s3 un ott, · and the beauty and ingenuity of its--and importer and dealer in. ul merchandise.--iwl...

r s . ' l"" - ... ' ' """" QxN0, 88 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. MONDAY. APRIL 14, 1890. PRICE 5 CENTS. lsW"- - I M i aj tT XT Drtisinunts. Ntw 5ttH)crtt0ancnts. SMmtistnums. .THE FORMS OF LEAVES. erial Advertiser Australian Mail Service J. B. CASTLE, Commission Merchant. Office Cartwright Building, CASTLE & COOKE, IMPORTERS, PUBLISHED rvAAnt, Sundays, JABLISHEOl4 Merchant Street Honolulu, II. 1. My Merchant St. ISO. 46 UEHOWNrn roa FOR SAN FRANCISCO, roe new and fine Al steel steamship ZEALANDIA " Shipping and Commission PLANTATION AND INSURANCE Merchants, AGENTS. Uses Which Show That There Is a Reason for Their Shape and Size. Even the most cursory observer of vegetable life must have been often struck with the various forms of leaves. Why they should bo so vari- ously formed does not, however, often suggest itself, though there is a rea- son for the special shape and texture of almost every leaf in existence. Plants, such as grasses, daffodils, and others which usually grow in clusters, havo generally narrow leaves growing up- right, so as not to overshadow one an- other. Other plants, of isolated habits, have an arrangement of foliage which secures to themselves the space of ground necessary for their develop- ment The daisy j dandelion or shep- herd's purse which may mostly bo TONE & DURABILITY HCJBSCRIPTIONS : s New York, Sept. 25, 1889.3 WILLIAM C. ACHI, Attorney and counsellor at law, Notary Public and Real Estate Broker Office 36 Merchant Street. 131-3- m Hawaiian News Co., Honolulu, Sand ?6 00 q nn wich is. xiseb, one year.... six nioniaB permontn DEALERS IN Gentlemen: We take pleasure in ac V w Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be doe at Honelaln from Sydney and Auckland on or about 6 00 knowledging your acceptance of the Sole Agency of the " Fischer " Pianos in the Sandwich Islands and we hereby confirm the same. BUILDERS' AND GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, PLANTATION SUPPLIES, We further direct vou to notifv the een- - Ivaribly in Advance. ie eral public that vou are the SoleA gent J. M. DAVIDSON, Attorney and CounseUor-at-La- w. Office Kaahumanu Street, seen in pastures are examples of this. for the 44 Fischer " Pianos and that an nt Advertisements must pianos bought Transit from any other source will circie OI raa leaves pressed against be attended by a great risk to the pur vuu gTuuuu, lormuig wuai is Known Vi cnaser dv not receiving the Genuine as a rosette growth, effectually bars May 3, 1890, And will leave for the abeve port with malls and passengers on or about that date. For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to Win. G. Irwin & Co., AGENTS. Fischer "Fiako and all guarantees will be withdrawn from the same. We have no doubt but what you will HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO.. 4G Merchant at., . Honolulu. H. I. meet with great success in the sale of these instruments, and wishing you all pros (In office formerly occupied by Mr. C 53-l- y Rogers). GARDNER K. WILDER, A-ttorney-at-Ija- perity, we remain, gentlemen, 00 i v. Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and G-ener- al Merchandise. Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals, Yours very truly, , J. & C. Fischer. 're-eminen- tly the best instrument the approach of any other plant and keeps clear .from all other roots tho space of ground necessary to its own nutriment. Floating leaves, and leaves of marsh plants are usually of simple outline, for, having few competitors, they are not liable to get in one an- other's light. Submerged plants have mostly leaves of narrow segments the reason for which is not very well understood, though it is assumed by naturalists that it is for the purpose of exposing as largo a surface as possible, in order to extract the minute propor- tion of carbonic acid dissolved in a vast bulk of water. made. Endorsed by all the leading musi- - For aud Auckland. OFFicE-Hono- iuiu Haie, Merchant street. Sydney he age. WU1 stand hard usage in any climate and guaranteed by the ILLIAM C PARKE, makers for 5 years. ( Ill'd Catalogues free. ) 77 1264-l- y PROF. G SAUVLET, " Sold on Monthly Installments" The new and fine Al steel steamship Piano, Violin and Singing Lessons. Wilcox & Gibbs. and Remington Sewing Machines, Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines. wo4i y AT THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT L. 13 Kaahunianu Street, Hono 99 Leaves on the boughs of trees aro lulu, n. i. HAWAIIAN NEWS CO. often much divided, so as to fold eas 35-- tf At Residence 195 Nuuanu Ave. ; Tele. 599, or will visit pupils at their residence. 84-l- m CASTLE & COOKE, WILLIAM C. ACH1, ml Counsellor at Lsw, and Real Estate Broker. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY, Hawaiian Commercial Salesrooms, all the Courts of the Kingdom. Cor. Queen and Nuuanu Sts. .in i l O L TTNnsvlriln ijt tne Oceanic Steamship Company will be due at Honolulu from San Francisco or or about Apr. 12, 1890. And will have prompt diapatcn with malls an assengers for the above ports. For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC- COMMODATIONS, apply to Wm. G. Irwin & Co., AGENTS m 'Goods of all descriptions sold on ily, to prevent their being rent and torn by high winds, while tho glossy surface of evergreens is intended to throw off rain and dew, which might freeze on them, and so cause, injury to the tissues within. But the hairs on the surface of leaves are perhaps tho most interesting study of all. With the aid of a microscope, the beautiful and systematic arrangement of theso can be easily discerned, and their uses understood. On many plants there aro glandular hairs to catch or deter small creeping insects; on others there aro hairs set so as to act as effectively against young animals as a spike pali Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. GENERAL AGENTS, EXPERT A.CCOXJNT-AJSTT- S AJSTD COLLECTORS, commission. HARDWARE, Shipping and Commission Merchants IMPOBTERS AND DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. LEWERS & COOKE, s Mutual Telephone 631. 31-l- y Lessors to Levers & Dickson) Vrs aud Dealers lii dumber C. B. WELLS, CUSTOM all Kinds of Building Materials. Plantation Agents, Life, Fire and Marine KT STREET, Honolulu. IS Wid. Q. Irwin. Olaus spreckels sade against obtrusive boys: on REAL ESTATE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS, HOUSE, LOAN AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. 0 Departments of Business : Books and Accounts accurately kept and properly adjusted. PnT.T.KT"rT-K- R will tpppivp srtpcial attention and returns Dromntlv made. hN T. WATERH0USE, Insurance Agents. Wholesale Grocer and Provision Dealer CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO., BANKERS. Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titles furnished leaf stalk, to moisten the earth about the roots; while others are protected by a series of poisoned stings. Tho ordinary nettle Is an example of this, and the beauty and ingenuity of its -- AND Importer and Dealer in . UL MERCHANDISE. -- iWl Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf Legal Documents and Papebs of every description carefully drawn and handsomely 153, HONOLULU, H. I. ly The Liverpool and Lon- - m -- ss v a HAWAIIAN ISLANDS HONOLULU Commission Merchant, swehankm is truly wonderful. Each e hackfeld & co., aon and ijiobe engrossed. Copying and Translating in all languages in general use in this Kingdom. Real Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured. Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected. Fiee and Life Insurance effected in first-clas- s Insurance Companies. Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch. Loans Negotiated at Favorable Rates. Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers. Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished. Draw Exchange en the principal parts o the. world. hi Commission Agents lSrSURA.3SrOE OO 42 Queen Street, Honolulu. ESTABLISHED 1838. neiue nair is armea wun a oruue auu pointed siliceous cap, which breaks off in the wound; and the poison is then able to flow out through a tubular hair, from a reservoir at its base. There is scarcely a form of leaf but is specially modified by nature for some some particular purpose, and tho dis- covery of this purpose is a source of pleasant and profitable study to young naturalists.- - Horticultural Times. Any Article Purchased or sold on commission. Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention. or. Fort k Queen Sts., Honolulu, ltf Will receive deposits on open account, make collections and conduct a general banking and exchange business. Assets 40,000,000 Ttft Income 9,079,000 BEAVER SALOON, tarTelephones Mutual .620 ; Bell 67 1805 103m . Claims raid 112.569,000 ALL BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO OUR CARE WILL RECEIVE PROMPT Vet, Opposite Wilder A Co.'s, AND FAITHFUL ATTENTION AT MODERATE CHARGES. U. N0LTE, PROPBIETOB. JEW HONOLULU MEAT MARKET m Lunches Served with Tea, Coffee, Deposits bearing Interest received In their Sav tags Department subject to published rules and regulations. nocZtl ANDERSON & LUNDY, Dentists. U Water, Ginger Ale or Milk. Takes Bisks against Loss or Damage by Fire on Buildings, Machinery, Sugar Mills.Dwellings and Furniture, on the most favorable terms. Bishop & Co. 118ft6ra m Locatedjat the Fish Market, Having had an extensive business experience for over twenty-fiv- e years in From 3 a. m. till 10 p. in. "Maw Vnrk Citv and elaewhere. we feel competent to attend to all business of an ten' Requisites a Specialty. ltf S3 intricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfully Chowchy. An educated brown bear is occa- sionally to bo seen in almost any vil- lage street, where his master makes him dance, climb trees and perform other tricks for the amusement of the lookers on. But a bear trained liko ULU IRON WORKS CO., solicit a trial. uawaiiain uu&j-wUiO- o Auiiui. ECT Bell Telephone No. 274. 29 1304-- tf M. E. LIVINGSTON, : Prop. ARTIFICIAL TEETH (Formerly of Metropolitan Market.) Keam Engines, from one to an entire set in the one described is a very rare ob-- CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire and Marine serted on gold, silver, aiium-inn- m and rubber bases. h Najjar Mills, Coolers, Brass Family & Shipping Butcher A California village witnessed a od Lead Castings, JO UN 1ST OTT, DIMOND BLOCK, 95 and 97 KING STREET. khlnerr of avai-- v AAnr.rlntlnn m&de to Our Sausages a Specialty. novel sight not long agoa China- man firallopmsr alone: the street on tho prtlcular attention paid to shipa' black- - Job work executed on the shortest All orders will receive prompt attention Insurance Agents ! Crown and bridge work a specialty. To persons wearing rubber plates which are a constant source of irritation to the mouth and throat, we would recommend our Prophylactic Metal Plate. All oper- ations performed in accordance with the latest improvements in dental science. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas. ltf and delivery to any part of Honolulu. . GIVE ME A. TRIAL ! THE ROYAL SALOON, Telephones Mutual 622, Bell 400. a'naaun antl Merchant Ktreets AGENTS FOB: New England Mutual Life Ins. Co, OF BOSTON. back of a large black bear. Tho bear was bridled and saddled in tho regular fashion, and his rider woro a heavy pair of jspurs. The Chinaman, it seems, caught tho bear when it was a small cud, and took it to his cabin. Ho cared for it tenderly, and when it was largo enough, trained it to draw a small wagon and perform numerous tricks. 4Chowchv." as he named his can 22-3- m Hotel street, Tregioan premises. 65-l-y Under the Management of ? H. p. Wolter, J. MC'QUEEN. JAMES NOTT, JR., PRACTICAL H. R. HITCHCOCK. in gtock a variety of the best Wines, "Torg.aua ice cold beera an draucrht at ffitna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford. UNION Insurance Company FIRE AND MARINE, HAWAIIAN TRANSFER COMPANY. Office next door to It. More, Kins St. Bell Tel. 160; Mutual Tel. 565. TINSMITH & PLUMBER iNf J it runs pleases, Ppr glass. JgfaU and See Vh.-- & ltf J. E. GOMES, j I Corner of Kins; and Alakea Sts., Honolulu, H. I. Fmerly 0f Gomes & Wichnian.) TELEPHONE Workshop, Mutual 261; OF SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. 1304 1-- y - . alwavs returns to its master when called, and follows him like a dog. As soon as it grew strong enough, its master began riding on its back, a performance to which Chowchy never made any objection. Apparently the bear took it as a simple matter of course; but as will Pmy Block, No 79 Fort Street, residence, Mutual, 236. ttfaetuuius -:- - Jeweler, CEstimates furnished on all classes of Plumbing and Tinsmithing work. First Pj orders promptly attended to. SOMETHING- - NEW! To be able to get your readily be believed, the sight of a man class workmanship ana material guaran teed in all the above branches ness at reasonable rates. of my busi- - starting out on a hunting or fishing &-l- y expedition, mounted upon a bear J- - C. MARCHAKT, SPRING BEDS PARLOR SETS Stoves, Ranges and Housekeeping Gooas. RTTK FTR"R OFFTCy'R. sensation aiionff the bvstanders. binder & Paper Kuler And Every Description of Furniture, it brinirs crame as well as a retriever. and. taken all in all. is a most inter P1' Pres30b. Co. Building. Restuffed and Covered, OF LONDON. EstabHshed 1710. esting specimen of its kind, Youth's! Plumbing. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work vxjmpamca. At Reasonable Kates and in tne Best Manner. OF RESIDENCE. DRAYMEN. All orders for cartage promptly attended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing and Shipping of Goods in Transit to Other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand, in quanti- ties tosuit!atlowestjpr 2-- 1y CAJLIu FOR DIAMOND CREAMERY Deal direct with the workman, Insursnoe effeettd upon very dssorlstlon of In the Interest of Sdenoe. ' Dvsnentio Patient Good heavens. property at eurrsat rates of premium. 1 Street to Robello Lane, Palama. D. M. CROWLEY,Working Upholsterer G-re- at Bargains, Grreat Bargains. doctor, what are you taking all those Total Bom Insured In 18SS 27,0.700 EHom9tol2M.,and6to9r.M. murderous things out fori 110 Kins; St., near Alakea, directly opp. Cala. Fruit Store. Kp-- w tWAin?. Lonnees. etc., to Order. ni.ii.mjiiti..TMi.iiH.h .mm ifteaioua jrnvaciaii iwxiu www witbpromptitiidssadiibersiity. The jurisdio-- 1 his orof ession) For the autopsy ; I am! . 124-t- f Uon ofthe Local Tribunals recognised. Designs and estimates submitted. 129 ECr AFTER TAKING STOCK, ALL GOODS SOLD AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. goin to find out just what is the mat- - SM, Alarmed Patient (who is undulyj Gt. W. Uacforlane & Co. lm Agents for Hawaiian Islands. ER BUTT C. BEEWER & COMPANY, krohaut Tailor, maxckacturee or .11 eensitive) But I am not dead yen Calm Physician No, but you mujhl die sometime when I would be other wise engaged, and it is not well to de lay the autopsy until decay hum upon Wk tietiiML Hold youi 33. IT. EHLERS & CO. 99 Fort Street, Honolulu. Walker & Eedward, ClJmlted). ueiTW UUUerClOthmo- - GENERAL MERCANTILE Ktl an T. O hrrath whHe I take but yourlungsJ i - -- uu rnn. Calico, -- AlfD' omris. please. Burdette in Brooklyn Eagle, wvm. Wot Faith. Gamststors & Builders uireet. COMMISSION AGENTS. DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT TODER- - THE 1IANAGEMEOT In "lib., 21b., 31b, and 71b. Tins. Finest Article for Warnplimates. Wholesale Grocers, OLE- - AGENTS. L- - i.r-V.M- y MISS CLARK. Lwis & CO., LIST OF ornoEBP . Two well known clerpmen mW their train, upon of theg took outhi watch, and finding it t bme for toe mishap, dd he woul7 have any faith in it. J 4 Wt it Butcad the other, ; Eriek, Hoaeaod Wooden Building C.T '. TisttmatM Glvsn. . Xci3 rsaptlx AtteasM t, - 76 KING STREET. iQUt The Weekly Gazette and Daily J C. Advertiser ' Hon. W. V. A11n AndlW - ' . i FORT STREET. Questicn, no oi isau, cut ' -- Iivinj Church. P. O.SexCS Bell Telephone Ho. i. i2i OF THE KINGDOM I SUtf p O. Box 297. 81-- lj Hon. 0. B. Bishop. . ten. Wstort-ous- s

