& .. 11M ••ftl ....

Page 8: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve

... w .... u .. whlell •• .. , ~• _ •• ..,. ... ._. to lot n

Leetll •• *'* ..,. M ta. ute..Sutln futer 1a

~ fe: hUon of •• •••1'• _., .... ,.

It 11 l.llpr .. tlal ..a ...u" 1a nelatt• of

law .. ol'tar .. ...... J ...... tei'UJ' " bat a na.

rvtM ..... u •1114 " .Ute -...u .. l " oeau..l­

•~ 1a tiM Dtpawk•t ot lkte 1a Wa~ tile pewr

I :.,~ ·t.: M 11&11 ... ea. lallTlbal ..... A ... rt.ala aaaat

~ ~~x, ......... u .... , ......... 1a ... IODftl• 1a .. ~ r, ~

tltU .U .... 1Ja 41Het eoaQet v1_. tU ptNODI aat

* lau.nn u... •4 laaft u oppon•1 'J' to tom

!he Dep&Maent of nate on Ootober 11, 1940 oablt4

to the AQJ"1oan OoniUlate at L11'boD '- 1nqulre •• to the

oll'Oua•tanoee of 1he ,ppl1oant• • oa .. aD4 adl4 that a

oablt4 report be etllt.

Page 9: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve


Lua~ig, Poste Reatante

Figueira da Foz, Por~al


... ...., p I

Septeeber 1&, 1940

Our sraat J07 011 receinnc yow- cablegru readina •!iash14aton

infonoa visa granted, Lisbon consul will be Authorized" was all ~o soon con­

siderably dampened . By no .. ans does the consulAte take the view that H wet

give us the visa. We did Dot send you a cAble becauae the facto are too """'Pli­

ca ted; besides , we have bardlT any money at the moment . Mf deur c •.•• • , we boa

you, please t rx to set us the visa by all aeaps . Above ell, speed is imperative ,

and unlesa soaeone again intervenes in ow- bebalf, ,... shall Dot be able ~ leave

bore until Nove~ber.

These are tbe facts:

At the Consulat<O in LUbon, there is a dossier entitled •BobuaU

or Hans Lustig. • this dossier cont ain••

1 . ) A let tor f roe !.IGll witb reference ~ Bobumil Lustia. The Con­

sul will not tell ae llh&t tbis letter contains; tbe con1Alnts of official docuaenu

are never disclosed. All I know is that this letter has bean there for many weeks

already; therefore , it IIIUSt h&Ve been sent before the O. X. froa fiasbington arrived .

2.) A eow ot a cable r roe the State Department in liasbingtob.

'l:bh cable contains the nllllles of some seven or eigh ~ persons, "outstanding intel­

l eotuala" - writers, etc . whose lives at present are endane ered and who, a s

autborHies in their tialds, are of soae 'falue to A&erica.

This cAble gives the Consulate the per•ission and the reco=-enda­

tion ~ grant tboae people via&e. This ia tihat ia knom as a •preference cable•.

The neae of Bana Lustig , or li . G. Lua t!3 ia aentioned in the first or second place .


Page 10: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve

It t.ook gnat effort on wt pa.rt to obt.ain this .lnt'o.-Uoo, altbOUJb 1 don• t even

mom t.o mat action tb.ia recouenda tion ie duo. It lli&ht have boon tbo P!JN Club

wbicb baa taken the &Olle action in behalf of other ...,.ltersJ bu t I aa not a •ember

ot t.bo PIIN Club. Parbapa act1o11 .-aa taken by SOlie HollJ'wood people; or by a group

arouncl l'ho.aa llann. I have no idea.


Attar endless afforta, I succeeded in obt.ainina paraiaslon Cor a

t went;y-four sta,y iD Lisbon . I even auccee<lod in &ettil1a a porsonal interview with

Consul Gannett mo was unusuallr unobliaing and utraordinar~ unnt7ve<l. (Onl3

later cUd I hoar that he bad Juat b .. n notAtie<l ot b.J.a dJ.ocipll.nar7 transfer boC&Uso

V.asbington had reo&lve<l 10 maey complail1ts about hill .) llr. Glllll>ett gave me no

hope whatsoever; at first he oven sal.Dtained stubbornly that thoro n s no auch doe­

aider u •Bobtlllil or Hans Luetia•. '!'ben bo declared that ann if sueb a dossier

exia ted, it v;ao of no il1terest to bill at all. 1\hen I sbo•1ed bim your cable, ba

nusbed and aald exci t edl;y, •Onl.J tbe Consul mq decide whether you will recei vo

tbe rlaa . Wa~ can onl3 augaeot it, tbat 1a all. You are a C•ech, and ao

you bavo no homeland . If we want to gat rid of you after si.x months, we will not

k:non whore to send you. "

Tbe contract with IIGII ·ns of no intereat to bia at all, not even

trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve<!

by Wasb.l.ngton. •waeb.illgton baa no rigbt at all to il1tertere witb ua J.D theaa cases, •

no bie ans•ar.

111t.b tha t , my ~ and I wara dJ.m1Beed without anothor word .

Second cbapters

'!'be next day we eaw another Consul, a llr . llcArtbur, a cultured,

channing, young II&D . Sw1dlin1;y, t.be dossier was there; tbe Consul read it caro!'ully,

also, untortunatel,r, tbe notas ot bla colloeaue ll&de the day before. Tbis was tbe

result a

Our ch.ance liee obvioual,r iD tile •proterenco co.ble• , for thlo cable

Page 11: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve

wae allooet lobe sole bub of our nogotbtione . Aa tar a o the IIGII action 1a con-

cemed, it appears !.hare 11 oal;r t.he one lntar Lbere, but not - u I bad bop«! -

direct advice tro~~ Waabincton. 'l'be people in lobe consulate t.heretor•, bave M.d to

t ake 1111 word fo1· lL, v;bich t hey can doubt if they wish to.

As for tho cable about the outatandinfl intellect ll&lo , llr. llcArtbur

adaitted there aigbt be a cM.nco f or ae in tbet. h were able to a eet. Jlr, CannetV a

turloua objections by talllnl llr. ~cutllur that n bave, in tho aeanmue, secured

visao for Costa Rica . Be adoitted LM.t after au aontbs in the U. S . A., t.he govem-

mont , will now bave tho poos lbility of forcibly returning us to Costa Rtcn, if H

should deea it necessary . (Despite the contract 1'1ith IIGII which runs for 40 weeks ,

there 11 still tal.k onlJ' or a visa for six months .) llr . McArthur soged w be

wlllin& to aoke things eaaler for us . l!ntortll!lately, be later again consulted llr .

Gannett for bis oplnion. (llr . Gannett remained a f ew aoro days 1n bis oftica 1n

Liobon.) l'be result of his interview witb Gannett was that L had to give them a

thorougb aeeount ot "l1lf journalistic and rial cereer, and everything was put down on

pa!)8r. I nressed the fact that as a deaocra tlc j ournalist, and author ot anti­

nazi skatcheo for Radio l&ondlal (•bleb were broadcss< to Arlorica eve1-y Sa~a;r 1n

an English translation) and i"inally, aa the author of An anti-nazi motion picture,

I am particularly &nd&ngel"od . I staud t'urtber, that I would nover beco111e a public

cbarao because I have a le,itmate studio contract. All this aee=od to have a

favorable r•aetlon. Hevarthe.less q- case - ae •ell a.s the caaea or t.he ot.her alx

or s even lntellectuala .moae naaes appear in that cable - will be submitted to a

council composed of all tour counsuls at Lisbon. rbis councll will decide on either

an •avis favorable" or - thanks to llr. Ganne tt - a ru'usal. Tbon, r:e oro told, tho

.:bole report 1111st ~o by Clipper to llashingtcn un tbe pretext that 1 ubingt.on h llllp­

poaed to check on our sta.aaents fraa the Wormation they have t.b9re on us . fbis

procedure nppears un11"ual ""' me, and certainly not 1n keeping >rith the lnten•ions of

\.a!Shln11ton . At W¥ rate , H is a most ;>retrac t ed procedure ~nd 1 oon ' t see any puu-

ln "· e The negot.i~ Uone r lth Bra: il did n>1. tibll.a.cy o! .. o ... ""..t..nt. a .. -.y ·rv.w nare .. .u.. •

Page 12: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve


lfork out, ond the vl•ae for Cuota nica ure only 1 concession on ~he part of ~he

conaul and by no Cll&nl l'an:tlt us an iJD:nedi&t.e tntry in to t.bal. probably rOIIantic

c~untry . f.e hc.d t" ,>OY for :.bese vi•ae rlth be last of our coney.

~· Con y~u help us?