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Page 1: S3 UN OTT, · and the beauty and ingenuity of its--AND Importer and Dealer in. UL MERCHANDISE.--iWl Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf Legal Documents and Papebs of every description carefully




' ' """"


tT XT Drtisinunts. Ntw 5ttH)crtt0ancnts. SMmtistnums. .THE FORMS OF LEAVES.

erial Advertiser Australian Mail ServiceJ. B. CASTLE,

Commission Merchant.Office Cartwright Building,



rvAAnt, Sundays, JABLISHEOl4Merchant Street Honolulu, II. 1.

MyMerchant St.

ISO. 46UEHOWNrn roa


roe new and fine Al steel steamship


Shipping and Commission




Uses Which Show That There Is a Reasonfor Their Shape and Size.

Even the most cursory observer ofvegetable life must have been oftenstruck with the various forms ofleaves. Why they should bo so vari-ously formed does not, however, oftensuggest itself, though there is a rea-son for the special shape and texture ofalmost every leaf in existence. Plants,such as grasses, daffodils, and otherswhich usually grow in clusters, havogenerally narrow leaves growing up-right, so as not to overshadow one an-other. Other plants, of isolated habits,have an arrangement of foliage whichsecures to themselves the space ofground necessary for their develop-ment The daisyj dandelion or shep-herd's purse which may mostly bo

TONE & DURABILITYHCJBSCRIPTIONS : s New York, Sept. 25, 1889.3

WILLIAM C. ACHI,Attorney and counsellor at law,

Notary Public and Real EstateBroker

Office 36 Merchant Street. 131-3-m

Hawaiian News Co., Honolulu, Sand?6 00q nn wich is.xiseb, one year....

six nioniaBpermontn DEALERS IN

Gentlemen: We take pleasure in acV w Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be doeat Honelaln from Sydney and Auckland

on or about6 00knowledging your acceptance of the SoleAgency of the " Fischer " Pianos in theSandwich Islands and we hereby confirmthe same.


PLANTATION SUPPLIES,We further direct vou to notifv the een- -Ivaribly in Advance.

ie eral public that vou are the SoleA gentJ. M. DAVIDSON,

Attorney and CounseUor-at-La- w.

Office Kaahumanu Street,

seen in pastures are examples of this.for the 44 Fischer " Pianos and that annt Advertisements must

pianos boughtTransit from any other source will circie OI raa leaves pressed againstbe attended by a great risk to the pur vuu gTuuuu, lormuig wuai is KnownVi

cnaser dv not receiving the Genuine as a rosette growth, effectually bars

May 3, 1890,And will leave for the abeve port with malls andpassengers on or about that date.

For freight or passage, having SUPERIORACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

Win. G. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS.

Fischer "Fiako and all guarantees willbe withdrawn from the same.

We have no doubt but what you willHAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO..

4G Merchant at.,

. Honolulu. H. I.

meet with great success in the sale of theseinstruments, and wishing you all pros

(In office formerly occupied by Mr. C53-l- y Rogers).



perity, we remain, gentlemen,00 i v.

Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools,

HOUSE FURNISHING GOODSKitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and

G-ener- al Merchandise.Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals,

Yours very truly,, J. & C. Fischer.

're-eminen- tly the best instrument

the approach of any other plant andkeeps clear .from all other roots thospace of ground necessary to its ownnutriment. Floating leaves, and leavesof marsh plants are usually of simpleoutline, for, having few competitors,they are not liable to get in one an-other's light. Submerged plants havemostly leaves of narrow segmentsthe reason for which is not very wellunderstood, though it is assumed bynaturalists that it is for the purpose ofexposing as largo a surface as possible,in order to extract the minute propor-tion of carbonic acid dissolved in avast bulk of water.

made. Endorsed by all the leading musi- -For aud Auckland.OFFicE-Hono- iuiu Haie, Merchant street. Sydneyhe age. WU1 stand hard usage

in any climate and guaranteed by theILLIAM C PARKE,

makers for 5 years. ( Ill'd Catalogues free. )

77 1264-l- y

PROF. G SAUVLET, " Sold on Monthly Installments"The new and fine Al steel steamshipPiano, Violin and Singing Lessons.

Wilcox & Gibbs. and Remington Sewing Machines,

Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines.wo4i y

AT THE MUSIC DEPARTMENTL.13 Kaahunianu Street, Hono

99 Leaves on the boughs of trees arolulu, n. i. HAWAIIAN NEWS CO. often much divided, so as to fold eas35-- tf

At Residence 195 Nuuanu Ave. ; Tele.599, or will visit pupils at their residence.

84-l- m



ml Counsellor at Lsw, andReal Estate Broker.

HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY, Hawaiian Commercial Salesrooms,

all the Courts of the Kingdom.Cor. Queen and Nuuanu Sts.

.in i l O L TTNnsvlriln

ijt tne Oceanic Steamship Company will bedue at Honolulu from San Francisco

or or about

Apr. 12, 1890.

And will have prompt diapatcn with malls anassengers for the above ports.For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC-


Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS

m 'Goods of all descriptions sold on

ily, to prevent their being rent andtorn by high winds, while tho glossysurface of evergreens is intended tothrow off rain and dew, which mightfreeze on them, and so cause, injury tothe tissues within. But the hairs onthe surface of leaves are perhaps thomost interesting study of all. Withthe aid of a microscope, the beautifuland systematic arrangement of thesocan be easily discerned, and their usesunderstood. On many plants there aroglandular hairs to catch or deter smallcreeping insects; on others there arohairs set so as to act as effectivelyagainst young animals as a spike pali

Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands.




Shipping and Commission Merchants



LEWERS & COOKE,s Mutual Telephone 631. 31-l- y

Lessors to Levers & Dickson)

Vrs aud Dealers lii dumber C. B. WELLS,CUSTOMall Kinds of Building Materials. Plantation Agents,

Life, Fire and MarineKT STREET, Honolulu. IS Wid. Q. Irwin.Olaus spreckels

sade against obtrusive boys: on



Departments of Business :

Books and Accounts accurately kept and properly adjusted.PnT.T.KT"rT-K- R will tpppivp srtpcial attention and returns Dromntlv made.

hN T. WATERH0USE, Insurance Agents. Wholesale Grocer and Provision DealerCLAUS SPRECKELS & CO.,

BANKERS. Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titles furnishedleaf stalk, to moisten the earth aboutthe roots; while others are protectedby a series of poisoned stings. Thoordinary nettle Is an example of this,and the beauty and ingenuity of its


Importer and Dealer in .

UL MERCHANDISE.--iWl Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf

Legal Documents and Papebs of every description carefully drawn and handsomely

153, HONOLULU, H. I. ly

The Liverpool and Lon--m --ss v a

HAWAIIAN ISLANDSHONOLULUCommission Merchant, swehankm is truly wonderful. Each

e hackfeld & co., aon and ijiobe

engrossed.Copying and Translating in all languages in general use in this Kingdom.Real Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured.Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected.Fiee and Life Insurance effected in first-clas- s Insurance Companies.Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch.Loans Negotiated at Favorable Rates.Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

Draw Exchange en the principal parts o the.

world.hi Commission Agents lSrSURA.3SrOE OO42 Queen Street, Honolulu.


neiue nair is armea wun a oruue auupointed siliceous cap, which breaks offin the wound; and the poison is thenable to flow out through a tubularhair, from a reservoir at its base.There is scarcely a form of leaf but isspecially modified by nature for somesome particular purpose, and tho dis-covery of this purpose is a source ofpleasant and profitable study to youngnaturalists.- - Horticultural Times.

Any Article Purchased or sold on commission.Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention.or. Fort k Queen Sts., Honolulu, ltf

Will receive deposits on open account, makecollections and conduct a general banking andexchange business.

Assets 40,000,000Ttft Income 9,079,000BEAVER SALOON, tarTelephones Mutual .620 ; Bell 67


JEW HONOLULU MEAT MARKETm Lunches Served with Tea, Coffee,

Deposits bearing Interest received In their Savtags Department subject to published rules andregulations. nocZtl



U Water, Ginger Ale or Milk.

Takes Bisks against Loss or Damage by Fireon Buildings, Machinery, Sugar Mills.Dwellingsand Furniture, on the most favorable terms.

Bishop & Co.118ft6ra m

Locatedjat the Fish Market,Having had an extensive business experience for over twenty-fiv- e years inFrom 3 a. m. till 10 p. in."Maw Vnrk Citv and elaewhere. we feel competent to attend to all business of an

ten' Requisites a Specialty. ltf S3intricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfully

Chowchy.An educated brown bear is occa-

sionally to bo seen in almost any vil-lage street, where his master makeshim dance, climb trees and performother tricks for the amusement of thelookers on. But a bear trained liko

ULU IRON WORKS CO., solicit a trial. uawaiiain uu&j-wUiO-o Auiiui.ECT Bell Telephone No. 274. 29 1304-- tf M. E. LIVINGSTON, : Prop.

ARTIFICIAL TEETH(Formerly of Metropolitan Market.)Keam Engines, from one to an entire set in the one described is a very rare ob--CASTLE & COOKE,

Life, Fire and Marineserted on gold, silver, aiium-inn- m

and rubber bases.h Najjar Mills, Coolers, Brass Family & Shipping Butcher A California village witnessed aod Lead Castings, JO UN 1ST OTT,DIMOND BLOCK, 95 and 97 KING STREET.

khlnerr of avai-- v AAnr.rlntlnn m&de to Our Sausages a Specialty. novel sight not long agoa China-man firallopmsr alone: the street on thoprtlcular attention paid to shipa' black--

Job work executed on the shortest All orders will receive prompt attentionInsurance Agents !