Perhaps ""'

1 . ) Yll th an official cablegr om !rom lo!G61- or if H !o poaoible ,

a cable directly fro1> 1\ash.lngton - in ,,llich 1 om earnestly requested J'o 1\0M,

ntating that I IUD valuable for the Aaeriean fila inc!ustry . At ~he e..,e tl.ea, it

obould be ;:ado clear tha• IIlii bas received approval from l.ashington for iu action .

2. ) The croup -.:bicb n.e able .o include Bans Luetic on • the prefer­

ence ca~• in the list of •outstanding intell1Ctuolo• - (I u sorry not to know 'llho

they are) - should again intervene in Waahin.ton . I know that Washinston 1a already

Quito annoyed that the oonllulate i n Lisbon is uains the most incredible subterfuges

to counteract t.bi£ action •~orever possible.

"7 dear C • • , •• coulci you please do t.Ometb.ing in this utter? Perhaps

dth the assl.st.enee or llanfred Oeorg, llr. Dieterle, Curt liiess, or any other group

wbicb llligbt ba•e in•erveaed in our behalf. And pleaee, let 11e have e copy of any

cablegram 'llhich llisht be sent in thie connection >O the consulate, to that 1 at least

have eome·thing in hand, for the consulate volunteers no information . It ls alwsyo due

only to mere chance that one le&rns something hae arrlved there regsrclina one• a c&:•• ·

'!'be whole affair is a nr o!' nerve• wi tb the consulate, and n 'llho

are living here all bave to suffer froe it . B7 no •eane do we """t to rc.ain here

through the winter . And, inciden~, we are in no position to do eo. The govem-

11ont baa, for the last tilDe, exteJ~ded our s tay here for one Jt<>nt.h &nd •e are given to

understand quite emphatically that their pst1anoe baa reached en end . Tbtre are many

other weighty reasons also for our •ish to tail eoon , You can guess •hat they a.re.

To top it all, r e have had no nno fro• our brother-in-law in Cenada for weeke .

Page 13: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve


Tbe thins 7ou aisl>t be able t.o arr.nge in ~he qlliclteot and eilopleo~

lll&llller wuld probabl7 be tbe eablecru troa IIGII to t he conoulne, w1 tb a copy t.o ••·

That would at l east Coree the dooe1er pertalnin1: t.o IllY ca.se to be teken up acain and

the affair !fOuld not disappear entirel7 in~ oblivion. (For Lbat 1s the 111ethod of

l.be consulate . ) The consulate auat be aede to realize tbet II;)' colling to Aaerica la

considered reall7 laportant and valuable, and that rq case io beinll followed up.

Ir it is possible to apeed up action at Washington with refer ence to

the cue of "Bobuall or Hans Lwotig", then rq cue is as good u "on.

Page 14: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve

., , .

l!rs. Roosevelt asks llll! to send

rou t.bi:~ enclos ed copy or a l etter ehe hae

received as :lbe thought you m:>uld be lnt.81'ftt.d

in aeeine i t .

Ve'f'T sincerely youre,

Secret.nr"T to l.lrs . RooeeYelt



Page 15: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve

Jt ,_.-"'- ........... _., ...........



l~y dear Mr. President:

I desir e t o r at er to your memorandum ot October 26,

1940 regarding the nature ot the reply that mi ght be

made t o the attached telegram addreeeed to Mre. Rooeevelt

on October 25 by Mrs. Howard M. Morse ot New York Ci ty.

Ae you will perhaps recall, t he reported ao tion ot

t he Spanish authorities i n sentencing to deat h a number

ot prominent leaders in t he former Republican Gover nment

in Spai n, and the action that it mi ght be possible tor

us t o t ake under the circumstances, was d i scussed i~ my

letter t o you of October 30, 1940. In accordance with

the decis ion which wae thereafter t exan t he Spanish

Ambassador, who 1S t horoughly familiar w1 th American

public opinion on questions or this kind, was asked to

call at the Department and wae received by me. I i n­

formed him that public opinion in the United States wee

deeply concerned by the reports of politioal executions

in Spain and With t he possibility tha t d1atingu1ehed


The President,

The White House.

Page 16: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve


Spaniards who hod held office in the former Spani sh Govern­

ment and who hod been refugees i n Franoe might be turned

over to the Spanish Government and then be executed. I

made it clear to the Ambassador that we recognizsd that the

treat ment ot Spanish nationals by the Spanish Government

was a matter or domestic concern to Spain in tlhich this

Government could not orricially intervene . However, act-

ing upon t he broader grounds or humanity, I expressed the

hope that the Ambassador would let it be known t o hie Govern­

men t immediately t ha t the American peopl e earnestly hoped

that political executione would not be undertaken and tha t

mercy would be shown in the Jdiepoei tion or political cases

or this kind. A telegram bas been sent to our Ambassador

in Madrid, acquainting him with the approach which we have

made through the Spanish Ambassador here and requesting him

in.formally to express the hope that our message might re­

ceive f avorable consideration on t he part of t he Spanish


vii tb ref erence to the nature of the reply t hat might

be made to H.re. Moree' a telegram to Mrs. Roosevelt , I lllliY

say that we have been replying to communications or this

kind along the following linea :

The Department has received a consi der able number ot appeals trom persona i n various walk, of l ife on behalf of leaders of the former Spanish Republican Government who are reported to be in danger or execution in Spain. In ae much


Page 17: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve

t "'~~lllnt:e ~ a.~· ..... IV«'t


- 3-

as these cases i nvolve the treatment of Spanish nationals by the Spanish Government and conse­quently the matter i s one of domestic concern to Spain, this Government cannot, of course, claim to have a direc t interest nor can it present any legal Justification for action on its part. For your information I may say, however, tha t acting upon the broader grounds of humanity we hAve ap­proached the Spanish Government with our views on this matter and have informal ly expressed the hope that clemency may be exerci sed 1n political oases of this kind .

With respect to the reported shipment of foodstuffs

to Spain me ntioned 1n Mrs. ~Ioree 1 s telegram, we have merely

s t ated that the Depart ment is infor med that in reply t o i n­

quiries on this subj ec t the American Red Cross has indicated

that it has made no such commitments .

It is noted that l~rs. Horse i s under the i mpression

that bo t h Senor de Rivas Cherif and his wife are i n danger

of execution in Spain. The information which we have r e­

ceived indicates t hat Senor de Rivas Cherif is one or a

number of former Spanish Republican l eaders reported to

have been sentenced to death in Spain. His wife, however,

ie understood to be r esiding in France and we have had no

1nformation ~o indicate that she might be in any danger of

execution by the Spanish authorities .

I am returning Hrs . !~orse' s telegram to ~Ira . Roosevel t


Fai thf

Enclosure : Telegram from Hrs . Moree.

Page 18: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve

l'lopurtnunt of atute



l..etter draned ..•..

. .l'.h • • ..l!rea.l.d.an.t. ... --··············-·

•· - -- 1-MN

···---.-............ -- ... ----····----··--··--·-··----····--------------· ___ _,__ ___ _ TELEGRAM

<atqe ~qiie ~ouse 56wuh 59DL, 4ex. ;trinslpughm

NEW XORX, N. X . , Oct. 25 , 1940


As citizen may I urge you to plead immediately

avo1d executi on ~ Spa1n of two celebrated d1rectcr1 of tor=er

Republ1oan Spanish National Theatre, Oipr1ano Rivas Cher1t and Wellesley

graduate wife. Why do we send wheat and give ored1t of one hundred

million dollars to Spain when 1 nt ernat1onally great ertistl are execu1:­


MRS . HOWARD W. KORSE, 140 West 11 Street.

12 : 24 l). Ql,

Page 19: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve

Letter from j!lrs. Abbott Sl mn. Apt., 5C - 965 Fifth Ave, , NYC about \Erich Jungmaon who is in concentration camp and wants to get to the u. s.

- r

...- 7, 191.0 ~ •• .-.... Jortr

., ... Dr. l1A,-. Will roo. pl.ea.e l et Ira. llooe..,.lt

llnow whether 70= Cc.a!.ttee will be able to do aft1th111C in thie caee? I t 1e one in 11111ob ehe 1e p.rtiealar~ 1oteruted.

Ver:r al.4oerel,r 1011n,


Page 20: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve

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~ -<f f4t? J ,{ I {. ...