Crown and bridge work a specialty. Topersons wearing rubber plates which are aconstant source of irritation to themouth and throat, we would recommendour Prophylactic Metal Plate. All oper-

ations performed in accordance with thelatest improvements in dental science.Teeth extracted without pain by the use ofNitrous Oxide Gas.

ltf and delivery to any part of Honolulu. .

GIVE ME A. TRIAL !THE ROYAL SALOON,Telephones Mutual 622, Bell 400.a'naaun antl Merchant Ktreets


New England Mutual Life Ins. Co,


back of a large black bear. Tho bearwas bridled and saddled in tho regularfashion, and his rider woro a heavypair ofjspurs.

The Chinaman, it seems, caught thobear when it was a small cud, andtook it to his cabin. Ho cared for ittenderly, and when it was largoenough, trained it to draw a smallwagon and perform numerous tricks.

4Chowchv." as he named his can

22-3-mHotel street, Tregioan premises.65-l-yUnder the Management of


H. R. HITCHCOCK.in gtock a variety of the best Wines,

"Torg.aua ice cold beera an draucrht atffitna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford.

UNIONInsurance Company



Office next door to It. More, Kins St.

Bell Tel. 160; Mutual Tel. 565.

TINSMITH & PLUMBER iNf Jitruns pleases,

Ppr glass.

JgfaU and See Vh.-- & ltf

J. E. GOMES, j I Corner of Kins; and Alakea Sts.,Honolulu, H. I.

Fmerly 0f Gomes & Wichnian.)TELEPHONE Workshop, Mutual 261;OF SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA.

1304 1-- y - .

alwavs returns to its master whencalled, and follows him like a dog.

As soon as it grew strong enough,its master began riding on its back, aperformance to which Chowchy nevermade any objection.

Apparently the bear took it as asimple matter of course; but as will

Pmy Block, No 79 Fort Street, residence, Mutual, 236.

ttfaetuuius -:- - Jeweler, CEstimates furnished on all classesof Plumbing and Tinsmithing work. FirstPj orders promptly attended to. SOMETHING-- NEW!

To be able to get your readily be believed, the sight of a manclass workmanship ana material guaranteed in all the above branchesness at reasonable rates.

of my busi-- starting out on a hunting or fishing&-l- y expedition, mounted upon a bearJ- - C. MARCHAKT,

SPRING BEDS PARLOR SETS Stoves, Ranges and Housekeeping Gooas. RTTK FTR"R OFFTCy'R. sensation aiionff the bvstanders.binder & Paper Kuler And Every Description of Furniture, it brinirs crame as well as a retriever.

and. taken all in all. is a most interP1' Pres30b. Co. Building. Restuffed and Covered,OF LONDON.

EstabHshed 1710. esting specimen of its kind, Youth's!Plumbing. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Workvxjmpamca.At Reasonable Kates and in tne


DRAYMEN.All orders for cartage promptly attended

to. Particular attention paid to the

Storing and Shipping of Goods in

Transit to Other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sand, in quanti-ties tosuit!atlowestjpr 2--1y


Deal direct with the workman,Insursnoe effeettd upon very dssorlstlon of In the Interest of Sdenoe.

' Dvsnentio Patient Good heavens.property at eurrsat rates of premium.1 Street to Robello Lane, Palama. D. M. CROWLEY,Working Upholsterer G-re-at Bargains, Grreat Bargains. doctor, what are you taking all thoseTotal Bom Insured In 18SS 27,0.700EHom9tol2M.,and6to9r.M. murderous things out fori110 Kins; St., near Alakea, directly

opp. Cala. Fruit Store.Kp-- w tWAin?. Lonnees. etc., to Order.

ni.ii.mjiiti..TMi.iiH.h .mm ifteaioua jrnvaciaii iwxiu wwwwitbpromptitiidssadiibersiity. The jurisdio-- 1 his orofession) For the autopsy ; I am!

. 124-t- f Uon ofthe Local Tribunals recognised.Designs and estimates submitted. 129 ECr AFTER TAKING STOCK, ALL GOODS SOLD AT GREATLYREDUCED PRICES. goin to find out just what is the mat--

SM, Alarmed Patient (who is undulyjGt. W. Uacforlane & Co.lm Agents for Hawaiian Islands.ERBUTTC. BEEWER & COMPANY,krohaut Tailor,

maxckacturee or.11

eensitive) But I am not dead yenCalm Physician No, but you mujhl

die sometime when I would be otherwise engaged, and it is not well to delay the autopsy until decay hum uponWk tietiiML Hold youi

33. IT.EHLERS & CO.99 Fort Street, Honolulu.

Walker & Eedward,ClJmlted).ueiTW

UUUerClOthmo- - GENERAL MERCANTILEKtl an T. O hrrath whHe I take but yourlungsJi - -- uu rnn.

Calico, --AlfD'omris. please. Burdette in Brooklyn Eagle,

wvm. Wot Faith.Gamststors & Buildersuireet.COMMISSION AGENTS.


In "lib., 21b., 31b, and 71b. Tins.

Finest Article forWarnplimates.

Wholesale Grocers,


L-- i.r-V.M-y


Two well known clerpmen mWtheir train, upon of thegtook outhi watch, and finding it tbme for toe mishap, dd he woul7

have any faith in it. J4Wt itButcad the other,

; Eriek, Hoaeaod Wooden BuildingC.T '. TisttmatM Glvsn. .

Xci3 rsaptlx AtteasM t,- 76 KING STREET.

iQUtThe Weekly Gazette and Daily J C. Advertiser

' Hon. W. V. A11n AndlW- '. iFORT STREET. Questicn, no oi isau, cut'--Iivinj Church.P. O.SexCSBell Telephone Ho. i.i2i OF THE KINGDOM I SUtfp O. Box 297.81-- lj

Hon. 0. B. Bishop. . ten. Wstort-ous- s

Page 2: S3 UN OTT, · and the beauty and ingenuity of its--AND Importer and Dealer in. UL MERCHANDISE.--iWl Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf Legal Documents and Papebs of every description carefully


THE ADVERTISER CALENDAR. The majority of the Cabinet there- - ;


The Mutual Li Insurance Company (EICHAED A. McGURTiv

For tlie Year Eixding December 3H isAssets - - - Cmoo .

; lOl?;Increase in Asset .....

Surplus. .......... ........................ ...9...VS4vs .,Increase in Surplus I:

Roceipti. ................. , Ij

Increase durins; year ,

Paid Policy-Holde- rs "' i

Increase during ear " ljRlalcs assumed 11- -

Increase during; year .. . ..".' v.. .JBrisks ill fore. ,

.".. jIncrease durlnjr year "APlClS lift COl5 , '.Increase during; year ,JL. UIII1CB If llitcu u A .7 V .............. ........Ass " .,

Increase over 1888..


& Mortraire Loansand other Securities .VI

Real Estate and BondUnited States BondsLoans on CollateralCash in Banks andInterest accrued ,

Securities CV

Trust Companies at interest..Premiums deferred, and in trausit. Vir I

oLiabilities (including; Reserve at 4 per ceiit), l2fii. I

t i . r..n.. : .i it. c. : i . a , .1

From the Surplus above stated a dividend will be arrortioned,

RisksBisksAssumed.Year. Outstanding. Assets.

1884 ..$ 34,681,420 $351,789,285 $103,S7G i,1885 46,507,139....... 368,981,441 108.WS :1886 56,832,719 393,809,203..... 114,181: r1887 69,457,468 427,628,933 118,80G.H "

1888 103,214,261....... 482,125,184 126,0821521889 151,602,483 565,949,934 .... 130,401 JS

New York, January 29, 1890. '

330ARJ3 OF TRUSTERS.Oliver Harriman,Henry W. Smith,Robert Olyphant,George F. Baker,Jos. Thompson,Dudley Olcott,Frederic Cromwell,Julien T. Davies,

Samuel E. Sproulls,Lucius Robinson,Samuel D. Babcock,George S. Coe,Richard A. McCurdy.James C. H olden,Hermann C. von Post,Alexander H. Rice,Lewis May,Jno. W. Auchincloss,Preston B. Plumb,Augustus. 1). Juilliard,

Robert eewell,, Theodore Morford,

William D. Washburn,Charles E. Miller,

ROBERT A. GRANN1SS. - - Vice-rres- it

8. Van KensJCharles e5

VeI,rKe Bliss,

J. lllllinn U



8. B. ROSE,

wdAv r. ijuuii, HjIia.m j. ,AcT0 s,. r ..... . .i-- . . ... ........ ..... . Ca. x. wAi'jsKnuusjs. Auaiior. i? ukdukick fcCHKOKnrrlEMORY McCLlNTOCK. L.L.D.. F. I. A.. ArZJ.H

JOHN TATLOCK, Je., Asst. Actuary. CHAS. B. PERKY "J Jrnavmmv; tivviu u fiiiii, - - i reasurerJOHN A. FONDA, Assistant Treasurer. WILLIAM p six



59-l- tu 1314-2- W General .gent II

TJie Daily Advertiser and WeeklyABE THK LEADING PAPERS OF THE KISCM1

Station Sales.


Auction Sale of

HOUSEHOLD FlITO1On Wednesday, April 16

At 10 o'clock A. M.,

At the residence of H. F. GLADE, Esq.,Judd street. I will sell at Public Auction.

Vnrnifnrp. mmnrisill&:

Upholstered Parlor SetLarge Dressing Mirror,Large B. W. Center Table,Boquet Table,

1 COTTAGE PIANO(Edw. Seiler Maker,) .

Walnut Music Stand,Black Walnut Desk,Drawing room Portieres,Chandeliers and Hanging Lamps,B. W. Marble-to-p Bedroom Set,

HAIR MATTRESSESOak and Black Walnut Cribs,Washstands, Bureaus,


Oak Extension Dining Table,Oak Chairs,

Crockery and GlasswareKitchen Utensils, Meat Safes, and


Sets Single Harness,' Side Saddles, Mexican Saddles,

Family Carriage, Native Saddle Horse

Premises open for inspection onTuesday, April 15, from 9 to 3 o'clock.

Jas. F. Morgan,88-- 3t AUCTIONEER

Supreme Court of the Hawaiian Isl-


I N THE MATTER OF A. M. HEWETTA a Bankrupt. Order on Petition ofBankrupt for Discharge from Debts.

Upon reading and filing the petition ofA. M. Hewett of Honolulu, on the Islandof Oahu, alleging that more than sixmonths have elapsed since he wasadjudgeda bankrupt and praying for a dischargefrom all his debts.

It is ordered that WEDNESDAY, the23d day of April A. D. 1890, at 10 a. m. ofthat day, at the Court Room of AliiolaniHale, Honolulu, be and is hereby appointedthe time and place for hearing of said pe-tition when and where all creditors whohave proved their claims against said.bank-rup- t

may appear and show cause if anythey have why the prayer of said bank-rupt should no be granted.

Dated Honolulu, April 2, 1890.A. P. J 'JDD,

Chief Justice Supreme Court.Attest: Alfred W. Carter,79-3-w Second Deputy Clerk.

Notice to Shippers.

IOR THE MORE SATISFACTORY--1- accommodation of our patrons we begto suggest to them that in cases wheredrays are required for shipping goods toout going steamers and coasters, or in anycase where required, at 1 o'clock sharp ofthe day, they will find that by ringing upMutual Telephone 565 or Bell Telephone160 between the hours of 7 a. m. and 5 p.m.their wants will be promptly attended to,which will thereby greatly facilitate busi-ness to the better satisfaction of all con-cerned.21-3- m HAWAIIAN TRANSFER CO.

NOTICK.TTAVING BOUGHT OUT MR. W. H.PageMn the Honolulu Carriage Manu-factory, at 128 Fort Street, I am preparedto continue the above business under theold name of Honolulu Carriage Manufac-tory, and being an old experienced carriagebuilder I solicit the patronage of my oldfriends and the public in general, and withmy thorough knowledge of the businessand with experienced workmen and usingonly the best material 1 guarantee generalsatisfaction. Please call and see me beforegoing elsewhere.

(Signed) GIDEON WEST.Honolulu. Oct. 28. 1889. lQ3-t- f

"'5 haa given univer.skI fatiafactlon in thecir ot Gonorrhoea and

. l.U 1. 1 prescribe It andXramlybjrU feel safe in recommend-

ingiClamiealCo. it to all sufferer.QnelnnatfJ A.J.STOJER, lUh,

Ghla uacatur, III.PRICE. Si.on.

Sold by Druftgiata.

Hollistkr & Co., Wholesale Agents.Benson, Smith & Co., Wholesale Agenta





BasebaU Novelties for the Season of 1890.


Rules and Regulations. ..For 189Q. ... ..

81 pD not forget that Mrs. Thos. Lackstreet, has theworld renowned figJg- 7o-o- t -

THi? PAPER IS KEPT ON FILEJi. O. Daks'. AdvertisingAgency, 4 & 6T JWerchant'B Exchange,Ban Francisco, Cal.f where contracts foradvertising can be made for it. :

2Ccu) StfmcrUscmcnt

Situation Wanted.


. ese wh ?"ae r",nvfeHndof worka " -desires pm dence or on a

at uepw,.i.Bv..7. interoreter.Rlan.n,fL rncesT Address8Wt jfrTs-K.- , P.O. Box 209.


A .rcs M J w;i-iir- i All nartiestne lana oi jvaweiu, " " "ffonnd on the lands after 8 o'clock ,ughtbe prosecute Kn, m .

laW f Ul A' v" 'Per Lam Chung Wa.

Honolulu, April 4. 1890. 80-l- m



Agent to take Acknowledgments.

Office-N- o. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono--

67-l- y mm, jj.. x.



mxi t TT" "I TAVIST TT" OTT 1?.s"-- . v v. v tw T iinalitn Si t rft OTl -

. , i 1 T 11ml lrtaming uonoie rsnurf, V I, ; "1 - n 1 l.t .i aIi nil VAr- -

rooms. Kitchen ana ranirie, "CL "X -v;oacn nuuac uu u.vvants House, Stable,

The Grounds are 105 feet front and about 325

feet deep, and are all laid out with Palms, Rosesana unoice J mius. m " -Jll AV

The Fernery and Ferns to be removed unlessnsreea on.

Hawaiian Commercial Salesrooms,

Cor. Queen and Nuuanu Sta.

Goods of all descriptions sold oncommission.

Mutual Telephone 631. 31-l- y

.Reward of $500.

117 HE RE AS. AT OR ABOUT TWOo'clock on the morning of the 28th o:

February, 1890, Mr. Ng Ngong of the firmof Kwong Jee men to., was senousiywounded with a knife or other sharp in-

strument by a certain person who felon-iously broke and entered into the dwellinghouse of the said Ng Ngong in the rear ofthe premises ot the said Kwong JL.ee YuenCo. on Maunakea street, Honolulu, H. I.

Notice is hereby given thai; a reward ofFive Hundred Dollars ($500) will be paidby the United Chinese Society to any per-son or persons who will give informationto the Police which will lead to the appre-hension and conviction of the guilty party.

Per Order. YIM O.UON,Secretary United Chinese Society.

Honolulu, March 5, 1890. 54-l- m


F, HORN Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Hotel St. - - Telephone 74.1209 35-t- f


Merchant rPailor,MANUFACTURER OF

Gentlemen's UnderclothingWoolen and Pongee Coats, Wool, Calico,

German and Linen Shirts.89 Ring Street. My

P. LEONHARD, p. n. w. ross,Established 1879. (Late of Hawaii,)



Investment Agents.

Ellensliiirili, State of asMniton

Make a Specialty of Safe, Consebvatxveinvestments lor persona of moderate meanswho wish to place ont a few hundred dol-lars to the best advantage.

The value of Real Estate in EUensbnrRhis surely and steadily rising everymonth.

The $150 offer that we made last July canno longer be touched for less than f200.


COAL and IRON CITY,Better than this it is impossible to have.

The October election proves that Ellens-burg- hhas a population of nearly 6000 or

50 per cent, greater than was generally8nppo8ed.


LEONHARD & ROSS,Rooms 5 & 6 Honolulu Block,

ly KlIenfbnreh, Washington

Union Iron Works Co.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATof the subscribers to thecapital stock of the abovnamed Company

held in Honolulu, H. 1., March 6, 1890. itwas voted to accept the Charter of Corpor-ation dated March 1, 1890, for the term offifty years, granted by the Hawaiian Gov-ernment. The liability of the stockholdersis limited to the amount due and unpaidon the shares held. The following officerswere elected for the ensuing year:

J. N. S. Williams PresidentRobert More Secretary fc TreasurerAuditor. VY. A. J. CartwrightThe above Warned officers also constiuttea Board of Directors.

; ROBT. MORE,o6-l-m . Secretary and Treasurer.

a wife and two children to mourn.- - V his

i nvon nf thft nriinr ami oiueio accompanied his .remains from Kealiato their last resting placo atKilauea,"After life's fitful fever ne sieepawell."

Tho fallowing resolutions werepassed by Kealia Lodge No. 5, K. ofP., of which Mr. Moller was a inwm- -

Whereas, God in his all wise providence, has seen fit to remove oydeath our beloved brother ana Knigui,H. Moller.

Rfisnlvpd. That in his death thisLodge has lost an esteemed andvalued brother: tho family a devotedand affectionate husband and father;the community a benevolent and up--

rierht citizen.That we hereby extend our sym

pathies to the bereaved widow andfamily.

That the Castle Hall of this Lodgebe draped in mourning for a periodof sixty days.

That the above resolutions be en-

tered upon the records of this Lodge.1 il TTand be publisneci in tne .llawaiiaj

Gazette and Bulletin.That a copy of these resolutions be

sent to the bereaved lamuy.(Signed.) H. P. Hugtjs,

Vm. ulaisdell,Geo. H. Fairchild.



The Aged Missionary Mother Passes toHer Lons Rest at Ililo, Hawaii.

By the Iwalani on Saturday, a let-

ter from Mr. Rufus Lyman, of Ha-maku- a,

reports the intelligence re-

ceived by telephone from Hilo, of thedeath on Thursday morning April10th, of the venerable Mrs. Hitch-cock, at the age of 81 years. It isknown that the deceased lady hadbeen suffering from an attack of "lagrippe."

Mrs. Hitchcock, nee Rebecca Ho-

ward, was born, at Owasco, CayugaCo., N. Y., Dec. 2, 1808; was marriedAug. 26, 1831, to the Rev. HarveyRexford Hitchcock, of Manchester,Conn., and embarked with him atNew Bedford Nov. 26, 1831, on theAverick, in company with Messrs.Alexander, Armstrong, and others, "of

which large company Mrs. Arm-strong now in California, is the lastsurvivor. Soon after their arrivalhere in 1832, Mr. aud Mrs. Hitchcockwere stationed on Mo!okai,where theylived until Mr. Hitchcock's deathAug. 29, 1855. For many years Mrs.Hitchcock has lived at Hilo, the resi-dence of her sons, Judge David H.Hitchcock, Mr. Edward G. Hitch-cock, the present sheriff of Hawaii,and latterly, Prof. H. Rexford Hitch-cock, late principal of LahainalunaSeminary.

During the twenty-thre- e years ofher missionary service with her hus-band on Molokai, Mrs. Hitchcock wasa great power for good upon thatisland. Her personal influence withthe women throughout the islandwas often spoken of as somethingvery remarkable. Mr. and Mrs.Hitchcock were favored by the ab-sence in their field of most of thoseadverse external influences whichneutralized so much of the labors ofothers. But much of their peculiarsuccess must be imputed to the personal magnetism, and tne atiection-ate- ,

untiring zeal. for the spiritualand material welfare of the peoplewhich characterized them both.

During her later life, this vener-able missionary mother has beennoticeable for her benignant pres-ence, and affectionate kindness of in-tercourse towards all. She has beena most welcome guest in our Hono-lulu homes from time to time as onewho brought with her a helpful andgracious spiritual atmosphere.

Mrs. Hitchcock leaves a goodlycircle of children and grandchildren,among the latter, Mrs. H. S. Towns-en- d

of Kamehameha school, andMrs. A. B. Loebenstein of Hilo. Hersons and their wives were probablyall present at the parting hour.

S. E. B.

iX'nu ODcrtiscments.


a store on Nuviann street, oppositeQueen Emma House, has lett the King-dom, the creditors of the said Fook Lunare requested to meet at the store ofKwong Hang Chan fe Co., corner of Hoteland Smith streets, at 10 o'clock THIS DAY(Monday), April 14th. Per order.

- 88-- 1 1 HO PON.

Dividend Notice.


per share wiJl be paid to the Stock-holders of Wilder's Steamship Co. at theiroffice, in this city, on Tuesday. April 15,1890. S. B. ROSE,

iSccrctflrvHonolulu, April 12. 1890. 88-- 2t .


hereby requested to make paymenton or before April 15th next; all accountsunsettled after the above date will beplaced in the hands of an attorney for im-mediate settlement. GOO KIM,

Nuuanu Street.

" The. Friend."'

OR SALE, FOUR BOUND VOLUMESE of "The Friend"including all the issuesfrom .1813 to 1882. The books can be seenj

v v aau j iisivi uiuuc '. 4tX"XU


A MEETING OF THE STOCK-holde- rsof the Hawaiian Sugar Co. (Lim-ited),w- ill

beheld at the banking house of Bishop& Co., on MONDAY, April 28iu, 1890, at 10 a.m.,for tho purpose of amending the by-la- in rela-tion to tbe signing of labor contracts. - v.:;.

Per order,1316-4- 1 W. L. HOPPER, Seel' pro tcm.

npon submitted the question to theSuDreme Court, as to whether themajority or the minority of theCabinet should control. The judgesreplied that the only logical conclu-

sion was that the majority shouldrule, and that in any case whereCabinet action was required, or thelaw required the King to act uponthe advice of the Cabinet, a majorityof the Cabinet was sufficient.

This opinion of the Court hasbeen published by the Advertisesin full.

The Cabinet thereupon waitedupon the King again, presented theopinion of the Court to him, andMessrs. Damon, Austin and Thurstonagain advised him to sign MajorHebbard'a commission.

The Attorney General again advised him not to, and further advised him to refuse to pay any attention to the advise of the SupremeCourt, telling him that the opinionof the Judges of the Supreme Courtwas of no more importance thanthat of any other three men.

The Kinsr thereupon. refused to

sign the commission.Such are the plain unvarnished

facts concerning the Colonelcy question.


Understanding that Mr. J. C. Laneis soliciting advertisements forforeign directory, we desire to makea statement of facts regarding himand his visit here. During MarchMr. Lane entered into an engage-ment in San Francisco with themanager of the Hawaiian GazetteCompany to canvass in that city foradvertisements to be inserted in theforthcoming Hawaiian Guide Bookreceiving full details of ttio servicerequired of him, which he acceptedand agreed to execute on certainstipulated terms.

TTT I t 1

vvitnout previous notice or anyintention to abandon the service hehad voluntarily accepted, he appearshere in Honolulu with the avowedpurpose of canvassing for advertisements for a new edition of a directory of this city and group, to beprinted in ban rancisco, bis pnncipal object evidently being to embaras3 and retard the publication ofthe new Guide .Bock. By mis-representations he may be able todeceive merchants and others re-garding the object of his solicitingadvertisements at this particulartime, as the publishers of the direc-tory have had no intention of issuinga new edition this year.

It is well known that the directoryfor which he canvassed here twoyears ago, contained many errorsand omissions, estimated at severalhundred, which rendered it of verylittle value here or abroad.

That it was largely made up ofChinese names..

That its statistical matter wascopied largely, perhaps wholly, fromThrum's Almanac and other localsources.

That it did not contain one halfthe number of voters on the islands,though it. did have nearly all theChinese cooks, stewards and laborersin the city.

That not a dollar of the cost ofprinting and binding the books wasspent here,

And that its publication, so faras it purports to be a correct direc-tory of this group, is generally be-

lieved to be an imposition and fraud.It will also be remembered that

the canvasser for this directory, pub-lished in 18S8, a very insulting letterabout one of" our most respectedresidents, Mr. R. W. Meyers ofMolokai, and after being compelledto retract, Mr. Lane or the pub-lishers emphasized the insult to Mr.Meyers, by publishing a false state-ment concerning him in the direc-tory.

And now comes this foreignitinerant traducer of our citizens,and solicits their patronage to assisthim in getting up another directory,probably of the same sort, and char-acterized with the numerous andunpardonable imperfections whichthe former book contains, chiefly onaccount of being compiled bystrangers and irresponsible men.

Hawaiian Gazette Co.


A Respected Resident of Kealia,Passes Away Resolutions of Condo-

lence.V,Te have to record the death of

Mr. Holger Moller, sugar boiler,which took place at Kealia, Kauai,on Monday, April 7th, after a shortillness.

Mr. H. Moller was a native ofDenmark and was by profession anarchitect. He practiced for severalyears in America, but owing to fail-ure of his eyesight he had to relinquish his pursuits, and came to theseislands to join his brother Mr. E.Moller, now of Kilauea.

His thorough scientific - trainingenabled him to turn with ease to hisnew occupation of sugar boiling, andhe was known as one of the best.jn.the islands. Wherever he has Been.he has been recognized asa man ofclear judgment,


of modestm .....demeanor,

oi ingenious mma, of artistic tastes.Those who knew him well, knew himto be interested in truth rather thanin profit. His work at Kealia hadbeen very successful, and his char-acter had been so well discoveredthere, that his demise has beenmourned by all. The deceased leaves

April, 1890.