.J A'"/--:_.) r Cc~(/

Page 21: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve

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I • _'*1., ,_ In'-• \oo U. ... _-_,_, --"' ............ 11or-· ........ ..-.. 1o *>itlc • -' -.1 ... w. ~ pl. t.o tio _.,.. I .._ ... 1t .., •l.po - llo _ , bo\ I aUl llo pd t.o MlJ>

iA--~--1 llopo T• _. _, oUl­.. -..., .... .....,.

lira. Abbott. Slmon Apt. )C 96S Flt't.b Avenue lllC

Page 22: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve

I· t. . .t_

Cba/,.,..,. FRANK lC!NODON


Gn~«rtjS'ICIJ RI$CU. ~mmill•• 122 EAST 42ncl STREET. NEW YORK. N. Y.


lliaa llalv1Da ThOllps<>n Secretary to Mrs . Roosevelt Hyde Park, New York.

August 12, 1940

"' I o <'6' J..


In recard to your nota of August 6th and the

enclosed l etter concerning Erich Jungmann, who is in the

C&mp du Vernet, we anall see it it is possible to get a

viaitor'a viea for hie .

or course, you understand that we ahsll have

t o search for e!fidavits of support and aponaorahip, but it

aay be that !.Irs . Siaon would be willing t<> supply these. 1\'a

are teking the liberty of writing direct to Mra. Sl..roon to

find out whether she is in a position to give tbeoe or to get tb.., ,

In the s&me lll4ll we received fr<>• you a l et tar

from Mr. Duid Wallach concern. ng the c&se or llr. B&chrt.cb.

Tho matter ia complicated by the fact that Mr . Wallach for­

got to give ua more than the lut name and present address

or the a&n about whoa be is worried, t.o wall o.s by this

matter ot the conviction.

We shall try , howover, to ga t complete informa­

tion and an authori tative opinion as to whether anything can

be done . le are t.akinc the liberty or writing direct to Mr.

Wallach Cor certain essential data and will let you know what

we eventually find .

Very s incerely yours,

~M O.&e." ~ ~

IIILDRED ADA.II.S, Executi ve Secretary.

Page 23: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve

I - -


r,...,..rw JAMBS H. CAUSeY

S«nt~~ry Mll.ORED ADAloiS

Gm.IJI)IInc'l J{!,~cus Commitles 122 EAST 42nd STREET. NEW YORK. N. Y. ·--


!lias iolalvina c. Th0111pson Secretary to lolrs. Roosevelt Hyde Park, New York.

Dear loliss Thompson:

August 7, 1940

Dr. Kin&don has not yet returned from the West, but in answer to your letter of August 5rd and the encl o­sure, mq I say we will be glad to take up the case of Dr. Wil li Wolf and put it through as rapidly as possible. It sounds like a simpl e case and the newly established visa routine should make it easy.

I a.m delighted to know that we can use Mrs . Roosevelt 's name in these cases. I take it you mean in the particular cases with which the letter is concerned. Her bac.king helps a great deal .