Su. MO. Tu. W. Th. Fr. Sa. Moon's Phases.

April 4Full Moon.

10 11 12 April 12Last Quarter.

13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 April 18New Moon.20 21 22 23 24 23 20

A.rii 2628 29 1 SO First Quarter


1. O. O. F. Harmony Lodge, No. 3 at 7:30P. M.

Baxd Coxcebt Bv the Royal HawaiianBand at Emma square at 7:30 P. M.


PdGiflG CesMeial Attvertiser.

Be just ami fear not:Le: all tbe ends thou aim'st at "rt-Th-y

Country's, thy God's, and Truth's.

MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1890.



The position taken by tho Attorney- -

General is that one man, because hehappens to draw the salary of theAttorney-Genera- l for the time being,is superior in power to the otherthreo members of the Cabinet and tothe entire Supreme Court; and thatwith the avowed object of retaininga relative in office, he proposes single--

handed, to defy the law, the consti-tution, the Cabinet and the Court.Tins announcement oi tne riglit of aminority to rule, is one which strikesat the liberties and the rights ofevery citizen. The people of thiscountry have gone through trials andbloodshed, loss and suffering, toemancipate themselves from autocratic rule, and if we mistake not,the community is not in a frame ofmind to accept a new autocrat for anold one.





lor several weeks past both theElele and the Ka Leo have been giving a series of statements concerningwhat was being done by the Cabinet,of such a nature that they could havebeen furnished by no one but a member of the Cabinet.

Having reason to believe that thestatements made by these paperswere either garbled or wholly untrue,we have taken the pains to ascertaina few facts concerning recent Cabinet history, which are as follows:

During the absence of the Attorney-Gener- al from the Kingdom,the term of office of the Colonel ofVolunteers expired. Under the autxiority and responsibility placedupon them by the statute, the otherthree members of the Cabinet refusedto re-appoi- nt Mr. V. V. Ashford tothe position, upon tho ground thathe was an unfit man for the position.

Upon the return of the AttorneyGeneral, ho took the position thatthe other three members of the Cabinet wore acting unjustly toward hisbrothor; that ho was entitled to theposition; that the Rifles could notexist without him, and insisted thatthe other three members should reverse their decision and approve ofthe appointment. This they refusedto do. The Attorney General thereupon announced his intention of opposing the majority of the CabinetIn accordance with the terms of thestatute, the majority thereupon decided to appoint Major H.F.Hebbardto the position, the Attorney-Genera- l

voting no. The other members oftho Cabinet thereupon inquired ofMr. Ashford whether he proposed tocarry his opposition to the extent ofadvising the King not to sign Mr.Hebbard's commission. He refusedto say whether he would so advise ornot, stating that when the time camehe would advise as he thought lit.

upon the disagreement reaohingthis stage tho other members re-

quested Mr. Ashford to withdrawfrom the Cabinet, as he was unwill-ing to remain and work harmoni-ously with them.

Mr. Ashford refused to resign,and stated that so far from resign-ing, he proposed to remain and pre-vent by every means in his powerthe unwise and unjust action pro-posed by the other members in at-

tempting to appoint any personexcept Mr. V. V. Ashford as colonelof the voluntaers.

A Cabinet meeting was thereuponheld with the King, at which threemembers of the Cabinet advised himto sign Major Hebbard's commission,and the Attorney-Gener- al advisedhim not to. The King thereuponreplied that he should refuse to do !

any act upon the advice of theCabinet unless they were unani-mous, which position the Attorney-Gener- al

approved of and supported.


X'T horse GARFIELD, a kindfcS. and gentle family horse.V'Sbh that will stand withoutxVvmJ hitching. Anybody can

drive lnm. Can be seen atthe Club Stables.

Also a good family Horse, for sale cheap.Also the well-know- n Colt Long Branch,

sired by King William.Also, a fancy Buck-boar- d with Brewster

gearcheap.CTApplyto JAMES DODD.

70-- tf


Book, Kews and Stationery Store


Full Supply of

Spalding's Baseball Goods,

Including Bats, Masks, Gloves, LeagueBalls, etc. Fine new line of

Croquet, Lawn Tennis, Indian Clubs,

all weights; etc,


Etc., Etc. .

Sole Agent for the

Merritt Type Writer.An Instrument which has no equal forthe money-pri- ce $17.50. Circulars for-warded on application.

THOS. G. THRUM,1303-1-51


RESORTKing St, opp. Oahu Bailway Depot,

Billiards, Bowling Alley


Cold taches! Cold Drinks!

. The Best of Coffee, Tea and Chocolate.Finest Brands of


OvfltAN an.1 1j - uuo uy everyCalifornia steamer.


I i

ill III i1!



NEVER become Cracked

by change of Temperature- -

The Filtering Medium

STONE, mined irom w

imlikp anv ether stone.



t. i a. i: ha cnrfice,it, oui lie

after years of use asneu

the mine.

ruv stone TN?t

success. It is the onWeyerseen. I would n

any consideration. .water into ewnzv

yForSal by the


Opposite SprMte'8



Boston Line of h

BARK 0hWU1 be laid on the ber JJ j

for this port during J

CZ-F- ot further!1 AJIO-- J .

. .RTlSft

E. M. SNIPFEN,lll-l- y v., . Manager.

Pianos For Kent.--C!r 1 PIANOS IN GOOD ORDERiY fVri tefi(iP-00PJ,month- .


... jj

Page 3: S3 UN OTT, · and the beauty and ingenuity of its--AND Importer and Dealer in. UL MERCHANDISE.--iWl Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf Legal Documents and Papebs of every description carefully


A HAPPY REUNION. SUmti5rat&ts. SdtJfrUsemfitts.Tbe Translation of the Bible into Gil

Honolulu and San Francisco Mail Servicebert Island Dialect CompletedPre-sentation to Key. H. Bingham.TK.U': MILLINERY ! MILLINERY !

barley, 953 sks. bran, 739 ctls. oats, 400 lbs.tea, 14,386 lbs. sugar, 2,822 lbs. bran, 171ctls. wheat, 100 bbls. lime, 325 bbls. flour,5,452 lbs. bread, 552 pkgs. machinery, 1,460ba;;s fertilizer, 100 M shingles, 40 bbls. : 5hf. bbls. and 20 cs. salmon, 376 hogs, 4horses, etc., valued at $42,338.

The four-maste- d schooner Olga, Capt.Kotlin, arrived Sunday afternoon, eighteendays from San Fra cisco, with merchan-dise, valued at $22,2 and including 600bbls. flour, 960 lbs. coffee, 1,490 bags fertili-zer, 7,709 lbs. bread, 170 ctls. wheat, 200 sks.middlings, 587 bles. hay, 48 M ft. lumber,70 cs. whisky, 1,765 sks. bran, 268 Mshingles, 320 bbls. lime, 858 ctls. oats, 2,695

On Friday evening last, quite aA.

.'. !:11:0)

r. m.2:002:484:004:48

large number of the friends of Rev...." H. Bingham assembled at his resi TIME TABLE


Oceanic Steamship Co. : Easter Opening !I .r P. M.

dence, "Gilbertinia," near Punahou,to congratulate him on his comple-

tion of the translation of the Bibleinto the Gilbert Island dialect, a

cus. Daney, iy muies, iu norses, etc.From San Francisco, 12 O'clock, Noon.

work on which he has been engagedDIED.MOLLER At Kealia, Kauai, Monday,

April 7, at 3 A. M., of complication nf

Leave. S. F...Jan. 11...Feb. 8...Mar. 8.

Due atHonolulu

...Jan. 18..Feb. 15..Mar. 15

Alameda..Mariposa. .

for over thirty years. The parlorsand the verandahs on the occasionwere crowded with visitors. Shortly

malaria and pneumonia, Holger MollerVa native of Denmark. Zealandia.

Alameda . . ..Apr. 12..May 10

..Apr. 5. .

.'.May 3..Mariposa..before 8 o'clock, Dr. Hyde openedSMITH Mrs. Catherine Smith, age 77, atPauoa Valley, April 12. Mother of Mrs. Zealandia.. .May 61.the ceremonies by reading a histo Alameda..



.Saturday .


.Saturday ..Saturday...Saturday,.Saturday..Saturday..Saturday.Saturday.



Mariposa . .

...June 7

....July 5. Aug. 2..Aug. 30...Sept 27

rical statement, showing that Mr.a. long, jurs.i,. Torbert and A. McGuire.


o i' 3:00

r or HOSOLOLHJ::::::::::::::

5 Si S- B B &

si! x 2.

!Xp;12;''a5IaOi 5.42fi.is! 2.42

5.41 6.19. 3.28?.iw; ?ij 6.20 4.io

5.38 6.20 5.296.21 sets

jjlS.lSll.Wj5-3- 7 6.21 8.00i I


..June 28.

.July 26..Aug. 23..Sept. 20...Oct. 18...Nov. 15..Dec. 13..


Bingham commenced his work oftranslating the Bible early in Feb


The Hawaiian jury in the case of theKing vs. Palu, murder, after . being outfive hours and thirteen minutes, broughtin a verdict of not guilty, two dissenting,at 3:23 a.m.

J.W. John Kalaukoa vs. Sarah S. Ka-1auk- pT

Petition for divorce. HeardfttfTdiyorce ordered granted for desertionof defendant. H:N. Castle for plaintiff;no appearance of or for defendant.

Kenteikai (k) vs. Mahana (w). Peti-tiopf- or

divorce. Heard and divorceraered granted for desertion of defend-

ant. W. X. Holokalflki for plaintiff.Annie Schussler vs. Oswald Schussler.

Petition for divorce. On motion of bothparties continued to the July term .

The Court adjourned at 10 :45 a. m.' -- .

The Mikado.The performance Saturday evening at

the. Opera House was a fine one in everyrespect. A large audience was in at-

tendance and in the royal box sat H. R.H. Princess Liliuokalani. The perform-ance was marked by the very excellentrepresentation of Katisha by Mrs. W.W. Dimond. It is above criticism. Mr.Bishop as Ko-K- o was as funny as everand caused much laughter with his localhits in the song "I've got them on thelist." He rapped the press, "the dic-tator with his long whiskers who strutsabout town trying to turn everythingupside down," also the road supervisor,Punchbowl road, etc. Messrs. Hoogsand Lewers, the three ltttle maids, andthe other leading characters were allthat could be desired. The chorussang in fine style throughout. Bouquetswere as numerous as fans, and two mem-bers of the chorus were fortunate in re-ceiving vegetable bouquets.

Zealandia....Oct. 25..Nov. 22. Dec. 20A reliable young Japanese advertises ruary, 1859, and after fourteen years' Alameda. .

for a situation. To San Franoiaco.labor, the New Testament was finLeave Due at

Svrtncv TTrmnlnlnThe Hawaiian band plays at EmmaMarinosa. .WpdnesdRV. Dm 25. . Jan 11Square this evening.

There was another heavy downDour ofZealandia. .Wednesday. .Jan 22 Feb 8Alameda . . .Wednesday . . Feb 19. ... Mar 8Mariposa . . Wednesday . .Mar 19 Apr 5Zealandia.. Wednesday.. Apr May 3

rain Saturday evening.

It 1. 104 Fort Street, Honolulu,

N. S. SACHS, Proprietor.

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday

OF THIS WEEK.XWe invite the Ladies of Honolulu to call and inspect our new and

elegant stock of



A Fine Assortment of Children Trimmed Hats, . at the


Aiameua. w l 31eonesuay.. . . aiay . . . MayMarinosa.. Wednesilav-.JnnM- l . Jiinp28HTrtioIulu Steam Planing J. C. Lane is no longer in the enmlov

of the Hawaiian Gazette Co. Zealandia . . Wednesday . .J uly 9. . . J uly 26a Honolulu mean noon,ffli-3- 3 sec. past 1 o'clock

ished and printed. In 1883, he tookup the work of translating the OldTestament, assisted by Mr. Kaure, aGilbert islander, which has sincebeen prosecuted, inteiruptel by sev-eral intervals of sickness, till the lastverse of Malachi was translated onFriday last, April 11th.

At the conclusion of Dr. Hyde'srecitation, Mr. Bingham spoke veryfeelingly and gratefully of the as-

sistance that he had received fromothers, and especially from his wife,who he said had read every one ofthe 31,173 verses of the Gilbert Isl-and version, making many valuable

aiameaa. w a zs. . eanesaay . . ug ... AugMariposa.. Wednesday.. Sept 3... Sept 20Zealandia. .WednKsdav. . .Oct 1 Oft 18

Mr. William C. Parke, the attorney, isan agent to take acknowledgments.tWI cnrcnouieters set

M3- - al?:a This .ast isespeci- - Alameda. . .Wednesday. .Oct 29. . .Nov 15..fitni ma luci'put:.. A meeting of the creditors of FookLun luanposa.. w eanesaay. .jnov zd. ...uec 13

Zealandia . .Wednesday. . Dec 24 . . .Jan 10will be held at 10 o'clock this morning. Intermediate S. S. Australia. 12 31.

Leave San Francisco Leave Honolulu.There will be an Easter praise service Fridav Jan. 3at Kaumakapili church next Sunday Friday Jan. 31

Friday Jan. 17Friday Feb. 14Friday Mar. 14Friday Apr. 11

evening. F riday Feb. 28Fridav Mar. 28


"S B n r! J men


;7l! 70! 70 0.17 80, jI f? 3to! b'J.O.OO

lo 64 Si O. 83; 8 8 3

St MO.0J 76; 3wtOB 2

S fo W0.14 W w ?S 67 70 0.00 75, 1 W-N

If you go to the band concert at Emmacorrections, and whom he termed"a born linguist." Also to Mr.Kaure, who had prepared three sets

Friday May 9Friday Apr. 25Square this evening you will hear how rnaay June t

Friday July 4Fridav Aue. 1

Mcuinty went down.j?nuay May ;Friday June 20Friday July 18Friday Aug. 15Friday Sept. 12

Friday Aug. 29Fridav Sept. 26The Wilder's Steamship Company will

l(MFriday......Oct.24pay a dividend of three dollars per shareat their office on Thursday.

Friday uct.Friday Nov. t nday rov. 21

Friday Dec. 18Friday Dec. 5PPING INTELLIGENCE.A meetinz of the Hawaii basehalr club

of the new Bible in manuscript,which were exhibited to the audi-ence by Mr. Bingham. The manu-script work of this islander is cer-tainly very remarkable, as clear andneat in its execution as the bestcopyist could do it. In some in-stances ten, twenty or thirty pagesshow no error, blotch or correctionof any kind.

Mr. Bingham also donated to theHawaiian Board of Missions a fund

will be held at the office of Hon. AntoneAKK1VALS. EGGS FOR SETTING Tin mm worksRosa, at 12 o'clock noon to-da- y.

Saturday, April 12.

ni. Weir, from Maui and Ha There will be a meeting of the ladiesR Lane, from Maui and 11a- - of Honolulu on Tuesday morning at 10

o'clock in the Y. M. C. A. hall, with --:o:-regard to the new Sailor's Home. of one thousand dollars to assist.t Makce. Macaulav, from


White FacedBlack Spanish andBrown Leghorn Hens.Orders taken for allkinds of Thorough

in printing and circulating the newBible, the history of which gift, as.iciii, McGregor, trom moiokui Mr. Armstrong Smith, a Government

. I cplmnl fpiirhpr nn Hawaii laff fnt Tartar,The Only Steam Soda Works in the

Hawaiian Islands.bred Poultry from the yards of one of the1' 1. ..- - 1 O 1 I " " ' W " related during the evening, shows

During the day there was much feel-ing among the members of the companyat an unprofessional demand made byProf. Sauvlet for his services as con-ductor which nearly ended in no per-formance being given. He apologizedafter the performance was over in theevening, saying it was a misunder-standing on his part.

- mmm

Picnic at Aiea.The members of the ckoir and the

Sunday school of the second congrega-tion of St. Andrew's Cathedral withfriends, in all numbering one hundredand seventy-on- e persons had a picnic atDr. J. S. McGrew's residence, Aiea,near Pearl harbor on Saturday, by invi-tation of the Rev. Alex. Mackintosh thepopular and respected pastor of thatcongregation. The merry party wentto Aiea on a special train kindly pro-vided by Hon. M. P. Robinson, leavingtown at 10:25 a. m. Arriving at thegrounds, the party amused themselves,to about 1 o'clock when a most elegantand bountiful lunch provided by Mr.and Mrs. Mackintosh was served underthe trees. It is needless to say that allpresent did ample justice to it. Unfor-tunately about 2 o'clock it commencedto rain heavily, and this somewhat mar-red the day's outing. The party re

largest and best Breeders on the Pacificthat missionaries are not the grasp Coast. Apply toilPimon.l, E P Drew,lG days Wilder, for the benefit of his healthaiicieo.

ing, avaricious souls that some peo-ple love to call them. Some twentyyears ago, two English traders who

Mrs. C. AV. Sherman the artist whoLien, Thompson, It days lromS. P. SIMONDS,

1308 34-3- m 182 King Street.

FOE LEASE.leaves with her husband on the Alameda

had married natives that had beenfor the Colonies, was presented with aSunday, April 13.brig W H Meyer,dike. Davies. from Maui.

.. r i r : :

handsome gold brooch from her pupils educated by Mrs. Bingham, preon Saturday. sented their teachers each with one

wan. tameroii, trom xianuu. hundred dollars. The two hundredia, Clark, from Hawaii. On Wednesday the 16th. at 10 a. m., dollars were placed at interest in THAT DESIRABLE RESIDENCEproperty formerly known as thejeallou,ve,from Jiawan.

18 Mr. James F. Morgan will sell the house-hold furniture at the residence of Mr. Bishop & Co.'s bank, and havemasted schr Olga, llodin,

an Francisco." Bungalow," situated on Luina St.

accumulated to one thousand dolH . F. Glade, Judd street. The furniture near Judd St. Alterations and repairs tobuilding will be made to suit tenant. Lo-cation healthful and sufficiently elevated


Ginger Ale, Plain, Sweet and toni Soda,




lars, which has been invested in aGovernment six per cent bond, and

will be open to inspection to-morr- ow

from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.DETAUTl'llKS.

Saturday, April 12. to command a view of the city and harbor.is now presented in trust to the

An. IIou, for Jlakena. Some empty cars on a working train Board.v E Foster for Kauai.

r or terms, etc., enquire of54-J- m J. EMMELUTH.

NOTICE.and the engine, got off the. track of the Addresses were made by Judgelihu for Kauai.

Judd and Rev. Mr. Fisher, afterSunday, April 13.b Wilder for San Francisco. which Judge McCully sprung a gen

Oahu Railway Company late Fridayafternoon at Kahauiki. About fifty feetof the track was torn up. Repairs wereaffected early Saturday morning. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO

J--i depositors in the Savings Bank DepartELS LEAVING TO-DA- Y.

uine surprise on both the audienceand the recipients by presenting Mr.Bingham with a gold watch and ment of Claus Spreckels & Co. that from

Mrs. Catherine Smith an old residentikolii, McGregor, for Molokaiit 5 P.M. chain, and Mrs. Bingham with adied on Saturday at her residence, Pauoa

gold pin, the gift of friends, accomla, Haglanu, for Kauai, 5 pm.Cummins, Neilson, for Koo- -

and after the 1st day of April, 1890. theinterest allowed on deposits will be reducedto four (4) per cent, per annum. Deposi-tors will be allowed to withdraw theirdeposits up to that date without giving theusual notice, but, if allowed to remain

valley, aged seventy-seve-n years. rlhefuneral took place Sunday afternoonfrom Central Union Church, Rev. Dr.Beckwith conducting the services.

p. panying the presentation with somevery appropriate and happily-expresse- d

remarks, which touched thei'ESSELS IN POUT,

after April 1st, said deposits will be con-sidered as subject to the rules and regula-tions published in the Pass Books.

heart-string- s of many present.The electric lamps have been extendede.McCurlev, Ililo.

Factory: USTo. 23 !N"tmanii St.MUTUAL TELEPHONE 360; BELL 372.

D. T. BAILEY, - - - Manager.


50-l-m CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO.Refreshments and a verse sung to"Old Hundred" closed one of therampion.fct. Claire, from cruise

Biodtrev, Dabel, a Francisco.recently to Punahou street, a localitywhich needed them very much. Thatat the foot of Punahou street, lights nleasantest social gatherings that

turned to Honolulu on a special tram at5 o'clock.

v A Coming; Picnic.The Honolulu Arion society have de-

cided to have a picnic at RaymondGrove about twelve miles from Hono-

lulu, on Monday May 5th. Trains willrun over the line of the Oahu RailwayCompany to the grove at 5 :30, 6 :30 and10 :30 p. m. and there will be two trainsfrom the grove at 9:30 p.m. and mid-night or perhaps a little later. Thetickets are fixed at $1.50 for each person,and will include railway fare bothways, dancing, and refreshments, con-sisting of sandwiches, salads, cake,coffee, ice cream, etc. The HawaiianBand will be in attendance at thepicnic, and also play on the trains onthe journey to the grove. All the com-mittees have been appointed and it ispretty certain that like all the past un-dertakings of the Arion in a social way,the picnic will be a great success.

The Iate Simon Hardcastle,Mr. John H. Paty attorney for Henry

itmore, Ward, Departure Bay. Just Receivedue( taiiao. King street on to the residences of Hon.ilbot, Khodes. Port Townsend.have been held in Honolulu formany a day, and one which will belong remembered by every one

J. A. Cummins and Hon. Judgei Vance, Auderson, Newcastle, Per S. S. Oceanic and Bark Velocity, fromChina anq J apan, .

ftsse, Howard, San Francisco. 54 AGENTS.If the steamship Alameda arrives inJartm, Hongkong,iilhoun. San Francisco.


iNcru SUtocrtisoiunis.Chinese and Japanese Fancy Goodstime the Bijou Comedy and DramaticWilcox, llasch. San Francisco.

astle, Hubbard, San Francisco Company will give their nrst perform-ance at the opera house this eveningpresenting the five act drama "A dan SILKS, HOLLISTER & CO.,SSELS EXPECTED, gerous Woman." The box plan is now Royal Hawaiian Sillc Handkerchiefs;Where from. Due. opene at Mr. li. J. .Levey's omce.

Rer... Boston Aor20 OPERA HOUSEMale. . . Liverpool Atr 15 WHOLESALE A BSTAIL DEALERS INMessrs. John Ashdown and James,,t. .. .---

uuu....ewo:ist p. NSW3 Newcastle Bergstrom, the organ builders, have just

nomnleted extensive repairs to the organ Lessee.Manager.

L. J. LeveyCliff PhillipsBremen

Dinner and. Tea Sets,Rattan Chairs,

Flower Pots and Vases,

Lanterns, Bamboo Baskets, Etc.

and James Hardcastle, tne surviving..... M. .in Kawaiahao church. The instrument 1PL. New YorkNew Ynrlr was used on Sunday lor tne nrst time, brothers of the late Simon tiardcastie,

forwarded to them on the last steamer Drugs- - and MedicinesMersBuget Sound.'.'... and there is a wonderful improvement in This Evening, Monday, April 14thPucel Sound to England where thev reside, theirWwers.Puget Sound share of their brother's estate amount- -

its tone and the working of the action.A thorough job has been done by theabove gentlemen.

.Hunihnldf.incr to $34,000. Mr. Patv has also THE - BIJOTJ WING WO TAI & CO.Fr Biuret Son nd"ordered a tombstone to be placed over..Bll'Tt Sntirnl Fine Chemicals, Toilet .Articles,wa..ban Francisco.. April 12 25 Nuuanu Street

82-l- m


A very large crowd of people was in Comedy & Dramatic Co.San Frnnr5rt the following inscription: "Sacred to

the memory of Simon Hardcastle, son ofThomas and Margaret Hardcastle ofSkelton upon Ure, near Ripon, York

. ...n-tvi-, , ,mn... San Francisco... attendance at the Makiki grounds on'"Pson.San Francisco. . . john ashdown, PH0T0GBAPHIC SUPPLIES of all kindsWill make their first appearanc in the

shire, .England, who died in Monoiuiu, Comedy Drama in 5 Acts by isartieyCampbell, entitled:Pen.. Newcastle, NSW

Saturday afternoon to witness the open-

ing game of baseball between the Hono-lulu-s

and Stars. Many ladies were inthe grand stand, and the Hawaiian Band

V Of San Francisco.March 5, 188a, aged t4 years."

Public Concert. . .

The Hawaiian Band will give a public' "HUMOUS WOMAN "pASEXGEKS.


was present under the trees. The weatherwas cloudy and it looked as if it might PraCtlCal FiailO, WbWb 1)11Characters " by the Company.concert at Emma Square this evening

" UUU nn-- n 4 T rain at any moment. The game com at 7:30 o'clock. The following is the- wo cacin and two deck. X7Box plan now open at the omce ofmenced at 3:30 o'clock, but at the end The M. A. Seed and. the Carbutt Iry Platen.TUNER AND REPAIRER.Bn Ki i , uik-ee, April of the first innings it began to ram.

programme:March Governor Dorainis Berger.Overture Bandit Tricks. . . Suppe.Lancers Mikado Sullivan.