Very s incerely yours,

~~~ C1L..._ MILDRED ADAMS, Executive Secretary.

Page 24: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve


lib' dur Or. liAI(Ioo t

..... ~--lt b 1u~ed i.e tbh aed -ld 11ke to haft 1011 t.a• t.be proper etepe t.brouah ;,oar c-s.tt. .. too belp the .. J*)ple. She h .. no obje ct1011 to rour eqiJie that abe b 1Dt-.ted 11:1 ~eM ca .. e 1t 7ou think 1 t 1101t ld ba lp in atJ:T ...,. •

WUl you let • know 1t JOU w1ll be able to do .,U:inc?

SecNtaf7 to Ill's. Boo .. val. t

~Charles Fawcett , ~ri can Consulate , Ma rseille , ~·r~ce Dr. Willi 11oit, ~e . Kathe l'lolf, Ume . Lili Dunmann



- about

Page 25: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve


• fli!lll!lllll~ ...... ,. - ........... , iiU ~


!02 MIU'ID,lNO

Ia • .. •• tritll .... ~ ,..

+ ...._ uuto lUi*, •I•-. z-.• A&4 c-t•tee,

M \217, I 'm, ••J•n1, •ldtll _.-'

...._ neii&W4 'J liN. IJIS&leU ... - W..

fw &4 .. • ,_ r. .,_ ~-"• u4 --..

k~- -~~ d.

Dr . Frank Kingdon • ~A (;"~ J!)nergenoy Rescue Committee f/3 · 122 East 42d Street New York, !lew York

Page 26: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve

Dr . Frank KiDgdon, Emergency Rescue Oamnittee , 122 East 42nd Street , New York, N. Y.

Page 27: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve

C!!AIR!lA.i"l Fr ank ll.ingdun


James H. Causey

SECRErAI!Y Mildr ed Adams



lZ~ aast 42nd Street, New York

relephone1 UUrra;y Hill 5-48l lS


Mr. Thomas J . Doyle, The ftbite Bouse, Washington.

Dear lolr. Doyle:

August 2lSrd, 1940.

Thank you for f orwarcllng us the papers

concerning Mrs . Lillle Panick, 1n London.

I have forv.·arded these documents to

lUes CeciHa Razovsky of the National Ret'ugee

Service to whom I referred the origi.nal letter

from Mrs . Panick.


Sincerel7 yours,

w~ Q..l)u .. a)\ lol ILDRED ADAA!S Executive Secr etary

Page 28: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve

__k.Ji_,_Salvadori, 12 !.!a in J t. . , Canton, IJ . Y. - a CJout. t he plicht of the Italian exiles in France .

Sept..cllber 27, 1940

lly d~ Ur. t: inccton:

I s there aeyt.h1ng the El:ler,ancy Res~ Co~tt.ee could do o.bout. this? ?rill you let llrs . Roosevel t. ho.ve an;; :JUgJOstions you r.d.:ht be able to Qa){e?

Ver;: slnce:-e:.,· rour:~ ,

{ Dr. Fr ank Un8(1on E::itrtl"ncy Resou. COJ:IIIIit t ee 122 East. 42nd Jt r oet. tlell ! orlt , New York

Secretary to ure . Roosevelt



Page 29: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve

Cbau-Ftank K.lnocbl

Vklt Cbolr.aa L. HotllnQSwonb wood


Jcm:.o. H. eo.ty s.ctelcuy

Mildred Adams

Natkmdl CocomlbM flmtt Davil Mn.. F.mmooe 814lo• Dr. Robin HuiCbi.Pa t.ll ra. Hemry Coddard t..odl. Dt. WIIJIOID AU.a Ne4botl Dr. O!orr.... Seymour

Dr. GeorQ• Shu.•r Ra-'(111ond Gram Swtnq Ootolhv Thoml*ltl

c,.,"'Jin,&'J J:(,dCUI e,,w.itlfl. 122 EAST 42nd STREET, NEW YORK. N. Y.

1"Fl.EPHON£ MURRAY HILL 3 · 4590

October 1 , 194 0

Pliss U.-alvina c. Thompson Secretary to Yrs. Roosevelt The White Rouse lluh.lngtoo, D. c.

De•r Miss Thompson:

Dr. Ki ngdon has askedme to reply to 70ur letter or September 27 enclosiog a l etter about the pl1f<ht of the Italiano.

Dr. Lionello Venturi, of whom this letter speaks , is closezy coopers ti"'l with ua. The tact ia that the Italians for whom visas were secured in August, have not yet reached the comperaUve safety or Lisbon . 'l'e have 8SSW1W!d tbat if this is the case , being anti- Fascist, they could not get permiasion to cross Spain . li\ren the most experienced, to whom dis­guise is alnoost secood nature , have not reached s!\fety .

lie hove conferred with Dr . Max Ascoli on the matter and we httve also asked our n:an in Marseille to see what be can do, but so !a.r, without result. Recently , however , l.,e have had a cable which gives us some hope tha t our .an i s i n contact with these cour4Reous anti-Fascists ~ We bave cabled spee1t1-cally with reference to their relief and are expect­ing a report befor e long on their aitua Uon.

Yle will be very glad to send Mrs. Roose­velt wo-rd as soon as we get it.


very sincerely yours,

~JOJ;~ Mildred Adams Execut ive Secretary

Page 30: 0 01-. RJu ? (£., JCfLj() K' · 2013. 9. 5. · trben I told him that, according to OJ¥ information, t.bio contract bas been approve

December 12, 1940

D.ar Dr. U ngdon a

I u enclosing a lette r trom lfrw . .to-.J!h, W. Cohen, Boulder, Col or ado, doecribi n3 the case ot

; Dr. Rnns _.-o.n_~tl.g a nd hi s mre.

llre . RooseVl!lt aske 1!. you know or an7 way in Which flr . von lle-nt ig can bo helped.

Ve ry s incerely ,oura,

Dr. Frank /!~gdon Eaergenoy Reeoue Oo.aittee 122 Eaat 42d Street !lew York, I.Y.

Secretary to Jlr'a • !boll eru t

' .