L. J. Levey. zs-- li

Firewood For Sale,Fifteen minutes later, it stopped and theSelection Bohemian Girl Balfe. 4.

1,1" stV.ir Likike, April 13Mrs Torbert, Miss E

Miss 1 Camp-liams.- u13 Coville.S Obed

SOLS IMPORTERS OF TUX CELEBRATEDHavine worked in some of the largest

game could have proceeded, but it didnot. Finally it was declared off and anexhibition game was played.

Mr TamM R HaaflA nffirifttp.d as lint--iano and organ factories in the Unitedtates of America, I am fully able and preUT AND SPLIT FOR STOVE USE,CtrAKiTRES. I nim and Sam Tsmisann an nflfimal Rfiorer. S16 ter cord, at the pared to do all kinds of repair work in the

most satisfactory manner. STRAITON & STORM SEGATJSHAWN. COMMERCIAL SALESROOMS,?7h ,pn bktne s G Wilder, The play in the two innings was as fol

Cor. Queen and Nnnana Sts.40-- tflows:f Taylor, jira OrloflF Stars Chan. Wilder was first to bat.

Mikioi. PuuOhulu. UaHikiKome A'u.

Medley North and South Tobani.Waltz Little Annie Rooney (new) . .Casey.Schottische-r-Dow- n Went McGinty (new)

..Casey.Two Marches by Bergerj ' ; ' ; Hauolli

Hawaii Ponoi.

Captain Almond has been ap-

pointed successor to Lieutenant-Command- er

H.L. Heath, R. N., ofthe Victorian naval forces.

After two balls had been delivered to --Orders can be left at H. F. Wich- -LOST. And Kimball's Vanity Fairhim he made a beautiful hit to centerfield scoriner a home run amid applause. man's Jewelfy store. Fort street, at the

Advertiser office, or through Mutual Telephone Ii0347!67-ln- inOSTAL SAVINGS BANK BOOK NO.

JL 4203. The finder please leave at theChas. Wilder retired at first, Chandleron three strikes, while J. Perry was outat first from Whitney. One run,

Honolulus Hav Wodehouse took his'QUT?1" Kauai, Sat love's bakery. Cigarettes & 'fti & Hawaii,.Sat

Postal Savings Bank.Honolulu, March 4, 1890. M-l-m

Meeting Notice- -

base on balls, to second on a passed ball.Genrue Lucas died at first. Harry Whitr and

Zfo. 73 Nnuavia Street.ney cot his first on balls and stole second.IIBS.BOBT.LOTX, - PxoprletNM.Friedenberg hit to Ernest Wodehouse at

third who threw wild to first, Hay Wode

iNtro SUrotrtistnuntft.


ia 4,501 bags sugar.iLiSieSWt on Sun- - Honolulu109 Fort St.,house crossine the plate. Coyne's out mWP! "RKGTILAR QUARTERLY AND

148 1304JL nnnnal meetinz of the Press Publish- -at first gave Whitney his chance to scorei0fses nS9, 132

"1"pkgsundries,l,3i7ft.intineV t tx- - inc Co. will be held at its office on BethelThe innings ended by A. Lucas going

out at first. Two runs. street, on iulsuai, W.rl,ilivA.M. A. 1 Dflilltl,

83-- 7t Secretary.Many improvements have been madeat the grounds including the erection ofa fence which keeps the crowd back, a

Brery Description of Plain and Fane71

Bread and Cracfcers,FBK8H

Soda Crackers

h ,l nne weather- - urno HABMA mm,last three days. Thea cartm stand for the bats and some steps which Ctsmopolitan Restaurant Notice.

PUBLIC OF HONOLULU ANDTHE Islands are hereby notified that-- Mb. J. C. Lake

is no longer in our employ as soliciter ofadvertisements or in any other capacity.

HAWAIIAN GAZETTE- - CO.April 12, 1890. - 83-l- m


Ue at .general.,,5? and included 495 lead to the front of the stand.

mo wprr-ir'nW- K . TTnTTH'E HAST HABAIA CIGAES,Police Court.Saturday, April 12. LanrraA VinnrlQ .1 Tin H PP. the AHRe.etc. bbls- - salmon, 154 aaiu vuauKu Ji a. i ? iL . Vino Tonnmhoccn thaDeSb COOK UI Uie uw n.uui,u.i)vu

Saloon BreadKeaka Kapulu, for assault and batteryon Jim Brown, was fined $20 with $2 10

stocK ana nxiures, wiu wmnwiiiuieHa-tauran- tafresh on TUESDAY, April 8th.

i r : -- li .na vrill on vp him n rvnll HABMA CIGARS,FOUR CARPENTERS. RIGHTaway. Apply at the Gazette of-

fice. . 74-- tt -costs. . Board Outer Room, $4.50 a week; 25 Alwajrfr on Hand.JS- -

IoA ,he shinnp"3' and valued Ikaia was found guilty of violating CJ IFOR BAJam BYcents tor single mcau. naw xvwwui--

$5.50 a week; 35 cents, for single meals.chapter 40, laws of 1888, during the pastmree months by having insufficient innner ceuia. JUN HEE,

82-l-w! Proprietor.means of support. He was sentenced to

S. C ii.


Island of Oahu, 14 miles from . Honolulua Competent Driver wfc o is capable of Checking

Frt$birect Communications to Ilorrololu1Jl0-- lfPost Office Box C

six months' imprisonment at hard labory" ' A SPECIALTY.

fld Orders Promptly Afl4ilwl to.179-Sn- a

ana to pay 3 40 costs. v QEAD THE DAILY ADVERTISERSan Manuel Ross had to pay $20 and $2 Kins tnd Bethel Eireets.V2 l(lyHj if you want ine latest news.cth. costs lor assault and battery on Fung Fai.


Page 4: S3 UN OTT, · and the beauty and ingenuity of its--AND Importer and Dealer in. UL MERCHANDISE.--iWl Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf Legal Documents and Papebs of every description carefully



;: ri r vii t

Honolulu and San Francisco Mail Service CEYSTAL SODA WORKSJohn Ena, Vice-Preside- nt.

Cecil Brown, Auditor.E. R. Hesdkv, President and Manager.Godfrey Brown, Secretary & Treasurer.


(LIMITED).Opp. Sprocket Bank, - - Fort Street, Honolulu,

Importers and. Dealers in General

HAHDWAEE, GLASSWARE, CROCKERYGenuine Havilasd China, plain and decorated; Wedgewood

ware; Piano, Library and Stand Lamps,

Chandeliers and Electoliers9Lamp Fixtures of all kinds ; a complete assortment of Drills and Files ;




GllSf G-E- R ALE,Sarsaparilla, Lemon, Cream and Plain Soda,

Champagne Cider, Etc., Etc.



The "Gazelle" Riding Plow and Equalizer, Bluebeard Rice Plow,Planters' Steel and Goosenecked Hoes .

OILS: Lard, Cylinder, Kerosene, Linseed.PAINTS, VARNISHES and BRUSHES, MANILA and SISAL ROPE,


HOSE: Rubber, Wire-bou- nd of superior quality, and Steam.

Agate Iron Ware' Silver Plated Ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery,Powder, Shot and Caps, The Celebrated "Club' Machine-loade- d Cartridges.

AGENTS FOR:New Process" Rope, " New Process " Twist Drills,

Gate City Stone Filters, Neal's Carriage Paints,Uartman's Steel-wir-e Fence and Steel wire Mats,

Win. G . Fisher's Wrought Steel Ranges,Hart's Patent "Duplex" Die Stocks

100-l- y for Pipe and Bolt Threading,

Mutual 330-TELEPHONES--Bell 298.


Ill 1296-l- y

WAIALAE BREEDING RANCHGEO. W.rnHE WELL-KNOW- N BUILDER,JL tractor, and is now better prepared to do any and all kinds of work

appertaining to contracting or any other class of work belonging to his trade, inthe same good and workmanlike manner as heretofore ; having curtailed my shopexpenses and still retain plenty of room to do any and all kinds of work appertain

3?edigrees of all


The following Fine Animals will standfor Service at the Ranch, Waialae:"Well-bre- d. Stallion MARIN."

Norman StallionCAPTAIN GROWL."

Thoroughbred Stal. "MIDNIGHT."Two Native Stallions

"PILIAOAO" and " FRANK."A Well-bre- d Kentucky JACK.

iPATJIj R.1314-l- y

Horses Kept.



Stallions or Various Breeds.Mares with or without Foal

Horses for any Purpose


A Skilful BREAKER and TRAINERis employed on the Ranch.

Satisfaction is -- guaranteed in Breakingaim x rawing nurses.

62-6- m

ing to the building trade that may be.the same at very low rates, to suit thebearing in mind that what is worth doing

TfioTiVinof tiAi



Hardware Merc nts MESSES. KEN G-- BEOS.

THE HISDONIron and Locomotive Works,

Corner of Beal and Howard Streets,!

San Frsmciaco California


Builders of Steam Machinery

In all Its branches'.

Steamboat, Steamship. Land Engines & Boilers,High pressure or uompouua.

STEAM VESSELS of all kinds built complete,with hulls ot wood, iron or composite.

ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad-

visable.STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs con

structed with reference lout inaejn wmcuthey are to be employed. 8peed, tonnage anddraft of water guaranteed.

SUGAR MILLS and Sugar Making Machinerymade after the most approved plans. Also, aliBoiler Iron Work connected therewith.

WATEB PIPE, of Boiler ox Abeet Iron, of anysize, made In suitable lengths for connectingtogether, or Sheets rolled, punched and packedfor shipment, ready to be riveted on theground.

HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and WaterPipes made by this establishment, riveted byhydraulic riveting machinery, that quality ofwork being far superior to hand work.

8HIP WORE., Ship and Steam Capstans, 8teanWinches, Air and Circulating Pumps, madeafter the most approved plans.

80LE Agents and manufacturers for the PacificCoast of the Heine Safety Boiler.

PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for irrigation orcity works' purposes, built with the celebratedDavy Valve lilotlon, superior to any othetpump.

JOHN DIEE Honolulu--13m Boom No. 3. upstairs, Spreckels Block


Paauhao Plantation, lHawaii. March 9, 1888.

Bisdon Iron and - Locomotive Works, San FranCisco.

Gentlemen We have used two of your 30--chambered niter Presses this season. Theyare convenient, easily handled and are workingentirely to oar satisfaction. I can recommendno improvement on them.

Very respectfully yours.(signed) A. Moons,

Manager Paauhau Plantation,

Hixia, Sept. 28, 1889.Mb. John Dteb, Agent Bisdon Iron Works,

Honolulu.Dkab Sib: Please ship us one of your 30

Compartment Filter Presses, 210 square feetsurface, same as the one supplied us last season,which I am pleased to say has given us entiresatisfaction. Yours truly,

GEO. B. EWABT,Manager Heeia Agricultural Co.

These Presses are made extra heavy fornign pressures, occupies a floor space of llx4 ft., and presents a filtering-- surface of 240square feet. A limited number in stock InHonolulu and are sold at very low prices.

Rlsdon Iron & Loco. Works,San Francisco.

For particulars enquire ofJOHN DYER Honolul

Boom No. 3 Spreckels Block:234 W. O. IRWIN St Co., Agents

Baldwin Locomotives!

The undersigned having been ap-pointed Agents for the Hawaiian Islands


Baldwin LocomotivesFrom the Works of

Burnham, Parry, Williams & Co.,

Philadelphia, Penn.,

Are now prepared to give estimates andreceive orders for these engines, of anysize ana style.

The Baldwin Locomotive Works arenow manufacturing a style of Locomotive particularly adopted

For Plantation Purposes,

A number of which have recently beenreceived at these Islands, and we willhave pleasure in furnishing PlantationAgents and Managers with particulars ofsame.

The superiority of these Locomotives-- 11 1 Ti r i. i ,w wiucr uiaK.es is nub umy Known

here but is acknowledged throughout theunitea oiaies.

WM. 6. IRWIN & Co.,Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

21 1307

NEW GOODSA Fine Assortment.

We have just received per S. S. Mariposa,a' fine selection ot New Goods,

comprising, oneelegant

Hand-paint- ed Porcelain Dinner Set.

A few of those fine hand-embroider- ed


Assorted colors and patterns of CrepeSilk Shawls. Elegant Tete--a te Cups

and Saucers. A fine lot of


A few of those handy Mosquito Urns.Also, an assortment of new styles of

Rattan Chairs and TablesAlso, a small spWh'nn nf TAPAVTOP

costumes" 7Call earlv and examine thia fin

assortment of New Goods.

WING W0 CHAN & CO.No. 22 Nuuanu Street.

155-l- y.


tfaiHlWT, It Will

Jf-il-5 Impolicy;


Oceanic Steamship Co.

From San Francisco, 13 O'clock, Noon.Leave Due atS. F. Honolulu

Alameda.. .Saiurdaj'.. .Jan. 11. . . . Jan. 18Mariposa.. . Saturday . . . Feb.- - 8 . . . . Feb. 15Zealandia. .Saturday .. .Mar. 8. . .'.Mar. 15Alameda. . .Saturday...Apr. 5.. . Apr. 12Mariposa.. .Saturday . . .May 3. . ..May 10Zealandia . .Satarday...May 31.....June 7Alarueda. . .Saturday,. .June 28. ..July 5Mariposa.. .Saturday.. July 26.. . Auk. 2Zealandia.. .Saturday . .Aug. 23. . ..Aug. 30Alameda. . .Saturday . .Sept. 20 . ..Sept 27Mariposa. . Saturday.. Oct. 18.. ...Oct. 25Zealandia. .Saturday.. Nov. 15.. ..Nov. 22Alameda.. .Saturday. .Dec. 13.. . Dec. 20

To San Franetaco.Leave Due at

Sydney HonoluluMariposa . . Wednesday . Dec 25. ..Jan 11Zealandia . .Wed nesday . Jan 22... Feb 8Alameda . . .Wednesday . .Feb 19.... Mar 8Mariposa.. Wednesday. .Mar 19 Apr 5Zealandia. .Wednesday . Aprl6....May3Alameda. . .Wednesday. May 14... May 31MariDOsa . . Wednesday. .June 11 . .J une 28Zealandia. .Wednesday . July 9. . July 26Alameda.. .Wednesday ..Aug 6. . .Aug 23M anposa . . Wednesday . . Sept 3 . . . Sept 20Zealandia.. Wednesday... Oct 1 Oct 18Alameda... Wednesday . . Oct 29 . . . Nov 15Mariposa.. Wednesday ..Nov 26.. ..Dec 13Zealandia.. Wednesday. .Dec 24... Jan 10

Intermediate S. S. Australia, 12 M.Leave San Francisco. Leave Honolulu.Friday Jan. 3 Fridav Jan. 17Friday Jan. 31 Friday Feb. 14Fri.fnv" "

Fph 2 Friday Mar. 14Friday Mar. 28 Fridiy Apr. 11r riuay Apr. zo Friday May 9Fri.lav ..Mav2S Friday June 6Friday June 20 Friday July 4Fridav Jnlv 18 Friday Aug. lFriday Aug. 15 Friday Aug. 29Friday Sept. 12 Friday Sept. 26Fridav Oct. 10 Friday Oct. 24Friday Nov. Friday Nov. 21Friday Dec. Friday Dec. 18

LOVE'S BAKERY.No. 73 Ifanann Street,

MRS. BOBT. LOVE, ... Proprietress,

Every Description of Plain and Fancyt

Bread and Crackers,FBESH- -

Soda Crackersan:

Saloon Bread

Always on IImI.


wlaiKl Orders Promptly Attended to179.8m


ITAVINO BEEN APPOINTED SOLE-- - Agents for the sale of O. Bechstein'scelebrated Pianofortes, we beg to solicitorders for either Horizontal or Uprighturana.

TESTIMONIALS:" ror twenty-eig- ht yeare that I have now

used Bechstein's Pianos, they have main- -taineu tneir superiority. Liszt."

" A noble inexhaustible and sympatheticfulness ot tone, together with an exquisiteaction, which admits ot tne utmost varietyof shade bears testimony to the fact thatthe manufacture has attained the utmostdegree of perfection in the act of instrument making. Bubinstein."

For further particulars applv toProf. G. Sauvlet, Nuuanu Avenue, or to

H. HACKFELD & CO.,Sole Agents for the Hawn. Isl.

19 1307-3- m


RESORTKing St, opp. Oahu Railway Depot,

Billiards, Bowling Alley


Cold Lick! Cold Drinks!

The Best of Coffee, Tea and Chocolate.Finest Brands of


Ovsters and Game bv evervCalifornia steamer. v i

E. M. SNIFFEN,111-l- y Manager.


F. HORN Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Hotel St. - - Telephone 74.1209 3tf

Pianos For Kent.


Invite the inspection of their Large Stock of SHEET PICTUREScomprising:



. i ' : ;

i. r.. .

f V

i. -

i .




r i






? r t1

? .1




' ''' s I

Si- -


Have on hand, a Large Stock of MANILA ROPE 6 Threadto 9 inch ; IRON WIRE, and Flexible STEEL ROPE, all sizes ; BoltRope, Lanyard Stuff, Ratline, Spunyarn, Marlin, Hambrolihe, Housline,Seizing Stuff, Wire Seizing, Whaleline, Oakum, Felt, Pitch, Coal and

Stockholm Tar, Pitch Mops, and Tar Brushes.

BLOCKS Common and Patent, all sizes and styles;SHEAVES Common, Patent and Metaline bushed ;

A Large Assortment ot

Galvanized and Brass Ship Hardware,Hubbucks White Lead, Zinc, Black Paint, Boiledand Raw Oil, Woolsey's & Tarr & Wonson's Copper Paint, Galvanizedand Black Chain, all sizes, Anchors, Oars, Boat Boards, Yellow METALSHEATHING and Nails, Copper and Galvanized Boat Nails, PatentLogs and Lines. COTTON and FLAX CANVAS. Nos. 0 to 10, BoatSail Drill and Raven's Duck, and in fact everything that should befound in a well stocked Ship Chandlery Store. We sell FIRST-CLAS- S

Goods at LOWEST Market Rates. Call and see for yourselves at



entrusted to my care. I am enabled to doextremely dull times, and at the same time

at all is worth doing well.

TviMif fnr nanf favnm.remain respectfully yours,


& SON, L'cL,

k Slier as

Corner of Fort and King Streets.

Gents New Silk Umbrella cost $4 75 $2 50.Ladies' Umbrella cost $5 $2.50.Ladies Colored Parasols $1 25 each.Children's Colored Parasols $1.

. Ladies' Balbriggan fine Stockings embry.eacn sme auc. a pair.

Ladies' Balbriggan fine Stockings embry.each side 25c. a pair.

Ladies' Balbriggan fine Lisle StockingseniDry. eacn siae zoc. a pair.

All Colored of Worsted low price.Window Curtain by yard and pair below

cost.Gents' & Boys' Colored Shirts 35c.to 50c.

each.Ladies Fine Woolen Shawls 75c. each.All kinds of Woolen Shawls $2.50, $3.Large Size Col. Double Blankets $4 to $5.Large assort. Embry. Silk Hdfs. $1 to

$1 25.Large asst. Plain Hem st Silk Hdfs. and

colored border 50c. to 75c.Chin.Silk Crepe (black & white) low priceLadies' Kid Gloves (white) 75c.Ladies' Colored Mitts all kinds, cheap.Ladies' Col.& White Lin. HandkerchiefsAll kinds Ostrich Feathers 75c. to $1.All kinds Ostrich Tips 50c. to 75c.All kinds Embry. Laces sale below cost.Chinese Pajamas Suits $3 50 a suit.Chinese Cotton Pajamas Suits $1 50.Gents' Suits, Coats & Pants below cost.Gents' White Suits, Coats & Pants $2 50Gents' Light Coat & Vest $1 00.Also large assort. Diagonal, Blue Serge,

Black Cloth suitable for suits, etc.Colored Mosquito Netting at 50c. pc.

10 yds. a piece.Ladies' & Children Straw Hats all kind's

color.- Buching in Black and white below cost,

3 yards for 25c.Ladies' Bags (all size) and assort. Fisher's

black and cream.Large assort. Satin Ribbons (all colors).Gents' Plain & Embry. Woolen Shirts.Ladies' Chemise Night Gown & Draw.Large assort. Crockery, Etc, Etc., Etc..





131 Days

liAltGR CASti

New 'ft

Anchors, Chains,Cocoa Mats, Kettlo,

Sauce Pans, Fij



White Lead, Red Lnt

Boiled Linseed Oil,

Castor Oil, Belting,

Coal Tar, Water Tank

Fire Brick, Alum,

Red Ochre, Fire Clay,

Bags, Twine,Filter Cloth,

Soap, Groceries,Boots and Shoes,

Perfumery, Flags,

Rope Brashes.

Croquet S:


Bridles, Felte.WhipsA

Blankets, Sheeting,

Dry Goods, Merinos.

Shawls, Uandkerch&

Victoria Lawns,

Mosquito Netting,

Laces, Ribbons, Hats, I

Velvets, Embroider

Flannel,Basket Trunks,

Picnic Hampers,



Underwear, Bracefli

Sofa rillows.Gloves, Flouncing.

Embroidery. Curt

Table Napkin

Table Cloths,Water-proo-f Cot

Artirjcial Flowers.

Dust Cloaks,

Pajama Suits,

Dinner Sets,

Tea Sets,Desert Sets,


Umbrella Stan

Decanters,Salad Bowls,

Mush Sets,

Flower Pot.Filters,Etc.. Etc., A


. Picture Mlonlding-- s

Lately imported, of the latest designs in great variety, personally selected for thismarket, from which thev nm nwnaMdaf Va T

Old Rehires Renovated and . Made

DroDortionate v low nri ;thar t t?i..T r 8ei .ana i? loot OieB atE. Q. HALL & SON'S, Readv.mfld :Mrv"V:,:r:ui"BU'nerry a. ny, Etc.57-2- m of Plush. NaW wodTRm

Wall Brackets, Book Shelves, Easels, Hat

IN FANCY oonns iu

' F vao, CM., CU i

A Complete Stock of Artists' ivricAlways kept, at the lowesttwo for 25 cents, other color? in tronoS

a. n

Look Like New at Very Small Cost

wwo' B on nana ln V variety

Racks, Boqaet Stands, Mirrors, Eta

&rlS0!?' i tubes- in icuis per yard up.



Groceries, Provision and 3TeedEAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS.

New Goods received by every packet from the Eastern States and Europe rean Californiaproduce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of thecity free of charjre. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postofflce Box No. 416

Grand Clearance Sale!

Hawaiian Scenes in Water and Oil Colors in Great Variety,By different Artists. Also, Scenes , . ,ame8 to fill oriera for Men!, Cards. TWj&j-SS- S

BThiH fi rm dAvntAfl fa vdnlA .u..t! a . . .

KING BROS. ART STORE, Hotel St. near Fort.

Pacific Hardware(IftMITED.)

Concord lamp Attachments!An 0 nrw,, ,

have one


Kerosene Oil Rtv MM uA jT r " VU UC UOCUp Dnnet-- Keiy family tl.onld


Crockery and Glassware JnsttoHand


72 Ladies' asstd. Embroidered Suits, inboxes, fine and very cheap.

Ladies' Balbriggan Under Vests, 50c. ea.Lambrequins, formerly $3, now 75c.White Flannel, all wool, 50c. yer yard.White Flannel, all wool, 35c. per yard.Ladies' Silk Gloves, asstd colors, long

and short, 50 and 75c.Dress Goods, Cotton Flannel, 8 yds. $1.Pink Marsalles, 10 K. UK, 12.Honeycomb, 10, 124, asstd.cheap.Black all wool Merinos, 50 to tOc. yard.ij.acK bpanisn .Lace, i yard.90 in. Mosq. Netting 10 yds. at $1 50 a

piece. 'vest White Cotton 16 yds. ?1.90 in. of White Sheeting at 33c. a yard.Brown Cotton 16 yds. $1.Fast ColBred of New Prints 16 up to 18

yds. $1.Brown Linen o vas. $i.White Heavy Moleskin at 50c. a yard.26 in. Grey and White Flannel 25c.a yard.Chinese Pongee Silk (yellow and bine)

$5 a piece.60 in. wide White figure Linen Table

Cloth 50c. a yard.2x1 White Figure Linen Table Cloth

$2 a piece.VAxl White Figure Linen Table Cloth

m4a;. a piece.

lXxlX Garnet Fieure Linen Table Clothj. ou apiece.

. .Fine Colored Satin at 50c. a yard.i Fine Colored Satin at 75c. a yard. .- Fine Garnet Velveteen at 50c. a yard.

Gents' Unlaundried Shirts at 50c. a piece.Boys' Unlaundried Shirts at 35c. a piece.Genis Socks erabry. each side 20c. a pair.Grey and Merino Socks 25c. a pair.Gents India Gauze Undershirt 50c. piece.Gents' India Gauze Undershirt 25c. piece.Gents Balbriggan Undershirt 75c. piece.Gents' Cotton Flannel Shirt and Drawers

$1 a suit. i f


WARE, Etc. ,

Invoice of



pi Addilion to our regular lines bv late

Skins, Dandy- - Broshes, Oos.

PIANOS IN GOOD ORDERL3J Krom $4.0 to $7.00per month.rflTlnri MUSIC DEPARTMENT OF


Tlieo.H.GOO KIM, NUUANU STREET.it CO,62-- tf M. "T'lJ -- n IMONOL U.S. A.
